
intelikeymiles errr the copy location would work assuming that apt is updated with that package as avalable else apt wont install it from there   and if you use dpkg to install you have to type in the full path anyway  so / might be better than /var/cache/apt/archives/12:14
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milesi thought it had to go into that directory, "/" is easier12:16
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adeniciostdin: im in kotepe how do i save my friend smiley to use them back easly12:17
bluevapourWhats autocomplete in terminal again peeps12:17
milesyou wouldnt even have to copy it at all, leave it on the usb12:17
milesor make a link12:17
stdinadenicio: ask where they got them from12:17
intelikeyyeah apt wont even look in  /var/cache/apt/archives/  unless the apt database of repos says the package is avalavle   then it will look to see if it's already in   /var/cache/apt/archives/   and if not it dl's it to there.12:17
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LopinOkay, then how do I get the package installed?12:18
LopinI got the tar.gz off of the Ubuntu website...12:19
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adeniciostdin: well they on xp so they got them from friends that they add in there list12:19
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression12:19
bluevapourwho was the person that needed help with enemy territory install, ive done it?12:19
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ubotuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html12:19
Lopinbluevapour : that would be miles12:19
stdinadenicio: oh, you want to save your friends list?12:19
bluevapourThat you? lopin?12:20
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Lopinbluevapour: no, miles wanted to know how...12:20
bluevapourOh oki12:20
bluevapourMiles, still need help?12:20
adeniciostdin: no lol im want to save there smileys for it to be in mine list of smileys in kotepe12:20
LopinOh...  Don't know why I'm going to say this, but if you have a program that will support shoutcast, I have a nice stream...  (Shameless plug)12:21
adeniciostdin: and why does it name kotepe?12:21
LopinOkay, so now, what directory will this package go?12:21
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intelikeylogin_  your home12:21
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)12:21
milessorry, i just had  a really great idea12:21
stdinadenicio: that's what I thought in the 1st place, you have to ask where they got it from, there are some available in www.kde-look.org12:21
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bluevapourMiles still need the help with Enemy territory install, i done it?12:22
stdinadenicio: i don't know why it's called kopete, you'll have to ask the people who made it12:22
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LopinI'll go try, and if not, I'll have to get back in vista...12:22
LopinDang, microsoft...12:22
milesyea i need help please12:22
bluevapourI downloaded the .run file12:22
bluevapoursudo chmox -x the file.run here12:23
bluevapourthen sudo ./the file.run :D12:23
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bluevapouri needed to download the libtk1.2 from package manager aswell12:23
bluevapourworked fine :D12:23
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intelikeysudo bash filename.run12:23
bluevapourinstalled in less then one min12:23
intelikeysudo bash filename.run12:23
intelikeysudo bash filename.run12:23
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stdinintelikey: repeat much? :p12:23
bluevapourDoesnt matter what way intelikey, its just the way i dont it12:23
bluevapouryeah i agree12:24
intelikeystdin only when being ignored12:24
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stdinintelikey: yeah, I know the feeling12:24
bluevapourhowever, miles im only installing it to play TC:E12:24
bluevapourIve heard its good so i said ide try it12:24
milesi have 64 bit kubuntu12:25
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milesi already had it installed, but it never launches12:25
bluevapourAhha ok12:25
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bluevapourI had 64 before and it ran fine12:25
milesi downloaded et-linux-2.55.x86.run a month ago12:25
bluevapourjust ran sudo et from command line12:25
bluevapourlol ok12:26
bluevapourwas only trying to help12:26
mileshaha no i appreciate it12:26
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milesi never realized i had x8612:26
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milesi got the menu icon, it just crashes when i try n launch12:26
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bluevapourGot the log output atall?12:26
bluevapourMight even leave a log in the ET fodler?12:26
bluevapourWhich would help you find out whats wrong12:27
=== intelikey thinks miles should repete also....
bluevapourLol intelikey12:28
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Maxdamantussname of proc to freeze screen on hibernate?12:30
KartiDaSkreech: I have java and flash working fine on Firefox, but I like Konqueror, can it work on that or will I have to wait?12:30
joelIs there a way to get kde to remember my root password for the current session for applications that need it? Basically the same functionality that gnome offers12:30
aguitelanyone have chipset rtl8180 Realtec ?12:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:31
Maxdamantuss... :/12:31
stdinjoel: it will, for a time at least12:31
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joelstdin, from my personal experience, that is not true12:31
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intelikeyjoel you can setup sudoers to not ask for passwords so special apps for whom ever,   if you want that.12:32
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Maxdamantussmeh. ill just reboot. :(12:32
stdinjoel: so if you start, lets say... adept then close it, then reopen it straight away, it ask for the password again?12:32
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joelintelikey, I only want to enter the root password once, per session12:33
intelikeyimo that's a very bad idea12:33
joelthis isnt a public computer, so your opinion is moot12:33
intelikeyany thing in your session gets exploited and you have a windows box rather than a linux box12:33
intelikeymaybe you like the idea of virii12:34
bluevapourDoes kubuntu come bundled with latest nvidia drivers?12:34
Maxdamantusssessions usually last weeks here12:34
joelyes, all those linux virii, look out12:34
Assidactually linux virii are all proof of concept more than implementations12:35
intelikeyjoel don't laugh   just run a root session all time and see....12:35
intelikeyand that's essentially what he's asking for12:35
joelno, its not12:35
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chris_what program should I use to find and connect to wireless networks in kubuntu fiesty/gutsy?12:36
joelkwirelessmanage i believe it's called works well12:37
stdinchris_: the knetworkmanager icon in the system tray12:37
chris_there isn't a knetworkmanager icon in the system trya..12:37
=== Assid cant wait for gutsy and the new compiz
sayerschris_: there has to be unless you did something with it.12:37
chris_oh , wait, there is, it just doesn't see the wireless connection.12:38
Assidand maybe kde412:38
stdinchris_: what wireless chipset/card?12:38
sayersI am intergrated my gpu died Assid12:38
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chris_intel something or other..12:38
chris_intel 3945 wlan12:38
Assidsayers: huh ???12:38
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sayersAssid: no compiz for me =d12:39
Assidyou are integrated?12:39
Assidwhy ?12:39
Assidhowd your gpu die?12:39
sayersmy GPU died12:39
Assidhowd it die?12:39
sayersi shot it12:39
sayersthey die. it happens :)12:39
sayersthe fan went bad on it thus killing it12:39
stdinchris_: hmm, it should just work12:39
stdinchris_: does the command "iwlist scan" show any access points?12:40
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epI have dapper and I'd like to install the weather-util package which is currently not available per apt-cache search.  How can I determine (a) if it's available for dapper and (b) which repository it resides?12:40
chris_stdin: I'm going to muck about in the bios, I don't see the wireless light on. I see the bluetooth light though..12:40
Assidsayers: gutsy ?12:40
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stdinep: look on http://packages.ubuntu.com/12:40
sayersAssid: wha?12:41
Assidsayers: are you using gutsy12:41
sayersgusty no.12:41
Assidi was strongly considering it.. everyone told me to shut up and sit down for a month12:41
sayersshut up and sit down, its not that good yet12:42
sayersjust wait till it comes out officaly.12:42
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bluevapourwith ark, when i extract the TC:E patch to the usr/local/games/et/tcetest it says permission denied12:45
Assidget root12:45
Assidsudo or root12:45
Assidor chown or chmod12:45
stdinbluevapour: kdesu ark maybe12:46
bluevapourERROR: Communication problem with ark, it probably crashed.12:46
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stdinDON'T use sudo with GUI apps12:46
bluevapourwhy is that?12:46
ubotuIn KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo12:46
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intelikeybluevapour cause we don't like fixing it for you....12:47
intelikeyand inverably you will be in here asking for help afterwords12:47
bluevapourLol ok12:48
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chris_well, that's irritating. My new laptop has  a quirk where the hardware switch for turning on/off wireless/bluetooth only turn bluetooth back on sometimes..12:49
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bluevapourim first run of TC:E12:49
bluevapouri get12:49
bluevapour..WARNING: could not set the given mode (4)12:50
bluevapourInitializing OpenGL display12:50
bluevapour...setting mode 3: 640 48012:50
bluevapourUsing XFree86-VidModeExtension Version 2.212:50
bluevapourXF86DGA Mouse (Version 2.0) initialized12:50
bluevapourXFree86-VidModeExtension Activated at 640x48012:50
bluevapourReceived signal 11, exiting...12:50
bluevapourwhats that about12:50
Assid640 ?!12:50
bluevapour You are using software Mesa (no hardware acceleration)!12:50
bluevapourthat line also worries me12:50
bluevapourtechy's, solution please guys?12:50
Assidhrmm.. which card are you using12:51
stdininstall the driver for your card12:51
Assidim a little sleepy.. so if i bable ignore me12:51
Assidbut which card are you using.. and what driver12:51
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bluevapourNvidia 7600gt12:51
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Assidhrmm nice card12:51
stdinbluevapour: installed the driver yet?12:51
bluevapourLol when i had 6600 it installed auto in ubuntu so i assumed 7600gt would auto in kubuntu12:52
Assidyou installed nvidia-glx-new ?12:52
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:52
bluevapourright what do i need to be installing12:52
Assidcheck that too12:52
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Assidbluevapour: http://www.debianadmin.com/envy-ati-and-nvidia-drivers-installation-made-easy.html12:53
chris_what do you guys use in kde to take snaps from the webcam?12:53
bluevapourHOw do i get onto restricted drivers in Kubuntu?12:53
bluevapourAswome Assid xD12:53
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stdinbluevapour: use the egdy instructions12:54
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Assidcrossover office shoulda been free :(12:55
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bluevapourwhats SU password?12:55
stdinbluevapour: don't use su, use sudo -i12:56
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stdinbluevapour: or sudo su < same thing12:56
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Assidactuallly i changed over roots password.. and now i su12:56
stdinAssid: maybe, but that dosen't answer the question...12:57
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bluevapourif im on latest, should it be installed apparently?12:57
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bluevapouris there any way to check?12:57
intelikeybluevapour you can set a root password.  it's not reccomended by the ubuntu team.  but i'm not part of that team and i simply answer questions.    if you want to set a root password make it a good one.      sudo passwd root12:58
=== holzmodem [n=holzmode@dslb-084-060-211-147.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
bluevapourawsome , thanks man12:58
bluevapouralso, how can i check mate to see if they have been installed?12:58
bluevapourin ubuntu there used to be restricted drivers12:59
=== stdin get's bluevapour's IP and starts his root attack (joking)
bluevapourant see that in kubuntu12:59
khaije1what the command line to fix package dependencies?12:59
khaije1(can't rememeber)12:59
stdinkhaije1: apt-get -f install12:59
vashhow do you play .mkv in kubuntu?01:00
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khaije1stdin: hmm, i was thinking of something else, but that sensible, i'll give it a shot01:00
stdinvash: I know mplayer can play it, never tried with anything else01:00
=== stdin hugs mplayer
vashmplayer dooesnt work on me01:00
vashit wont even open01:01
intelikeyvlc ?01:01
vashvlc only sound01:01
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stdinvash: mplayer is a command line app, unless you start it with the -g switch01:01
stdinvash: try installing mkvtoolnix ?01:01
vashactually i am having problem with installing mplayer01:02
vashi install it from synaptic01:02
intelikeyback later have some work that needs attending now that the saboth is over01:02
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vashbut i doesnt work at all with any video i try01:02
vashbut it doesnt work at all with any video i try01:02
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NickPrestavash, what do you mean it "doesn't work"? Can you play any video files?01:06
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vashnothng at all01:06
vashit wont even give an error message01:06
bluevapourhow do i check to see if nvidia driers are installed?01:08
vecinaanyone *here* know how to use c++ to display the contents of a directory?01:09
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bluevapourim in my nvidia panel01:10
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fribuntu_hi again.01:10
bluevapourand its set to nvidia 7 and standard drivers but says i have 256kb ram01:10
bluevapourwhen its 256mb01:10
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emanuelI am configuring kmldonkey to start a kernel when I start the application, but this is not happening: when kmldonkey starts, it shows a dialog saying that the connection to the kernel failed. Anyone having the same problem?01:12
curt_how can i save a wallpaper to a folder?  It keeps saying i don't have write permission Help!!01:12
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stdinbluevapour: does the command " grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf|grep nvidia " show any output ?01:14
stdincurt_: what says you don't have permission ?01:14
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curt_in the status bar at the bottom of the nautilus file manager01:15
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kyle__can someone help me out getting my sound card to work01:15
stdincurt_: are you using gnome?01:15
bluevapournope didnt work01:15
curt_no kde in kubuntu01:16
Level15wrong channel :-P01:16
bluevapourWhen i go into the panel, monitor and display, and click config on NV, its selected NV series 7 which is right01:16
bluevapourits just not working01:16
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kyle__can someone help me out getting my sound card to work01:16
stdincurt_: where are you trying to copy it to?01:16
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:16
stdinbluevapour: does the command " grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf|grep nvidia " show any output ?01:16
curt_the examples folder01:16
Level15kyle__: what seems to be the problem01:17
bluevapourbut no output full stop, no errors01:17
kyle__i dont get any sound for anything01:17
stdincurt_: that's  a link to /usr/share/examples and you won't have permission to write there01:17
kyle__and wheni  try to open volum econtrol01:17
kyle__i get an error message01:17
Level15kyle__: which error msg?01:17
kyle__The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured.01:17
stdinbluevapour: but you have nvidia-glx (or nvidia-glx-new) installed?01:17
Level15kyle__: is this a fresh install?01:18
bluevapourlet me check01:18
bluevapourif i havent, which one should i get?01:18
curt_nevermind i just figured it out thanks anyway bye01:18
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bluevapourfor 7600gt01:18
Level15kyle__: please paste your lsmod in a pastebin01:18
stdinkyle__: gstreamer? that's gnome01:18
kyle__oh im in kubuntu arent i ><01:18
stdinbluevapour: hold on...01:18
bluevapourOki doki01:18
Level15kyle__: yes you are01:19
Level15kyle__: i mean, if you are referring to the channel01:19
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kyle__are you still able to help?01:19
ionstormhow do I make my kde menu scroll01:19
bluevapourWaiting on your call Stdin :D01:19
Level15kyle__: yeah... the error doesn't seem to be DE dependent01:20
kyle__what exactly is a pastebin =]  sorry im a bit noobish01:20
stdinbluevapour: the normal nvidia-glx driver seems to be the one for the 7600gt01:20
bluevapouroki doki01:20
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:20
Level15kyle__: np01:20
bluevapourRight stdin, do i also need to install restricted drivers package?01:21
kyle__here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33387/01:21
stdinbluevapour: yes, it should want to install that with nvidia-glx01:21
bluevapourwhat would that be called?01:22
bluevapourwell ifact01:22
bluevapourif i select one, the other will isntall also?01:22
stdinbluevapour: just try installing "linux-generic"01:22
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Level15do you know your sound card name/model?01:22
kyle__yeah one second01:22
stdinbluevapour: that usually pulls the l-r-m package01:22
level1_Hi, I installed sun java version 6.0... I also have gij (but don't really want it)... anyway, which java gives /usr/bin/java which links to the gij version... where is the sun version?01:23
stdinlevel1_: sudo update-alternatives --config java01:23
kyle__CS 4610/11 [CrystalClear SoundFusion  and the vendor is Cirrus Logic01:23
bluevapourOki doki01:23
Level15kyle__: ok, sec01:23
bluevapourThats allready installed Stdin01:24
bluevapourThe Linux-generic01:24
vsudilovhmmm my sound all of a sudden stopped working...the KDE sound thing picks up my driver correctly and my permissions for /dev/dsp haven't changed...01:24
Level15kyle__: is that a laptop?01:24
kyle__IBM 770X (oldoldold)01:24
kyle__IBM Thinkpad*01:25
bluevapourStdin, whats the command to bring up Restricted Drivers?01:25
stdinbluevapour: then you should already have the right linux-restricted-modules-* package installed01:25
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bluevapourOr where would i find it?01:25
bluevapourand ive installed nvidia thing you asked, now what01:25
stdinbluevapour: that's for ubuntu/gnome, not kubuntu (yet)01:25
stdinbluevapour: now just run "sudo nvidia-xconfig"01:25
Level15kyle__: please modprobe -r the module01:26
bluevapourit says thats done01:26
bluevapournow what lol01:26
stdinbluevapour: that's it :)01:26
stdinbluevapour: logout, then restart the X server to use it01:26
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Level15kyle__: still there?01:26
bluevapourwill xserver auto logout?01:26
kyle__err what do you mean01:26
kyle__sorry, im really new01:26
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stdinbluevapour: no, logout then restart X < it's the safe way01:27
Level15kyle__: sudo modprobe -r cs46xx01:27
kyle__i did it01:27
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Level15kyle__: any error mesages?01:28
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:28
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.01:28
bluevapourwhat was that command mate to check for info01:28
stdinbluevapour: " grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf|grep nvidia "01:28
Level15kyle__: now, sudo modprobe cs46xx   inmidiatley after that, dmesg and paste the result on a pastebin01:28
kyle__okay one sec01:29
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bluevapouri get "driver" "nvidia" now?01:29
kyle__nothing came up01:29
stdinbluevapour: yep, you're all set :)01:29
bluevapourThanks man01:29
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bluevapourYour like a machine, helping 10 people at once01:29
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stdinno problem :)01:29
bluevapourI recon ubuntu should hire you as support :d01:29
stdinwell, I do need the money... :P01:30
Level15kyle__: run dmesg, it should output something. paste all of it on a pastebin01:30
vsudilovanyone have any suggestions to fix my audio output? Permissions in /dev/dsp and settings in /etc/group "audio" section are fine...KDE picks up my sound card fine too...01:30
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kyle__here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33388/01:32
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Level15kyle__: ok, i have some BAD news for you... http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/CS461001:32
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please. | KDE 4.0 beta 1 -- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Riddell at Sat Aug 4 17:44:53 2007
=== #kubuntu [freenode-info] help freenode weed out clonebots, please register your IRC nick and auto-identify: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup
(hitmanWilly/#kubuntu) intelikey, i think you just confused the fsck outta him :P07:13
(Paan/#kubuntu) oic07:13
(ferret_0567/#kubuntu) +i means make a file immutable07:13
(intelikey/#kubuntu) hitmanWilly could be.07:13
Paannah nah i get you07:13
Paanmy head just cains07:13
Paanfrom this crappy stretched res07:13
Paanil prob be back later in the week07:13
ferret_0567immutable = not changable, not deleteable07:13
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Paanbye guys07:14
Paanthanks for your time07:14
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hitmanWillyintelikey, his xorg.conf didn't change from the one I set up, so I don't see how that would help...07:14
ferret_0567I'm going back to XFCE07:14
hitmanWillyintelikey, it a setting somewhere deeper in kde that's doing this, i think...07:15
intelikeyhitmanWilly you say it didn't change  ?07:15
hitmanWillyintelikey, nope, that's what I can't figure out07:15
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please. | KDE 4.0 beta 1 -- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Riddell at Sat Aug 4 17:44:53 2007
(hitmanWilly/#kubuntu) Panlah, ok, get some rest :P07:17
(intelikey/#kubuntu) if you have an xorg.conf in your home and issue startx it reads the local config and ignores the global one.07:17
(intelikey/#kubuntu) but that's not applicable to kdm i don't think07:17
(hitmanWilly/#kubuntu) intelikey, no, that wouldn't have been it, unless kdm calls startx07:17
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Panlahit wasn't called xorg.conf anymore07:18
hitmanWillyintelikey, especially since kdm runs suid root IIRC07:18
Dhraakellianwhat's the best way to get rid of ubuntu-desktop?07:18
stdinhitmanWilly: no, kdm calls X directly07:18
Dhraakellianand I'm not referring to the metapackage alone07:18
intelikeystartx runs suid root07:18
Dhraakelliansomeone on another network linked to this: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde07:18
intelikeyX runs suid root07:18
hitmanWillyah, k, use a text login myself, so I'm kinda rusty on all that :P07:18
hitmanWillyat least kdm wise07:18
stdinDhraakellian: yeah, that link should work07:18
intelikeyin fact on a nosuid system no one but root can startx by any means07:19
Dhraakellianit's an aweful lot of packages that it's specifying manually07:19
hitmanWillyhuh...didn't know that...07:19
stdinDhraakellian: that's all the packages ubuntu-desktop installs07:19
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Dhraakellianstdin: and any overlap between the two will be reinstalled afterwards, I take it?07:20
Dhraakellian(just a little bit of context: I'm doing this to free up space on my / partition for the KDE4 beta)07:21
=== intelikey rolls eyes...
stdinDhraakellian: as long as you make sure "ubuntu-minimal", "ubuntu-standard" and "kubuntu-desktop" are installed, then you'll have everything Kubuntu installs by default07:21
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Dhraakellian(and I already have apt's package download dir symlinked to my home directory)07:21
Dhraakellianstdin: at the end of that command, there's a "&& sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"07:22
stdinDhraakellian: all the better then :p07:22
Dhraakellianah, what the heck07:23
Dhraakellianthe laptop isn't 'mission-critical'07:23
Dhraakellianand most/all of the data in my home directory is already on other computers in the house07:23
Dhraakellianso I can afford to totally screw up on it07:23
stdinDhraakellian: like I said "ubuntu-minimal", "ubuntu-standard" and "kubuntu-desktop" are all you really need to make sure are installed07:23
intelikeyDhraakellian /var/cache/apt/archives ?    careful  apt-get update will probably not work with that.     it's like if you links  /var/cache/apt/archives/partial    then apt-get install wont work...      i'll explain the reason.07:24
intelikeyapt calls ln to make hard links and then removes the origenal rather than moving the file   and you can't hard link accross fs's07:24
Dhraakellianhaven't had a problem with it yet07:25
intelikeyk   just a word to the wise.07:25
Dhraakellianand, as I said, I can afford to screw up totally with this system, even if it's inconvenient07:25
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Dhraakellianyeah, I'll undo it when I get a chance07:25
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Dhraakellianthanks for the heads up07:26
DJAnubisalright, having a bit of trouble with installing wine *didn't happen before07:26
intelikeyfrom the repos ?07:27
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intelikeyi need to sign off.   sleep is precious these days.07:28
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DJAnubisI need to understand what to do to fix it :P07:29
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DJAnubiscan anyone help me?07:29
intelikeyDJAnubis looks like you have a repo setup for a later release of *buntu07:30
stdinDJAnubis: can you post the output of "apt-cache policy wine" to pastebin07:30
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intelikeymixed repos.    check your     /etc/apt/sources.list       me bets a wooden indian against anything else.07:31
intelikeyerrr wooden nickle07:31
stdinDJAnubis: and "lsb_release -c -s" shows what?07:32
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DJAnubisit's edgy07:37
adydasim going to pull my nose off if id ont remember so im gonna ask, to install swf support for opera you just move libflashplayer.so to the plugins dir for opera and reboot opera?07:37
hitmanWillyanyway, all, im off...07:37
=== BentJ [n=BentJ@port46.ds1-esp.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu
stdinDJAnubis: that's your problem then, yo have the feisty repository for wine and are running edgy07:37
DJAnubiscrap xD07:37
stdinDJAnubis: just edit the source to say edgy instead of feisty07:37
DJAnubisthat was alot smoother than 3 years ago07:37
DJAnubisI was less drunk then07:37
DJAnubisso, that's saying something07:37
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stdinadydas: yeah, that should work07:37
intelikeysudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.oops ;sed 's/feisty/edgy/g' /etc/apt/sources.list.oops | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list07:37
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stdinintelikey: I'd just use sed -i07:38
intelikeybut no backup of the oops  :)07:38
klobsteranyone in here familiar with dash?07:38
adydasstdin: figured... it dont error saying no shockwave installed anymore but just wont work07:38
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intelikeyi like keeping reminders of my oops's07:39
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mikes1Anyone help me with "intel sound"?07:39
stdinintelikey: sed -i.oops07:39
mikes1Toshiba A200 laptop07:39
stdinklobster: ask your question and see07:39
klobsteranyone know why dash doesn't like the syntax of ${@:$#} ?07:40
intelikeycause it's bashism07:40
intelikeynot posix07:40
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DJAnubiswhere do I change from feisty to edgy in that source?07:40
klobsterintelikey: bash --posix does not complain about it?07:41
adydasalso why does it try and open everything i want to download into kate07:41
intelikeyDJAnubis all occurances thereof07:41
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adydasand moan about being corrupt and wont let me save it as a what ever file to the dtop07:41
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stdinklobster: bash's posix isn't completely posix (yeah, I know)07:42
intelikeyklobster but bash --posix  only means it will accept all posix code  not that it's limited to posix   bash is hopelessly  non-posix these days07:42
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titanix88why do t care about posix??07:43
klobsterintelikey: stdin either of you know of another way to say ${@:$#} (the last string in an array)?07:43
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)07:43
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klobstertitanix88: in ubuntu sh is dash07:44
WigglesI have a simple question.07:44
WigglesWhats SKIM and do i need it?07:44
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intelikeyi have all but stopped using bash for script writting.   and even converted all my existing scripts to full posix compliance.07:44
titanix88no dash it is bash07:44
titanix88no dash it is bash07:44
stdintitanix88: dash is not bash07:44
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intelikeyklobster nothing realy clean,07:44
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intelikeytitanix88 your /bin/sh can be any "posix compliant" shell07:45
intelikeyor even bash07:45
stdinWiggles: it's a way to input non-latin characters in KDE07:45
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stdinWiggles: like, chinise, for instance07:46
Wigglesstdin, thanks07:46
titanix88dash O_o07:46
ubotu/bin/sh links to the DASH shell in Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to  #! /bin/bash 07:46
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DhraakellianI would just like to state for the record that the Compose Key rocks07:47
titanix88why dash?bash was fine!!07:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compose - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:48
stdintitanix88: because bash is not fully posix (and fully portable), and because dash is much smaller07:48
Dhraakellian!compose key07:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compose key - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:48
intelikeytitanix88 dash is smaller lighter and faster07:48
titanix88dash is a gnu tool?07:48
intelikey!info dash07:49
ubotudash: The Debian Almquist Shell. In component main, is required. Version 0.5.3-5ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 82 kB, installed size 204 kB07:49
intelikeyit's a debian tool07:49
stdinon my system, bash is 700912 and dash is 80308 (685K vs 79K)07:49
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intelikeyyeah and i can't figure out why they made bash an essential package ....07:50
stdinbecause bash just has a load of features and shortcuts probably...07:50
intelikeycould be07:51
stdineven has a built in "echo" :p07:51
intelikeyso does dash07:51
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intelikeyand they differ07:51
Dhraakellianhmm... synaptic has gnome deps?07:51
intelikeyDhraakellian yes synaptic is a gtk app07:51
kalorin`because bash is the bashiest!07:52
Dhraakellianintelikey: but GTK does not necessarilly mean Gnome07:52
intelikeyneither does synaptic   :)07:52
ubotuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI07:52
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stdingnome and gtk are quite linked, probably more so than kde/Qt07:53
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intelikeyalmost as much as ubuntu and bash07:53
=== titanix88 prefers bash because he loves gnu tools.
Dhraakellianoh, I see... tried installing with apt-get this time instead of aptitude07:54
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stdintitanix88: dash is under the GNU GPL licence07:54
Dhraakellianguessing that aptitude was pulling in some recommended packages in addition to just those that are required?07:54
stdinDhraakellian: yep, that's what aptitide does07:54
intelikeyand debian tools are possably more gun than gnu is...  but who is counting..07:55
=== Dhraakellian has a loaded gnu and knows how to use it
stdinintelikey: erm, debian and the GNU :p07:55
=== titanix88 says linux and hurd are both gpl.
Dhraakelliantitanix88: but will hurd be going gpl3, given that it's (iirc) more closely tied with GNU/FSF?07:56
intelikeylong as'n it aint got that M$ EULA attached,  we wont hang it, burn it, beat it with a stick, or felay the hide offen' it today.07:57
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intelikey</andy gibbs>07:58
stdinHERD = HIRD of Unix-Replacing Daemons, where HIRD = HURD of Interfaces Representing Depth07:58
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intelikeyyeah fillet = felay'    :)07:58
stdinerm HIRD for the 1st one^07:58
stdindamn, can't type today...07:59
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el_ismaHi. I'm trying to set up kdm. I have defined several ServerLayouts in xorg.conf and I wish to choose which one to use from kdm. Is that possible?07:59
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stdinintelikey: yeah, I is right by the U, that's what I meant by not being able to type08:00
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intelikeyqwerty ?08:00
intelikeyi see.08:00
stdinintelikey: yeah, laptop so I can't do dvorak without disassembling08:01
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=== stdin puts it on his "to-do-when-laptop-becomes-worthless-list"
Dhraakellianstdin: forcing yourself to be a touch typist, eh?08:01
titanix88hurd can now execute simple hello world programs.they say!08:01
Lynourestdin: I did, there are some nice sturdy keyboard stickers that blended in nicely with my keys08:02
Dhraakellian(something with which I thoroughly sympathize, being a dvorak-on-qwerty user myself)08:02
Dhraakellianand, you know, I almost like it better this way08:02
Dhraakelliansince it keeps me honest08:02
Dhraakellianand I like being able to see what keys are what in the rare case that I actually need to use qwerty08:03
Dhraakellian(also, I'm too lazy to rearrange the keycaps or get stickers)08:03
=== titanix88 asks if anyone here actually used gnu/hurd?
stdinI'll stick with the default layout on my laptop for now, it's too new to mess up (less than 4 months)08:03
intelikey5xd8 ,om, 8,:bjcg8?j,h8hj 8fjcg.md 8vc8,hd8?mvcg8ld: 8 vxd8,jxd08:04
DJAnubisis there any way to use my windows programs from linux? I only installed a small partition08:04
DhraakellianDJAnubis: wine?08:04
DJAnubisI know wine, duh,08:04
stdinDJAnubis: wine maybe08:04
intelikeyerr i mean  /me starts typing with his fingures on the wrong keys some time08:04
soulriderhello, i just stole my dads joystick from his computer. It seems pretty generic since it doesnt even have a label with a brand :P do you guys know of any app i can use to test if it works? or to at least know if it was picked up as an input device ?08:04
DJAnubislike, I have this distro just to power rip my windows08:05
stdinsoulrider: there's a joystick section in system settings08:05
soulriderim using gnome right now =/08:05
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DJAnubisI'm gonna pass out08:05
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Dhraakellianokay, now that I have a full 2GB free on my / partition (which I'm starting to regret making only 5GB), I'm gonna try installing the KDE4 beta08:06
panticwell things arnt going so well with my external monitor runing on my laptop08:06
intelikeypantic's back.08:06
stdinsoulrider: maybe ask in #ubuntu then08:06
panticright now i cant even apply settings in system settings08:06
titanix88soulrider connect it and see in the system settings joystick tab to see he it is detected.08:06
panticbtw the x-org reconfigure...quite went wrong08:06
pantici didnt really need to do that... i couldnt boot right08:06
khaije1Dhraakellian: i'm using it now08:06
soulriderbrb, gotta relogin08:07
DJAnubishow do I empty my trash?08:07
panticnot even recovery mode.. anyway.. i cant figure it out08:07
DJAnubisit's giving me a read error08:07
Dhraakelliankhaije1: how usable is it so far?08:07
stdinDJAnubis: what error?08:07
Dhraakellianthe last time I tried installing it, I ran out of disk space on /08:07
Dhraakellianand thus only got a partial install08:07
Dhraakellianwhich was quite unpretty08:07
panticfor some reason when i go to system settings and apply my graphic card, exit out of the menu, go back in and its back to none... any advice?08:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about reconfigure - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:07
el_ismaI'm trying to set up kdm. I have defined several ServerLayouts in xorg.conf and I wish to choose which one to use from kdm. Is that possible?08:07
DJAnubisCould not read /home/casey/.local/share/Trash/info/u. t6cMuabVSPPPj@jSv7 0t$3[?^8.trashinfo.08:07
khaije1Dhraakellian: it's still touchy for basic stuff and it seems many bells and whistles aren't ready08:07
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stdinel_isma: maybe ask in #kde08:07
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stdinDJAnubis: huwa?08:08
khaije1Dhraakellian: so far i actually prefer the kde3.5.7 art better too08:08
DJAnubisI dunno08:08
DJAnubispass out time?08:08
DJAnubiscome back with fresh mind tomorrow?08:08
DhraakellianI'm just wondering how long it'll be before someone has backported the Oxygen icon set to KDE308:08
Dhraakellianif they haven't already08:08
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intelikeystdin gooday mate.08:09
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titanix88Oxygen is too cool?08:09
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please. | KDE 4.0 beta 1 -- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Riddell at Sat Aug 4 17:44:53 2007
(rhavenn/#kubuntu) Dhraakellian> yeah, i know it does...but the main volume is still too low..if i'm listening to xmms at a normal level and then start a DVD and crank the kaffeine volume control up I can barely hear anything08:13
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(Dhraakellian/#kubuntu) and I highly recommend switching to somethinglike Amarokother than xmms, but I'm an Amarok fanboy and thus can't be trusted for unbiased advice on such topics08:13
(Dhraakellian/#kubuntu) !;)08:13
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rhavennDhraakellian> egh..xmms gets the job done :) amarok is very nice though08:14
=== stdin uses vlc for DVDs, it has volume control and a pre-amp
Dhraakellianand I don't know why Kaffeine would drop the volume down for DVD's08:14
Dhraakelliandoes it do it for other types of video?08:14
Dhraakellianand do you have the same problem with DVDs in other players?08:14
rhavennDhraakellian> i haven;t tried any other players..but i will run some tests and see :)08:15
Dhraakellian(vlc, regular xine-ui, etc)08:15
titanix88rhavenn maybe both of them needs to use same protocol(or server or whatever they say it) and mixer like alsa08:15
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rhavenntitanix88> nagh, they can both go strasight through alsa08:16
kalorin`I love vlc personally08:16
khaije1so w/ kde4 how to activate window effects....?08:17
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stdinit'll be in system settings08:18
panticany assistance?08:18
khaije1stdin:  ya looking there now....08:18
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Dhraakelliankalorin`: I'm looking forward to seeing what vlc's new Qt interface will look like08:19
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stdinpantic: as long as it's set in xorg.conf it doesn't matter what system settings says08:19
LynoureDoes konsole only support bitmap fonts? the font list it shows me is quite short.08:19
klobsterwhen does kde4 stable come out?08:19
stdinklobster: scheduled for some time in october (for the 1st release)08:20
stdinthere will probably be some point releases soon after that08:20
panticstdin: where would xorg.conf be located exactly08:21
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=== titanix88 didnt know vlc has a qt interface...
stdinpantic: /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:21
Dhraakelliantitanix88: next version is supposed to have it08:21
stdintitanix88: it doesn't (yet) only the svn version does (and thats Qt4, and buggy)08:22
Dhraakellianwhich is why I'm looking forward to it rather than using it right now08:22
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LynoureHow can I add non-bitmap fonts to konsole?08:24
stdinLynoure: not a clue, maybe the people in #kde know (if it's possible)08:24
panticodd, settings in xorg does have nvidia driver there, but when i go to system settings it says none08:24
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stdinpantic: then report that as a bug against kde-systemsettings if you want08:26
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panticok any way to fix?08:26
panticwhere could i report it08:26
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stdinpantic: probably in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-systemsettings08:27
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el_ismaHow do I startx a kdm?08:29
panticstdin: ok i found it but thanks for the link, any way to fix this, im still working on geting that widescreen going when pluged into a serial port08:29
Dhraakelliansudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart08:29
stdinel_isma: look at the ServerCmd= part08:29
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Dhraakellianif I'm understanding you correctly08:29
panticDhraakellian: ill give it a try08:29
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el_ismaDhraakellian: No. I want to start a new Xserver. KDM is already running08:30
Dhraakellianpantic: was talking to el_isma08:30
Dhraakellianstartx -- :108:30
el_ismaDhraakellian: that only gets me a blank display08:30
el_ismaDhraakellian: I want to run a kde session there08:30
Dhraakellianstartx -- :1 startkde?08:30
el_ismaDhraakellian: X doesn't like that option08:31
Dhraakellianstartx startkde -- :1?08:32
Dhraakellianwithout the question mark, of course08:32
el_ismaDhraakellian: Tried that too08:32
Dhraakelliangotta say, I like how kde4's ksysguard replacement looks08:32
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setkehheya guys08:33
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starman4everbrand new feiisty install - first time for linux :>08:35
LynoureIt seems konsole should use monospace fonts automatically, but there are many it just does not still use08:35
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Daisuke_Idostarman4ever: this may sound off topic at the moment, but, ever seen 'Garden State'?08:36
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panticno hope still same deal, now my external monitor (pluged in serial port) is even worse, all it shows now is bunch of squares in different sizes and colors moving around really fast =) <---08:37
pantickubuntu is really bad with those08:37
pantichow may i fix this masters08:37
Daisuke_Idoyou...  have a monitor plugged into your serial port?08:38
panticyes sir i do08:38
panticor mam08:38
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setkehhow well does nvidia work on linux ?????08:39
adydasfine for me08:40
adydasi just wisht he wiki was still up for beryl08:40
Daisuke_Idoberyl doesn't really exist anymore08:40
panticno ideas?08:40
Daisuke_Idoit's compiz fusion now08:40
adydasman im well behind then08:41
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adydasok why cani  see flash stuff but not play it or its content08:41
setkehi only ask cuz my notebook only takes nvidia display drivers lol08:42
Daisuke_Idoadydas: i think beryl is at least semi-supported still though08:42
starman4everDaisuke_Ido, Yes I have seen it...08:42
Daisuke_Idosetkeh: nvidia is a lot better than ati on linus08:42
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Daisuke_Idostarman4ever: "this will change your life"08:42
Daisuke_Idowelcome to *ubuntu :)08:42
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adydasDaisuke_Ido: im more worred as to why flash wont work08:43
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panticcan someone help me make this monitor working in serial port please08:43
starman4everDaisuke_Ido, Ok...not sure I understand what ur referring to08:43
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Daisuke_Idostarman4ever: natalie portman, but that's not important :)08:43
Daisuke_Idowelcome anyway08:43
Daisuke_Idoadydas: no idea, sorry08:43
pagadydas, do you have Flash installed?08:44
adydaspag well, i want to say yes.. but apparantly not08:44
adydassee before i did nething it said blah blah get flash08:44
Daisuke_Idoif you can see, but not interact with, flash content...08:44
Daisuke_Idothat's weird.08:44
adydasnothing would work on youtube08:44
starman4everDaisuke_Ido,  She is definitely a hottie08:44
stdinadydas: make sure flashplugin-nonfree is installed08:44
starman4everi assume there are some n_p walls included? >_>08:44
adydasso i got the libflash.so file and put it into operas plugings dir08:44
setkehDaisuke_Ido:  awsome :D im useing windows at the moment and i have a few linux distros on vmware and they are great so i might move to linux but i cant play BattleField2 onlinux so i might partition my HD but we shall see whn these other distros download as to what linux i use i have ubuntu and morphix on live cd and i have the iso images im downloading for a few others lol08:45
adydasand go to youtube and its there but cant work08:45
ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser08:45
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panticstdin: if i reconfigure xorg would that help?08:45
starman4everisnt that instttructions for ubuntu not kubuntu?08:45
stdinpantic: maybe08:46
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Dhraakellianadmin is the group that gets you sudo rights, right?08:46
setkehopera is incredibly unpredictable even at the best of times i have had many crashes and problems with it lol08:46
panticstdin: why is it so hard to get it working, not even the graphic card is ok08:46
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stdinpantic: it should improve by the time gutsy comes out (with xorg 7.3)08:47
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:47
adydashaah md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz08:47
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adydassetkeh: ive had opera for nearly a year now08:48
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adydasive just decided to do a new instalaltion toa  new harddrive08:48
adydasopera with flash is mint ther08:48
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setkehadydas:  i have had reasonable problems with it i still use it but sometimes it really drives me nutz lol08:50
panticstdin: no fix for now other then install?08:50
Networkgamerdoes anyone know how to mount memory cards in ps3 linux?08:50
adydaslinux ps308:50
klobstermy $PS3 is blank08:50
stdinpantic: I don't know, I never really use dual displays08:50
stdinklobster: you know only a few people here get that :p08:51
Networkgamerwell i need help with mounting memory cards in the ms,sd and cf slots08:51
Networkgamercause i do dmesg and it shows my memory cards08:52
klobsterstdin: if it's any consolation I only barely get it myself -.^08:52
Networkgamerbut when i try to mount them it says they dont exist and arent in /etc/fstab08:52
Networkgamerthen i nano /etc/fstab and they do exist in it08:52
stdinNetworkgamer: try supplying the mountpoint08:53
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stdinor use pmount08:53
Networkgamerwell the mountpoint im focused on right now is /dev/sdd08:55
Networkgameri know its formatted fat1608:55
stdinthat's not a mountpoint08:55
starman4everpantic, what vid card for your duals08:55
Networkgameryou mean the second place in /etc/fstab?08:55
stdinthe mountpoint is where you want to mount ut08:55
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Networkgamerbut when i do plain mount /dev/sdd it says device doesnt exist in /etc/fstab08:56
Networkgamerbut it does exits in it08:56
stdinpost your fstab to pastebin08:56
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Daisuke_Ido /dev/sdd what?08:57
Daisuke_Ido1?  2?  18000000?08:57
starman4everstdin, this is databuddy/pimp31415 on starman4ever's compy lol i converted another roomate XD08:58
starman4everwhat was pantic's problem with duals?08:58
panticstarman4ever: well for one now i cant set the nvidia card08:58
Networkgamerthats my /etc/fstab08:59
panticstarman4ever: nvidia go 760008:59
starman4evergutsy / feisty / etc?08:59
starman4everyou want twinview rite?08:59
starman4eversingle desktop etc08:59
panticwell leptop and a flat pannel08:59
panticbig monitor08:59
starman4everuse that as an intial guide08:59
stdinNetworkgamer: what does "ls /dev/sdd*" show?09:00
starman4everi'll come in on my own client in a minute but will helllp from this one for now09:00
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starman4everbasically in general is real easy09:00
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starman4everi recommend for something like that that you keep 2 xorgs in your /home folder: xorg.conf.single xorg.conf.dual09:00
starman4everthat way you have one for each config - and can just cp and restart X to switch between modes... though one can certainly define single monitor modes in the metamodes as you will see from my xorg09:01
Networkgamerstarman4ever:no such file or directory09:01
panticman u messin with09:01
Daisuke_Idothat's probably why it doesn't work.09:01
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Daisuke_Idopantic: you have a serial port on a laptop?09:01
Daisuke_Idoi haven't seen that in a decade.09:01
stdinNetworkgamer: ok, what about "ls -l /dev/sd?*" ?09:02
starman4everpantic, did i say .net or .org09:02
starman4evercd Desktop09:02
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starman4everwget inuyasha-lives.net/linux/xorg.conf09:03
starman4everhttp://inuyasha-lives.net/linux/xorg.conf   <<--- or just look in browser09:03
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starman4everimportant bits: the screen 0 etc definition in the device section and its pairing in the serverlayout section09:04
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starman4everthe twinview option and the metamodes and the couple below that09:04
Networkgamer/msg starman4ever09:04
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Networkgamerbrw-rw---- 1 root disk    8,  0 2007-08-12 00:18 /dev/sda09:04
Networkgamerbrw-rw---- 1 root disk    8,  1 2007-08-12 00:19 /dev/sda109:04
Networkgamerbrw-rw---- 1 root disk    8,  2 2007-08-12 00:18 /dev/sda209:04
Networkgamerbrw-rw---- 1 root disk    8,  5 2007-08-12 00:18 /dev/sda509:04
Networkgamerbrw-rw---- 1 root disk    8, 16 2007-08-12 00:18 /dev/sdb09:04
Networkgamerbrw-rw---- 1 root plugdev 8, 32 2007-08-12 00:18 /dev/sdc09:04
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:04
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starman4evergood one thar Networkgamer lol09:05
Networkgameri thought i could send a pm with it09:05
robotgeekNetworkgamer: just use the pastebin next time!09:05
starman4everand dont pm without asking ...~~!!09:05
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stdinNetworkgamer: there's only sda sdb and sdc, no sdd there09:05
Networkgamerwell in dmesg it mentions sdd and sde09:06
stdinwell they aren't there...09:06
starman4everwhat fs on the mem cards09:06
Networkgameri tryed mount /dev/sdb09:06
Networkgamerwell fat16 on the sd09:06
Networkgamerbut -t vfat doesnt work09:06
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ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser09:07
yeniklasorHow can I reconfigure my network devices (for my wireless) ?09:07
stdinNetworkgamer: take off the filesystem type09:07
stdinyeniklasor: same as with a wired device09:07
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stdinyeniklasor: system settings09:08
Networkgameryou must pecify the filesystem type09:08
stdinyeniklasor: or use iwconfig for the command line09:08
yeniklasorstdin : There is no wireless device in system settings09:08
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stdinNetworkgamer: where dose it say that?09:08
stdinyeniklasor: what card/chipset?09:08
Networkgamerafter mount /dev/sdb /media/card109:08
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yeniklasoryesterday was wrking09:08
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stdinyeniklasor: what model ?09:09
stdinNetworkgamer: post "sudo fdisk -l" to pastebin09:09
yeniklasorhow can I check09:09
Networkgamerfdisk doesnt work for me09:09
Networkgamerwhen i go to use it it cant find the command09:09
starman4everNetworkgamer, the sudo should make it workk09:10
Networkgamerand if i install it it says util-linux replaces it09:10
Networkgamerright now in console im logged in as root09:10
stdinyeniklasor: lspci | grep Ethernet09:10
Networkgameri logged in as root after signing on09:10
Networkgamerdoes it count still?09:10
Networkgamercause i didnt originally log on as root09:11
Networkgamerthen i opened irc09:11
stdinNetworkgamer: is there a /sbin/fdisk ?09:11
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Networkgamershould i remove util-linux?09:12
stdinit should be installed with util-linux09:12
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yeniklasoriwconfig says no wireless extensions09:13
stdinyeniklasor: post "lspci | grep Ethernet" to pastebin09:13
Networkgamerwhat else can i use in place of fdisk?09:14
stdincfsisk or parted I guess09:14
yeniklasorintel corparation 82573L gigabit etherner controller09:15
robotgeekNetworkgamer: i really like the gparted live cd, it is handy to have09:15
yeniklasorthis is hp pavilion dv6000 laptop09:15
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Networkgamergparted only finds one of my memory cards09:16
Networkgamerand not the one im focusing on09:16
Networkgameri dont know if it matters but the one im focusing on is a microsd card in a sd card adapter09:17
Networkgamerin an sd card slot09:17
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Networkgameror something is jacked up with the connection or something09:18
Networkgamercause it is finding /dev/sdb09:19
Networkgamerbut its 0 bytes09:19
Networkgamerit says it doesnt recognizes /dev/sdb's disk label09:20
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stdinyeniklasor: does "lsmod | grep e1000" show anything ?09:20
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Networkgamerand it cant read /dev/sdbs superblock09:20
Daisuke_Idothen maybe you specified the wrong filesystem.09:21
stdinNetworkgamer: are they formatted?09:21
Networkgamermy phone and my ps3 can read it find and play music and stuff off of it09:22
yeniklasorstdin: e1000    126016  009:23
Networkgamerbut my ps3 in linux cant read it09:23
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klobsterwhat is the command to tell where a file is linked to?09:24
stdinklobster: ls ?09:24
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helmut_ls -l09:24
stdinyeniklasor: does it have a switch on the laptop?09:25
klobsterfile, not directory, for example: ls -l "cat"09:25
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klobsterwon't work09:25
databuddystdin: <<-- the guy who was on starman4ever's compy lol09:25
yeniklasorstdin : yes it is open09:25
databuddywhere did that guy trying to do the dual mon notebook go?09:25
stdinklobster: "ln -s file" will work09:25
stdindatabuddy: he left09:26
klobsterln -s vi returns nothing09:26
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databuddywell hopefully he followed the xorg - up to gutsy worx 99% of the time09:26
yeniklasorDo you know the config file I think I must add there "eth1"09:26
pagklobster, are you in the right directory?09:26
stdinyeniklasor: no, it should be working...09:27
databuddystdin: i personally prefer to run gnome - gotta love the 'extra effects'09:27
databuddyis there something like that in kubuntu by default?09:27
klobsterstdin pag i don't want to create one, i want to see what an existing one links to09:27
pagklobster, and btw; vi is linked to vim in ubuntu systems09:27
databuddy[i did happen to accidentally install beryl in his !~_^!09:27
stdinklobster: yes ls (not ln)09:27
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stdindatabuddy: I run gutsy, so I have compiz-fusion :)09:28
klobsterstdin pag i keep typing the commands you offer, but i get errors if I even get a response09:28
pagklobster, " ls -l /usr/bin/ | grep vi "09:28
stdinklobster: you uses ln -s, that's to create, use ls -l09:28
Networkgamerwould it help if i pointed someone to the officia; ps3 linux docs?09:29
stdinstdin@goten:~$ ls -l /usr/bin/vi09:29
stdinlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 2007-04-24 14:39 /usr/bin/vi -> /etc/alternatives/vi09:29
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stdinklobster: see ^09:29
klobsterstdin: that did work, thank you09:30
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klobsterI got an error the first time though:09:31
klobster:~/bin$ ls vi09:31
klobsterls: vi: No such file or directory09:31
klobsteroops, I meant to post the ls -l vi, but the error is the same09:32
wolferinevi is not a directory09:32
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stdinNetworkgamer: maybe look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_for_PlayStation_309:32
wolferinewhen you perform an ls command, you want to perform it on a directory09:32
Networkgameri looked at that09:32
Networkgamerit just says its fully compliant09:33
Networkgamernothing about actually using them09:33
stdinklobster: that's probably because the file called "vi" isn't in /home/YOU/bin09:33
Networkgamercause atm it wont detect either of my memory cards09:33
wolferinestdin, what is this YOU :)09:33
stdinwolferine: your user name :)09:34
wolferinemine or yours :P09:34
klobsterstdin: I haven't changed directories, though09:35
stdinneither, klobsters09:35
stdinklobster: you are in ~/bin09:35
stdinklobster: that's the "bin" directory in your users home directory09:35
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klobsterI know.  It's not really that important, but here: check the log: http://dpaste.com/16677/09:36
stdinklobster: what exactly are you trying to do?09:37
yeniklasorstdin : Says for eth1 or wlan0 "no such device" Can you help ?09:37
stdinyeniklasor: I can only point you to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:38
klobsterstdin: I was just trying to find out where the original file for a linked file was located.  It's not all that important.  I just wanted you to see that it _was _ giving me an error when i first tried ls -l, but not the second time.09:39
klobsterI crazy, but not that kind of crazy09:39
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stdinklobster: that's because you gave ls a path. "ls -l vi" from ~/bin looks for "~/bin/vi09:40
stdinklobster: you have to tell ls where the file is09:40
Networkgameris there any software i need to install to use media card readers?09:40
klobsterstdin see line 5609:40
stdinklobster: yes, that's because you did "ln -s vi"09:41
klobstercompare it to line 509:41
stdinklobster: which made a link to "~/bin/vi" called "~/bin/vi"09:41
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stdinklobster: ie: it points to itself09:42
klobsterahh.  lame, I don't want that09:42
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panticstill no luck09:42
pantici reinstalled kubuntu09:43
stdindatabuddy ^09:43
Networkgameranybody mind taking a look at http://www.cellperformance.com/public/linux-20061110-docs/LinuxKernelOverview.html09:43
Networkgamerit details ps3 linux09:43
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wolferinewhy would we want to do that?09:43
Networkgamerso you get an idea09:44
Networkgameror for reference09:44
wolferineget your own 'idea'09:44
Networkgamerwell i do09:44
Networkgamerim just not a pro at linux09:44
panticstdin: data?09:44
Networkgameri just know basic things09:44
stdinpantic: that's the person who was helping you before (after a nick change)09:45
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setkehNetworkgamer: same here mate lol \09:51
Networkgamerwhat you mean?09:51
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wolferinestick with gaming man09:51
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setkehNetworkgamer: im not pro at linux eather lol im just learning lol09:52
Networkgamerme too09:52
Networkgamerbut i could walk circles around a windows or mac user09:53
wolferineu said that already Networkgamer09:53
Networkgameror psp user09:53
Networkgameror ps3 user09:53
Networkgameralmost every ps3 user09:53
setkehNetworkgamer: im downloading allot of the distros now to have a play with them lol09:53
Networkgamerthe only ones i like are ubuntu,yellow dog and fedora09:54
Networkgamerand ive only gotten ubuntu and fedora working09:54
Networkgamernow i wish i kept fedora09:54
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Networkgamerentoo is a hit or miss09:55
Networkgamerif you dont get it the first time,you wont get it09:56
setkehi have slack and knoppix and ubuntu all installed on vmware and im useing ubuntu at the moment waiting for the others to download on my host OS lol09:56
databuddyNetworkgamer: dont say that09:56
stdinNetworkgamer, setkeh: if it's not kubuntu support related, please take it to #kubuntu-offtopic09:57
databuddyive tried gentoo 3 times and gotten better results each time09:57
databuddygiven i didnt know jack about nuthin when i tried last.. lol09:57
databuddypersonally i'm a gnome guy - but one of my roomates is mcse lol09:59
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databuddyi just gave him kde for looks + familiarity kinda09:59
databuddyhe was freaking out already XD09:59
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setkehhow different from ubuntu is kubuntu ?10:00
databuddysetkeh: well depends on how you mean10:00
databuddythe basic set of tools differs greatly10:01
Networkgameran apt-get install kde-desktop away10:01
databuddybut almost everything works on both10:01
Networkgamerits one commands idfference10:01
databuddyand personally i always install synaptic no matter what DE / WM10:01
stdinsetkeh: only difference is the user interface10:01
Networkgamerthey should make fedorra on ps3 with a single install cd10:02
Networkgameror at least a net install10:02
databuddykde is real nice in that there are options for DAYS - and it looks and feels quite a bit like windows for the most part10:02
databuddythough how it should be XD10:02
stdin!offtopic | Networkgamer, databuddy10:02
ubotuNetworkgamer, databuddy: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!10:02
klobsterstdin: which was the command i was looking for10:02
stdinklobster: ls ?10:03
Networkgamercan i get help for medai card readers?10:03
databuddystdin: no way is that offtopic - the man is trying to decide b/t gnome and kde / and whatever else.10:03
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klobsterstdin: no, `which`10:03
setkeh stdin: what difference is in it (i.e like the desktop layout)?10:03
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Networkgamerwmii anyone?10:04
stdinsetkeh: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE10:04
databuddysetkeh: try youtube for some vids of different DE's - or google for the kde webby10:04
KartiHi all, anyone know where I can find the Kontact details for calendar, so I can back it up?10:04
setkehstdin: thankls mate :D10:05
setkehdatabuddy:  will do when i get home because this internet conection sux lol10:05
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databuddyyeah then look for screenshots. but more than that dont be afraid to try one, then another then another.10:07
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setkehdatabuddy:  do you mean distros when you say "try one"?10:08
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stdinsetkeh: they aren't really different distributions, just different interfaces10:09
panticpantic@coban:~$ sudo aptitude install irssi10:09
panticsudo: timestamp too far in the future: Aug 12 03:40:10 200710:09
panticsomething is really screwed up10:09
stdinpantic: try "sudo -K"10:09
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panticstdin: didnt work10:10
stdinsetkeh: if you install Ubuntu you can get Kubuntu with "sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop"  (and vice versa ubuntu-desktop for Ubuntu)10:10
setkehstdin: so one uses GNOME and the other KDE ??10:11
HighNohi there, anybody interested in a short software test? Needed things: fun, 20 minutes, bluetooth device and mobile phone (just for bluetooth communication)10:11
stdinsetkeh: exactly10:11
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HighNoit should be testet whether the software works under KDE10:11
setkehstdin: i get it :D i will try that string :D10:11
stdinpantic: hmm, well I know a reboot will solve it if all else fails10:11
panticstdin: ok, you are right, but any idea why it wont apply my nvida card?10:12
setkehstdin:  so the k stands for KDEUBUNTU?10:13
stdinpantic: like I said before, as long as it's set in xorg.conf it doesn't matter what system settings says, but report it as a bug if you want10:13
stdinsetkeh: basically yes10:14
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panticstdin: ok10:14
setkehbbs guys going home :D10:14
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tankhows everyones night been?10:17
wolferinego to bed then :P10:18
tankya get outta here10:18
stdinno, sleep is for the week :p10:18
tankI watched one of my freinds get jumped tonight...wasnt very good lol10:19
=== Networkgamer remembers he starts school on tuesday
tankI start monday10:19
tankwhy would I be a freshman?10:19
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tankwhat are you trying to say lol?10:19
Networkgamerjust my school only freshman go on monday10:19
stdinNetworkgamer: you can't tell me that's on topic now? :p10:20
Networkgamerthen the rest start tuesday10:20
tankahh I see10:20
tankno we all start the same day10:20
Networkgamerstdin:it merged from a guy who said he didnt need sleep10:20
Networkgamerand although its 2:20 here i just remembered i start school on tuesday10:20
stdinNetworkgamer: yes, but that was a one-liner, not a conversation :)10:20
stdinNetworkgamer: see my twisted logic :)10:21
Networkgamerbelieve me,i know a lot worse network admins and ops10:21
Networkgamerthis network is actually rather nice10:21
tankI registered redlight.org and redlighter.info today...now why would I do that lol10:22
Networkgamerefnet not so much10:22
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tankshouldnt have done that...stupid of me...what am I going to do with a website called redlighter?10:22
Networkgamercause you want to boast you did it in linux?10:22
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tankI dont even remeber what I was thinking...10:22
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stdinNetworkgamer: like I said, there's always #kubuntu-offtopic if you want a general chat10:23
tankahh no one needs help atm so we dont have to stay on topic10:23
stdintank: yes, you do10:23
tankya I thought so...10:23
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Networkgamerhow do i update my kernel?is it very easy?10:23
stdinNetworkgamer: when you install a kernel it does that for you (with grub)10:24
Networkgamerwell how do i install a new kernel?10:25
wolferinegoogle it10:25
Networkgamerwhats the command?10:25
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stdinNetworkgamer: you just update "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"10:26
Networkgamerno update found10:27
HighNostdin: Thats not what you do for a new kernel10:27
stdinHighNo: yes, it is10:27
pagNetworkgamer, why do you need a new kernel?10:27
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Networkgameri think thats whats wrong with the media card reraders10:27
HighNostdin: that just installs every new package that is around, including libs10:27
Networkgamerhow do i update the kernel10:28
stdinHighNo: and any new kernel versions10:28
Networkgameror install a new kernel10:28
wolferineif no one answers him, he will most likely google it10:28
HighNostdin: and Networkgamer: you install a new kernel simply by apt-get install kernel-package-name10:28
stdinHighNo: there are meta-packages that do that when a kernel is released, I do know this10:29
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HighNoif it tells you there is no update that is because there is seldomly a real "update" ... right stdin10:29
Networkgamerall apt-cache found was kernel-package10:29
Networkgamerbut i did that and now its installing10:30
HighNoNetworkgamer: I believe all kernel packages start with "linux-image..."10:30
stdinNetworkgamer: that's for building kernel packages10:31
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Networkgamerso i can  stop that one?10:31
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Networkgamerit finished10:31
stdinlinux-generic and linux-image-generic should install the latest kernel for you10:31
HighNoNetworkgamer: you could, or you may want to compile your own - thats what kernel-package is for10:31
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Networkgamerwell all it found was linux-image-2.4 and linux-image-2.610:32
Networkgamerand linux-image-netboot and linux-image-netbootable10:32
Networkgamer2.6 i presume?10:32
HighNohm, I have tons of kernel-images...10:32
HighNocould be my package sources...10:33
Networkgameri just did apt-cache pkgnames kernel-image10:33
stdinNetworkgamer: what does "uname -r" show?10:33
HighNothe latest ubuntu kernel is 2.6.20-1610:33
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HighNo(that is normal ubuntu - i don't know for kubuntu - do you guys use different kernels?)10:33
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HighNoNetworkgamer: you are uptodate10:34
Networkgamerwell i installed ubuntu then installed kde10:34
stdinHighNo: the only difference with kubuntu and ubuntu are the UIs10:34
Networkgamergnome and kde10:34
HighNothats what I though of10:34
Networkgamerand sometimes xfce410:34
HighNoxubuntu - i know10:34
Networkgamerwhat about edubuntu?10:35
HighNo(I really should know this - I am "UCP")10:35
HighNoNetworkgamer: a specialized distribution for education environments and thin client stuff10:35
HighNoUCP = Ubuntu Certified Professional10:35
Networkgamerwell i know that10:35
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Networkgamerbut what de or wm does it ue10:35
HighNooh, sorry10:36
HighNoI believe it to be GNOME to10:36
stdinthere will be a KDE one too10:36
Networkgamersince i installed fedora on my ps3 i couldnt stand gnome10:36
Networkgameror fedora10:36
Networkgamerbut now i wish i had it10:36
HighNoI do like the looks of GNOME more than KDE though the GUI sometimes is less functional - or let's say it this way: It offers less functions but I still like it10:37
Networkgamerwish ubuntu could access my media card reaers right about now10:37
HighNoThats why I use it - GNOME looks tidier than KDE (just looks!)10:38
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Networkgamerwell thats not why id choose it10:38
Networkgamerid choose it cause everything in it already worked right after install10:38
rpedroany way to test kde4 in gutsy?10:38
Networkgamereverything that should have worked anyway10:38
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HighNostdin: do you know a channel where I could ask for somebody doing a software test under KDE for me?10:39
stdinrpedro: read http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php (it's in universe for gutsy, not feisty-backports)10:39
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Networkgamerdidnt know that10:39
stdinHighNo: maybe in #kubuntu-devel10:39
HighNostdin: right - thanks10:39
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rpedrostdin: so that link is wrong about feisty?10:40
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stdinrpedro: no, it gives feisty instructions because gutsy isn't releases yet10:40
stdinHighNo: you can also try #kde I guess10:41
rpedroso feisty instructions are outdated?10:41
stdinrpedro: no, they are fine if you use feisty10:42
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rpedrooh, k10:42
rpedrousing feisty  right now, without kde, only a few kde programs10:42
rpedrowould be nice to install in feisty (my main install right now)10:43
stdinrpedro: then why did you ask about kde4 in gutsy?10:43
[ifr0g] #ifroog10:43
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Networkgameri see documentation on media card readers on psubuntu is pretty scarce10:43
rpedrohm, because10:43
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rpedroI didn't think it would be available for feisty, and I just installed gutsy in a vmware machine10:44
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stdinrpedro: you can use it in both10:44
ibrahimhi all10:44
rpedronice :)10:44
Networkgamerafter this search im going to bed10:46
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Networkgamernow i get it10:48
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Networkgamerwhen the ps3 starts up if access's the memory card readers10:48
Networkgamerand since kernel 2.6.11 it would flood the console with errors10:48
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Networkgamerso when the kernel goes to access them it disables it10:49
Networkgamerthats why i see them in dmesg10:49
Networkgameryet they dont actually exist10:49
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Networkgamerdo you hve an infobot?10:49
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:49
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Networkgamercan i add something to him from here?10:50
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stdinNetworkgamer: you can request it, it will then be forwarded to the editors10:51
stdinNetworkgamer: use something like !factoid is <reply> message goes here10:51
databuddyFact:  The 1st triple jump in figure skating competition was performed by Dick Button in 1952.10:51
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Networkgameryeah i followed that second link10:52
Networkgamerand found that outfrom that page too10:52
Networkgamer!ps3cardreaders is <reply> In ubuntu,in its beta,it started with kernel 2.6.11,and whenever it accessed the media card readers it flooded the console with errors pertaining to it,preventing boot.since then,it has been patched so ubuntu can boot on the ps3,albeit you can not access the media card readers.take note that in dmesg it mentions devices sdd and sde,which are the medai card readers,yet after boot,they dont exist10:54
Networkgamerhows that?10:54
stdinyou need spaces after commas10:55
Networkgameri meant content10:55
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Networkgamercould tht exlain it to a noob htat would come in and ask "why dont my memory cards work"10:55
stdinNetworkgamer: looks ok to me10:55
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Networkgamerso for reference its !ps3cardreaders10:56
Assidsup stdin10:56
Networkgamerwell g'night10:56
trekdannehi all10:56
Networkgamerill be back on give or take 12 hours10:56
Networkgamermy ass is soar as shit10:57
stdinNetworkgamer: watch the language in here10:57
AssidNetworkgamer:  you think needed to know that?10:57
Networkgamer      sorry10:57
Networkgamerill remember that10:57
Networkgamerhows $#!#>10:57
Assidmy ### is soar as #### ?10:58
Networkgamerhow bout *'s?10:58
Assidcrap .. no ones gonna understand that10:58
stdinwell, you could just say "my backside is painful"10:58
Assidor my bumm hurts10:58
Networkgamermy @$$ i soar as $#!#10:58
Networkgamerhows that?10:59
Assidcant believe we are finding different ways to write that10:59
Networkgamerwell it is 3 am here10:59
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Assidwe got just wayyyy too much time10:59
Networkgamerand probably around 6-7 there10:59
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Networkgamerdo you know any pain in the @$$ admins for irc?11:00
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Networkgameri do11:00
Networkgamerlol,im still banned on efnet11:01
=== stdin has the power to ban you too >:)
Assidstdin: from the channel ? ircop ?11:01
=== Networkgamer realizes this
=== Networkgamer also realizes that there are ircops that would murder him for what hes done here
Networkgameron other servers11:02
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stdinAssid: from the channel yes, but I know the freenode admins too11:02
AssidNetworkgamer: your not making a good case for yourself11:02
Networkgamerim saying stdin is a really nice guy11:03
Assidhaha.. suckup11:03
=== stdin cancels the K-Line on Networkgamer :p
Networkgamergoto irc.noobz.eu and talk to evilseph11:03
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Networkgamerhave you played final fantasy 7 for ps1?11:04
Assiddont think so11:04
Assidcant remember the ps111:04
Assidtoo old of a console11:04
Networkgamerseen any previews or videos or pictures?11:04
stdinNetworkgamer: now that's defiantly not on topic...11:04
Assiddamn. i gotta move a few domains across a couple of boxes11:05
stdin#kubuntu-offtopic for inane chatter please :p11:05
Assidstdin: you forgot 's'11:05
Networkgamerjust joined that one11:05
Networkgamerinane is a word11:05
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stdinAssid: I meant inane, not insane11:05
Networkgamerand theres a thin line between it and insane11:06
Networkgamerinane is just stupid11:06
Assidthat line is almost non -existent :P11:06
Networkgamerinsane is a lot more stupid sometimes11:06
Assidhrmm i wish moving domains wasnt soo damn bugging11:07
=== stdin does mv Assid #kubuntu-offtopic
Assidoh well.. 1 domain at a time11:07
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bluevapourHey guys11:19
bluevapourI installed kubuntu, did some torrenting etc, worked amazing11:19
Networkgamerchannel is kinda dead atm...11:19
bluevapourNow ive installed the updates and my cd drive wont work11:19
Networkgamerits pretty much me and you11:19
bluevapourwont respond, open, close anything11:19
bluevapourAny tips mate?11:19
Networkgamerhave you tried mounting it?11:19
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bluevapourDoesnt work either11:20
bluevapourIts automount aswell11:20
Networkgamerhave you looked at dmesg?11:20
bluevapourNope im kinda new11:20
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bluevapourI just type that into term?11:20
bluevapour[   87.356000]  hdc: drive not ready for command11:20
stdinyou'll want to run that through tail11:20
bluevapour[  147.356000]  hdc: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }11:20
Networkgameris there a disc in it?11:20
stdin!paste | bluevapour11:20
ubotubluevapour: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:21
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bluevapourok ill paste the whole thing there11:21
Networkgameris there a disc in it?11:21
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bluevapourYeah there is11:22
bluevapourBut ive taken it out during boot before11:22
bluevapourand that worked11:22
bluevapourJust doesnt work once kubuntu is installed11:22
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HighNostdin: thanks again, found someone to test it - among with other interesting stuff.11:22
stdinHighNo: :)11:23
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bluevapourStdin, you read that paste? what ya think?11:23
tankI have a question for you guys...11:23
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stdinbluevapour: I think it's something to do with ACPI, a reboot should probably fix it11:24
tankI access the same two FTP server all the time...they are for my websites...I use system > connect to server I'm told its bad to leave those folders on my desktop?11:24
bluevapourNope, rebooted several times11:24
bluevapourand ive installed Ubuntu before a couple of months ago11:24
bluevapourdidnt work after update then either11:24
tankbecause if those folders are on my desktop I'm logged onto the ftp server?11:24
Networkgameri want your processor bad11:25
bluevapourI need a libc++5 to play TC:Elite, and it needs files from that D11:25
bluevapourWhat Networgamer?11:25
Networkgameryour athlon 64 x2 dual core11:25
bluevapourLol :D11:25
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bluevapourGood stuff huh :d11:25
Networkgamerthats an amaing chip11:25
bluevapourIts aight11:25
bluevapourNOt amazing, not anymore11:25
Networkgamerwell i have a single core pentium 4 2.5 ghz11:26
bluevapourWe are on linux tho11:26
Networkgamerand 400mhz bus11:26
bluevapourChip doesnt really matter much11:26
bluevapourAlso, Stdin, anything else?11:26
stdinbluevapour: try "sudo hdparm -d0 /dev/hdc" ?11:26
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bluevapourStdin, it just hangs11:28
Networkgamerhave you installed any hardware lately?11:28
bluevapourno crash, just does nothing11:28
bluevapourall worked 100% on windows11:28
Networkgamertry booting without a disk,then reboot,and try it11:29
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Networkgamerget what im saying?11:29
bluevapourBut ive tried that loads11:29
bluevapourI really dont nderstand this11:29
twosouls82bluevapour: I've had that sometimes myself too.. strangely resetting the CMOS solved it for me (read the manual for it)11:30
bluevapourCMOS, by jumper or battery?11:30
bluevapourIm not sure why that would help11:30
bluevapourHOw lon do i leave battery out?11:31
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twosouls82me neither, but it did twice already (5-10 seconds on my board)11:31
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Networkgamerwell your getting dma time outt errors11:31
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stdinNetworkgamer: that's why I said to try "sudo hdparm -d0 /dev/hdc"11:31
stdin(disables DMA)11:32
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twosouls82I thought I read, no errors =)11:32
Networkgamertherers errors at the bottom of his dmesg11:32
=== twosouls82 scrimms back
Networkgamerwould this matter?11:33
Networkgamer hda-intel: Invalid position buffer, using LPIB read method instea11:33
bluevapour~This is a big problem, i reported it last time11:34
bluevapourThere wasnt a fix11:35
twosouls82bluevapour: try to boot using this: ide=nodma (ref= http://linuxfromscratch.org/pipermail/livecd/2005-July/000834.html)11:35
Networkgamerwell im gonna go sleep11:35
bluevapourOki doki11:35
Networkgamermy @$$ is tired11:35
twosouls82Networkgamer: nighty night11:36
Networkgamergood night11:36
bluevapourwhere would i put that tho11:36
bluevapourI dont use live cd11:36
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twosouls82bluevapour: at the boot options of grub11:36
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twosouls82bluevapour: when you start your box you will see grub.. you'll get the change to insert boot options there; easy enough11:37
bluevapourOki doki11:37
bluevapouride-nodma? woudnt it be hdc-nodma?11:37
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stdinbluevapour: no11:37
twosouls82bluevapour: nope11:38
twosouls82bluevapour: ide=nodma not ide-nodma11:38
bluevapouroki doki11:38
bluevapourill try that now11:38
stdinbluevapour: when you boot do you see the grub menu?11:38
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bluevapourbut i see grub11:38
bluevapourjus tno menu11:38
twosouls82press ESC to get the menu11:39
twosouls82or is that a no go?11:39
stdinbluevapour: ok, when see "loading grub" keep escape pressed, then you'll see it, then press "e" then move down to the kernel= line and press "e" again, then add "pci=nodma" then press enter then "b"11:39
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andy__who wants to chat11:40
twosouls82stdin: nice.. I do it automagically.. I didn't know how to dictate +)11:40
twosouls82!offtopic | andy__11:41
ubotuandy__: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!11:41
stdintwosouls82: it's not the 1st time I've had to explain how to do it :p11:41
bluevapouroki doki11:41
bluevapourlet me write that down11:41
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twosouls82stdin: I copied it for dictation/quotation :)11:41
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=== stdin releases it under the GNU GPLv2
twosouls82v3 is out11:42
twosouls82I urge you to update11:42
stdinI know, not decided if I like it yet...11:42
stdinI need to read it11:42
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bluevapourwhats the command to mount cd drive11:45
andy__where is general topic channel11:45
stdinandy__: mount /media/cdrom011:45
twosouls82andy__: #kubuntu-offtopic11:45
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twosouls82hahaha stdin11:45
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stdinbluevapour: I meant you mount /media/cdrom011:45
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stdinandy__: offtopic chatter in #kubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-offtopic11:46
bluevapouri dont think it worked11:46
networkgamerwhat would happen if i switched from a powerpc64 linux kernel to plain powerpc?11:46
bluevapourhangs on mount command11:46
bluevapourit only stopped working after the update11:46
twosouls82bluevapour: what message?11:46
networkgamercause i noticed i have linux-image-2.6.20-16-powerpc64-smp11:46
stdinnetworkgamer: you'l need to install a 32bit OS, not just the kernel11:47
networkgamerwhat if i switched to linux-image-2.6.20-16-powerpc?11:47
networkgamerso i couldnt just switch kernels11:47
networkgamereven on powerpc11:47
stdinnetworkgamer: no, because the 32bit kernel can't run 64bit apps11:47
twosouls82bluevapour: Ctrl+C to abort the mount.. then a dmesg (again)11:48
networkgameranyway to make it work?11:48
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stdinnetworkgamer: no, you'd have to reinstall 32bit11:48
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networkgamernvm then11:48
bluevapoursame as last time11:48
bluevapourbottom half full of same errors11:48
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twosouls82bluevapour: was the 'hangup' the same a before too?11:49
bluevapournothing happens11:49
twosouls82'good', next shot11:49
bluevapourRight, could it be a bios setting atall?11:49
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bluevapourWell this is the thing, it WORKED 100% before update11:50
bluevapourshould i reinstall and just not update?11:50
bluevapourIts a V.big pain11:50
twosouls82bluevapour: don't reinstall yet11:51
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twosouls82bluevapour: try and conquer11:51
bluevapouri tried for 5days last time11:51
twosouls82bluevapour: what does hdparm /dev/hdc say?11:51
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bluevapourMust be software11:53
bluevapoursudo hwinfo --cd shows drive is detected11:53
bluevapourit hangs o=n that command twosouls11:53
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jerelatasin tnn kubuntun ubuntun rinnalle11:54
bluevapourwhats the pastebin again?11:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:54
twosouls82bluevapour: bluevapour, and have made sure the drive does work... eg. by using another box to test it?11:54
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=== twosouls82 stuttered
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bluevapourYeah, i used it in windows yesterday, before the "upgrade" to linux11:55
twosouls82bluevapour: so it is a laptop?11:55
bluevapourread that paste, it clearly says whats in the drive11:55
bluevapourno its not11:55
bluevapouri wish i had a laptop with 4600+dual core11:55
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers11:55
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bluevapouralso here soem more11:56
bluevapourbluevapour@main:~$ dmesg |grep CD11:56
bluevapour[    7.900000]  hdc: TOSHIBA DVD-ROM SD-R1102, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive11:56
bluevapour[    8.408000]  hdc: ATAPI 32X DVD-ROM CD-R/RW drive, 2048kB Cache, DMA11:56
bluevapour[    8.408000]  Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.2011:56
Assiddamn..my katapult doesnt work anymore11:56
bluevapourif that helps11:56
bluevapourdoes that say its installed twice?11:56
twosouls82bluevapour: I have another idea11:56
twosouls82bluevapour: remember the step with the boot options?11:56
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Assidanyone know what launches katapult?11:56
bluevapouryeah i do11:57
twosouls82bluevapour: redo that step and now add "noacpi pci=noapic" to it too11:57
bluevapourive had an idea11:57
bluevapourmaybe i dont have the permissions11:57
twosouls82bluevapour: so all three options11:57
romanahey, does nyone know how to configure konversation so that the nick list isnt alternate colours?11:57
bluevapourcause it says the disc is in i just cant mog11:57
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bluevapourall three options twosouls11:57
twosouls82bluevapour: yeppers11:57
romanai have black background, white text, but the list is in alternate white and black stripes11:57
romanahate it11:57
twosouls82romana: kcontrol -> appearance -> color scheme11:58
romanatwosouls82: many thanks.11:58
romanagutsy is lovely, but this has bugged me:)11:58
Assidhow do i know whats wrong with katapult.. it doesnt launch11:58
Assidromana: you finding gutsy stable yet?11:59
bluevapourright, so give me EVERYthing i need to put in two souls to save cofusionn11:59
twosouls82Assid: doesn't alt+space just work?11:59
Assidtwosouls82:  not since the last 2 boots11:59
stdinromana: settings > behaviour > chat window (for konversation)11:59
bluevapouryou sure i might just not have permission11:59
twosouls82bluevapour: oki: noacpi pci=noapic ide=nodma11:59
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romanaAssid: boringly so12:00
twosouls82bluevapour: you haven't verified the permissions on the /dev/hdc node yet?12:00
romanaumm, there is no color scheme12:00
romanathere is just colors, and n clear way to turn this off12:00
twosouls82Assid: killall -9 katapult && katapult12:00
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twosouls82Assid: then retry12:00
bluevapourim not sure how to do that12:01
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Assidno process killed12:01
twosouls82romana: in the colors area you can set the alternate list color to white oslt12:01
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setkehgah i have all these linux distros installed on vmware but this is the only one that will connect to the net lol12:01
stdinromana: settings > behaviour > chat window lets you turn nick colors off12:01
romanaahh thanks12:01
twosouls82Assid: it isn't even running then: so "katapult" to launch it12:01
bluevapourWhat do i go to to chek permissions on /dev/hdc?12:01
Assidi did.. still doesnt work now12:01
ksivajistdin hi12:02
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stdinhi ksivaji12:02
Assidif i type run katapult again.. then i get the launcher.. but alt space doesnt do it12:02
setkehstdin: heya mate how goes it12:02
twosouls82bluevapour: ls -l /dev/hd* ( see if they match)12:02
stdinsetkeh: starting to feel a bit sleepy now (only been up 26 hours)12:03
twosouls82Assid: then you might need another key combo.. I give up12:03
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=== twosouls82 passes stdin a cup of coffee
Assidit used to work12:03
Assidtill last night it did12:03
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bluevapourn error occurred while enabling /media/cdrom0.12:04
bluevapourThe system reported: mount: block device /dev/hdc is write-protected, mounting read-only12:04
bluevapourmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc,12:04
bluevapourwhat about that12:04
bluevapourthats when im in disk and filesystems12:04
bluevapourtrying to enable it12:04
stdinAssid: does "pidof katapult" show anything ?12:04
twosouls82bluevapour: that makes sence.. what cd is writable?12:04
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Assidyep.. i get the pid12:04
bluevapourbrw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 22, 0 2007-08-12 10:43 /dev/hdc12:04
Assidif i kill and restart katapult.. i get the notification ALT SPACE will launch it12:04
stdinAssid: so it is running12:04
bluevapourmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc,? isnt that an error?12:04
Assidstdin: isnt capturing alt space12:05
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bluevapourReturn code from mount was 32.12:05
bluevapour"mount failure"12:05
romanaok, thx all12:05
stdinAssid: are you running beryl/compiz ?12:05
twosouls82bluevapour: the permissions are fine12:05
stdinAssid: that's probably why then12:05
Assidbut i had compiz running yday as well12:06
bluevapourWhat now then two sould, that boot?12:06
Assidworked fine till last night12:06
twosouls82bluevapour: sudo mount -f auto -o iso9660,ro /dev/hdc /media/cdrom012:06
twosouls82try that one12:06
stdinAssid: other than that, I have no clue, try disabling compiz and see if it works, then you'll know if it's compiz or not12:06
bluevapourthat didnt work12:07
bluevapourjust said about usage etc12:07
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stdinbluevapour: it should be "sudo mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0"12:07
twosouls82bluevapour: sorry, a typo, my bad: sudo mount -t auto -o iso9660,ro /dev/hdc /media/cdrom012:07
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bluevapourthat ran12:08
bluevapourno output tho12:08
stdintwosouls82: iso9660 isn't a mount option...12:08
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bAndie91hi everies!12:08
bluevapourThat the fix then12:08
twosouls82stdin: you seem pretty awake to me12:08
bluevapoursudo mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 to mount?12:08
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twosouls82bluevapour: that one indeed12:08
bluevapourso i just use that in future :D12:08
bluevapourso i just use that in future :DAwosme12:09
twosouls82I am getting tired too12:09
bluevapourltos of love :d12:09
twosouls82bluevapour: shall we make it automagically?12:09
stdintwosouls82: heh, if I can build a PC while drunk, I can work mount while tired :p12:09
bAndie91iv got some problems12:09
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stdinbAndie91: ask away12:09
KartiHi, sorry I got cut off, could anyone tell me how to get from a broken system my calendar details from Kontact as I can't export the details. I have everything else. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. Thanks12:09
bluevapourI would like automatically yes :D12:09
=== twosouls82 only can do thing stoned, not while drunk or sleepy
bAndie91vlock and xlock dont accept the passes!12:09
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twosouls82bluevapour: cat /etc/fstab | grep /dev/hdc12:10
twosouls82give us the result please12:10
bluevapouri need to use12:10
stdinKarti: all your KDE settings are in ~/.kde you can just copy that12:10
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bluevapoursudo apt-get install libstdc++5, and it reads from cdrom not cdrom 0?12:11
bluevapourhow do i fix that12:11
twosouls82bluevapour: first things first ;)12:11
bAndie91but im typing the right pass12:11
bluevapourIve done that now12:11
bluevapourThis is the main reason i needed it12:11
stdinbluevapour: /media/cdrom is a link to /media/cdrom012:11
Kartistdin: I didn't want to copy it all across as I have a new image, I have backups of everything else its only the calendar I really need12:11
bluevapourNow, i am sooooooooo greatful :D12:11
bluevapourdoesnt work tho12:11
bluevapourit says about using extra space, then says that i havent inserted the kubuntu i386 disc12:12
bluevapourwhen its in there12:12
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twosouls82stdin: nope, it is a link to hdc12:12
Kartistdin: thought it might be in a similar vein to kmailrc12:12
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bluevapourso it SHOULDNT be a problem? :S12:13
stdinKarti: I don't use kontack, so I can't say, mabe ask in 'kde12:13
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Kartistdin: many thanks12:13
trekdannehow can I get ride of that "Email" option in konqueror, apparently it isn't a service menu ...12:14
bluevapourit keeps saying insert, but i have12:14
bluevapourand its mounted12:14
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twosouls82bluevapour: try "sudo apt-cdrom add"12:14
bluevapourbtw, the folder stays as cdrom0 doesnt change to disk name in folder12:14
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bluevapouri instert disc12:15
bluevapourit shows12:16
bluevapourworking n stuff12:16
bluevapourname even changes12:16
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bluevapourbut it says insert that disc still :s12:16
stdintry "sudo apt-get update"12:16
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twosouls82bluevapour: any luck after the "sudo apt-get update"?12:19
bluevapourTrying no12:19
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bluevapourdont think so though12:19
twosouls82bluevapour: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep cdrom12:20
bluevapoursucess :D12:20
bluevapourworked that time :D12:20
twosouls82bluevapour: tataa12:20
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frojndhow can I check what distro I use in command line ?12:23
twosouls82frojnd: cat /etc/issue12:23
stdin!version | frojnd12:23
ubotufrojnd: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell12:23
twosouls82for ubuntu's version12:23
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frojndstdin: NO! I don't even know if it's debian... I have server12:24
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twosouls82stdin: that one is nice.. and cross distro (?).. nice for programming12:24
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frojndClarkConnect Home Edition release 3.0 Kernel \r on an \m12:24
stdinfrojnd: try that command, it may work12:25
stdintwosouls82: yeah, it's from the lsb (linux standard base)12:25
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stdinshould work on any linux12:26
twosouls82as long as they follow lsb, that is12:26
twosouls82good to know12:26
stdinmost (if not all) should12:26
stdinby now anyway12:26
frojnd-bash: lsb_release: command not found  stdin12:26
stdinfrojnd: then it's probably not even debian12:27
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frojndLinux version 2.6.9-10.cc (root@beaker.pointclark.net) (gcc version 3.3.3 20040412 (Red Hat Linux 3.3.3-7)) #1 Sun Mar 6 11:02:57 EST 200512:27
twosouls82frojnd: so your previous post was the result from cat /etc/issue?12:27
frojndcat /proc/version12:27
frojndit's readhat12:27
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twosouls82frojnd: that's a distro I never heard of before.. reading their site now12:28
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setkehdoes linux have a cache for internet files ????12:30
boris_i think it automaticaly deletes it12:31
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setkehboris_:  thanks mate :D cuz i dident want it to lagg like windows does when it cashe fills lol12:33
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boris_setkeh : im not too happy with it12:33
boris_it sure doesnt lag but12:34
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boris_sometimes whole net in my country stops12:34
boris_and when this happened yesterday i was just doenloading fedora12:34
boris_it downloaded 550 of 686 mb12:34
boris_and i couldnt continue it12:34
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stdinthat's why I use wget, then you can do wget -c12:35
boris_im going niw12:35
boris_i got gnome12:35
boris_im leavin now bye12:36
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Assidarent there any X based download managers?12:36
Assidsimilar to the likes of getright ?12:36
setkehboris_: not happy with what mate ?????12:36
stdinsounds like a disease saying "I got gnome"12:37
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boris_setkeh forget it12:40
trekdannehmm is the "Email file" context menu hard coded into konqueror 0_o12:40
boris_stdin sounds like a disease ?????12:40
boris_whats wrong with gnome ?12:40
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boris_I DID use KDE12:41
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Assidis there a way to mass convert maildir to mbox?12:42
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MilhousePunkRockHello everyone!12:47
twosouls82hi MilhousePunkRock12:48
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MilhousePunkRockDoes someone know how I would implement this ( http://mediatomb.cc/pages/documentation#id3074067 ) to my /etc/network/interfaces so that the changes are permanent? man interfaces does not mention any of that...12:48
bluevapourAnyone know any other good free games? apart from AA and Tcelite?12:48
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stdinMilhousePunkRock: you can either put a script in /etc/network/if-up.d/ or use the "post-up" option in /etc/network/interfaces12:51
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MilhousePunkRockstdin: Alright, I just write those two lines as post-up into the interfaces?12:52
stdinMilhousePunkRock: yeah, or make a script with those lines in and call the script from post-up12:52
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MilhousePunkRockstdin: I know nothing about scripting, so I'd rather add them directly, to keep it simple. OTOH this would be the chance to learn about scripting. It's just a text file that gets executed, basically, right?12:53
stdinMilhousePunkRock: yeah, just put those two lines in a file and make it executable and you're set12:54
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twosouls82MilhousePunkRock: for later: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html as an intro into bash programming12:55
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MilhousePunkRockstdin: How do I call it from post-up? just post-up multicast (that's how I called the "script")12:58
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stdinMilhousePunkRock: unless you put the script in the default path (like /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin etc) you'll have to give the full path to the file01:00
sweettoothhi there, i have a pc running xp (ntfs) and crashed, so i wanted to grab the data from it when i can, i put in the feisty live dvd, but it didn't detect the drive, what can i do?01:01
MilhousePunkRockstdin: OK, with path then... Wasn't a smart idea to "ifconfig eth0 down" on a "remote" machine I am ssh'ed into though... ;)01:02
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MilhousePunkRockstdin: Now I have to walk to the other room and reboot it...01:02
stdinsweettooth: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions for help with that01:02
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stdinMilhousePunkRock: just restart networking01:03
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sweettoothstdin, thank you, i will have a go at it01:03
MilhousePunkRockstdin: No in- or output devices, ssh is the only way to reach it... Since I turned off the NIC, rebooting is the only chance to get it back01:04
stdinah :p01:04
MilhousePunkRockstdin: BTW, chmod a+x is making it executable, right?01:05
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MilhousePunkRockstdin: Seems like it worked, ifconfig shows ALLMULTI MULTICAST now... :D01:06
stdingood :)01:07
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sonoftheclayrhi guys, i'm having problems with my belkin wireless router. whenever i ping it i get "destination host unreachable". i can't access the web interface and it isn't forwarding ports but other than those few problems it's fine. any help?01:10
LynoureIs there any music player for Kubuntu that can speed up the track while keeping the pitch the same?01:11
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Tm_TLynoure: noatun? (not sure)01:13
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ksivajiis there any command to check cpu temperature ?01:15
sauvinDoes anybody know of an OSX (Macintosh) support channel on this net?01:15
trekdanneksivaji: acpi -t ??01:16
ksivajiNo support for device type: thermal01:17
bluevapourGuys, with Amorak, it tells me no mp3 support/01:17
MilhousePunkRocksauvin: ##osx maybe?01:17
bluevapourwhats that all about01:17
sonoftheclayrbluevapour: you have to download mp3 support01:18
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications01:18
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bluevapourWheres the automatic installer sonoftheclayr?01:18
MilhousePunkRockHow can I echo more than one line at once to a file?01:18
sauvinMilhousePunkRock, thanks.01:19
trekdanneyou need multiverse in /etc/apt/sources.list to make the automatic mp3-codec download to work01:19
bluevapourwhere can i downllad the mp3 support for the latest version of ubuntu01:19
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trekdanneeasiest way is to run "sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs" in a console i suppose01:20
trekdannebut you can do i with adept too ofc01:20
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trekdanneMillhousePunkRock: echo -e "line 1\nline2\nline3"01:21
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bluevapourThanks Trekdanne01:23
bluevapourWorked like a treat01:23
trekdannesonoftheclayr: can you access it from a different computer?01:23
trekdannebluevapour: :)01:23
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sonoftheclayrtrekdanne: don't know, i'll see if i can kick someone off but i think it might be off, it's no big problem. I;m just not getting a good speed on torrents01:32
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trekdannesonoftheclayr: hmm yea otherwise it could be something with your firewall on your kubuntu machine01:34
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sonoftheclayrtrekdanne: i could access it fine yesterday and it was working perfectly until it was unplugged by my brother about 8 hours ago01:35
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tobyIf I take my hard disk out of my Kubuntu machine and mount it as a slave on another system (Kubuntu, XP, whatever) will I be able to browse all of the folders or will directorys such as /home/someOtherUser be locked to me?01:35
tobyi.e. are the encrypted and unopenable even as a slave on another system?01:35
trekdannesonoftheclayr: probably a hardware problem then ?01:36
sonoftheclayrtrekdanne: i'm checking if i can access it from the computer that is connected to it with a cable01:36
trekdannetoby: no if you don't explicit encrypt your drive, you should be able to do what you say01:37
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tobytrekdanne: That's good news, thanks. I'm planning on upgrading my Mobo and HD today and, instead of backing up my current /home, I'll just put the disk to one side and mount it on my new system to copy across.01:38
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trekdannetoby: that should work yes, in fact I have done it a few times myself01:39
sonoftheclayrwell i could access it fromt that computer and i set up the port forwading again because it was gone for some reason01:39
sonoftheclayrI still can't access it from my laptop, I'll look into it tomorrow, but I'm not get a NAT error anymore, thanks for your help trekdanne01:41
trekdannesonoftheclayr: strange... are you sure the admin interface works through the wireless01:41
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trekdanneper default, maybe there's an option "enable wireless adminstration"01:41
bodoes anyone know a webpage about webcams which are well supported by linux?01:42
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras01:42
bothank you :)01:42
sonoftheclayrtrekdanne: Yes it works, I was in there messing about yesterday01:42
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trekdannesonoftheclayr: hmm ok. those "home routers" can be really bichty01:45
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sonoftheclayrtrekdanne: Yeah, hopefully it will decide to work tomorrow, it isn't the first time this has happened and it resolved itself last time (I think)01:46
nosrednaekimget a Lynksys WRT54GL :)01:46
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nosrednaekimruns linux01:47
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sonoftheclayrAnyway thanks for your help trekdanne I'm going to bed now. I have to get up early to go to school :(01:48
trekdannesonoftheclayr: ah sweet dreams then :P01:49
sonoftheclayrtrekdanne: Thanks, my dreams are usually weird though01:49
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jlinaresbuenos dias amirgos..01:51
nosrednaekimBuenos dias01:52
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:52
jlinaresbuenos dias..01:52
nosrednaekimeste no esta la channel apa espanol01:52
jlinaresok vale..01:52
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nosrednaekimanyone want a cheap laptop? http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?product_code=345668&pfp=aug1202:04
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mikes1I started compiz,how do i stop it?02:06
mikes1nosrednaekim: hello02:07
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nosrednaekimAlt+f2 "kwin --replace"02:07
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mikes1ps still no sound02:08
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mikes1i am still working on sound02:08
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mikes1its certainly not only me having probs02:09
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nosrednaekimmikes1: oh hi! didn't recognize your nick02:09
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nosrednaekimmikes1: hmm, ok.02:09
mikes1nosrednaekim: :( I had to change it02:10
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nosrednaekimdid you load gutsy?02:10
mikes1Another mike on freenode02:10
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mikes1no slow d/load and i read gutsy has the same problem02:10
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mikes1nosrednaekim: But is will be fixed02:11
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nosrednaekimmikes1: indeed it will, eventually.02:11
nosrednaekimnothing like a hard introduction to linux :)02:11
nosrednaekimmikes1: was compiz cool though?02:12
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mikes1yes but could not get the cube working like beryl02:12
mikes1This is another fresh install of kubuntu02:13
nosrednaekimmikes1: ctrl+alt+arrow keys02:13
nosrednaekimmikes1: hmm if its fresh, maybe we chould have a nother go at wireless02:13
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nosrednaekimmikes1: go get ndiswrapper and that last driver I gave you.02:14
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mikes1ok ndiswrapper installed02:18
nosrednaekimand that driver from the acer site? do you still have that?02:18
mikes1i have the .inf file yes02:18
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nosrednaekimmikes1: oh, and I assume this came with Vista on it?02:19
nosrednaekimis that correct?02:19
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nosrednaekimok, now, blacklist the atheros driver... remember how to do that?02:19
mikes1hmmm no02:20
mikes1but close02:20
nosrednaekim"kdesu kate /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" and add this line to the end "blacklist ath_pci"02:20
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CPrompt^hi.  would someone care to help with a dual boot question?  I have 2 SATA drives.  One linux, one windows.  I've edited the menu.lst but when booting into windows I get an error02:21
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nosrednaekimCPrompt^: is it windows Vista?02:22
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nosrednaekimCPrompt^: ok, and what is the erro?02:23
mikes1nosrednaekim: ok done02:23
CPrompt^norednaekin : i had it working but linux crashed hard durning a dist-upgrade and had to reload02:23
nosrednaekimmikes1: ok, reboot.02:23
CPrompt^norednaekin : says bad string02:23
nosrednaekimCPrompt^: ah... dist-upgrades..02:23
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CPrompt^oh yeah :)02:23
nosrednaekimCPrompt^: what is the error windows gives you?02:23
CPrompt^when grub comes up and i choose Windows, it just says it's a bad string.  I can reboot and come back to tell you 100% the exact error02:24
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nosrednaekimCPrompt^: nah.... but please pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst02:25
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Mikes1ok nosrednaekim02:25
nosrednaekimMikes1: now techincally you didn't have to reboot there, but that just makes it easier02:25
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nosrednaekimMikes1: ok, go to where that .inf is.02:25
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nosrednaekim(make sure its not that old one that you tried before!!)02:26
Mikes1Ok silly Q but the last time I did it I had a ndiswrapper gui02:26
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nosrednaekimMikes1: really? well you really don't need it.02:26
jeroenvrphow to disable opengl?02:26
Mikes1nosrednaekim: Is that possible02:27
nosrednaekimMikes1: its easier from the command line IMO02:27
CPrompt^nosrednaekim : http://pastebin.com/m714f578002:27
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nosrednaekimMikes1: doing it from the command line? sure!02:27
Mikes1commandline is new to me ,how do i navigate there?02:27
CPrompt^nosrednaekim : hmm...you know what, I think I have the mapping wrong on that.02:28
nosrednaekimI don't even have any "map" lines in mine02:29
nosrednaekimMikes1: you do "cd <directory name>" to moove to a directory, and "cd .." to go to the directory above that one"02:29
CPrompt^well, i did that because windows freaks out when it's not the main OS so it's supposed to trick it into thinking it's the primary drive.02:30
nosrednaekim"ls" lists the files and folders in that directory02:30
CPrompt^nosrednaekim : do you dual boot with 2 drives?02:30
nosrednaekimCPrompt^: ah... no I do not02:30
nosrednaekimthis is one drive., but I have dual booted with two drives and I never saw that "map" line02:30
CPrompt^ah.  I'm going to try switching it and see if it works.02:31
nosrednaekimMikes1: to complete any folder or file name, just type the first couple letters and hit "tab"02:31
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Mikes1nosrednaekim: it is in home/mike02:33
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Mikes1How exactly do I navigate there02:33
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Mikes1cd /home/mike,,ok got that far hell02:35
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Mikes1nosrednaekim: ok I am in that directory02:37
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nosrednaekimok,now run "sudo ndiswrapper -i 5211.inf"02:39
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nosrednaekimMikes1: did that>02:41
Mikes1No such file or directory ,,its me02:41
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nosrednaekimMikes1: do an ls02:42
nosrednaekimon that directory02:42
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nosrednaekimand look for the .inf file02:42
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Mikes1ok can see it02:43
nosrednaekimwhat i its name?02:43
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nosrednaekimah, right...so run "sudo ndiswrapper -i net5211.inf"02:44
=== nosrednaekim was stupid and forgot the net
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nosrednaekimMikes1: did that give you any output?02:45
Mikes1ok A big read out,,but saying it may be inconplete?02:45
nosrednaekimMikes1: how long?02:46
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nosrednaekimpastebin the output if you would..02:46
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CPrompt^hi nosrednaekim : seems that the error is "Error 11 : Unrecognized Device String"02:46
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CPrompt^in device.map, GRUB doesn't see my second hard drive.02:47
nosrednaekimCPrompt^: hmm02:47
CPrompt^not sure what I need to do to get it to see it now though.02:48
CPrompt^mount it?02:48
nosrednaekimMikes1: no, I need YOUR paste..02:48
nosrednaekimCPrompt^: lemme look at your paste again..02:48
Mikes1-==S 1MIN02:48
nosrednaekimCPrompt^: according to that file, your windows is on the same drive as linux!02:49
CPrompt^yeah, and i changed it and it still didn't work.  How can I tell what my Windows drive should be?  hd0, hd1?  sda? sdb?02:50
nosrednaekimCPrompt^: CPrompt^well, does linux boot?02:50
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CPrompt^nosrednaekim : sure does02:50
nosrednaekimif it does, windows will be on hd1,002:51
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nosrednaekimok, then get rid of those map lines, and change the hd to hd1,002:52
CPrompt^nosrednaekim : changed, going to reboot and check it out02:53
Mikes1nosrednaekim: paste link please02:53
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nosrednaekimand i'm not sure what the difference between "rootnoverify" and "root" is, But I have root, so change that too.02:53
Mikes1installation may be incomplete02:54
Mikes1forcing parameter MapRegisters from 256 to 6402:54
Mikes1forcing parameter MapRegisters from 256 to 6402:54
Mikes1couldn't find "ar5211.sys" in "."; make sure all driver files, including .inf, .sys (and .bin, if any) are in "." -02:54
Mikes1part of it ,,just repeats02:54
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nosrednaekimhey sorry, did one of you say something.... it disconnected me02:56
Mikes1forcing parameter MapRegisters from 256 to 6402:56
Mikes1[00:54]  <Mikes1> couldn't find "ar5211.sys" in "."; make sure all driver files, including .inf, .sys (and .bin, if any) are in "." -02:56
nosrednaekimMikes1: ah... you need the other files as well... do you have them?02:57
nosrednaekimthey should have been in the original .zip02:57
Mikes1ok 1min02:57
_aaawhat do you type to register a nick?02:57
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration02:58
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Mikes1nosrednaekim: ok got it03:01
Mikes1them both03:01
nosrednaekimMikes1: both?03:01
nosrednaekimoh... .sys03:02
nosrednaekimMikes1: ok, go to that directory and run that command again03:02
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Mikes1sudo ndiswrapper -i net5211.inf is already installed03:04
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Mikes1nosrednaekim: sudo ndiswrapper -i net5211.inf is already installed03:04
nosrednaekimMikes1: Dial up + IRC +downloading doesn't work very well ;)03:04
nosrednaekimMikes1: ok, run "ndiswrapper -l"03:05
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Mikes1net5211 : invalid driver!03:05
Mikes1it needed .sys as well?03:06
nosrednaekimok, run "sudo ndiswrapper -r net5211"03:06
nosrednaekimMikes1: yes, it did.03:06
Mikes1ok done03:06
Mikes1no feedback03:07
nosrednaekimMikes1: run "ndiswrapper -l" again.03:07
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Mikes1mike@mike-laptop:~$ ndiswrapper -l03:08
Mikes15211 : invalid driver!03:08
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nosrednaekimok, run "sudo ndiswrapper -r 5211"03:09
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Mikes1ok done03:09
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nosrednaekimndiswrapper -l again03:10
nosrednaekimuparrow a couple times gets you commands that you have previously typed in BTW03:10
Mikes1nosrednaekim: ok gone :)03:10
nosrednaekimnothing there?03:11
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nosrednaekimnow go to the directory where you have both the .inf and the .sys03:11
Mikes1mike@mike-laptop:~$  ls03:11
Mikes1ar5211.sys  nature_151.jpg  net5211.inf   xp32-
Mikes1yes there03:12
nosrednaekimok, good.03:12
nosrednaekimnow run "sudo ndiswrapper -i net5211.inf" again.. this should be in your command history03:12
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Mikes1forcing parameter MapRegisters from 256 to 6403:14
nosrednaekimany out put?03:14
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Mikes1forcing parameter MapRegisters from 256 to 64  nosrednaekim03:14
nosrednaekimMikes1: thats all?03:16
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Mikes1yes many lines the same03:17
nosrednaekimok, thats fine!03:17
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nosrednaekimnow run "ndiswrapper -l"03:17
Mikes1no mention of .sys03:17
aguitelanyone know how install Mplayer -1.0 tar.bz2 ?03:17
Mikes1ike@mike-laptop:~$ ndiswrapper -l03:17
Mikes1net5211 : driver installed03:18
Mikes1        device (168C:001C) present (alternate driver: ath_pci)03:18
Mikes1net5211 : driver installed03:18
nosrednaekimok! good... thats good!03:18
Mikes1        device (168C:001C) present (alternate driver: ath_pci)03:18
Mikes1 :03:18
Mikes1net5211 : driver installed03:18
Mikes1        device (168C:001C) present (alternate driver: ath_pci)03:18
Mikes1 :03:18
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nosrednaekimnow try "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper"03:18
Mikes1no feedback03:19
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nosrednaekimthat is almost always a good thing ;)03:19
nosrednaekimMikes1: now run "iwconfig" there should be a device called "ath0" or "wlan0"03:19
trekdanneaguitel: you shouldn't have to build mplayer from sources. "sudo apt-get install mplayer"03:19
Mikes1Wow its up,,gkrellm!03:19
nosrednaekimMikes1: so do you see such a device?03:20
nosrednaekimis it named ath0 or wlan0?03:20
nosrednaekimMikes1: do you have encryption on your router? if so, what kind?03:21
Mikes1ok will it start at boot?03:21
nosrednaekimMikes1: we'll get to that03:21
nosrednaekimMikes1: ok, now lets try to connect (all from the command line)03:22
Mikes1wlan0     IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:"DLINK"03:22
Mikes1          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.437 GHz  Access Point: 00:17:9A:12:06:1A03:22
Mikes1          Bit Rate=54 Mb/s03:22
Mikes1          Power Management:off03:22
Mikes1          Link Quality:100/100  Signal level:-17 dBm  Noise level:-96 dBm03:22
Mikes1          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:003:22
Mikes1          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:003:22
nosrednaekimMikes1: ah, ok... run ifconfig then!03:22
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nosrednaekimyoua re already accociated with an AP.03:22
nosrednaekimlets see if you have an IP address03:23
nosrednaekimrun "ifconfig wlan0"03:23
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Mikes1nosrednaekim:  connected=yes03:23
nosrednaekim(but don't paste the output)03:23
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nosrednaekimyou see something like this in ifconfig wlan0 "inet addr:" ?03:24
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dromerdoes anyone know why jahplayer isn't in the repo's ?03:27
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nosrednaekimMikes1: hello?03:28
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jahplayer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:32
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trekdannelol @ "jahplayer - serious tool for serious people"03:33
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runleveltenSlightly odd colourations of religious reference to the name. Might be slightly offputting for some folks.03:37
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nosrednaekimdon't worry, they are only cubans... they can't nucke us or anything :)03:38
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Mikesss1nosrednaekim: ok back03:40
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nosrednaekimMikesss1: us everything working?03:40
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nosrednaekimMikesss1: is wireless?03:40
Mikesss1no wifi on reboot03:40
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nosrednaekimMikesss1: yeah, I forgot to tell you to do something03:41
nosrednaekim!ch | zhaofei03:41
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:41
zhaofeii'm chinese03:41
zhaofeinosrednaekim  ?03:41
nosrednaekimMikesss1: do a "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" to get it back and then a "sudo ndiswrapper -m" to have it automatically start every boot03:41
nosrednaekimzhaofei: I could tell. do you have a problem?03:42
zhaofeiyes,  phper  pythoner03:42
zhaofeiwhat's wrong?03:43
zhaofeimy english is no batter ? sorry~03:44
Mikesss1nosrednaekim: ok I will try it03:44
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nosrednaekim!chinese | zhaofei03:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chinese - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:46
zhaofeiyes i'm?03:46
nosrednaekimI was trying to find the chinese channel for you03:46
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nosrednaekimI guess there isn't one03:46
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zhaofeinosrednaekim where are you from ?03:47
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nosrednaekimUnited States03:48
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:48
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runleveltenErm.... is anyone else getting an odd result for the factoids page?03:49
zhaofeiok  thanks03:49
ClassFoozhaofei: why not try #ubuntu-cn,around 50s here03:50
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk03:50
nosrednaekimah! there we go!03:50
zhaofeithanks   i jiond03:50
runleveltenI get this http://www.binaries4all.nl/404/index.php instead of the factoid page :\03:51
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ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk03:55
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nosrednaekimrunlevelten: odd....03:57
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nosrednaekimMikesss1: did that bring your wireless back?03:58
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mikessssnosrednaekim: many thanks03:59
nosrednaekimmikesssworks on reboot now?04:00
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mikessssIs there a ndiswrapper step by step tutorial?04:00
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mikessssworks fine with a little tuning04:00
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:00
nosrednaekim"little tuning" like what tuning?04:01
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booyai have a little problem...04:02
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trekdannebooya: yes?04:02
booyaany ideeas of how can i install WINE on my Kubuntu machine?04:02
booyasome help will be apreciated :)04:03
aguiteltray synaptic04:03
trekdannebooya: in a console enter "sudo apt-get install wine"04:03
gemidjySystem settings -> Advanced -> Windows Applications04:03
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booyahold on trekdanne04:03
nosrednaekimmikessss: what kinda of tuning?04:03
trekdannebooya: gemidjy's way is probably easier though04:04
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booyaand where is that system settings ?04:04
Daisuke_Idogemidy's way doesn't exist if wine isn't installed.04:04
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Ido: did the laptop come in yet ???04:04
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gemidjyDaisuke_Ido: not true04:04
booyai made it in your way trekdanne04:05
booyanow ... i have to wait ?04:05
gemidjyit will install it automatically04:05
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booyaWine is preparing...04:05
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booyamy name and username apeared with that :~$04:06
booyai still have to wait? :)04:06
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trekdannebooya: no it's done04:06
booyathats all ?04:06
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nosrednaekimbooya: now the hard part begins.... installing windows programs04:07
booyai have to do that also ?04:07
trekdanneyou probably still have to config wine for the specific application tho04:07
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booyai have mIRC installed on another partition :)04:07
booyai can run it ?04:07
mikessssnosrednaekim: in kde control panel I need to disable etho and restart wlano04:07
mikessssno problem04:07
trekdannebooya: IIRC it should work out of the box04:07
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booyatrekdanne:  out of the box?04:08
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nosrednaekimmikessss: everytime you restart? is your ethernet plugged in?04:08
booyacan you be more precise ?04:08
trekdannebooya: no wine config tweaking required04:08
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runleveltennavigate to it and open the .exe file with wine04:08
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booyauhm... this means ...04:08
Ange|usthat im back04:09
booyawelcome back :P04:09
trekdannebooya: go to where you have mIRC.exe04:09
Ange|uswent camping hehe04:09
nosrednaekimmikessss: hmmm that shouldn't be happening.04:09
nosrednaekimmikessss: do you ever use wired?04:09
mikessssIts not a prob04:09
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booyai`m there trekdanne04:10
booyanow what i have to do ?04:10
trekdannebooya: then right click and select "open with"04:10
Ange|usyou're helping with Windblows?04:10
trekdannebooya: and enter "wine"04:10
Ange|usahh ok04:10
mikessssnosrednaekim:  when I have to :)04:10
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booyai dont have there "wine" :S04:10
Ange|usyou must type it04:10
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Ange|usin the box04:10
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adeniciois there any virus for linux?04:11
Ange|ustype wine :)04:11
nosrednaekimmikessss: hmmm ok, well, that shouldn't be happening. but if it doesn't bother you, ok.04:11
booyai`ve managed it :P04:11
booyaThanks for the help guys :P04:11
Ange|usadenicio: yes, but you must be stupid enough to install them yourself04:11
booyai will land in here a while for further issues :P04:11
nosrednaekimadenicio: not really04:11
liyanada orang indonesia gak....04:11
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trekdannebooya: just glad to help :)04:12
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nosrednaekimmikessss: now with sound...lol...04:13
adenicioi found some virus inside some packs i had.i just download an antivirus for style and im findin the virus  W32/Magistr.a@MM all over04:13
nosrednaekimmikessss: I suppose you do NEED sound.04:14
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Dragnslcradenicio- you can have infected files, but they won't actually do anything to your system04:14
DragnslcrAny Linux file system will gladly store whatever bytes you tell it to04:15
adenicioDragnslcr: i can say that fpr linux maybe but one of these day when i go back on my xp i might have probs04:15
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runleveltenWell it's windows that infects files.04:17
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trekdannecan't you just use one of the big companies antivirus program for linux and clean it up?04:18
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adeniciotrekdanne: give me on of the names because i dont know nada about good anti-v for linux04:19
nosrednaekimhas anyone here gotten powertop workin?04:20
runleveltenadenicio: Ask the wall of light then.04:21
adeniciorunlevelten: ???:-/04:21
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runleveltenIt's quicker for you to use it, than for trekdanne to use it and channel it to you :)04:23
trekdannehmm actually i'm not that familar with antivirus but McAffe, Kaspersky, Panda, and AVG have linux stuff (whatever free as in beer, i dunno)04:23
trekdanneactually i remember reading some stuff on ./ a long time ago04:24
booyaAnother problem in here :D04:24
booyahow do i install Internet Explorer ?04:24
booyai need to install YM and MSN :P04:24
trekdannebooya: hmm that isn't that simple actually04:25
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runleveltenbooya: Don't.04:25
trekdanneyou should consider using KDE's program04:25
booyarunlevelten:  why not?04:25
trekdanneas kopete for MSN, under K menu -> Internet04:25
runleveltenUse firefox and konqueror for a browser, and somethiong like kopete for chat.04:25
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nosrednaekimbooya: I believe there is a package called ie4linux04:26
booyarunlevelten:  : I need to have IE to be abel to install YM :)04:26
adeniciotrekdanne: kasperky free?i tink u drink to much beer's04:26
MaTiAzbooya: You can use kopete for YM04:26
trekdanneadenicio: yea probably :P04:26
booyahow do i logout from kopete ?04:26
booyato be abel to login to MSN instead of YM ? :D04:26
runleveltenbooya: because unless you're a web developer or have a particular banking site, it's not worth installing a terrible program.04:26
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runleveltenbooya: No you don't need internet explorer to install ym.04:27
nosrednaekimbooya: you can have multiple accounts logged in at the same time.04:27
runleveltenbooya: also, yahoo's ym sucks.04:27
booyarunlevelten:  i need that client :P04:27
nosrednaekimand I doubt there is a version of linux04:27
booyanosrednaekim:  i want to use it with wine :)04:28
runleveltenbooya: I can't see what you'd need that client for. It doesn't support anything.04:28
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runleveltenOh, the winified one.04:28
runleveltenWell on your own head be it - you'll get much better feature support in gyachi! for yahoo.04:28
runleveltenie voice, cam etc.04:28
booyahow do i logout from Kopete to apear that window from the beggining? :P04:28
runleveltenbooya: you don't need to log out for anything.04:29
runleveltenbooya: click on the tray icon :)04:29
adeniciotrekdanne: i give up with norton,kasperky,panda crash my sys,avast was good enough the one seems good for me is trend micro pc-cillin ;-)04:29
booyathen how can i connect to MSN ?04:29
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runleveltenbooya. Add your MSN account, toggle http method, connect.04:29
trekdanneadencio: hmm :P04:30
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MaTiAzGRUB is weirdly slow on my new computer04:30
MaTiAzI'd think it wouldn't take like 10 times longer to get into the menu on this new one but it does :p04:30
runleveltenbooya: right click the tray icon  configure  accounts  add new04:30
booyarunlevelten:  take me slow dude :) where is that toggle help and http method? :)04:30
MaTiAzA minor annoyance but weird :p04:30
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runleveltenbooya: okies. Leave the toggling for a moment, and start creating a new acct.04:31
booyathis is what i cant figure out :)04:31
runleveltenbooya: right click the tray icon  configure  accounts  add new04:31
runleveltena list will pop up offering you the diff kinds of acct you can have - aim, msn, yahoo, icq, jabber, etc04:32
runleveltenchoose msn and enter your deets.04:32
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runleveltennow before you close that dialog, tell me. There's one more thing you gotta do04:33
booyaokey done :D04:33
booyawhat else should i know ? :D04:33
booyabtw ... i have to run WINE everytime i start my machine?04:33
MaTiAzbooya: nah, just run the program you want to run with wine04:33
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booyadanke :D04:34
MaTiAzas in if you want to run helloworld.exe, you just double click it :)04:34
adeniciodoes linux use dll files to?04:34
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Ange|usof coure04:34
runleveltenOh, it's working without httpm, so just finish that, then your new acct's icon has appeared at the bottom of the main window04:34
Ange|ussince the exe loads the dll's04:34
Chousukeadenicio: they're not called dll files though04:34
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trekdanneadencio: but they have the .so extension04:34
runleveltenclick on the little msn icon, and choose online (or whatever)04:34
Ange|uswine just translates them04:34
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Chousukewine uses windows .dlls though.04:34
trekdanneah you're talking about wine :P04:35
runleveltenWine could use windows dlls04:35
Chousukeor rather, wine *can* use them04:35
runleveltenIt hasn't needed them for a long time04:35
runleveltenin fact, most of the time it just stuffs things up now.04:35
Chousukebut it also uses native implementations of them, and those are often in native linux format.04:35
vit__hi booya04:36
runleveltenbooya: you signed on in msn then?04:36
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adenicioChousuke: ok,i ask because the viruses are all on dll files04:36
Chousukeadenicio: nah04:36
Chousuke.dlls are executable code like .exes are04:37
Chousukethey're just not standalone.04:37
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Chousukeviruses can reside in either.04:37
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booyayes runlevelten :)04:38
booyathanks :D04:38
runleveltengood stuff - np04:38
Ange|usdll's are libraries, exe the executable04:38
ChousukeAnge|us: both contain executable code though04:38
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Ange|uswe both contain human DNA code, but im a vampire, and you're a human04:39
booyaokey... another problem :P04:39
booyawhy i can't see all my contacts ? :D usualy atm there are at least half from my list online :)04:39
trekdannerunlevelten: tce?04:39
booyaand now i can see only 4 from 4204:39
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trekdannebooya: are you sure you're showing offline contacts?04:41
nosrednaekimbooya: hmm. are you signed in on both accounts?04:41
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booyanosrednaekim: yes, both.04:42
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isthisnickvalid_I pushed the "upgrade all" mark in adept upgrader... and now I have a little problem. It says that linux generic image wasn't able to configure or so...04:44
trekdanneduring boot up?04:45
nosrednaekimisthisnickvalid_: hmm ok, well it really doesn't matter because you have other kernels.04:45
isthisnickvalid_when I do this command: sudo dpkg --configure -a04:46
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isthisnickvalid_but it's very annoying... when I  install something with adept it complains about it, again and again.04:46
nosrednaekimisthisnickvalid_: hum...04:46
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isthisnickvalid_oh, could it be that the upgrader downloaded a newer kernel04:47
isthisnickvalid_and now there are two kernels?04:47
nosrednaekimyes, thats probably what happened04:47
isthisnickvalid_so, have I to remove the older one04:47
nosrednaekimexcept it doesn;t like the new kernel for some reason04:48
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Ange|usedit /boot/grub/menu.1st and remove the entry of the old one04:48
nosrednaekimno, don't remover the old one... thats probably the one thats woking04:48
Ange|usreboot your computer04:48
isthisnickvalid_The only drivers I compiled myself were martian drivers for LT winmodem... and I don't need them anymore04:48
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isthisnickvalid_Yup, the older is the one that's working, according "uname -r"04:48
nosrednaekim /boot/grub/menu.lst04:48
isthisnickvalid_ok I'll try it04:49
nosrednaekimisthisnickvalid_: no! don't!if you remove the old one from that file you won'tbe able to boot!04:49
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isthisnickvalid_Yes, I see04:50
isthisnickvalid_In fact04:50
isthisnickvalid_there is only the old kernel04:50
isthisnickvalid_the new dosen't appear04:50
Ange|usnosrednaekim: lies, he still can boot the new one04:50
Ange|usso you dont have a kernel upgrade04:50
isthisnickvalid_wait a sec, people!04:50
nosrednaekimAnge|us: not if it never was propery configured.04:50
isthisnickvalid_Is there a command to make grub autoconfigure again?04:51
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isthisnickvalid_perhaps the problem is that grub "forgotten" to make the new lst file.04:51
nosrednaekimisthisnickvalid_: yes, but only if you chroot in from the liveCD.04:51
nosrednaekimisthisnickvalid_: no, see thats what dpkg --configure <the kernel package> does, it makes an entry for it.04:52
isthisnickvalid_I'm going to give you a link with the result of dpkg -configure04:52
nosrednaekimisthisnickvalid_: you can remove the new kernel from within adept though04:52
nosrednaekimisthisnickvalid_: k04:52
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isthisnickvalid_Then, I'll remove the new kernel04:54
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bomberi dont have it installed anymore but i had feisty fawn installed and it was great untill a few weeks ago my networking started to go down very unpredictable04:54
nosrednaekimisthisnickvalid_: yeah, remove that new kernel and all should be well.04:55
bomberi was using epiphany for my web browser and then i  was using xchat and pan04:55
_ubuntuHELP - I just booted the kubuntu livecd, but now can't find the install option....do I need to reboot & chose another option?04:55
nosrednaekimbomber: ok... so what are you running now?04:55
nosrednaekim_ubuntu: it should be an icon on the desktop.04:55
bomberfedora core604:55
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nosrednaekimbomber: hmm. ok04:56
nosrednaekimnever tried that04:56
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bomberi was dstro hopping for the last few days and this seems to pretty good04:56
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_ubuntunosrednaekim -that's what I thpught04:56
_ubuntubut wasn't04:56
bombereven regular ubuntu did the same thing04:56
nosrednaekimbomber: yeah, i've heard its pretty nice. But I don't really like rpms04:56
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nosrednaekim_ubuntu: thats odd....what option did you select at boot?04:57
bomberto tell the truth i really like kubuntu a lot better04:57
nosrednaekim_ubuntu: the default one?04:57
_ubuntunosrednaekim - yea the default04:57
nosrednaekimbomber: try raw debain...04:58
bomberi havent tried that in a bit04:58
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bomberwhat version are they up to now?04:58
nosrednaekim_ubuntu: hmm thats very weird. maybe it didn't detect any drives onto which it could install?04:58
cloakable4.0 Etch04:58
nosrednaekimbomber: stable is etch I think.04:58
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nosrednaekim_ubuntu: what chipset does your computer have?04:59
isthisnickvalid_the error is in grub04:59
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isthisnickvalid_i have uninstalled the kernel and it says...05:00
nosrednaekimisthisnickvalid_: what?05:00
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bomberok maybe i will try it out.... i'll download it.. i havent tried turbolinux in a few years either05:00
isthisnickvalid_Running postrm hook script /sbin/update-grub. [: 25: ==: unexpected operator exec: 25: -a: not found05:00
cloakableI tend to stick with what works :)05:00
_ubuntunos - was just looking to she if it installed to my sda which already has OpenSUSE...Pentium M 1.605:01
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nosrednaekim_ubuntu: you already loaded suse on there? so all the hardware works with linux?05:01
bomberwell i like to customize and also i look for fairly easy updating and package installing05:02
nosrednaekimisthisnickvalid_: hmm interesting.05:02
_ubuntunos - YEP05:02
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nosrednaekimbomber: tried gentoo yet? :P05:02
_ubuntubut I didn't realy like suse05:02
Enkidu_akGood morning05:02
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isthisnickvalid_I have uninstalled grub-gfx and installed grub. Let's see what happens...05:03
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bomberbut it was gentoo 2004.205:03
isthisnickvalid_hope it will boot!05:03
bomberi mat give them another try too05:03
nosrednaekim_ubuntu: I'm not sure what the problem could be..05:03
nosrednaekimisthisnickvalid_: hmm I hope SO!05:03
nosrednaekimbomber: what didn't you like about it?05:04
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bomberi havent tried it in quite a while so i forget... i think i just liked kubuntu better05:04
nosrednaekim_ubuntu: heh... try running this from the command line "kdesu ubiquity"05:05
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Enkidu_akI successfully configured a wmp54gs (Airforce One 54g) wireless card using ndiswrapper under slackware, but now I try to follow the same procedure under Ubuntu 7.04 and it fails without any indication as to why. I can successfully install the driver using ndiswrapper -i and I've added the alias for wlan0, added ndiswrapper to /etc/modules, but the interface is not visible under ifconfig or iwconfig. For that matter, even though ndiswrapper is05:06
Enkidu_akvisible in lsmod for various USB devices, it does not appear to represent bmc43xx. The original bmc43xx driver has been blacklisted, of course.05:06
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evaldoser que  possvel encontrar algum que fale portugus aqui?05:07
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:07
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nosrednaekimEnkidu_ak: run "ndiswrapper -l" and see if it detects that hardware is present05:07
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.05:08
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Daisuke_Idoi thought the wmp54gs was a linksys ralink-based card...05:08
nosrednaekimtrekdanne: heh... you got the language wrong ;)05:08
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trekdannehmm hehe it did not quite look at french lol05:08
isthisnickvalid_well now it seems like apt is working fine... but now I have that ugly grub again!05:08
Enkidu_aknosrednaekim: It does, wmp54gs is listed.05:08
isthisnickvalid_Thanks for your support nosrednaekim05:09
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Sannetrekdanne: hehe I thought so also :)05:09
nosrednaekimI thought all airforce Ones were broadcome05:09
_ubuntunos - cmd not found - ubiquity05:09
nosrednaekimisthisnickvalid_: yeah, maybe grub-gfx was breaking things05:09
Daisuke_Idoah, airforce one...  no clue on those05:09
Enkidu_aknosrednaekim: I unload and reload ndiswrapper with modprobe with no affect.05:09
nosrednaekim_ubuntu: are you sure this CD is good?05:09
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Daisuke_Idoi know my wmp54g is a ralink250005:09
Daisuke_Ido(awesome driver support out of the box, by the way)05:10
_ubuntuI verified data after burning (in 'doze - using Nero)05:10
Enkidu_aknosrednaekim: It is a broadcom nic, but wmp54gs is the inf that is used by windows for that card.05:11
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nosrednaekim_ubuntu: hmm.. I have no clue what the problem could be05:11
Enkidu_akThe actual driver file is bmcwl5.sys05:11
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nosrednaekimEnkidu_ak: could you paste the result of "ndiswrapper -l" ?05:12
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Enkidu_akroot@memphis:~# ndiswrapper -l05:12
Enkidu_akwmp54gs : driver installed05:12
Enkidu_ak        device (14E4:4318) present (alternate driver: bcm43xx)05:12
_ubuntunos - I know I shouldn't have too - BUT - Since I'm running out of time to occupy the dining table (sis-in-law bd lunch shortly) I guess I'll reboot & start agin05:13
nosrednaekim_ubuntu: ok05:13
nosrednaekimEnkidu_ak: hmm..ok,and iwconfig shows nothing?05:13
Enkidu_aknosrednaekim: Just loopback and my wired interface, stating that they aren't wireless, of course.05:14
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waylandbill_nosrednaekim: air force one is 4318 broadcom, yes.05:14
Enkidu_aknosrednaekim: The worst part is taht I had it running fine under slack 1205:14
waylandbill_Enkidu_ak: did you blacklist 43xx ?05:14
Enkidu_aknosrednaekim: I thought that it might have something to do with ndiswrapper itself.05:14
Enkidu_akwaylandbill_: I did05:14
nosrednaekimEnkidu_ak: and ndiswrapper is modprobed?05:15
Enkidu_aknosrednaekim: The only difference in the procedure was that under slack, I compiled ndiswrapper from source and I got it from apt under Ubuntu05:15
Enkidu_aknosrednaekim: It is, but it doesn't appear to be associated with the device.05:15
waylandbill_Enkidu_ak: did you 'ndiswrapper -m' to create the eth1->wlan0 alias for ndiswrapper.05:16
Enkidu_akAlso that Slack was running under a 32 bit kernel and I am using Ubuntu x86_64 arch in this case.05:16
Enkidu_akwaylandbill_: I did, yes.05:16
nosrednaekimEnkidu_ak: AH! is this the 64 bit windows driver?05:17
waylandbill_Enkidu_ak: sounds like you've done everything I can think of, other than I'm using a 32 bit kernel.05:17
Enkidu_aknosrednaekim: ... I didn't even consider that...05:17
Enkidu_aknosrednaekim: It's not, it's the 32 driver05:17
Enkidu_aknosrednaekim: Nice catch :p Thanks!05:17
waylandbill_nosrednaekim: good call. That's the problem for sure.05:17
nosrednaekimEnkidu_ak: there you go! I think there is a 64 bit driver for sure05:18
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nosrednaekimI found one for my Atheros05:18
Enkidu_aknosrednaekim: That would have plagued me for a long time...05:18
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trekdannecompiling kde is slow as hell on my ancient computer -_-05:19
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trekdannei should have installed the binary packages for kde4 beta1 instead *cries*05:20
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sayersHow do I get java to work in konquerer?05:21
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pag!java | sayers05:23
ubotusayers: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.05:23
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sayerspag: I've done that...05:23
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sayersand I believe I've enabled java in Konquerer.05:24
pagsayers, restarted konqueror already?05:24
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sayersI believe so.05:24
sayerslet me try in one seccond05:25
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waylandbill_trekdanne: I'm sure it compiles slow as hell on powerhouses too. That's alot of code. :-D05:25
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sayerspag: doesnt seem to work.05:28
pagsayers, make sure it's enabled05:29
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sayerspag: according to email lists the site i want doesn't work with konqueror. I'll install firefox.05:31
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jimmacdonaldfirefox is a good thing05:32
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trekdannefirefox is a SLOW thing05:36
waylandbill_sayers: contact the author(s) of the website. Not working with Konq is more than likely the fault of the website. More than likely not W3C compliant.05:36
waylandbill_sayers: ah.. n/m java.05:37
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waylandbill_you need to specify in the configuration dialog the absolute path "/usr/bin/java"05:37
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trekdannehi soulrider05:38
soulrideris anyone having trouble browsing http://packages.ubuntu.com?05:38
waylandbill_sayers: for some reason it won't accept just "java" ... it has to have the full path.05:38
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waylandbill_(I was reading back and didn't realize at first it was a java issue or I'd of said that at first)05:39
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waylandbill_sayers: It's been a few tims that I've run across several people that have had the problem with the absolute path Konq/Java issue. Settings, Configure Konq, Java & Javascript, Path to Java, /usr/bin/java will fix it up for you.05:41
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about time - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:42
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jimmacdonaldsoulrider: I just tried to get on and can't either.05:42
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waylandbill_dhq: have an issue with your clock or something?05:43
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dhqwaylandbill_, well i wanna know how to setup time accordint to the server05:44
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pagdhq, right click on your clock -> adjust time05:44
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waylandbill_right click clock, adust time, and select "set time and date automatically"05:45
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cathaldoes anyone know an online tutorial on how to get s-video to work under linux? Does it even work?05:46
dhqwaylandbill_, i dont have that option05:46
waylandbill_hmm.. some peice of food is under my 'j' key... :-)05:46
dhqwaylandbill_, is there any way05:46
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waylandbill_dhq: you don't have that option meaning it is disabled or just not there?05:49
Enkidu_akArgh! There is no 64 bit driver for the 54gs :(05:50
pagdhq, try installing  ntpdate & ntp  packages05:50
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pagdhq, actually, only ntpdate should be enough...05:50
dhqpag, ok05:51
Enkidu_akThis laptop came with a 64bit processor and a 64bit OS... Why the hell would they include a card that didn't have 64-bit support :(05:51
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zorglu_q. what is the name of the feature doing 'fancy' autocompletion in the command line ? the stuff which parse the command and do the autocompletion accordingly... and more importantly how do i remove it :)05:53
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zorglu_hmm sunday is slow day :)05:55
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hacker128hey! no ops here!05:56
ksivajiwhen i switch on my pc i get two kernels.how to remove one old version kernel05:56
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:57
hacker128rm -rf /05:57
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hacker128fixes anything!05:57
senweihi everyone.....05:57
zorglu_hacker128: dont do that05:57
hacker128i know.05:57
zorglu_ALL: do not copy the command from hacker12805:57
zorglu_hacker128: well you did it05:57
senweijust please tell me how can I mount the nfs files...05:57
hacker128but it would remove the kernel!05:57
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ksivajihacker128  rm -rf /  what this will do05:57
hacker128and all other files.05:58
hacker128remove all files.05:58
sayersksivaji: dont do that05:58
zorglu_well lets avoid pasting this command05:58
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zorglu_people may cut/paste to try05:58
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ksivajisayers may i know what that command will do05:58
sayersBreak your linux05:58
sayersRemove - Force Whole Partiton05:59
ubotuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents05:59
sayersin human words05:59
zorglu_ksivaji: this will erase your whole disk05:59
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kaminixMy Kopete have big troubles connecting to MSN. Any takers?05:59
ksivajiok i have two kernal how to remove one kernel05:59
hacker128cd /usr/src06:00
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sayersksivaji: on your boot menu just ## out the one you dont want to see.06:00
hacker128But it will still be there!06:00
ksivajisayers but how to edit boot list item06:01
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hacker128sudo nano /etc/yaboot.conf06:01
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zorglu_ksivaji: just remove the pacakge you dont want06:01
zorglu_ksivaji: be sure to keep at least one tho06:01
hacker128that should do it.06:01
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elite101hey what is a good P2P sharing program beisdes *amule* xD06:03
ksivajihacker128  sudo nano /etc/yaboot.conf no such file06:03
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elite101i need an acutall one06:03
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elite101not a bit torrent06:03
ryan_Hi, I just did a clean install of Kubuntu "was using ubuntu "gnome", . Under Ubuntu I had found a web site that helped me get my Intel 950 on my laptop to support 1280x800 but that site is no longer up. Anyone might be able to help? Thanks06:03
elite101Gnutenlla p2p?06:04
hacker128ksivaji: Oh. Soryy. I use ppc.06:04
pagryan_, you'll probably need 915resolution -package06:04
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hacker128ksivaji: Look around in /etc for anything with grub or lilo in it.06:05
ryan_ahh that sounds familiar... Last time I ran a command from terminal do you no where i might find that?06:05
hacker128Edit that.06:05
elite101is limewire good ?06:05
ryan_I will do some googling on that though06:05
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pagksivaji, sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst  ?06:05
ksivajipag hi06:05
paghey :)06:06
elite101sweet im getting limewire i think it should work now that i have java installed06:06
pag!limewire | elite10106:06
ubotuelite101: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.06:06
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elite101i thought i just download the deb then rite click and install?06:07
hacker128its not a deb.06:07
elite101should instal the debian file from right clicking and "install package"06:08
hacker128Just cd into the download directory and ./runLime.sh06:09
elite101it has no ./runlime.sh06:09
elite101its a debian file06:09
ksivajii have general question who is the father of linux ?06:09
hacker128go figure!06:10
elite101i am?06:10
hacker128ksivaji: Linus Torvalds06:10
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ksivajido you think it is possible to create a OS by single person06:10
elite101have fun :)06:11
hacker128not a good one.06:11
trekdannedefinition of OS06:11
Thz0987Isn't microsoft unix based?06:11
elite101search google for Linuxfroscratch06:11
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hacker128Thz0987: No. That would be Mac OS X.06:11
trekdanneprobably everything is UNIX-based in the sense that it derivers from the research work done by Unix06:11
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hacker128But Mac OS X is as close as linux.06:12
hacker128to UNIX06:12
ksivajithat too Linus Torvalds  is just a third year student06:12
elite101well im going to install the debian file hopefully i dont screw my system up :(06:12
elite101will it mess it up?06:13
Thz0987What if linux dominated the world instead of microsoft did? Would we be paying for it still?06:13
hacker128Then it would be called Doors.06:13
elite101lol if we had to windows would then be free06:13
elite101Doors XM06:14
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hacker128Hey. Go to #kubuntu-offtopic.06:14
hacker128This is the support channel.06:14
elite101will den screw up my system,?06:14
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elite101from limewire06:14
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elite101o_0 i need help lol u said Lime.sh well when i download it for my OS from www.limewire.com it comes in a single DEB package?06:15
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ksivajielite101 ya just install it06:16
elite101is this the way anyone else got limewire working?06:16
sweettoothis there any good GRUB guide out there? there's sth wrong with grub's setting and i wanted to fix it06:16
ksivaji elite101 ya i have06:16
elite101but i did screw up my system b4 from this06:16
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:16
elite101from the deb package?06:16
sweettoothtrekdanne, thx06:16
trekdannesweettooth: also see the official GRUB manual06:16
hacker128heck. Kubuntu-offtopic stinks.06:16
elite101okay wish me luck lol06:17
ksivajielite101 do right click->kubuntu menu->install package06:17
elite101yeah i know that06:17
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ksivajielite101then what is your problem ?06:17
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sweettoothtrekdanne, the official guide seemed too much for me, heh06:17
elite101i messed up my system b4 from installing limewire06:18
trekdannesweettooth: yea the GNU documents tend to be quite dense :P06:18
elite101it screwed up stuff really badly06:18
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elite101like adept wouldnt open at all no matter what06:18
elite101even with commands06:18
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hacker128You terminated in the middle.06:19
hacker128NEVER do that.06:19
elite101and it showed it running like 9times in Prosses it would even kill it self from sudo -9 *PID*06:19
elite101i didnt install java06:19
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ksivajielite101 what error you get for dpkg -i ./limewire.deb06:19
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elite101so when i tried to get limewire working in konsole it would try to install broken Limewire and java06:19
ryan_just curious but what is everyone in here using as there "main distro" ?  I was running Ubuntu with Gnome.. Just switched to Kubuntu though.06:19
hacker128And if you do it again, I have a magic fixer.06:20
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Tm_Tryan_: please don't do polls here06:20
elite101but its okay i have java installed it was my dumb mistake for installing limewire first06:20
ryan_ahh ok sorry06:20
elite101Kubuntu is better than Ubunutu :P06:20
Tm_Tryan_: it doesn't help the channel's purpose, you see06:20
elite101*even thou there like the same*06:20
ksivajiTm_T whats wrong in that06:20
Tm_Tksivaji: noise without, well, support?06:21
hacker128DE is better than Gnome.06:21
elite101but i do like Gnome too'06:21
Tm_Tlike I said...06:21
hacker128I have installed...06:21
Tm_Thacker128: stop06:21
ksivajiya KDE is cool06:21
elite101hey cant i use Windows limewire using wine?06:22
Tm_T!frostfire | elite10106:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about frostfire - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:22
Tm_T!frostwire | elite10106:22
ubotuelite101: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire06:22
elite101durr i know about frostwire06:22
ksivajielite101 no because it will say cant fine jre06:22
elite101thats i wanted06:22
elite101well i got it running took like 2sec.06:23
hacker128and many more.06:23
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hacker128By the way...06:24
hacker128 No ops on this channel.06:24
ryan_On ubuntu i could double click on a divx and it would ask me if wanted to download proprietary drivers or whatever.. How do I get those in Kubuntu?06:25
elite101well going to download a copy of illegal kubuntu and then i will make a evil torrent for ubuntu06:26
ryan_adept ?06:26
elite101i love Lunix06:26
pag!divx | ryan_06:26
uboturyan_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:26
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aguitelillegal kubuntu ?06:26
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ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects06:26
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ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines06:26
pagryan_, basically you'll need libxine-extracodecs and w32codecs06:27
elite101check this out guys this is one good for a laugh http://www.adequacy.org/stories/2001.12.2.42056.2147.html06:27
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elite101Is your son a computer hacker*?06:27
ubotuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents06:27
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=== runlevelten pipes you to #/dev/null :S
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ksivajirunlevelten hi06:29
runleveltenhello ksivaji06:29
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[ifr0g] what is the runlevel 2 for ?06:31
Dannionielite101: Linyos Torovoltos ;)06:31
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elite101that link is soo soo funny06:31
elite101that dumb parent06:31
elite101almost like saying the Father of linux was Jhon Trovolta06:31
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elite101man imso dum i fogot about pot of water was on high on thestove for 35mins the water is burnt out and the pot on the inside is gray :)06:34
elite101im almost burnt down the house06:35
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djdarkman__hy, I`m trying to install the kde4 libs but get this error http://pastebin.ca/65461106:36
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djdarkman__what should I do?06:36
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elite101man that sucks the pot is now burnt06:36
DannioniYeah, saw an actual AOL user discussion once, they seriously believed linux was all about stealing money from american companies, ms for example06:37
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djdarkman__that`s a big lol06:37
elite101like c'mon illegal OS?06:37
djdarkman__we are breaking the law :D06:37
elite101or when he says AMD is a third world market and kids make the prossecors in sweet shops06:37
elite101i would love to see a kid make a prossecor even me :)06:38
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djdarkman__does someone know what this error is?06:38
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ryan_Question. If you download and install the Kubuntu Tribes Alpha version can you do updates to make it as good as the final as the updates come out? Or will you have to do a full install of the os reguardless?06:39
ryan_its beta/alpha or something right now... "Gutsy"06:39
pagryan_, updates will do it..06:39
ryan_sweet. That is nice. Most other os06:40
ryan_you would have to do a full reinstall06:40
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nosrednaekimryan_: updates will eventually bring you to the final version06:40
ryan_has anyone played with it yet??06:40
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ryan_its suppose to be out in October i thinl06:40
djdarkman__does someone here know how to install kde4?06:40
djdarkman__I get a strange error...06:41
pagdjdarkman__, topic contains the instructions...06:41
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ubotuKDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4>. The Release Schedule is available at <http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule>. Alpha 2 packages can be found at <http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-alpha2.php>.06:41
djdarkman__pag: but doesn`t say anything about what to do, when apt can`t install the libs06:42
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djdarkman__take a look at this http://pastebin.ca/65461106:42
pagdjdarkman__, remove all kde4-related stuff and install them from the scratch?06:42
v0taguznikoo: this channel is a English Support you can login in #kubuntu-es06:42
djdarkman__why, are the binaris broken?06:43
nikooanything speack spanish?06:43
pag!es | nikoo06:43
ubotunikoo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:43
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nikooq mala onda este canal06:43
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pagnikoo, /join #kubuntu-es06:44
twosouls82nikoo: ubotu is a bot06:44
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nikoono problem06:44
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trekdannedjdarkman_: hmm beta1 was released a while ago, I guess ubotu is a little outdated06:47
casey_how do I change what coundcard my system uses?06:47
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djdarkman__trekdanne: but do you have an idea about that error? I never got anything like it with apt06:47
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trekdannedjdarkman: no idea. broken packages?06:49
djdarkman__trekdanne: it`s been on the site for a while, don`t know how could it be broken, and what`s up with that file06:49
trekdannehmm maybe you should try to compile it yourself: http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/KDE406:50
trekdanneif you have a decent computer that is06:50
trekdannei've been compiling kdebase for 4h soon06:50
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djdarkman__I have only 448 MB RAM and 2.0Ghz, so I think compiling is not for me06:51
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DJAnubisI have 1.8 ghz :P06:52
trekdannecan't help you with the apt-stuff but there are other binary packages avaible i guess06:52
sayersWhen I try to install samba I have this error ;   samba: Depends: samba-common (= 3.0.24-2ubuntu1) but 3.0.24-2ubuntu1.2 is to be installed06:52
sayershowever I have samba-common installed06:52
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strabesanyone know if it's possible to make the removable media desktop icons appear on the right side of the screen by default?06:52
Briareos1_i've set up "vacation" on a user-account named "mbx010". now i have for this account some "aliases" in the virtusertable. when i send mail to "mbx010@domain.com" i receive the vacation notification. When I send mail to "aliasformbx010@domain.com" I do not. Any ideas to set up "no matter which alias is used - as soon as a msg reaches the inbox of mbx010 send back a notification"? (this is rather server-related, but i don't know w06:53
trekdannesayers: hmm see if apitude's magic can fix it "sudo aptitude install samba"06:53
trekdanneBriareos1_: what email server are you using?06:53
sayerstrekdanne: Good thinking :)06:53
nosrednaekimdjdarkman__: i'm looking at your error06:54
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djdarkman__nosrednaekim: and do you know what/why it is?06:54
nosrednaekimdjdarkman__: I'm on dial up... there is a difference between looking and actually having the page loaded ;)06:55
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trekdannenosrednaekim: seriously? where do you live?06:55
nosrednaekimtrekdanne: oh, we could get cable if we wanted, but its too expensive06:56
trekdanneah ok :P06:56
nosrednaekimdjdarkman__: why are you instaling that old version? get the beta 1 from fiesty backports06:56
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trekdannei thought you were in some  centreal african country or something :P06:57
djdarkman__hmmmm didn`t know I don`t have the backports rep.....06:57
nosrednaekimtrekdanne: haha..06:57
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Briareos1trekdanne: sendmail06:57
DJAnubisI need a little assistance, how do I change what soundcard kubuntu uses06:57
Briareos1(sorry had disconnect)06:57
DJAnubisit was working the last time I installed06:57
DJAnubisand it worked on the liveCD06:57
nosrednaekimdjdarkman__: its called "unsupported updates" on the repository list06:57
nosrednaekimDJAnubis: you have two sound cards?06:58
djdarkman__I have two soundcars06:58
djdarkman__sometimes they make me hate udev06:58
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DJAnubisI have a crappy AC97 and an audigy06:58
trekdanneBriareos1: hmm I'm actually not familiar with this "vacation" feature :P06:59
Briareos1djdarkman__ i feel with you :)06:59
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crimsunwhy would having multiple audio cards make you hate udev?06:59
crimsunudev has nothing to do with it; it simply processes kernel events06:59
djdarkman__crimsun: udev assings them randomly....06:59
crimsundjdarkman__: no, not at all randomly.06:59
djdarkman__(to dev names)06:59
dromeraarg, I had to recompile mplayer to play some obscure windows codec, and now I can't play anything properly anymore (especially audio of certain files is completely distorted)06:59
DJAnubisnosrednaekim: yes, an AC97 and an Audigy07:00
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nosrednaekimtalk to crimsun about sound :)07:00
trekdannedromer: make uninstall and use the package version?07:00
djdarkman__crimsun: my currently used card is audio1, when I reboot, it will be audio1...and so on07:00
crimsunagain, that's not at all random.07:01
crimsunudev processes kernel events.07:01
djdarkman__hmmm don`t get it have unsuported updates07:01
crimsunpci device enumeration is non-deterministic.07:01
crimsunI think what you're _trying_ to say is that your audio cards appear in possibly different ordering on different boots.07:02
djdarkman__crimsun: (stupid question) then why do other os-es don`t mix up soundcrads?07:02
djdarkman__that`s what I meant07:02
crimsunagain, that's a PCI enumeration issue, not udev, not ALSA>07:02
crimsunother OSes allow you the same thing that Linux does.07:02
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djdarkman__yeah, but being allowed is not enough if I don`t know how to do it07:03
crimsune.g., you can tell Linux to load the driver with certain parameters to initialise hardware in a certain "slot"07:03
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crimsune.g., if your audio hardware uses the snd-emu10k1 and snd-intel8x0 drivers, you can tell module-init-tools to load the emu10k1 driver at a higher priority (lower slot)07:04
crimsunoptions snd-intel8x0 index=-2, for instance, would need to be appended to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base07:04
DJAnubisCrimsun, how do I get to choose what sound card my "Hardware Database" detects?07:04
crimsunDJAnubis: either via the method I just described, or use asoundconf set-default-card07:05
crimsun`man asoundconf'07:05
crimsunI'm away for a bit.07:05
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smirnoffI tried to install matlab even I gor the message "finished" but I can07:09
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smirnoffnot run the program07:09
smirnoffis there any specific configuration that I had to07:10
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milesok hi07:17
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florianHi all07:18
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arunhey florian07:20
milesi got a dreamcast right now, i cant wait to buy a ps307:20
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arunhas anyone seen this: http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20070811-microsoft-one-vote-short-of-fast-track-ooxml-iso-standardization.html07:23
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chovy_has anyone got power saving to work without ruining display size?07:25
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DJAnubiswhat does "restarting sound system" mean?07:26
chovy_DJAnubis: what it says07:26
DJAnubiswell, it's been doing it over and over for like, 10 minutes07:26
nosrednaekimDJAnubis: does it say why?07:27
jakub_hi every one i ve problem that i would need help with ... i am trying to install LMMS from deb package on my sisters notebook ... (UBUNTU LIVE) i have the package on my flash disk .. i double click it and a dialog to install that package appears ... installation goes well and everything seems alright but then i cannot run it (LMMS) any suggestion07:28
inaetyhello how can i get www.stage6.divx.com videos to play in Konqueror?07:30
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nosrednaekimwhat is LMMS?07:31
nosrednaekiminaety: dvx?07:31
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jakub_LMMS is Linux MultiMedia Studio07:31
nosrednaekiminaety: do you know what the command to run it is?07:32
inaetynosrednaekim: i just want the divx videos to play in konqueror so i can watch them07:32
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DaSkreech!codecs | inaety07:33
nosrednaekiminaety: the package is "avifile-divx-plugin"07:33
nosrednaekimjakub_: : do you know what the command to run it is?07:34
ubotuinaety: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:34
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jakub_no that might be the problem :(07:34
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inaetythanks nosrednaekim i will give that a try07:34
jakub_but i dont know how to figure it out07:34
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inaetynosrednaekim: that didn't work07:36
jakub_when installed on my desktop pc it can be executed by command lmms but when i try it on notebook it says its not installed and i have to get it by apt-get install but since its not connected to internet it represents a problem07:36
inaetyDaSkreech: there isnt anything on streaming divx there07:36
inaetyjakub_: have you installed it on the laptop?07:36
nosrednaekiminaety: did you run "sudo apt-get install avifile-divx-plugin"?07:36
nosrednaekimjakub_: you installed it with dpkg -i <package>?07:37
jakub_by double clicking the .deb package and pressing the INSTALL button in the dialog ...yes07:37
nosrednaekiminaety: and what happened?07:37
nosrednaekimjakub_: did it give you any errors?07:37
nosrednaekimlike dependency problems?07:37
inaetynosrednaekim: restarted konqueror, rescanned for plugins, went to the website and tried playing a random video but it asks me to download the divx plugin07:37
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jakub_when i double click the package one more time in the dialog it says CURRENTLY INSTALLED: SAME VERSION or something of that manner07:38
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hangthedjinaety: i just got the site to work, by using the kaffeine-xine plugin under file associations in config07:38
arunanyone running compiz fusion here (successfully)?07:38
inaetyhangthedj: im not sure i understand07:39
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hangthedjgo into configure konqueror, choose file associations.07:39
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hangthedjthen find *.divx choose the embedding tab07:39
hangthedjclick add, and then find kaffeine-xine.07:40
frojndhello there. Can someone gives me a list or a name for a linux game for two ?,07:40
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inaetyhangthedj: if i search for .divx it comes up with nothing07:40
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booyai have a little problem with Kopete :|07:40
booyai can`t see all my contacts :(07:40
booyafrom YM and MSN07:41
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booyanot even if i give to see offline users arent all of them :|07:41
miles!find kmymoney07:42
ubotuFound: kmymoney207:42
hangthedjtry adding it under video07:42
noahim having trouble with adept installer, i just installed it and a couple of the packages didnt download right and now it wont let me back in because it says its being used by a diffetent program, apt get aptitude, but i cant find them being used, anyone know what im talking about?07:42
wolferinehow can you tell which kernel you are using?07:42
inaetyhangthedj: hmm should the type name be "*.divx" ".divx" or "divx"07:42
arunnoah: open ksysguard, and kill any processes using apt get07:43
pag!aptfix | noah, this might help you too07:43
ubotunoah, this might help you too: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 07:43
hangthedji just typed divx, but .divx works too.07:43
jakub_nosrednaekim are u still there?07:43
inaetyhangthedj: should i edit anything in General? it07:44
inaetyit's all blank07:44
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hangthedji think all you have to do is choos show file in embedded viewer and uncheck the ask whether to save to disk instead.07:45
hangthedjthen click add and choose kaffeine-xine07:45
arunanyone running compiz fusion here (successfully)?07:46
sayersHm, I wish it was easy to find a .theme for KDE. They all are complicated.07:47
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:48
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hangthedjinaety: under the general tab you also want to add *.divx to filename patterns07:48
inaetyokay hangthedj07:49
inaetykonqueror freezes now whenever i try to play it07:49
inaetyoh wait it's working07:49
inaetybut it's relaly err bad07:49
hangthedjyeah it just freezes for a second, and it doesn't play the video in the box.07:50
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hangthedjbut thats the best i could figure.07:50
inaetyhangthedj: err07:50
inaetyi just right click in the video07:50
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inaetyplay in kaffeine externally07:50
inaetythanks hangthedj appreciate it07:50
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inaetyKaffeine is pretty underestimated i'd say...with mplayer and all07:52
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aruni really like kaffeine07:54
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=== Level15 looks around...
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=== Level15 and hopes not to have one eye poked again
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fannagogannawhere is everyone?08:02
Ahmuckwhen installing a program with wine, should it be "sudo wine something.exe"? or does this give the program sudo rights?08:02
pagAhmuck, don't use sudo with wine08:02
Biovoreprobaby don't want sudo with wine..08:02
Level15Ahmuck: don't sudo for that. the program is installed on your directory, so you don't need admin rights08:03
fannagogannayou could do wine something.exe. Then it would install in your home directory08:03
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Level15BTOH, wine doesn't work well, at least not around here08:04
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aguitel_how install java plugin in terminal?08:06
Level15aguitel_: amd64?08:06
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Level15aguitel_: well in that case it should be something like "apt-get install sun-java6-plugin" i think08:07
aguitel_i try08:07
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.08:07
Level15!java plugin08:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about java plugin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about plugins - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:08
aguitel_yes it works08:08
Level15aguitel_: good, then08:09
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Level15aguitel_: no problem08:09
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noahi asked earlier about not being able to get into adept, im sorry but i acdcidently closed the chat and lost what yopu told me to do can you repeat that?08:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adept-fix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:10
Level15!adept fix08:10
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 08:10
Level15noah: got it?08:11
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noahyeah, thank you, is that all that i should have to do?08:13
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=== Aranel uzaklarda: imdilik uzaklara gitti.
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DaSkreechAranel[Uzakta] : What?08:20
aguitel_what is the download manager for kubuntu?08:21
Aranel[Uzakta] DaSkreech: :) I said "I'm afk"08:21
DaSkreechoh :)08:21
DaSkreech!away | Aranel[Uzakta] 08:21
ubotuAranel[Uzakta] : You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines08:21
Aranel[Uzakta] DaSkreech: :P08:21
NickPrestaaguitel_, `kget`, `aria` ,`d4x`08:21
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Tm_TAranel[Uzakta] : yup, really08:22
aguitel_how install kget?08:22
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Level15aguitel_: apt-get install kget08:22
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Aranel[Uzakta] Tm_T: ok, i'm sorry :)08:23
aguitel_thanks Level1508:23
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AranelWhen I try install "Second Life" , it gives error at installing ; /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/preinst: 27: zenity: not found08:24
NickPrestaWhat is the name of the application that tells you how to install an application that you do not currently have installed? (When you type something in console and you don't have it in your $PATH, it searches the apt archives)08:24
NickPrestaAranel, you need zenity08:24
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DaSkreechAranel: install zenity08:25
NickPrestaAranel, `sudo apt-get install zenity`08:25
AranelNickPresta: DaSkreech: oh, ok i'll try install it, thanks :)08:25
DaSkreech!info zenity08:25
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ubotuzenity: Display graphical dialog boxes from shell scripts. In component main, is optional. Version 2.18.1-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 1203 kB, installed size 3408 kB08:25
DaSkreechYeah that should be cool08:25
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iraso i am currently installing kubuntu-desktop on my ubuntu server, is there anyway to setup another server the same way w/o having to re-download the kubuntu desktop?08:28
irai have the kubuntu disk08:29
NickPrestaira, what do you mean "setup another server"?08:29
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irawell i have 2 ubuntu servers running fiesty 7.04, and i want to install kubuntu-desktop on both08:29
irai am finding it a rather large d/l08:29
iraso I would like to deploy kubuntu on my other server w/o re-downloading it08:30
NickPrestaira, you can use the kubuntu disk you have to install kubuntu-desktop then you can install the AMP packages08:31
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iraive heard its better the other way08:32
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elite101hey anyone have a Creative Muvo Mp3 player? i tried the one day to format and Put DSL linux on it (it didnt work) so i formatted it to FAT32 and now the MP3 player will start up but its not "mounting" the file system so it shuts off? i need to know what format u have ur MP3 Player08:34
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elite101i didnt mean to do this but i think there is supposed to be 2 partitions?08:34
elite101but i need to get it rite so the MP3 Player will work and that i can mount it on the mp3 player and format it using the MP3 player's menu08:35
elite101it freezes in the Start-up because its not the rite file system(s)08:35
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elite101any one have a White Creative Muvo 1gb MP3 Player/WMA player?08:36
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irathink color matters?08:37
elite101the model # is a DAP FL003508:37
elite101no but someone might have one08:37
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elite101man it said on the DSL linux install that it might do damage to the Zip/USB HDD but i thought it couldnt so when i formatted it from the EXT3 to FAT32 there is only 1 partition but i think it needs 208:38
elite101for the MP3 to operate08:38
Ahmucki can't get the menu editor to save08:38
Ahmucki removed .config.   should i have left it ?08:39
nosrednaekimelite101: you probably wiped the MP3 OS right off08:39
elite101no its still there08:39
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elite101it boots up just freezes after its say MUVO because there is the wrong partition on it08:40
elite101but i dont know what partition it had on it befor i think there was 2 of them? one was like 238mb or so ur i could be wrong08:40
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elite101its not my mp3 player :( wich sucks its my sisters08:41
elite101so i kinda need this fixed if not i have to buy a new one but w.e08:41
ryan_So where is running Ubuntu Gutsy? How stable is the latest release? Gona install it on my laptop. Current release of Kubuntu acts kinda weird. Hoping new one is better08:41
twosouls82ryan_: #ubuntu+108:42
NickPrestaGutsy is still Alpha, IIRC08:42
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+108:42
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yukinoayud en espaol08:43
yukinode ubuntu08:43
twosouls82!es | yukino08:43
ubotuyukino: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:43
elite101man this sucks there is nothing about Muvo MP3player partition on google? wiki?08:43
eggwarmerHas anybody seen this error before: files list file for package `os-prober' is missing final newline08:44
eggwarmerI Just did a Xubuntu install and now I can't install or upgrade anything else.08:44
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NickPrestaeggwarmer, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/51587 ?08:45
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sayersis there a command to clear the trashbin?08:47
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[ifr0g] Do any one of you use any kinda antivirus tool ?08:47
sayers[ifr0g] : they arent needed08:48
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NickPresta[ifr0g] , I use common sense and I never run anything I don't trust as root :)08:48
ryan_nope dont bother08:48
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Ido: got that laptop yet?08:48
[ifr0g] sayers,  say if i want to scan for a windows virus..?08:48
eggwarmerNickPresta: Thanks, I'll look into it.08:48
[ifr0g] from linux.08:48
[ifr0g] or a boot sector virus08:48
sayers[ifr0g] : AVG Free08:48
NickPresta[ifr0g] , you can install AVG free and scan the Windows partition, sure08:48
[ifr0g] sayers, Its free right ? no tial plans..08:49
NickPrestaeggwarmer, it appears it is an error with the GTK frontend (Ubiquity installer). You might consider the alternate install CD08:49
[ifr0g] trial*08:49
sayers[ifr0g] : yepos08:50
[ifr0g] sayers,  Is there no GPL antivirus app ?08:50
NickPresta[ifr0g] , you can use `clamav` or `f-prot`08:50
[ifr0g] GNU-08:50
sayers[ifr0g] : not sure08:50
[ifr0g] NickPresta, ah, yes they are open source right ?08:50
mulander[ifr0g] : clamav.net (GPL)08:50
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mulander[ifr0g] : there are also many gui frontends for it.08:51
[ifr0g] Interesting, Thanks.. mulander NickPresta sayers ...:)08:51
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mulanderbtw can I drop a funny pic? :)08:51
[ifr0g] By the way have you heard about antivir ?08:51
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[ifr0g] They have a free personal edition for linux.08:52
mulanderhttp://img259.imageshack.us/img259/3603/24564330luc6.jpg <- "Kierunek" means destination, the number in the upper left corner is the line number for the bus. take a marker and just add 'l' ^^08:52
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nosrednaekim[ifr0g] : who is antivir?08:54
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[ifr0g] mulander, OH ! .. now i have to sanitize my OS. :)08:54
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[ifr0g] nosrednaekim, A company !08:55
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DaSkreechIra: you can jsut copy the debs across08:58
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nosrednaekim[ifr0g] : what kind of stuff does antivir make?08:59
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[ifr0g] nosrednaekim, take a look : http://www.avira.com/09:00
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inaetywhen i try to play rmvb in mplayer i get this error "Error opening the selected video_out (-vo) device."09:02
sayers[ifr0g] : yep09:02
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trekdannehi people!09:08
nosrednawelcome back09:08
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[ifr0g] lol09:09
Notvi cannot remember the password to kdewallet. how can i find it or make a new one?09:09
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nosrednaNotv: hmm no clue09:12
nosrednago to #kde09:12
LynoureNotv: there is no finding or replacing it, but you can make a new wallet09:12
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LynoureNotv: Click on wallet icon and in the KDE Wallet Manager that opens, right click on the wallet and choose 'New wallet'09:14
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trekdanneNotv: You can however delete the old.09:16
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LynoureNotv: if you wish, you can also try to bruteforce your old wallet open... but expect it to take time, and not give results09:17
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nosrednagansta way of saying 'hi"09:22
trekdanneah i'm no good at gansting09:22
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Assidhrmm whats a good torrent client?09:24
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DociAssid: ktorrent09:25
trekdanneAssid: ktorrent does crash sometimes but not as often as Azureus09:27
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Assidtrekdanne: actually ive been using utorrent over wine.. nice stuff.. hasnt crashed as of yet09:27
trekdannehmm yea that's probably a good alternative too09:27
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constantinil ya quelqun,09:30
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booyahow can i compile Kopete?09:37
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DaSkreechbooya: do you have the sources?09:39
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booyawhat are those? :))09:39
booyai have few hours since i installed Kubuntu on my machine :)09:39
jiriki wonder where kde saves passwords when kwallet manager is disabled, does anyone has a clue?09:39
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booyaand is just like beggining :)09:39
DaSkreechbooya: don't kompile kopete then :-)09:39
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trekdannebooya: just stick to the binary packages09:39
booyabut i want to see my list of MSN and YM :(09:40
trekdannebooya: wherever possible09:40
trekdanneyou should be able to do that anyway09:40
booyai see only some of them :(09:41
DragnslcrWhy do you need to compile Kopete?09:41
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booyasomeone told me to compile and to debug it :|09:41
trekdanneprobably something needs tweaking in kopete's settings09:41
trekdannebooya: where and who?09:41
Level15jirik: on ASCII files for each application09:42
booyaon irc.freenod.net network09:42
Level15booya: what channel over there?09:42
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jirikLevel15: i meant in what location..09:42
Level15hm, ok, go to #kopete here09:42
booyaand how do i do that? :))09:43
Level15jirik: probably .kde/share/apps/   each app has a config file somewhere inside here in which it will store its password. No central site if not using kwallet09:43
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Level15booya: /join #kopete09:43
DaSkreechbooya: klick on the word #kopete09:43
jiriklevel15: i see, thanx09:44
Level15jirik: np09:44
booyadone :D09:44
booyanow i have to state my problem there , right? :)09:44
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DaSkreechbooya: why are you compiling it?09:44
booyai dont09:44
booyai dont even know how to do that09:44
Level15DaSkreech: cuz someone told him and he is a good boy and does what he is told to :)09:45
booyai just want to know how can i make to see the entire list with my active friends on Kopete09:45
booyathats all :)09:45
DaSkreechit does that by default09:45
DaSkreechit doesnt09:45
DaSkreechit does your inactive friends09:45
Level15booya: i don't understand exactly what you want09:46
Dragnslcrbooya- you aren't talking about showing offline contacts are you?09:46
DaSkreechyou have to press ctrl+u09:46
booyaDaSkreech:  i`ve done that09:46
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trekdannewow nice animation :P09:46
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booyaat this hour from 193 contacts in YM at least 50 are active . Now i see on my Kopete only 409:46
Level15booya: what's it exactly what you want?09:46
booyaand i want to see those 50 active09:47
booyaand not only 409:47
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.09:47
Dragnslcrbooya- how many are shown if you show offline contacts?09:47
Level15active meaning online?09:47
Dragnslcrbooya- and what numbers are shown next to the contact groups?09:48
booyaDragnslcr:  :i see in alphabetic order only ID`s from A to C09:48
booyanothing more09:48
ramimy computer refused to shut off some hours ago, only kicker went off, it was like a failsafe-moment...09:48
booyaand i have contacts with D,E and so on09:48
Dragnslcrbooya- that doesn't answer either of my questions09:48
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booyaDragnslcr:  : 7/44  on Friends09:49
booyaand are from A to C09:49
booyawhere are the rest09:49
booyaincluding here the offline contactts09:49
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Level15booya: no other group is shown?09:50
Dragnslcrbooya- is that the only group on your list?09:50
booyaDragnslcr:  : nope09:50
booyaBUT there are those which i need to see ...09:50
Dragnslcrbooya- what version of Kopete?09:50
jiriklevel15: i was searching for passwords saved by both krusader and kopete in dir u specified but was unable to find a thing, r u really sure it's not stored in one place somewhere else?09:50
booyapfff how do i see what version is ?09:51
DragnslcrHelp -> About09:51
aguitel_anyone use netgo ?09:51
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booyaDragnslcr:  3.5.609:51
Level15jirik: i think so, yes09:51
Dragnslcrbooya- you can try upgrading KDE to 3.5.7. Might be a bug that's already been fixed09:52
booyaany link from where i can take that ? :)09:52
Level15jirik: try under .kde/share/config then09:52
booyaand how to install it ? :)09:52
DaSkreechbooya: go to http://kubuntu.org09:52
booyaand from there?09:53
Dragnslcrbooya- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-357.php09:53
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nosrednabooya: if you are having too much trouble with kopete, you can always use gaim.09:54
Level15nosredna: yuk!09:54
nosrednahey! i'm using pidgin! I just don't relly like kopete...09:54
DragnslcrIf it isn't fixed in the version in KDE 3.5.7, you'll have to check with the devs that hang around #kopete09:54
Level15pidgin... never heard of that, let me check09:54
DragnslcrKopete is catching up to Pidgin pretty quickly09:55
trekdannealso known (incorrectly) as Gaim09:55
booyai see there a lot of folders...09:55
booyain here09:55
booyawhat shall i do next?09:55
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Level15nosredna: pidgin supports audio/video  in any way?09:56
nosrednaLevel15: nope, but neither does my dial-up ;P09:56
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DragnslcrI use Pidgin at work, and it seems to have actually gotten uglier in the past couple versions09:56
DaSkreech!repos | booya09:56
Level15nosredna: oh yeah, we've been here before :D09:56
booyaDaSkreech:  can you pls talk in my language :))09:56
ubotubooya: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu09:56
Level15booya: there are step by step instructions on the link that was already sent to you: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-357.php09:57
Assiderr. anyone here using kvpnc ?09:57
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Assidnosredna: you ?09:57
booyaand which is that "key file" ? :)09:57
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Level15booya: the link that says key file09:57
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booyai dont understand a thing... :|09:58
booyathere no other program which i can download it instead of this one?09:58
Level15booya: but everything is explained! you save the file, already done?09:59
kaiis it better to use firefox instead of konqueror?09:59
nosrednayeah, do "sudo apt-get install gaim"09:59
DaSkreechbooya: choose which is more important now doing your task or understanding what is going on09:59
Level15kai: sadly, yes...09:59
nosrednabooya: as long as you don't want to do audio/video its fine09:59
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DaSkreechkai: depends09:59
booyato do ?09:59
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booyai just want to see all my contacts and to be able to send files09:59
DaSkreechbooya: webcam stuff09:59
booyathats all09:59
DrHalanim mean depending on speed and kompatibility09:59
booyawebcam sux10:00
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Level15booya: seriously, the instructions on the link are easy to follow... if you don't understand, just ask which part you don't get, we'll help10:00
nosrednaDrHalan: yeah, firefox is better for that stuff10:00
nosrednabooya: then just get gaim.10:00
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Level15DrHalan: speed, konq is better. kompatibility, yeas, firefox is better10:01
booyalevel15 : is the 1st time when i use this OS :)10:01
booyain fact i never run a linux on my machine or anywhere else in my life10:01
DaSkreechbooya: Welcome to Kubuntu10:01
Level15booya: that's why i'm saying, tell us in which step you are stuck, we'll help10:01
booyawhere is that Key file :D10:01
DrHalanhmm i need the linux-headers but kubuntu cant find them. do i have to download em somewhere?10:02
Level15the text "key file" is a link to the key file10:02
DaSkreechDrHalan: apt-get the,10:02
llutzDrHalan: sudo aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r)10:02
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booyaokey... i have opened that key file which is underlined10:02
Level15save it to hard drive10:03
booyais a text there10:03
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DrHalanbut then it says10:03
DrHalanroot@kai-laptop:~# sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.15-26-38610:03
DrHalanReading package lists... Done10:03
DrHalanBuilding dependency tree... Done10:03
DrHalanE: Couldn't find package linux-headers-2.6.15-26-38610:03
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DrHalansry didnt wnat to past all 4 lines :S10:04
Level15booya: file->save as10:04
llutzDrHalan: linux-headers-2.6.20-15-38610:04
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DragnslcrDrHalan- apt-cache search linux-headers10:04
DragnslcrWill give you a list10:04
booyaokey Level1510:05
booyanow ?10:05
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DragnslcrOr use something like Adept, which is a lot easier10:05
booyai save it to my desktop10:05
llutzups, 2.6.15 ...  edgy or what is that?10:05
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nosrednathats dapper10:05
Level15booya: ok, now open adept which is under system in the K menu...10:05
booyaunder? i have "actions" and Run10:06
Level15booya: click the big K on the bottom left side, it will open a menu... go to system, click on adept10:07
DaSkreechbooya: press alt+space10:08
DaSkreechYou will see katapult come up10:08
DaSkreechtype the word adept and press enter10:08
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Level15DaSkreech: can you lead him through the rest of the process please? i need to go cooking if i want to have something for lunch10:08
DaSkreechLevel15: ok10:09
Level15DaSkreech: thanks10:09
Level15cya guys later10:09
booyait opened :)10:09
DaSkreechbooya: it will ask for a password thats your password10:09
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booyait is open :P10:09
booyawhat shall i do next? :)10:09
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alexandroscan someone help me with something?10:10
DaSkreechbooya: Just checking are you follwing the site? :-)10:10
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:10
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booyaokey hold on :P10:10
alexandrosI do an ifconfig eth0
alexandrosthen eth0 is assigned
alexandrosbut when I reboot this information is lost10:11
llutzalexandros: edit /etc/network/interfaces to make that permanent10:11
alexandrosI did this after I executed "sudo -i"10:11
alexandrosoh I see10:12
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alexandrosIm trying to share my internet connection10:12
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booyaand waitting for headers :)10:12
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Level15on second thought, i'll only have some dry soup...10:15
UbUntU2Hi all, loving this (K)Ubuntu much better than /\/\!cr0$h!t. Sometimes it gets a bit mad though.10:15
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DaSkreech!language | UbUntU210:15
ubotuUbUntU2: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:15
UbUntU2doh sorry10:15
booya!drivers | audio10:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:15
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DaSkreechbooya: Have driver issues?10:18
UbUntU2Anyone had any luck with getting MicroCrap Visual Basic 6 working with wine? ( I have googled it yet all the results are pretty much vage and non definate ) any advise or help would be extremely appreciated.?10:19
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DaSkreechUbUntU2: Head to appsdb.winehq.org should give you a much more definate result10:19
booyaDaSkreech:  : i dont know if i have sound :)10:20
UbUntU2thanx DaSkreech your a diamond. Much Appreciated.10:20
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DaSkreech1sound | booya10:20
DaSkreech!sound | booya10:20
ubotubooya: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:20
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booyasound works :)10:22
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:22
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DaSkreechLevel15: good thing too. Just looked at the tine and realized i need to run10:23
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Level15hey booya did u get the kde 3.5.7 going?10:24
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dobowhat's the command i'm supposed to type when my adept freezes??10:25
Level15!adept fix | dobo10:25
ubotudobo: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 10:25
Level15dobo: np10:25
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trekdannei'm curious as to what people think about the default theme in kubuntu. I'm totally against the Vista look-a-like and silver-gradient stuff.10:26
booyalevel15 : no but after update i can see more users online now :)10:26
booyawhich is an improving too10:26
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NickPrestatrekdanne, I have no idea what the default Kubuntu theme looks like. I changed it almost immediately and it looks nothing like Windows Vista ;)10:26
Level15booya: weirdo, as i'd think those two things are unrelated10:26
henrik_Hi! how do i set firefox as main browser?10:26
booyatrekdanne:  i dont care how it looks as long i will learn how to use this thing10:26
trekdannehmm ok10:27
booyaLevel15: want a print screen? :)10:27
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Level15booya: na. i believe you10:27
trekdannebut nonetheless the default theme is probably not so important (look at windows xp)10:28
Level15henrik_: open kcontrol, go to kde components, default apps10:28
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Mamoksalve a tyttu10:28
KartiUbUntU2: Have you looked at RealBasic?10:28
booyai will handle it level15 ;)10:28
booyanow that i have the link :)10:28
Mamoki have a little problem with live cd of kubuntu 6.010:29
Level15booya: ok. just ask if u need any help10:29
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Mamoki dont have the password of root10:29
Assiderr.. is there a way to set copy a a little easier than right click copy (in console)10:29
Mamokwhat is it10:29
Assidsomething like ctrl insert or whatever10:29
KartiUbUntU2: Here is the link http://www.realbasic.com/10:29
UbUntU2hi karti, I don't think I have, I installed one called gambass, yet it is at present very limited. Do you have a url for the official site please?10:29
Assidmouse is slow10:29
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Level15Assid: try playing with mouse sensitivity/acceleration10:30
KartiUbUntU2: As before http://www.realbasic.com/ a lot of my VB6 chaps have looked at it and found it very good10:30
SanneAssid: Ctrl+Insert *is* copy in konsole10:30
AssidSanne: doesnt work for me10:30
BiovoreAssid: just highlight your text.. then select the thing to copy into then press the middle mouse button..10:30
Biovoreno keys requred10:31
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trekdanneAssid: are you talking about konsole (under X) or the VGA console (non-X) ??10:31
SanneAssid: hmmm, maybe you changed it? I have the hotkeys printed beside the command in right the click menu, have you?10:31
Assidunder x10:31
UbUntU2Thanx Karti, very highly appreciated, gonna check it out. Thanks again.10:31
Level15Assid: read above ^^^10:31
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AssidSanne: there is no hot key besides the command10:32
KartiUbUntU2: Last I looked the Standard edition for Linux is free10:32
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SanneAssid: that should tell us something heh... let me investigate10:32
Level15Assid: oh, you mean using the mouse is slow?10:32
AssidLevel15: total waste of time10:32
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AssidBiovore: sometimes i just wanna copy.. middle click copy and pastes10:33
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:33
BiovoreI don't get how the mouse is slow..  its high light then click..10:33
trekdannehmm settings->configure shortcuts ?? or have i misunderstood something10:33
Biovorejust highlight.. that is copy..10:33
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UbUntU2Karti it looks real good, thanks for the extra information I will get the free version, check it out then possibly go for the proffessional 2007 version. Thanks.10:33
Biovoremiddle mouse is paste10:33
SanneAssid: actually, maybe I changed the hotkeys myself. So can you. In konsole menu, Settings -> Configure Shortcuts10:33
KartiNo Problems10:34
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trekdanneIIRC there's some difference between a X copy/paste (using middle mouse button) and a KDE copy (using ctr-c/ctr-v)10:34
Level15KDE copy uses klipper, if available10:35
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Level15though klipper attempts to follow X copy/paste10:35
Assidk got it10:35
henrik_Hi, with Adept-manager i downloaded ntfs-config, but nothing happens when i open "K->system->NTFS write support" nothing happens10:36
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UbUntU2Karti: just looking at it (screenshots, sorry not got a terrabit server (yet :))) looks to be just what I am looking for, thanks again.10:36
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KartiUbUntU2: I don't think that you will be disappointed ;)10:37
henrik_So, anyone got writing for ntfs drives working on Kubuntu :)?10:37
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Level15henrik_: AFAIK, that thing is not so stable yet... so maybe you'd better use a fat32 partition10:38
henrik_Level15 , i always heard its stabe... ntfs-3g right?10:39
Level15henrik_: doesn't work on compressed files/encrypted files... in addition, i think it has issues removing files10:40
Kartihenrik_: I have used the ntfs-3g and the smbfs sucessfully as a second drive10:40
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Kartibut I only used it for access10:41
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henrik_hmmm... well, all the media drives are ntfs, so i think its worth the risk10:41
Kartihenrik_: I have a usb drive as a backup, admits its a fat 32 as are my network drives, but not had any issues10:42
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KartiI believe that I just set them up in my fstab to use after boot10:43
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booyahow do i install akode-mpeg 3.4.0 ?10:46
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stdinthe mpeg plugin for akode is libakode2-mpeg10:48
booyaso i have to take that one ?10:49
stdinyeah, that's the only "mpeg" thing to do with akode10:49
booyaokey hold on :P10:50
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=== Level15 yawns
booyafrom where i can take that one?10:50
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libakode2-mpeg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:50
stdin!info libakode2-mpeg10:51
ubotulibakode2-mpeg: mpeg plugins for akode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.1-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 9 kB, installed size 52 kB10:51
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Level15stdin: beat me to it :)10:51
booyagreat... and the link is ? :D10:52
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Level15booya: use adept to install it10:52
henrik_can someone hep me get abiity to wright to ntfs-drives with ntfs-3g?10:52
stdinhenrik_: what's the problem?10:53
jhutchinshenrik_: You either need to unload the write-only ntfs filesystem module and reload the r/w or just reboot after installing it.10:53
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jhutchinsObviously need all ntfs partitions unmounted to do so.10:54
henrik_stdin - i installed ntfs-config. then when i click  "K->System->ntfs configuration" nothing happens10:54
booyaLevel15: i had requested the instalation ... now i have to wait ? :)10:54
stdinunmount/remount would suffice10:54
henrik_so i can jsut unmount and remount and it will work?10:54
stdinhenrik_: have you got the ntfs-3g package installed?10:54
henrik_i check hat10:54
booyadone ... i`ve applied and now is installed :)10:55
Level15booya: click apply changes10:55
booyado i need this one too ? gstreamer0.8-mad ?10:55
booyadone that level15 ;)10:56
henrik_not libntfs-3g-dev ,   but the thers are10:56
stdinhenrik_: just the one called "ntfs-3g"10:56
henrik_i installed that one too.'10:56
henrik_ok, tha one isinstalled10:56
henrik_can i just unmunt al and then "sudo mount -a"?10:56
Level15booya: then it's done. close and reopen akode10:57
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booyaokey i got that Level15 , but do i need gstreamer0.8-mad also ? :)10:58
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stdinhenrik_: so when you open ntfs-config nothing happens ?10:58
henrik_stdin thats right10:59
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Level15booya: adept should have installed any dependencies10:59
stdinhenrik_: there's another way to get it to work, you need to edit /etc/fstab and change "ntfs" to "ntfs-3g"11:00
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booyathat one is not installed :)11:00
Level15booya: then i don't think you need it11:00
Level15although i've never used akode :)11:00
booyawhat do you use? :D11:00
booya!info gstreamer0.8-mad11:01
ubotugstreamer0.8-mad: MAD MPEG audio decoder plugin for GStreamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.12-6ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 58 kB, installed size 148 kB11:01
stdinhenrik_: then run "sudo umount /your/ntfs/drive" then "sudo mount /your/ntfs/drive" (replacing "/your/ntfs/drive" with the path to where it's mounted11:01
booyaLevel15 ... and with that i can play mp3's? :)11:01
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Level15oh you mean for mp3? then use amarok11:01
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henrik_stdin what did  have to type to open fstab with admin rights?11:02
Level15booya: sorry, i was confused11:02
booyait's okey :P11:02
stdinhenrik_: kdesu kate /etc/fstab11:02
booyawith so many things i would be confused also ;)11:02
Level15booya: amarok is a very good player, you should try it11:02
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booyais the one which i use it right now :)11:03
Level15booya: stick to it then :)11:03
booyabut ... it simms that doesnt want to play mp3's ...11:03
henrik_after i edited it,  must i remount the partitions?11:03
stdinbooya: what version of kubuntu do you have?11:03
Level15booya: it should pop up a msg saying that it does not have mp3 support, and asking you if you want to install it...11:04
stdinhenrik_: yeah, just unmount it then remount it11:04
Level15booya: just tell it to get it11:04
booyaLevel15: says that it cant11:04
booyathere is no mp3 support11:04
Level15booya: ^^11:04
henrik_stdin . is it possibe to just type "sudo umount -a" and then "sudo mount -a"?11:04
stdinbooya: you running dapper or edgy then?11:04
Level15henrik_: no!11:05
booyastdin:  how can i figure out that? :)11:05
Level15but maybe sudo mount -a -t ntfs11:05
Level15then mount -a -t ntfs-3g11:05
UbUntU2Karti: gave it a quick check and I prefer it than VB6 Prof. Thanks Karti, your a diamond. Gonna go now and have a good old mess around with it. thanks again much appreciated and I can not thank you enough.11:05
henrik_level15 ,erm, i did hat before :(, what will go wrong after i do that?11:05
booyai have to type that on comand line Level15 ?11:05
stdinbooya: lsb_release -c -s11:05
UbUntU2take care all and 'Have Fun'.11:05
KartiUbuntu2: No problem, glad I could help ;)11:06
Level15henrik_: well, umount -a will attempt to umount everything... not only your ntfs drives :011:06
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UbUntU2thanks. Laters all.11:06
henrik_level15 whatever :p... , i think all went well :)11:06
booyastdin:  says only feisty11:06
stdinhenrik_: sudo umount -t ntfs -a11:06
booyabut i guess is desktop 7.03 version11:06
Level15henrik_: hopefully :)11:06
stdinhenrik_: then "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -a"11:07
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inancSysinfo for 'inanc-desktop': Linux 2.6.22-9-generic running KDE 3.5.7, CPU: Intel(R)Core2CPUT5600@1.83GHz at 1833 MHz (3728 bogomips), , RAM: 243/249MB, 114 proc's, 4.16min up11:07
booya/say $version11:08
stdinbooya: open adept and look for "libxine1-ffmpeg" that's the mp3 codec11:08
Level15booya: lsb_release -d11:08
booyaubuntu 7.0411:08
Level15booya: n/m just install what stdin just said11:09
booyalet me check11:10
Level15quit and restart amarok first11:10
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henrik_Thanks all! stdin and level15 especially this time :)11:10
stdinI'll take that to mean it works then :p11:11
Level15henrik_: did that work?11:11
Level15heh, maybe i'll try it myself :D11:11
Level15Uptime: 6 hours and 1 minutes11:12
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Level15who knows a lot about CPUs? what is the "address size" thing that shows on /proc/cpuinfo ?11:13
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booyaworks :P11:14
booya<--- dance :D11:14
booyathanks guys/girls :)11:14
v12wwhats kubuntu's sound capabilities on toshiba L30-149 laptop.... ubuntu does not handle toshiba' well at all. can you help11:16
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Level15l4ter guys11:16
stdinubuntu and kubuntu would be the same, only a different UI11:17
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v12w<stdin> thanks for the reply11:18
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stdinv12w: all I can suggest is that you look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting and search http://ubuntuforums.org11:20
alex1243I entered the following lines in /etc/network/interfaces11:20
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alex1243iface eth0 inet static11:20
alex1243        address
alex1243        netmask
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alex1243and I restarted my system. but when I did ifconfig eth0 ,  it wasn't assigned my desired IP address (
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alex1243can anybody help me with that? thanks11:21
stdinalex1243: what was it assigned?11:21
alex1243inet6 addr: fe80::20e:2eff:fe4f:a4cd/64 Sc11:22
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pan_question - is there any way to get knetworkmanager to auto-connect on startup?  I'm a bit tired of having to type in my WEP key every time I log in.11:22
v12w<stdin> thanks for the link i love ubuntu i ran the live CD and it worked 99.9 % (wireless too) the .1% is the sound which is dead11:22
v12wthanks again11:22
alex1243it only has ipv6 address, no ipv411:22
hangthedjv12w: is it a laptop?11:22
stdinalex1243: that's the ipv6 address, I'm guessing you didn't put the "auto eth0" line in?11:23
v12wits a laptop11:23
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hangthedjv12w: checkout www.linux-laptops.org11:23
alex1243nope . is it just that?11:23
v12wok cool and thx for the link too -------  <hangthedj>11:23
stdinalex1243: yeah, that tells the system that you want it to start automatically11:23
hangthedjalso i have a Tosh Satellite, i'm not sure if they're close enough, but checkout my Sat page http://www.geocities.com/sikofitt11:23
alex1243thanks man!11:23
alex1243is there any way to test the changed /etc/network/interfaces without rebooting my system?11:25
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DJAnubisI've got a rather simple question11:25
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v12w <hangthedj> -- nice page, im on it now11:25
DJAnubishow do I change the permissions on a drive I use for windows storage11:26
stdinalex1243: yeah, "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"11:26
stdinDJAnubis: to what?11:26
alex1243u're the man! thanks:)11:26
jhutchinsDJAnubis: easiest way -  in fact only way I know - is to change the fstab.11:26
DJAnubisto me11:26
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stdinDJAnubis: how are you mounting it?11:26
DJAnubiserr, crap, I joined the wrong channel, I'm using Ubuntu >.<11:27
DJAnubisit's an auto mount11:27
v12wok i got some reading to do........ ill report back when a solution is found................. thanks for the help. its all good11:27
jhutchinsDJAnubis: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions11:27
v12wim out11:27
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jhutchinsDJAnubis: Is it mounting with root access only?11:28
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stdinDJAnubis: just set the options to look like "auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000" in /etc/fstab11:29
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DJAnubisthx stdin11:30
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DJAnubisstdin, I've got "defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46" there :P11:32
DJAnubisdo I replace that with what you said?11:32
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DJAnubisoh crap11:33
stdinDJAnubis: that line should  give you access already11:33
DJAnubisNTFS is RO in ubuntu, that's wretched11:33
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jhutchinsDJAnubis: ntfs is ro in Linux.11:33
stdinDJAnubis:  ntfs-3g11:33
DJAnubisI can access it, I just can't write11:33
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stdin!ntfs-3g |11:33
ubotu: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions11:33
Assidisnt write support still experimental?11:34
DJAnubiswow, there's a fix for everything o.O11:34
DJAnubisoh man...11:34
DJAnubisI don't think I have any space on my main system11:35
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booyatime for me to sleep :) later all11:35
stdinDJAnubis: try "sudo apt-get clean"11:35
booyathanks for the tips11:35
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DJAnubisokay, I did that, but I'm not sure how much space I have11:36
DJAnubislike, there's no "drive properties" for the partition11:36
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stdinDJAnubis: "df -h"11:37
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DJAnubisyeah, holy crap11:37
DJAnubisI really need to reinstall, thanks11:37
DJAnubis/dev/hda2             2.4G  2.2G  110M  96% /11:38
Assidyou need more space11:38
DJAnubisthis is something I realised11:38
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Assiddamn.. ive usd 34GB already11:38
Assidwtf have i used 34GB for ?11:39
DJAnubisI think I have partition magic on the other half of the system drive, am I able to expand this partition with that?11:39
Assidi havent loaded up any crap yet11:39
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stdinI've used 11GB on my / and 23 on my /home ...11:39
DJAnubisI'll bbl (I'm sure11:39
Assid4.8GB on /home11:39
DJAnubispeace out <311:40
Assidapparently i just installed everything i could get my hands on11:40
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yeniklasoris it possible to download a file from rapidshare.com to a ubuntu server edition server?11:41
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Assidyeniklasor: huh?11:42
stdinyeniklasor: depends on the why repidshare implement downloads, try elinks or ask in #ubuntu-server11:42
Assidstdin: whatd the question mean?11:42
Assidwhats wrong with a browser and click ?11:42
stdinAssid: ubuntu-server has no GUI11:42
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stdin(tho if you've installed ubuntu server I don't know why you'd need use rapidshare)11:43
stdinthat's what desktops are for11:44
yeniklasorstdin : I formatted my laptop (no wireless extension :D ).11:44
nosrednaekimhey stdin, how are you foing?11:44
yeniklasorstdin : Can't I install to it a gui like ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop11:44
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stdinhey nosrednaekim, ok :)11:44
stdinyeniklasor: yes, but then why didin't you just install ubuntu or kubuntu from the start?11:45
yeniklasorstdin : I wanted to auto install all lamp :D11:45
Daisuke_Idoevening nosredna, stdin11:46
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stdinI'm cravening coffee, brb...11:47
Kartiyeniklasor: Why don't you install the server edition of ubuntu with the LAMP box ticked and then add the kde desktop (sorry of this has been said before)11:47
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Ido: hey, get your laptop yet?11:48
yeniklasorKarti : I'm doing this11:48
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Daisuke_Idoaccording to dhl, tomorrow's the delivery date11:48
Kartiyeniklasor: I did it not so long ago, was most impressed with teh LAMP addition...worked first time!11:49
Daisuke_Idocrappy thing is, i have to be at work at 1pm :(11:49
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Daisuke_Idomy girlfriend will be here til 3:30 or so though11:49
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Ido: ah. well I was talking to manchicken and he has to wait two weeks for his green one.11:49
yeniklasorKarti : this is great! I didn't think this would be so easy11:49
Daisuke_Ido*so* glad i went with black11:49
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Ido: lol... he was mad when I told him :)11:50
Kartiyeniklasor: Within minutes I was checking the apache web space from my wifes pc!11:50
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Daisuke_Idowhen you told him about the delay?11:52
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nosrednaekimDaisuke_Ido: when I told him you were getting yours in a day or two11:52
yeniklasorstdin: Karti: I'm really curios of this all time. Is it possible to surfing to web with command line. Command line browser with only support text and java script?11:53
nosrednaekimyeniklasor: yes, check out lynx (only text)11:54
yeniklasornosrednaekim : thank checking now11:54
sven_oostenbrinkI need an image viewer which is fast to load and that can also show gif anim, IF possible, it would be nice it it would have some basic tools like resize, crop, some effects, like say irfan view on windows.. what viewer would you recommend on kubuntu??11:54
nosrednaekimkrita maybe...11:55
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navetsdoes anyone know if there is a way to make kde use some kind of visual effect when switching desktops?11:55
Sannesven_oostenbrink: gwenview is a nice image viewer11:55
Kartinosrednaekim: lynx - learn something every day! ;)11:55
Assidanyone here used kvpnc11:55
sven_oostenbrinkSanne, is it fast too?11:55
Assidi cant seem to get a connection11:55
yeniklasorsven_oostenbrink gimp ?11:55
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Sannesven_oostenbrink: I can't complain, but I don't know what you're used to11:56
sven_oostenbrinkyeniklasor, eh... fast image viewer... gimp is not really just a viewer and defintely not fast in starting.. :)11:56
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killown|awaypppoeconf overwrite resolv.conf dns everytime . how do i to set my dns ?11:56
Kartisven_oostenbrink: What about gwenview11:56
yeniklasorBut has resize, crop, some effects :D11:56
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sven_oostenbrinkSanne, on windows, I had irfan view.. click on any normal image and within half a second, it was there...11:56
jhutchinsAssid: Yeah, it's not very good.  Very poor error reporting, does not write config files correctly.11:56
Kartiits already installed11:57
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nosrednaekimkillown|away: you edit the resolv.conf.11:57
sven_oostenbrinkKarti, Sanne I'll give gwenview a try then :)11:57
Assidjhutchins: what do you use ?11:57
killown|awayno1uknow, killown|away> pppoeconf overwrite resolv.conf dns everytime . how do i to set my dns ?11:57
Assidi need to get to a pptp network11:57
jhutchinsI had to go into the console tools to get it working, and that wasn't easy, documentation is sparse and inconsistent.11:57
navetsdoes anyone know if there is a way to make kde use some kind of visual effect when switching desktops?11:58
jhutchinsAssid: what kind of server are you connecting to?11:58
Assidjhutchins:  pptp11:58
Sannesven_oostenbrink: good luck :)11:58
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Assidno clue what they use11:58
Assidjhutchins: softlayer network11:58
jhutchinsAssid: Do they have instructions for connecting with Windows?11:59
Assidi have no issues connecting through windows11:59
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nosrednaekimkillown|away: can't you set your dns through the dial-up tool?12:00
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GNULinuxGeekAnyone here have experienc with sane?12:00
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Assidjhutchins: you just put in the vpn server .. username/password.. and connect12:01
jhutchinsWEll, let's see, what's in /etc/ppp/chap-secrets?12:01
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Assidjhutchins: me ?12:01
stdinkillown|away: personally I'd set them in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf12:02
killown|awaystdin, thanks12:02
jhutchinsAssid: Yes.12:02
Assidi havent done anything like that12:02
jhutchinsAssid: That's where the configurations are stored.12:03
stdinkillown|away: also, see "man dhclient.conf"12:03
killown|awayok stdin12:03
Assidjhutchins: nothing.. no password or anything there12:03
jhutchinsmine is <network>//username PPTP <password> *12:03
jhutchinswhere <network> is the CAPITALIZED NT network name.12:04
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jhutchinsthen in peers, I have a file named <network>, with the following:12:05
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jhutchinsname <network>\\<username>  EXACTLY as it is in the secrets file.12:05
jhutchinsAssid: Sorry, it's \\, not // for windows.12:05
jhutchinsanyway, name <network>\\<username>, then "remotename PPTP".12:06
Assidand how do i connect now ?12:06
Assidremotename PPTP ?12:06
jhutchinspptp-commmand start <network>, where <network> is the name of the file in peers/12:07
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jhutchinsOh, the peer file also has file /etc/ppp/options.pptp12:08
jhutchinsLet me pastebin a couple things for you...12:09
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Assidjhutchins: kvpnc does show me my info12:11
yeniklasorlynx can't go Google why ? Says "Your client has issued a malformed or illegal request."12:11
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Assidit says connected.. and then disconnects in some time12:12
yeniklasorDo you know any command line mp3 player ?12:13
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runleveltenmpg321, mplayer, mpd12:13
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stdinyeniklasor: try elinks or links or links212:13
stdinyeniklasor: for www ^12:14
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stdinyeniklasor: you can use sox and mplayer to play mp312:14
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jhutchinsAssid: Ok, here's my complete configuration: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33517/12:15

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