
mattikfull session12:28
pvandewyngaerdewhat kde version do you see ?12:30
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pvandewyngaerdein a kde app > help > about kde12:35
mattikThank you :) Problem was that I haven't installed kubuntu-desktop12:37
pvandewyngaerdeso ? what do you think of kde 4 bata12:39
pvandewyngaerdei suggest you try marble12:39
pvandewyngaerdeand also  test window behavior12:40
mattikI like it. I only hope some use instruction video12:41
pvandewyngaerdecurrently its not really usable12:42
mattikBut I really like this KDE and this works good in Kubuntu12:43
mattikand I really like graphic and games12:44
mattikYou can forgot Vista :)12:45
pvandewyngaerdesvg games12:47
pvandewyngaerdeand oxygen12:47
pvandewyngaerdestrigi  + nepomuk12:47
pvandewyngaerdesolid phonon decibel ....12:47
mattik:) I have to try12:48
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pvandewyngaerdein a kde app > window behavior > enable desktop effects12:51
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mattikhow do I get behavior -menu12:55
pvandewyngaerdeah, the kde menu on the application icon12:56
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mattikdo I need xgl01:01
pvandewyngaerdeif you start nepomukdeamon and dolphin, and then view info pane you can rate files, tag them and write comments01:01
pvandewyngaerdemattik: just try01:01
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pvandewyngaerdemattik:  and ?01:12
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mattikI'm very slow, but I study. Thank you developers :)01:18
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mattikI write in dark room01:19
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mattikno soft walls ;)01:19
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SEpdawhats the kernel in gutsy alpha 401:21
SEpdaanyone know01:21
SEpdais it .23 ?01:21
pvandewyngaerdei run Linux pvandewyngaerde-desktop 2.6.22-9-generic #1 SMP Fri Aug 3 00:20:35 GMT 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux01:21
ompauland so it will stay afik due to the search for stability01:22
SEpdaok i mean this one01:22
SEpdawhat is the kernel01:22
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild01:23
SEpdaompaul: version01:23
SEpdawhats the kernel in gutsy alpha 401:23
ompaulSEpda, no idea lets have a look at the web site01:23
SEpdahard to find01:23
SEpdathank anyway01:23
thullyit's 2.6.22...01:23
SEpdathully: ok no 2301:24
thullynope - I heard it's not going to be in the final release either01:25
SEpdajust all the new vm technolagey01:25
ompaulSEpda, they want something that will not bite them01:25
SEpdai like01:25
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SEpdaby the way whats the fastest vm around i wan to run on a hand held pc01:26
SEpdaold one with crap all ram01:26
SEpdakqemu is all i've found01:27
pvandewyngaerdelol, i enabled desktop effets in KDE4 and now i have them in kde301:27
SEpdawell vmware might be faster01:27
SEpdabut vmware wont run on mips01:28
SEpdaand many handhelds are mips01:28
SEpdapvandewyngaerde: on ubuntu?01:29
SEpdapvandewyngaerde: wops yeah01:29
PumpernickelOog... a fully featured VM on a handheld is just asking for pain.01:30
SEpdapvandewyngaerde: is it a deb or cvs/svn01:30
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pvandewyngaerdenvm, its a small kde3 setting, use transparancy and shadows01:32
SEpdapvandewyngaerde: cool is it easy to set up?01:33
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=== Topic for #ubuntu+1: The In Development Version Channel | Please *don't* run gutsy unless you are familiar with dpkg and dependencies, bug fixing, etc | Ubuntu 7.10 - the "Gutsy Gibbon" | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | Do not use development versions of Ubuntu on production systems | For support for Dapper, Edgy, Feisty please join #ubuntu. | Go Ape! | Tribe 4 released!
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-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-server] Ubuntu Server Discussions (development and support)07:17
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-ops] Welcome to #ubuntu-ops - Home of the operators for official K/X/Ed/Ubuntu channels. Questions, requests and complaints about Ubuntu related channels and their people can be filed here"07:17
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=== Topic for #ubuntu+1: The In Development Version Channel | Please *don't* run gutsy unless you are familiar with dpkg and dependencies, bug fixing, etc | Ubuntu 7.10 - the "Gutsy Gibbon" | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | Do not use development versions of Ubuntu on production systems | For support for Dapper, Edgy, Feisty please join #ubuntu. | Go Ape! | Tribe 4 released!
=== Topic (#ubuntu+1): set by Hobbsee at Thu Aug 9 16:02:44 2007
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu+1] Please read the topic. Especially if things are broken!07:17
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-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-server] Ubuntu Server Discussions (development and support)08:12
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-ops] Welcome to #ubuntu-ops - Home of the operators for official K/X/Ed/Ubuntu channels. Questions, requests and complaints about Ubuntu related channels and their people can be filed here"08:13
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=== Topic for #ubuntu+1: The In Development Version Channel | Please *don't* run gutsy unless you are familiar with dpkg and dependencies, bug fixing, etc | Ubuntu 7.10 - the "Gutsy Gibbon" | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | Do not use development versions of Ubuntu on production systems | For support for Dapper, Edgy, Feisty please join #ubuntu. | Go Ape! | Tribe 4 released!
=== Topic (#ubuntu+1): set by Hobbsee at Thu Aug 9 16:02:44 2007
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu+1] Please read the topic. Especially if things are broken!08:13
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jdthas anyone else noticed that trackerd seems to constantly run and consume cpu and hdd utilisation?08:27
stdinit is a file indexer... but I use strigi so I wouldn't know08:29
jdtstdin: yeah, my major complaint about it is that it seems to need to permanently run, consuming about 40% CPU and incurring constant HDD activity, thus slows my machine quite a bit...08:30
jdtstdin: Strigi? is it particularly resource hungry?08:30
stdinI haven't noticed it actually08:30
stdinit's more KDE than Gnome tho, that's why Kubuntu uses it08:31
Hobbseestdin: how well does strigi work?  i've not tried it yet08:31
stdinHobbsee: I haven't really uses it, just ran the daemon, it calmed down after a while (I need to read the docs to learn how to use the client)08:32
jdtstdin: Ahhh, well I have just installed the gnome meta package, was originally running Kubuntu.08:33
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jdtHowever, OpenOffice just simply doesnt work in Kubuntu for me... So I have gone back to Gnome now.08:34
stdinjdt: the solution for oo.o seems to be to install openoffice.org-gnome08:34
Hobbseestdin: workaround.  not solution08:34
stdinwell, yes08:34
jdtstdin: to get it to work in KDE?  Sweet...08:35
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stdinnot sure why it works, but it just dose08:35
jlduggerjdt: my guess is that trackerd builds an initial database the same way windows and locate does08:37
Hobbseewow, this index is taking a while08:37
Hobbseeit was quicker at UDS08:37
jlduggerjdt: with large systems, that could take a while. but i suppose its easily possible that trackerd is also broke08:38
DanaGDoes it stop when on battery?  If not, I won't use it.08:38
DanaGAnd can it do Thunderbird e-mails?08:38
jlduggerive never been fond of indexing services08:38
jlduggerits a hack08:38
RAOFjldugger: Instead of database-as-filesystem?08:39
HobbseeDanaG: seems that it can do tb emails08:39
jlduggerinstead of filesystem as filesystem08:39
=== Hobbsee prefers grep, usually
=== RAOF remenices of Gnome Storage. Man, that would have been cool.
RAOFHobbsee: I don't think grep catches emails well :)08:40
jlduggerindexing services are kludges that attempt to solve a fundamental filesystem problem08:40
HobbseeRAOF: i meant for files :P08:40
jlduggerobviously trackerd does more than just files08:40
HobbseeRAOF: thunderbird has a search in it.  it only does for the individual folder though08:40
RAOFAs does evolution.  I like integrated search, though.08:41
RAOFI love deskbar, yes.08:41
RAOFStill, not quite integrated search on its own.08:42
jlduggerdoes the gutsy packaging guide still reference an old version of the ubuntu hellow world package?08:42
Hobbseejldugger: no idea, probably08:43
Hobbseeoh, nasty08:43
jlduggerfrom edgy :(08:43
Hobbseewith strigi, it appears that you cant type a string of letters at once - it tries to search, even when you'res till typing, and it wont let you put other letters in while it searches08:43
Hobbseejldugger: has it had that many changes?08:44
jlduggerHobbsee: GNU hello world no longer has a mailer, for one08:44
jlduggerbut more importantly, all the urls are wrong08:44
Hobbseei remember requesting a sync for it, and getting teased08:44
jlduggerand some of the files are no longer present08:44
jlduggerie postinst08:44
RAOFHello has a postinst?08:45
jlduggernot anymore08:45
jlduggerthey were used for an info file before it seems08:45
jlduggerim not sure what for08:45
jlduggerdephelper seems nice.08:46
RAOFDebhelper, rather than manually writing postinst et al?  Totally.08:47
jlduggerso far i havent had to worry at all about lsd/ubuntu policy for where files are installed etc, i hope thats not just gnu hello08:47
=== Hobbsee suspects that the packaging guide is on a wiki, and can be updated
jlduggerwhat id like to do is package some games written in D08:48
jlduggerunfortunately, there's no serious D compiler packages yet, so that's a problem08:48
jlduggerstep one is to see if the GCC version will do the job, and pray that packaging a compiler is less complicated than packaging a cross compiler08:49
=== RAOF laughs evilly.
RAOFActually, you won't have to bootstrap it I suppose.  That shouldn't be terribly terribly hard then.08:50
jlduggerive managed to install the binaries they provide08:50
jlduggeractually, i think i made a deb for it via alien08:50
jlduggerbut dgcc doesn't seem to publish packages regularly08:51
jlduggerbut gunroar is neat. its too bad it raises a huge problem08:52
jlduggerthe source code is open BSD style, but the language it's written in doesn't have a good open source compiler it seems =/08:52
RAOFThrow it in non-free :)08:53
jlduggeri dont think it'll even make it there08:53
jlduggeri recall reading that non-free packages that need non-free binaries to build are not good08:54
RAOFIt's a free package, it just needs non-free tools to build, right?08:55
jlduggerright now the hope is that a newer release of the GNU compiler will have improved enough since i tried last time08:56
jlduggerRAOF: well, i havent done a complete check, but i believe that to be the case08:56
jlduggerthere's music and i dont know if they're licensed specifically08:56
RAOFThen that can go in non-free.  Where all the java packages that didn't build with anything but sun's java went.08:57
jlduggerwhat exactly is in contrib then?08:57
RAOFUuum.  Stuff.  You know, bits.08:58
jlduggeri guess the other problem is im not a DD08:58
jlduggeri think i can find a few though08:58
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DanaGargh. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/deskbar-applet/+bug/13144609:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131446 in deskbar-applet "[gutsy] Deskbar results appears in a window" [Low,Won't fix] 09:55
DanaGUpstrream: unknown.09:56
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humboltdoes the server install cd support lvm as well or does only alternate support that?10:01
humboltI am having problems with the alternate cd.10:02
humboltnot detecting my cdrom drive (after initial boot into the installer app)10:02
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DHGEhi - anyone has a successful crypsetup eith luks running?10:07
DHGEkind of weird here - following my scripts from feisty - gets mountet on dm-1 ???!10:07
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humboltHow do I recompile an ubuntu kernel for a different subarch (crusoe). I want to end up with a kernel package, kernel headers and restricted modules package.10:10
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jdtjluddger: thanks for your thoughts re tracker. My system has about 60Gb of data on it, however its a laptop that I use all the time, so it drives me nuts. Is there any issue with, say, just not having an indexing service? I rarely ever search for files on my system.?10:31
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pvandewyngaerde_disable it ?10:39
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KjetilKI need to try the linux 2.6.22 kernel for support of the RF_KILL switch on my laptop10:40
KjetilKso, I'm compiling 2.6.22 on an otherwise feisty system10:41
KjetilKkernel compile went fine10:41
jdtpvandewyngaerde_: hi, yeah, thats a fair enough idea :)... thanks10:41
KjetilKbut how do I get my new kernel to use the nvidia restricted modules?10:41
ameyerKjetilK: compile it for your kernel?10:43
KjetilKameyer: with make-kpkg?10:43
ameyerI'm not sure exactly how you'd do it10:43
ameyerI think it'd involve module-assistant10:44
KjetilKhmmm, right10:44
ameyeror something like that10:44
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KjetilKsince it doesn't unpack in a modules/ directory, I figured it probably won't be make-kpkg10:45
ameyerKjetilK: http://amazingrando.wordpress.com/2007/04/10/compiling-and-using-newest-nvidia-drivers-in-ubuntu-its-easier-than-you-think/10:45
KjetilKwhich is how I usually do anything kernel related10:45
KjetilKooooh, thanks10:46
ameyeryou should remove linux-headers-`uname -r` from the apt line10:46
ameyerbut the kernel build thingy apparently makes the headers anyway10:47
ameyerKjetilK: you could also try to build linux-restricted-modules if you wanted10:48
ameyerKjetilK: instructions are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild10:48
ameyerKjetilK: I'd just build nvidia if that's all you need10:49
KjetilKyeah, thanks10:49
KjetilKI probably need some wifi drivers too10:49
KjetilKand eventually, I'll try iwlwifi10:50
RAOFKjetilK: It works.  Kinda.10:52
humbol1Is it possible to sync a kernel tree which I have from the linux-source package with git? or will it download all files again?10:53
RAOFhumbol1: It'll download everything again, probably.10:53
RAOFThe kernel source doesn't come with the .git metadata, probably.10:54
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KjetilKRAOF: good :-)10:54
humbol1RAOF: Is there any way to circumvent the 200MB download or compress it?10:55
humbol1too bad10:55
RAOFWell, you could *try* to get someone to make a tarball of the git tree, .git directory and all.10:55
RAOFI'm not sure if that'd be much, if any, smaller though.10:55
KjetilKOMG, the abi and flavours stuff seems rather intricate...10:57
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humbol1RAOF: Well the linux-source package only has 20 MB packed and 300 MB unpacked.10:57
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=== KjetilK pulls back his sleeves
benanzohave we talked about the flashplugin yet?10:58
benanzoI still don't have the newest update that's supposed to fix it.10:58
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nox-HandHow would I update to 7.10? :)11:26
Linux_Galorewhat would be the command to reinstall the kernel again ?11:26
Linux_GaloreIve setup a chroot for the broken install but I need to reinstall the updated kernel because it broke11:27
nox-HandLinux_Galore: apt-get remove and apt-get intsall it? DON'T trust my advice though =] 11:27
stdinLinux_Galore: apt-get --reinstall install package is easier11:27
stdinnox-Hand: ubuntu or kubuntu?11:27
nox-Handstdin: Ubuntu11:28
stdinnox-Hand: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/tribe411:28
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Linux_Galoreso just apt-get --reinstall kernel  wont I need the full kernel details ?11:28
stdinLinux_Galore: you need to know the package name and do sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-WhateverVersion11:29
nox-Handstdin: Can't I upgrade my sources.list and then apt-get dist-upgrade?11:30
stdinnox-Hand: yes, but the "update-manager -d" way is preferable11:30
nox-Handstdin: But where do I get the sources.list so I can do the update manager?11:32
Linux_Galorewhats the latest image package name I have four in my apt cache file11:32
Linux_Galorelinux-image-generic_2. ?11:32
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stdinnox-Hand: you just add the feisty-proposed repository and update "update-manager"11:33
Linux_Galorelinux-image-2.6.22-9-generic_2.6.22-9.25_i386.deb ?11:34
nox-Handstdin: Where do I get the feisty-proposed though?11:34
stdinLinux_Galore: then it'd be "linux-image-2.6.22-9-generic"11:34
nox-HandJust change deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted to feisty-proposed?11:34
stdinnox-Hand: if you don't know that are you sure you should be running a development bersion11:34
nox-Handstdin: Probably not, but I shall undoubtedly be able to nonetheless =D11:35
stdinnox-Hand: copy the normal line and paste it in under it, then change "feisty" to "feisty-proposed"11:36
nox-Handstdin: What about feisty-updates? feisty-proposed-updates?11:37
stdinjust that one line11:38
Linux_Galore: Couldn't find package linux-headers-2.6.22-9-generic_2.6.22-9.25_i386.deb11:39
Linux_Galoreits sitting in the apt archive11:39
stdinLinux_Galore:  "linux-image-2.6.22-9-generic" not "linux-headers-2.6.22-9-generic_2.6.22-9.25_i386.deb"11:40
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Linux_GaloreE: Couldn't find package linux-image-2.6.22-9-generic_2.6.22-9.25_i386.deb11:42
nox-Handstdin: had 11 updates in update-mananger -d11:43
stdinLinux_Galore: listen, it's "linux-image-2.6.22-9-generic" not with the .deb11:43
nox-HandNo dist.upgrade mentioned11:43
stdinthat's what the instructions say, you can just run "sed -i 's/feisty/gutsy/g' /etc/apt/sources.list" if you want11:44
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Linux_Galorestdin: thanks, now to reboot, been years since Ive done this11:46
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humbol1Concerning kernel recompilation: In debian/config/i386 there are sever config files for subarchs. How can I best create a config file for subarch crusoe or crusoe-lowlatency?11:57
humbol1Is there a way to automatically create such a config file without thouching it by hand?11:57
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Linux_Galorestdin: well the machines back up thanks12:01
Linux_Galorestupid kernel corruption12:01
Linux_Galoregoto reload my nvidia stuff now for some reason the kernel cant see it12:02
humbol1can anybody help me with creating creating an additional config file for subarch crusoe12:02
humbol1The proper way I mean12:02
Linux_Galoremight just stick with the nv driver as I dont play games12:03
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RAOFLinux_Galore: Could you instead stick with nouveau?12:06
RAOF!nouveau | Linux_Galore12:06
ubotuLinux_Galore: Nouveau is an experimental open-source nVidia driver, aiming for full 3d support.  Homepage at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/ - EXPERIMENTAL packages at https://dogfood.launchpad.net/~raof/+archive12:06
RAOFHeh ;)12:06
Linux_GaloreRAOF: the nouveau driver from what Ive read doent work with a GF4 setup12:07
bballizlifei tried tribe3 live CD and this was ok. yesterday i tried tribe4 and the live CD can't boot : "Could not find kernel image: linux"12:07
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Linux_Galoreyeah, Im finding the batch of updates I did for tribe 4 have way more breakage12:08
RAOFLinux_Galore: Maybe.  You'll never know unless you try :)12:08
bballizlifei checked that the checksum is ok before i burned the .iso12:08
RAOFLinux_Galore: I think it works pretty much down as low as TNT2, though.12:08
RAOFLinux_Galore: They'd love some testing from the older cards :)12:08
Linux_GaloreRAOF: is it on the repo for Gutsy ?12:09
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bballizlifedo i have to report a bug ?12:11
RAOFLinux_Galore: Follow the dogfood link in nouveau.12:12
ubotuNouveau is an experimental open-source nVidia driver, aiming for full 3d support.  Homepage at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/ - EXPERIMENTAL packages at https://dogfood.launchpad.net/~raof/+archive12:12
Linux_Galoreaaah another repo to add12:12
RAOFYes.  They can't be in offcical gutsy, 'cause they'll break other drivers.12:12
Linux_GaloreRAOF: think I will skip it I have enough breakage to deal with right now12:13
Linux_Galorejust had my kernel image do a flaming homer12:13
RAOFLinux_Galore: Fair enough.  Just remember, there's an xrandr-1.2 branch there, for multihead goodness :)12:13
Linux_GaloreRAOF: I think its a great project, might resurect another machine and try it12:15
RAOFI'll also package some of the reverse-engineering tools into that PPA, if you don't want to test the actual drivers.12:16
RAOFKeep an eye on it :)12:16
Linux_Galoreright now I have to figure out why glib keeps making openoffice crash12:16
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humbol1is there a special lowlatency feisty git tree?12:30
humbol1When I want to recompile the lowlatency kernel flavour form ubuntu-feisty.git, it seems like debian/config/i386/config.lowlatency is missing.12:30
humbol1I know feisty is not ubuntu+1 but ...12:31
stdinhumbol1: all the trees are listed in http://kernel.ubuntu.com/12:31
stdin* http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git12:31
humbol1Does not show a special lowlatency tree, that's why I am asking and wondering what is wrong.12:32
humbol1The lowlatency stuff is from ubuntu-studio but they are part of the normal repositories.12:33
Toma-i gave you an answer in #ubuntustudio12:37
Toma-the config file is in a special location12:37
Toma-linking it to where its needs to be is a good idea12:37
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Toma-!find linux-rt01:36
ubotuFound: linux-rt01:36
Toma-!info linux-rt01:36
ubotulinux-rt: Complete Linux kernel on realtime kernel. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 24 kB, installed size 52 kB01:36
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Pierretwo days I was trying to test gusty 4 and thought my new 8600 did not work. What did not work was my dvdrw drive, burn out :P01:43
Pierreit simply stops to read correctly when it gets warm01:44
RadiantFirethats kind of odd01:50
Pierreyeah, but annoying enough, I was suspicious when I saw that the install worked once or two and checked the logs, many io errors.01:51
Pierreplugged another drive and everything works, install running now :)01:51
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Do``could someone help me find out why the new rhythmbox version fails to show up in my repositories? 0.11.1 should be available but apt-get doesnt really shows me newer version being available then 0.10.002:13
IdleOneDo``, what does apt-cache policy rhythmbox show you?02:19
Do``Installed: 0.10.0-0ubuntu2 / Candidate: 0.10.0-0ubuntu202:21
IdleOnecan someone help me figure out why my clock is losing about 1 hour/day for the past few days?02:21
Do``the battery in your motherboard needs replacement :)02:22
Do``is that enough information from the policy output?02:23
IdleOnewhat repo are you using? I mean the country code?02:24
Do``someone over #rhythmbox on irc.gimp.net said 7.10 should have 0.11.1 in the repo, his gusty has it too02:24
IdleOneDo``, try editing /etc/apt/sources.list and using http://archive.ubuntu.com remove all the hu then save changes and run sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:25
Do``which type do i need to remove the hu. from? main universe restricted or multiverse?02:27
Do``didnt help02:29
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Do``the only upgrade it found was wine 0.9.42 -> 0.9.4302:30
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IdleOnethat is strange02:31
Do``it still shows 0.10.0 as the candidate as well as the installed version02:32
Do``is there any other way i can just simply download the .deb file and install it?02:32
PierreDo``: little check, have you ran a apt-get update after the sources modication?02:34
Do``twice :)02:34
IdleOneDo``, you can get the .deb from packages.ubuntu.com02:35
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Do``hm. i'll try googling the correct url for it then02:37
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IdleOneDo``, that is the correct url02:39
Do``that page doesn't load02:39
IdleOnelemme try02:40
Do``Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at packages.ubuntu.com.02:40
IdleOnethat page may be down at the momment02:41
IdleOnethey might be uploading new packages/ making changes to the page02:41
IdleOnegive it a little time02:41
Do``thanks for all the help :) i'll check back in an hour02:44
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Do``hm, found a direct link to it02:52
Do``http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/r/rhythmbox/rhythmbox_0.11.1-0ubuntu3_i386.deb <- this one02:52
Do``but i cant install it because 'error: dependency not satisfiable libart-2.0-2'02:52
IdleOneyup thats the one02:52
Do``which i cant install because there's no package called like that02:53
IdleOnelibart-2.0-2 or libart-2.0-dev02:54
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Do``libart-2.0-dev installed, but the error message remains the same02:55
Do``E: Couldn't find package libart-2.0 / E: Couldn't find package libart-202:55
IdleOneDo``, have you used any third party installers like Automatirx on your system?02:55
ohadhi, need help with wireless + and suspend - running feisty 2.6.22-9 generic - thinkpad x61s. it works but being flaky. ideas how to fix wireless first?02:55
Do``IdleOne: none02:56
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IdleOneDo``, the package is called libart-2.0-202:56
Do``i still cant install it..02:57
IdleOnesorry Do`` I dont understand why. best I can tell you is to keep explaining your issue and someone will be able to help you at some point02:58
Do``after having installed the -dev version02:59
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Do``now when i type it says it's already installed02:59
Do``libart-2.0-2 is already the newest version.02:59
Do``however the error message is the same..02:59
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jeroenvrpsometimes when I play a video in vlcplayer, X crashes03:09
hyljechances are X logs can help03:10
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Linux_Galorejeroenvrp: use mplayer03:12
Linux_GaloreI watch video files all the time and I have yet to use vlc03:14
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yellow_chickenwhat's with the tribes 3 and 4?03:15
jeroenvrpLinux_Galore: when I compile mplayer from svn, it gives the same crash03:17
jeroenvrpsi I suppose it's an x-problem03:17
jeroenvrpand under feisty it gives no crash03:17
jeroenvrpso it must be a gutsy problem also03:17
jeroenvrpoh well I will report a bug03:17
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IdleOneyellow_chicken, what do you mean?03:26
yellow_chickenwhen don;t they call them alpha 3 and 4 anymore? IdleOne03:26
IdleOneyellow_chicken, I am guessing that Gutsy GIBBONS live in tribes03:27
hyljefeisty fawn had herds03:27
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jeroenvrpBug #13199503:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131995 in xorg "playing a video in various players crashes X or KDE in Gutsy" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13199503:56
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theverantwhat's the easiest way to share folders via Samba?04:40
finalbetatheverant: right click, share folder.04:52
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theverantI tried right clicking and adding a SMB share that way - but I can't even see this system on the network, it's not showing up in the workgroup to which I assigned it04:53
finalbetathen go to it's IP.04:54
theverantduh.  I should have thought of that04:54
theverant"Could not connect to host04:55
theverantI had no problems with this in Kubuntu feisty... :|  But I'm gnew to gnome so it's a bit of a learning curve04:56
finalbetano idea... Check that samba is running, can you ping? is the host firewalled?04:56
theverantI didn't firewall it... I wonder if something was installed automatically?04:56
theverantyeah I can ping my desktop from the laptop04:57
finalbetais samba running?04:57
theverant... I think so... it's installed.  How can I check if it's up?04:58
finalbetaif you used firestarter, you need to add 13904:58
finalbeta/etc/init.d/samba start04:58
theverantI don't know what firestarter is, so...I don't think I used it05:00
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theverantsamba is definitely running now... but still the desktop isn't showing up on the network05:03
theveranttrying the IP just gives me a timeout05:04
theverantfirestarter isn't installed05:04
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bderrlyhey, is the "splash" option in grub default with feisty/gutsy? if so, why does my config not specify a splash image to use and yet has the splash option enabled for every kernel?05:29
bderrlymy box will not boot with the splash option enabled and i'm not sure if it is because there isn't a splash file specified in menu.lst or because of my nvidia 8800 not getting along with the splash screen05:30
Pierrethe later is true05:31
Pierrebesides that getting the 8x serie up and working is a real pain.05:31
bderrlyyes it was/is, but i've got it working fine with X, just not grub05:31
PierreI have a 8600 and I'm about to throw it through the window...05:32
bderrlyif i remove the splash option it boots to gdm and the system is completely usable (compiz/beryl don't work so well though)05:32
Pierre"nv" works not nvidia binaries (true acc.)05:32
bderrlyi'm using nvidia driver05:32
Pierrewhich version do you use?05:32
bderrlyVersion: 1.0.9755+
bderrlynvidia-glx-new package05:33
Pierrefrom ubuntu repository?05:34
Pierrelet me try, did not use this one until now05:34
Pierrebut latest from nvidia does not work and default nvidia neither05:35
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c01100011hendrick.kaju.pri is down is there another repo for screenlets ?06:35
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ubotuLaunchpad bug 131446 in deskbar-applet "[gutsy] Deskbar results appears in a window" [Low,Won't fix] 07:47
ubotuGnome bug 465658 in general "The in-panel field is gone in new releases" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed] 07:47
DanaGWow, who in their right mind would make such a change to ruin an already wonderful applet?07:47
DanaGs/an already/a/07:47
nemikdoes anyone using tribe 4 have the gnome-keyring-manager not work at all? as in it won't remember anything, ever?07:54
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dick-richardsonkpowersave's idea of powersave mode is maxing my cpu :P08:19
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hyljeyou likely have some processes eating it08:21
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DanaGArgh, deskbar-applet is severely useless now.08:30
PiciDanaG: I agree08:31
PiciI miss my textbox-on-the-panel08:32
DanaGI've always used button-with-dropdown.08:32
DanaGBut now, it can no longer validly be called "deskbar" at all!08:32
PiciIts just a button now.08:32
DanaGYou can install the old version.08:33
DanaGI just did that ... much better.08:34
fluffysheepthe devs didn't include the drop-down UI because focusing the drop-down required some ugly hacks08:35
fluffysheepbut still ... they've made it far too complicated now08:35
DanaGIt seemed to work just fine before for me.08:35
PiciWhat about the on-panel textbox?08:35
fluffysheepalso gone08:35
Picier, nevermind, I reread what you said08:35
DanaGFine, even if it must be a window, the least they could do is make the window as usable as the dropdown was.08:35
DanaGI mean, try this: alt-f3.  escape.08:36
DanaGOr alt-f3 twice.08:36
fluffysheeplatest svn is a bit better now08:36
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fluffysheepafter opening an action the window closes by default08:36
PiciMaybe I'm not using it properly, but what is the second pane in the window for?08:37
fluffysheepthat's when there are multiple actions which you can execute on one search result08:37
mattikHello Where can I find right instructions to install compiz-fusion with ati drivers for KDE4? I found only gnome instructions.08:38
DanaGargh, gcc, gij, and g++ never seem to have changelogs.08:38
fluffysheepbut not all search results have multiple actions, eg executing a program requires one click in the left pane, but web history items have two actions08:38
fluffysheepopening them or copying url to clipboard08:38
Picifluffysheep: Ah, that makes sense.08:39
PiciBut from a UI perspective, its alot of potentially wasted space.08:39
fluffysheepyep, I already provided the GSoC student responsible for this with that same feedback: http://www.k-d-w.org/node/23#comment-2308:40
fluffysheepin the hope deskbar gets more usable by the gutsy release08:41
DanaGk-d-w  is a really obscure domain name.08:41
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fluffysheepDanaG: changelog @ https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/gutsy-changes/2007-August/006272.html08:42
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ryan_So where is running Ubuntu Gutsy? How stable is the latest release? Gona install it on my laptop. Current release of Kubuntu acts kinda weird. Hoping new one is better08:43
ryan_heard gma 950 works right away08:43
ryan_is the current release good enought to use on a regular basis yet?08:44
DanaGOh yeah, I heard somebody say that Kubuntu changed from purple in Feisty to blue in Gutsy.08:44
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nosrednaekimDanaG: what? it never was purple..08:45
DanaGI kinda' like purple; I wish there were some nice purple Gnome themes.08:45
nosrednaekimryan_: i'm running it and its pretty stable08:45
nosrednaekimryan_: i'm sure your results will vary08:46
ryan_I had alot of co workers telling me to give KDE a try and I do like some of the apps but im not sure i like it better then gnome lol08:46
DanaGI can't get used to KDE -- it just feels bulky to me, at times.08:46
DanaGNote that bulky != bloaty!08:46
nosrednaekimDanaG: gnome feels to slim for me08:47
nosrednaekimnote that slim != fast !08:47
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DanaGOne main thing: I'd want my KDE panel to look as nice as my Gnome panel -- or at least, I'd want the better system-monitor applets from Gnome.08:47
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ryan_Also it seems like they are trying to mimick the whole start menu from windows. Sure thats great for newbies but ///08:47
nosrednaekimI think they all work in KDE08:47
DanaGThey're panel applets.08:48
DanaGThus bound to gnome-panel.08:48
nosrednaekimand you can make KDE look like whatever08:48
DanaGTry matching the gnome System Monitor applet.08:48
ryan_yea i do miss that08:49
ryan_very simple but useful08:49
DanaGAnd the slightly-more-complicated "hardware monitor" applet that let you have separate lines for each CPU, for example.08:50
ryan_Everyone Said that Amarok or whatever is the best audio player but i dont think its any better then rythmbox08:50
ryan_maybe i havent used it enough yet08:50
d4rkmonkeyI like Amarok so much better actually08:50
d4rkmonkeyif I don't use Amarok I use banshee.08:50
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DanaGI use Amarok due to it having folder-tree views.08:52
d4rkmonkeyI use Amarok due to it being superior.08:52
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ryan_Im downloading 7.10 right now.. I actually grabbed the Kubuntu install so we will see how that goes08:53
ryan_53% done @55kbs taking forever08:53
nosrednaekimyeah amarok just blows away everything else08:53
nosrednaekimincluding anything on windows08:53
ryan_just outta curiosity what is good in it? I havent used it very much as i just started using kde08:54
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d4rkmonkeyryan_, I'm still using gnome and amarok.08:54
d4rkmonkeyit looks nicer08:55
d4rkmonkeyhas lyric search08:55
d4rkmonkeyhas like insta-wikipedia thing08:55
d4rkmonkeyhas a bunch of information on the song too I think08:55
d4rkmonkeyand just overall better08:55
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d4rkmonkeytheres probably a bunch of other features there that I don't really notice08:55
ryan_ill try it more once i do a clean install of gutsy08:56
DanaGAargh, fsck.vfat truncated critical files in my Firefox profile.  Now my bookmarks are ALLL GONE!08:56
nosrednaekimryan_: the features are endless..08:57
nosrednaekimanyway.. i'm realy happy because gutsy fixed my wireless08:57
ryan_yea. Was it not working before08:57
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nosrednaekimatheros AR5005G, if anyone else has this thing..try gutsy08:58
d4rkmonkeywhy are you doing a clean install of gutsy?08:58
nosrednaekimI had to use ndiswrapper b408:58
ryan_luckily enough my new laptop everything just worked with feisty. I did have to fix my video driver08:58
DanaGOh, and the "jump to specific bug" on Launchpad is missing.08:58
nosrednaekimryan_: what video card?08:59
ryan_Im doing a clean install because this Kubuntu 7.04 install is acting crazy08:59
ryan_Intel GMA 95008:59
d4rkmonkeyI had like intel something 96508:59
d4rkmonkeyI think it was GM 96508:59
d4rkmonkeyit was painful to set up.08:59
DanaGNow how can I make a quicksearch for specific bugs?08:59
nosrednaekim950? I thought those things had excellent support!09:00
ryan_lol.. Yea mine was too. Supposably in Gutsy its supported or so they say09:00
ryan_we will see later09:00
d4rkmonkeywell, mine is supported better in Gutsy, live CDs still don't work though I think09:00
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ryan_My wireless works fine at least on the new laptop. It has to use restricted driver or whatever but at least it has just worked no issues. Knocks on wood09:00
nemiknothing mounts on gutsy for me. my media card usb reader doesn't get read at all and i can't even tell where on /dev it gets put09:03
ryan_Thats not good. What machine you on nemik ?09:03
nemikan ibm thinkpad t6109:04
nemikerr lenovo09:04
nemikyou don't have that issue?09:04
ryan_To be honest im waiting for my download to complete. But I have been talking a few others and I haven't heard that issue come up09:04
ryan_So now im curious if thats with all or just certain machines09:05
nemikyea me too09:05
ryan_Cause on Feisty my memory card reader works great on my laptop. Hope it will in Gutsy.09:05
ryan_Ill report back in a few hrs hopefully09:05
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ryan_Hey nemik. Just curious are you running Kubuntu or ubuntu ?09:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 48806 in sysvinit "vfat filesystems checked by fsck" [Wishlist,Confirmed] 09:07
nosrednaindeed, thats been bugging me as my windows is installed on fat3209:07
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nosrednabug 109:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/109:09
nosrednalol.... I love that09:09
DanaGbug 009:09
nemikryan_: ubuntu09:10
ryan_When i go to add/remove programs in Kubuntu it says Error -KDE su returned with an error"  all i can do is click ok09:11
nosrednaryan_: this is gutsy?09:11
ryan_nope feisty. Im downloading gutsy now hoping it solves a few issues i have in current os09:12
nosrednaryan_: hmm, how about running from the command line "kdesu adept_manager"?09:12
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ryan_tried that.. Returns with an error too09:13
nemikhmm udevmonitor reports nothing when inserting/removing usb key09:13
nemiknot liking gutsy for these things but it's the only thing that will even boot and start X on this laptop09:14
ryan_I had a few other quirks with stuff just not opening etc. So I was gona re-install Ubuntu "Gnome" since everything worked under that. I figured since im gona do aa reinstall i mise well try out Gutsy first09:14
ryan_if it runs fine I will just continue to use it, Otherwise i will be reinstall Feisty09:15
nemikreinstall feisty. there is no point in using gutsy if feisty works for you. unless of course you want to help out with development effors09:16
fluffysheepnemik: tried dmesg | tail ?09:17
ryan_Yea that plus I heard my graphics card works under Gutsy.09:17
nemikfluffysheep: yea, nothing. tail -f /var/log/dmesg09:19
nemikoh crap it does work. but on only 1 of the 3 usb ports :/09:20
nemikthe other 2 on the other side of the laptop don't even seem to be detected or doing anything.09:20
nosrednanemik: do these ports work in fiesty?09:21
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nemiknosredna: no clue. i can't even try feisty on this laptop to see. it fails hard on it09:25
fluffysheepnemik: you might want to check system logs of startup to see whether the usb controller gets detected09:29
fluffysheepubuntu has a nice system log tool under adminstration btw09:30
nosrednanemik: my computer has one of those ports I think there is no power going to it or something.09:30
nemiklspci reports intel usb controller 82801h, 5 of them even09:31
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c01100011hendrick.kaju.pri is down is there another repo for screenlets ?09:32
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DanaGAck, Firefox's addons manager broke.09:37
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DanaGXML Parsing Error: not well-formed                         Location: chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul                     Line Number 2, Column 1:            ^09:38
DanaG(replaced line breaks with lots of spaces)09:38
DanaGAnd the same for the download manager.09:40
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DanaGWTF?  All my animations preferences have been reset AGAIN!~09:50
DanaGWhy does this keep happening?  Every time the defaults are changed, my settings get changed -- even though I have not left them at default!09:51
DanaGThat's just bad manners.09:51
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nemikfluffysheep: ok nevermind. reboot fixed it all. no clue what happened to usb's before that but seem to be fine now09:59
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DanaGOh great, ANOTHER thing it reset:10:05
DanaGI had it set to cube, but now it's using wall.10:05
tattersu needed to set hoeizontal virtual  size to 4 to get cube back10:07
DanaGOh, and it disabled wobbly, too.10:07
DanaGNo, it's using 4x2 wall.10:07
ccookeDanaG: That's default - what *didn't* it reset, out of interest?10:08
ccookedesktop size, I guess10:08
DanaGI can't find anything.10:08
DanaGAnd cube is now like molasses.10:10
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mattikusing ubuntu gutsy with beryl. How I get back window minimizing and closing panel?10:14
ccookemattik: you shouldn't be using beryl - it's merged with compiz now10:15
ccookemattik: also... do you mean the window decorations? the close button on each window?10:15
tattersSince upgrading to gutsy ny tv card and usb cam failt to work with some apps  I read Nvidia don't support DGA anymore and I have to use -nodga switch is there fic for this in pipeline or do I need to install older drivers?10:16
mattikI cannoy use compiz with fglrx. I got errors compiz-real crashed10:17
mattikI' cannot use radeon too. it's not supported10:18
mattikmy card is xpress 20010:18
mattikxpress 115010:18
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DanaGAlso, fading windows is on, too.10:19
DanaGSo it conflicts visually with animations.10:19
mattikcooke: I mean toolbar where is buttons close and minimize10:19
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mattikI only tried will I get black screen in logout as feisty10:21
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DanaGHmm, the new 3D animations actually come off the side of the cube.10:23
hylje:o ?10:24
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DanaGAnd what's with the missing splash and cap images?10:27
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fluffysheepDanaG: moved to seperate plugins10:31
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DanaGI mean, the IMAGES are missing.10:34
DanaG(where's italics when you need them?)10:34
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DanaGPlus, it's using relative paths.10:37
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DanaGOh, I wonder where r818x went....10:57
DanaG(not that I have much use for it... it doesn't support WPA, and I have other cards, and my laptop has built-in anyway.)10:57
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InstabinHumm if you have tribe 3 will it auto update to tribe 4?11:38
InstabinAlso what are the ups and downs to using the 64 bit version?11:39
jribInstabin: running 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' will bring you up to date11:40
jribInstabin: ups: 64bit downs: some stuff isn't available (no 64bit flash, no 64bit java plugin for your browser) so it takes some extra work tog et them11:41
InstabinIt cant run the 32bit versions?11:41
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pvandewyngaerdethere are some worarounds11:45
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ryan_Well I installed Gutsy. Everything seemed to work good.. audio,ethernet,resolution for my laptop lcd.. Crappy thing is my intel integrated wireless which works in Feisty doesn't work in Gutsy12:17
ryan_shows up and I can see networks. When I select a network it just trys to connect for about 30 secs then always fails12:18
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chasetoyscan someone help me getting dual head video card (nvidia geforce 7950) to display output on my second lcd (dvi).... on ubuntu 7.04??  i have already downloaded latest nvidia drivers from nvidia's site, and tried to auto-detect the monitor from the nvidia-settings app.... any other ideas?12:29
InstabinDoes the tribe 4 support the intel/realtek hd audio?12:29

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