
FoollI'm setting up a xubuntu for a computer which is going to placed in a bar for customers to have access to internet. How could I easily restrict user privileges so that basically all they could do is open up a web browser?12:42
TheSheepFooll: xfce has some kiosk options12:43
TheSheepFooll: firefox has some more12:43
TheSheepFooll: refer to their documentation12:43
FoollI found this kiosk admin tool, looks fairly promising12:48
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=== Topic (#xubuntu): set by Pumpernickel at Sun May 20 02:21:34 2007
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=== Topic (#xubuntu): set by Pumpernickel at Sun May 20 02:21:34 2007
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m0u5ewhats the shortcut key to lock your screen?09:05
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hyper_chm0u5e: had a look at the keyboard settings? either there is already one or you can create one09:25
m0u5ehyper_ch: no there is none :(, how would i create it?09:27
hyper_chm0u5e: just make one that will start the screensaver, which by default is password protected09:28
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hyper_chm0u5e: doing just 1 google search, looking at the descriptions, hitting the first one that looks ok showed me this:  http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2007/05/29/your-wish-is-xubuntus-command/09:42
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m0u5ehyper_ch: thx ill check it otu :D09:49
hyper_chm0u5e: you know, google can do wonders ;)09:49
m0u5ehyper_ch: hehe, yeah im doing a lot of things all at once :D trying to learn how to make install so i can get audacious 1.3.2 working :D09:51
m0u5etheres no deb available :(09:52
hyper_chm0u5e: checked the medibuntu repos for audacious? or getdeb.net? and activated the other repos?09:52
m0u5ehmm havent enabled getdeb09:53
m0u5ebut yeah ive checked medibuntu09:53
m0u5ethey're just behind09:53
m0u5e1.2.4 or something09:53
m0u5ebut thats a really buggy releases :(09:53
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cynomyShey guys, I have some trouble installing themes11:44
cynomySI can't copy a theme folder into /usr/share/themes11:44
cynomySit was downloaded as a tarball (tar.gz)11:44
thykosoo ... why is there a rat in the xubuntu logo?11:44
Catoptromancyits a mouse11:45
cynomySI can't extract the contents of the tar into the themes folder11:45
cynomySno success in the terminal either, sudo cp doesn't work11:45
cynomySsudo cp thefolder /usr/blahblah11:46
thykotar -x whatever.tar /usr/wherever ....11:46
cynomySI'll try that, thank you11:46
thykocynomyS: here's a way that will surely work: cd /usr/wherever; sudo tar -xvf /path/to/whatever.tar11:49
cynomySthx thyko, will try that11:50
cynomySthought when I typed the previous command, nothing really happened11:50
cynomySI'm still in terminal11:50
cynomySbut I can't type anything11:50
cynomySwell I can11:50
cynomySbut the name@name: is gone11:51
cynomySI've encounetered that before, but don't remember how to "get back"11:51
TheSheepcynomyS: you can just unpack it in your home and then run 'gksu thunar' and copy it11:56
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cynomySby the way, the ctrl+d command did not work11:59
cynomySsame thing happened in the terminal (xterm) when I did the gksu thunar11:59
cynomySname@name: is gone again12:00
cynomySwhoa, now it's back12:00
cynomyShow do I "undo" things?12:01
cynomySlike ctrl+z in win12:01
TheSheepsame in the aps that support it12:02
TheSheepconsole doesn't support undo (neither in windows)12:03
cynomySwas talking about thunar12:04
cynomySlike if I delete something, and want to undo it12:04
TheSheepcynomyS: it's in the trash12:05
cynomySof course it is12:05
cynomySbut there isn't any key shortcut to undo the deletion?12:05
TheSheepcynomyS: but the idea is nice, make a feature request :)12:06
cynomySmaybe I will! :)12:06
cynomySI'd also like to translate the thunar manual into swedish12:07
TheSheepthen again, most file operations are not undoable, expecially while other applications do operations on the files in the mean time12:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about translate - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:07
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uboturosetta is a Web-based system for translating open source software into any language.  See https://launchpad.net/rosetta/+about12:07
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cynomySI was talking about translating it myself12:08
cynomySrosetta translates it like babelfish huh?12:09
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TheSheepcynomyS: no, you can use rosetta to translate applications manually and the translations are included then in ubuntu12:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about translations - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:15
cynomySsheep, you familiar with irssi?12:16
cynomySI've forgotten how to switch windows (acts)12:16
cynomySthought it was ALT+number12:18
darrendanyone know why I keep getting "Error opening/initialising video_out (-vo) device" in MPlayer?12:18
cynomySgot that error too darrend, think it has to do with the cache size12:19
cynomySstill unsolved here though12:19
darrendcache size where - in mplayer config?12:19
cynomySno idea12:19
cynomySyou know about vlc though, right?12:19
cynomySirssi switching got solved: it's ALT, or the ESC followed by number12:21
TheSheepcynomyS: disable the alt+number shortcuts in your terminal config12:25
TheSheepcynomyS: they are annoying12:26
cynomySI believe they -are- disabled, as I cannot use them12:30
TheSheepcynomyS: no, they are enabled, that's why you canot use them12:33
TheSheepcynomyS: by default they are bound to switching between tabs12:33
cynomySok, so how do I disable the shortcuts?12:34
cynomySI mainly do not use the standard terminal in xfce, only xterm or aterm12:36
cynomySI do not know how to configure them as I can with the main terminal (point-and-clicky)12:37
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TheSheepcynomyS: well, they all come with a manual, have a read12:40
cynomySwill do12:42
thykoyeah; soo .. why the mouse in the xubuntu logo?12:44
cynomySsmall, fast and maybe efficient?12:48
hyper_chthyko: well, you have to ask why the mouse is the Xfce logl ;) the answer is, because it's cute (at least that's my explanation)01:10
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christianMy printer stopped working since I dist-upgraded to 7.10 (Brother HL-2030)01:33
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christianIs there a way to downgrade only cups (and dependencies)?01:34
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Tron04hello, xubuntu automatically mounts my ntfs partitions readonly and shows them on the desktop. I looked for the mounts in /etc/fstab, but could not find them. Where can I disable this ntfs mounting of the partitions?02:20
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TheSheepTron04: I think you can add them to fstab with 'noauto' option02:29
Tron04ok, will try this, but what makes them being mounted. kubuntu does not mount them automagically...02:38
TheSheephmm... maybe check thunar->edit->preferences->advanced->volume manager02:39
Tron04ok cuurently rebooting02:39
Tron04whats also strange is that I had to do a apt-get dist-upgrade to get the current kernel02:40
Tron04I think this only necessary when to upgrade to the gutsy gibbon etc. release02:40
Tron04I have feisty running02:40
Tron04want to upgrade the kernel with apt-get upgrade02:40
Tron04but then got the message that the kernel is being held back02:41
TheSheepI think kernel is not upgraded automatically except for security upgrades02:41
Tron04apt-get dist-upgrade then worked02:41
Tron04ok mabe..02:41
TheSheepah, held back means there was something you installed that depended on the old kernel02:41
TheSheepdist-upgrade uninstalls such packages02:41
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Tron04the installation is pretty basic with only mc and the resticted nvidia driver (maybe it was this driver)02:42
thykohyper_ch: heh02:43
thykowhats the best mp3 player for xubuntu?02:44
Tron04hmm. not easy question.02:44
Tron04try exaile or audacious02:44
Tron04audacious is the "modern" xmms02:44
Tron04but exaile is pretty cool as it tries to imitate amaroK02:45
TheSheepmpd :)02:45
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hyper_chis there a gui for displaying the printing queue?02:58
thykothanks yall03:06
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homebrewciderI'm trying to add a terminal launcher to the task bar, what would the "command" be please03:12
homebrewcidergot it just as you responded, thanx anyway03:14
homebrewciderI found /usr/bin/terminal which seems to do it03:15
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eva[i] hello, my brother's PC is a celeron 900Mhz w/ 128MB... obviously it runs really slow with XP... Should I go with Xubuntu or Ubuntu with this spec? More to the point, how is XFCE different from gnome? what functionality is missing and/or different?03:34
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TheSheepeva[i] : there are less gui-based settings and system configuration editors, so you sometimes have to edit text files, the file manager is simplier and faster, but doesn't support network shares, so you have to do that with fuse, the applications installed by default are much lighter (abiword instead of openoffice, etc.)03:39
TheSheepeva[i] : there are lots of small differences, anything in particular you're interested in?03:40
TheSheepeva[i] : you can still install all the applications from ubuntu/kubuntu if you want them, of course03:41
eva[i] Synaptic, openoffice, samba shares, CUPS....03:44
eva[i] these would be nice... what is the file manager called, so I can test it out here on my own ubuntu?03:46
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dinoandrei have a little problem with sound05:13
dinoandreis it a driver for creative platinium 5.1 soundcard05:14
PumpernickelSeems to be, as per http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-Creative_Labs05:27
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dinoandredu bist deutsch oder?05:38
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de05:38
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de05:39
dinoandreyes thats the right site but how can i download the driver05:40
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TheSheepdinoandre: what driver?05:50
dinoandrecreative platinium 5.105:51
TheSheepdinoandre: creative makes graphics cards???05:52
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Pumpernickeldinoandre: You don't - it's included in Ubuntu.06:02
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Rabbitbunnydoes xubuntu support 640*480 display?06:07
TheSheepactually some dialogues don't fit06:08
TheSheeplike the settings manager06:08
RabbitbunnyCan it run a vnc server so that it doesn't matter?06:08
=== Rabbitbunny grew up using windows
PumpernickelIt can.06:09
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dinoandrei dont get sound06:19
PumpernickelOpen alsamixer, and check that none of the channels are muted.06:22
dinoandrehow i can open alsa mixer06:23
PumpernickelOpen a terminal, type alsamixer into the terminal, and then hit enter.06:23
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joshritgercan anyone please help me with install problems with 7.0406:40
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:45
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hajhouseis there any configuration needed to turn on UTF-8 support in xfce4-terminal? on one of my machines it just works, on the other utf-8 does not work (the terminal treats multi-byte chars as multiple chars). i can't find any reference in the docs to how to turn utf-8 encoding on.06:47
TheSheephajhouse: type 'locales' in the terminal06:48
TheSheephajhouse: 'locale', sorry06:49
hajhouseTheSheep: LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-" LC_ALL= (unset)06:50
TheSheephajhouse: try export LC_ALL='en_US.UTF-8'06:50
hajhouseTheSheep: the behavior is unchanged. in fact, LANG and LC_* are the same on both machines, the one that works and the one that doesn't06:51
TheSheepthat's weird06:53
TheSheephajhouse: how do you test them?06:53
joshritgercan anyone tell me why the xubuntu installer will not write partition information with 7.0406:54
hajhouseTheSheep: well, uxterm, mutt, and vim all work as expected under the UTF-8 locale06:54
joshritgerI can't get 7.04 to install with guided partitioning of a whole drive06:54
Pumpernickelbug 10725907:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 107259 in ubiquity "Xubuntu partitioning can fail because ubiquity does not prevent thunar from automounting new partitions" [High,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10725907:04
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whiterany instructions to install XGL on xubuntu07:05
hajhousewhiter: sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-swx11 for software rendering; for hardware accel other packages and possibly X tweaking are required07:10
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ubotujabber is a free and open source instant messaging protocol, unlike MSN and AIM. Supporting clients on Linux: Kopete (KDE), Gaim (GNOME). For more info see http://www.jabber.org07:56
TheSheepvidd_laptop: gajim is nice07:56
vidd_laptopTheSheep, there is a rogue app that wont uninstall on my server07:59
vidd_laptopwanted to know what it was and who i needed to shoot08:00
vidd_laptop=] 08:00
vidd_laptopwhat is the command to re-install a program via apt?08:00
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Jester45i installed and removed some files before uninstalling08:06
Jester45now dpkg errors when i try to do anything with it08:06
Jester45install remove reinstall08:07
vidd_laptopi got it08:07
vidd_laptop=] 08:07
vidd_laptopi rebuilt the missing files/directories08:08
vidd_laptopwernt nothing in them...but i rebuilt them08:08
vidd_laptopnow it is gone08:08
Jester45i just wish that apt was smarter and removed all configs when you ran it with --purge08:09
Jester45lie the ~/ fiels08:10
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rswolffanyone here08:18
TheSheeprswolff: no, unfortunately we are not here08:19
rswolffI am new to xubuntu, and I can't seem to find my .bash_profile.... can you help me out?08:20
TheSheeprswolff: enable displaying of hidden files in Thunar08:20
TheSheeprswolff: view->show hidden files08:20
rswolffwhat is the file path to .bash_profile?08:20
rswolffI'm not seeing it at ~08:21
TheSheeprswolff: it's possible you don;t have it, in that case just create it08:21
rswolffI'm trying to alter my PATH variable.... when i echo $PATH, i can see the variable, but I can't find the file to make the edit permanent...08:22
rswolffdo you have any idea where my $PATH variable is stored?08:23
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TheSheeprswolff: it's stored in memory08:25
TheSheeprswolff: in so-called 'environment' of every process08:25
rswolffso I can simply create .bash_profile, and paste in the value of $PATH that currently exists in memory, and that should do it?08:25
TheSheeprswolff: no, I think you'd want soemthing like 'export PATH=some-additional-directory:$PATH08:26
rswolffwhen I do that, my changes aren't persisted when I close the terminal08:27
TheSheeprswolff: that's because the .bash_profile file wasn't executed and didn't set the new PATH value yet08:28
TheSheeprswolff: it should get executed on login08:28
rswolffso I should create .bash_profile manually?08:28
TheSheepyes, and put that command I told you in there08:28
rswolffahhh, ok... thanks!08:28
TheSheepalternatively, if you want the changes to be global for all the users, you can edit /etc/environment08:29
TheSheeprswolff: don't forget to put '#!/bin/bash' at the top of .bash_profile, it tells your computer to run that file with bash08:29
rswolffdo I have to mark the file executable08:30
TheSheeprswolff: no, but it won't hurt08:30
rswolffsweet, thanks08:30
RabbitbunnyUh... xubuntu boots to a vga mode my monitor doesn't support. How do I enable vga mode?08:31
TheSheepRabbitbunny: switch to text mode with alt+ctrl+f1, log in, then run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and set everything the way you want08:32
=== Rabbitbunny is a windows user
RabbitbunnyWhat would I type to login in live cd?08:33
Rabbitbunnyhmm. it's not 'login or 'root'.08:34
TheSheepit's 'ubuntu'08:35
TheSheepRabbitbunny: if it's livecd, then maybe you should just select the second boot option?08:35
TheSheepRabbitbunny: the one about 'safe graphics mode'?08:35
Rabbitbunnyoh. ty.08:35
RabbitbunnyNah, that one laughed at me too.08:35
=== neozen [n=neozen@adsl-69-209-193-53.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #xubuntu
Rabbitbunnytext mode is prettier anyway.08:36
Rabbitbunnythe wiki doesn't seem to actually have any simple questions or anything, just directions to come here or the the forums btw08:39
Jester45its a wiki if you would like to add on feel free to do so08:40
Rabbitbunny...what would I add? how to burn the iso?08:41
Jester45what ever you said was missing08:42
Rabbitbunny'where's the start button' 'how to boot in 640*480' 'where is the taskbar'08:42
Rabbitbunny'how to change display resolution once booted'08:43
Jester45sounds good08:44
Rabbitbunny(huge button) 'windows users click here'08:44
=== eggwarmer [n=cnobile@cpe-72-230-125-127.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu
eggwarmerHas anybody seen this error before: files list file for package `os-prober' is missing final newline08:45
eggwarmerI Just did a Xubuntu install and now I can't install or upgrade anything else.08:45
Jester45i havent08:46
Jester45Rabbitbunny, a picture with a few arrows pointing to what is what08:46
Jester45Rabbitbunny, i was thinking about making a wallpapper that did that08:46
RabbitbunnyI've got seven icons and no bars of any type. right clicking brings up a huge window. something is wrong.08:47
vidd_laptopeggwarmer, is the cd in the drive?08:48
eggwarmerNo it is not08:49
vidd_laptopput it in..... or sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out [add # to the front of]  the line referencing the cd] 08:50
eggwarmerI'll try that08:51
Jester45i wonder why they have that as defualt08:51
Jester45most people dont use it08:52
vidd_laptopbecause if it was not there, then apt would not work during install08:52
vidd_laptopwe need to add a script to the end of the install to comment out the line08:52
RabbitbunnyOkay, I got to the part where I need to tell it what video modes are used. Three are check, I can only use 1. How do I unchack?08:55
Rabbitbunny*checked *uncheck08:55
eggwarmerWell the line for the CD is not in the file, so there is nothing to comment out.08:56
=== merhojt [n=Jimmy@h16n6c1o885.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #xubuntu
vidd_laptopeggwarmer, can you paste your sources.list file @ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org?08:58
eggwarmerI kicked myself in the butt when you mentioned this, because I've run into something like this before, but this time it's not it.08:58
vidd_laptoppost the link so i can look @ it....09:02
=== retour [n=ret@adsl-70-228-111-113.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #xubuntu
vidd_laptopeggwarmer, how did you install....netinstaller? (mini.iso)09:06
eggwarmerCD ISO09:07
vidd_laptopwhich of the 3?09:07
eggwarmerThere should be a line in there for a CD, BUT?09:07
vidd_laptopthere are 3 different cd's... live, alt, and mini....which did you use?09:07
vidd_laptopfigures... the live cd strikes again!09:08
eggwarmerI installed this on an old IBM 390X laptop.09:08
vidd_laptopsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:09
vidd_laptoptell me what ya get09:09
retourHi all! How to get full screen video on my TV - like CLONE option under Windows NVIDIA settings?09:09
vidd_laptopretour, laptop or desktop?09:10
vidd_laptophrm...then i dont know09:14
retourI've played with all settings in NVidia settings app like separate X with and without Xinerama but no go. I have extra desktop on TV but even if I drag my Mplayer window there etc I see it as a window . When I click fullscreen it dissaperas from TV and pops fullscreen on my monitor09:14
vidd_laptopyou have an [FN]  key on your keyboard?09:14
retour??? whats that?09:15
vidd_laptopok...so that's a NO09:15
retourIts not notebook etc09:15
eggwarmervidd_laptop: It's downloading a new kernel, this will take a while.09:15
vidd_laptopthat does not mean that your keyboard does not have a [FN]  key09:15
vidd_laptopeggwarmer, then your issue is solved09:15
eggwarmerI was able to download apps before, the blowup was in the installation, so I'm going to wait and see before I say it's fixed.09:16
vidd_laptopretour, you will have to consult the documentation for your card on nvidia's site...and most likely use the proprietary driver09:16
retourI think I already use the proprietary one thanks to ENVY09:17
eggwarmervidd_laptop: NOPE same problem nothing will install.09:17
vidd_laptopwhat app is failing?09:17
eggwarmerNo, I get this: files list file for package `os-prober' is missing final newline09:18
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=== Catoptromancy_ [n=cat@fl-71-1-235-150.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #xubuntu
vidd_laptopso grub is failing09:18
vidd_laptopor "os-prober" is failing09:19
vidd_laptoptry sudo apt-get remove --purge os-prober09:19
eggwarmerIt fails when it tries to install python2.5_2.5.1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb09:20
eggwarmerWait let me to an apt-get clean09:21
=== eggwarmer01 [n=cnobile@cpe-72-230-125-127.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu
eggwarmer01I lost my net connection for a bit.09:34
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=== eggwarmer [n=cnobile@cpe-72-230-125-127.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu
eggwarmervidd_laptop: I did an apt-get clean then tried to install just a single package, but I still get the same error.09:40
vidd_laptopi dont know what to tell you09:44
=== Catoptromancy_ [n=cat@fl-71-1-235-150.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #xubuntu
eggwarmervidd_laptop: Thanks anyway. I just tried to do the remove of os-prober, but it won't even let me remove that package.09:47
eggwarmerHey I just found this: dpkg -L os-prober gets the same error.09:56
eggwarmerWhat is a "files list file" and where is it?09:56
vidd_laptopno idea09:59
eggwarmerDo you know what file resources dpkg uses to list the files that are in a package?10:01
vidd_laptopi get weird stuff like this, i back-up data and re-install10:03
eggwarmerWell I pretty sure that is where the problem is.10:04
=== Catoptromancy [n=Miranda@fl-71-1-235-150.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #xubuntu
vidd_laptopwhy not download the .deb for the app and install it with dpkg?10:04
eggwarmerYup, and if that works I'd have to do it for everything I install figuring out all the dependencies myself.10:06
eggwarmerBesides this is failling somewhere in dpkg, so I doubt it would work anyway.10:07
vidd_laptopit apears to be that the file you are getting via apt is not the complete file10:08
vidd_laptopso if you dl the .deb directly, then the file should install fully, and fix your issue10:09
vidd_laptopit is at least worth the effort10:09
vidd_laptopits better then a re-install10:09
vidd_laptopeggwarmer, you on a i386 or amd64?10:11
eggwarmerI'm using two computers right now, but the i386 has the issues.10:13
vidd_laptopso dl the file and xfer it to the problem machine10:13
vidd_laptopthen run it10:13
vidd_laptopsudo dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb10:14
vidd_laptopthen sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade10:15
vidd_laptopwhy you using this os-prober thing anyway?10:15
vidd_laptopyou having issues with grub detecting your dual-boot?10:17
eggwarmerI'm not using it, I'm installing something completely different. It is dpkg that is using it a then dieing.10:19
eggwarmer...and then...10:20
eggwarmerI tried it anyway, but the same error.10:20
vidd_laptopis this a fresh install?10:21
eggwarmerYup, there was an error during the install, but everything seemed to work fine until I found I couldn't install or update anything.10:22
eggwarmerI think I'll just reinstall.10:22
vidd_laptopdo an alt-cd install or the mini.iso install....less likely to fail10:23
eggwarmerOne last thing I'd like to try, is there a way to rebuild the binary files used with dpkg?10:24
eggwarmerI'm betting as I said before that the resource files used with dpkg are corrupted. I'm going to research this before a reinstall.10:26
eggwarmerI did what was described on that page and it worked, but now I seem to have another package that is corrupted.10:42
=== Chriswaterguy [n=chatzill@bb121-6-29-69.singnet.com.sg] has joined #xubuntu
ChriswaterguyHi folks... just downloaded the Xubuntu ISO (very exciting). Do I need to do checksum?10:44
ChriswaterguyI've downloaded on a friend's Mac OS X...10:44
SrRavencant hurt10:44
SrRaventhere is no absolute need,just good for verifying you got it right10:44
Chriswaterguyit's given me a CRC32 number...10:44
SrRavenyou run windows?10:45
Chriswaterguywell, windows now... but the ISO is on the Mac, because that has a working CD-RW.10:45
SrRaventhan you should get a checksum checking programm for the mac10:45
SrRavendont know of any though,google ?!10:45
Chriswaterguycan't find what the CRC32 is supposed to be...10:46
SrRavena checksum code10:46
Chriswaterguymmm, it's 4:45 am, don't want to wake my friend for permission to install a program :)10:46
ChriswaterguyI'll just burn the CD.10:46
SrRavenyou checksum the iso,and compare it with the crc32 code if its identical,you got a working iso10:46
ricithe distro page has the md5sum10:46
ricithe mac has an md5sum command line tool10:47
Chriswaterguydon't know macs much...10:47
ricijust like unix10:47
Chriswaterguyif anyone knows what the CRC32 code is *supposed* to be that would be great...10:48
ricii guess it's called md5 on the mac, since it's a freebsd derivation10:48
Chriswaterguyyeah, the proper md5sum I can see...10:48
ricimd5 <name of file> in a command shell (Terminal)10:48
Chriswaterguyok... command line on mac...? (looking...)10:48
riciit's icon looks like a command shell10:49
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Chriswaterguycan't see it10:50
=== Catoptromancy_ [n=Miranda@fl-71-1-235-150.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #xubuntu
Chriswaterguyyou mean in the row of icons at the bottom, right?10:50
Chriswaterguynot there10:50
ricithat doesn't mean it's not there10:50
Chriswaterguychecked the name of each in that row...10:50
riciclick on the finder (first icon, mac icon)10:51
ricithat should give you a finder window10:51
ricileft hand bar, applications10:51
Chriswaterguyah... not there (!!!)10:52
riciwhat? Terminal is not in Utilities? or Utilities is not in Applications?10:52
Chriswaterguysorry... missed the utilities part10:52
Chriswaterguyit's there10:52
Chriswaterguyokay... ISO file is on desktop10:53
Chriswaterguydo I change directories, or type a command here?10:54
riciyou can change directories10:55
ricitab completion works10:56
ricithe Desktop is called Desktop10:56
ricior you can just type the command in the terminal window, specifiying the right directory for the file10:56
vidd_laptopwow...just like linux =] 10:58
Chriswaterguymanually type filename?10:58
Chriswaterguymd5 xubuntu...?10:59
vidd_laptopChriswaterguy, tab completion works....type a few letters, and hit tab10:59
Chriswaterguydoesn't seem to10:59
Chriswaterguyok manual10:59
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Chriswaterguyit's thinking...11:00
Chriswaterguythanks for the help. makes me feel even better about going for Xubuntu11:01
ChriswaterguyI've been traveling and using net cafes for almost 3 months... finally decided I need a laptop, so bought one today (well, yesterday, except I'm still awake)11:02
Chriswaterguychecksum matches - thanks!11:03
Chriswaterguynow to burn11:03
Chriswaterguyok... I'll no doubt check in again once I've had a sleep and am installing. Bye and thanks again!11:06
eggwarmervidd_laptop: It worked, I had to rebuild about 5 packages as outlined n the link I sent you and have now installed ssh-server and emacs21 with no further issues.11:11
=== archangelpetro [n=bleh@] has joined #xubuntu
eggwarmerOne to keep in mind, "The howto rebuild dpkg list file packages". LOL11:15
=== mikubuntu [n=mikubunt@c-76-108-237-143.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu
mikubuntuhello guys, and heeeeelllllllpppp :)  trying to install x on hp pav 6635, with cd drive, 10gig hard, 64ram.  keep getting stuck.11:20
vidd_laptophow so?11:21
mikubuntua couple of times i had to just turn the machine off cuz it froze up, and then when i went back to try to install wouldn't let me past language selection, time selection, said error(s)11:22
vidd_laptoplive or alt cd?11:23
mikubuntuthen got this error that said gdm not config correct also11:24
mikubuntubut i had gotten past all this part on first attempt b4 it froze11:24
mikubuntuso i don't know why... and i so sad ... lol11:25
=== vidd_laptop never uses the live cd...especially on an HP (they usually need acpi turned off)
mikubuntuwhy, or under what conditions do you choose the alt cd?  is it avail on same site for download?  where do i proceed?11:26
=== vidd_laptop ALWAYS uses the alt cd without exception (see no reason to waste time with the live when he KNOWS he is going to install)
vidd_laptopit is available on the same site as the live cd11:29
mikubuntuvidd_laptop: what is the benefit of the alt?11:30
vidd_laptopit is stable...has been for years11:31
mikubuntudoes it present less errors?11:31
vidd_laptopbeen stable since BEFORE ubuntu11:31
vidd_laptopthe live cd has only been around since breezy11:32
mikubuntui don't get it.  it IS Ubuntu, right?11:32
mikubuntuso is the alt not an up to date version?11:32
vidd_laptopbut the installer is the same installer that debian has been using for years11:32
vidd_laptopof course it is11:33
mikubuntuhate to sound SO stupid, but gotta ax what i don't know11:33
vidd_laptopim talking aboutthe INSTALLER...not the INSTALLED apps11:33
mikubuntuso you mean it doesn't come with apps installed?11:33
mikubuntuyou have to choose all your own?11:34
vidd_laptopthe program that puts the stuff on the disk for you11:34
vidd_laptopthe live cd using a graphic installer that sucks and fails all the time, the alt has a semi-command-line installer that works like a true champ11:35
vidd_laptopthey both put the same apps on your system....they just do it differently11:35
mikubuntuis it possible that i screwed up my partition by aborting the process with power off?11:36
vidd_laptopwell...possibly....but gparted would fix that11:36
vidd_laptopnow...i have to go home11:36
vidd_laptopmy shift is over11:36
mikubuntuok.  you say it's semi command ... arrrggggghhhhh.... thanks vidd11:36
mikubuntuanyone else?  is the semi command way of the alt cd easy enough for a noob to do?11:37
mikubuntuthe extent of my command line experience is 'sudo apt-get upgrade' which i just started using last week on this laptop i'm on11:40
=== hsdyhfg [n=hasdfh@host86-130-42-46.range86-130.btcentralplus.com] has joined #xubuntu
hyper_chmikubuntu: alternate is text based with options... just not as fancy graphics... the "hardest" part is the partitioning... however if you can read, you should have no big problem11:40
hsdyhfghello everyone, i just installed xUbuntu on my laptop but don't know how to change the connection settings11:41
mikubuntuhyper_ch: where will i read from, the screen?  or is there some tutorial i will need to have side by side for the process?11:41
hyper_chmikubuntu: on screen11:42
mikubuntuand i don't need to 'partition' exactly, will do a whole disk install over old win98 system, nothing on it i want to save11:42
hyper_chmikubuntu: sure you want to have a swap partition and also a home partition11:43
hsdyhfgconnection settings?11:44
mikubuntuooohhhhh. ok, at any rate i guess i gotta go to my friend's and burn an alt.  then i'll be back to bother you later.11:44
hyper_chhsdyhfg: applications --> system --> network11:44
hyper_chmikubuntu: how big is your harddisk and how much ram have you got?11:45
mikubuntu10.2 hd, 64ram11:45
hsdyhfgi cant see no applications ... only a picture of a mouse11:45
hsdyhfgoh wait11:45
hsdyhfgthere is an applications but its only got xpdf in ?!11:45
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hsdyhfgthe xfce settings manager doesnt have connection settings11:48
hsdyhfgim stuck11:48
ricihsdyhfg: System  | Networking11:49
whiteris there a guide for setting up xgl with xubuntu?11:50
ricioops, hyper_ch already said that.11:50
whiterguess not11:52
hsdyhfgokay ... i just clicked to add "netload" to the panel and it says "(no ip address)"11:52
hsdyhfgwhen i click on it11:52
hsdyhfgunder network devices, it has nothing11:53
hsdyhfgjust an empty box :S11:53
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hsdyhfgso im assuming that for some reason my network card in my laptop hasn't been recognised or summin11:54
ricihsdyhfg: that's possible.11:55
hsdyhfgi havent a clue.11:57
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hsdyhfgim gonna put it on me xbox eventually11:59
ricihsdyhfg: you should be able to see startup logging in /var/log/messages, or by using dmesg11:59
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hsdyhfgthat did something12:00
hsdyhfgisapnp: scanning for PnP cards...12:02
hsdyhfgisapnp: No plug and play device found12:02
hsdyhfg... could it be because of that?12:02
riciwhat sort of card is it?12:02
hsdyhfgi dont know12:03
hsdyhfgits built into the laptop12:03
ricitry: sudo lshw12:04
hsdyhfgsudo: unable to lookup user.linux.local via gethostbyname12:05
ricithat sounds like you had some installation issues12:06
=== FFIXXX [n=opera@212-182-137-116.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #xubuntu
hsdyhfgmay have done12:07
hsdyhfgnot noticable ones12:07
hsdyhfgbut it is a possibility12:07
FFIXXXhi how do i re-enable they update manager tray icon?12:08
hsdyhfgim gonna reinstall12:13
hsdyhfgcheers anyway12:13
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FFIXXXno one?12:14
Jester45how did you disable it12:15
FFIXXXdont know?12:15
Jester45and i think xubuntu doesnt have it it only works on the gnome panel12:15
Jester45i think12:15
Jester45i just use cron so i dont know12:15
FFIXXXi havent come across an app which only has an icon only in gnome12:16
Jester45the update manager is from gnome12:17
Jester45i could be wrong as i said i never use it12:17
=== vidd_laptop [n=vidd@207-172-178-217.c3-0.tlg-ubr6.atw-tlg.pa.cable.rcn.com] has joined #xubuntu
Jester45hi vidd_laptop12:17
Jester45you at work still?12:17
vidd_laptopnope home now12:17
Jester45i think i broke the server :)12:18
vidd_laptophrm....i JUST got home12:18
Jester45thats why i asked12:19
Jester45figured it was about time for you to leave and you where gone for a bit12:19
FFIXXXJester45: okay....12:22
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Jester45vidd_laptop, do you know why the update manager doesnt have the notifer12:23
vidd_laptopthe update manager is still installed?12:23
Jester45the FFI guy was asking12:24
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Jester45i said i think it only works on gnome's panel12:24
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