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scooper | Hello - just wondering if anyone can advise how to rename a project. Delete and re-add? | 12:38 |
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mrigns | I made some suggestions for the German translation of Gutsy, but only four translations are listed on my Profile. Is this the maximum number, or did the others get deleted? | 01:30 |
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mpt | mrigns, if you're talking about your karma records, I think karma is updated about once a day | 03:52 |
mpt | so a translation wouldn't show up immediately | 03:53 |
mrigns | mpt, nope that's not what I meant, I just realised the translation history will only show 4 translations | 03:53 |
mrigns | they are all listed at the karmapage though | 03:53 |
mrigns | I wasn't sure if I saved them correctly | 03:54 |
mpt | mrigns, that doesn't seem right. What is the URL of the page you're talking about? | 03:54 |
mrigns | https://translations.launchpad.net/~mrigns | 03:54 |
mrigns | oh, 5 | 03:54 |
mpt | mrigns, that's listing applications and packages, not individual suggestions | 03:59 |
mrigns | mpt, oh, :D | 03:59 |
mrigns | thank you | 03:59 |
mpt | It gives only the most recent suggestion from each application/package | 03:59 |
mpt | that doesn't mean it's forgotten all the others :-) | 03:59 |
mpt | I'll report a bug about that, it's a bit confusing. | 04:01 |
mrigns | yeah | 04:01 |
mrigns | thank you for the clarification | 04:01 |
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ttmrichter | Ah. That was my mistake. OK, is there a launchpad administrator alive and kicking in here? | 04:14 |
ubotu | New bug: #132111 in rosetta "Person Translations page overemphasizes latest translations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132111 | 04:20 |
Fujitsu | ttmrichter: What do you want? You may be better off filing a support request. | 04:22 |
ttmrichter | I'd like to know how to delete my launchpad account, actually. | 04:22 |
ttmrichter | Stop wasting Canonical's disk space. | 04:23 |
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ttmrichter | Thanks, guys. | 04:33 |
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mpt | That won't make any difference to the amount of disk space... | 04:41 |
sydhart | is now a good time/place for questions about using launchpad with two new projects and their packages? | 04:46 |
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mpt | sydhart, not many of the Launchpad team are awake now | 05:23 |
mpt | You could try in ~12 hours, or you could e-mail the launchpad-users mailing list | 05:23 |
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ubotu | New bug: #132124 in launchpad "radio buttons on "is your bug already reported" don't work quite right" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132124 | 06:21 |
mpt | Goooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders! | 06:31 |
Hobbsee | heya mpt! | 06:33 |
mpt | hiya | 06:33 |
poolie | hello Hobbsee, mpt | 06:35 |
mpt | Australasians represent | 06:36 |
Hobbsee | hi poolie | 06:36 |
poolie | oi oi oi | 06:38 |
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lifeless | poolie: oy oy oy vey | 06:49 |
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carlos | morning | 09:25 |
mpt_ | hi carlos | 09:50 |
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mpt_ | mdz, do you have 30 seconds to test something for me on Launchpad? | 09:51 |
mpt_ | In particular I'd like to know if, for you, there is a "Define Launchpad usage" link on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu | 09:51 |
mpt_ | (in the Actions box) | 09:52 |
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mdz | mpt_: ok | 10:19 |
mdz | mpt_: yes, there is | 10:19 |
mpt_ | mdz, thanks | 10:20 |
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ubotu | New bug: #132154 in launchpad "Launchpad doesn't display in the omniweb browser" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132154 | 11:55 |
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=== Topic for #launchpad: Launchpad - https://launchpad.net/ | Next user meeting: Wed 15 Aug 2007, 1600UTC | Next developer meeting: Thu 16 Aug 2007, 1400UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Launchpad help: https://help.launchpad.net | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39 | ||
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-motu-torrent: Home of Ubuntu MOTU Torrent Team - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Teams/Torrent | Launchpad Homepage: https://launchpad.net/~motu-torrent | If interested in joining the team, please read Membership section in team's wiki page | Bug Triaging: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~motu-torrent/+packagebugs | Bzr branches: https://code.launchpad.net/~motu-torrent/ | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-motu-torrent): set by bluekuja at Tue May 22 23:04:22 2007 | ||
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ubotu:#launchpad | New bug: #132162 in launchpad "Error message when not logged into help wiki is unhelpful" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132162 | 01:06 |
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ubotu:#launchpad | New bug: #132165 in launchpad "Preview of Help wiki pages is obscured by background image" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132165 | 01:11 |
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matkor:#launchpad | Hi ! Is it possible to get mail if _any_ bugs from given project is changed/ added / commented ? TIA | 01:33 |
matkor:#launchpad | I am registered, and I would be noticed if https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-gtk/+bugs changes ... | 01:33 |
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BjornT:#launchpad | matkor: the only way atm is to become a bug contact for the project. for bzr-gtk, this means that you should ask to be added to this team: https://launchpad.net/~bzr-gtk/ | 01:37 |
matkor:#launchpad | BjornT: Thanka a lot ! | 01:38 |
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Fujitsu:#launchpad | Hi cprov. | 01:56 |
cprov:#launchpad | Fujitsu: hi, good morning. | 01:57 |
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harcesz:#launchpad | hi guy's - i'm doing a translation of miro at the moment and just had an idea | 02:15 |
harcesz:#launchpad | I think it would be extreamly usefull to give the translators a place for a note, under every line(string) | 02:16 |
harcesz:#launchpad | most of the wouldent be used, but sometimes it would be great to have a way to inform other translators why the choice for a particular form was made | 02:17 |
harcesz:#launchpad | it could looklike that - the extra form is displd. only in the 1 string view, so id doesent mess up the multiple strings view, but in the multiple view, theres a small icon informing that there is a note attached to this translation | 02:18 |
harcesz:#launchpad | would be cool cuz I just changed about 10 only male forms that appeard in the translation into forms that address both sexes + some other similiar changes that other ppl didnt think off, and I would like them to know why I edited their translations | 02:19 |
harcesz:#launchpad | as well a shoutcast/wiki in the generall/trank view for each language might be usefull so I can say "hey guys, I'm going thrue the whole thing to find plural forms, don't translate them at the moment" - cuz I dont c any other way to inform them bout that fast... | 02:21 |
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harcesz:#launchpad | a shoutcast could be placed on the left bar - where the statistics, translation file details an other thingis are | 02:22 |
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ubotu:#launchpad | New bug: #132180 in soyuz "Check and document archive indexes generated by Soyuz with apt_pkg" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132180 | 02:25 |
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harcesz:#launchpad | theres a blueprint similiar to mine, so I just added my idea in the wideboard, here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rosetta/+spec/suggestion-approve-rejection-explanation | 03:03 |
harcesz:#launchpad | would be great if somebody can take a look and proceed with it | 03:03 |
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ubotu:#launchpad | New bug: #132234 in soyuz "packages in 'multiverse' can have binaries in 'main' " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132234 | 06:20 |
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jkakar:#launchpad | mrevell: Heya! | 07:29 |
jkakar:#launchpad | mrevell: I've just been going through https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart | 07:30 |
jkakar:#launchpad | mrevell: Couple of suggestions to make it a bit more user-friendly. Including a "Preparing your system" section with something like "Run 'apt-get install build-essential dput'" would be nice. | 07:31 |
jkakar:#launchpad | mrevell: Also, suggesting that 'debuild -S' is one way to generate suitable output for use with dput would be helpful. | 07:31 |
jkakar:#launchpad | mrevell: In general though, the instructions worked! Thanks. : | 07:31 |
jkakar:#launchpad | ) | 07:31 |
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mrevell:#launchpad | jkakar: Sorry, I've been having dinner. Thanks for the suggestions, that's really helpful! I'm glad the instruction worked for you. | 08:38 |
jkakar:#launchpad | mrevell: Yeah, they were nice and simple for the most part. :) | 08:38 |
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ubotu:#launchpad | New bug: #132263 in launchpad "fmt:email-to-html may wrongly identify quoted passages as Python" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132263 | 09:55 |
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mdke:#launchpad | I'm still getting bugmail for bugs which were filed a long time ago when I or someone else changes their status (I received the bugmail when it was originally filed too!) | 10:58 |
mdke:#launchpad | is that known? it's been like that for a long time | 10:58 |
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kiko:#launchpad | mdke, I don't quite understand | 11:14 |
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mdke:#launchpad | kiko: ok, I'll try and explain better | 11:18 |
mdke:#launchpad | kiko: so someone files a bug, I get bugmail for it | 11:18 |
kiko:#launchpad | so far so good. | 11:19 |
mdke:#launchpad | kiko: then, a few months later, someone changes the status of the bug, and I get 2 emails, one as if it were a new bug (but detailing a status change at the bottom), and another just detailing the status change | 11:19 |
kiko:#launchpad | that's not right | 11:19 |
kiko:#launchpad | are you being subscribed? | 11:20 |
mdke:#launchpad | kiko: it says I am, yeah. But I was already subscribed | 11:20 |
mdke:#launchpad | (through being a bug contact) | 11:20 |
kiko:#launchpad | but are you being /directly/ subscribed? | 11:20 |
mdke:#launchpad | no | 11:20 |
kiko:#launchpad | because that mail is sent when you are directly subscribed. | 11:20 |
kiko:#launchpad | it's unusual then | 11:21 |
mdke:#launchpad | what about being assigned? | 11:21 |
mdke:#launchpad | maybe it happens only when I get the original email from being bug contact, then get subsribed or assigned to the bug | 11:25 |
kiko:#launchpad | I think that's the case | 11:25 |
kiko:#launchpad | we have no way of knowing you are subscribed via ubuntu-bugs, remember. :) | 11:25 |
mdke:#launchpad | kiko: well, I'm a member of the team that is bug contact for the product | 11:25 |
mdke:#launchpad | is there no way of telling that LP has already sent me the email? | 11:26 |
kiko:#launchpad | it shouldn't send you email twice, that's for sure | 11:26 |
kiko:#launchpad | if you are indeed a member of the team | 11:26 |
mdke:#launchpad | I definitely am | 11:26 |
mdke:#launchpad | am example is bug 124094 | 11:27 |
ubotu:#launchpad | Launchpad bug 124094 in ubuntu-doc "Incorrect path to Lock Desktop." [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124094 - Assigned to Matthew East (mdke) | 11:27 |
kiko:#launchpad | mdke, sounds like a bug. to help, file a bug and attach the two full-messages | 11:29 |
mdke:#launchpad | kiko: ok, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't expected behaviour | 11:29 |
mdke:#launchpad | I'll try and make a test case bug to reproduce it | 11:29 |
mdke:#launchpad | thx | 11:29 |
kiko:#launchpad | mdke, I think you shouldn't | 11:30 |
kiko:#launchpad | just send the emails you got | 11:30 |
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kiko:#launchpad | the test case bug will just litter the system | 11:30 |
mdke:#launchpad | kiko: alright. | 11:30 |
mdke:#launchpad | danilos: did you have any luck with our translation-credits issue? | 11:31 |
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ubotu:#launchpad | New bug: #132300 in launchpad "duplicate bugmail when a bug contact gets personally subscribed/assigned to a bug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132300 | 11:50 |
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sydhart:#launchpad | is now a good time/place for questions about using launchpad with two new projects and their packages? | 12:00 |
kiko:#launchpad | sydhart, sure it is. what's up! | 12:06 |
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cr3:#launchpad | I created a project in launchpad and now I would like to commit the code to the trunk using bzr, so how can I create the trunk (which seems to be created already) and start committing code? | 12:11 |
mdke:#launchpad | cr3: https://help.launchpad.net/FeatureHighlights/BazaarHosting is an excellent guide | 12:13 |
cr3:#launchpad | mdke: I'm not sure how I get a branch on bazaar.launchpad.net :( | 12:17 |
mdke:#launchpad | cr3: if you follow those pages, it tells you how to do exactly that, but you do have to read them | 12:19 |
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