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=== Topic for #ubuntu-meeting: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 14 Aug 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 14 Aug 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 15 Aug 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 16 Aug 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 20 Aug 22:00 UTC: Forum Council meeting | 21 Aug 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-meeting: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 14 Aug 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 14 Aug 19:00 UTC: Technical Board | 15 Aug 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 16 Aug 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 20 Aug 22:00 UTC: Forum Council meeting | 21 Aug 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team
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=== johnc4510 we having a meeting? LoCo teams?
elkbuntuOk, who is here for the loco teams meeting?06:01
elkbuntuanyone else?06:03
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elkbuntuBFTD, here for the loco meeting?06:04
BFTDoh no mine is later today06:04
BFTDat 706:04
elkbuntuBFTD, this is for the general loco project, not team-specific06:05
BFTDI gotta go then06:05
elkbuntuOk then, any general issues (except the servers)?06:05
=== effie_jayx [n=valles@ubuntu/member/effie-jayx] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
elkbuntuhi effie_jayx06:06
effie_jayxelkbuntu,  ;)06:06
effie_jayxhi all06:07
elkbuntuwe only just started with: any general issues (except the servers)?06:07
elkbuntubut nothing has been said yet, so you havent missed anything06:07
effie_jayxgreat.. I am here for SFD mentoring :D06:08
johnc4510i might note that US teams now has a forum page   http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=28406:08
=== yann2 [n=yann2@cpc2-oxfd2-0-0-cust288.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
elkbuntuhi yann206:09
yann2hi - agenda?06:09
elkbuntuyann2, so far only: any general issues (except the servers)?06:10
yann2fr/de and a couple others are on their own, so np for now (finger crossed) :P06:10
elkbuntuyep. you guys were fortunat06:11
yann2else mmmmh let me think06:11
yann2mmh nope, no big issues :)06:12
yann2a couple of ideas maybe?06:12
elkbuntuyann2, sure?06:12
yann2we plan to do a "we advertise for you for free" for pc vendors who decide to sell ubuntu boxes06:12
yann2so during the next 6 months every pc seller that agrees to certificate some of his pcs for ubuntu will get a huge ad on our website06:13
elkbuntuyann2, we = ubuntu-fr?06:13
yann2on a longer term, we hope to have a separate section on our website, linking all these sellers06:13
yann2and maybe more, who know what can be possible - so to encourage them to help us06:14
yann2like "we offer advertising, for you it costs nearly nothing - so.."06:14
yann2we'll see if it works :] 06:14
elkbuntuyep, sounds like a good idea06:14
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effie_jayxyann2,  I have a question06:15
effie_jayxdo stores have the human resource to go ubuntu?06:15
yann2yeah :)06:16
yann2basically it means - put ubuntu on the box and test if everything works out of the box06:16
effie_jayxyann2,  in my city. there are plenty of stores that are just not interested cuz they say they have no linux guru. and I have tried to convince on particular store to sell it and they say. they can suport it for lack of knowledge :S06:16
yann2dell doesn't do any support afaik :)06:17
effie_jayxyann2,  they don't?06:17
yann2I don't think they do?06:17
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effie_jayxyann2,  it is a great initiative, and good that you have stores with you :D06:17
yann2as far as i understood they propose an optional canonical support fee06:17
elkbuntunope, they resell canonical support ;)06:18
yann2effie_jayx > we don't have any yet.. well maybe one06:18
yann2we'll see06:18
yann2if it does not work, too bad :P06:18
effie_jayxyann2,  exactly06:18
elkbuntuthere's little harm in trying06:18
yann2we may need to do a list of supported material to help them06:18
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yann2like pick among these, and its fine06:18
yann2that would help some sellers i think06:19
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yann2eeeelse... well, our tshirts operation is going well... it was hell /o\ i am happy it is nearly done ^^06:22
elkbuntuwas that the only idea yann2? should we move on now?06:22
yann2do other locos have something to report? I would be happy to hear about it :)06:23
yann2elkbuntu , yup, if there is an agenda, please, do :)06:23
elkbuntuyann2, i think they just want us to entertain them ;)06:23
elkbuntuyann2, the only other agenda is SFD discussion06:23
elkbuntuyann2, software freedom day06:23
yann2oh - i think we've always been quite bad with this one :)06:24
elkbuntuhehe. no -fr participation in any french teams this year?06:24
yann2we have a lot of events, but i can't remember of any action during the sfd06:25
yann2but wait for november, i think olive is organising a huuuuuge ubuntu party in paris :P06:25
elkbuntuyann2, softwarefreedomday.org (should be back up and ok, it was in the servers with the loco sites)06:26
yann2btw i have a stupid question but... on the compromised servers, what about the usernames passwords? :S06:26
elkbuntumy team still doesnt have a venue yet :-/ im not lucky like effie_jayx to have a university to use06:26
effie_jayxelkbuntu,  :D06:26
effie_jayxelkbuntu,  I am not getting goodies it seems...06:26
effie_jayxI did register before cutoff date06:27
yann2I hope that in 2008 ubuntu-eu will have some money for goodies06:27
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elkbuntueffie_jayx, yes, but the limit was 200 teams, which means some still missed out before the cutoff date06:27
effie_jayxelkbuntu,  I thought that was for open cd's and extra tshirts06:28
effie_jayxelkbuntu,  but heck . I am in it for more than a t-shirt ... right :D06:28
elkbuntuyep :)06:28
effie_jayxelkbuntu,  are talking SFD?06:28
yann2weird how quiet ubuntu loco meetings have become :)06:29
effie_jayxI have som very specific questions... you might have answers for06:29
yann22 years ago.. \o/ :D06:29
elkbuntueffie_jayx, sure06:29
effie_jayxelkbuntu,  In my country... certificates are what people are after... can the team issue  certificates or a letter of attnedance?06:30
yann2i wonder if no locoteam attending the loco meetings means, all the teams are happy, or nobody cares... the loco mailing list is a bit quiet too :(06:30
elkbuntueffie_jayx, i suppose so06:31
effie_jayxelkbuntu, do you know of any other teams that have done so?... how does certificates by request sound.06:32
=== greg-g is kind of here. I'm the leader of the Michigan Team (US). No issues/questions right now.
=== effie_jayx hates dealing with certificates...
effie_jayxhello greg-g06:33
elkbuntueffie_jayx, if you are holding 'intro to linux' classes on the day, it would work06:33
greg-ghello effie_jayx06:33
effie_jayxelkbuntu, you mean more academic like talks?06:34
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elkbuntueffie_jayx, i mean like tutorials06:34
effie_jayxthere will be developer talks on a separate rooms... not to scare away the new people...06:34
effie_jayxnext question then...06:35
effie_jayxfood? finger food, sponsored ... is it ok to sell06:36
elkbuntueffie_jayx, that kind of thing is different in each country06:37
effie_jayxelkbuntu,  and on the subject of talks I read . not too much filosophy involved. are there any presentations online that offer just enough where we can build upon?06:41
elkbuntueffie_jayx, um, dont know06:41
effie_jayxelkbuntu,  but you know what I mean... ?06:42
=== effie_jayx is kinda jerky asking the q's
effie_jayxelkbuntu,  thanks06:43
=== nixternal wipes eyes and sees something loco going on
effie_jayxelkbuntu, once we are done with SFD i'll bring up another issue06:44
=== effie_jayx hopes he isn't naggin too much with q's
elkbuntueffie_jayx, not at all06:44
elkbuntunixternal, any issues to raise or questions to ask?06:46
nixternalnot off hand...just woke up sorry :)06:46
effie_jayxelkbuntu,  It turns out you registered _just_ after the registrations for schwag06:46
effie_jayxclosed, but before the notice went out. I will include you for shipping of06:46
effie_jayxgoods due as you were so close :)06:46
effie_jayxthen on to the issue I thought..06:47
elkbuntueffie_jayx, excellent luck06:47
=== effie_jayx looks for email
ubotuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 14 Aug 15:00: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 14 Aug 19:00: Technical Board | 15 Aug 20:00: Edubuntu | 16 Aug 20:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 20 Aug 22:00: Forum Council meeting | 21 Aug 15:00: Kernel Team06:47
elkbuntuWell, if nobody has any further issues or questions, i believe we shall call this a done deal and i can go sleeep :)06:49
effie_jayxelkbuntu,  nevermind06:49
effie_jayxcan't find the email.06:49
elkbuntueffie_jayx, thats ok. did you have anything else?06:50
=== effie_jayx hugs elkbuntu for the great effort in putting together the meeting considering her local time
=== elkbuntu hugs effie_jayx back.
effie_jayxelkbuntu,  gracias06:51
elkbuntueveryone else seems to have gone anyway06:51
elkbuntuno problemo, hermano06:51
effie_jayxthanks everyone for listening06:56
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