
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-devel.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Tribe 4 released
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by pitti at Thu Aug 9 16:01:54 2007
=== j_ack [n=j_ack@p508D80EC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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thelsdjif i apt-get source, then change something inside the source directory, how do i recreate the diff and dsc files ?07:17
Hobbseedebuild -S -sa07:19
Hobbseethelsdj: no need to put your question in multiple channels, btw07:20
thelsdjyea but i kinda asked in the wrong place so thought i'd come over here hehe07:20
thelsdjcan i skip the signing for now?07:23
thelsdjfails because no gpg entry for my name/eamil07:24
RAOFthelsdj: That doesn't matter.07:24
RAOFYou don't want/need to sign it, anyway.07:24
thelsdjok guess it did make the files, thanks07:24
thelsdjtrying to fix xen-3.1 on amd6407:25
thelsdjarg, nope, didn't fix it, the python-xen-3.1 package is still empty07:31
RAOFWell, keep going.  I've got an amd64 buildbox / mythtv server I'd like to try xen on :)07:32
thelsdjthoughts on what would cause a package to be empty? my first guess was bad path in python-xen-3.1.install07:32
thelsdjalso maybe issue with arch specific vs arch independent07:33
RAOFThat's a good one.  Others include: wrong package name for the install, not calling dh_install07:33
thelsdjvery new to debugging deb packages07:33
thelsdjeven though its 22:30 on a friday evening, i'm kinda being payed for this which is nice07:37
thelsdjfinally convinced my boss to start transitioning employees from windows to linux and so he wants me testing bleeding edge so we can find/fix problems early on07:38
RAOFMan, that's *awesome*.07:38
=== RAOF 's dream job.
thelsdjso build a new work desktop, installed gutsy 64bit, and away i go07:38
thelsdjeh, most of my dayjob is writing boring asp.net code07:38
thelsdjbut atleast we run some of that on xen/linux/mono07:39
thelsdjmight have got it fixed08:13
thelsdjbad package name in install-tools: DH_OPTIONS...08:13
thelsdjhad been renamed from python-xen3.1 to python-xen-3.1 and don't think that was updated08:14
thelsdjstill rebuilding but hopefully that was it08:14
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thelsdjlooking good, installed and restarting08:26
thelsdjwoops, need to disable nvidia driver first08:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131594 in xen-3.1 "[gusty]  xen python modules not found" [Undecided,Confirmed] 08:46
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highvoltagepygi! I was wondering how you are doing10:58
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pygihighvoltage, !11:05
pygihighvoltage, being a bit sick, but better then before11:05
pygihighvoltage, not so good otherwise, but I'll live11:05
pygihighvoltage, you?11:05
tsurcwant a laugh anyone?11:06
tsurcI think I might be trying to be a little over ambitious.. Im trying to get feisty server + ubuntu-xen-server + drbd11:07
tsurcbut I'm running into trouble compiling drdb for the kernel used  by xen (2.6.19-4)11:08
highvoltagepygi: I also had a bad cold this last weekend and earlier this week, but I'm much better now11:09
highvoltagestill on anti-biotics- last day today at least :)11:09
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rglits normal for a system to receive NMI in /proc/interrupts ?01:15
Kmosrgl: try #ubuntu-kernel01:17
rglKmos, humm.  thx.  and hi there :D01:18
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=== Skiessi [n=qwe@dsl-roibrasgw1-fe88fb00-133.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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pygiHobbsee, swfdec built and working01:57
Hobbseepygi: yay!01:57
null____lately trevino has not updated his packages for compiz ?01:57
Hobbseenull____: trevinho is not here.  he doesnt try to work wiht us at all01:57
pygiHobbsee, I've talked with upstream, they'll release 0.5.2 in monday just for us, so I'll package it =)01:57
Hobbseenull____: you'll have to contact him by other means01:57
Hobbseepygi: yay!01:58
null____ahh ok, thanks for the info01:58
pygiHobbsee, a lot of improvements01:58
pygi(since it's UVF soon)01:58
Hobbseenot hard to get a UVFe anyway01:58
pygiHobbsee, true, but oh well =)01:59
Hobbseethe UVF team should be announced soon, too.01:59
pygifree flash is important =)02:00
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pygiand swfdec works much better then gnash02:01
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ion_Especially since ubuntu-mobile seems to use a Flash UI.02:03
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pygiion_, oh!02:14
asacpygi: how do you measure that swfdec works better than gnash?02:25
=== Hobbsee waves to asac
pygiasac, easy :)02:25
=== asac hugs Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee hugs asac back :)
pygiasac, you visit sites, and see what works and how it works02:25
asachmm ... when i tried back in may/june i found that gnash works better :)02:26
asacpygi: do you have any specific sites/flash-films ?02:26
pygiasac, well, wait until next week when I package 0.5.2 :)02:26
asacpygi: will you?02:26
asacpygi: cool02:26
pygiasac, then I'll poke you, and show you the difference =)02:26
asacright ... can you ping when when you package that?02:27
pygiasac, sure, as soon as 0.5.2 is out, it'll be packaged in a matter of day =)02:27
ion_Hm, the current swfdec-mozilla package doesnt seem to support the *-flashplugin alternatives.02:27
asacpygi: i need to tell you a few things you should obey ;)02:27
pygiasac, oh, shoot? :)02:27
asacion_: right ... thats one of the points ;)02:27
=== pygi wonders what asac has to say :)
asacion_: pygi and should be done if someone touches that package again :)02:28
pygiasac, feel free to say what needs to be done02:28
asacpygi: alternative + Npp-xxx headers so new plugin-finder service will be able do suggest users the package if they search for a flash plugin02:28
pygiasac, given I have no idea what Npp-xxx headers are ... :)02:29
asacwhen you package ... just ping me02:29
pygioki, will do :)02:29
pygithanks ^_^02:29
ion_pygi: For instance, apt-cache show flashplugin-nonfree | grep Npp02:30
asacpygi: look at the control file of flashplugin-nonfree02:30
pygiasac, aha, looking02:32
pygiXb-Npp-Applications: ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384, 92650c4d-4b8e-4d2a-b7eb-24ecf4f6b63a02:32
pygiI guess this are identifications strings for: flash-nonfree and gnash?02:32
asacpygi: right ... those are application is of the mozilla pplications this plugin supports02:32
asacpygi: no ... those are identifiers for firefox + iceape/seamonkey iirc02:33
pygiasac, aha, got it02:33
asacso you know in which application the plugin will be installed02:33
pygiok, that shouldn't be a problem02:33
pygiand what about that alternatives stuff?02:33
asacwe will have to add one more for midbrowser (mobile browser)02:33
asacpygi: look in gnash postinst/prerm02:33
pygisure, if you've got the string, feel free to gimme one :)02:33
pygiasac, we should probably properly put conflicts in packages as well, no?02:34
pygiwe dont want swfplayer-mozilla and flashplayer-nonfree installed for example?02:34
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asacpygi: no ... thats why we have alternatives02:34
pygioki =)02:34
asacyou can install all ... and then choose by alternative02:34
pygiyup, update-alternatives I guess =)02:34
pygiha, see ... I know something :p02:35
=== asac wonders if there is GUI/Administration tool to administer alternatives in ubuntu/debian ?
pygiasac, yes02:35
asacis that in gnome pref/admin menu?02:36
pygithat has to be manually installed02:36
asachmmm ... its not installed02:36
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asacis that crappy or why isn't that installed by default?02:36
asacdoesn't look so bad02:37
pygino idea, never used it02:37
pygiasac, ok, one question on the from postinst:02:37
pygi              update-alternatives --install /usr/lib/xulrunner/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so \02:37
pygi                      xulrunner-flashplugin /usr/lib/gnash/libgnashplugin.so 7002:37
ion_Uh. A huge number of similar update-alternatives lines instead of a simple for p in iceape iceweasel mozilla firefox xulrunner; do update-alternatives --install "/usr/lib/$p/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so" "$p-flashplugin" /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so 70; done02:37
pygiwhat's this "70" stuff?02:38
asacpygi: the priority02:38
asaci will probably bump everything to 5002:38
asacion_: yes ... my bad02:38
pygiasac, ok, so priority to everything should go to 50?02:38
pygijust trying to note when packaging02:38
asacion_: feel free to submit a debdiff ;)02:38
asacpygi: yes ... we previously wanted gnash to get a lower prio then -nonfree, but install gnash by default ... now we won't install anything by default, but give them the same priorities02:39
pygiasac, got it02:39
pygido we have a identification string for that midbrowser? I could submit a debdiff if you want for that?02:39
asacpygi: sure02:40
asacwait a sec02:40
asacthe current package has still firefox uid ... next releas will have its own02:40
pygiasac, right, so no changes for now, right?02:40
pygioh, k, thanks02:41
asacpygi: just add that now02:41
pygiwill do, thanks02:41
asacwon't hurt until new midbrowser comes02:41
pygiI'll also update the thingy ion_ said02:41
asacpygi: yes ... and maybe add a xulrunner id as well (i think they install in xulrunner dir as well)02:41
pygiasac, tell me xulrunner id?02:41
asachehe ... i have to look it up ;)02:42
pygiasac, how come we don't have epiphany and galeon id's in there? Do they identify as mozilla, and that works then?02:43
asacpygi: ok ... it doesn't have its own id ... as its just a runner to run multiple applications on02:44
pygiasac, fine :)02:44
asacpygi: they would identify as mozilla .... but it doesn't matter much, as they don't have a plugin-finder wizard02:45
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pygiasac, got it02:45
asacok ... i am out again02:45
pygiasac, laters02:46
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pygiasac, you back by any chance?03:36
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hungerSomeone broke crypted disks again:-(05:37
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pygiasac, poke when you are back pls, thanks06:29
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asacpygi: not for long ;) ??06:48
pygiasac, just wanted to say I've done some patches, one already uploaded, one being reviewed :)06:48
pygiasac, enjoy whatever you are doing :)06:48
asacpygi: cool ... about flash?06:49
pygiasac, why, ofcourse =)06:49
asacsome patches? how many?06:49
pygijust 2 for now xD06:49
asacok ... that qualifies for some ;)06:49
pygiI have more in my head tho, but I can't look anymore, so they'll have to wait =)06:49
asacok ... later!06:49
pygiasac, laters ;)06:50
=== asac out again
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rglKmos, :D06:53
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Kmosryu :)07:10
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xhakerHi all, anyone willing to make libmtp 0.1.5 -> 0.2.1 happen?07:32
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xhakerthere is no packaging of the latest version on debian either07:34
pygixhaker, do we need it for anything?07:35
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xhakerit seems to have been dragged to main because of the integration in rhythmbox07:37
xhakeri hope i'm right saying that07:37
xhakerit's a hardware support critical library, the new version has new udev rules07:38
=== pygi downloads source package
=== xhaker hugs pygi
pygixhaker, I didn't say anything, patience :)07:39
pygiI'll just have a look at it07:39
xhakeryou deserve a look just by taking that step :D07:39
pygiah, abi bump it seems07:40
fabbioneso... name... for... a... library.....07:41
fabbionepygi: does it involve also an API change?07:42
xhakerfabbione, i think so07:42
pygifabbione, yes, API changes are there07:42
fabbioneReverse Depends:07:42
fabbione  gnomad207:42
fabbione  rhythmbox07:42
fabbione  mtp-tools07:42
fabbione  mtp-tools07:42
fabbione  libmtp-dev07:42
pyginot sure we want this upgrade at this point :-/07:42
fabbione  amarok07:42
pygixhaker, sorry, no upgrade for gutsy :-/07:43
pygifabbione, +1, thanks for the opinion07:43
fabbioneit would still be wise to check the changelog07:43
xhakerhmm, what about backporting the udev rules07:43
pygifabbione, I'm checking it07:43
fabbioneand see if there is anything critical in the upgrade07:43
xhakerfabbione, what i most value in it is the increased number of hardware supported by the new release07:44
fabbionexhaker: yes i understand. i am looking at what that library does.. but an API change might require a lot of porting and testing07:44
pygifabbione, http://libmtp.sourceforge.net/index.php?page=download07:45
pygimajor changes can be seen there07:45
pygi(over the versions)07:45
xhakerlibmtp is similar to libgphoto2 but in turn supports audio player devices07:46
fabbionepygi: well i suggest you check if you can get the libmtp rdpendes to build and work07:47
fabbioneif you can by minimal patches, propose it to RM's and get it as an approved transition07:47
fabbionebut have everything ready before hand07:47
fabbionexhaker: that should be your task to07:47
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fabbionei understand what the library is for and why you want it in.. but you also need to collect the pieces for doing the job :)07:48
xhakerfabbione, willing to do that07:48
xhaker*I am*07:48
fabbionexhaker: i don't doubt.. just making sure :)07:49
xhakerI'm trying to find the developers online07:49
fabbioneon a saturday evening it's difficult..07:49
fabbionetry to look for Hobbsee in about 12 hours from now07:50
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pygifabbione, but but ... I'm working on flash packages right now, can't handle everything :-/07:51
fabbionepygi: well you with xhaker07:51
fabbionesomebody != me :)07:51
pygihehe :)07:51
xhakerpygi, don't worry07:52
xhakerpygi, i've been to some motu classrooms, hahaha07:52
xhakeri will try to build the stuff :D and report back07:52
pygixhaker, ok07:52
pygixhaker, make sure to bump the package to libmtp607:53
pygiand do the "Replaces:" "Conflicts:" dance07:54
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pygihey asac_ :P07:55
pygixhaker, I could make the libmtp package if you wish, but you should check rdepends?07:56
fabbionepygi: why do you need Conflicts: Replaces: ?!?!07:57
xhakerpygi, do that then07:57
pygifabbione, ergh, ok, just replaces07:57
fabbioneif you change the soname, the 2 libraries libfoo1 and libfoo2 can be installed in parallel07:57
pygiyes, I know that07:57
fabbionelibfoo1 will be obsoleted by disappearing from the archive07:57
fabbionelibfoo-dev will Depends: libfoo207:58
pygioh well07:58
fabbioneall the apps that use libfoo2 that are rebuilt will pull in libfoo2 automatically07:58
fabbioneor am I missing something?07:58
pygiprobably not ... it's me who's missing something =)07:58
pygidon't worry ;)07:58
fabbionei am not...07:59
fabbionebut at my age.. memory starts to fall apart07:59
xhakerpygi, hit me with a link when you finish08:00
pygixhaker, sure, shouldn't take long08:00
pygixhaker, building in pbuilder08:02
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pygiah, it gotta upgrade itself first08:07
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pygiasac, how come firefox doesn't show gnash in it's Finder service, and we've got the browser ID in?08:12
pygi(when flash is in question ofcourse)08:12
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pygixhaker, still here?08:28
xhakerpygi, sure08:28
pygixhaker, built and installed in pbuilder, gonna test rdepends now08:29
=== xhaker is checking the files in libmtp source
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pygixhaker, one package down, builds properly08:46
pygifabbione, same note for you if you are interested =)08:46
xhakerpygi, great!08:47
fabbionepygi: i would make sure that they run properly by checking what's changed in the API08:47
fabbionea build is not enough08:47
fabbionespecially if something like foo(int a, int b) in the API changed to foo(int a, int c)08:47
fabbioneit will still build, but change way of working..08:48
fabbionethen you are doomed08:48
pygifabbione, that kind of things others will do, I'm just building here =)08:48
pygiso much things to download in pbuilder ergh08:49
xhakeri'll open the file and check what changed, just have to download the older version08:49
xhakeri'll just dif the whole src08:50
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xhakerpygi, fabbione: this seems to be the offending part http://pastebin.com/m3e25effb08:58
xhakerthe struct has 2 new fields08:58
fabbionea rebuild of that should be enough but there is also a new function that might be required in certain operations09:01
fabbionei also guess that somehow you want to use those fields09:01
fabbioneor you will lose info09:02
=== fabbione &
xhakerfabbione, my guess is that if they were not used before no application is making use of them yet09:06
=== xhaker is good at spotting the obvious
xhakeri should really get in touch with someone from the project09:07
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xhakermail sent09:22
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rglwhy the packages (as show by apt-cache show) never have the program site URL?10:02
xhakerpygi, could you host the libmtp files?10:06
pygixhaker, no idea where =)10:06
pygixhaker, your mail pls10:13
pygi(i'll send you the files)10:14
xhakeri was setting up an ftp user10:15
pygixhaker, ergh, mail will do, it's not big :)10:16
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Kmosrgl: if isn't in text description in control, it doesn't show any url11:06
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rglKmos, I mean.  it doesn't seem normal for the package description to include the site URL, which kinda sux :|11:07
rglKmos, j tenho o LG :D11:07
Kmosrgl: nice11:07
Kmosboa compra11:07
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rgl muito nice. no  dos espelhados :)11:08
Kmosainda bem11:09
Kmossenao morrias em pouco tempo11:09
Kmosbem, vou jantar pra sair um pouco11:09
Kmosacabei de ver a season 2 de dr. house11:09
rglbye bye :)11:09
Kmosja ca tenho a 311:09
=== Kmos waiting for upgrade to gutsy finishes..
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thullyI have a few questions about Ubuntu development as a user who is interested in helping improve the system...11:43
thullyI've had some issues with various areas of the main Ubuntu system (i.e. not universe/multiverse) and would like to know where discussion of issues relating to this takes place.  I know the "core development team" exists, but they don't appear to have a mailing list like MOTU.11:44
thullyI have filed bugs on most of these issues, but I'm finding most bugs don't get responses.  My concerns in particular mostly have to do with hardware issues (mostly laptop-related - C-state weirdness, trackpad, brightness control, etc ) with some other miscellaneous concerns involving the base Ubuntu desktop.11:45
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Lutinpygi: mozilla-plugin-gnash fails to upgrade to your last gnash upload: exits with this message /var/lib/dpkg/info/mozilla-plugin-gnash.postinst: 7: Syntax error: "do" unexpected (expecting ";;")12:11
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pygiLutin, yes, I know12:11
pygisame with flashplugin-nonfree12:11
pygiLutin, thanks for reporting ^_^12:12
Lutinpygi: np :)12:12

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