=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu.log | ||
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by PriceChild at Sun Aug 5 18:04:23 2007 | ||
=== evilgold [n=evilgold@pool-96-228-1-200.rcmdva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
(MasterShrek/#ubuntu) depends [GN] ViRii[K] do u want a gui based or a terminal based client? | 07:03 | |
(TBZ/#ubuntu) vocx: what I used to use years ago =( | 07:03 | |
([GN] ViRii[K] /#ubuntu) Either works :D | 07:03 | |
(MasterShrek/#ubuntu) !patience | pizzle | 07:03 | |
(ubotu/#ubuntu) pizzle: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 07:03 | |
(Optimus55/#ubuntu) pizzle: startx? | 07:03 | |
(bulmer/#ubuntu) pizzle: you tried the low rez when during boot? | 07:03 | |
(pizzle/#ubuntu) the thing is.. the console doesn't let me type anything in. it just shows "_" that blinks | 07:03 | |
=== theman [n=theman@c-76-110-164-161.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
(TBZ/#ubuntu) [GN] ViRii[K] : you should try bitchx honestly, lots of people like it | 07:03 | |
Neural_Overload | MasterShrek: What are the benefits of using one client over the other? | 07:04 |
pizzle | i'ved tried all resolutions | 07:04 |
MasterShrek | Neural_Overload, different features that each client has built in | 07:04 |
hackerboy | vox: what or you talking bout i just installed ubuntu on my computer my main i have 3 and currently using windows xp im trying to learn how to use this i already know how to use windows xp. | 07:04 |
mario | could somebody help me install the fglrx driver, i just finished a tutorial by slavik but it did not work properly | 07:04 |
Shaye | MasterShrek I will ask you something else, my box is connected to a router, now everytime I boot the box it won't automatically connect to the net, I must type 'dhclient' in order for it to get an IP address from the router, is there any way to auto execute that command every-time I boot or something like that? | 07:04 |
=== [tokin] [n=ryan@dynamic-acs-24-144-225-167.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vocx | pizzle, then it really isn't a console. You most probably need the alternate CD because your graphics driver is not set up correctly. | 07:05 |
cedricshock | Grub problem: Hi. I've got a computer with three hard drives that was sent in for repair. The first drive had ubuntu and grub, and was (and is) on the first connection of the first SATA controller, and is first in the boot order. Its device used to be /dev/sda1. In order to get it to boot I had to tell grub that the device is now /dev/sdb1, though it's still hd0,0. mtab says /dav/sda1 is mounted on /, when in fact sdb1 is. update-grub d | 07:05 |
cedricshock | oesn't change menu.lst entries. | 07:05 |
MasterShrek | Shaye, it should do it automatically | 07:05 |
bulmer | pizzle: verify that your burned cd is okay | 07:05 |
TBZ | vocx: is it generally a bad practice to download several packages at a time? like 50+? a mass install so to say? | 07:05 |
pizzle | bulmer, it booted on another computer that i've tried | 07:05 |
Shaye | MasterShrek, should, but it does not | 07:05 |
slavik | mario: what's the error? | 07:05 |
=== candie [n=candie@adsl-6-60-206.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | TBZ, no | 07:05 |
vocx | TBZ, from apt? I think not. They are cached in the local machine and then installed in order. | 07:06 |
TBZ | nice =D | 07:06 |
pizzle | bulmer, how do you get it to display what it's doing during the boot instead of the ubuntu graphic? | 07:06 |
MasterShrek | shaye have a look in /etc/network/interfaces | 07:06 |
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@cpe-72-190-96-243.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theman | Does anyone expierence long boot time when the splash screen starts up ? Or anyone know how to fix it? | 07:06 |
theman | It all started after i messed with gnome art with the splash screen | 07:06 |
bulmer | pizzle: select the lowest res | 07:06 |
=== Mr_Njegos [n=chatzill@71-32-165-16.desm.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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bruenig | theman, disable splash and quiet in /boot/grub/menu.lst and see if it is any different | 07:07 |
=== bcbooter [n=chinadol@wsip-72-215-188-48.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
syte | Has anyone been unable to get the nvidia drivers working for their 8600 gt? | 07:07 |
theman | what do u mean quiet | 07:07 |
=== no_gatez_fan [n=patrick@ip70-190-95-198.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mr_Njegos | Vii vraga su sedam binjiah, | 07:07 |
Mr_Njegos | su dva maa a su dvije krune, | 07:07 |
Mr_Njegos | praunuka Turkova s Koranom! | 07:07 |
Mr_Njegos | Za njim jata prokletoga kota, | 07:07 |
Mr_Njegos | da opuste zemlju svukoliku | 07:07 |
Mr_Njegos | ka skakavac to polja opusti! | 07:07 |
mario | slavik: hey, i followed all your steps up until "sudo modprobe fglrx" | 07:07 |
Mr_Njegos | Francuskoga da ne bi brijega, | 07:07 |
Mr_Njegos | aravijsko more sve potopi! | 07:07 |
vocx | !ops | 07:07 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 07:07 |
Mr_Njegos | San pakleni okruni Osmana, | 07:07 |
Shaye | auto lo | 07:07 |
Shaye | iface lo inet loopback | 07:07 |
Mr_Njegos | darova mu lunu ka jabuku. | 07:07 |
Mr_Njegos | Zloga gosta Evropi Orkana! | 07:07 |
Mr_Njegos | Vizantija sada nije drugo | 07:07 |
Mr_Njegos | no prija mlade Teodore; | 07:07 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ | ||
Mr_Njegos | zvijezda je crne sudbe nad njom. | 07:07 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@71-32-165-16.desm.qwest.net] by tonyyarusso | ||
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tonyyarusso] by tonyyarusso | ||
MasterShrek | syte pastebin your xorg.conf | 07:07 |
mario | and I got this error "FATAL: Error running install command for fglrx" | 07:08 |
Shaye | Master all I got there is: | 07:08 |
Shaye | auto lo | 07:08 |
Shaye | iface lo inet loopback | 07:08 |
mario | slavik: and I got this error "FATAL: Error running install command for fglrx" | 07:08 |
hackerboy | man who knows how to turn windows xp into a linux program | 07:08 |
syte | well...i already reconfigured my xorg.conf | 07:08 |
=== j_ack [n=j_ack@p508D80EC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | mario: did you try a reboot? | 07:08 |
=== candie [n=candie@adsl-6-60-206.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
syte | because i was unable to boot with it | 07:08 |
=== candie [n=candie@adsl-6-60-206.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== xoRock [n=xo@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vocx | hackerboy, I know you know Windows XP, but that is not enough. You need to read more web pages explaining what linux is. | 07:09 |
=== Avielu1 [n=sameer@c-24-127-120-168.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mario | slavik: when I tried "glxinfo | grep direct" everything went black and I was back at the login screen, is that a full boot? | 07:09 |
vocx | please, everybody behave | 07:09 |
=== Juno [n=casey@12-210-208-102.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Grungebunny | hackerboy , google wubi | 07:09 |
theman | bruenig if i disable the splash screen and it still does that.. you know of any other solutions? | 07:09 |
Avielu1 | I get a desktop effects could not be enabled message. I'm using an Nvidia restricted driver. | 07:09 |
bruenig | theman, check the daemons one by one to see what the issue is | 07:10 |
slavik | mario: did you reboot completely? | 07:10 |
faileas | hackboy: "linux programme" ? you can run windows *in* linux, if you want, qemu or vmware. | 07:10 |
theman | this is gonna get complicated, huh? | 07:10 |
slavik | as in system -> quit then click on restart | 07:10 |
mario | slavik: not sure, I'll restart again and see if anything changes | 07:10 |
=== wizo [n=wizo@60-241-200-159.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | Shaye, did you get my pms? | 07:10 |
hackerboy | vocx: okay, but im asking can i turn another one of my windows xp into linux without installing it threw a disk have 4 computers if u do know how could you please let me know. thnx | 07:10 |
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faileas | >_> | 07:10 |
Grungebunny | faileas im interested in running XP within Linux so I can finally trash it off my system.. is there some docu on how to do it? | 07:11 |
Grungebunny | faileas with vmware | 07:11 |
Shaye | MasterShrek yeah thanks, i could not reply to you as i am not registerd (can't pm), i am testing it out now just a sec | 07:11 |
hackerboy | Grungebunny: whats google wubi: im new to this so dont know much let | 07:11 |
MasterShrek | ok shaye | 07:11 |
theman | bruenig, ill try it out.. if anything you'll see me back in here... thanks if it helped | 07:11 |
syte | MasterShrek: do u still want me to post my xorg.conf even though i've already reconfigured it? | 07:11 |
MasterShrek | i can take a look at it for you syte see if i can notice something wrong | 07:11 |
Grungebunny | hackerboy, go to google and type in wubi | 07:11 |
MasterShrek | what error is it giving you syte ? | 07:11 |
Neural_Overload | hackerboy: www.google.com | 07:11 |
xoRock | theman, try splash gnome-splashscreen-manager | 07:11 |
Neural_Overload | and then type in wubi | 07:12 |
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faileas | Grungebunny: download vmware converter for windows. run. install vmware player or server. run the VM produced by converter in vmware. if it works, delete XP partition. ;) | 07:12 |
=== Phrozen_One [n=Username@pool-72-65-110-111.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | Grungebunny, qemu works good for vms too | 07:12 |
=== TheGoodShepherd [n=lollersk@c-24-14-254-177.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
faileas | (run vmware converter, not outside ;) ) | 07:12 |
=== ce_smg_myut [n=ce_ma@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
syte | mastershrek: once i installed the nvidia driver, my screen went blank when i attempted to boot into ubuntu | 07:12 |
Avielu1 | I get a desktop effects could not be enabled message. I'm using an Nvidia restricted driver. help please? | 07:12 |
MasterShrek | syte, does it give you any errors though? | 07:12 |
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hackerboy | Neural_Overload: okay im at google.com what now? | 07:12 |
MasterShrek | if not post /var/log/Xorg.0.log too | 07:13 |
faileas | vmdks also run in qemu, and IMO its the least painful, and safest way to go | 07:13 |
theman | xoRock, is that system-preferences etc., | 07:13 |
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Neural_Overload | In the text box, type wubi | 07:13 |
nominal | avielul desktop effects don't work on all video cards if i remember correctly | 07:13 |
=== riyonuk [n=riyonuk@69-4-49-230.hctc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
syte | mastershrek: it didnt, do i'll post my logs | 07:13 |
nominal | need more that 64mb | 07:13 |
nominal | that*than | 07:13 |
monocl1 | does anybody know a good UPnP renderer for Ubuntu? | 07:13 |
=== hodgejj [n=hodgejj@c-67-177-68-16.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theman | xoRock, i just want ubuntu to load up like it used to.. ever since i changed the splash screen in gnome art it hangs for a while | 07:13 |
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=== zyth [n=Zyth@wnpgmb06dc1-189-87.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
bruenig | theman, just do what I suggested, click and pray is pointless | 07:14 |
Avielu1 | nominal: Yeah, but as far as I know it works on mine. I had it working before T_T | 07:14 |
=== cockaigne_ [n=Frodo@c-76-21-105-196.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theman | bruenig, yea im gonna do it now | 07:14 |
theman | ill be back | 07:14 |
xoRock | theman, do u have gnome-splash-manager installed? | 07:14 |
nominal | so what did you do to make it not work | 07:14 |
Avielu1 | no idea | 07:15 |
theman | xoRock, probably not | 07:15 |
=== monkeybritches [n=monkeybr@71-215-129-85.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nominal | had to have changed something | 07:15 |
Avielu1 | it worked before... and now when I try to enable it, nothing | 07:15 |
theman | is it system-preferences-splashscreen | 07:15 |
Avielu1 | nothing comes to mind | 07:15 |
theman | thats the gnome splash manager isnt it | 07:15 |
Shaye | MasterShrek it still won't connect, i need to 'dhclient'. | 07:15 |
theman | I'm restarting .. gonna see if anythings different without a splash screen | 07:16 |
theman | be back | 07:16 |
=== pesage [n=engleber@14.205-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xoRock | theman, with gnome-splashscreen-manager u can change/disable splash screen | 07:16 |
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theman | oh | 07:16 |
nominal | avielul: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=425819 | 07:16 |
Avielu1 | K, thanks | 07:16 |
bruenig | just say no to click and pray | 07:16 |
theman | xoRock.. i just deleted the two splash screens i downloaded | 07:16 |
nominal | dunno if it will help tho | 07:16 |
Avielu1 | meh | 07:17 |
theman | and unchecked load splash screen | 07:17 |
=== drone4four_ [n=drone4fo@CPE00146c46614b-CM0012c9dafda0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== drone4four [n=drone4fo@CPE00146c46614b-CM0012c9dafda0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hackerboy | Grungebunny: thank you for your help i did it. but before i install in i need to know will it erase anything that i originally have | 07:17 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | So new question, I have pisg.. and sudo apt-get instal pisg doesnt work so.. what else do I need to know to install this one? | 07:17 |
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syte | sorry, but the place u post long amounts of texts so u can copy the link and post it in mirc channels is called what? | 07:17 |
=== WingNut_ [n=ubuntu@ip70-185-198-100.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== infernuscrusher [n=infernus@60-240-32-77.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xoRock | theman, o so u have it, go try restart ^^ and gud luck | 07:17 |
=== TheGoodShepherd [n=lollersk@c-24-14-254-177.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Hello,] | ||
Neural_Overload | Does anyone know how to use the cube thing in the desktop effects that puts the different workspaces on a cube? | 07:17 |
WingNut_ | Hail | 07:17 |
theman | thanks | 07:17 |
=== theman [n=theman@c-76-110-164-161.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
infernuscrusher | hello... | 07:17 |
lockd | what does nx-x11 do? | 07:17 |
Neural_Overload | I got the desktop effects enabled but I cant get the cube feature to work | 07:17 |
=== shira [n=shira@ppp-70-247-189-198.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | !pastebin | syte | 07:18 |
ubotu | syte: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:18 |
=== whyso [n=whyso@ip68-107-157-9.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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WingNut_ | I'm checking out the Live CD but I'm not getting any sound. My sound card is supported by the Linux kernel. Is there no sound because its a Live CD or is likely another issue? | 07:18 |
xoRock | Neural_Overload, u need to install beryl or compiz to work the cube effect | 07:18 |
shira | if I installed sun-java6-doc using apt, where does it install it to? | 07:18 |
bullgard4 | Why is there no man kinit? | 07:19 |
Neural_Overload | xoRock: Ive tried beryl but it just makes all my windows black | 07:19 |
infernuscrusher | when i was trying to mount xternal harddisk to my comp it says "unable to mount, mount point can not contain the character newfile, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /)" | 07:19 |
Axioo | Uboto, OK I've read the upgrade notes, so if I chose to do a clean install (disregard the data in my ubuntu 6.06), will it be just a new install or should it be new windows install also? (I forgot to say that I'm going to have a dual boot system) | 07:19 |
MasterShrek | sorry shaye, im lost on that one, you could create a script and put it in /etc/init.d (make sure you make it executable) | 07:19 |
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=== tanath [n=user@d150-38-191.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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nominal | shira check /usr/java? | 07:19 |
MasterShrek | lol Axioo | 07:20 |
xoRock | Neural_Overload, have u restart your box after installed it? | 07:20 |
MasterShrek | ubotu is a bot | 07:20 |
ubotu | Yes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information. | 07:20 |
=== carter_ [n=carter@74-130-18-113.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | =P | 07:20 |
Neural_Overload | Yeah I believe so | 07:20 |
tanath | i'm getting write errors when burning cds. can anyone help? | 07:20 |
syte | MasterShrek: http://pastebin.com/d22e26c23 | 07:20 |
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xoRock | Neural_Overload, coz it happend 2 me, but after restart everything just fine | 07:20 |
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shira | nominal, doesn't even exist | 07:20 |
Neural_Overload | Ill try that | 07:21 |
=== theman [n=theman@c-76-110-164-161.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Neural_Overload | I may not have | 07:21 |
riyonuk | I cant get compiz to work, nothing happens :/ | 07:21 |
infernuscrusher | > when i was trying to mount xternal harddisk to my comp it says "unable to mount, mount point can not contain the character newfile, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /)" | 07:21 |
infernuscrusher | can anybody help? | 07:21 |
theman | and it worked.......... | 07:21 |
=== vieneta-25 [n=vie@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WingNut_ | I'm checking out the Live CD but I'm not getting any sound. My sound card is supported by the Linux kernel. Is there no sound because its a Live CD or is likely another issue? (Sorry to ask twice, just let me know that I'm "in queue" and I'll happily wait my turn) | 07:21 |
MasterShrek | syte, let me see your xorg.conf | 07:21 |
xoRock | Neural_Overload, gud luck ^^ | 07:21 |
MasterShrek | you got major issues lol | 07:21 |
syte | :(( | 07:21 |
syte | sorry | 07:21 |
theman | xoRock, is there anyway to have a splash screen work normally | 07:21 |
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tanath | riyonuk, nothing happens when you do what? lol | 07:21 |
Axioo | oh ok, since uboto is a bot, so mastershrek, could you help? | 07:21 |
theman | i should of never messed with gnome-art | 07:21 |
=== Ro [n=rohit@c-24-21-228-215.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | lol well figure it out syte | 07:21 |
nominal | shira did you want java or just the documentation? | 07:22 |
riyonuk | when I installed compiz | 07:22 |
Neural_Overload | xoRock: Thanks, I'll need it :P | 07:22 |
=== DDragon-afk is now known as DDragon | ||
shira | nominal, i installed the sdk and the docs and I want to access the docs | 07:22 |
bullgard4 | tanath: Please state precisely what write errors you get. Otherwise it is difficult to help you. | 07:22 |
Axioo | also, what is alternate cd/dvd? Is it not the same with the installation cd? | 07:22 |
riyonuk | I follow guides, tried myself, nothing | 07:22 |
=== vieneta_25 [n=vieneta_@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[GN] ViRii[K] | So in order to use apt-get what do I need from the software itself | 07:22 |
MasterShrek | Axioo, dont worry about your windows install, the new ubuntu install will recognize it and put a boot entry for it | 07:22 |
tanath | riyonuk, try running it? (compiz --replace) | 07:22 |
xoRock | theman, so how is your splash screen now? | 07:22 |
TBZ | !envy | 07:22 |
xoRock | theman, still hang? | 07:22 |
ubotu | envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 07:22 |
MasterShrek | Axioo, just use the regular desktop cd | 07:22 |
tanath | bullgard4, http://pastebin.com/d5fa58672 | 07:22 |
nominal | shira, not sure then.. just have to wait thru a file search i guess | 07:23 |
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theman | xoRock, well i took off the splash screen and its dramatically better | 07:23 |
=== Lifehacker [n=aanjhan@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theman | its like normal again | 07:23 |
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syte | http://pastebin.com/d42799103 | 07:23 |
theman | xoRock, is it possible to get it back to normal with a nice looking splash screen | 07:23 |
syte | MasterShrek: http://pastebin.com/d42799103 | 07:23 |
=== Juno [n=casey@12-210-208-102.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bullgard4 | tanath: I am not familiar with k3b. Sorry. | 07:24 |
hackerboy | does anyone know how to make windows xp virtual like linux? | 07:24 |
=== J-_ [n=justin@unaffiliated/j/x-388422] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theman | xoRock, its just when the other splash screens were installed it never showed those three icons like nautilus - etc., - etc., | 07:24 |
theman | then it would hang | 07:24 |
faileas | hackerboy: vmware converter | 07:24 |
MasterShrek | syte, start by changing your driver from nv to nvidia under the Section "Device" | 07:24 |
xoRock | theman, well u can try turn on splash screen of your choice again, and see | 07:24 |
=== AshyIsMe_ [n=ashy@203-97-254-40.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theman | yea | 07:24 |
theman | thanks | 07:24 |
infernuscrusher | does anybody know what problem i hv here? > when i was trying to mount xternal harddisk to my comp it says "unable to mount, mount point can not contain the character newfile, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /)" | 07:25 |
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infernuscrusher | thx | 07:25 |
AshyIsMe_ | is 7.04 feisty or edgy? i can never remember | 07:25 |
TBZ | for 64bit, I am going to need the x64 Nvidia driver, correct? | 07:25 |
theman | xoRock, you got any suggestions for any good irc clients | 07:25 |
MasterShrek | AshyIsMe_, feisty | 07:25 |
MasterShrek | yes TBZ | 07:25 |
tanath | bullgard4, i got a write error with nautilus i think it was, too. i thought it might be dust, but i blew it out and it did it again. no suggestions? | 07:25 |
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AshyIsMe_ | MasterShrek: thanks | 07:25 |
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xoRock | theman, i use xchat | 07:25 |
Axioo | ok ... 3 problems solved, I still have a few more ... I'm connected using a cellphone as my modem, so I need driver (this is not a problem in windows), I've searched for ubuntu / linux driver for my cellphone, but i couldn;t find it, any way around this? | 07:25 |
theman | xoRock are there a lot of plugins for xchat | 07:25 |
J-_ | Is there anyway to get a ZVM (Creative Zen Vision:M to work with ubuntu? (uploading pictures/video) | 07:25 |
TBZ | I really hope this works, so I can pop in some more ram =D | 07:25 |
theman | thats what im using now | 07:25 |
theman | i guess i just gotta mess around with it some more | 07:26 |
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[GN] ViRii[K] | Anyone have a minute to help me out? | 07:26 |
TBZ | 8gigs here I come ! *devil smiley* | 07:26 |
xoRock | theman, im not really sure about that, but xchat is quite popular irc client tough | 07:26 |
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jonathan_ | hi' | 07:26 |
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jonathan_ | hello everybody | 07:26 |
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xoRock | theman, and yes i see plug in menu | 07:26 |
jonathan_ | hello indonesia | 07:26 |
TBZ | hey | 07:26 |
jonathan_ | anggi? | 07:26 |
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infernuscrusher | yup2 | 07:27 |
jonathan_ | he3 | 07:27 |
jonathan_ | disini jg loe | 07:27 |
theman | its just its pretty basic xoRock | 07:27 |
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MasterShrek | syte have you tried booting it with nvidia in there yet? | 07:27 |
goofy | my dvd burnner randomly stopped reading blank dvds | 07:27 |
theman | a lot different from mIRC | 07:27 |
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jonathan_ | compiz fusion really cool huh? | 07:27 |
syte | MasterShrek: no i havent | 07:27 |
Avielu1 | compiz isn't really doing anything, I've got desktop effects working | 07:27 |
Avielu1 | what do I do? | 07:27 |
syte | MasterShrek: hopefully that was the problem :D | 07:27 |
jonathan_ | hm... | 07:27 |
jonathan_ | beryl? | 07:27 |
MasterShrek | hopefully... | 07:27 |
bullgard4 | tanath: If you obtained a write error with Nautilus, what was its exact wording? | 07:27 |
Shaye | MasterShrek a script but what to write there, hehe :) | 07:28 |
xoRock | theman, ^^ | 07:28 |
MasterShrek | beryl is deprecated jonathan_ | 07:28 |
bruenig | beryl is not deprecated | 07:28 |
syte | MasterShrek: sorry, i wanted to kind of get beryl working before i progressed in reading more about linux and ubuntu | 07:28 |
jonathan_ | somebody know how to mount the external devices?? | 07:28 |
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jonathan_ | beryl really buggy | 07:28 |
MasterShrek | Shaye, whatever command you need to type to get an ip... dhclient or whatever | 07:28 |
TBZ | syte: hehe it should be the other way around honestly =P | 07:28 |
hackerboy | faileas: thanx also you know how to make linux into a touch screen program | 07:28 |
Avielu1 | compiz isn't really doing anything, I've got desktop effects working | 07:28 |
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MasterShrek | syte, you need a gui to get desktop effects, and you wont be using beryl, like i said its deprecated | 07:28 |
bullgard4 | jonathan_: Use the mount command. | 07:28 |
bruenig | unless compiz fusion has released, beryl cannot by definition be deprecated | 07:28 |
jayde_drag0n | sooo i came over from windows.... i've been here a couple months now... but i'm getting terribly bored with the lack of how pretty i can make anything... i LOVED windowblinds in windows.... xfce borked my system.. compiz did nothing... i clicked every buttin twice... nothing... and i can't find anything to launch with beryl... isn't there ANYTHING that i can download and use that is similar to windowblinds... or at least a GUI to wor | 07:29 |
jonathan_ | code please | 07:29 |
hackerboy | does anyone know how to make linux into a touch screen program | 07:29 |
tanath | bullgard4, i can't remember :( and since i've made several coasters, i know there's a problem and would prefer not to try again. all i remember is it was a write error | 07:29 |
Avielu1 | nvm | 07:29 |
bruenig | MasterShrek, beryl is not deprecated | 07:29 |
faileas | hackerboy: get a touch screen thats supported by linux. i'm afraid your questions arn't entirely coherent | 07:29 |
TBZ | MasterShrek: Ok, now from what I'm reading, (at least for the x86 install) I need to uninstall my nv drivers now, correct? | 07:29 |
syte | MasterShrek, compiz as well? | 07:29 |
jonathan_ | MasterShrek, can u give me the code? | 07:29 |
jonathan_ | pastebin? | 07:29 |
Axioo | MasterShrek, Thanx ... ok ... 3 problems solved, I still have a few more ... I'm connected using a cellphone as my modem, so I need driver (this is not a problem in windows), I've searched for ubuntu / linux driver for my cellphone, but i couldn;t find it, any way around this? | 07:30 |
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MasterShrek | i dont think so TBZ just make sure u use the nvidia driver in your xorg.conf instead of nv | 07:30 |
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TBZ | Axioo: cellphone as a modem, awesome =D | 07:30 |
MasterShrek | no not compiz, its compiz-fusion now i guess | 07:30 |
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bruenig | compiz fusion hasn't even released yet | 07:30 |
MasterShrek | what code jonathan_ | 07:30 |
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jonathan_ | mount devices code please | 07:30 |
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bullgard4 | tanath: Your description is too vague (at least for me) than that I could advise you a remedy. | 07:30 |
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MasterShrek | no idea Axioo | 07:31 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | So, what do I need to do in order to install pisg on ubuntu, I tried the previous one that worked for irssi but it didnt work | 07:31 |
adamorjames | hey compwiz18 | 07:31 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | Anyone have a minute to help me out? | 07:31 |
MasterShrek | !mount | jonathan_ | 07:31 |
ubotu | jonathan_: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 07:31 |
compwiz18 | hey adamorjames | 07:31 |
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jonathan_ | to mount my external devices | 07:31 |
tanath | bullgard4, thanks anyway :-/ | 07:31 |
MasterShrek | [GN] ViRii[K] , what is pisg? | 07:31 |
Axioo | TBZ, yes it is, but I only know to run it from windows, I don't know hot to have it run on ubuntu yet | 07:31 |
tanath | bruenig, then what am i using?? | 07:31 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | An IRC logging tool | 07:31 |
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[GN] ViRii[K] | http://pisg.sourceforge.net/ | 07:31 |
jonathan_ | thx | 07:31 |
bruenig | tanath, some pre release version | 07:31 |
MasterShrek | jayde_drag0n, http://s66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/invisiblekid852/linux%20screenshots/?action=view¤t=ubuntu9-10-07.png | 07:31 |
bruenig | tanath, are you using gutsy? | 07:31 |
SMockie | Yo, I got ubuntu private server and a home biz DSL connection with 3 mbps down and 1 mbps up. What is maybe something I could run on the server to make enough $$ legal that would at least help pay for my internet cost. | 07:31 |
jonathan_ | I think compiz and desktop effects are same | 07:32 |
Axioo | MaterShrek, Is there any generic / general driver for cellphone modem? | 07:32 |
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tanath | bruenig, well, a release is a release, even if not final... i'm on feisty | 07:32 |
MasterShrek | jayde_drag0n, it isnt hard to make your desktop look pretty | 07:32 |
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bruenig | tanath, ok well feisty is deprecated to the same extent that beryl is deprecated | 07:32 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | Can I use debian installs of programs for ubuntu | 07:32 |
jonathan_ | !mount devices | infernuscrusher | 07:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mount devices - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:33 |
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MasterShrek | [GN] ViRii[K] , you need to enable the universe repository | 07:33 |
zoexii | exit | 07:33 |
zoexii | exit | 07:33 |
bruenig | tanath, in fact every ubuntu release is almost immediately deprecated under the definition that is being used to say beryl is deprecated | 07:33 |
tanath | bruenig, gutsy (final) isn't out yet | 07:33 |
MasterShrek | !repositories | [GN] ViRii[K] , | 07:33 |
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ubotu | [GN] ViRii[K] ,: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 07:33 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | How do I do that MasterShrek? | 07:33 |
jonathan_ | !mount | infernuscrusher | 07:33 |
ubotu | infernuscrusher: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 07:33 |
MasterShrek | that link | 07:33 |
bruenig | tanath, neither is compiz fusion, therefore beryl is not deprecated | 07:33 |
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locke_ | also, i thought 7.04 had a newer kernel than, but thats what it is still running | 07:33 |
tanath | bruenig, didn't say it was, but feisty isn't "deprecated"... | 07:33 |
jonathan_ | fiuh, compiz fusion installed now! | 07:34 |
MasterShrek | locke_, no its running 2.6.21 | 07:34 |
jonathan_ | reallt cool | 07:34 |
bullgard4 | Why is there no man kinit? | 07:34 |
jernster | should be the latest i think. | 07:34 |
bruenig | tanath, well some people are, I thought you were defending that position since that is what I was talking about | 07:34 |
jernster | err 2.6.17-12 | 07:34 |
bruenig | tanath, I think it is just MasterShrek and cafuego who have made that claim | 07:34 |
MasterShrek | i was claiming it cuz he claimed it earlier =P | 07:34 |
tanath | bruenig, nah, i just butted in with little points to maybe clear things up | 07:34 |
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jayde_drag0n | MasterShrek: but where do i do that?? what do i install? | 07:35 |
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jabba_da_hut | Is there any way to change the subtitle sync in VLC? | 07:35 |
bruenig | tanath, right, well you certainly illustrated my point | 07:35 |
locke_ | MasterShrek why would apt-get dist-upgrade not have installed the new kernel, or not enabled it? | 07:35 |
infernuscrusher | > when i was trying to mount xternal harddisk to my comp it says "unable to mount, mount point can not contain the character newfile, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /)" | 07:35 |
quaal | why after i sudo chmod 777 a dir does it still not let me edit it | 07:35 |
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MasterShrek | i couldnt tell ya locke_ but i know for a fact that a fresh install of feisty is 2.6.20, (not .21 like i said b4) | 07:35 |
syte | MasterShrek: was there anything else wrong with my xorg.conf file? | 07:36 |
bruenig | MasterShrek, feisty is deprecated | 07:36 |
HardandFast | indeed | 07:36 |
jayde_drag0n | MasterShrek: can i do that thru a gui?? i relly need to see what the heck i'm doing and choosing? is there a url to download and pick and choose from... the only links i found were NOT that pretty | 07:36 |
MasterShrek | not that i can tell syte? still not booting? | 07:36 |
tanath | bruenig, ? how is feisty deprecated? it is the current release | 07:36 |
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adamorjames | lol | 07:36 |
MasterShrek | !themes | 07:36 |
ubotu | Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 07:36 |
nominal | quall try chown | 07:36 |
jonathan_ | infernuscrusher, try to using apt-get GParted | 07:36 |
MasterShrek | !themes | jayde_drag0n | 07:36 |
ubotu | jayde_drag0n: please see above | 07:36 |
bruenig | tanath, ask MasterShrek, he is the one who says feisty is deprecated | 07:36 |
nominal | brb | 07:36 |
syte | MasterShrek: i have to reinstall the drivers first. Hopefully it boots up this time :D | 07:37 |
MasterShrek | i never said that bruenig | 07:37 |
adamorjames | lol | 07:37 |
syte | MasterShrek: oh yea, thx for helping | 07:37 |
MasterShrek | good luck syte | 07:37 |
syte | thx | 07:37 |
bruenig | MasterShrek, if you say beryl is deprecated, you also logically say feisty is, you cannot say one is deprecated without the other | 07:37 |
tanath | bruenig, you said it | 07:37 |
bruenig | you cannot maintain one is and the other isn't, they are in the exact same situation | 07:37 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | Where do I have to put a package in order to install it MasterShrek? | 07:37 |
TBZ | !aptitude | 07:37 |
ubotu | aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide | 07:37 |
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MasterShrek | [GN] ViRii[K] , you dont put a package anywhere, you apt-get install it | 07:38 |
rsh006 | anybody in here go to SHSU | 07:38 |
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jonathan_ | !apt-get | 07:38 |
ubotu | APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 07:38 |
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MasterShrek | !apt-get | [GN] ViRii[K] | 07:38 |
ubotu | [GN] ViRii[K] : please see above | 07:38 |
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MasterShrek | read that [GN] ViRii[K] ^ | 07:38 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | Even if its not downloaded yet? | 07:38 |
stuart- | when i have sound playing like mp3, i can't play other sounds at the same time? | 07:38 |
MasterShrek | it will download it | 07:38 |
sparr | how can i make apt not keep debs in /var/cache/apt/archive ? | 07:38 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | Do I have to tell apt-get where to download it from? | 07:38 |
locke_ | ok im trying to install an older version of the nvidia drivers now and getting the same error, unable to create '/usr/lib/dosemu/drive_z/tmp/selfgz19080/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1/usr/lib/libGLcore.so.100.14.1' for copying (no such file or directory) | 07:38 |
bruenig | sparr, well it has to download them there | 07:38 |
locke_ | im installing 1.0-9755 though | 07:38 |
sparr | bruenig: yeah, id like postconfig (or some other late step) to get rid of them | 07:39 |
jonathan_ | try to use synaptic than | 07:39 |
bruenig | sparr, you can have it clean out occasionally, perhaps set a cron job to do it | 07:39 |
rsh006 | SHSU? | 07:39 |
locke_ | 100.14.11 was the version i tried to install before and installed with restricted-manager, but doesnt work | 07:39 |
MasterShrek | [GN] ViRii[K] , did you take a look at that repository link that ubotu gave you? if u did you would answer your own question | 07:39 |
MasterShrek | !repositories | 07:39 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 07:39 |
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jonathan_ | !easysource | 07:40 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 07:40 |
locke_ | then it gives unable to restore file 'samething' | 07:40 |
tanath | jabba_da_hut, i thought there was, but i don't see it. i know you can do it with mplayer though | 07:40 |
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TBZ | !sh | 07:40 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 07:40 |
jonathan_ | !ls | 07:40 |
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jabba_da_hut | tanath : what are the shortcut keys for those in mplayer? | 07:41 |
locke_ | how can i remove all nvidia drivers currently installed and start from scratch | 07:41 |
TBZ | what is key command for "run" again? | 07:41 |
TBZ | !run | 07:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about run - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:41 |
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bruenig | locke_, depends on how you installed them | 07:41 |
locke_ | as a side note, i never intended to isntall anything into a dosemu directory | 07:41 |
MasterShrek | TBZ, what are you trying to run? | 07:41 |
weltschmerz | i'm having trouble mounting an nfs share with my laptop. | 07:41 |
TBZ | just anything | 07:41 |
locke_ | bruenig the one its complaining about i installed with restricted-manager | 07:41 |
weltschmerz | but i can mount it fine from another machine on the local net. | 07:41 |
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MasterShrek | TBZ, just type the command | 07:41 |
locke_ | previously i had 1.0-9755 installed and working great in 6.10 | 07:42 |
TBZ | there was a cntrl or alt something to bring up the run command window | 07:42 |
bruenig | locke_, gui....no idea then | 07:42 |
MasterShrek | or if you are in the directory where the program is put a ./ in front of it | 07:42 |
locke_ | then i upgraded to 7.04, which was a several day process that got interrupted in the middle of it | 07:42 |
MasterShrek | alt+f2 TBZ | 07:42 |
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TBZ | MasterShrek: thanks again bud =D | 07:42 |
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locke_ | at which point the drivers stopped working and i had to switch to 'nv' | 07:42 |
tanath | jabba_da_hut, i can't remember, and i don't have anything with subtitles at the moment. try playing around with the keys and you should find it. i think it it's a couple letters near the bottom left... | 07:42 |
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tanath | jabba_da_hut, not sure though. just play around | 07:42 |
bruenig | locke_, locate nvidia.ko is the nvidia module, however you would need to uninstall any package that you used initially so that the file is taken out of the database | 07:43 |
jabba_da_hut | Thanks tanath! | 07:43 |
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tanath | jabba_da_hut, np. i found it on accident, so i'm sure you can too. doesn't hurt anything to play around | 07:43 |
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tanath | jabba_da_hut, shift works too | 07:43 |
EJ | i am working on a boot up command line to enter into webmin that will run ndiswrapper, instead ofmy having to run the commands after bootup, commands include : sudo modprobe ndiswrapper : sudo iwconfig wlan0 key (netkey) : sudo dhclient wlan0 : any ideas ? | 07:44 |
weltschmerz | my friend's dad is mad that i admitted her to the psyche ward during her recent psychotic episode. | 07:44 |
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andrej | What is the name of the program ubuntu runs on install to set-up networking? I installed a box weeks ago, and didn't setup the network :} | 07:44 |
weltschmerz | uh..sorry, but when someone thinks she's on the truman show and her life is being videotaped, i call the doctors. | 07:44 |
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locke_ | all of the errors during installation were in /usr/lib/dosemu so i just apt-get removed dosemu | 07:44 |
BettyWhite | [dingbot] Going to #metabug. | 07:44 |
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locke_ | im gonna see what happens | 07:44 |
jayde_drag0n | MasterShrek: is there a walkthru for any of that stuff.. i don't knwo what to do with any of it or how to install them | 07:44 |
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tanath | i'm getting write errors when burning cds. can anyone help? | 07:45 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | Whats a command line text editor for ubuntu? | 07:45 |
tanath | [GN] ViRii[K] , vim | 07:45 |
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[GN] ViRii[K] | k thanks | 07:45 |
andrej | heh | 07:45 |
marginoferror | Wait, wait | 07:45 |
EJ | [ tanath] : pico or vi | 07:45 |
marginoferror | If you've never used vi before | 07:45 |
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marginoferror | Use nano | 07:45 |
bruenig | that one is specifically for ubuntu too | 07:45 |
MasterShrek | jayde_drag0n, system > preferences > theme pick a tab and click install, you can leave the themes and icons in their archives | 07:45 |
=== trippingmonkey [n=whorehey@pool-71-255-170-46.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
marginoferror | nano is the all-around default for ubuntu newbies | 07:45 |
tanath | vim = improved vi | 07:45 |
bruenig | all of those have a lot ot do with ubuntu | 07:45 |
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EJ | [ tanath] : i find pico easier to use | 07:45 |
tanath | i found vim the easiest... dunno how to use the others | 07:46 |
locke_ | i like pico better too | 07:46 |
locke_ | i really hate vi :P | 07:46 |
marginoferror | (pico is exactly the same as nano, at least in ubuntu) | 07:46 |
locke_ | i have no idea how to use vi though | 07:46 |
EJ | vi is difficult to remember all the command keys | 07:46 |
tanath | [GN] ViRii[K] , :wq to write & quit | 07:46 |
MasterShrek | nano is a for of pico | 07:46 |
andrej | EJ - depends on what you're trying to do with it. I use vim a lot these days | 07:46 |
MasterShrek | fork* | 07:46 |
bruenig | nano is not very fun to program in | 07:46 |
tanath | [GN] ViRii[K] , i for insert mode | 07:46 |
EJ | [ andrej] : very true | 07:46 |
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locke_ | id recommend pico/nano if you're not very familiar with vi or unix | 07:46 |
marginoferror | bruenig: You are correct | 07:47 |
EJ | i am working on a boot up command line to enter into webmin that will run ndiswrapper, instead ofmy having to run the commands after bootup, commands include : sudo modprobe ndiswrapper : sudo iwconfig wlan0 key (netkey) : sudo dhclient wlan0 : any ideas ? | 07:47 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | How do I save and quit? | 07:47 |
HardandFast | I have the iPod nano too! | 07:47 |
locke_ | ok after removing dosemu, i am still getting the same errors involving /usr/lib/dosemu/drive_z/whatever | 07:47 |
locke_ | grr | 07:47 |
bruenig | [GN] ViRii[K] , :x | 07:47 |
marginoferror | bruenig: But for text editing, vim isn't very fun for beginners | 07:47 |
hoyt_ | ;) | 07:47 |
tanath | [GN] ViRii[K] , told you... ESC if you're in insert mode, then :wq | 07:47 |
marginoferror | Also, gedit has such nice tabs and context hilighting that I use it for programming anyway | 07:47 |
bruenig | :x is quicker | 07:47 |
andrej | back to my ubuntu server problem. what's the name of the tool that initially sets up networking? | 07:47 |
andrej | :} | 07:48 |
bruenig | vim has multiple buffers | 07:48 |
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hoyt_ | SHSU anyone? | 07:48 |
locke_ | k im loading in nv driver i cant do any research on this in commandline | 07:48 |
tanath | [GN] ViRii[K] , try pico. looks easier | 07:48 |
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andrej | lol @ MasterShrek | 07:48 |
sauvin | if you want to try pico, try nano instead. | 07:49 |
andrej | sick sick puppy | 07:49 |
HardandFast | Yeah, Windows FTW | 07:49 |
HardandFast | notepad.exe is the best | 07:49 |
tanath | i prefer gedit, but it's good to have CLI editors | 07:49 |
hackerboy | anyboyd know how to change the linux desktop background | 07:49 |
MasterShrek | greatest windows program by far lol | 07:49 |
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bruenig | you can always use gvim if you want gui | 07:49 |
tanath | hackerboy, right click on it.. | 07:49 |
MasterShrek | hackerboy, right click it | 07:49 |
andrej | Nuh. Even wordpad is better. At lesat it opens Unix files nicely | 07:49 |
MasterShrek | some hacker... | 07:49 |
MasterShrek | =P | 07:49 |
hoyt_ | lol | 07:49 |
hackerboy | tanath: no i mean besides the one they give you | 07:50 |
tanath | andatche, no, wordpad inserts control characters | 07:50 |
lastexile | Does anyone here have problems trying to mount sd cards since version 7.10? | 07:50 |
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MasterShrek | hackerboy, change your nick, you cant be called a hacker if u cant figure out how to change a desktop background | 07:50 |
MasterShrek | =P | 07:50 |
tanath | hackerboy, right click on the desktop, and click Change desktop background... | 07:50 |
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bruenig | you can be a hacker however if you don't understand what deprecated means | 07:50 |
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andrej | Eh? | 07:50 |
jonathan_ | deprecated? | 07:51 |
HardandFast | His name is hackerboy, not hackerman; give him a little slack. | 07:51 |
jonathan_ | kidding hah? | 07:51 |
MasterShrek | slack? #slackware | 07:51 |
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bruenig | jonathan_, you'd be surprised just how many people don't understand what deprecated means | 07:51 |
andrej | Now we're talking. Someone mentioned a usable distro :D | 07:51 |
lastexile | hello! Has anyone had problems when trying to mount sd cards with 7.10? | 07:51 |
jonathan_ | ....... | 07:52 |
Wolfwalker | DISCLAIMER: The following question is strictly non-critical. I just want your opinion. | 07:52 |
MasterShrek | slackware is pretty sexy, ill have to say | 07:52 |
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bruenig | jonathan_, there are some in here who maintain that feisty is deprecated even though gutsy is in prerelease | 07:52 |
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Wolfwalker | I have an old Dell, celeron processor, 256 megs ram | 07:52 |
goofy | im trying to create a thinclient.... how much room does ubuntu use with a fresh install | 07:52 |
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HardandFast | that's not a question | 07:52 |
hackerboy | tanath: i know to right click it and then click change desktop. no i mean to get them from maybe the internet or something. Because ubuntu on has a specific of 4 background colors that or wack. | 07:52 |
andrej | I'm a slacker. BUt am setting up this machine for a friend who's not linux savy and lives miles away | 07:52 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | So how can I save something in pico if the permission is denied? | 07:52 |
Wolfwalker | Would it run Ubuntu 7.04 or shoudl I just leave Windoze 2000 on it? | 07:52 |
andrej | Hence the ubuntu questions | 07:52 |
tanath | deprecated: a program or feature that is considered obsolescent and in the process of being phased out, usually in favour of a specified replacement. | 07:52 |
Wolfwalker | In your opinion | 07:52 |
EJ | Slackware is a nice os, but i've worked with it for 5 years and accomplished in 1 day with ubuntu that took 5 years to accomplish with slackware | 07:52 |
tonyyarusso | Wolfwalker: It would run fine most likely. If not, try Xubuntu. | 07:52 |
andrej | And I can't remember what that friggin network config tool is called | 07:52 |
threethirty | goofy: its less than a gig i know that much | 07:53 |
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tonyyarusso | andrej: network-admin? NetworkManager? | 07:53 |
andrej | EJ: I feel theother way round ;} | 07:53 |
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Wolfwalker | !Xubuntu | 07:53 |
ubotu | xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels | 07:53 |
=== neuraloverload [n=neuralov@pool-71-105-115-159.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hackerboy | HardandFast: thanx for the backup. | 07:53 |
jonathan_ | ubuntu is a perfect OS | 07:53 |
andrej | tonyyarusso : those command line tools? | 07:53 |
jonathan_ | I love it | 07:53 |
Wolfwalker | Um.......... | 07:53 |
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neuraloverload | Wow, this is kind of cool | 07:53 |
tanath | hackerboy, you can click Add wallpaper to add images to the list, which you can download | 07:53 |
andrej | It's a SERVER. no X | 07:53 |
bruenig | jonathan_, discrete release, ewww | 07:53 |
tonyyarusso | andrej: No, in both cases. | 07:53 |
Wolfwalker | !Xfce | 07:53 |
lastexile | hello! Has anyone had problems when trying to mount sd cards with 7.10? | 07:54 |
tanath | hackerboy, also, i believe in firefox you can right click on an image and choose, Set as wallpaper | 07:54 |
EJ | [ andrej] : apt-get install kubuntu | 07:54 |
tonyyarusso | andrej: ah, whoop - just saw the server bit. ifconfig? | 07:54 |
tasmania | anyone know why it is that i loose my application title bar when i install beryl? :O | 07:54 |
MasterShrek | its kubuntu-desktop | 07:54 |
Wolfwalker | !Xfce | 07:54 |
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ubotu | xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels | 07:54 |
andrej | deb/ubu come with a curses based tool that sets up network in install | 07:54 |
EJ | [ andrej] : the run startx | 07:54 |
andrej | I watn that | 07:54 |
hoyt_ | anyone able to use a usb bluetooth adapter? | 07:54 |
Wolfwalker | Grrr | 07:54 |
lastexile | hello! Has anyone had problems when trying to mount sd cards with 7.10? | 07:54 |
andrej | EJ: not an option. box is an OLD server | 07:54 |
MasterShrek | !patience | 07:54 |
ubotu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 07:54 |
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Wolfwalker | Okay, any takers for a newbie's question? What is Xfce? | 07:54 |
MasterShrek | xfce is a desktop environment | 07:55 |
jonathan_ | try to use wiki | 07:55 |
compwiz18 | Wolfwalker, XFCE is a desktop enviorment similar to gnome | 07:55 |
MasterShrek | like kde or gnome | 07:55 |
|_ocke | this is so freaking frustratign :(:( | 07:55 |
Shaye | How can you run commands automatically after boot? I mean lets say I have BNC's running on my box and for some reason it had to be rebooted, I want it to run the BNCS alone again when it turns back on | 07:55 |
hackerboy | tanath: okay thank you i knew how to get to change desktop background i just didnt know how to add on more images sorry my bad i should have explained a little better. thanx tho | 07:55 |
andrej | and to do the install I'd need network going | 07:55 |
Wolfwalker | But it uses less resources? | 07:55 |
jonathan_ | no | 07:55 |
jonathan_ | it's same | 07:55 |
tanath | hackerboy, np. live & learn | 07:55 |
lastexile | wolfwalker a light desktop enviroment when computer resources are an issue if the one you might want | 07:55 |
bruenig | Wolfwalker, yes | 07:55 |
tanath | hackerboy, it's easy to miss | 07:55 |
EJ | [ andrej] : wired nic ? | 07:55 |
Wolfwalker | Does Xubuntu come on a live cd I hope? | 07:56 |
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neuraloverload | Wow, im not entirely sure I like this terminal IRC client | 07:56 |
jonathan_ | but Xfce performance are better than the other desktop environment | 07:56 |
andrej | EJ: Yah. Two of them actually | 07:56 |
bruenig | xfce uses less RAM | 07:56 |
andrej | And yes, I found /etc/network | 07:56 |
Wolfwalker | |neuraloverload:| get Xchat2 | 07:56 |
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Wolfwalker | It doth totally rock | 07:56 |
jonathan_ | try to use: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 07:56 |
andrej | but am not interested in learning all about debians way to handle this stuff for a one-off | 07:56 |
threethirty | wolfwalker: you can get xubuntu from ship-it | 07:56 |
tanath | neuraloverload, which? it might be handy to have around if x dies and you need help... | 07:56 |
|_ocke | i knew upgrading to 7.04 was going to cause all sorts of problems :( | 07:56 |
jonathan_ | to install xubuntu and choose your sessions | 07:56 |
SMockie | Current Downstream: 67.80 KBytes/s | 07:57 |
Wolfwalker | Nah, I'd just bit torrent it | 07:57 |
bruenig | |_ocke, the beauty of discrete release distros | 07:57 |
tasmania | anyone run Beryl? if so, anyone know why I loose the title bar to all my applications? | 07:57 |
|_ocke | but these are ridiculous problems that i would have never expected | 07:57 |
Wolfwalker | Leave Shipit for the people who are on dialup and need it. | 07:57 |
jonathan_ | tasmania, might be it's a bug | 07:57 |
SMockie | Current Downstream: 66.21 KBytes/s | 07:57 |
neuraloverload | tanath: Irssi | 07:57 |
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jonathan_ | try to use compiz fusion, better | 07:57 |
bruenig | |_ocke, you might want to consider a rolling release distribution if you aren't a big fan of these upgrade headaches | 07:57 |
tanath | tasmania, i'm using compiz-fusion, but try installing beryl-manager. lets you reload the window decorations | 07:57 |
=== goban [n=goban___@ip68-107-157-9.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
|_ocke | bruenig, what is that? | 07:58 |
tanath | neuraloverload, yeh, it's not too bad when you get used to it | 07:58 |
goban | hi, i just installed and its great but it doesnt detect my resolution of 1680 1050 how do i fix? | 07:58 |
hackerboy | tanath: lol yeah wat type of linux do u have. i have the ubuntu ultimate edition is this a good one to have? | 07:58 |
tanath | neuraloverload, it can save you too so i keep it installed | 07:58 |
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tanath | hackerboy, i'm running ubuntu feisty | 07:58 |
ppsor329 | ppsor329 | 07:58 |
neuraloverload | Yeah I plan on keeping it installed | 07:58 |
tasmania | tenath, i have installed it twice, unfortunately... i'll try compiz-fusion, however, and see if that works better | 07:58 |
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tanath | hackerboy, will upgrade near the end of the month or so | 07:58 |
bruenig | |_ocke, instead of packaging everything and then holding off for 6 months and then upgrading everything again, you are always up to date and there is no giant jump that causes untraceable breakage | 07:58 |
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nominal | goban system->preferences_>screen resolution? | 07:58 |
andrej | Oh shucks. Vim it is ... screw "tools" :D | 07:58 |
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lastexile | hello! Has anyone had problems when trying to mount sd cards with 7.10? | 07:59 |
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lastexile | hello! Has anyone had problems when trying to mount sd cards with 7.10? | 07:59 |
jonathan_ | tasmania, try this link http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net/techblog/article/enable_compizfusion_in_ubuntu_feisty/ | 07:59 |
andrej | later guys, and I don't mind the lack of knowledge in the ubuntu community, hoest | 07:59 |
andrej | honest even | 07:59 |
tasmania | lastexile, i've never had any problems with it | 07:59 |
lastexile | really | 07:59 |
hoyt_ | make sure you have gnome-settings-daemon running at startup, it helped with my panel not showing up | 07:59 |
goban | nominal, nope its not there | 07:59 |
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tasmania | yeah, you might be having driver issues | 07:59 |
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tasmania | jonathan, thanks, looking at it now | 07:59 |
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tanath | tasmania, works for me. i use trevino's repository. it gets unstable sometimes, but i just stop updating for a while when i get a stable update | 07:59 |
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nominal | goban not supported by the driver then i suppose | 07:59 |
lastexile | tasmania - thing is that it works perfectly in 6.10 but in 7.04 it doesnt | 08:00 |
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lastexile | tasmania - any guide or wiki or document that might help me? | 08:00 |
jonathan_ | u need to install beryl-manager too | 08:00 |
tasmania | lastexile, i'm running 7.04 right now, i've had zero problems with it | 08:00 |
Shaye | How can you run commands automatically after boot? I mean lets say I have BNC's running on my box and for some reason it had to be rebooted, I want it to run the BNCS alone again when it turns back on | 08:00 |
jonathan_ | to load your window manager | 08:00 |
tasmania | try a google search | 08:01 |
|_ocke | so how would i best install the latest kernel, k7 | 08:01 |
lastexile | it doesnt show anything - that's why im bothering people here | 08:01 |
lastexile | :( | 08:01 |
hackerboy | tanath: why the end of the month but quick question is ubuntu feisty better then the ultimate edition | 08:01 |
syte | MasterShrek: I reinstalled the drivers and had my xorg configured to nvidia. My screen went blank again and my monitor displayed "No Input Signal. Go to Power Save Mode". Then i reconfigured xorg with nvidia, and i received the same problems. So, apparently the operating system doesnt boot up unless i have "nv or vesa" set. :( | 08:01 |
EJ | [ Shaye] : would it be anything like autobotchk with an eggdrop ? | 08:01 |
tasmania | jonathan, through app install i've installed both of them, both the easy and the advanced configuration | 08:01 |
nominal | shaye know how to write scripts? http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/ | 08:02 |
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tanath | hackerboy, i know next to nothing about the ultimate edition except that it exists... don't think it's an official release... mine is | 08:02 |
tasmania | jonathan, should i try installing the manager and then the application? | 08:02 |
MasterShrek | very strange syte i would say you may just have to wait a bit until the card is more supportd | 08:02 |
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Wolfwalker | Right, I just started the xubuntu bit torrent, desktop, i386 | 08:02 |
tanath | hackerboy, i'm updating near the end of the month because that's about when i expect the next release to be sufficiently stable & bug free for me | 08:02 |
Wolfwalker | So is this a live cd, or is it like Ubuntu's alternate cd? | 08:02 |
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tanath | hackerboy, it comes out in october | 08:02 |
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syte | MasterShrek, i did have an ati card before this. Does forgetting to delete some of my ati files might be the cause of this? | 08:03 |
goban | nominal, so how do i change then :?( | 08:03 |
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MasterShrek | i dont think so syte | 08:03 |
slavik | syte, this is linux, not windows :P | 08:03 |
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tanath | hackerboy, doesn't hurt to try lots of distros. ultimately though, you can set up pretty much any distro how you like with whatever programs you like | 08:03 |
hackerboy | tanath: oh okay so like the ubuntu feisty going to get upgraded by late september, beginning october | 08:04 |
nominal | goban, i suppose you could look and see if there is another compatable driver, but i don't know much more than that.. sorry | 08:04 |
syte | MasterShrek: thx for helping. lol slavik | 08:04 |
|_ocke | im having synaptic install linux-image-k7, will that do it? | 08:04 |
hackerboy | tanath: thank for the hint i will do that | 08:04 |
tanath | hackerboy, the version after feisty is gutsy gibbon, due oct 18 | 08:04 |
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slavik | hackerboy: still trolling? | 08:04 |
xooi | :-! | 08:04 |
sparr | i wish i could find a distro with [k] ubuntu's awesome out-of-the-box configuration, and debian's stable/testing/unstable package release scheme | 08:04 |
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slavik | sparr: backports | 08:04 |
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hackerboy | slavik: ? is ubunto feisty better then the ultimate edition version cuz that what i have. | 08:05 |
sparr | slavik: woefully underrepresentative of all available packages | 08:05 |
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slavik | ultimate edition of what? | 08:05 |
HardandFast | Windows Vista Ultimate | 08:05 |
tanath | hackerboy, the main difference between most distros is the default setup/config/apps/etc | 08:05 |
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tanath | hackerboy, add the right repositories and you can install whatever apps you like | 08:06 |
lastexile | tanah don't forget the visual aspect :P | 08:06 |
First|Bleh | There's apparently an ultimate edition of ubuntu as well, but it's a customized 3rd party version. | 08:06 |
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hackerboy | tanath: gutsy gibbion okay oct 18 did not know that i need to stay on ubuntu more. | 08:06 |
TBZ | wow, that wasn't fun | 08:06 |
Wolfwalker | Ubuntu 7.04 fiesty is MUCH better than Windows Vista Ultimate Edition. | 08:06 |
TBZ | what is the command or hotkey to exit a virtual console? | 08:06 |
Axioo | MasterShrek, how about bloetooth devices, are they generally supported by Ubuntu? | 08:06 |
slavik | hackerboy: you need to troll less. | 08:06 |
Wolfwalker | Easier to install, easier to get drivers, easier to use. | 08:06 |
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dystopianray | TBZ: ctrl+alt+f7 ? | 08:06 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | How can I save a file with pico when it says that I lack permission? | 08:06 |
TBZ | dystopianray: I don't know but if so thank you so much haha | 08:07 |
MasterShrek | Axioo, i had a usb dongle that used to work, but doesnt now | 08:07 |
faileas | [GN] ViRii[K] : save it somewhere else, open it with sudo, and save it where it needs to be | 08:07 |
dystopianray | [GN] ViRii[K] : which file is it? a configuration file in /etc? you'll need to use sudo to edit anything there | 08:07 |
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tanath | [GN] ViRii[K] , if you need to save that exact file, you'll need to either change the permissions, or do it as root | 08:07 |
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tanath | [GN] ViRii[K] , if not, you could copy the text and create a new file to save it in | 08:07 |
WaltzingAlong | Wolfwalker: and no os installed spyware | 08:07 |
Wolfwalker | So is this bit torrent iso of Xubuntu I just started a live cd, or is it like Ubuntu's alternate cd? | 08:07 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | how can I do it as root? | 08:07 |
bullgard4 | Why is there no man kinit? | 08:07 |
WaltzingAlong | Wolfwalker: plus it is faster on any same powered vista computer | 08:07 |
tanath | [GN] ViRii[K] , and make sure you have permission to save in the directory you're trying to save to | 08:08 |
hackerboy | tanath: could u tell me what the the right repositories are if its not a problem. I just installed my linux earlier today and ive been reading the help instructions to long. | 08:08 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | Its sources.list | 08:08 |
|_ocke | k im trying envy to see what happens.. | 08:08 |
dystopianray | Wolfwalker: what is the name of the file you are downloading? | 08:08 |
WaltzingAlong | Wolfwalker: what is the name? | 08:08 |
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Axioo | MasterShrek, meaning that it was working with Windows and now not working in Ubuntu? | 08:08 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | Trying to open up the universal repository | 08:08 |
tanath | hackerboy, depends. right repositories for what? | 08:08 |
Wolfwalker | Yeah, for real. A friend of mine indexed his hard drive in Vista and it took up 400 megs ram o.O | 08:08 |
MasterShrek | no it worked with an older version of ubuntu | 08:08 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | nvm got it :D | 08:08 |
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tanath | hackerboy, generally, enabling all the official ubuntu repositories will get you all the apps you need | 08:08 |
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MasterShrek | breezy i think it was | 08:09 |
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Wolfwalker | The file is xubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso | 08:09 |
dystopianray | Wolfwalker: that is the livecd | 08:09 |
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dystopianray | Wolfwalker: alternate cd will say alternate instead of desktop | 08:09 |
Axioo | MasterShrek, breezy (6.10)? and now you're using 7.04? | 08:09 |
Wolfwalker | Ahh | 08:09 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | arg.. I opened up the universal repository and it still can't find the pisg package | 08:09 |
Wolfwalker | Thank you | 08:09 |
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[GN] ViRii[K] | and I know its there, cause its right here | 08:09 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/net/pisg | 08:09 |
Wolfwalker | |[GN] ViRii[K] :| That's what they made Google for :) | 08:10 |
MasterShrek | [GN] ViRii[K] , sudo apt-get update | 08:10 |
Axioo | MasterShrek, is it because of driver problem or any thing else? | 08:10 |
|_ocke | k ima restart and see what happens | 08:10 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | thanks MasterShrek | 08:10 |
tanath | [GN] ViRii[K] , did you update? | 08:10 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | I just did and it still isnt working | 08:10 |
bullgard4 | What files are stored in the /usr/lib/klibc directory? What does 'klibc' stand for? | 08:10 |
tanath | [GN] ViRii[K] , what MasterShrek said, or Reload in Synaptic | 08:10 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | I just did it, and it didnt work now either | 08:11 |
tanath | [GN] ViRii[K] , still can't install? what's the error? | 08:11 |
dystopianray | bullgard4: klibc is a small C library intended for kernel integration | 08:11 |
Wolfwalker | |[GN] ViRii[K] :| If you're already there, why not just download the .deb file and give it to synaptic to handle. | 08:11 |
Wolfwalker | ? | 08:11 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | Reading package lists... Done | 08:11 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | tyler@TyServ:~$ sudo apt-get install pisg | 08:11 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | Reading package lists... Done | 08:11 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | Building dependency tree... Done | 08:11 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | E: Couldn't find package pisg | 08:11 |
Wolfwalker | Oh | 08:11 |
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dystopianray | I noticed a missing package the other day when trying to install ndiswrapper-utils | 08:12 |
m0u5e | anyone know if there is a difference between xmbrowser and pYNeighborhood in the way it mounts samba shares? (cause i can't get pYneighborhood to work, and it seems to be a samba problem) | 08:12 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | Any ideas Wolfwalker? | 08:12 |
bullgard4 | dystopianray: Thank you very much for explaining. | 08:12 |
Axioo | MasterShrek, | 08:12 |
nominal | virii i see it listed in synaptic | 08:12 |
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Beta-guy | anyone here have expieriance with Linux on PS3 issues? | 08:13 |
tanath | hackerboy, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu | 08:13 |
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[GN] ViRii[K] | Hmm, any clue what Im doing wrong nominal? | 08:13 |
Guest49220 | Has anyone had problems with their monitor going into power save mode when installing ubuntu? | 08:13 |
tanath | hackerboy, disregard, sorry | 08:13 |
Shaye | nominal / EJ i think it can be done in a less complax way? i just want my server auto start BNC after boot, that's it | 08:13 |
tanath | [GN] ViRii[K] , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu | 08:13 |
Axioo | Master Shrek, so the way for me to connect to the internet is via supported modem or network (LAN or Wireless)? | 08:13 |
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Shaye | complex** | 08:14 |
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nominal | virii, nope try intall from synaptic | 08:14 |
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tanath | [GN] ViRii[K] , btw, do you know it's "viruses", not "virii"? | 08:14 |
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bruenig | it would be viri not virii | 08:15 |
tanath | which means 'men' | 08:15 |
m0u5e | its viruses because this aint latin :) | 08:15 |
bruenig | true | 08:15 |
m0u5e | same reason why its octupuses and not octipi | 08:15 |
tanath | vir = man. viri = men. | 08:15 |
bruenig | tanath, puella = girl | 08:15 |
tanath | :) | 08:15 |
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bruenig | aqua = water | 08:15 |
tanath | not on the internets :P | 08:15 |
|_ocke | ok, i have nv still | 08:16 |
hackerboy | tanath: disregard what. THe website you listed above | 08:16 |
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tanath | hackerboy, yeh. was meant for someone else | 08:16 |
|_ocke | and installing linux-image-k7 did nothign for bootup | 08:16 |
|_ocke | its still 2.6.17, though it said it aws installing 2.6.20 | 08:16 |
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m0u5e | hmm anyone know how to auto select a person name, instead of typing it everytime in response to someone? im using xchat-gnome | 08:17 |
m0u5e | it would be greatly appreciated thx :D | 08:17 |
xtknight | m0u5e, type the person's name and press <TAB> | 08:17 |
hackerboy | tanath: oh okay. Hey what if i just install/enabled all of my repositories will that effect anything | 08:17 |
bruenig | m0u5e, use xchat, use tab | 08:17 |
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dystopianray | m0u5e: most clients will let you tab complete names | 08:17 |
alf | can anyone help with my monitor going into power save mode when ubuntu tries to boot? | 08:17 |
sauvin | Type enough of the first few letters of the nick you want to address and then use the TAB key. | 08:17 |
tanath | hackerboy, it will enable you to install everything in the enabled repos | 08:17 |
m0u5e | dystopianray: ooh thx | 08:17 |
TBZ | ok, here I go installing my drivers, wish me luck :'( | 08:17 |
dystopianray | alf: what video card do you have? | 08:17 |
m0u5e | dystopianray: it works :D | 08:17 |
Wolfwalker | With this many people here, try typing the first three letters, then hit TAB | 08:17 |
alf | x800xl | 08:17 |
m0u5e | TY ALL :D | 08:17 |
manhha | cho | 08:17 |
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tanath | hackerboy, after you update the package list, of course | 08:18 |
TBZ | if I'm not back I have failed | 08:18 |
|_ocke | i think i need to disconnect the old hd in here | 08:18 |
|_ocke | im gonna try it and see what happens | 08:18 |
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bullgard4 | m0u5e: On the beginning of your input line type the first three or so letters of the name. Then press the tab key. | 08:18 |
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tanath | m0u5e, and you can hit tab more than once to cycle through if there's more with the same beginning | 08:19 |
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nominal | shaye http://pykeylogger.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu:Forums_FAQ#How_can_I_make_Ubuntu_execute_a_script_or_program_at_startup.3F | 08:19 |
m0u5e | bullgard4: ty :D | 08:19 |
nominal | don't see any easier way | 08:19 |
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m0u5e | tanath: ty :D | 08:19 |
Wolfwalker | Wow, ubuntu distros have STROOOOONG bit torrent support. 185kbps. | 08:19 |
infernuscrusher | mountpoint cannot contain characters newfile, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /) error | 08:19 |
Wolfwalker | Unfortunately, that's as fast as I can download it. | 08:19 |
infernuscrusher | when trying to mount external hard disk | 08:19 |
m0u5e | wolfwalker: try deluge :) | 08:19 |
tanath | m0u5e, np. tab completion is handy and works in several apps. should work in terminal too | 08:19 |
m0u5e | tanath: :D | 08:20 |
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Wolfwalker | |m0u5e:| I'm currently on Windows XP. What is deluge? | 08:20 |
Wolfwalker | !deluge | 08:20 |
ubotu | deluge is a new Bittorrent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured client to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce - See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information or http://download.deluge-torrent.org/stable/ubuntu/feisty/ for downloading. | 08:20 |
m0u5e | lol when i asked that question, it was almost like... "how do i get +20 nrg with a rogue?" | 08:20 |
sauvin | tanath, it does, but only if the shell you're using supports it. Bash DOES. | 08:20 |
m0u5e | wolfwalker: oh, if you're using XP then use uTorrent | 08:20 |
adamorjames | hwy compwiz | 08:20 |
tanath | Wolfwalker, i find ktorrent to be the best. fast and efficient | 08:20 |
adamorjames | *hey | 08:20 |
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Wolfwalker | I'm using Bit Comet, which does well enough | 08:20 |
compwiz | hey adamorjames | 08:20 |
tanath | sauvin, yeh. i use zsh | 08:20 |
infernuscrusher | hey somebody help1 | 08:20 |
compwiz | adamorjames, no cake | 08:20 |
infernuscrusher | mountpoint cannot contain characters newfile, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /) error | 08:20 |
infernuscrusher | mountpoint cannot contain characters newfile, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /) error | 08:20 |
m0u5e | tanath, but for us who don't use kubuntu, deluge is great too :D its gotton a lot better in just a few months | 08:20 |
Juno | whats the terminal commadn to extract a tar.gz? | 08:20 |
adamorjames | ok compwiz | 08:20 |
infernuscrusher | when trying to mount external hard disk | 08:20 |
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tanath | m0u5e, i use gnome | 08:21 |
jkessler | sorry... | 08:21 |
jkessler | drunk. | 08:21 |
m0u5e | tanath, i used to use ktorrent, but the latest ver of deluge is really good | 08:21 |
tanath | m0u5e, deluge didn't work for me | 08:21 |
the_padawan | hi all, is there any way in ubuntu to switch to run level 3 = multi-user w/o graphical? | 08:21 |
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m0u5e | tanath: have you tried the latest ver:D | 08:21 |
infernuscrusher | !mount | 08:21 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 08:21 |
tanath | m0u5e, meh. to each their own | 08:21 |
the_padawan | i like to use that mode to save battery on my labtop | 08:21 |
tanath | m0u5e, depends when it was released... | 08:21 |
infernuscrusher | !fstab | 08:21 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 08:21 |
tanath | m0u5e, it was about a week ago | 08:22 |
Juno | whats the terminal command to extract a tar.gz? | 08:22 |
tanath | m0u5e, new version since then? | 08:22 |
the_padawan | Juno: tar xvfz archive.tar | 08:22 |
the_padawan | Juno: tar xvfz archive.tar.gz | 08:22 |
infernuscrusher | !partitions | 08:22 |
jkessler | tar zxvf /path/ archive | 08:22 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 08:22 |
m0u5e | i didn't liek the new tab update for ktorrent, and since i reformatted and put xubuntu on, i needed to install bit again | 08:22 |
xtknight | "tar xvf" also works | 08:22 |
Juno | where to i put the destination? | 08:22 |
xtknight | for both gz and bz32 | 08:22 |
infernuscrusher | !fstab | 08:22 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 08:22 |
tanath | gparted owns qtparted | 08:22 |
m0u5e | i'm using 0.5.4 | 08:22 |
xtknight | Juno, hmm it goes in the current dir by default | 08:22 |
Juno | roger that | 08:22 |
Juno | thank you | 08:22 |
infernuscrusher | can anybody help? | 08:23 |
Walls7 | im on livecd right now and on gparted, i want to resize my windows partion so i can put more GB's into ubuntu, but it gives me to different "unallocated" partions, one for windows and one for linux, but i want those free space combined. can anyone help? | 08:23 |
=== TBZ [n=st33ldi9@rrcs-24-172-7-26.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
infernuscrusher | or not? | 08:23 |
TBZ | =/ | 08:23 |
xtknight | Juno, most tar .gzs have one directory inside them, so most of the time it wont make a mess of you current dir | 08:23 |
Neural_Overload | Is there a way to run a program from the terminal without the terminal being hooked to that program? | 08:23 |
TBZ | How can I close down Gnome and go to hard terminal | 08:23 |
xtknight | Neural_Overload, "program &" | 08:23 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | tanath: Ive seen this link before, it doesnt help me | 08:23 |
the_padawan | yeah but it depends on how kind the archive creaters are | 08:23 |
the_padawan | hi all, is there any way in ubuntu to switch to run level 3 = multi-user w/o graphical? | 08:23 |
[GN] ViRii[K] | I followed the instructions and unlocked the universal reps and still nothing | 08:23 |
Neural_Overload | xtknight: like... irssi & | 08:23 |
Neural_Overload | ? | 08:23 |
xtknight | Neural_Overload, yea | 08:24 |
nominal | infernuscrusher, are you plugging a usb drive w/ ntfs on it? | 08:24 |
m0u5e | walls7: if the free space is next to each other, it would automatically be combined | 08:24 |
infernuscrusher | mountpoint cannot contain characters newfile, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /) error when trying to mount xternal hdd | 08:24 |
MasterShrek | the_padawan, telinit 3 i believe | 08:24 |
tanath | infernuscrusher, it appears it thinks your mount point (/media/something ?) has a / in the name... | 08:24 |
hackerboy | tanath: okay then so its okay to just install/enbale all of the repotories then. | 08:24 |
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Walls7 | m0u5e: no they arnt next to each other | 08:24 |
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MasterShrek | the_padawan, u may need to be root though | 08:24 |
the_padawan | MasterShrek: it does not work in ubuntu. it appears to be set to be exactly the same as level 5 | 08:24 |
m0u5e | Walls7: you can't move partitions back, so you're screwed i guess :X | 08:24 |
infernuscrusher | yes i am plugging an ntfs hdd to ubuntu | 08:24 |
MasterShrek | strange | 08:24 |
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infernuscrusher | how do i fix this? | 08:24 |
nominal | infernuscrusher, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3091731 | 08:24 |
tanath | hackerboy, enable, yes. then update and your system can 'see' the packages in those repos and you can install them | 08:24 |
Axioo | Anyone from Indonesia ? Jakarta especialy? | 08:24 |
MasterShrek | !ntfs-3g | infernuscrusher | 08:24 |
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m0u5e | walls7: if the freespace is after your ubuntu partition, you should be able to add it to the ubuntu part, but if its before it, then you're screwd :X | 08:24 |
ubotu | infernuscrusher: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 08:25 |
the_padawan | MasterShrek: as i understand, what redhat sets as level 3 ubuntu does not have by default. ubuntu treats init levels 2-5 as the same thing (as does debian) | 08:25 |
compwiz | adamorjames, will try for cake again soon :) | 08:25 |
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MasterShrek | then i have no idea the_padawan | 08:25 |
infernuscrusher | thank you | 08:25 |
adamorjames | ok compwiz | 08:25 |
xtknight | Neural_Overload, well "irssi &" will probably do nothing since irssi is a terminal client? | 08:25 |
the_padawan | MasterShrek: aite, will continue looking into it, thanks anyway | 08:25 |
Juno | what about a command to copy a file to a folder with overwrite? | 08:25 |
Lo_Pan | screen irssi | 08:25 |
Neural_Overload | xtknight: True, I thought aboutt hat after I said it | 08:25 |
TBZ | MasterShrek: Hey, how can I close down Gnome and all and get to terminal without virtual console or rebooting safe mode kernel? | 08:25 |
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tanath | hackerboy, some repos may have legal issues (patents and such) in some countries | 08:25 |
Walls7 | m0u5e: the thing is, i resize my windows partion so it gives 10GB of free space. but the free space partion that windows uses is on top of ubunu, so it wont take GB's from there | 08:25 |
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compwiz | yay cake! | 08:26 |
xtknight | Neural_Overload, :) | 08:26 |
tanath | [GN] ViRii[K] , why not? | 08:26 |
Neural_Overload | xtknight: im tired :P | 08:26 |
nominal | wait till he tries to write to the ntfs drive.. ;) | 08:26 |
=== Radio [n=null@pool-71-106-243-56.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | i dont know what you are asking TBZ | 08:26 |
Walls7 | m0u5e: so theres nothing i can do? | 08:26 |
cjae | using ktorrent if someone actually selected the wrong download directory for several files | 08:26 |
monkeybritches | i like cake | 08:26 |
m0u5e | Walls7: yeah pretty much... :( | 08:26 |
TBZ | I want to go to my shell, without GUI, but... I don't want to reboot my recovery kernel | 08:26 |
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Radio | what exactly is samba used for? | 08:26 |
m0u5e | Walls7: well you can always copy your home folder to an external / different HD, then reformat ubuntu, and move it all back? | 08:26 |
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cjae | how do I put them in right directory | 08:26 |
xtknight | !samba | Radio | 08:26 |
ubotu | Radio: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 08:26 |
Juno | whats the command to move a file and overwrite? | 08:26 |
dystopianray | Radio: mounting and servring SMB shares | 08:27 |
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m0u5e | walls7: dunno if you want to do that though | 08:27 |
Radio | SMB? | 08:27 |
djkorn_ | wuzup!? | 08:27 |
MasterShrek | TBZ, ctrl+alt+f1, then as root /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 08:27 |
xtknight | server message block | 08:27 |
Radio | ah | 08:27 |
xtknight | fancy way of saying file and printer sharing | 08:27 |
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xtknight | and some other ..stuff | 08:27 |
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TBZ | MasterShrek: gotcha! thanks | 08:27 |
Walls7 | so thats all i would need to save, Home folder? | 08:27 |
Radio | so samba will allow me to transfer files between ubuntu/windows partitions? | 08:27 |
tanath | [GN] ViRii[K] , ok, if you have enabled the repos, and updated, you should have no problem installing the package. otherwise, either the repo wasn't properly added, or your update didn't go as planned :P | 08:27 |
dystopianray | Radio: it is one possible method | 08:27 |
xtknight | Radio, not partitions. that's a filesystem driver. it lets you connect to a windows pc | 08:27 |
djkorn_ | so anyone can tell whats the best OSX DOCK alike with ubuntu??? | 08:27 |
cjae | anyone catch that | 08:27 |
Radio | oh ok | 08:28 |
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m0u5e | btw, does anyone know how to reinitialize swap permanently? not just swapon dev/hd## | 08:28 |
dystopianray | Radio: it's for file sharing over a network | 08:28 |
tanath | [GN] ViRii[K] , try this instead: http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/ | 08:28 |
Radio | hrrmmm | 08:28 |
Lta3 | I can't log into Ubuntu on a different computer after upgrading to 7.04. How can I access the files in that account to back them up, so that I can reinstall, OR- how can I reset the password and regain access to the account? | 08:28 |
dystopianray | m0u5e: put it in /etc/fstab | 08:28 |
xtknight | Radio, but you can use the ntfs and ntfs-3g drivers to read and write to windows partitions, respectively | 08:28 |
xtknight | ( locally ) | 08:28 |
m0u5e | dystopianray: how do i do that? | 08:28 |
Walls7 | m0u5e: so al i would need to save is Home folder? | 08:28 |
dystopianray | m0u5e: edit /etc/fstab as root, you should have another swap entry in there, the one from the install, copy that line and change the partition it uses | 08:29 |
Juno | will someone just tell me the command to move a file and overwrite? | 08:29 |
hackerboy | tanath: okay thnx alot. i'll give it a try see what happens. wait also i cant install envy on mine for some reason | 08:29 |
m0u5e | Walls7: you'll have to reinstall apps too, so you might wanna get your apps from cache (if they're all still there) | 08:29 |
nominal | juno mv | 08:29 |
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Juno | thank you | 08:29 |
Radio | whats the difference between ntfs and the ntfs-3g drivers? | 08:29 |
dystopianray | Lta3: you can boot a livecd on the machine, mount the root partition, chroot in and run passwd to reset the password | 08:29 |
xtknight | Juno, mv source dest | 08:29 |
bullgard4 | dystopianray: What is the function or role of the executable program 'sleep' in /usr/lib/klibc/bin/sleep? | 08:29 |
nominal | yw | 08:29 |
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m0u5e | dystopianray: oh oops, haha thx | 08:29 |
Walls7 | m0u5e: i jsut installed ubuntu anyway so i really dont have much | 08:29 |
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dystopianray | bullgard4: man sleep | 08:29 |
HardandFast | dude, the mariwana keeps me high -- like a kite | 08:29 |
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m0u5e | walls7: yeah, pretty much all your settings is in home, so just copy that and you're set | 08:30 |
bullgard4 | dystopianray: I will read man sleep. -- Thank you. | 08:30 |
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Walls7 | m0u5e: copy that to a new partion? | 08:30 |
Lta3 | dystopianray: what is chroot? | 08:30 |
xtknight | m0u5e, Walls7 make sure you copy with hidden files if you're doing "select all/copy" in /home/$USER/ | 08:30 |
m0u5e | walls7: well copy that to an external hd, your reformatting right? | 08:30 |
tanath | hackerboy, envy doesn't appear to be in my repos... | 08:30 |
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m0u5e | xtknight: if he copies 'home/user' it should be fine right? | 08:31 |
dystopianray | Lta3: it's used to change /, so it effectively gives you a root shell within your ubuntu install | 08:31 |
Walls7 | m0u5e: yea | 08:31 |
xtknight | m0u5e, not sure. "sudo cp -a" is the way i always do it, it's perfect | 08:31 |
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|_ocke | ok removing the old hd fixed my kernel woes | 08:31 |
|_ocke | im runnign 2.6.20 now | 08:31 |
xtknight | i think if you right click 'andy' under /home, for example, it will also copy hidens | 08:31 |
xtknight | hiddens* | 08:31 |
m0u5e | Walls7: well listen to xtkight then :D, i usually have no prob when i select a root folder, but if you want to be safe use sudo cp- a :) | 08:31 |
Lta3 | dystopianray: cool. thanks. I'll give it a shot | 08:31 |
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|_ocke | no nvidia yet though | 08:31 |
xtknight | i just dont trust nautilus as much as "cp -a" sometimes :) | 08:31 |
m0u5e | xtknight: lol | 08:31 |
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Neural_Overload | xtknight: what does cp -a do? | 08:32 |
m0u5e | hey, anyone know a drop down terminal (like yuquake) for xfce4? | 08:32 |
hackerboy | tanath: uh on mine envys under applications>system tools list | 08:32 |
infernuscrusher | i have installed ntfs-3g to read ntfs xternal hdd but it doesnt work | 08:32 |
Walls7 | m0u5e: can i copy the files on the livecd? | 08:32 |
infernuscrusher | still the same message | 08:32 |
xtknight | Neural_Overload, copy recursively, all folders underneath the specified one | 08:32 |
Neural_Overload | I see | 08:32 |
infernuscrusher | mountpoint cannot contain characters newfile, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /) error when trying to mount xternal hdd | 08:32 |
xtknight | "cp -a" = "copy all" | 08:32 |
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m0u5e | Walls7: you should be able to... | 08:32 |
hackerboy | tanath: is this because we both have different versions of ubuntu | 08:32 |
tanath | hackerboy, that means it's installed | 08:32 |
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dystopianray | infernuscrusher: install ntfs-config and use that to set ntfs write capabilities | 08:32 |
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Neural_Overload | xtknight: So that would essentially copy your entire drive, no? | 08:32 |
tanath | hackerboy, did you download the package from the website or something? | 08:33 |
helpjeff_ | hello | 08:33 |
|_ocke | im still running generic though | 08:33 |
m0u5e | Walls7: it's easier just to back it all up now though? | 08:33 |
|_ocke | i want k7 | 08:33 |
xtknight | Neural_Overload, it could. but it can also do just the folder you specify. | 08:33 |
helpjeff_ | i find driver for lexmark z735 | 08:33 |
Neural_Overload | I see | 08:33 |
xtknight | Neural_Overload, "all" refers to the fact it ALSO copies all dirs under the specified one | 08:33 |
helpjeff_ | openpriniting write z730 work properly with generic postscript | 08:33 |
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helpjeff_ | but not z735 | 08:33 |
xtknight | Neural_Overload, /home/andy/myfolder1 would be copied via "cp -a /home/andy /destination" | 08:33 |
m0u5e | Walls7: if you don't have another comp, i suppose you could make a new part after your current ubuntu one, and dump it there for now, bu t thats just long and painful -_-; | 08:33 |
Neural_Overload | I see | 08:33 |
xtknight | and all folders under myfolder1 also. it's multi-level recursion | 08:33 |
tanath | hackerboy, you're on 'ubuntu ultimate' aren't you? you have different repos with other software, including envy i suppose | 08:33 |
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Neural_Overload | OH | 08:34 |
Neural_Overload | I get it | 08:34 |
m0u5e | ubuntu ultimate? lol | 08:34 |
TBZ | MasterShrek: That still leave X running | 08:34 |
xtknight | $400 version of ubuntu with activation requirements? :) | 08:34 |
MasterShrek | do killall gdm | 08:34 |
infernuscrusher | i have installed libfuse2 | 08:34 |
infernuscrusher | fuse-utils | 08:34 |
infernuscrusher | libntfs-3g | 08:34 |
infernuscrusher | ntfs-3g | 08:34 |
infernuscrusher | ntfs-config | 08:34 |
TBZ | MasterShrek: kk | 08:34 |
infernuscrusher | and configured to read and write from applications > system tools > ntfs configuration | 08:34 |
m0u5e | anyone know how i can use Thunar to samba into a windows computer? | 08:35 |
Neural_Overload | xtknight: Thanks for clarifying that :) | 08:35 |
infernuscrusher | but still the same msg | 08:35 |
m0u5e | or is that impossible? :( | 08:35 |
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xtknight | m0u5e, does the address "samba:///" or "smb:///" take you anywhere in thunar? | 08:35 |
MasterShrek | m0u5e, if the samba share is mounted | 08:35 |
infernuscrusher | mountpoint cannot contain characters newfile, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /) error when trying to mount xternal hdd | 08:35 |
xtknight | or, perhaps, "thunar smb:///" | 08:35 |
Walls7 | m0u5e: meh ill just install a fresh ubuntu.. thanks for the help! | 08:35 |
m0u5e | mastershrek: well in ubuntu, i can use it to acces m$ root shares | 08:35 |
tanath | hackerboy, yeh, ubuntu ultimate is unofficial i believe. just as more default software. nothing you can't really get in an official release if you want | 08:35 |
Juno | is there a way i can work as root? | 08:35 |
m0u5e | Walls7: np, sorry i couldnt be of more help :( | 08:35 |
xtknight | !root | Juno | 08:35 |
ubotu | Juno: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 08:35 |
nominal | infernuscrusher, are you getting that error when you plug in the drive and turn it on? | 08:36 |
m0u5e | xtknight: nope :( | 08:36 |
xtknight | i love that factoid. it goes like movie and gives suspense. | 08:36 |
infernuscrusher | yes | 08:36 |
hackerboy | tanath: okay because ive been trying to use the 3D graphics on my linux but dont how on this one. Because on my other computer i had the original linux and it wasnt that hard. thats why i asked these questions | 08:36 |
bullgard4 | - | 08:36 |
Juno | I'm trying to get away from using sudo and the terminal for EVERYTHING | 08:36 |
infernuscrusher | when trying to plug it in | 08:36 |
infernuscrusher | the error msg comes up | 08:36 |
nominal | i just turn the drive on, and it detects it auto | 08:36 |
m0u5e | xtknight: it takes me no where | 08:36 |
xtknight | Juno, everything being what? :P | 08:36 |
Walls7 | I've been hearing that xubuntu is better than ubuntu, is there much of a differece? | 08:36 |
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xtknight | m0u5e, ok i guess you will have to mount the samba share to a dir with smb or cifs, then access that via thunar | 08:36 |
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tanath | hackerboy, i used to have a problem with that, but since i started using feisty i just used the default and it just worked | 08:37 |
infernuscrusher | and i cant access the drive | 08:37 |
xtknight | Walls7, not better, maybe faster for other PCs | 08:37 |
hackerboy | tanath: okay then im going to try and get the version you have. Because yours seems to be a workable one mines not. | 08:37 |
Juno | I'm trying to extract a file into a folder, but I dont have permission to | 08:37 |
xtknight | Walls7, older PCs* | 08:37 |
Juno | and I dont know enough about the terminal to do it | 08:37 |
WaltzingAlong | Walls7: ubuntu is ubuntu; xubuntu is ubuntu but with xfce as the gui; same with kubuntu, is ubuntu with kde as the gui. from ubuntu, install xubuntu-desktop to get "xubuntu" | 08:37 |
m0u5e | Walls7: well... i use xubuntu, but thats partly b/c of my slow system | 08:37 |
tanath | hackerboy, well, you do have different hardware.. | 08:37 |
pete83 | Walls7: compare their looks here: http://www.thecodingstudio.com/opensource/linux/screenshots/index.php | 08:37 |
xtknight | Juno, what folder are you trying to extract it to? | 08:37 |
xtknight | Juno, anything under your home dir shouldnt require "permissions" | 08:37 |
m0u5e | Walls7: i've found xubuntu is generally cleaner and faster, but doesn't have everything that ubuntu has | 08:37 |
nominal | infernuscrusher, dunno what to tell you.. it works for me, even on vista partitions | 08:37 |
WaltzingAlong | well i prefer kde and xfce to gnome, actually prefer fluxbox to gnome; and besides, i switch among these three | 08:37 |
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Juno | you want the whole directory? | 08:38 |
hackerboy | tanath: or u able to download applications on line to your desktop and then open them to your linux, b/c i cant on mine. | 08:38 |
xtknight | Juno, the path? yea | 08:38 |
Juno | /usr/src/.... | 08:38 |
tanath | hackerboy, one thing to consider, ultimate is unofficial and therefore doesn't have the support that official ubuntu releases have. you can file bug reports & stuff. with ultimate you have to rely on the maintainer | 08:38 |
m0u5e | Walls7: i've ended up having to install some gnome libraries anyways, but its not that bad since xubuntu uses a lot of GTK stuff anyways | 08:38 |
helpjeff_ | thank ypu | 08:38 |
WaltzingAlong | m0u5e: but of course anything you want to install in xubuntu/ubuntu/kubuntu you can | 08:38 |
xtknight | Juno, ah ok. | 08:38 |
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Walls7 | m0u5e, pete83, WaltzingAlong: thanks | 08:38 |
infernuscrusher | my internal laptop hdd is partitioned to hold windows and linux | 08:38 |
m0u5e | WaltzingAlong: yup :) | 08:38 |
tanath | hackerboy, sure you can... why can't you?? | 08:38 |
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infernuscrusher | in gnome partition editor, it says "unable to find mountpoint" for windows partition | 08:38 |
xtknight | Juno, well if you want to give your user permissions there, then try "sudo chmod a+w /usr/src" | 08:38 |
infernuscrusher | but i can still access the drive | 08:38 |
tanath | hackerboy, for most stuff you shouldn't need to though.... pretty much everything you need should be in the repos | 08:38 |
m0u5e | WaltzingAlong: i generally try not to though, it slows down my system :( | 08:39 |
xtknight | Juno, you will need to do it for any folders under that to which you will need access, as well. | 08:39 |
m0u5e | WaltzingAlong: especially K- things | 08:39 |
WaltzingAlong | m0u5e: yeah i can understand sticking with the packages that come with the distro | 08:39 |
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xtknight | Juno, it would be helpful to know what your end goal is though. | 08:39 |
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xtknight | (what are you extracting to /usr/src/?) | 08:39 |
tanath | infernuscrusher, i think either the directory it's trying to mount to doesn't exist, or it doesn't know where to mount it because it's not listed in /etc/fstab | 08:39 |
m0u5e | WaltzingAlong: but in terms of networking and samba, Thunar just can't do what i need it to do :( | 08:39 |
maxagaz | is there a command to recursively copy a drawer into a ftp directory ? | 08:39 |
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Juno | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto | 08:40 |
xtknight | a drawer? | 08:40 |
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xtknight | gnome feature perhaps? | 08:40 |
syte | has anyone used envy with the 8600 gt? i kind of want to play a few games so i cant wait till October | 08:40 |
infernuscrusher | is there a way to fix it? | 08:40 |
WaltzingAlong | m0u5e: even when i use xfce, i still am using amarok for audio and konqueror for file browsing and some web browsing | 08:40 |
Juno | I'm trying to do that, but update the realtek patch file to the newest version | 08:40 |
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xtknight | Juno, you can type "gksu nautilus" and that will give you sudo access to every folder. extract anyything anywhere you want. just make sure you know what you're doing | 08:40 |
WaltzingAlong | Juno: i have had issues with that one as well but was able to get sound working by modifying the modprobe.d/alsa-base | 08:41 |
deathblooms | Is the Screenlets Site still down. cause i cant install this | 08:41 |
m0u5e | WaltzingAlong: have you tried epiphany? i actually like it alot | 08:41 |
WaltzingAlong | m0u5e: no | 08:41 |
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m0u5e | WaltzingAlong: and i was losing faith in firefox, but recently it seems to have gotton a little faster and more stable | 08:41 |
tanath | m0u5e, it grows on you, eh? | 08:41 |
hackerboy | tanath: okay yeah im going to get the ubuntu u have. would it be possibel for u to help me install it so i dont have got threw the help menu and read everything about ultimate which didnt much help me at all. | 08:41 |
pete83 | WaltzingAlong: try firefox, it's not too bad | 08:41 |
m0u5e | tanath: which? :D | 08:41 |
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WaltzingAlong | thanks all, i use firefox as well for browsing | 08:41 |
tanath | m0u5e, epiphany | 08:41 |
infernuscrusher | but i can still access the drive | 08:42 |
Neural_Overload | m0u5e: it can be even faster with versions compiled for your CPU architecture | 08:42 |
m0u5e | tanath: YES! haha, at first i was like... hmm its just kinda like firefox... but after a while, for simple browsing i use it more often! | 08:42 |
Juno | I'm just following the instructions on the howto. I dont know enough about linux yet to be screwing around with anything. | 08:42 |
infernuscrusher | in gnome partition editor, it says "unable to find mountpoint" for windows partition | 08:42 |
infernuscrusher | but i can still access the drive | 08:42 |
infernuscrusher | is there a way to fix it? | 08:42 |
tanath | hackerboy, you shouldn't need too much help. download image, burn to cd, boot from cd... run through simple installer | 08:42 |
deathblooms | Is the Screenlets Site still down. cause i cant install this | 08:42 |
pete83 | m0u5e: if you like epiphany, then you might really like dillo | 08:42 |
tanath | m0u5e, yeah, anything i just want to do quick | 08:43 |
m0u5e | Neural_Overload: wouldn't it be nice, if they implemented architecture types into packaging? | 08:43 |
tanath | m0u5e, firefox is kind of bogged down with all the crap in my profile. i use firefox when i'm gonna be on for a while | 08:43 |
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m0u5e | Neural_Overload: instea dof just having intel / x86, you would have different deb packages for everything :D | 08:43 |
xtknight | m0u5e, sarcasm? | 08:43 |
xtknight | oh | 08:43 |
m0u5e | tanath: yeah, i try not to install too many plugins | 08:43 |
xtknight | the subarchitectures | 08:43 |
cjae | any ktorrrent gurus out there | 08:43 |
xtknight | lol | 08:43 |
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tanath | m0u5e, yeh, but i couldn't do without them :D | 08:43 |
m0u5e | cjae: i used to use it... 6_6; | 08:43 |
xtknight | using 386 pkgs vs "core 2 duo" packages for firefox would gain you about 0.1% anyway :) | 08:44 |
m0u5e | tanath: what plugins you use :D | 08:44 |
tanath | m0u5e, hmm.... lets see... | 08:44 |
Neural_Overload | m0u5e: theres a version thats no longer maintained they was a recompiled version(s) of firefox called swiftfox | 08:44 |
m0u5e | xtknight: thats cause core 2 duo is hardly used to it's full potential yet :D | 08:44 |
xtknight | true | 08:44 |
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_r3 | ive been having issues all day with my nvidia driver and getting a reasonable screen size , ive gotten the problem narrowed down to this Failed to load nvidia kernel module | 08:44 |
deathblooms | Is the Screenlets Site still down. cause i cant install this | 08:44 |
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xtknight | firefox isnt multithreaded yet is it? at least not for individual tabs | 08:44 |
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tanath | Neural_Overload, that explains why i'm not getting updates anymore :P | 08:44 |
whyso | mplayer says error in initializing the selected video output device help? | 08:44 |
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m0u5e | xtknight: id ont think many apps are multithreaded yet :X | 08:44 |
hackerboy | tanath: okay. well actually all i need to know lastly is after installing it. how do i make turn it into 3D or can u on feisty | 08:45 |
tofaffy | I ran ./configure on camsource and it said I didn' thave jpeglib.h...how can I get it? It's not in the repos. | 08:45 |
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cjae | opps sorry | 08:45 |
WaltzingAlong | _r3: ok so you need the kernel module, no? were you installing from the repositories? | 08:45 |
tofaffy | !camsource | 08:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about camsource - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:45 |
Neural_Overload | tanath: Of course | 08:45 |
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m0u5e | honestly though, i dont care about optimzation for firefox as much as i care for optimzation of the i815 intel integrated graphics driver :/ | 08:45 |
xtknight | m0u5e, i take it back. firefox probably is multithreaded per tab or per window. but one slow website on one slow tab, there's no mulithreading there to ease the load | 08:45 |
Neural_Overload | tanath: Though, I wouldnt take my word for it as I cant remember where I saw that | 08:45 |
_r3 | ya i installed the -glx and -glx-legacy | 08:45 |
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tanath | Neural_Overload, k. i'll check. thx | 08:45 |
xtknight | i still cant visit chinese-character sites without being lagged to death on a core 2 duo :P | 08:45 |
Neural_Overload | tanath: Your welcome | 08:45 |
dystopianray | m0u5e: you have an i815 card? it's too old for anyone to really bother with optimising it these days | 08:45 |
m0u5e | xtknight: really it's already got multi-thread support? | 08:46 |
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m0u5e | dystopianray: DON'T say that! T__T | 08:46 |
cjae | m0u5e, ever put torrents in wrong folder and then try to get them back in right folder | 08:46 |
xtknight | m0u5e, i dont know | 08:46 |
m0u5e | cjae: i solve that problem by putitng all my torrents in one folder :) | 08:46 |
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dystopianray | m0u5e: the i9xx series is all the rage now, i8xx is too old | 08:46 |
m0u5e | dystopianray: i hear X3100 is quite nice too | 08:46 |
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xtknight | i'll stick with my 8800ultra sli :) | 08:47 |
m0u5e | dystopianray: but yeah, im running on a 815/845 (i really don't remember, its one of them) | 08:47 |
xtknight | jk i dont have that kind of money | 08:47 |
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m0u5e | i hated how Xp got bloated after a year, so i switched to linux | 08:47 |
dystopianray | m0u5e: X3100 is i965GM | 08:47 |
m0u5e | dystopianray: my bad :D | 08:47 |
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_r3 | no one has any advice for me? | 08:47 |
m0u5e | dystopianray: i guess X3100 is just the dev name? | 08:47 |
XimDev | hi there | 08:48 |
noodles12 | how come sometimes I can see my windows networked folders and sometimes i can't? it's just random? | 08:48 |
xtknight | _r3, try installing restricted modules | 08:48 |
J_5 | I have a simple problem, I think. My icons on the desktop background are huge. How do I fix this? | 08:48 |
xtknight | _r3, sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` | 08:48 |
m0u5e | noodles12: that could be a windows / router issue :D | 08:48 |
xtknight | noodles12, samba is flaky | 08:48 |
_r3 | doing now | 08:48 |
cjae | m0u5e, someone put them in wrong folder before I selected use the same folder all the time | 08:48 |
tanath | m0u5e, the ones i won't do without are: adblock plus, customizegoogle, download manager tweak, down them all, fasterfox, google browser sync, google gears, google notebook, google toolbar, greasemonkey, mouse gestures, noscript, openbook, resizeable form fields, smartsearch, tab mix plus | 08:48 |
xtknight | best answer i can give you :\ | 08:48 |
=== cronic [i=cronic@rrcs-71-43-65-53.se.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
m0u5e | noodles12: if you can see it once, im guessing its not your computer :) | 08:48 |
dystopianray | m0u5e: hrrm i'm not sure exaclty how the naming works, i think X3100 is the name of the video hardware included with i965GM chipsets | 08:48 |
cronic | Good evening | 08:48 |
XimDev | I can't include ncurses in ubuntu!! | 08:48 |
m0u5e | cjae: so is it just that you can't find it anymore? | 08:48 |
_r3 | linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-28-386 is already the newest version. | 08:48 |
_r3 | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 08:48 |
Neural_Overload | tanath: It seems its not dead | 08:48 |
m0u5e | cjae: if you have the original torrent file still, it'll be easy to put them back in the original folder :) | 08:49 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, oh. thx | 08:49 |
XimDev | urgent help, i can't compile a c program with ncurses in ubuntu | 08:49 |
noodles12 | xtknight: it's the built in samba functionality in nautilus, i havn't installed samba at all. is there a way to restart or reset nautilus' samba? | 08:49 |
xtknight | noodles12, i dont think so | 08:49 |
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xtknight | noodles12, not nautilus' implementation specifically anyway | 08:49 |
m0u5e | tanath: get rid of download manager tweak, faster fox, and adblock plus | 08:49 |
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cronic | Im using the latest version of Ubuntu with a default install off the website. Im trying to figure out which drivers to download for my DWL-520 (wireless network card). Im using amd64 version of Ubuntu. | 08:49 |
xtknight | noodles12, mount it via smb/cifs it's a lot more reliable that way | 08:49 |
m0u5e | tanath: no script does it all :) | 08:49 |
Neural_Overload | tanath: I just looked in the swiftfox forum. there was a post by the maintainer on the 6th of this month announcing the release of | 08:49 |
tanath | m0u5e, why? | 08:49 |
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m0u5e | tanath: and the built in adblock for firefox is actually pretty good | 08:49 |
cronic | Wow this place is busy | 08:49 |
noodles12 | xtknight: not sure how to do that but i'll check it out | 08:49 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, k. thx. i'll use FF 'till then | 08:50 |
tanath | m0u5e, since when is there a built in one? | 08:50 |
m0u5e | tanath: fasterfox doesn't really do much, it just ends up slowing down firefox even more | 08:50 |
xtknight | hm i love fasterfox | 08:50 |
cjae | m0u5e, moved them back there then it asks to recreate data and then I starts it again the wrong folder and from scratch no less | 08:50 |
xtknight | i think swiftfox isnt much improvement though | 08:50 |
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cjae | m0u5e, -I +it | 08:50 |
tanath | m0u5e, not so. i use it in rfc compatible mode though.. | 08:50 |
m0u5e | cjae: move it to your default folder, and just click "check file integrity" | 08:50 |
XimDev | ubuntu help: i can't compile a c program with ncurses in ubuntu | 08:50 |
Neural_Overload | tanath: what I mean is, is already out (It came out on the 6th of this month) | 08:51 |
xtknight | XimDev, what's the erorr? | 08:51 |
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xtknight | XimDev, you might need ncurses dev packages. | 08:51 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, woops, my bad | 08:51 |
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noodles12 | xtknight: smb://ipaddress ?? | 08:51 |
XimDev | a simple No such file or directory | 08:51 |
xtknight | noodles12, i think | 08:51 |
m0u5e | tanath: well, the page cache thing it does is just stupid, firefox has the same feature built in | 08:51 |
wers | how do I know my sound card model on ubuntu? | 08:51 |
compwiz | XimDev, do you have ncurses development package installed? | 08:51 |
noodles12 | xtknight: yea that's it. u rock! | 08:51 |
xtknight | noodles12, that's not how to mount it, if that's what you mean | 08:51 |
Neural_Overload | tanath: Lol, no prob | 08:51 |
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tanath | Neural_Overload, my head is nodding from lack of sleep :D | 08:51 |
XimDev | dev? | 08:51 |
XimDev | lemme check | 08:51 |
xtknight | XimDev, sudo apt-get install libncurses-dev | 08:51 |
cronic | Does anyone know if I Have to download a 64bit driver for my network card to use ndiswrapper? | 08:51 |
cronic | Im a bit confused with it | 08:51 |
xtknight | hmm | 08:52 |
m0u5e | tanath: spamming web pages won't necessarily get your web pages loaded faster, it'll just suck up bandwidth | 08:52 |
tanath | m0u5e, fasterfox doesn't add ANY features. just tweaks config | 08:52 |
Neural_Overload | tanath: Eh, same here actually. What time is it where you are? | 08:52 |
noodles12 | xtknight: it doesn't mount but i can see the folder. i think window's networked folder access is screwy... even on my brothers xp. i can't see it but if you phsyically type in the address into explorer it'll show up | 08:52 |
wers | how do I know my sound card model? | 08:52 |
xtknight | noodles12, ahh | 08:52 |
m0u5e | tanath: yeah, but the default firefox configs are fine for most purposes :X | 08:52 |
tanath | m0u5e, i set it to RFC compatible so i'm not hitting sites like crazy | 08:52 |
xtknight | wers, sudo lshw -class sound | 08:52 |
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tanath | m0u5e, it just improves them a bit | 08:52 |
m0u5e | tanath: ah, yeah, that should be fine | 08:52 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, 2:52am | 08:52 |
nominal | cronic i dunno if you need to use 64bit, but i'd use try host ap drivers for that card | 08:52 |
m0u5e | tanath: but i've noticed that when i have the plugin enabled, even though "thereotically" it shouldnt slow it down, it slows it down :/ | 08:52 |
cjae | m0u5e, didn't work | 08:52 |
nominal | prism based right? | 08:53 |
tanath | m0u5e, then do the tweaks yourself without it :P | 08:53 |
Neural_Overload | tanath: thats quite a bit later than where I am, you must be east coast. Its 11:53PM here | 08:53 |
xtknight | ya 2:53 east :( | 08:53 |
Neural_Overload | California FTW! | 08:54 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, i've been up since 8:11am my time. now it's 2:54am the next day | 08:54 |
_r3 | im hoping to have my desktop at 1024x768 before i hit the hay :\ | 08:54 |
_r3 | almost 2 am | 08:54 |
m0u5e | tanath: lol | 08:54 |
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Neural_Overload | tanath, Im approaching the next day | 08:54 |
cronic | *burp* | 08:54 |
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cronic | 3am sucks | 08:54 |
tanath | _r3, what's the prob? | 08:54 |
m0u5e | tanath: i've found that if i tweak anything too much, i end up making it slower for certain web pages :( | 08:54 |
_r3 | Failed to load nvidia kernel module | 08:54 |
howlingmadhowie | it's 9am here :) | 08:54 |
m0u5e | cjae: did you get my chat msg? | 08:54 |
Neural_Overload | m0u5e, fasterfox is a peice of junk IMHO | 08:55 |
_r3 | thats when i use the "nvidia" driver | 08:55 |
xtknight | howlingmadhowie, eh? here=? | 08:55 |
tanath | m0u5e, define tweaking too much :P if you exceed the specs, some sites may punish you for it | 08:55 |
m0u5e | neural_overload: im not the one who uses it :D | 08:55 |
_r3 | i can use "nv" no problem but im locked to 800x600 | 08:55 |
cronic | Anyone familiar with wireless network cards, 64bit, and ndiswrapper? =) | 08:55 |
dystopianray | cronic: which network card? | 08:55 |
cronic | DWL-520 - Dlink | 08:55 |
Neural_Overload | m0u5e, Oh :P | 08:55 |
dystopianray | cronic: which wifi chip does it use? | 08:55 |
cronic | That one I don't know. :( | 08:56 |
cronic | I can google It I imagine... | 08:56 |
dystopianray | cronic: look in lspci | 08:56 |
nominal | i think it's prism | 08:56 |
XimDev | thanks downloaded ncurses-dev and its working | 08:56 |
howlingmadhowie | xtknight: um, there? | 08:56 |
m0u5e | tanath: i just don't use it, firefox doesn't have its plugin feature done well,and ends up just sucking up memory and making it more bloated :( | 08:56 |
tanath | _r3, hm. i haven't tried envy, but it may help. have you tried it? | 08:56 |
_r3 | yes | 08:56 |
xtknight | howlingmadhowie, where is it 9am? (3am here in US east) | 08:56 |
_r3 | errors also | 08:56 |
howlingmadhowie | xtknight: cet | 08:57 |
howlingmadhowie | _r3: you using gnome? | 08:57 |
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tanath | _r3, have you tried deleting the relevent section of the xorg.conf file and letting it autodetect and use that? | 08:57 |
nephish | howlingmadhowie, where are you ? | 08:57 |
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xtknight | ah centrual european | 08:57 |
_r3 | it works if i use "nv" for the driver | 08:57 |
Neural_Overload | m0u5e, what browser do you use mainly? | 08:57 |
_r3 | but then i cant change my res. | 08:57 |
tanath | _r3, also, are you sure you have the drivers installed properly? no multiple versions installed and such? | 08:57 |
tanath | _r3, is that what it chooses? | 08:58 |
_r3 | it uses nv | 08:58 |
_r3 | nvidia doesnt load get a kernal error | 08:58 |
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howlingmadhowie | nephish: in the little ol' european state of germany | 08:58 |
_r3 | but how do i tell if i have multiple drivers installed? | 08:58 |
nephish | cool | 08:58 |
m0u5e | Neural_Overload: i use firefox, but i only use tabmixplus (which i wouldn't mind a replacement for) and noscript | 08:58 |
tanath | _r3, sometimes when loading kernel modules and crap, you'll get a version mismatch error | 08:59 |
Neural_Overload | m0u5e, I use.... too many plugins | 08:59 |
m0u5e | Neural_Overload: i use epiphany for small web browsing, and fasterfox for sites that i hit often | 08:59 |
dystopianray | cronic: are there 64-bit windows drivers available for your card? | 08:59 |
m0u5e | Neural_Overload: in my experience no script and tabsmixplus is all i need :D | 08:59 |
_r3 | well something is mismatching | 08:59 |
Anarch | How do I find what package contains some executable? | 08:59 |
m0u5e | cjae: you still there? :X | 08:59 |
m0u5e | Neural_Overload: what do you use? | 09:00 |
tanath | _r3, where exactly are you getting the error? | 09:00 |
Neural_Overload | Tabmixplus, Noscript, Passwordmaker, Bugmenot | 09:00 |
howlingmadhowie | _r3: a few questions: you've probably already done this, but it would help me if you pasted on pastebin: lshw, /etc/X11/xorg.conf and the kernel error you get when you modprobe the nvidia module | 09:00 |
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_r3 | sec | 09:00 |
Neural_Overload | m0u5e, Those are the 4 I have installed | 09:00 |
godlygeek | so, in the interest of learning to do things the right way - If i want to remove a package (say, xscreensaver) and NOT remove xubuntu-desktop (which depends it), what are my options? :) | 09:00 |
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nominal | godlygeek, i'd use synaptic package manager :) | 09:01 |
tanath | bloody hell! sleep would be nice, but my fire alarm keeps going off for 2 seconds every minute | 09:01 |
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xtknight | Anarch, if the pkg/exec is already installed, "dpkg -S /file" if not, "apt-file search /file" | 09:01 |
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godlygeek | nominal: i don't think that helps? wouldn't synaptic also not let me do that, since it would be breaking xubuntu-desktop? | 09:01 |
m0u5e | Neural_Overload: it doesnt seem like too much :D | 09:02 |
dystopianray | tanath: is there a fire? | 09:02 |
howlingmadhowie | _r3: also, if you're using gnome, look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=400035 | 09:02 |
tanath | dystopianray, not that i know of | 09:02 |
xtknight | Anarch, for apt-file you have to install it and do "sudo apt-file update" before doing any searches. on alternative to apt-file search is http://packages.ubuntu.com/ | 09:02 |
Anarch | xtknight: Thanks, trying both | 09:02 |
=== tanath sniffs... listens... | ||
m0u5e | Neural_Overload: only reason i dont have a password maker is cause it'd be a pain to move from computer to computer | 09:02 |
=== tanath shrugs | ||
godlygeek | nominal: i mean, it would try to get me to remove xubuntu-desktop, which i certainly don't want to do since that does god-awful things to dist-upgrades. :) | 09:02 |
tanath | dystopianray, if there were, i'd think it would stay on | 09:02 |
_r3 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33309/plain/ | 09:03 |
tanath | xtknight, apt-get? | 09:03 |
nominal | godlygeek, just have to get rid of the screensaver and can't just turn it off or something? ;)) | 09:03 |
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syte | I'm new to ubuntu, so i wondering if there are any books that are extremely good for learning linux? | 09:03 |
xtknight | tanath, ? | 09:03 |
cronic | dystopianray - looks like Atheros Communications | 09:03 |
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godlygeek | nominal: i find getting rid of packages to be easier than figuring out how to turn them off. :) | 09:03 |
dystopianray | cronic: atheros should 'just work' | 09:03 |
=== ParaDoX34690 [n=ParaDoX@pool-71-99-197-153.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tanath | xtknight, you wrote apt-file... don't you mean apt-get? | 09:03 |
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xtknight | tanath, nope | 09:03 |
dystopianray | cronic: is it a pci or pcmcia card? | 09:03 |
xtknight | tanath, not for searching within pkgs | 09:03 |
_r3 | modprobe failed | 09:03 |
_r3 | FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.15-28-386/volatile/nvidia.ko': No such file or directory | 09:03 |
cronic | it shows up as unknown device - after it says ethernet controller | 09:03 |
cronic | pci | 09:03 |
tanath | xtknight, interesting... ah, i see | 09:04 |
xtknight | tanath, apt-cache search will search descriptions of pkgs also | 09:04 |
Radio | thanks xtknight for earlier | 09:04 |
m0u5e | what does apt-file do? its under universe... | 09:04 |
Radio | i got ntfs-3g to work | 09:04 |
tanath | xtknight, knew that one | 09:04 |
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cronic | I will try it again dystopianray | 09:04 |
cronic | brb | 09:04 |
xtknight | Radio, ah cool | 09:04 |
Radio | just curious though | 09:04 |
dystopianray | cronic: run this: sudo update-pciids | 09:04 |
dystopianray | cronic: then look at lspci again | 09:04 |
Radio | i dont need a password or anything to access my windows files? | 09:04 |
m0u5e | radio: theres an easy to use manager for ntfs-3g in case you haven't found it yet :D | 09:04 |
xtknight | Radio, depends how the windows machine is configured | 09:04 |
nominal | godlygeek, perhaps you can remove it from synaptic, and if it tries to remove the desktop, you can simply re-select it | 09:04 |
m0u5e | radio: you need an administrator account and password | 09:05 |
xtknight | Radio, if you mean locally, no. permissions are completely ignored afaik | 09:05 |
godlygeek | nominal: though, whatever. i'll just stop using gdm and start my sessions with startx. | 09:05 |
Juno | so what shoudl I use for playing music? | 09:05 |
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ParaDoX34690 | would someone that is familiar with how to install updated video drivers be able to give me some instruction as to how to proceed? | 09:05 |
Radio | hrmm | 09:05 |
m0u5e | radio: you're talking about accessing windows root shares right? | 09:05 |
xtknight | You have searched for nvidia.ko in dapper, architecture i386. | 09:05 |
xtknight | Can't find that file, at least not in that distribution and on that architecture. | 09:05 |
godlygeek | nominal: reselecting it would reinstall xscreensaver. | 09:05 |
xtknight | where is the nvidia driver on dapper? | 09:05 |
tanath | anyone know what would cause problems with burning discs besides dust? | 09:05 |
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xtknight | tanath, too high of a speed | 09:05 |
godlygeek | nominal: i could use dpkg -r --force-depends, but that's probably not a good idea... | 09:05 |
Radio | yea | 09:05 |
tanath | xtknight, or that | 09:05 |
xtknight | tanath, hmm..sketchy media? | 09:05 |
nominal | godlygeek, well, i'm sure theres a way.. beyond me tho | 09:05 |
tanath | xtknight, or that, lol | 09:06 |
xtknight | :P | 09:06 |
=== xtknight feels so useless | ||
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tanath | xtknight, http://pastebin.com/d5fa58672 | 09:06 |
Radio | is there a way to set it up so that i need a password for local access? | 09:06 |
adam7 | godlygeek, well, i'm sure there's a way.. beyond me tho | 09:06 |
godlygeek | nominal: *shrug*, i'll just switch away from using GDM. I always do. | 09:06 |
m0u5e | godlygeek: theres a way to break a package dep, i just dont remember how... :X | 09:06 |
m0u5e | radio: you always need the password, unless you ask your computer to save it for you :X | 09:06 |
tanath | m0u5e, there's more than one :P | 09:06 |
xtknight | Radio, hmm i dont know about that. there's a way to do everything if you have a few weeks of coding to spare :P | 09:06 |
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m0u5e | tanath: xD | 09:06 |
tanath | m0u5e, there's the intentional, and the many accidental ones :P | 09:06 |
m0u5e | tanath: XD XD | 09:07 |
godlygeek | Radio: a password for local access to what? | 09:07 |
Radio | my windows partition | 09:07 |
m0u5e | tanath: lol i learn whatever i need to learn, i haven't gotton there yet, so i haven't needed (or have gotton around) break package dependancies :D | 09:07 |
m0u5e | radio: oh wait, its a partition? :X | 09:07 |
howlingmadhowie | sorry, am back now. my flatmate just broke the sink | 09:07 |
Radio | yea | 09:07 |
xtknight | tanath, ##Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0 | 09:07 |
m0u5e | radio: sorry i thought it was a network mount haha | 09:07 |
xtknight | hm | 09:07 |
m0u5e | radio : yeah, you dont need a password | 09:07 |
Radio | :/ | 09:07 |
m0u5e | radio: you can encrypt it though | 09:08 |
tanath | m0u5e, yeh, i've pretty much been learning what i need to learn... unfortunately i've had to fix more than a couple things... | 09:08 |
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cronic | dystopianray what is the hardware detection program in ubuntu? | 09:08 |
Radio | oh... hmmm | 09:08 |
dystopianray | cronic: lspci | 09:08 |
m0u5e | tanath: lol sometimes i wish my major was computer science / comp engineering..., except i then remember that i don't wanna live ina cubicle :X | 09:08 |
tanath | xtknight, yeh, personally i like the 'error... no error' part xD | 09:08 |
xtknight | tanath, :P | 09:08 |
cronic | IIRC there was something that would auto configure newly added devices | 09:08 |
tanath | m0u5e, lol :) | 09:08 |
howlingmadhowie | _r3: xorg.conf looks okay, provided your monitor isn't lying to your graphics card about the resolutions it supports | 09:08 |
Radio | doesnt seem so secure being able to access windows with ease :/ | 09:08 |
xtknight | tanath, "please properly read the message above" lol | 09:08 |
tanath | m0u5e, i'm trying to figure out what to take | 09:08 |
cronic | lspci still shows unknown device | 09:08 |
tanath | xtknight, yeh, that was good too :P | 09:09 |
dystopianray | cronic: sudo update-pciids | 09:09 |
godlygeek | Radio: you mean, make windows require a password to boot into? | 09:09 |
m0u5e | tanath: do whatever you enjoy doing :D | 09:09 |
tanath | m0u5e, uh... not working? :P | 09:09 |
godlygeek | Radio: Or, require a password for accessing the windows partition from linux? | 09:09 |
Radio | the 2nd | 09:09 |
howlingmadhowie | oh, he's gone :( | 09:09 |
m0u5e | tanath: what are you planning on doing? | 09:09 |
tanath | m0u5e, i have lots of interests, but i don't know what i want to do with my life | 09:09 |
m0u5e | tannath: or what are you doing now? :) | 09:09 |
tanath | m0u5e, prolly some sort of engineering degree... | 09:09 |
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m0u5e | tannath: play around, try getting a job in that area of interest | 09:09 |
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xtknight | tanath, dma maybe could be an issue, or concurrent accesses to other drives. bad controller, bad cd drive, bad iso, bad burning program, bad memory, bad cpu, i think i covered all the bases ;) | 09:09 |
godlygeek | Radio: hm. just a thought, but couldn't you make an entry for it in /etc/fstab with 'nouser' in the line, so that only root can mount it? | 09:09 |
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tanath | m0u5e, working @ a dead-end job in a factory. wasting away my brain cells | 09:09 |
godlygeek | Radio: noauto, too, i suppose. | 09:10 |
cronic | pciids requres a network connection | 09:10 |
m0u5e | tanath: how bout school organizations / projects? | 09:10 |
cronic | I only have wireless | 09:10 |
=== howlingmadhowie will have to help someone else then :) | ||
Radio | noauto? | 09:10 |
tanath | xtknight, bah. :P | 09:10 |
m0u5e | tanath: i know!, move to silicon valley xD | 09:10 |
tanath | m0u5e, hm? | 09:10 |
tanath | m0u5e, lol, i prefer canada, thx :) | 09:10 |
godlygeek | Radio: don't allow it to be mounted by a mount -a, like the one executed by init when the system is booting. | 09:10 |
m0u5e | tanath: and go to starbucks everyday until by chance, you one day happen upon steve jobs | 09:10 |
godlygeek | Radio: otherwise, it would automatically get mounted as root anyway. | 09:10 |
xtknight | lol | 09:11 |
tanath | xtknight, k3b is a good app, so not likely that. memory & cpu should be good... | 09:11 |
cronic | dystopianray - any suggestions? | 09:11 |
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godlygeek | Radio: but, that way, you have access to the drive using your root password only, but you have to sudo mount it every time you wanna do something. | 09:11 |
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m0u5e | tanath: then sit down, and have a cup of coffeewith him, and day after day explain your plight, and hopefully he'll recommend you to some other insanely rich / prestigious member of the engineering community | 09:11 |
tanath | m0u5e, pfft. i'd rather be the next woz... or google founder, rather :P | 09:11 |
m0u5e | tanath: haha its a process, insert steve jobs name for anything else | 09:11 |
Radio | ok thx | 09:11 |
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godlygeek | Radio: if you don't plan on using it often and are comfortable in a terminal, that's what i'd do. | 09:11 |
tanath | m0u5e, i seriously need to figure out what i want to do | 09:11 |
m0u5e | tanath: linus torvalds? | 09:11 |
m0u5e | tanath: though i hear he can have quite the temper 6_6; | 09:12 |
xtknight | geeks all have tempers. it's an accumulated frustration from years of messing with linux commands | 09:12 |
howlingmadhowie | tanath: i don't think he's quite in theo de raadt's category. i think he's just finish | 09:12 |
dystopianray | cronic: run update-pciids on another computer, copy /usr/share/misc/pci.ids over to the computer with internet | 09:12 |
m0u5e | xtknight: haha i dont believe that :D | 09:12 |
tanath | howlingmadhowie, theo doesn't come off very well with people though... hmm... sounds familiar :P | 09:13 |
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cronic | lol that ubuntu box is my only linux machine. | 09:13 |
howlingmadhowie | xtknight: i think it happens quite suddenly the first time you need to use the ftp command line client on windows xp | 09:13 |
m0u5e | xtknight: if you let yourself be carried away by anger every time you have such a situation, you'll quickly fall into the category of poor anger management :/ | 09:13 |
tanath | lol | 09:13 |
xtknight | oh i dont get angry because i know everything already :D | 09:13 |
godlygeek | xtknight: i only find myself having temper problems when forced to use windows. :-p | 09:13 |
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tanath | i started a list of some of the things i'm interested in studying... | 09:14 |
xtknight | (not true btw) | 09:14 |
m0u5e | xtknight: omgzlol torrentz plz! | 09:14 |
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howlingmadhowie | m0u5e: it's a medical condition known to the experts as "balmeritis" | 09:14 |
dystopianray | cronic: download this: http://pciids.sourceforge.net/pci.ids | 09:14 |
m0u5e | howlingmadhowie: LOL | 09:14 |
xtknight | hah | 09:14 |
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dystopianray | cronic: copy to /usr/share/misc/pci.ids on the ubuntu machine | 09:14 |
tanath | philosophy, psychology, business, game theory, game design, systems analysis & design (?), physics (?) | 09:14 |
howlingmadhowie | yo dissection dude! wassup man? | 09:14 |
cronic | THank you dystopianray | 09:14 |
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m0u5e | bill gatetitis | 09:15 |
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dissection | howlingmadhowie: Just woke up. I passed out for 3 hours ago. | 09:15 |
ParaDoX34690 | is there a way that I can shut down x so that I can install a new video driver? | 09:15 |
xtknight | ParaDoX34690, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 09:15 |
dystopianray | ParaDoX34690: don't need to shut down X to install a new driver | 09:15 |
godlygeek | ParaDoX34690: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 09:15 |
dystopianray | ParaDoX34690: install the drive then restart X | 09:15 |
howlingmadhowie | dissection: ah, the most relaxing type of sleep: that caused by complete and utter exhaustion | 09:15 |
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xtknight | hehe | 09:15 |
m0u5e | philosophy and psychology would take a while :( | 09:15 |
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tanath | ParaDoX34690, ctrl+alt+backspace will restart it for you | 09:15 |
m0u5e | if your going into psyc, you have a wide selection of jobs after undergrad | 09:16 |
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ParaDoX34690 | okay, thanks guys! :) | 09:16 |
tanath | ParaDoX34690, though it'll kill apps using the x server at the time | 09:16 |
godlygeek | ParaDoX34690: ctrl+alt+backspace is probably best. :) | 09:16 |
dissection | howlingmadhowie: Thats the kind of sleep I usually get everyday (or once in two days) | 09:16 |
m0u5e | tanath: same with philosophy | 09:16 |
m0u5e | anyone know how to enter my "last tabbed" name into xchat-gnome? | 09:16 |
howlingmadhowie | dissection: you probably just play world of warcraft too much :) | 09:16 |
tanath | m0u5e, those are two i'd really like to study. i intend to take them as electives if i can | 09:16 |
ParaDoX34690 | eh, no biggie. | 09:16 |
m0u5e | its frustrating that i have to retype part of the name all the time -__-; | 09:16 |
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dissection | howlingmadhowie: Nah I don't play games | 09:16 |
ParaDoX34690 | but thanks, and I'll do the ctrl+alt+backspace | 09:17 |
m0u5e | tanath: psyc pretty much requires a bach at least | 09:17 |
tanath | m0u5e, dunno if you can do that | 09:17 |
Radio | thx for the help | 09:17 |
Radio | brb | 09:17 |
m0u5e | if you're planning on going clinical / counseling | 09:17 |
dissection | howlingmadhowie: Very rarely. The last time I played a game was NFS Most Wanted. That was last year | 09:17 |
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m0u5e | dissection: the last time i played a game was a few days ago where i beat zelda:TP :D | 09:17 |
tanath | m0u5e, nope. just something i'm interested in learning | 09:17 |
Mulder | how do you get the cube thingee with ubuntu desktop effects | 09:17 |
xtknight | !effects | Mulder | 09:17 |
ubotu | Mulder: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects | 09:17 |
Mulder | ah ta | 09:18 |
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tanath | m0u5e, maybe i'll get multiple degrees. i'd have to to study everything i wanted.. | 09:18 |
m0u5e | tanath: good luck :D | 09:18 |
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tanath | m0u5e, but for starters, i need to pick 1... | 09:18 |
howlingmadhowie | dissection: same here. i liberated a copy of neverwinter nights from the biotech servers recently, but i've only played it once | 09:18 |
m0u5e | god, i hope they come out with a good effects manager for compiz-fusion soon... | 09:18 |
Axioo | When is the next LTS version going to be released? Under what name / code? | 09:18 |
dissection | m0u5e: Not sure who is Zelda :O | 09:18 |
tanath | m0u5e, i might need it. i'm in a difficult situation | 09:18 |
=== m0u5e gasp | ||
xtknight | Axioo, probably after gutsy | 09:18 |
=== m0u5e gasps* | ||
m0u5e | dissection: O_O; | 09:18 |
cronic | ok dystopianray i have copied that file into /usr/share/misc/pci.ids | 09:19 |
dissection | howlingmadhowie: I'll try out some new games though, after I get my new laptop. I'm buying it on Monday. | 09:19 |
cronic | What can I do now? | 09:19 |
dystopianray | cronic: now run lspci again | 09:19 |
cronic | I did | 09:19 |
tanath | m0u5e, effects manager? | 09:19 |
cronic | still says unknown device | 09:19 |
dystopianray | cronic: hrrm ok, must be a very new or very obscure device | 09:19 |
m0u5e | tanath: whatever its called, compiz has one and beryl has one... its an easy to use gui manager :D | 09:19 |
cronic | Specifically it says.... | 09:19 |
dissection | Hopefully I won't have any trouble getting Ubuntu to work on it like its working on my desktop ;] | 09:19 |
tanath | m0u5e, compizconfig settings manager is good | 09:19 |
dystopianray | cronic: do you have a 64-bit windows driver for it? | 09:19 |
howlingmadhowie | dissection: cool :) what's it going to be? (the new laptop) | 09:19 |
m0u5e | tanath: does it work for compiz-fusion? O_O | 09:19 |
cronic | Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. Unknown device 0003 (rev a1) | 09:19 |
cronic | No, but I think I can download one. | 09:20 |
tanath | m0u5e, that's what i use | 09:20 |
cronic | Just needed to know which driver to use | 09:20 |
dystopianray | cronic: is it an 802.11n card? | 09:20 |
cronic | no | 09:20 |
cronic | g | 09:20 |
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tanath | m0u5e, hell, i thought that was what it was for | 09:20 |
dystopianray | cronic: hrrm, well atheros usually 'just work' | 09:20 |
cronic | It's not a new card. | 09:20 |
xtknight | you can get venID:devID thru lspci -n and look it up online | 09:20 |
dissection | howlingmadhowie: Sony Vaio AR590E. Dualcore, 2GB RAM, 320GB HDD (2 X 160GB RAID0), 1GB Geforce, 17" screen (1920 x 1200), blu-ray writer | 09:20 |
Axioo | xtknight, and when is gutsy released? | 09:20 |
dystopianray | cronic: but if you're hoping to use ndiswrapper, then you need a 64-bit windows driver, or you're out of luck | 09:20 |
m0u5e | tanath: o_o | 09:20 |
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cronic | The problem is, it was not installed when I installed the system. | 09:20 |
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xtknight | !gutsy |Axioo | 09:20 |
ubotu | Axioo: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | 09:20 |
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howlingmadhowie | dissection: oops, sony and linux... | 09:20 |
m0u5e | tanath: lol now to check if getting it to work with xubuntu is easy or not :X | 09:20 |
cronic | Maybe a reboot will fix it lol | 09:20 |
cronic | who knows... | 09:21 |
killroy_2 | I'm running kubuntu feisty and fo some reason although I can burn a dvd, my system won't read them - they simply show up as blank. Any ideais? | 09:21 |
cronic | brb | 09:21 |
dystopianray | cronic: why would that fix it? | 09:21 |
dissection | howlingmadhowie: Bad combination? | 09:21 |
m0u5e | anyone know a good drop down terminal that works well with XUBUNTU? :( | 09:21 |
tanath | m0u5e, good luck :P | 09:21 |
Walls7 | What is the command, if i want to edit the start up page that asks which OS i want to use? i want to re order them | 09:21 |
cronic | I have no idea. | 09:21 |
cronic | Im tired and frustrated. | 09:21 |
howlingmadhowie | dissection: the acpi settings have been known to cause ruptures in the space-time continuum | 09:21 |
dissection | howlingmadhowie: I tried Linux on my other Sony Laptop and it worked fine. I didn't get the sound working.. But thats cause I didn't know back then how to get it to work | 09:21 |
n2diy_ | Will the live Ubuntu CD play on a box with no hard drive? | 09:21 |
dystopianray | n2diy_: yes | 09:21 |
howlingmadhowie | dissection: well, maybe everything will work okay then :) | 09:21 |
dissection | n2diy_: Yes it should | 09:21 |
m0u5e | howlingmadhowie: hey, i hear the ps3 works well :D | 09:22 |
dystopianray | cronic: well you need a 64-bit windows driver ot use ndiswrapper anyway | 09:22 |
n2diy_ | dystopianray: cool, thanks. | 09:22 |
tanath | m0u5e, i want my 'beryl-manager' back though | 09:22 |
compwiz | adamorjames are you still there? | 09:22 |
cronic | Yes that I know, but which windows 64 bit driver | 09:22 |
n2diy_ | dissection: thanks. | 09:22 |
cronic | because XP 64 is non-existant | 09:22 |
dystopianray | cronic: the one for your card | 09:22 |
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killroy_2 | tanath: dump beryl and move to compiz-fusion | 09:22 |
m0u5e | tanath: beryl is discontinued :( | 09:22 |
cronic | they have a vista 64 driver | 09:22 |
tanath | killroy_2, already have | 09:22 |
cronic | but I do not know if it will work with ndis | 09:22 |
m0u5e | tanath: where is the config manager you speak of... | 09:22 |
tanath | m0u5e, i know :P | 09:22 |
dystopianray | cronic: try it, but I doubt it'll work with ndiswrapper | 09:22 |
cronic | fail. | 09:22 |
ParaDoX34690 | Hey all, please forgive my stupidity, but what was that command to shut down x again? | 09:22 |
tanath | m0u5e, i use trevinos repos | 09:22 |
xtknight | ParaDoX34690, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 09:22 |
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dissection | howlingmadhowie: Though the only thing I'm unsure about, is the laptop's video card. My previous laptop had ATI. This one has GeForce. | 09:23 |
killroy_2 | tanath: you know about fusion-icon? | 09:23 |
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howlingmadhowie | dissection: and my flatmate has linux on his vaio and it works fine | 09:23 |
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xtknight | cronic, is there an xp32 driver for it? and there's no xp64? | 09:23 |
howlingmadhowie | dissection: geforce is actually usually better than ati | 09:23 |
tanath | m0u5e, compiz-fusion w/ compizconfig settings manager | 09:23 |
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tanath | killroy_2, aparently not :P | 09:23 |
xtknight | cronic, what about windows server 64 or something? | 09:23 |
Walls7 | m0u5e: what is the command if i want to edit my start up page that asks which OS i want to use, so i can re order tham? | 09:23 |
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killroy_2 | ParaDoX34690: you can use /etc/init.d/kdm stop (or gdm) | 09:23 |
dissection | howlingmadhowie: Yeah thats what I've come to understand after hanging out here. | 09:23 |
m0u5e | tanath: trevinos repos? | 09:23 |
m0u5e | walls7: not sure, its something to do with grub :X | 09:23 |
killroy_2 | tanath: go to #compiz-fusion and type !fusion-icon | 09:23 |
howlingmadhowie | dissection: there are worse places to hang out :) | 09:23 |
tanath | killroy_2, doesn't appear in my repos | 09:24 |
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ParaDoX34690 | okay... thanks, i'ma try not to be stupid this time :) | 09:24 |
Walls7 | someone gave it to me earlier but i forgot =/ | 09:24 |
tanath | m0u5e, :O | 09:24 |
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dystopianray | cronic: reinstall with 32-bit ubuntu and use the regular xp driver | 09:24 |
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m0u5e | Anyone know how to change the boot order for OS in grub? | 09:24 |
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shayne_ | i get these "spurious completion" messages on feisty and gutsy ... what do they mean? http://pastebin.com/m4a701306 | 09:24 |
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tanath | m0u5e, latests releases | 09:24 |
xtknight | Walls7, gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst but it might get reordered every time there's a kernel update | 09:24 |
killroy_2 | tanath: you need to download it eithe from git or you can dl and deb and install it | 09:24 |
tanath | m0u5e, google it | 09:24 |
Walls7 | xtknight: thanks | 09:24 |
m0u5e | tanath: i already am :D | 09:24 |
randoman | hey guys, besides build-essintials, what packages would you recommend to install to compile progreams? | 09:24 |
tanath | m0u5e, gets a little unstable at times, so when you hit a stable update, stick with it for a while | 09:24 |
dissection | howlingmadhowie: I'm sure there is ;] | 09:24 |
Walls7 | also what is the command if i want to enter a screen resolution myself? | 09:24 |
m0u5e | tanath: haha o_O? | 09:25 |
tanath | killroy_2, why isn't it in the repos already? | 09:25 |
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tanath | m0u5e, well, it's updated almost daily | 09:25 |
killroy_2 | tanath: CF is still alpha | 09:25 |
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xtknight | Walls7, gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf , or to set one that already exists, "xrandr -q" and go from there | 09:25 |
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tanath | m0u5e, what he said | 09:25 |
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tanath | killroy_2, yeh, but it's not in trevino's repos either | 09:25 |
killroy_2 | tanath: and fusion-icon deb was only just built | 09:25 |
tanath | killroy_2, ah | 09:25 |
xtknight | compiz fusion has an unoff. repo | 09:25 |
ParaDoX34690 | okay, well, I'm told that it's "stopping gnome display manager", but when I go to run the nvidia installer, it tells me that I'm still running it... am I missing something here? | 09:25 |
killroy_2 | tanath: nope. | 09:25 |
tanath | killroy_2, prolly be there soon then | 09:25 |
randoman | hey guys, besides build-essintials, what packages would you recommend to install to compile progreams? | 09:25 |
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randoman | anyone? | 09:26 |
compwiz | randoman, it depends on the package you are building | 09:26 |
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compwiz | build-essential is enough for basic stuff | 09:26 |
randoman | say kernel? | 09:26 |
cronic | I thought there was a graphical way to "detect" new hardware in ubuntu | 09:26 |
killroy_2 | ParaDoX34690: ps for gdm and kill the task? | 09:26 |
tanath | randoman, libraries. lots of 'em | 09:26 |
compwiz | randoman, all packages ending in -dev | 09:26 |
cronic | /sigh | 09:26 |
tanath | randoman, blahblah-ev | 09:26 |
tanath | randoman, blahblah-dev | 09:26 |
dystopianray | cronic: if there is, it'd rely on lspci | 09:26 |
randoman | for sure | 09:26 |
ParaDoX34690 | killroy_2: ps?? pardon? | 09:26 |
dystopianray | cronic: i'd recommend using 32-bit ubuntu | 09:26 |
compwiz | randoman, but I would install them as you need them otherwise you end up wit habout 100000 packages :D | 09:26 |
m0u5e | tanath: gah... well ill keep it in mind, no point in trying it on my i815 though :( | 09:27 |
dissection | howlingmadhowie: My vnstat's today's download is showing up as 800MB. I'm waiting for it to reach close to 1000MB to see if it'll erroneously inflate to 4000MB again like it did the past two days. I'll know in the next two hours. | 09:27 |
Axioo | xtknight: My friend told me to wait for the next 7.10 (Gutsy), he said it is a LTS version, so it is not true? | 09:27 |
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killroy_2 | ParaDoX34690: as in "ps aux | grep gdm" | 09:27 |
xtknight | Axioo, gutsy is not LTS | 09:27 |
jonathan_ | no | 09:27 |
cronic | Well the reason I went with 64bit, was because I need tohave a VM setup with 64bit windows 2003 | 09:27 |
randoman | you guys know a list of these, so i can aptget them? | 09:27 |
cronic | it's for a test server environment | 09:27 |
killroy_2 | ParaDoX34690: but if you've stopped gdm then I doubt you'll find anything | 09:27 |
jonathan_ | the LTS version will be at 2008 | 09:27 |
m0u5e | tanath: hope they finish up the xubuntu composite manager | 09:27 |
dystopianray | cronic: well you'll need another wifi card then | 09:27 |
howlingmadhowie | dissection: my bet is that it will suddenly jump when it hits 1024MB | 09:27 |
xtknight | cronic, you dont need to run a 64bit vm under a 64bit host | 09:27 |
ParaDoX34690 | killroy_2: yeah... um... okay... I'm still a noob bro :) but I'll try it :D | 09:27 |
=== Tatster [n=tatster@80-193-5-25.cable.ubr06.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tanath | m0u5e, you using CF now? | 09:27 |
=== Jersey_devil2 [n=vjpbjza@apn-99-43.gprspla.plusgsm.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ParaDoX34690 | heaven hates a coward | 09:27 |
m0u5e | tanath: i dont even need the wobbly windows... i just want dodge and window organization features :( | 09:27 |
Axioo | xtknight: Any idea when is the next LTS goung to be released ? Or is it near the end of 6.06 (Dapper) | 09:27 |
compwiz | randoman, there are too many of them, but if you _really_ want to install all of the -dev, open synaptic and search for -dev in package name, then press ctrl-a and mark them all for install, then press apply | 09:27 |
tanath | i'd use that settings manager anyway. best i've seen for it | 09:28 |
=== allbert [n=allberto@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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m0u5e | tanath: lol i can barely get compiz to run well :X | 09:28 |
killroy_2 | ParaDoX34690: it's ok, we were all noobs once | 09:28 |
cronic | xtknight - are you sure? I cannot run 64bit under my 32bit windows host | 09:28 |
=== goatboy [n=tim@c-67-168-246-206.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Jersey_devil2 [n=vjpbjza@apn-99-43.gprspla.plusgsm.pl] has left #ubuntu ["Virca] | ||
xtknight | cronic, i ran a 64bit xp under my ubuntu 32 just fine actually | 09:28 |
dissection | howlingmadhowie: Any guesses as to what could be causing it? | 09:28 |
=== MindOfChaos [n=moc@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tanath | m0u5e, i like the negative & put plugins. zoom too | 09:28 |
randoman | k | 09:28 |
m0u5e | tanath: im on a i815/845/855 integrated graphics card :( | 09:28 |
tanath | m0u5e, no probs here | 09:28 |
=== lumgwada [n=lumgwada@unaffiliated/lumgwada] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | Axioo, probably 8.04 | 09:28 |
ParaDoX34690 | killroy_2: thank you, oh wise mantis | 09:28 |
cronic | Thanks xtknight - I'll have to mess with it more tomorrow. | 09:28 |
tanath | m0u5e, i have an old ati 9800 pro :P | 09:28 |
xtknight | Axioo, 2008/april? | 09:28 |
killroy_2 | ParaDoX34690: I'd stay up with you, but I have to go to bed. YOu might try searching google for "ubuntu envy" and downloading Envy 0.9.5. It takes care of everything | 09:28 |
=== BoK_ [n=pakw@c210-49-63-130.fitzg2.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cronic | Thank you as well dystopianray. | 09:28 |
m0u5e | tanath: whenever i run video, everything *slooooooowwss down | 09:28 |
cronic | have a good night all | 09:28 |
=== rafli [n=cl6@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
m0u5e | tanath: 9800 pro OLD? thats not old! | 09:28 |
killroy_2 | ParaDoX34690: though the peeps at #compiz-fusion seem to dislike envy | 09:28 |
tanath | sure it is :P | 09:28 |
=== DarkRaven [n=dvwyngaa@dsl-243-79-60.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
m0u5e | tanath: :/ | 09:29 |
xtknight | !lts | 09:29 |
ubotu | LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. | 09:29 |
killroy_2 | ParaDoX34690: you might say they are envious? (bah... getting late) | 09:29 |
=== slarty [n=slarty@cust244-dsl55.idnet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Neural_Overload | tanath, I cant get Beryl to work, I think it was you who told me to try to restart | 09:29 |
rafli | jamaah | 09:29 |
rafli | #jamaah | 09:29 |
ParaDoX34690 | killroy_2: i'll check it out, thanks for the pointer. get some sleep... i should be too, but I've been trying to figure this out for days... | 09:29 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, uh, i don't think so, but why not use CF rather than beryl? | 09:29 |
howlingmadhowie | dissection: absolutely none, so i'm gonna try to change the database file per hand and see if i can make it go wrong. | 09:29 |
killroy_2 | Paraf | 09:29 |
=== b0c1 [n=boci@juppi.netmasters.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
killroy_2 | ParaDoX34690: I know how it can be. Download Envy. If you have a supported card, it will get you going | 09:29 |
Neural_Overload | tanath, whats the difference between CF and beryl? | 09:29 |
killroy_2 | Parad | 09:30 |
=== Bogus8 [n=Nunya@ip68-226-159-108.lf.br.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
=== didymo [n=ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.static.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tanath | beryl is being merged back into compiz to make compiz-fusion | 09:30 |
Axioo | xtknight: Oh ... that's quite long ... I have 6.06 in my hand and 7.04 on it's way, which one do you recomend me to install? | 09:30 |
tanath | @ Neural_Overload | 09:30 |
killroy_2 | Neural_Overload: not much, but the settings manager is diff and there are a lot more effects with cf | 09:30 |
=== KurtKraut [n=ktk@unaffiliated/kurtkraut] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ian_ | how do you create playlists in banshee? | 09:30 |
Neural_Overload | killroy_2, Oh | 09:30 |
wers | hi ian_ | 09:30 |
ian_ | hi | 09:30 |
killroy_2 | Neural_Overload: and CF is still alpha | 09:30 |
m0u5e | axioo 7.04 | 09:30 |
m0u5e | Axioo: definitely 7.04 lol | 09:31 |
killroy_2 | Neural_Overload: can be kinda tricky, depending on video | 09:31 |
wers | ian_: have you tried rhythmbox? | 09:31 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, eventually beryl will 'become' compiz-fusion | 09:31 |
howlingmadhowie | dissection: as well as this, there was a change in how BLIMIT was handled in the 2.6.17 kernel, so that could also be changing things | 09:31 |
Axioo | !8.04 | 09:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 8.04 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:31 |
ian_ | no | 09:31 |
xtknight | Axioo, wait for 7.04 | 09:31 |
Neural_Overload | tanath, I see | 09:31 |
xtknight | Axioo, err | 09:31 |
xtknight | Axioo, install 7.04 | 09:31 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, beryl is being merged back into compiz to make compiz-fusion | 09:31 |
wers | ian_, alt+F2 rhythmbox | 09:31 |
Neural_Overload | tanath, Yeah, thats what I read | 09:32 |
m0u5e | xtknight: i hear kde4 is coming out with 8.04 :D | 09:32 |
=== Gruelius_ [n=IceChat7@60-241-89-235.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wers | !banshee | ian_ | 09:32 |
ubotu | ian_: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 09:32 |
Gruelius_ | how do i reinstall packages | 09:32 |
xtknight | m0u5e, eh? didnt know that | 09:32 |
Gruelius_ | and get it to recreate all the config files | 09:32 |
tanath | i'm running CF from trevino's repos, and it's basically just like updates to beryl | 09:32 |
xtknight | well i better get some sleep holycrap | 09:32 |
Gruelius_ | apt-get remove/install does jack all | 09:32 |
m0u5e | xtknight: i remember reading it somewhere on their website... | 09:32 |
=== Borin [n=borin@c-76-111-50-14.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== xtknight night | ||
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=== ompaul [n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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m0u5e | xtknight: hope they finish up integrated composite managing! | 09:32 |
Neural_Overload | xtknight, Night | 09:32 |
tanath | xtknight, night | 09:32 |
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m0u5e | xtknight: night :D | 09:33 |
dissection | howlingmadhowie: I don't know what BLIMIT is ;[ | 09:33 |
tanath | m0u5e, isn't gutsy s'posed to do that? | 09:33 |
=== IndyGunFreak [n=IndyGunF@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ian_ | what will i do after opening rhythm box? | 09:33 |
=== SwiftNomAd [n=joseph@ip72-198-87-89.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
|_ocke | ok i REALLY need to get my nvidia driver installled | 09:33 |
m0u5e | tanath: hopefully, but at this rate... 6_6; | 09:33 |
Axioo | mouse: I'm ordering 7.04 cd and it's on it's way, if I install 6.06 now and do a clean install again when 7.04 arrived, will it damaged my dual boot (with Windows XP SP2)? | 09:33 |
|_ocke | i have 7.04 working right now, i am running kernel 2.6.20-whatever | 09:33 |
=== FireFox [n=sunny@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tanath | ian_, i think you'll find amarok is one of the best media players, if not the best | 09:34 |
=== xishan [n=xishan@CPE-58-170-193-153.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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|_ocke | can ANYONE help me get this driver installed, it is saying it cant create /usr/lib/dosemu/drive_z/whatever and dosemu has NOTHIGN do with installing the driver | 09:34 |
ian_ | i don't have amarok | 09:34 |
tanath | ian_, otherwise you might try 'listen' for gnome. similar to amarok. almost as good | 09:34 |
IndyGunFreak | ian_: what are you trying to do? | 09:34 |
tanath | ian_, no reason you can't install it is there? | 09:34 |
compwiz | ian_, exaile is also good | 09:34 |
SwiftNomAd | Hey gUys. | 09:34 |
m0u5e | ian: i agree with tanath | 09:34 |
tanath | compwiz, i disagree :-/ | 09:35 |
|_ocke | in fact, i removed dosemu so it doesnt even exist to cause problems, but it still is giving errors about not being able to create /usr/lib/dosemu/drive_z/lib/whatever | 09:35 |
=== corevette [n=corevett@adsl-75-18-203-65.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
compwiz | tanath, really? I use it all the time | 09:35 |
IndyGunFreak | amarok is best for IPODs i think | 09:35 |
tanath | m0u5e, of course you do :P | 09:35 |
corevette | i have xgl as my default session, how do i disable xgl temporarily | 09:35 |
m0u5e | ian_: listen is good, ive used exaile and i like it, but its a little buggy | 09:35 |
tanath | compwiz, i tried it after using amarok, and was less than impressed | 09:35 |
=== SwiftNomAd is not n00b but need heLp wiTh keyboAAAArd | ||
IndyGunFreak | ian_: what are you trying to do? | 09:35 |
SwiftNomAd | =X | 09:35 |
m0u5e | ian_: listen at least will tell you if it can't play the file *before you try to play it and crashes | 09:35 |
ian_ | i don't have those | 09:35 |
compwiz | tanath, amarok is by far the best, but exaile is for GTK | 09:35 |
tanath | compwiz, supposed to be the amarok of gnome, but it doesn't live up to the name yet | 09:35 |
ian_ | the amarok | 09:35 |
killroy_2 | !ask | 09:36 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 09:36 |
noodles12 | corevette: just when you sign in at the gdm. change your session to regular gnome | 09:36 |
compwiz | tanath, well it has all the features I use so :) | 09:36 |
tanath | compwiz, i think listen does a better job of living up to that title | 09:36 |
SwiftNomAd | My keyboAArd AAdds extrAA Letters | 09:36 |
J_5 | I installed version 5.10, upgraded to 7.4. Now when I boot up, i see 4 kernels. Is this ok? Should I just leave those put | 09:36 |
m0u5e | ian_: if you use gnome, dont install amorak -__-; it installs a bunch of K stuff (and for me at least, was buggy as hell) | 09:36 |
IndyGunFreak | compwiz: biggest problem is, exaile, doesn't support IPODs, wish it did. | 09:36 |
corevette | noodles12: my regular gnome is xgl | 09:36 |
=== anders__ [n=anders@x1-6-00-0c-f6-16-13-2c.k233.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SwiftNomAd | sometimes it wiLL work if inn CAAps or IDK | 09:36 |
dystopianray | SwiftNomAd: stop holding the keys down | 09:36 |
compwiz | IndyGunFreak, I don't own an iPod :D | 09:36 |
=== Frogzoo [n=Frogzoo@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ian_ | i'm a newbie | 09:36 |
m0u5e | IndyGunFreak: theres a DAAP plugin | 09:36 |
=== Neural_Overload lurks | ||
ian_ | i want a good media player | 09:36 |
=== zipola [n=zipola@cable-vrk-fe5cdd00-177.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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IndyGunFreak | m0u5e: horsehockey, it works fine with Gnome. | 09:36 |
compwiz | ian_, try amarok | 09:36 |
dystopianray | ian_: amarok is the best music player | 09:36 |
SwiftNomAd | Im not its this daamn keyboAAd | 09:36 |
Axioo | mouse: I'm ordering 7.04 cd and it's on it's way, if I install 6.06 now and do a clean install again when 7.04 arrived, will it damaged my dual boot (with Windows XP SP2)? | 09:36 |
ian_ | where can i get it | 09:37 |
IndyGunFreak | ian_: amarok is good, rhythmbox is pretty good. | 09:37 |
Neural_Overload | I have lurker tendancies :P | 09:37 |
compwiz | ian_, in the package manager | 09:37 |
SwiftNomAd | thAAts why I AAAsk | 09:37 |
tanath | m0u5e, pfft. i use amarok in gome without probs.. mostly. sometimes the tray icon floats, but oh well | 09:37 |
m0u5e | Axioo: it shouldn't ... dunno why you wouldnt just want to wait though :D | 09:37 |
noodles12 | corevette: oh. sorry i dunno then. I have 2 different sessions. one is XGL and one is just regular gnome which i switch out of if i want beryl or not | 09:37 |
m0u5e | tanath: i call that a problem :/ | 09:37 |
anders__ | Is there someone, who knows how I get "Cedega CVS" via "WineCVS" to work? | 09:37 |
Frogzoo | ian_: media as in sound or video? | 09:37 |
m0u5e | tanath: its slower too | 09:37 |
=== lymeca_ [n=lymeca@unaffiliated/lymeca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wers | ian_, Applications--> Add/Remove | 09:37 |
ian_ | sound | 09:37 |
tanath | m0u5e, i call it a feature... i use the put plugin to zoom it around the screen :D | 09:37 |
=== kahrytan [n=kahrytan@pool-71-176-23-82.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | m0u5e: ?.. thats not a problem, all you have to do is remove it from the tray, just like 90% of the apps on Windows and several on Gnome/KDE. | 09:37 |
tanath | ian_, then you want amarok | 09:38 |
m0u5e | You all might not feel the difference, but on *THIS* machine where i have to scrape to get everything running reletively smoothly, non-native libraries can make or break my apps :( | 09:38 |
ian_ | yes | 09:38 |
=== CPLWeeks [n=chatzill@24-105-208-57.cm.mhcable.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ian_ | how will I get it? | 09:38 |
=== Toma- [n=e17@i156-171.nv.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tanath | ian_, ever installed any new apps before? | 09:38 |
ian_ | none | 09:38 |
IndyGunFreak | m0u5e: then thats fine, but don't say its crap for that reason, it just apparently isn't for you.. but its probably the best media program out there | 09:38 |
=== cow_aq [n=cow_aq@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
m0u5e | ian_: wonderful day! FANFARE! first app install time! | 09:38 |
tanath | !install | 09:38 |
ubotu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate | 09:38 |
ian_ | but its in the add or remove right? | 09:38 |
tanath | arg | 09:38 |
m0u5e | IndyGunFreak: its true though, ive had bad experience with amorak on gnome :/ | 09:38 |
tanath | ian_, yep | 09:38 |
SwiftNomAd | CCAAAn someone heLLLp me?? | 09:38 |
=== wbvmwareimage [n=winboard@p3EE37745.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SwiftNomAd | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=522811 | 09:38 |
=== Jordanhatch [n=Jordan@host81-158-242-185.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ian_ | i saw amarok already | 09:38 |
ian_ | then what? | 09:39 |
compwiz | SwiftNomAd, do you have a spare keyboard? | 09:39 |
=== quaal [n=l@pool-71-243-235-226.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | m0u5e: then you've done something wrong .., i've always used it with gnome, never a problem... | 09:39 |
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tanath | ian_, k, right click on it, and choose install | 09:39 |
wers | ian_ tick the check box | 09:39 |
tanath | er, or that | 09:39 |
=== Jordanhatch slaps wers over the head with a trout | ||
tanath | i'm thinking of synaptic | 09:39 |
m0u5e | IndyGunFreak: IMO anyway, its also feature bloated :( | 09:39 |
ian_ | after I checked it? | 09:39 |
=== lymeca_ [n=lymeca@unaffiliated/lymeca] has left #ubuntu ["Vanity] | ||
ian_ | then what? | 09:39 |
Axioo | mouse: coz i need to run ubuntu as soon as possible, but i'd like to have the latest also ... ordering said could take 4 - 6 weeks, i ordered 1 week sgo .. | 09:39 |
wers | hahahaha | 09:39 |
wers | oam. click apply on the lower right | 09:39 |
IndyGunFreak | m0u5e: well, you're opinion is losing face pretty quickly with me, as everythign you say is pretty much based on your personal experience, and overall, its completely false. | 09:39 |
=== Tanman [n=weiyen@203-173-163-38.static.bliink.wave.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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SwiftNomAd | Does AAnyonne knnow how to fix my keybord | 09:40 |
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SwiftNomAd | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=522811 | 09:40 |
=== Jordanhatch puls the power cable out of all your computers! | ||
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@cpe-72-190-96-243.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dystopianray | Axioo: downloading feisty is not an option? | 09:40 |
compwiz | SwiftNomAd, do you have a spare keyboard? | 09:40 |
tanath | m0u5e, a floating icon is worth using amarok :P | 09:40 |
CPLWeeks | Just installed Ubuntu 7.04 on my second HDD. I know I installed the grub loader but I'm not presented with the OS options at boot. It defaults to windows. Any idea why? | 09:40 |
m0u5e | Axioo: but you're going to reinstall anyways right? what are you going to be using ubuntu for? | 09:40 |
wers | ian_, click apply on the lower right | 09:40 |
SwiftNomAd | No.. | 09:40 |
SwiftNomAd | =( | 09:40 |
compwiz | SwiftNomAd, do you have any other keyboards? | 09:40 |
SwiftNomAd | No I wish. | 09:40 |
m0u5e | tanath: it always crashed like crazy for me so i never really bothered | 09:40 |
=== TBZ [n=st33ldi9@rrcs-24-172-7-26.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TBZ | sigh | 09:40 |
compwiz | SwiftNomAd, did you try rebooting? | 09:40 |
tanath | m0u5e, any idea why? | 09:40 |
m0u5e | tanath: besides i like using native apps, without having to install a bunch of other libs | 09:40 |
tanath | m0u5e, try running it in a terminal or something? | 09:41 |
=== dibl [n=dibl@adsl-216-103-87-200.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
m0u5e | tanath: dunno, maybe one of these days ill go back and try it | 09:41 |
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tanath | m0u5e, well, i use a few other kde apps too, like k3b | 09:41 |
m0u5e | tanath: yeah, something came up, dont remember now though | 09:41 |
tanath | m0u5e, it's not a big deal. just a few libs | 09:41 |
Axioo | dystopianray: internet is poor in my neighboorhood <country> ... | 09:41 |
=== chalcedony smiles | ||
m0u5e | tanath: i use graveman, it works well | 09:41 |
SwiftNomAd | Yes and it still AAts like rzy annd the side keypds dont wnt to work and sometimes the eft right p or down dont wnt to work or deete | 09:41 |
=== AutumnCat_ [n=AutumnCa@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TBZ | Ok, I installed the nvidia x64 driver, I restart and get an X failure, it says that it failed to load the nvidia kernel module, when I installed the driver, I told it to make the module for me, what to do? | 09:41 |
yangtao | sorry | 09:41 |
tanath | m0u5e, well, maybe the newest version won't have that prob | 09:41 |
m0u5e | tanath: it slows my comp down like crazy though :X | 09:41 |
Neural_Overload | tanath, do kde apps run fairly well on ubuntu? | 09:41 |
ian_ | can someone help me | 09:41 |
Jordanhatch | press *format* on your computer now | 09:41 |
ian_ | i'm a newbie | 09:41 |
compwiz | SwiftNomAd, did you edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf recently? | 09:42 |
ian_ | i don't know what to do | 09:42 |
Axioo | mouse: for office work and also some automation work that required linux as it's OS | 09:42 |
m0u5e | Neural_Overload: they run well, just a little slower than native apps | 09:42 |
=== Jordanhatch slaps ian_ the newbie over the head | ||
chalcedony | does anyone use something for flow-charting? | 09:42 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, of course... there's a whole kde based ubuntu... kubuntu | 09:42 |
Jordanhatch | with a trout | 09:42 |
yangtao | I `m Chinese | 09:42 |
dystopianray | ian_: hurry up and ask your question | 09:42 |
=== Jordanhatch [n=Jordan@host81-158-242-185.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
IndyGunFreak | ian_: just ask. | 09:42 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, you can have both kde and gnome installed | 09:42 |
ian_ | how do i install | 09:42 |
SwiftNomAd | Yes beCAuse I hAAve dUAAll sCreAns | 09:42 |
chalcedony | Neural_Overload: works good | 09:42 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, or as many desktop environments as you can hold, lol | 09:42 |
ian_ | i cliked apply | 09:42 |
=== calavera [n=cal@195.Red-80-26-32.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
m0u5e | tanath: i dont like how it bloats your menus >.< | 09:42 |
yangtao | are you Chinese? | 09:42 |
=== renx [n=renx@c-68-50-68-24.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SwiftNomAd | sorry for text CrAzY | 09:42 |
compwiz | SwiftNomAd, and this is when they keyboard started doing that? | 09:43 |
Neural_Overload | tanath, do you have to have kde installed to run kde apps? | 09:43 |
IndyGunFreak | ian_: did it install? | 09:43 |
tanath | m0u5e, so just install the ones you want, and remove the ones you don't | 09:43 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, nope | 09:43 |
yangtao | 09:43 | |
ian_ | there's this option | 09:43 |
SwiftNomAd | No, when I instAlll LINUX | 09:43 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, i use amarok and a few other kde apps, but don't have it installed. just gnome for now | 09:43 |
ian_ | not authenticated | 09:43 |
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IndyGunFreak | !enter | ian_ | 09:43 |
ubotu | ian_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 09:43 |
ian_ | and others | 09:43 |
TBZ | master_of_master: mastershrek? | 09:43 |
Neural_Overload | tanath, Cool | 09:43 |
ian_ | oh....sorry | 09:43 |
m0u5e | yangtao: try #ubuntu-cn if you need support in your native language | 09:43 |
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ian_ | i don't know | 09:43 |
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Axioo | mouse: beside, I install it on my laptop with 1 HDD only, so I need to define some space first ... | 09:44 |
IndyGunFreak | ian_: search synaptic, and see if it has a green dot beside it, showing its installed.. | 09:44 |
ian_ | how do I search synaptic? | 09:44 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, if you want to streamline things, you can install a lightweight desktop environment like icewm that'll load in a blink | 09:44 |
compwiz | SwiftNomAd, it never did this in Windows? | 09:44 |
SwiftNomAd | Ive Used googLe And wont find Anything | 09:44 |
Flannel | ian_: Go up to the 'search' and type your terms in | 09:44 |
SwiftNomAd | no.. | 09:44 |
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m0u5e | axioo: in my experience, unless your installing a bunch of crap, you only need 5 gigs for ubuntu (provided that your home is on a seperate partition) | 09:44 |
chalcedony | does anyone use some kind of flow-charting software? | 09:44 |
compwiz | SwiftNomAd, do you still have windows installed? | 09:44 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, then remove others you don't want, and just install whatever apps you want. you can customize everything you like | 09:44 |
SwiftNomAd | Nope. | 09:45 |
SwiftNomAd | =X | 09:45 |
ian_ | sorry, but where's search? | 09:45 |
m0u5e | axioo: 4 for the operating system, and 1 for swap | 09:45 |
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Flannel | ian_: top menu bar? | 09:45 |
ian_ | the alt+f2? | 09:45 |
compwiz | SwiftNomAd, do you have the linux livecd? | 09:45 |
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IndyGunFreak | ian_: at the top;? | 09:45 |
SwiftNomAd | Yes. | 09:45 |
Neural_Overload | tanath, I see | 09:45 |
m0u5e | chalcedony: try the open office suite? | 09:45 |
Flannel | ian_: No, in synaptic. Do you have synapic open? | 09:45 |
ian_ | i don't know that | 09:45 |
compwiz | SwiftNomAd, you may want to put that in and see if the keyboard behaves weirdly | 09:45 |
m0u5e | ian_: you want to install amarok right? | 09:46 |
Flannel | ian_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto | 09:46 |
IndyGunFreak | ian_: system menu, admin, then synaptic package manager | 09:46 |
compwiz | SwiftNomAd, if it does, the keyboard has a problem, most likely | 09:46 |
chalcedony | m0u5e: i have OO i was looking for something maybe lighter, it's for reminders, guides for a help channel | 09:46 |
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ian_ | yeah i got it right | 09:46 |
Neural_Overload | Ill see you later guys, im gonna hit the sack | 09:46 |
IndyGunFreak | ian_: so you have synaptic open? | 09:46 |
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SwiftNomAd | Ok.. I will Check it out thAn. | 09:46 |
ian_ | yes | 09:46 |
Neural_Overload | Im tired as heck | 09:46 |
Axioo | mouse: I'm about to allocate 10 GB (6 Ubuntu + 1 Swap + 3 FAT32 <Windows & Ubuntu data share>) | 09:46 |
IndyGunFreak | i swear i think that add/remove programs menu entry on Gnome is stupid, confuses people who are used to windows. | 09:46 |
compwiz | SwiftNomAd, good luck :) | 09:46 |
Walls7 | what is the command to open xorg .conf? | 09:46 |
IndyGunFreak | ian_: do a search for amarok | 09:46 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, i hear sleep is good for that :P | 09:46 |
SwiftNomAd | I hope its not the CAse.. | 09:46 |
m0u5e | chalcedony: sorry then, im as in the dark as you :D | 09:46 |
Neural_Overload | tanath, Indeed | 09:47 |
IndyGunFreak | Walls7: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:47 |
bruenig | Walls7, sudo texteditor /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:47 |
compwiz | Walls7, gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:47 |
SwiftNomAd | ThAnks COMWIZ | 09:47 |
SwiftNomAd | rg | 09:47 |
compwiz | SwiftNomAd, no problem :) | 09:47 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, i'ma have to try it one of these days :D | 09:47 |
SwiftNomAd | CyA | 09:47 |
SwiftNomAd | =P | 09:47 |
dibl | Hi All, I'm having a very surreal experience.... each time I reboot, I alternate between two views of my root disk/file system. Any thoughts? | 09:47 |
chalcedony | m0u5e: ive got something called 'sticky notes" that are cute.. but you can only have so many and still find what you want.. | 09:47 |
Walls7 | compwiz, bruenig, IndyGunFreak: lol thanks | 09:47 |
Neural_Overload | tanath, as late as it is where you are, you should have probably been in bed days ago | 09:47 |
bullgard4 | Are there in Ubuntu graphical frontends to general databases in addition to OO.o Base and phpMyadmin? | 09:47 |
compwiz | Walls7, np | 09:47 |
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tanath | Neural_Overload, lol. work sucks | 09:47 |
m0u5e | ian_: if you only want amarok, then you can type "sudo apt-get install amarok" into a terminal | 09:47 |
dystopianray | dibl: exactly what is the difference between the two? | 09:47 |
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Neural_Overload | tanath, graveyard shift? | 09:47 |
ian_ | oh..i see | 09:47 |
Axioo | mouse: I read on some dual boot installation manual for Dapper that I should specify my Ubuntu partition in the front following my Windows installation | 09:47 |
dystopianray | bullgard4: kexi | 09:48 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, afternoons. 'till 11:30 | 09:48 |
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dibl | One "view" is an snapshot of my f/s the way it looked about 3 or 4 days ago. The other "view" is the way it looked just after I installed the new kernel in preparation for reboot | 09:48 |
Neural_Overload | tanath, Ah, I see | 09:48 |
IndyGunFreak | ian_: did you find it in synaptic? | 09:48 |
bullgard4 | dystopianray: Doesn't kexi belogn to Kubuntu? | 09:48 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, i have no idea why i'm still up. i came to get help, and ended up giving it, and blabbing with you guys | 09:48 |
dystopianray | bullgard4: it comes by default with kubuntu, but it is an ubuntu package | 09:49 |
=== tanath sighs | ||
Walls7 | whats the thing if i want to re order OS's at GRUB? | 09:49 |
IndyGunFreak | tanath: thats how it always goes here...lol | 09:49 |
m0u5e | chalcedony: hmm then dunno :D if you want something like sticky notes, i would've recommended tomboy sticky notes (in ubuntu) but seems like you've already tried that | 09:49 |
Neural_Overload | tanath, I came to get help and ended up blabbing with you guys | 09:49 |
IndyGunFreak | Walls7: sudo geidt /boot/grub/menu.lst | 09:49 |
TBZ | Ok, I installed the nvidia x64 driver, I restart and get an X failure, it says that it failed to load the nvidia kernel module, when I installed the driver, I told it to make the module for me, what to do? Also, I downloaded the package straight from nvidia.com without package manager, and installed. So how can I delete/uninstall now? | 09:49 |
tanath | IndyGunFreak, yeh. that's why i just give up sometimes | 09:49 |
IndyGunFreak | :) | 09:49 |
bullgard4 | dystopianray: Thank you for explaining. | 09:49 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, yep. irc is evil that way :D | 09:49 |
compwiz | Walls7, gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 09:49 |
Neural_Overload | tanath, IRC is like textual crack | 09:49 |
tanath | lol | 09:49 |
IndyGunFreak | Walls7: why do you need to edit your menu.lst? | 09:50 |
m0u5e | tanath: lol all you have to do is ctrl+q :D | 09:50 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, guess that explains why it's been around so long :P | 09:50 |
chalcedony | m0u5e: maybe.. can tomboy notes be wider than 17 or so characters? | 09:50 |
tanath | m0u5e, don't tell me that.. | 09:50 |
hunteke | TBZ: I think we dealt with this a couple of days ago | 09:50 |
Neural_Overload | tanath, Haha true | 09:50 |
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m0u5e | chalcedony: yeah, they can be as long as they want :D | 09:50 |
hunteke | TBZ: I can't remeber exactly, but look for a hidden file | 09:50 |
Walls7 | IndyGunFreak: im on dual boot so i can have ubuntu and windows, but i want windows to be the first, so it will defaultly go on windows | 09:50 |
m0u5e | tanath: :P | 09:50 |
hunteke | in . . . | 09:50 |
Neural_Overload | tanath, I only learned about IRC about 2 years ago | 09:50 |
=== hunteke thinks for a minunte | ||
IndyGunFreak | Walls7: ok... | 09:51 |
chalcedony | m0u5e: umm mine get too long for the screen and you can't scroll down on them/ | 09:51 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, yeh, it takes some people a while to find it | 09:51 |
IndyGunFreak | Walls7: no need to change the menu order, i actually woudnt' mess with it. | 09:51 |
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m0u5e | chalcedony: definitely try tomboy notes then, it comes with ubuntu | 09:51 |
IndyGunFreak | just find the one that has "saveddefault", and delete it, and put that entry under Windows | 09:51 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, most end up on msn and never leave... 'cause everyone else is on ther | 09:51 |
tanath | e | 09:51 |
dibl | Dystop: One "view" is a snapshot of my f/s the way it looked about 3 or 4 days ago. The other "view" is the way it looked just after I installed the new kernel in preparation for reboot | 09:51 |
Neural_Overload | tanath, There or Aim | 09:51 |
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=== tanath shudders | ||
m0u5e | chalcedony: just type sudo apt-get install tomboy | 09:52 |
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Neural_Overload | tanath, most of my friends are on aim | 09:52 |
TBZ | !tomboy | 09:52 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, thanks. i had forgotten about the very existence of aim, until you brought it up! | 09:52 |
hunteke | TBZ: sorry, it's not coming to me | 09:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tomboy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:52 |
Neural_Overload | tanath, LOL your welcome | 09:52 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, >:D | 09:52 |
TBZ | hunteke: mmK | 09:52 |
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m0u5e | tanath / Neural_Overload: lol i have *both aim and msn :D | 09:52 |
Neural_Overload | tanath, Im just glad I ditched gAyOL when I did | 09:53 |
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tanath | m0u5e, i have gaim and amsn | 09:53 |
m0u5e | tanath: i just use gaim for both | 09:53 |
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tanath | Neural_Overload, i'm glad i learned not to use it before i had the chance :D | 09:53 |
Neural_Overload | m0u5e, I use gaim | 09:53 |
TBZ | hunteke: Why does it have to be such a b*sh to just get my vid working :'(>:o:'( | 09:53 |
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m0u5e | tanath: god ubuntu repos, hurry up and backport pidgin :( | 09:53 |
tanath | m0u5e, amsn is better for msn | 09:53 |
chalcedony | m0u5e: i typed tomboy notes and i've got it, it imported 15 of my other notes as it opened, whatever that means? | 09:53 |
IndyGunFreak | Gaim/Pidgin is Instant messaging nirvana | 09:53 |
Neural_Overload | tanath, It wasnt my choice when I had it :P | 09:53 |
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hunteke | TBZ: multiple answers | 09:53 |
Neural_Overload | So true | 09:53 |
m0u5e | tanath: but that means a seperate client :( | 09:54 |
chalcedony | m0u5e: is there a how-to ? | 09:54 |
IndyGunFreak | ian_: did you get amarok installed? | 09:54 |
m0u5e | chalcedony: the very first note that pops up should be a how to guide :D | 09:54 |
chalcedony | IndyGunFreak: have we got the same program? no dcc ? | 09:54 |
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ian_ | it's not yet done but it's in 26 out of 26 | 09:54 |
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tanath | TBZ, there's things better than tomboy | 09:54 |
IndyGunFreak | chalcedny: i love pidgin.., i don't dcc. | 09:54 |
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hunteke | TBZ: try this though: ls /var/log/ and look for an Xorg.log file | 09:54 |
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IndyGunFreak | ian_: ok, so its installing. | 09:54 |
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TBZ | Well, I've tried the restricted drivers, no luck. Now, I tried the latest driver, no luck. Is there a way I can just repair kernel module? Or somehow make it for the new drivers? | 09:55 |
=== cressie176 [n=chatzill@cpc3-ipsw3-0-0-cust916.colc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chalcedony | m0u5e: um? Start Here | 09:55 |
chalcedony | Welcome to Tomboy! | 09:55 |
chalcedony | Use this page as a Start Page for organizing your notes and keeping unorganized ideas around. | 09:55 |
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hunteke | TBZ: then do 'grep EE /var/log/[xorgfile] ' | 09:55 |
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chalcedony | tanath: like? | 09:55 |
predaeus | TBZ, what graphics card do you have? | 09:55 |
m0u5e | chalcedony: is there no help? | 09:55 |
chalcedony | m0u5e: doesn't seem so | 09:55 |
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tanath | chalcedny, zim | 09:55 |
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m0u5e | hmm try opening a term and typing man tomboy, or tomboy --help | 09:55 |
chalcedony | hmm tanath ok ill google that | 09:56 |
=== m0u5e chuckles... "man tomboy haha..." | ||
chalcedony | ok m0u5e good idea | 09:56 |
chalcedony | hehe | 09:56 |
Neural_Overload | chalcedny, whats the problem? | 09:56 |
hunteke | haha | 09:56 |
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cressie176 | Hi. Where's the best place to set JAVA_HOME? /etc/bash.bashrc or /etc/environment? What difference does it make? Thx | 09:56 |
TBZ | 8800GTS | 09:56 |
Neural_Overload | chalcedony, Whats the problem? | 09:56 |
bruenig | cressie176, in /etc/profile | 09:56 |
hunteke | *nix is great for those though, eh? | 09:56 |
hunteke | let me see | 09:56 |
chalcedony | Neural_Overload: i'm looking for something a little more robust for notes than the sticky notes i have | 09:56 |
chalcedony | Neural_Overload: tomboy notes doesn't seem to have a how-to | 09:57 |
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m0u5e | hey, i hear java is designing something called looking glass | 09:57 |
m0u5e | anyone hear anything about it? | 09:57 |
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tanath | chalcedony, i tried a few and settled on zim, and sticky notes (which i think is just a gnome applet) | 09:57 |
Neural_Overload | chalcedony, once you open tomboy look by your clock | 09:57 |
predaeus | TBZ, I think that one is neither supported by the nvidia-glx, nor the nvidia-glx-new package. Might need to install nvidia drivers yourself. Or is that what you tried. | 09:57 |
hunteke | how does that go, something like: Why geeks like computers: unzip, strip, touch, finger, grep, mount, fsck, more, yes, fsck, fsck, fsck, umount, sleep. | 09:57 |
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ubunt1 | !outlook | 09:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about outlook - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:57 |
cressie176 | thanks bruenig. Still confused as to why one place is better than another - googled and different guides suggested different places | 09:57 |
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ubunt1 | !PIM | 09:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pim - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:57 |
Lunis | can anyone suggest some information/howtos on multiple x servers on one machine to server multiple monitors? | 09:58 |
=== DarkRaven [n=dvwyngaa@dsl-243-79-60.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Neural_Overload | chalcedony, there should be a little yellow post-it type icon. Left click it and click "create new note". | 09:58 |
tanath | !zim | 09:58 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about zim - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:58 |
m0u5e | !m$ | 09:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about m$ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:58 |
bruenig | cressie176, /etc/environment is an exclusively ubuntu/debian thing, I have never seen it in any distro and for quite a while I am pretty sure it didn't do anything at all in ubuntu | 09:58 |
TBZ | predaeus: That's what I tried... | 09:58 |
m0u5e | !microsoft | 09:58 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 09:58 |
chalcedony | Neural_Overload: ahh ok | 09:58 |
Madpilot | !msgthebot | 09:58 |
hunteke | TBZ: did you grep for EE? | 09:58 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 09:58 |
tanath | lol | 09:58 |
chalcedony | i thought that was from my other sticky notes | 09:58 |
TBZ | hunteke: I have two log files, one regular and one .old | 09:58 |
Neural_Overload | chalcedony, Yeah, I just figured it out haha thats how come I know | 09:58 |
chalcedony | hehe Neural_Overload :)) | 09:59 |
tanath | chalcedony, i'd still recommend trying zim | 09:59 |
ubunt1 | !video | 09:59 |
ubotu | Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications | 09:59 |
=== ``EJ [n=ej@adsl-65-69-235-4.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
TBZ | All it says is that it failed to load the nvidia kernel module or something of that sort on error report. | 09:59 |
bruenig | tanath, do you mean notes for classes? | 09:59 |
Neural_Overload | chalcedony, the little how to thing was a little vague on the description lol | 09:59 |
tanath | bruenig, notes for whatever... | 09:59 |
xoRock | need help, i try to attach dosemu to netware server, load LSL, IPX is loaded, it shows time and attach to server but it stuck after that, any clue? | 09:59 |
TBZ | When I ran the install, it tried to search for a kernel module, it said that it didn't find one, then would build one for me auto. And well, I guess it just didn't work | 09:59 |
hunteke | did you do any editing of the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file yourself, TBZ? | 09:59 |
ian_ | amarok is done already...how do i use it? | 09:59 |
=== Regel [n=Regel@dsl-jnsgw1-ffefc000-238.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | tanath, I have been looking for a good class note taking application, I figured I would just go with word processor unless there is something better, tomboy and the like are glorified stickies, not really into that | 10:00 |
tanath | bruenig, http://pardus-larus.student.utwente.nl/%7Epardus/projects/zim/screenshots.shtml | 10:00 |
tanath | that's what zim looks like | 10:00 |
hunteke | TBZ, /msg me the exact output of the grep command of the newest file | 10:00 |
|_ocke | zim!? | 10:00 |
|_ocke | like the zim!? | 10:00 |
tanath | it's better than it appears | 10:00 |
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|_ocke | from #emu? | 10:00 |
tanath | |_ocke, not invader zim :P | 10:00 |
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predaeus | TBZ, there is a separate installer log file somewhere for the nvidia installer | 10:00 |
Neural_Overload | tanath, m0u5e Im going to bed guys. Have a good night, I'll probably be on later :D | 10:00 |
|_ocke | no wtf is invader zim? | 10:00 |
tanath | |_ocke, zim is a notetaking app | 10:00 |
satish | hi | 10:00 |
|_ocke | oh | 10:00 |
|_ocke | damn | 10:00 |
chalcedony | Neural_Overload: try man tomboy notes | 10:01 |
hunteke | predaeus good call | 10:01 |
tanath | Neural_Overload, night. i prolly wont :P | 10:01 |
|_ocke | i thought you were talking about oldschool #emu/#emuroms ZiM | 10:01 |
chalcedony | sleep well Neural_Overload | 10:01 |
hunteke | TBZ: perhaps in ~root/? | 10:01 |
|_ocke | or maybe it was zIm | 10:01 |
chalcedony | and ty | 10:01 |
m0u5e | Neural_Overload: night :) | 10:01 |
|_ocke | or just zim | 10:01 |
|_ocke | i cant remember | 10:01 |
tanath | |_ocke, nah. i never used irc for rom | 10:01 |
tanath | s | 10:01 |
|_ocke | he was one of my best friends on irc | 10:01 |
Neural_Overload | chalcedony, I shall try, thanks | 10:01 |
m0u5e | god i hate how in xubuntu, whenever i get a msg, my gaim wont blink :( | 10:01 |
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bruenig | tanath, sort of like tomboy on steroids | 10:01 |
tanath | |_ocke, ah, that explains the outburst :P | 10:01 |
chalcedony | tanath: ~$ zim | 10:01 |
chalcedony | bash: zim: command not found | 10:01 |
chalcedony | ~$ | 10:01 |
tanath | bruenig, yeh | 10:01 |
Neural_Overload | m0u5e, night, good meeting you :) | 10:02 |
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bullgard4 | Synaptic writes: "The kexi package is part of the KDE Office Suite." I am going to stay with my OO.o Office. When installing kexi, would I have to install a lot of general-purpose KDE program packages also? | 10:02 |
|_ocke | i chatted with him on a personal level every day for like 6-8 years | 10:02 |
TBZ | hunteke: Yes I modified the xorb.conf to show "nvidia" as driver instead of the old nv | 10:02 |
tanath | chalcedony, sudo aptitude install zim && zim | 10:02 |
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TBZ | hunteke: and let me paste bin this real quick | 10:02 |
m0u5e | neural_overload: hehe me too :D night | 10:02 |
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=== Neural_Overload makes like a tree and leaves | ||
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tanath | lol | 10:03 |
satish | hello | 10:03 |
daleach | On startup when my machine tried to run a periodic disk scan it gave some error about couldn't read swap partition and continued on...thought that was real strange (not sure if I can read a log of that error message?) when I enter "free" on the shell I get 3 zeros for the swap memory | 10:03 |
satish | anyone there | 10:03 |
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TBZ | hunteke: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33312/ | 10:04 |
chalcedony | tanath: Open repository??? | 10:04 |
satish | watsthat | 10:04 |
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tanath | chalcedony, hmm? | 10:04 |
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Dim45 | lk | 10:04 |
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aldin | how can i tell kernel not to load some driver (during install) | 10:04 |
chalcedony | tanath: a square window opened it says Open Reository - Zim and gives choices Help CAnce and Open, Add Change Remove | 10:04 |
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chalcedony | sez Please choose a Repository | 10:05 |
m0u5e | deleach: was this disk check in windows? | 10:05 |
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tanath | chalcedony, oh, lol. i forgot about that. yeh i thought you meant it wasn't installed :P | 10:05 |
bruenig | tanath, that is about the greatest find this channel has ever given me | 10:05 |
daleach | m0u5e haha no | 10:05 |
chalcedony | rofl tanath now what? | 10:05 |
tanath | chalcedony, yeh, it's like a center point... like of a mind-map | 10:05 |
m0u5e | daleach: then no idea :D | 10:05 |
tanath | bruenig, zim? | 10:05 |
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tanath | chalcedony, make one, name it, use it | 10:06 |
amet | hey | 10:06 |
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chalcedony | tanath: um i see maybe/ | 10:06 |
hunteke | TBZ: yeah, that's in line with pradaeus said about ti being not supported by glx | 10:06 |
daleach | m0u5e I couldn't believe it either because I thought linux or at least ubuntu running in KDE etc.. would NEED some swap heh | 10:06 |
hunteke | hmm | 10:06 |
TBZ | hunteke: and yes, I have the nvidia install log, but, It is fairly large... | 10:06 |
bruenig | tanath, I desperately wanted something that could save individual files, but wasn't a word processor for note taking | 10:06 |
predaeus | TBZ, check /var/log/nvidia-installer.log if it thinks the installation succeeded. | 10:06 |
m0u5e | daleach: unless you have 4 gigs of ram i dont see why your computer *wouldn't need swap 6_6; | 10:06 |
daleach | I guess its just keeping it all in ram | 10:06 |
tanath | bruenig, i actually found it from a comment on digg.com :) | 10:06 |
hunteke | TBZ: what are the last few lines (tail /var/log/nvidia-installer.log | 10:07 |
m0u5e | daleach: lol, you need swap for video editting though :( | 10:07 |
predaeus | TBZ, just check the end | 10:07 |
daleach | yeah no I have a swap partion i'm pretty sure | 10:07 |
tanath | bruenig, suited my needs best too | 10:07 |
predaeus | g | 10:07 |
TBZ | hunteke: It does say that it was successfully installed | 10:07 |
hunteke | hmm, okay so it's just a configuration issue then | 10:07 |
hunteke | if it's going to work at all | 10:07 |
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m0u5e | daleach: you can check what your swap is, just type "swap" into a terminal or "free" | 10:07 |
m0u5e | if it says 0k that means you have no swap allocated :X | 10:07 |
m0u5e | or that your swap partition is wrongly assigned... | 10:07 |
predaeus | TBZ, uninstall linux-restricted-modules and any nvidia-glx* packages and try to reinstall the nvidia installer/driver | 10:07 |
daleach | I don't get anything for "swap" | 10:07 |
daleach | you sure that's a valid command | 10:07 |
daleach | as I already said when I enter free | 10:08 |
daleach | i get 0, 0, 0 hah | 10:08 |
hunteke | Predaeus: damn, was two seconds from hitting enter and suggesting the same thing. hehe | 10:08 |
TBZ | hunteke: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33313/ | 10:08 |
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predaeus | TBZ, if it messes up, switch "nvidia" to "nv" to get into irc again. g | 10:08 |
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Albitos_ | hi all | 10:08 |
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TBZ | predaeus: Ok, and ya, that's what I did, that's why I'm in here now | 10:09 |
hunteke | wait, are you in X right now, TBZ? | 10:09 |
TBZ | Ya | 10:09 |
TBZ | I did the switch to NV | 10:09 |
hunteke | TBZ: oh haha, right | 10:09 |
lnx^ | hey, i'm thinking of getting a zyxel G-220 usb wifi dongle to be able to share my ubuntu's internet connection with a wlan device (the dongle would work as an AP). should it work, or are there any better devices i should consider? i saw that the zyxel needs a windows program 'zyxel utility' at least for configuration - does anyone happen to know if it's needed only for configuration, or also for running the AP? | 10:09 |
hunteke | TBZ: was confused for a sec | 10:09 |
TBZ | I had the same problem last time I tried to install with restricted drivers =/ I at least learned how to get back in | 10:09 |
m0u5e | gah, flash doesnt work well on my comp :( | 10:10 |
TBZ | ! WTS 8800GTS Dirt Cheap | 10:10 |
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m0u5e | it lags my browser and randomly freezes | 10:10 |
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hunteke | TBZ: well, clearly you aren't an old dog, then, eh? hmm, the log seems to be in order as far as I can tell (but I'm no expert) | 10:10 |
predaeus | TBZ, I also often had problems when switching back and forth from nvidia/installer and packages, no idea what it is messing up. Unfortunately I do not know the details about what files are installed where and so on. | 10:10 |
chalcedony | tanath: m0u5e do either of these have the ability to do black background or anythiing non-white? | 10:10 |
tanath | woah, wtf is wrong with people? would you permanently alter yourself to better use a mere gadget you'd only use temporarily?? this guy did: http://technologyexpert.blogspot.com/2007/08/did-someone-really-surgically-alter-his.html | 10:10 |
Albitos | i have big problem =.= after ubuntu installation, system works few minutes and later gets freeze without any reason... | 10:10 |
=== chovy [n=chovy@adsl-75-31-44-145.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chovy | how do i enable ssh to the box from local network? | 10:11 |
Albitos | i tried ubuntu 7.04, 6.06 | 10:11 |
m0u5e | chalcedony: you talking about tomboy? dunno? :X | 10:11 |
tanath | chalcedony, heh, i forgot about that. i use the negative plugin in compiz-fusion, so my colours are inverted. i see white text on a black background :D | 10:11 |
hunteke | TBZ: have you had a chance to follow predaeus suggestion and remove the -glx stuff? | 10:11 |
Albitos | and kubuntu 7.04 | 10:11 |
hunteke | chovy, are you sure it's enabled locally? | 10:11 |
Albitos | everywhere same problem.... | 10:11 |
TBZ | predaeus: man, I have been working on this issue for past 2 days, it's basically the only thing holding me back, I'm willing to do anything to get it working | 10:11 |
hunteke | chovy, ssh localhost works? | 10:11 |
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TBZ | hunteke: not yet, I'm going to do that now, I hope | 10:11 |
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Albitos | help? | 10:11 |
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chalcedony | tanath: how do i do that? | 10:12 |
tanath | chalcedny, if you're going around trying to flip colours on things, might as well get something that lets you flip whatever you want :D | 10:12 |
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TBZ | should I mark them for complete removal? | 10:12 |
tanath | chalcedony, install beryl, or compiz-fusion (if you're daring. it's in alpha). it's a composite window manager with lots of fancy effects, like a desktop cube | 10:12 |
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hunteke | no | 10:12 |
hunteke | that'll remove the configuration files as well | 10:13 |
tanath | chalcedony, wobbly windows, transparencies, etc. | 10:13 |
hunteke | although if you haven't messed with them | 10:13 |
hunteke | it won't matter | 10:13 |
hunteke | you can just reinstall them later | 10:13 |
hunteke | if you need to | 10:13 |
chalcedony | ooh tanath i've been fairly happy with whatever this is | 10:13 |
TBZ | hunteke: Ok, I think im going to go with full remove | 10:13 |
hunteke | mmk | 10:13 |
tanath | chalcedony, then, you can enable the negative plugin, and there's shortcuts to flip the colours on the screen, or just in one app | 10:14 |
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TBZ | hunteke: Even the "helper scripts" | 10:14 |
tanath | chalcedny, meh, your loss | 10:14 |
TBZ | hunteke: ? | 10:14 |
chalcedony | tanath: if i mess it up my son will kill me | 10:14 |
tanath | lol | 10:14 |
hunteke | I don't know what those are, predaeus? | 10:14 |
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tanath | chalcedony, so make him do it :D | 10:14 |
chalcedony | he's asleep | 10:14 |
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chalcedony | besides he doesn't like helping me | 10:14 |
tanath | chalcedony, so make him do it later then :P | 10:14 |
tanath | chalcedony, make him like it :P | 10:15 |
chalcedony | tanath: you sound like a son | 10:15 |
chrisellis | Hey guys im trying to install ubuntu on another HD and when i try to make a partition it says can't have the end before the start | 10:15 |
tanath | chalcedony, would be if i had a dad :P | 10:15 |
chrisellis | what does that mean | 10:15 |
chalcedony | i'm a mom | 10:15 |
hunteke | TBZ: well, as long as there in repository and you haven't made any changes to them, you aren't losing anything you can't get back but just reinstalling them, so it shouldn't matter | 10:15 |
tanath | chalcedony, er, not that i'm a test-tube baby :P | 10:15 |
TBZ | predaeus: Should I remove the linux-restricted-modules-comn as well? | 10:15 |
chalcedony | tanath: i bet not! | 10:15 |
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=== BigMac [n=BigMac@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tanath | chalcedony, can't be too sure nowadays though ;p | 10:16 |
hunteke | TBZ: can you remove that? I'll bet you can't without removing a bunch of things, like ubuntu desktop, etc | 10:16 |
BigMac | Hey, how do I load gtkrc files in ubuntu | 10:16 |
BigMac | I dn't figure it out | 10:16 |
hunteke | TBZ: if it's a single package removal, nothing lost you can get it back | 10:16 |
predaeus | TBZ, hunteke, yes I would remove it too, like hunteke said you can just reinstall them if needed. And it is most likely only for the nvidia drivers. | 10:16 |
chalcedony | tanath: i thought that didn't work out all hat well, there's the real deal :) | 10:16 |
TBZ | Ok | 10:16 |
TBZ | and should I remove via the synaptic? | 10:17 |
tanath | chalcedony, hm? | 10:17 |
hunteke | TBZ: as opposed to? | 10:17 |
TBZ | apt? | 10:17 |
hunteke | apt-get? that's the same thing | 10:17 |
TBZ | K | 10:17 |
hunteke | synaptic is just the user friendly version | 10:17 |
wers | is there a way for me to control someone else's ubuntu box? | 10:17 |
=== Solidays [n=jojo@host86-137-153-132.range86-137.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wers | I mean | 10:17 |
wers | online | 10:17 |
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chalcedony | tanath: i've had 6 at home 1 in the hospital, i don't think you can do that from a test tube | 10:18 |
wers | like remote asssistance | 10:18 |
hunteke | TBZ: in fact, if you click show details, you'll see syntaptic uses apt behind the scenes | 10:18 |
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BigMac | I dn't figure it out | 10:18 |
BigMac | Hey, how do I load gtkrc files in ubuntu | 10:18 |
BigMac | I can't figure it out | 10:18 |
tanath | chalcedony, i mean, i'm sure they can create people in a lab, basically parentless | 10:18 |
BigMac | THe theme selector doesn't load them | 10:18 |
Walls7 | lol i forgot, what was the command to re order my OS's at GRUB? | 10:19 |
chalcedony | tanath: nope | 10:19 |
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tanath | wers, yeh. | 10:19 |
wers | how, tanath? | 10:19 |
TBZ | Ok, I noticed that I also have multipe header files, should I sort them out and remove a few? | 10:19 |
tanath | wers, System > Prefs > Remote desktop | 10:19 |
bruenig | tanath, can you choose something other than Home for that first one | 10:19 |
hunteke | TBZ: if we can't help you here tonight (what timezone are you in?!) then you might try #nvidia. They seem to have a large number of folks, although quiet at the moment. | 10:20 |
randoman | TBZ if you want to take the time :P | 10:20 |
bruenig | tanath, nevermind | 10:20 |
TBZ | I'm eastern | 10:20 |
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Walls7 | what is the command that will let me re order my OS's at GRUB? | 10:20 |
hunteke | thats -0400 as in America? | 10:20 |
tanath | bruenig, :) glad you got it. i forget | 10:20 |
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TBZ | hunteke: -5, you? | 10:20 |
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hunteke | -0400 | 10:20 |
wers | what do I do in Remote desktop tanath? how do I access someone else's desktop? | 10:20 |
hunteke | 4:20a here | 10:20 |
BigMac | Hey, how do I load gtkrc files in ubuntu | 10:20 |
BigMac | THe theme selector doesn't load them | 10:21 |
bruenig | tanath now if only you could make it use vim keybindings, that would be awesome | 10:21 |
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tanath | wers, well, the other person would go there, and enable it, then set up a password, and you could connect to them with that pass | 10:21 |
randoman | hey guys, im a little unclear here on the dual2core, are the core each 2.6ghz or are they both working to achive 2.66 ghz? | 10:21 |
tanath | bruenig, suggest it to the developer | 10:21 |
randoman | because in system monitor it shows 2.66ghz for each core | 10:21 |
TBZ | hunteke: Ok, now I removed those, do I need to reinstall? Or can I just switch back the "nvidia" in xorb.conf? | 10:21 |
tanath | bruenig, or learn programming and implement it yourself :P | 10:21 |
BigMac | Hey, how do I load gtkrc files in ubuntu | 10:22 |
wers | tanath, when the other person enables it and I already know the pass, how do I connect to him? do I enter his IP on my browser or something? | 10:22 |
hunteke | to be honest I don't know, I'm just trying things out | 10:22 |
Walls7 | what is the command to open that common file for GRUB? i think it was menu.lst or something | 10:22 |
chalcedony | tanath: what's the command to get beryl or compiz-fusion? | 10:22 |
BigMac | Any reasonwhy Noboy has an answer | 10:22 |
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hunteke | predaeus pointed out that glx doesn't work | 10:22 |
BigMac | it is a pretty common occurence | 10:22 |
hunteke | so that's the first task | 10:22 |
hunteke | get rid of glx | 10:22 |
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hunteke | and see if we can get it to work | 10:22 |
nemik | is there any automatix or equivalent codec thing for gutsy? | 10:23 |
TBZ | hunteke: K, I don't even know how to reinstall via the nvidia install, so I have to read how to do it | 10:23 |
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hunteke | no no, nvidia is still on your system, I think | 10:23 |
Walls7 | what is the command to open that common file for GRUB? i think it was menu.lst or something, because i want to re order my OS's at the startup page (running dual boot)? | 10:23 |
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hunteke | just not through the apt system | 10:23 |
tanath | chalcedony, you'll have to add the repository first | 10:23 |
BigMac | Hey, how do I load gtkrc files in ubuntu? | 10:23 |
hunteke | TBZ: look in your xorg.conf | 10:23 |
hunteke | do you see glx in there | 10:24 |
hunteke | let me what the sections called . . . | 10:24 |
tanath | wers, i'm not entirely sure. i haven't used it. you can google it though | 10:24 |
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chalcedony | tanath: i can see this is going to be challenging. he's refusing to replace my soundcard as it is | 10:24 |
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hunteke | it'd be in the Section "Module" | 10:24 |
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tanath | well, that's new hardware... not the same as installing an application | 10:24 |
TBZ | hunteke: There is a Load "glx" | 10:24 |
hunteke | okay | 10:24 |
TBZ | hunteke: remove that? | 10:24 |
hunteke | no | 10:25 |
hunteke | but comment it | 10:25 |
hunteke | put a '#' symbol | 10:25 |
hunteke | at the beginning of that line | 10:25 |
hunteke | that will tell X to ignore that line | 10:25 |
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hunteke | as it reads in the config info | 10:25 |
TBZ | hunteke: K | 10:25 |
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hunteke | (if you remove it, then you'd have to remember what it was later if you needed to, and losing like 10 bytes in an era of half terabyte harddrives is manageable. ;-) ) | 10:26 |
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ubuntu_ | hello | 10:26 |
predaeus | TBZ, hunteke, I don't think you need to change anything in xorg.conf, or just run nvidia-xconfig if unsure, it will set it up for you. and create a backup automatically. I also think you can jsut run the nvidia installer to reinstall, not sure though. probably try "./nvidia-installe-file-thingy --help" for options | 10:26 |
tanath | chalcedony, check this out: http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net/techblog/article/enable_compizfusion_in_ubuntu_feisty/ | 10:26 |
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ubuntu_ | #matrik_ikip | 10:26 |
tanath | chalcedny, it says you need to upgrade your graphics driver first, but that may not be necessary. i didn't | 10:26 |
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TBZ | predaeus: ok thanks | 10:27 |
Walls7 | what is the command to open Menu.lst? | 10:27 |
hunteke | predaeus you going to be around for awhile? | 10:28 |
hunteke | I've /got/ to go to bed | 10:28 |
m0u5e | how do i shot web? | 10:28 |
punsad | Walls7: editorname /etc/grub/menu.1st | 10:28 |
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predaeus | hunteke, yes I am around for a while, but I am not actively following the channel. | 10:28 |
punsad | Walls7: editorname examples: vi, nano, gedit.... | 10:29 |
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punsad | Walls7: ooops... grub directory may be in /boot | 10:29 |
Walls7 | punsad: yea it is ;) | 10:29 |
hunteke | predaeus: well, looks like you know more than I do anyway, so I ought to stop leading this poor soul astray. TBZ, I'm sorry to leave you but I've got to get up in the morning. | 10:29 |
TBZ | hunteke: Thanks anyways bud, it's definately alright, have a good night man | 10:30 |
predaeus | hunteke, it's fine, I'll lead the soul astray from here on :-D good night | 10:30 |
punsad | Walls7: sorry... kneejerk reaction since most config stuff is in /etc | 10:30 |
hunteke | TBZ: don't forget that if you have no luck, to try #nvidia | 10:30 |
hunteke | night | 10:30 |
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gleb | Hey is there anyone who knows how to us vbox? | 10:30 |
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=== [RRTS] jetzh [n=RRTSjetz@219-89-54-206.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[RRTS] jetzh | whoa | 10:31 |
[RRTS] jetzh | 970 | 10:31 |
[RRTS] jetzh | !!! | 10:31 |
Shaye | so? :P there are more than 1000 usually | 10:31 |
tanath | [RRTS] jetzh, yeh, getting low. time to run some bots :P | 10:31 |
[RRTS] jetzh | really | 10:31 |
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TBZ | predaeus: ok, I'm trying to find the "nvidia-xconfig" now so when I boot to shell I'll know where it's at, one quick thing, when I use "man *commandname*", how do I exit the man page? | 10:31 |
chalcedony | tanath: KEWL.. now i really wish i had that soundcard. | 10:31 |
punsad | TBZ: q | 10:32 |
tanath | chalcedony, lol | 10:32 |
chalcedony | looks really nice | 10:32 |
[RRTS] jetzh | lolz | 10:32 |
gleb | If someone here knows how to us printer in guest os, speak to me private please. | 10:32 |
Walls7 | hmm its now working.. doesn anyone know the command to open the menu file in GRUB? | 10:32 |
[RRTS] jetzh | do you guys type slow or something? | 10:32 |
chalcedony | [RRTS] jetzh: there's this stuff called thinking.. | 10:32 |
punsad | Walls7: it's just a text file in /boot/grub/. | 10:32 |
[RRTS] jetzh | i know that | 10:32 |
predaeus | TBZ, I think nvidia-xconfig is only available after you installed the nvidia drivers from the installer, it will be in your path so running "$ nvidia-xconfig" should be fine (sudo needed) | 10:32 |
[RRTS] jetzh | i do that everyday Walls7 | 10:32 |
chalcedony | TBotNik_u: : q | 10:33 |
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punsad | Walls7 | 10:33 |
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punsad | Walls7: oops | 10:33 |
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noddles_ | punsad: for some reason it wont save what i change in it, only save as =/ | 10:34 |
gleb | Requesting help on using VirtualBox! | 10:34 |
Shaye | noddles_ chmod it | 10:34 |
=== [RRTS] jetzh is going crazy like a fox in wildfire. | ||
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punsad | noddles_: are you editing as root (or using sudo?) | 10:34 |
noddles_ | root | 10:34 |
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tanath | chalcedony, you have no sound at all? | 10:34 |
TBZ | predaeus: ok, I'm going to go try again | 10:34 |
punsad | you shouldn't mess with permissions on files like menu.1st | 10:35 |
TBZ | predaeus: be back in a few | 10:35 |
predaeus | TBZ, ok | 10:35 |
tanath | chalcedony, soundcard doesn't really affect visual effects... | 10:35 |
chalcedony | tanath: the kiten destroyed my headphone cord, and with it the soundcard | 10:35 |
punsad | noddles_: what do you mean it saves as "=/" | 10:35 |
tanath | chalcedony, o.O i doubt a kitten destroyed your soundcard... | 10:35 |
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tanath | chalcedony, the soundcard is inside the computer | 10:36 |
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tanath | chalcedony, you mean the headphone jack? | 10:36 |
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punsad | noddles_: are you sure you are saving it correctly? what editor are you using? | 10:37 |
noddles_ | punsad: fixed it | 10:37 |
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gleb | Little funny that here is almost one thousand people and no one knows or can help me with my problem on using Innotek VirtualBox | 10:37 |
punsad | noddles_: cool. how did you fix it? | 10:37 |
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x_ | hello everyone ... i got problem with shutdown , when i shutdown my PC , ubuntu unloading but can't turn off the pc ... what can i do ?! | 10:37 |
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_5-HT | x_ what happens if you issue 'sudo shutdown now -h' from a terminal? | 10:38 |
tanath | gleb, many aren't here. some aren't people. many know little and are learning, others aren't paying attention or are otherwise busy/occupied | 10:38 |
x_ | _5-HT i donno , never tried it | 10:38 |
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chalcedony | tanath: it shorted the card, apparently | 10:38 |
chalcedony | either way, card no go | 10:38 |
punsad | gleb: not only that, but that's not really an ubuntu or even linux centric question | 10:39 |
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_5-HT | x_ may be a halting problem, could be a lot of things. If that command works, it makes things simple | 10:39 |
gleb | Oh yes, its all true. | 10:39 |
punsad | gleb | 10:39 |
gleb | I'm on #vbox channel also but there is silent. | 10:39 |
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gleb | In think that solution to my problem is on ubuntu side. | 10:39 |
x_ | _5-HT ok ... i'll try it ... c u soon :-) | 10:39 |
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gleb | If I could explain my problem some people may understand how to fix it. | 10:40 |
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tanath | gleb, ask questions (being specific is good), and hope someone answers | 10:41 |
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Snakedude | hello, this is off topic, but im looking for a chatroom for discussion of programing logic, in particular structured diagrams, i need some help, can someone please refer me to a good server or room? | 10:42 |
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tanath | well, gnite chalcedony, m0u5e, et al | 10:42 |
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chalcedony | tanath: i sure appreciate all the help | 10:42 |
m0u5e | tanath: good night, im about to head out too :D | 10:42 |
chalcedony | sleep well | 10:42 |
tanath | np | 10:43 |
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tanath | you too | 10:43 |
m0u5e | hehe cya'll :D | 10:43 |
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tanath | nite ppl | 10:43 |
chalcedony | :)) | 10:43 |
chalcedony | night night m0u5e | 10:43 |
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chalcedony | sleep well too | 10:43 |
m0u5e | haha you too D: | 10:43 |
Snakedude | anyone? | 10:43 |
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thavorn | cannot play real media file | 10:43 |
chalcedony | Snakedude: i'll be interested if you find someting | 10:43 |
Billy | !wins | Billy | 10:43 |
x_ | _5-HT that coomand u gave me , worked :-) | 10:43 |
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gleb | I have xp only multifunctional printer(fax, scanner, printer, copy) I installed Innotek VirtualBox which way I'm able to run other Os on my Ubuntu. So I installed WinXp Pro and I have permitted to winXp to know of my printer. So When I start WinXp It sees that I have on it. And also usb-memorystick works propelly. BUT for some reason windows and printer can't communicate with each other.... :( | 10:43 |
Snakedude | ill let you know if i find something, but theres no rooms for programing in general :( | 10:44 |
fesits2k | Hi, can someone help me to solve a issue? | 10:44 |
chalcedony | Snakedude: hmmm there should be | 10:44 |
chalcedony | fesits2k: ask :) | 10:44 |
punsad | fesits2k: what's the problem | 10:44 |
_5-HT | x_, good. Best thing I can think of now is to make a shortcut with the command so you can shutdown properly. There are ways to edit the default shutdown command, but I can't remember what they are off the top of my head. Anyone else? | 10:44 |
Snakedude | alot of these rooms are based on OS's topics | 10:44 |
thavorn | gxine cannot play real media file | 10:45 |
gleb | And believe me I have read all forum posts of this case. | 10:45 |
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x_ | _5-HT what was that command again ?! | 10:45 |
chalcedony | Snakedude: or languages, which languages support what you do? | 10:45 |
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_5-HT | x_ sudo shutdown -h now | 10:45 |
x_ | thanks | 10:45 |
Snakedude | well i havent got that far yet | 10:45 |
Snakedude | i have to design a program for my assignment | 10:45 |
_5-HT | x_ i'm just checking now in gconf to see if there's a way to use that instead of the default one | 10:45 |
Snakedude | im only at the stage of preparing the review specifications | 10:46 |
chalcedony | Snakedude: what's the goal? | 10:46 |
Snakedude | ive got half a structured diagram | 10:46 |
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Billy | dose any know were I could look to make my ubuntu a wins server? or a Domain controler? I was told these 2 things were posible? | 10:46 |
Snakedude | well for my assignment i have to: design a program that must: allow for the input of the number of students | 10:46 |
Billy | mostly looking for wins? | 10:46 |
Snakedude | for each student | 10:46 |
fesits2k | I try to remotly connect to my ubuntu computer with nx client, first the screen goes black then i get an error like this: "last error message was: did not recive a reply, possible cause include: the remote application did not send a reply...." | 10:46 |
Snakedude | allow entry of their scores | 10:46 |
chovy | no, ssh does not work locally, how do I enable. | 10:47 |
Snakedude | it really is quiet a bit to type out sorry | 10:47 |
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Snakedude | basically though, i have to design a program that will produce statistcs(the lowes and highest score, and average of all scores) | 10:47 |
Snakedude | for student marks | 10:47 |
Snakedude | and if >=80 display "pass" | 10:48 |
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Snakedude | else display "fail" | 10:48 |
chalcedony | hmm | 10:48 |
chalcedony | i have a friend who is looking for open source social networking programming | 10:48 |
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Snakedude | that would be very handy right now | 10:48 |
Billy | !wins | billy | 10:48 |
chalcedony | i found some with google | 10:48 |
Billy | !window | billy | 10:49 |
Snakedude | something like that, where students can discuss problem solving, would be great | 10:49 |
punsad | chalcedony: what are some examples of that? | 10:49 |
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cjae | anyone know if there is a ktorrent channel | 10:49 |
fesits2k | did anyone look at what i wrote? i did google but with no luck.. | 10:49 |
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kersinc07 | #ubuntu-es | 10:50 |
chalcedony | punsad : http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=social+network+mapping+software+open+source&btnG=Search | 10:50 |
chalcedony | the wikipedia article explains well | 10:50 |
cjae | kersinc07, that to me | 10:51 |
=== TBZ [n=st33ldi9@rrcs-24-172-7-26.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
punsad | chalcedony: so what are you asking about it for? | 10:51 |
x_ | which program is for 3D Desktop ?! i know just BERYL , have we another things ?! | 10:51 |
chalcedony | Snakedude: are you looking to create social networks for students or diagram actions? | 10:52 |
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Snakedude | no just need a place to discuss problem solving really | 10:52 |
TBZ | predaeus: Welp, still no luck, I'm getting a sh: /sbin/lrm-video : not found, and a FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia, nvidia failed to load the nvidia kernel module | 10:52 |
punsad | Snakedude: what kind of problem solving? | 10:52 |
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Snakedude | i have to design a program, either with structured english or structured diagram, then desk check it(test plan included) | 10:53 |
TBZ | predaeus: Also, I noticed a post on the forums http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33315/ a guy said that, But he didn't go on to explain how to fix... | 10:53 |
Snakedude | but im having some difficulty | 10:53 |
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Snakedude | ive made up the review specifications so far | 10:53 |
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``EJ | \\'elcome ack ilovejesus | 10:54 |
Snakedude | with all the input, output, and processing as well as my assumptions | 10:54 |
punsad | "desk check it" - is that another way of saying talking about it with someone at their desk? | 10:54 |
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Snakedude | not in this case | 10:54 |
molkko | how can one display content of master boot record. i would like to see e.g. know to which /boot/grub/menu.lst it points to (i have many partitions) | 10:54 |
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fesits2k | no one that even has a clue what my problem is? | 10:54 |
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Billy | !samba | billy | 10:55 |
chalcedony | fesits2k: if you wait and keep asking, someone will show up and help, eventually | 10:55 |
Snakedude | desk checking in this case is where i have to work through my algorithim with example data, to determine the correctness of the algorithim before i begin writing the program | 10:55 |
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Snakedude | @chalcedony, sorry your pm didnt come through, my spam filter stopped it :( | 10:56 |
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punsad | molkko: I while I don't know the answer to your question, you could force it to point to a particular one by issueing 'grub' command while booted into that partition | 10:56 |
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x_ | i needf some #D Desktop programmes , what we have for it ?! | 10:56 |
=== IceLink [n=IceLink@Wa9d8.w.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IceLink | hi there | 10:56 |
IceLink | wasn't there a command to get the computer's usb-version? | 10:56 |
fesits2k | I try to remotly connect to my ubuntu computer with NX client, first the screen goes black then i get an error like this: "last error message was: did not recive a reply, possible cause include: the remote application did not send a reply...." Any ideas? | 10:56 |
TBZ | Hey, anyone in here really familiar with installing the nvidia drivers that could help me out? | 10:57 |
punsad | IceLink: i'd think it would show in 'dmesg' | 10:57 |
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x_ | TBZ G-card do u have ?! | 10:57 |
IceLink | punsad: too much text | 10:57 |
jacob | anybody knows how to remove a program i just installed | 10:57 |
punsad | IceLink: dmesg | grep USB | 10:57 |
=== Greeny_ [n=greeny@77-96-136-35.cable.ubr03.pres.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jacob | i installed itunes and quicktime using wine | 10:58 |
jacob | it | 10:58 |
punsad | jacob: apt-get remove | 10:58 |
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punsad | jacob: ooh... instsalling with wine... i don't know anything about that | 10:58 |
IceLink | thank ya punsad | 10:58 |
x_ | TBZ what's your card model ?! | 10:58 |
jacob | ah ok | 10:58 |
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=== nasso [n=nasso@217-210-190-218-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jacob | punsad ok | 10:58 |
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TBZ | x_: 8800GTS | 10:59 |
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x_ | TBZ do u have problem with screen resolution or what ?! | 10:59 |
nasso | i have a problem with all users not being able to modify all files on one of my disks. can anyone help me with this? | 10:59 |
TBZ | x_: no, I can't install... | 10:59 |
=== LinuxKid saluta | ||
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punsad | nasso: need to have permissions setup on the mount point correctly, and mount it read-write as specified in /etc/fstab | 11:00 |
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openorigin | Hello everybody, there is no www-data user or group in my system even after installing LAMP | 11:00 |
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x_ | TBZ if u type "nvidia-settings" in terminal what u can c ?! | 11:01 |
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TBZ | well it loads, but it says I'm not using the X driver, (which I'm not right now, I had to switch to nv to get back into Ubuntu) | 11:02 |
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x_ | TBZ ... wait .. i gonna check it :-) | 11:03 |
bruenig | openorigin, make one | 11:03 |
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TBZ | x_: when I do use the nvidia driver, on boot I get a failed X start, it says nvidia failed to load the nvidia kernel module | 11:04 |
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molkko | openorigin, for me www-data was always created automatically from dapper to feisty | 11:04 |
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TBZ | x_: I feel like all I need is a good working module...but i don't believe it's that easy, and if it is, I'll probably kill myself | 11:04 |
x_ | TBZ oh , i didn't get that error when i installed it | 11:04 |
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openorigin | molkko, i am using feisty kubuntu, but there is no www-data | 11:04 |
cjae | can someone help me with ktorrent | 11:04 |
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jacob | nobody knows how to remove applications installed by wine? | 11:04 |
bruenig | openorigin, make it | 11:04 |
molkko | do default ini files still refer to www-data or some other user? | 11:04 |
bruenig | jablob, delete the files | 11:05 |
bruenig | jacob, ^ | 11:05 |
openorigin | bruenig, ok, i'll be after doing it | 11:05 |
bruenig | jacob, you might find an uninstall.exe, you should try that too | 11:05 |
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chalcedony | openorigin: you might also try #kubuntu | 11:05 |
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TBZ | x_: me neither during install... it said it installed fine, that's at loading up ubuntu, it says that in X error report. | 11:05 |
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x_ | TBZ did u tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg in terminal ?! | 11:05 |
jacob | bruenig, in what directory path will i be able to run the uninstall exe? | 11:06 |
fesits2k | I try to remotly connect to my ubuntu computer with NX client, first the screen goes black then i get an error like this: "last error message was: did not recive a reply, possible cause include: the remote application did not send a reply...." Any ideas? | 11:06 |
TBZ | x_: No, I haven't what does that do exactly? | 11:06 |
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bruenig | jacob, in the Program Files folder of your program, this is all very program specific | 11:06 |
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x_ | TBZ that changing your dept to 24 | 11:06 |
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molkko | openorigin, i would check if server runs anyway, if it does your ok. if it does not i would check what user httpd.ini assumes. if its www-data, i would create www-data as suggested by others and restart | 11:07 |
jacob | bruenig, what i'm trying to say is how will the command lline look like if i want to run uninstall.exe? | 11:07 |
bruenig | wine uninstall.exe | 11:07 |
Fitutus | anyone has time to help compile aprq2 quake 2 client , some needed libraries are missing and i don't know how to install correct one :( | 11:07 |
x_ | TBZ maybe u need install something like sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 11:07 |
nasso | i have a problem with one user not being able to remove data that the other user creates, on one disk. can anyone help me with that? | 11:07 |
jacob | bruenig, i will need to run the uninstall.exe using wine again right? | 11:07 |
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bruenig | jacob, what | 11:08 |
jacob | bruenig to run the uninstall.exe, i will need to run wine again | 11:08 |
bruenig | jacob, yeah... you do understand how wine works right? | 11:08 |
jacob | bruenig how will the command line look like (the directory path) to run the uninstall.exe | 11:08 |
openorigin | molkko, created www-data group and it created, but when creating www-data, it is saying that "user already exixts" | 11:08 |
=== Catoptromancy_ [n=cat@fl-71-1-235-150.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
predaeus | TBZ, that is a weird installer error. you ran it as sudo right? There is anotehr workaround here http://blog.ikasweb.de/2007/05/29/geforce-8800-gts-mit-ubuntu-704/ probably unfortunately for you it is in german. Still you might be able to use the commands. It basically says to install the regular nvidia packages and then swap in a file from the nvidia installer file that you can unpack. Not sure if it works. | 11:09 |
bruenig | jacob, it depends on the program and the program may not even have one | 11:09 |
bruenig | jacob, just hunt around in ~/.wine | 11:09 |
cjae | hello | 11:09 |
cjae | can someone help me with ktorrent | 11:09 |
molkko | openorigin, then your original prognosis might be wrong. did you check if apache responds or not? | 11:09 |
TBZ | predaeus: your back! :-D did you get my messages? | 11:09 |
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predaeus | TBZ, yes, sorry I was eating a snack. | 11:10 |
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openorigin | molkko, it is responding | 11:10 |
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TBZ | predaeus: all good, but yea, I'm still getting the failed to load the nvidia kernel module, is there a place where I can just download a "hacked" or "already good" module and just install it somehow? | 11:11 |
molkko | openorigin, then you dont have problem, right? | 11:11 |
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jacob | bruenig, i have to go but thx for your help i think i know now | 11:11 |
TBZ | predaeus: also check this, and see if it makes sense to you... I understand what he is saying sort of but I do no not know how to go about it... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33315/ | 11:11 |
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hackerboy | does anyone know which applicication to use on ubuntu for burning image files to a cd | 11:11 |
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jacob | bruenig i see no uninstall file | 11:12 |
molkko | hackerboy, open "file manager" and rightclick the iso file | 11:12 |
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predaeus | TBZ, probably, don't know where though. | 11:12 |
Ilmulej | hello | 11:12 |
x_ | anyone using NERO LINUX 3 ?! | 11:12 |
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openorigin | molkko, i am able to access my files remotely, but for new files created from remote places are saved with user "nobody", and no permission for accessin user | 11:13 |
molkko | hackerboy, in my case its easy like that. you can also use dvd-record/cd-record or something like that command line command | 11:13 |
Ilmulej | im new to ubuntu. can i ask if there is a program where i can use my dvb card to watch satellite tv? | 11:13 |
TBZ | predaeus: I also google: translated http://blog.ikasweb.de/2007/05/29/geforce-8800-gts-mit-ubuntu-704/ :-D | 11:13 |
yml | hello, I am trying to configure my wireless card and I am facing some difficulty. it seems that ubuntu detect my wireless card. lspci give the following result: 02:07.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless LAN 2100 3B Mini PCI Adapter (rev 04) | 11:13 |
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yml | the problem is when I try to do : sudo iwlist eth1 scanning it does not see any wireless network | 11:14 |
molkko | openorigin, i am not sure if i got it right. if apache cant access new files you should chown/chmod the new files so that apache can access them | 11:14 |
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yml | does someone could let me which step I am missing? | 11:14 |
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Ilmulej | im new to ubuntu. can i ask if there is a program where i can use my dvb card to watch satellite tv? | 11:15 |
kimmey2k3 | !codecs | 11:15 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 11:15 |
hackerboy | molkko: okay im going to try now | 11:15 |
molkko | in my case molkko owns the files, group is www-data. so apache has only read writes. dunno if this is absolute best practise setup but it works | 11:15 |
molkko | writes=rights | 11:15 |
yml | !wireless | 11:15 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 11:15 |
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Ilmulej | !dvb | 11:16 |
yml | that is good :-) | 11:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dvb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:16 |
openorigin | molkko, but everytime iam sudoing to change the permission, i dont want that sudoing | 11:16 |
randoman | hey guys, does anyone know the command to display the kernerl? | 11:16 |
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tsurc | Im trying to get feisty server + ubuntu-xen-server + drbd but I'm running into compiling trouble with drbd | 11:16 |
hackerboy | molkko: its saying with i press download box pop-up saying either to "open with file roller" or "save to disk" | 11:17 |
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predaeus | TBZ, if you can not find another solution probably try that blog entry. but I guess there must be more people with 8800ers and somebody must have posted a fixed package in his/her repository. 3rd party repositories are not necessarily safe though. | 11:17 |
TylerJGillies | i have a driver for my WLAN card but its not defaultly supported in the net installer, is there a way i can add the driver to the net installer? | 11:17 |
openorigin | randoman, uname -r | 11:17 |
randoman | k thanks | 11:17 |
randoman | yes | 11:17 |
randoman | im did it | 11:17 |
randoman | | 11:17 |
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TBZ | predaeus: ya... | 11:19 |
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j__5 | is is normal/ok to have 3 kernels list when i boot up?i upgraded from version 5.10 to 7.4 | 11:19 |
Shaye | j__5 yep | 11:19 |
TBZ | predaeus: I don't understand why the people with working version do not send them into the repository | 11:19 |
j__5 | ok thanks. | 11:19 |
howlingmadhowie | j__5: if you don't want one you can uninstall or delete it | 11:20 |
molkko | openorigin, you could setup default ownership somewhere to openorigin:www-data. dont remember where. in case you are not security paranoid put all php/html files as 744 so groups and their rights do not matter anymore | 11:20 |
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j__5 | how do i do that? | 11:20 |
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Myrtti | j__5: synaptic for one | 11:20 |
gordonjcp | molkko: uhm, 644 surely | 11:20 |
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howlingmadhowie | j__5: the linux kernels are probably listed under installed packages in synaptic | 11:20 |
Bersa | hi all ) no questions :) just greetings))) | 11:20 |
predaeus | TBZ, also read https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/+bug/98641 not sure if this is the driver/kernel version you need | 11:21 |
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j__5 | ok..thanks guys | 11:21 |
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predaeus | TBZ, I think the same fix, like in that blog is contained in that bug ticket. | 11:21 |
openorigin | molkko, ok thanks i'll google about that | 11:21 |
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hackerboy | any body what can i open my iso files with? | 11:21 |
mdious | j__5: dpkg --get-selections | grep linux-image might help | 11:21 |
j__5 | ok | 11:21 |
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molkko | gordonjcp, yes 644 better. i was trying to make point between setting 644 vs 640. 640 slightly better but requires that ownership/rights are setup correctly | 11:23 |
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gordonjcp | ye | 11:23 |
TBZ | predaeus: ok, thanks alot, gonna keep trying... 5:30AM, I just can't quit till it works.... | 11:23 |
gordonjcp | molkko: tbh nothing should be writing stuff in your webroot anyway, except in very strange circumstances | 11:23 |
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=== gordonjcp has a web app that writes to various places in the web root, but it's very strange indeed | ||
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dorto | anybody knows how to install monodevelop 0.14 on fiesty? | 11:24 |
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linux_ | dorto , use synaptic | 11:24 |
dorto | linux_, monodevelop 0.14 is not present in any repository of fiesty synaptic | 11:25 |
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dorto | it has monodevelop 0.12 | 11:25 |
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linux_ | dorto , download from go-mono | 11:26 |
dorto | linux_, you mean compile from source? | 11:26 |
predaeus | TBZ, better take some rest. I usually tend to get very angry and frustrated when tired and something won't work :-) | 11:27 |
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DRMacIver | Anyone got the skype linux client working on ubuntu (feisty specifically if that matters)? It's showing a distinct lack of letting me sign up for an account. | 11:27 |
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DRMacIver | (I was conjecturing some sort of connection problem, but it looks like it's able to connect) | 11:28 |
anil | hello need help on installation of gimp | 11:28 |
linux_ | dorto , compiz --replace | 11:28 |
Myrtti | DRMacIver: sure | 11:28 |
linux_ | ooooooooops | 11:28 |
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DRMacIver | Myrtti: Did it require any magic? | 11:28 |
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Myrtti | not that I remember | 11:28 |
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Myrtti | sounds were a problem for a while | 11:28 |
fredl | hi guys, I'm running Linux on my 42" HDTV, but it appears the nvidia driver doesn't like it. 'nvidia' is the proprietary driver, correct? | 11:28 |
DRMacIver | Myrtti: Did you have an account already, or were you signing up for a new one with that install? | 11:28 |
linux_ | dorto , see this you can download rpm and convert them to deb http://www.mono-project.com/Downloads | 11:29 |
dorto | linux_, thx, this should be more convinient | 11:29 |
anil | i have 2.2 13 installed and i want to install 2.2 17 using apt-get it says its already the new version | 11:29 |
Myrtti | humm, yeah, it was a while back when I signed up | 11:29 |
anil | how can i install the new version | 11:29 |
fredl | or is 'nv' the proprietary driver? | 11:29 |
Chousuke | nv is the free one | 11:30 |
DRMacIver | (Because it's specifically the signup screen that isn't working for me. I mean, possibly the rest of it doesn't work either, but it's obviously hard for me to test this. :) ) | 11:30 |
howlingmadhowie | fredl: nvidia is correct | 11:30 |
TylerJGillies | anyone know of an rt61 chipset compatible net installer? | 11:30 |
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fredl | howlingmadhowie, hmm, odd then, I now have a situation where the proprietarydriver doesn't work but the opensource one does... | 11:30 |
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DRMacIver | Anyway, thanks. Good to know this is just another "DRMacIver has bad computer karma" error. :) | 11:31 |
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howlingmadhowie | fredl: what's your graphics card? | 11:31 |
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fredl | however I don't get accellerated 3D n the opensource driver. | 11:31 |
fredl | Geforc GO 7600 | 11:31 |
openorigin | molkko, sudo chown -R www-data:openorigin /var/www/htdocs | 11:31 |
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_5-HT | fredl, nv doesn't do accellerated 3d | 11:31 |
howlingmadhowie | fredl: strange, i thought the 7xxx cards were well supported in the new nvidia driver | 11:31 |
linux_ | dorto , what is new in 0.14 ? ( i use 0.12 ) ? | 11:31 |
_5-HT | only the proprietary nvidia driver does that (at the moment) | 11:32 |
fredl | oh really? Hmmm. | 11:32 |
howlingmadhowie | fredl: however, i'm not an expert. my most recent card is a 440 :) | 11:32 |
fredl | howlingmadhowie, that's what I thought but it may have something to do with my display... | 11:32 |
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howlingmadhowie | fredl: how does it go wrong? | 11:32 |
fredl | howlingmadhowie, FYI, this computer works fine with the nvidia driver on my LCD monitor, but not on my TV screen. | 11:32 |
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fredl | howlingmadhowie, it switches to 640x480 resolution. | 11:33 |
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dorto | linux_, some new refactorings, new gtk# designer features, visual studio 2005 project conversion etc. nothing major but I like to keep up with latest that is available in mono world | 11:34 |
fredl | howlingmadhowie, actually it may be even less than 640x480 but it's a ridiculously low resolution on a screen that can do 1920x1080 natively | 11:34 |
howlingmadhowie | fredl: aha. then your screen may be lying to your graphics card about its resolution. is it some sort of high definition ready trusted computing-infested screen? | 11:34 |
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fredl | well not even HD ready, it's a full HD screen :) | 11:34 |
randoman | does anyone rememeber what packagse are needed for this | 11:35 |
randoman | configure: error: Package requirements (xorg-server xproto xvmc fontsproto ) > | 11:35 |
randoman | ? | 11:35 |
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dorto | linux_: I am waiting for improvement in vb.net support. complete list is here: http://www.monodevelop.com/Release_notes_for_MonoDevelop_0.14 | 11:35 |
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linux_ | dorto it will soon the stable | 11:35 |
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fredl | howlingmadhowie, for the nv driver I added a 'ModeLine ....' to the Monitor section but I'm not certain if that was required. | 11:36 |
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GNeRaL | helo | 11:36 |
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dorto | linux_ : k, it's there in gutsy tribe3, so I am happy. Now 0.15 is released too though. | 11:36 |
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fesits2k | i added a user | 11:36 |
yml | I read the complete documentation related to wireless | 11:36 |
fesits2k | how to set the password | 11:37 |
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howlingmadhowie | fredl: well, it's quite possible it won't work under linux. i'd try adding lines like "Option "UseEDID" "False"" and "Option "PanelSize" "1920x1280"" to the device section | 11:37 |
GNeRaL | i usin 6.06 server edition | 11:37 |
GNeRaL | "named: capset failed: Operation not permitted" | 11:37 |
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GNeRaL | how to fix ? | 11:37 |
howlingmadhowie | fredl: see if that helps. | 11:37 |
openorigin | molkko, thanks molkko it's working without sudoing command is sudo chown -R openorigin:www-data /var/www/htdocs | 11:37 |
fredl | howlingmadhowie, lemm try that, brb | 11:37 |
howlingmadhowie | fredl: but i wouldn't get my hopes up. a lot of this modern hardware is locked down very tightly | 11:37 |
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TBZ | how can I check my kernel version? | 11:38 |
fesits2k | I added a user, "adduser" Now how do I set the password for the user? | 11:38 |
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yml | But I am still unable to get it up and working. does someone could spend 2 minutes on my problem? | 11:38 |
linux_ | someone know about php editor with FULL PHP AND HTML AUTOCMOPLETE , and SUPPROT XHTML STRICT AND FRAMESET ? | 11:38 |
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jherrera | fesits2k passwd | 11:38 |
fesits2k | ty | 11:38 |
TBZ | I need to match my linux-headers package to my kernel, how can I verify they are the same? | 11:38 |
jherrera | TBZ uname -r | 11:39 |
fesits2k | jherrera: that didnt help, sorry but can you be more spesific? | 11:39 |
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fredl | Hmm no such luck howlingmadhowie | 11:39 |
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jherrera | fesits2k: su <user>, then: passwd | 11:40 |
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TBZ | jherrera: ty | 11:40 |
howlingmadhowie | fredl: yep. looks like you have a 42" paperweight there, as far as linux is concerned | 11:40 |
randoman | anyone know what package this is in? | 11:40 |
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randoman | fontsproto | 11:40 |
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randoman | the package manager doesnt find it | 11:40 |
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howlingmadhowie | fredl: sorry to be so negative. i just get annoyed at technology which deliberately shuts linux out | 11:41 |
jherrera | jherrera, if you lost the password, enter as root, do this: sudo su <user>, and then passwd | 11:41 |
fredl | well I don't know if it deliberatly shuts linux out.... | 11:41 |
fredl | I can get it in 1920x1080 with the nv driver. | 11:41 |
fredl | with the nvidia driver it says 'No valid modes for "1920x1080"; removing.' | 11:42 |
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fredl | which is kinda odd, doesn't the nvidia driver like a ModeLine ?? | 11:42 |
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jherrera | fesits2k | 11:42 |
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howlingmadhowie | fredl: oh. no valid modes sounds like the monitor's lying to the card. that should be fixable | 11:42 |
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howlingmadhowie | fredl: you tried adding "useEDID" "false" ? | 11:43 |
fredl | howlingmadhowie, yeah that's what I thought, I just lack the expertise to do so. Yup, I added the useEDID false | 11:43 |
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fredl | (**) NVIDIA(0): Option "UseEDID" "false" | 11:44 |
aleix | hi all, quick question... is there any fast and easy way to, via shell, to find where a new device is to be found under /dev to mount it? | 11:44 |
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fredl | howlingmadhowie, would you please come to #tt for a little while | 11:44 |
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howlingmadhowie | fredl: okay :) | 11:45 |
sauvin | What's the new device? | 11:45 |
fredl | coz I'm in 640x480 here and even with the modestly busy crowd here it's hard to follow :) | 11:45 |
Axioo | !indonesia | 11:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about indonesia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:45 |
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jherrera | <aleix> not a new device (AFAIK), however you can mount it automatically if you set it in /etc/fstab | 11:45 |
aleix | anything, usb, hard drive... whatever | 11:45 |
Axioo | !bluetooth | 11:45 |
ubotu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup | 11:45 |
dorto | aleix, dmesg | tail may show you some info where the newly connected devices are. | 11:45 |
sauvin | usb hard drives should mount automagically. | 11:45 |
aleix | yep, i've used dmesg... and it works.... but i was looking into something more like lshw | 11:46 |
linux_ | !php | 11:46 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 11:46 |
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Hylk0r | how can I downgrade gimp 2.3? Because gimp 2.3 sucks | 11:46 |
Snakedude | hello, i am needing some help with my structured diagram for my program, i must design a program for my assignment, please forgive me - this is off topic. could someone please refer me to a room thats dedicated to problem solving? | 11:47 |
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sauvin | Dunno about "problem solving", but you probably wouldn't be yelled at, I'd think, for bringing this problem to #ubuntu-offtopic. | 11:47 |
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Snakedude | ok, thank you | 11:48 |
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dorto | Snakedude, you can try one of the language/technology specific rooms too, like #c++ | 11:49 |
Snakedude | its not really programing language i need help with | 11:49 |
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Snakedude | im not quiet that far in the PDLC as yet | 11:49 |
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linux_ | there is program in synaptic like PARITITION MAGIC -- ? | 11:51 |
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aleix | gparted? | 11:51 |
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compwiz | linux_, gparted | 11:53 |
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ubuntu_1 | is anyone alive here? | 11:54 |
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aleix | i hope i am ;) | 11:54 |
linux_ | compwiz , allow to resize | create | remove | marge partitions ? | 11:55 |
aleix | linux_ yes it does | 11:55 |
compwiz | linux_, if the partition supports it | 11:55 |
compwiz | most of the time they do | 11:55 |
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tsurc | apt-get install heartbeat..... am now | 11:55 |
Fitutus | what package i need to compile ? : http://pastebin.com/d24b89a83 | 11:55 |
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linux_ | GNOME PARTITION EDITOR is BETTER or WORST than what you gave me ? | 11:58 |
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aleix | linux_ sorry haven't tried that one | 11:58 |
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Juhaz | it's the same app. go easier on the caps lock. | 11:58 |
linux_ | lol | 11:59 |
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benanz1 | I just discovered the the browse mode in image viewer. awesome | 12:01 |
SEpda | Big question on an old machine which is the fastest VM ?, I don't care how stable it is or what ever just want speed VMs like Bochs qemu vmware virtualbox kvm xen (though I want to run some form of windows eventualy) ETC ??? | 12:02 |
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benanz1 | kvm or kqemu | 12:03 |
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benanz1 | vmware isn't terribe; | 12:03 |
faileas | SEpda: how old? | 12:04 |
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faileas | VMs arn't that processor hungry. you want as much ram as possible | 12:04 |
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strachino | ciao a tutti | 12:05 |
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strachino | vorrei chiedere un aiuto, qualcuno pu aiutarmi? | 12:05 |
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TyphoidHippo | Hello all - I had to completely remove alsa for a laptop with a neomagic sound unit. I installed OSS 3.99 and actually got it to work by removing the blacklist-OSS file and some other stuff...problem now is that I can't get system sounds - and console output is throwing around a ton of ALSA lib errors. I would just remove libasound2, but it wants to take almost every program out with it, according to synaptic. | 12:10 |
egonw | question about /etc/hosts: can I alias some.host.com to localhost:PORT ? | 12:10 |
aleix | you can edit host to point some.host.com to | 12:11 |
TyphoidHippo | sorry that was so long, too... | 12:11 |
aleix | the you could use iptables to redirect ports | 12:11 |
Amaranth | TyphoidHippo: Yeah, you can't just remove alsa | 12:11 |
osfameron | is there a way to get CTRL-ALT-DEL to *not* reboot my laptop when it's locked? | 12:11 |
linux_ | some know game called elma with bike and apples and flower ? | 12:11 |
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osfameron | I have that annoying muscle memory from windows, and it's really rather annoying that I bounce the laptop just cos I want to unlock it | 12:12 |
egonw | aleix: OK, that sounds like a plan... thanx for that tip! | 12:12 |
aleix | osfameron: the CTRL+ALT+DEL combo is defined in /etc/inittab... take a look... | 12:12 |
TyphoidHippo | I guess that kinda just breaks sound for linux in general, Amaranth? That's what it seems to have done really. | 12:12 |
Amaranth | Yeah | 12:12 |
osfameron | aleix: oh, ta | 12:12 |
Amaranth | ALSA == sound on Linux | 12:12 |
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osfameron | aleix: ok - so I can just comment that line out to make it do nothing? | 12:13 |
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Amaranth | TyphoidHippo: If you use Linux From Scratch or gentoo or something you can make things not use alsa | 12:13 |
mwe | aleix: I thought it was defined in /etc/event.d/control-alt-delete these days | 12:13 |
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randoman | hey guys I just updated to the new kernel, install the latest drivers for intel onboard video | 12:13 |
osfameron | really, I wouldn't mind it doing that in other circumstances (e.g. when the bloody thing wasn't locked) | 12:13 |
TyphoidHippo | Ok, I can do without system sounds, because XMMS, totem, and other apps that you can set up their sound properties manually all work great. Thanks for the info, lol. | 12:13 |
Amaranth | TyphoidHippo: But the problem with OSS is only one app can do audio at a time | 12:13 |
randoman | adn when i boot into kde, all the fonts are huge like size 72 | 12:13 |
randoman | but when i come into gnome there fine | 12:13 |
aleix | mwe maybe i did recall from days ago... sorry... | 12:13 |
randoman | everthing is regular | 12:13 |
randoman | anyone know what owuld cause that? | 12:14 |
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mwe | aleix: what you say used to be the case for several years | 12:14 |
aleix | forgive me, it is true, there is no inittab in ubuntu... too many distros :-D | 12:14 |
osfameron | ah | 12:14 |
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TyphoidHippo | Yea, I've noticed that too. But alsa will not work at all with this neomagic card - I tried it to death....not with a modern kernel, anyway, from what I've read. I'll try gentoo, though. thanks for that info, as well. Any more tips like that? | 12:14 |
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osfameron | aleix: however there is handily a line in inittab even so :-) | 12:15 |
osfameron | just to fool you... | 12:15 |
DRMacIver | Sigh. Ok, I've no idea how to make skype work. So, can anyone recommend a voice chat client for linux that isn't skype? | 12:15 |
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DRMacIver | Something jabber based (especially if I could use it with google talk) would be ideal. | 12:15 |
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IceLink | can anybody tell me where the select-input-drop-down has gone in audacity? | 12:16 |
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osfameron | is there a disadvantage to banning that combo? it's defined as the "emergency keypress" | 12:16 |
osfameron | will I then by preventng a handy getout option? | 12:16 |
DRMacIver | Landell was the only thing I could find that looked plausible, but its installation procedure is basically "Download the source from these 30 locations and build it all" :) | 12:16 |
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antonio_ | salve a tutti | 12:17 |
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elDoudou | Hello there. Have been digging on the web on how to fix my Feisty Fawn installation problem on my MacBook Pro, bbut could not find any clear explanation. When I run the install CD, I get a "Can't access to tty" and the install procedure stops. I guess that there must be some kind of magic startup option that should work my problem around. Anyone has a hint, please? Or should I ask the... | 12:18 |
elDoudou | ...question on another forum, please? Thanx for your support and attention | 12:18 |
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CroX | How do I add RAR support in File Roller? Or is there a better archive manager out there? | 12:19 |
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Juhaz | just install unrar and it should pick it up | 12:20 |
elDoudou | I also read that the alternate installation CD may fix my problem, but this does not seem to be very reliable, any idea, please? | 12:20 |
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kauer | elDoudou: someone with more knowledge of MACs may be able to help you more specifically, but certainly one thing you could try would be the alternative CD (if there is one for Mac). It seems to solve lots of problems people have with making it through the install process. I haven't heard that it is any less reliable than the standard CD. | 12:20 |
CroX | Juhaz: Thanks | 12:20 |
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elDoudou | kauer: Thanx for the hint :) | 12:22 |
linux_ | someone have tried QTparted ? | 12:22 |
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kauer | Is there a way in GAIM (or in ANY IRC client) to effectively filter the conversation in a forum, so that you see only certain people? | 12:22 |
SEpda | faileas: well I want to run it on psps and pocet pcs but my pc is a 2.38 ghz with 512 ram | 12:22 |
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SEpda | I have a fast machine but thats not what im using | 12:23 |
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Hadron | feisty. What do I need to install to be open a DVD from the context menu as opposed to manually starting kaffeine and selecting "play dvd"? | 12:25 |
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A[D] minS | hello , how i can take image from CD as ISO ? | 12:25 |
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CroX | A port I'm trying to listen to seems to be occupied. How can I see what occupies it and, consequently, make it stop? | 12:26 |
SEpda | benanz1: is kqemu just qemu with KDE GUI? | 12:26 |
hwk | hello ,how can i use chinese language | 12:26 |
elDoudou | Guys from the ##mac forum tell me that there are lots of Mac users in here. I guess that someone has already been attempting (and hopefully succeeded in) installing Ubuntu Feisty Fawn on a MacBook Pro, right? Any hint, please? | 12:27 |
Happu | elDoudou: check www.ubuntuforums.com there were instructions for installation | 12:27 |
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elDoudou | Happu: I check once again, thanx | 12:28 |
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Cufaf | birisi bana yardm edebilirmi :S | 12:28 |
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IceLink | can anybody tell me why i suddenly cannot record anything with audio-recorder and audacity? | 12:28 |
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kauer | Hadron: I'mnot sure if this is what you want, but try System->Preferences->Removable Drives and Media->Multimedia. Then click "Play video DVD discs when inserted" and specify the command you want to use. Then DVDs will play when inserted. | 12:29 |
osfameron | IceLink: possibly because Linux sound is a steaming pile of manure? | 12:29 |
Happu | elDoudou: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty | 12:29 |
osfameron | IceLink: alternatively, a software install may have helpfully turned your microphone volume to zero (this happened to me once. Check your mixer settings) | 12:29 |
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IceLink | osfameron: nope, i record and play doesn't d oanything, the "length-"bar isn't movable but the lenght of the sound is displayed | 12:30 |
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faileas | SEpda: your desktop should be no problem for VMware | 12:31 |
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SEpda | yeah | 12:31 |
faileas | you'l generally want enough ram to run your base OS + enough FREE ram for the VM | 12:31 |
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IceLink | osfameron: i just noticed, when saved as a file it is playable | 12:31 |
SEpda | but i wan't to run it on small embeded type devices | 12:31 |
SEpda | thats the main thing | 12:31 |
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faileas | qemu has arm builds | 12:32 |
faileas | IIRC | 12:32 |
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Cufaf | yaa beni anlayan biri varm :S | 12:32 |
faileas | ram though... big big issue. | 12:32 |
IceLink | suddenly it works even in the prog >.< | 12:32 |
Jjohn | Icelink, might be one of your other volume setting got changes look for little red cross on each or any | 12:32 |
IceLink | already did | 12:32 |
osfameron | IceLink: how odd | 12:32 |
SEpda | faileas and still it wolud like maxum speed for my home pc | 12:32 |
faileas | hmm | 12:33 |
SEpda | faileas: what arch is arm? | 12:33 |
IceLink | not it doesn't work any longer | 12:33 |
SEpda | i want mips | 12:33 |
faileas | arm is arm ;) | 12:33 |
SEpda | k | 12:33 |
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SEpda | hehe | 12:33 |
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wippeout | hello | 12:33 |
faileas | they may have one too, go check ;p | 12:33 |
wippeout | is it possible to deactivate the usb automount ? | 12:33 |
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Jjohn | Icelink, did your mike die? | 12:34 |
IceLink | die? | 12:34 |
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SEpda | faileas: do you know why people who kind run linux there toster or very small device often use bochs? | 12:34 |
Jjohn | Icelink, did your mike quit working | 12:34 |
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SEpda | its much slower that qemu ain't it? | 12:35 |
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faileas | SEpda: bochs is 'simple' and the smallest emu | 12:35 |
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SEpda | see | 12:35 |
IceLink | Jjohn: don't think so.. well, if i record AND save it, then it's playable but not before | 12:35 |
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sauvin | qemu uses bochs, no? | 12:35 |
SEpda | faileas: and easy to port? | 12:35 |
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Jjohn | Icelink, Too hard for me sorry | 12:36 |
SEpda | has lots of arch's | 12:36 |
IceLink | ko | 12:36 |
IceLink | *ok | 12:36 |
kauer | wippeout: From https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbFlashDrives : If your usb device doesn't appear on your desktop, you should check that the automount action is enabled in the preferences: Navigate to "System" > "Preferences" > "Removable Drives and Media" Verify that all "Mount removable drives when..." are checked. | 12:36 |
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kauer | wippeout: It seems to me the reverse would work - *uncheck* the option.... | 12:37 |
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SEpda | sauvin: no | 12:38 |
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_pango_ | Hello | 12:38 |
jauk | heloo | 12:38 |
Hadron | kauer: thanks for the DVD suggestion. It doesn't work though. I am surprised and disappointed. They should have this stuff working by now :( | 12:38 |
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djkorn_ | wuzup!? | 12:38 |
djkorn_ | having troubles with screenlets... the repository server is down.. :( | 12:39 |
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djkorn_ | need help.. thanks.. | 12:39 |
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dissection | I have a question.. At the moment I have my FTP running on this box on port X, if I have another PC and want to run another FTP, is it possible to run it also on port X? Won't the router try to forward to both PCs then? Is there any problem if I do that? | 12:41 |
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kauer | Hadron: What doesn't work exactly? Perhaps I am misunderstanding you. What do you want to be able to do? | 12:41 |
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Daann | Hi | 12:43 |
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SlimG | What's the equivalent command for the keypress Ctrl+Alt+Del (restart X server) ? | 12:43 |
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_pango_ | sudo /etc/init.d/gdm {stop | start | restart} | 12:43 |
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bjames | hi all | 12:44 |
Daann | I have a problem with my Broadcom wireless device. It does not recognize the device! | 12:44 |
_pango_ | hi | 12:44 |
Hadron | kauer: firstly the dvd doesnt play when inserted. Thats not so bad as I hate that. What I want is to right click the dvd icon and select play. | 12:44 |
kauer | dissection: If the two boxes are accessed via NAT (which your question seems to suggest) then, no, you can't do what you want. The router identifies the protocol via the port, and cannot know which server the outside client wants to connect to... but by running FTP on a different port on one of the two machines, it would work. | 12:44 |
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bjames | I'm having some problems with kdevelop - I've created a project and specified the following under "Linker flags (LDFLAGS)": -L/usr/local/lib, but it doesn't seem to link against the libraries in the directory | 12:44 |
bjames | 12:44 | |
bjames | do I need to specify the actual library to use somewhere? | 12:44 |
bjames | the library name is libportaudio.a | 12:44 |
kauer | Hadron: te me get a DVD and play ... :-) | 12:44 |
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SlimG | _pango_: Isn't there a universal way of doing this? that isn't restricted to the desktop environment? | 12:45 |
hackerboy | somebody help me ive just installed a wubi on my laptop to get a linux on it but everytime i click ubuntu to go to it instead of windows xp the screen stays black. what do i do? | 12:45 |
Hadron | kauer: Not sure I understood that. Can you right click and see a play option? | 12:45 |
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Jjohn | Daann, The broadcom is a known problem and well documented in ubuntu forums if you want some work arounds | 12:45 |
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lueho | q, where do i put in acpi=force so linux shuts off the coputer when i do poweroff? | 12:46 |
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linux_ | hackerboy , dont use wubi . .. | 12:46 |
bjames | does anyone here use kdevelop? | 12:46 |
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Daann | Thanks Jjohn, but it worked before perfectly. There is something else wrong. Ubuntu says there is not card in my laptop and now it doesnt work with windows either | 12:46 |
dissection | kauer: I don't know if I'm using NAT. How do I check? | 12:46 |
kriser223 | hi i am a new user of unbuntu installed on a laptop and cannot get my usb to work at all can anyone help please | 12:47 |
Hadron | Can *anyone* here right click a DVD icon and select "play" and if so what is the default player? | 12:47 |
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moyer | kriser223 : usb for what? | 12:47 |
lueho | where do i put in acpi=force so linux shuts off the computer when i do poweroff? | 12:47 |
kriser223 | my usb ports on the laptop they just do not work | 12:47 |
Jjohn | Daann, If it it down in windows then you may need a new card I am using broadcom and it works fine in windows and patchy in ubuntu dapper | 12:48 |
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_pango_ | <SlimG> if you use gnome desktop environment, than gdm, if KDE, then kdm. | 12:48 |
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linux_ | someone know in kopete how i can cipy user away message ? | 12:49 |
hackerboy | linux: no i have the real deal on my main computer. i just wont windows xp and wubi on my laptop i dont wont to get of any files like i did when installed it on my main computer. | 12:49 |
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kauer | Hadron: Just checked, no you can't! I don't see it as a major problem though - set up a launcher to run your favourite movie player, then one click will do the job... | 12:49 |
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moyer | kriser223 http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-151945.html | 12:49 |
kriser223 | it doesn't matter what i plug into them pendrive or card readers or digital camera nothing regiters | 12:50 |
SlimG | _pango_: so there's no way to restart X directly? | 12:50 |
Daann | Jjohn, is there a way to check if my card is actually broken? The "orange" light of the wireless is on it only doesnt turn blue anymore even when its activated. | 12:50 |
bullgard4 | My Ubuntu 7.04 computer includes the active file kinit although I neither installed the DEB program package bootcd-mkinitramfs. How came kinit on my computer? By the way, I'm missing man kinit. | 12:50 |
lueho | hello can someone see me or what? | 12:50 |
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bullgard4 | lueho: yes. | 12:50 |
lueho | where do i put in acpi=force so my computer shutsoff when i do poweroff? | 12:50 |
kauer | dissection: Well, do your computers have globally routable addresses, or private addresses? | 12:50 |
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jajadavid | hello. can someone tell me about a good sound pack like the mac os x one? | 12:50 |
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axel_s | hi! big problem: i'm installing ubuntu on my laptop but the resolution of the install system is only 800x600 so I cannot see all of the install dialog window :( | 12:51 |
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axel_s | and of course I cant see all of the buttons :( | 12:51 |
moyer | axel_s : use xrandr | 12:52 |
Jjohn | Daann, Type <dmseg> in the terminal and see if your card is listed. Alt reboot and see if it gets detected under one of your o/s | 12:52 |
dissection | kauer: Well right now I have only one computer. But as far as I know, when I add another computer, it will also have the same external IP. | 12:52 |
Jjohn | <dmesg> | 12:52 |
axel_s | moyer, what does it do? | 12:52 |
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dissection | kauer: NAT is something that needs to be supported by the ISP as well so I can enable it here, right? | 12:52 |
moyer | just type xrandr in terminal | 12:52 |
bullgard4 | axel_s: The Ubuntu installer program will allow you to tell him the actual resolution of your machine. | 12:52 |
moyer | it allows you to set screen reso. from command | 12:52 |
jajadavid | noone knows how to answer me | 12:52 |
jajadavid | ? | 12:52 |
hackerboy | hey i cant burn my image file to my blank dvd. anyone know of a better program to use on linux for thies | 12:53 |
axel_s | bullgard4, tell who? | 12:53 |
moyer | jajadavid : i missed the ? | 12:53 |
kauer | dissection, answer the question :-) Does your computer have a globally routable address or not? If not, then your router is doing NAT or NAPTR or both, and you can only forward a protocol to one server. This is almost certainly what you do have, by the way. | 12:53 |
jajadavid | can someone tell me about a good sound pack like the mac os x one? | 12:53 |
moyer | hackerboy :what program do you use? | 12:53 |
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Jjohn | hackerboy, I just use gnomebaker | 12:54 |
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moyer | jajadavid :i know nothing about soundpacks on mac's, what are you looking to accomplish? | 12:54 |
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dissection | kauer: I don't know if it has globally routable address | 12:54 |
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kauer | dissection: Run ifconfig. Tell me the addresses on your interfaces. | 12:54 |
jajadavid | moyer: make my ubuntu look like os x. i just need various sounds | 12:54 |
hackerboy | moyer: no program every time i downloading something its opened as a archive manager | 12:54 |
kriser223 | is there a way to connect maulally to usb ports | 12:54 |
exhuma | Hi, after upgrading to 7.04, I am having big trouble with locales. No man-pages work, perl keeps complaining big-time, and what's even worse, my postgresql-server won't start anymore. | 12:54 |
jajadavid | hackerboy: try installing k3b | 12:55 |
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moyer | oh i see jaja | 12:55 |
hackerboy | Jjohn: i dont have gnomebaker on my linux how do i install it | 12:55 |
bullgard4 | axel_s: During the course of installation. I do not remember exactly the point in the installing sequence because it is a long time since I installed ubuntu from scratch. | 12:55 |
exhuma | locale-gen and dpkg-reconfigure locales both did also not help. neither did google ;) | 12:55 |
Frederick | folks when I try to updatze my packages I have the following error:http://rafb.net/p/ufvqCi64.html | 12:55 |
dissection | kauer: | 12:55 |
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hackerboy | jajadavid: whats k3b? is that a program to burn iso image files to dvd blanks | 12:56 |
Daann | Jjohn, will i recognize the card only by its name? Because then it is not listed. | 12:56 |
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kauer | dissection: That is a private address, and your router is doing NAT. You will be unable to forward FTP to more than one server unless you run one of the servers on a different port. | 12:56 |
moyer | jajadavid : http://gnome-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=25&PHPSESSID=5b90eefdedc20166bac18ae507a7f2ac | 12:56 |
axel_s | bullgard4, I'll try it with xrandr now since I can't proceed right now with partioning without seeing the buttons of the dialog ;) | 12:56 |
Jjohn | hackerboy, apt-get install gnomebaker or go to the package manager and click gnonebaker | 12:56 |
dissection | kauer: Ah okay. So apart from NAT, what is my other alternative? | 12:56 |
jajadavid | moyer thanks | 12:56 |
bullgard4 | axel_s: xrandr is a good idea. | 12:56 |
moyer | jajadavid : you got it | 12:57 |
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hackerboy | Jjohn: thanx alot preciatate it. | 12:57 |
kauer | dissection: As noted, run one server on a different port. | 12:57 |
Jjohn | Daann, yes should be a refercence to broadcom and a number if it is not there I think you are done | 12:57 |
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dissection | kauer: Yeah I will do that. But what other way does one connect with a router, other than NAT? | 12:57 |
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Jjohn | hackerboy, some one else suggests K3B | 12:57 |
Daann | Jjohn, thanks would a bios upgrade maybe solve this problem (HP suggested that) | 12:57 |
Frederick | any ideas fpr me? | 12:58 |
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hackerboy | Jjohn: ya is that a good one too? | 12:58 |
Jjohn | Daann, sorry too hard for me to answer | 12:58 |
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moyer | Frederick :whats the issue? | 12:58 |
wippeout | hello | 12:58 |
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Frederick | folks when I try to updatze my packages I have the following error:http://rafb.net/p/ufvqCi64.html | 12:58 |
exhuma | hackerboy: k3b is really easy to use. | 12:58 |
Jjohn | hackerboy, some like I do not | 12:58 |
wippeout | i'm looking for someone who have a zen vision M working with feisty | 12:59 |
exhuma | hackerboy: it probably does all you need to do. | 12:59 |
moyer | hackerboy :gnomebaker is better in my opinion | 12:59 |
djkorn_ | k3b for gnome? | 12:59 |
kauer | dissection: Most small sites (homes, many small businesses) are behind NAT, because then the ISP only has to given them one address, and not even a static one. The customer-side routers do NAT to enable many machines at the customers site to use the internet; the downside is that those machines are not visible to the internet except via port forwarding tricks, which have their limitations as you have just found out. | 12:59 |
Daann | Can anyone help me with a Broadcom wireless device? | 12:59 |
djkorn_ | i see... | 12:59 |
exhuma | djkorn_: ah.... gnome... well in that case ;) | 12:59 |
djkorn_ | exhuma, thanks.. | 12:59 |
moyer | gnome is better in my opinion so, ya | 12:59 |
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hackerboy | Jjohn: well im a tryed what u said first before trying k3b. | 12:59 |
axel_s | moyer, xrandr won't let me the notebook resolution as it's not "an available mode" | 12:59 |
Jjohn | djkorn, yes kde apps wotk in gnome ok | 12:59 |
axel_s | moyer, available are only 640x480 and 800x600 | 01:00 |
moyer | axel_s :show me the command you used | 01:00 |
Daann | Hp pavilion wireless card suddely doesn't work anymore. | 01:00 |
ion | audio/video problem, with this one xvid video I have the audio is 235 ms off what can I use to sync the audio/video | 01:00 |
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ion | in ubuntu | 01:00 |
kauer | dissection: Larger sites - or those with ISPs willing and ablke to give them or sell them a range of real, globally routable addresses - have machines that each have real addresess, they are accessible from anywhere on the internet, directly. The downside is that such machines need a much higher lev | 01:00 |
axel_s | moyer, "xrandr -s 1440x900" | 01:00 |
Jjohn | Hackerboy, ok if you do not like get another there are plenty | 01:00 |
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djkorn_ | well.. my problem was.. when burning a cd.. im having some errrors... | 01:00 |
kauer | dissection: higher level of protection, because they are directly accessible. | 01:00 |
dissection | kauer: Oh, right. My ISP has given me only 1 dynamic IP. | 01:00 |
ion | ive googled everywhere and cant find a solution for the audio/video sync | 01:00 |
djkorn_ | tho process cant complete... | 01:00 |
exhuma | hackerboy: you might want to google for "linuxappfinder". You should find a page that has plenty of applications listed. Also several cd-burning tools. Try them and pick the one you like ;) | 01:00 |
hackerboy | Jjohn: o right i will | 01:00 |
djkorn_ | maybe it will stop @ 20% | 01:00 |
moyer | axel_s :you needa set the refresh rate | 01:00 |
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djkorn_ | then fcked up my blank cd | 01:01 |
kriser223 | anyone got any ideas to sort my prob out | 01:01 |
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Daann | Anyone can help me with a problem with wireless device of hp? | 01:01 |
dissection | kauer: Okay, so since machines behind NAT are not accessible directly without port forwarding, they are more secure. | 01:01 |
hackerboy | exhuma: yeah but everytime i download something on my linux program it opens as an archive manager instead of actually installing the program. what do i do? | 01:01 |
kauer | dissection: If it is important to you, your ISP will probably give (or more probably sell) you a small IP range of globally routable addresses. | 01:01 |
axel_s | Even with "xrandr -s 1440x900 -r 60" it says "Size 1440x900 not found in available modes" | 01:02 |
kauer | dissection: Not much more secure. That's a bit of a fallacy actually. | 01:02 |
Frederick | folks when I try to updatze my packages I have the following error:http://rafb.net/p/ufvqCi64.html | 01:02 |
kauer | dissection: Another alternative is to use IPv6 and tunnel out, but that's all getting pretty technical. | 01:02 |
moyer | axel_s :what is it set at now? | 01:02 |
Daann | Can anyone help me with a problem with wireless device of hp? | 01:02 |
moyer | Dann: give us more information.. what happend.. | 01:02 |
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axel_s | moyer, 800x600 :( | 01:03 |
moyer | eek axel_s | 01:03 |
moyer | what video card are you using? | 01:03 |
axel_s | moyer, one second | 01:03 |
=== Till [n=megatill@p5081D3AC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
exhuma | hackerboy: ubuntu has a package manager I think it's called "adept". Run that and search for the application. If it's in there you can easily install it there. | 01:03 |
Jjohn | moyer, hs broadcom card hs crashed and it will not work under linux or windows | 01:03 |
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kauer | axel_s: You might check the BIOS settings. Maybe something there you can tweak... | 01:04 |
axel_s | kauer, ok I'll have to check | 01:04 |
axel_s | moyer, its a Geforce Go 7600 | 01:04 |
axel_s | moyer, It's a laptop | 01:04 |
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Daann | OK thanks, My wireless card was working fine with ubuntu, suddenly after dual=booting and hibernating my card stopt working. After a few restarts it worked again but every time i hibernate or dualboot i does not get recognized, and after a fresh install of ubuntu it does not get recognized at all. | 01:04 |
exhuma | hackerboy: if it's not, then it get's a bit more complicated, and if you're new to linux you should stick to those that are available in the package manager until you feel comfortable meddling with the system | 01:04 |
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ttmrichter | I have a slight problem with my recently-upgraded Ubuntu. I moved from Edgy to Feisty today and my video is flaking out. It blanks out periodically or just goes nuts. If I switch to a virtual console and back, however, the video is restored from insanity. This is a system that worked perfectly without a hitch for months at a time under Edgy. | 01:05 |
ttmrichter | Any clues for solving this? | 01:05 |
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exhuma | hackerboy: if they are not in there you might get lucky by activating the "universe" and "multiverse" repositories. Google will surely tell you how to enable those. | 01:05 |
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Walls7 | Is there a 'correct' way to delete ubuntu, or do i just delete the partion its on? | 01:05 |
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exhuma | Still, my locales are broken, and both dpk-reconfigure nor locale-gen helped me out. Any pointers? *asks again...* | 01:06 |
robineo | EPL starts today | 01:06 |
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moyer | axel_s :what reso. does it run in windows? | 01:06 |
axel_s | 1440x900 | 01:06 |
exhuma | Walls7: do you have another system on you PC (Windows?) | 01:06 |
fisher | Walls7: why are you gonna delete it? | 01:06 |
Jjohn | !gusty | 01:06 |
ubotu | It is spelt guTSy :) | 01:06 |
Walls7 | exhuma: yea | 01:06 |
khelll | how to change a theme in ubuntu | 01:06 |
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khelll | theme like windows | 01:07 |
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Jjohn | !gutsy | 01:07 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | 01:07 |
exhuma | Walls7: If you just delete the partition you will get trouble booting as the boot-manager will lose it's configuration (which is on that partition). | 01:07 |
kauer | robineo; What is EPL? Ecole Polytechnique Lausanne? | 01:07 |
Walls7 | exhuma: so what should i do? | 01:07 |
exhuma | Walls7: you might want to check if "grub" supports something to uninstall/remove it from the "MBR". I've never done that though | 01:08 |
exhuma | Walls7: alternatively... | 01:08 |
kriser223 | all 4 of my usb worked while i had windows installed i now just run ubuntu as i can't stand microsoft and they don't seem to be powered altough they are switched on in the bios and appearing in the hardware config | 01:08 |
hackerboy | exhuma: okay im bout to try now. please stay online to tell u if it worked | 01:08 |
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robineo | epl = english premier league | 01:08 |
robineo | wahahaha | 01:08 |
exhuma | Walls7: you could just delete the partition, boot the pc from a boot-disk and re-format the MBR with a windows tool. I *think* "fdisk /mbr" does the job | 01:09 |
Daann | moyer, can you help me with this problem? | 01:09 |
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exhuma | Walls7: you might want to google about this though. Before screwing up ;) | 01:09 |
khelll | how to change a theme in ubuntu, themes like windows | 01:09 |
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Walls7 | exhuma: i tried to do that using windows recovery but recovery didnt work | 01:10 |
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moyer | Daann :how are you connected right now? | 01:10 |
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kauer | kriser223: run lsusb - do you see the hub? | 01:10 |
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swamych | hi | 01:10 |
Jjohn | khe111, preferences/themes | 01:10 |
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exhuma | Walls7: windwows recovery might not be a good idea. | 01:11 |
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bullgard4 | My Ubuntu 7.04 computer includes the active file kinit although I neither installed the DEB program package bootcd-mkinitramfs. How came kinit on my computer? By the way, I'm missing man kinit. | 01:11 |
exhuma | Walls7: you should get into the command-prompt of windows and execute the fdisk command | 01:11 |
khelll | and where to download themes? | 01:11 |
Walls7 | what was the command again? | 01:11 |
kriser223 | yes it shows 4 devices | 01:11 |
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moyer | axel_s : which distr, u using? | 01:12 |
kauer | kriser223: Then the computer and Linux know about the ports. What do you have connected? | 01:12 |
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Daann | moyer, now im connected with an usb device of D-Link on windows | 01:12 |
Walls7 | exhuma: what was the fdisk command? fdisk/mdr? | 01:12 |
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kriser223 | pendrive | 01:12 |
axel_s | moyer, 7.04 | 01:12 |
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axel_s | moyer, I'm trying again now... Unfortunately I can't load the Nvidia module on an install system | 01:13 |
Walls7 | exhuma: so while ubuntu is still installed, run fdisk/mdr in the windows cmd? | 01:13 |
hackerboy | does anyone know how VMware converter suppose to work? | 01:14 |
kriser223 | just the pendrive but it is not mounting | 01:14 |
moyer | axel_s :the nvidia driver needs to be loaded or you will not be able to proceed | 01:14 |
kauer | kriser223: Is that like a USB memory stick? Sorry, don't know what a "pen drive" is. Anyway, plug it in and run lsusb again; you should see the device show up in the list. For example, I have a mouse plugged in now, and I see one entry like this "Bus 002 Device 011: ID 046d:c01a Logitech, Inc. ", the other entries, ports with no devices, look more like this: "Bus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 | 01:14 |
kauer | " | 01:14 |
axel_s | moyer, but how can I load it? | 01:15 |
kriser223 | lsusb | 01:15 |
moyer | Daann :on the same machine with the messed card? | 01:15 |
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Walls7 | after i run fdisk/mdr do i then delete the ubuntu partion useing the live cd?? | 01:15 |
moyer | axel_s : ohhh dear | 01:15 |
Daann | moyer, yes its the same machine | 01:15 |
axel_s | moyer, yes ;) | 01:15 |
exhuma | Walls7: "mbr"... but yes. You should first see if 1) Windows resides on you "first" partitin, and 2) "fdisk /mbr" in fact *does* restore the original mbr. | 01:15 |
kauer | kriser223: er, you need to do it in a terminal window :-) | 01:15 |
exhuma | prtition* | 01:16 |
exhuma | partition* args.... | 01:16 |
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kriser223 | yeah i made a mistake just ran it again and all 4 are registering nothing | 01:16 |
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Walls7 | exhuma, than delete the ubuntu partion with the live cd? | 01:17 |
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kauer | kriser223: In a terminal window, run "tail -f /var/log/messages". Then unplug and replug the pen drive. Do you see any log activity at all? | 01:18 |
exhuma | Walls7: once you restored the MBR you can just reboot the machine and it will skip the boot-loader and run windows. | 01:18 |
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exhuma | Walls7: Then you can delete the partition from within windows | 01:18 |
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Walls7 | exhuma: thanks ill try that | 01:18 |
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axel_s | moyer, booting with "Start/Install Ubuntu system" does not start X, screens remains black | 01:19 |
moyer | axel_s : oh really | 01:19 |
axel_s | moyer, booting with "Start/Install Ubuntu system in Safe Graphics mode" causes small resolution | 01:19 |
moyer | axel_s :very well then, that is important information | 01:20 |
hackerboy | exhuma: i found adept thank u very much installing it now | 01:20 |
moyer | here is reading on loading nvidia drivers | 01:20 |
moyer | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=446578 | 01:20 |
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kriser223 | i just get directroy not found | 01:21 |
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moyer | you need to install the driver correctly to correct this issue you have axel_s | 01:22 |
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gooro | hi | 01:22 |
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axel_s | moyer, but how can I? It's just an install system from the CD? How should I install the Nvidia driver? | 01:22 |
kauer | kriser223: What, from the tail command?!? The command is "tail -f /var/log/messages". | 01:22 |
moyer | hmm | 01:23 |
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moyer | try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in term | 01:23 |
moyer | see wha it does | 01:23 |
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gooro | anyone using an Hauppauge on ubuntu? please | 01:23 |
moyer | i suggest you install axel_s :) | 01:23 |
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axel_s | moyer, but I can't as I cannot see the dialog boxes of the installation | 01:24 |
moyer | live im not to familiar with | 01:24 |
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kriser223 | yes it is logging the drive | 01:24 |
axel_s | moyer, can't see the button | 01:24 |
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moyer | axel_s :give me the cd information | 01:24 |
gooro | HEY GUYS?? | 01:24 |
kauer | kriser223: Excellent. Please paste that sectionof the log to the pastebin. | 01:24 |
Frederick | folks my apt-get is broken it cannot download packages | 01:25 |
moyer | whered you get the cd from? | 01:25 |
hackerboy | does anyone how to install adept or run it threw root. Guessing that means installing it in terminal. If anyone knows what im talking about please help me out. | 01:25 |
bizkut | Malaysian, spend your time at our own forum --> http://www.ubuntu.com.my/forum | 01:25 |
axel_s | moyer, downloaded it, standard 7.04 desktop install image | 01:25 |
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moyer | Frederick :whats the error | 01:25 |
kriser223 | you mean copy it | 01:25 |
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chazco | hi... probably a daft question... how can i have Gaim automatically start once Gnome is logged in to? | 01:25 |
Frederick | http://rafb.net/p/25VLMk57.html | 01:25 |
kauer | goorro: No I am not using a Hauupage. Would you like all of us to respond like that? There are 1006 of us at present. If anyone has a Hauppage and wants to answer, rest assured that he or she will answer. | 01:26 |
moyer | ubuntu? kbuntu? media, xbuntu? | 01:26 |
kauer | !pastebin |kriser223 | 01:26 |
ubotu | kriser223: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:26 |
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chazco | I'm guessing its a script i need to modify somewhere | 01:26 |
khelll | i downloaded this theme http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=41621 as a tar file but i dont know how to install it? | 01:27 |
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kauer | kriser223: Mark the log section with your mouse, then paste it into the window at that URL, then tell us the URL you get back. | 01:27 |
moyer | chazco : add it in sessions manager | 01:27 |
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Frogzoo | chazco: sys -> prefs -> session | 01:27 |
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chazco | ah, thanks... completly missed that | 01:27 |
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kriser223 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33321/ | 01:28 |
chazco | Thanks again (will test) | 01:28 |
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axel_s | moyer, adding "noapic nolapic" to the boot options made it work | 01:28 |
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jaydoggg | hey all | 01:28 |
khelll | i downloaded this theme http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=41621 as a tar file but i dont know how to install it? | 01:28 |
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axel_s | moyer, got an resolution of 1280x800 running now | 01:29 |
chazco | works great, thanks :) | 01:29 |
axel_s | moyer, can't explain it but it works | 01:29 |
moyer | axel_s :wow.. thank YOU then :) | 01:29 |
=== moyer learns | ||
jaydoggg | need some help: My update manager fails to install the updates it found | 01:29 |
=== walls [i=ramhound@adsl-75-61-108-91.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jaydoggg | here is the error | 01:29 |
jaydoggg | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 01:29 |
jaydoggg | E: _cache->open() failed, please report. | 01:29 |
Frederick | moyer: kubuntu | 01:29 |
jaydoggg | i can't get anything going in teh terminal | 01:29 |
walls | i tryed running fdisk/mbr but it doesnt work | 01:30 |
plukin | jaydoggg: with sudo too? | 01:30 |
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moyer | https://bugs.launchpad.net/easyubuntu/+bug/106690 jaydoggg | 01:30 |
jaydoggg | plukin: so type sudo then the commands? | 01:30 |
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plukin | yes | 01:30 |
plukin | sudo xxx | 01:31 |
jaydoggg | plukin: trying that now, thx | 01:31 |
kriser223 | you get the pastebin | 01:31 |
plukin | np | 01:31 |
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moyer | Frederick : whats the error? does it tell you? | 01:32 |
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kauer | kriser223: You might like to try with another device, such as a mouse, to see if it is this particular device that has a problem, or if it is all devices. Do you have some other USB device you could try with? The simpler the better (i.e., not a webcam :-) ) | 01:32 |
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Frederick | it says it is forbidden to get the ackages | 01:33 |
kauer | kriser223: You should also try your pendrive in each of your four USB slots, just in case one of the slots is defective. | 01:33 |
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jaydoggg | plukin: it said its setting up java commons, guess thats good huh | 01:34 |
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kriser223 | i have tried this with all devices including printer in windows they just appear under ubuntu nothing happens is there a plug and play program or hotplug or somthing that i need to configure to make them appear | 01:34 |
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moyer | Frederick try apt-get update | 01:34 |
plukin | jaydoggg: yes, hope so :) | 01:34 |
kriser223 | i have also tried all 4 slots | 01:34 |
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wckdkl0wn | is there something like fraps but for linux? | 01:35 |
jaydoggg | plukin: one question, with my other problems i was typing GKsu to issue commands but your saying Sudo whats the difference | 01:35 |
=== mypapit 's fraps | ||
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wckdkl0wn | or does fraps run on linux just fine | 01:36 |
=== moyer needs coffee badly | ||
kauer | kriser223: Go into DSystem-Preferences-Removable drives and media->Storage. Make sure that "Mount removable drives when hot-plugged" is checked. It's a long shot, but... | 01:36 |
khelll | i downloaded this theme http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=41621 as a tar.gz file but i dont know how to install it? | 01:37 |
kriser223 | it is checked | 01:37 |
plukin | jaydoggg: gksu is for a grafical user interface, sudo for the terminal, but some gui's will lunch with sudo as well | 01:37 |
plukin | i hope this is mainly true :) | 01:37 |
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jaydoggg | plukin: i was using gksu in terminal to fix a whole slew of problems the other day | 01:37 |
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jaydoggg | so if one doesn't work i'll try the other i guess | 01:38 |
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lueho | what is the command to get my cdrom to open? | 01:38 |
lueho | and also close? | 01:38 |
bruenig | lueho, eject | 01:38 |
lueho | thanks | 01:38 |
lueho | eject cdrom -t <- this was for close | 01:39 |
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lueho | ok thanks peeps | 01:39 |
jaydoggg | lueho: you can also right click from file manager and eject | 01:39 |
plukin | jaydoggg: hmm, i use only sudo and if a gui will not lunch i use kdesu (gksu for kubuntu) | 01:39 |
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K-4U | I want to install VMware server, but it keeps saying that i already have some stuff installed from vmware... but that isn't so.. i have removed vmware player completely. what can i do? | 01:39 |
bruenig | or press the button | 01:39 |
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bruenig | or hack around with hal | 01:40 |
jaydoggg | bruenig: lol | 01:40 |
plukin | jaydoggg: the is maybe a better explanation | 01:40 |
lueho | jay dogg rite.. thanks bro | 01:40 |
lightfigh1 | Can anyone help me with password troubles? | 01:40 |
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bruenig | !anyone | lightfigh1 | 01:40 |
ubotu | lightfigh1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 01:40 |
jaydoggg | lueho: that was the first time I knew something so , thank you ! | 01:40 |
K-4U | lightfigh1: what's the problem? | 01:40 |
kriser223 | thanks for the advice i gotta go will be back later | 01:40 |
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kauer | kriser233: I'm sorry, I can't help you further. Read the USB troubleshooting pages? Good luck. | 01:41 |
lightfigh1 | My password seems to be randomly changing. | 01:41 |
bruenig | lightfigh1, that seems unlikely | 01:41 |
jaydoggg | lightfigh1: you may be "randomly hacked" | 01:41 |
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K-4U | lightfigh1: i have seen something about that! try the login-screen | 01:41 |
parC | hello | 01:41 |
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K-4U | lightfigh1: don't know for sure | 01:41 |
bruenig | lightfigh1, is there anyone who has access to your computer locally who is competent with linux? | 01:41 |
lueho | jaydoggg :) | 01:41 |
lightfigh1 | The password I initially set only works sometimes. And one time a subtly different password worked. | 01:42 |
lightfigh1 | I'm the only one in the house, and I'm not on any network. | 01:42 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o PriceChild] by ChanServ | ||
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jaydoggg | lightfigh1: different user accounts? | 01:42 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o elkbuntu] by ChanServ | ||
=== K-4U asks again: I want to install VMware server, but it keeps saying that i already have some stuff installed from vmware... but that isn't so.. i have removed vmware player completely. what can i do? | ||
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bruenig | lightfigh1, well the password is a hash, so the subtly different password would be no different than a completely different one, so that doesn't really make sense | 01:42 |
lightfigh1 | The password I logged into this session with I cant use to change it under system>preferences>about me | 01:42 |
lightfigh1 | No only one account | 01:43 |
bruenig | lightfigh1, it is saved as a salted hash I should say, and that is how it is checked | 01:43 |
walls7 | how can i reset my GRUB (MBR) so i can succesfully take off ubuntu? | 01:43 |
dvs01 | whee | 01:43 |
dvs01 | http://www.dvs01.net/pics/desktop2.png | 01:43 |
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PriceChild | walls7, to go straight into windows again? | 01:43 |
lightfigh1 | Is there anyway I can change the password without knowing it or anything? | 01:43 |
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bruenig | lightfigh1, no you would know it | 01:44 |
dvs01 | yes | 01:44 |
lightfigh1 | I'm afraid to turn the computer off because it might not let me back in again. Last time it took a few hours for it to accept the password. | 01:44 |
dvs01 | you must be root | 01:44 |
Solidays | dvs01: Why are you using mIRC? It's proprietary software :'( | 01:44 |
lightfigh1 | Yeah I'm the root | 01:44 |
Flannel | lightfigh1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword | 01:44 |
LegionX | lightfigh1: "sudo passwd <username> <new password> | 01:44 |
dvs01 | Solidays: vncing to a windows machine | 01:44 |
walls7 | PriceChild: yea | 01:44 |
=== K-4U asks again... I want to install VMware server, but it keeps saying that i already have some stuff installed from vmware... but that isn't so.. i have removed vmware player completely. what can i do? | ||
bruenig | lightfigh1, have you enabled the root account? | 01:44 |
PriceChild | !windows | walls7 | 01:44 |
ubotu | walls7: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 01:44 |
dvs01 | i dont mind using proprietary software, if it gets the job done | 01:44 |
PriceChild | walls7, ask them how to use the windows install cd to restore your MBR. | 01:44 |
lightfigh1 | I don't know if I've enabled the root account I just installed Ubuntu. | 01:44 |
bruenig | lightfigh1, ok then you haven't | 01:45 |
PriceChild | !sudo | lightfigh1 | 01:45 |
ubotu | lightfigh1: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 01:45 |
bruenig | !ot | dvs01 | 01:45 |
ubotu | dvs01: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 01:45 |
Flannel | lightfigh1: good. You don't want the root account. | 01:45 |
Flannel | lightfigh1: you'll use the recovery console, at the GRUB menu | 01:45 |
=== bruenig thinks he might want a root account | ||
walls7 | PriceChild: is that the only way? | 01:45 |
dvs01 | ah | 01:45 |
=== K-4U is still waiting for an answer_ | ||
Daann | Can anyone help me with a problem with wireless device of hp? | 01:45 |
lightfigh1 | So what exactly am I supposed to do? Go to Terminal and type "sudo passwd <username> <new password>? | 01:45 |
lueho | what is the chat for people who want to contribute with code to ubuntu project? | 01:45 |
jaydoggg | walls7: what do you want to do exactly? | 01:45 |
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walls7 | PriceChild: i already am on windows chanel | 01:45 |
LegionX | lightfigh1: yes | 01:45 |
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PriceChild | walls7, you don't have to reinstall windows, just do a bit from the recovery console. Ask in ##windows | 01:46 |
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Flannel | lightfigh1: if you can sudo, you know your password. | 01:46 |
PriceChild | !participate | lueho | 01:46 |
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ubotu | lueho: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate | 01:46 |
lueho | pricechild thanks sir | 01:46 |
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bruenig | does ubuntu need any help writing anymore python scripts really? | 01:46 |
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K-4U | ow come on!!:\ | 01:46 |
K-4U | I want to install VMware server, but it keeps saying that i already have some stuff installed from vmware... but that isn't so.. i have removed vmware player completely. what can i do? | 01:46 |
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jaydoggg | i see k-4u has got the copy paste commands down to a science :-) | 01:47 |
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lightfigh1 | Sudo doesn't work, won't accept my password either. | 01:47 |
bruenig | jaydoggg, just hit up arrow probably | 01:47 |
K-4U | jaydoggg: yeah duh:P but i'm still waiting for my answer... | 01:47 |
lightfigh1 | I know it's the right password and it worked before. | 01:48 |
Daann | Can anyone help me with a problem with wireless device of hp? | 01:48 |
jeeGr | hey, i cant install azureus it complains something about libgnucrypto-java | 01:48 |
Flannel | lightfigh1: Right. Reboot, go to the recovery console, and fix it. That page has all the details | 01:48 |
jaydoggg | K-4U: i'd love to help you bro but i'm such a newbie | 01:48 |
LegionX | lightfigh1: well, if it's your own password you want to change, just enter the "passwd" command | 01:48 |
K-4U | jaydoggg: Yeah, me too. that's why i come here so often:P i know everybody who's smart in here with ubuntu.. kauer for example;) | 01:48 |
LegionX | lightfigh1: then try your current pass untill you get it right :) | 01:48 |
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lightfigh1 | Thanks Flannel, I'm reading now. | 01:49 |
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jaydoggg | K-4U: pelo helps me out a bunch too | 01:49 |
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kauer | K-4U: Lies! I don't know him Officer, I've never seen him before in my life! :-) | 01:49 |
K-4U | jaydoggg: okay, i'll remember him;) | 01:49 |
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jaydoggg | K-4U: Now windows? Nothing I can't do on a win box | 01:49 |
K-4U | whahahahha good morning kauer | 01:49 |
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K-4U | jaydoggg; Same here;) | 01:50 |
kevor | good afternoon all | 01:50 |
K-4U | kauer, could you pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssseeeeeeeee help meee? | 01:50 |
jaydoggg | nice setup bro 8-) | 01:50 |
kauer | K-4U: I don't use VMWare, so can't really help this time... | 01:50 |
bruenig | for the love of god | 01:50 |
K-4U | darned_ | 01:50 |
The_Joe_ | Hello, my USB disk doesn't mount on Ubuntu, it's FAT32 125MB which is just about all I know, I don't know any specific make or model | 01:50 |
K-4U | kauer: thnx anyway;) | 01:50 |
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Daann | Can anyone help me with a problem with wireless device of hp? | 01:50 |
lueho | the joe you need to format it and put on ext file system on it | 01:50 |
K-4U | !wireless | Daann | 01:50 |
ubotu | Daann: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 01:50 |
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bruenig | lueho, no you don't | 01:51 |
=== charlie986541621 [n=charlie8@87-194-77-45.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lueho | FAT is a microsoft file system | 01:51 |
jaydoggg | leave the games to windows is what I say, unless there are binaries for linux | 01:51 |
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lueho | bruenig not? | 01:51 |
bruenig | lueho, fat32 is natively supported in the kernel | 01:51 |
lueho | oh okey | 01:51 |
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lueho | my bad | 01:51 |
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The_Joe_ | S'ok | 01:51 |
The_Joe_ | I came here a couple of days ago | 01:51 |
=== lueho hangs his head in shame | ||
The_Joe_ | Got told to format it to FAT32 | 01:51 |
lueho | :P | 01:51 |
=== maTh3Z [n=martinza@rev-195-91-54-80.t-mobile.sk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LegionX | Does anyone else have problems unmounting external USB disks (FAT32). They are always in use when i try, and it always fails.. | 01:51 |
kevor | When i # aptitude upgrade, aptitude wants to remove 1.5 gig of packages, don't know what's wrong. Can anyone look at the output? http://hulsteijn.net/output | 01:51 |
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bruenig | kevor, did you use automatix? | 01:52 |
kevor | don't think so | 01:52 |
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K-4U | gets me to something else: Wine doesn't work properly here... when i start a programme called activeworlds. it crashes... and i get a lot of debug-data | 01:52 |
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kevor | I installed the 6.06 server, then aptitude got the ubuntu-desktop package | 01:52 |
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bruenig | well at least locales and popcon will be upgraded | 01:52 |
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The_Joe_ | Even though I did format it, I still can't mount it, but it works on my Laptop (Windows) and this PC (Windows) | 01:52 |
Daann | K-4U, i tried every possible think there is to try. I have a more serious problem. | 01:52 |
Tama00 | hey i got a pc here with a nic not working | 01:52 |
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Tama00 | can someone help me out | 01:52 |
bruenig | kevor, oh that's funny, aptitude is screwing you, do it with apt-get | 01:53 |
Tama00 | the green light doesnt glow!! | 01:53 |
charlie986541621 | hi all. Could anyone tell me how to remove all traces of ubuntu from my computer :) It's not as bad as you think - I'm trying to put on another distro because of my hardware. However, even after deleting the partitions and wiping the drive with zeros, installing another distribution, the terminal has the line [charlie@charlie-ubuntu ~] $. Thanks! | 01:53 |
K-4U | Daann: Sorry, then i can't help you... i'm also a newbie, and i don't have anything wireless | 01:53 |
The_Joe_ | K-4U: Wine doesn't support _everything_ perfectly | 01:53 |
Tama00 | and in the end of dmesg it says link is not ready | 01:53 |
Flannel | charlie986541621: That means you didn't really install a different distro. | 01:53 |
K-4U | the_joe: Yes, i know.. but this program runs at another pc(not mine) | 01:53 |
K-4U | also under wine | 01:53 |
kevor | bruenig: your intuition is right, apt-get is not removing the packages with an upgrade | 01:53 |
The_Joe_ | Oh | 01:53 |
Tama00 | does anyone have any ideas? | 01:53 |
bruenig | kevor, I need to bookmark this for all of those aptitude nuts who come in here | 01:54 |
kevor | bruenig: do you have an idea how i can get aptitude to stop screwing with me? | 01:54 |
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The_Joe_ | K-4U: What OS is it made for? Windows version I mean | 01:54 |
K-4U | the_joe: err, it could run under 98 even | 01:54 |
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The_Joe_ | Ok, go to winecfg | 01:55 |
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charlie986541621 | Flannel: I used the pclinuxos livecd and pressed install. How it finds the hostname with ubuntu in the name is a mystery to me, as I wiped the drive. The pclinuxos guys suggested asking in here | 01:55 |
The_Joe_ | The first screen should have "Add Application" | 01:55 |
The_Joe_ | Point it to activeworlds and set it to Windows 98 | 01:55 |
bruenig | kevor, this is actually a combination of a flaw in apt one of the really serious flaws that exists and an over ambitious package manager that does too much automagically | 01:55 |
jaydoggg | ok update manager found 6 updates, failed to update now the update dialog screen is all greyed out, meanwhile the error message is "run packet manager" so I do and get an error that another synaptic is already running"...error is looped!! | 01:55 |
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jaydoggg | can't close update manager window | 01:56 |
bruenig | kevor, so since I doubt you will be able to fix apt's flaws, it is probably best not to install meta packages like "ubuntu-desktop" or don't use aptitude | 01:56 |
Daann | Can anyone help me with a problem with wireless device of hp? My computer does not recognize my wireless card anymore! | 01:56 |
Paddy_EIRE | jaydoggg: have you chaecked the system monitor for any package manager processes | 01:56 |
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jaydoggg | Paddy_EIRE: No | 01:56 |
Flannel | charlie986541621: the hostname is in /etc/hostname, which you wiped | 01:56 |
jaydoggg | Paddy_EIRE: i don't know how to do that | 01:56 |
IdleOne | jaydoggg, in terminal type killall update-manager | 01:56 |
nichlas | can anyone point me in the direction for solving a problem with my external usb disks and unmounting? | 01:57 |
IdleOne | jaydoggg, then try sudo apt-get update | 01:57 |
Paddy_EIRE | jaydoggg: system > administration > system montior | 01:57 |
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kevor | bruenig: ok, so i should stay away from aptitude and not install metapackages anymore, then i'm safe for the future? :P | 01:57 |
hackerboy | who uses linux for all the wrong purposes | 01:57 |
charlie986541621 | Flannel: is there a way of checking where "etc/hostname" actually (physically which disk) it is on? | 01:57 |
jaydoggg | no processes killed ! | 01:57 |
Flannel | charlie986541621: sure, check your fstab | 01:57 |
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bruenig | kevor, you can install meta packages if you use apt-get, but it is not a good idea to do so with aptitude | 01:57 |
K-4U | the_joe: Still doesn't work... | 01:57 |
kevor | bruenig: it's crystal clear, thank you | 01:57 |
charlie986541621 | Flannel: sorry, not sure how to do that! | 01:57 |
Paddy_EIRE | bruenig: why not with aptitude...? | 01:58 |
The_Joe_ | K-4U: Ummm.... Try scaling down the Windows versions | 01:58 |
jaydoggg | ok that worked IdleOne, i forgot the - | 01:58 |
Flannel | charlie986541621: /etc/fstab will tell you whats mounted where | 01:58 |
jaydoggg | IdleOne: Thx | 01:58 |
The_Joe_ | K-4U: Obviously when you get to say 3.1, sto | 01:58 |
The_Joe_ | p | 01:58 |
jaydoggg | lets start this over | 01:58 |
K-4U | lol | 01:58 |
lightfight | @Flannel Thank you so so much. My password is working correctly now. I've been trying to fix it for hours and you helped me in seconds. Thank you again. | 01:58 |
IdleOne | jaydoggg, np | 01:58 |
jaydoggg | arg | 01:58 |
jaydoggg | IdleOne: still says there is a synaptic process running | 01:58 |
The_Joe_ | K-4U: That's how it's always worked for me anyway, dunno what else to try sorry | 01:58 |
jaydoggg | error brokencound >0 | 01:58 |
K-4U | the_joe: Doesn 't matter, you've helped me with this a lot;) | 01:59 |
jaydoggg | error brokencount >0 | 01:59 |
The_Joe_ | K-4U: No problem =) | 01:59 |
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bruenig | kevor, give Paddy_EIRE that link | 01:59 |
IdleOne | jaydoggg, try what Paddy_EIRE said system > administration > system montior | 01:59 |
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bruenig | Paddy_EIRE, here http://hulsteijn.net/output | 02:00 |
Paddy_EIRE | thats crazy | 02:00 |
kevor | idd :) | 02:00 |
bruenig | honestly I blame that on a shortcoming of apt | 02:00 |
jaydoggg | ok found the process and killed it. All I found was the update notifier | 02:00 |
bruenig | meta-packages are a dirty hack | 02:01 |
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kevor | Paddy_EIRE: i've re-installed ubuntu-desktop with synaptic, now everything is ok | 02:01 |
charlie986541621 | Flannel: thanks for your help. how can I open /etc/fstab | 02:01 |
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=== _da [n=dac@tx-76-6-81-107.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Paddy_EIRE | kevor: wow...I use aptitude all the time..maybe I should change how I use it | 02:01 |
_da | what is k3b? | 02:01 |
Flannel | charlie986541621: just open /etc/fstab in a text editor | 02:02 |
Paddy_EIRE | !k3b _da | 02:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about k3b _da - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:02 |
bruenig | apt needs the ability to distinguish a group of packages without the use of meta packages | 02:02 |
kevor | Paddy_EIRE: i use aptitude too, always, apt-get leaves too much behind imo | 02:02 |
nichlas | _da: CD/dvd BURNER | 02:02 |
Paddy_EIRE | yeah it does | 02:02 |
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bruenig | they could just use pacman | 02:02 |
voldermort | _da: it is a CD/DVD burner for linux | 02:02 |
Daann | Can anyone help me with a problem with wireless device of hp? My computer does not recognize my wireless card anymore! | 02:02 |
_da | yes I have a burner | 02:02 |
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bruenig | Daann, what is throwing me everytime you ask that question is "hp" | 02:02 |
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lightfight | I have one more question: I'm having trouble with removable media. Disks I put in my computer don't show up on the desktop and I can't mount them, I get an error message. However, if I restart Ubuntu whatever disk what already in shows up on desktop. Any ideas? | 02:03 |
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Paddy_EIRE | _da: k3b is a great burner native to kde although works perfectly fine in gnome | 02:03 |
The_Joe_ | So anyone got a solution for this USB problem? I'm using Dapper, it's FAT32 and doesn't mount | 02:03 |
_da | ok, I have a DVD I want to copy for my own personal use,what do I do? | 02:03 |
Paddy_EIRE | _da: also brasero and gnomebaker are good choices....nice and simple | 02:03 |
dixon | Hi. I want to install debian on my server. But it has like 21CDs :\ Is the 1st CD enough for the server installation? | 02:03 |
bruenig | _da, is it encrypted? | 02:04 |
jaydoggg | does anyone know what process is running when the error is "there is another synaptic running in non-interactive mode. Please wait for it to finish first. | 02:04 |
nichlas | The_Joe_: heh, you wan't to switch? i have the opposite problem, mine doesn't unmount :P | 02:04 |
Simple | someone called? | 02:04 |
_da | ??? | 02:04 |
Paddy_EIRE | _da: xdvdshrink is good for that kind of thing | 02:04 |
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The_Joe_ | nichlas: lol, strange | 02:04 |
Flannel | dixon: try #debian | 02:04 |
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_da | i don't know the first move... | 02:04 |
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The_Joe_ | nichlas: Tried umount? | 02:04 |
dixon | Flannel: ok thx ;) | 02:04 |
bruenig | _da, if it isn't encrypted and isn't over 4.7 gb, you can just do a simply copy with dd, if it is encrypted or over 4.7 gb you would need to use something like xdvdshrink | 02:04 |
bruenig | simple* | 02:04 |
v3ctor | dixon: the first cd is enough to get you started | 02:04 |
v3ctor | you can get everything else you need via aptitude | 02:05 |
Daann | bruenig, your right its a broadcom device | 02:05 |
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bruenig | !wifi | Daann | 02:05 |
ubotu | Daann: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 02:05 |
kauer | nichlas: What is the actual question you want to ask? | 02:05 |
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_da | please,I need step by step directions | 02:06 |
nichlas | kauer: why gnome/ubuntu/whatever doesn't want me to unmount my external disks.. | 02:06 |
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bruenig | _da, you need to give us some information as to the nature of this dvd | 02:06 |
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kauer | nichlas: what happens *exactly*that you think should not happen? | 02:06 |
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=== lightfigh1 [n=riley@adsl-070-145-044-132.sip.aby.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thecross | anybody got any ideas why asureus crashes just after it starts up? it use to work fine, and then BAM. | 02:07 |
_da | it's a casio DvD,how to use a calculator | 02:07 |
nichlas | kauer: i right click, press unmount, it unmounts, ubuntu complains that the disk is being written to and mounts it again | 02:07 |
kauer | I tell you all, people called "wckdkl0wn" ain't gettin' no help from me! By the time I've typed their name, I could have made a cup of coffee! Yeah, I know, cut and paste... | 02:07 |
bruenig | _da, so then probably not encrypted? | 02:07 |
bruenig | kauer, its called tab | 02:07 |
_da | i don't know... | 02:08 |
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=== Falstius [n=jeff@c-71-227-120-16.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kauer | bruenig: More details please....? | 02:08 |
bruenig | kauer, wck<tab> | 02:08 |
thecross | anybody got any ideas why asureus crashes just after it starts up? it use to work fine, and then BAM. I tried a complete uninsatall/install and it still does the same thing. and ideas on how I can further diagnose this? | 02:08 |
IdleOne | kauer, use tab completion. type the first 3 letters then hit the TAB key | 02:08 |
nichlas | maybe kauer's client doesn't have tab-completion | 02:08 |
bruenig | thecross, run it in the terminal | 02:08 |
kauer | bruenig: Nahh.... oh alright. | 02:08 |
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lightfigh1 | I'm having problems with removable media. CDRs don't appear on my desktop and I get an error message if I try to mount them. But if I restart the computer with a CDR in already then it will appear on the desktop but I can't switch it. Any ideas? | 02:09 |
=== master_o1_master [n=master_o@p549D4FF2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | lightfigh1, you have tried to mount it manually? | 02:10 |
Amon-san | how do i rename folders named dd_mm_yyyy to yyyy-mm-dd? | 02:10 |
Snakedude | hey could someone please refer me to a room or server that discuss's logic and problem solving for program design? | 02:10 |
The_Joe_ | *sigh* NEvermind | 02:10 |
lightfigh1 | Yeah, I get an error message. Hold on let me get it again. | 02:10 |
=== AutoMatriX [n=marcus@d83-182-242-70.cust.tele2.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dixon | v3ctor: thx downloading it already | 02:10 |
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lightfigh1 | "Unable to mount media - there is probably no media in the drive" | 02:10 |
lightfigh1 | but there is a cd in there | 02:11 |
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lupus_pkl | pekalongan | 02:11 |
nichlas | lightfigh1: have you looked in "system -> preferences -> removable drives and media | 02:11 |
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IdleOne | lupus_pkl, ?? | 02:11 |
bruenig | lightfigh1, what command do you use | 02:11 |
nichlas | lightfigh1: maybe something is wrong there.. | 02:11 |
lightfigh1 | I was just right clicking and using mount | 02:12 |
bruenig | hmmm, not exactly manual | 02:12 |
lightfigh1 | I'm very new to Linux | 02:12 |
bruenig | lightfigh1, look in /etc/fstab to see if you can figure out the /dev/name of the drive in question | 02:12 |
IdleOne | thats what is great about linux even after 20 years your still new to linux :) | 02:13 |
=== aneb [n=kyle@d235-141-30.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kauer | nichlas: Silly question, but do you have anything open from the USB disk? or is it your curent working directory in any program (eg a terminal, a browser...)? | 02:13 |
=== fenrig [n=matthias@d54C2FD26.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | IdleOne, hardly | 02:13 |
fenrig | !gutsy | 02:13 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | 02:13 |
=== doseryder [n=doseryde@CPE00179acb17f3-CM0018c0c4f6a4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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nichlas | kauer: nothing, and this happens with all my (3) disks, at all times, even when i've just startet ubuntu.. | 02:13 |
doseryder | May I ask whey there isn't a .xinitrc file in my home directory? | 02:14 |
bruenig | doseryder, because there doesn't need to be | 02:14 |
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nichlas | kauer: i've searched a little, and it looks like i'm not the only one with that problem, and it's not just an ubuntu thing.. | 02:14 |
bruenig | doseryder, you can make one if you wish | 02:14 |
CroX | Is there a way to change the order the applications are started in, in the gnome session? | 02:14 |
bruenig | !ops | KING | 02:14 |
ubotu | KING: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 02:14 |
charlie155945844 | Flannel: sorry about that - my irc seemed to have broken. Did I miss a reply? | 02:14 |
aneb | !caps | KING | 02:14 |
ubotu | KING: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 02:14 |
Amon-san | how do i rename folders named dd_mm_yyyy to yyyy-mm-dd? | 02:15 |
bruenig | he cannot possibly be in here for any reason ubuntu related | 02:15 |
aneb | !offtopic | KING | 02:15 |
ubotu | KING: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:15 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %KING!*@*] by Hobbsee | ||
kauer | nichlas: Then you know more than me about this problem. | 02:15 |
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=== copernic [n=jc@AMontpellier-257-1-124-149.w90-0.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | Amon-san, I would probably use a script | 02:15 |
aneb | bruenig: but there is a !offtopic factoid which you can use too. | 02:15 |
lightfigh1 | @gruenig: /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda5 | 02:15 |
Hobbsee | bruenig: likely . we'll see. | 02:15 |
Amon-san | bruenig: i guess so | 02:15 |
nichlas | kauer: thanks anyway :) | 02:15 |
Amon-san | however i suck at scripting | 02:15 |
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bruenig | Amon-san, is this a recursive thing? | 02:16 |
thecross | bruening: thanks that got me a little closer. any idea what this means? An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the VM. | 02:16 |
thecross | Unexpected Signal : 11 occurred at PC=0xB02D995F | 02:16 |
thecross | Function=[Unknown.] | 02:16 |
thecross | Library=(N/A) | 02:16 |
banana-net | nie | 02:16 |
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kauer | nichlas: Can you let us know a URL or two for where you found info? Maybe they will give one of us a clue... | 02:16 |
banana-net | nie | 02:17 |
Amon-san | bruenig: well all subfolders (1st level) need to be renamed. no change of drectories | 02:17 |
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braco | hi all | 02:17 |
Enselic | !networkinstall | 02:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about networkinstall - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:17 |
doseryder | bruenig: I'm doing a lil X window system tutorial right now, and trying to mess around with x window (mostly for learning purpose). So if I were to create one, would it disable/affect my window manager? | 02:17 |
braco | how can i set my 2nd hdd to be writable ? | 02:18 |
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khelll | i was playing with themes. and suddenly i lost gaim icon | 02:18 |
khelll | i dont know why it doesnt apper on the bar! | 02:18 |
khelll | what shall i do? | 02:18 |
kauer | braco: by default, the second hard disk *should* be writable. Why do you think it is not? | 02:19 |
braco | kauer , i instaled ubuntu, then pluegd in 2nd hdd | 02:19 |
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lee__ | Hi all, I just moved from xp to ubuntu, having great fun ha, I am dual booting and having issues with the clock keeps changing after reboots from each operating system | 02:19 |
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nichlas | kauer: yeah, i'm just looking for a good one :) | 02:19 |
kauer | braco: Is it an internal drive or something like a USB drive? | 02:19 |
braco | regular internal | 02:19 |
bruenig | Amon-san, cd into the directory with all the other directories in it and do: for x in *; do mv $x $(echo $x | awk -F_ '{print $3"-"$2"-"$1}'); done | 02:20 |
=== moonlite_ [n=moonlite@90-224-120-80-no119.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
braco | kauer , but when i ,mount it i cant write to it | 02:20 |
kauer | lee__" Windows uses local time, linux uses UTC. Set them to use the same. Sadly prolly easier to set Linux to use local time. | 02:20 |
=== t94xr [n=gta@60-234-134-174.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Amon-san | thanks, i'll try | 02:20 |
banana-net | nie | 02:20 |
khelll | i was playing with themes. and suddenly i lost gaim icon, i don't know where it disappaered , what to do?? | 02:20 |
kauer | braco: Is the second HDD formatted? If so, what as? And how are you mounting it *exactly*. | 02:21 |
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nichlas | kauer: it's this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-mount/+bug/107963 | 02:21 |
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braco | kauer ; second hdd (secondary master) is formated to ext3 , i am mounting iut thru nautilus | 02:21 |
nichlas | kauer: i'll just try the fix the last comment links to | 02:21 |
Amon-san | bruenig: wow it worked just fine. thanks a bunch | 02:22 |
bruenig | Amon-san, memorize that | 02:22 |
voldermort | where can i get the guidance for installing GTK and executing simple GTk programs | 02:22 |
Amon-san | ;-) | 02:22 |
=== CyberPhoenix [n=olivier@2.218-243-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thecross | I get it when azureus crashes | 02:22 |
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lee__ | kauer, Thanks will have a play | 02:23 |
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thecross | Any idea what this means? An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the VM. | 02:23 |
thecross | Unexpected Signal : 11 occurred at PC=0xB02D995F | 02:23 |
thecross | Function=[Unknown.] | 02:23 |
thecross | Library=(N/A) I get is when azureus crashes | 02:23 |
XiXaQ | thecross, you should join #Azureus or #Azureus-support | 02:24 |
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thecross | thanks | 02:25 |
=== erUSUL [n=erUSUL@154.Red-88-3-176.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kauer | nichlas: Just waht I was going to suggest (have just read the bug threads) | 02:25 |
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berent | how do i copy a folder present in wine folder?????????? | 02:25 |
berent | how do i copy a folder present in wine folder?????????? | 02:25 |
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kauer | lee__: local vs UTC is not the problem unless the time is jumping in the same direction every time, and the jump interval is very close to the difference between your local time zone and UTC. | 02:26 |
nie_rth | hai | 02:26 |
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arana | hi | 02:26 |
berent | how do i copy a folder present in wine folder?????????? | 02:27 |
berent | how do i copy a folder present in wine folder?????????? | 02:27 |
nie_rth | fgrytryh | 02:27 |
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kauer | nie_rth: Perhaps you shouldn't speak with your mouth full? | 02:27 |
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berent | how do i copy a folder present in wine browser?????????? | 02:29 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by Hobbsee | ||
erUSUL | !repeat | berent | 02:29 |
ubotu | berent: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 02:29 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %king!*@*] by Hobbsee | ||
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berent | erUSUL: answer please | 02:29 |
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Hobbsee | berent: try asking in #winehq | 02:30 |
berent | good | 02:30 |
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kauer | kauer: Test to myself | 02:31 |
Alatius | Is there any canonical place to store *.deb files? Or for that matter, is there any reason to save them after I have installed them? | 02:31 |
Hobbsee | berent: that doesnt excuse you repeating, though | 02:31 |
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berent | Hobbsee :Oh I see | 02:32 |
Hobbsee | Alatius: they usually get saved into /var/cache/apt/archives. there's no real reason to save them | 02:32 |
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=== Tama00 [n=tama@CPE-203-144-17-226.dsl.OntheNet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lee__ | kauer, ok thanks noted. Im in manila and if i remember correctly the direction is the same so i think your fix will sort it :) | 02:32 |
nichlas | anyone know where i can download "10-storage-policy.fdi"? :P | 02:32 |
Alatius | Hobbsee: Thank you. :-) | 02:32 |
nichlas | some guy on the web told me to delete it.. and i shouldn't have :D | 02:32 |
Hobbsee | Alatius: no problem | 02:32 |
braco | how can i make 2nd hdd writable ? | 02:33 |
nichlas | (it's in /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-storage-policy.fdi) | 02:33 |
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Flannel | nichlas: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/admin/hal | 02:33 |
nie_rth | iuweuy[qr | 02:33 |
=== Shaye [n=Shaye@bzq-82-81-181-242.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nichlas | Flannel: yeah, it's from that package, but i need only the file | 02:34 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %nichlas!*@*] by Hobbsee | ||
Falstius | nichlas: you shouldn't listen to some guy on the web ;) | 02:34 |
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Shaye | guys for a desktop having a e6000 CPU should i get the 64 bit or 32 bit OS? | 02:34 |
=== mantzos [n=mantzos@kard384a-0003.home.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kauer | Hobbsee: What does this do: "mode (+b %nichlas!*@* )" | 02:35 |
Flannel | Er, Hobbsee, what? | 02:35 |
Shaye | i know the cpu supports 64 bit but still | 02:35 |
Hobbsee | kauer: it's a quiet | 02:35 |
Frogzoo | Alatius: tweak /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20archive if you want | 02:35 |
Hobbsee | Flannel: ^ | 02:35 |
Falstius | Shaye: if you don't know that you need 64bit (for special uses), go with 32 for now. | 02:35 |
Frogzoo | Shaye: for desktop, use 32 bit | 02:35 |
Hobbsee | kauer: Flannel means he can watch, but cant talk to the channel. | 02:35 |
Shaye | Frogzoo Falstius may i ask why? 64bit don't have good support yet? | 02:36 |
=== badders [n=tom@host86-128-175-151.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kauer | nichlas: I have it, but don;t know how to get it to you (total GAIM newbie). | 02:36 |
mantzos | Hello everybody | 02:36 |
Hobbsee | oh drat! | 02:36 |
Falstius | Shaye: the only real showstopper I can think of is Flash and a lot of binary codecs, but that seems to be a big one for most people. | 02:37 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %nichlas!*@*] by Hobbsee | ||
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Hobbsee | nichlas: so sorry, i got the wrong target! | 02:37 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %nie_rth!*@*] by Hobbsee | ||
Hobbsee | *that's* the one i wanted | 02:37 |
mantzos | geia sou vre apostolidi | 02:37 |
nichlas | heh | 02:37 |
Frogzoo | Shaye: there's no 64bit flash, and drivers can also be missing | 02:37 |
Hobbsee | mantzos: english only please | 02:37 |
Shaye | ok ill go with the 32 ;) | 02:38 |
Shaye | thanks | 02:38 |
v3ctor | it always amazes me that 64bit has been mainstream since the ealry 90's yet it still doesn't have much support yet | 02:38 |
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kauer | nichlas: How can I send you this file? I feel so inadequate... | 02:38 |
v3ctor | well at least in the server world | 02:38 |
nichlas | kauer, i'm sure i'll find it somewhere :) | 02:38 |
Hobbsee | kauer: pastebin is good | 02:39 |
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nichlas | kauer: my broser still works, just not my file manager :P | 02:39 |
nichlas | browser* | 02:39 |
kauer | Hobbsee: for text maybe. Does it allow binary uploads too? | 02:39 |
Hobbsee | kauer: no | 02:39 |
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Hobbsee | kauer: oh, it's a binary. hmm | 02:40 |
djkorn_ | wuzup!? | 02:40 |
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djkorn_ | anyone using vmware here? | 02:40 |
Hobbsee | !anyone | djkorn_ | 02:40 |
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ubotu | djkorn_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 02:40 |
djkorn_ | w0w. | 02:40 |
djkorn_ | ok.. | 02:40 |
vanberge | does anyone know why in gaim/pidgin that the ctrl+x shortcuts to do emoticons was removed? i really miss that!! | 02:40 |
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djkorn_ | lol. | 02:40 |
Hobbsee | nichlas: which release? | 02:40 |
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nichlas | Hobbsee: ubuntu 7.04 | 02:41 |
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djkorn_ | anyone experiencing some choppy audio??? while playing some music with vmware? | 02:41 |
vanberge | djkorn_, mp3 ? | 02:41 |
dannyboy79 | how do I get my conky setup to move away from top of screen a little more? | 02:41 |
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djkorn_ | mp3, yes | 02:41 |
Hobbsee | nichlas: okay, it's at http://wedontsleep.org/~sarah/10-storage-policy.fdi | 02:42 |
kauer | nichlas: Here is mine: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33332/ | 02:42 |
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vanberge | djkorn_, i had some of that and could not figure out why | 02:42 |
dannyboy79 | i've tried changing the gap but nothing is moving it down | 02:42 |
bestguestever | is the 64 bit installation suitable for a core 2 duo notebook? | 02:42 |
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dannyboy79 | bestguestever: yes | 02:42 |
vanberge | djkorn_, in the end, i moved from banshee to rythmbox | 02:42 |
Hobbsee | nichlas: use wget http://wedontsleep.org/~sarah/10-storage-policy.fdi && sudo mv 10-storage-policy.fdi /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/. | 02:42 |
Hobbsee | kauer: if it's a binary, that wont help | 02:42 |
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bestguestever | thanks dannyboy79 - i was wondering if it depends on other hardware as well - that's why i asked. | 02:42 |
nichlas | Hobbsee: thanks, trying that :) | 02:42 |
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djkorn_ | vanberge, oh.. no... im playing some tracks @ vmware workstatipon.. | 02:43 |
Falstius | nichlas: sudo apt-get install --reinstall --download-only hal && dpkg -x hal*deb | 02:43 |
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vanberge | djkorn_, but, are you using ubuntu within vmware? | 02:43 |
berent | erUSUL: how do i copy to ntfs parition which is read only? | 02:43 |
vanberge | djkorn_, and what are you using to play them? | 02:43 |
Falstius | nichlas: you'll get a directory called hal_something_something and the files will be in it. | 02:43 |
kauer | Hobbsee: It isn't a binary. | 02:43 |
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dannyboy79 | bestguestever: nope, just whether the cpu supports 64bit. you are aware of teh little problems with like firefox and other apps that takes a little tweaking to get to work | 02:43 |
jenda | anyone know of a bootable USB flashdrive solution? | 02:43 |
Hobbsee | kauer: oh, i thoguht you said it was | 02:43 |
djkorn_ | ubuntu + vmware windowsXP then play some tracks | 02:43 |
Hobbsee | !vmware | 02:43 |
ubotu | VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers | 02:43 |
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dannyboy79 | jenda: what do you mean, it's plug and play | 02:43 |
dannyboy79 | anyone with conky experience | 02:43 |
djkorn_ | lol.. | 02:43 |
kauer | Hobbsee: No, I asked if pastebin took binaries. Silly question, I should have just looked. | 02:44 |
vanberge | djkorn_, ah... got ya. i assumed you were using windows, then using vmware to run ubuntu | 02:44 |
bestguestever | didn't know of any problems yet. so is there any advantage of using 64 bit? | 02:44 |
Hobbsee | kauer: which infers that it was a binary :P | 02:44 |
djkorn_ | no | 02:44 |
djkorn_ | im using ubuntu, | 02:44 |
lassegul | I cant get Evolution to catch any spam. Ive marked about 500 messages as spam and ive enabled "Check messages for Junk" in mail prefrences. Subjects like "Viagra (Sildenafil) 50mg x 60 pills buy now" goes right thru it. What am I doing wrong? | 02:44 |
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djkorn_ | i vm windowsxp | 02:44 |
djkorn_ | then i play some mp3 @ windowsxp | 02:45 |
dannyboy79 | bestguestever: I don't think it's worth it, if you're still new to linux, the advantage is minimal in my opinion to have to play around with stuff to get it to work | 02:45 |
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berent | erUSUL: how do i copy to ntfs parition which is read only? | 02:45 |
davetarmac | I have a wireless connection for my network, but also a wired connection between this machine and my original xbox. Is there anyway that I can use both connections simultaneously? Currently i have to disable wireless to use the cable, but after re-enabling the wireless, I cannot get a connection to the internet | 02:45 |
kauer | Hobbsee: yes - sorry, I realise the question implied that, but I was just interested, Sorry for yr confusion. | 02:45 |
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dannyboy79 | berent: install ntfs-3g | 02:45 |
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jenda | dannyboy79: I mean, is there a bootable-USB Ubuntu version somewhere (unofficial) | 02:45 |
dannyboy79 | anyone with conky experience | 02:45 |
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Hobbsee | kauer: no problem | 02:45 |
berent | dannyboy79 : thnks | 02:45 |
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Falstius | davetarmac: the simplest solution is to assign a different subnet to the xbox. so if your main connection ins 192.168.0.xxx you can use 192.168.1.xxx for the xbox. | 02:46 |
bestguestever | ok - maybe i'll reconsider using the 32 bit version then ;) | 02:46 |
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h1st0_ | jenda: i'm sure there is perhaps google may be of assistance | 02:46 |
jenda | h1st0_: I tried | 02:47 |
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jenda | h1st0_: lots of mentions, nothing found :) | 02:47 |
maxagaz | hello | 02:47 |
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rabby__ | hello | 02:47 |
davetarmac | Falstius: ok, I'l give it a try | 02:47 |
h1st0_ | jenda: http://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&q=ubuntu+usb+drive&btnG=Google+Search | 02:47 |
dannyboy79 | jenda: there's a guide here: http://lifehacker.com/software/ubuntu/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-a-flash-drive-245087.php | 02:47 |
mirak | is there a upnp client somewhere ? | 02:47 |
maxagaz | how to upload a directory with subdirectories using the command yafc ? | 02:47 |
DtG | lol | 02:47 |
rabby__ | does one of You use eclipse for c++ projects | 02:47 |
h1st0_ | jenda: try the second one down although i'm sure you'll fient more. | 02:47 |
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dannyboy79 | bestguestever: well look into it, go to ubuntuforums or gogle and do searches before you take my word for it | 02:48 |
donald | I'm an Ubuntu user/efficienato in WV and I see there is no Team in this state. | 02:48 |
donald | LoCo Team | 02:48 |
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dannyboy79 | anyone know how to make conky move down on the desktop, it's being hidden by upper panel | 02:48 |
vanberge | maybe a bit off topic - but anybody know if it is possible to use the 'watch now' on demand feature of netflix with ubuntu? netflix says only Win XP / IE combo will work | 02:48 |
berent | !ntfs-3g | 02:49 |
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ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 02:49 |
vanberge | dannyboy79, you could try moving the panel to the left or right, then moving the panel back... it might rearrange | 02:49 |
dannyboy79 | vanberge: try it in firefox within winxp, if it works there it;ll work in ubuntu | 02:49 |
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jenda | h1st0_:, dannyboy79 thx | 02:49 |
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dannyboy79 | vanberge: not with conky but thanks | 02:49 |
vanberge | dannyboy79, doesnt work with firefox. only IE | 02:49 |
kauer | davetarmac: You can use both. Use the route command (or various other possibilities to achieve the same end) to use one interface for some destinations and the other interface for other destinations. For example "route -add host xbox.address.goes.here dev eth0" will send everything for the xbox over eth0. This is off the top of my head, you may need to do "man route" for the right syntax. | 02:50 |
doseryder | is fspanel not included with ubuntu by default? | 02:50 |
dannyboy79 | vanberge: well then you'd have to try WINE and IE6 | 02:50 |
defrysk | dannyboy79, alt-f7 might do it | 02:50 |
vanberge | dannyboy79, and, also it requires windows media player according to netflix | 02:50 |
dannyboy79 | defrysk: what does that do? | 02:50 |
Falstius | vanberge: it probably has some drm that screws stuff up. You can install windows media player in wine I think along with IE 6 and it might work (worth a shot) | 02:50 |
defrysk | dannyboy79, alt-f7 and you can move the active gui with the mouse | 02:50 |
dannyboy79 | vanberge: yeah, then it soiunds like no, why do have to pay for it? you could always try. | 02:50 |
h1st0_ | dannyboy79: to fix conky make a script so that it loads after the panel is rendered. something like sleep 5 && conky | 02:50 |
dannyboy79 | defrysk: are you aware what conky is? | 02:51 |
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vanberge | Falstius, thanks for the info... maybe i'll try | 02:51 |
h1st0_ | jenda: Here's a really good link http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar | 02:51 |
defrysk | dannyboy79, no clue :s | 02:51 |
h1st0_ | off for some counter strike brb | 02:51 |
dannyboy79 | h1st0_: thanks | 02:51 |
vanberge | dannyboy79, the online viewing is just a bonus feature of my monthly plan - thought it would be nice if i could view. but, not worth switching to windows for | 02:51 |
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davetarmac | kauer: thanks for that - I'll try that if the subnet trick doesn't work | 02:51 |
dannyboy79 | defrysk: well then you wouldn't have suggested that fix if you did | 02:51 |
vanberge | :-) | 02:51 |
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Falstius | vanberge: uhm, with the usual disclaimer that it is probably against the WMP EULA to install it under wine (bastards) | 02:51 |
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dannyboy79 | vanberge: well if it's already free than give it a try. media player may work in WINE also | 02:52 |
=== vanberge installs wmp via wine, blames Falstius when the feds come | ||
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notebook | i'm trying to install a gigaware 25-157 webcam on feisty fawn, does anyone know where to find drivers and how to install them? thanks. | 02:53 |
dannyboy79 | h1st0: that didn;t, I forgot, I am already starting conky after the panel | 02:53 |
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kauer | davetarmac: Falstius is right in that putting one interface in one subnet and the other interface in another subnet should bring both interfaces up without you having to do anything else. However, you lose the simplicity of one subnet and the usefulness of DHCP, as you probably don't have a second DHCP server in the XBox subnet and will have to set static addresses both on the local interface and on the XBox. If you are already using all | 02:53 |
dannyboy79 | h1st0: i am testing out my setup, so I edit the conky file, then restart it thru alt-f2 run box | 02:54 |
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dannyboy79 | h1st0: shouldn't the gap being making it move down? | 02:54 |
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davetarmac | Falstius: I have just tried the xbox subnet, but to no avail | 02:55 |
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Falstius | kauer: he must already be using a static IP or running dhcp specifically for the xbox (or what he said earlier would be nonsense) and I figured it was easier than explaining routing. | 02:55 |
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khelll | i have an odd problem, i dont know why when i run gaim, i dont get it's icon minimized on the bar, plz help | 02:55 |
dannyboy79 | can someone suggest how to get my conky to move down more on the desktop? | 02:55 |
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davetarmac | the IP for the xbox is and the ip for my wired interface is | 02:55 |
davetarmac | actually - I've just done an ifconfig and eth0 doesn't have an IP address | 02:56 |
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doseryder | is fspanel not in Ubuntu? | 02:57 |
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Falstius | davetarmac: if you keep having trouble, pastebin the output of route -n and ask someone to take a look. I've got to go mow the yard. | 02:57 |
davetarmac | Falstius: I used nm-applet to configure the address for the wired connection | 02:57 |
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davetarmac | Falstius - OK. Thanks for the help | 02:58 |
giant | good <time of day in your timezone> everyone | 02:58 |
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berent | how do i attain os virtualization? | 02:58 |
berent | !kvm | 02:58 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kvm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:58 |
dannyboy79 | can someone suggest how to get my conky to move down more on the desktop? | 02:58 |
cello_rasp | hi. i have a compact flash card via a usb card reader and wne i try to unmount using thunar, I get "Cannot unmount the volume 'KODAK_PC', Details: Cannot remove directory" | 02:59 |
cello_rasp | how to fix? | 02:59 |
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rabby__ | why does ubuntu not symlink the c++ libs? | 02:59 |
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davetarmac | kauer: could you take a look at my route -n please? | 02:59 |
kauer | davetarmac: I'll look at the "route -n" output for you... | 02:59 |
davetarmac | kauer: http://pastebin.com/d7e54357d | 02:59 |
dannyboy79 | cello_rasp: have you tried using the terminal? sudo umount /media/foo | 02:59 |
rabby__ | it hides every lib in /usr/include/myc++lib-version/myc++lib/ because i need it in /usr/include/myc++lib | 02:59 |
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MakeGho | I'm trying to install ndiswrapper but it says it can't find the kernel build files in /lib/modules/2.6.12-10-386/build.. I'm restricted to move all the data with a usb stick. Any ideas? | 03:00 |
cello_rasp | dannyboy79: sudo works, naturally but I was wondering how to set permissions so I could do it as user | 03:01 |
kauer | davetarmac: How does wlan0 get an address - DHCP, or have you given it one yourself? | 03:01 |
davetarmac | wlan0 is DHCP | 03:01 |
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dannyboy79 | what does the mount command return? | 03:01 |
dannyboy79 | cello_rasp: when it's mounted I mean | 03:01 |
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cello_rasp | dannyboy79: nothing, it just unmounts cleanly ... what is odd is that user already has root unmount perm "sudo chmod u+s `which mount` `which umount`" | 03:02 |
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cello_rasp | dannyboy79: oh, mounting?: mount: can't find /media/KODAK_PC/ in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 03:02 |
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dannyboy79 | no, enter mount and tell me what the mount options are for that usb stick | 03:02 |
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reallyjoel | hello, i need help with booting into my ubuntu installation | 03:03 |
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dorto | anybody knows who is the maintainer of Synaptic package? How to find out? | 03:03 |
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dorto | reallyjoel, ask your question. | 03:03 |
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khelll | i have an odd problem, i dont know why when i run gaim, i dont get it's icon minimized on the bar, plz help | 03:03 |
davetarmac | kauer: any ideas? | 03:03 |
kauer | davetarmac: OK. I'm not familiar with nm-applet, but choose System->Administration->Network, and set up a static IP address (same subnet) on eth0. Obviously you should use an address that is not in use elsewhere in that subnet. Does the XBox already have an address configured, and can you normally ping it over the wireless interface (when the wired interface is not configured, i.e., right now?) | 03:03 |
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cello_rasp | dannyboy79: mount: can't find /media/KODAK_PC/ in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 03:03 |
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xk | nca.com | 03:04 |
giant | I would suggest searching online for synaptic, it has to have a webpage, download the source. Contact information is normally in the source | 03:04 |
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dorto | giant: thx | 03:04 |
dannyboy79 | cello_rasp: no, you're not understanding. when it's plugged in, are you able to have it automount? if so, please enter only "mount" at the command line and tell me what the line for that device is | 03:04 |
kauer | davetarmac: Actually, you might as well set eth0 up as DHCP too... | 03:04 |
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kauer | davetarmac: sorry, no scratch that. Am I right that the xbox/pc network is just a single cable? The xbox isn't "in" your network? If it *is* you can use DHCPon that interfae, otherwise... | 03:05 |
reallyjoel | well i have win xp on my mbr, and ubuntu on another hdd, and now ive followed a guide to copy the linux boot sector to a floppy, copy it to windows and use it in the ntbootloader to boot into the bootloader, so to speak.. but i dont have permision to copy the boot sector from the live cd | 03:05 |
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voldermort | How to format a pendrive using the command line | 03:05 |
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Aye| | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=522223, does anyone know what causes this problem? | 03:06 |
cello_rasp | dannyboy79: I can automount via thunar, and then i just did `mount`: /dev/sda1 on /media/KODAK_PC type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077) | 03:06 |
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t360ii | window vista rocks | 03:07 |
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cello_rasp | sup flamebait | 03:07 |
DDragon | t360ii: then y are u in here? | 03:07 |
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t360ii | oopps sory wrong forum | 03:07 |
dannyboy79 | cello_rasp: well I am not sure, what ever is automounting it isn't putting the users option for ALL users to be able to unmount it | 03:07 |
Tiggzz | i'm having a nghtmare time with USB dvd-t, help any one? | 03:07 |
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Akoviem | Hi there, have successful installed ubuntu, how do I log in as the root user | 03:07 |
Enselic | !root | Akoviem | 03:08 |
ubotu | Akoviem: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 03:08 |
dannyboy79 | cello_rasp: like in the fstab, if you put users, that'll allow all users to be able to unmount it | 03:08 |
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cello_rasp | thanks dannyboy79. thunar still needs work i guess | 03:08 |
Akoviem | ok thanks will check this out | 03:08 |
dannyboy79 | does anyone know how to make conky move lower on the desktop????????? | 03:08 |
dannyboy79 | cello_rasp: i guess, have you gogled it? | 03:08 |
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dannyboy79 | cello_rasp: or checked the ubuntuforums | 03:08 |
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cello_rasp | dannyboy79: add whitespace or newlines to the config file. | 03:09 |
cello_rasp | you cant position by pixel only by corner :( | 03:09 |
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reallyjoel | Can anyone help me with either installing a bootloader, either from Windows or the Live CD, alternatively make the NT boot loader list the Ubuntu installation | 03:09 |
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Tiggzz | am I visible? No one spoke to me yesterday either, do I need to do something to be seen? | 03:09 |
cello_rasp | dannyboy79: in .conkyrc > alignment bottom_right | top_right | etc | 03:10 |
Aye| | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=522223, does anyone know what causes this problem? | 03:10 |
reallyjoel | I see you tiggzz | 03:10 |
=== dystopianray [n=dystopia@203-213-54-54-syd-ts2-2600.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Aye| | Tiggzz, happens to mee | 03:10 |
adminGuy | Tiggzz: i can hear you. | 03:10 |
t360ii | I'm installing ubuntu studio on my pc tomorrow , bye bye xp | 03:10 |
Tiggzz | yay, I'm alive | 03:10 |
Aye| | t360ii, i got ubuntu studio i just have a problem | 03:10 |
Aye| | .. | 03:10 |
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Aye| | Yet nobody seems to know why | 03:10 |
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Tiggzz | is it right that I have 2 version directories i my /lib/firmware ? | 03:11 |
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kauer | davetarmac: How does it look? | 03:11 |
dystopianray | Tigge: yes, one for each kernel version | 03:11 |
kenro | I need a cbr viewer, but Ubuntu doesn't provide one. With me using hte gibbon, would it ruin my computer if I include pure Debian pkg sources? | 03:11 |
dystopianray | Tiggzz: that was meant for you | 03:11 |
davetarmac | kauer: bear with me 2 seconds whilst I change the xbox IP | 03:11 |
davetarmac | kauer: at th emoment, the Xbox connects to my computer through a ethernet cable | 03:11 |
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davetarmac | kauer: the IP of eth0 is now and the IP of xbox is now | 03:12 |
davetarmac | kauer: I can ping the the xbox with no trouble | 03:12 |
Tiggzz | so what kernel version should I be using when instaling firmware? | 03:12 |
kauer | davetarmac: Is this WITOUT the wire, or only WITH the wired interface configured? | 03:12 |
dannyboy79 | cello_rasp: thanks but it's putting it under the upper panel | 03:12 |
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dannyboy79 | cello_rasp: i want it to move down a "c" hair | 03:12 |
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kauer | davetarmac: That is, is the xbox attached directly to your computer, or via (say) a switch in your router. | 03:13 |
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Tiggzz | dystopianray, what version am I using / should be using then, when I install firmware? | 03:14 |
reallyjoel | Can anyone help me with either installing a bootloader, either from Windows or the Live CD, or alternatively make the NT boot loader list my Ubuntu installation. Windows is on my MBR and Ubuntu on another HDD. Chatting via Ubuntu Live CD now.. | 03:14 |
dystopianray | Tiggzz: look at 'uname -r' | 03:14 |
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Tiggzz | dystopianray, ok, that it saying 2.6.20-16-generic | 03:15 |
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dannyboy79 | does anyone know how to move conky down on the desktop??????????????? | 03:16 |
Tiggzz | dystopianray, I also have in the firmware dir 20-15 | 03:16 |
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dystopianray | Tiggzz: so install the firmware into the directory of that name | 03:16 |
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cello_rasp | dannyboy79: what is a C hair | 03:16 |
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kenro | I need a cbr viewer, but Ubuntu doesn't provide one. With me using hte gibbon, would it ruin my computer if I include pure Debian pkg sources? | 03:16 |
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giant | sorry dannyboy79, I don't know what conky is | 03:16 |
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cello_rasp | dannyboy79: you cant move it arbitrarily. you need to format the text in .conkyrc or change the alignment | 03:17 |
kauer | davetarmac: Welcome back. | 03:17 |
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dannyboy79 | cello_rasp: well if you're a woman, I shouldn't say. if you're a guy think of a thicker form of hair | 03:17 |
davetarmac | kauer: yeah, there was a little bit of a loss of all network access | 03:17 |
cello_rasp | a public hair. | 03:17 |
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Aye| | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=522223, does anyone know what causes this problem? | 03:17 |
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kauer | davetarmac: Ah, sawed off the branch you were sitting on, eh? | 03:18 |
davetarmac | yup | 03:18 |
dannyboy79 | cello_rasp: ok, can you be more specific? here's my conky: http://www.pastebin.org/394 | 03:18 |
khelll | i have an odd problem, i dont know why when i run gaim, i dont get it's icon minimized on the bar, plz help | 03:18 |
davetarmac | kauer: nevermind - do you happen to know anywhere I can get a cheap wireless bridge from? | 03:18 |
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cello_rasp | dannyboy79: use "gap_y N" where N is how far doen you want it to start | 03:18 |
kauer | advetarmac: I need to know if the xbox is on a single cable directly linked to your computer, or if it is in your network. | 03:18 |
davetarmac | kauer: I htink that is the only way I can think of doing it | 03:18 |
bestguestever | dannyboy79: ok - looks like there are several incompatible programs (which means only 32 bit compiled) those need some extra tweaking to get them running. i guess i'll use the 32 bit version (don't need that much speed actually *g*) thanks for your info | 03:18 |
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl912.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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davetarmac | kauer: single cable between xbox and computer | 03:19 |
dannyboy79 | cello_rasp: nevermind, it was the gap thingy, I was modifying the conky on my desktop and I kept wondering why it wasn't updating | 03:19 |
davetarmac | kauer: it doesn't touch the network | 03:19 |
kauer | davetarmac: No, this works. I do similar things all the time. | 03:19 |
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dannyboy79 | bestguestever: yeah, that's what I was saying. | 03:19 |
reallyjoel | Pelo> hi | 03:19 |
dannyboy79 | cello_rasp: yeah, I got it, stupid mistake on my part. | 03:19 |
Pelo | hello reallyjoel | 03:19 |
dannyboy79 | cello_rasp: thanks for your help. gotta run | 03:19 |
cello_rasp | cool thanks as well bye | 03:20 |
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reallyjoel | Pelo remember me from yesterday, trying to get the boot loader to work | 03:20 |
kauer | davetarmac: With the xbox connected, and after having given eth0 a static IP address, please paste the output from "route -n" to the pastebin... | 03:20 |
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davetarmac | just let me try to reconnect then... | 03:20 |
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Pelo | reallyjoel, I remember your nick, not sure I remember your whole problem | 03:20 |
Pelo | reallyjoel, did you manage to get it to work ? | 03:20 |
N610c | How do I format an external hard drive? | 03:20 |
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reallyjoel | I\ll copy paste from before again | 03:20 |
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reallyjoel | Can anyone help me with either installing a bootloader, either from Windows or the Live CD, or alternatively make the NT boot loader list my Ubuntu installation. Windows is on my MBR and Ubuntu on another HDD. Chatting via Ubuntu Live CD now.. | 03:20 |
davetarmac | kauer: might lose internet again - which will mean me rebooting | 03:20 |
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Tri5eeD | #fr | 03:21 |
giant | Is it a cross-over cable | 03:21 |
Tri5eeD | join #fr | 03:21 |
Pelo | N610c, install gparted, plug the hdd in , open gparted , format | 03:21 |
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kauer | davetarmac: If wlan0 drops when you configure eth0, then you are doing something wrong. Don't use nm-applet if this happens. | 03:21 |
giant | x-box to PC should be a crossover not a patch cable | 03:21 |
Akoviem | Have looked at sudo, but need some more advice. what has happened is I have created a locked folder on my desktop and need to delete it. HOw do I do this? | 03:21 |
Pelo | Tri5eeD, /join #ubuntu-fr | 03:21 |
Tri5eeD | thx | 03:21 |
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Pelo | Akoviem, open the terminal, sudo rm -f /pathtofolder | 03:22 |
kauer | giant: he has connectivity to the xbox. His problem is that he wants simultaneous access to the rest of his network and the Internet. We are working on setting up routing to do that. At the moment, he has to drop the wireless and set up the cable or vice versa. | 03:22 |
dystopianray | Akoviem: sudo rm -rf blah | 03:22 |
N610c | thanks | 03:22 |
Aye| | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=522223, does anyone know what causes this problem? | 03:23 |
Tiggzz | dystopianray, when I use this line "sudo cp dvb-usb-wt220u-zl0353-01.fw /lib/firmware/$(uname -r)/" does the end bit mean it always goes into the corect dir? | 03:23 |
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dystopianray | Tiggzz: it looks like it will, yes | 03:23 |
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reallyjoel | How do I get permission to read and copy the boot sector from my installed Ubuntu, when I\m on the Live CD_ | 03:23 |
Pelo | Tigge, then end bit means it will go in the folder named for the current kernel | 03:23 |
giant | hmmm I'm under the impression that iptables does that, but I don't have any experience with it | 03:23 |
ian_ | does anybody know how to use the sound recorder? | 03:23 |
ian_ | i'm a newbie | 03:24 |
dystopianray | reallyjoel: you need to use sudo | 03:24 |
kenro | Anyone with so much as opinion or advice for my problem? | 03:24 |
reallyjoel | dystopianray: whats that_ | 03:24 |
Frogzoo | reallyjoel: that's not what you want to do | 03:24 |
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Akoviem | Have tried this, but it says cannot remove as it is a directory | 03:24 |
Frogzoo | !grub | reallyjoel | 03:24 |
dystopianray | reallyjoel: man sudo | 03:24 |
ubotu | reallyjoel: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 03:24 |
r4663r | hello | 03:24 |
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r4663r | i have a problem with my printer, i am using lpt to usb converter wire...but when its plugged in i got every 2 seconds a message in everything.log that its plugged in, removed, plugged in, removed and so on..here is a part of the log file (since yesterday it is 10mb bigger because of this message): http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/13664/ | 03:25 |
=== Pelo thinks ubotu is getting a bit weird | ||
ian_ | i need to record so i want to use the sound recorder | 03:25 |
davetarmac | kauer: I have the route table, but cannot get to any pastebin to add it | 03:25 |
Tiggzz | dystopianray, would the creation of /dev/dvb/ be automatic during the process of setting up the stick? | 03:25 |
ian_ | who can help me? | 03:25 |
davetarmac | kauer: all my http seems to be down | 03:25 |
Pelo | ian_, is your mic working ? | 03:25 |
dystopianray | Tiggzz: it should be created after you load the correct driver | 03:25 |
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kauer | davetarmac: ?!?! You can talk to me but not a website? | 03:25 |
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davetarmac | kauer: indeed | 03:26 |
ian_ | i don't have a mic | 03:26 |
ian_ | i thought there is an internal mic installed | 03:26 |
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dystopianray | ian_: what sort of computer do you have? | 03:26 |
kauer | davetarmac: OK, that's weird. Well, lets try a private conversation, and you can paste the lines to me. I'm a GAIM newbie, so be gentle with me... | 03:26 |
reallyjoel | dystopianray, ill look that up | 03:26 |
ian_ | it's pentium 4 | 03:26 |
Pelo | r4663r, no idea what hte problem would be, why donT' you just plug the pinter in directly instead of using an adapater cable ? | 03:27 |
Akoviem | Akoviem, open the terminal, sudo rm -f /pathtofolder, tried this but say rm cannot remove as is a directory | 03:27 |
ian_ | i don't really know the specs | 03:27 |
Tiggzz | dystopianray, if I just keep putting differnet firmwares into the fw dir, then keep plugging the stick in and out, should t eventially find one it likes and make the dir? | 03:27 |
dystopianray | Tiggzz: have you loaded the driver for the device? | 03:27 |
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r4663r | Pelo on my notebook there is no lpt plug | 03:27 |
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dystopianray | Tiggzz: is any driver being loaded? look at the dmesg output | 03:27 |
reallyjoel | ubotu, thanks, ill look into that.. but im not sure that will fix the problem that my MBR conatins the Windows bootloader, and Ubuntu is on another HDD | 03:27 |
davetarmac | kauer: I've tried a PM - did that work? | 03:27 |
ian_ | the sound recorder has this option "record from input"...which one will i choose? | 03:27 |
Tiggzz | dystopianray, the dmesg says using the config from #1 or somthing | 03:27 |
kauer | davetarmac: Yes, I saw "can you see this". Clearly you did not see my replies :-( | 03:28 |
davetarmac | kauer: no, i didn't | 03:28 |
kauer | davetarmac: repeat the exercse with the route output. | 03:28 |
Tiggzz | dystopianray, [65795.198494] usb 5-3: USB disconnect, address 7 | 03:28 |
Tiggzz | [65797.452734] usb 5-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 8 | 03:28 |
Tiggzz | [65797.983675] usb 5-3: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice | 03:28 |
Pelo | r4663r, try checking in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org, that's the onlhy thing that comes to mind, this is probably udev related | 03:28 |
dystopianray | reallyjoel: (assuming your drive is /dev/sda) $ sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=bootsector bs=512b count=1 | 03:28 |
dystopianray | Tiggzz: it looks like you'll need to load the driver manually | 03:29 |
kauer | davetarmac: Go it, wait a sec... | 03:29 |
dystopianray | Tiggzz: assuming there is a driver for it | 03:29 |
Tiggzz | dystopianray, the guide i have gone through about 10 or more times is from post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183297 | 03:29 |
r4663r | Pelo but why does the log file show that it is a problem of networkmanager, im confused that networkmanager is related to usb? | 03:29 |
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dystopianray | Tiggzz: load the driver manually | 03:29 |
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Pelo | r4663r, I'm thinking that the comp thnks it's a network printer for some reason | 03:30 |
r4663r | okay | 03:30 |
Pelo | r4663r, I realy donT' know about this, sorry , I just didn'T want you to feel ignored | 03:30 |
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r4663r | no problem | 03:30 |
davetarmac | kauer: it's my DNS that is screwed up | 03:31 |
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davetarmac | kauer: I just visited the IP for google and I got straight through | 03:31 |
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reallyjoel | dystopianray, ok, that may seem to work, but it seems i need to change directory to the root before i execute that, i dont know how to navigate in bash | 03:31 |
ian2 | can i use the sound recorder even without a mic? | 03:31 |
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kauer | davetarmac: OK, this takes two steps. First, we delete the default route over eth0, then we add a specific route over that interface just to your xbox. I'm a bit rusty on the syntax, so this may be a bit trial and error. Worst case, just shut down networking and restart it (you don't need to reboot, just do "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"). Ready to go? | 03:32 |
dystopianray | reallyjoel: it doesn't change directory | 03:32 |
Pelo | reallyjoel, use cd | 03:32 |
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davetarmac | kauer: ok, lets do this | 03:32 |
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Tiggzz | dystopianray, OH :( I've done the install build essential, and then the make and make install, is thins not loading them? Or is ths making the wrong driver? | 03:32 |
kauer | davetarmac: You currently have two default routes, not good. We'll fix that though. | 03:32 |
ian2 | can i use the sound recorder even without a mic? | 03:32 |
dystopianray | Tiggzz: I have no idea, have you tried loading the driver manually? | 03:32 |
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Pelo | ian2, what would it record ? | 03:32 |
Tiggzz | dystopianray, sorry, how do I do that. :( | 03:33 |
ian2 | what do u mean? | 03:33 |
kauer | davetarmac: First we try deleting the default route completely: "sudo route del default". This may remove both, in which case do the net restart thing and tell me :-) | 03:33 |
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dystopianray | Tiggzz: sudo modprobe <drivername> | 03:33 |
Pelo | ian2, if you want to use the sound recorder whithout the mic, what is the sound recorder suppose to recored ? | 03:33 |
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reallyjoel | Hmm, maybe i need to make or touch a file to write to first.._ | 03:33 |
giant | I'm having a problem with my Beryl. When I switch over to beryl, I have no title bar | 03:33 |
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MasterShrek | !effects | giant | 03:34 |
ubotu | giant: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects | 03:34 |
warjo | hello | 03:34 |
ian2 | i was wondering if i could record music but mixed music | 03:34 |
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Pelo | giant, ask in #beryl or #ubuntu-effects or #compiz-fusion it's just a question of decorator, easy to fix fi you know how | 03:34 |
r4663r | giant what about installing emerald? | 03:34 |
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disappear | i have a trouble with ati radeon 9200 SE | 03:34 |
warjo | can i get a quick hint on setting an effect when i close a window? | 03:34 |
giant | oh I'm sorry.. thanks MasterShrek | 03:34 |
Tiggzz | dystopianray, I haven't done that, becuase I've never heard of modprobe. I also don't know what the driver is called or where it would be. God I hate being a noob at something :( | 03:34 |
dystopianray | ian2: a lot of sound cards do not allow you to record output | 03:34 |
MasterShrek | not a problem giant but your questions generally gets answered faster if u know where to ask =) | 03:35 |
Pelo | ian2, use audacity fo mix and sound juicer to rip the cds | 03:35 |
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warjo | please someone throw me a hint on this | 03:35 |
giant | I didn't realize there were sub channels. Thanks | 03:35 |
Aye| | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=522223, does anyone know what causes this problem? | 03:35 |
ian2 | ohh..i see... so i s there anyway i can record my voice my voice without a mic? | 03:35 |
Pelo | warjo, what kind of effect ? | 03:35 |
dystopianray | Tiggzz: try this: sudo modprobe dvb_usb_dtt200u | 03:36 |
warjo | dunno, something like window gets on fire and disapears | 03:36 |
=== BenG- [n=benny@stgt-590e2e44.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | ian2, you need some kind of input, mic is usealy it | 03:36 |
warjo | i've saw that somewhere on youtube :S | 03:36 |
dystopianray | ian2: how can it record anything without a mic? | 03:36 |
BenG- | hy, some germans here ? | 03:36 |
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Pelo | warjo, you want to use beryl or compiz fussion, ask in #ubuntu-effects | 03:36 |
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warjo | very much thank you | 03:36 |
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ian2 | thank you | 03:36 |
reallyjoel | Pelo: can we PM or meet in another room? | 03:36 |
BenG- | can someone help me with some sound problems? im noobie :-( | 03:37 |
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BenG- | but i want to get an ubuntu user ;) | 03:37 |
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dystopianray | BenG-: what is the problem? | 03:37 |
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BenG- | i cant hear any sounds. ubuntu found a soundcard but i cant hear anything | 03:38 |
dystopianray | BenG-: what are you trying to play? | 03:38 |
BenG- | there is absolutly nooooo sound | 03:38 |
Goldfisch | BenG-: You can test levels of inputs and outputs by running alsamixer. | 03:38 |
dystopianray | BenG-: what are you trying to play though? an mp3? | 03:38 |
Tiggzz | dystopianray, [66398.455821] usbcore: registered new interface driver dvb_usb_dtt200u | 03:38 |
Tiggzz | [66403.924821] usb 5-3: USB disconnect, address 8 | 03:38 |
Tiggzz | [66406.522794] usb 5-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 9 | 03:38 |
Tiggzz | [66407.049715] usb 5-3: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice | 03:38 |
BenG- | everything | 03:38 |
dystopianray | Tiggzz: please use pastebin | 03:38 |
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Tiggzz | dystopianray, sorry pastebin? | 03:39 |
BenG- | sorry my english is verry bad, i hope u can understand my problems :-) | 03:39 |
Goldfisch | BenG: I had to fiddle around with that, to make sure I had the proper input device mark for capture, and the recording level set up, along with output level. | 03:39 |
dystopianray | !pastebin | Tiggzz | 03:39 |
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ubotu | Tiggzz: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:39 |
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BenG- | in audio options i put everything on alsamixer | 03:40 |
BenG- | correct? | 03:40 |
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oni | !list | 03:40 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 03:40 |
Goldfisch | BenG-: Open a terminal, and type "alsamixer". Also read the "man alsamixer" page to read up more about that tool. | 03:40 |
=== Airforce5555 [n=stephen@adsl-68-253-237-38.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
davetarmac_ | kauer: whoops | 03:40 |
oni | c' qualche italiano? | 03:40 |
BenG- | Goldfisch: There is everything on top on alsamixer | 03:40 |
gorrz | BenG-, if using alsamixer, make sure pcm is set to the top | 03:40 |
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BenG- | it is on top | 03:41 |
dystopianray | oni: #ubuntu-it | 03:41 |
Tiggzz | dystopianray, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33336/ | 03:41 |
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Tiggzz | dystopianray, is that what I need to do? | 03:41 |
john_ | hey all | 03:41 |
dystopianray | Tiggzz: it's not loading any driver | 03:41 |
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oni | thanx | 03:41 |
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Goldfisch | I don't understand the part about "on top". I just opened my own alsamixer, and I see it listing Card, Chip, View, and Item. | 03:42 |
davetarmac_ | kauer: I ran the command to remove the default route, but it seemed to kill the connection. I tried that restarting and this is what it said | 03:42 |
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kauer | davetarmac: What happened? BTW I am an idiot, I wanted to delete the net route, not the default route! Why didn't someone stop me!?! :-) | 03:42 |
john_ | this has been my first week using ubuntu - AWESOME!!! | 03:42 |
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kauer | davetarmac: Lets try that again, this time with feeling. | 03:42 |
davetarmac_ | kauer: because I didn't know :p | 03:42 |
fragged | Hey guys, are there any libraries or programs that do image transitions similar to what Windows Media Centre's photo viewer does? | 03:42 |
john_ | this chat has been really helpful with my transition from windows to ubuntu. | 03:42 |
kauer | davetarmac: First, do you have the same route output as before? That is, with TWO entries for | 03:42 |
Goldfisch | john_: Excellent! | 03:42 |
davetarmac_ | kauer: you need the route -n again? | 03:43 |
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davetarmac_ | route -n | 03:43 |
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kauer | davetarmac: no, I just need to know that the eth0 interface is setup as before. | 03:43 |
BenG- | Goldfisch your german? | 03:43 |
davetarmac_ | right - 2 ticks, i'll make sure it's activate | 03:43 |
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kauer | davetarmac: But by all means pm the output if you want. | 03:43 |
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Goldfisch | BenG-: No, USA. | 03:43 |
BenG- | Card: HDA Intel | 03:44 |
john_ | what would you recommend as a video/music player? coming from windows, i'm used to something like WMP11 | 03:44 |
BenG- | CHIP: Conexant CX20551 (WAIKIKI) | 03:44 |
BenG- | kk | 03:44 |
dystopianray | fragged: what exactly can WMC photo viewer do? | 03:44 |
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mythrage | anyone here ever use crystal space in ubuntu... | 03:44 |
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dystopianray | john_: amarok for audio | 03:44 |
Tiggzz | dystopianray, so not only do I need to sort the firmware out for it to work with Kaffeine and myhtv, I need a separate driver too? Sorry, it's just that there is no mention of the driver for it, only the firmware in the tut. Or is thhis where it talks for making the install from the source configs? | 03:44 |
mythrage | where are actually the directory of crystal space in ubuntu... | 03:44 |
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dystopianray | Tiggzz: the firmware is used by the driver | 03:44 |
gorrz | john_, i recommend banshee as a music player.. and vlc as a video player | 03:44 |
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davetarmac | kauer: you get my pm? | 03:45 |
Goldfisch | I started using Banshee when I got an iPod. It is nice for podcatching, and I use gtkpod to manage the iPod itself. | 03:45 |
dystopianray | john_: amarok is amongst the best audio players on any platform | 03:45 |
john_ | thanks for the tips. | 03:45 |
fragged | dystopianray, well, it does zooming and panning on images as well as nice transition effects between photo's, i'm yet to see something this powerful under linux :( | 03:45 |
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gorrz | i love banshee | 03:45 |
kauer | davetarmac: Yes, just cogitatin'. First we delete the net route over eth0: "sudo route del -net dev eth0" | 03:45 |
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BenG- | has anybody some ideas how i can use my soundcard? | 03:46 |
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BenG- | no sound suxx ^ | 03:46 |
Tiggzz | dystopianray, the referral to the kernel modules, are these the drivers? | 03:46 |
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gorrz | out of rhythmbox, amarok, exaile, bmp and xmms and banshee , banshee wins ^^ | 03:46 |
dystopianray | Tiggzz: yes | 03:46 |
kauer | davetarmac: Then we set up a specific route to your xbox: "sudo route add -host dev eth0" | 03:46 |
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dystopianray | gorrz: no, amarok is much better than banshee | 03:46 |
kauer | davetarmac: Then we ping your xbox :-) | 03:46 |
gorrz | dystopianray, i beg to differ | 03:47 |
Aye| | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=522223, does anyone know what causes this problem? | 03:47 |
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john_ | i'll look into these. i've gotta get going now. thanks again! :-D | 03:47 |
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Goldfisch | BenG-: Are the levels okay? At one time, I thought the card driver wasn't loaded, or the wrong driver was loaded. Actually, I had the volume level turn to 0%. I brought it up to 80%, and it worked great. | 03:47 |
Pelo | !raid > reallyjoel | 03:47 |
Tiggzz | dystopianray, ah haaa, so when I get an error saying Error during writing of the kernel configuration. | 03:48 |
=== yadah [n=yada@host86-150-253-91.range86-150.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BenG- | Goldfisch: the level is on 100% | 03:48 |
Tiggzz | dystopianray, thats me not making a driver :/ | 03:48 |
lueho | how do i install real player? i am on ubuntu | 03:48 |
davetarmac | kauer: invalid argument when i try to do the sudo route del | 03:48 |
dystopianray | Tiggzz: most likely | 03:48 |
yadah | Yo | 03:48 |
kauer | davetarmac: Sorry, syntax error: "sudo route del -net dev eth0" | 03:48 |
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Goldfisch | BenG-: Hmm, not sure then. | 03:48 |
BenG- | :-( | 03:48 |
Tiggzz | dystopianray, I have tried the make with sudo make too but I get this error regardless, would you have an idea how I can prevent it? | 03:49 |
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BenG- | i think its only a tick ^ | 03:49 |
dystopianray | Tiggzz: no, sorry, i've never used that particular device or driver | 03:49 |
lueho | why does it not work for me to do 'sudo apt-get install realplayer' ? | 03:49 |
BenG- | cat /proc/asound/cards | 03:49 |
BenG- | 0 [Intel ] : HDA-Intel - HDA Intel | 03:49 |
BenG- | HDA Intel at 0xb0000000 irq 21 | 03:49 |
yadah | Yo, say I want to use ubuntu for server use, which is better to use the LTS one or the latest stable build? (Feisty Fawn) | 03:49 |
gorrz | lueho, there is no realplayer package.. | 03:49 |
davetarmac | kauer: excellent - that seems to work very well | 03:49 |
dystopianray | lueho: becuase there is no such package | 03:49 |
Tiggzz | dystopianray, at least I have gotten one step further, I know why it's not working, just not how is not working :) | 03:50 |
davetarmac | kauer: even if we did get off to a sticky start ;) | 03:50 |
dystopianray | yadah: what sort of server? | 03:50 |
kauer | davetarmac: Have you done the route add as well, and can you ping yr xboxx? | 03:50 |
lueho | gorrz ok then i know | 03:50 |
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yadah | dystopianray: Well web server, IRC server, male | 03:50 |
yadah | stuff like that | 03:50 |
dystopianray | yadah: if it's some sort of mission critical production server, then LTS is likely your best bet | 03:50 |
davetarmac | kauer: indeed. | 03:50 |
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Tiggzz | dystopianray, thanks for your patience | 03:50 |
kauer | davetarmac: Well, that config will disappear each time you restart networking (or boot). You need to make it permanent. | 03:50 |
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cello_rasp | i hope realplayer makes it to gutsy | 03:51 |
davetarmac | kauer: and how do i do that? | 03:51 |
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gorrz | lueho, but you can still install it | 03:51 |
kauer | davetarmac: You could put the two route commands ina script an executethem on boot... there are other ways, you you want to know them? | 03:51 |
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yadah | How come Gibson, glib and build-essential aren't included with ubuntu lol | 03:51 |
davetarmac | kauer: sure | 03:51 |
dystopianray | yadah: probably becuase the majority of people don't need them | 03:51 |
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kauer | davetarmac: Darn, I hoped you'd say "no", 'cos I'm not sure I know them :-) Wait a sec... | 03:52 |
yadah | Majority of people don't want to compile stuff? | 03:52 |
yadah | damn | 03:52 |
gorrz | lueho, uncomment your universe and multiverse repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list then sudo apt-get install realplayer | 03:52 |
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lueho | how do i install realplayer? i downloaded it from realplayer website and it is a *.bin file. do i just need to move it to the /usr/bin folder for it to work? | 03:53 |
Goldfisch | yadah: Probably because we mostly install binary packages. To install compilers also requires a lot of supporting things like include files. Eats up disk space. | 03:54 |
dystopianray | lueho: you'll need to make it executable and run it mostly likely | 03:54 |
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yadah | Goldfisch: yeah and ubuntu is trying to keep the iso under 700 mb | 03:54 |
dystopianray | yadah: yes that's right, the majority do not compile anything | 03:54 |
yadah | yeah good point | 03:54 |
lueho | dystopianray i thought a binary file was executable already | 03:54 |
yadah | dystopianray: oh please. | 03:54 |
dystopianray | lueho: no, this isn't windows | 03:54 |
lueho | dystopian ok so how do i make a bin file executeble? | 03:54 |
cello_rasp | lueho: its worth doing it the 'official' way using apt-get, installing via forign ways can break things | 03:55 |
dystopianray | lueho: chmod + x blah | 03:55 |
Goldfisch | yadah: And that too. It is nice where someone can install ubuntu with one CD, instead of 5, ehh? | 03:55 |
dystopianray | lezardo_: sorry i mean, chmod +x blah | 03:55 |
dystopianray | lueho: woops, that was meant for you | 03:55 |
yadah | Goldfisch: Indeed | 03:55 |
lueho | celly rasp there is no apt get for realplayer | 03:55 |
yadah | RealPlayer is a piece of crap anyways | 03:55 |
=== Mandorallen [n=neil@dyn-62-56-119-63.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lueho | that is not the issue | 03:55 |
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yadah | Use VLC or something like that | 03:55 |
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lueho | weather you like it or not i dont care | 03:55 |
lueho | how do i install a bin file? | 03:56 |
lueho | this is the question | 03:56 |
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_stranger_ | make it executable | 03:56 |
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lueho | and HOW is that done | 03:56 |
lueho | sheesh | 03:56 |
dystopianray | lueho: chmod +x blah | 03:56 |
_stranger_ | chmod +x | 03:56 |
lueho | k | 03:56 |
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Blauhaut | s.a | 03:56 |
cello_rasp | yadah VLC is a piece of crap in handling real media | 03:56 |
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yadah | hah | 03:56 |
yadah | Well the thing is why are you using Real Media? | 03:57 |
kauer | davetarmac: The simplest way to do it is to create a script that does those two commands, and run it when you need it. Alternatively adda script to /etc/init.d and name it so it runs after "networking" at runlevels 3, 4 and 5. There used to be a way of telling ifup about special routes, but I may be confusing Ubuntu with SuSE. | 03:57 |
=== lines [n=lines@host165-161-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yadah | That's the crappiest stuff since .crap | 03:57 |
lueho | ok after i changed its chmod settings. what i do now? | 03:57 |
GrandKhavatari | anyone know if there is a font package for swiftfox , the default font settings really mess up some website layouts | 03:57 |
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GrandKhavatari | ? | 03:57 |
Goldfisch | lueho: You aren't on an amd64 machine, are you? I just read a blog site saying its not available for that platform. | 03:57 |
cello_rasp | yadah what you you have people do with the music they dont have, and can't get in any other format | 03:58 |
kauer | davetarmac: Anyway, now you know how, write it down for next time :-) | 03:58 |
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lueho | i am on a regular intel x86 machine | 03:58 |
davetarmac | kauer: ok, we'll do the script thing and have it run on startup | 03:58 |
kauer | davetarmac: Have fun. | 03:58 |
lueho | cpu | 03:58 |
dystopianray | lueho: prefix the filename with ./, for example $ ./blah | 03:58 |
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davetarmac | kauer: silly question - how do i create a script? | 03:58 |
kauer | davetarmac: Argh! :-) | 03:58 |
yadah | Also how come after I update ubuntu and sudo apt-get install firefox/irssi it's not the latest version | 03:58 |
lueho | dystopianray k | 03:58 |
yadah | do we *have to* get it and compile it ourselves? :p | 03:58 |
yadah | JEez | 03:58 |
dystopianray | yadah: firefox should be the latest version, | 03:59 |
yadah | Nope | 03:59 |
yadah | Well 2 weeks ago it didnt give me that version | 03:59 |
yadah | 1 week rather | 03:59 |
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lueho | hmm what directory do you people think i should install it to? /usr/bin ? | 03:59 |
dystopianray | yadah: i've had that version for about a week | 03:59 |
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aneb | yadah: what version? | 03:59 |
lueho | i dont want it installed on the desktop | 03:59 |
yadah | im getting | 03:59 |
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lueho | where does software install usualy in linux? | 03:59 |
prakka | Hi guys, | 03:59 |
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yadah | hi prakka | 03:59 |
GrandKhavatari | anyone know good fonts for firefox that doesnt fackup webistes layouts ? | 04:00 |
Flyingmatt | just let firefox update itself after you install it then... | 04:00 |
prakka | i have this problem with steam, it crashes after est. 5 min of playing | 04:00 |
aneb | lueho: many locations | 04:00 |
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prakka | emulated with wine | 04:00 |
Goldfisch | lueho: Make sure it runs alright. If so, then I suggest moving it to /usr/local/bin, and if that doesn't exist, yes, you can put it in /usr/bin. /usr/local is usually for custom stuff, compared to "official" stuff. | 04:00 |
W8TAH | morning folks: -- i installed compiz-fusion but its having some problems - how do i get it to give me my normal X and KDE back? | 04:00 |
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dystopianray | yadah: i've had firefox since august 1 | 04:00 |
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lueho | goldfisch ok.. thanks mate | 04:00 |
gorrz | lueho, did you read what i told u ? | 04:00 |
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Pelo | W8TAH, you need to ask in #compiz-fusion | 04:00 |
gorrz | lueho, uncomment your universe and multiverse repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list then sudo apt-get install realplayer | 04:00 |
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W8TAH | Pelo -- ok | 04:01 |
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gorrz | lueho, you dont need to go through compilation.. apt will do everything | 04:01 |
pawan | hi] | 04:01 |
yadah | the next LTS version should kick ass | 04:01 |
gorrz | properly | 04:01 |
pawan | what is wubi | 04:01 |
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Paddy_EIRE | would anyone know where the 'fvwm-crystal' documentation would be stored locally? | 04:01 |
lueho | gorrz i freakin told you there is no package for realplayer | 04:01 |
=== BigToe7000 [n=tehbigto@cpc1-hatf3-0-0-cust104.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yadah | btw this may sound noobish, but when I update ubuntu, so it by anychance update linux kernel? | 04:01 |
pawan | !wubi | 04:01 |
ubotu | wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html | 04:01 |
Tiggzz | dystopianray, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33338/ would I be able to find out what the error codes mean? | 04:01 |
lueho | anyways its installed now... thanks for the help people | 04:01 |
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kauer | davetarmac: Create a text file with the text editor. Put "!/bin/sh" as the first line. Put the two route lines as the second and third lines. Save it as (say) "xbox_routes.sh". Then "chmod u+x xbox_routes.sh". Then run it like this: "sudo /path/to/where/script/is/xbox_routes.sh". If you want a snazzy dialogue, set up a launcher on your taskbar and set the command to "gksudo /path/to/where/script/is/xbox_routes.sh" | 04:01 |
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prakka | yadah, it does | 04:01 |
dystopianray | Tiggzz: try google | 04:01 |
davetarmac | kauer: cheers | 04:02 |
yadah | Excellent | 04:02 |
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Aye| | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=522223, does anyone know what causes this problem? | 04:02 |
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aneb | kauer: #! | 04:02 |
aneb | kauer: not just ! | 04:02 |
kauer | davetarmac: Sorry first line is "#!/bin/sh" | 04:02 |
dystopianray | yadah: it won't update to the latest kernel version, it will update within kernel 2.6.20.x | 04:02 |
kauer | aneb: Good save :-) | 04:02 |
=== giant [n=giant@75-107-252-245.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yadah | damn | 04:03 |
davetarmac | kauer: ok | 04:03 |
yadah | This is for all the Ubuntu versions? | 04:03 |
yadah | the LTS one and Feisty Fawn? | 04:03 |
pawan | !ubuntu | 04:03 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 04:03 |
dystopianray | yadah: each ubuntu version has a different kernel version | 04:03 |
dystopianray | yadah: 6.06 has 2.6.17 i believe | 04:03 |
pawan | and 7.04 | 04:04 |
davetarmac | kauer: does it need the sudo's for each line? | 04:04 |
dystopianray | pawan: 7.04 has 2.6.20 | 04:04 |
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dystopianray | yadah: 7.10 will have 2.6.22 | 04:04 |
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kauer | davetarmac: No. The whole script will be run as root, so either "sudo script_name" or "gksudo script_name". | 04:04 |
yadah | dystopianray: :/ | 04:04 |
lueho | do i have to restart linux for realplayer to work or should it work emidiately after installation? | 04:04 |
Pelo | lueho, it should work imidiatly | 04:05 |
dystopianray | lueho: immediately | 04:05 |
Pelo | imediatly | 04:05 |
yadah | dystopianray: so how can I garuntee maximum security with dapper drake without the latest kernel | 04:05 |
Pelo | whtever | 04:05 |
lueho | k then there is something wrong here | 04:05 |
=== yadah is confused | ||
=== Pelo needs more coffee | ||
=== beni [n=beni@p54AB8015.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dystopianray | yadah: you don't need the latest kernel for maximum security | 04:05 |
pawan | how to repair kernel | 04:05 |
aneb | lueho: you dont have to reboot for installations, but you do have to reboot for upgrades - 6.06 -> 6.10, 6.10 -> 7.04, etc etc | 04:06 |
yadah | In this case I might as well go with the latest Ubuntu build rather than the LTS one | 04:06 |
yadah | Getting updates with old kernel seems useless | 04:06 |
Pelo | yadah, security patches for lts are stil supplied , that is why it is called lts | 04:06 |
gorrz | anyone here runnin gutsy ? | 04:06 |
Falstius | dystopianray: you might need patches to the kernel for maximum security. | 04:06 |
dystopianray | yadah: security fixes are backported to older kernel releases | 04:06 |
pawan | vfs error | 04:06 |
yadah | Ah | 04:06 |
aneb | yadah: paid support is provided too | 04:06 |
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yadah | There we go it makes sense now | 04:06 |
Pelo | gorrz, #ubuntu+1 | 04:06 |
dystopianray | Falstius: yes, and they are backported | 04:06 |
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yadah | so the LTS ones have as much security as the ones with latest kernel since you get long updates with the patches | 04:07 |
yadah | I see now | 04:07 |
davetarmac | kauer: thanks for the help | 04:07 |
yadah | then I guess I'm going with dapper drake for my server | 04:07 |
Falstius | yadah: the kernel updates for the stable versions are only for security, it won't do major upgrades of the kernel unless you switch to a newer ubuntu version. | 04:07 |
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aneb | yadah: dont use the GUI version for the server. | 04:07 |
lueho | so um why does realplayer not work when i installed it and it says there was no error? | 04:07 |
aneb | yadah: use the server version | 04:07 |
=== Don9307 [n=Don9307@pool-72-65-69-186.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hyakuhei | hey all, I've just powered on an old machine running Breezy, How should I upgrade to Feisty ??? | 04:07 |
yadah | yeah duh aneb lol | 04:08 |
yadah | Thats why its called server version not desktop ;) | 04:08 |
dystopianray | lueho: ask the realplayer devs for help | 04:08 |
gorrz | lueho, how did you install it | 04:08 |
aneb | hyakuhei: you have to do it in steps | 04:08 |
GrandKhavatari | can i make my Ubuntu Feisty Fawn use windows fonts for all its windows ? FF as well | 04:08 |
Falstius | hyakuhei: the fastest way is to do a clean install. Otherwise you need to update to hoary and then dapper and then edy and then feisty. | 04:08 |
GrandKhavatari | I have it dual boot | 04:08 |
lueho | gorrz 1 chmod +x realplayer10gold.bin 2 ./realplayer10gold.bin | 04:08 |
lueho | i did these things | 04:08 |
lueho | 1 | 04:08 |
lueho | 2 | 04:08 |
dystopianray | GrandKhavatari: yes, you can adjust all the fonts that are used | 04:08 |
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gorrz | lueho, uncomment your universe and multiverse repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list then sudo apt-get install realplayer | 04:09 |
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aneb | Falstius: er, hoary, then breezy, then dapper, then edgy and feisty | 04:09 |
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_stranger_ | guys, how so i install a cursor theme in gnome? | 04:09 |
Don9307 | Anyone running other OS'es as virtual machines with ubuntu as host? | 04:09 |
=== reallyjoel [n=joel@h-89-233-250-125.wholesale.rp80.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Falstius | aneb: oops, sorry. It was a long time ago :) | 04:09 |
lueho | gorrz come again? | 04:09 |
Aye| | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=522223, does anyone know what causes this problem? | 04:09 |
aneb | Don9307: you donst have to do that btw, there is wubi | 04:09 |
mcscruff | lo all where is java default install dir? | 04:09 |
Don9307 | What is wubi? | 04:09 |
dystopianray | Don9307: I have run virtual machines on ubuntu | 04:09 |
reallyjoel | Pelo: Haha, all I needed to do was to swith boot HHD, and everything allready worked | 04:10 |
aneb | !wubi | Don9307 | 04:10 |
ubotu | Don9307: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html | 04:10 |
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Pelo | yadah, basicaly all distros get security patches , but they donT, get software upgrades, and the lts release gets patches for a longer time, the others only for 18 monts I beleive, the defierence from release to release if you don'T get version upgrades for apps, ie if you have office 2.2 you stick to office 2.2, you don'T get bumped up to 2.3 when it comes out | 04:10 |
Pelo | reallyjoel, ;-) | 04:10 |
aneb | pelo: dont overgeneralize, some distributions are different. | 04:10 |
yadah | oh apps updated is no problem | 04:10 |
Pelo | reallyjoel, and you have windows listed in the menu ? | 04:10 |
pawan | hello | 04:10 |
dystopianray | what does wubi have to do with virtualisation? | 04:10 |
yadah | I could always compile the apps myself and install them | 04:10 |
yadah | Piece of cake | 04:11 |
reallyjoel | Pelo: it even recognized my windows install, so everything is perfect now | 04:11 |
Pelo | aneb, I'm talking in the ubuntu channel about ubuntu | 04:11 |
Don9307 | So wubi runs ubuntu as guest rather than Windows as guest under ubuntu. Correct? | 04:11 |
dystopianray | yadah: newer apps can be obtained from backports | 04:11 |
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aneb | dystopianray: it doesnt do virtualisation! | 04:11 |
Pelo | reallyjoel, I'm glad it worked out | 04:11 |
gorrz | lueho, sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list then remove the comments (the #'s) from the universe and multiverse repositories, ctrl O to save ctrl X to quit then type sudo apt-get install realplayer and you're good to go! | 04:11 |
aneb | dystopianray: you reboot to ubuntu | 04:11 |
Aye| | anyone, whats the software in this picture http://wubi-installer.org/images/ubuntu-listen.jpg | 04:11 |
dystopianray | aneb: Don9307 was asking about virtualisation though, not dual booting | 04:11 |
aneb | dystopianray: no partitioning, just double click | 04:11 |
aneb | Aye|: perhaps rhythm box | 04:12 |
lueho | gorrz okey let me try.. brb | 04:12 |
yadah | when is the newer LTS version releasing | 04:12 |
yadah | sometime in 2011? | 04:12 |
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dystopianray | yadah: I think it's gutsy+1 | 04:12 |
aneb | yadah: after gutsy | 04:13 |
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=== Daann [n=daanspan@ip51cce791.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Falstius | Don9307: you can use vmware or colinux to run linux instead your windows install. vmware is the easier of the two but less geek cred | 04:13 |
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pawan | what is the latest version of ubuntu | 04:13 |
dystopianray | pawan: 7.04 | 04:13 |
domherre | I have very wierd problem installing ubunto (6.06). The live cd works fine, but everytime its gets installed I reboot, i get the message "cannot load operating system". | 04:13 |
aneb | pawan: 7.04 | 04:13 |
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pawan | when is the next version coming out | 04:13 |
dystopianray | domherre: is your machine booting the correct hdd? | 04:13 |
dystopianray | pawan: october | 04:13 |
cjae_ | are the wine repositories down? | 04:13 |
gorrz | pawan, gutsy is scheduled for oct 07 | 04:14 |
pawan | 7.10 | 04:14 |
domherre | dystopianray yes, i have turned ofall other hdds and unplugged them | 04:14 |
domherre | and Ive checked bios settings | 04:14 |
lueho | gorrz what is it that i should remove here? there are alot of urls that the apt-gets are downloaded from... is this really good to remove? | 04:14 |
pawan | will ubuntu beat windows | 04:14 |
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yadah | Never. | 04:14 |
dystopianray | cjae_: it looks like they are down | 04:14 |
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dystopianray | pawan: in what regard? | 04:15 |
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cjae_ | dystopianray, thanks | 04:15 |
Pelo | pawan, no, cause Ms will buy the judges | 04:15 |
yadah | If you got the right tools(programs) with windows and know how to use it and stop opening PICTURE.JPG.EXE | 04:15 |
dannym | hello | 04:15 |
yadah | Windows will always win imo. | 04:15 |
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dannym | anyone here that could help me with my webcam? | 04:15 |
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dannym | its not being detected | 04:15 |
Don9307 | What I want to do is the opposite of wubi. I'd prefer to run ubuntu (OS of choice) but have the flexibility of running Windows apps ubuntu can't run when needed. Virtualization vs. dual boot appears to be the best way to go. You don't have to concern yourself about Windows viruses when using Windows virtualized. | 04:15 |
yadah | oh snap | 04:15 |
Pelo | !webcam | dannym | 04:15 |
ubotu | dannym: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 04:15 |
dannym | pelo | 04:16 |
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dannym | its me again | 04:16 |
=== Pelo hides from dannym | ||
dannym | hehehe | 04:16 |
dystopianray | Don9307: there are several virtualisation solutions, vmware is probably the easiest | 04:16 |
Pelo | dannym, did you finish the realtek install ? | 04:16 |
yadah | well you need to do alot of stuff in terminal in ubuntu so windows is way more simple | 04:16 |
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dannym | did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? | 04:16 |
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dannym | yeah i did | 04:16 |
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floriaki1 | how can i switch off the sound in sopcast without muting my whole computer/other programs? | 04:16 |
dannym | thanks | 04:16 |
Pelo | dannym, technicaly I am not up yet, I'm only on my second cup of coffee | 04:17 |
lueho | whois gorrz | 04:17 |
dannym | hahaha | 04:17 |
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=== cjae_ kicks self for uninstalling wine | ||
lueho | gorrz so what should i remove? | 04:17 |
pawan | hello | 04:17 |
Don9307 | leave | 04:17 |
=== cjae_ goes and gets bottle | ||
dystopianray | cjae_: do you still have the deb in /var/cache/apt/archives/ ? | 04:17 |
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=== Pelo gives cjae_ some steel toed boots so he can do the job right | ||
floriaki1 | how can i switch off the sound in sopcast without muting my whole computer/other programs? | 04:17 |
dannym | could someone help me with my webcam please | 04:17 |
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=== Clinton__ [n=clinton@c-68-43-200-249.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BenG- | waaaahhhh im not able to turn on my sound .... damn drivers :-( | 04:17 |
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dannym | bisoncam | 04:18 |
Clinton__ | !pls | 04:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pls - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:18 |
=== cjae_ owns steel toes and was using already | ||
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Pelo | floriaki1,check the sopcast prefs for a setting | 04:18 |
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pawan | i am not able to print on my canon pixma 1000 printer | 04:18 |
cjae_ | dystopianray, ?? | 04:18 |
Clinton__ | Does anyone know the trick to getting pls streams working in Ubuntu (specifically from Shoutcast) ? | 04:18 |
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dannym | help | 04:18 |
dannym | heheheh | 04:18 |
Pelo | pawan, look up the model in the forum see if they have recommendations | 04:18 |
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Pelo | dannym, you need to ask complete questions, and read the links I gave you first | 04:19 |
dystopianray | cjae_: if you still have the deb you can install that | 04:19 |
pawan | yes it is recommended | 04:19 |
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cjae_ | dystopianray, thanks | 04:19 |
Pelo | pawan, I mean if they recommend a way to get it working | 04:19 |
mark007 | Has anyone had any success upgrading to Gusty? update-manager -cd hasn't worked, and I've searched all over for a solution to no avail. | 04:19 |
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mark007 | Gutsy* | 04:19 |
dannym | i did a search on google and it seems a lot of people were having the same poblem | 04:19 |
Pelo | mark007, gutsy isnT' out yet, it's a beta , go and ask in #ubuntu+1 | 04:19 |
Daann | my broadcom card only sometimes gets detected | 04:20 |
dystopianray | Pelo: it's not even beta, it's alpha :) | 04:20 |
dannym | i'm just wondering if someone managed to find a workaround | 04:20 |
mark007 | Pelo, I'm aware that it isn't out :-) I'd like to help test | 04:20 |
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Pelo | mark007, you need to ask in #ubuntu+1 | 04:20 |
lueho | is there some kind of search engine for all apt-get packages? | 04:20 |
mark007 | Ok. Thanks | 04:20 |
dystopianray | lueho: packages.ubuntu.com | 04:20 |
lueho | dystopianray thanks mate | 04:20 |
=== floriaki1 [n=floriaki@dslb-084-062-234-099.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
dannym | the desktop effects looks so cool | 04:20 |
dystopianray | lueho: or the synaptics package manager | 04:20 |
dannym | but it has a prob | 04:20 |
dannym | can't watch movies when its turned on | 04:21 |
cjae_ | dystopianray, it says same one in repositories, how does it know if they are down? | 04:21 |
Pelo | dannym, it is a known problem you can ask about it in #ubuntu-effects | 04:21 |
dannym | anyone here having the same prob | 04:21 |
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Daann | my broadcom card only sometimes gets detected other times its just gone?! | 04:21 |
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dystopianray | cjae_: i'm not sure what you are saying? | 04:21 |
Clinton__ | Does anyone know the trick to getting pls streams working in Ubuntu (specifically from Shoutcast) ? I do have w32codecs and ubuntu-restricted-extras installed. | 04:21 |
Pelo | Daann, look up your model in the forum see if there are any fixes | 04:22 |
dystopianray | dannym: what video card do you have? | 04:22 |
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dannym | intel 915 | 04:22 |
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dannym | its a laptop | 04:22 |
Daann | Pelo, i will | 04:22 |
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pawan | hello | 04:22 |
Liquinn | Yo | 04:22 |
cjae_ | dystopianray, sorry it said there is the same version in the repositories and that I should install that one, how would it know if the repositories are down? | 04:22 |
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Pelo | pawan, ? | 04:22 |
dystopianray | dannym: You need to use a newer driver | 04:22 |
Liquinn | Whats Ubuntu? :) | 04:22 |
Liquinn | hmm | 04:22 |
dystopianray | dannym: are you just getting blue instead of the video? | 04:23 |
dannym | are you having the same issues with desktop effects | 04:23 |
Pelo | !ubuntu | Liquinn | 04:23 |
ubotu | Liquinn: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 04:23 |
Liquinn | Cool :D | 04:23 |
Liquinn | Nice | 04:23 |
=== Paradox34690 [n=Paradox3@pool-71-99-197-153.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dannym | the media players shuts down after a second | 04:23 |
Liquinn | ;P | 04:23 |
Liquinn | ;P | 04:23 |
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Pelo | Liquinn, you can dl the live cd from the site and try it out without intalling | 04:23 |
dystopianray | dannym: well that is weird | 04:23 |
dannym | just one second and its gone | 04:23 |
=== PhilKC [i=PhilKC@freenode/staff/philkc] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Pelo | a trolll, a nice one , very odd | 04:23 |
dannym | but no error messages | 04:24 |
dystopianray | dannym: i've used desktop effects on my i915 and it just means I get blue instead of the video when certain effects are running | 04:24 |
=== W8TAH [n=W8TAH@static-acs-24-239-210-31.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dystopianray | dannym: check ~/.xsession-errors | 04:24 |
dannym | it just goes away | 04:24 |
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dannym | how do i do that | 04:24 |
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cjae_ | dystopianray, btw that was quite the handy piece of info thanks just going to ingnore it | 04:24 |
dannym | from terminal | 04:24 |
=== rachel [n=rachel@82-32-56-35.cable.ubr08.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dystopianray | dannym: less ~/.xsession-errors | 04:24 |
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dvinchi666_newbi | hi | 04:24 |
=== ohad [n=ohad@cpe-66-108-105-160.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cjae_ | dystopianray, that message that is not what you said | 04:24 |
Pelo | hello dvinchi666_newbi | 04:25 |
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dvinchi666_newbi | algun latinoamericano | 04:25 |
dvinchi666_newbi | o ke hable espaol | 04:25 |
dystopianray | cjae_: sorry, i have no idea what you're going on about :S | 04:25 |
Pelo | !es | dvinchi666_newbi | 04:25 |
dannym | i dont know how to interpret it | 04:25 |
ubotu | dvinchi666_newbi: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 04:25 |
dannym | could i send you | 04:25 |
dannym | i'll copy and paste | 04:25 |
dvinchi666_newbi | thanks | 04:25 |
dystopianray | dannym: pastebin the end of it | 04:25 |
dvinchi666_newbi | ubotu | 04:25 |
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dystopianray | dvinchi666_newbi: ubotu is a bot | 04:26 |
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domherre | I have tried installing debian, ubunto 7.04 and 6.06 and none have worked... and its just a frigging installer so what can it be (win xp installs without problem). | 04:26 |
Pelo | domherre, what kind of error are you getting ? | 04:27 |
gorrz | domherre, ubuntu.. what happens? | 04:27 |
dannym | what is pastebin | 04:27 |
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dannym | i dont understand | 04:27 |
dannym | sorry | 04:27 |
=== Tanman [n=weiyen@203-173-163-38.static.bliink.wave.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | !pastebin | dannym | 04:27 |
ubotu | dannym: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:27 |
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-227-207-233.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
LazyAngel | why do i get an message about too long file name in k3b, and how do i fix it? | 04:27 |
cjae_ | dystopianray, Thanks for your help. I see you are busy though, but you did ij fact help my situation. | 04:27 |
BenG- | Simple mixer control 'PCM',0 | 04:27 |
dannym | is that a command used on the terminal | 04:27 |
BenG- | Capabilities: pvolume pswitch | 04:27 |
BenG- | Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right | 04:27 |
BenG- | Limits: Playback 0 - 255 | 04:27 |
BenG- | Mono: | 04:27 |
BenG- | Front Left: Playback 255 [100%] [0.00dB] [on] | 04:27 |
BenG- | Front Right: Playback 255 [100%] [0.00dB] [on] | 04:27 |
dystopianray | cjae_: so you were able to use the .deb to install wine? | 04:27 |
domherre | gorrz 7.04, live cd refsuses to start 6.06 after install i first got black screen of death and later after plugging out everything that wastn essetional, igot "Unable to start operating system" | 04:28 |
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BenG- | and my soundcard dont speak a bit :-( | 04:28 |
Pelo | LazyAngel, is it possible tht the filesnames or the path are just too long | 04:28 |
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Pelo | !pastebin | BenG- | 04:28 |
ubotu | BenG-: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:28 |
dannym | oh ok | 04:28 |
=== SmoothOp [n=no@c-71-58-57-168.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BenG- | sorry... | 04:28 |
=== fredddy [n=freddy@p3E9E1FAA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dystopianray | LazyAngel: to fix it, either shorten the filesnames or don't use Joliet | 04:28 |
dystopianray | LazyAngel: Joliet has a 64 character filename limit | 04:29 |
Pelo | BenG-, no please restate your problem briefly | 04:29 |
gorrz | domherre, sounds pretty nasty.. like a bronchitis.. something must be going wrong with your hardware recognition im thinkin.. you sure the cd's were created properly? i messed up on mine and had to rewrite them | 04:29 |
LazyAngel | dystopianray: it says its limited to 16 characters | 04:29 |
dystopianray | LazyAngel: 16? well that is weird | 04:29 |
BenG- | my soundcard doesnt work :-( | 04:29 |
BenG- | no sound | 04:29 |
cjae_ | dystopianray, yes but it told me that there was a same version in the repositories as in the cache and it recommended that I install the repo one. I was just curious to know how it knew about the online one if the repos are down | 04:29 |
LazyAngel | dystopianray: what should i use for a windows user? | 04:29 |
Pelo | !sound | BenG- | 04:29 |
ubotu | BenG-: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 04:29 |
domherre | gorrz yes , data verication on, and 2 burns on 6.06 resulting in sameerror | 04:29 |
Pelo | later folks | 04:30 |
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=== LGKeiz021 [i=LGKeiz@74-134-200-227.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dystopianray | cjae_: if you had previously used the repo it must remember it | 04:30 |
=== rizhun [n=tagale@cpc1-harg2-0-0-cust128.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dannym | i cant copy the darn thing | 04:30 |
gorrz | domherre, not enough info to work with buddy | 04:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | domherre: what program are you using to burn the cd's | 04:30 |
dannym | its so long | 04:30 |
dannym | hehehe | 04:30 |
BenG- | Alsa Mixer is aktiv | 04:30 |
rizhun | hello - can anyone recommend a good graphical news-reader for Ubuntu? | 04:30 |
BenG- | *activ | 04:30 |
cjae_ | dystopianray, I see thank you | 04:30 |
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dannym | cant select them all | 04:30 |
domherre | gorrz I know, so I cant google iteither,, is it in idea to test kubunto | 04:30 |
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cjae_ | peace | 04:30 |
domherre | and pray | 04:30 |
rizhun | preferably one I can apt-get... | 04:30 |
domherre | :) | 04:30 |
=== SeveredCross [n=bojan@c-24-60-139-195.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dystopianray | LazyAngel: under 'filesystem' do you have 'linux/unix + windows' selected? | 04:30 |
sorush20 | does ubuntu come preinstalled with a webserver? | 04:31 |
dystopianray | sorush20: not the desktop version, but the server version does | 04:31 |
gorrz | domherre, dont think that'll fix it.. what did u use to burn the isos? | 04:31 |
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dystopianray | sorush20: ubuntu server can setup a LAMP server very easily | 04:31 |
gorrz | domherre, and what version did you download.. for what kind of cpu ? | 04:31 |
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LazyAngel | dystopianray: yes, but i found the error! it was the cd title that was to long, not the files | 04:31 |
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domherre | gorrz, x86 fora p4 , i used nero and dvd decrypter | 04:32 |
dannym | pelo are you there? | 04:32 |
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=== fiXXXerMet [n=kjohnson@cmu-24-35-58-145.mivlmd.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sorush20 | dystopianray: in the /var/www I have a file and when I type in localhost in the web browser I get a list of that directory | 04:32 |
fiXXXerMet | How can I tell what video card and what driver version I have? | 04:32 |
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LazyAngel | dystopianray: the error message didnt say anything about that. and the directory and cd title had the same name | 04:32 |
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host81-157-58-205.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | domherre: isorecorder is a free tool for burning iso's and eliminates many of the user errors... | 04:32 |
dannym | i'll just comeback later | 04:32 |
dannym | thanks for the help again | 04:32 |
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dystopianray | sorush20: that suggests that you do have a web server | 04:33 |
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dystopianray | LazyAngel: ah i see, how strange | 04:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | !download > Jack_Sparrow | 04:33 |
dystopianray | fiXXXerMet: lspci can tell you what video card you have | 04:33 |
dystopianray | sorush20: try this: $ sudo netstat -tlpn | grep 80 | 04:34 |
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fiXXXerMet | dystopianray: What about my driver version? | 04:34 |
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sorush20 | well I don't I haven't installed any and dystopianray I have pike | 04:35 |
dystopianray | sorush20: pike? | 04:35 |
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dystopianray | fiXXXerMet: what card do you have? | 04:35 |
rizhun | good news-reader anyone? | 04:35 |
fiXXXerMet | geforece 6600 | 04:35 |
sorush20 | pike is installed I don't know what that is | 04:35 |
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dystopianray | fiXXXerMet: try: $ dmesg | grep -i nvidia | 04:35 |
sorush20 | !pastebin | 04:35 |
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ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:35 |
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pearlbear | rizhun: rss or usenet? | 04:35 |
rizhun | usenet | 04:36 |
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sorush20 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33345/ | 04:36 |
fiXXXerMet | [ 23.126212] NVRM: loading NVIDIA Linux x86 Kernel Module 1.0-9631 Thu Nov 9 17:38:10 PST 2006 well I certainly need to update | 04:36 |
jihun | ? | 04:36 |
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Paradox34690 | hey all... I apparently did something stupid last night while trying to install an updated nvidia driver, and now i'm stuck at terminal. Would someone be able to tell me how to resolve this or how to revert back to the driver that I did have. | 04:36 |
rizhun | pearlbear: a nice graphical one for usenet - know any? | 04:36 |
pearlbear | rizhun: sorry, haven't read usenet for years. :-) | 04:36 |
dystopianray | fiXXXerMet: try replacing nvidia-glx with nvidia-glx-new | 04:37 |
dystopianray | sorush20: what is pike? | 04:37 |
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Paradox34690 | anybody? nvidia driver help? | 04:39 |
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giant | I used Envy and it worked great for me | 04:40 |
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Paradox34690 | Am I going to be able to use Envy from termial? | 04:40 |
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dystopianray | Paradox34690: what driver did you have and what driver did you install that is causing problems? | 04:41 |
giant | Paradox34690, that I don't know, I ran the GUI | 04:41 |
sorush20 | dystopianray: look at my paste | 04:42 |
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dystopianray | sorush20: yes I can see it, but what is pike? something you insatlled? | 04:42 |
Paradox34690 | Dystopianray: I don't know what I had, it was preinstalled by ubuntu when I installed the o/s. I installed the linux driver from nvidia... v 100.14.10 (or something like that) | 04:42 |
sorush20 | dystopianray: don't know | 04:43 |
dystopianray | Paradox34690: you installed it from nvidia's website? | 04:43 |
_r3 | oo the same problem i seem to be having to :| | 04:43 |
gnine | nvidia mx4400 .. used command to install nvidia glx then enabled it. it worked. then i had to specify correct PCI and that was that for me | 04:43 |
Paradox34690 | dystopianray: Yes, that is correct | 04:43 |
dystopianray | sorush20: well whatever it is, it seems to be some sort of webserver | 04:43 |
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dystopianray | Paradox34690: what card do you have? | 04:43 |
=== Regel [n=Regel@dsl-jnsgw1-ffefc000-238.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_r3 | i got the 6600 and when ever i go to change my driver from "nv" to "nvidia" i get a kernal error | 04:44 |
gnine | correct PCI address i mean.. | 04:44 |
_r3 | dystopianray: whats happening with your driver? | 04:44 |
Paradox34690 | dystopianray: it's on a laptop, if that helps out some. I believe it's a geforce fx go 5500 | 04:44 |
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_r3 | i wonder if i should just upgrade from 6.06 to 7.# | 04:45 |
dystopianray | _r3: you need to install the nvidia-glx package | 04:45 |
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gnine | 7.04 is nice , why not | 04:45 |
_r3 | i did.... | 04:45 |
dystopianray | Paradox34690: try installing nvidia-glx | 04:46 |
Paradox34690 | dystopianray: I rebooted after letting the driver install (which I had to find out how to turn off x in order to install), and now I have a screen telling me that it failed to start, when I look at the server output, it's giving me a message saying "API mismatch: this nvidia driver component has version 100.14.11, but the nvidia kernel modules's version does not match" | 04:46 |
_r3 | dystopianray: i have done almost everything people suggested and still doesnt work | 04:46 |
=== snoopeh [n=stephen@82-40-90-190.cable.ubr02.cast.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dystopianray | Paradox34690: try installing nvidia-glx | 04:46 |
sorush20 | dystopianray: it is a webserver.. | 04:46 |
sorush20 | dystopianray: its was somehow install by default. | 04:46 |
dystopianray | sorush20: it's not installed by default | 04:46 |
dystopianray | sorush20: unless you have an unofficial ubuntu release | 04:47 |
_r3 | because in 6.06 tyhere is no System / Admin / Restricted Device Manager... | 04:47 |
=== fooll [n=lagi@dsl-olubrasgw1-fe52fb00-149.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Paradox34690 | dystopianray: Will I be able to do that from terminal? and where can I download that from? | 04:47 |
gnine | glx should work for nvidia.. but api issue .. thats out of my league | 04:47 |
sorush20 | dystopianray: I don't really know why it was running there.. | 04:47 |
dystopianray | _r3: you don't need the restricted driver manager to get nvidia working | 04:47 |
dystopianray | Paradox34690: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx | 04:47 |
dystopianray | sorush20: it must have been something you installed | 04:47 |
_r3 | well thats the one thing i havent done to attempt to get it working..... | 04:47 |
gnine | thats the command i used | 04:47 |
dystopianray | sorush20: or a dependancy of something you installed | 04:47 |
_r3 | i get a kernal error | 04:47 |
=== ggg [n=tobi@p549A0912.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dystopianray | Paradox34690: using nvidia's isntaller has probably stuffed things up for you | 04:48 |
slimz | i just downloaded a ttf font, anyone know how i can go about installing it? | 04:48 |
dystopianray | Paradox34690: you'll probably have to reinstall the restricted modules package too | 04:48 |
_r3 | Failed to load nvidia kernel module | 04:48 |
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_r3 | but i dont know how to go about removing all the drivers and starting over | 04:49 |
=== [1] MrDexter is now known as MrDexter | ||
gnine | nah.. it didnt even cross my mind to try nvidia install disk.. not on linux | 04:49 |
Paradox34690 | dystopianray: I just did the apt-get install... I'm told that nvidia-glx is already the newest version. How can do the restricted drivers packages? | 04:49 |
dystopianray | Paradox34690: try this: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-16-generic | 04:49 |
_r3 | and when i do modprobe | 04:50 |
_r3 | i get | 04:50 |
_r3 | modprobe nvidia | 04:50 |
_r3 | FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.15-28-386/volatile/nvidia.ko': No such file or directory | 04:50 |
=== Testing [n=axel@p5485929D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Testing | hello | 04:50 |
gnine | paradox is right.. however .. when i was in doubt i just did a new ubuntu install .. fresh .. then do the glx | 04:50 |
Paradox34690 | dystopianray: doing that now..... (thanks for the help, btw). | 04:50 |
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Paradox34690 | gnine: I'm not wanting to reinstall the entire OS, i've got stuff on there from college that I'm not wanting to lose. | 04:51 |
dystopianray | _r3: sounds like you are missing the restricted-modoles package for your kernel | 04:51 |
Paradox34690 | dystopianray: so once that is done, just reboot? | 04:51 |
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dystopianray | Paradox34690: next time, dont' use nvidia's installer, if you're installing things outside of apt/synaptics, it's usually wrong | 04:51 |
dystopianray | Paradox34690: yeah, try rebooting | 04:52 |
gnine | however.. to resolve the api is gonna be the other half. like when i had to still figure how to tell linux to look in the right PCI location | 04:52 |
Testing | how i can change the monitor settings ? ... i installed ubuntu with a tft, but now i'm sitting in front of crt with 60hz ... i found the resolution settings, but there i cannot change the frequenze (standing only at 60hz) | 04:52 |
=== AbyssWalker [n=tyrian@cust-03-55bf2830.adsl.scarlet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Paradox34690 | dystopianray: duly noted about non-synaptics stuff | 04:52 |
dystopianray | Testing: you need to adjust the VertRefresh in xorg.conf | 04:52 |
Blauhaut | Is there a program for ubuntu to capture desktop ? | 04:52 |
_r3 | dystopianray: Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module! | 04:52 |
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pearlbear | Blauhaut: try ksnapshot, or GIMP | 04:53 |
dystopianray | _r3: well you obviously don't have the nvidia driver module | 04:53 |
Testing | dystopianray: no way to make it somewhere else ..... ? yust thought ubuntu is userfriendly ... | 04:53 |
=== jtshaw [n=jtshaw@69-94-221-229.biltmorecomm.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_r3 | which package is that in? | 04:53 |
=== kauer [n=kauer@CPE-124-183-12-34.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dystopianray | Blauhaut: try pressing the 'print screen' button your keyboard | 04:53 |
Blauhaut | pearlbear; for capturing desktop on movie file i mean :) | 04:53 |
pearlbear | ah | 04:53 |
saylar_ | would someone please so kind and highlight me?= | 04:53 |
pearlbear | Blauhaut: never done that | 04:53 |
Blauhaut | dystopianray; ? | 04:53 |
dystopianray | Testing: probably, but editing xorg.conf is easy | 04:53 |
kauer | saylar_: what do you mean? | 04:53 |
dystopianray | Blauhaut: keyboards come with a button labelled 'print screen', usually in the upper right | 04:53 |
AbyssWalker | my ubuntu distro 7.0.4 running compiz wont let me change reolution to 1280x1024 it only says 1024x768 is there a workaround ? | 04:54 |
Blauhaut | pearlbear; ok thanks :) | 04:54 |
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dystopianray | AbyssWalker: edit xorg.conf | 04:54 |
Blauhaut | dystopianray; i am looking for capturing desktop for movie file :) | 04:54 |
saylar_ | trying to get the highlight function on my g15 logitech keyboard working, thx kauer ;) | 04:54 |
dystopianray | Blauhaut: you want to capture an image of a movieing playing or you want to make a movie of your desktop? | 04:54 |
AbyssWalker | and it will work with compiz too ? | 04:54 |
Paradox34690 | dystopianray: Nah guy, that didn't work... still giving me a bunch of errors and leaving me at terminal | 04:54 |
saylar_ | but it's not working ;) | 04:54 |
=== koodycc [n=koodycc@p549F2316.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dystopianray | Paradox34690: i'm not sure what else you can do other than reverting to the 'nv' driver in the mean time | 04:54 |
koodycc | i have a problem with my resolution | 04:55 |
gnine | it took me 48 hours to enjoy ubuntu .. no prior knowledge .. the only issue i got was the xdestop to work with nvidia.. my system is flawless now.. just takes a lil bit of patience | 04:55 |
_r3 | thats where im at | 04:55 |
koodycc | can someone help me? | 04:55 |
Blauhaut | dystopianray; mak a movie off my desktop yes | 04:55 |
_r3 | stuck with the nv drivers :\ | 04:55 |
Paradox34690 | dystopianray: That's fine by me :) How can I do this? | 04:55 |
kauer | AbyssWalker: paste you xorg.conf to the pastebin and tell us the URL. | 04:55 |
_r3 | Paradox34690: in your xorg.conf | 04:55 |
pearlbear | dealing with x can be a real pain | 04:55 |
kauer | !pastebin |AbyssWalker | 04:55 |
ubotu | AbyssWalker: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:55 |
_r3 | replace "nvidia" with "nv" | 04:55 |
dystopianray | Paradox34690: edit x.org, you'll have a line like 'Driver "nvidia"', cange nvidia to nv | 04:55 |
_r3 | then just startx | 04:56 |
Paradox34690 | dystopianray: Okay, and that will revert me back to my old driver then, correct? and um... where's the xorg.conf file???? :) | 04:56 |
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=== Testing_ [n=axel@p5485929D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_r3 | etc/x11/xorg.conf | 04:56 |
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Paradox34690 | rock | 04:56 |
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Blauhaut | dystopianray; i want to make movie of my desktop, any suggestion ? | 04:56 |
_r3 | X11* | 04:56 |
=== DGtlRif1 [n=DGtlRift@c-71-204-24-170.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dystopianray | Paradox34690: /etc/xorg.conf | 04:57 |
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dystopianray | Paradox34690: it will revert you to the 2d-only open source nvidia driver | 04:57 |
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dystopianray | Blauhaut: no, sorry | 04:57 |
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AbyssWalker | http://pastebin.com/m151df8e9 | 04:57 |
Blauhaut | I want to make my desktop movie , any suggestions ? | 04:57 |
pearlbear | Blauhaut: Google is your friend. http://www.notess.com/screencasting/2007/01/10/linux-screencasting-guide/ | 04:57 |
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AbyssWalker | my xorg.conf | 04:57 |
Paradox34690 | okay... so... since i can't use gedit, what's the command? | 04:57 |
koodycc | i just installed ubuntu with an ati radeon 9200 pro and i have no option to put the resolution higher than 640x480. neither i can activate desktop effects....does someone know about this problem? | 04:57 |
_r3 | Blauhaut: http://www.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=04/08/16/2128226 | 04:58 |
=== ko3alt [n=ko3alt@dyn-88-123-214-160.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Enselic | I have followed the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux and I am able to boot from the installation CD-partition, but after a few steps it says it cannot mount the CD anywhere, it feels like if that guide is forgetting to mention some detail, does anyone know what? | 04:58 |
dystopianray | Paradox34690: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 04:59 |
Blauhaut | thanks all | 04:59 |
dystopianray | Paradox34690: seems I gave the wrong path before, my mistake | 04:59 |
gnine | blessed be.. why would u want a lower resolution | 04:59 |
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_r3 | just use nano :) | 04:59 |
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Paradox34690 | dystopianray: Wrong path or not, it's still helping me out, and I appreciate the crap out of that :D | 04:59 |
=== At0mic_PC [n=arch_ato@host-216-77-192-178.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_r3 | Paradox34690: what error do you get with nvidia? | 05:00 |
=== CaBlGuY [n=user1@cpe-071-068-076-032.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
koodycc | i just installed ubuntu with an ati radeon 9200 pro and i have no option to put the resolution higher than 640x480. neither i can activate desktop effects....does someone know about this problem? | 05:00 |
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dystopianray | Paradox34690: you should be making regular backups of important files too, in case something like this, or worse, happens again | 05:00 |
=== idefix [n=Vincent@cc846502-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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gnine | the ubuntu forums had all the info i needed.. it was just a long reading but it was there | 05:00 |
Bl00dFox | Hi =] | 05:00 |
idefix | how complicated does a program have to be not to run with winE? | 05:00 |
Paradox34690 | Dystopianray: I can't use gedit... "cannot open display" next suggestion? | 05:00 |
dystopianray | komodin_: try running this: select 'radeon' and all the resolutions you want to use: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 05:00 |
=== LiberCogito [n=deliberc@cpe-72-184-123-163.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dystopianray | idefix: what program do you want to run? | 05:01 |
_r3 | idefix: alot of programs run bad in wine | 05:01 |
idefix | some snooker game | 05:01 |
pearlbear | Paradox34690: you don't have nano? | 05:01 |
dystopianray | Paradox34690: oh sorry, i forgot you're on a terminal | 05:01 |
CaBlGuY | !tell koodycc ATI | 05:01 |
dystopianray | Paradox34690: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 05:01 |
aneb | can the dapper alternate cd be installed without the cd itself as a server? | 05:01 |
Paradox34690 | hehehehe.... cool, thanks :) | 05:01 |
sumigamer | guys I just installed compizz fusion on feisty.....but after everything when I typed compiz --replace, nothing happened. I am not getting the effects. What do I need to do next?? | 05:01 |
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_r3 | !ati | koodycc | 05:01 |
ubotu | koodycc: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:01 |
dystopianray | sumigamer: what card do you have? | 05:01 |
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sumigamer | i have intel integrated graphics | 05:01 |
giant | does anyone have any experience with virtual machines under Ubuntu? | 05:02 |
dystopianray | sumigamer: hrrm, well that should work | 05:02 |
=== Reasonable [n=cisco@dialup-124.nas01.azerin.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== howlingmadhowie [n=anton@dslb-088-073-230-242.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
idefix | dystopianray, _r3 there's a lot of install stuff, setup.exe, instmsiw.exe, setup.ini etc. etc. probably won't work right? | 05:02 |
aneb | giant: ask | 05:02 |
_r3 | ya giant just set it up yesterday | 05:02 |
dystopianray | giant: what sort of experience? | 05:02 |
dystopianray | idefix: what is it exactly? | 05:02 |
_r3 | flashfxpinstall.exe worked for me | 05:02 |
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idefix | world championship snooker 2003 | 05:02 |
sumigamer | dystopianray, do I need to reinstall or something?? | 05:02 |
_r3 | thats a game...... | 05:02 |
dystopianray | idefix: try running setup.exe | 05:02 |
dystopianray | sumigamer: I would not think so | 05:02 |
gnine | sumi.. get 30 bucks and get nvidia | 05:02 |
giant | I don't know where to start looking to get a windows XP Pro setup going on my Ubuntu box | 05:02 |
kauer | AbyssWalker: The resolution 1280x1024 is not present in your "Modes" lines. In each "Modes" line, insert "1280x1024" (including the quotes - follow the example of the other modes). Restart X and see if you now have the desired resolutions. Note that your monitor must actualy support this resolution, of course! Take a backup copy of the file before you change it. | 05:02 |
dystopianray | sumigamer: exactly what intel graphics chip do you have? | 05:02 |
=== DtG [n=no@c-71-58-57-168.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Reasonable | plzz help me | 05:03 |
giant | I need it to run SQL server, IIS, and some dev tools for my job | 05:03 |
Paradox34690 | okay, here goes... rebooting :D | 05:03 |
idefix | dystopianray you can't mess up linux settings? | 05:03 |
dystopianray | giant: try vmware | 05:03 |
_r3 | giant its easy | 05:03 |
Bl00dFox | guys i need help on whether or not to install Gutsy tribe 3 | 05:03 |
dystopianray | idefix: ah, no? | 05:03 |
_r3 | i used a tutorial last night | 05:03 |
sumigamer | dystopianray, i have intel 915G... | 05:03 |
_r3 | lemme find it | 05:03 |
AbyssWalker | Thnx kauer | 05:03 |
giant | how does vmware stack up to Xen | 05:03 |
Bl00dFox | will compiz work instantly> | 05:03 |
giant | or are they completely differnt things | 05:03 |
kauer | AbyssWalker: Your video hardware has to support 1280x1024 too... | 05:03 |
dystopianray | sumigamer: i have a 915GM, 3d desktop has worked fine for me | 05:03 |
CaBlGuY | Reasonable: with what? | 05:03 |
kauer | AbyssWalker: try it before you thank anyone. | 05:03 |
Reasonable | what am i install dial-up modem in Ubuntu | 05:03 |
Reasonable | ? | 05:03 |
dystopianray | sumigamer: although ive not used compiz-fusion | 05:03 |
=== mcantor [n=mcantor@adsl-75-33-32-76.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
idefix | The processor is not adequate for running WCS2003 | 05:03 |
mcantor | I can't view .avi files in Kubuntu 7.04 with VLC, Kaffeine or mplayer. I've installed all of the appropriate packages and switched to totem-xine from gstreamer. Why won't it work? | 05:03 |
AbyssWalker | it does my TFT supports it and my Videocard does too , at least in windows | 05:03 |
Bl00dFox | guys i need help on whether or not to install Gutsy tribe 3 | 05:04 |
_r3 | giant| http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_vmware_server_p2?s=3924de875b9785aa51d568adff86d975& | 05:04 |
sumigamer | dystopianray, can you suggest something?? | 05:04 |
Paradox34690 | woot!!! you rock guys! :D | 05:04 |
=== fiXXXerMet [n=kjohnson@cmu-24-35-58-145.mivlmd.cablespeed.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
dystopianray | giant: vmware would be significantly easier than xen | 05:04 |
CaBlGuY | Ewww dial up... WOW.... must have an old machine.... | 05:04 |
dystopianray | sumigamer: not really | 05:04 |
CaBlGuY | !dial up modem | 05:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dial up modem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:04 |
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CaBlGuY | !modem | 05:04 |
ubotu | You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto | 05:04 |
=== tinem [n=tinem@BSN-77-150-247.static.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_r3 | Paradox34690: you get "nvidia" working? | 05:04 |
dystopianray | Bl00dFox: there is tribe4 now | 05:04 |
idefix | dystopianray :( | 05:04 |
giant | thanks... I appreciate it. Just needed a good point in the right direction. You guys rock | 05:04 |
CaBlGuY | there ya go Reasonable | 05:04 |
Reasonable | CaBlGuY yes plzz help me | 05:04 |
dystopianray | idefix: ? | 05:04 |
=== hashbrowncipher [n=josh@pool-70-21-98-198.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Paradox34690 | _r3: No, but I got but "nv" working :D | 05:04 |
idefix | The processor is not adequate for running WCS2003 | 05:04 |
CaBlGuY | Reasonable: read this.... | 05:04 |
dystopianray | idefix: ah, too bad | 05:05 |
CaBlGuY | !modem | 05:05 |
ubotu | You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto | 05:05 |
giant | I take it that Dapper howto should work with Feisty | 05:05 |
idefix | is my processor too new? | 05:05 |
dystopianray | idefix: possibly | 05:05 |
_r3 | o i got nv working too, its just im in 640x480 | 05:05 |
giant | _r3, do you think I'll have a problem running it on an AMD64 distro? | 05:05 |
Reasonable | CaBlGuY i am from in baku near russian | 05:05 |
=== soja [i=Ql3Tqu6J@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dystopianray | giant: vmware should work on 64-bit machines | 05:05 |
sumigamer | OK, so what do I need to do to start compiz automatically at startup?? | 05:05 |
dystopianray | giant: get vmware player | 05:05 |
CaBlGuY | Reasonable: ummmm ok.. :p | 05:06 |
Paradox34690 | okay, so now that I have that installed, what is that 'envy' program you all were mentioning? | 05:06 |
giant | thanks | 05:06 |
Frogzoo_ | giant: yes and no | 05:06 |
=== Tama00 [n=tama@CPE-203-144-17-226.dsl.OntheNet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dystopianray | giant: and use this site to generate the vm configs: http://www.easyvmx.com/ | 05:06 |
giant | I'm just afraid that a 32bit windows image won't run on 64bit VMWARE | 05:06 |
idefix | when you die it is only one moment | 05:06 |
dystopianray | giant: it will | 05:06 |
Reasonable | CaBlGuY plzz help i bad read english i am speak Russian | 05:06 |
Reasonable | ? | 05:06 |
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CaBlGuY | Jeez... | 05:07 |
=== realcr [n=realcr@bzq-82-81-180-211.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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CaBlGuY | Ummmm anyone else in the channel know Russian.. or do we got a Russian Ubuntu channel for Reasonable ???? | 05:07 |
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realcr | How can I configure ubuntu to support dual screens? I have one vga and one entry on my machine. | 05:07 |
astro76 | !modem | Reasonable | 05:07 |
ubotu | Reasonable: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto | 05:07 |
W8TAH | I have a machine -- thats getting built into a firewall / router -- i would like to make positive sure which Nic is which -- is there a lilttle program to like blink the lights or something so i can for sure ID the machine? | 05:07 |
astro76 | !ru | Reasonable | 05:07 |
ubotu | Reasonable: #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 05:07 |
dystopianray | realcr: what video card do you have? | 05:07 |
W8TAH | oops - the nic | 05:07 |
=== black12313 [n=david@203-217-68-171.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
black12313 | hello | 05:08 |
CaBlGuY | :) thanks astro76 | 05:08 |
realcr | I only know that one of them is nvidia | 05:08 |
black12313 | i have a problem woth ubuntu | 05:08 |
realcr | I have no idea how to find out what is the other one | 05:08 |
dystopianray | realcr: oh, two different cards | 05:08 |
Reasonable | ubotu CaBlGuY thnak youuu | 05:08 |
dystopianray | realcr: lspci | 05:08 |
Reasonable | respect | 05:08 |
CaBlGuY | NP | 05:08 |
Happu | !ask | black12313 | 05:08 |
ubotu | black12313: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:08 |
=== pKracy [n=lukasz@33.29.pxs.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
realcr | wait , I'll try | 05:08 |
pawan | hi | 05:08 |
Bl00dFox | Hi pawan | 05:08 |
dystopianray | W8TAH: what model are the cards? | 05:08 |
=== computerex [n=computer@adsl-074-245-050-214.sip.jax.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
W8TAH | dystopianray: hold on let me check -- one is an intel i know for sure | 05:09 |
CaBlGuY | hehe Reasonable just thanked the bot.. | 05:09 |
CaBlGuY | :p | 05:09 |
dystopianray | W8TAH: ok good, try this: | 05:09 |
black12313 | it's just that debian is so muh better .. did i do something wrong ? ubuntu is slower than debian for me..... | 05:09 |
dystopianray | W8TAH: sudo ethtool --blink eth0 | 05:09 |
CaBlGuY | !realese | 05:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about realese - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:10 |
gnine | thats reasonable | 05:10 |
gnine | somewhat | 05:10 |
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CaBlGuY | !version | 05:10 |
ubotu | To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type lsb_release -a in a !shell | 05:10 |
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computerex | Hello. Is anyone an expert in the manual pages? | 05:10 |
CaBlGuY | whens the next distro comin out? | 05:10 |
idefix | how can my processor be too new? I bought it in 2006 and I'm trying to run a 2003 game, surely the intelligent processormakers thought of some backward compatibility?!?! | 05:10 |
dystopianray | W8TAH: or this actually, sudo ethtool -p eth0 | 05:10 |
=== visualdeception [n=seth@ppp-68-23-9-111.dialup.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
realcr | dystopianray, I wrote lspci and I got a long list of things containing the word nvidia. | 05:10 |
kauer | computerex: what do you want to know? | 05:10 |
dystopianray | realcr: refer to the lines about VGA devices | 05:11 |
mcantor | Anyone? Why can't I watch .avi files? | 05:11 |
=== loedu [n=edu@92.Red-88-6-170.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnine | am not ready to fight with xine to make it play wow | 05:11 |
dystopianray | mcantor: probably don't have the proper codecs installed | 05:11 |
computerex | Well, I get a no page found message when typing man 2 write | 05:11 |
W8TAH | dystopianray: nothing happening on the back of the box that i can see | 05:11 |
=== Bl00dFox [n=Bl00dFox@c211-30-249-24.blktn3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has left #Ubuntu [] | ||
pearlbear | mcantor: try vlc | 05:11 |
CaBlGuY | mcantor: yea, what do you have installed? | 05:11 |
dystopianray | W8TAH: try eth1 | 05:11 |
computerex | or any of the syscalls | 05:11 |
black12313 | yes anyone ? | 05:11 |
realcr | dystopianray, the VGA connected monitor is actually working. the DVI one isn't | 05:11 |
W8TAH | dystopianray: no such interface | 05:11 |
=== spy80us [n=vamsi@c-68-39-44-240.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaBlGuY | !win32 | mcantor | 05:11 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about win32 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:11 |
dystopianray | W8TAH: you only have one nic? | 05:12 |
=== AbyssWalker [n=tyrian@cust-03-55bf2830.adsl.scarlet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaBlGuY | !w32 | mcantor | 05:12 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about w32 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:12 |
pearlbear | black12313: what are you asking? Why is ubuntu slower than debian? it depends on what you've got on each, etc... | 05:12 |
AbyssWalker | that did the trick | 05:12 |
CaBlGuY | dangit | 05:12 |
W8TAH | im checking -- it has 3 installed physically | 05:12 |
astro76 | computerex, need to install manpages-dev | 05:12 |
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kauer | computerex: is "write" a program, or just something you hope is a program? There are man pages fro almost all actual installed programs. basically if the command "write" doesn't exist, then a man page for it probably doesn't either. | 05:12 |
spy80us | best media player? | 05:12 |
dystopianray | W8TAH: what does ifconfig -a say? | 05:12 |
mcantor | CaBlGuY: pearlbear dystopianray: I have all of the appropriate packages installed, w32codecs, etc., as well as vlc, mplayer, kaffeine and totem. | 05:12 |
computerex | thanks | 05:12 |
black12313 | yers perl; | 05:12 |
dystopianray | mcantor: do you have gstream0.10-plugins-ugly ? | 05:12 |
computerex | write is a syscall | 05:12 |
CaBlGuY | mcantor: ok.. Hmmmm | 05:12 |
kauer | computerex: If you want to fine man pages that may relate to a topic, such as "writing", try "apropos writing". | 05:12 |
pearlbear | mcantor: any error messages? | 05:13 |
W8TAH | dystopianray: it only shows eth0 and lo -- | 05:13 |
=== Ace_ [n=Ace@lkr-141-162-209-82.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
W8TAH | looks like i have some fidlding to do | 05:13 |
dystopianray | W8TAH: so it seems you have only one nic | 05:13 |
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computerex | kauer, write is a syscall like read, not a program | 05:13 |
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CaBlGuY | mcantor: what exactly happenes when you try to play a video?? | 05:13 |
W8TAH | i must have shut them off at some point | 05:13 |
AbyssWalker | anyone here using kiba-dock ? | 05:13 |
dystopianray | W8TAH: my intel gigabit nic blinks when I use ethtool -p on the interface | 05:13 |
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mcantor | dystopianray: Yes. | 05:13 |
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TBotNik_u | All: Trying to config my U box as "ROUTER" and "SERVER" (network & web). Where are the resources to do this? | 05:13 |
=== xarann [n=wut@modemcable131.236-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ace_ | can someone please help me getting crosscompiling WITH X11 for ARM to work? | 05:13 |
W8TAH | dystopianray: ok - i'll keep fooling with it | 05:13 |
mcantor | CaBlGuY: pearlbear: I get a "no codec" or "no demux" error, depending on the player. | 05:13 |
dystopianray | mcantor: libxine-extracodescs ? | 05:13 |
Ace_ | cant find any prebuild or anything either | 05:13 |
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Oval | I'm looking for an editor (for Python) that has a browser "drawer" (window, frame, section) that allows me to view my project hierarchically by directory (basically has an integrated file browser). Any ideas? | 05:14 |
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dystopianray | mcantor: what is the format of the video? | 05:14 |
gnine | ubuntu seems a bit sloppy on my 2gigs processor.. still way better performance than XP | 05:14 |
kauer | computerex: the man pages fro syscalls are probably only installed with the appropriate development systems, Look through available packages with (say) Synaptic and see if theer are developer document packages that might contain those man pages. | 05:14 |
mcantor | dystopianray: .avi | 05:14 |
dystopianray | Oval: kate? | 05:14 |
mcantor | dystopianray: I have extracodecs too | 05:14 |
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Ace_ | impossible to find ARM X11 libs | 05:14 |
dystopianray | mcantor: .avi means little, what is the exact format of the video and audio? | 05:14 |
CaBlGuY | mcantor: and why do you have so many players installed?? U only need one... do you have Xine and pluggins installed?? | 05:14 |
Oval | dystopianray: Possibly. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll check it out! | 05:14 |
computerex | manpages-dev fixes it, thanks astro76! | 05:14 |
mcantor | dystopianray: How in the world do I figure that out? | 05:14 |
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mcantor | CaBlGuY: I figured I'd keep installing players until one worked. | 05:14 |
dystopianray | mcantor: try running 'file' over it | 05:15 |
CaBlGuY | mcantor: :O | 05:15 |
CaBlGuY | no no no | 05:15 |
CaBlGuY | bad.. | 05:15 |
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mcantor | dystopianray: It just says "data" | 05:15 |
CaBlGuY | mcantor: uninstall all but ONE player... and then reboot and see what happens.. | 05:15 |
dystopianray | mcantor: is it actually a valid .avi file? | 05:15 |
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CaBlGuY | mcantor: I like the xine player and vlc.. those are the only ones I usually install.. | 05:16 |
mcantor | dystopianray: I have no reason to believe it's not, but I haven't tested it. | 05:16 |
=== Secutor [n=mark@c-67-169-16-102.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kauer | astro76: Thanks, you learn something new everyday. The man pages are "just there" for me, I suppose I must have installed the dev pages at some point, or maybe they were installed with one of the other packages I installed. Good to know, anyway. | 05:16 |
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dystopianray | mcantor: if it's complaining about a lack of demuxer, then it's probably not a valid .avi file | 05:16 |
CaBlGuY | mcantor: and you've tried other videos as well and nothing?? | 05:16 |
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astro76 | mcantor, have you installed w32codecs? | 05:17 |
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CaBlGuY | astro76: yea, we done been ther.. :p | 05:17 |
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astro76 | ok ;) | 05:17 |
pearlbear | mcantor: look at: http://www.ubuntux.org/node/72 (if it's not just a bad video) | 05:17 |
mcantor | Huh... now that you mention it, other avi files ARE working. | 05:17 |
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pearlbear | ah | 05:17 |
gnine | zing | 05:17 |
CaBlGuY | mcantor: there ya go.. | 05:17 |
CaBlGuY | :) | 05:17 |
dystopianray | mcantor: it sounds like it's not actually an avi file | 05:17 |
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mcantor | Dear god! And other avi files in the same TV series work fine. It was just the ONE file! | 05:18 |
W8TAH | dystopianray: the 2 other nics are belkin devices adn they are physically in the machine, but tehy do not show up in ubuntu at all | 05:18 |
=== jtshaw [n=jtshaw@69-94-221-229.biltmorecomm.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaBlGuY | mcantor: better go back to Demoind and get a better version.. ;) | 05:18 |
Oval | dystopianray: Looks pretty cool. Thanks again! | 05:18 |
dystopianray | W8TAH: wireless? | 05:18 |
=== Gasten [n=Gasten@h52n9c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
W8TAH | nope | 05:18 |
W8TAH | wired 10/100 devices | 05:18 |
dystopianray | W8TAH: are they listed in lspci? | 05:18 |
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W8TAH | no | 05:18 |
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=== Daann [n=daanspan@ip51cce791.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dspstv | when trying to install ubuntu on an asus laptop, the installer cd dies with an initramfs error, just after the kernel is loaded | 05:19 |
computerex | Does anyone know when VLC 0.9.0 is coming out? | 05:19 |
dystopianray | W8TAH: in that case it sounds like the problem is not with ubuntu | 05:19 |
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W8TAH | ok | 05:19 |
W8TAH | thanks | 05:19 |
dystopianray | W8TAH: sounds like a bios or hardware issue | 05:19 |
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W8TAH | i had them active under gentoo -- but not under ubuntu that i know of | 05:19 |
W8TAH | i'll take a look at it | 05:19 |
dystopianray | W8TAH: that is strange | 05:19 |
K_Dallas | Hi guys! Any experience with dual booting Ubuntu and Vista on a Toshiba Satellite A200 series? Thanks! | 05:19 |
Daann | My broadcom dell 1390 card doesn't get recognized! only very few times..! | 05:19 |
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dystopianray | Daann: are you using ndiswrapper? | 05:19 |
Daann | yes | 05:20 |
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CaBlGuY | K_Dallas: you already got em installed or NEED to install?? | 05:20 |
Daann | the problem is that even with lspci the card is not listed.. | 05:20 |
W8TAH | dystopianray: im gonna shut it down and pull them out then try putting them back | 05:20 |
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computerex | K_Dallas: one advice, install Ubuntu first | 05:20 |
dystopianray | mcantor: pastebin the output of this: hexdump -C blah.avi | head -n 10 | 05:20 |
adreqi | !join #ubuntu-fr | 05:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about join #ubuntu-fr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:20 |
adreqi | oops :p | 05:21 |
=== hanasaki [i=proxy@adsl-065-006-177-235.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dystopianray | mcantor: replacing blah.avi with the correct filename | 05:21 |
K_Dallas | CaBlGuY, i have got a system with vista preinstalled on which is not plugged in yet, I need to know how to precede to have both OSes and yet be able to restore my vista from a recovery DVD (which i have to make yet) in case of emergency | 05:21 |
hanasaki | whats the url for the next version taht is coming out of ubuntu | 05:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | My xorg has the correct monitor type and refresh rates yet when I try to startx the monitor comes up with out of range.. it shows a range beyond what I have in my xorg for this monitor. I can go to 85 and it shows startx want 87 ? where else is the refresh rate stored? | 05:21 |
computerex | Impossible | 05:21 |
computerex | K_Dallas | 05:21 |
gnine | damn.. ubuntu didnt even ask me.. i didnt have to do a single thing to configure internet connection.. i have a belkin router | 05:21 |
Daann | dystopianray, do you know anything about hardware rocognision? | 05:21 |
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computerex | Recovery CDs usually erase the whole HD | 05:21 |
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gorrz^breakfast | gnine, called dhcp ;p | 05:22 |
K_Dallas | CaBlGuY, and i am sure that some of the keys and options would not work under ubuntu or any other distro for that matter but i have not seen any reference on the web for the extent of the operability | 05:22 |
gnine | heheh | 05:22 |
CaBlGuY | K_Dallas: ok, all yoo need to do is download the latest distro and load the live CD and then install.. you will get the option to do a dual boot using Grub.. no biggy | 05:22 |
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dystopianray | Daann: vaguely | 05:22 |
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K_Dallas | computerex, why? | 05:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | !resolution | 05:22 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 05:22 |
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michaelpo | i've search the forum, followed the instruction, but how do i connect my ubuntu to 3G data card? | 05:22 |
K_Dallas | CaBlGuY, that is what i used to do but toshiba seems to be a bit diff when you want to use their recovery disk, i have been told to, | 05:23 |
=== Frederick [n=imanewbi@dslb-084-058-178-004.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
greg_ | Hi there. Does anyone know whaat a Release file is and why it might not be read on a cd, thereby screwing up the install? | 05:23 |
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Daann | I have a HP dv2000 series with a broadcom dell 1390 mini pci card. Only sometimes ubuntu sees the card, other times its gone! | 05:23 |
dystopianray | greg_: check the md5sum of your cd | 05:23 |
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CaBlGuY | K_Dallas: I'm using a Toshiba Satelitte Pro 4600 and never had any problems with mine.. | 05:23 |
auke | greg_, I guess your cd didnt burn correctly. That release file is just one of the needed files | 05:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | Daann: did you use fwcutter or ndiswrapper? | 05:23 |
greg_ | dystopianray, that's the first thing I did, it's ok | 05:23 |
K_Dallas | CaBlGuY, have you used the recovery DVD at all? | 05:24 |
dystopianray | greg_: you checked the md5sum of the physical cd, not just the iso? | 05:24 |
Daann | ndiswrapper | 05:24 |
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K_Dallas | CaBlGuY, and had you to resize your vista partition? (is it is what you are using as for XP resizing is less problematic) | 05:24 |
greg_ | dystopianray, yes | 05:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | Daann: I set it up per our wiki with fwcutter and have not had any issue with either of them | 05:24 |
michaelpo | how do u md5sum the cd? | 05:24 |
CaBlGuY | K_Dallas: no.. I had winblowz in installed with Ubuntu ONCE and that was enough for me.,. now I run ONLY Ubuntu | 05:24 |
K_Dallas | ok, thanks cablg | 05:24 |
insider | Anybody can suggest a cheap pci wireless card that has a native linux driver? (don't wanna use ndiswrapper...) | 05:25 |
K_Dallas | ok, thanks CaBlGuY | 05:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | Daann: Either card.. both used fwcutter | 05:25 |
dystopianray | michaelpo: put the cd into your cdrom then: sudo md5sum /dev/cdrom | 05:25 |
Daann | Jack_Sparrow, which card do you have? | 05:25 |
computerex | I am dual booting with Vista and Ubuntu | 05:25 |
CaBlGuY | K_Dallas: NP, hope that helps.. | 05:25 |
CaBlGuY | ;) | 05:25 |
cornell | insider Hawkings | 05:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | dell mini with bcm43xx chipset | 05:25 |
computerex | I just installed Vista, then Ubuntu. Then restored the GRUB with a live CD | 05:25 |
michaelpo | is the md5sum result for /dev/cdrom same as the iso? | 05:25 |
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Daann | could you give me a link of the wiki you used? | 05:25 |
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cornell | insider Need the model? | 05:25 |
K_Dallas | computerex, have you ever used the recovery disk ? i need to know if it reinstall vista on the whole disk wiping out linux or not | 05:25 |
soja | hallo, I'm using kopete under gnome, when starting it, I got "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169" in console, anyone knows about the solution? | 05:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | Daann: Also a linksys with the same chipset but it is pcmcia | 05:26 |
pawan | is bsd and ubuntu same | 05:26 |
computerex | It will most likely whipe out the whole Hard drive, including Ubuntu | 05:26 |
K_Dallas | pawan, why should be? | 05:26 |
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CaBlGuY | pawan NO... not the same by far | 05:26 |
insider | cornell ; the model would be nice... | 05:26 |
computerex | If you do a factory restore that is | 05:26 |
pawan | but both are unix | 05:26 |
K_Dallas | computerex, that was what i was afraid of but it is better to know beforehand ;) | 05:26 |
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cornell | insider hang on | 05:26 |
Daann | Jack_Sparrow, i used this one http://ubuntu-forums.com/showthread.php?t=405990 | 05:26 |
Hussa1 | hey | 05:27 |
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CaBlGuY | pawan: yes.. but very different distros.. why do you ask?? | 05:27 |
Hussa1 | i need some help please | 05:27 |
Hussa1 | 8-| | 05:27 |
pawan | just for knowledge | 05:27 |
=== Hussa1 is now known as C] -[a0s | ||
computerex | K_Dallas have you checked the CD options? | 05:27 |
JanetFLorida | does anyone have any ideas why this doesn't work as documented? firefox -install-global-extension adblock.xpi ??? | 05:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | !broadcom | 05:27 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 05:27 |
K_Dallas | computerex, CaBlGuY so i am going to plug it in, make the rescue disk and see what happens afterwards | 05:27 |
computerex | Some restore CDs allow you to do a restore without whipping out the hard drive | 05:27 |
computerex | They try to anyway | 05:27 |
Enselic | Has anyone successfully installed a Server CD by copying conents over to a partition and booting from there? when I try, I can choose language, but after a couple of steps it says it can't Detect and mount CD-ROM? Any clues? | 05:28 |
C] -[a0s | does anyone know why my other partition is read only? | 05:28 |
CaBlGuY | pawan: BSD is a lot more ummmm "technical".. and Ubuntu is a lot more user friendly and straight forward | 05:28 |
gnine | i used an installer made to be run on XP .. it even partitioned to drive automatically.. single file download.. WUBI .. CNET got it.. dual boot Ubuntu/XPas well | 05:28 |
K_Dallas | computerex, i havent booted it yet, i needed to make sure for a few things before making changes to vista (it is a bilingual one and after selecting the language for the first time, it would not go back) | 05:28 |
CaBlGuY | K_Dallas: why are you making a rescue disk?? | 05:28 |
cornell | insider: Looks like HWU54G... Ubuntu recognozed the device on it's on, out of the box. | 05:28 |
Daann | Jack_Sparrow, Its not too difficult to install it using ndiswrapper or fwcutter but it is difficult to install if your computer doesnt recognize the card! | 05:28 |
gnine | btw.. am just a newbie to linux too | 05:28 |
Enselic | C] -[a0s: how have you mounted it? | 05:28 |
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C] -[a0s | ummm | 05:28 |
greg_ | dystopianray, i did a few writes in dummy mode. wodim said that some drives might not like fixation in dummy mode. Might this be the problem? | 05:28 |
K_Dallas | CaBlGuY, it didnt come with the vista-dvd | 05:28 |
C] -[a0s | i dont understand | 05:28 |
CaBlGuY | K_Dallas: and again.... why are you making a rescue disk?? | 05:28 |
C] -[a0s | can u pm this is really crowded and i am adhd so its ahrd to quick sort anyways? | 05:29 |
Enselic | C] -[a0s: what kind of partition is it? | 05:29 |
computerex | But they should have given you a system restore disc with the machine... | 05:29 |
AbyssWalker | how do you close a window in gnome when its not responding ? | 05:29 |
michaelpo | !globetrotter | 05:29 |
CaBlGuY | Oh.,. just in case u messed it up installing Ubuntu.. | 05:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | Daann: Reseat the card.. the link you gave is over two years old... fwcutter has proven to be a better choice. | 05:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about globetrotter - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:29 |
C] -[a0s | okay | 05:29 |
C] -[a0s | NTFS | 05:29 |
Enselic | C] -[a0s: no pms please | 05:29 |
CaBlGuY | now I see.. ;) | 05:29 |
dystopianray | greg_: i assume dummy mode is like a burn simulation? I don't see how thi could affect the burned cd | 05:29 |
michaelpo | !options | 05:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about options - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:29 |
C] -[a0s | its okay | 05:29 |
K_Dallas | CaBlGuY, rescue disk, recovery disk, whatever the name is, i need to have my vista if something messes it up | 05:29 |
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michaelpo | !3g | 05:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 3g - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:29 |
=== cadu [n=cadu@ZS127215.ppp.dion.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
C] -[a0s | its an NTFS partition Enselic | 05:29 |
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dystopianray | !ntfs-3g | 05:29 |
Enselic | !NTFS | C] -[a0s | 05:29 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 05:29 |
ubotu | C] -[a0s: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 05:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | Daann: I gotta go work on my resolution issue.. back in a bit | 05:29 |
CaBlGuY | K_Dallas: u know you don't "NEED" vista.... YUK!! ;) | 05:29 |
Daann | Jack_Sparrow, ok i will use fwcutter. but how do i reset the card? | 05:29 |
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cadu | hello guys, how can i install a version of vim with color highlighting? | 05:30 |
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computerex | K_Dallas, when you bought the machine, didn't it come with a rescue disc to restore the OS? | 05:30 |
cadu | seems to be disabled on ubuntu's package | 05:30 |
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Enselic | cadu: have you changed the "syntax highlihgt" setting? | 05:30 |
dystopianray | cadu: sudo apt-get install vim | 05:30 |
C] -[a0s | Enselic: i have windoes Xp in it | 05:30 |
K_Dallas | CaBlGuY, well i am just , really mean it, tried of hearing this. I need it because of the work, but i like to have my linux too, that is why i am asking for help here | 05:30 |
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C] -[a0s | i thought that would be information non-futile | 05:30 |
dystopianray | cadu: ubuntu ships some sort of wierd 'tiny vim' or something | 05:30 |
K_Dallas | computerex, it came with nothing | 05:30 |
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greg_ | dystopianray, i have sucessfully burned several isos using the same method in the past. why would I suddenly encounter this problem? | 05:30 |
K_Dallas | the store would make me one if i pay them! | 05:30 |
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Enselic | C] -[a0s: it does not matter what the NTFS partition contains, for write access | 05:31 |
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michaelpo | dystopianray: is the md5sum result for /dev/cdrom same as the iso? | 05:31 |
dystopianray | greg_: the cd sounds like it burned fine | 05:31 |
Penguinsaremyfri | Anyone know where to get the software to configure my touchpad? | 05:31 |
cadu | dystopianray: wtf, thanks, i have to install the "vim" package | 05:31 |
CaBlGuY | K_Dallas: if that is the case then you should get a seperate laptop for Ubuntu and that way, if you mess something up, it's no biggy... | 05:31 |
computerex | K_Dallas, I don't know what to say to you... | 05:31 |
pawan | what is the best operating system till date | 05:31 |
Enselic | Penguinsaremyfri: what brand is it? | 05:31 |
JanetFLorida | does anyone have any ideas why this doesn't work as documented? firefox -install-global-extension adblock.xpi ??? | 05:31 |
faileas | K_Dallas: kinda missed what ya said, but i might be able to help. whats the issue? | 05:31 |
cadu | dystopianray: thought it would spit something like 'package already installed' but wow, kinda messy | 05:31 |
greg_ | dystopianray, i'm suspecting hardware failure. | 05:31 |
C] -[a0s | okay | 05:31 |
cadu | dystopianray: thanks | 05:32 |
CaBlGuY | faileas: no worries. got it under control.. ;) | 05:32 |
C] -[a0s | and furthermore my PATa is not being detected | 05:32 |
Paradox34690 | okay... so now that I have X back up and running, is there a driver available to update so that I have 3d support? When I enable the driver in the restricted drivers, i wind up being dumped back at terminal after reboot... Any love for a noob? :D | 05:32 |
=== pickanick [n=x@cpe-76-186-254-71.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
computerex | K_Dallas, usually when you buy a new computer, they give you a restore disc with it to restore the OS! | 05:32 |
C] -[a0s | i mean sometimes its there other times its not | 05:32 |
Penguinsaremyfri | Synaptic | 05:32 |
gnine | google is great | 05:32 |
=== balor [n=balor@gimili.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
faileas | CaBlGuY: okie, i got a load of experience with bad dual boots, so figured i might have a clue ;p | 05:32 |
pawan | hello | 05:32 |
CaBlGuY | !whois K_Dallas | 05:32 |
heatman | Hello. I installed proftpd and configured it using the ubuntu wikis. How ever, when I try to log on the FTP server I can connect (gftp says "your home") but I always get timed out? My router is set up to allow that program so that shouldnt not be the problem. Does anyone know how I can fix that? | 05:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about whois k_dallas - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:32 |
CaBlGuY | oops.. :p | 05:32 |
pawan | !wubi | 05:33 |
ubotu | wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html | 05:33 |
K_Dallas | faileas, got a preinstalled vista on toshiba satellite a200 and before booting it up for the first time, i need to know what to expect if i install ubuntu on the same HDD. what would happen if i wanted to recover Vista from recovery disk | 05:33 |
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=== menoquadro [n=strachin@host204-52-dynamic.5-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
faileas | K_Dallas: Disk or partition? | 05:33 |
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computerex | K_Dallas, you are creating your own recovery disc? | 05:33 |
gnine | wubi workd just fine for me | 05:33 |
CaBlGuY | :-O he's CIA!!! cia.com LOL | 05:33 |
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=== bulashaka [n=msx86@c-24-128-143-90.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pawan | for me also | 05:33 |
Penguinsaremyfri | Any help for a synaptic touchpad? | 05:34 |
blusteel | !list | 05:34 |
C] -[a0s | Enselic: I am using SATA but my IDE PATA is not being detected | 05:34 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 05:34 |
ryanakca | what's preferable, 'noatime,nodiratime' or 'relatime'? | 05:34 |
K_Dallas | faileas, i havent looked into the system yet but it is my understanding that it has 2 partitions, one for vista, one for recovery data (vista i guess) and i have to resize it to make room for linux anyways so there would be at least 4 partitions | 05:34 |
C] -[a0s | on ubuntu | 05:34 |
K_Dallas | computerex, i have to, the system didnt come with any disk | 05:34 |
pawan | what is unix date | 05:34 |
=== newtubuntu [n=marco@modemcable008.105-59-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Enselic | C] -[a0s: sorry, but why are you directing that question to me? | 05:35 |
faileas | if its a partition 1) you should be able to boot into it and make disks 2) alternately have a restore tool downloadable from your manufacturer- check this up FIRST. Alternately WUBI works pretty well with restore partitions. it uses a wierdass system where the OS is on a disk and you MUST shutdown properly | 05:35 |
cornell | How do I set the frequency for my monitor... System/Preferences/Sreen Resolution offers the choice of 50, 54, 97, I need 75 | 05:35 |
CaBlGuY | K_Dallas: ummmm you don't haveto "resize" anything... Ubuntu will do all that on the fly durring install.. | 05:35 |
faileas | in either case, i suggest digging around that restore partition first | 05:35 |
C] -[a0s | i dont noe you were helping a second ago sorry amte | 05:35 |
C] -[a0s | mate* | 05:35 |
C] -[a0s | so anywayone? | 05:35 |
pearlbear | K_Dallas: yeah, make CDs of that recovery disk! I made the mistake of not doing that once. | 05:35 |
C] -[a0s | anyone* | 05:35 |
K_Dallas | CaBlGuY, without messing up vista? For xp i could rely on it but for vista, is it 100% safe? | 05:35 |
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C] -[a0s | does ne one noe why my PATA is not being detected? | 05:36 |
=== marshall [n=jeff@CPE0000e26ebb11-CM00195ee35808.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
K_Dallas | pearlbear, thanks, will be the first thing on my list | 05:36 |
computerex | K_Dallas, it's better to resize the partition manually using gparted | 05:36 |
gnine | no rezising | 05:36 |
CaBlGuY | K_Dallas: YES jeez... I have vista AND Ubuntu on my desktop and NO PROBLEMS...... 100% fine... it's no biggy really.. | 05:36 |
faileas | er | 05:36 |
computerex | Yeah, I am running Vista/Ubuntu here as well | 05:36 |
Penguinsaremyfri | Is there anyway to get a winmodem working on linux? | 05:36 |
K_Dallas | ok guys, this is the first time i am beeing prudent, usually i go trial and error ;) | 05:36 |
giant | having the choice between RPM and a tarball for vmware, which would be better? | 05:36 |
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faileas | vista has its own partition tool. i suggest that. vista didn't like gparted in my experience | 05:37 |
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pearlbear | C] -[a0s: it's detected in the BIOS? | 05:37 |
newtubuntu | Very quick/easy question from a newbie: how does one know what IP address it was attributed by a DHCP server (e.g.: ipconfig under XP) ? | 05:37 |
K_Dallas | faileas, that is exactly my concern | 05:37 |
faileas | giant: ubuntu dosen't do RPMs. go for the tarball | 05:37 |
pearlbear | newtubuntu: ifconfig | 05:37 |
heatman | ifconfig | 05:37 |
computerex | Always install Ubuntu AFTER Vista | 05:37 |
=== kung [n=kung@twslap.Chemie.Uni-Mainz.DE] has joined #ubuntu | ||
C] -[a0s | pearlbear: well soemtiems | 05:37 |
giant | I thought dpkg did rpms... thanks | 05:37 |
gnine | partitioning is blunt to say the least.. resizing is redundant | 05:37 |
pearlbear | C] -[a0s: sometimes? | 05:37 |
K_Dallas | computerex, always, sure, thank | 05:37 |
newtubuntu | ipconfig in a console ? | 05:37 |
faileas | K_Dallas: HOWEVER, chkdsk from my XP partition fixed it | 05:37 |
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C] -[a0s | pearlbear: other times its not for example u can reboot your ssytem and it would dissapear | 05:37 |
pearlbear | newtubuntu: yes | 05:37 |
heatman | giant: u can use alien if only rpm are available | 05:37 |
computerex | Otherwise Vista will overwrite your MBR | 05:37 |
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=== taime1 [n=chatzill@wsip-70-182-255-181.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
newtubuntu | tells me command not found | 05:38 |
pearlbear | C] -[a0s: sounds more like a hardware problem if your bios isn't always seeing it | 05:38 |
CaBlGuY | OK listen.. I installed Vista and THEN installed Ubuntu on ,my desktop with noooo problems.... honest... as long as your machine is good to go.. you'll be fine.. | 05:38 |
pearlbear | newtubuntu: ifconfig | 05:38 |
taime1 | if my box at home is sitting at the gdm screen, how can i start gnome using ssh? | 05:38 |
=== Vorian [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.active.Vorian] has joined #ubuntu | ||
K_Dallas | computerex, i think i saw it somewhere that 'du' could make backup from my MBR if i boot from a livecd, jsut in case, right? | 05:38 |
pearlbear | newtubuntu: 'f' instead of 'p' | 05:38 |
faileas | CaBlGuY: no issues with the resize? o0 | 05:38 |
C] -[a0s | i have a sata and a pata sata is primary it had Xp and ubuntu | 05:38 |
=== MT-Felice [n=oem@evoke-party-visitors.vipri.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yaustar | I am having trouble with Wifi on Gutsy Gibson. Is support given here for it? | 05:39 |
C] -[a0s | when pata was a primary hard disk sata has the same problem | 05:39 |
C] -[a0s | ne ideas on what it could be | 05:39 |
=== chryss_ is now known as chrys_desk | ||
CaBlGuY | faileas: Ubuntu takes care of all that ON THE FLY durring the install... | 05:39 |
CaBlGuY | need I say it again?? | 05:39 |
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computerex | I first Installed Vista, then booted up with Feisty Fawn Live CD, resized using gparted, and then installed Ubuntu | 05:39 |
CaBlGuY | *roll seys* | 05:39 |
CaBlGuY | eyes even.. | 05:39 |
faileas | CaBlGuY: i did that. vista didn't boot ;) | 05:39 |
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CaBlGuY | it's really no big deal.. | 05:39 |
K_Dallas | faileas, what i like to do is: 1) make sure i could restore my vista with all toshiba drivvers. 2) delete all the partitions 3) make a few partitions, 4) install vista 5)install ubuntu | 05:39 |
gnine | grub went wrong for u | 05:39 |
CaBlGuY | faileas: then u did it wrong.. | 05:39 |
Bobicus | !modem | 05:39 |
ubotu | You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto | 05:40 |
heatman | is there a Ubuntu version made for intel macs? | 05:40 |
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newtubuntu | pearlbear: thank you, I can't read! ;-) | 05:40 |
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bulashaka | how do i access gnome dekstop from my xp machine? | 05:40 |
krucial | Everytime i login to ubuntu, the panels dont show up until i log out and log back in, anyone ever see this? | 05:40 |
Paradox34690 | are there updated nvidia drivers for ubuntu that won't screw up my machine??? | 05:40 |
CaBlGuY | honestly, it's all right there in the install grub takes the boot sector over and it gives you the option to boot into Vista OR Ubuntu.. it's really no big deal.. | 05:40 |
=== yUSiyEEE [n=yusiye@cpe-75-84-87-254.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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computerex | K_Dallas, worst case scenario, you loose Ubuntu | 05:41 |
yaustar | krucial: Which version? | 05:41 |
misty | Is there a knwon issue with Squid dumping core in Feisty? | 05:41 |
krucial | feisty | 05:41 |
yaustar | krucial: Nope | 05:41 |
=== hiesi [n=hiesincn@dslb-084-056-195-156.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
faileas | K_Dallas: i suggest 1) makeing backup disks 2) using Vista's own repartition tool to repartition. 3) installing ubuntu 4) test vista. IF vista dosen't boot, run chkdsk, either from some recovety mode. or grab NTFS for dos from avira and use that | 05:41 |
computerex | That is if your Recovery disc works and overwrites ubuntu by deleting all the logical partitions | 05:41 |
krucial | it might have somethin to d w/ beryl, im not sure | 05:41 |
michaelpo | how do i access hd installed software from livecd? | 05:41 |
bulashaka | i tried accessing via vnc, cygwin etc. but i get an error???????????????? | 05:41 |
K_Dallas | computerex, that i can live with ;) but if i lose vista and recovery disk does not restore it for me, i have to pay | 05:41 |
bulashaka | can somebody help me | 05:41 |
bulashaka | ?? | 05:41 |
=== AMD-ubuntuPOWEo [i=opera@cpc3-stkn1-0-0-cust479.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
taime1 | anyone know how to start gnome using ssh? | 05:41 |
AMD-ubuntuPOWEo | start ? | 05:42 |
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=== dystopianray_ [n=dystopia@203-213-54-54-syd-ts2-2600.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulashaka | taime1: gdm start | 05:42 |
yaustar | bulashaka: Have you enabled VNC with Ubuntu? | 05:42 |
computerex | Make sure you make your recovery disc correctly then ;) There is always a pirated copy of Vista ;) | 05:42 |
gnine | funny how am using up-todate Nvidia drivers on XP and the ones on the glx for ubuntu | 05:42 |
edika | Hello! | 05:42 |
taime1 | gdm is already running | 05:42 |
edika | Do wine have an own user ? | 05:42 |
=== Till [n=megatill@p5081D3AC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
taime1 | i need to get past that using ssh so i can use vnc | 05:42 |
CaBlGuY | bulashaka: what exactly are you trying to do?? | 05:42 |
gnine | on the same drive | 05:42 |
faileas | K_Dallas: also, testdisk can mostly restore deleted partition... immediately after shit happens. so you could always test the system after a restore, and if it dosen't work, roll it back | 05:42 |
K_Dallas | computerex, even if i use another vista, they would not have _all_ the drivers for vista, right? | 05:42 |
W8TAH | dystopianray: i got them now - -apparently they wanted a live connection before they would respond | 05:42 |
=== marginoferror [n=andrewsg@c-76-21-215-86.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulashaka | yaustar: I checked the remote desktop. it is enabled and gives me vnc-viewer desktop:1 | 05:43 |
=== CaBlGuY agrees with computerex on this one.,. | ||
AMD-ubuntuPOWEo | hi guys i have gdm issue http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/8671/img0145wn1.jpg | 05:43 |
computerex | Actually, yes. Haven't you heard on the news, some people in the paradox cracking team cracked vista completely? | 05:43 |
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yaustar | bulashaka: Have you enabled the password rather then "Ask for confirmation"? | 05:43 |
computerex | Via OEM emulation, you get a fully activated "genuine" copy | 05:43 |
dystopianray_ | edika: no it doesn't | 05:43 |
K_Dallas | faileas, since i havent booted my machine yet, could i boot from a livecd, make an image of the HDD as is on another DVD ? (either partition magic or gparted) | 05:43 |
dystopianray_ | W8TAH: ah, strange | 05:43 |
bulashaka | yes | 05:43 |
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giant | does anyone know how I can setup an "open terminal window here" to my right-click menu? | 05:43 |
=== hardtop20 [n=jesje935@125-238-143-73.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yaustar | bulashaka: Are both computers on the same subnet? | 05:44 |
CaBlGuY | computerex: kiinda like the copy I got,.. :p | 05:44 |
bulashaka | yeah | 05:44 |
dystopianray_ | computerex: that's old news | 05:44 |
W8TAH | i dunno what was going on but i just glad they are working | 05:44 |
W8TAH | now to get this firewall goin | 05:44 |
giant | that way I Can right click folders and open terminal windows quick | 05:44 |
faileas | K_Dallas: neither of those do images | 05:44 |
W8TAH | :) | 05:44 |
edika | Some body here that is playing counter strike ? Cuz I can't get wine funktion with zbot :( | 05:44 |
heatman | is there a Ubuntu version made for intel macs? | 05:44 |
yaustar | bulashaka: Have you checked that you can ping both machines? | 05:44 |
AMD-ubuntuPOWEo | computerex so it has been craked lol | 05:44 |
gnine | vista is xp with a some new dlls .. no need for skills to figure that one out | 05:44 |
idefix | giant how do you know all tarballs are ok? | 05:44 |
K_Dallas | faileas, right, forgot, there is another opensource tool for image, i have it somewhere | 05:44 |
bulashaka | I get server is already active for display 0 | 05:44 |
yaustar | bulashaka: Have you checked that you can ping both machines? | 05:44 |
AMD-ubuntuPOWEo | cracked* | 05:44 |
computerex | Vista was cracked before an official release | 05:44 |
CaBlGuY | AMD-ubuntuPOWEo: for a while now.. just gotta know where to look | 05:44 |
CaBlGuY | ;) | 05:44 |
Paradox34690 | gnine: No... Vista is Millenium Edition v2. ;) | 05:44 |
giant | idefix, you check the MD5 from the tarball you got with the one provided on the webpage | 05:45 |
computerex | torrentspy.com | 05:45 |
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dystopianray_ | vista is more than just new dlls | 05:45 |
giant | idefix, if they match, the tarball is good | 05:45 |
AMD-ubuntuPOWEo | CaBIGuy im not intrested DRm put me right off | 05:45 |
computerex | Search for : "Vista" | 05:45 |
K_Dallas | vista was cracked because it would help MS to make people into using it | 05:45 |
bulashaka | yaustar: I can ping the boxes to each other | 05:45 |
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CaBlGuY | AMD-ubuntuPOWEo: I didn't say you were interested.. I was just sayin in genral.. ;) | 05:45 |
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yaustar | bulashaka: What error are you getting when you try to connect using VNC? | 05:45 |
AMD-ubuntuPOWEo | ok Cab | 05:46 |
=== K_Dallas trying to remember what tool was opensource equivalent of norton ghost | ||
computerex | Microsoft actually says, "Pirated copies of Vista are of limited value" | 05:46 |
AMD-ubuntuPOWEo | i have geniun Xp :) | 05:46 |
astro76 | K_Dallas, partimage? | 05:46 |
=== Narfu [n=lt@p57B5CE5C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zyth | oh my GOD | 05:46 |
AMD-ubuntuPOWEo | found a good crack | 05:46 |
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K_Dallas | astro76, maybe but i think it has a ghost in its name or i might be wrong | 05:46 |
astro76 | probably best to drop the windows crack discussion :) | 05:46 |
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AMD-ubuntuPOWEo | yep | 05:47 |
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=== CaBlGuY agrees with astro76 hehe | ||
aneb | !ops | 05:47 |
hyperdyne | \join #camp.nrw | 05:47 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 05:47 |
aneb | !offtopic | 05:47 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 05:47 |
CaBlGuY | this IS a Linux Ubuntu channel.. :p | 05:47 |
=== MrObvious [i=IceChat7@wsip-70-182-243-46.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Hobbsee looks in | ||
=== IntuitiveNipple [n=TJ@alexandros.tjworld.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aneb | Hobbsee: scroll up | 05:47 |
MrObvious | Howdy. | 05:47 |
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astro76 | K_Dallas, check out system rescue cd, I think partimage is what you're looking for | 05:47 |
Hobbsee | aneb: well, duh. | 05:47 |
CaBlGuY | 0/Howdy Hobbsee o | 05:47 |
=== CaBlGuY waves @ Hobbsee | ||
MrObvious | Hobbsee: Hi I guess. | 05:48 |
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K_Dallas | astro76, yes you are right, thank you | 05:48 |
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Paradox34690 | awww... does that mean we can use this channel as the Ubuntu propaganda machin??? ?:D hehehehe | 05:48 |
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bulashaka | yaustar: how do i restart vncserver | 05:48 |
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bulashaka | ? | 05:48 |
MrObvious | Paradox34690: Isn't the channel already enough fo that? | 05:48 |
=== Xoris [n=noone@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blusteel | has anyone here used ubuntu as a LAMP server? just wonderin cus im lookin into experimentin with it | 05:48 |
blusteel | ? | 05:48 |
dystopianray_ | blusteel: i have | 05:48 |
=== engwnbie-spaz [n=engwnbie@bas1-oshawa-1242369862.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaBlGuY | hey, I like that... Ubuntu propaganda.. that has a nice ring to it.. | 05:48 |
CaBlGuY | :p | 05:48 |
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aneb | Hobbsee: i'll educate them later if they ever rejoin. | 05:48 |
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Paradox34690 | Thank you Captain Obvious :D | 05:48 |
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=== Nexus [n=John@74-140-86-236.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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blusteel | dystopianray: what are your thoughts on it? | 05:49 |
AMD-ubuntuPOWEo | my gdm wont start i thing this is the issue http://img514.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img0145wn1.jpg | 05:49 |
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aneb | K_Dallas: you were talking about illegal things. | 05:49 |
dystopianray_ | blusteel: it is quite good | 05:49 |
K_Dallas | i did stop talking about vista a while back but sorry i kept on talking about rescuecd | 05:49 |
heatman | Could someone tell me how to create a shortcut? I mean I have a dir in my user account and I want to tie it to my sda1 dev so that I dont have to mount it or go to /media/LOCAL DEVICE... all the time | 05:49 |
Penguinsaremyfri | Vote: What is the best free ubuntu game? | 05:49 |
K_Dallas | aneb, NO i am not! | 05:49 |
Nexus | oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo | 05:49 |
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Hobbsee | aneb: great, thanks | 05:49 |
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Nexus | Muahahahahah | 05:49 |
aneb | K_Dallas: were, not is. that is why you were kicked | 05:49 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@74-140-86-236.dhcp.insightbb.com] by ompaul | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o ompaul] by ChanServ | ||
Xoris | heatman: that's called a "symbolic link", but you'll have to mount it anyway. | 05:49 |
blusteel | dystopianray: have u ever used it with tomcat? | 05:49 |
Xoris | heatman: the mounting can be automatic, thoguh | 05:50 |
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Hobbsee | aneb: unfortunately, "scroll up" is kinda useless, with so many people to be removed. | 05:50 |
dystopianray_ | blusteel: no | 05:50 |
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K_Dallas | aneb i was kicked but do you have a line of me talking about illegal stuff? | 05:50 |
Hobbsee | Nexus: dont be an idiot. please. | 05:50 |
heatman | Xoris: lol true... what is the command for that symbolic link? | 05:50 |
Xoris | heatman: to know how to man a symlink, "man ln" and, more specifically, "ln -s <file> <target>" | 05:50 |
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brk3 | I just did a portscan of my box and have 2 ports open with 'unknown' for the service.. Im guessing this is not good? | 05:50 |
gnine | like me.. i just got removed for one word | 05:50 |
blusteel | dystopianray: i dont want to install it and find out that tomcat wont work so, still sorta iffy | 05:50 |
aneb | K_Dallas: no, and i am not going to pastebin that | 05:50 |
heatman | xoris: ok ty | 05:50 |
K_Dallas | but there is no need to talk about it, my concern is installing ubuntu on my toshiba preinstalled vista! | 05:50 |
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Xoris | heatman: or <target> <file>, i can never quite remember =) check the --help | 05:50 |
dystopianray_ | Hobbsee: are you going to commit an updated kdenetwork package for gutsy? | 05:50 |
Hobbsee | K_Dallas: offtopic stuff includes windows. | 05:51 |
K_Dallas | Hobbsee, no problem | 05:51 |
Hobbsee | dystopianray_: what in particular is missing? | 05:51 |
astro76 | heatman, you could also potentially mount it to the subdir of your user home you mentioned | 05:51 |
Xoris | heatman: anyway the "-s" is important, as it makes it a symbolic link rather than a hard link (which is not what you want) | 05:51 |
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CaBlGuY | which we have told you exactly how to do K_Dallas and still you are here... | 05:51 |
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K_Dallas | Hobbsee, i understand it yet dual booting is relevant, isnt it? | 05:51 |
Paradox34690 | Hobbsee, even if it's Anti-windows???? ;) (sorry, just had to say it) | 05:51 |
dystopianray_ | Hobbsee: There is a kopete patch in bzr that is not yet in a gutsy package | 05:51 |
=== CaBlGuY thinks K_Dallas just likes to argue.. :p | ||
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jsestri2 | Is there anyway to diagnose the cause of a computer that shutsdown, but cannot be started again until it has the power pulled from the wall? (This doesn't happen in MS Windows) | 05:51 |
ompaul | !offtopic | 05:51 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 05:51 |
=== K_Dallas shutting up | ||
Hobbsee | K_Dallas: yes. if it's support. | 05:51 |
heatman | Hello. I installed proftpd and configured it using the ubuntu wikis. How ever, when I try to log on the FTP server I can connect (gftp says "your home") but I always get timed out? My router is set up to allow that program so that shouldnt not be the problem. Does anyone know how I can fix that? | 05:52 |
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blusteel | dystopianray: what do u think about these new dells w/ ubuntu? | 05:52 |
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Paradox34690 | touche... | 05:52 |
Xoris | jsestri2: does it not start if you hit the Reset switch? | 05:52 |
Hobbsee | dystopianray_: yes, there are plans to. | 05:52 |
dystopianray_ | blusteel: well it sounds good, but i've not used one, they don't sell them in australia | 05:52 |
Hobbsee | dystopianray_: (when i find more patches) | 05:52 |
dystopianray_ | Hobbsee: excellent :) | 05:52 |
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=== aneb pats ompaul and Hobbsee on the shoulder | ||
W8TAH | dystopianray_: the plot thickens - -if i try to see the extra interfaces from my nomachine remote link i cant see them but if i do it from the console I can | 05:52 |
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gnine | paradox: welcome to the club | 05:52 |
aneb | ompaul: Hobbsee, thanks | 05:52 |
jsestri2 | Xoris: no its some sort of wierd state the MB is in...none of thebuttons except the power supply on/off switch has any effect. Some lights like the NIC are steady on. | 05:53 |
blusteel | dystopianray: do you kno if they have plans for offerin the server OS w/ them? | 05:53 |
dystopianray_ | W8TAH: nomachine? | 05:53 |
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W8TAH | dystopianray_: its similar to vnc | 05:53 |
CaBlGuY | Hobbsee: just in passing, when is the next distro due out?? | 05:53 |
Hobbsee | blusteel: is that technically a support question? try #ubuntu-offtopic (remember, 1059 people in here, it's kinda busy) | 05:53 |
W8TAH | dystopianray_: also know as NX | 05:53 |
Paradox34690 | hehehehe, that was fun... so anyways... back to more interesting stuff... Updated nvidia driver... anyone wanna point me to the right location? :D | 05:53 |
Hobbsee | !gutsy | CaBlGuY | 05:53 |
ubotu | CaBlGuY: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | 05:53 |
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CaBlGuY | Tanks ;) | 05:53 |
dystopianray_ | blusteel: dell have been selling linux servers for years, I don't know if that includes ubuntu though | 05:53 |
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=== Nicolas [n=Nicolas@194-158-250-120.static.adslpremium.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blusteel | hobbsee: oh sorry, just got caught up | 05:54 |
Xoris | jsestri2: it's weird alright, try booting with the "noapic" or the "acpi=off" options appended to the kernel line | 05:54 |
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kdubois | how do I remap my keys? | 05:54 |
Nicolas | i everybody | 05:54 |
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Nicolas | i have an Acer and i want install ubuntu | 05:54 |
gnine | wubi | 05:54 |
taime1 | how do i start gnome over ssh? | 05:54 |
Nicolas | but my wireless card is not configured | 05:55 |
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W8TAH | dystopianray_: i just realized what i did - -i was working on 2 different machines | 05:55 |
dystopianray_ | Nicolas: what chip is it? | 05:55 |
astro76 | taime1, what exactly are you trying to do? | 05:55 |
W8TAH | dystopianray_: im an idiot | 05:55 |
dystopianray_ | W8TAH: a that makes sense | 05:55 |
W8TAH | gaaaaaaaa - -i cant believe i did that | 05:55 |
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taime1 | astro76: trying to start gnome over ssh while that box is sitting at the gdm screen... | 05:55 |
Nicolas | i dont know | 05:55 |
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taime1 | astro76: if i get gnome to start, i can use vnc | 05:56 |
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Paradox34690 | no love man... no love... i'll come back around later... | 05:56 |
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gendis | Hai | 05:56 |
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jsestri2 | Xoris: Alright, I might ahve actually turned that on now that I think of it...Thanks. | 05:57 |
AbyssWalker | is there a better sound driver for linux im running ubuntu 7.0.4 and alsa sucks | 05:57 |
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C] -[a0s | grrr | 05:57 |
C] -[a0s | hard disk still not mounting | 05:57 |
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C] -[a0s | this is annoying ne ideas? | 05:57 |
gnine | configure oss | 05:57 |
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south | <IRC> | 05:57 |
C] -[a0s | i right click on the partition it says error: device /dev/sda1 is not removable | 05:57 |
C] -[a0s | error: could not execute pmount | 05:57 |
hnpsu | But wasn't I banned from this channel? This is a damn mock! | 05:57 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by Hobbsee | ||
gnine | alsa is nice for mp3 playback on my machine | 05:58 |
=== south was kicked off #ubuntu by Hobbsee (you clearly arent here for support. begone.) | ||
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Nicolas | a solution ? | 05:58 |
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isuf | hallo | 05:58 |
Blauhaut | is it posible to have 4 different wallpaper on for different Desktop ? | 05:58 |
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K_Dallas | CaBlGuY, you had a satellite pro if i am not mistaken. Did your wireless, modem, graphic, etc work under ubuntu? What about the speciall keys? Had you to find drivers on the web for anything? Thanks | 05:58 |
Xoris | AbyssWalker: there's OSS, but good luck making everything play nice with it. why would ALSA suck anyway? | 05:58 |
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hnpsu | :/ | 05:58 |
Nexus | FUCK | 05:58 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@74-140-86-236.dhcp.insightbb.com] by ompaul | ||
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Hobbsee | ompaul: i win :P | 05:59 |
dystopianray_ | AbyssWalker: alsa is pretty much your only choice | 05:59 |
AbyssWalker | well i have a soundblaster live card and when i play mp3s with xmms and using alsa i hear a lot of difference when playin in windows | 05:59 |
ritzcracker | Whats going on everyone | 05:59 |
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MrObvious | Man I don't have any burnable CDs otherwise I would use Linux on my work putre. | 05:59 |
Nicolas | how config a wireless card on Acer ? | 05:59 |
Blauhaut | Is it posible to set up different wallpapers each desktop ? | 05:59 |
C] -[a0s | does anyone know how i can mount my partition?????? Please *~*sigh*~* | 05:59 |
Hobbsee | !mount | C] -[a0s | 05:59 |
ubotu | C] -[a0s: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 05:59 |
MrObvious | sudo mount /dev/... | 05:59 |
ritzcracker | c] -[a0s | 05:59 |
=== wayne_ [n=chatzill@24-158-195-25.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ritzcracker | i cant help you | 05:59 |
ritzcracker | i mean I CAN help you | 06:00 |
dystopianray_ | AbyssWalker: what sort of difference? | 06:00 |
hnpsu | Don't worry: when they understand you're unbannable, they'll vent it with any easier target, according to the pecking order. | 06:00 |
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Hobbsee | hnpsu: hm? | 06:00 |
C] -[a0s | do i need to be root for that? | 06:00 |
AbyssWalker | ALSA is not giving me good quality , kinda garbled sound | 06:00 |
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C] -[a0s | okay ritzcracker | 06:00 |
MrObvious | Usually. Please read up on it though. | 06:00 |
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ritzcracker | c] -[a0s hit me up in private msgs | 06:00 |
C] -[a0s | can i pm you mate? | 06:00 |
AbyssWalker | it is a 5.1 soundcard with a 5.1 speakerset attached | 06:00 |
C] -[a0s | thanks | 06:00 |
gnine | windows sound? i prefer alsa | 06:00 |
MrObvious | You need to know which device it is in particular. | 06:00 |
wayne_ | Anyone on here good with emerald and beryl? I know they | 06:01 |
bulashaka | PLEASE HELP:: I can connect to linux box via vncviewer but how do I see gnome desktop? | 06:01 |
MrObvious | Oops I messed up. It's sudo mount /dev/... /media/... | 06:01 |
wayne_ | re old but i still use them | 06:01 |
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Hobbsee | !beryl | wayne_ | 06:01 |
ubotu | wayne_: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 06:01 |
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wayne_ | Thanks! | 06:01 |
MrObvious | bulashaka: You may have to turn up the color depth or whatever. | 06:01 |
ritzcracker | c] -[a0s what are you trying to mount | 06:02 |
bulashaka | MrOBvious thanks... can you send me a sample command? | 06:02 |
C] -[a0s | sorry i cant seem to find you on this nick list | 06:02 |
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=== blenderhead001 [n=blenderh@adsl-068-209-133-121.sip.jax.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Blauhaut | Is it posible to set up different wallpaper on each desktop ? | 06:02 |
C] -[a0s | i am not used to using this irc | 06:02 |
=== olrrai [n=olrrai@host31.190-136-68.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
C] -[a0s | can u msg me | 06:02 |
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ritzcracker | c] -[a0s: what are you trying to mount | 06:02 |
C] -[a0s | ntfs partition | 06:02 |
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C] -[a0s | c:/ drive | 06:02 |
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ritzcracker | okay do this | 06:02 |
C] -[a0s | i cant seem to access or so anything | 06:02 |
ritzcracker | sudo fdisk | 06:03 |
ritzcracker | type p | 06:03 |
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olrrai | how can I erase a CDRW from terminal? | 06:03 |
ritzcracker | copy and paste what it says | 06:03 |
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ritzcracker | sudo fdisk /dev/hda | 06:03 |
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C] -[a0s | i have Xp in my C though | 06:03 |
C] -[a0s | this wouldent effect Xp right | 06:03 |
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ritzcracker | correct | 06:03 |
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Daann | Jack_Sparrow are you back? | 06:03 |
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WaFFeN | how can i seek a firewall startup or disabled at ubuntu? | 06:03 |
WaFFeN | please help me | 06:04 |
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C] -[a0s | unable to open dev/hda | 06:04 |
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C] -[a0s | do u want partition information? | 06:04 |
=== dystopianray_ [n=dystopia@203-213-54-54-syd-ts2-2600.tpgi.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] | ||
ritzcracker | do you have ide | 06:04 |
ritzcracker | or sda | 06:04 |
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ritzcracker | ide or sata | 06:04 |
ritzcracker | or scsi | 06:04 |
gnine | may the force b with ya using that fdisk.. | 06:04 |
C] -[a0s | can i pm you dude ic ant see read a thing here | 06:04 |
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ritzcracker | yes PM me | 06:05 |
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ritzcracker | c] -[a0s do you have aim? | 06:05 |
MrObvious | Wow the only spyware I have on my work computer is a tracking cookie. :\ | 06:05 |
taime1 | my box at home is sitting at the gdm screen. i can ssh into my box, but how can i get gnome started so that i can use vnc? | 06:05 |
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olrrai | hi guys | 06:06 |
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olrrai | how can I erase a CDRW from terminal? | 06:06 |
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olrrai | /# ubuntu-es | 06:06 |
C] -[a0s | nope no aim | 06:06 |
=== zoders [n=zoders@nat-01-036.rtk.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaBlGuY | K_Dallas: yes everything worked that I needed to work on my laptop once I got it instalkled.. and if it didn't I just came here and got help.. that's whats so great about Ubutntu, you got all the help you need right here.. | 06:06 |
ritzcracker | c] -[a0s do you have aim? | 06:06 |
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zoders | hej :) | 06:06 |
C] -[a0s | no i dont have aim | 06:06 |
MrObvious | taime1: All I know is it involves starting another X session. You need to find the software that allows you to set up the VNC server for the current X session. | 06:06 |
ritzcracker | msn, yahoo? | 06:06 |
C] -[a0s | yahoo | 06:06 |
C] -[a0s | ma_generation | 06:06 |
C] -[a0s | msg me there | 06:06 |
ritzcracker | add me aofc4life | 06:06 |
=== Pici [n=Pici@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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zoders | Ale system Ubuntu jest super :) | 06:07 |
MrObvious | olrrai: No clue. I can do it with K3b though in a GUI. | 06:07 |
gnine | i came here after i did my research.. this chat is entertaining to me | 06:07 |
zoders | ale was tu duo na tym ircku :) | 06:07 |
MrObvious | ritzcracker: C] -[a0s: Just type /query (nick) and it'll PM here. | 06:07 |
=== LiberCogito [n=deliberc@cpe-72-184-123-163.tampabay.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
ritzcracker | Ive already PM him | 06:07 |
MrObvious | zoders: English dude. | 06:07 |
ritzcracker | it isnt working | 06:07 |
zoders | bllele | 06:07 |
zoders | elele | 06:07 |
zoders | e | 06:07 |
zoders | le | 06:07 |
zoders | ele | 06:07 |
zoders | le | 06:07 |
zoders | lele | 06:07 |
astro76 | !pl | zoders | 06:07 |
ubotu | zoders: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 06:07 |
zoders | le | 06:07 |
MrObvious | ritzcracker: Oh. | 06:07 |
MrObvious | Hmm. | 06:08 |
ritzcracker | thank you though :) | 06:08 |
zoders | lale ja nie chce polskiego ricka | 06:08 |
zoders | jd | 06:08 |
zoders | d | 06:08 |
MrObvious | :) | 06:08 |
zoders | dsdsd | 06:08 |
ritzcracker | hes on gaim and isnt sure how to use it yet | 06:08 |
astro76 | zoders, stop | 06:08 |
=== AMD-ubuntuPOWEo [i=opera@cpc3-stkn1-0-0-cust479.midd.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
MrObvious | Someone wanna kick zoders? | 06:08 |
=== Sno [n=ryan@cpe-24-193-240-130.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Flyingmatt [n=fza@CPE0030ab1119c8-CM0017ee4287d4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrObvious | ritzcracker: Lol. | 06:08 |
zoders | dobra ju id | 06:08 |
zoders | ;] | 06:08 |
zoders | anderstend ;p | 06:08 |
=== kurumin [n=kurumin@201009149010.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== bsheep [n=bsheep@ANantes-158-1-144-56.w90-49.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Xorlev [n=raven@unaffiliated/xorlev] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zoders | tak tylko chiaem si pobawi :) | 06:08 |
=== bulashaka [n=msx86@c-24-128-143-90.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrObvious | !english | 06:08 |
ubotu | The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 06:08 |
zoders | no !polish | 06:09 |
MrObvious | !polish | 06:09 |
ubotu | Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 06:09 |
kurumin | oi | 06:09 |
MrObvious | :\ | 06:09 |
LinuxKid | /j #Romania /j | 06:09 |
zoders | ja tam nie che ic :) | 06:09 |
Flyingmatt | bammmmmmmmmmmm | 06:09 |
zoders | i ja nie chc pomocy | 06:09 |
=== dinochopins [n=budhi@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zoders | ;] | 06:09 |
taime1 | !ops | 06:09 |
CaBlGuY | !tell zo ubuntu-pl | 06:09 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 06:09 |
MrObvious | !caps | bulashaka | 06:10 |
ubotu | bulashaka: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 06:10 |
zoders | has quit ? | 06:10 |
=== MSIGuy [n=chris@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@CPE0030ab1119c8-CM0017ee4287d4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] by Hobbsee | ||
=== Flyingmatt was kicked off #ubuntu by Hobbsee (Hobbsee) | ||
CaBlGuY | bulashaka: Yea tyrn yur caps off please.. | 06:10 |
=== tombar_ [n=tombar@r190-64-136-95.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %zoders!*@*] by Hobbsee | ||
bulashaka | ok | 06:10 |
=== scorp123 [n=scorp123@217-162-105-227.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulashaka | sorry guys | 06:10 |
MrObvious | CaBlGuY: Nice typonese there. :p | 06:10 |
=== zoders [n=zoders@nat-01-036.rtk.net.pl] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
CaBlGuY | MrObvious: ya like that do ya.. :p | 06:11 |
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MrObvious | bulashaka: No clue. Does it give an error? | 06:11 |
=== FruitieX [n=rasse@a80-186-69-59.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaBlGuY | my fingers aint awake yet.. :D | 06:11 |
bulashaka | no it just brings up the screen with nothing on it | 06:11 |
MrObvious | That's why they invented backspace. | 06:11 |
=== faileas [n=Geek@cm209.delta20.maxonline.com.sg] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
CaBlGuY | MrObvious: indeed.. and backspace is my friend.. :p | 06:11 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %zoders!*@*] by Hobbsee | ||
=== PaulEU [n=pawcioos@nat-38.mikolow.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PaulEU | hello! | 06:12 |
=== Comedy-- [n=deivid@cpe-69-203-31-98.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PaulEU | I have strange problem: | 06:12 |
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bulashaka | i don;t understand how hard could this be. I was able to instal beryl no probs but cannot make this vnc work | 06:12 |
MrObvious | bulashaka: All I can say is that it's something on the server but I haven't played with VNC in a while. | 06:12 |
PaulEU | I must created new swap partition | 06:12 |
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=== wayne_ [n=chatzill@24-158-195-25.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
CaBlGuY | PaulEU: welcome to strane problem department. | 06:12 |
CaBlGuY | :p | 06:12 |
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MrObvious | Hi PaulEU | 06:12 |
CaBlGuY | dangit... | 06:12 |
PaulEU | $ sudo mkswap -L UBUNTU_SWAP /dev/sdb3 | 06:12 |
PaulEU | Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 2006962 kB | 06:12 |
MrObvious | My name is Paul too. :| | 06:12 |
PaulEU | LABEL=UBUNTU_SWAP, UUID=f48847f2-9c0d-4191-885d-cfd01548b351 | 06:12 |
PaulEU | and its good.. | 06:13 |
PaulEU | next I updated /etc/fstab: | 06:13 |
=== Regel [n=Regel@dsl-jnsgw1-ffefc000-238.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PaulEU | $ sudo cat /etc/fstab | grep f488 | 06:13 |
=== whiter [n=junior@032-399-822.area5.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PaulEU | UUID=f48847f2-9c0d-4191-885d-cfd01548b351 none swap sw 0 0 | 06:13 |
CaBlGuY | that's all you MrObvious :) over my head a bit there.. | 06:13 |
PaulEU | its seemly OK | 06:13 |
PaulEU | next: | 06:13 |
gnine | paul is on point or wut | 06:13 |
AbyssWalker | can anyone help me i have Ubuntu 7.0.4 installed , only one thing i dont like sound quality of ALSA compared to windowsXP soundcard:Integrated Nvidia AC97 with a 5.1 speaker system attached ALSA gives a reasonable sound but seems a little garbled/metallic , any ideas ?? | 06:13 |
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PaulEU | $ sudo swapon -a | 06:13 |
PaulEU | and it return me: | 06:13 |
PaulEU | swapon: cannot stat /dev/disk/by-uuid/f48847f2-9c0d-4191-885d-cfd01548b351: No such file or directory | 06:13 |
PaulEU | question WHY ?? | 06:14 |
CaBlGuY | !tell PaulEU pastebin | 06:14 |
CaBlGuY | !pastebin | 06:14 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 06:14 |
PaulEU | CaBlGuY: I wrote here all information.. what do you want ? | 06:14 |
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MrObvious | All I can say is that the path it's using looks wrong. Just set up a swap in your graphical partition manager. | 06:14 |
MrObvious | It's much easier. | 06:14 |
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rausb0 | PaulEU: udev didn't rebuild the /dev/disk/by-uuid directory yet. | 06:15 |
PaulEU | MrObvious: but graphical partition manager use mkswap ! | 06:15 |
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PaulEU | rausb0: how can I rebuild it ? | 06:15 |
rausb0 | PaulEU: therefore the device file is missing | 06:15 |
MrObvious | PaulEU: It seems rausb0 knows more than I do. :\ | 06:15 |
CaBlGuY | indeed.. | 06:15 |
rausb0 | PaulEU: at least by rebooting. but if udev can somehow be restarted, you can try that | 06:16 |
PaulEU | rausb0: I must reboot ? | 06:16 |
rausb0 | PaulEU: sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart | 06:16 |
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rausb0 | PaulEU: try if that helps | 06:16 |
PaulEU | ok.. I did it | 06:16 |
PaulEU | I'll try sudo mkswap on | 06:16 |
Kousotu | yaustar I am back | 06:16 |
rausb0 | PaulEU: no, not mkswap again | 06:17 |
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PaulEU | $ sudo swapon -a | 06:17 |
rausb0 | PaulEU: swapon | 06:17 |
PaulEU | ofcourse | 06:17 |
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CaBlGuY | gone for a bit.. bbl.. | 06:17 |
PaulEU | rausb0: :) It mounted :) | 06:17 |
CaBlGuY | *p00f* | 06:17 |
rausb0 | PaulEU: cool | 06:17 |
PaulEU | ufff | 06:17 |
yaustar | Kousotu: Cool, wrong channel though :P | 06:17 |
PaulEU | rausb0: big thx for help :) | 06:17 |
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rausb0 | PaulEU: you're welcome | 06:17 |
=== juan [n=juan@201-212-162-219.net.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ramy__ | how i can change permissions for partitions ? | 06:18 |
=== zelexus [n=thomas@port327.ds1-vir.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Smygis [n=smygis@e611.cust.vannas.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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PaulEU | ofcouse I thanks for MrObvious and rausb0 for help :) | 06:18 |
PaulEU | and Catsceo | 06:18 |
=== Tefnout [n=nicolas@mey38-2-82-228-181-21.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ParaDoX | how can I revert back to an older driver? | 06:18 |
Tefnout | hi | 06:19 |
Kousotu | h.. oops | 06:19 |
Kousotu | lol | 06:19 |
Kousotu | don't make a difference | 06:19 |
Kousotu | Wifi is universal | 06:19 |
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=== mck [n=mck@dsl-tregw3-feaffb00-172.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Cufaf is now known as Fatihmuderis | ||
=== Mr_KoKa [n=koka@bdc72.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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MrObvious | PaulEU: Yw. | 06:20 |
=== wizo [n=wizo@60-241-200-159.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrObvious | ramy__: What kind of partition? | 06:20 |
Fatihmuderis | bana yardmc olacak biri varmu | 06:20 |
=== assasukasse [n=assasuka@n219079164170.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== tul [n=itamar@bzq-84-108-137-231.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Cthulhu [n=ren@cpc1-blac1-0-0-cust84.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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MrObvious | Fatihmuderis: English please | 06:20 |
PaulEU | I have question about file /etc/blkid.tab - what is it for ? | 06:21 |
Tefnout | how can i inform a bug in ubuntu pacakge dependencies ? | 06:21 |
ramy__ | MrObvious> the partitions of the HDD, like hda1, hdb2 | 06:21 |
PaulEU | MrObvious: do you know ? | 06:21 |
=== mck [n=mck@dsl-tregw3-feaffb00-172.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | !bug | Tefnout | 06:21 |
ubotu | Tefnout: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 06:21 |
astro76 | !tr | Fatihmuderis | 06:21 |
ubotu | Fatihmuderis: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 06:21 |
Fatihmuderis | MrObvious: ok | 06:21 |
=== beni [n=beni@p54AB8015.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Kousotu hides from Hobbsee | ||
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Fatihmuderis | astro76: yes tr | 06:21 |
=== Mr_KoKa [n=koka@bdc72.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@CPE0030ab1119c8-CM0017ee4287d4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] by Hobbsee | ||
=== Mr_KoKa_ [n=koka@bdc72.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
beni | how Can I assign a "name" to my Ubuntu server just like the Microsoft LAN's are? | 06:21 |
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=== beerke [n=beerke@5353E179.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
^futuro | hi to all | 06:22 |
Toran | I have a Lenovo Thinkpad X60 with a base station. I have an external hard-drive (USB) and a DVD-RW drive connected to the base station (the optical drive is actually built into the base station, while the hard drive is obviously not). Whenever I have the computer connected to the station, I can mount and unmount both of my drives. If I disconnect the laptop while either of these is mounted and then reconnect it, however, neither drive is remounted upon | 06:22 |
Fatihmuderis | astro76: can u help me :S | 06:22 |
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astro76 | Fatihmuderis, we'll try, feel free to ask your question here in english :) ...or #ubuntu-tr for help in turkish | 06:23 |
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=== Flyingmatt [n=fza@CPE0030ab1119c8-CM0017ee4287d4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
beni | how Can I assign a "name" to my Ubuntu server just like the Windows Networks are? If I scan my network, all Ubuntu Boxes are unnamed or "noname"? | 06:23 |
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=== SoulChild [n=eshat@dslb-084-060-017-018.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== Tiancai [n=lari@a88-113-83-239.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
germanvd | hola | 06:24 |
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germanvd | alguno de los presentes habla espaol | 06:24 |
astro76 | !es | germanvd | 06:24 |
ubotu | germanvd: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:24 |
v3ctor | !sp | 06:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:24 |
v3ctor | oops | 06:24 |
germanvd | gracias | 06:25 |
th30d0r3 | hi | 06:25 |
beni | how Can I assign a "name" to my Ubuntu server just like the Windows Networks are? If I scan my network, all Ubuntu Boxes are unnamed or "noname"? | 06:25 |
v3ctor | hi | 06:25 |
th30d0r3 | i need some help | 06:25 |
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germanvd | #ubuntu-es | 06:25 |
germanvd | join #ubuntu-es | 06:25 |
astro76 | germanvd, /join #ubuntu-es | 06:25 |
v3ctor | !ask | th30d0r3 | 06:26 |
ubotu | th30d0r3: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 06:26 |
=== Frederick [n=imanewbi@dslb-084-058-135-240.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== brk3 [n=brk3@86-42-57-146.b-ras1.mvw.galway.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SoulChild | HELP! I backed up my whole system into a tar.gz file ,... but now when after "tar xvpfz..." I get: "gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated", is there a way to repait that file??? | 06:26 |
=== AMD-ubuntuPOWEo [i=opera@cpc3-stkn1-0-0-cust479.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Xoris [n=noone@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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v3ctor | SoulChild: make f the last option | 06:27 |
th30d0r3 | i can't read all the files that are named in greek characters in nautilus though i have greek support on the language support section on system. any ideas..? | 06:27 |
=== bicchi [n=albert@adsl-065-006-167-199.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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SoulChild | v3ctor: makes no differnt | 06:28 |
SoulChild | ce | 06:28 |
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=== `mac` [n=Arman@adsl-76-237-57-125.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fatihmuderis | who can help me Turkish?_?_?_? | 06:28 |
Fatihmuderis | who can help me Turkish?_?_?_? | 06:28 |
v3ctor | SoulChild: file <tarbal>.tar.gz | 06:28 |
astro76 | Fatihmuderis, is no one in #ubuntu-tr ? | 06:28 |
=== bartek [n=bartek@chello089079083247.chello.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ritzcracker | moo | 06:29 |
Hobbsee | astro76: there isnt | 06:29 |
th30d0r3 | can somebody help me in Greek language problems | 06:29 |
astro76 | :/ | 06:29 |
th30d0r3 | ? | 06:29 |
Hobbsee | !gr | 06:29 |
gnine | lonely world | 06:29 |
ubotu | #ubuntu-gr #kubuntu-gr / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes | 06:29 |
Fatihmuderis | astro76: TEHE HAVE ONLY2 PEOPLES AND DONT HELP | 06:29 |
ryanakca | !firewall | 06:29 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 06:29 |
Hobbsee | !caps | Fatihmuderis | 06:29 |
ubotu | Fatihmuderis: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 06:29 |
=== IonCheng [n=IonCheng@133.84-243-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bartek | Cze jest kto z Polski? | 06:29 |
Hobbsee | Fatihmuderis: then you'll either have to wait until during hte week, or speak in english. | 06:29 |
beni | !pl | bartek | 06:29 |
ubotu | bartek: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 06:29 |
SoulChild | v3ctor: backup.tgz: gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Sat Aug 11 11:54:11 2007 | 06:29 |
th30d0r3 | thank you | 06:29 |
astro76 | Fatihmuderis, you seem to be fairly decent at English, try asking here? | 06:30 |
bartek | dziekuje | 06:30 |
=== KoolSpike [n=jaguar@modemcable083.115-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
v3ctor | SoulChild: gunzip backup.tgz | 06:30 |
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=== Caplain [n=shane@adsl-75-45-246-193.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnine | speakin of which .. i need to get my firestarter going | 06:30 |
Fatihmuderis | my englis so bad . mybe i can ask but maybe i cant understand :S | 06:30 |
SoulChild | v3ctor: is working ,.. what does gunzip do ? | 06:31 |
v3ctor | uncompresses | 06:31 |
=== ^futuro [n=mario@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
beni | Fatihmuderis: Just ask :) Don't be a Child! | 06:32 |
RomeReactor | hi people | 06:32 |
v3ctor | there must have been some syntax problem with your command. Post the whole comand you ran the first time | 06:32 |
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SoulChild | tar xvpfz [backupfile] -C [target] ... it works but stops after 5 minutes with that error message | 06:32 |
ryanakca | Hmm. what's the prefered CLI frontend for a linux firewall... shorewall? | 06:33 |
jetscreamer | -_- | 06:33 |
Fatihmuderis | beni: :) LoL my english is so bad.. and i cant writing. litle.. my problem is so hard :P than i need one Turkish people :) | 06:33 |
jetscreamer | !tr | 06:33 |
ubotu | Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 06:33 |
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Fatihmuderis | malesef yok oyle bi yardm | 06:33 |
jetscreamer | if you say so | 06:34 |
beni | Fatihmuderis: Linux is english, it cant be so hard ;) Gimme some keywords | 06:34 |
B4S7ONOS7 | hola | 06:34 |
jetscreamer | !es | 06:34 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:34 |
Fatihmuderis | beni: my Ubuntu is Turkish... :) | 06:34 |
=== pizzle [n=pizdets@pool-71-183-79-170.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnine | holy shmucks | 06:34 |
B4S7ONOS7 | donde estan esos canales | 06:34 |
ompaul | !tr | Fatihmuderis | 06:35 |
ubotu | Fatihmuderis: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 06:35 |
Hobbsee | ompaul: no one there. | 06:35 |
beni | Fatihmuderis: holy sh*t ;-) okay then move on in the turkish channel please | 06:35 |
=== At0mic_P2 [n=arch_ato@host-209-214-147-199.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | Hobbsee, ahh | 06:35 |
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=== locke [n=steve@ool-45721b71.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | !es | B4S7ONOS7 | 06:35 |
ubotu | B4S7ONOS7: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:35 |
gnine | am lmao here | 06:35 |
RomeReactor | If anyone is using a British Ubuntu mirror, can you please post your /var/lib/apt/lists/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_feisty_universe_binary-i386_Packages file on this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=523007&page=2 | 06:35 |
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ompaul | RomeReactor, have a chat in #ubuntu-uk and you are looking for /etc/apt/sources.list cheers | 06:36 |
Fatihmuderis | beni: unbuntu-tr havent people.. | 06:36 |
locke | I am experiencing the bug on this page, but am unsure of how to go about fixing it, or installing the patch/kernel https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/106622 | 06:36 |
TBotNik_u | All: Looking for a command. Pastebin at: http://paste.stgraber.org/2456 showing what I need as output. Anyone know the command I need? | 06:36 |
reallyjoel | How do I get KDevelop to work? When I try to build a project it complains about makefiles this and that. Tried to install automake, autoconf and GNU M4, but they give errors | 06:36 |
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beni | Fatihmuderis: then be the first ;) or take a english dictionary and state your problem. can't be that hard!! | 06:37 |
RomeReactor | /leave | 06:37 |
RomeReactor | oops | 06:37 |
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gnine | i tried making disks from iso.. that never worked .. wubi was the key ... the closest to automatic installation for ubuntu | 06:37 |
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=== meheren [n=meheren@c-76-101-7-215.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Fatihmuderis | beni: ^^ LoL u are so funny xD | 06:37 |
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Fatihmuderis | who can help me Turkish?_?_?_? | 06:38 |
Fatihmuderis | who can help me Turkish?_?_?_? | 06:38 |
beni | Fatihmuderis: just do it. I mean you're Linux - you are on the 31337 side of the world :o) C'mon | 06:38 |
dspstv | im having this same problem (unanswered in the forums and here): http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=515974 | 06:38 |
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d-s-d | hi | 06:38 |
gnine | fati: u r borderline annoying now | 06:38 |
dspstv | could anyone help, guide me about what to do | 06:38 |
`mac` | go fuck yourself fuckin Turkish muslimc fagget | 06:38 |
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d-s-d | Something rather strange just happend to me... | 06:38 |
beni | Fatihmuderis: or google.tr please | 06:38 |
astro76 | !ops | `mac` | 06:38 |
ubotu | `mac`: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 06:38 |
jetscreamer | isee somebody has never tried to troubleshoot in a diff lang | 06:38 |
=== atrocity [n=mcockrum@pool-71-101-136-10.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
beni | `mac`: die bastard | 06:38 |
`mac` | wtf | 06:39 |
=== noflex [n=noflex@5634b408.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
`mac` | i was talking about this faget muslim | 06:39 |
astro76 | !ops | `mac` racist troll | 06:39 |
ubotu | `mac` racist troll: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 06:39 |
beni | `mac`: racist idiot. we're here to help u asshole | 06:39 |
gnine | beni: ur being too nice now.. cut it | 06:39 |
jetscreamer | nice to know you are all seeing and all knowing | 06:39 |
Fatihmuderis | beni: i search my problem googgle.com/linux or another linux forum. i need one poeple helper.. | 06:39 |
locke | I am experiencing the bug on this page, but am unsure of how to go about fixing it, or installing the patch/kernel https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/106622 , can anyone help me? I need to use my PS2 to usb adapter | 06:39 |
`mac` | dude we talking about muslims | 06:39 |
jetscreamer | since when are turks muslims | 06:39 |
jetscreamer | and who cares anyway | 06:39 |
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`mac` | i m ARMENIAN | 06:39 |
Fatihmuderis | who can help me Turkish?_?_?_? | 06:39 |
`mac` | does fuckers almost jenisatas | 06:39 |
Fatihmuderis | who can help me Turkish?_?_?_? | 06:39 |
`mac` | what you know about that | 06:39 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by Hobbsee | ||
=== Fatihmuderis was kicked off #ubuntu by Hobbsee (Hobbsee) | ||
=== dwight is now known as DShepherd | ||
beni | Fatihmuderis: try it later in this channel, maybe some turkish ppl will be here. But DO NOT SPam | 06:39 |
jetscreamer | you're also probably toask | 06:39 |
jetscreamer | no | 06:39 |
TBotNik_u | All: Repeating last 2 Qs: 1.) Trying to config my U box as "ROUTER" and "SERVER" (network & web). Where are the resources to do this? 2.) Looking for a command. Pastebin at: http://paste.stgraber.org/2456 showing what I need as output. Anyone know the command I need? | 06:39 |
jetscreamer | wrong guy | 06:40 |
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gnine | oh crap.. speak linux guys | 06:40 |
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jetscreamer | you kicked the wrong guy | 06:40 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@adsl-76-237-57-125.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] by Hobbsee | ||
=== `mac` was kicked off #ubuntu by Hobbsee (Hobbsee) | ||
astro76 | Hobbsee, `mac` needs to go | 06:40 |
d-s-d | Does anyone of you know, whether there is a 64-bit version of realplayer and where I can get it? | 06:40 |
astro76 | :D | 06:40 |
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exs | I need a *fast* way to get ubuntu on my usb stick so it is bootable (just like a live cd) | 06:40 |
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beni | Hobbsee: He made racist comments. | 06:41 |
Hobbsee | beni: i know. he got a kickban. | 06:41 |
netsrot | Hi, is there any way to install wine 0.9.41 on unbuntu feisty 32bit? in synaptic I can only choose latest version and an very old one? | 06:41 |
taime1 | how do i start gnome remotely? | 06:41 |
=== papo [n=mathias@adsl-177-161-fixip.tiscali.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | beni: no reason for you to start up with that language as well, though. | 06:41 |
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taime1 | i have ssh session, and want to startup gnome so i can use my vnc session... | 06:41 |
beni | Hobbsee: Okay, Sorry. | 06:41 |
Xoris | yeah, it seemed like language party everyone | 06:41 |
Hobbsee | beni: no problem | 06:41 |
astro76 | netsrot, http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb | 06:41 |
locke | taime1: try startx | 06:42 |
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taime1 | locke:x is running | 06:42 |
jetscreamer | kill gdm first | 06:42 |
papo | Hm trying to compile a custom kernel and I'm having this problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kernel-package/+bug/58307 | 06:42 |
taime1 | ah.... | 06:42 |
lee__ | taime1: you can either use /etc/init.d/gdm start, startx, or startx -- :1 | 06:42 |
taime1 | kill gdm | 06:42 |
jetscreamer | /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 06:42 |
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Hobbsee | does anyone *else* wish to misbehave? | 06:42 |
taime1 | oh, no wonder 'killall gdm' didnt work | 06:42 |
taime1 | haha | 06:42 |
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jetscreamer | oh.. what he said | 06:42 |
ticnailer | how can I get to a java server?????????????? | 06:42 |
Hobbsee | if so, speak now, and i'll kickban you all in one hit. | 06:42 |
lee__ | taime1: oh, I thought you wanted to start a session. My bad | 06:42 |
taime1 | lol@Hobbsee | 06:42 |
ticnailer | I need peeps who know java | 06:43 |
locke | I am experiencing the bug on this page, but am unsure of how to go about fixing it, or installing the patch/kernel https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/106622 , can anyone help me? I need to use my PS2 to usb adapter | 06:43 |
=== ignacio_ [n=ignacio@host245.201-252-170.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | try #java | 06:43 |
astro76 | !java | ticnailer | 06:43 |
ubotu | ticnailer: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 06:43 |
ticnailer | thanks | 06:43 |
=== Vorian [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.active.Vorian] has joined #ubuntu | ||
taime1 | lee__: no, i DO want to start an x session, thank you for the help | 06:43 |
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ignacio_ | Hola? | 06:43 |
lee__ | taime1: np | 06:43 |
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jetscreamer | !es | 06:43 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:43 |
beni | !dhcp > beni | 06:43 |
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astro76 | beni, you can also /msg ubotu | 06:44 |
dspstv | its incredible that my question is of no interest | 06:44 |
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astro76 | beni, i.e. /msg ubotu dhcp ;) | 06:44 |
reallyjoel | How do I get KDevelop to work? It complains about makefiles | 06:44 |
taime1 | ignacio_ Hola! pr favor trata #ubuntu-es | 06:44 |
beni | dspstv: ask again, didn't see it | 06:44 |
dspstv | im trying to help a friend get rid of vista | 06:44 |
locke | reallyjoel: do you have build-essential installed? | 06:44 |
dspstv | im having this same problem (unanswered in the forums and here): http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=515974 | 06:44 |
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dspstv | beni, tx for answering | 06:45 |
reallyjoel | locke: is that a package? i havent manually installed it | 06:45 |
gnine | too lazy to copy and paste | 06:45 |
locke | reallyjoel: yea sudo apt-get install build-essential | 06:45 |
reallyjoel | but shouldnt ubuntu install everything that apps need when i install the apps via their app manager? | 06:45 |
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SoulChild | I need to repair a tar.gz file ,.. it's very urgent, cause my whole system and 6 month work are stored there. | 06:45 |
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ParaDoX | Stupid quesiton time: I got my video drivers fixed... I'm trying to enable 3dmode in the chess game that is preinstalled with the OS. I'm getting a message stating "Your system does not have the required software to enable 3D mode. Please contact your system administrator and ask them to install the OpenGL Python bindings and the GtkGLExt Python bindings." I'm fairly certain that I just installed them (python-opengl, and lib | 06:46 |
ParaDoX | mething? | 06:46 |
=== xarann [n=wut@modemcable131.236-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
locke | reallyjoel: i don't know why it isn't just installed on the distribution :p | 06:46 |
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reallyjoel | locke: thanks, installing it now | 06:46 |
locke | reallyjoel: no problem | 06:46 |
reallyjoel | locke: will it install automake and all that stuff? | 06:46 |
dspstv | the error of the ubuntu installer is this one: Error installing: /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off (initramfs) | 06:46 |
beni | How can I restart a Network Adapter? (noobish one, I know) | 06:46 |
astro76 | dspstv, I have yet to see a solution to that problem anywhere | 06:47 |
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ticnailer | I dont know how to use the channel option for xchat... everytime that I try to connect to a new channel the chat is not active...................:( | 06:47 |
locke | reallyjoel: hm, i know it installs make and the such, don't know exactly what else specifically | 06:47 |
lee__ | beni: sudo ifdown eth0; sudo ifup eth0 | 06:47 |
beni | dspstv: sorry cant help u with that one :/ | 06:47 |
=== Nightwalker- [n=omena@a88-114-33-207.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reallyjoel | locke: OK, thanks | 06:47 |
albert23 | dspstv: try the alternate CD, worked for me | 06:47 |
dspstv | astro76, but any guess about what might be the cause? | 06:47 |
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dspstv | albert23, ok | 06:47 |
beni | lee__: It is a remote box, so i need to really restart it | 06:47 |
dspstv | tx all | 06:47 |
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gnine | i saw initramfs involved in hardware issue according to someone (else) | 06:47 |
beni | lee__: if i down it, there won't be time (and chance) to put it up again | 06:47 |
dspstv | albert23, alternate means an older version? | 06:48 |
lee__ | beni: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 06:48 |
astro76 | dspstv, if the alternate cd doesn't work, look into trying all-generic-ide kernel option | 06:48 |
dspstv | albert23, or theres a installer called alternate? | 06:48 |
taime1 | lee__ : im trying to login to gnome remotely.. is there a way to do that? i have killed gdm and have a root shell | 06:48 |
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beni | lee__: love ya :o) | 06:48 |
astro76 | dspstv, it's the text based installer | 06:48 |
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reallyjoel | locke: still got 'make: aclocal: Command not found' | 06:48 |
dspstv | ok as | 06:48 |
dspstv | ok | 06:48 |
albert23 | No, it's another type of installation | 06:48 |
dspstv | tx | 06:48 |
lee__ | :p | 06:48 |
SoulChild | what does this tar error mean: "invalid compressed data--format violated" | 06:48 |
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Hobbsee | reallyjoel: install automake | 06:49 |
aneb | TimGroe: ! | 06:49 |
=== Whitie [n=whitie@pool-71-119-241-212.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TimGroe | Hi aneb :) | 06:49 |
ticnailer | how can connect to differnt channels within xchat? | 06:49 |
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palintheus | ticnailer, /join #channelname | 06:49 |
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lee__ | taime1: I would login as a sudo user account first and then just startx -- :1 and that will start a x session with the permissions of the current user on f8 | 06:50 |
TimGroe | aneb: long time no type :D | 06:50 |
locke | reallyjoel: hm, i don't know then, sorry | 06:50 |
=== ScottDillyD [i=ScottDil@c-68-52-100-101.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lee__ | taime1: logging in as root in nautilus is not a great idea | 06:50 |
netsrot | thank you astro76, it works well now. | 06:50 |
boleslo | i'm having problem too, who is willing to help me ? :) | 06:50 |
TimGroe | aneb: seen http://sharesource.org/ - the collaborative software development site lately? | 06:50 |
ompaul | !ask | boleslo | 06:51 |
ubotu | boleslo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 06:51 |
boleslo | !ask | 06:51 |
lee__ | taime1: Are you trying to use vnc on the computer? | 06:51 |
ompaul | as boleslo ask your question in the channel please | 06:51 |
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locke | What is a .diff file? | 06:51 |
lee__ | taime1: You can use ssh to forward X if you are on a linux box btw | 06:51 |
Samurai_Dan_ | No answer for help request in #Alsa, anyone give me a hand here ? | 06:51 |
TimGroe | locke: a diff file is a patch :) | 06:52 |
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TimGroe | to a source / ascii file | 06:52 |
ScottDillyD | I've done as much google searching as I can, and I'm still coming up with a blank. Ubuntu 7.0.4 runs fine from the live CD, and appears to install fine as well. But on first boot the system hangs, and then spits out, /dev/disk/by-uuid/lotsofnumbershere could not be found, dropping to a shell, and kicks me into busy box. Does anyone have a simple solution to this? | 06:52 |
flaco | hi all... anyone can help me with this? http://rafb.net/p/gXf9TT96.html | 06:52 |
palintheus | !anyone | 06:52 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 06:52 |
locke | TimGroe: how do i install it? make it executable and run it? | 06:52 |
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BigPete | hi from coventry, uk | 06:52 |
TimGroe | locke: well, first you need to get the source file(s) that the patch is for :) | 06:52 |
boleslo | problem: i runned some script to update video drivers, but at restart fonts are screwed up. there are only rectangles, where should be letters | 06:52 |
=== Tiger [n=victor@90-227-240-234-no74.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TimGroe | and apply the patch with the "patch" command :D | 06:52 |
BigPete | i've just installed ubuntu for the first time and run up against the vesa bug | 06:53 |
TimGroe | or some other GUI-incarnation | 06:53 |
BigPete | can anyone help? | 06:53 |
locke | TimGroe: im trying to do this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/106622 =x | 06:53 |
Samurai_Dan_ | flaco - apt-get configure -a | 06:53 |
ompaul | boleslo, what was the script? | 06:53 |
taime1 | lee__: i DO have a linux box here...how can i forward the x session... sorry if this is taking too much of your time... | 06:53 |
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flaco | Samurai_Dan: Command line option 'a' [from -a] is not known. | 06:53 |
ompaul | !resolution | BigPete | 06:54 |
ubotu | BigPete: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 06:54 |
TBotNik_u | All: Repeating last 2 Qs: 1.) Trying to config my U box as "ROUTER" and "SERVER" (network & web). Where are the resources to do this? 2.) Looking for a command. Pastebin at: http://paste.stgraber.org/2456 showing what I need as output. Anyone know the command I need? | 06:54 |
Samurai_Dan_ | flaco you can also go into synpatic and look for each of those and reselect them to be reinstalled and it should fix the dependency issue | 06:54 |
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ryanakca | Hmm. what's the prefered CLI frontend for a linux firewall... shorewall? | 06:54 |
boleslo | ompaul, script was from ubuntu forum page. it is mentioned for feisty (i think), but i have dapper ubuntu | 06:54 |
gnine | my short experience with linux tells me the only short way is in knowing what to do | 06:54 |
taime1 | lee__ actually, ill go look it up, but thanks a lot for the info... ill go use my linux box. | 06:54 |
BigPete | thanks ubotu. i do have previous experience with linux. there appears to be a specific issue with vesa in 7.04... or am i up the wrong tree?! ;) | 06:55 |
Samurai_Dan_ | Or apt-get install apache2.2-common sun-java5-jre xserver-xorg-video-all | 06:55 |
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boleslo | ompaul, i can give you link if you want. my sistem: inspiron 6400 notebook, x1400, ubuntu 6.06 dapper | 06:55 |
Samurai_Dan_ | copy that from the apt-get part to the end | 06:55 |
Samurai_Dan_ | that should fix it | 06:56 |
lee__ | taime1: np http://www.petersblog.org/node/1110 | 06:56 |
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taime1 | cheers | 06:56 |
ompaul | boleslo, that would be like getting the parts for a modern car and slapping them onto a car from the 70s - try this, no guarantee >> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg << and choose vesa after that you might be able to surf help.ubuntu.com for more info | 06:56 |
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Samurai_Dan_ | then try | 06:56 |
lee__ | taime1: check out that link | 06:56 |
Samurai_Dan_ | dpkg apt-get configure -a | 06:56 |
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TheVault | Can someone lead me into the right direction? I'm learning to crack WEP and I have a Zd1211 chipset(thats a USB device) and then I have the BCM4311 thats in my laptop. Is there a channel for this sorta stuff? | 06:57 |
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jetscreamer | maybe dpkg --configure -a | 06:57 |
ompaul | Samurai_Dan_, fix that clue :) | 06:57 |
boleslo | ompaul, i can surf now already. in firefox are fonts ok | 06:57 |
LordLimecat | im having an issue, but not sure if its nvidia drivers, ubuntu, wine, or gnome.... | 06:57 |
LordLimecat | im running WoW fullscreen, like i always have, on ubuntu through wine....the ingame resolution is set to match my screen resolution--1024x768 (on a CRT)...switching workspaces between desktop and game used to be instant, but it now has to readjust the resolution up and down before going to desktop; switching back to game is instant | 06:57 |
ompaul | boleslo, so then surf for your version on help.ubuntu.com | 06:57 |
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LordLimecat | it looks like the resolution is bumping up to 1280x1024 and then back down... | 06:58 |
TheVault | Is there a channel here for WEP cracking help? | 06:58 |
flaco | jetscreamer: now is configuring the rest of the packets | 06:58 |
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ompaul | !offtopic | 06:58 |
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ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 06:58 |
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LordLimecat | TheVault: youd probably do best to google that | 06:58 |
flaco | Samurai_Dan: thks :D | 06:58 |
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beni | Command to show my Disk Utilization? That means Free Space, etc. | 06:58 |
Samurai_Dan_ | flaco - that fix it ? | 06:58 |
TheVault | LordLimecat: Oh. I just have a quick question on how to get my card into monitor mode, thats all | 06:58 |
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astro76 | beni, df -h | 06:59 |
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flaco | dpkg --configure -a | 06:59 |
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LordLimecat | TheVault: this IS off topic, but you need special drivers, i think? | 06:59 |
locke | TheVault: some programs do it for you | 06:59 |
gnine | wep cracking? | 06:59 |
gnine | lol | 06:59 |
Samurai_Dan_ | yeah thats it lol | 06:59 |
TheVault | LordLimecat: ahh ok, so then I need those then. | 06:59 |
Samurai_Dan_ | wep cracking - airsnort, ethereal, aircrack, | 06:59 |
beni | astro76: thank you :] | 06:59 |
tofaffy | what version is the python-default package? | 06:59 |
exs | I'm helping re-install ubuntu on my mates computer. Right now I have his HD in my house and I'm thinking about installing ubuntu again (from my computer). When I take my HD out and put it into his computer, will it work? or will ubuntu kick up a fuss? | 07:00 |
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TheVault | Locke: Yeah, so I can hack my network & things | 07:00 |
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tofaffy | well, the default python package in the repos...is 2.4 newer, or is the same, etc | 07:00 |
boleslo | ompaul, and then what? i'm trying to find the way to load default settings (which were at installation) | 07:00 |
\x6e\x65\x72\x64 | hi, I dist-upgraded a dapper-server into feisty, and now weird stuff is going on, like daemons dying randomly after some hours or hanging up, I haven't noticed anything strange in the logs, how can I diagnose what's going on? | 07:00 |
anonamalk | anyone know how to see the user list in Xchat?Just getting set up here | 07:00 |
lee__ | TheVault: You have to have a patched driver for it to work properly. At least I had to patch the atheroes drivers I had. | 07:00 |
AbyssWalker | i just installed kiba-dock on ubuntu 7.0.4 and added it to sessions so it would auto load , and it does but it wont display any programs i open in it , only when i shut it down and restart it , it works fine (think it might have something todo with boot priorities) | 07:00 |
DjViper | !offtopic | TheVault | 07:00 |
ubotu | TheVault: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 07:00 |
TheVault | lee_: Yeah. I found those. | 07:00 |
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gnine | so u want to break into other peoples systems unauthorized.. cool.. get a job | 07:00 |
TheVault | Thanks guys, I know what I need now | 07:00 |
Samurai_Dan_ | anonamalk look to the right and move the bar to the left you will see the user list | 07:00 |
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locke | TimGroe: did you look at that link at all? | 07:01 |
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anonamalk | thanks | 07:01 |
TimGroe | locke: Yes | 07:01 |
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anonamalk | damn new setups lol | 07:01 |
ompaul | boleslo, do what I suggested then, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -- choose vesa and then see where you are | 07:01 |
TimGroe | locke: Looking at other things at the same time -.-' | 07:01 |
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ompaul | boleslo, and I would suggest you should be very careful trying to mix and match help, it can bite very hard | 07:02 |
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Fatalus | hello friends..do you know that how is compiz fusion work with ati screen cards ?? | 07:02 |
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ompaul | Fatalus, ask in #ubuntu-effects where the people who specialise in that are, you may have to wait for an answer but it will be worth the wait | 07:03 |
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Samurai_Dan_ | Ok if anyone knows Crimsun wake him up or get him on IRC, cause he is the only person i know that knows how to fix this Alsa issue | 07:03 |
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boleslo | ompaul, what do you mean? btw: english is not my native language | 07:03 |
gnine | that sudo line is valid | 07:03 |
ompaul | boleslo, what is your native language? | 07:03 |
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dissection | Is port 21 open by default, in the firewall? | 07:04 |
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boleslo | ompaul, slovenian is my native language | 07:04 |
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Samurai_Dan_ | dissection sometimes it is, depends on the software | 07:04 |
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tofaffy | !emacs | 07:04 |
ubotu | Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code | 07:04 |
dissection | Samurai_Dan_; Okay, just making sure cause I removed the rule from Firestarter and my FTP is still working. | 07:05 |
dissection | !html | 07:05 |
ubotu | html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and Nvu. For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com | 07:05 |
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ompaul | boleslo, click on Applications, Accessories, Terminal, type >> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg << | 07:05 |
Samurai_Dan_ | i am sure you could run an FTP server with it removed, but have you made sure you can connect ? | 07:05 |
c_newbie | hi, i want to implement node balancer with ubuntu server 7.0x. should i take the package from apt-get from ubuntu (heartbeat + ldirectord) or from ultramonkey? please assist | 07:05 |
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Samurai_Dan_ | not all FTP use 21 | 07:06 |
hackerboy | hey can someone help me get 3D on my linux program | 07:06 |
dissection | Samurai_Dan_: Yes | 07:06 |
Samurai_Dan_ | k | 07:06 |
Samurai_Dan_ | elaborate hackerboy | 07:06 |
dissection | Samurai_Dan_: Well I tried connecting to my own FTP with a proxy while the firewall is running and its working fine. | 07:06 |
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TimGroe | locke: I don't know :S | 07:06 |
SoulChild | is there a way to repair a broken tar.gz file,.. please help! | 07:06 |
c_newbie | anyone experience in creating balancer machine on ubuntu server? | 07:06 |
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boleslo | ompaul, i understood that, i didn't understand sentence about mixing and matching help... :) | 07:07 |
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Samurai_Dan_ | call a friend and have them connect, someone not on your network | 07:07 |
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ticnailer | ok...so I get to the ##java page and no ones there..........what can I do about this | 07:07 |
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ompaul | boleslo, you can't take dapper help and use it on fiesty or the other way around -- some of the time - it breaks things | 07:07 |
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Samurai_Dan_ | i have been in that situation before with proftpd and had issues with outside of network | 07:07 |
stdin | hackerboy: you won't find much help for programming in here, you should try the channel for the language you are using (eg: ##c or ##c++), they can point you in the right direction. | 07:07 |
boleslo | ompaul, that's what you wanted to say... i know that :), i will avoid doing something like that in future | 07:08 |
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locke | TimGroe: I think I found a thread with the solution, I'm looking at it now. :] | 07:08 |
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boleslo | ompaul, i did what you said, should i do restart now? | 07:08 |
kimmey2k3 | Hmm. Shouldnt frostwire be able to find via synaptcs package manager? | 07:09 |
locke | TimGroe: without having to compile the entire kernel thankfully, I didn't really wanna do that. :P | 07:09 |
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Samurai_Dan_ | yet doing or connecting over the network had no issues internally | 07:09 |
jjlee | has anybody here managed to get squid proxying SSL traffic? | 07:09 |
ompaul | boleslo, yes | 07:09 |
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TimGroe | locke: well, you will have to if it is a patch :P | 07:09 |
boleslo | ompaul, ok, thank you for now | 07:09 |
ompaul | boleslo, ctrl + alt + backspace | 07:09 |
lee__ | kimmey2k3: you may have to add a repository to the sources.list | 07:09 |
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locke | TimGroe: this guide says you can just compile the patched module. :] | 07:10 |
boleslo | ompaul, does have to be ctrl + alt + backspace? i already done it with power off button (in right top corner of desktop) | 07:10 |
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kimmey2k3 | lee__: it seems like lots of stuff I found before can't be found now. Any tips to fix it? | 07:10 |
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lee__ | one sec | 07:10 |
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stdin | kimmey2k3: it's best to go to the website and download the .deb | 07:10 |
TimGroe | locke: well, good luck :D | 07:11 |
ompaul | boleslo, no | 07:11 |
jaduwala | Hellow | 07:11 |
ompaul | boleslo, you can do it in many ways that is for X restart only | 07:11 |
stdin | kimmey2k3: www.frostwire.com | 07:11 |
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Samurai_Dan_ | No response to help request in #Alsa, any assistance here ?? | 07:11 |
locke | TimGroe: thanks, I'll tell you how it goes :p | 07:12 |
kimmey2k3 | already did it, it complains about old java version now. only 1.4 is is in the package manager | 07:12 |
ompaul | Samurai_Dan_, you got to wait on the boss then :-/ | 07:12 |
hackerboy | Samurai_Dan_: what u mean elaborate i just installed a different linux program and its different and better from my last version i had which wuz the ultimate edition of ubuntu thats why i asked did anyone know how to get 3D on ubuntu festivial | 07:12 |
boleslo | ompaul, ok, nice thing to know... system restarted now, but there are still rectangles | 07:12 |
c_newbie | :( | 07:12 |
c_newbie | why no one anwering my question | 07:12 |
Samurai_Dan_ | ompaul Crimsun then huh lol | 07:12 |
TimGroe | locke: well, just add a project to http://sharesource.org/ , that will be more benefitial :P | 07:12 |
stdin | kimmey2k3: you need the sun-java5-jre (or sun-java6-jre) package from multiverse | 07:12 |
stdin | !java | kimmey2k3 | 07:12 |
ubotu | kimmey2k3: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 07:12 |
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hsatera | kimmey2k3 http://www.frostwire.com/download/start/?os=ubuntu&sid=68841587 | 07:12 |
Samurai_Dan_ | what card ? hackerboy ? | 07:12 |
aneb | TimGroe: im me ;-) | 07:12 |
boleslo | ompaul, even when im' typing username and password it is rectangles | 07:12 |
kimmey2k3 | Thanks guys | 07:13 |
Samurai_Dan_ | ATI ? Nvidia ? open GL ? Directx ? Direct draw? | 07:13 |
Samurai_Dan_ | what exactly are you wanting? | 07:13 |
ompaul | boleslo, well I don't know the script you used, the way you had been configured, and anything, if you have not done too much to the machine then I suggest reinstalling if you have done a lot burn it off onto a CD or something and start again, whatever you did you appear to have messed with locales and who knows what happened | 07:13 |
Samurai_Dan_ | Beryl ? | 07:13 |
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stdin | c_newbie: maybe #ubuntu-server ? | 07:14 |
Samurai_Dan_ | telling me you want 3D is like asking for a car in a car lot | 07:14 |
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boleslo | ompaul, ok, reinstall then. may i ask, if there are many people with inspiron 6400 notebook and x1400 videocard asking for help here? | 07:14 |
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locke | TimGroe: I already hit a snag, sudo apt-get linux-source didn't work =x | 07:15 |
retour | Hi all! I need help to make my DSL modem work with router. Modems IP is, modems DHCP ONLY IP is How to setup router to make it work through it? | 07:15 |
hackerboy | samurai_dan_ :dont know but i had 3D on my other version (ultimate edition) | 07:15 |
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TimGroe | locke: what about kernel-source ? | 07:15 |
insider | Hey, why eclipse 3.3 isn't available through synaptic? | 07:15 |
Samurai_Dan_ | then i cant help you | 07:15 |
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hackerboy | samurai_dan_: which version do u have? | 07:15 |
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c_newbie | hi, i want to implement node balancer with ubuntu server 7.0x. should i take the package from apt-get from ubuntu (heartbeat + ldirectord) or from ultramonkey? please assist | 07:15 |
Samurai_Dan_ | Feisty Fawn | 07:15 |
ompaul | boleslo, no, but then mixing versions of help can be bad (we have already gone over this ground) come back when you have the install done and we can give you more to read on what you want to achieve (the right way to do it) | 07:15 |
locke | invalid operation | 07:15 |
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ilyug7 | Anyone have a DWL-520 setup in ubuntu? (Wireless NIC) | 07:16 |
Samurai_Dan_ | What video card do you have hackerboy ? | 07:16 |
ompaul | !wireless | ilyug7 | 07:16 |
ubotu | ilyug7: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 07:16 |
boleslo | ompaul, ok, before i do reinstall, which version of ubuntu do you suggest for my notebook? | 07:16 |
lee__ | ilyug7: I think my laptop card is a dwl-520. If it is it is supported under the madwifi project. | 07:17 |
ompaul | boleslo, if you have to choose one then I would say feisty | 07:17 |
lee__ | ilyug7: aka atheroes chipset | 07:17 |
locke | TimGroe: needed install, damn guide. :p | 07:17 |
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boleslo | ompaul, will video card and wi-fi work after instalation? | 07:18 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | I wanted my psp to mount at /media/psp, So i put that in it's properties...now it will not mount at all | 07:18 |
ompaul | boleslo, it is more recent software so it should be better | 07:18 |
ilyug7 | Yes it is lee | 07:18 |
ilyug7 | lspci shows atheros | 07:18 |
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locke | Penguinsaremyfri: did you make the folder there? | 07:18 |
ilyug7 | but says unknown device | 07:18 |
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ilyug7 | driving me nuts... | 07:18 |
cecko | hi all, I cannot mount flash in shell it says: FAT: invalid media value (0xb9) I am doing something wrong? | 07:18 |
Penguinsaremyfri | hmm. no | 07:18 |
Penguinsaremyfri | lol | 07:18 |
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locke | Penguinsaremyfri: gotta do that :p | 07:19 |
ompaul | boleslo, we can get you there, if you start from scratch here ;-) | 07:19 |
boleslo | ompaul, is feisty version -> 7.04 version? | 07:19 |
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TimGroe | locke: well. your smart :P | 07:19 |
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hackerboy | samurai_dan_: i told u i dont know how do i found out. | 07:19 |
ompaul | boleslo, yes, the year and month of the release is how the numbers work | 07:19 |
locke | TimGroe: I thought maybe they knew about something I didn't ;x | 07:19 |
lee__ | ilyug7: I build my drivers from source but I'm sure that there is a .deb package for it. One sec. | 07:19 |
stdin | ilyug7: my atheros shows as: 05:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. Unknown device 001c (rev 01) it still works with madwifi | 07:19 |
TimGroe | locke: there is a very big chance that that was the cas :D | 07:19 |
Penguinsaremyfri | How can I do it in terminal, since I cannot write to that folder if I am not root | 07:19 |
TimGroe | * case | 07:19 |
stdin | lee__, ilyug7 it's in the linux-restricted-modules packages | 07:19 |
locke | TimGroe: well it didn't work. :p | 07:19 |
Samurai_Dan_ | was your computer pre-built ? or is it custom ? | 07:19 |
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Jack_Sparrow | !sudo | 07:20 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 07:20 |
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Samurai_Dan_ | if pre-built what is brand and model | 07:20 |
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boleslo | ompaul, i didn't know that :). ok... i'm gonna do reinstall, thank you for your help, and see you later ;) | 07:20 |
lee__ | ilyug7: yeah that is right | 07:20 |
ompaul | boleslo, enjoy | 07:20 |
Samurai_Dan_ | IF Nvidia | 07:20 |
Samurai_Dan_ | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_setup_nVidia_drivers_in_7.04 | 07:20 |
cecko | hi all, I cannot mount flash in shell it says: FAT: invalid media value (0xb9) | 07:20 |
Samurai_Dan_ | IF ATI | 07:21 |
Samurai_Dan_ | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28ATI.29 | 07:21 |
ompaul | !ati | 07:21 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:21 |
Samurai_Dan_ | That will get you basic 3D acceleration | 07:21 |
ompaul | for all the info you need | 07:21 |
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Samurai_Dan_ | if you want the coolness | 07:22 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | What is the command to create a folder in terminal? | 07:22 |
Samurai_Dan_ | then apt-get install beryl | 07:22 |
anonamalk | mkdir | 07:22 |
stdin | Penguinsaremyfri: mkdir | 07:22 |
ompaul | Penguinsaremyfri, mkdir | 07:22 |
Drk_Guy | Hi guys! | 07:22 |
Penguinsaremyfri | thanks | 07:22 |
Drk_Guy | Ndiswrapper isn't working | 07:22 |
cecko | am I trying to mount it right: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda /media/flash | 07:22 |
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Samurai_Dan_ | hey drk | 07:22 |
jonny_ | I'm having issues loading the Compiz Settings Manager. I can load compiz fine, everything appears correctly, and I can change themes, but not plugins or anything like that. The settings window itself will not show up. Any ideas? | 07:22 |
ompaul | !wireless | Drk_Guy | 07:22 |
ubotu | Drk_Guy: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 07:22 |
paolob | Hi guys! Anyone could help me with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=523041 ? It's about transforming a ubuntu pc into a router between two networks. thank you! | 07:22 |
jonny_ | and yes I've tried running ccsm in the terminal | 07:22 |
Drk_Guy | hey Samurai_Dan_ | 07:22 |
stdin | cecko: try taking off the "-t vfat" see if that works maybe | 07:23 |
Drk_Guy | Not for wireless ompaul | 07:23 |
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Drk_Guy | I need to wrap a win driver | 07:23 |
cecko | stdin it does not, neither -t auto | 07:23 |
cecko | stdin, with -t vfat it says: FAT: invalid media value (0xb9) | 07:23 |
cecko | stdin, it says more | 07:24 |
stdin | cecko: is there a /dev/sda1 by any chance? | 07:24 |
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denneb | yo | 07:24 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | Still cannot mount psp.. get "mount_point cannot contain the following characters: newline, G-DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /) | 07:24 |
Drk_Guy | The "ndiswrapper" command prints out: "Error: no versions of ndiswrapper found!" | 07:24 |
Samurai_Dan_ | apt-get install ndiswrapper | 07:24 |
locke | Penguinsaremyfri: you're mounting it to /media/PSP | 07:25 |
locke | ? | 07:25 |
Drk_Guy | I got it that way Samu | 07:25 |
Penguinsaremyfri | yeah | 07:25 |
locke | Penguinsaremyfri: or /media/PSP/? | 07:25 |
Drk_Guy | * Samurai_Dan_ | 07:25 |
Samurai_Dan_ | a depependency has to be missing | 07:25 |
Penguinsaremyfri | maybe the second, i do not remember | 07:25 |
ompaul | Drk_Guy, this page tells how to do hundreds of cards - please check it out: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 07:25 |
locke | Penguinsaremyfri: Try changing that | 07:25 |
cecko | stdin, Thank you, it works now! | 07:25 |
Penguinsaremyfri | /media/psp | 07:25 |
locke | Penguinsaremyfri: hmm | 07:25 |
SoulChild_ | I have a big problem ,... my whole system that have very important files, was backed up into a tgz file ,... but somehow the file is broken now, is there a tool to repair? tar says: "invalid compressed data--format violated" ... it is gzip cause i get this error after the half file has been uncompressed | 07:25 |
stdin | cecko: no problem :) | 07:25 |
Drk_Guy | Not WiFi ompaul | 07:25 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | That is what I put in the the properties | 07:25 |
variant | anyone know how to stop ubiquity from forcing a swap partition even when i tell it to only use the one partition i tell it? | 07:25 |
locke | Penguinsaremyfri: hm, i don't know, you'll have to hope someone else does | 07:26 |
variant | it puts a swap partition in anyway and only tells you at the end "these following changes will be writtent o disk) | 07:26 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | k. thanks | 07:26 |
Samurai_Dan_ | ok guys going to get a haircut, IF Crimsun comes back put a leash on him cause I need him | 07:26 |
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Drk_Guy | SoulChild: File properties usually displays the content of the real file's data | 07:26 |
ompaul | Drk_Guy, that is what ndiswrapper is for - and it breaks out each card and the _best_ way to get it working madwifi or ndis or whatever | 07:26 |
Samurai_Dan_ | madwifi > ndis | 07:27 |
Penguinsaremyfri | How DO I chose what folder I want a drive mounted to? | 07:27 |
Samurai_Dan_ | later | 07:27 |
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Drk_Guy | ndiswrappers is for installing Win drivers in Linux, not only for Wireless stuff | 07:27 |
ompaul | Samurai_Dan_, only when it works | 07:27 |
SoulChild_ | Drk_Guy: ??? | 07:27 |
Samurai_Dan_ | atheros cards ftw | 07:27 |
cecko | stdin, i just lost all my permissions in /home moving it to the flash... | 07:27 |
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Samurai_Dan_ | cecko sudo the permissions back to your user | 07:28 |
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variant | Drk_Guy: it's only for wireless | 07:28 |
variant | Drk_Guy: windows wireless drivers | 07:28 |
Drk_Guy | Not only for that | 07:28 |
variant | yes it is | 07:28 |
jonny_ | anyone have any ideas? | 07:28 |
stdin | cecko: huh? what do you mean? | 07:28 |
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variant | thats all it's designed for | 07:28 |
ompaul | Drk_Guy, warning I consider you to be trolling! i.e. annoying - read that page please | 07:28 |
Drk_Guy | I've installed some camera drivers with ndiswrapper and it worked fine | 07:28 |
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denneb | quelqu un parle francais | 07:29 |
MrObvious | :| | 07:29 |
ompaul | !fr | 07:29 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 07:29 |
lee__ | SoulChild: Is the file a .tar file or .tar.gz? | 07:29 |
Drk_Guy | ompaul: You're flaming me | 07:29 |
Drk_Guy | Stop it | 07:29 |
denneb | j ai besoin d aide | 07:29 |
Samurai_Dan_ | madwifi is for wireless cards, as a driver replacement that fixes some war driving issues | 07:29 |
MrObvious | !fr | denneb | 07:29 |
ubotu | denneb: please see above | 07:29 |
MrObvious | !fr | denneb | 07:29 |
ubotu | denneb: please see above | 07:29 |
MrObvious | :| | 07:29 |
denneb | je ne vois pas les noms des personne connecter | 07:29 |
denneb | ok | 07:29 |
variant | Drk_Guy: that seems unlikely | 07:29 |
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stdin | cecko: what did you do? | 07:30 |
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Drk_Guy | It didn't work w/o those files | 07:30 |
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Drk_Guy | *drivers | 07:30 |
lee__ | SoulChild if you are still checking this channel you can recover at least part of your file with gunzip <damaged.tar> | tar xvf | 07:30 |
Penguinsaremyfri | What is the command to delete a dir? | 07:31 |
MrObvious | rmdir I think | 07:31 |
stdin | Penguinsaremyfri: if it's empty "rmdir" | 07:31 |
variant | Penguinsaremyfri: rm -r or rmdir if it's empty | 07:31 |
cecko | stdin, i just moved /home/* to the flash, but it couldn't 'preserve' some permissions | 07:31 |
Drk_Guy | Penguinsaremyfri: rm -rf /dir/to/delete | 07:31 |
Penguinsaremyfri | thanks | 07:31 |
insider | rmdir is for loosers | 07:31 |
MrObvious | Penguinsaremyfri: What are you trying to remove? | 07:31 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | Just a folder that I created that serves no purpose | 07:31 |
stdin | cecko: yes, that's because fat can't store any permissions | 07:31 |
variant | cecko: vfat doesn't support permissions so any permissions will be lost | 07:31 |
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ompaul | !cli | Penguinsaremyfri | 07:32 |
ubotu | Penguinsaremyfri: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 07:32 |
Aye| | Does anyone know what causes this problem, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=522223... | 07:32 |
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lee__ | SoulChild: Then after it terminates recover the rest with a little time. Reply back if you see this | 07:32 |
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stdin | cecko: if you want to store them (backup), make a tar archive and move that to the flash drive | 07:32 |
Zombie | My Ubuntu Laptop is displaying some odd behavior. | 07:32 |
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locke | Zombie: that's odd. | 07:32 |
cecko | Samurai_Dan_, it's chown /home/user/* user, right? | 07:33 |
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variant | Aye|: thats an interesting problem! | 07:33 |
jaduwala | Hellow Room, Can Any One help in NetworkManager OpenVpn plugin, It vanished Now I can only see the network eth properties on click | 07:33 |
Penguinsaremyfri | Ok.. I have a ext hdd and psp that I want mounted with their names instead of disk and disk-1. How would i do that? | 07:33 |
Zombie | first, does anyone get random disconnects while downloading from the Update mirrors? | 07:33 |
cecko | stdin, I'll do the next time | 07:33 |
MrObvious | Aye|: Hang on. | 07:33 |
Aye| | ok thanks | 07:33 |
variant | Penguinsaremyfri: you can add them to the fstab or you can rewrite a udev rule | 07:33 |
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variant | Penguinsaremyfri: add them to fstab is the easyest | 07:33 |
MrObvious | Aye|: So you're saying it doesn't work right when you have a 6200 installed? | 07:33 |
Aye| | Wlel | 07:34 |
Penguinsaremyfri | I cannot just pick where to mount them in the properties? | 07:34 |
MrObvious | I'm confused. :\ | 07:34 |
Penguinsaremyfri | !fstab | 07:34 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 07:34 |
variant | Penguinsaremyfri: what properties? | 07:34 |
Aye| | It wont boot if my 6200 is on 'init display first' | 07:34 |
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Drk_Guy | How can i create a symlink? | 07:34 |
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stdin | Drk_Guy: ln -s target link-name | 07:34 |
variant | Drk_Guy: ln -s source destination | 07:34 |
Penguinsaremyfri | Right click on the drive and go to properties | 07:34 |
Aye| | MrObvious, if i boot with my onboard card disabled and my 6200 it will hang during the boot screen | 07:34 |
astro76 | Penguinsaremyfri, right click on the disk or disk-1 icon, click properties, you can set the mount point somewhere in there | 07:34 |
Drk_Guy | How can i make a symlink? | 07:34 |
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Drk_Guy | Thx guys | 07:34 |
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Zombie | Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/pool/main/w/wine/wine_0.9.43~winehq0~ubuntu~7.04-1_i386.deb Error reading from server. Remote end closed connection | 07:35 |
Zombie | E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing? | 07:35 |
Aye| | MrObvious, but if i boot with my onboard card, it will boot and then when X is loaded it will use my 6200 | 07:35 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | I set it in there, but then it refuses to mount | 07:35 |
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Enselic | Zombie: sudo apt-get update and try again | 07:35 |
pizzle | can someone help with wireless? i followed the guide on ubuntu but it's still not connecting | 07:35 |
astro76 | Penguinsaremyfri, hmm you need to just put the dir name that it should be in /media, not the whole /media/whatever path | 07:35 |
Enselic | pizzle: does nothing work? | 07:36 |
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Zombie | I do that repeatedly. | 07:36 |
astro76 | Penguinsaremyfri, if you screwed it up, you might have to delete it manually from gconf | 07:36 |
MrObvious | Aye|: So let me understand this. If you leave the onboard set, it loads the onboard vid card then goes to the 6200 when X starts? | 07:36 |
SeyToN | hi all | 07:36 |
MrObvious | !hi | 07:36 |
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ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 07:36 |
Aye| | Yes. | 07:36 |
MrObvious | :) | 07:36 |
Zombie | It eventually gets all of it. | 07:36 |
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MrObvious | Aye|: What is your primary display adapter set to in the BIOS? | 07:36 |
Aye| | Onboard | 07:36 |
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Aye| | If its not it will hang. | 07:36 |
Penguinsaremyfri | Ok, I did that, but now I have and underscore after the name that I want | 07:36 |
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pizzle | Enselic, i installed the driver and everything but i cant seem to tell it to connect to my router with specific essid and wep | 07:36 |
aneb | So, who wants to work with me on a idea for a open source program? | 07:36 |
SeyToN | anybody whos a java programmer? | 07:36 |
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fyrestrtr | aneb: plenty of people at sourceforge.net | 07:37 |
aneb | SeyToN: people in #java usually are | 07:37 |
stdin | aneb: it's better to ask that in #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:37 |
MrObvious | Aye|: Find the line in /etc/X11/xorg.conf that has your graphics card section that says Driver "..." | 07:37 |
Enselic | pizzle: does it work when you do it unencrypted? | 07:37 |
SeyToN | thanks | 07:37 |
MrObvious | Aye|: What does it say? nvidia? | 07:37 |
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variant | SeyToN: me | 07:37 |
Zombie | It also spends about 30 seconds longer than it used to on. "Waiting for Headers 0%" | 07:37 |
Penguinsaremyfri | Ok. I got it the way that I want it. thanks everyone | 07:37 |
pizzle | Enselic, gonna try that now | 07:37 |
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Aye| | MrObvious, yeah drivers nvidia | 07:38 |
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MrObvious | Aye|: I wonder if you have some kind of hardware problem. | 07:38 |
Penguinsaremyfri | jack_sparrow, is your friend ok?? | 07:38 |
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Aye| | Right now im using my 6200 | 07:38 |
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insider | Hi, how can i identify what type of encryption a wireless net is using? (WEP, WAP, WAP2...) | 07:38 |
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riyonuk | When I start ubuntu, I see conky in the bottom left corner, and then it goes away, whats up with it? I just installed it too | 07:38 |
Aye| | But if X was too crash the command line would use my onboard card. | 07:38 |
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SeyToN | variant> SeyToN: me<--- can you recommend a good java editor program please? | 07:39 |
MrObvious | Aye|: The fact that it hangs when it's set to the vid card in the BIOS indicates something is wrong. | 07:39 |
SeyToN | for ubuntu | 07:39 |
fyrestrtr | insider: iwlist scan | 07:39 |
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insider | is it a program? | 07:39 |
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Aye| | MrObvious, windows boots fine | 07:39 |
MrObvious | insider: No, run the terminal. | 07:39 |
fyrestrtr | SeyToN: eclipse | 07:39 |
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MrObvious | Aye|: Odd. Do you bench and game fine in Winblows? | 07:39 |
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Aye| | MrObvious, no, i bench and game fine in WinDOWs. | 07:40 |
variant | SeyToN: emacs is god of course, hard to learn for a begginer though. other than that try eclipse if your computer is powerfull enough, gedit can be extended with plugins and can become a reasonably full featured java editor with project management too | 07:40 |
MrObvious | Aye|: Rofl. | 07:40 |
variant | SeyToN: nano has syntax highlighting | 07:40 |
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Aye| | MrObvious, ;') | 07:40 |
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MrObvious | Aye|: Hmm this is a tough one. I've never had that problem as I always set it to my AGP card with my systems. | 07:41 |
Aye| | MrObvious, its just weird that once X is up everythings fine, but ubuntu seems atached to my graphics card.. | 07:41 |
Aye| | onboard* | 07:41 |
insider | MrObvious ; nice, it tells a lot of info about the wirelesses net, but it doesn't say what type of encryption they're using | 07:41 |
MrObvious | insider: Then you probably aren't using any. | 07:41 |
SeyToN | i used to use jcreator but is for windows only thanks anyway im gonna try emacs | 07:41 |
MrObvious | insider: Usually I don't bother as if anything needs encrypting it can be encrypted in software anyway. | 07:41 |
variant | astro76: where do you do that graphically? i have never seen that ability in gnome (set mount points | 07:41 |
Penguinsaremyfri | Which is better, compiz or beryl? | 07:41 |
variant | Penguinsaremyfri: beryl no longer exists | 07:42 |
fyrestrtr | Penguinsaremyfri: compiz-fusion | 07:42 |
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fyrestrtr | SeyToN: emacs is not for everyone, just a fair warning. | 07:42 |
Penguinsaremyfri | I have beryl on my laptop right now | 07:42 |
astro76 | variant, right click drive icon>properties> drive or volume tab, expand the settings | 07:42 |
MrObvious | Aye|: I wonder if the syslog would have anything. It might be conflicting or something. | 07:42 |
MrObvious | Aye|: I'm really stabbing into the dark now :(. | 07:42 |
Aye| | how do i get ma syslog | 07:43 |
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fyrestrtr | Aye|: cat /var/log/messages | 07:43 |
killaz | how can I unrar a .rpm file? | 07:43 |
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variant | astro76: which drive icon? is that on the desktop? | 07:43 |
MrObvious | Aye|: cat /var/log/syslog | 07:43 |
Aethelred | I've got a new box, and am having trouble with an Ubuntu install; 7.04, desktop, 64bit ; I think there's some issue with my 8800 GTS video card; after the kernal loads my screen goes blank. | 07:43 |
=== Animal [n=Animalul@86-124-118-223.iasi.cablelink.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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fyrestrtr | killaz: what are you trying to install? | 07:43 |
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astro76 | variant, yes | 07:43 |
variant | killaz: you cant, rpm is not a rar archive | 07:43 |
Aethelred | safe mode is no help | 07:43 |
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Aethelred | and I'm wondering if this channel might help more | 07:43 |
Dr_willis | Hmm. Anyone raninto a problem recently where a samba/cups/netwrorked printer just stopped wrking for the rest of the pcs on the lan? it still works locally | 07:43 |
paotzu | Aethelred: is that an ATI card? | 07:43 |
variant | astro76: ah, i disabled that a long time ago and it doesn't seem to apply to any of the other drive icon locations :P | 07:43 |
Dr_willis | Not sure where to start troubleshooting.. cups. or samba | 07:44 |
killaz | I'm not trying to install I want to look inside the RPM. It's comlicated | 07:44 |
Aethelred | no, NVidia | 07:44 |
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MrObvious | paolob: NVidia. | 07:44 |
=== randoman [n=randoman@c-24-4-80-22.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
astro76 | variant, not extremely user friendly yet, and if you screw up, you have to go in gconf under /system/storage and delete or fix what you did | 07:44 |
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fyrestrtr | Dr_willis: are the other pcs windows or linux? | 07:44 |
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Animal | Is it easy to have Ubuntu in a PC with Win98? | 07:44 |
Aethelred | I'm seeing this problem all over the forums, but no one has yet said how they've solved it | 07:44 |
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stdin | Animal: you mean dual-boot? | 07:44 |
Dr_willis | fyrestrtr, mixed network. all them seem to be unable to see/use the networked printer.. that they were using just a week or so ago. | 07:44 |
lee__ | Dr_willis: try restarting samba and see if it starts working again sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart | 07:44 |
Animal | Yes | 07:44 |
variant | !alien | killaz | 07:45 |
ubotu | killaz: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 07:45 |
=== nilihanth [n=nilihant@c-24-2-0-182.hsd1.mo.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | killaz: ignore that... | 07:45 |
Dr_willis | lee__, done that. :) enabled verbose also.. checking the logs.. | 07:45 |
MrObvious | Aye|: Try setting the driver to nv from nvidia. You may have to do a sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and edit that line I asked you to find earlier. See if that helps. | 07:45 |
variant | killaz: you need rpm2tgx | 07:45 |
Aye| | its already nvidid | 07:45 |
variant | killaz: you need rpm2tgz | 07:45 |
Aye| | nvidia | 07:45 |
killaz | variant: I want to install a .rpm file (for a PowerPC box) I want to install this application on the drive so I cant put it back in the PowerPC device | 07:45 |
sn0 | Aethelred have you seen http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3122867 ? | 07:45 |
=== randoman [n=randoman@c-24-4-80-22.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randoman | hey guys, I just updated my kernel, and installed the latest intel video drivers. But when i reboot and it loads up kdm, all the fonts in kdm and kde are 70+ in size anyone know what causes this and maybe how to fix it? | 07:45 |
SeyToN | fyrestrtr: thanks for letting me know | 07:45 |
randoman | ? | 07:45 |
MrObvious | Aethelred: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep nv | 07:45 |
MrObvious | Aethelred: What is the output of that? | 07:46 |
=== kaldik [n=kuldik@p54892668.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
killaz | variant: do you understand my problem? | 07:46 |
Animal | I have in my Pc win98. It is safe to instal and Ubundu? Because I run Ubundu from a CD Live | 07:46 |
riyonuk | How can I start tilda, at startup, minimized? | 07:46 |
=== Radio [n=null@pool-71-106-243-56.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | killaz: nope | 07:46 |
MrObvious | Aethelred: If it's more than a line please post to pastebin.com | 07:46 |
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Aethelred | sn0: looking now | 07:46 |
Aye| | MrObvious, nope its just about network-manager, when i boot into recovery mode i get some errors, the ones which i wrote down ( c0103346) ( c02eec5c) (c0105350) (c0105362) work_notifysig+0x13/0x18 and error_code+0x7c/0xp0 | 07:46 |
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cecko | Samurai_Dan_, is there a way to resize mounted root partition? | 07:46 |
=== RetLaw [n=RetLaw@082-146-104-213.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nox-Hand | I am compiling Remuco Server from source, but when using make PP=mpd (required for building the MPD version) it fails instantly stating "pp/mpd/pp.mk:24: *** missing separator. Stop." Line 24 of the stated file contains this: " $(CC) -o remuco-$(PP_NAME) pp/$(PP_NAME)/pp.c $(CFLAGS) $(LFLAGS) \" Does anyone know why it fails? | 07:46 |
stdin | Animal: yes, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 07:46 |
Aethelred | MrObvious: um, this is a fresh install | 07:46 |
Aye| | 0x7c/0x9o for the last sorry | 07:46 |
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paotzu | randoman: I had that error and it never went away :( | 07:46 |
boleslo | i'm installing feisty 7.04 and i have problem when i want to install in graphics mode | 07:46 |
variant | nox-Hand: programming error? try a different version | 07:46 |
MrObvious | Aethelred: I'm curious what it says. | 07:46 |
randoman | damn | 07:46 |
MrObvious | !language | randoman | 07:47 |
ubotu | randoman: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 07:47 |
randoman | sorry | 07:47 |
Animal | Thank you Stdin | 07:47 |
fyrestrtr | nox-Hand: seems like you need to pass it something else. | 07:47 |
=== abcdefg [n=abcdef@68-118-226-90.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boleslo | after 2-3 minutes, there is only black screen | 07:47 |
killaz | variant: it's like this: I just removed a drive from a PowerPC box and installed it temporily in my desktop (i386) so I cant install a openssh.rpm package on it. | 07:47 |
abcdefg | can i ask question about java servlet here? | 07:47 |
Animal | It is safe because I have all my works in this Pc? | 07:47 |
nox-Hand | variant: Perhaps | 07:47 |
=== Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Aethelred | MrObvious: well, I guess I am too. I'm booting from LiveCD, and selecting "Install", and I get a msg the kernal is loading, and then my screen goes blank. I have no idea how I'd get that info | 07:47 |
nox-Hand | fyrestrtr: Hmn :-/ | 07:47 |
stdin | Animal: hold on, that's the wron link :P https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 07:47 |
variant | killaz: so that you can install it on it? | 07:47 |
killaz | variant: when I'm done I just put the drive back into the powerpc device | 07:47 |
paotzu | randoman: what I ended up doing was booting a livecd and then it went back to normal | 07:47 |
jonny_ | Is anyone familiar with Compiz Fusion? | 07:48 |
MrObvious | Aethelred: Oh okay. Try using the alternate cd then. | 07:48 |
variant | killaz: rpm2tgz | 07:48 |
nox-Hand | fyrestrtr: No idea about that though | 07:48 |
variant | !compiz | jonny_ | 07:48 |
ubotu | jonny_: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 07:48 |
stdin | Animal: when you install Ubuntu, you will just resize the windows partition to make room for ubuntu, then you can choose which to boot when you power on | 07:48 |
Aethelred | I assume that "alternate CD" is a text-based install? | 07:48 |
killaz | variant: but that will just make the rpm a tgz right? | 07:48 |
fyrestrtr | nox-Hand: it seems like an error in the make process. | 07:48 |
Aethelred | like, old-skool Debian? | 07:48 |
boleslo | !ask | 07:48 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 07:48 |
fyrestrtr | nox-Hand: so my *guess* is you need another option in there somewhere. | 07:48 |
variant | killaz: yeah, then you can easily extract or look inside it | 07:48 |
cecko | stdin, is there a way to resize mounted root partition? | 07:49 |
jonny_ | cheers | 07:49 |
=== ShaneN [n=shane@host-78-234-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrObvious | Aethelred: Yeah. | 07:49 |
boleslo | ompaul, me again :) are yuu still here | 07:49 |
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ShaneN | Hello | 07:49 |
Animal | Can I instal in the second partition of my hard disk? | 07:49 |
stdin | cecko: no, not while it's mounted | 07:49 |
killaz | variant: and the just copy the files to the right place on the drive belonging to the powerpc. | 07:49 |
ShaneN | Is it possible to get the S/PDIF output working with the STAC9223 chipset and ICH7 controller? | 07:49 |
stdin | Animal: yes, that's fine | 07:49 |
MrObvious | Animal: If it's free. | 07:49 |
cecko | stdin, ok, livecd will do the job... | 07:49 |
jonny_ | How do I remove mounted drive icons from my desktop? | 07:49 |
stdin | cecko: yeah | 07:49 |
ompaul | boleslo, yes what kind of video card have you got? | 07:50 |
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MrObvious | jonny_: Unmount the drives? :p | 07:50 |
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boleslo | ompaul, i have x1400 video card | 07:50 |
nox-Hand | fyrestrtr: Checked the docs - it is only that I should need | 07:50 |
Animal | I have a lot of my works in the second partition but I have 4 giga free there | 07:50 |
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variant | killaz: assuming it's a valid executable for ppc yes | 07:50 |
fyrestrtr | nox-Hand: dunno then, ask their support -- or try asking in #debian | 07:50 |
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MrObvious | Animal: You can resize partitions easy enough. | 07:50 |
Penguinsaremyfri | If I can run beryl, does that mean that I can run compix-fuzion? | 07:50 |
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boleslo | ompaul, i have option to start installation in text mode, but my keyboard is not recognized then | 07:50 |
fyrestrtr | Penguinsaremyfri: yes | 07:51 |
nox-Hand | fyrestrtr: I am sure it's the pp/mpd/foo stuff - it's experimental and not actually released yet =) I am currently waiting for the return of the dev to his IRC term :) | 07:51 |
Penguinsaremyfri | cool | 07:51 |
variant | astro76: ah, i see what you mean. what issues did you say there were with it? | 07:51 |
jonny_ | MrObvious: thanks captain obvi... oh... touche. | 07:51 |
jonny_ | lol | 07:51 |
ompaul | boleslo, so do it from the desktop icon | 07:51 |
MrObvious | jonny_: Gotcha. :) | 07:51 |
Animal | MrObvious without problem for my works? | 07:51 |
MrObvious | Animal: Yeah. You might back it up to be safe though. | 07:51 |
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aneb | does ubuntu support intel macs? | 07:51 |
killaz | variant: that's the next adevnture. I have alot of ppc executables wondering which one to use. But first let me install rpm2tgz. | 07:51 |
fyrestrtr | aneb: yes | 07:51 |
locke | how do i see what usb devices ubuntu is detecting /proc/what? | 07:51 |
MrObvious | aneb: No. It supports Macs with Intel processors though. :p | 07:52 |
Animal | Thank you all very much | 07:52 |
MrObvious | Animal: Yw | 07:52 |
=== sebsebseb [n=sebastia@82-46-9-58.cable.ubr05.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aneb | MrObvious: hitler | 07:52 |
sebsebseb | how do I delete stuff from the menu in Gnome? | 07:52 |
MrObvious | locke: lsusb | 07:52 |
killaz | variant: apt-get doesn't know of rpm2tgz | 07:52 |
pizzle | why can i only connect to my router in "roaming mode" and not with manual configuration? | 07:52 |
stdin | Animal: you'll have to resize the partition then, it has to be on it's own partition | 07:52 |
sebsebseb | how do I deletete stuff from the menu in Gnoem? | 07:52 |
locke | MrObvious: thanks | 07:52 |
=== karmue_ [n=karli@e178168005.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Aethelred | sn0 : just read that thread. I hadn't read it before, but I've read many just like it. My problem is that I can't even get the installer past loading the kernal before I lose the monitor. It just goes blank. | 07:52 |
Penguinsaremyfri | So if I just do not run beryl, and run compiz-fuzion instead, that will be ok? | 07:52 |
astro76 | variant, there's no info for what to do for so it would be troublesome for beginners. For example you would think you put /media/whatever for mount point, but that doesn't work, you just put whatever | 07:52 |
fyrestrtr | locke: sudo apt-get install usbview | 07:52 |
MrObvious | aneb: Hey watch what names you call people. I'm just being ornery. That's no excuse to call me that horrible former German dictator. | 07:52 |
Animal | To have a nice day or night. Here in Romania is night | 07:52 |
jonny_ | is there a way to just remove them from the desktop though MrObvious? | 07:52 |
variant | astro76: lol | 07:53 |
MrObvious | aneb: Especially in a family rated channel. | 07:53 |
astro76 | variant, then it won't mount, and the only way to fix it is in gconf | 07:53 |
sn0 | Aethelred could you perhaps try the alternate cd? it doesn't boot to the live desktop environment, instead straight to the text installer | 07:53 |
variant | astro76: yeah | 07:53 |
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aneb | MrObvious: i was trying to make a point, but sorry. | 07:53 |
sn0 | then get the system installed and see about getting nvidia-glx-new working, or using a newer version of the nvidia drivers manually | 07:53 |
variant | astro76: still, nice that the mount point functionality is getting a bit more graphical | 07:53 |
insider | nazi motherfucka | 07:53 |
boleslo | ompaul, what kind of desktop icon? i'm at the beginig of installation. i have options "start or install", "start in safe graphics mode", "install with driver update CD", "insta in text mode", "install a server", "text mode install for manufacturers" and "install a command line system". which to choose? (first option gets to blank screen) | 07:53 |
Aethelred | sn0 : I guess I'll have to. | 07:53 |
variant | !language | insider | 07:54 |
ubotu | insider: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 07:54 |
jonny_ | MrObvious: for whatever reason, it looks like one of my drives is mounted twice, and I didn't even want the one icon, but I have two, lol. | 07:54 |
astro76 | !ops | insider | 07:54 |
ubotu | insider: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 07:54 |
locke | how do i find the device address needed to use jstest for my joystick? | 07:54 |
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insider | !language ubotu | 07:54 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about language ubotu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:54 |
Aethelred | got a link to an iso of the alternate install? | 07:54 |
fyrestrtr | locke: dmesg should tell you | 07:54 |
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astro76 | variant, indeed it is very nice | 07:54 |
sn0 | its on www.ubuntu.com Aethelred (tick the check box) | 07:54 |
LiberCogito | !report | 07:54 |
boleslo | ompaul, i also have options: F2 Language, F3 Keymap, F4 VGA, F5 accessibility, F6 other options | 07:54 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about report - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:54 |
fyrestrtr | Aethelred: from the ubuntu download page, check the box next to alternate install | 07:54 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ | ||
variant | astro76: i don't think that the ! ops bot command is really for that | 07:54 |
aneb | !language | ubotu | 07:54 |
ubotu | ubotu: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 07:54 |
zero | !br | 07:54 |
Aethelred | huh, thanks. Didn't notice it before | 07:54 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 07:54 |
LiberCogito | !coc | 07:54 |
ubotu | The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 07:54 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@] by ompaul | ||
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=== stitchmysmile [n=matthew@cpe-66-66-215-161.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrObvious | jonny_: Is there a delete icon when you right click it? | 07:55 |
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PriceChild | ompaul, he was k-lined | 07:55 |
=== LiberCogito [n=deliberc@cpe-72-184-123-163.tampabay.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
MrObvious | Guys be careful with playing with the bot. | 07:55 |
ShaneN | Is it possible to get the S/PDIF output working with the STAC9223 chipset and ICH7 controller? | 07:55 |
locke | fyrestrtr: it probably shouldn't give a lot of errors should it? | 07:55 |
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stitchmysmile | good morning | 07:55 |
MrObvious | jonny_: I've never done that so I don't know. | 07:55 |
Penguinsaremyfri | Seems complicated to do compiz-fuzion, beryl is fine with me | 07:55 |
fyrestrtr | locke: depends on the messages you are recieving; it can be quite verbose. | 07:55 |
=== Rowan [n=rowan@dsl-dhcp-205-007.kpunet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | PriceChild, so I saw | 07:55 |
locke | [226534.612000] APIC error on CPU1: 40(40) | 07:55 |
PriceChild | just checking :) | 07:56 |
jonny_ | mrobvious: no, just unmount | 07:56 |
Aye| | !coc | ubotu | 07:56 |
ubotu | ubotu: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 07:56 |
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aneb | Aye|: dont abuse the bot | 07:56 |
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Aye| | sorreh | 07:56 |
=== con [n=con@213-101-75.netrun.cytanet.com.cy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fyrestrtr | Aye|: stop playing with the bot before you get kicked. | 07:56 |
szandi | hy | 07:56 |
Aye| | I only did it once.. | 07:56 |
=== SmoothOp [n=no@c-71-58-57-168.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aneb | Aye|: and, he in here abides to the ubuntu coc :p | 07:56 |
Aye| | aneb, lawl. | 07:57 |
PriceChild | Lets everyone please get back on topic. | 07:57 |
stdin | Aye|: you can /msg ubotu without spamming the channel | 07:57 |
MrObvious | jonny_: No clue. Just play with the options. That's all I can suggest. I'd look myself but you left. | 07:57 |
=== gles [n=robeagle@host43-32-dynamic.17-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrObvious | :| | 07:57 |
killaz | variant: is my observation correctly that I cant install rpm2tgz using apt-get? | 07:57 |
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Aye| | stdin, i only said one thing once.. | 07:57 |
=== chrisken [n=chrisken@c-68-50-21-61.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrObvious | killaz: What is the error? | 07:57 |
aneb | Aye|: no excuse | 07:57 |
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killaz | E: Couldn't find package rpm2tgz | 07:58 |
aneb | everyone, say UBUNTU!!!! | 07:58 |
n0share | UBUNTU! | 07:58 |
Penguinsaremyfri | Why are you flaming him? He did it once | 07:58 |
killaz | MrObvious: E: Couldn't find package rpm2tgz | 07:58 |
ompaul | Aye|, please drop it now, now it is going offtopic | 07:58 |
stitchmysmile | if you only said one thing of course it was only once | 07:58 |
Aye| | aneb, insider> !language ubotu who told him off? | 07:58 |
aneb | go ubuntu, everywhere! | 07:58 |
=== eifzon_ [i=eifzon@c-a083e055.64-1-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | !offtopic | 07:58 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 07:58 |
MrObvious | !sources | 07:58 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 07:58 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ | ||
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MrObvious | !EasySource | 07:58 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 07:58 |
stdin | killaz: the package "alien" can convert rpms to tgzs | 07:58 |
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MrObvious | killaz: Read what ubotu posted. | 07:59 |
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amonroy | is this the right way to call wget if I want it to wait for a long time before the response is processed? wget --timeout=10800 --wait=10800 http://localhost/takesawhiletoprocess | 07:59 |
MrObvious | ompaul: Having fun? | 07:59 |
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ompaul | MrObvious, no | 07:59 |
boyko | Hello. I was wondering if anyone knew how to create a weekly scheduled backup of all the contents of the /home/[username] directory to a USB hard drive. | 07:59 |
pizzle | Anyone know when I try to connect to a router (wireless) thru NetworkManager applet using "roaming mode" it works, but when I use manual mode and manually set ESSID and WEP key, it doesn't work? | 07:59 |
=== ParaDoX34690 [n=ParaDoX@pool-71-99-197-153.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
amonroy | wget is returning "No data received" "Giving up." | 07:59 |
riyonuk | How do I start a program at startup hidden? | 07:59 |
PriceChild | !cron | boyko | 07:59 |
ubotu | boyko: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto - There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm | 07:59 |
Aye| | pizzle, nope same with me, no idea why but i go with the flow | 07:59 |
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nilihanth | (After Comprehensive Sound Guide) I still have no sound, please help! | 08:00 |
astro76 | riyonuk, what program? | 08:00 |
killaz | MrObvious: I have every repository also mulituniverse | 08:00 |
variant | killaz: i assumed that you could | 08:00 |
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stitchmysmile | nilihanth do you have the speakers plugged in right ? | 08:00 |
killaz | MrObvious: I have main, universe and multiuniverse | 08:00 |
nilihanth | stitchmysmile, its a laptop | 08:00 |
MrObvious | killaz: Did you remove the CD source? | 08:01 |
variant | killaz: seems not | 08:01 |
nilihanth | so, yes :) | 08:01 |
stitchmysmile | hey something could go loose :P | 08:01 |
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=== ZeroTolerance [n=joey@d-65-175-177-41.metrocast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stitchmysmile | what kind of laptop | 08:01 |
stitchmysmile | and are you using 7.04 ? | 08:01 |
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nilihanth | eMachines M2350 | 08:01 |
=== Infinito_ [i=lispecto@201-10-139-150.gnace701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cecko | stdin, don't you have any idea why I cannot resize an ext3 partition from live cd? | 08:01 |
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=== newtubuntu [n=marco@modemcable008.105-59-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cecko | stdin, in qtparted | 08:02 |
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nilihanth | stitchmysmile, I have an ALI5451 card | 08:02 |
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newtubuntu | is there a way to 'restart' a sound card ? | 08:02 |
ompaul | !ati | boleslo, | 08:02 |
ubotu | boleslo,: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 08:02 |
Penguinsaremyfri | anyone know a good place to get new startup/shutdown sounds? | 08:02 |
stitchmysmile | Are you using ubuntu 7.04 | 08:02 |
stdin | cecko: you should be able to, as long as no partitions on the disk are mounted | 08:02 |
ompaul | boleslo, sorry got called away there | 08:02 |
boyko | Hmm... what I want to do will probably require a shell script. :( | 08:02 |
Yeapppppp | . | 08:02 |
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nilihanth | stitchmysmile, how do I find that out? | 08:02 |
amonroy | anyone can help with wget or tell me where to get help? | 08:02 |
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astro76 | cecko, it was probably auto-mounted | 08:02 |
newtubuntu | I hear a constant humm (sounds like a super-8 projector) from my card and I would like to re-initilize it... | 08:02 |
stitchmysmile | WHAT OS DO YOU HAVE | 08:03 |
cecko | umount it says it's not mounted, but qtparted says its busy | 08:03 |
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=== Elischa [n=rassihu@M3778P001.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nilihanth | stitchmysmile, I have Ubuntu (from the mini-CD) | 08:03 |
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stdin | cecko: you probably have the swap partition mounted | 08:03 |
astro76 | cecko, what did you umount? check the desktop for icon | 08:03 |
killaz | MrObvious: I double check my /etc/apt/sources.list I have the respositories mentioned earlier in my sources.list and the cd-rom I have a # (remark) | 08:04 |
Penguinsaremyfri | anyone know a good place to get startup/shutdown sounds? | 08:04 |
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riyonuk | astro76, tilda :D | 08:04 |
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stdin | cecko: run "cat /proc/swaps" to see if it is, and run "sudo awapoff (the partition it gives you)" | 08:04 |
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cecko | stdin, i did swapoff -a already | 08:05 |
nilihanth | stitchmysmile, hah! I found it, yes i'm on 7.04 Feisty | 08:05 |
wenhsing | guys, need help on migrating from xubuntu to ubuntu | 08:05 |
stdin | cecko: and "cat /proc/swaps" is empty? | 08:05 |
exs | My friend has a ubuntu computer (no internet access) but he would like the nvidia drivers installed. Can I download the drivers, put them on a USB stick and give them to him? | 08:05 |
astro76 | !startup | riyonuk | 08:05 |
ubotu | riyonuk: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 08:05 |
stitchmysmile | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96366\ | 08:05 |
stitchmysmile | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96366 | 08:05 |
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cecko | stdin, empty | 08:06 |
wenhsing | thanks | 08:06 |
stitchmysmile | ubuntu usually has a answer for everything | 08:06 |
nilihanth | stitchmysmile, bad page | 08:06 |
stitchmysmile | second link | 08:06 |
nilihanth | nm | 08:06 |
=== dissection [n=death@c-71-233-133-171.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | wenhsing, follow http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce then "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" | 08:06 |
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kosh-- | amonroy: I've been using wget in my scripts quiet a lot, maybe i can help, what do you want to do? | 08:06 |
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stdin | cecko: ok, try closing and reopening qtparted, if that doesn't work try manually running it as root (with gksudo or kdesu) | 08:06 |
beni | Hello, I want to share files in a heterogeneous network, which application should I use? samba? | 08:06 |
variant | astro76: what is the format for entering mount options as it will nolonger mount and i just put users,noauto in the options feild | 08:06 |
wenhsing | okie | 08:06 |
variant | astro76: :) | 08:07 |
wenhsing | PriceChild, thanks | 08:07 |
cecko | stdin, my hda1 is 'available' now in qtparted, but i cannot resize it anyway | 08:07 |
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astro76 | variant, I also tried unsuccessfully to add a users option | 08:07 |
cecko | stdin, i reopened it already | 08:07 |
variant | astro76: now it doesn't mount :) ho hum, i can see this causing problems for a lot of noob users | 08:07 |
whiter | whats a program someone would recommend for ubuntu/xubuntu to author cds | 08:07 |
astro76 | variant, exec and noexec work, not sure why user doesn't | 08:07 |
stitchmysmile | man mount | 08:07 |
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cecko | whiter k3b! | 08:08 |
amonroy | kosh--: I am trying to get a page that takes a while to generat (close to 1 hr). I set the time out to 99999 and to 0 but it quits really quickly. This is how I am calling it:wget -t 1 --timeout=0 -S http://localhost/stats/all_users | 08:08 |
astro76 | stitchmysmile, we're talking about through the properties in gnome, it's definitely doable in fstab | 08:08 |
cecko | whiter the best one around | 08:08 |
whiter | alright ceko | 08:08 |
whiter | thank you | 08:08 |
amonroy | kosh--: I also tried wget -t 1 --timeout=99999 -S http://localhost/stats/all_users | 08:08 |
stitchmysmile | ew I'm using kubuntu | 08:08 |
variant | astro76: in the options feild i put exactly "users,noauto" and in gconf i can see "[users\,noauto] " so perhaps it doesn't like the "," | 08:08 |
wenhsing | PriceChild, Sorry, i was thinking is it possible if i remove xubuntu and install ubuntu thru internet | 08:09 |
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astro76 | variant, oh yeah, spaces not commas | 08:09 |
amonroy | kosh--: wget returns this: HTTP request sent, awaiting response... No data received. Giving up. | 08:09 |
kosh-- | amonroy: setting --timeout should be sufficient, just choose a high enough number | 08:09 |
variant | astro76: nice, it could easilly warn of that | 08:09 |
riyonuk | astro76, but I want it to startup hidden :/ | 08:09 |
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randoman | So anyone know why the fonts are 72+ in size after doing a kernel upgrade and intalling the latest intel video drivers. Im in ubuntu 7.04 | 08:09 |
randoman | ? | 08:09 |
randoman | the fonts are only like htis in kdm and Kde | 08:09 |
randoman | should i reinstall kde | 08:09 |
beni | Hello, I want to share files in a heterogeneous network, which application should I use? samba? | 08:09 |
randoman | ? | 08:09 |
randoman | ? | 08:09 |
astro76 | riyonuk, as in minimized? not sure really | 08:09 |
giant | anyone know any good download managers for linux? | 08:10 |
riyonuk | astro76, like so the process is running | 08:10 |
astro76 | beni, yeah definitely samba if you have windows machines | 08:10 |
killaz | MrObvious: a search on packages.ubuntu.com (Feisty) doesnt reveal a rpm2tgz package neither | 08:10 |
cecko | giant, kget | 08:10 |
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giant | cecko, does it work well in Gnome? | 08:10 |
stitchmysmile | download managers for what ? | 08:11 |
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giant | for downloading stuff from the internet | 08:11 |
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stitchmysmile | wget works well | 08:11 |
giant | support for pause/resume, multi-connection downloading, etc.. | 08:11 |
astro76 | giant, I think there's a good firefox extension for that | 08:11 |
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cecko | giant, it should, but ask others, this one's kde default and it works flawlessly | 08:12 |
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variant | riyonuk: there is an option in tilda config "start tilda minimized" | 08:12 |
giant | I knew there were firefox extentions for using download manaagers... but I didn't know it had its own.. I'll check it out | 08:12 |
poningru | giant: what are you trying to do? | 08:12 |
poningru | there are many | 08:12 |
=== Mike22 [n=Mike22@modemcable066.126-59-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poningru | !download manager | 08:12 |
stitchmysmile | I like wget it's pretty fast | 08:12 |
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penguin | hurm | 08:12 |
poningru | right gwget is the gui version | 08:12 |
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riyonuk | variant, I found it -_- wow I feel stupid T_T | 08:12 |
penguin | how do i get cfdisk to see my hard drive. | 08:12 |
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poningru | giant: http://www.supriyadisw.net/2006/11/top-6-download-manager-for-ubuntu-edgy-eft | 08:13 |
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penguin | i have no idea why it isnt. | 08:13 |
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amonroy | kosh--: I also tried wget -t 1 --timeout=99999 -S http://localhost | 08:13 |
variant | penguin: cfdisk /dev/disk | 08:13 |
amonroy | kosh--: and it times out in less than a second | 08:14 |
variant | penguin: where disk is the letter of your disk (not one of the parititions) | 08:14 |
variant | penguin: as root, so use sudo | 08:14 |
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Mike22 | hey, anyone know how to install ubuntu from a usb flash drive? instead of using a bottable cd? | 08:15 |
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SamWeasley | Hi! | 08:15 |
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astro76 | !install | Mike22 there's info here | 08:15 |
ubotu | Mike22 there's info here: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate | 08:15 |
cavediver | Hi guys. I have converted a box to software RAID1 and afterwards I have problem with the ethernetinterfaces. It seems lo doesn't get activated after boot. ifup lo gives an error that it's already "configured" but if I do ifdown lo;ifup lo it works. Any tips ? | 08:15 |
SamWeasley | Someone knows why my MP4 player didn't mount on Feisty but mounts on Drapper? | 08:15 |
casey_ | I need help installing the drivers and getting my webcam working. | 08:15 |
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Mike22 | astro76, ah, thanks | 08:15 |
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astro76 | !webcam | casey_ | 08:16 |
ubotu | casey_: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 08:16 |
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casey_ | thanks | 08:16 |
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Mike22 | astro76, it doesnt tell me if it will permanently make my drive like this, if i format the drive later on, will it turn back to a normal storage device? | 08:17 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | sudo cp /file /file will move a file, right? | 08:17 |
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poningru | Penguinsaremyfri: no just copy it | 08:18 |
fyrestrtr | Penguinsaremyfri: it will say you cannot copy a file onto itself. | 08:18 |
poningru | right | 08:18 |
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poningru | use mv | 08:18 |
poningru | to rename | 08:18 |
poningru | what are you trying to do? | 08:18 |
astro76 | Mike22, you can easily reformat the flash drive later | 08:18 |
Penguinsaremyfri | Well, in different diretory | 08:18 |
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poningru | Penguinsaremyfri: yes that will copy it | 08:19 |
poningru | not move | 08:19 |
Penguinsaremyfri | I am trying to move songbird's folder into /usr | 08:19 |
cr1ss | hi, I 've recently installed gutsy tribe 4, run an update (apt-get update,upgrade,dist-upgrade), enabled nvidia driver, and each time I try to enable extra effects, its says nvidia driver is currently running or sth.. in the end, I can't enable extra effects.. any help ? | 08:19 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | So I could "sudo cp /songbird /usr/songbird, right? | 08:19 |
poningru | yes | 08:19 |
astro76 | Penguinsaremyfri, why would you want to do that? | 08:19 |
astro76 | that's not what /usr is for | 08:19 |
=== Wolfwalker [n=sIRC@75-120-213-170.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Penguinsaremyfri | Where would I put it | 08:20 |
astro76 | Penguinsaremyfri, it's a program? | 08:20 |
nuzzy | cr1ss - you may have more luck in the #ubuntu+1 room | 08:20 |
Penguinsaremyfri | yes, music player | 08:20 |
Wolfwalker | Why will 6.06 run on this old Dell but 7.04 won't? | 08:20 |
Wolfwalker | Did we drop some drivers with the upgrade? | 08:20 |
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astro76 | Penguinsaremyfri, sounds like you want /opt | 08:20 |
Penguinsaremyfri | any directory withing opt? | 08:20 |
poningru | Wolfwalker: what wont work? | 08:21 |
Penguinsaremyfri | within* | 08:21 |
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Wolfwalker | The 7.04 installer, live cd version | 08:21 |
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Wolfwalker | The 6.06 is running right now, off the live cd | 08:21 |
Penguinsaremyfri | ok, /opt it is. thanks | 08:21 |
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astro76 | Penguinsaremyfri, /opt is for large static programs in single directories, so /opt/songbird | 08:21 |
Penguinsaremyfri | ok | 08:22 |
Wolfwalker | But 7.04 won't. I tried the same cd in another computer (works) Xubuntu 7.04 in that computer (won't work) Kubuntu 6.10 in that computer (works) | 08:22 |
Penguinsaremyfri | thanks | 08:22 |
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stitchmysmile | wolf I can't run 7.04 on my dell lat c600 | 08:22 |
astro76 | Penguinsaremyfri, also you might want to put a link to the binary in /usr/local/bin | 08:22 |
stitchmysmile | but I have 6.06 on there | 08:22 |
Wolfwalker | The computer is an old Dell, yes | 08:22 |
oeaieorp | i have a problem. i accidentally removed pidgin from my gnome panel, an icon that would open my buddy list, and can't get it to return | 08:22 |
poningru | Wolfwalker: ok when you boot the live cd can you press f6 and delete just the quiet and splash options and tell us when it stops working? | 08:22 |
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Wolfwalker | Back when they made dells white :P | 08:22 |
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poningru | oeaieorp: just drag and drop it from the main menu | 08:22 |
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oeaieorp | won't that give me the launcher? it wasn't a launcher before | 08:23 |
Wolfwalker | Okay, I just read the boot command that shows and delete "quiet" and "splash"? | 08:23 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | !pastebin | 08:23 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:23 |
fyrestrtr | Wolfwalker: panel has nothing but launchers. | 08:23 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | astro, this is what i got | 08:24 |
Penguinsaremyfri | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33372/ | 08:24 |
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OminousZ | is it possible to install server version of Ubuntu off the main CD ubuntu sent me? | 08:24 |
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astro76 | Penguinsaremyfri, Desktop, capital D | 08:25 |
Penguinsaremyfri | ahh | 08:25 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | now I got cp: omitting directory | 08:25 |
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astro76 | Penguinsaremyfri, you don't know the wonders of tab completion yet? ;) | 08:25 |
randoman | So anyone know why the fonts are 72+ in size after doing a kernel upgrade and intalling the latest intel video drivers. Im in ubuntu 7.04? | 08:25 |
Wolfwalker | Okay, I just read the boot command that shows and delete "quiet" and "splash"? | 08:25 |
Penguinsaremyfri | no | 08:25 |
randoman | the fonts are only like htis in kdm and Kde? | 08:25 |
randoman | also | 08:26 |
kosh-- | amonroy: sorry for late answer, i just read your message... that I can't explain... do you have to set the retry count to 1? maybe have it retry more often? | 08:26 |
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astro76 | Penguinsaremyfri, start typing a path, like ~/Des<tab> and the tab will autocomplete for you, if it doesn't, press tab twice to see multiple matches | 08:26 |
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astro76 | Penguinsaremyfri, works for commands, paths, command options, packages, all kinds of stuff | 08:26 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | cool | 08:27 |
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benkong2 | anyone know why bcm43xx-fwcutter fails with borkedlink.googlepages.com 404? And now everytime I apt-get update I get a dpkg error processing bcm43xx-fwcutter | 08:27 |
Penguinsaremyfri | it still says omitting directory though | 08:27 |
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benkong2 | I am trying to use the feisty repo. I also get the same error with cafuego | 08:27 |
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RiCCo69 | anyone know a good warez server? | 08:27 |
roshan_s_ | randoman: Try running this in a konsole: xdpyinfo | egrep 'dimensions|resolution' | 08:28 |
astro76 | benkong2, the borkedlink.googlepages is over quota, get it here instead: http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/dists/feisty-cafuego/bcm43xx/ | 08:28 |
randoman | k | 08:28 |
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benkong2 | astro76, got the same error there | 08:28 |
benkong2 | or do you mean just d/l the pkg | 08:28 |
randoman | imensions: 1024x768 pixels (302x241 millimeters) | 08:28 |
randoman | resolution: 86x81 dots per inch | 08:28 |
gordonjcp | !piracy | RiCCo69 | 08:28 |
ubotu | RiCCo69: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o | 08:28 |
Wolfwalker | |RiCCo69:| warez as in.................. cracks? | 08:28 |
astro76 | benkong2, it's a completely different package that has the firmware | 08:28 |
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benkong2 | astro76, ok thanks | 08:29 |
ralph | hi how can i burn a avi file on a dvd? | 08:29 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | astro, still getting "omitting directory" | 08:29 |
ralph | i want to watch it on my normal dvd player | 08:29 |
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RiCCo69 | wolfwalker pvt chat | 08:30 |
randoman | how do you aim a message for some one without pming? | 08:30 |
roshan_s_ | randoman: Sorry that's not the problem. I thought it could be mis-detecting the DPI of your monitor | 08:30 |
Penguinsaremyfri | sudo cp /home/justin/Desktop/Songbird/ /opt/ ... That is what i should do, right? | 08:30 |
randoman | without msg? | 08:30 |
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randoman | humm | 08:30 |
randoman | its weird | 08:30 |
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brian10161 | hello all | 08:31 |
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Wolfwalker | Right, I got that error report | 08:31 |
zoders | hej | 08:31 |
randoman | what about uninstalling and reinstalling kde? | 08:31 |
astro76 | Penguinsaremyfri, probably want -r option also, paste the error if you want | 08:31 |
zoders | witam ponownie | 08:31 |
zoders | s tu jacy polacy ? | 08:31 |
Corpsenator | woow | 08:31 |
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brian10161 | does anyone here know any information about installing ubuntu on a toshiba satellite a100-va1? | 08:31 |
Penguinsaremyfri | That worked | 08:31 |
stdin | !pl | zoders | 08:31 |
ubotu | zoders: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 08:31 |
zoders | niema | 08:31 |
roshan_s_ | randoman: Probably won't help. Since it happened when you changed the driver version, it's probably because of that | 08:31 |
Wolfwalker | Rats, I lost the error report....... | 08:31 |
SeyToN | could someone tell me how to open a folder that has space name on terminal? for example: linux documents folder | 08:31 |
zoders | a co to jakie boty ? | 08:32 |
Wolfwalker | How do you scroll up in the boot screen? | 08:32 |
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zoders | ja nie che pomocy | 08:32 |
astro76 | zoders, this is English only, didn't we go through this before?? | 08:32 |
erUSUL | SeyToN: linux\ documents | 08:32 |
randoman | humm | 08:32 |
Penguinsaremyfri | How would I make a link to /opt/Songbird/songbird on my desktop? I do not have permission to view the folder after moving it | 08:32 |
zoders | co ? | 08:32 |
randoman | so what do you recommend? | 08:32 |
SeyToN | thanks | 08:32 |
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zoders | astro76 - mw po polsku | 08:38 |
erUSUL | SeyToN: "scape" de space qith \ or use the tab completion of the shell to do it for you | 08:38 |
UltraNav | How can I (re)map my console (keyboard) back to US English ? | 08:38 |
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zoders | kto mnie nauczy EN ? | 08:38 |
Wolfwalker | |UltraNav:| it should be in preferences | 08:38 |
boleslo | hi all! i just installed ubuntu 7.04 on my inspiron 6400 with x1400 videocard. when i power on computer and ubuntu starst loading, it says: Failed to start the X server (your graphical interface). It is likely that it is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the X server output to diagnose the problem? Yes/No | 08:38 |
zoders | No | 08:38 |
=== brill [n=brill@0x503fe02d.hrnxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
astro76 | zoders, do you speak polish? | 08:38 |
zoders | YES | 08:38 |
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PriceChild | !pl | zoders | 08:38 |
ubotu | zoders: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 08:38 |
erUSUL | boleslo: boot in recovery mode log in and use this command to reconfigure the X server 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' | 08:38 |
astro76 | zoders, ok, this channel is english only, Polish in #ubuntu-pl | 08:38 |
zoders | aha dziki | 08:38 |
zoders | ;] | 08:38 |
UltraNav | Wolfwalker: For the CONSOLE ...? | 08:38 |
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zoders | bde pamieta | 08:38 |
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zoders | mylaem e tu s polacy | 08:38 |
Wolfwalker | Okay, here we go. It keeps repeating end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0 | 08:38 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | can I open a file explorer window with root permissions? | 08:38 |
boleslo | erUSUL, ok, i will try | 08:38 |
Wolfwalker | Missing driver? | 08:38 |
roshan_s_ | randoman: Did this happen due to the Ubuntu driver upgrade or did you install the driver yourself? | 08:38 |
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sebsebseb | I got a program that won't close down what's the command or whatever to close it? pkill no? | 08:38 |
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finalbeta | killall processname | 08:38 |
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finalbeta | kill pid | 08:38 |
randoman | i installed it myself, the ubuntu one didnt support the g33 chipset and gma3100 | 08:38 |
newtubuntu | how do we install a modem if it's not automatically detected ? I don't even know the modem's make and model | 08:38 |
astro76 | !modem | 08:38 |
ubotu | You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto | 08:38 |
brill | Does anyone know how to control the fan on a laptopp beyond echoing THRM | 08:38 |
sebsebseb | how do I find out the process name? | 08:38 |
zoders | zapraszam na irc #zoders | 08:38 |
randoman | also are you sure its not miscalculates the dpi-values | 08:38 |
randoman | dimensions: 1024x768 pixels (302x241 millimeters) | 08:38 |
randoman | resolution: 86x81 dots per inch | 08:38 |
randoman | ? | 08:38 |
keen | how to make a directory in ubuntu? | 08:38 |
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finalbeta | sebsebseb: man ps | 08:38 |
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roshan_s_ | randoman: No, the DPI is correct for a 15" monitor | 08:38 |
Penguinsaremyfri | Astro, I got the folder in /opt, but now how would I run the program? | 08:38 |
randoman | i guess its a bug | 08:38 |
astro76 | keen, mkdir in the terminal, or use the filemanager | 08:38 |
PriceChild | keen, in the gui, or in a terminal? | 08:38 |
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randoman | k | 08:38 |
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finalbeta | sebsebseb: gnome has a gui tool that does all of that, the process manager, it's in the menu's somewhere | 08:38 |
randoman | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/107320 | 08:38 |
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roshan_s_ | randoman: There was an Ubuntu driver update on Aug 1 to support the g33 chipset | 08:38 |
UltraNav | brill: make and model ? | 08:38 |
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keen | thank you will try that | 08:38 |
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randoman | maybe ill try that | 08:38 |
keen | pricechild in terminal | 08:38 |
boleslo | erUSUL, i did as you said, it's asking: attempt to autodetectd video hardware? yes/no | 08:38 |
poningru | !sunbird | 08:38 |
ubotu | Mozilla Sunbird is a cross-platform calendar application, built upon Mozilla Toolkit. Our goal is to bring Mozilla-style ease-of-use to your calendar, without tying you to a particular storage solution. | 08:38 |
poningru | !songbird | 08:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about songbird - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:38 |
poningru | grr | 08:38 |
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sebsebseb | carn't seem to find it | 08:38 |
Wolfwalker | |poningru:| did you get the error message? | 08:38 |
sebsebseb | the proccess GUI program | 08:38 |
giant | The debian installation of mono will work for Feisty won't it? | 08:39 |
roshan_s_ | randoman: That bug seems to indicate that even the official package has the same bug. Even so, you're better off using the package, so when the bug is fixed you'll get the update automatically | 08:39 |
poningru | Wolfwalker: hmm did not | 08:39 |
Wolfwalker | It keeps repeating end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0 | 08:39 |
brill | Fujitsu Siemens. I've got two different models - one doesn't support apic properly. And I tried i8kutils. To no avail. | 08:39 |
poningru | Wolfwalker: that seems to be your floppy drive | 08:39 |
randoman | yeah forsure | 08:39 |
randoman | damn bugs | 08:39 |
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poningru | Wolfwalker: do you need your floppy? | 08:39 |
randoman | thanks for the help man | 08:39 |
Wolfwalker | After a couple dozen repeats, it flips out into busybox | 08:39 |
poningru | Wolfwalker: if not disable it | 08:39 |
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Wolfwalker | Need floppy? For what? | 08:39 |
randoman | im looking up the package name right now | 08:39 |
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cwillu | is there any way to get gnome to give you some feedback when you click on a desktop item? | 08:39 |
SeyToN | erUSUL: my folder name is called Linux Documents, i put "cd Linux/Documents" on the terminal but it says No such file or directory | 08:39 |
tcleval | how do i force fsck to check fs on every boot? | 08:39 |
Wolfwalker | How do you disable it? I assume somewhere in BIOS. | 08:40 |
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nuzzy | comment out your fd in /etc/fstab | 08:40 |
Wolfwalker | Or did you mean take it out of the boot sequence? | 08:40 |
poningru | Penguinsaremyfri: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingSongbird | 08:40 |
roshan_s_ | randoman: It's xserver-xorg-video-intel, but it's in the feisty-proposed repo, not yet in feisty-updates | 08:40 |
astro76 | tcleval, use tune2fs to change the max_mount_counts | 08:40 |
poningru | Wolfwalker: right in the bios it should let you disable it | 08:40 |
poningru | or you can just unplug it from inside | 08:40 |
Wolfwalker | Researching | 08:40 |
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randoman | k | 08:40 |
nuzzy | can't you just disable the floppy in fstab? | 08:41 |
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randoman | you shouldnt happen to have that repo handy, sorry for asking for so much | 08:41 |
randoman | but thanks :) | 08:41 |
poningru | nuzzy: its the kerenl that seems to be hanging for him | 08:41 |
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Corpsenator | hi hi | 08:41 |
Corpsenator | hey u | 08:41 |
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nuzzy | ahhh! I'm the result of coming in late to a conversation ;-) | 08:41 |
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SeyToN | could someone tell me how to open a folder that has spaces name on terminal? for example: the folder is called "linux documents folder" | 08:41 |
Corpsenator | the one which is trying to access to a folder with space name | 08:42 |
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Wolfwalker | So......... disable diskette controller? | 08:42 |
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astro76 | SeyToN, cd linux\ documents \folder (tab completion also helps) | 08:42 |
Corpsenator | i know how to access it | 08:42 |
erUSUL | SeyToN: is "cd Linux\ Documents" | 08:42 |
tonyy_work | seyton: use backslashes to escape | 08:42 |
Corpsenator | yes | 08:42 |
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Corpsenator | like that | 08:42 |
SeyToN | ohhh | 08:42 |
SeyToN | thanks | 08:42 |
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astro76 | SeyToN, you can also put the whole path in quotes without escaping the spaces | 08:42 |
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erUSUL | SeyToN: just use tab... type cd Linux and then hit <Tab> | 08:42 |
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Wolfwalker | |poningru:| I'm in BIOS, advanced, diskette configuration. Disable diskette controller? | 08:43 |
Corpsenator | u need to write the something like this. cd "Folder's name" | 08:43 |
poningru | Wolfwalker: yep thats it | 08:43 |
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cwillu | SeyToN: cd "foo bar" works | 08:43 |
Wolfwalker | K, I'll try it. | 08:43 |
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Wolfwalker | It'll be a while before I know if it works. This bios is ancient and slow. | 08:43 |
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wenhsing | sorry, but one lame question; ex, window normaly we install s/w it will ask which dir you which to unpack but in *nix it seems that it wont ask but instead it seems to know where to put the file into, i wonder where is the location of it | 08:43 |
Penguinsaremyfri | Ok. I have a program in a folder that can be ran from the folder...need to move it to /opt and still be able to run it | 08:43 |
Wolfwalker | But thanks in advance ^^ | 08:43 |
cwillu | wenhsing: kinda all over the place :p | 08:43 |
astro76 | !fhs | wenhsing | 08:44 |
ubotu | wenhsing: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 08:44 |
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randoman | ahh found it, | 08:44 |
PriceChild | wenhsing, hey sorry i didn't reply earlier, did you get it sorted? | 08:44 |
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sebsebseb | got my program closed :) | 08:44 |
wenhsing | PriceChild, oh yea | 08:44 |
zerokill88 | what is the command to scan all your hardware? | 08:44 |
K0brik | I though apt-get install tpb would help me to fix some special key functions but it didn't. Instead it stopped showing the nice volume OSD. Even after I removed it with apt-get remoce tpb | 08:44 |
wenhsing | PriceChild, thanks, | 08:44 |
roshan_s_ | randoman: randoman http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-proposed universe, but you shouldn't normally use the repo. I'll give you a link to the specific deb file | 08:44 |
PriceChild | wenhsing, good good. | 08:44 |
PriceChild | wenhsing, now, linux stores everything where its needed. | 08:44 |
SeyToN | thanks guys | 08:44 |
randoman | k | 08:44 |
PriceChild | wenhsing, documentation in /usr/share/doc, binary executables in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin etc. etc. | 08:44 |
randoman | i found it in synaptic package i had to enabled proposed repo also | 08:44 |
bender1337 | does ubuntu support laptop wifi | 08:45 |
randoman | thanks i would rather use apt-get though ;P | 08:45 |
cwillu | The most common thing my users run into is clicking on something that takes a couple seconds to load, and then clicking on it again when they think they didn't double click fast enough, and then getting two copies open. How do I fix that? | 08:45 |
Corpsenator | heyyyy i need some help | 08:45 |
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Wolfwalker | |bender1337:| depends on the modem | 08:45 |
PriceChild | well not just binary executables... but close enough | 08:45 |
K0brik | so now. how do I reenable the osd? | 08:45 |
Wolfwalker | !wifi | 08:45 |
wenhsing | PriceChild, icic; it has better organize dir compare to windows | 08:45 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 08:45 |
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Corpsenator | can somebody helps me? | 08:45 |
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cwillu | Corpsenator: ask, don't ask to ask | 08:45 |
PriceChild | !away < d1g1t|sleep | 08:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about away < d1g1t - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:45 |
roshan_s_ | randoman: You can directly get the deb at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/x/xserver-xorg-video-intel/xserver-xorg-video-intel_1.9.94-1ubuntu4_i386.deb | 08:45 |
Corpsenator | lol | 08:45 |
PriceChild | !away > d1g1t|sleep | 08:45 |
PriceChild | bah :) | 08:45 |
K0brik | blah | 08:45 |
randoman | cool | 08:45 |
roshan_s_ | randoman: That's better than enabling the entire proposed repo | 08:45 |
pizzle | can someone help? i've installed my wireless drivers, how do I tell it to connect to my router? i have essid and key already? | 08:46 |
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Corpsenator | i need to learn English like u | 08:46 |
randoman | i just enabled proposed in synaptic, and it found xerver-intel- | 08:46 |
randoman | :) | 08:46 |
randoman | even newer | 08:46 |
K0brik | any hints to enable showing the volume OSD? | 08:47 |
giant | does anyone know if its possible to make a windows XP vmware image from my windows installation already on my other HDD | 08:47 |
poningru | pizzle: what chipset do you have? | 08:47 |
Corpsenator | gtg | 08:47 |
pizzle | ponigru, eh? | 08:47 |
=== kabus [n=kabus@59-171-195-39.rev.home.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
randoman | thanks man | 08:47 |
Wolfwalker | lol | 08:47 |
kidbuntu | how can i format my USB flash disc 1GB without me having an GUI that does the job? | 08:47 |
Wolfwalker | !chipset | 08:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about chipset - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:47 |
randoman | i guess I have to ride out the bug and live with the big fonts | 08:47 |
Wolfwalker | Oh well, worth a try | 08:47 |
kidbuntu | !format | 08:48 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 08:48 |
MrObvious | pizzle: which wireless card? | 08:48 |
=== hanasaki [i=proxy@adsl-065-006-177-235.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | kidbuntu, just rm all the files on it | 08:48 |
giant | !vmware images | 08:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about vmware images - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:48 |
kidbuntu | !usb | 08:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:48 |
poningru | pizzle: go do a terminal and do lspci -vvv and find your wifi card | 08:48 |
poningru | !botabuse | 08:48 |
pizzle | mrobvious: trendnet.. i installed drivers with ndiswrapper from cd.. | 08:48 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 08:48 |
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randoman | brb | 08:48 |
poningru | giant: what are you looking for? | 08:48 |
hanasaki | whats a good program for dealing w/ my ipod? loading songs and stuff... preferably gnome based | 08:48 |
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poningru | hanasaki: rythmbox | 08:48 |
K0brik | could be necessary to look through the source of that `tpb' package he he heh | 08:48 |
giant | poningru, if its possible to create an image from my already installed windows | 08:49 |
MrObvious | pizzle: Did you modprobe ndiswrapper? | 08:49 |
poningru | giant: yes it is | 08:49 |
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kidbuntu | PriceChild: i'm not sure of it. i have 1GB. usually if all of my files are deleted or the USB is empty, it should have at least 950mb+ but i deleted all its contents then i'm still having 860MB | 08:49 |
giant | poningru, but only with a purchased copy of workstation? | 08:49 |
pizzle | poningru, marvell technology group 88w8335 [lubertas] | 08:49 |
tonyy_work | hanasaki, poningru: Banshee is a decent option, as it GTKPod. Rhythmbox will let you move files back and forth, but can't write the database yet it seems. | 08:49 |
poningru | giant: no hold on dude | 08:50 |
Wolfwalker | |giant:| type /join ##windows for help on how to make an image of an already installed Windows | 08:50 |
astro76 | kidbuntu, is it new? | 08:50 |
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=== Makeda [n=javier@120.Red-80-59-64.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hanasaki | tonyy_work: then what good is it if it doesnt do the db | 08:50 |
PriceChild | kidbuntu, hidden files and folders... beginning with . | 08:50 |
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giant | thanks | 08:50 |
kidbuntu | PriceChild: yes i've also deleted hidden files on it. | 08:50 |
kidbuntu | astro76: its just given to me last christmas | 08:51 |
poningru | giant: http://www.vmware.com/products/converter/ | 08:51 |
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hanasaki | what is the jackd that rhythmbox installs | 08:51 |
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exs | Right, What's the easiest + fastest tutorial/program/method to get my *two* ubuntu computers (One desktop, one laptop) to be able to share the internet connection, that only the laptop one has. So, in other words - I want to be able to share my 'net connection that my laptop has - with my desktop computer (which is also ubuntu) | 08:51 |
=== adminGuy [n=bunabiro@c-24-147-241-250.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Wolfwalker | Ah forget it | 08:52 |
astro76 | kidbuntu, I was just thinking of the u3 drives which come with a separate partition with windows junk in it | 08:52 |
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poningru | exs: here's a problem, how does your laptop connect? | 08:52 |
astro76 | kidbuntu, you see if ls /dev/disk/by-id/ shows more than one partition for that drive | 08:52 |
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poningru | Wolfwalker: did it not work? | 08:53 |
MrObvious | pizzle: I didn't see the answer. Did you modprobe ndiswrapper? | 08:53 |
astro76 | kidbuntu, *you could see | 08:53 |
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exs | poningru: Via Wifi | 08:53 |
kidbuntu | astro76: ok i'll try | 08:53 |
pizzle | MrObvious, yeah i did | 08:53 |
pizzle | mrobvious: trendnet.. i installed drivers with ndiswrapper from cd.. | 08:53 |
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RiCCo69 | hey I need a better script than this xchat shit... any suggestions for somthing that's linux compatible? | 08:53 |
hanasaki | so why use rhythmbox if it cannot write the dataqbase? | 08:53 |
MrObvious | Then try using the Gnome Network Manager if it works. | 08:53 |
Wolfwalker | Nope | 08:53 |
MrObvious | That's about the simplest way pizzle. | 08:53 |
Wolfwalker | Last thing it says before it kicks out into busybox...... | 08:54 |
stdin | !language > RiCCo69 | 08:54 |
Wolfwalker | Is something about ata1 slow to respond, please be patient | 08:54 |
poningru | exhuma: hold on | 08:54 |
RiCCo69 | !language > stdin | 08:54 |
poningru | Wolfwalker: oh thats fine just sit around for it | 08:54 |
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cwillu | Is there any way to get gnome to give feedback when you click on something? | 08:54 |
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stdin | RiCCo69: watch the language in here | 08:54 |
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pizzle | MrObvious, i'm trying to tell it to connect to my router and it wont work. i used it without wep and it did work | 08:54 |
Wolfwalker | No, then it kicks out into busybox | 08:54 |
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hanasaki | banshee on feisty crashes... An unhandled exception was thrown: Could not load file or assembly 'NDesk.DBus.GLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f6716e4f9b2ed099' or one of its dependencies. | 08:54 |
hanasaki | at <0x00000> <unknown method> | 08:54 |
hanasaki | at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void_string[] (string[] ) | 08:54 |
hanasaki | at Banshee.Gui.CleanRoomStartup.Startup (Banshee.Gui.StartupInvocationHandler startup, System.String[] args) [0x00000] | 08:54 |
hanasaki | .NET Version: 2.0.50727.42 | 08:54 |
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cwillu | !pastebin | hanasaki: | 08:55 |
ubotu | hanasaki:: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:55 |
bender1337 | i am going to install ubuntu in my grandmas computer would should i do to make it more easy for her besides large rez and big icons? | 08:55 |
Wolfwalker | Last thing it says right now is sr 1:0:0:0: attached scsi generic sg0 type 5 | 08:55 |
randoman | hey check this out man, heres the bug | 08:55 |
randoman | randoman@randoman:~$ xdpyinfo | grep resolution | 08:55 |
randoman | resolution: 86x81 dots per inch | 08:55 |
randoman | randoman@randoman:~$ grep DPI /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 08:55 |
randoman | (**) intel(0): DPI set to (86, 108) | 08:55 |
poningru | exs: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sharing-internet-connection-in-ubuntu.html | 08:55 |
hanasaki | thanks cwillu it was supposed to come out on one long line | 08:55 |
Wolfwalker | So it's still running? | 08:55 |
randoman | it dosent even display the right info | 08:55 |
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poningru | Wolfwalker: yes | 08:55 |
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bLud_Yago_Potato | yo can some some 1 help me set up a ftp server on ubuntu server edition? | 08:55 |
cwillu | hanasaki: gaim? it 'fixes' that automatically :p | 08:55 |
Penguinsaremyfri | I have a program in /opt that I want to run without having the file permissions set to everyone. How would I do that? | 08:55 |
poningru | Wolfwalker: let it go | 08:55 |
xtknight | what's the cmd to reload gnome menu cache? | 08:55 |
MrObvious | pizzle: It may not support encryption. Try googling "(your network card) ndiswrapper encryption" without the quotes. | 08:55 |
poningru | Penguinsaremyfri: just do +w for everyone | 08:55 |
hanasaki | cwillu: yyup.. used to use xchat | 08:56 |
poningru | chmod +w songbird | 08:56 |
Wolfwalker | How long will it stay on that? It said sr 1:0:0:0: attached scsi generic sg0 type 5 a looooooooong time ago. | 08:56 |
hanasaki | whats a good ripper for dvd and audio | 08:56 |
poningru | dvdrip | 08:56 |
poningru | !dvdrip | 08:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dvdrip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:56 |
=== Kopfgeldjaeger [n=nicolai@p54AD6FA9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Penguinsaremyfri | ok | 08:56 |
poningru | Wolfwalker: its probing give it 10-15 mins | 08:56 |
Kopfgeldjaeger | soo... endlich fertig | 08:56 |
Wolfwalker | MINUTES?! | 08:56 |
bLud_Yago_Potato | yo can some some 1 help me set up a ftp server on ubuntu server edition? | 08:56 |
=== SoulChild [n=eshat@dslb-084-060-061-147.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrObvious | !ask > bLud_Yago_Potato | 08:57 |
SoulChild | how to remove invest-chart ? in which package is it ??? | 08:57 |
=== LinuxKid looooooooool | ||
hanasaki | can rhythmbox rip? is it anygood | 08:57 |
Kopfgeldjaeger | mein boinc luft nicht gescheit (kein fortschritt) und die last is mal auf 5 und in der nchsten sekunde auf 95 prozent... kann mir vllt. jemand helfen? | 08:57 |
Kopfgeldjaeger | sry... wrong channel | 08:57 |
MrObvious | !english | Kopfgeldjaeger | 08:57 |
ubotu | Kopfgeldjaeger: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 08:57 |
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poningru | hanasaki: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DVD::Rip | 08:57 |
Ali_ix | i have a problem with mount points / in order to free up more space on root, i have created 3 other partions to move home, var and usr there. / i have successfully moved files and changed fstab to have new mont points, but when i boot up, i get some errors about /var/lock and X cant start! / what is problem? | 08:57 |
MrObvious | Oops. | 08:57 |
Kopfgeldjaeger | ;) | 08:57 |
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MrObvious | Ali_ix: Write that error down and post it please. I think I've seen it before. | 08:58 |
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Wolfwalker | So will I have to wait ten to fifteen minutes every time I turn the computer on? | 08:58 |
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poningru | Wolfwalker: no ofcourse not | 08:58 |
bLud_Yago_Potato | !ask can some 1 help me set up a ftp on ubuntu server edition | 08:58 |
poningru | during install its going to probe for stuff | 08:58 |
poningru | but it could actually be broken | 08:58 |
MrObvious | Wolfwalker: Can you repost your problem again? | 08:58 |
Penguinsaremyfri | how do i use chmod +w? | 08:58 |
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Wolfwalker | No, poningru seems to have it well in hand. | 08:59 |
poningru | Penguinsaremyfri: go into a terminal and do sudo chmod +w songbird | 08:59 |
stdin | bLud_Yago_Potato: there is #ubuntu-server | 08:59 |
Wolfwalker | I'll come back in about fifteen minutes, if it doesn't do anything before then | 08:59 |
stdin | !ftpd | 08:59 |
ubotu | FTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd, !MuddleFTPd, !wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP | 08:59 |
bLud_Yago_Potato | ty | 08:59 |
MrObvious | Wolfwalker; Okay. | 08:59 |
Penguinsaremyfri | But the link I have to the executable becomes broken if I change the file permission to only root and +w | 08:59 |
Wolfwalker | Basically, running the live cd, 7.04, and it didn't work. So I disabled the floppy and now it's probing. | 08:59 |
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Ali_ix | MrObvious: X returns error on "font path" | 08:59 |
Wolfwalker | But 6.06 version worked fine for some reason. | 08:59 |
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Ali_ix | MrObvious: also i get "no /var/lock ..." on boot | 09:00 |
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poningru | Penguinsaremyfri: oh hmm | 09:00 |
poningru | sudo chmod +w /opt/songbird -R | 09:00 |
Penguinsaremyfri | is it bad to chmod 777 my /opt folder? | 09:00 |
poningru | that should make it all executable | 09:00 |
Kopfgeldjaeger | i have boinc running. but it does not really work (still 0%, it works on another pc). cpu is sometimes 5, sometimes 95% (looks like a mountain) | 09:00 |
poningru | Penguinsaremyfri: yes | 09:00 |
=== gles [n=robeagle@host160-11-dynamic.17-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kopfgeldjaeger | not its @5% most time | 09:00 |
=== Tama00 [n=tama@CPE-203-144-17-226.dsl.OntheNet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrObvious | Ali_ix: Hmm. You'll need to probably copy files from the original folder ot the new partitions. | 09:00 |
Penguinsaremyfri | ok.. so I should have it chmod 600? | 09:00 |
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poningru | Penguinsaremyfri: no executable for everyone and read for everyone | 09:01 |
Wolfwalker | Still waiting......... | 09:01 |
bender1337 | i am going to install ubuntu in my grandmas computer would should i do to make it more easy for her besides large rez and big icons? | 09:01 |
MrObvious | Ali_ix: If you can take off the new mountpoints, the data will still be on / I think. | 09:01 |
Ali_ix | MrObvious: i did, | 09:01 |
SineFato | is there a trick to getting beryl to work? when i try to change to beryl it flashes for a sec then goes back to gnome | 09:01 |
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poningru | so 755 | 09:01 |
Penguinsaremyfri | but 600 would make it only root, right? | 09:01 |
Ali_ix | MrObvious: yes, i have renamed old directorie and now i am not lost :D | 09:01 |
poningru | Penguinsaremyfri: yes | 09:01 |
Penguinsaremyfri | 755? | 09:01 |
MrObvious | Okay well try copying data then. | 09:02 |
Ali_ix | MrObvious: i have copied data using cp -a with full premissions and owner to new mount points | 09:02 |
=== syuroff [n=syuroff@mdsnwikwbas08-pool12-a223.mdsnwikw.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poningru | Penguinsaremyfri: I may have it upside down you want it rwxr-xr-x | 09:02 |
=== casey_ [n=casey@12-210-208-102.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrObvious | Ali_ix: You may have to do a repair install then. | 09:02 |
v3ctor | a directory must be executable | 09:02 |
astro76 | bender1337, look under system>preferences>accessbility, tough for us to say as we don't know what problems she has | 09:02 |
Penguinsaremyfri | What does 755 make it? | 09:02 |
v3ctor | 755 | 09:02 |
v3ctor | 755 = rwxr-xr-x | 09:02 |
RiCCo69 | does everyone here use xchat or what | 09:02 |
=== gles [n=robeagle@host160-11-dynamic.17-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
v3ctor | irssi | 09:02 |
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poningru | xchat | 09:02 |
MrObvious | Neither. | 09:03 |
poningru | irssi cant handle more than like 30 channels | 09:03 |
RiCCo69 | what do you use? | 09:03 |
=== danny__ [n=danny@adsl-75-47-68-7.dsl.applwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ali_ix | MrObvious: what a pain :( | 09:03 |
MrObvious | I don't use either because I'm on Winblows and Xchat is only a 30 day trial. | 09:03 |
MrObvious | :( | 09:03 |
=== gles [n=robeagle@host160-11-dynamic.17-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poningru | well it can its just a pain | 09:03 |
=== kahrytan [n=kahrytan@pool-71-176-41-23.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
v3ctor | i would never be in 30 channels ;) | 09:03 |
poningru | MrObvious: use silver's xchat | 09:03 |
casey_ | how do I make sure I have SDL installed? | 09:03 |
Wolfwalker | MrObvious, there are free versions of XChat2 for windoze | 09:03 |
poningru | v3ctor: 51 here ;) | 09:03 |
Ali_ix | MrObvious: i cant understand why this happens while the new mount points are exactly same az old dirs | 09:03 |
Ali_ix | :| | 09:03 |
v3ctor | poningru: i have too much to do to be in that many channels | 09:03 |
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v3ctor | i'm only in this one | 09:04 |
MrObvious | Ali_ix: The data must not be in the right spot. | 09:04 |
poningru | MrObvious: http://www.silverex.org/download/ | 09:04 |
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=== chrisellis [n=chrisell@cpe-70-122-8-138.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrObvious | poningru: Thank You Very Much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 | 09:04 |
Penguinsaremyfri | So I have chmod 600'd my /opt/Songbird folder... what would be my next step to get it able to be run by another user? | 09:04 |
MrObvious | I wanted Xchat but couldn't get it. | 09:04 |
Wolfwalker | Here MrObvious http://www.silverex.info/news/ | 09:04 |
Wolfwalker | Not all compilers charge :) | 09:04 |
poningru | Penguinsaremyfri: no dude chmod it 755 | 09:04 |
Ali_ix | MrObvious: this there is some parameters/option missed | 09:04 |
Penguinsaremyfri | ok | 09:04 |
v3ctor | Penguinsaremyfri: fyi 600 menas they can go into that directory | 09:04 |
danny__ | Hi everyone. I just discovered Fluxbuntu. Does anyone know what the system requirements will be when the release is finale? I'm especially thinking about RAM. | 09:04 |
v3ctor | means* | 09:04 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | ok | 09:05 |
Ali_ix | MrObvious: thanks for your help | 09:05 |
Penguinsaremyfri | i 755'd it, what next? | 09:05 |
poningru | Penguinsaremyfri: you can run it | 09:05 |
Kopfgeldjaeger | oh... boinc seems to have problems with powernowd | 09:05 |
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Wolfwalker | Oh wait, poningru beat me to it................. | 09:05 |
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poningru | :p | 09:05 |
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poningru | !songbird | 09:05 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about songbird - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:05 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | all that frustration and it was so simple. | 09:06 |
MrObvious | Ali_ix: Yw. | 09:06 |
evilninja | has anyone ever gotten EasyUbuntu "jammed" (i.e. won't boot anymore)? | 09:06 |
Penguinsaremyfri | gotta love being a linux newb | 09:06 |
poningru | :) | 09:06 |
poningru | stupid ubotu | 09:06 |
Flannel | danny__: Their website says it'll be final when gutsy is released (in october), How much RAM do you have? | 09:06 |
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=== poningru abuses the bot | ||
Wolfwalker | |Penguinsaremyfri:| That's me, that's me. Newbie to the max. | 09:06 |
poningru | Flannel: wanna confirm the songbird thing? | 09:06 |
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brian10161 | i is teh newb 2 | 09:07 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | I have had ubuntu less than a week, but got beryl and broadcom wireless going, pretty proud of that | 09:07 |
Penguinsaremyfri | actually did the wireless the first night | 09:07 |
danny__ | Flannel: I have plenty of RAM (2GB), I'm just curious because I like to run Linux distros under VMWare. | 09:07 |
Wolfwalker | Speaking of which......... poningru, it's still probing, assuming that's what it is doing. How long before I just give up and reboot? | 09:07 |
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Flannel | danny__: You'd be able to run gnome in VMWare fine. But if you're worried about a lightweight system, check out xubuntu. | 09:08 |
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Kopfgeldjaeger | Penguinsaremyfri: intel graca and ipw 39xx? :d | 09:08 |
poningru | Wolfwalker: frack, yeah go ahead and reboot | 09:08 |
Penguinsaremyfri | what? | 09:08 |
danny__ | Flannel: Yes, I use Xubuntu also. | 09:08 |
Penguinsaremyfri | lol | 09:08 |
Wolfwalker | So what do I try now? | 09:08 |
poningru | and see what error it gives this time | 09:08 |
Flannel | danny__: and also, you can install fluxbox as your GUI even without 'fluxbuntu'. Just install a console-only system (alternate cDs are good for this) and then enable universe and install fluxbox | 09:08 |
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Kopfgeldjaeger | @got | 09:08 |
Kopfgeldjaeger | _all_working_in_1_week | 09:09 |
exs | How do I share my ubuntu 6.06 laptops wifi internet connection, with my 7.04 ubuntu desktop?.. | 09:09 |
Flannel | poningru: what songbird thing? | 09:09 |
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poningru | Flannel: for ubotu I defined songbird | 09:09 |
poningru | you are an editor right? | 09:09 |
Wolfwalker | Do I just read fast and try to catch the error message when it passes? | 09:09 |
=== mannytu [n=mannytu@cpe-67-9-82-200.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poningru | Wolfwalker: you can do shift+pgup | 09:09 |
Flannel | poningru: nope. Youll have to ask in #ubuntu-ops | 09:10 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | What the fudge? Songbird did not recognize the tags on my ogg files! | 09:10 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | manual... I hate it | 09:10 |
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evilninja | exs: one way to do it is 'bridge' two NICs on your laptop, and connect it to the desktop | 09:10 |
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pai | how do i check bluetooth status on terminal? | 09:10 |
ParaDoX34690 | 2 questions: 1. Is there any good drive utilities similar to defrag or checkdisk? 2. Has anyone ever had any success playing a windows game called Anarchy Online in ubuntu? I installed Wine, but it doesn't work as hoped... | 09:10 |
lueho | where can i find the code for kernel? | 09:11 |
Wolfwalker | Bios says FDC Failure. Press <Del> to resume | 09:11 |
Penguinsaremyfri | ok.. nvm. It must have heard me.. it read them lol | 09:11 |
wenhsing | anyone here running Xgl | 09:11 |
Wolfwalker | That means it noticed the floppy was offline? | 09:11 |
v3ctor | exs: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33378/ | 09:11 |
exs | evilninja: How do I bridge, and what are NIC's | 09:11 |
pai | how do i check bluetooth status using terminal? | 09:11 |
fyrestrtr | wenhsing: yes. | 09:11 |
wenhsing | fyrestrtr, how is it | 09:11 |
v3ctor | exs: you do something like that ;) | 09:11 |
poningru | Wolfwalker: hmm not sure | 09:11 |
fyrestrtr | wenhsing: compared to what? | 09:11 |
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fyrestrtr | !kernel > lueho | 09:11 |
wenhsing | fyrestrtr, i mean the performance speed | 09:11 |
Penguinsaremyfri | anyone have an hp dv6000 running ubuntu? | 09:11 |
v3ctor | exs: forget thet first line..not required | 09:12 |
evilninja | I've only done this in Windoze, but a "bridge" is pretty much as it sounds... it will "connect" two Network Interface Cards (NICs) | 09:12 |
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wenhsing | fyrestrtr, is it stable and does it require heavy ram or processing | 09:12 |
lueho | fyrestrtr no man... i know what the kernel is i need to get the code for it in text format | 09:12 |
v3ctor | exs: eth2 is my internal LAN and wlan0 is my internet connection | 09:12 |
fyrestrtr | wenhsing: it works fine. I don't run ancient hardware, and I really don't compare microseconds. If it works fast enough that I don't notice a lag, that's good enough for me. | 09:12 |
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fyrestrtr | lueho: read the wiki link. | 09:12 |
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lueho | !kernel | 09:13 |
ubotu | kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 09:13 |
lueho | ok | 09:13 |
wenhsing | fyrestrtr, ohh icic okie, got the answer hehehe thanks anyway | 09:13 |
poningru | Wolfwalker: can you just go into the box and remove the floppy? | 09:13 |
evilninja | 1) leave the wireless connection on the laptop | 09:13 |
astro76 | ParaDoX34690, there's no need to defragment linux filesystems, for checking there's fsck but the filesystem has to be unmounted | 09:13 |
astro76 | ParaDoX34690, you can force fsck on next boot by doing sudo touch /forcefsck | 09:13 |
lee__ | whois RoboticTao | 09:13 |
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astro76 | ParaDoX34690, then restart | 09:13 |
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poningru | Penguinsaremyfri: I was working on it a week ago whatsup? | 09:13 |
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evilninja | 2) connect the desktop and the desktop's wired NICs with a cable | 09:14 |
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ParaDoX34690 | astro76: Thanks... I think I'll just stay away from that then, but seriously, thank you anyways.... | 09:14 |
stdin | ParaDoX34690: or "sudo shutdown -F -r now" | 09:14 |
stdin | ParaDoX34690: that will force it NOW | 09:14 |
evilninja | 3) find out how to bridge the connections in ubuntu (Network settings...) | 09:14 |
evilninja | 4) voila! | 09:14 |
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Almighty_Henaro | Hey guys how do I display images in evolution? | 09:14 |
ParaDoX34690 | While we're on the topic of what's NOT needed in ubuntu... Is there a need for any kind of anti-virus? | 09:14 |
astro76 | stdin, cool I wasn't sure if that one worked, it isn't in the man page | 09:14 |
fyrestrtr | ParaDoX34690: sure there is. | 09:15 |
Wolfwalker | Depends ParaDox. You plan on writing some viruses? | 09:15 |
astro76 | !fsck | ParaDoX34690 | 09:15 |
ubotu | ParaDoX34690: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot | 09:15 |
Ashfire908 | does amarok work on GNOME? | 09:15 |
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astro76 | !virus | ParaDoX34690 | 09:15 |
ubotu | ParaDoX34690: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 | 09:15 |
poningru | Ashfire908: yes | 09:15 |
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dgjones | Ashfire908, yes it does | 09:15 |
poningru | ParaDoX34690: no | 09:15 |
poningru | you dont need antivirus | 09:15 |
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ParaDoX34690 | (reading) thanx... been wondering about this | 09:15 |
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LucianIndy | Ok, I have looked everywhere. Where can I find a game profiler for ubuntu that will allow me to use a gamepad for 3d FPS games that do not support a gamepad? | 09:16 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | cmd to delete a single file? | 09:17 |
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LucianIndy | Penguinsaremyfri: rm <filename> | 09:17 |
v3ctor | LucianIndy: are you in Indy? | 09:17 |
Penguinsaremyfri | thought so, didn't want to do the wrong one though | 09:17 |
exs | bash: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward: Permission denied | 09:17 |
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exs | what does this mean? bash: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward: Permission denied | 09:17 |
LucianIndy | v3ctor: a suburb sort of | 09:17 |
v3ctor | exs: you will need ot be root to echo to that file | 09:18 |
v3ctor | LucianIndy: Avon here | 09:18 |
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Penguinsaremyfri | LucianIndy: Indiana? | 09:18 |
LucianIndy | v3ctor: pittsboro . . moved from Brownsburg | 09:18 |
exs | how do i become root? v3ctor | 09:18 |
fyrestrtr | !root > exs | 09:18 |
v3ctor | exs: sudo -i | 09:18 |
LucianIndy | exs: sudo | 09:18 |
astro76 | exs, put sudo before the command | 09:18 |
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LucianIndy | v3ctor: avon isnt too far from where i live | 09:19 |
Penguinsaremyfri | You from Indiana lucian? | 09:19 |
MrObvious | Or if you want to get to a root terminal, type sudo passwd root, make a password up, then you can do su - from there. | 09:19 |
MrObvious | But sudo is easier. | 09:19 |
v3ctor | Penguinsaremyfri: yes he is | 09:19 |
LucianIndy | Penguinsaremyfri: yes | 09:19 |
v3ctor | LucianIndy: nope not far at all | 09:19 |
Penguinsaremyfri | cool | 09:19 |
Penguinsaremyfri | me too | 09:19 |
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v3ctor | Penguinsaremyfri: what part? | 09:19 |
astro76 | MrObvious, sudo -i and sudo -s give you a root terminal | 09:19 |
LucianIndy | Penguinsaremyfri: Pittsboro | 09:19 |
exs | i've followed http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33378/ this, and now i'm wondering what i need to do on the desktop machine | 09:19 |
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LucianIndy | Penguinsaremyfri: but i have lived all over indiana | 09:20 |
MrObvious | astro76: Didn't know that. Thanks! | 09:20 |
Penguinsaremyfri | Down south.. around bedford | 09:20 |
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studeringaaron | hows it goin everyone | 09:20 |
MrObvious | Great. | 09:20 |
MrObvious | You? | 09:20 |
studeringaaron | good its hot here but im great | 09:20 |
facefaceface | hi, someone sent me a file that identifies itself thus, " BinHex binary text, version 4.0" | 09:20 |
facefaceface | what can I do to see what is inside? | 09:21 |
Wolfwalker | Delete it, probably | 09:21 |
facefaceface | I think its word or summut like that... | 09:21 |
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_pango_ | hi all | 09:21 |
Ali_ix | where are /var/run and /var/lock mount points defined? | 09:21 |
facefaceface | Wolfwalker, from a trusted source | 09:21 |
studeringaaron | ohhhhhh sounds bad id delete it | 09:21 |
Wolfwalker | Oh | 09:21 |
nephish | If i buy a stick of RAM, does it have to be the same brand as the one i have? or would something with the same specs by another manufacturer be as good? | 09:21 |
Wolfwalker | Never mind | 09:21 |
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MrObvious | nephish: Buy the same one I'd say. | 09:21 |
facefaceface | nephish, laptop can be picky | 09:21 |
lufis | Anyone know where deluge's configuration is stored? | 09:21 |
studeringaaron | nephish I try to stay with the same brands to make sure they work together | 09:22 |
lueho | is this the cmd i use to get the kernel source? "sudo apt-get source linux-source" ? | 09:22 |
facefaceface | google your mobo for compatible ram | 09:22 |
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WWCross | hi | 09:22 |
studeringaaron | but I have in mine a stick of corsair and a stick of giel just cause thats what was laying round | 09:22 |
nephish | ok, the one i want from newegg is out of stock | 09:22 |
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Wolfwalker | Okay, I quit | 09:22 |
nephish | its a desktop | 09:22 |
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MrObvious | nephish: Sometimes you can get "lucky" if you get the same timings and voltage ratings. But in your case try zipzoomfly or tigerdirect or ncix. | 09:23 |
Wolfwalker | Plan B. How about if I just install 6.06 instead of 7.04, then upgrade to 7.04 from the net? | 09:23 |
studeringaaron | it is kinda hit and miss though so stick with the same at all possible | 09:23 |
nephish | thanks, gents | 09:23 |
_pango_ | Tw1stStorm>> hey | 09:23 |
Tw1stStorm | 09:23 | |
=== voraistos [n=voraisto@cpc2-staf1-0-0-cust654.sol2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | Wolfwalker: Only by first upgrading to 6.10 then 7.04 | 09:24 |
MrObvious | nephish: YW | 09:24 |
Wolfwalker | But it would work, yah? | 09:24 |
studeringaaron | I have personaly had bad issues with tiger direct ,check the BBB and you will see what I mean I wont talk bad about them | 09:24 |
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Flannel | Wolfwalker: sure | 09:24 |
MrObvious | ZipZoomFly is good. | 09:24 |
Wolfwalker | You'd better smile when you say that studeringaaron | 09:24 |
Wolfwalker | I like Tiger Direct | 09:24 |
Samurai_Dan_ | Tiger is fine as long as you are a B2B partner | 09:24 |
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studeringaaron | well some people there great but then some people say there bad thats why I say I wont sit and bash them | 09:24 |
Ali_ix | where are /var/run and /var/lock mount points defined? / got it! /etc/mtab ;) | 09:25 |
Tw1stStorm | 09:25 | |
Tw1stStorm | ? | 09:25 |
Wolfwalker | They haven't done me wrong yet | 09:25 |
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Wolfwalker | And I've bought lots of stuff | 09:25 |
Samurai_Dan_ | i have issues if your a normal customer | 09:25 |
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_pango_ | Tw1stStorm, utf | 09:25 |
Darkcity841 | 09:25 | |
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Darkcity841 | 09:25 | |
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Darkcity841 | 09:25 | |
dgjones | !english | 09:25 |
ubotu | The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 09:25 |
Darkcity841 | 09:25 | |
Darkcity841 | 09:25 | |
dgjones | !ops | Darkcity841 | 09:25 |
Darkcity841 | 09:25 | |
ubotu | Darkcity841: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 09:25 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@host131-208-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] by ompaul | ||
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Samurai_Dan_ | but B2B is awesome, dedicated sales rep, mostly free shipping, cheap prices | 09:25 |
studeringaaron | they were good at first with me too but then I tried and buy one of them budget lindows boxes a while ago and got all messed up | 09:25 |
Tw1stStorm | 09:26 | |
mindsideou2 | I have Realtek ALC883. I have sound in Gnome ok, but I have no MIDI, sound has static in some games, and other non-Gnome apps I have no sound | 09:26 |
Tw1stStorm | 09:26 | |
=== deathblooms [n=deathblo@CPE-76-177-99-29.natcky.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrObvious | Whoa. | 09:26 |
studeringaaron | so I looked at the better bussiness bureau and found all kinds of reports about tiger that was the same issues i had | 09:26 |
MrObvious | !englihs | 09:26 |
Wolfwalker | What in the world? | 09:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about englihs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:26 |
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Samurai_Dan_ | midsideou2 you need to go to channel #alsa | 09:26 |
MrObvious | !english | 09:26 |
ubotu | The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 09:26 |
ompaul | !english | 09:26 |
Wolfwalker | Did we just try to get hacked? | 09:26 |
deathblooms | Hey ! is Screenlets site up yet? | 09:26 |
stdin | Wolfwalker: heh, no | 09:26 |
MrObvious | ompaul: Copycat. | 09:26 |
ompaul | Wolfwalker, no just someone with far to much time on their hands | 09:26 |
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Gary | Wolfwalker, just silly people | 09:26 |
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ompaul | MrObvious, I can't deny it :) | 09:26 |
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Wolfwalker | Soooooo......... once I get 6.06 installed, where do I go to upgrade? | 09:27 |
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DaniDiamond | i'm trying to set up a vpn server on my Ubuntu Server install, so i can connect to it from outside with a windows machine... i'm not sure which packages are best to use, since i can find several that are vpn-server related | 09:27 |
Wolfwalker | Did I mention I'm a rank newbie? | 09:27 |
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tonyy | !upgrade | Wolfwalker | 09:28 |
ubotu | Wolfwalker: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 09:28 |
Wolfwalker | T'anks | 09:28 |
deathblooms | Hey ! is Screenlets site up yet? Any 1 | 09:28 |
MrObvious | !upgrade | 09:28 |
rosensturm | Can any get the current version of wine to run? It just segfaults. | 09:28 |
MrObvious | Oh oops. | 09:28 |
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riyonuk | How do I install a gtk theme? | 09:28 |
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riyonuk | How do I install a gtk theme? Cause I cant figure it out :/ | 09:28 |
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tonyy | !themes | riyonuk | 09:28 |
ubotu | riyonuk: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 09:28 |
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riyonuk | I tried putting the theme in ~/riyonuk/.themes but it only make the default theme black | 09:29 |
riyonuk | can anyone help? | 09:29 |
MrObvious | riyonuk: Extract it to ~/.themes then modify ~/.gtkrc2 to the path of the gtkrc file. | 09:29 |
tonyy | !changethemes | riyonuk | 09:29 |
ubotu | riyonuk: To change your themes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu users should visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. | 09:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | riyonuk: easy... system admin login... apply theme there.. | 09:29 |
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MrObvious | I guess I showed you the manual way. :\ | 09:29 |
MrObvious | I guess there is a GUI way in Ubuntu. :\ | 09:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | riyonuk: easy... system admin login... apply theme there.. just drag and drop | 09:29 |
kosh-- | hi all! is there a way to have my gnome-terminal detect if i make a ssh connection to another server and switch to iso-8859-15 font table automatically? and then switch back to utf-8 after i disconnect? | 09:29 |
deathblooms | Can some 1 Help me install screenlets plz ! | 09:29 |
facefaceface | sooo... I used hexbin to un-binhex my binhex... it gives me a .bin... which is aparently 'data' according to file | 09:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | riyonuk: Sorry.. that is for gdm | 09:30 |
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facefaceface | what should I do with a mac.bin ? | 09:30 |
facefaceface | I think it must be a compressed mac archive | 09:30 |
MrObvious | Try uncompressing it? | 09:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | riyonuk: drag and drop onto system... pref... themem manager | 09:30 |
facefaceface | MrObvious, obvious | 09:30 |
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Jack_Sparrow | riyonuk: No need to uncompress the tar | 09:30 |
astro76 | facefaceface, see what 'file mac.bin' says | 09:30 |
MrObvious | There's probably a bin command. | 09:30 |
MrObvious | :\ | 09:30 |
facefaceface | astro76, its 'data' according to file | 09:30 |
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Wolfwalker | What in the world........ | 09:31 |
facefaceface | Why won't tab complete work with most files? | 09:31 |
Wolfwalker | !fluxubuntu | 09:31 |
ubotu | fluxbuntu is a LPAE-standard compliant, Ubuntu-based derivative that maintains the goal of running on a wide range of mobile devices and computers (low-end & high-end). It is lightweight, swift and efficient. | Support Channel: #fluxbuntu on freenode | Homepage: http://fluxbuntu.org/ | 09:31 |
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sauvin | facefaceface, why won't tab complete work with "most files" WHERE? | 09:31 |
Wolfwalker | Is flux lighter than Xubuntu? | 09:31 |
facefaceface | unzip, bunzip2, uncompresss.... no jpy | 09:31 |
astro76 | facefaceface, it works fine, what do you mean? | 09:31 |
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facefaceface | never mind the tab complete comment | 09:31 |
deathblooms | Can some 1 Help me install screenlets plz ! | 09:32 |
MrObvious | !screenlets | 09:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about screenlets - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:32 |
MrObvious | :\ | 09:32 |
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facefaceface | I installed 'macutils', but I not sure which util is to be used | 09:32 |
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MrObvious | deathblooms: Did you get a deb? If not try sudo apt-get install screenlets if it's in the repos. | 09:32 |
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MrObvious | deathblooms: Or use the Synaptic Package Manager. | 09:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | !desklets | 09:32 |
MrObvious | DFM: Hey. Did you by chance play Motocross Madness years ago? | 09:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about desklets - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:32 |
mindsideou2 | Samurai_Dan_, thanks | 09:33 |
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MrObvious | DFM: Sorry to be random but I'm curious. | 09:33 |
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deathblooms | It says Couldnt find package screenlet | 09:33 |
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DFM | Yes I did why? | 09:33 |
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MrObvious | DFM: Remember ZGW? | 09:33 |
ParaDoX34690 | anyone have a decent suggestion for a program to use that is capable of burning cd's/dvd's, creating ISO images, and mounting them (similar to Nero or Alchohol 120% for windows)??? | 09:34 |
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Jack_Sparrow | ParaDoX34690: K3B | 09:34 |
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MrObvious | ParaDoX34690: K3b | 09:34 |
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stdin | !ISO | 09:34 |
ubotu | To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 09:34 |
DFM | Can't say that I do | 09:34 |
MrObvious | deathblooms: It might be screenlets. | 09:34 |
stdin | ParaDoX34690: use "mount" to mount them | 09:34 |
MrObvious | DFM: Can I PM you? | 09:34 |
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DFM | sure | 09:34 |
riyonuk | wait..what? XD | 09:35 |
riyonuk | It says the file format is invalid, its a .zip | 09:35 |
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riyonuk | Jack_Sparrow, this file? .gtkrc-1.2-gnome2 | 09:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | ParaDoX34690: To make an iso is easy.. go to a terminal sudo umount /dev/cdrom... dd if=/dev/cdrom of=file.iso bs=1024 | 09:35 |
lightfight | This is likely a very newbie question but how do I get access to move a folder in the firefox folder at /etc/firefox/profile? The permissions say only the root is allowed and I assume there is some command I need but sadly I don't know it. | 09:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | riyonuk: where did you get it? | 09:36 |
chovy_ | how do i enable sshd? | 09:36 |
astro76 | !sudo | lightfight | 09:36 |
ubotu | lightfight: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 09:36 |
ParaDoX34690 | okay guys... thanks :) | 09:36 |
riyonuk | DA | 09:36 |
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chovy_ | !sshd | chovy | 09:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sshd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | riyonuk: Go to gnome-look.org try a few of those until you get the hang of it.. | 09:36 |
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stuart_ | what's the alt+f2 command to kill GUI programs again? it makes the cursor turn into a skull | 09:36 |
chovy_ | !ssh | chovy | 09:36 |
ubotu | chovy: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 09:36 |
astro76 | stuart_, xkill | 09:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | lightfight: you would use sudo, but whay are you truing to move that folder | 09:37 |
deathblooms | Hey guys i type /etc/apt/sources.list and it says permission denied | 09:37 |
deathblooms | i need to ad lines to it | 09:37 |
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MrObvious | deathblooms: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:37 |
chovy_ | deathblooms: you need to edit it | 09:37 |
chovy_ | not execute it | 09:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | :) | 09:38 |
astro76 | !gksu | 09:38 |
ubotu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo <GUI-application> See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo for more info | 09:38 |
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dcordes | !wish | 09:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wish - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:39 |
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deathblooms | I get Failed to fetch http://hendrik.kaju.pri.ee/ubuntu/dists/feisty/screenlets/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found | 09:40 |
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facefaceface | about tab compleation ... at cmd line, if I try to say bunzip2 something.notbz it won't work | 09:40 |
depesz | hi | 09:40 |
riyonuk | Jack_Sparrow, this is the exact one I want, funny I found it there :D http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Dyne?content=61936 | 09:40 |
stdin | depesz: then remove that repository | 09:40 |
riyonuk | Jack_Sparrow, could you guide me? | 09:40 |
stuart_ | aw man, firefox hung so i pressed ctrl+alt+backspace, and now i can't run firefox beacuse it says i haven't closed it. how do i close it? | 09:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | riyonuk: sure | 09:41 |
facefaceface | stuart_, *really* close it! | 09:41 |
depesz | i'm using kubuntu feisty. i installed and ran compiz, but how do i go back to standard kwin? | 09:41 |
depesz | stdin: what repository? | 09:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | riyonuk: go to system pref theme | 09:41 |
stuart_ | facefaceface, i can't find the process and can't see it in ps -aux either | 09:41 |
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facefaceface | stuart_, or look or a .lock file under .firefox or .mozilla ... I forget which | 09:41 |
facefaceface | by that I mean ~/.mozilla | 09:41 |
lightfight | Yeah, I know sudo but I must not be understanding something. What do I type with sudo to be able to move the file? | 09:41 |
astro76 | facefaceface, you're right, but I imagine that's a feature not a bug | 09:41 |
riyonuk | Jack_Sparrow, k im there | 09:41 |
stdin | depesz: the http://hendrik.kaju.pri.ee/ one | 09:41 |
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astro76 | facefaceface, most commands will complete on any file | 09:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | riyonuk: Drag and drop your *.tar theme on that window... | 09:42 |
facefaceface | astro76, when is a feature not a feature? | 09:42 |
depesz | stdin: i dont have this repository?! | 09:42 |
facefaceface | answer, when its a bug ;-) | 09:42 |
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stdin | depesz: then you shouldn't get that message... | 09:42 |
depesz | stdin: what message? i was not talking about any message?! | 09:42 |
stuart_ | how do i see invisible files in bash? | 09:42 |
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facefaceface | stuart_, ls -l | 09:42 |
facefaceface | I mean -a | 09:42 |
stdin | depesz: wait. not you :P | 09:42 |
riyonuk | Jack_Sparrow, uhh it looks NOTHING like that theme, its just the default theme, but black >_< | 09:42 |
palintheus | stuart_, ls -a | 09:42 |
stuart_ | k cool | 09:43 |
facefaceface | ls -la ;-) | 09:43 |
stdin | depesz: tab completion, sorry :) | 09:43 |
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depesz | stdin: np. | 09:43 |
deathblooms | Does any 1 know about this >? failed to fetch lock information : 404 not found | 09:43 |
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depesz | anybody knows answer to my question? how to remove compiz and go back to standard kwin? | 09:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | riyonuk: A lot of the themes you download dont have the wallpaper and other features you see in the pictures.. | 09:43 |
stdin | deathblooms: remove the http://hendrik.kaju.pri.ee/ repository then | 09:43 |
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Jack_Sparrow | riyonuk: IS the link you gave the one you want.. I will look it over. | 09:43 |
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riyonuk | Jack_Sparrow, no I mean this is not even close to it. | 09:44 |
astro76 | facefaceface, I think it's safe to say that file completion working for bunzip2 only for files with .bz2 extension was planned as a feature... you could probably change the script pretty easily though | 09:44 |
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facefaceface | ty Ashfire908 | 09:44 |
facefaceface | I mean astro76 | 09:44 |
deathblooms | stdin, How | 09:44 |
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SoulChild | where do i change the keyboard layout on textbased tty (not X) | 09:44 |
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stdin | deathblooms: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:44 |
Ashfire908 | lol | 09:44 |
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Jack_Sparrow | riyonuk: brb | 09:45 |
facefaceface | Ashfire908, tab complete set to last speaker first now ;-) | 09:45 |
deathblooms | stdin, what do u want me to remove ? | 09:45 |
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stdin | deathblooms: the one with http://hendrik.kaju.pri.ee/ubuntu/ on it | 09:45 |
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astro76 | facefaceface, thanks didn't know about that option :) | 09:46 |
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facefaceface | astro76, its nice :-) | 09:46 |
RedMercury | do i have a hope in hell getting 2 x1900s working in crossfire under ubuntu? | 09:46 |
lightfight | I understand what sudo does but I don't know what i need to type with it to allow myself to move the file. I'm sorry if I'm being a dolt. | 09:46 |
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facefaceface | RedMercury, there is always hope! | 09:46 |
deathblooms | stdin, Now what ? | 09:46 |
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stdin | deathblooms: save it, then run "sudo apt-get update" in a terminal | 09:47 |
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RedMercury | if it worked, would i be setting a global precedent? :) | 09:47 |
facefaceface | RedMercury, to be honest I don't knwo | 09:47 |
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quamaretto | I'm getting spelling squigglies for the contraction I've | 09:47 |
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facefaceface | What is RedMercury ? is it radioactive? | 09:47 |
deathblooms | stdin, ok done | 09:47 |
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RedMercury | it is a fabled radioactive isotope | 09:48 |
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RedMercury | a golf ball size of it would blow up a city | 09:48 |
studeringaaron | wow | 09:48 |
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facefaceface | ok ;-) sounded familiar ... oh yeah ... psudo science fiction... | 09:48 |
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studeringaaron | reminds me of the guy that made an alt source of power using the material inside the smoke alarms | 09:48 |
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RedMercury | aaaaanyway. i am also moving my gentoo server over to ubuntu, is there any way of getting ubuntu to use ldap out-of-the-box? | 09:49 |
facefaceface | bye bye | 09:49 |
wikityler | None of my apache files belong to a user or group. Is it going to break everything if I assign them to my account? | 09:49 |
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floz23 | hello | 09:49 |
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floz23 | Can anyone help me with my problem? I just searched the forums, google, etc and I cant find a solution. | 09:50 |
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floz23 | :/ | 09:50 |
ParaDoX34690 | okay... hopefully my last question for the next 24 hours... Does anyone know of a USB wireless adapter that i don't have to mess with to install into Ubuntu??? | 09:50 |
chovy_ | /j #ktorrent | 09:50 |
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SoulChild | where do i change the keyboard layout ??? | 09:51 |
studeringaaron | mine worked right away | 09:51 |
studeringaaron | my usb wireles adaptor | 09:51 |
ParaDoX34690 | studeringaaron: what kind of card? | 09:51 |
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lightfight | System>Preferences>Keyboard? | 09:51 |
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studeringaaron | let me get the brand hold on ill get the box | 09:51 |
RedMercury | studeringaaron: crossfire? | 09:51 |
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DFM | floz23: You just need to post your question. | 09:52 |
studeringaaron | hold please ill brb | 09:52 |
ParaDoX34690 | studeringaaron: thanks... | 09:52 |
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floz23 | When I installed ubuntu on my dell optiplex, ubuntu wont boot, I just get a blank screen and a blinking cursor, no error. | 09:52 |
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DFM | How difficult is it to enable dual monitor in 7.04? | 09:52 |
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floz23 | I tried a lot, including playing with the grub commands | 09:52 |
lightfight | I'm trying to move a file in the firefox folder but only the root has permission to move it. I know I need to use sudo in the command line but I don't know what else I have to type in order to get permission to move the file? Can someone help. | 09:52 |
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Jack_Sparrow | floz23: I had some problems with my wifes optiplex as well.. ended up with Dapper but Alternate-feisty also worked | 09:53 |
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DaniDiamond | lightfight: just sudo mv file | 09:53 |
DerangedDingo | lightfight: sudo mv | 09:53 |
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jareth_ | floz23: have you tried "irqpoll"? | 09:53 |
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studeringaaron | ok | 09:53 |
lightfight | Do I have to tell it where to move? | 09:53 |
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floz23 | fareth_: no | 09:53 |
DerangedDingo | lightfight: yes | 09:53 |
floz23 | jar | 09:53 |
lightfight | I'm really new ot the whole command line thing | 09:53 |
exs | does anyone know any wifi usb sticks/pci wifi cards that work out-of-box with ubuntu?? | 09:53 |
studeringaaron | it is a netgear wg-111 | 09:53 |
DaniDiamond | lightfight: sudo mv <source> <dest> | 09:53 |
floz23 | Jack: the alternatate install cd worked? | 09:53 |
studeringaaron | that one i pluged in and it worked | 09:53 |
lightfight | DaniDiamond - Ok I'll try that | 09:54 |
jareth_ | floz23: cost me months to figure out, but qorks for me perfect! | 09:54 |
exs | does anyone know any wifi usb sticks/pci wifi cards that work out-of-box with ubuntu?? | 09:54 |
jareth_ | works | 09:54 |
ParaDoX34690 | exs: studeringaaron just answered that right after you asked :) | 09:54 |
SoulChild | hmm ,... where do i set keyboard layout | 09:54 |
studeringaaron | mine may just be weird though but it reconised it | 09:54 |
exs | ParaDoX34690: ok | 09:54 |
AboSamoor | how i can use remote desktop between Ubuntu and XP ? | 09:54 |
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studeringaaron | lol | 09:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | lightfight: An option you can use is to use gksudo nautilus... do what you need to do and exit the program | 09:54 |
jareth_ | floz23: hope it works for you also ;) | 09:54 |
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ParaDoX34690 | studeringaaron: thanks boss, I'll check into one of them... been wondering about a usb wifi that's cross compatible with windows AND linux out of the box... | 09:54 |
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studeringaaron | my windows needed the disk to set up | 09:55 |
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rausb0 | exs: usb sticks with zydas zd1211 chipset | 09:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | studeringaaron: How much was it? | 09:55 |
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DFM | abosamoor: I believe you can just use remote terminal. I know I have done it but I am not on a linux bos to check | 09:55 |
lightfight | SoulChild - I think Places>Preferences>Keyboard | 09:55 |
studeringaaron | I dont remember I think about 40 dollars on sale | 09:55 |
DerangedDingo | flox23: What exactly is your problem? | 09:55 |
ParaDoX34690 | disk or not, windows install for stuff like that is cake... Linux... well.. that's a little different :) | 09:55 |
=== wastedfluid [n=tom@c-71-57-211-158.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wastedfluid | anyone know how to configure gFTP to use an ip address.. instead of your router address? | 09:56 |
studeringaaron | ya I am very new to linux and if it installs right away I am kinda leary cause its like ok what wont work now | 09:56 |
Ramy | how i can use remote desktop between Ubuntu and XP ? | 09:56 |
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DerangedDingo | floz23: What exactly is your problem? I had some grub problems a while back myself... I might be able to help but I don't know what you | 09:56 |
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deathblooms | stdin, ok done | 09:56 |
SoulChild | in gnome my keyboard is setup right ,.. but on tty 1 it is wrong ,... where to change ?? | 09:56 |
DerangedDingo | Ramy: you need to install VNC onto the windows computer | 09:56 |
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DFM | RRamy:I believe you can just use remote terminal. I know I have done it but I am not on a linux bos to check | 09:56 |
floz23 | derangeddingo: it just wont boot, i get a blank screen. But im about to try the irqpoll boot option | 09:57 |
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wastedfluid | Ramy; Hold on. | 09:57 |
dissection | Are there no blu-ray movie players for Ubuntu? I checked the site and it shows only a software called DumpHD. That plays both HD DVD and Blu-ray? | 09:57 |
wastedfluid | Ramy; I'll tell you the software I use for ubuntu->2k | 09:57 |
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DFM | Ramy: Are you just wanting to access XP via RDP? | 09:57 |
compengi | why does default ubuntu data writer closes disk after adding something on a cd? | 09:57 |
wastedfluid | Ramy; download VNCServer... and install it on your XP box. then I use xtightvncviewer to control 2k from ubuntu. | 09:57 |
Ramy | i want to access XP from Ubuntu and vice versa | 09:58 |
DerangedDingo | floz23: Do you wait a while? On my Dell 4600C, for unknown reasons, the computer doesn't support usplash, so I just have a blank screen with a blinking cursor. after 30 seconds to a minute GDM loads | 09:58 |
stdin | deathblooms: it should be fixed now then | 09:58 |
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floz23 | derangeddingo: my harddrive has no activity! | 09:58 |
DFM | Ramy: You don't need that software to RDP and control XP from Ubuntu but I have not tried to do XP to Ubuntu | 09:58 |
DerangedDingo | floz23: oh.. Is it random or after a fresh install? | 09:58 |
deathblooms | stdin, Well i dont know where to go now on what to type in terminal to get screenlets installed. | 09:59 |
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wastedfluid | Ramy: I just told you. VNC Server from your XP box. xtightvncviewer from ubuntu .. is probably the most basic setup. | 09:59 |
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Ramy | DFM how i can do the first part using RDP ? | 09:59 |
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DerangedDingo | stdin: The main website has a repository you can install screenlets from | 09:59 |
DagonIT | I would like to get some help with connecting a blog editor to movable type | 09:59 |
jareth_ | floz23: for me feisty wouldn't boot neither, but when trying on fedora 7, it recommended irqpoll just before running stuck on udev... | 09:59 |
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floz23 | derangedding: fresg ubstakk! | 09:59 |
Anarch | Ramy: for Ubuntu->XP, apt-get install rdesktop | 09:59 |
floz23 | bah | 09:59 |
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stdin | DerangedDingo: tell deathblooms | 09:59 |
floz23 | Its a fresh install | 10:00 |
compengi | deathblooms, check this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3142783 | 10:00 |
riyonuk | Jack_Sparrow, ok :D | 10:00 |
DerangedDingo | stdin: oops. sorry, got the names mixed up | 10:00 |
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CydeSwype | hey all. so i want to grow my current partition to use the bulk of my hard drive (and wack my other partitions). is booting from a live cd the easiest way to do that? | 10:00 |
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CydeSwype | and do i have to worry about damaging any of the data on the current partition? | 10:00 |
DerangedDingo | deathblooms: The main website has a repository you can install screenlets from | 10:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | riyonuk: You have a theme you like..? | 10:00 |
riyonuk | Jack_Sparrow, http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=61936&forumpage=0 | 10:00 |
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sdouble | anyone have any recommendations for a packet sniffer? | 10:01 |
DFM | Ramy: RDP (Remote Desktop Procedure) is a term. I think the program to use is terminal server. Someone else might know. I am not on a Linux box right now so I can't tell you for sure. | 10:01 |
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riyonuk | Jack_Sparrow, I think thats for gnome? Cause he said he has one for fluxbox, so Im assuming that for gnome | 10:01 |
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jackster | CydeSwype: maybe try something like the GTKParted (sp?) Live CP? | 10:01 |
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deathblooms | stdin, From my under standing is the website is down | 10:01 |
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floz23 | Cool, I added the irqpoll option to my kernel line... I have the same thing, plus a little garbage on my screen. | 10:01 |
riyonuk | Jack_Sparrow, I drap and drop, just like you said, and it just makes the hue of my HUMAN theme black >_< | 10:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | riyonuk: I have about 5 minute to finish up what I am working on here... If you dont have it by then I will help... I have never used fluxbox.. but fluxbox isnt gnome... | 10:01 |
stdin | deathblooms: then you'll just have to wait for it to come back up, nothing we can do | 10:01 |
lightfight | jack_sparrow: thanks, I didn't know about that command. | 10:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | riyonuk: Find a Gnome theme | 10:02 |
yaustar | I just installed a second physical drive on a PC, how do I mount it or find out what device it is? It is formatted as Fat32 | 10:02 |
floz23 | Someone here said that the alternate-installer cd worked? | 10:02 |
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CydeSwype | jackster: cool. but i need some sort of live cd style booting image to allow me to work on my current partition right? i can't unmount the partition i'm currently on | 10:02 |
riyonuk | Jack_Sparrow, its a gnome though? | 10:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | lightfight: Use with caution... | 10:02 |
jackster | CydeSwype: I'm not sure but I /think/ you're right | 10:02 |
deathblooms | stdin, ok I've tried to install Screenlets using some repos like | 10:02 |
deathblooms | deb http://hendrik.kaju.pri.ee/ubuntu feisty screenlets | 10:02 |
deathblooms | deb-src http://hendrik.kaju.pri.ee/ubuntu feisty screenlets | 10:02 |
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CydeSwype | right on. thanks! | 10:02 |
DFM | I haven't tried rdesktop, does it work better than the terminal mode? | 10:02 |
lightfight | Jack_sparrow: I will, I only needed to move that one thing | 10:02 |
deathblooms | stdin, and it says not a command | 10:02 |
AboSamoor | what's the name of the VNC Server i have to download it on Windows machine ? | 10:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | riyonuk: What is the rating they give to that theme.. | 10:03 |
lightfight | thanks a million | 10:03 |
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jackster | CydeSwype: I'll see if I can find you the .iso | 10:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | np :) | 10:03 |
sdouble | AboSamoor: realvnc | 10:03 |
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CydeSwype | jackster: i have a gutsy iso (i'm running gutsy at the moment). so i can pop that in. it should have gparted on it | 10:03 |
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jareth_ | floz23: just try it... any errors? | 10:04 |
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floz23 | jareth_: No, it gave me some garbage on the screen. | 10:04 |
jackster | CydeSwype: ah good call, if it doesn't work though, this should (i think): http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php | 10:04 |
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riyonuk | Jack_Sparrow, 78% | 10:04 |
wastedfluid | anyone know how to edit gFTP's config to input a manual network address? i'm trying to do a transfer, and the ftp host server won't let me cuz gftp sends my 192.168.2 address as my ip address. | 10:04 |
CydeSwype | jackster: perfect. thanks! | 10:05 |
alex1 | can anyone tell me how to switch my keyboard and mouse control to screen 1 on an nvidia card? | 10:05 |
jareth_ | floz23: just an idea, which i hoped would work.. | 10:05 |
Fatihmuderis | huseyin: :S | 10:05 |
jackster | no prob :-) | 10:05 |
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sdouble | jackster: I too will find that useful. Thanks. =] | 10:05 |
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jackster | sdouble: no probs :-) | 10:05 |
floz23 | jareth_: thx. | 10:05 |
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Fatihmuderis | huseyin: | 10:06 |
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JeevesMoss | how do you connect (from the GUI) to a remote system? | 10:06 |
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JeevesMoss | like RPC in windows, but for Ubuntu | 10:07 |
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Fatihmuderis | Who can help me Turkish? | 10:09 |
Fatihmuderis | Who can help me Turkish? | 10:09 |
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rausb0 | !tr | 10:09 |
ubotu | Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 10:09 |
Xoris | Fatihmuderis, weren't you banned? | 10:09 |
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Fatihmuderis | im has ben banned on turlug but | 10:10 |
Fatihmuderis | its not my wrong | 10:10 |
PriceChild | Fatihmuderis, /join #ubuntu-tr | 10:10 |
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sauvin | JeevesMoss, what kind of connexion are you looking for? | 10:10 |
Fatihmuderis | PriceChild: ubuntu-tr havent person people | 10:10 |
studeringaaron | ya they may be able to help a lil better than we can though | 10:11 |
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astro76 | Fatihmuderis, if they're not there then they're not here either... you might just have to wait until some show up | 10:11 |
=== sauvin doesn't even remember what family of languages turkish belongs to | ||
Fatihmuderis | >.< | 10:11 |
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studeringaaron | turkish is arabic like isnt it | 10:11 |
yaustar | I just installed a second physical drive on a PC, how do I mount it or find out what device it is? It is formatted as Fat32 | 10:11 |
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PriceChild | !offtopic | 10:11 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 10:11 |
tofaffy | is there a way with the installer to use a non-graphical installer on the regular one without downloading the alternate installer? | 10:12 |
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PriceChild | tofaffy, no | 10:12 |
Fatihmuderis | studeringaaron:?_?_? | 10:12 |
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wastedfluid | yaustar; try "gnome partition manager" | 10:12 |
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wastedfluid | yaustar; it comes on the live disc, as well. it'll show you all phsyical drives.. | 10:12 |
Radio | hmmm | 10:13 |
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yaustar | Cool, that will tell me the names of all partitions right? | 10:13 |
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wastedfluid | anyone know of another ftp client besides gftp.. you can't set your network address in gftp, and it won't allow me to do connect to certain ftps | 10:13 |
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wastedfluid | yaustar; Yes, it will show you all your hard drives.. file systems, mounted, the whole nine yards. it should do what you're looking for. | 10:13 |
PriceChild | !ftp | wastedfluid | 10:13 |
ubotu | wastedfluid: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd | 10:13 |
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wastedfluid | PriceChild; thanks. Do you know of one off the top of your head that you can manually set your network address though? | 10:14 |
yaustar | wastedfluid: Cool cheers | 10:14 |
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PriceChild | wastedfluid, Could you explain please? | 10:14 |
mintsoup | I have composite turned on and it works for windows.. but is there any way to make the desktop panel use composite transparency? | 10:15 |
wastedfluid | PriceChild; I'm behind a NAT router. gftp thinks my ip is 192.168.2.* and is sending that to FTP servers when I connect. Some servers will kick you off for supplying an IP address different than your real one.. and I can't set my network address. | 10:15 |
JeevesMoss | sauvin: I heard that you can connect to a remote server and have a GUI to move around in. I currently have a server in Michigan (and I'm in Toronto), and I'd like to be abe to connect to it and use a GUI to admin it) | 10:15 |
fatespeaks | !FTPd | wastedfluid | 10:15 |
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ubotu | wastedfluid: FTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd, !MuddleFTPd, !wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP | 10:15 |
PriceChild | wastedfluid, right I understand... but don't know how to help sorry. | 10:15 |
wastedfluid | fatespeaks; please, read before you assume. | 10:15 |
PriceChild | fatespeaks, please read his questino. | 10:15 |
wastedfluid | PriceChild; thanks. | 10:15 |
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fatespeaks | sorry, just joined | 10:16 |
PriceChild | wastedfluid, google is your friend is my best guess, unless you want to go through each and see? :) | 10:16 |
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humpty | i new ubuntu. helping need. i bad english. any speak meow meow? | 10:16 |
wastedfluid | PriceChild; It's just not worth the hassle.. lol, thanks though. | 10:16 |
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PriceChild | humpty, pardon? | 10:16 |
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humpty | i new ubuntu. helping need. sound not availabalbable | 10:16 |
JeevesMoss | sauvin: ideas? | 10:17 |
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PriceChild | humpty, what is your native language? | 10:17 |
humpty | how make sound availlablable? | 10:17 |
humpty | pricechild native what? | 10:17 |
MasterShrek | !vnc | JeevesMoss, | 10:17 |
ubotu | JeevesMoss,: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 10:17 |
humpty | national native same ? | 10:17 |
PriceChild | humpty, french, spanish, german....? | 10:17 |
eboyjr | I downloaded the Borealis theme from gnome-look.org, but I can't figure out how to install it. How can I do that? | 10:17 |
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humpty | pricechild i not understand | 10:18 |
MasterShrek | eboyjr, system > preferences > themes | 10:18 |
humpty | pricechild bad english i speak meow meow. my sound not work | 10:18 |
PriceChild | !sound | humpty | 10:18 |
ubotu | humpty: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 10:18 |
sauvin | Pricechild, what language to you speak when you're at home? | 10:18 |
PriceChild | sauvin, who knows. | 10:18 |
=== coopster [n=bcoop@c-71-236-54-213.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sauvin | Er, Pricechild, sorry, that wasn't meant for you. | 10:19 |
Ramy | hi, i installed RealVNC on my Xp box , and xtightvncviewer on Ubuntu. Can anyone tell me what i have to do ? | 10:19 |
humpty | ubotu so many english no reading | 10:19 |
sauvin | Humpty, what language do you speak when you're at home? | 10:19 |
humpty | sauvin meow meow | 10:19 |
yaustar | wastedfluid: Cool, sorted cheers :) | 10:19 |
astro76 | humpty has just been trolling #debian | 10:19 |
sauvin | Ah. | 10:19 |
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astro76 | he speaks english | 10:19 |
humpty | sauvin national language hindi | 10:19 |
eboyjr | MasterShrek, It is a sound theme, sorry. | 10:19 |
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desertc | Hello - got a general question - is there any way to get Ubuntu's CD/DVD Creator to verify the recording? I have lost some data because the software did not identify all the media I have been using had unreadable sectors. | 10:19 |
humpty | sound help | 10:20 |
humpty | sound help | 10:20 |
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Xoris | that was sound, yes | 10:20 |
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wastedfluid | yaustar; no problem. | 10:20 |
humpty | sound help | 10:20 |
MasterShrek | eboyjr, extract it somewhere, and go system > preferences > sound | 10:20 |
humpty | why mode +o | 10:20 |
MasterShrek | you have to set each one individualy eboyjr | 10:20 |
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eboyjr | MasterShrek, Okay, thx | 10:21 |
MasterShrek | desertc, what are u using to burn? | 10:21 |
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MasterShrek | just the nautilus burner? | 10:21 |
=== K0brik [n=user@0x50c63507.odnxx6.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
K0brik | whats that mDNS thing anyways? | 10:22 |
desertc | MasterShrek: Yes, just Nautilus | 10:22 |
riyonuk | I give up | 10:22 |
riyonuk | can anyone guide me through installing a theme? | 10:22 |
desertc | MasterShrek: Onto DVD-R | 10:22 |
K0brik | should I disable it? | 10:22 |
MasterShrek | desertc, try using k3b, works good for me :) | 10:22 |
MasterShrek | riyonuk, what kind of theme? | 10:22 |
floz23 | BTW, everyone that tried to help me.. I just found this thread, DUH. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=409345 | 10:22 |
floz23 | Post #20 | 10:22 |
desertc | MasterShrek: That is a KDE application? | 10:23 |
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MasterShrek | riyonuk, system > preferences > themes choose the proper tab, and click install | 10:23 |
K0brik | lol | 10:23 |
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eboyjr | What's the fastest way to make the system beep? | 10:23 |
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wastedfluid | lol | 10:23 |
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Coolvorte | hello | 10:23 |
ulysses_ | does anybody have an orinoco gold wifi pcmcia card? | 10:23 |
K0brik | eboyjr: play beep I assume? | 10:23 |
desertc | MasterShrek: Will KDE applications work well or cause problems with Ubuntu's GNOME ? | 10:23 |
lueho | coolvorte HEWWO SIR | 10:23 |
weltschmerz | i'm trying to mount an nfs share from my laptop, and i get "permission denied", even though it works from another machine in our house, on the same network. :( | 10:23 |
astro76 | eboyjr, tab completion on file that doesn't exist :) | 10:23 |
hyakuhei | hey all, Anyone know where NetworkManager stores its info? Its got a bit confused with an AP thats changed channel and essid a few times and it needs its brain cleaning out! | 10:23 |
MrObvious | eboyjr: Load a terminal and push backspace on the keyboard? | 10:24 |
MasterShrek | desertc, yes it is, but kde programs run fine under gnome | 10:24 |
eboyjr | astro76, thanks | 10:24 |
Ramy | can you tell how to start the remote Desktop, i have RealVNC on my Xp machine and vxtightvncviewer on my ubuntu ? | 10:24 |
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eboyjr | MrObvious, thanks | 10:24 |
Fatihmuderis | Who can help me Turkish? | 10:24 |
Fatihmuderis | Who can help me Turkish? | 10:24 |
MrObvious | eboyjr: Yw. | 10:24 |
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MrObvious | !turkish | 10:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about turkish - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:24 |
MrObvious | :\ | 10:24 |
Chousuke | !tr | 10:24 |
ubotu | Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 10:24 |
tokj | lol | 10:24 |
MrObvious | Ramy: Try rdesktop | 10:24 |
lueho | D: | 10:24 |
MrObvious | lol | 10:24 |
astro76 | Fatihmuderis, repeating yourself is not helping | 10:24 |
desertc | MasterShrek: They should replace the one in Nautilus! | 10:24 |
riyonuk | MasterShrek, tried it, and Drag and drop, all just change the default themes color -_- | 10:24 |
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PriceChild | Fatihmuderis, /join #ubuntu-tr | 10:25 |
K0brik | is there any reasonable explanation to why I would ever let mDNS "talk" with the internet? | 10:25 |
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MasterShrek | riyonuk, i dunno, i usually just click the install button and install it, never had a problem | 10:25 |
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desertc | MasterShrek: Thank you for your assistance and continued support in #ubuntu! I am sure the tech support guys at Dell owe you a beer. ;) | 10:25 |
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MrObvious | K0brik: Because they are best friends? | 10:25 |
MrObvious | :\ | 10:25 |
MasterShrek | heh | 10:25 |
riyonuk | MasterShrek, funny, Ive never once succefully installed a theme, they ALL seem to change the color of the default theme :/ | 10:25 |
K0brik | MrObvious: what? | 10:26 |
MasterShrek | riyonuk, is your theme listed in the list after you drag and drop? | 10:26 |
Fatihmuderis | PriceChild: ubuntu-tr havent people. :S | 10:26 |
MasterShrek | you may have to choose it... | 10:26 |
Ramy | MrObvious you mean System->preferences->Remote Desktop | 10:26 |
MrObvious | K0brik: I'm being funny. | 10:26 |
Ramy | ? | 10:26 |
fatespeaks | wastedfluid, did you try turning off passive mode on gftp? | 10:26 |
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K0brik | MrObvious: whatch your language | 10:26 |
MrObvious | Ramy: Dunno. | 10:26 |
MrObvious | K0brik: Huh? | 10:26 |
K0brik | without h | 10:26 |
wastedfluid | fatespeaks; yes, i turned of passive.. and it still kicked me off. | 10:26 |
riyonuk | MasterShrek, Yup | 10:26 |
K0brik | lol | 10:26 |
MrObvious | K0brik: I didn't cuss or anything. | 10:26 |
dissection | Does anyone here has a blu-ray drive? | 10:26 |
K0brik | MrObvious: I'm only kidding | 10:26 |
desertc | MasterShrek: I worked with a Master Sargeant last year whose name was Shrek. Kind of odd. | 10:26 |
dissection | *have | 10:26 |
MrObvious | Oh. | 10:26 |
riyonuk | MasterShrek, I click, makes everything look like old windows, with a dif color | 10:26 |
MrObvious | :| | 10:26 |
MrObvious | I was like "Did I make a typo?" | 10:27 |
MrObvious | lol | 10:27 |
K0brik | but I'd really like to know what it is good for | 10:27 |
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MasterShrek | riyonuk, did you click customize? | 10:27 |
K0brik | some apple system as far as I can read | 10:27 |
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weltschmerz | does anyone know where nfs logs are kept? | 10:28 |
riyonuk | MasterShrek, wheres customize? | 10:28 |
K0brik | weltschmerz: in /etc/log/ I guess | 10:28 |
K0brik | weltschmerz: /var/log excuse me | 10:28 |
Xoris | you mean /var? | 10:28 |
MasterShrek | there should be a button on the theme panel riyonuk | 10:29 |
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riyonuk | MasterShrek, theme details? | 10:29 |
riyonuk | And I cant install another theme by install, it says wrong file format | 10:29 |
MrObvious | Xoris: No he means /var/log | 10:29 |
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MrObvious | Xoris: :p | 10:29 |
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Xoris | MrObvious: ok, just because of your nickname... | 10:30 |
MasterShrek | yea maybe riyonuk mine says customize | 10:30 |
la | hola | 10:30 |
MrObvious | Xoris: Lol. | 10:30 |
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PriceChild | Fatihmuderis, /ubuntu.tr ? | 10:30 |
PriceChild | Fatihmuderis, /join #ubuntu.tr ? | 10:30 |
wastedfluid | anyone know of a gui ssh client like securessh for winblows? i get tired of having to type in passwords all day. | 10:30 |
K0brik | yeah, la | 10:30 |
Xoris | PriceChild: as in "troll"? | 10:30 |
MrObvious | wastedfluid: xssh? | 10:31 |
sauvin | Those passwords are your friend, wastedfluid . | 10:31 |
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wastedfluid | sauvin; I'm not silly. i know that. But, I have about ten boxes I have to check daily.. and maintain. It's a pain in the ass. you know? | 10:31 |
Fatihmuderis | PriceChild: YT bro | 10:31 |
wastedfluid | MrObvious; Thanks. let me look into it. | 10:31 |
Fatihmuderis | Thank you. | 10:31 |
riyonuk | Nope, MasterShrek, nothing seems to work | 10:31 |
sauvin | Is the "checking" something that could be automated? | 10:31 |
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MrObvious | wastedfluid: Yw. | 10:32 |
PriceChild | Xoris, we'll see :) | 10:32 |
wastedfluid | sauvin; Not really. Checking openvz, processes, etc.. | 10:32 |
MrObvious | wastedfluid: That was just a quick google though. | 10:32 |
wastedfluid | it's nothing that can be done automatically, unfortunately. | 10:32 |
K0brik | actually I'm the wrong place to ask mDNS questions? | 10:32 |
weltschmerz | K0brik var/log what? | 10:32 |
ParaDoX34690 | hey, anyone that's familiar with Cedega, do you have to be logged into it in order to mount a cd/dvd and install a game? | 10:32 |
K0brik | weltschmerz: check the bottom of your man nfs page damnit lol | 10:32 |
MrObvious | Probably. :\ | 10:32 |
weltschmerz | :/ | 10:32 |
MrObvious | !language | K0brik | 10:32 |
ubotu | K0brik: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 10:32 |
K0brik | lol MrObvious | 10:33 |
=== holotone [n=holotone@host-69-146-25-88.msl-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
weltschmerz | this is nuts. there's no logical reason i should get "permission denied" when trying to mount this drive. | 10:33 |
fatespeaks | I am using XChat-GNOME and having difficulty following the conversation threads here. :) Does anyone have suggestions for a more advanced IRC client? I would prefer something available from official Ubuntu repos. | 10:33 |
holotone | could anyone tell me how to run jack-d with full privs by default | 10:33 |
holotone | ? | 10:33 |
=== jherrera [n=chuy@201-167-110-37-cable.cybercable.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
K0brik | weltschmerz: some mount configuration | 10:33 |
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MasterShrek | !sudo | weltschmerz | 10:33 |
ubotu | weltschmerz: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 10:33 |
MrObvious | weltschmerz: Hmm. ls -l /media/* and see if you have 777 permissions. If not then sudo chmod /media/... 777 | 10:33 |
ParaDoX34690 | fatespeaks: try installed Kopete... it'll do cross-platform IM and IRC | 10:34 |
MasterShrek | fatespeaks, use xchat instead of gnome-xchat | 10:34 |
K0brik | weltschmerz: as MasterShrek just said: sudo it | 10:34 |
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jherrera | is there any good flash maker for linux? | 10:34 |
yaustar | cheers MrObvious, you just answered the question I was going to ask :) | 10:34 |
MrObvious | yaustar: Hi again! lol | 10:34 |
MrObvious | yaustar: You're welcome. What was the question? | 10:34 |
sauvin | fatespeaks, to some degree, keeping threads of conversation separate is a mental thing; you get used to it. HOWEVER, may I recommend you download a REAL XChat? XChat-gnome is a bit retarded. | 10:35 |
yaustar | MrObvious: How to create a folder with user permissions to read/write/exexcute :) | 10:35 |
MrObvious | sauvin: It IS retarted. It isn't "a bit retarded." | 10:35 |
MrObvious | Lmao. | 10:35 |
K0brik | where would I ask in what relation mDNS are needed in the ubuntu distribution? | 10:35 |
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fatespeaks | ParaDoX34690 does Kopete integrate well with gnome? | 10:35 |
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MrObvious | !commands | 10:35 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 10:35 |
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MrObvious | yaustar: Try reading that guide. | 10:35 |
yaustar | cheers | 10:36 |
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MrObvious | yaustar: Also try learning to man things. | 10:36 |
MrObvious | :) | 10:36 |
ParaDoX34690 | fatespeaks: absolutely... i thought the same thing because the website says it's for kde, but I figured "ah, hell, i'll give it a shot"... You can install it through Synaptic manager | 10:36 |
K0brik | yaustar: chmod u=wrx or something | 10:36 |
yaustar | man? | 10:36 |
Ramy | how i can start a vnc server | 10:36 |
=== cameron_ [n=cameron@cpe-76-190-241-239.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ramy | ? | 10:36 |
K0brik | yaustar: or maybe just man chmod | 10:36 |
sauvin | I can't speak for gnome; kopoete has zero trouble "integrating" with KDE, that's a fact. | 10:36 |
MrObvious | yaustar: man command. | 10:36 |
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yaustar | ahh.. | 10:36 |
MrObvious | yaustar: Short for manual | 10:36 |
cameron_ | what do I use to access usb mass media devices? | 10:36 |
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sauvin | A great many things written for gnome work nicely on KDE. | 10:36 |
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MrObvious | Ramy: Just vncserver. | 10:36 |
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yaustar | I see | 10:36 |
fatespeaks | MasterShrek sauvin : Thanks for the tip. I'll try X-Chat. | 10:36 |
MrObvious | Ramy: Run the command at the terminal. | 10:37 |
sauvin | cameron_, you shouldn't have to "use" anything. They should just automagically mount. | 10:37 |
ParaDoX34690 | fatespeaks: or just do sudo apt-get install kopete from terminal... you might want to also get the kdeartwork-emoticons as well... | 10:37 |
cameron_ | mk | 10:37 |
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MrObvious | cameron_: If not then mount /dev/sda* | 10:37 |
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=== sauvin uses kopete for aim, yahoo and gtalk but uses xchat for irc | ||
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Ramy | MrObvious ok, i type a password and it tells me that it's too short, is it error ? then what i have to do ? | 10:38 |
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ParaDoX34690 | << uses kopete for everything... just wishes he could find something that can also do SMS messaging... | 10:38 |
MasterShrek | Ramy, you can force it to use that password by typing it again | 10:38 |
=== dampit07 [n=dampit07@c-75-72-147-22.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | Ramy, if what your doing is creating user passwords | 10:38 |
dampit07 | i have just a quick question | 10:38 |
MasterShrek | !ask | dampit07 | 10:39 |
ubotu | dampit07: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:39 |
sauvin | ParaDoX34690, does kopete support all of IRC functionality? | 10:39 |
B-rabbit | guyz will this flash player work for an AMD64 bit pc : http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&P2_Platform=Linux&P3_Browser_Version=Netscape4.... | 10:39 |
yaustar | fatespeaks: Do you use Firefox, if so, it be worth trying the Chatzilla addon/extension | 10:39 |
MasterShrek | !nspluginwrapper | B-rabbit | 10:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nspluginwrapper - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:39 |
=== Shadow6363 [n=procrast@pool-72-70-176-7.hrbgpa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ParaDoX34690 | sauvin: To be honest with you, I don't know... I haven't found any limitations to it yet... | 10:39 |
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ParaDoX34690 | sauvin: best thing I can tell ya is just install it and try it out for yourself... | 10:39 |
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MrObvious | Ramy: Enter your user password that you use to log into your compuer. | 10:40 |
Shadow6363 | hmm, what is the recommended way to change resolution if it does not appear under the preferences list? i usually use dpkg-reconfigure but im wondering if there is something better. | 10:40 |
MrObvious | *computer | 10:40 |
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MasterShrek | B-rabbit, you want to use nspluginwrapper, check the forums for a tutorial | 10:40 |
dampit07 | with the 7.04 do i need to download gnome or will it just install it when it installs ubuntu | 10:40 |
sauvin | I ask because the other protocols aren't fully supported, so things like voice, video, file transfers and suchlike can get to be pretty frustrating. | 10:40 |
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ParaDoX34690 | dampit07: gnome installs by default | 10:40 |
MasterShrek | Shadow6363, u can probably just add the desired resolution to /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 10:40 |
Ramy | i enter along password and accepted , then what i have to do ? | 10:40 |
fatespeaks | Do any of you have experience with using GAIM on IRC? | 10:40 |
Shadow6363 | MasterShrek, alright, thanks | 10:40 |
ParaDoX34690 | fatespeaks: yes, i do... | 10:40 |
MrObvious | Shadow6363: If it were me I'd add it to xorg.conf. I would just copy/paste with added lines for the desired resolution. But most times the default resolutions work fine. | 10:40 |
MrObvious | Err I was beat. | 10:41 |
MrObvious | D'oh | 10:41 |
dampit07 | alright, thanks, this is going to be my first time installing linux without one of my friends helping me | 10:41 |
scam | can you apt-get the non ubuntu version of xchat? | 10:41 |
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=== Tama00 [n=tama@CPE-203-144-17-226.dsl.OntheNet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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MrObvious | scam: sudo apt-get install xchat | 10:41 |
MasterShrek | scam, yes, apt-get isntall xchat | 10:41 |
MrObvious | scam: You may have to edit your repos to support it. | 10:41 |
MrObvious | !repositories | 10:41 |
ParaDoX34690 | fatespeaks: but Gaim is what made me decide to find something else... wasn't very happy with it... and Pidgin is basically Gaim anyways... Seriously, just try Kopete | 10:41 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 10:41 |
scam | it installed the same version i think | 10:41 |
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MrObvious | !easysorce | 10:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about easysorce - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:41 |
MrObvious | !easysource | 10:41 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 10:41 |
Shadow6363 | MrObvious, alright, sounds good | 10:41 |
fatespeaks | ParaDoX34690: thats good to know | 10:41 |
MrObvious | scam: Read those links to find the source for xchat. | 10:42 |
MrObvious | Shadow6363: :0 | 10:42 |
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MrObvious | Shadow6363: Err.. :) | 10:42 |
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MrObvious | I'm full of typos today. | 10:42 |
MrObvious | :( | 10:42 |
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ParaDoX34690 | fatespeaks: try it... you'll like it... Kopete is much more versitle than Gaim, and it has access to a lot more networks too... | 10:42 |
scam | MrObvious, thanks | 10:42 |
=== desertc_ [n=mmm@c-68-52-118-61.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrObvious | YW | 10:42 |
jaypro | anyone in here into stocks? im looking for a program that downloads historical data | 10:43 |
dampit07 | also can anyone come in and help answer questions | 10:43 |
=== sauvin is finding that GUI newsreaders can really hog resources | ||
dampit07 | ? | 10:43 |
MasterShrek | !ask | 10:43 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:43 |
lor4x | hello, i'm trying to install the madwifi drivers so that i can use aircrack-ng on my cisco aironet 350 card. i followed some instructions and built the modules but when i plug in my card i don't get ath0 (only eth1 and wifi0)... how do i enable to useage of the madwifi drivers? | 10:43 |
fatespeaks | ParaDoX34690: alright, you give a very convincing argument, I'll try Kopete. | 10:43 |
sauvin | I'm using Kopete myself and love it. | 10:43 |
jaypro | kopete is dope | 10:44 |
sauvin | jaypro, what does that mean? | 10:44 |
=== mrproper [n=kbreit@c-24-12-151-138.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jaypro | it's good | 10:44 |
riyonuk | Anyone else care to try to help me install --> http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=61936&forumpage=0 | 10:44 |
mrproper | Can someone help me get Compiz working on Feisty? | 10:44 |
=== visualdeception [n=seth@ppp-69-219-76-235.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ParaDoX34690 | fatespeaks: Seriously, I was using gaim for a bit, and in the end, i found it to be rather clunky as far as accessing IRC and things like that... it got tiring closing the IRC windows when it started and I didn't want to be in it... | 10:44 |
MasterShrek | mrproper, #ubuntu-effects | 10:44 |
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scguy318 | no one uses Gaim for IRC lol | 10:44 |
scam | i do.. but only in windows | 10:45 |
scam | at work | 10:45 |
fatespeaks | Cheers all! I'll go figure out Kopete and be back a bit later. | 10:45 |
ParaDoX34690 | scguy318: I did, but now I don't :) | 10:45 |
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ParaDoX34690 | bbl | 10:45 |
=== ParaDoX34690 [n=ParaDoX@pool-71-99-197-153.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] | ||
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MrObvious | scam: Download Xchat2 for Winblows. | 10:46 |
=== weston [n=weston@c-67-185-89-228.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
weston | how do i open sources.list through terminal? | 10:46 |
=== Fericit brb | ||
dampit07 | scguy318 and ParaDoX34690: Gaim is nolonger, it is now called Pidgin. | 10:46 |
MrObvious | weston: sudo gedit /apt/cache/sources.list | 10:46 |
scguy318 | i know :) | 10:46 |
MrObvious | I don't think the path is right but that will work. | 10:46 |
B-rabbit | guyz...a question: do i have to unistall my 64bit firefox to install a 32bit one? | 10:46 |
scguy318 | its still bundled in Ubuntu Feisty tho | 10:47 |
MrObvious | I think it's /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:47 |
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scguy318 | or sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:47 |
scguy318 | MrObvious: use gksudo | 10:47 |
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scguy318 | not sudo | 10:47 |
=== antitab [n=Michael@pool-72-78-163-167.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scam | MrObvious, nah, its a pos box.. and im installing slackware on it this week | 10:47 |
MrObvious | What's the dif? | 10:47 |
scguy318 | gksudo = GUI, sudo = cmd-line | 10:47 |
MrObvious | It works the same. | 10:47 |
scguy318 | if you use sudo, some apps may behave differently | 10:47 |
scguy318 | and you may potentially screw up permissions | 10:47 |
scguy318 | for ICEauthority or something | 10:47 |
MrObvious | Ahh. | 10:47 |
scguy318 | and if you try to do sudo kate | 10:47 |
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scguy318 | utter feil | 10:47 |
MrObvious | Noted. | 10:48 |
scguy318 | :) | 10:48 |
dampit07 | scguy318: i know it is still in 7.04, also i use Pidgin every day | 10:48 |
scguy318 | yeah | 10:48 |
dampit07 | just not for irc | 10:48 |
scguy318 | mIRC for me :P | 10:48 |
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dampit07 | i use mirc | 10:48 |
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=== derenrich [n=BrokenSe@adsl-065-007-166-232.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
derenrich | Does anyone know if ubuntu works on dell m1330? | 10:48 |
scguy318 | try the LiveCD? | 10:48 |
MrObvious | Eww@mirc | 10:48 |
sauvin | I think used mIRC under wine, once, just to be perverted. | 10:49 |
scam | derenrich, just try the livecd | 10:49 |
derenrich | scguy318: yeah it doesn't work properly | 10:49 |
scguy318 | how exactly? | 10:49 |
scam | if it works.. then yes | 10:49 |
derenrich | scam: what if that doesn't work? | 10:49 |
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dampit07 | does anyone have beryl installed on their 7.04 machine | 10:49 |
derenrich | it drops me into a broken terminal | 10:49 |
derenrich | no graphical stuff | 10:49 |
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PriceChild | !beryl | dampit07 | 10:49 |
ubotu | dampit07: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 10:49 |
scam | derenrich, well try the live cd.. certaint things we can try and help you fix | 10:49 |
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scguy318 | like tty no job control? | 10:49 |
derenrich | scam: I'm trying it rgiht now | 10:50 |
derenrich | scguy318: something like that | 10:50 |
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derenrich | it sasys "BusyBox v1.1.3" built in shell | 10:50 |
scguy318 | mm, I've never personally encountered the error, though there are myriads of suggestions on the forum | 10:50 |
scguy318 | oh | 10:50 |
=== Meyvn [n=Arjen@cp708387-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scguy318 | um | 10:50 |
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derenrich | the error is "/bin/sh can't access tty: job control turned off" | 10:50 |
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derenrich | ah | 10:50 |
derenrich | ic | 10:50 |
bobgill | how do I install openbox? | 10:51 |
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scguy318 | sudo apt-get install openbox? | 10:51 |
derenrich | any specific advice? | 10:51 |
scguy318 | um | 10:51 |
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champlooo | hello, I have Xubuntu installed on a PII-350. I had USB1.1 I/O to the external hard drive, so I bought a PCI USB2.0 card. It happends that the speed only improved from 900kbps to 1100kbps. What must be limiting the performace? | 10:52 |
MrObvious | derenrich: Reburn the Ubuntu CD at 4x and do a md5sum check. | 10:52 |
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MrObvious | champlooo: The limitations of the PCI bus maybe. | 10:52 |
derenrich | MrObvious: I verified the cd on another compy and it said everything was fine | 10:52 |
champlooo | but its a USB2.0 PCI card... | 10:52 |
ben__ | Is there any reason why I can't periodically delete my log files? I've no idea what they say so they're no use to me, and that's easier than encrypting my filesystem | 10:53 |
champlooo | with 5 I/O | 10:53 |
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Yodude | hey i have a simple question, i need a program to monitor my DSL bandwidth usage, and be like an internet monitor that warns me when my limit is nearly full and like that, does anybody know of such application ? | 10:53 |
bruenig | ben__, you can do whatever you like | 10:53 |
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MrObvious | champlooo: Yeah that sounds right. It's the limitations of the PCI bus. You will only get 130 M/s because it's PCI. If it was straight to the mobo then it would be faster. | 10:53 |
bruenig | ben__, if you want, you can just stop running syslog completely | 10:53 |
MrObvious | derenrich: Then check the CD drive or try another one. That error usually means a bad cd. | 10:53 |
ben__ | bruenig: what does that entail? | 10:53 |
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bruenig | ben__, likely removing a daemon from startup | 10:54 |
champlooo | but I am only getting 1Mbps | 10:54 |
ben__ | hm | 10:54 |
champlooo | also, I am using a 54Mbps router for the transfer | 10:54 |
derenrich | MrObvious: Well, it's not a bad cd drive (it's new and it's a laptop) and the CD is not corrupted... | 10:54 |
MrObvious | champlooo: Oh my math was off. | 10:54 |
MrObvious | champlooo: Nevermind. | 10:54 |
=== technel [n=technel@66-216-232-76.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
weston | hmmmm, my terminal is not letting me install flashplugin-nonfree | 10:54 |
bruenig | weston, that pesky terminal | 10:55 |
scguy318 | sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree? | 10:55 |
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MrObvious | derenrich: Okay...well I gave you what I knew then. Dunno from there. I'd say try reburning another cd to be sure. | 10:55 |
Yodude | please does someone know a program that might help me ? | 10:55 |
=== TinMan [n=TM@69-11-75-113.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scam | how do you remove a pkg with apt-get | 10:55 |
=== ph4mp573r [n=chatzill@pool-72-71-229-113.cncdnh.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scam | i feel dumb today | 10:55 |
weston | Package flashplugin-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 10:55 |
weston | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 10:55 |
weston | is only available from another source | 10:55 |
weston | E: Package flashplugin-nonfree has no installation candidate | 10:55 |
sauvin | weston, you might be happier with the flash plugin from the Adobe site. The nonfree plugin gave me headaches. | 10:55 |
MrObvious | !ask | Yodude | 10:55 |
ubotu | Yodude: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:55 |
Xoris | !apt > scam | 10:55 |
scguy318 | scam: sudo apt-get remove blah | 10:55 |
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Xoris | !paste > weston | 10:55 |
MrObvious | !flood ! weston | 10:55 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o PriceChild] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@] by PriceChild | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o PriceChild] by ChanServ | ||
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about flood ! weston - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:55 |
bruenig | sauvin, they are the same so long as they are packaged well | 10:55 |
MrObvious | :| | 10:55 |
scam | scguy318, thanks | 10:55 |
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MrObvious | !pastebin ! weston | 10:55 |
Yodude | i need a program to monitor my DSL bandwidth usage, and be like an internet monitor that warns me when my limit is nearly full and like that, does anybody know of such application ? | 10:55 |
=== Ominous [n=Ominous@84-51-151-23.jamesk522.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sauvin | bruenig, then the packaging was screwed up or something. | 10:56 |
Xoris | !bot > MrObvious | 10:56 |
MrObvious | !pastebin | weston | 10:56 |
bruenig | MrObvious, pipes, not exclamation points | 10:56 |
ubotu | weston: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:56 |
weston | sooo any recommendations? | 10:56 |
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MrObvious | bruenig: Duh. I had a typo. | 10:56 |
bruenig | weston, what version of ubuntu | 10:56 |
bruenig | oh I saw two | 10:56 |
bruenig | I thought perhaps... | 10:56 |
MrObvious | bruenig: I'm full of typoneses today. | 10:56 |
MrObvious | *typonese | 10:56 |
MrObvious | Jeez. | 10:56 |
weston | Feisty | 10:56 |
MrObvious | :\ | 10:56 |
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weston | bruenig, fiesty | 10:56 |
sohail | hey any tips on installing ubuntu without a cd? | 10:56 |
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PriceChild | !install | sohail | 10:57 |
ubotu | sohail: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate | 10:57 |
bruenig | weston, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:57 |
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Yodude | i need a program to monitor my DSL bandwidth usage, and be like an internet monitor that warns me when my limit is nearly full and like that, does anybody know of such application ? | 10:57 |
sohail | PriceChild, thanks. I hope there is something to help me! | 10:57 |
weston | bruenig whats pastebin | 10:57 |
MrObvious | derenrich: You coud always try the alternate cde | 10:57 |
MrObvious | derenrich: You coud always try the alternate cd* | 10:57 |
bruenig | !past | weston | 10:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about past - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:57 |
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bruenig | !paste | weston | 10:57 |
ubotu | weston: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:57 |
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MrObvious | Rofl. | 10:57 |
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Yodude | i need a program to monitor my DSL bandwidth usage, and be like an internet monitor that warns me when my limit is nearly full and like that, does anybody know of such application ? | 10:57 |
derenrich | MrObvious: That's true... | 10:58 |
wastedfluid | hello.. watching a .wmv with mplayer.. intalled wm32codecs, and everything.. but the vidoe seems to be going half speed(literally..) while the audio is going full speed.. any ideas? | 10:58 |
scguy318 | Yodude: Autofocus/Bandwidthd/etc... | 10:58 |
sauvin | Yodude, have you tried asking that question in #linux? | 10:58 |
=== Oni-Dracula [n=oni@68-189-162-172.dhcp.spbg.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
weston | bruenig, you get it? | 10:58 |
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bruenig | weston, you need to supply the link | 10:59 |
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weston | bruenig, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33381/ | 10:59 |
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bruenig | weston, where did you get that? | 10:59 |
kriser223 | hi i was on earlier i have a problem with my laptop not loading up any device i plug into my usb. i have a flash drive that when i plug it in to the computer it doesn't register is there a plug and play software i need to run can any one help please | 10:59 |
axisys | once in while my hard disk gets frozen ... no response from mouse/keyboard nothing.. | 11:00 |
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=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-226-148-17.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
axisys | like this http://rafb.net/p/RtN5vg30.html | 11:00 |
Blissex | kriser223: first check with 'lsusb' whether the drive gets recognized at all. | 11:00 |
weston | bruenig, ubuntu resporities | 11:00 |
mviahal | hello, I am having a trouble with beryl on Ubuntu | 11:00 |
bruenig | weston, no you got that from somewhere else | 11:00 |
weston | bruenig, source-o-matic | 11:00 |
dampit07 | mviahal: whats your problem | 11:00 |
axisys | any way to troubleshoot the problem? | 11:00 |
=== francois_fon_ [n=francois@sev93-4-82-242-17-76.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Blissex | axisys: fairly common. Surges in background disks activity (swap, IO) have that effect. | 11:00 |
bruenig | weston, oh its regular with source-o-matic underneath it, I see | 11:00 |
mviahal | I have an NVidia card, when I run beryl window manager, the title bars are missing | 11:01 |
sauvin | kriser223, blissex is right. My usb devices never fail to register, and nearly always automount, UNLESS I'm using bad cable. | 11:01 |
dgjones | !beryl | mviahal | 11:01 |
ubotu | mviahal: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 11:01 |
=== mrga_from_pula [n=legenda@83-131-192-26.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kriser223 | no the drive is not regitering at all | 11:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | IS there a way to remote connect to desktop of another Ubuntu machine here in my house on the same router? | 11:01 |
=== v3rtigo [i=v3rtigo@poipu/supporter/v3rtigo] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mviahal | ubotu, thanks | 11:01 |
ubotu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 11:01 |
bruenig | weston, well your choice, either delete everything after #Automatically generated sources.list or everything above it | 11:01 |
=== At0mic_PC [n=arch_ato@host-66-156-175-17.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Cyberjames is now known as cyberjames | ||
dampit07 | mviahal: have you gone into the preferences | 11:01 |
scguy318 | Jack_Sparrow: sure, System -> Administration -> Remote Desktop or somethin | 11:01 |
v3rtigo | is there a way to install ubuntu without formating the root partition? | 11:01 |
axisys | Blissex: so this is fairly common http://rafb.net/p/RtN5vg30.html ? | 11:01 |
mviahal | ubotu, thanks | 11:01 |
kriser223 | no cable between flsh drive and comp | 11:01 |
sauvin | kriser, the device, the cable or the port(s) you're plugging it into has a physical problem then, maybe. | 11:02 |
weston | bruenig, ok | 11:02 |
scguy318 | Jack_Sparrow: tick on VNC server then the client can use vncviewer to get in | 11:02 |
=== syte [n=syte@c-68-63-3-235.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | v3rtigo, not conventionally | 11:02 |
sauvin | Can you try another port? | 11:02 |
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Jack_Sparrow | scguy318: I know that sets up the other machine, how do I initiate a session on the other one | 11:02 |
v3rtigo | bruenig so how? | 11:02 |
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kriser223 | lsusb states all four usb are there just not powering up | 11:02 |
scguy318 | Jack_Sparrow: cmd-line: vncviewer <ip> or use the Remote Desktop client thingy in Applications | 11:02 |
kriser223 | devices | 11:02 |
sauvin | kriser223, can you try another port? | 11:02 |
Blissex | axisys: something like that happens to me too, but usually only at boot. | 11:02 |
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Blissex | kriser223: then use a powered USB2 hub. | 11:03 |
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bruenig | v3rtigo, well I mean you could technically replace all the files with the files from ubuntu, but that would be a strictly manual thing unless there is something out there that I am not aware of | 11:03 |
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Jack_Sparrow | scguy318: Trying that now... what do I use if both of our IP address are the same? | 11:03 |
Blissex | kriser223: there are low limits on how much power a USB port can support. | 11:03 |
scguy318 | Jack_Sparrow: internal IP, no way two clients hooked up to router can have same IP ;) | 11:03 |
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mviahal | ubotu, please provide the channel name for beryl | 11:03 |
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PriceChild | mviahal, /join #ubuntu-effecrts | 11:03 |
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PriceChild | mviahal, #ubuntu-effects sorry | 11:03 |
mviahal | thanks | 11:03 |
weston | bruenig, ok I deleted everything above it, It still can't find flashplugin-nonfree | 11:03 |
endo | I'm having a problem all of the time. My desktop freezes up, can't do nothing with it. Not even Ctrl+Alt+Backspace | 11:04 |
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mviahal | just wondering what is the right question to ask ubotu | 11:04 |
scguy318 | Jack_Sparrow: can you pastebin the full output of sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree/ | 11:04 |
axisys | Blissex: i may have a fix of this random freeze .. not as consistent as yours | 11:04 |
syte | I've tried every tutorial when it comes to installing the 8600 gt, and still i get a "no input signal" error from my monitor or I get this weird cryptic message about no screen found. | 11:04 |
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bruenig | weston, apt-get update first | 11:04 |
sauvin | endo, what application(s) are you running when the freeze happens? | 11:04 |
weston | bruenig, i did | 11:04 |
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scguy318 | ah shit wrong person | 11:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | scguy318: I went to whatismyipaddress.com both came back the same | 11:04 |
scguy318 | weston: can you pastebin the full output of sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree/ | 11:04 |
weston | bruenig, it says it's refered by another package??? whats that mean | 11:04 |
kriser223 | when i had windows xp installed there were no problems i plugeed it in and i could access it all i have done since then is totally wipe windows as i think microsoft is c*** and installed ubuntu | 11:04 |
scguy318 | Jack_Sparrow: whatismyip...... shows you EXTERNAL ip, the IP assigned to your router | 11:04 |
scguy318 | you want the internal IP assigned by the router via DHCP | 11:05 |
scguy318 | ifconfig both | 11:05 |
sauvin | kriser223, you can say that Windows is crap. Nobody will yell at you. | 11:05 |
bruenig | weston, another package that you can see has it listed as a dependency likely | 11:05 |
kriser223 | what ever i plug into hte usb noting will register on any poet on my laptop | 11:05 |
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Jack_Sparrow | scguy318: What is the command to get internal ip? | 11:05 |
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sauvin | kriser223, do you have another usb device to try? | 11:05 |
endo | sauvin: i'm assuming it's the compiz-fusion | 11:05 |
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scguy318 | Jack_Sparrow: ifconfig | 11:05 |
kriser223 | not sure of the rules of the room an did not want to offend | 11:05 |
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endo | but, that and pidgin, avant, deluge, opera | 11:05 |
sauvin | endo, maybe you'd be better served in #ubuntu-effects | 11:05 |
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weston | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33382/ | 11:06 |
kriser223 | i have tried my printer, memory card reader and mouse nothing will work | 11:06 |
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sauvin | kriser223, what is your platform? | 11:06 |
syte | does anyone have an 8600 GT? | 11:07 |
kriser223 | explain plz | 11:07 |
sauvin | What verison of linux are you using? | 11:07 |
weston | scguy318, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33382/ | 11:07 |
sauvin | s/verison/version/; | 11:07 |
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kriser223 | the newest version of ubuntu feisty fawn 7.04 | 11:07 |
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sauvin | ..? What kind of hardware? | 11:08 |
chris_ | what's the meta package called to get all the development stuff? | 11:08 |
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scguy318 | chris_: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 11:08 |
zerokill88 | does anyone use Nicotine??? | 11:08 |
bruenig | weston, did you do the apt-get update and then try again or not? | 11:08 |
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bruenig | chris_, build-essential | 11:08 |
chris_ | thanks | 11:08 |
weston | bruenig, yes already tried that | 11:08 |
=== sauvin puffs on another ciggie | ||
Jack_Sparrow | scguy318: Checking them both now.. | 11:08 |
scguy318 | zerokill88: sry my lungs are precious :P, but srsly not me | 11:08 |
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zerokill88 | scguy318 me either, im sure you know what im talking bout right | 11:09 |
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axisys | any linux kernel expert here can take a look at this? http://rafb.net/p/RtN5vg30.html | 11:09 |
wastedfluid | Anyone here familiar with codecs? It seems as if gmplayer plays video's faster when I make the box smaller.. and plays them extremely slower when I play it at say "Normal Size" | 11:09 |
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scguy318 | zerokill88: yes the client | 11:10 |
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kriser223 | laptop is only 1 year old good spec but can't remeber full details | 11:10 |
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xeonwales | hi there, can anyone advise me on how to change my screen resolution?? I have gone into the ctrl panel & looked there, but i only get 10204x768. I have an ATI X1300 gfx card | 11:11 |
cameron_ | what codec package should I get? | 11:11 |
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weston | bruenig, so how do i find it if it says it is refered by another package? | 11:11 |
zerokill88 | scguy318 yes, well i duno if you used apt to download or form source, but my nicotine freezes and shutsdown for some reason. why would that do that | 11:11 |
=== vertex [i=verter@host233-92-dynamic.10-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cameron_ | u have your drivers xeonwales? | 11:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | scguy318: Thanks... I feel like a doof... | 11:11 |
vertex | hi guys i have an ssh problem | 11:11 |
xeonwales | no | 11:11 |
scguy318 | weston: try Synaptic? | 11:11 |
weston | scguy318, what package do i search for? | 11:12 |
scguy318 | xeonwales: prob sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? | 11:12 |
cameron_ | what codecs should I get for Musicmatch, (mp3, flac,) | 11:12 |
scguy318 | weston: search for the flashplayer-nonfree | 11:12 |
axisys | if i just pick up my laptop and put it back down .. it tirgger this event http://rafb.net/p/RtN5vg30.html .. every single time | 11:12 |
bruenig | weston, your problem is very simple, the cache database that you are meant to have downloaded from these sources either isn't getting there or isn't correct, probably the former | 11:12 |
cyberjames | hi vertex, whats the problem | 11:12 |
vertex | -.-------->i got this problem______________>http://rafb.net/p/LiYPh436.html | 11:12 |
axisys | my laptop cannot stand any move.. | 11:12 |
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axisys | it just gets frozen | 11:12 |
bruenig | !attitude | vertex | 11:12 |
ubotu | vertex: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 11:12 |
weston | scguy318, i typed it in search...nothing came up | 11:13 |
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scguy318 | make sure you have restricted/universe repos enabled? | 11:13 |
scguy318 | weston: make sure you have restricted/universe repos enabled? | 11:13 |
xeonwales | can i get them from ATI?? | 11:13 |
mviahal | i somehow lile this ubotu :-) | 11:13 |
scguy318 | xeonwales: if u wants ATI drivers, Envy i guess | 11:14 |
weston | scguy318, they are on | 11:14 |
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cyberjames | !attitude | cyberjames | 11:14 |
scguy318 | vertex: perhaps the host key has actually changed? | 11:14 |
cameron_ | xeonwales, go to restricted drivers, and select the ati drivers | 11:14 |
vertex | yeah | 11:14 |
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kriser223 | celeron processor 512mb ram 60gb hardrive via chipset sound and graphics | 11:15 |
=== Luke [n=Luke@cpe-76-190-147-26.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
xeonwales | cameron where do i get restricted drivers from? | 11:15 |
tego | i setup the beryl manger and i get all steps terminal but i cant use it to change to new one and i lost the 3d movement to another workspace | 11:15 |
vertex | i'm in the known_hosts file but it's encrypted i think | 11:15 |
scguy318 | vertex: follow the error msg ;) | 11:15 |
vertex | i 'm doing it | 11:15 |
scguy318 | vertex: sudo nano the known_hosts file? | 11:15 |
vertex | yep | 11:15 |
sauvin | Did I just see somebody recommending envy? | 11:15 |
Yodude | hey btw there is a music player called banshee that got updated like 6 days ago, but the update doesn't seem to have gotten to the gutsy repos ?! Will it get updated eventually ? | 11:15 |
stdin | !ait | xeonwales | 11:15 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ait - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:15 |
mviahal | tego, what do you mean by "get all steps terminal" ? | 11:15 |
stdin | !ati | xeonwales | 11:15 |
ubotu | xeonwales: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 11:15 |
vertex | gedit but it's the same | 11:15 |
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vertex | it0s encrypted i think | 11:16 |
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Luke | I've got a raid1 on 2 harddrives w/ 3 partitions each. 1 is a swap of 4 gigs but it's not being mounted. When I do mkswap on it, it complains that it's too small a device. How can I activate this swap? | 11:16 |
scguy318 | vertex: encrypted like? | 11:16 |
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tego | i make sure that it was in update and put the code and make it execute | 11:16 |
cameron_ | xeonwales, you need to open up Restricted Drivers Manager, I'm not on ubuntu right now, but I think it's somewhere in the preferences | 11:16 |
vertex | pseudo random letters | 11:16 |
mviahal | vertex, what is encrypted? | 11:16 |
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exs | Is there any out-of-box ready USB/PCI WiFi devices that work with ubuntu? | 11:16 |
cameron_ | this is the easiest way to get your ati drivers | 11:16 |
mviahal | tego, what code are you talking about in beryl? | 11:16 |
vertex | the known_hosts file | 11:16 |
scguy318 | vertex: sudo nano ...../known_hosts? | 11:17 |
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vertex | yeah i did it | 11:17 |
PriceChild | exs, intel, ralink.... there are more but don't know about them | 11:17 |
mviahal | tego, beryl is simple. from the menu, select beryl window manager. | 11:17 |
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mviahal | and then your beryl runs | 11:17 |
Penguinsaremyfri | Is there anyway to skip the disk force check on the 30th boot? My computer can barely make it through the cycle | 11:17 |
systemd0wn | QUESTION, should the tutorial "32-Bit chroot how to" work in feisty? i see it hasnt been updated since 2005 and i would really like to run some 32 bit applications on my 64bit install of feisty. | 11:17 |
lhh163 | I'm having an issue with Compiz, I'm running Gutsy and it has the most recent updates... | 11:17 |
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cyberjames | exs: intel's working on mine | 11:17 |
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PriceChild | Penguinsaremyfri, if you don't go through fsck's, your machine may not boot next time | 11:17 |
cameron_ | can I use beryl to manage my themes?, I don't have hardware acceleration, but I do want it to look nice ;) | 11:17 |
MasterShrek | systemd0wn, you shouldnt have to do a chroot | 11:18 |
axisys | vertex: vi +1 /root/.ssh/known_host | 11:18 |
MasterShrek | i believe theyll just run | 11:18 |
axisys | dd | 11:18 |
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axisys | :wq! | 11:18 |
Penguinsaremyfri | Well, it get stuck in mid process and won't boot | 11:18 |
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weston | ok, how do i install the .taz.gz from www.adobe.com ??? | 11:18 |
PriceChild | weston, what is it? | 11:18 |
axisys | vertex: follow the three commands I gave u exactly | 11:18 |
JeevesMoss | does anyone know the syntact to mount a remote samba share? | 11:18 |
systemd0wn | MasterShrek, so do i have to force install or something? like with a deb package? | 11:18 |
cameron_ | weston: which program | 11:18 |
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weston | flash player 9 | 11:18 |
vertex | axisys i see 1 command | 11:18 |
MasterShrek | systemd0wn, what are you trying to isntall? | 11:18 |
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tego | sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl that to xgl and sudo gedit /usr/local/bin/startxgl.sh then type #!/bin/sh | 11:18 |
tego | Xgl :1 -fullscreen -ac -accel xv:pbuffer -accel glx:pbuffer & | 11:18 |
tego | DISPLAY=:1 | 11:18 |
tego | exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session | 11:18 |
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axisys | vertex: here comes again.. | 11:19 |
axisys | vertex: vi +1 /root/.ssh/known_host | 11:19 |
kriser223 | i have ran tail and put it in this paste bin the computer is recognising the device but just not activating it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33383/ any ideas | 11:19 |
axisys | vertex: dd | 11:19 |
vertex | ok | 11:19 |
PriceChild | weston, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 11:19 |
axisys | vertex: :wq! | 11:19 |
vertex | yeah | 11:19 |
systemd0wn | MasterShrek, i would like to get flash installed on firefox and the only way to do that is 32bit firefox. And google desktop search would also be nice. | 11:19 |
tego | sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/startxgl.sh | 11:19 |
cameron_ | check the Add/Remove programs, theres one there | 11:19 |
Penguinsaremyfri | Anyone know why my computer stalls on fsck? | 11:19 |
MasterShrek | systemd0wn, use nspluginwrapper and keep your 64 bit firefox | 11:19 |
scguy318 | systemd0wn: nspluginwrapper | 11:19 |
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weston | ... it dosen't work | 11:19 |
=== TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-118-96.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scguy318 | Penguinsaremyfri: stall like? | 11:20 |
weston | can't find package but it's refered | 11:20 |
systemd0wn | mastershrek, scguy318, thanks :) what about google desktop search? | 11:20 |
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sauvin | irq trouble? :( | 11:20 |
tego | sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list to one it | 11:20 |
scguy318 | tego: gksudo | 11:20 |
Penguinsaremyfri | It just quits. disk stops spinning, process halts | 11:20 |
PriceChild | weston, do you have multiverse enabled? | 11:20 |
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tego | and add deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ feisty main | 11:20 |
scguy318 | tego: do not do sudo with GUI apps, gksudo for GUI apps | 11:20 |
systemd0wn | i have tried tracker and beagle and they leave something to be desired. | 11:20 |
scguy318 | tego: or kdesu if in KDE | 11:20 |
MasterShrek | systemd0wn, thats only for 'doze i believe | 11:20 |
weston | pricechild, yes | 11:20 |
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vertex | axisys the file is empty | 11:21 |
Penguinsaremyfri | !fsck | 11:21 |
ubotu | fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot | 11:21 |
systemd0wn | mastershrek, no they have a 32bit version for linux. i have it installed on my laptop | 11:21 |
=== chiefinnovator [n=chiefinn@c-69-255-197-177.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scguy318 | ubotu: Ubuntu also does fsck every x mounts | 11:21 |
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chiefinnovator | Does anyone know how to add ones of these fonts to Ubuntu? http://www.proggyfonts.com/index.php?menu=download | 11:21 |
syte | anyone have problems with the 8600 gt besides me? | 11:21 |
Penguinsaremyfri | I cannot figure out why my fsck just stops | 11:22 |
chiefinnovator | It looks like it is a pcf font. I need to install a pcf font to Ubuntu running Gnome | 11:22 |
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AboSamoor | i have an ubuntu machin with X static ip address, and the Default Gateway is Y, when i check online i got a Z ip address. i'm now trying to to login remotely to my Ubuntu using VNC, i told to make a tcp forwarding ? can anyone help me in doing that ? | 11:22 |
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tego | iam gnome | 11:22 |
chiefinnovator | <rant>It's way to hard to add new fonts. There should be a tool in the preferences menu for a future Ubuntu</rant> | 11:23 |
RadiantFire_ | chiefinnovator: copy into .fonts | 11:23 |
RadiantFire_ | chiefinnovator: er, ~/.fonts | 11:23 |
RadiantFire_ | and then run fc-cache | 11:23 |
chiefinnovator | RadiantFire_, like sudo fc-cache? | 11:23 |
Luke | One of my raid devices isn't showing up with blkid. what may cause this? | 11:23 |
scguy318 | AboSamoor: trying to access the Ubuntu machine from the Intenret? | 11:23 |
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RadiantFire_ | I think so... | 11:24 |
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vertex | axisys? | 11:24 |
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AboSamoor | scguy318. no, from an Xp machine | 11:24 |
Penguinsaremyfri | how do I do a manual fsck? | 11:24 |
scguy318 | AboSammor: on the same network? | 11:24 |
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scguy318 | AboSammor: then just connect to its private IP address | 11:24 |
systemd0wn | QUESTION, anyone get the 32-Bit version of Google Desktop running in 64-Bit? | 11:25 |
m1r | is it posible to create instalation CD from my current system ? | 11:25 |
scguy318 | Penguinsaremyfri: fsck from LiveCD | 11:25 |
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eddyMul | what is the proper way to always modprobe a driver on boot? | 11:25 |
BFTD | hi | 11:25 |
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boleslo | hi all! i want just to thank everyone who helped resolving my problem | 11:25 |
RadiantFire | eddyMul: ad it to /etc/modules | 11:25 |
BFTD | how do I set up telnet to use port 1027 | 11:25 |
BFTD | ? | 11:25 |
sauvin | I can't use rosegarden because the system latency is too low... how to fix? | 11:25 |
AboSamoor | no we are only connected by the internet, no lan network | 11:25 |
eddyMul | RadiantFire: thanx | 11:25 |
AboSamoor | scguy318 no we are only connected by the internet, no lan network | 11:25 |
sauvin | Erm, system "resolution" is too low. | 11:25 |
=== walkover [n=walkover@pix.vendia-kollegiet.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scguy318 | AboSammor: is the VNC server connected directly to the Internet | 11:25 |
Penguinsaremyfri | I wonder why mine freezes, took me several attempts for the process to complete | 11:26 |
scguy318 | AboSammor: or behind a router? | 11:26 |
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scguy318 | Penguin: I think theres a way to disable fsck on boot with tune2fs or something | 11:26 |
chiefinnovator | RadiantFire, I'm still not seeing the font in gedit | 11:26 |
chiefinnovator | should I restart X? | 11:26 |
Penguinsaremyfri | thanks | 11:27 |
=== HugLeo [n=hugleo@201-69-103-153.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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AboSamoor | scguy318 i only setup the VNC server on my Ubuntu machine, and want the IP forwarding to allow my friend to access my desktop | 11:28 |
vader1102 | You guys want to hear something really funny? Someone told my wife that they had a pirated copy of Ubuntu.. She proceeded to ask the guy how it could be pirated as most Linux distro's were free... he then argued with her saying that no linux is free and that if she knows not what she is talking about to shut up..... U went to the school with my lappy and shut him up completely in front of his whole class. I love dealing with tha | 11:28 |
vader1102 | t type of person | 11:28 |
BFTD | anyone | 11:28 |
BFTD | ? | 11:28 |
weston | ok, how do i check to see if my multiverse sources are enabled? | 11:29 |
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bobn | !mono | 11:29 |
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eddyMul | weston: you can use synaptic | 11:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mono - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:29 |
sauvin | Does anybody know how to fix a problem with rosegarden complaining it can't find a high resolution midi device? I seem to remember something somewhere about it being a problem in the kernel... | 11:29 |
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eddyMul | weston: in the lower left corner, click "origin" button. Should see some multiverse in the pane above | 11:30 |
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emohand | Radeon 9250 with ubuntu 7.04 open gl (sigh) | 11:30 |
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axisys | vertex: | 11:30 |
axisys | vertex: sup? | 11:30 |
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vertex | ehy | 11:30 |
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weston | eddymul, i don't see a origin button anywhere | 11:31 |
vertex | i don't know how to change it | 11:31 |
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vertex | i found again the file | 11:31 |
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axisys | vertex: u still have an issue w/ ssh? | 11:31 |
vertex | yeah | 11:31 |
emohand | fglxr, ati, :( | 11:31 |
vertex | the same issue as before | 11:31 |
=== Ominous [n=Ominous@84-51-151-23.jamesk522.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vertex | RSA is incorrect | 11:31 |
weston | eddymul, ok i found it | 11:31 |
axisys | vertex: paste the exact error message again please.. not here but on pastebin | 11:32 |
=== Pfan [n=tommy@dslb-084-057-033-204.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vertex | ok | 11:32 |
=== Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bobn | can ubuntu run and work for the Gnome desktop without mono? | 11:32 |
vertex | http://rafb.net/p/LiYPh436.html | 11:32 |
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mcscruff | lo all | 11:32 |
=== ET_ [n=ben@host86-130-106-233.range86-130.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
emohand | any ideas on open gl drivers with this ati 9250 or am I really SOL? | 11:32 |
ET_ | Hey | 11:33 |
mcscruff | whats the default dir for java? | 11:33 |
howlingmadhowie | vader1102: i'm dealing with something similar on dellideastorm at the moment | 11:33 |
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axisys | vertex: so u should have a file like this /root/.ssh/known_host | 11:33 |
axisys | vertex: can u confirm | 11:33 |
weltschmerz | how do i make my machine refresh after changing the hosts file? | 11:33 |
vertex | i have it | 11:33 |
axisys | ls -al /root/.ssh/known_host | 11:33 |
axisys | paste that output here | 11:33 |
aaron | weltschmerz, shouldn't have to do anything | 11:33 |
cameron_ | what app should I use to setup a network? | 11:33 |
=== das-q [n=dasq@p57A0D15D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
howlingmadhowie | weltschmerz: it should use the hosts file automatically | 11:33 |
ompaul | axisys, no | 11:33 |
bobn | weltschmerz - should happen automatically linux doesn;t cahce. | 11:33 |
ompaul | vertex, do not | 11:33 |
ompaul | !paste | 11:33 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:33 |
axisys | ompaul: thats one like | 11:33 |
bobn | (cahce | 11:33 |
axisys | line | 11:33 |
weltschmerz | weird. | 11:33 |
bobn | *cache | 11:33 |
=== us [n=chatzill@cpc2-bele4-0-0-cust124.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
howlingmadhowie | cameron_: what do you want to do with the network? (you don't set up a network, you set up services which run on a network) | 11:34 |
axisys | ompaul: that is just one line | 11:34 |
=== Juan [n=juan@r190-64-83-73.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bobn | browsers may cache tho. | 11:34 |
Juan | hey | 11:34 |
weltschmerz | i have defined LIBERECO as, but when i ping it, it says it is pinging | 11:34 |
=== Incandenzian [n=Incanden@cpe-66-61-165-41.indy.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | axisys, supposing he had 20 machines in there | 11:34 |
axisys | ompaul: u just pasted more line here | 11:34 |
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axisys | ompaul: no I know what I am doing | 11:34 |
Incandenzian | has anyone put Google Earth on their machine? | 11:34 |
howlingmadhowie | weltschmerz: you enter: ping libereco | 11:34 |
weltschmerz | yup. | 11:34 |
howlingmadhowie | weltschmerz: and it pings | 11:34 |
vertex | however the right path is /home/wxcvbn/.ssh/known_hosts | 11:34 |
axisys | ompaul: look at his previous output http://rafb.net/p/LiYPh436.html | 11:34 |
Juan | i'm having problems copying dvds, it takes about 20 minutes to just create the iso on 16x and 18x dvdrws. does anyone know why? | 11:34 |
ompaul | axisys, then just tell him to delete that fingerprint and start again | 11:34 |
weltschmerz | another entry in my hosts file works, but not this one. | 11:34 |
weltschmerz | howlingmadhowie indeed. | 11:34 |
Ominous | is there some kind of roleback feature in ubuntu | 11:35 |
cameron_ | well, I have a windows based pc with file sharing, and I want to share files on that ps and maybe use the printer | 11:35 |
axisys | ompaul: but he said no file exists | 11:35 |
=== HugLeo [n=hugleo@201-69-103-153.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
axisys | ompaul: earlier | 11:35 |
hsatera | to install linux under windows previous installation, the ubuntu partitioner would solve the problem? | 11:35 |
emohand | ati radeon 9250......? | 11:35 |
axisys | ompaul: i deal with this million times | 11:35 |
ompaul | axisys, it must if that is the error | 11:35 |
howlingmadhowie | weltschmerz: then i would presume there is an entry for libereco in your hosts file | 11:35 |
weltschmerz | yes of course. | 11:35 |
Juan | i'm having problems copying dvds, it takes about 20 minutes to just create the iso on 16x and 18x dvdrws. does anyone know why? | 11:35 |
vertex | i got that file axisys | 11:35 |
axisys | ompaul: i know .. trust me | 11:35 |
weltschmerz | i added a new entry and it works. strange. | 11:35 |
ompaul | axisys, I have a large network | 11:35 |
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howlingmadhowie | weltschmerz: it works now? | 11:35 |
vertex | known_hosts ----i got that file | 11:35 |
=== Red_Wullf [n=julian@c-67-169-254-21.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vertex | but it's like encrypted | 11:35 |
chrisellis | hey, how do you get the drivers you had at install for the video card ? | 11:36 |
ompaul | axisys, I have about 150 accounts using ssh keys in my little office :) | 11:36 |
mcscruff | whats the default dir for java? | 11:36 |
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cameron_ | Juan: your pc has to process the video, so it could be the speed of your pc | 11:36 |
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axisys | ompaul: i manage 300 servers all with ssh rsa auth for account manage ;-) | 11:36 |
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howlingmadhowie | mcscruff: /usr/lib/jvm | 11:36 |
vertex | axisys should i paste the output? | 11:36 |
Red_Wullf | Good afternoon. | 11:36 |
axisys | ompaul: not kidn' there is big company that I am sysadmin of ;-) | 11:36 |
weltschmerz | oh...duh...i named this laptop the same name as the hosts entry. :/ | 11:36 |
crabgrass | trying to install vmware server, and i keep getting "A previous version of a VMWare product has been detected, you need to remove the package, yadda yadda." problem is, i remember using synaptic to remove the old one a month or two back, and now i dont know where to go or what to delete. any ideas? | 11:36 |
Juan | cameron_, i'm copying a disc, does it still process it? | 11:36 |
axisys | vertex: just paste it in pastebin | 11:36 |
ompaul | axisys, well we only got 80 desktops | 11:36 |
vertex | ok | 11:37 |
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axisys | vertex: no time to argue with ompaul | 11:37 |
howlingmadhowie | weltschmerz: that would explain it :) | 11:37 |
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axisys | vertex: just paste `ls -al /root/.ssh/known_hosts' in pastebin | 11:37 |
cameron_ | well, it all depends, u are copying a disc from a disc, it may have to decrypt it | 11:37 |
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howlingmadhowie | cameron_: to share files with a windows pc, just right click the file and select share | 11:37 |
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cameron_ | yet I want to view the files being shared on the network | 11:38 |
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howlingmadhowie | cameron_: go to places->network | 11:38 |
crabgrass | anyone? | 11:38 |
axisys | vertex: got it? | 11:38 |
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cameron_ | I'm running Xubuntu..., what should I install? | 11:39 |
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robert_ | how do I use NAS? | 11:39 |
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lechack | Hello everyone ! I just did a bigmistake : i added noatime to my fstab options and now my root partitions is mounted as read only ! how can i fix this ? | 11:40 |
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Falstius | lechack: did you only add noatime? | 11:40 |
vertex | http://rafb.net/p/C0d8zs92.html | 11:40 |
PriceChild | lechack, use a live cd to change it. | 11:40 |
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axisys | vertex: nawp.. that is not what I asked | 11:41 |
howlingmadhowie | robert_: you want to configure a router? | 11:41 |
crabgrass | anyone? | 11:41 |
lechack | Falstius: data=writeback | 11:41 |
elliotf | huzzah. | 11:41 |
vertex | you said another path | 11:41 |
=== Fericit back | ||
elliotf | crabgrass: anyone what? | 11:41 |
vertex | but it's inexistent on my box | 11:41 |
robert_ | howlingmadhowie, eh? | 11:41 |
Falstius | lechack: thought so, that's what you get for reading slashdot. Remove the data=writeback (using a liveCD) and you'll be good. | 11:41 |
crabgrass | elliotf: have an idea as to my question | 11:42 |
Juan | i'm having problems copying dvds, it takes about 20 minutes to just create the image on 16x and 18x dvdrws. does anyone know why? | 11:42 |
AboSamoor | how i can make the port forwarding with firestarter ? | 11:42 |
howlingmadhowie | robert_: i only know nas as "network access server" | 11:42 |
axisys | vertex: ls -al /root/.ssh/known_hosts <-- please paste the output of that line | 11:42 |
lechack | Falstius : argh :p | 11:42 |
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robert_ | howlingmadhowie, network audio server | 11:42 |
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howlingmadhowie | robert_: aha. found it | 11:42 |
=== excessluggage [n=monkey@82-37-252-133.cable.ubr05.smal.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
howlingmadhowie | robert_: looks like you need the server and the client | 11:42 |
lechack | Falstius : and if i have no cd drive ? there is no other solution ? | 11:42 |
Gary | NAS = Network Attached Storage | 11:43 |
Juan | i'm having problems copying dvds, it takes about 20 minutes to just create the image on 16x and 18x dvdrws. does anyone know why? | 11:43 |
ompaul | vertex, there are a couple of reasons your ordinary user can't see your /root/.ssh/known_hosts file, to actually do this, you would need to be root, now why do you want to ssh somewhere as root? | 11:43 |
B-rabbit | hi ,i am trying to install the 32 Bit Emulation Libraries for firefox, i am following instruction from one of the ubuntu help form which tells me to install the library file first..so when i type " sudo aptitude install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk linux32 lib32asound2 | 11:43 |
B-rabbit | " in terminal i get reading database...building dependency and so on but at the end it says that nothing was installed or upgraded and then it says "Need to get 0B of archives.after unpacking 0B will be installed" dont know what to do now...any help | 11:43 |
Falstius | lechack: can you boot from usb? | 11:43 |
=== TBZ [n=st33ldi9@rrcs-24-172-7-26.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lechack | Falstius : yes | 11:43 |
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sauvin | Juan, have you made DVDs before? | 11:43 |
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TBZ | I finally got my friggin video goin!!! Chyeaaa | 11:44 |
TBZ | Falstius: hey, whats up | 11:44 |
howlingmadhowie | Gary: oh, of course :) that too :) (I'm looking at one at the moment as well) | 11:44 |
Falstius | lechack: get yourself a usb key and DSL, set it up and boot from that. | 11:44 |
vertex | http://rafb.net/p/XjDlwV46.html | 11:44 |
Juan | sauvin, i'm not making it from scratch | 11:44 |
Juan | sauvin,disc to disc | 11:44 |
Gary | B-rabbit, have you done a sudo aptitude update | 11:44 |
lechack | Falstius: okay thanks :p | 11:44 |
=== AngelOfDeath [n=michel@kabel-10-191.kabel.netvisit.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
excessluggage | I'm having some teething issues with Ubuntu 7.04 and my monitor/graphics card. I have the proprietary drivers for my ati x1550 card running and have manually edited xorg.conf to use 1400x900 resolution by default, but the res still come out at 1024x900. Can someone please suggest a next step | 11:44 |
sauvin | But have you made DVDs before? I mean, 20 minutes doesn't seem like a lot. A DVD is freaking HUGE. | 11:44 |
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excessluggage | *1024x768 | 11:45 |
vertex | ompaul-i'm trying to access my fonera | 11:45 |
Juan | sauvin, just the image creation is taking 20 minutes | 11:45 |
lechack | Falstius: by the way do you have any tips to improve battery life that on't involve breaking the system ? | 11:45 |
Falstius | lechack: most of the time you could just remount / read only, but data=writeback won't allow remounting (with the -o remount option) | 11:45 |
sauvin | Oh... image *creation*, not burn? | 11:45 |
Juan | yeah | 11:45 |
howlingmadhowie | sauvin: sounds like a dma problem | 11:45 |
=== ThatLazyGuy [n=DaLazyGu@pool-141-157-251-237.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | excessluggage, the thing is that the restricted drivers tool on the system -> administration menu is where you should be looking first | 11:45 |
=== howlingmadhowie loves tlas :) | ||
TBZ | Falstius: I finally found a precombiled binary setup someone had posted on the forums for my same exact setup, worked flawlessly (so far) | 11:45 |
ompaul | excessluggage, after it is done it will require the box to be rebooted | 11:46 |
B-rabbit | Gary: yes, it still isn't working | 11:46 |
Falstius | TBZ: for your video card right? cool. | 11:46 |
nickrud | B-rabbit possibly because they're installed; dpkg -l ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk linux32 lib32asound2 will tell you | 11:46 |
=== Adlai [n=leif@user-64-9-239-19.googlewifi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sauvin | howlingmadhowie, if DVD image *creation* is anything like an mkisofs, 20 minutes is a very long time. | 11:46 |
=== RiCCo69 [n=ian@S0106000c417f7b13.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
excessluggage | ompaul: been there already and it is checked and being used and ive rebooted | 11:46 |
TBZ | Falstius: indeed | 11:46 |
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ThatLazyGuy | Can someone please answer my question from this thread please http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=521993 | 11:46 |
Juan | on 2 drives | 11:46 |
Juan | same results | 11:46 |
TBZ | How do you run a FPS overlay? | 11:46 |
Falstius | lechack: not really, just the usual stuff (frequency stepping, turning down the brightness, and you can make syslog not flush the cache) | 11:46 |
lechack | Falstius: okay thanks for the tip. And could you explain why it makes it read only ? i did read the mount manpage before turning on the option... | 11:47 |
howlingmadhowie | sauvin: the way i understood it, he's creating an image of an existing disc on the harddrive by pulling the data off the disc. i wonder why that's going so slow | 11:47 |
Juan | dma is on in the bios settings | 11:47 |
ompaul | vertex, so as a plain user type "ssh -C root@IP" where IP is the number for the router, if you are getting warnings and that router is the only place you want to ssh to do this, "cat > .ssh/known_hosts" with no " and straight away type CTRL+C | 11:47 |
sauvin | Oh. In that case, yea, either DMA or he's running a firewire device on a USB 1.mumble port? | 11:47 |
Juan | no | 11:48 |
Juan | ide drives | 11:48 |
=== [tokin] [n=ryan@dynamic-acs-24-144-225-167.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Falstius | lechack: I didn't look into it really, I guess that option isn't supported by the ubuntu kernel. If you read kernel trap, you can guess they're using the most recent kernel and probably some non-standard patches. | 11:48 |
=== gene [n=jill@oh-71-50-245-143.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | vertex, then up arrow on the command line and whamo you better have a password :) | 11:48 |
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sauvin | Juan, in making this image, what is the source device? | 11:48 |
excessluggage | what sort of results does an hdparm -Tt /[device] give | 11:48 |
=== giant [n=giant@75-107-252-245.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
B-rabbit | nickrud: how do i know if it installed or not..i don't understand it | 11:48 |
axisys | vertex: sudo vi +1 /root/.ssh/known_hosts | 11:48 |
TBZ | Falstius: I read one post, a guy said that he had gotten or used the nvidia-glx drivers, does that mean his setup actually supports GLX? or is that just his way of installing? I installed, and everything is working, does that mean that my setup is GLX enabled now? or it totally incompatible? | 11:48 |
axisys | vertex: dd | 11:48 |
syte | has anyone used envy for the 8600 GT. I've tried all the tutorials none of them worked. I really would like to play a few games, so until the new release of ubuntu comes out should i just install envy? | 11:48 |
axisys | vertex: :wq! | 11:48 |
axisys | vertex: thats it | 11:49 |
=== RiCCo69 [n=ian@S0106000c417f7b13.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Karti [n=kvirc@host217-42-42-158.range217-42.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aelliott | syte: i used envy for a 8800gts when the built in process didn't work. Envy did a good job. | 11:49 |
Falstius | TBZ: you're probably just using a newer driver. It should be fine and mostly stable. | 11:49 |
vertex | axisys /root/.ssh doesn't exist for me | 11:49 |
sauvin | howlingmadhowie, do you know anything about rosegarden not being able to find a high resolution midi device on a stock ubuntu feisty? | 11:49 |
=== AngelOfDeath [n=michel@kabel-10-191.kabel.netvisit.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lechack | Falstius: okay. thanks :) | 11:49 |
nickrud | B-rabbit, if you run that command, the first two letters tell you the state of the package; the coding is just above | 11:49 |
=== retour [n=ret@adsl-70-228-108-235.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
axisys | vertex: u were able to read the file | 11:49 |
=== Ty [n=cbrochu@bas11-toronto63-1088752347.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== thully [n=thully@dpc6746164142.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vertex | i have home/wxcvbn/....ssh | 11:50 |
=== Fericit brb mananc | ||
vertex | yep | 11:50 |
syte | aelliott, thx a lot. I've just heard a lot of bad things about envy but i have no other choice. | 11:50 |
=== lightfight [n=riley@adsl-070-145-044-132.sip.aby.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickrud | B-rabbit, what you're looking for is ii at the beginning of the line | 11:50 |
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axisys | vertex: did u type exactly sudo vi +1 /root/.ssh/known_hosts | 11:50 |
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host81-157-58-205.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
excessluggage | The thing I find most odd is that the 1400x900 resolution option is never available in the System->Preferences->Screen Resolution | 11:50 |
vertex | yeah | 11:50 |
vertex | is there a way to delete completely the key | 11:50 |
vertex | ? | 11:50 |
=== HugLeo [n=hugleo@201-69-103-153.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
axisys | vertex: that is exactly what I was doing .. | 11:51 |
Pelo | excessluggage, just add it to xorg.conf manualy and restart X | 11:51 |
=== HugLeo [n=hugleo@201-69-103-153.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
axisys | vertex: if u can read the file u should be able to open it | 11:51 |
vertex | 'cause on windows there's no problem | 11:51 |
lightfight | Does anybody know why Ubuntu would hang up repeatedly? It will work fine for a while, sometimes even a few hours. But for the last 5 times in a row or so it randomly hangs up on me while I"m doing something. i can't move the mouse, I can't use any hotkeys. Nothing. | 11:51 |
excessluggage | Pelo, I have and its still not there | 11:51 |
vertex | i can read it but it's unreadable | 11:51 |
=== QMario [n=QMario@c-98-200-244-80.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
axisys | vertex: i dont know anything about windows.. trust me i have no f**** idea how windows works | 11:51 |
vertex | i mean it's encrypted | 11:52 |
excessluggage | Heated silicone or something isnt it? | 11:52 |
=== Pumpelly [n=pumpelly@pool-71-255-137-51.cncdnh.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcscruff | axisys, dont worry bout learning | 11:52 |
vertex | i mean ssh works on windows | 11:52 |
sauvin | lightfight, that happens to me when I'm using pan (gui newsreader) and it's trying to manage really REALLY huge article lists. Memory glut. What are you running when the freezes happen? | 11:52 |
FxChiP | er | 11:52 |
Pelo | excessluggage, ati and nvidia cards have special ways of doing it, check the forum and intel 915 need a package from the repos to fix it | 11:52 |
axisys | mcscruff: so redundant :P | 11:52 |
FxChiP | Does *anyone* know how Windows works? | 11:52 |
FxChiP | The answer = no :) | 11:52 |
FxChiP | You don't have the source code after all :) | 11:52 |
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mcscruff | axisys, ooooooo | 11:52 |
TBZ | Anyone know a package for something like "Fraps" for linux? A screen video capture with an FPS overlay? | 11:52 |
=== FxChiP fleees | ||
sauvin | FxChiP, your point is...? | 11:52 |
=== freudinator [n=a@host86-143-52-12.range86-143.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
axisys | vertex: windows ?? what is that.. kid u not i do not know how it works | 11:53 |
excessluggage | Pelo, ok thanks will do | 11:53 |
FxChiP | sauvin: it was a bad joke. | 11:53 |
FxChiP | That's all. | 11:53 |
lightfight | One time I remember I was running Nautilus, a few times I was in Gaim. | 11:53 |
Pelo | FxChiP, no one knows how windows work, the only important thing is that it doesn'T | 11:53 |
=== jaebird [n=jae@53-89.netblk-69-41-89.coolaccess.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
B-rabbit | nickrud: its was already installed..thanx :) | 11:53 |
=== FxChiP hangs his head in shame. | ||
axisys | Pelo: heh | 11:53 |
sauvin | Oh. I thought you were SERIOUS when you were talking about windows "working". | 11:53 |
robert_ | no matter what I do, I get 'nas: Can't open server: (null)' | 11:53 |
=== nominal [n=nominal@pool-71-179-11-254.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vertex | the point is not windows i was just saying that ssh worked on windows without problem that's all | 11:53 |
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axisys | vertex: i will help u w/ ssh on ubuntu | 11:53 |
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=== moondy [n=kevin@0x57383662.hrnqu2.broadband.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vertex | ok that's what i need :-) | 11:54 |
axisys | vertex: just answers my questions please and we will get there .. promise my friend | 11:54 |
vertex | ok | 11:54 |
=== brian10161 [n=brian101@CPE004005521e1d-CM0014e8869324.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aelliott | lightfight: next time you get a freeze, try hitting Ctrl-alt and F2. If you get a prompt, then you will know the problem is just with x windows and not with your system itself | 11:54 |
Pumpelly | what's the point of this chat thing? | 11:54 |
axisys | vertex: go ahead become root by running this command | 11:54 |
ompaul | !root | 11:54 |
axisys | vertex: sudo bash | 11:54 |
ubotu | do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 11:54 |
ompaul | not in this channel pal! | 11:54 |
Xoris | Pumpelly: giving support to users of the Ubuntu operating system | 11:54 |
nickrud | Pumpelly, time wasting ;) | 11:54 |
robert_ | bwahaha | 11:54 |
=== Pelo watches fascinated as axisys' reputation hangs in the balance | ||
lightfight | aelliott - ok, what should I do if I get a prompt. Is there a way to unhang it? | 11:55 |
robert_ | nice Matrix quote | 11:55 |
howlingmadhowie | sauvin: i think you need to install the low latency kernel | 11:55 |
axisys | oh no.. ompaul again!! | 11:55 |
=== Tribes [n=Tribes@pD9E872A4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | axisys, what you do in on your own command line is your business | 11:55 |
ompaul | but here we don't use root | 11:55 |
Tribes | d | 11:55 |
aelliott | lightfight- you could try logging in and running "top", often the top process is the one which is hanging | 11:55 |
sauvin | howlingmadhowie, if I do that, would it break existing drivers and stuff? If not, where is it? | 11:55 |
Xoris | axisys: "sudo bash"? that's the worst one i've seen | 11:55 |
lightfight | ok thanks, I'll try that next time. | 11:55 |
axisys | Xoris: heh .. | 11:55 |
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=== nickrud sudo -i 's about once a year, maybe | ||
ompaul | axisys, seriously that is rubbish from the perspective | 11:56 |
=== faemir [n=faemir@81-6-223-243.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aelliott | lightfight- "top" and "ps -aux" will both let you see what programs are running, you can use "sudo kill -9" followed by the PID number to try killing them | 11:56 |
ompaul | axisys, of this channel | 11:56 |
TBZ | Hey, anyone know of a good video editting suite for Ubuntu/Linux? | 11:56 |
Xoris | cat "su - root" | sudo -c "sh sudo -i" | 11:56 |
aelliott | lightfight: it is worth having a think about any applications you have installed recently | 11:56 |
lightfight | What is a PID number. | 11:56 |
Pelo | TBZ, avidemux might do if that is the kind of thing you are looking for | 11:56 |
nickrud | lightfight, process id | 11:57 |
TBZ | lightfight: process ID number, used for numerically organizing processes | 11:57 |
vertex | ok let me know what i shoul write pls | 11:57 |
lightfight | I've only installed VLC and Firestarter. I just installed linux for the first time yesterday, hence the glut of questions. | 11:57 |
aelliott | lightfight: when linux shows you running processes, it identifies each one with a unique number - you can use kill along with this number to stop a process | 11:57 |
vertex | *should | 11:57 |
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TBZ | Pelo: thx | 11:57 |
=== magic_ninja [n=asdfsdf@ip68-103-16-175.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lightfight | ok, I'll try that | 11:57 |
axisys | vertex: looks like someone here flexing his/her muscle.. just private msg me please | 11:57 |
ompaul | vertex, do this, "cat > .ssh/known_hosts" with no " and straight away type CTRL+C .. problem solved | 11:57 |
howlingmadhowie | sauvin: apt-cache show linux-lowlatency | 11:57 |
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howlingmadhowie | sauvin: i imagine drivers like nvidia will need to be compiled again. | 11:58 |
sauvin | !@#$@%#@#$ | 11:58 |
eboyjr | Why would nothing happen when I try to launch a program? i.e. "supertux" | 11:58 |
memelo | hi | 11:58 |
=== Toth [n=a-chevil@88-137-247-104.adslgp.cegetel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eboyjr | hi | 11:58 |
nikron | Does anyone know how to add insults to the sudo insult database? | 11:58 |
howlingmadhowie | sauvin: i'm sorry? i think there was some data corruption there :) | 11:58 |
sauvin | yes, that was me self-censoring. It took me a WHILE to get hardware acceleration going on my ATI Radeon. | 11:59 |
=== DISTORTEd [n=chatzill@ool-457a3e84.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aelliott | eboyjr: if you open a terminal and run supertux from it, you will see any error messages which may be preventing it running | 11:59 |
axisys | vertex: this chnl some ops probably don't like freespeech.. if u need help just private message me | 11:59 |
howlingmadhowie | sauvin: oh :( | 11:59 |
emre | hi how can i install ff 2.0? i saw smt related with ./configure and make install but there isnt any configure or make file in the tar i downloded... | 11:59 |
howlingmadhowie | sauvin: well, your choice, of course | 11:59 |
=== Fericit back | ||
sauvin | yea. I'm stuck with the [BEEP] Radeon because it's what's in the laptop, and it's turning out to be quite a ball and chain. | 11:59 |
Xoris | axisys, people here don't like free speech because this is an Ubuntu support channel, not a "free speech" channel. and "sudo bash" is about the worst possible way to get to a root login, possibly after "sudo su" | 11:59 |
kitche | !noroot | axisys | 12:00 |
ubotu | axisys: Regardless of your choice: Please do not advise against user security policy and create a root password, please see !rootsudo | 12:00 |
eboyjr | aelliott, It says "Datadir: /usr/share/games/supertux" and then hangs. | 12:00 |
Xoris | there is "sudo" for running commands, and "sudo -i" if you need to type a few in a row. | 12:00 |
nickrud | !firefox > emre (see the private message) | 12:00 |
howlingmadhowie | sauvin: i know this problem. i once had a radeon graphics card. | 12:00 |
ompaul | axisys, we spent three years educating people that being root is silly, not required, and really just a handy way to break your machine | 12:00 |
howlingmadhowie | sauvin: probably the worst 5 minutes of my life :) | 12:00 |
sauvin | if I install an alternative kernel, it won't wipe out the existing kernel's stuff, will it? | 12:00 |
ompaul | !rootsudo | axisys | 12:00 |
kitche | Ej you should really turn that script off it's annoying when I do the noroot switch | 12:00 |
ubotu | axisys: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 12:00 |
ompaul | read it and understand | 12:00 |
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howlingmadhowie | sauvin: the new kernel will install new modules of course | 12:01 |
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vertex | ompaul i did your command but seem not to work | 12:01 |
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