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pygiLutin, fixes found, will soon be uploaded01:11
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Lutinpygi: cool :)01:16
pygiLutin, thanks for your patience :)01:16
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=== pygi deserves some rest when they are uploaded since it's 1:16AM :P
pygihey doko !01:17
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Tribe 4 released
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by pitti at Thu Aug 9 16:01:54 2007
=== #ubuntu-devel [freenode-info] if you need to send private messages, please register: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Tribe 4 released
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by pitti at Thu Aug 9 16:01:54 2007
=== Knightlust [n=dax@ubuntu/member/knightlust] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Tribe 4 released
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by pitti at Thu Aug 9 16:01:54 2007
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pygixhaker, now yes08:30
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khermans_packages.ubuntu.com is down09:36
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sivanghey Spads12:59
sivangSpads: are you allowed / have access to domain name services provided by canonical? I've opened an RT ticket long ago to have a couple of loco domains managed by ns.ubuntu.com and the blackcatnetworks DNSs still no reply01:00
sivangI at least want to know the status for the request :)01:00
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jamiemccpitti:tribe 4 did not install esound by default - was this deliberate or bug?01:30
jamiemccwithout esound all gnome/gtk apps were slowed trying to spawn it01:30
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jamiemcctracker-search-tool was slowed considerably by it - installing esound resolved speed issues01:30
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pittihey jamiemcc01:32
pittijamiemcc: yes, we are sooo glad to have killed esound01:32
pittijamiemcc: esd really sucks, and we only kept it for libgnome01:33
pittijamiemcc: but I finally managed to make libgnome work without esd01:33
jamiemccpitti : cool01:33
FujitsuOh, it's finally dead?01:33
jamiemccpitti: is that libgnome in gutsy yet?01:33
pittijamiemcc: why is it slowed down?01:33
pittijamiemcc: yes, sure01:34
jamiemccpitti: run tracker-search-tool from terminal01:34
pittijamiemcc: through libgnome, or does tracker use libesd directly?01:34
jamiemccno anything using gtk is affected01:34
pittijamiemcc: ah, I see01:34
pittijamiemcc: that's on my list01:34
jamiemcctracker searches take fraction of a second but wtihotu wesound they take 2-3 secs01:34
jamiemccdisabling esd in sound preferences all restores speed01:35
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jamiemccI find all gtk apps are faster with esound too01:36
pittijamiemcc: oh, I see01:36
pittijamiemcc: that's indeed a good general point01:36
jamiemccshall I file a bug in lauchpad?01:36
pittijamiemcc: that would be nice01:37
jamiemccok will do so now01:37
pittijamiemcc: please give me the # afterwards, I'll mark it as tribe5 and assign it to me01:37
jamiemccshall I file against esound?01:37
pittijamiemcc: libgnome please01:38
pittijamiemcc: oh, I just tried it myself; indeed, that's an amazing difference01:38
jamiemccyeah :)01:38
jamiemccgutsy now runnig as fast as feisty now01:38
jamiemccpitti: libgnome not in launchpad?01:40
pittijamiemcc: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgnome/+bugs01:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 115652 in libgnome "evince tries to open esd even if it is not installed" [Low,Confirmed] 01:41
pittijamiemcc: ^ that's more or less it01:41
pittijamiemcc: let me mangle that01:41
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jamiemccpiti: ahh ok01:41
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pittijamiemcc: there01:42
jamiemccpitti: thx01:43
pittijamiemcc: thanks to you for pointing this out01:45
jamiemccno problem - I was scrathcing my head wondering why tracker-search-tool was so slow!01:46
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norsetto/bin/sh: /usr/bin/esd: not found03:24
ijuz_it's probably a good idea anyway to delete esd, directly after deleting artsd ;)03:30
stgraberlots of software complain in log files about missing esd (it was replaced by alsa in gnome, but manually and there are some remaining changes to do for sure :))03:31
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_StefanS_anyone know how to build two source packages that depend on eachother?03:32
_StefanS_like libxml-parser-perl and libxml-encoding-perl ?03:32
xhakerpygi, hi03:38
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jdongbleck Dapper is affected by debian bug #32171805:24
ubotuDebian bug 321718 in libc6 "Upgrade caused many libs to complain about "executable stack"" [Important,Fixed]  http://bugs.debian.org/32171805:24
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jdongsucks for PaX users.... oh well, Feisty time05:24
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alex-weejis it just my system or is VPN totally broken in Gutsy?07:07
alex-weejNM just crashes whenever i try to log on07:07
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xhakerpygi, you available yet?08:02
pygixhaker, hardly :-/08:02
pygihow may I help?08:02
xhakerhave you read what i told you about amarok + libmtp6?08:03
pygithat a maintainer said no changes needed?08:04
xhaker"Not many apps08:04
xhakeruse this, I believe only Amarok, and they have some compile-time or similar check for it."08:04
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xhakerwell, i've built new packages for amarok and tested them08:05
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xhakereverything works, apparently :)08:05
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Riddellpitti: should I send out a "feature freeze soon" notice?09:06
=== highvoltage hugs pitti (because laserjock sed I must)
pittiRiddell: I think for two-week tribes, ten days in advance is a bit too much09:07
=== pitti hugs highvoltage back
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=== norsetto bows to the almighty
zulhey pitti09:25
pittihi zul09:27
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Lutinhey pitti09:31
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moquistpitti: ogra has pointed me to you to discuss a postinst script to set up a new postgres user and database (for the moddle package, which unfortunately comes from upstream using wwwconfig). Are you around to discuss this?09:36
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pittimoquist: about to go to bed; can you please mail me?09:37
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moquistpitti: OK. sleep well.09:38
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Kmoswant to know about a nice crash? on console.. "c.. & cd .." and it closes terminal09:43
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Kmosit happens only sometimes..09:46
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=== Gman [i=gman@nat/sun/x-b698b828ff280d37] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kopfgeldjaegeris there a changelog for the ubuntu packages? i mean, changes in package x11:32
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=== jamiemcc [n=jamie@82-32-8-26.cable.ubr02.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kopfgeldjaegerijuz_: im mean, available in the internet - im looking for changes in a gutsy package11:40
ijuz_afaik not, just download it11:40
=== mbiebl [n=michael@e180064072.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kopfgeldjaegerhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/utils/bcm43xx-fwcutter --> more information --> changelog11:43
jdongKopfgeldjaeger: changelogs.ubuntu.com11:43
Kopfgeldjaegerhehe :o)11:44
ijuz_ah, cool11:44
=== tck [n=tck@res-adsl142-A.bas501.cwt.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdongyeah p.u.c points to it too11:44
jdongit tends to lag a day or two though11:44
jdonghence I just aptitude source, then look at the changelog11:44
asacpygi: did you do the gnash upload?11:45
=== pygi hides
Kopfgeldjaegerer... why does searching for "restricted manager" at PUC result in a error message?11:46
pygiasac, my fault, yes11:46
asacpygi: please ping me next time11:46
pygiasac, will do, sorry11:46
asacpygi: please bring up your changes to bzr11:46
asaci want to review and merge to the main tree11:47
asacpygi: thanks ;)11:47
pygiasac, oki, but I gotta fix the upload first (I think the upgrade is broken because of ubuntu3, and gotta fix that in prerm)11:47
asacpygi: please do bzr first11:47
asacthen ask me11:47
asactry to redo the uploads if possible11:48
asacif not ... fine :/11:48
=== pygi will do a bzr then tomorrow morning
asacpygi: pleas do that before the upload ;)11:48
pygiasac, ofcourse, don't worry ;)11:48
asacok great11:49
pygiI learn fast, you know xD11:49
asacpygi: actually i do not even know that something broke ... just saw uploads ;)11:52
asacpygi: so what is broken atm?11:52
pygiasac, upgrade from ubuntu311:53
pygiasac, requires a prerm modification in the package so we'd fix that for users11:53
pygi(and ofcourse upgrade from ubuntu4 to (yet nonexistant) ubuntu5 would fail unless we do such modification11:54
asacplease tell me one sentence of details ... why does it fail, how?11:54
pygiok, it fails because ubuntu3 had a broken prerm/postinst (it had single quotes, it shouldn't have quotes at all)11:55
pygiit fails while configuring the package, and stays at half-configured state11:55
=== tck_ [n=tck@213-202-131-254.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pygiubuntu4 has fixed the prerm/postinst, but upgrade still fails because the prerm should have been modified to fix the upgrade path11:57
=== highvoltage [n=highvolt@ubuntu/member/highvoltage] has joined #ubuntu-devel

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