
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-ops.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Topic for #ubuntu-ops: Welcome to the home of the operators of all Ubuntu (and derivatives) channels | This channel is for operator/abuse questions only | Support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc... | IRC team info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam | The IRC council reserves the right to remove idlers from the channel
=== Topic (#ubuntu-ops): set by Hobbsee at Sun Jul 15 18:07:02 2007
ubotuvocx called the ops in #ubuntu07:07
elkbuntuwow, the channels must have an 'idiot central' neon sign pointing to them today07:08
=== m0u5e [n=denniska@c-71-198-40-51.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
m0u5ethis is weird, it won't let me go back into #ubuntu -___-;08:06
m0u5ethere are no firmware upgrades for my router, and ive switched to port 800108:06
m0u5ei read the "Further notes" section, and decided to drop in to see why i couldnt get back into #ubuntu08:06
m0u5eit keeps saying " #ubuntu #ubuntu-read-topic :Forwarding to another channel"08:07
Hobbseem0u5e: ah right, so you're needing to be tested08:08
Hobbseeyou're fine08:08
Hobbseem0u5e: ban removed, thanks for your patience08:09
m0u5eokay thx :D08:09
=== m0u5e [n=denniska@c-71-198-40-51.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Ex-Chat"]
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Burgundavia] by ChanServ
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v ompaul] by ChanServ
=== Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Madpilot] by ChanServ
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-187-249.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Amaranth] by ChanServ
=== binary2k2 [i=stdin@unaffiliated/binary2k2] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mc44 [n=mc44@unaffiliated/mc44] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== pleia2 [n=lyz@clockbot.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v pleia2] by ChanServ
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ
ubotuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :)01:46
elkbuntu!staff| <parC> DCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 0       fuck you elkbuntu01:46
PriceChildkline on <parC> after DCC in a few channels?01:46
ompaulhe is a gone01:48
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ
elkbuntuompaul, just found this in PM: <parC> whats the deal?01:58
PriceChildi love the way we only had one part :)01:59
ompaulPriceChild, well it took a lot of work to get to that level02:05
ubotubruenig called the ops in #ubuntu02:14
=== Vorian [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.active.Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== bbrazil [i=bbrazil@gnewsense/friend/bbrazil] has joined #ubuntu-ops
bbrazilhmm, the entrymsg has an unneeded " at the end02:48
=== ubotwo [n=ubotwo@ubuntu/bot/ubotwo] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ompaulbbrazil, channel or server?03:58
=== jenda [n=jenda@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.jenda] has left #ubuntu-ops []
=== jenda [n=jenda@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.jenda] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v jenda] by ChanServ
jendaompaul: channel04:02
ompauljenda, happy fixations to you :-)04:03
ompaulthis lappy is still the focus of the locus of attention04:03
jendaompaul: isn't that done using the set command?04:04
ompaul /cs set entrymsg  it is04:05
jenda16:07 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- 11    25    SET       Modify channel SETs04:07
jendaSeveas, nalioth, Hobbsee, apokryphos...04:07
jenda14:48 < bbrazil> hmm, the entrymsg has an unneeded " at the end04:08
=== jhutchins [n=jonathan@64-151-34-11.dyn.everestkc.net] has left #ubuntu-ops ["No,]
=== Vorian [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.active.Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ubotuaneb called the ops in #ubuntu05:47
=== Xoris [n=noone@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Vorian [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.active.Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Pici [n=Pici@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ubotutaime1 called the ops in #ubuntu06:09
=== Xoris [n=noone@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== stdin [i=stdin@unaffiliated/binary2k2] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ubotuastro76 called the ops in #ubuntu06:38
Hobbseebloody hell....06:42
Hobbseewhere do all these people *come* from?06:42
=== Vorian [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.active.Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Hobbseenot allof them.06:44
Hobbseethat was merely one of them.06:44
Hobbseebrain dying.  brain dying.  lack of logic06:48
Hobbseeoy, PriceChild 06:48
PriceChildHobbsee, ?06:48
HobbseePriceChild: you're on duty.  #ubuntu with the crazies.06:49
PriceChildhow rude06:49
PriceChildi was just about to disappear as well :(06:49
HobbseePriceChild: if `mac` comes and whinges, it's because he thinks it's acceptable to harrass any turkish people, due to what the turks ahve done to other countries.06:50
Hobbseeclearly, he does not understand that not all turks are the same.06:50
PriceChildi remember the nick `mac`... don't know why but can't be good.06:51
PriceChildi know why i remember him... i tried helping him once...06:52
=== hsatera [n=hsatera@200-171-75-160.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== hsatera [n=hsatera@200-171-75-160.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu-ops []
PriceChildWhy am I opped in #ubuntu.. was that you hobbsee?06:56
HobbseePriceChild: no06:56
naliothahhh, poor PriceChild, sleepopping again06:57
PriceChildwhoops I forgot to deop after that dcc06:59
ompaul do we have a slovian channel?07:04
Hobbseeno idea.  do we have anyone in it anyway?  i dobut it07:04
TheSheepompaul: you mean slavic or slovenian?07:05
ompaul@now sydney07:16
ubotuCurrent time in Australia/Sydney: August 12 2007, 03:16:30 - Current meeting: Xubuntu Developers07:16
ompaulkind of explains it07:16
ompaulsomeone tell drk_guy to do it --  I am about to ban him into oblivion 07:30
ompaulas in read the wifi docs or tell us what the hell he wants to install and stop being so oblique07:30
=== Nafallo [n=nafallo@ubuntu/member/nafallo] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Nafallohi. I have troubles with cloaked users unaffiliated/iDear and n0share07:34
NafalloI think it's the same person, and they won't top harrasing people on #ubuntu-se07:35
ompaulnalioth, please check those out ^^07:36
ompaulflags set etc07:36
ompaulNafallo, noted07:36
NafalloI banned them, and they just changed host and came back :-P07:37
Nafalloso unbanned.07:37
naliothompaul: by my first look, not the same folks07:37
ompaulnalioth, read the "notes"07:37
naliothand if they can change hosts at the drop of a hat, there's not much anyone can do for you07:37
=== dgjones [n=Cheshire@unaffiliated/dgjones] has joined #ubuntu-ops
NafalloiDear [n=ovrw@]  <-- that's the latest login.07:38
Nafallomy ADSL drops all the time, so I can't really help much in investigating either :-/07:39
Nafallomight just be that the user didn't auth this time.07:39
naliothNafallo: ban by mask/nick is all i can suggest07:39
Nafallooki. will do then. thanks.07:40
Nafallolet's see how long that helps.07:43
NafalloI should set one on the IP as well.07:43
Nafallocheers anyway.07:43
=== Nafallo [n=nafallo@ubuntu/member/nafallo] has left #ubuntu-ops []
naliothNafallo: if they IP hop, an IP ban won't work well07:43
ubotuastro76 called the ops in #ubuntu07:54
poningrudamn bot08:15
poningru!download-manager is <reply> there are many download managers available in ubuntu see http://www.supriyadisw.net/2006/11/top-6-download-manager-for-ubuntu-edgy-eft for a review of few of them, they should all work in feisty & gutsy as well.08:15
poningruI am soo confused08:16
poningruubotu: download-manager is there are many download managers available in ubuntu see http://www.supriyadisw.net/2006/11/top-6-download-manager-for-ubuntu-edgy-eft for a review of few of them, they should all work in feisty & gutsy as well.08:16
poningrusomeone wanna help out?08:16
stdinheh, 2 bots08:18
naliothstdin: 3 bots08:19
naliothstdin: ubot3 knows better than to talk here08:19
naliothit's not a choral bot08:19
=== Pumpernickel gives ubot3 the soprano line to sing
PriceChildponingru, do it without the <reply>, then add the <reply> in afterwards... that bug "was" fixed...08:27
poningruI tried that08:32
poningruubotu: !download-manager is there are many download managers available in ubuntu see http://www.supriyadisw.net/2006/11/top-6-download-manager-for-ubuntu-edgy-eft for a review of few of them, they should all work in feisty & gutsy as well.08:32
ubotwoSorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/08:32
=== poningru smacks ubotu
PriceChildponingru, are you an editors?08:38
PriceChilderm.... that's why then :P08:38
poningruso normal users cant add anything?08:38
poningruthats lame08:38
PriceChildnot really08:38
poningruatleast prompt in here then08:38
PriceChildcan you imagine the abuse?08:38
poningruwell you dont have to add it in right away08:38
poningrujust have it ask in here08:38
PriceChildubotu normally forwards requests here08:38
poningrulike you used to08:38
ubotwoSorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/08:38
stdinusers can suggest things, the the editors decide08:38
naliothponingru: no, it stops an awful lot of crap being loaded into the bot08:38
poningrubut it obviously it didnt08:38
poningruit used to be that the users would 'attempt' to add something and ubotu would ask in here08:38
poningrufor permission to add08:38
poningruI thought that was a pretty good model08:38
ubotuIn ubotu, stdin said: !no download-manager is <reply> there are many download managers available in ubuntu see http://www.supriyadisw.net/2006/11/top-6-download-manager-for-ubuntu-edgy-eft for a review of few of them, they should all work in feisty & gutsy as well.08:38
stdinsee ^08:38
poningru... how come that didnt work for me?08:38
poningrustdin: assuming you are not an editor08:38
stdinponingru: I'm not08:38
stdinmaybe because I added !no08:38
ubotwoSorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/08:38
poningrubut that should only matter if its done the second time08:38
PriceChildI think ubotu is going mad.08:38
stdinI know...08:38
poningruor subsequent times08:38
=== poningru beats ubotu with a large trout into a bloody pulp
poningrucan someone add !songbird https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingSongbird08:40
=== tonyy_work [n=435f7922@bmw.hnvc.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
poningruubotu: songbird is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingSongbird08:42
ubotuIn #ubuntu-ops, poningru said: ubotu: songbird is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingSongbird08:42
poningruI have no fracking idea why that worked...08:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about songbird - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:43
ubotwoSorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/08:43
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+b %ubotwo!*@*] by nalioth
=== Vorian [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.active.Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ubotudgjones called the ops in #ubuntu09:25
=== tonyy [n=chatzill@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v tonyy] by ChanServ
tonyySince when does #ubuntu have a conference mode?09:28
naliothtonyy: huh?09:29
tonyynalioth: maybe it's just a client thing.  I'm on chatzilla atm, and got this when I joined: "[INFO] Conference Mode has been enabled for this view; joins, leaves, quits and nickname changes will be hidden."09:30
=== nalioth opens his warchest and grabs out a rotten possum, in preperation for thrashing tonyy
tonyynalioth: Not my home computer - don't blame me ;)09:31
naliothtonyy: ssh works wonders09:31
tonyynalioth: I don't know how / if I can ssh on this machine (Mac at work)09:31
naliothOSX has ssh built in09:31
naliothyou ready to be possum-whipped?09:32
tonyyI don't have a shell though...09:32
naliothmy home machine is open to my every external ssh whim09:32
=== Xoris [n=noone@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu-ops
tonyyMy home machine is fine - this machine doesn't have anything to open ssh from.09:36
naliothtonyy: is it OSX ?09:37
GaryOSX has ssh built in, woo09:39
tonyynalioth: yes, but I think they disabled the terminal access09:46
naliothtonyy: awwww09:47
naliothyou can compile your own right quick09:47
PriceChildIs humpty really taking the piss and i'm being too kind....?10:18
=== coopster [n=bcoop@c-71-236-54-213.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChild"yes" after i've read #debian's scroll back10:20
PriceChildseems he speaks "meow meow" as well as "bhow bhow"10:20
coopsterIs there any shot that someone would remove my redirect-ban from -offtopic? I just thought I would ask politely here as opposed to the more 'permanent and in Seveas's face' method of the list.10:21
coopsterIf the answer's no, I understand and no hard feelings.10:21
PriceChildIts been 3 days right?10:23
coopsterSomewhere around there, yes10:23
coopsterYes, the incident was Wednesday10:24
PriceChildGive me a minute please...10:24
PriceChildcoopster, I've decided to remove the ban. Hope all goes well, play nice :)10:25
coopsterThanks, I appreciate it =)10:25
=== coopster [n=bcoop@c-71-236-54-213.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"]
PriceChild#ubuntu-tr has only a loco bot in it... but there are people in #ubuntu.tr10:31
=== effie_jayx [n=valles@ubuntu/member/effie-jayx] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== maltz [n=webchat@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildHello maltz, how can I help you?10:43
=== maltz [n=webchat@] has left #ubuntu-ops []
PriceChildnalioth, I have noticed that #ubuntu-tr is empty apart from the locobot. However there are a handful of users in #ubuntu.tr The contact for -tr hasn't been seen in that channel for over a year and I was wondering if we could get something done? The main contact for .tr has been fone several weeks, but their alt seems to be "regular"10:46
PriceChildWe've been sending people to -tr for so long... and .tr isn't really guesable being outside the standard naming.10:47
=== mviahal [n=user12@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
mviahalcan I know why I have been banned from #ubuntu?10:50
PriceChildmviahal, A user from your ip has been trolling.10:51
naliothmviahal: are you just plain banned or are you sent somewhere?10:51
mviahalI am unable to join #ubuntu. It says I am banned. But why? :-O10:51
PriceChildnalioth, I banned humpty/whatever he calls himself10:51
PriceChildfew minutes ago10:52
mviahalPriceChild, are you sure it was my IP?10:52
PriceChildmviahal, I've just grepped the logs so yes...10:52
mviahalPriceChild, I am the only one using my laptop.10:52
mviahalPriceChild, so what do I have to do now to get into #ubuntu?10:53
PriceChildmviahal, give me a minute please10:53
PriceChildmviahal, you may rejoin #ubuntu10:55
PriceChildSorry for the inconvenience.10:55
mviahalPriceChild, thanks10:56
mviahalPriceChild, just curious to know is this likely to happen again if someone trolls with my IP?10:56
PriceChildmviahal, Yes.10:57
mviahalPriceChild, but I hope I would be allowed to get in again after I request in ubuntu-ops?10:57
PriceChildmviahal, If we have repeated abuse from your ip then it would be best for whoever manages your network to investigate the issue.11:01
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Amaranth] by ChanServ
=== mviahal [n=user12@] has left #ubuntu-ops []
=== Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== stdin [i=stdin@unaffiliated/binary2k2] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== QMario [n=QMario@c-98-200-244-80.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu-ops
=== stdin [n=stdin@unaffiliated/binary2k2] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ubot3In #ubuntu-ohio, Jacob said: !killallesd is If your applications are behaving badly, or there is no sound, try "killall esd" in a terminal.11:58
ubotuIn #ubuntu-ohio, Jacob said: !killallesd is If your applications are behaving badly, or there is no sound, try "killall esd" in a terminal.11:58
naliotheverything is roses while ubotu is gone12:04
naliothbut when ubotu returns, it's the monster who terrorizes everyone12:04
=== Vorian [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.active.Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ubotuIn #ubuntu, capcadetjc said: ubotu: what is a mount?12:22

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