ahmadsaifan | linuxbo1, nothing happens!!! | 12:01 |
Pelo | reya276, goto menu > system > admin > restricted drivers, and remove the restricted driver , then instal your bin and restart | 12:01 |
reya276 | Pelo:So if I remove the restricted drivers then the system crashes and it's over so I have to re-install | 12:01 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: what do you mean by nothing | 12:01 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: what did you do ... | 12:01 |
reya276 | ok, let me try that | 12:02 |
ahmadsaifan | I put in the command and nothing starts to happen | 12:02 |
reya276 | thanks Pelo | 12:02 |
ahmadsaifan | and im back on wried | 12:02 |
Pelo | reya276, pretty much , but you can look on the site wehre you got the driver to see if there are any special instructions | 12:02 |
ahmadsaifan | wired* | 12:02 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: you were connected to your router ? | 12:02 |
ahmadsaifan | yes | 12:02 |
ahmadsaifan | but no internet, no nothing | 12:02 |
linuxbo1 | sure ? | 12:02 |
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ahmadsaifan | yes! | 12:02 |
ahmadsaifan | i even tried to connect to my neighbors wifi, but nothing happens | 12:03 |
ahmadsaifan | i have no internet | 12:03 |
ahmadsaifan | but it says im connected | 12:03 |
reya276 | Pelo: yes is asking to get a bunch of additional files but I don't know where to get them I tried getting them from Synaptic but nope. | 12:03 |
ahmadsaifan | now can we try to remote control? | 12:03 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, im on my neighbors :) | 12:03 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: no ... | 12:03 |
reya276 | The following packages must be installed in order for the Catalyst Linux driver to install and work properly: XFree86-Mesa-libGL libstdc++ libgcc XFree86-libs fontconfig freetype zlib | 12:03 |
ahmadsaifan | lol john | 12:03 |
Pelo | reya276, have you enable the extra repositories for syanaptic ? | 12:03 |
ahmadsaifan | ok linux bo1 | 12:03 |
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linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: your connection is secured ? | 12:04 |
Pelo | reya276, hold on | 12:04 |
ahmadsaifan | yes | 12:04 |
kozlojak | I am looking to install just the x window system on ubuntu server ed. what is the name of the package i need to install just the basic window system? | 12:04 |
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linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: by what ? | 12:04 |
Ni_ | 12:04 | |
reya276 | Pelo: enable repositories? I don't know | 12:04 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: wep ? | 12:04 |
ahmadsaifan | what do you mean by what | 12:04 |
mar2 | kozlojak xorg-xserver? | 12:04 |
ahmadsaifan | maybe WEP | 12:04 |
ahmadsaifan | i dont know | 12:04 |
Ni_ | whats up ppl | 12:04 |
ahmadsaifan | it says passaphrase when i try to connect | 12:04 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: have you entered a password in network manager.... ? | 12:05 |
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shadhoe | how do I go about creating a script to launch an app? and add it to a panel launcher thing? | 12:05 |
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ahmadsaifan | yes | 12:05 |
shadhoe | or if someone can point me to documentation? | 12:05 |
ahmadsaifan | but everytime i go back to the network manager, all information is gone | 12:05 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: you put your passphrase and what happended | 12:05 |
ahmadsaifan | it connects | 12:05 |
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ahmadsaifan | but no internet | 12:05 |
ahmadsaifan | and every 2 minutes it asks me for the passaphrase again | 12:05 |
Pelo | reya276, open synaptic, in the menues there is a repositories item , check multiverse on the first tab and backport in the third, I'll be back in a minute I'M gonna try to make you a command line to installyour dependencies if I can find them | 12:05 |
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mar2 | kozlojak: sorry just xorg should do it | 12:06 |
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linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: ok connect again and do tape "ifconfig" in your terminal then copy and paste on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 12:06 |
requestedRerun | ql | 12:06 |
ahmadsaifan | ok, ill be back | 12:07 |
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mar2 | ahmadsaifan: what wireless chipset have you got? | 12:07 |
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kozlojak | mar2: Thanks that worked | 12:07 |
=== StoneNewt [n=gjb@stonenewt.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brunotvrs | I got blackbox running here with Ubuntu Feisty. I have all the applications in the menu now, after running a menu generator. The thing is, I have this im, emesene, its setup only created an shortcut to the "emesene" file insisde its folder. I don't know why, but putting {/home/myuser/emesene/emesene} won't work. I have to "cd ~/emesene/" and then "./emesene" to work. This means I can't place a shortcup at blackbox's menu? | 12:08 |
reya276 | Pelo: It was already selected | 12:08 |
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Pelo | reya276, ok, hold on I found a few | 12:09 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: so ? | 12:09 |
ahmadsaifan | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33516/ | 12:09 |
syntux | guys, when using netstat, how can I know which app is using X or Y port? | 12:09 |
mar2 | brunotvrs: could you try a bash script and try running that? | 12:09 |
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brunotvrs | mar2, I'm new to linux :P | 12:09 |
ahmadsaifan | be right back linux bo1, im thirsty | 12:09 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: you were not connnected.... | 12:09 |
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Radio | hmmm | 12:10 |
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brunotvrs | tried to change the blackbox-menu file to {/home/myuser/emesene/emesene} but nothing happens. | 12:10 |
=== FFIXXX [n=opera@212-182-137-116.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FFIXXX | hi how do i re-enable they update manager tray icon? | 12:10 |
ahmadsaifan | bacj | 12:10 |
ahmadsaifan | back | 12:10 |
ahmadsaifan | and i wasnt connected | 12:10 |
ahmadsaifan | im on wired again | 12:10 |
Radio | is there a log i can to check to see what was taking up 100% of my processor? | 12:11 |
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Radio | i had to restart cuz it got pretty bad | 12:11 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: when did you tape ifconfig you were on wifi... | 12:11 |
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ahmadsaifan | i put it in after it shows blue bars on the panel | 12:12 |
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ahmadsaifan | it never says that i am connected | 12:12 |
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ahmadsaifan | but it says the percentage | 12:12 |
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linuxbo1 | ok do that | 12:12 |
KleRoi | hello, i just installed pidgin compiling it on the terminal... but i can't understand how to create a shortcut to make it start easily... actually I have no clue on how to make it start at all :D can anyone help me? | 12:12 |
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ahmadsaifan | what? | 12:13 |
linuxbo1 | iwlist scanning eth0 copy and past... | 12:13 |
mar2 | brunotvrs: create a text file first line #!/bin/bash | 12:13 |
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mar2 | brunotvrs: next lines the 2 commands in order | 12:13 |
Pelo | reya276, I want you to close synaptic and run this line in the terminal , then run the installer again and see what dependencies you are still missing sudo apt-get install libstdc++2.10-dev libgcc1 fontconfig libfreetype6-dev zlib1g-dev zlibc libfontconfig1-dev | 12:13 |
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ahmadsaifan | on wired or wifi? | 12:13 |
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linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: whatever | 12:13 |
mar2 | save the file check it has executable permission (chmod +x filename) and then try loading that | 12:13 |
ahmadsaifan | its a unknown command | 12:13 |
linuxbo1 | now | 12:13 |
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linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: sorry iwlist eth0 scanning | 12:14 |
reya276 | Pelo: is downloading and installing | 12:14 |
reya276 | oh it's done | 12:14 |
FFIXXX | no one? | 12:14 |
ahmadsaifan | i eth1 i think though | 12:14 |
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Pelo | reya276, run the bin again , and tell me what the dependencies are | 12:14 |
linuxbo1 | no eth0 | 12:14 |
ahmadsaifan | interface does not support scanning | 12:14 |
FFIXXX | how do i re-enable the update manager tray icon? | 12:14 |
Notricon | hey | 12:14 |
linuxbo1 | ok eth1 | 12:14 |
linuxbo1 | you right | 12:14 |
reya276 | run what bin the ATI | 12:14 |
Notricon | Ubuntu doesn't install anything related to C T_T | 12:14 |
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ahmadsaifan | ok, it worked | 12:15 |
ahmadsaifan | let me paste bin it | 12:15 |
Notricon | what's the point of having Linux if I can't even compile C ? | 12:15 |
vocx | FFIXXX, I think it is the notification thing, in the add applets menu | 12:15 |
Pelo | reya276, yes | 12:15 |
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reya276 | Pelo: Those dependencies where from the ATI website, that's what they require to install the driver | 12:15 |
Pelo | reya276, do you get an error msg now when you install ? | 12:15 |
vocx | Notricon, install "build-essential", and "linux-headers" if you want linux headers for your current kernel. | 12:15 |
ahmadsaifan | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33518/ | 12:16 |
gravemind | how do I set up an ftp server on my home computer | 12:16 |
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reya276 | Pelo:so now I can remover the restricted and install the ATI Driver, so let me do that now | 12:16 |
Pelo | reya276, I'm look in synaptic see if you have any xfree86 installed , | 12:16 |
brunotvrs | mar2, then chmod ir=t? | 12:16 |
brunotvrs | it* | 12:16 |
=== Pelo sighs, deeply | ||
reya276 | ok let me try that | 12:16 |
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StoneNewt | Notricon: To use as an alternative to windows... | 12:17 |
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reya276 | yes I see them | 12:17 |
Notricon | heck, a Linux without a c compiler is ilke... | 12:17 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: which one is your router ? | 12:17 |
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ahmadsaifan | Saifan | 12:17 |
Notricon | a cat without fur | 12:17 |
Pelo | reya276, ok try removing the restricted drivers and installing the new one | 12:17 |
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reya276 | Pelo: Ok let me try it | 12:18 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: ok do : | 12:18 |
ahmadsaifan | ... | 12:18 |
theverant | anyone know for a command line video editor? | 12:18 |
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Zanton | hi | 12:18 |
ahmadsaifan | do what | 12:18 |
erUSUL | Notricon: just install the gcc | 12:18 |
Zanton | I need some help with my mom's camera | 12:18 |
LGM^_ | any one know how to get a linksys cit200 skype phone to work ? | 12:18 |
FFIXXX | vocx: oh it' s a gnome thing? i converted to xun=buntu | 12:18 |
Notricon | I have, it's not enough | 12:18 |
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Zanton | it seems to be recognized | 12:18 |
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linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: sudo iwconfig eth1 ESSID Saifan key "YOUR KEY" channel 6 | 12:18 |
vocx | Notricon, there is a huge subforum on programming in ubuntuforums.org, probably you missed it. | 12:18 |
Lunis | o.O snd-bt-sco kernel module inflated three logs to about 3 gigs each, filling my hard disk, crashing linux, all in about 20 minutes | 12:19 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: in a terminal | 12:19 |
Zanton | module is loaded (gspca from universe) | 12:19 |
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Notricon | there's a lot of "linux-headers" packs out there | 12:19 |
theverant | something that can cut and recombine video, not just convert from one format to another | 12:19 |
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ahmadsaifan | with quotes | 12:19 |
reya276 | Pelo: I got this error | 12:19 |
Pelo | reya276, out of curiosity , why do you absolutely want the "new" ati driver if the restricted one works ? | 12:19 |
reya276 | ./ati-driver-installer-8.39.4-x86.x86_64.run: Permission denied | 12:19 |
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Pelo | reya276, sudo ./..... | 12:19 |
vocx | FFIXXX, not exactly sure. But there must be something similar. | 12:19 |
erUSUL | Notricon: there is a nice meta-package called build-essential install that | 12:19 |
chasetoys | folks... i have ubuntu 7.04, nviida 7950 card,nvidia-settings, and i basically it doens't detect my second monitor... any ideas? | 12:19 |
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reya276 | because it's the only way for me to run any #D applications/Games | 12:19 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: replace YOUR KEY by you passphrase | 12:19 |
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Zanton | lsusb shows information about the camera | 12:19 |
reya276 | with all the visual effects | 12:19 |
Zanton | but gphoto can't find it | 12:19 |
Pelo | reya276, sudo ./..... | 12:20 |
vocx | Notricon, linux-headers installs the one that you have, it is simple. Also you can use "uname -r" to get your current kernel. | 12:20 |
mar2 | gravemind chasetoys: are you running the restricted nvidia driver and have you run nvidia-settings | 12:20 |
ahmadsaifan | it says this: Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A) : | 12:20 |
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ahmadsaifan | and then my passaphrase | 12:20 |
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Notricon | :( | 12:20 |
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Notricon | well anyways | 12:20 |
chasetoys | mar2: i'm running driver downloaded from nvidia's site.... and yes i've run nvidia settings | 12:20 |
ahmadsaifan | it says invalid arguemen | 12:20 |
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ahmadsaifan | arguement* | 12:20 |
Notricon | I was trying to install the new nVidia driver | 12:20 |
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MilitantPotato | Hey all, I'm running Fiesty, with a AMD 4400X2, I need a temperature monitor, does anyone have any recommendations? | 12:20 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: copy past what you did | 12:21 |
brunotvrs | mar2, I just created a file named "runim" and inside was the #!bin/bash/ and the two command lines ("cd /home/myuser/emesene/" and "./emesene"). Saved it and when trying to run it, I get "permission denied". Try to run it with "sudo" and it asks for the password. Then it says "command not found". | 12:21 |
Notricon | and it said it can't do it whle the x window is working | 12:21 |
Notricon | what the hell? | 12:21 |
erUSUL | !sensors | MilitantPotato | 12:21 |
=== Pelo sighs , not another one | ||
ubotu | MilitantPotato: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto | 12:21 |
=== Alloosh [n=ali@16-19.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MilitantPotato | ty | 12:21 |
ahmadsaifan | but then youll see my network key | 12:21 |
Pelo | Notricon, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 12:21 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: hidde it ..... | 12:21 |
Notricon | Pelo: what would that exactly do? | 12:21 |
ahmadsaifan | ok | 12:21 |
Alloosh | hi, quick question: how to install kompare? | 12:21 |
Notricon | Pelo: I don't want to do something I'd regret later on | 12:21 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: hide it | 12:21 |
Pelo | Notricon, stop x | 12:21 |
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Notricon | Pelo: and what about all the windows or something? | 12:21 |
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Pelo | Notricon, they will be closed | 12:22 |
Notricon | ok. | 12:22 |
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ahmadsaifan | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33519/ | 12:22 |
ahmadsaifan | %C2there you go | 12:22 |
jake_ | I've installed libdvdcss2, and if I run "totem dvd://" I can play a DVD, but if I chose "File -> Play _disc_" within totem, I get an error message that I do not have the appropriate plugins to play the media. Any ideas? | 12:22 |
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VSpike | When I install apache2 package, should I not have something in /etc/apache or similar? | 12:23 |
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chasetoys | folks... i have ubuntu 7.04, nviida 7950 card,nvidia-settings, and i basically it doens't detect my second monitor... any ideas? | 12:23 |
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Pelo | jake_, 1 I usualy just open the cd and play the big file in video-ts in order | 12:23 |
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Marlohatori | Hey guys. I have a little problem if anyone would like to help | 12:23 |
Pelo | !dualhead | chasetoys | 12:23 |
ubotu | chasetoys: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 12:23 |
Ashfire908 | howdo you purge the uninatlled package files from apt? | 12:24 |
reya276 | Pelo: I got this error | 12:24 |
reya276 | X Error of failed request: BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation) | 12:24 |
reya276 | Major opcode of failed request: 145 (ATIFGLEXTENSION) | 12:24 |
reya276 | Minor opcode of failed request: 48 () | 12:24 |
reya276 | Serial number of failed request: 9 | 12:24 |
reya276 | Current serial number in output stream: 9 | 12:24 |
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derenrich | How is ubuntu's tablet support? | 12:24 |
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vocx | !paste | reya276 | 12:24 |
ubotu | reya276: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:24 |
reya276 | I have not re-started though | 12:24 |
chasetoys | folks should i not use nvidia-settings | 12:24 |
Pelo | reya276, that means noting to me, I guess you'll have to contend yourself iwth the restricted drivers | 12:24 |
chasetoys | or should i use nvidia-glx version of driver... and remove the one i dloaded from the wite | 12:24 |
derenrich | Anyone here of someone getting ubuntu on an X61t | 12:24 |
reya276 | can I restart | 12:24 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: what is the wrong argument in your case your key ? | 12:25 |
Pelo | reya276, try it | 12:25 |
mar2 | brunotvrs: look at this example http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33520/ | 12:25 |
linuxbo1 | the passphrase | 12:25 |
ahmadsaifan | what? | 12:25 |
reya276 | I'm affraid that if I do it won't bppt up again | 12:25 |
Kr00l | Hey everyone. Can someone help me. I'm writing a paper based on the money saving advantages using linux vs Microsoft. Does anyone know where I can find statistics showing these savings? | 12:25 |
ahmadsaifan | you want my key | 12:25 |
dellubuntu_ | free vs ? | 12:25 |
Pelo | reya276, just boot the recovery mode and run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg use all the default | 12:25 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: no what is the invalid argument your key ? | 12:26 |
Kr00l | Oh and it's a 12 page paper so i need real arguments | 12:26 |
Marlohatori | OK so i have 2 hard drives one has ubuntu one has windows. So my windows has kinda busted but the hard drive and data is fine but for some reason my PC wont boot with it plugged in. But i really need some data off of it so is there anyway i can plug in my Hard drive after boot or maybe do something so it is ignored during the boot process but visible after boot? | 12:26 |
ahmadsaifan | what do you mean | 12:26 |
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reya276 | Pelo: Ok thanks | 12:26 |
MilitantPotato | I'm lost at this step | 12:26 |
MilitantPotato | tRun the mkdev.sh script in the lm-sensors source. It is extracted below: | 12:26 |
reya276 | let me try it | 12:26 |
Alloosh | wow guys its hard to get you answer a question, how can I install kompare for quanta, the link is http://bruggie.dnsalias.org/kompare | 12:26 |
MilitantPotato | Where's that located? | 12:26 |
todkon | I need help with getting full resolution with my nVidia 6800 GT | 12:26 |
=== GNULinuxGeek [n=ralph@cpe-66-66-152-74.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
todkon | I tried everything on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 12:27 |
todkon | can someone please help me? | 12:27 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: you have a wrong argument right what is it ? | 12:27 |
Pelo | Marlohatori, try plugging your bad hdd in as a slave , maybe that will help with the boot problem | 12:27 |
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ahmadsaifan | the number? | 12:27 |
ahmadsaifan | i gave u the pastebin | 12:27 |
brunotvrs | mar2, That's what I did... Keeps asking for password and then says the command is not found | 12:27 |
ahmadsaifan | 8b2A | 12:27 |
Pelo | todkon, what video card do you hve ? | 12:27 |
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erUSUL | todkon: what driver are you using? binary or free? | 12:27 |
GNULinuxGeek | Anyone have experience with sane? | 12:27 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: 82BA ???? | 12:27 |
ahmadsaifan | yes | 12:27 |
todkon | Pelo: 6800 GT with 256mb | 12:28 |
=== Pelo buts out and waits for reya276 to return | ||
todkon | erUSUL: I think the binary | 12:28 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: ok you tapped a wrong argument your key is not a key ? | 12:28 |
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erUSUL | todkon: try with the nvidia-settings program | 12:28 |
todkon | erUSUL: it says nVidia everytime before GDM starts | 12:28 |
ahmadsaifan | WHAT????? | 12:28 |
Marlohatori | Pelo it wont boot even when set to slave. it gives "error 17" on the bios | 12:28 |
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ahmadsaifan | man im confused | 12:28 |
erUSUL | todkon: nice GUI and all ;) | 12:28 |
vocx | !info kompare | Alloosh, use apt | 12:28 |
ubotu | alloosh, use apt: kompare: a KDE GUI for viewing differences between files. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 330 kB, installed size 1100 kB | 12:28 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: how many numbers or letter have your key | 12:28 |
ahmadsaifan | all letters | 12:28 |
mar2 | if you type ls -l what are the permissions eg: -rwxr-x-r-x | 12:28 |
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todkon | erUSUL: tried it already, I couldn't find anything | 12:28 |
Pelo | Marlohatori, in the bios or after the grub menu ? | 12:28 |
ahmadsaifan | there is 13 letters | 12:29 |
chasetoys | can someone help me getting dual head video card (nvidia geforce 7950) to display output on my second lcd (dvi).... on ubuntu 7.04?? i have already downloaded latest nvidia drivers from nvidia's site, and tried to auto-detect the monitor from the nvidia-settings app.... any other ideas? | 12:29 |
erUSUL | todkon: you didint' find the program? or what? | 12:29 |
Pelo | !dualhead | chasetoys donT' ask again | 12:29 |
ubotu | chasetoys donT' ask again: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 12:29 |
Marlohatori | after the GRUB | 12:29 |
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todkon | erUSUL: no, I found it, it just doesn't let me do anything of use | 12:29 |
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Pelo | Marlohatori, that,s not a bios problem that is a grub problem , can you boot ubuntu when the bad hdd is not plugged in ? | 12:30 |
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erUSUL | todkon: strange... allways worked for me... maybe you need to launch it with gksu?? | 12:30 |
Marlohatori | yeh | 12:30 |
todkon | alright | 12:30 |
GNULinuxGeek | I would like to get a UMAX scanner working (permanently) under Ubuntu Linux | 12:30 |
Pelo | Marlohatori, hold on I am checking the grub menu for the error | 12:30 |
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MilitantPotato | I've no idea what this means. I can't find mkdev.sh as I've no idea where LM-Sensors source is. Run the mkdev.sh script in the lm-sensors source. It is extracted below: | 12:31 |
Pelo | Marlohatori, in your bios make sure the boot hdd is the ubuntu one, ( after you hve replugged the bad hdd) | 12:31 |
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ahmadsaifan | linux bo1, whered you go | 12:31 |
todkon | erUSUL: hmm, tried gksu, gives me the same functionality as it gave me just running sudo | 12:31 |
erUSUL | MilitantPotato: the mkdev step is not necesary anymore afaik | 12:31 |
todkon | erUSUL: what should I be looking for? | 12:31 |
vocx | GNULinuxGeek, I have an old Astra-whatever and it didn't work. I think that company doesn't exist anymore, so I would not recommend it. | 12:32 |
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Marlohatori | Yeh Pelo it is. the bad HDD is slave and the ubuntu is master AND set to boot | 12:32 |
Marlohatori | but still it wont boot | 12:32 |
gbb411 | any body want to speak with hot horny boy | 12:32 |
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Pelo | Marlohatori, that'S the best I can do for you, sorry | 12:32 |
dellubuntu_ | yes chris hansen | 12:32 |
Marlohatori | OK thanks for your time | 12:32 |
ahmadsaifan | linuxbo1, you still here? | 12:33 |
erUSUL | todkon: in the section "X Server Display Configuration" ypou can set the desired resolution color deph etc | 12:33 |
linuxbo1 | ok tape that sudo iwconfig eth1 ESSID Saifan key aaaaaaaaaa channel 6 | 12:33 |
linuxbo1 | what's happen ? | 12:33 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: 13 letters ? | 12:33 |
ahmadsaifan | yes | 12:33 |
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linuxbo1 | yeah | 12:33 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: i am back | 12:33 |
R3dsh1ft | What's the best way to set up a secure SSH system? | 12:33 |
ahmadsaifan | ok | 12:33 |
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ahmadsaifan | yes, 13 letters | 12:33 |
vocx | !ssh | R3dsh1ft | 12:33 |
ubotu | R3dsh1ft: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 12:33 |
PriceChild | linuxbo1, essid, not ESSID | 12:33 |
R3dsh1ft | Currently, I have this: Protocol 2 only, no passwords (only pub keys). | 12:34 |
linuxbo1 | ok tape that sudo iwconfig eth1 ESSID Saifan key aaaaaaaaaa channel 6 | 12:34 |
todkon | erUSUL: it has X Server Information, X Server Display Configuration, X SCreen 0 > X Server Color Correction, X Server XVideo Settings, Cursor SHadow, OpenGL Settings, OpenGL/GLX Information, Antialiasing Settings; GPU 0 - (GeForce 6800 GT) >> Thermal Monitor, CRT-0 - (@@@), and nvidia-settings configuration :P | 12:34 |
chasetoys | i downloaded the nvidia drivers direct from nvidias site... how can i get rid of those in favor of nvidia-glx ? | 12:34 |
linuxbo1 | PriceChild: whatever it works at home :D | 12:34 |
R3dsh1ft | I'm well aware of what SSH is, thanks. I'm asking about the most secure setup FOR it. | 12:34 |
=== carlos [n=carlos@3.Red-217-126-58.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | todkon: X Server Display Configuration <<< Here | 12:34 |
GNULinuxGeek | <vocx> I have a an Astra 1200U that I can get to work once after detection, and then my system seems to "forget" where it is. I am guessing it is a config file that I need to put the detection settings in. | 12:34 |
Pelo | if reya276 comes back looking for me , tell him I had to go | 12:34 |
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ahmadsaifan | same thing | 12:34 |
ahmadsaifan | wait | 12:34 |
MilitantPotato | erUSUL: It's only showing Core0 and Core1, no voltages | 12:34 |
ahmadsaifan | let me try again | 12:34 |
carlos | hola | 12:34 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: no | 12:34 |
todkon | erUSUL: the resolution only gives me the "Auto" option | 12:34 |
=== MasterShrek [n=MasterSh@66-216-227-210.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: you have tape that what happened ? | 12:35 |
todkon | erUSUL: and the menu next to it is greyed out | 12:35 |
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ahmadsaifan | samething happens linuxbo1 | 12:35 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: same error ? | 12:35 |
ahmadsaifan | yes | 12:35 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: no way | 12:35 |
carlos | by | 12:35 |
ahmadsaifan | what does that mean? | 12:35 |
vocx | GNULinuxGeek, so you can only use it like 1 hour? And then you have to unplug and connect it again? | 12:36 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan : "sudo iwconfig eth1 ESSID Saifan key aaaaaaaaaa channel 6" | 12:36 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: like that | 12:36 |
=== askand [n=askar@h178n2c1o1099.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ahmadsaifan | do i put in my key? | 12:36 |
erUSUL | todkon: mine is not greyed and there's where you choose the res (the auto is for refresh rate) | 12:36 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: tape it and show me copy and past | 12:36 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: no !!! | 12:36 |
ahmadsaifan | ooh | 12:36 |
ahmadsaifan | ok | 12:36 |
askand | Hi! I used tried gutsy herd 4 and it really sucked..do I have to upgrade to gutsy in october? | 12:36 |
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mrigns | Vorian, i need the link for the packaging guide :D a freind ask and I cant find it anymore :D | 12:36 |
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ahmadsaifan | nothing happens | 12:37 |
chasetoys | i downloaded the nvidia drivers direct from nvidias site... how can i get rid of those in favor of nvidia-glx ? | 12:37 |
todkon | erUSUL: perhaps I ran the wrong command to initiate the nvidia drivers? | 12:37 |
ahmadsaifan | i put in the command and nothing happens | 12:37 |
GNULinuxGeek | No, I can get the "Preview" scan and then can't get back to make the "real" scan. I think it is a snae config issue. | 12:37 |
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mrigns | oh got it | 12:37 |
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theverant | askand - define "sucked" | 12:37 |
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erUSUL | todkon: dunno | 12:37 |
Zanton | is there a way to know the filesystem used by a device ? | 12:37 |
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GNULinuxGeek | <vocx>No, I can get the "Preview" scan and then can't get back to make the "real" scan. I think it is a snae config issue. | 12:37 |
vocx | GNULinuxGeek, I think there is a list with scanner devices somewhere | 12:38 |
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=== MilitantPotato [n=Militant@12-201-89-254.client.mchsi.com] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] | ||
erUSUL | MilitantPotato: you do not need to install lm-sensors from source just beegin in step 3 running sensors-detect | 12:38 |
vocx | !scanner | GNULinuxGeek | 12:38 |
ubotu | GNULinuxGeek: Scanning software: XSane, the gimp, Kooka. For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners | 12:38 |
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linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: ok your key is wrong | 12:38 |
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ahmadsaifan | huh | 12:38 |
ahmadsaifan | i didnt put my key | 12:38 |
ahmadsaifan | in | 12:38 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: you cannot have 13 letters ? | 12:38 |
ahmadsaifan | i put aaaaaaaaa | 12:38 |
vocx | !enter | ahmadsaifan | 12:39 |
ubotu | ahmadsaifan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 12:39 |
GNULinuxGeek | <vocx>I have been reading up a bit. I did find that the info is stored in the sane.d.config file, but that uis supposed to be for network scanning | 12:39 |
todkon | erUSUL: thanks for the help, but I think I'll have to keep digging around forums or something | 12:39 |
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todkon | later | 12:39 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: aaaaa was for test 10 letters | 12:39 |
ahmadsaifan | im sorry, its a habbit | 12:39 |
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ahmadsaifan | am i supposed to put in my key in the "a" or wat | 12:39 |
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linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: key wep have either 10, 26 or 58 letters | 12:40 |
reya276 | Pelo: the system restarted fine but when I try to run "aticonfig --initial" | 12:40 |
ahmadsaifan | ok, then im not wep | 12:40 |
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reya276 | I get an error | 12:40 |
askand | theverant: hmm.. firstly It didnt find my networkcard..feisty find it dirvectly..but thats ok..its alpha and I filed a bug..I disliked the ways windows minimized and maximized but couldnt find a way to change it,,even no sound | 12:40 |
reya276 | Warning: Could not find configuration file | 12:40 |
reya276 | Please copy configuration file template to /etc/X11 | 12:40 |
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linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: you told me your have 13 letters your are sure .... | 12:40 |
ahmadsaifan | YES! | 12:41 |
ahmadsaifan | i know how to count | 12:41 |
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theverant | askand - you mean the effect of the windows minimizing? Because you can totally change that | 12:41 |
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theverant | askand - what sound card are you using? | 12:41 |
theverant | because I am running it right now, and my sound and networking gave me no issues at all | 12:42 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: ok lol | 12:42 |
dellubuntu_ | linuxb1: let him try sudo iwconfig it should display encrpt key | 12:42 |
vocx | ahmadsaifan, linuxbo1 if it is a passphrase it needs "s:thisispassphrase" read "man iwconfig" | 12:42 |
askand | theverant: im using intel :S I tought that was the best choice for linux | 12:43 |
theverant | askand - it should pick up intel network card no problem. But like you said, it is alpha | 12:44 |
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askand | theverant:oh you asked for my soundcard.. my wificard is dlink :) | 12:44 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: your key have you put it by yourself ? | 12:44 |
=== ConstyXIV [n=Andrew@74-128-189-16.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
locke_ | i googled around and didn't find any ubuntu 64-bit specific channels. am i right in assuming this place supports discussion on 64-bit platforms? | 12:44 |
ahmadsaifan | yes | 12:44 |
theverant | Oh... wifi... well.. you are asking for troubles there, I think. | 12:44 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: you know how to configure your router ? | 12:44 |
ahmadsaifan | can i try disabling gnome network manager? | 12:45 |
ahmadsaifan | and use wifi radar? | 12:45 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, | 12:45 |
ahmadsaifan | what john | 12:45 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, are u on a laptop | 12:45 |
vocx | locke_, yes, but 64 bit usually causes trouble, and that's it. | 12:45 |
ahmadsaifan | yes im on laptop | 12:45 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, is ur wifi card built it? | 12:45 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, is ur wifi card built in? | 12:45 |
ahmadsaifan | yes | 12:45 |
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Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, what type of laptop | 12:45 |
ahmadsaifan | Dell XPS m140 | 12:45 |
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repairs_are_free | amadsaifan, what encryption does your wireless access point have? | 12:46 |
Voodoo_john | eww dell | 12:46 |
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ahmadsaifan | ahh, 3 people talking to me??? | 12:46 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, are u trying to connect to ur neighbors still? | 12:46 |
ahmadsaifan | no | 12:46 |
ahmadsaifan | i want to connect to mine | 12:46 |
ahmadsaifan | rofl | 12:46 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, ok see heres what i do | 12:46 |
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repairs_are_free | perhaps you mistyped the encryption code | 12:46 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: iwlist eth1 key | 12:46 |
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locke_ | vocx: yeargh. well i just got a new dell inspiron 531, with amd X2 64 5600+, 4 GB DDR2 RAM, nVidia 8300 GT (I think maybe GTS?) and some nVidia networking card (wtf?) how do you think that'll work out with feisty-64? | 12:46 |
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Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, are u running fiesty fawn | 12:46 |
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ahmadsaifan | yes feisty fawn | 12:47 |
repairs_are_free | do you have WEP? | 12:47 |
repairs_are_free | encryption, that is | 12:47 |
ahmadsaifan | linuxbo1, you want me to pastebin that? | 12:47 |
linuxbo1 | repairs_are_free: he doesn't know | 12:47 |
repairs_are_free | ah | 12:47 |
Voodoo_john | ok at the top of ur screen does it show u network connections? | 12:47 |
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Voodoo_john | on the pannel | 12:47 |
kanuha | Is it gconf that controls the gnome startup screen? | 12:47 |
dellubuntu_ | Ahmad: try sudo iwconfig it should display encrpt key | 12:47 |
VSpike | Does anyone know which package should provide the files in /etc/apach2/* | 12:47 |
Don9307 | WPA PSK w/TKIP algorithm is better than WEP | 12:47 |
ahmadsaifan | yes jogn | 12:47 |
linuxbo1 | repairs_are_free: passphrase 13 letters it is wpa ? | 12:47 |
ahmadsaifan | john* | 12:47 |
repairs_are_free | hmm... | 12:47 |
ahmadsaifan | HOLY CRAP< everyone stop trying to help me | 12:47 |
ahmadsaifan | im too confused | 12:47 |
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locke_ | am i at least right in assuming that if vista supports my hardware fully in 32 bit mode, then ubuntu will fully support my hardware in 64 bit mode? | 12:47 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, just follow me | 12:48 |
repairs_are_free | yeah, WPA | 12:48 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, right click it | 12:48 |
vocx | locke_, amd 64 is used for server that handle more than 4 GB RAM. For desktop users the 32 bit version is preferred since some fancy things and applications may not work natively in 64-bit. | 12:48 |
ahmadsaifan | ok john | 12:48 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, properties | 12:48 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, configure | 12:48 |
ahmadsaifan | there is no properties | 12:48 |
Voodoo_john | oh u got the wrong one | 12:48 |
Voodoo_john | anyways | 12:48 |
Voodoo_john | i know what ur talking about | 12:48 |
ahmadsaifan | ok.... | 12:48 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, left click it | 12:48 |
ahmadsaifan | ok | 12:48 |
vocx | !enter | Voodoo_john ahmadsaifan | 12:48 |
ubotu | Voodoo_john ahmadsaifan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 12:48 |
ahmadsaifan | manual config? | 12:48 |
=== cec [n=cec@74-51-43-40.telnetcommunications.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, manual config | 12:48 |
locke_ | vocx: but then why are all the new laptops / desktops shipping with amd64 / core 2? | 12:48 |
=== rossco [n=ross@C-61-68-20-240.hay.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ahmadsaifan | ok, then? | 12:49 |
=== mtb-cliff [n=cliff@S0106004005486a3e.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Don9307 | Cornfused? | 12:49 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, one sec loading rofl :P | 12:49 |
=== papero [n=papero@host60-186-dynamic.211-62-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ahmadsaifan | ok. | 12:49 |
kanuha | Is it gconf that controls the gnome startup screen? | 12:49 |
Zanton | I try to mount a camera, but I get an error message from dmesg : READ CAPACITY failed | 12:49 |
Zanton | do you know how to solve this plz ? | 12:49 |
vocx | locke_, probably for economic reasons it is cheaper to manufacture 64 bit processors even if there is no software available. So most processors are actually used in 32 bit mode. | 12:49 |
=== Don9307 [n=Don9307@pool-72-65-69-186.clrk.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
linuxbo1 | how do you configure your network with wpa key ? | 12:50 |
ahmadsaifan | linuxbo1, i have no idea | 12:50 |
linuxbo1 | network manager supports wpa ? | 12:50 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, do u need a pass to enter ur network? | 12:50 |
ahmadsaifan | some guy from dell helped me put in a key a long time ago and i forgot | 12:50 |
=== xp_prg [n=wgheath@m010f36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
locke_ | vocx: that's what vista home premium came with by default (a 32 bit operating system). i am limited to 4 GB RAM because of the motherboard, so would it serve me better to run everything in 32 bit mode? what are the advantages and what are the disadvantages? | 12:50 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: because I use wep encryption ? | 12:50 |
ahmadsaifan | john: yes i need a pass | 12:50 |
=== Ou [n=vouchko@lau06-4-88-161-212-21.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mtb-cliff | anyone know why apt-get open-ssh indicates that it can't be authenticated? | 12:50 |
askand | theverant: how can I change windowsminimizing? | 12:50 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, ok is ur window network settings opend? | 12:50 |
repairs_are_free | go to your router configuration | 12:50 |
ahmadsaifan | yes | 12:50 |
locke_ | mtb-cliff: apt-get install openssh ? | 12:51 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, do you see wireless connection? | 12:51 |
ahmadsaifan | yes | 12:51 |
=== User644 [n=User@c-75-73-104-152.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== someothernick [n=someothe@pool-72-85-197-25.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ahmadsaifan | click on properties? | 12:51 |
mtb-cliff | locke_ yes that is correct | 12:51 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, click it then click props | 12:51 |
User644 | Hellp | 12:51 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, yes | 12:51 |
User644 | HELLP!!! | 12:51 |
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ahmadsaifan | ok, everything is blank | 12:51 |
ahmadsaifan | fill it out? | 12:51 |
=== mat__ [n=mat@stp25-2-82-234-235-110.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: what do you see | 12:51 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, yes type in ur ssid, ur pass and leave it dhcp | 12:51 |
User644 | Please help me!! | 12:51 |
=== system_ [n=system@74-134-29-136.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
User644 | SOMEONE HELP ME!!! | 12:51 |
locke_ | User644: present a problem | 12:51 |
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ahmadsaifan | ok, i did | 12:52 |
User644 | Ok. | 12:52 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, leave wep to hexi | 12:52 |
ahmadsaifan | enable roaming mode? | 12:52 |
LDS_Trooper | Is there a channel for Ubuntu Art? | 12:52 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, nooo | 12:52 |
ahmadsaifan | ok | 12:52 |
vocx | locke_, all programs are available in 32 bit.Only high end server would require 64 bit for data manipulation. So you should definitely use 32 bit. As you say, it is ironic: 64 bit processors are capable to handle more than 4 GB RAM but not most motherboards. | 12:52 |
ahmadsaifan | it was on before | 12:52 |
User644 | HOW DO I UNINSTALL UBUNTU!? | 12:52 |
repairs_are_free | install ubuntu? | 12:52 |
vocx | !install | User644 | 12:52 |
ubotu | User644: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate | 12:52 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, only fill out the password, ur essid, then click ok | 12:52 |
repairs_are_free | pop in the disc | 12:52 |
vocx | !please | User644 | 12:52 |
ubotu | User644: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience | 12:52 |
locke_ | LDS_Trooper: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat if it isn't there, then you can make your own i suppose | 12:52 |
User644 | HOW DO I UNINSTALL UBUNTU??!! | 12:52 |
repairs_are_free | oh uninstall.. | 12:53 |
Voodoo_john | !uninstall | 12:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about uninstall - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:53 |
Voodoo_john | :O | 12:53 |
locke_ | !ops User644 being an idiot | 12:53 |
=== GeekChick| [n=GC@unaffiliated/geekchick/x-389545837] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ahmadsaifan | i clicked ok | 12:53 |
ahmadsaifan | and i disconnected | 12:53 |
=== ahmadsaifan [n=ahmadsai@64-126-90-156.dyn.everestkc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linuxbo1 | Voodoo_john: I see only Wep key in the manual configure of network manager... | 12:53 |
ahmadsaifan | John: i disconncected | 12:53 |
Voodoo_john | linux4me, yes 1 sec | 12:53 |
User644 | how do i uninstall ubuntu? | 12:53 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, ok herm 1 sec | 12:53 |
LDS_Trooper | locke_, thanks | 12:53 |
locke_ | vocx: i see. what are the disadvantages of running in 32 bit mode then? | 12:53 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, u were connected before? | 12:53 |
ahmadsaifan | im back on wired | 12:53 |
sacater | User644: just overwrite the data on the hard drive | 12:53 |
User644 | how do i uninstall ubuntu> | 12:53 |
repairs_are_free | User664, you just install another OS over it | 12:53 |
aricz_ | Hi, I'm just wondering if there's anything like ALT-GR+numbers in virtual console.. you know, ALT-GR+numeric value and a 'char' would magically pop up.. dos | 12:53 |
ahmadsaifan | i was onn wired the hole time | 12:53 |
User644 | i cant. | 12:54 |
repairs_are_free | well, you're stuck | 12:54 |
sacater | User644: not true | 12:54 |
sacater | User644: you can go into windows and try to format the disk | 12:54 |
User644 | i need to get rid of ubuntu | 12:54 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, u mean its not accessing the net when connected? | 12:54 |
locke_ | quit feeding the troll | 12:54 |
kanuha | how do I change gnome start-up splash screen? | 12:54 |
vocx | locke_, that you cannot use 64 bit (obviously) Actually, no disadvantages. | 12:54 |
sacater | User644: if it shows up | 12:54 |
ahmadsaifan | it doesnt even connect | 12:54 |
User644 | because it is totally messing up my External Hard Drive. | 12:54 |
jin_ | hi | 12:54 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, u just said ur connected >_> | 12:54 |
ahmadsaifan | and both wireless and wired is checked | 12:54 |
repairs_are_free | do you just have an Ubuntu box? | 12:54 |
mtb-cliff | User644 - explain more - why do you need to uninstall versus install something else | 12:54 |
locke_ | vocx: seriously? will the system still understand that i'm running with dual core at least? | 12:54 |
repairs_are_free | no windows? | 12:54 |
ahmadsaifan | im connected with wired | 12:54 |
ahmadsaifan | not wireless | 12:54 |
scam_ | linux cant mess up your hdd | 12:54 |
=== arathald [n=jacksogc@75-27-24-102.lightspeed.fshrin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
User644 | i need to get ubuntu off of my external HD | 12:55 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, ah ok | 12:55 |
repairs_are_free | oh | 12:55 |
VSpike | How can I find out what files a package provides? | 12:55 |
repairs_are_free | well, reformat it | 12:55 |
ahmadsaifan | do i uncheck wired? | 12:55 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, this is were i need to look something up hold on | 12:55 |
=== Catsceo [n=RULER@pool-96-228-163-129.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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kanuha | how do I change gnome start-up splash screen? | 12:55 |
vocx | locke_, of course, being dual core has nothing to do with 64 bit. There are 64 bit that are not dual core. | 12:55 |
User644 | i installed it on my External HD, and it was 250gb, and now it tells me that it can only hold 64 gbs!!! | 12:56 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, i wouldnt recommend it | 12:56 |
User644 | how do i get it back to normal? | 12:56 |
=== miip_ [n=miip@p54A54A63.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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mtb-cliff | User644 - you need to use a partition program to remove the partition that you installed on | 12:56 |
User644 | i installed it on my External HD, and it was 250gb, and now it tells me that it can only hold 64 gbs!!! | 12:56 |
ahmadsaifan | recommend wat | 12:56 |
ahmadsaifan | ? | 12:56 |
User644 | i installed it on my External HD, and it was 250gb, and now it tells me that it can only hold 64 gbs!!! | 12:56 |
User644 | i installed it on my External HD, and it was 250gb, and now it tells me that it can only hold 64 gbs!!! | 12:56 |
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=== Jeff_Mitchell [n=jeff@60-234-217-170.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arathald | hey, im having a bit of trouble connecting to a wireless network, the kde tools dont seem to be working very well (they dont show any networks); wifi-radar shows the network, but when i try to connect, it seems to be trying to get an address from a dhcp server at | 12:56 |
User644 | how do i get it back to normal? | 12:56 |
=== mboso_ [n=mboso@cpe-24-90-219-220.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sacater | !repeat User644 | 12:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about repeat user644 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:56 |
locke_ | vocx: is there a performance hit for running in 32 bit mode? in assembly, i'm assuming registers like eax and ebx remain 32 bit and something like rax and rbx takes over for 64 registers. in that case, having more registers would make programs run faster, yes? | 12:56 |
=== Cthulhu [n=ren@cpc1-blac1-0-0-cust84.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== ed1t [n=alpha@unaffiliated/ed1t] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jeff_Mitchell | can someone please test my webserver? its here: | 12:56 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, i wouldnt recommend unchecking wired if ur only talking to me through ethernet.. | 12:56 |
scam_ | User644, you need to delet all partitions and format it | 12:56 |
ahmadsaifan | ok | 12:57 |
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locke_ | Jeff_Mitchell: "It works!" | 12:57 |
=== User878 [n=User@c-75-73-104-152.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ed1t | would i be able to install fluxbox on ubuntu? i saw nUbuntu is a old version 6.10 | 12:57 |
Jeff_Mitchell | locke_: what'd ya get? | 12:57 |
User878 | Everyone | 12:57 |
=== stuart_ is now known as stuart- | ||
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, do u see a different network connection manager? | 12:57 |
scam_ | Jeff_Mitchell, works | 12:57 |
ahmadsaifan | where? | 12:57 |
repairs_are_free | server's good | 12:57 |
=== Sunnyboi14 [n=Sunnyboi@c-75-73-104-152.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
locke_ | Jeff_Mitchell: a directory listing (usually a bad thing). there was blah.htm and apache2-default | 12:57 |
=== Pici [n=Pici@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, besides the one we clicked before, at the top | 12:57 |
Sunnyboi14 | People! | 12:57 |
mtb-cliff | Locke_ - any idea why apt-get install states that open-ssh can't be authenticated? | 12:57 |
Sunnyboi14 | Please Help | 12:57 |
=== At0mic_P1 [n=arch_ato@host-216-77-192-174.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
repairs_are_free | blah.htm | 12:57 |
ahmadsaifan | no i dont | 12:57 |
scam_ | Sunnyboi14, ?? | 12:57 |
Sunnyboi14 | i need to repair my External Harddrive | 12:58 |
Sunnyboi14 | when i got ubuntu | 12:58 |
locke_ | mtb-cliff: it's openssh, why do you keep typing 'open-ssh'? you said you entered apt-get install openssh | 12:58 |
Jeff_Mitchell | locke_: thanks! lol, that's so cool. i had to configure my router. that's awesome. even a 16 yearold can do it :-) cheers | 12:58 |
Sunnyboi14 | i had a 250gb drive | 12:58 |
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=== miip_ is now known as miip | ||
ahmadsaifan | but i also installed Wifi Radar and KWifiManager, but they arent on now | 12:58 |
Sunnyboi14 | and now it says that i only have a 54gb drive | 12:58 |
vocx | locke_, for desktop users there should be no noticeable difference. Besides every single program should be optimized, and most are not. | 12:58 |
Sunnyboi14 | which is not true | 12:58 |
=== holycow [n=new@mail.wjsgroup.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, ok give me 1 second i need to find out how u can get this to add to ur bar | 12:58 |
Sunnyboi14 | because i have a 250gb drive | 12:58 |
locke_ | vocx: okay, thanks | 12:58 |
scam_ | Sunnyboi14, do this "df -h" | 12:58 |
Sunnyboi14 | df-h? | 12:58 |
sacater | Sunnyboi14: 'what' says that its only got 54GB | 12:59 |
ahmadsaifan | ok | 12:59 |
scam_ | Sunnyboi14, in a terminal | 12:59 |
Sunnyboi14 | my External hard drive | 12:59 |
scam_ | without the " " | 12:59 |
Sunnyboi14 | ok | 12:59 |
Sunnyboi14 | thanks | 12:59 |
mtb-cliff | Locke_ my mistake - I used apt-get install ssh: it responded with openssh-server can't be verified | 12:59 |
Sunnyboi14 | i typed df-h | 12:59 |
Sunnyboi14 | it said command not found | 12:59 |
df | -h | 12:59 |
=== obe [n=obe@host9-63-dynamic.56-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vocx | !enter | Sunnyboi14 | 01:00 |
ubotu | Sunnyboi14: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 01:00 |
scam_ | its not going to fix it... yet.. my guess is you dont want linux on it.. and you want it back so you can use it in windows? | 01:00 |
=== Dave132 [n=dave@d44-145.rb.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sunnyboi14 | yes! | 01:00 |
=== raduzelinski [n=radu@host-86-106-224-128.moldtelecom.md] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stuart- | lol @ df | 01:00 |
Sunnyboi14 | true | 01:00 |
ahmadsaifan | Right clcik> add to panel?????? | 01:00 |
locke_ | locke_: if you're not using custom repositories, i really have no idea | 01:00 |
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vocx | locke_, you answered yourself! | 01:00 |
=== obe [n=obe@host9-63-dynamic.56-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
df | stuart-: bising la lu | 01:00 |
locke_ | hehe, i meant, mtb-cliff* | 01:01 |
stuart- | df, eh asal suddenly speak bm | 01:01 |
=== quasar8888 [n=quasar88@pool-70-18-2-184.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sunnyboi14 | scam_ | 01:01 |
repairs_are_free | can someone test my server? www.alvinserver.homelinux.com | 01:01 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, might have found it lemme see | 01:01 |
quasar8888 | hello all | 01:01 |
ahmadsaifan | ok | 01:01 |
df | stuart-: because i can speak bm haha | 01:01 |
ahmadsaifan | ill wait | 01:01 |
=== Poursang [n=skywalke@ppp95-142.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sacater | quasar8888: hi | 01:01 |
Sunnyboi14 | you are correct scam_ | 01:01 |
Sunnyboi14 | i want to get linux off my computer, and go back to windows | 01:01 |
quasar8888 | is there any way to connect my MP3 player to ubuntu ? | 01:01 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: give me iwlist eth1 scanning... | 01:01 |
ed1t | anybody know if i could install fluxbox on ubuntu? | 01:01 |
ahmadsaifan | what linuxbo1 | 01:02 |
sacater | Sunnyboi14: why on earth do you want that | 01:02 |
scam_ | Sunnyboi14, you need to delet all partitions... then create one partition thats the full disc | 01:02 |
ahmadsaifan | what is the command | 01:02 |
=== tanath [n=user@d150-38-191.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sacater | Sunnyboi14: do you have the windows install disk? | 01:02 |
Sunnyboi14 | yes | 01:02 |
=== ajmorris_ [n=ajmorris@220-253-62-86.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mtb-cliff | Locke_ I do have additional repositories entered | 01:02 |
sacater | Sunnyboi14: hmm | 01:02 |
Voodoo_john | linuxbo1, he needs to but eth0 to eth1 | 01:02 |
sacater | Sunnyboi14: then install windows iver it | 01:02 |
Sunnyboi14 | i cant | 01:02 |
sacater | Sunnyboi14: ? | 01:02 |
=== aricz [n=aricz@193.80-202-19.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mtb-cliff | Locke_ - all of them say ubuntu in their url | 01:03 |
soundray | ed1t: yes, it installs like any other package. Then you can select it from the gdm menu | 01:03 |
locke_ | mtb-cliff: well there you go. i wouldn't trust a non-official ubuntu repository with openssh | 01:03 |
Sunnyboi14 | says something about "Cannot find HD" | 01:03 |
sacater | Sunnyboi14: windows should just be able to overwrite | 01:03 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: to see if your wireless card support wpa | 01:03 |
=== davf [n=davf@69.Red-81-33-81.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: do it | 01:03 |
=== Hadron [n=user@e179196145.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ahmadsaifan | it has to, it works on windows | 01:03 |
ahmadsaifan | what is the command? | 01:03 |
Sunnyboi14 | but really, i just want to get my External Hard Drive Back to normal | 01:03 |
=== Catsceo [n=RULER@pool-96-228-163-129.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
davf | Anyone know if there is an equalizer plugin for rhythmbox? | 01:03 |
=== scam_ is now known as scam | ||
sacater | Sunnyboi14: get a program off the web taht goes onto a floppy disk, that then reformats the disk | 01:04 |
linuxbo1 | Voodoo_john: he needs someone configure his /etc/network/interfaces for wpa encryption | 01:04 |
sacater | Sunnyboi14: or externel disk | 01:04 |
quasar8888 | I have a samsung MP3 player and I want to upload music using ubuntu | 01:04 |
mtb-cliff | Locke_ - are any of the archive.ubuntu.com reps unofficial? | 01:04 |
sacater | quasar8888: easy | 01:04 |
sacater | quasar8888: plug in the mp3 | 01:04 |
Sunnyboi14 | before ubuntu, 250GB of space, after ubuntu, 54gb. How do i revert back to 250gb? | 01:04 |
Voodoo_john | linuxbo1, no i think wep ascii is for wpa | 01:04 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: ok | 01:04 |
locke_ | mtb-cliff: i don't think so. | 01:04 |
sacater | quasar8888: using the USB cable | 01:04 |
quasar8888 | ok sacater | 01:04 |
sacater | quasar8888: then a file manager with the mp3 player should come up | 01:05 |
mtb-cliff | Locke_ - then I should only have official reps | 01:05 |
Hadron | How do I redefine the actual command for the Desktop/E-mail shortcut in the keyboard preferences shortcut list? It just brings up evolution but I want it to bring up another app. | 01:05 |
linuxbo1 | Voodoo_john:ok but when He did : | 01:05 |
sacater | quasar8888: then dragging and dropping files should work | 01:05 |
soundray | sacater: not all MP3 players support USB mass storage mode | 01:05 |
Sunnyboi14 | before ubuntu, 250GB of space, after ubuntu, 54gb. How do i revert back to 250gb? | 01:05 |
=== jerry_ [n=jerry@h-66-167-67-215.chcgilgm.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
VSpike | If I uninstall and purge and then reinstall apache2, should that not install default config files in /etc/apache2 ? I need help, I'm trying to go back to a default apache installation and failing miserably | 01:05 |
sacater | soundray: but most have a USB connecter | 01:05 |
locke_ | mtb-cliff: like i said, if you aren't using unofficial repositories, i have no idea | 01:05 |
sacater | soundray: with cable | 01:05 |
=== IndyGunFreak [n=IndyGunF@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vocx | Sunnyboi14, from where are you looking the space? Because windows won't be able to recognize the ext3 file system, but it is there. Are you using Windows right now? | 01:05 |
=== yUSiyEEE [n=yusiye@cpe-75-84-87-254.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== MilitantPotato [n=Militant@12-201-89-254.client.mchsi.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Sunnyboi14 | No | 01:05 |
linuxbo1 | Voodoo_john:sudo iwconfig eth1 ESSID Saifan key HIS KEY channel 6 he had a bad argument error | 01:05 |
quasar8888 | file manager doesn't come up sacater | 01:05 |
=== DJAnubis [n=casey@c-24-99-82-215.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jerry_ | hey guys i need help. how do i install a program on a ubuntu machine? | 01:05 |
sacater | quasar8888: hmm | 01:06 |
sacater | quasar8888: open it | 01:06 |
soundray | sacater: they'd still have to support mass storage mode if your suggestion is going to work | 01:06 |
MilitantPotato | What's a good program to load a dual core? | 01:06 |
quasar8888 | player says it's not connected | 01:06 |
sacater | quasar8888: Places>Home | 01:06 |
scam | quasar8888, try this it might work.. its cheating somewhat terminal " sudo mount -a" | 01:06 |
Voodoo_john | linuxbo1, this is why i dont use a password for my network | 01:06 |
Hadron | How do I redefine the actual command for the Desktop/E-mail shortcut in the keyboard preferences shortcut list? It just brings up evolution but I want it to bring up another app. | 01:06 |
dellubuntu_ | Is widows tell u 54 or ubuntu | 01:06 |
Sunnyboi14 | both | 01:06 |
DJAnubis | is there a way to resize a partition through some ubuntu thing? | 01:06 |
IndyGunFreak | Voodoo_john: i would have to think the pros outweigh the cons | 01:06 |
Rowan | totem or xine? which ones better? | 01:06 |
Sunnyboi14 | but i had 250 before ubuntu | 01:06 |
soundray | DJAnubis: gparted. Best run from a live CD | 01:07 |
IndyGunFreak | DJAnubis: gparted.... | 01:07 |
Rowan | DJAnubis, sudo apt-get install gparted | 01:07 |
DJAnubis | :P | 01:07 |
scam | Hadron, system > apps > perfered apps | 01:07 |
Rowan | but it runs better if you use Gparted Live or Ubuntu Live | 01:07 |
=== kaneda [n=diablo@c-67-169-228-227.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ahmadsaifan | oK, back to helping ME PLEASE | 01:07 |
Rowan | then you can edit your linux partitions too | 01:07 |
DJAnubis | k | 01:07 |
Voodoo_john | IndyGunFreak, not really because i have nothing to hide, iv always made my network free and iv had no problems, i even advertise my internet on the net | 01:07 |
DJAnubis | thanks | 01:07 |
DJAnubis | I'll go do that then | 01:07 |
Rowan | alright :P good luck | 01:07 |
IndyGunFreak | Voodoo_john: lucky you. | 01:07 |
Sunnyboi14 | hello? | 01:07 |
DJAnubis | I just partitionmagic'd away half of this drive from windows, so I want to add that space to ubuntu | 01:08 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: give me the your full sudo iwconfig eth1 ESSID Saifan key aaaaaaaaaaaaa channel 6 with your key .... | 01:08 |
=== ConfidentiaL [n=anders@163.80-202-198.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== aricz [n=aricz@193.80-202-19.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dellubuntu_ | are u dual boot | 01:08 |
vocx | Sunnyboi14, I remember someone who had the same issue, and it turned out it he was looking at another drive hence the confusion. | 01:08 |
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linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: I will try it ..... | 01:08 |
Sunnyboi14 | nope! | 01:08 |
IndyGunFreak | DJAnubis: the gparted live cd is definitely handy to have.. only a 25mb download, burn it, and keep it forever. | 01:08 |
Voodoo_john | IndyGunFreak, :) never had a problem and for people who connect to my internet router gain access to all my computers and my 1terabyte server | 01:08 |
Sunnyboi14 | oh | 01:08 |
Voodoo_john | IndyGunFreak, so i see no reason for a pass | 01:08 |
ahmadsaifan | JOHN, please help me | 01:08 |
ConfidentiaL | How can I list all users on my computer using the terminal? | 01:08 |
ahmadsaifan | not chat | 01:08 |
DJAnubis | oh my, it's something I need to burn to a CD | 01:08 |
Rowan | DJAnubis, yes youll want to use the gparted or ubuntu live cds, you can't edit your ubuntu partition while you're on ubuntu (duh :P ) | 01:08 |
IndyGunFreak | Voodoo_john: like i siad, lucky you. | 01:08 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, sorry im looking | 01:08 |
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=== Tanman [n=weiyen@203-173-163-38.static.bliink.wave.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sunnyboi14 | but when i put it on windows, it says i have 54 gb of space, and i know i am not looking at the wring drive | 01:08 |
ahmadsaifan | ok | 01:08 |
soundray | ConfidentiaL: cat /etc/passwd | 01:08 |
DJAnubis | is it on the install CD? | 01:08 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: can you give it to me | 01:09 |
Rowan | DJAnubis, no you dont just use Ubuntu Live CD and then go to System >> Administration >> Gparted | 01:09 |
IndyGunFreak | DJAnubis: you can install it(sudo apt-get install gparted), but you can't edit your Ubuntu partition while its mounted. | 01:09 |
DJAnubis | k ^^ | 01:09 |
dellubuntu_ | how formt drive fat 32 ntfs | 01:09 |
DJAnubis | bbl | 01:09 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: something wrong with your bad argument | 01:09 |
ahmadsaifan | linuxbo1, same arguemtn | 01:09 |
=== DJAnubis [n=casey@c-24-99-82-215.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: with your key | 01:09 |
=== ameyer [n=cheesebo@adsl-75-57-176-212.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sunnyboi14 | dellubuntu_-Huh? | 01:09 |
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Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, mind joining a different channel with me and linux so we can help u 1 on 1 without any interference and hafting to look up the screen? | 01:09 |
Rowan | watch ill bet DJanubis messes up his entire hard drive :P | 01:09 |
ahmadsaifan | i did | 01:09 |
ConfidentiaL | thanks soundray | 01:09 |
ahmadsaifan | JOHN, please | 01:09 |
=== reya276 [n=reya276@c-66-229-41-100.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has left #Ubuntu [] | ||
ahmadsaifan | i can do that | 01:09 |
IndyGunFreak | Rowan: i'll take that bet, and raise you 50.. :) | 01:09 |
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Rowan | hahh | 01:10 |
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quasar8888 | sacater sudo -a yielded " [mntent] : warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab " | 01:10 |
Rowan | naa theres not much you can mess up with gparted | 01:10 |
linuxbo1 | ahmadsaifan: ok try with your key and change one letter | 01:10 |
Rowan | actually ,nvm i messed up bad | 01:10 |
vocx | Sunnyboi14, then use GParted and format the external drive, is that simple. | 01:10 |
Voodoo_john | ahmadsaifan, join #eth1 | 01:10 |
kersinc07 | #ubuntu-es | 01:10 |
Rowan | i went to delete my vista partition but deleted my xp :\ | 01:10 |
Voodoo_john | linuxbo1, join #eth1 | 01:10 |
aricz | Hi, I just used kbd-config to set keyboard and charset to norwegian (getting ).. but, joining channels on irc with one of those chars doesn't work out properly. I have some friends in a chan using those chars, when I join, there are none there.. :) I've tried to whois them, I see they're on the chan, I cut'n'paste.. same thing again. So anyone know what can be done? I'm pretty sure the charactercode is somehow messed up, not sure though. | 01:10 |
ahmadsaifan | i joined it | 01:10 |
Sunnyboi14 | ok | 01:10 |
Sunnyboi14 | i need help still | 01:10 |
=== wyggler2 [n=wyggler2@user-0ce2jt0.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arathald | im having a hard time getting my wireless internet working, wifi-radar seems to be trying to connect to a dhcp server at | 01:11 |
IndyGunFreak | Rowan: i've not dual booted in almost 2yrs, and got a nice GPS device as a gift, couldn't get it to work with Vmware, so now XP has about a 20gig partition, and Ubuntu has the other 230gigs.. :) | 01:11 |
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Rowan | haha | 01:11 |
Rowan | i only have XP for Photoshop and City of Heroes | 01:11 |
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=== riyonuk [n=riyonuk@69-4-49-230.hctc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rowan | but soon ill get COH working in Cedega and ill use Pixel when its done | 01:12 |
repairs_are_free | how do I open up port 80 on my machine? | 01:12 |
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Rowan | repairs_are_free: your router settings | 01:12 |
riyonuk | What program is used to make those small previews of whatever program your running? On the left? http://www.lynucs.org/index.php?screen_id=9067683384459d4780186b&p=screen | 01:12 |
repairs_are_free | thanks | 01:12 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 01:12 |
=== chrisellis [n=chrisell@cpe-70-122-8-138.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | repairs_are_free: refer to your router documentation. | 01:12 |
tanath | i can't seem to edit the menu items showing under System > Administration. any help? | 01:12 |
Rowan | which is most often or | 01:12 |
locke_ | riyonuk: xnest most likely | 01:12 |
=== rounder98 [n=ubuntu@66-189-93-209.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sunnyboi14 | i want to backup my files onto the Hard drive i used to put ubuntu on. I want to get rid of ubuntu, and i am going to format the drive to do it, but first of all, i need to have my HD have more space | 01:13 |
=== Gray-Hat [n=draven@adsl196-164-194-206-196.adsl196-7.iam.net.ma] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Sunnyboi14 | anyone understand? | 01:13 |
=== Le_Fou_ [n=Jamtoast@ADSL-TPLUS-80-167.telecomplus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
repairs_are_free | it didn't work | 01:13 |
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repairs_are_free | any help? | 01:13 |
Rowan | repairs_are_free, are you installing XP again?\ | 01:13 |
arathald | repairs_are_free: what kind of router do you have? | 01:13 |
aricz | repairs_are_free: turn off your router and back on.. | 01:13 |
Rowan | err i mean | 01:13 |
IndyGunFreak | repairs_are_free: ?... you done that awful fast, what kind of router? | 01:13 |
=== MilitantPotato [n=Militant@12-201-89-254.client.mchsi.com] has left #Ubuntu ["Kopete] | ||
repairs_are_free | ummm... | 01:14 |
locke_ | Sunnyboi14: try using yousendit.com or something similar to 'backup' your stuff, wipe the machine, and then backup your stuff later by downloading from yousendit.com | 01:14 |
Sunnyboi14 | before ubuntu, 250GB of space, after ubuntu, 54gb. How do i revert back to 250gb? | 01:14 |
Rowan | Sunnyboi14, are you running XP again? | 01:14 |
tanath | i also can't get add/remove back on the menu | 01:14 |
niuq | hi i installed apache2, and i'd like to know how can i run it, or check if it is working | 01:14 |
Sunnyboi14 | Ok | 01:14 |
Sunnyboi14 | thanks! | 01:14 |
repairs_are_free | trendnet tew-450brp | 01:14 |
Rowan | Sunnyboi14, this is important | 01:14 |
repairs_are_free | 452** | 01:14 |
repairs_are_free | sorry | 01:14 |
Rowan | are you running XP again or reinstalling ubuntu? | 01:14 |
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=== ross [n=ross@C-61-68-24-168.hay.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vocx | Sunnyboi14, you are not helping by repeating the same question without adding any further description! | 01:14 |
Rowan | repairs_are_free, http://portforward.com | 01:14 |
=== Spaz1331 [n=cbrown@CPEfeedac1d703e-CM0012253ebdee.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
repairs_are_free | thanks | 01:14 |
Rowan | that should help you out | 01:15 |
mtb-cliff | Anyone know why the official repos are failing authentication for openssh-server | 01:15 |
=== mat__ [n=mat@stp25-2-82-234-235-110.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Grell [n=john@ool-44c4c3a8.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sunnyboi14 | ok | 01:15 |
Sunnyboi14 | i need to uninstall ubuntu | 01:15 |
quasar8888 | Sacater, did not work any other suggestions ? | 01:15 |
Sunnyboi14 | how do i get it off my system? | 01:16 |
=== steph_16th [n=steph@bas7-montrealak-1177636248.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ed1t | pop in windows cd it will take care of it | 01:16 |
Rowan | one thing though | 01:16 |
Sunnyboi14 | i need to get rid of the ubuntu files | 01:16 |
Rowan | Sunnyboi14, delete the partition | 01:16 |
Rowan | and uhh | 01:16 |
locke_ | Sunnyboi14: get a livecd of some kind. dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/<your hard drive> bs=1024 count=99999 | 01:16 |
Sunnyboi14 | how? | 01:16 |
Grell | ubuntu is the best linux out there | 01:16 |
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=== DJAnubis [n=ubuntu@c-24-99-82-215.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rowan | when you put in the windows cd. you need to go to the repair console and type "fixmbr" | 01:16 |
Rowan | to get rid of grub bootloader | 01:16 |
Rowan | otherwise your computer will be unbootable | 01:17 |
locke_ | Grell: best is relative. define best. | 01:17 |
repairs_are_free | rowan: I tried the port forwarding, but I need to open up port 80 on my localhost | 01:17 |
Paddy_EIRE | how worried should we all be about this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=508576&highlight=panels | 01:17 |
ed1t | Sunnyboi14 use Gparted live cd to delete partitions | 01:17 |
Grell | ive gone from slack, to debian, to gentoo, to redhat (when it was free) to freebsd, to whatever | 01:17 |
DJAnubis | :P | 01:17 |
Grell | ubuntu is great though | 01:17 |
Sunnyboi14 | Rowan, how do i go to the repair console? | 01:17 |
Rowan | Sunnyboi14, when you put in the windows xp cd, it will say press enter to install or press "r" to go to the recovery console | 01:17 |
steph_16th | grell: did you try LinuxFromScratch? | 01:17 |
Paddy_EIRE | Grell: whats freebsd like | 01:17 |
=== tercha [n=daniel@chello084112093054.36.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sunnyboi14 | ok | 01:17 |
DJAnubis | "E: Package gpart has no installation candidate" | 01:17 |
Sunnyboi14 | it comes up with an error | 01:18 |
=== Dromar [n=david@pur31-1-82-224-15-167.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Grell | nah never did lfs | 01:18 |
arathald | heh wow i feel stupid, answered my own question with man dhclient | 01:18 |
Sunnyboi14 | hold on for a sec while i get it up | 01:18 |
quasar8888 | any other help on connecting my MP3 player ???? | 01:18 |
Grell | freebsd is cool | 01:18 |
vocx | Grell, locke_ don't define anything, this channel is not for discussion. Go to #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:18 |
Grell | ports collection is good | 01:18 |
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Rowan | i personally prefer openSUSE | 01:18 |
=== Lunis is now known as Lunis-away | ||
Paddy_EIRE | Grell: I mean as a desktop | 01:18 |
aricz | Blah, anyone know the solution to this problem? Not sure how to fully describe this, but here goes: For some reason, both BitchX and Irssi, I'm not able to join a channel which uses one of the special characters from norwegian keyboardlayout ( ). I have some friends in the channel #fkkers.. but when I type /j #fkkers, I get in the channel, but not the same channel as my friends are in. Anyone know what may cause this problem? | 01:18 |
Grell | freebsd can be a pain in the ass | 01:18 |
PriceChild | !away > Lunis-away | 01:18 |
Grell | like getting flash and stuff to work | 01:18 |
Grell | not fun | 01:18 |
=== Spec[x] [n=nwheeler@charon.devis.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | DJAnubis: it called GpartED... sudo apt-get install gparted | 01:19 |
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newpers | why does iptables -L just hang there. and if i wanted to setup some iptables for a firewall, where should i stick it? /etc/init.d? | 01:19 |
vocx | aricz, maybe you are not in the same server as they are. | 01:19 |
repairs_are_free | I need to open port 80 on my localhost | 01:19 |
Grell | i wouldn't recommend freebsd for the desktop | 01:19 |
repairs_are_free | I've got port forwarding | 01:19 |
Sunnyboi14 | ok | 01:19 |
DJAnubis | IndyGunFreak: this is why I'm glad I have you guys ^^ | 01:19 |
Sunnyboi14 | i put it the winxp cd | 01:19 |
Rowan | repairs_are_free, it should be open then | 01:19 |
IndyGunFreak | DJAnubis: :) | 01:19 |
=== Kyle_Eiklor [n=chatzill@ool-45702dcc.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sunnyboi14 | then it says it is loading files | 01:19 |
riyonuk | locke_, its not fvwm? | 01:19 |
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repairs_are_free | I'm doing an nmap | 01:19 |
Rowan | yes Sunnyboi14 now wait for it to bring up a little menu | 01:19 |
Sunnyboi14 | ok | 01:19 |
Sunnyboi14 | i am | 01:19 |
repairs_are_free | it says it isn't | 01:19 |
=== Mixx [n=Mixx@d60-65-201-134.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kyle_Eiklor | hello all | 01:19 |
locke_ | riyonuk: ? | 01:19 |
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Rowan | Sunnyboi14, did you remove ubuntu yet? | 01:20 |
riyonuk | locke_, you said xnest | 01:20 |
Sunnyboi14 | no | 01:20 |
=== dirtywerm [n=dirtywer@75-134-124-117.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aricz | vocx: I am, /whois friend.. I see they're on the channel. I even cut the text for the channel-name, paste and try to join it. Same result, I get to a channel using the same characters, but for some reason, it's different. It may have to do with the charactercode, not sure. | 01:20 |
Rowan | actually Sunnyboi14 nevermind you can probably just erase it with the winxp disk | 01:20 |
Sunnyboi14 | i dont know how | 01:20 |
Sunnyboi14 | k | 01:20 |
locke_ | riyonuk: xnest has nothing to do with fvwm | 01:20 |
=== marshall__ [n=jeff@CPE0000e26ebb11-CM00195ee35808.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sunnyboi14 | still says its loading | 01:20 |
locke_ | riyonuk: the "X" in xnest indicates Xorg | 01:20 |
Kyle_Eiklor | When I want to install ubuntu I mount the .ISO on a CD and have the CD in when I start my comp right? | 01:20 |
jlx | Hi! Anyone know where to look for drivers for hp pavilion zv5240ca for ubuntu 7.04 and how to set them up? | 01:20 |
riyonuk | locke_, huh? I just want those little preview boxes, they look sweet | 01:20 |
DJAnubis | hmm | 01:20 |
Sunnyboi14 | now it says its starting windows | 01:20 |
=== drock [n=dmetzer@c-71-205-217-148.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rowan | Oh hey does anyone know how i can properly configure a dual-monitor with Intel graphics? | 01:21 |
IndyGunFreak | Kyle_Eiklor: yous houldn't have to mount anything, just restart your PC witht he disk in the drive. | 01:21 |
=== Yono [n=Yono@cpe-24-59-36-12.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sunnyboi14 | ok | 01:21 |
=== RickKnight [n=rick@adsl-75-6-173-25.dsl.skt2ca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rowan | i tried that program coming up for xorg 7.3 but its not working | 01:21 |
Sunnyboi14 | now the little menu came up | 01:21 |
DJAnubis | okay, so...this won't let me move the unallocated space :P | 01:21 |
repairs_are_free | Starting Nmap 4.20 ( http://insecure.org ) at 2007-08-12 19:20 EDT | 01:21 |
repairs_are_free | Interesting ports on localhost ( | 01:21 |
repairs_are_free | Not shown: 1691 closed ports | 01:21 |
repairs_are_free | PORT STATE SERVICE | 01:21 |
repairs_are_free | 111/tcp open rpcbind | 01:21 |
repairs_are_free | 139/tcp open netbios-ssn | 01:21 |
repairs_are_free | 445/tcp open microsoft-ds | 01:21 |
Rowan | ok sunnyboil now press "R" | 01:21 |
repairs_are_free | 631/tcp open ipp | 01:21 |
vocx | !ops | 01:21 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 01:21 |
repairs_are_free | 679/tcp open unknown | 01:21 |
Sunnyboi14 | the little menu came up | 01:21 |
repairs_are_free | 2049/tcp open nfs | 01:21 |
repairs_are_free | I need to open port 80 | 01:21 |
=== thekidrio [n=thekidri@24-205-68-110.dhcp.psdn.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tanath | !pastebin | 01:21 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:21 |
Kyle_Eiklor | I put the file on 2 different disks and tried them both and it will not read the disk to try and install ubuntu | 01:21 |
=== bluejolt [n=bluejolt@cpe-76-176-22-229.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | DJAnubis: you need to use the either hte Gparted Live CD, or yuour Ubuntu CD, you can't resize a partition you're currently using | 01:21 |
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Sunnyboi14 | Rowan? | 01:22 |
DJAnubis | I am | 01:22 |
=== ID__ [n=heidi@AStrasbourg-157-1-66-139.w90-39.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | Kyle_Eiklor: are you sure you're burnning them correctly? | 01:22 |
Rowan | Sunnyboi14, now it should say "press R for recovery console | 01:22 |
Sunnyboi14 | ok | 01:22 |
Sunnyboi14 | i did | 01:22 |
vocx | aricz, use xchat just to try, and also try with gaim or pidgin | 01:22 |
Rowan | now what does it do? | 01:22 |
eTiger13 | how do I keep my wireless from associating with all APs in command line? | 01:22 |
=== SlimeyPe1e [n=SlimeyPe@www.scruffbag.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Sunnyboi14 | it says | 01:22 |
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DJAnubis | IndyGunFreak: I am using the live CD, I don't know how to combine the unallocated space with my main installation | 01:22 |
Kyle_Eiklor | I tried using windows to burn it then when I was searching around I found something that said to burn the file on the disk using nero | 01:22 |
Sunnyboi14 | setup did not find any hard disk srives installed on your computer | 01:22 |
=== J-_ [n=justin@unaffiliated/j/x-388422] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rowan | oh okay Sunnyboi14 then you'll want to install xp first | 01:23 |
Sunnyboi14 | drives* | 01:23 |
Rowan | then do the fixmbr | 01:23 |
Sunnyboi14 | how | 01:23 |
Sunnyboi14 | How do i install Winxp? | 01:23 |
Rowan | reload the disk and install xp the normal way | 01:23 |
Sunnyboi14 | how? | 01:23 |
DJAnubis | o.O | 01:23 |
Rowan | :\ | 01:23 |
=== BjoernErik [n=Bjoern@108.80-202-110.nextgentel.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Sunnyboi14 | sry | 01:23 |
IndyGunFreak | Sunnyboi14: to install XP, sudo apt-get bendover | 01:23 |
=== gerben [n=gerben@d51A4DA1E.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
niuq | hi i have installed apache2, and i'd like to know how can i run it, or check if it is working | 01:23 |
riyonuk | locke_, soo | 01:23 |
DJAnubis | ow, my head hurts from that statement | 01:23 |
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IndyGunFreak | brb, phone call. | 01:24 |
Rowan | put in the xp disk, wait for the menu to popup again, then follow the onscreen instructions to Install XP | 01:24 |
=== bluejolt [n=bluejolt@cpe-76-176-22-229.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DJAnubis | IndyGunFreak: can you help me use gparted? | 01:24 |
DJAnubis | :P | 01:24 |
DJAnubis | crap | 01:24 |
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DJAnubis | I'll open that question to everyone then | 01:24 |
vocx | DJAnubis, is really simple, why don't you try it by yourself? | 01:24 |
kodram | hello :) | 01:24 |
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niuq | !help apache | 01:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about help apache - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:24 |
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DJAnubis | vocx, I'm saying, I need assistance | 01:24 |
=== Radio [n=null@pool-71-106-243-56.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rowan | isn't there a #apache? | 01:24 |
Rowan | *an | 01:25 |
Kyle_Eiklor | is there a better way to burn it on a disk? I tried Nero and the windows way,neither way is letting me install apache | 01:25 |
DJAnubis | I want to make this unallocated space at the end of my drive become a part of my main installation of ubuntu near the beggining | 01:25 |
Kyle_Eiklor | I mean ubuntu was looking above me and wrote apache | 01:25 |
dellubuntu_ | Sunny: google "ultimate boot disk" it has a lot of utilities to reformat a hard drive | 01:25 |
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kodram | how do i get mp3 files to work? | 01:25 |
DJAnubis | you download the codec | 01:25 |
vocx | !codes | kodram | 01:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about codes - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:25 |
Hadron | scam: just saw your advice. But "Mail Reader" isn't listed. | 01:25 |
vocx | !codecs | kodram | 01:26 |
ubotu | kodram: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 01:26 |
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LDS_Trooper | join ubuntu-artwork | 01:26 |
LDS_Trooper | join #ubuntu-artwork | 01:26 |
LDS_Trooper | oops | 01:26 |
Voodoo_john | Rowan, yes | 01:26 |
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Sunnyboi14 | i typed sudo apt-get bendover | 01:26 |
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LDS_Trooper | lol got it | 01:26 |
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Sunnyboi14 | and it says invalid operation bendover | 01:26 |
ahmadsaifan_ | #eth1 | 01:26 |
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scam | Hadron, it is in my build | 01:26 |
aricz | vocx: Same problem.. I /whois friend, point the mouse cursor to the chan he's on, right-click, "join channel".. and well, I join a channel using the same chars, still I'm there alone.. :) strange | 01:27 |
dellubuntu_ | sick joke? | 01:27 |
vocx | Sunnyboi14, someone was making fun of you, that was a joke. | 01:27 |
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Sunnyboi14 | oh | 01:27 |
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Sunnyboi14 | :( | 01:27 |
dellubuntu_ | Sunny: google "ultimate boot disk" it has a lot of utilities to reformat a hard drive | 01:27 |
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Sunnyboi14 | i dont really want to format it | 01:27 |
Hadron | scam: sorry. I had to go to custom. I see now. Thanks. | 01:27 |
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Sunnyboi14 | i just want to get it back to when i bought my External Hard Drive | 01:27 |
aroooni | hey folks | 01:27 |
Radio | hmm what would i use to access files on another linux computer? | 01:28 |
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aroooni | how do i launch the gnome terminal windwo? | 01:28 |
Hadron | Radio: use sshfs | 01:28 |
Radio | thx | 01:28 |
dellubuntu_ | Sonny:ubuntu should not have made your 250 smaller | 01:28 |
Sunnyboi14 | it did | 01:28 |
dellubuntu_ | ur drive may be corrupt | 01:28 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 01:28 |
Sunnyboi14 | and im not happy about it | 01:28 |
scam | Hadron, np | 01:28 |
Radio | Hadron: any other options i should look into? | 01:28 |
aricz | vocx: Do you know a way to enter the charactercode directly? Like in Dos, we used to press ALT+GR+"a numeric value, 0-255" to fetch a character. Anything similar in linux? | 01:28 |
DJAnubis | aroooni, applications > accessories | 01:28 |
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Sunnyboi14 | how do i fix it then? | 01:28 |
dellubuntu_ | you may have to reformat it. | 01:28 |
Hadron | radio, IMO no. | 01:28 |
aroooni | DJAnubis, but i want to launch it when i login | 01:28 |
Sunnyboi14 | how? | 01:28 |
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aroooni | DJAnubis, what do i need to type in so i can do that | 01:28 |
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Hadron | Radio: you know a little about ssh? | 01:29 |
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Radio | yea | 01:29 |
DJAnubis | aroooni, I'm a complete noob, I don't honestly know :P | 01:29 |
dellubuntu_ | Sunny: google "ultimate boot disk" it has a lot of utilities to reformat a hard drive | 01:29 |
Radio | ive used ssh before | 01:29 |
aroooni | what is the name of the gnome terminal window | 01:29 |
Kyle_Eiklor | I don't want to wait 10 weeks for free CD's to show up and I don't have the money to buy the CD's(no paypal or CC's)can anyone else who downloaded it tell me how they did it | 01:29 |
Radio | never heard of sshfs though | 01:29 |
Hadron | Radio: reagrdless, it's a good learning expereince as well as being easy enough and secure | 01:29 |
aroooni | how do i launch one from command line? | 01:29 |
seiflotf1 | can i install gutsy beside feisty | 01:29 |
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DJAnubis | gutsy is obsolete imo | 01:29 |
vocx | aricz, next time use a channel without that o. Hold Ctrl+Shit+U+1234 to enter unicode characters | 01:29 |
moyer | anyone know how to get playback to work in adobe audition with wine.. it will play when i go to "open file" and it samples it... but when i insert it into the multi track it plays back with just static | 01:29 |
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Hadron | seiflotf1: no. of course if you have seperate partitions for everything. | 01:30 |
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WindsofTime | What is the IM client that is for Ubuntu? | 01:30 |
WindsofTime | is it Pidgen? | 01:30 |
DJAnubis | GAIM | 01:30 |
Frogzoo | Kyle_Eiklor: download the iso & burn to cd/dvd | 01:30 |
d4rkmonkey | Feisty has GAIM | 01:30 |
DJAnubis | I am a purist, but yeah, Pidgen | 01:30 |
d4rkmonkey | Gutsy has pidgin, pidgin is just a newer version of GAIM | 01:30 |
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WindsofTime | Well when I type sudo apt-get install Pidgen it says it cannot find the package | 01:30 |
d4rkmonkey | you can always install pidgin yourself though even though its not in the repos. | 01:30 |
d4rkmonkey | yeah | 01:30 |
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d4rkmonkey | you have to download it | 01:31 |
d4rkmonkey | and compile yourself | 01:31 |
WindsofTime | =\ | 01:31 |
aricz | vocx: hehe, we've had that chan using that schtoopid O for years;) but damn weird I can't join that chan in linux.. thanks for the help, I'll try find that char.. wee.... | 01:31 |
ahmadsaifan | #eth1 | 01:31 |
d4rkmonkey | its not that hard. | 01:31 |
WindsofTime | lemme try it | 01:31 |
WindsofTime | :P | 01:31 |
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DJAnubis | I need help with gparted | 01:31 |
aroooni | what is the name of the gnome terminal? | 01:31 |
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Kyle_Eiklor | Frogzoo: I did that using nero,and the option given when you move the file into a blank CD in windows explorer and neither of the CD's are recognized for downloading ubuntu during startup | 01:31 |
seiflotf1 | but how do i name the / partition i am using now | 01:31 |
TiagoTiago | hi, would someone be able to help me figure out how to successfully boot the instalation cd on an old laptop? (it gives that error about the CD2 even when I tried the alternate cd) | 01:31 |
scam | gnome-terminal | 01:31 |
vocx | !pidgin | WindsofTime | 01:32 |
ubotu | WindsofTime: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. | 01:32 |
maria | hey guys, i'm using feisty on an old pc, with a crt monitor, when i boot up my pc, everything looks fine, but once i login my screen is all messed up, it has all kinds of stripes, like shadowing, i checked the cable and it seems fine, how can i tell if its the monitor? | 01:32 |
Frogzoo | Kyle_Eiklor: you need to burn it as an image, not as a file - should be an option "burn image" or similiar | 01:32 |
DJAnubis | gahhhh | 01:32 |
aroooni | how do i join multiple irc channels with one /join command | 01:32 |
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thor_ | Hi | 01:32 |
vocx | !locale | aricz | 01:32 |
ubotu | aricz: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf | 01:32 |
genefitz | Pidgin works well for every other IM system except for AIM.. Go figure.. | 01:33 |
thor_ | I want to run a script every time a cd is inserted. How do I do that? | 01:33 |
Kyle_Eiklor | Frogzoo: I'll try it again thanks for the help | 01:33 |
TiagoTiago | anyone? | 01:33 |
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vocx | aroooni, "gnome-terminal" is the name | 01:33 |
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vocx | TiagoTiago, it is an old laptop, you said it yourself | 01:33 |
maria | here is a screenshot | 01:33 |
maria | http://img489.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotpz9.png | 01:33 |
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TiagoTiago | no way to install ubuntu in it then? :/ | 01:34 |
maria | i dont think its the screen since its in the screenshot | 01:34 |
thor_ | I want to run a script every time a cd is inserted. How do I do that? | 01:34 |
aroooni | thanx vocx | 01:34 |
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vocx | TiagoTiago, maybe not. Maybe you need a different Linux distribution, something smaller. | 01:35 |
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TiagoTiago | which would you recomend? | 01:35 |
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genefitz | Tiago, you cound try DamnSmall. | 01:36 |
DJAnubis | can someone PM me or something if they can help me use GParted, I'm sick from looking at this window | 01:36 |
TiagoTiago | does it have a gui? | 01:36 |
genefitz | Tiago, yes, it does... | 01:36 |
vocx | TiagoTiago, people seem to prefer Damn Small Linux, Puppy Linux, or Linux Mint. | 01:36 |
K3nto | can someoen help me install an update? its for compiz and i can install it over and over again; it wont go away | 01:36 |
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TiagoTiago | ok, I'll google it up, thanx :) | 01:36 |
quik__ | hey folks | 01:36 |
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vocx | !patience | DJAnubis that is the only way | 01:36 |
ubotu | DJAnubis that is the only way: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 01:36 |
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quik__ | anyone got a favourite network monitoring tool for the command line? | 01:36 |
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genefitz | Tiago: http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/ | 01:37 |
TiagoTiago | thanx :) | 01:37 |
DJAnubis | vocx, I understand, but I'm about to puke from looking at IRC | 01:37 |
genefitz | Tiago, DSL takes almost nothing to run.. | 01:37 |
aricz | vocx: yup, that's what I've done.. qwerty, norwegian layout.. latin1.. to get the strange norwegian characters to show.. so I'm wondering if linux and dos/win uses different charactercodes to show them.. | 01:37 |
DJAnubis | so if someone feels like being helpful, alert me or something, I need to go get medicine | 01:37 |
TiagoTiago | ok, I'll try it first, thanx again :) | 01:37 |
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K3nto | genefitz: i restarted my computer after, but it was still the 2-sided 3d deal | 01:38 |
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=== TheRF [n=hessajee@ACD51FD5.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vocx | aricz, I know a Norwegian guy, but he is unavailable try !no | 01:38 |
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vocx | !no | aricz | 01:38 |
ubotu | aricz: Hvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk! | 01:38 |
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aricz | vocx: thanks again! | 01:38 |
genefitz | K3nto, you may want to try a uninstall of fuzion, It is noted that the 7xxx cards to have some issues with Compiz. | 01:38 |
K3nto | genefitz: mkay, thanks | 01:39 |
thor_ | I want to run a script every time a cd is inserted. How do I do that. | 01:39 |
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genefitz | K3nto: here's the half full, if you do that, you should have the original effects for Ubuntu back. | 01:39 |
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genefitz | Sorry, I wish I could do more to help you... | 01:40 |
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caifanxp | hola me podrian ayudar con compiz fusion !!! | 01:40 |
TheRF | Hi again. I believe I have managed to get the drivers installed for my VIA graphics on Linux. Now when I run s3utility, I get the message: Couldn't display s3utility - Attempt to log in failed. | 01:40 |
=== GrooveStix [n=chatzill@adsl-76-226-148-109.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dellubuntu_ | ingles solamente | 01:41 |
thor_ | que es el problema caifanxp? | 01:41 |
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vocx | !es | caifanxp thor_ | 01:41 |
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ubotu | caifanxp thor_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 01:41 |
dellubuntu_ | ingles por favor | 01:41 |
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ahmadsaifan_ | #eth1 | 01:42 |
newpers | any ideas of why iptables -L hangs on me? | 01:42 |
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WindsofTime | How do I install Pidgen? I got the .tar.bz2 file | 01:42 |
TheRF | When I try to run s3utility from a terminal I get the following: (s3utility:5829): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: | 01:42 |
WindsofTime | but iunno how to Install it | 01:43 |
d4rkmonkey | WindsofTime, you got to compile it. | 01:43 |
d4rkmonkey | !compile | 01:43 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 01:43 |
WindsofTime | =\ | 01:43 |
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WindsofTime | kk | 01:43 |
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d4rkmonkey | o_O that was a lucky guess for me | 01:43 |
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GrooveStix | hey guys I am trying to install pidgin from the source code. and after the "make" command it's taking forever to finish. is this normal? | 01:43 |
vocx | WindsofTime, it is called PIDGIN | 01:43 |
Rowan | Can anyone help me with the best program to convert full dvds into like 1gb XVID movies? | 01:43 |
vocx | d4rkmonkey, you are doing great! | 01:43 |
PHu1 | pidgin is in synaptic | 01:43 |
WindsofTime | in the Synaptic? | 01:43 |
GrooveStix | nope | 01:43 |
WindsofTime | But it wont find it | 01:43 |
WindsofTime | :P | 01:43 |
vocx | !pidgin | PHu1 | 01:44 |
ubotu | PHu1: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. | 01:44 |
Rowan | hey WindsofTime, get the .deb from uhh http://getdeb.net | 01:44 |
PHu1 | I had a really hard time finding the depends for it to work correctly, but then was surprised that is worked great from a deb install | 01:44 |
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Rowan | pidgin is a biotch to compile because you need really special SSL to use MSN or Gmail | 01:44 |
d4rkmonkey | vocx, what? | 01:44 |
GrooveStix | oh, son of a! | 01:44 |
WindsofTime | I have to read 3 sites now | 01:44 |
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genefitz | Rowan: I use Acidrip for creating XviDm however, it does like to crash from time to time | 01:44 |
d4rkmonkey | Rowan, its not that bad, you just need to install a couple extra packages. Vive is a bi*** to compile, I couldn't even get it to work. | 01:45 |
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TheRF | Also, when I ran it from terminal, I was using the root, so though it would help. | 01:45 |
TiagoTiago | mm, I can't seem to find the download link for dsl, on the hopeage I get redirected to a forum thread and it is not clear where I should go from there....... | 01:45 |
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vocx | d4rkmonkey, I guess I'm not a good motivator. | 01:45 |
MattJ | WindsofTime: pidgin is called gaim in synaptic | 01:45 |
Rowan | hmm | 01:45 |
MattJ | WindsofTime: They just changed their name | 01:45 |
Rowan | i have so many dvd rippers to choose from :\ | 01:45 |
d4rkmonkey | vocx, lol, I was just saying the !compile was a lucky guess, didn't know that ubotu had that response, or I would have put | <nick> | 01:45 |
WindsofTime | I see | 01:46 |
WindsofTime | Thanks ! :) | 01:46 |
d4rkmonkey | WindsofTime, its not just a name change, pidgin is the newer version, its way better than GAIM IMO. I don't know if the ubuntu repos have caught up | 01:46 |
v3ctor | pidgen is just gaim post lawsuit settlement | 01:46 |
vocx | d4rkmonkey, remember that you can query ubotu privately, so can ask him all sort of things before doing it in the main channel | 01:46 |
WindsofTime | Im getting it o.o | 01:46 |
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d4rkmonkey | WindsofTime, you can also try getdeb.org (is it .net?) | 01:46 |
WindsofTime | Im doing that | 01:46 |
WindsofTime | lol | 01:46 |
WindsofTime | :) | 01:46 |
v3ctor | the beta gmail 2.0 is pidgen | 01:46 |
MattJ | getdeb.net | 01:46 |
d4rkmonkey | WindsofTime, also theres probably a backport from gutsy | 01:46 |
WindsofTime | Gosh so much help from so many people! :)... THanks All! | 01:46 |
Voodoo_john | gmail !! ftw! | 01:47 |
WindsofTime | I got MSN, Gmail, Yahoo,and Aim | 01:47 |
=== Fructose [n=kent@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TiagoTiago | aight, found it iwith google | 01:47 |
Gena | I'm trying to install my WUSB54GS wifi device with a tutorial that requires you compile ndiswrapper, but I can't seem to install the build-essentials package with apt-get. | 01:47 |
Fructose | How do I sent the null character through telnet while using the Gnome Terminal? | 01:47 |
d4rkmonkey | Gena, what error do you get? | 01:47 |
Gena | Oh, on a 64-bit Dapper machine. | 01:47 |
v3ctor | wtf at that auto complete...s/gmail/gaim/g | 01:47 |
WindsofTime | Ubuntu is indeed Community :) | 01:47 |
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PHu1 | and more fun than you would believe - except for those times where you scratch your head and say um....? | 01:48 |
=== reya276 [n=reya276@c-66-229-41-100.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
sport | i need help, i have a samba lan server running and am not sure how to use ubuntu's "connect to server" option to open it. what's the correct setting? | 01:48 |
Gena | Well, it's been a while since I did it, and I was being too stupid at the moment to record it, but it had something to do with not being able to find the disk. | 01:49 |
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TheRF | Gena: Try using the Synaptic Package Manager | 01:49 |
jerry_ | help!!!!!!!!!! why cant i type in my password into a terminal window?????? | 01:49 |
Rowan | why did ubuntu remove libdvdcss2 from repositoreis :( | 01:49 |
Rowan | thats what i needed to play 300 and all those good movies | 01:49 |
reya276 | how can I get my graphical interface back, I was trying install ATI drivers and now it says my Xserver configuration is messed up, | 01:49 |
v3ctor | Rowan: because of the legal issues surrounding it | 01:49 |
Rowan | got it from the Mediubuntu repositories or whatever | 01:49 |
palintheus | jerry_: the password just doesn't show up | 01:49 |
cafuego | Rowan: Legal reasons. | 01:49 |
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caifanxp | help !! compiz fusion cube 3d not work | 01:50 |
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vocx | !compiz | caifanxp | 01:50 |
ubotu | caifanxp: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 01:50 |
Gena | Yeah, jerry_, it's typed in but it doesn't show. It's safer that way. :) | 01:50 |
jerry_ | but even if i do type it in, it says sorry incorrect | 01:50 |
reya276 | I tried to do "Sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" but that has not fixed it | 01:50 |
Rowan | haha but on ubuntu's website they tell you to get from those repositories, couldn't they just make it so uhh, the mediabuntu repostories are default in ubuntu, doesn't make it so its on ubuntu servers | 01:50 |
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Rowan | caifanxp, uhh.. ctrl + alt + mouse button | 01:50 |
=== CaptainFrisbee [n=Frisbee@d51A5D232.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
K3nto | genefitz: sorry, i was afk a sec. yoiu said to get fusion? | 01:50 |
cafuego | Rowan: Medibuntu isn't a default in anything | 01:50 |
TheRF | reya276 - I got the same issue when I was trying to install drivers for mine, but it went wrong. I had to basically uninstall the one I just installed and then reinstall the old one. | 01:50 |
Rowan | cafuego, i know, im saying it should be, shouldn't be legal issue if its not on the ubuntu servers | 01:51 |
Gena | So, I'll just try it with Synaptic and if it doesn't work, I'll be back here... | 01:51 |
TiagoTiago | aight, I have to go, thanx for the help, cya :) | 01:51 |
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palintheus | jerry_: well, not sure then, does it accept it when you go system>administration>users and groups | 01:51 |
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reya276 | ok what is the command for reinstalling the restricted drivers | 01:51 |
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kitche | Rown: it's still legal issue sicne they are telling you where to get the libdvdcss2 | 01:51 |
mtb-cliff | anyone know what ssh-askpass-gnome is? | 01:51 |
sport | i need help, i have a samba lan server running and am not sure how to use ubuntu's "connect to server" option to open it. what's the correct service setting? | 01:51 |
Rowan | kitche, they tell you on their website :\ | 01:51 |
cafuego | Rowan: *shrug* That's osmehting for the world police to sort out, apparently. | 01:51 |
=== Creteil [n=bigbob@dyn-83-156-190-89.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Creteil | hi all | 01:52 |
Rowan | ahah | 01:52 |
Rowan | or the INTERNET HATE MACHINE | 01:52 |
Rowan | anyways hmm | 01:52 |
vocx | mtb-cliff, use "aptitude show <packagename>" or "apt-cache show <packagename>" | 01:52 |
reya276 | TheRF: what is the ATI restricted driver install command | 01:52 |
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Fructose | Anyone know how I can send custom characters over a telnet session, e.g. a null? | 01:52 |
TheRF | reya276: I'm not sure what the command would be for ATI restricted driver install | 01:52 |
kitche | Rowan: yeah I said it wrong though :) | 01:52 |
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Creteil | don't know why, but actually under my Feisty, bluetooth services doesn't start automatically at boot. Someone here can help me to debug the problem ? | 01:53 |
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Rowan | Creteil, find the command-line name for the services | 01:53 |
TheRF | I got VIA graphics | 01:53 |
Rowan | and go to system >> preferences >> sessions | 01:53 |
PHu1 | reya276: are you asking how to install the ATI flgrx driver? | 01:53 |
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Rowan | then click "new" under startup programs and add the commandline name there | 01:53 |
Creteil | Rowan : what do you mean ? | 01:53 |
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reya276 | yes | 01:54 |
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reya276 | that was before | 01:54 |
vocx | TheRF, which card do you have? you know there are issues with 3D rendering right? | 01:54 |
Rowan | do you know the name of the services that you type in the terminal to activate them? | 01:54 |
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=== Rabbitbunny is now getting serious (files: backed up) (iso:burned) (status:booting to cd) | ||
PHu1 | reya276: give me a second to find the exact thread that I used | 01:54 |
bryanl | whats the gnome equiv to k3b? | 01:54 |
reya276 | PHu1: I tried to install it, but when I rebooted I got the CLI | 01:54 |
lufis | bryanl: gnomebaker | 01:54 |
TheRF | vocx: I have an integrated VIA PM800 card. | 01:54 |
Creteil | Rowan : yes, sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth start | 01:55 |
bryanl | lufis: thanks | 01:55 |
lufis | bryanl: or nautilus... depends on what you want to do | 01:55 |
bryanl | lufis: burn an iso to disk | 01:55 |
Rowan | ok Creteil i think you can put that in there | 01:55 |
vocx | TheRF, is it good? Everything fine? | 01:55 |
Rowan | go to System >> Preferences >> Sessions >> New | 01:55 |
Rowan | and put all that in there | 01:55 |
lufis | bryanl: gnomebaker's the best choice then | 01:55 |
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TheRF | vocx: Well, it all seems ok. | 01:55 |
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TheRF | vocx: Expect the fact that I cannot get the s3utility to load up | 01:56 |
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WindsofTime | I installed XAMPP and I am able to connect to my website (via IP..not the domainname yet).. But I have images that I would like to display.. only it tells all veiwers they dont have permission to veiw the images.. Little help? BTW the channel #XAMPP is no help =\ | 01:56 |
TheRF | *Except | 01:56 |
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PHu1 | reya276: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Installation_Guide | 01:56 |
vocx | TheRF, which you downloaded? Or what does it do? | 01:56 |
furenku | hello... does anyone of a good application for realtime video synthesis; i tried to open VVVV with wine, but no success... :( | 01:56 |
PHu1 | that helped a bunch | 01:56 |
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moyer | anyone know how to get playback to work in adobe audition with wine.. it will play when i go to "open file" dialog it plays through a preview option flawless. but when i insert it into the multi track it plays back with just static | 01:57 |
mtb-cliff | ok something is wierd with my apt system - it fails to authenticate packages, anyone have an idea where I should start - I only have official apt repos in my list | 01:57 |
madman91 | where can i download ubuntu for zune? | 01:57 |
madman91 | hahaha :) jk | 01:57 |
=== LinuxKid nb all | ||
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madman91 | i dont have a zune and i know it hasnt been hacked yet | 01:57 |
vocx | mtb-cliff, clean install? what else did you do? | 01:57 |
madman91 | goodnight | 01:57 |
TheRF | vocx: http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=420&OSID=25&CatID=2580&SubCatID=171 - From that link, I followed the instructions on the PDF. At the last point, when I try and load s3utility in the terminal using root, I get: | 01:57 |
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mtb-cliff | actually it was an upgrade from 6.10 to fiesty a while ago | 01:58 |
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mtb-cliff | haven't had issues with update manager | 01:58 |
TheRF | vocx: (s3utility:6199): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: | 01:58 |
kamva881 | Hi all, I have a small problem with the fonts in the terminal. I have a snapshot of it at the following link. http://www.tlc.unipr.it/kamesh/temp/snap.png | 01:58 |
kamva881 | I am also using a German Keyboard.. is this problem any way related to it | 01:59 |
CaptainFrisbee | furenku, do you need an app for a VJ set? | 01:59 |
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vocx | TheRF, interesting, although I wouldn't thrust viaarena products | 01:59 |
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Creteil | Rowan : actually the bluetooth applet doesn't start because /etc/init.d/bluetooth was not automatically exectuted during boot process off initscripts ... | 01:59 |
furenku | CaptainFrisbee: yes | 01:59 |
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mtb-cliff | I tried reducing my sources list to strictly archive.ubuntu.com feisty main universe multiverse - no help | 02:00 |
furenku | CaptainFrisbee: but i would like to be able to open vvvv because of its synthesis capabilities... | 02:00 |
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TheRF | vocx: Does that error mean anything? | 02:00 |
arathald | ok, im having some trouble getting dhcp working on my wireless conenction (it works on my wired) | 02:00 |
thedash | what was the bash command to grab one or more parts of a line based on a token ? | 02:00 |
TheRF | vocx: I'm thinking that as its a terminal you cannot load up GUI in it. | 02:00 |
=== WindsofTime [n=WindsofT@unaffiliated/-o-apollo/x-385620] has left #ubuntu ["Do] | ||
scam | mtb-cliff, did you do "sudo apt-get update" | 02:01 |
arathald | im using dhclient, trying to connect through wifi radar | 02:01 |
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vocx | TheRF, well seems related to the GUI, or Gtk libraries, but not sure. | 02:01 |
mtb-cliff | scam - a while ago | 02:01 |
mtb-cliff | I can try it again | 02:01 |
=== cornell [n=cornell@c-69-137-17-28.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
K3nto | can anyone help me out with installing ccompiz fusion? | 02:01 |
scam | mtb-cliff, well every time you change your source list you need to update | 02:01 |
vocx | !compiz | K3nto | 02:01 |
ubotu | K3nto: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 02:02 |
CaptainFrisbee | furenku, yes I don't think there is anything comparable to vvvv on linux. You could try FreeJ? Dynebolic is a good distro with lots multimedia applications. | 02:02 |
scam | mtb-cliff, what are you trying to do? | 02:02 |
mtb-cliff | thanks scam - worked fine | 02:02 |
K3nto | compiz fusion? | 02:02 |
=== lumgwada [n=lumgwada@unaffiliated/lumgwada] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reya276 | PHU1:thanks | 02:02 |
scam | np | 02:02 |
vocx | mtb-cliff, as scam says, the update action doesn't update the system just the list of sources | 02:02 |
K3nto | vocx: thanks | 02:02 |
=== n30|laptop [n=jedi@cpe-066-057-242-021.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vocx | !easysource | mtb-cliff | 02:03 |
ubotu | mtb-cliff: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 02:03 |
n30|laptop | anyone use pidgin with ubuntu? | 02:03 |
=== n30|laptop is having a hard time getting it. | ||
n30|laptop | and apt-get doesn't find it. | 02:03 |
vocx | !pidgin | n30|laptop | 02:03 |
ubotu | n30|laptop: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. | 02:03 |
PHu1 | n30...: I am on it | 02:03 |
scam | n30|laptop, you need to compile it yourself | 02:03 |
kamva881 | Hi all,, I have a problem with the fonts in the terminal | 02:03 |
furenku | CaptainFrisbee: or do you know of a way of possibly opening vvvv through wine? | 02:03 |
reya276 | Phu1: the issue is no longer installing it, the issue is getting my desktop back all I have is a command line interface | 02:03 |
n30|laptop | that stinks :P oh well. thanks! | 02:03 |
mtb-cliff | I didn't realize that - whenever I changed the sources.list it would give me an error that a package wasn't available so I thought it was doing what I thought - 8^). Thanks for the clarifications. | 02:03 |
kamva881 | If you can check the following link then you will get an idea..http://www.tlc.unipr.it/kamesh/temp/snap.png | 02:03 |
scam | n30|laptop, its not hard | 02:03 |
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n30|laptop | scam, i know ;). i'm a gentoo user ...so i know all about compiling things. | 02:04 |
n30|laptop | i was just hoping it was there. lol. | 02:04 |
scam | n30|laptop, okay | 02:04 |
scam | hehe | 02:04 |
=== MasterShrek [n=MasterSh@66-216-227-210.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reya276 | that is my issue now how can I get back my GDM and Gnome Desktop | 02:04 |
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cornell | Evening all... If I put a new OS on a / partition, can I tell it about the existing LVM Volume Group (or will it know)? I've a knopmyth machine that I'm going to upgrade to mythbuntu. It has two drives... the first in two partitions, / and the rest is part of a LVM volume group. The second drive is the rest of the volume group. | 02:04 |
reya276 | man this is so wack | 02:04 |
=== JoHa [n=jouni@adsl-197-246-DynIP.ssp.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== n30|laptop what about compiz ....is it buggy? | ||
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n30|laptop | i was thinking about setting it up on here.... | 02:04 |
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vocx | n30|laptop, of course it is not official, but somebody has already packaged pidgin for Feisty somewhere. | 02:05 |
=== Grungebunny [n=evil@75-129-241-72.dhcp.mtvr.il.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PHu1 | reya276: do you have a live cd to boot to? it sould be easy from there, if time consuming | 02:05 |
reya276 | yes | 02:05 |
n30|laptop | vocx, yeah, i saw the *.deb for it. | 02:05 |
=== pinot [n=pino@host119-195-dynamic.11-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Grungebunny | okay.. I know I can resize fonts for each individual program.. is there a setting somewhere where I can increase the fontsize for everything on the system at once.? | 02:05 |
n30|laptop | err... the package. | 02:05 |
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vocx | n30|laptop, of course compiz is buggy, try it at your own expense | 02:05 |
CaptainFrisbee | no, I don't use it myself. Maybe it's better to post this question on the vvvv forums? | 02:06 |
n30|laptop | vocx, what about beryl? | 02:06 |
n30|laptop | i wanted to use something like that on here ....to see how it goes ...but if its really buggy, i'll pass :P | 02:06 |
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reya276 | PHu1: I poped in the Live CD, now what | 02:06 |
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vocx | n30|laptop, compiz and beryl together are compiz-fusion. You get it? it is still in development. | 02:06 |
n30|laptop | vocx, of course. | 02:07 |
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arathald | can i get some help with dhcp on my wireless? im using dhclient, using wifi radar to conenct, card is a Broadcom BCM4310 | 02:07 |
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Grungebunny | is there a setting where I can increase the font size across my system at once? | 02:07 |
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n30|laptop | however, on gentoo, they are all 3 installed differently. | 02:07 |
n30|laptop | i'll pass on testing them on here. | 02:07 |
Frogzoo | Grungebunny: sys -> prefs -> font | 02:07 |
TheRF | maybe i'll have to buy a cheap graphics card soon now that works with Linux | 02:07 |
=== faileas_asleep is now known as faileas | ||
kitche | n30|laptop: yes they are different on ubuntu but there is no compiz-fusion package yet really | 02:07 |
n30|laptop | aaaaaah, okay. | 02:08 |
scam | how do you start compiz ? | 02:08 |
kitche | n30|laptop: by default ubuntu has compiz | 02:08 |
n30|laptop | it's all good! | 02:08 |
scam | with gdm? | 02:08 |
kitche | scam: it's desktop-effects in System | 02:08 |
n30|laptop | kitche, really? | 02:08 |
vocx | !away > faileas | 02:08 |
kitche | n30|laptop: feisty does at least | 02:08 |
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n30|laptop | kitche, i think i have feisty .... 7.04, right? | 02:08 |
faileas | vocx: ? ;) | 02:08 |
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scam | is feisty 7.04? | 02:08 |
vocx | !feisty | scam | 02:09 |
ubotu | scam: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents | 02:09 |
Rowan | acidrip doesn't do uhhh.... .xvid or w/e | 02:09 |
vocx | faileas, it says you cannot change your nickname like that. At least not when you are in this Ubuntu channel. | 02:09 |
PHu1 | reya276: <Someone stop me if I am doing this the long way> boot to kernel-SAFEMODE- and go into system> Restricted.Drivers | 02:09 |
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scam | kitche, can you change the way it looks and stuff.. like get a title bar? | 02:10 |
PHu1 | reya276: deselect the ati driver and then restart | 02:10 |
=== ex0r [n=m0rgoth@bas13-ottawa23-1088841245.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reya276 | PHu1: I booted to the LiveCD | 02:10 |
PHu1 | that should set back to mesa drivers | 02:10 |
kitche | scam: you should have title bars anyways or what do you mean by title bars? | 02:10 |
faileas | vocx: where? I've ALWAYS done it like that when i remember to. its not like i change my nick every 5 min | 02:10 |
Rabbitbunny | how do I configure xserver via prompt? | 02:11 |
kamva881 | Can any one help me with the fonts in the terminal..I have a snapshot of it at the following link. http://www.tlc.unipr.it/kamesh/temp/snap.png | 02:11 |
=== Instabin [n=instabin@oh-76-5-123-160.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scam | kitche, hold on i will show you | 02:11 |
Rabbitbunny | sudo dpkg-xserver conf or something... | 02:11 |
kitche | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:12 |
vocx | faileas, not even _sleep are allowed. Well I sent that message whenever I see someone changing their nick. So if you understand that, I apologize for bothering you. | 02:12 |
Rabbitbunny | ty | 02:12 |
Kyle_Eiklor | ok well looks like the install of ubuntu worked this time but the screen is just black now shoul,d i just turn off the computer and turn it back on | 02:12 |
faileas | vocx: i'm sorry but where does it say so? the bot didn't respond either | 02:13 |
vocx | !away | faileas | 02:13 |
ubotu | faileas: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines | 02:13 |
=== ianmcorvidae [n=ianmcorv@ip72-211-151-55.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reya276 | PHU1: that did not work | 02:13 |
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PHu1 | reay276: .... let me try to duplicate it on desktop - I remember it wasn't very hard but time consuming | 02:14 |
PHu1 | if anyone else has any insite it is much appreciated | 02:14 |
reya276 | I tried selecting the restricted drivers and enabling them but nope | 02:14 |
=== ion [n=ion@71-223-102-35.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PHu1 | reya276: were they enaled to egin with ? | 02:15 |
PHu1 | *begin | 02:15 |
tannerld_mac | I'm trying to start proftpd and it says "Failed to start FTP server: You cannot start server daemon when in inetd mode." | 02:15 |
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jherrera | does anyone know if it is possible to fetch the size of an image from the console? | 02:15 |
ion | I need help, all of a sudden i shut down my ubuntu pc, and started it up the next day and it wont boot to the grub menu, and I am unable to boot with my ubuntu live cd, i am booted on a backtrack2 live cd right now, what can I do | 02:15 |
=== kosh- [n=kosh@xdsl-84-44-134-121.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reya276 | Phu1: I got this msg: Failed to the start Xserver (your graphical interface) It is likely that it is not setup correctly output to diagnose the problem? | 02:16 |
ion | I can access my hard drives | 02:16 |
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d4rkmonkey | ion, you could just copy over your files and do a clean install? | 02:16 |
ion | I can access everything, I just dont understand why I cant boot into ubuntu feisty | 02:16 |
=== BlackDalek [n=CorpseFe@ppp121-45-240-216.lns2.bne4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rabbitbunny | Hmm, maybe I'm headed in the wrong direction. I want to format my drive and install from liveCD. | 02:16 |
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BlackDalek | hi people | 02:16 |
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reya276 | is it possible to just re-intall Xserver with the default config | 02:17 |
ion | d4rkmonkey, I could but will I be able to boot the live cd? | 02:17 |
K3nto | how do i know if i have compiz fusion installed and not regular compiz? i cant tell the diference | 02:17 |
d4rkmonkey | ion, no idea. | 02:17 |
ion | why cant I boot the live cd anymore | 02:17 |
d4rkmonkey | ion, I don't know, what error do you get? | 02:17 |
jherrera | <ion> bios? | 02:17 |
ion | no error I get a blinking _ at the top left screen | 02:17 |
sh3l1 | i removed beryl, but there is still a "emerald theme manager" option at "system>administration" what do i do to remove it? is there any way to remove all traces of beryl? | 02:17 |
ion | jherrera, bios is fine | 02:17 |
ion | bios wasnt touched | 02:17 |
d4rkmonkey | ion, thats weird | 02:17 |
jherrera | ah, dunno then | 02:18 |
wastrel | jherrera: an .iso image on your drive? | 02:18 |
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=== Tru7h [n=email@adsl-223-24-178.aep.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tru7h | Hello | 02:18 |
sh3l1 | hi | 02:18 |
ion | how can I reinstall/update-grub in another live cd distro | 02:18 |
jherrera | <wastrel> I should had been more specific, an JPEG image, and maybe BMP/GIF/PNG etc | 02:18 |
ion | I cant boot the ubuntu cd | 02:18 |
ion | no scratches either | 02:19 |
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wastrel | jherrera: you're talking about the dimensions? | 02:19 |
PHu1 | reya276: I ran through the exact same problem that you are right now, but am having a hard time remebering exactly what it is that I did to get back to a stable xserver enviroment | 02:19 |
ion | ubuntu isnt liking something on my disk or something | 02:19 |
jherrera | wastrel yeah | 02:19 |
=== Pici [n=Pici@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sh3l1 | ion, i had that once. and then i re-wrote it and it was fine. | 02:19 |
ion | sh3l1, how can I rewrite the grub menu from another os | 02:19 |
ion | its a backtrack2 live cd | 02:19 |
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ion | I can access all drives | 02:19 |
ion | etc | 02:19 |
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wastrel | jherrera: in the imagemagick package the identify program will do that | 02:20 |
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wastrel | identify file.jpg | 02:20 |
PHu1 | reya276: ohhhh.... wait | 02:20 |
jherrera | kk :), thanks for the info | 02:20 |
reya276 | Phu1: I booted into recovery mode now | 02:20 |
=== jericho [n=jericho@host86-145-53-56.range86-145.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlackDalek | I have nvidia's linux video drivers installed and also all the restricted stuff needed to be able to play region encrypted DVDs in totem etc... If I upgrade from Edgy to Feisty 7.04 using the "upgrade" button in "Software Updates" is that going to #$%@ up my setup? | 02:20 |
d4rkmonkey | BlackDalek, it shouldn't | 02:21 |
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reya276 | Phu1:how to do remove the ATI proprietary drivers since they suck | 02:21 |
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BlackDalek | ok.. I heard using the Nvidia's drivers would screw up the upgrade process.... | 02:22 |
=== Sweetandy [n=andrew@c-24-17-18-66.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tru7h | For some reason when I boot 7.04 it gives me an error about the X server in that weird blue ascii letter window. I just installed it with Wubi, but I've had the same problem on the LiveCD. It would only boto in safe graphics mode. I'm not using a local copy of the .iso to install, so I doubt that's the problem. What should I do? | 02:22 |
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reya276 | actually how can I recovery a saved xorg.conf file (backup) prior to this issue | 02:22 |
jericho | Hi all, how do I edit my grub menu? I've got a kernel version at the top that doesn't play nice with my ati drivers so I want to remove it to make things easier for my family (who for some reason struggle to remember to use the correct kernel!)? | 02:22 |
reya276 | yesh that's what I'm getting Tru7h | 02:23 |
boyam | tannerld_mac: that message is telling you proftpd is being started in inetd....did you make a chanfe to proftpd.conf? | 02:23 |
lufis | jericho: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst :) | 02:23 |
boyam | *change | 02:23 |
lufis | jericho: make a backup though, just in case | 02:23 |
Tru7h | reya276: ? | 02:23 |
reya276 | yes | 02:23 |
Tru7h | Yes what? | 02:23 |
BlackDalek | what exactly does the upgrade do? does it change my current install of edgy to feisty, or does it leave that untouched and just install feisty at a different location? | 02:23 |
TheRF | Tru7h: Most likely your graphics is not supported if it doesn't work with the Live CD> | 02:23 |
TheRF | . | 02:24 |
reya276 | no I meant that I'm having the same issue | 02:24 |
jericho | lufis: backup is cp /boot/grub/menu.list something or other? i forget...! | 02:24 |
Tru7h | Oh | 02:24 |
Kyle_Eiklor | hmmmm I thought it finished installing Ubuntu but it just stopped on a black screen and nuttin happened so I turned off the comp but now it didn't say it installed it so i'm trying again | 02:24 |
reya276 | Xserver fails to start | 02:24 |
PHu1 | reya276: I am working on that right now - it is a simple commad, just have to find it, when I do I will post | 02:24 |
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reya276 | I get the blue screen | 02:24 |
lufis | jericho: sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.list /boot/grub/menu.list.bak will do | 02:24 |
reya276 | PHU1:thanks | 02:24 |
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IrisBlaze | have anyone ever used roundcube on ubuntu | 02:24 |
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl912.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lufis | jericho: making the file with the .bak extension the old one | 02:24 |
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TheRF | I better go to sleep, Got to go work in the morning. | 02:25 |
Kyle_Eiklor | ok well it starts the install and stuff and it starts to load an orange bar under the word Ubuntu but now the screen is black shoul dI leave it or reburn the CD again? | 02:25 |
newpers | i used network-admin to reconfigure my network to use a static ip address (instead of dhcp). i rebooted and my network connection works great, but gnome takes about 20 mintues to load and i see some networkmanager and gdm errors now | 02:25 |
newpers | any ideas why? | 02:25 |
gerber^Cavesup | Anybody know how to change the cursor speed with Wine? | 02:25 |
TheRF | Good luck to you all! Night. | 02:25 |
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Pelo | gerber^Cavesup, ask in #winehq , but it shoud be the same cursor speed as in the host os | 02:26 |
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jericho | lufis: two more questions! a) how would I revert to the backup, cp /boot/grub/menu.list.bak /boot/grub/menu.lst ? and b) should I just comment out the kernel version that doesn't work? | 02:26 |
=== Bugs_Crash_ [n=administ@c951a336.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
newpers | i just switched to ubuntu, but it seems like it's very hard to get help in this channel. is there another place to go? | 02:26 |
=== Slobokan [n=Slobokan@adsl-35-22-89.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
reya276 | Phu1: is this what you are looking for: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg because I tried this already and that did not work | 02:27 |
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newpers | i think it's because there are 1000+ people in here who are all asking for help | 02:27 |
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kitche | newpers: yes but all unofficial but here | 02:27 |
=== jza__ is now known as Jza|[Installing- | ||
lufis | jericho: Yup, that would do the opposite and restore the original, and sure, commenting will work | 02:27 |
newpers | kitche: ok. thanks | 02:27 |
scipio | newpers, try the ubuntuforums.org | 02:27 |
newpers | i'll just again shortly | 02:27 |
jericho | lufis: thank you very much, this has been annoying me for weeks! | 02:27 |
newpers | thanks, scipio | 02:27 |
Pelo | newpers, you are not being ignored,not everyone here know everything about everythingin ubuntu, we do our best , if that isnT' enough , please try the forum www.ubuntuforums.org | 02:27 |
lufis | jericho: :) | 02:27 |
=== Toma- [n=e17@i156-171.nv.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IrisBlaze | hi i sudo apt-get installe roundcube-webmail then what? if anyone have anyidea | 02:27 |
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Grungebunny | newpers tons of FAQz and forums but just ask here every 2 or 3 mins and someone will answer your Q I've found.. they never let me down in here ;) | 02:27 |
PHu1 | reay276: this is what I did to restore xserver...: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 02:28 |
newpers | Grungebunny: thanks | 02:28 |
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reya276 | right but for me that is not working | 02:28 |
BlackDalek | What does the "upgrade" button do? does it modify the current installation, or leave it untouched and create a new install in a new location??? | 02:28 |
=== Pelo makes a note : "let down Grungebunny " | ||
ipx1 | Hi -- here is my question: how do you get the wireless internet device to work under unbuntu? I am trying to use a linksys card. | 02:28 |
Jza|[Installing- | Is this the Linux Pro room \o/ | 02:28 |
supercolin | my live cd's for my amd64 aren't working, but the ones for x86 are | 02:28 |
PHu1 | what does it say when you run the command | 02:28 |
ipx1 | me? | 02:28 |
ipx1 | It just sits there. | 02:28 |
Pelo | Jza|[Installing-, this is the #ubuntu channel | 02:29 |
PHu1 | (reya276 | 02:29 |
Jza|[Installing- | \o/ | 02:29 |
Jza|[Installing- | I need some help | 02:29 |
Jza|[Installing- | if its possible | 02:29 |
Pelo | Jza|[Installing-, what with ? | 02:29 |
scipio | BlackDalek, what version are you running now? | 02:29 |
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BlackDalek | scipio, Edgy | 02:29 |
Spaz1331 | seeking help with ndiswrapper... using: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff problem in `make`... here's the pastebin: http://www.pastebin.ca/655008 | 02:29 |
Grungebunny | Pelo nooo u da man so far | 02:29 |
Jza|[Installing- | I just installed my Ubuntu on my pc but after a while he quits and is stuck | 02:29 |
ion | I have SERIOUS problem, I rebooted my pc, and now I cannot boot into ubuntu or the live cd, I can only boot into my backtrack2 live cd, I need to restore the grub menu, what do I do | 02:30 |
supercolin | will ubuntu run slower if i install the x86 version instead of the amd64 one? | 02:30 |
=== Pelo is watching old eps of drwho and is very surpised to run into BlackDalek | ||
Jza|[Installing- | I think it has something to do with my graphics card | 02:30 |
reya276 | yes | 02:30 |
reya276 | yes | 02:30 |
scipio | BlackDalek, then upgrade will upgrade you to feisty. meaning upgrade your current installation | 02:30 |
Pelo | Jza|[Installing-, doyou get as far as the boot menu ? do you get as far as the live cd desktop ? how far do youget ? | 02:30 |
reya276 | Phu1: I ran the command so I will restart | 02:30 |
Pelo | reya276, did you get your driver working ? | 02:31 |
BlackDalek | scipio, is doing that likely to mess up my computer so I won't be able to watch DVDs again? | 02:31 |
PHu1 | reya276: ok | 02:31 |
supercolin | what are my options if i can't get the amd64 livecd to work? | 02:31 |
Jza|[Installing- | I got whole Ubuntu on it working till a certain point then it crashes :'( Pele I even got Ftd on on it oand other side programs | 02:31 |
=== soweto76 [n=jack@d226-43-189.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scipio | BlackDalek, most people upgraded without problems (me included) but you can never be 100% sure. even if you run into problems you can make it work eventually | 02:32 |
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K3nto | if a fellow was to go to ubuntu-theme central, where would he go | 02:32 |
reya276 | Pelo: no, iot actually messed up my system I can no longer login through GDM or use my desktop | 02:32 |
Pelo | Jza|[Installing-, its, pelo not pelo, what video card do you havwe ? | 02:32 |
Jza|[Installing- | Asus geforce 6600LE | 02:32 |
Pelo | reya276, sorry to hear about that, think of it as a learning experience | 02:32 |
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PHu1 | reya276: as far as the drivers not being good, IMHO I believe they are, they just are not installed correctly on your system yet I believe | 02:32 |
Jza|[Installing- | 256 mb 8x agp | 02:32 |
=== Pici [n=Pici@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reya276 | Phu1: No the Xserver failed to start | 02:33 |
reya276 | Pelo: how can I fix this issue | 02:33 |
BlackDalek | scipio, ok. I'm gonna give it a go and see if it screws everything up. | 02:33 |
d4rkmonkey | anyone know where the gutsy release schedule is? | 02:33 |
Pelo | Jza|[Installing-, gforce is an ati card I beleive , download the alternate install cd and install from there it is a text based installer, it should help a lot , you can install the proper video driveres afterward | 02:33 |
=== paulius [n=paulius@78-62-12-211.ip.zebra.lt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jza|[Installing- | nvidia | 02:34 |
d4rkmonkey | Pelo, isn't gforce nvidia? | 02:34 |
reya276 | My Xserver fails to start it says that it is configured wrong yet, I ran the dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg command and nothing | 02:34 |
Pelo | reya276, boot the recovery mode, and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:34 |
scipio | ion, see this thread on how to reinstall grub from the livecd: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351&highlight=recover+grub | 02:34 |
reya276 | I did that | 02:34 |
Pelo | d4rkmonkey, could be, same solution | 02:34 |
reya276 | but I will try it again | 02:34 |
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Pelo | reya276, make sure you spell it correctly | 02:34 |
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supercolin | can i install the x86 build and then upgrade it to the amd64 one? | 02:35 |
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jericho | lufis: just rebooted, new grub menu working perfectly. many thanks again! | 02:35 |
Pelo | supercolin, no, and you should stick to the x86 there's a lot of stuff missing from amd64 | 02:36 |
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=== Camaxtli [n=Anton@h177105.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lufis | jericho: no prob! :D | 02:36 |
supercolin | thanks | 02:36 |
anandanbu | How to install Xfce environment in ubuntu 7.04 | 02:36 |
=== juan [n=juan@201-212-162-219.net.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
d4rkmonkey | !xfce | anandanbu | 02:36 |
ubotu | anandanbu: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels | 02:36 |
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reya276 | Pelo: do I choose fglrx? | 02:36 |
Zambezi | I guy help me to close access for a friends shell, but the master also closed out me so I can't open folders on my mounted harddrives and application don't have write access. How can I change this back to normal? | 02:36 |
Pelo | reya276, why not | 02:36 |
ipx1 | How do I get the linksys wireless PCMCIA card to work with ubuntu? | 02:36 |
Pelo | reya276, you're doing something I have never done before, your guess is as good as mine | 02:37 |
Pelo | ipx1, look up your model in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org | 02:37 |
=== xelnaga666 [n=xelnaga6@80-42-198-147.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PHu1 | reya276: I would recommend using the thread that I listed, unless Pelo says different | 02:37 |
=== RedMercury [n=RedMercu@cpc3-glfd3-0-0-cust396.glfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IrisBlaze | aaaaaah i installed courier-mta and it removed postfix | 02:37 |
RedMercury | help! i've got an infinite loop at startup since i put LDAP in | 02:37 |
PHu1 | reya276: are you back with xserver running? | 02:38 |
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Pelo | PHu1, donT drag me back into this, I'm trying to get out of it | 02:38 |
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RedMercury | is this some dependency/initialization order issue? | 02:38 |
=== Bogaurd [n=rootkit@122-49-173-161.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theverant | can I get XChat Gnome to minimize to the task tray? | 02:38 |
=== weah [n=hsatera@201-1-47-126.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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weah | how do i find out how many gigabits i have left trough command line? | 02:38 |
Instabin | theverant: install the try plugin | 02:38 |
Pelo | theconartist, check in the preferences | 02:38 |
reya276 | Pelo: I reconfigured and restarted | 02:39 |
=== juan [n=juan@201-212-162-219.net.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reya276 | lets see if this works | 02:39 |
DYRANGO | Windows dead ? | 02:39 |
weah | Pelo how do i find out how many gigabits i have left trough command line? | 02:39 |
=== Pelo crosses his fingers on behalf of reya276 | ||
theconartist | Pelo, ok, what am i checking for | 02:39 |
reya276 | sweet dude it worked | 02:39 |
Pelo | weah, try top or memfree. or freemem | 02:39 |
Pelo | !ru | DYRANGO | 02:39 |
ubotu | DYRANGO: #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 02:39 |
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reya276 | Pelo, Phu1: Thanks guys | 02:40 |
theverant | Thanks Instabin - I'll look for that plug | 02:40 |
Pelo | reya276, congrats | 02:40 |
RedMercury | anyone? it means i cant log in :| | 02:40 |
reya276 | now I know what to do if it happens again | 02:40 |
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Pelo | RedMercury, we donT' know, try booting the recovery mode and fixing it | 02:40 |
gerber^Cavesup | Whats the apt-get name for limewire | 02:40 |
reya276 | I'm still bum about not having ATI drivers | 02:40 |
d4rkmonkey | gerber^Cavesup, I don't believe that limewire is in the repos | 02:40 |
theconartist | lol | 02:40 |
reya276 | can't play my games | 02:40 |
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d4rkmonkey | gerber^Cavesup, frostwire is better anyways (also not in the repos though) doesn't bombard you with adds | 02:41 |
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d4rkmonkey | !frostwire | gerber^Cavesup | 02:41 |
ubotu | gerber^Cavesup: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire | 02:41 |
Pelo | gerber^Cavesup, get the deb package from the limewire site, but I recommend you use frostwire instead, same thing but no spying | 02:41 |
josh | hey how can i tell what video card i have | 02:41 |
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reya276 | why can't Ubuntu use the ATI drivers | 02:41 |
Pelo | josh, check you documentation | 02:41 |
josh | i cant figure out what video card im using | 02:41 |
josh | Pelo: how | 02:41 |
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Jza|[Installing- | I also just checked my Drivers it even says its the good nvidia Driver ?? but is it possible that my system is to weak Pelo | 02:41 |
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gerber^Cavesup | d4rkmonkey: I never had a problem with adds with limewire. I will try out frostwire though. Is there a windows version also? | 02:41 |
Pelo | reya276, ati drivers aren'T FOSS so they are not part of ubuntu vanila, all the ati drivers out in the wild are retroengineered, they do their best | 02:42 |
josh | pelo: how do i check my docs or tell what video card i have | 02:42 |
d4rkmonkey | gerber^Cavesup, yes, there is a windows version of frostwire. By adds I mean that constant *UPGRADE TO PRO* thing | 02:42 |
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reya276 | I understand, but they should atleast work | 02:42 |
scipio | josh, maybe lspci will help | 02:42 |
DYRANGO | Pelo Thank ;-) | 02:42 |
reya276 | thanks | 02:42 |
josh | what is lspci | 02:42 |
gerber^Cavesup | d4rkmonkey: ah hehe well i had pro =) | 02:42 |
josh | scipio: what is lspci | 02:42 |
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Pelo | Jza|[Installing-, with a 256 meg video card I doubt your system is to weak, you just ineed to install wtith the alternate install cd and install the nvidia drivers aafterward | 02:43 |
scipio | josh a command you can run in terminal. it lists all your devices | 02:43 |
d4rkmonkey | gerber^Cavesup, well... frostwire is still better ;) | 02:43 |
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Pelo | josh, I mean the paperwork that came with the computer | 02:43 |
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josh | its ati is there ati drivers i can install | 02:43 |
josh | or no | 02:43 |
weah | Pelo u dont accept private messages? | 02:43 |
Jza|[Installing- | AmD Sempron 2600+ on real 2,0 ghz <------- but sempron is that strong enough Pelo ? alrdy thnx for help btw :) | 02:44 |
scipio | josh, or do what pelo suggested | 02:44 |
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Pelo | weah, if you need to speak to me in private use /notice | 02:44 |
josh | its ati | 02:44 |
player1 | DCC SEND xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | 02:44 |
player1 | DCC SEND xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | 02:44 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ | ||
wastrel | i think you're doing it wrong | 02:44 |
Pelo | Jza|[Installing-, your computer is good enough to run ubuntu , go to the site and get the alternate install cd so you can install | 02:44 |
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josh | so if i have ati i cant use 3d effects? | 02:44 |
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weah | Pelo see my notice. | 02:45 |
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Pelo | josh, you will be able to use 3d effect you will just have a little more work to do to get the drivers working right | 02:45 |
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weah | please. | 02:45 |
Pelo | weha yes, give me a minute to look at it | 02:45 |
josh | what do i have to do | 02:45 |
PHu1 | josh: are you on ubuntu? | 02:45 |
josh | yes | 02:45 |
Jza|[Installing- | Ok thnx Pelo for the help rly appreciate it _o_ | 02:45 |
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josh | ubuntu | 02:45 |
PHu1 | try this thread: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide | 02:46 |
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PHu1 | josh: it took me a while to find it but it worked great | 02:46 |
XElBuRaK | /name MichelGebrail | 02:46 |
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Pelo | weah, you have 4 gig total ? it looks like you have 15 meg free | 02:46 |
josh | i cant install open source graphics drivers and do it like that? | 02:46 |
Pelo | what the hell are you doing 6 | 02:46 |
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PHu1 | josh: say again? | 02:47 |
Pelo | josh, you can get drivers for your card , you will just have to install them after installing ubuntu, | 02:47 |
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josh | why? that doesnt make sense | 02:47 |
Rabbitbunny | How do I reset xorg? | 02:47 |
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weah | Pelo where do i see it? | 02:48 |
Rabbitbunny | *restart | 02:48 |
Pelo | Rabbitbunny, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:48 |
josh | so i had to do it after fresh install of ubuntu | 02:48 |
josh | i have* | 02:48 |
weah | Pelo load average? | 02:48 |
It`sMy_Life | good morning | 02:48 |
Rabbitbunny | pelo, did that. How do I make it use that info? | 02:48 |
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Pelo | weah, 3rd line , 15932 free, | 02:48 |
Pelo | Rabbitbunny, restart x crtl alt backspace | 02:48 |
weah | holy sh*t | 02:48 |
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Pelo | weah, what the heck are you doing on that computer, running vista on vmware ? | 02:49 |
Grungebunny | bragging rights ;) | 02:49 |
weah | Pelo it's my network remote | 02:49 |
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Pelo | Grungebunny, he's got 15 gig free out of 4 gig of ram | 02:50 |
Rabbitbunny | I'm running from liveCD. restart command not found. | 02:50 |
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IrisBlaze | err again shouldn't postfix be running along with courier-mta? | 02:50 |
Pelo | Rabbitbunny, hold down the crtl key, the alt key and the backspace key at the same time | 02:50 |
Pelo | IrisBlaze, try reinstalling postifx, see it it tries to remvoe courier | 02:51 |
Rabbitbunny | Oh... for a long time... I was just pressing | 02:51 |
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weah | man wasnt that the memory? | 02:51 |
Pelo | Rabbitbunny, why are you reconfiguring x on the live cd ? | 02:51 |
IrisBlaze | thanx pelo | 02:51 |
weah | Pelo i wanted to know the hard disk usage... | 02:51 |
Rabbitbunny | pelo: 640*480 display | 02:52 |
Pelo | weah, oh | 02:52 |
weah | sorry if i wasnt clear | 02:52 |
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Pelo | weah, don'T knwo that one | 02:52 |
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weah | anyone does? how to know how is the usage of my hard disk? | 02:52 |
Pelo | Rabbitbunny, didyou try changing the resolution in the pref menu ? | 02:52 |
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weah | Pelo it was bittornado... | 02:52 |
Pelo | weah, check in here http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php | 02:52 |
weah | it really uses ram... | 02:53 |
Rabbitbunny | pelo: no menu. It uses 800*600 default. text mode laughed at me. | 02:53 |
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Pelo | weah, use utorrent running on wine it takes less resurces | 02:53 |
Acidz0r | Hi, does anyone knows why GDM couldn't be reading ~/.xsession ? | 02:53 |
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LGM^_ | any sergestion for antivirus | 02:53 |
IrisBlaze | Pelo, thanx they both are running | 02:53 |
inaety | hello when i try to start various programs in kde i get this error "Could not find mime type 'application/octet-stream'" | 02:53 |
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Pelo | Rabbitbunny, I can'T help then | 02:53 |
weah | Pelo but i'm in an only command line situation... | 02:53 |
Rabbitbunny | Pelo: it worked. | 02:53 |
weah | what would u recommend me? | 02:53 |
weah | and im not root | 02:54 |
weah | =/ | 02:54 |
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Pelo | inaety, ask in #kubuntu they know about kde stuff | 02:54 |
Pelo | Rabbitbunny, good | 02:54 |
Pelo | weah, hold on let me check | 02:54 |
inaety | Pelo: no one has been answering :P | 02:54 |
astro76 | LGM^_, antivirus software isn't necessary | 02:54 |
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Jza|[Installing- | Just a Little other question my Asus Geforce is a " N" Serie wich not is listed @ Nvidia.com or must I choose the 6 series then Pelo | 02:54 |
weah | rtorrent is impossible to be compiled... | 02:54 |
jmworx_ | Anyone knows why I'm getting: "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!"? | 02:55 |
Pelo | Jza|[Installing-, I have no idea | 02:55 |
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jmworx_ | when I try installing something, that is | 02:55 |
reya276 | PHu1: this guide is not very clear, I tried following it and the driver is not install | 02:55 |
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Jza|[Installing- | Hmm I'm just gonna try | 02:55 |
genefitz | inaety, for some reason, you icons aren't pointing to the applications. Sadly, I am not sure how to fix the problem | 02:55 |
Jza|[Installing- | \o/ | 02:55 |
Jza|[Installing- | thnx | 02:55 |
Pelo | Jza|[Installing-, I suggest you start by installing ubuntu and then just use therestricted drivers tool to see if it finds a driver automaticaly | 02:55 |
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scipio | weah, to see free disk space: df in terminal | 02:55 |
ipx1 | ON the LINKSYS card: I tried everything you guys told me. How do I get to the menu that can detect what card I am using? | 02:56 |
weah | Pelo out of 4 gib, i was using 3.85? | 02:56 |
r0bby | ipx1: is it broadcom? | 02:56 |
Jza|[Installing- | That I alrdy did and I thouhgt they where good but still crash problems :'( | 02:56 |
weah | lmao | 02:56 |
r0bby | (the chipset) | 02:56 |
Pelo | weah, yeah | 02:56 |
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weah | i closed the 4 bittornados | 02:57 |
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weah | and know i'm with 1 gb left | 02:57 |
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weah | 2 actually | 02:57 |
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genefitz | Weah, then NEVER use that program again! If it is using almost 4 Gigs of ram, and isn't flying, something ain't right.. | 02:57 |
inaety | genefitz: i don't know if that's reason, for instance it may come up if i make a new tab in konqeuror or open amarok however i am not using icons just alt-f2 runs and well it's coming up for stupid stuff...the application however still works in the end | 02:57 |
ipx1 | r0bby: it is a WPC54GS | 02:57 |
XElBuRaK | I have a broadcom, but I can't use, ubunto doesn't recognize. | 02:57 |
insta | what's a good channel to diagnose sound problems? | 02:57 |
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r0bby | hrm...you may need to use ndiswrapper -- but I don't know much | 02:57 |
r0bby | !ndiswrapper | 02:57 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 02:58 |
XElBuRaK | I tried | 02:58 |
r0bby | ipx1: take a peek there | 02:58 |
genefitz | inaety, I would try a re-liad, some bit or byte got crossed... | 02:58 |
genefitz | oops, re-load | 02:58 |
Pelo | weah, the command yo want is df | 02:58 |
=== df is what you want | ||
inaety | genefitz: what's a reload? | 02:58 |
ipx1 | ok... | 02:58 |
inaety | genefitz: i;ve restarted before... | 02:58 |
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cornell | Do I ask my questions badly, or what? | 02:59 |
genefitz | inaety, re-load Kubuntu. I don't think thre is an easy fix there, though you could do a search in Kubuntu support | 02:59 |
weah | yes, just found out | 02:59 |
weah | df -h | 02:59 |
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Pelo | cornell, this is a high traffic channel some ppl get lost in the fray, donT' worry, just ask again periodicaly | 02:59 |
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inaety | thanks genefitz | 02:59 |
cornell | Thanks Pelo | 02:59 |
XElBuRaK | r0bby: thanks | 03:00 |
cornell | If I put a new OS on a / partition, can I tell it about the existing LVM Volume Group (or will it know)? I've a knopmyth machine that I'm going to upgrade to mythbuntu. It has two drives... the first in two partitions, / and the rest is part of a LVM volume group. The second drive is the rest of the volume group. | 03:00 |
r0bby | XElBuRaK: what? | 03:00 |
genefitz | inaety, sorry, I wish I could be more help there, but if you have re-started and nothing has changed, that means there is a bad error in the OS | 03:00 |
towlie | does anyone know of software that will let me rip a protected dvd and then insert a blank dvd and burn the ripped files to dvd in one step | 03:00 |
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XElBuRaK | about ndiswrapper | 03:00 |
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r0bby | heh yeh | 03:00 |
Pelo | !lvm | cornell the ansser you want should be in there | 03:01 |
ubotu | cornell the ansser you want should be in there: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO | 03:01 |
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r0bby | I use a card that uses madwifi | 03:01 |
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genefitz | towlie, if you use Dvd:rip, and copy the files and burn to another DVD it shoud produce a pretty good copy.. | 03:01 |
cornell | Thanks Pelo, I'll have a look | 03:01 |
insta | hey guys, i have a problem with sound output on a fresh feisty install. sound worked in windows, yet alsamixer identifies the correct sound card and options. no programs throw any errors as far as sound, there's just complete silence. speakers are on and powered :p | 03:01 |
genefitz | There is also a DVD:shrink program. | 03:01 |
towlie | genefitz, does it let me do that all in one step ? | 03:01 |
Pelo | towlie, you are asking for too much, if you want to break the law you are going to work at it | 03:01 |
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XElBuRaK | I dont't know madwifi. How can I use it? | 03:02 |
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towlie | pelo theres windows software that does that in 1 step | 03:02 |
genefitz | towlie, I am not sure.. You would have to see.. I have never done it.. | 03:02 |
r0bby | XElBuRaK: you have to figure out if your card needs that driver | 03:02 |
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XElBuRaK | r0bby: ok | 03:02 |
r0bby | basically, read the docs, google a lot, and stuff. | 03:02 |
Pelo | insta, in the terminal type alsamixer and make sure noting is muted and taht the sound levels are up | 03:02 |
Empy2k5 | does anyone know how i can go about changing the owner of a folder from "1001" to my user name so that I can delete it?:| | 03:02 |
sotec_prod | Anyone know if there exists a cpu fan power to usb/molex/etc adapter? | 03:03 |
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insta | pelo, already got it | 03:03 |
Pelo | towlie, then go and perpertrate your crime in windows | 03:03 |
XElBuRaK | I will read about it. | 03:03 |
r0bby | Empy2k5: chown | 03:03 |
XElBuRaK | thanks | 03:03 |
towlie | Pelo, stfu | 03:03 |
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Pelo | insta, sorry I have too many ppl making demands on me | 03:03 |
r0bby | chgrp changes the group ownership | 03:03 |
r0bby | chmod changes the permissions. | 03:03 |
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kr00l | Does anyone know why Microsoft comes pre-installed on all new computers? | 03:03 |
Empy2k5 | so chgroup <user name> hellanzb-0.9? | 03:04 |
scipio | insta, try right click on the volume button in tray--open volume control. then go to edit--preferences and check all those buttons. then toy around with volume and see if you can get it working. sometimes a channel is mute or something | 03:04 |
insta | Pelo: it's not a problem ... if there's another channel that's alsa-specific i'll go there. | 03:04 |
r0bby | kr00l: monopoly? | 03:04 |
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Pelo | sotec_prod, cpu fan to usb ? | 03:04 |
kr00l | r0bby hmmmmm | 03:04 |
cornell | Pelo: No mention of lvm on the raid link... I did see, on the other link, a discussion related to removing a disk from a box and putting it into another. I'm not sure that applies. | 03:04 |
r0bby | but this is not the place to discuss that. | 03:04 |
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r0bby | Empy2k5: NO it's chgrp | 03:05 |
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Pelo | insta, try #alsa or #alsamixer but I doubt it , check in the forum maybe | 03:05 |
r0bby | that's the exact command | 03:05 |
gerber^Cavesup | How would i got about renaming my PC? | 03:05 |
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sotec_prod | Pelo, cpu fan to anything that gives it power. I only have 2 case fan outlets on my mobo, and they are both taken. I need to add another. | 03:05 |
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gerber^Cavesup | so like in a terminal it would say username@newnamehere | 03:05 |
Pelo | cornell, I now you can run lvm in ubuntu (I,ve been told you can ) check for lvm in the forum you might find someting www.ubuntuforums.org | 03:05 |
r0bby | !file permissions | Empy2k5 | 03:06 |
ubotu | Empy2k5: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 03:06 |
binarydigit | cornell: you def can run lvm in ubuntu | 03:06 |
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Frogzoo | cornell: you need something that describes your vg/lvs - /etc/lvmtab? | 03:06 |
inaety | genefitz: looks like i found a fix | 03:06 |
Pelo | sotec_prod, I spliced the power cables on mine | 03:06 |
Empy2k5 | and to remove a directory which isn't empty? | 03:06 |
genefitz | inaety, cool. Sorry I couldn't me more help | 03:06 |
r0bby | rm -rf <dir> | 03:06 |
inaety | genefitz: a very easy one at that :P | 03:06 |
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cornell | I've found an /etc/lvm/lvm.conf, Frogzoo, but it doesn't seem what I need | 03:06 |
r0bby | Empy2k5: tip: _DO NOT_ execute rm -rf / as root. | 03:06 |
ipx1 | r0bby (and to all): this sux. It won't recognize the card. | 03:07 |
r0bby | unless you feel like reinstalling. | 03:07 |
genefitz | inaety, my knowledge of Kubuntu is very limited. I use Fedora. | 03:07 |
binarydigit | cornell: im a lil late to the convo but what are you trying to do with lbm? | 03:07 |
binarydigit | lvm* | 03:07 |
r0bby | ipx1: pastebin dmesg output | 03:07 |
Pelo | ipx1, check your card model in the forum see if there are specific fixes | 03:07 |
ipx1 | There is no output. | 03:07 |
ipx1 | I'm using the GUI. | 03:07 |
r0bby | ipx1: so open a terminal window | 03:08 |
jmworx_ | Anyone knows why I'm getting: "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!" when trying to install packages? ...and how to fix that? | 03:08 |
ipx1 | There is no shell open, get me? Like...just graphics. | 03:08 |
inaety | genefitz: why? i don't like rpm-based | 03:08 |
cornell | I've an existing machine, knopmyth with a / partition and the rest in a vg. I want to install mythbuntu on the / partition. I want it to recognize the existing LVM. How? | 03:08 |
binarydigit | jmworx: usually need the gpg key for the repository | 03:08 |
r0bby | ipx1: open up gnome-terminal. | 03:08 |
Empy2k5 | If i can only change the permissions for this dumb folder so that i can delete it from my regular user not root then i'd have it made :| | 03:08 |
ipx1 | ok | 03:08 |
gerber^Cavesup | How would i got about renaming my PC? | 03:08 |
r0bby | Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal | 03:08 |
binarydigit | cornell: are you booted from a livecd? | 03:08 |
Pelo | jmworx, you don'T that means it probably comes from backport or a thrid party repos | 03:08 |
genefitz | Inarty, I use the yum install for most things. I just like the way it works a little better.. | 03:08 |
cornell | Yes, binarydigit | 03:08 |
jr_ | gerber^Cavesup, spraypaint | 03:08 |
binarydigit | cornell: did you run pvscan or lvscan? | 03:08 |
pi3 | r0bby: neither as a normal user | 03:08 |
r0bby | what? | 03:09 |
binarydigit | cornell: also make sure you installed lvm2 from the livecd, its not included by default | 03:09 |
cornell | From the livecd, binarydigit? | 03:09 |
binarydigit | ya | 03:09 |
Pelo | gerber^Cavesup, for what purpose ? networkshare and stuff ? | 03:09 |
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genefitz | Not to mention, it was the only distro that seemed to work properly with my computer straight out the box... | 03:09 |
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r0bby | you need root permissions for most things; which is why sudo exists. | 03:09 |
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r0bby | normal user accounts are restrictive for a reason ;) | 03:09 |
Empy2k5 | yep r0b :/ | 03:09 |
r0bby | Empy2k5: what are you trying to do? | 03:09 |
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Pelo | cause we don'T trust normal users | 03:10 |
cornell | Ok, binarydigit, booted from mythbuntu livecd, run pvscan lvscan (after I check out what they're supposed to do), right? | 03:10 |
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r0bby | Pelo: among the many reasons | 03:10 |
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Empy2k5 | i'm trying to delete this folder called hellanzb-0.9 | 03:10 |
jr_ | !demonops | 03:10 |
binarydigit | cornell: well those commands wont work unless you have lvm2 package installed | 03:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about demonops - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:10 |
jr_ | :O | 03:10 |
r0bby | Empy2k5: sudo rm -rf /path/to/directory | 03:10 |
jr_ | !demon ops | 03:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about demon ops - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:10 |
Empy2k5 | permissions are d--x--x--x 4 | 03:10 |
jr_ | !demon | 03:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about demon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:10 |
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jr_ | :O | 03:10 |
astro76 | !msgthebot | jr_ | 03:10 |
ubotu | jr_: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 03:10 |
r0bby | Empy2k5: type carefully. | 03:10 |
Pelo | !botabuse | jr_ | 03:10 |
KoPaCh | :) | 03:10 |
cornell | Ouch, binarydigit, how do I add packages to a livecd? | 03:10 |
jr_ | :o | 03:11 |
binarydigit | cornell: apt-get install lvm2 | 03:11 |
Don9307 | :0-< | 03:11 |
Templar | hi can anyone tell me if there is a way of running programs in gnome as part of your background | 03:11 |
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Don9307 | :0>-< | 03:11 |
cornell | On a livecd, far out. Would it be useful to run them on the existing install? | 03:11 |
r0bby | what do you mean, background apps? | 03:11 |
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Pelo | cornell, binarydigit are you sure about this ? you mean if you apt-get something from the live cd it will become part of the install on the hdd ? | 03:11 |
Empy2k5 | it's still there r0b :/ | 03:11 |
r0bby | Empy2k5: ... | 03:12 |
Empy2k5 | lol yeah | 03:12 |
binarydigit | Pelo: no it wont become a part of the install but you will be able to view the LV information you need | 03:12 |
Empy2k5 | the folder is on my desktop :| | 03:12 |
Templar | say take info from a website and place it in the background | 03:12 |
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r0bby | Templar: yeh... | 03:12 |
Don9307 | :0-|-< | 03:12 |
cornell | Prior to actually installing the OS from the livecd, binarydigit? | 03:12 |
r0bby | firefox has a right-click menu to set the as background ;) | 03:12 |
Pelo | binarydigit, but it will need to be apt-get again after the installation is what you are saying if I get you ? | 03:12 |
Empy2k5 | wait | 03:12 |
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Empy2k5 | nm i got it now | 03:12 |
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r0bby | what was it? | 03:13 |
Empy2k5 | i see what i did wrong | 03:13 |
Templar | or or have a live feed from a webcam built into ur background | 03:13 |
Empy2k5 | i put a slash in front of the folder | 03:13 |
cornell | Ok by me, Pelo, binarydigit | 03:13 |
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Empy2k5 | god i'm a douchebag :| | 03:13 |
r0bby | what happened? | 03:13 |
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Empy2k5 | it got rid of the folder now | 03:13 |
binarydigit | Pelo: he cant chroot to the / partition and install it | 03:13 |
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mars2686 | holaz | 03:13 |
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Mr_Awesome | anyone know a good utility for recording whats playing through the speakers? | 03:13 |
Empy2k5 | brb | 03:13 |
r0bby | Empy2k5: what was it you're not answering me :P | 03:13 |
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jmworx_ | binarydigit, Pelo: It used to work, but no longer does. It might have been after I installed medibuntu, but not sure. Any tip? | 03:13 |
binarydigit | or you can use the alternate installer which i believe has support for lvm | 03:13 |
Pelo | binarydigit, good to know | 03:13 |
ipx1 | r0bby: still here? | 03:14 |
r0bby | ipx1: in some form yes | 03:14 |
binarydigit | cornell: your best bet/ easiest is to try the alternate installer which im pretty sure has lvm support during the install | 03:14 |
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Pelo | jmworx, what is your problem again ? sorry lots of ppl | 03:14 |
Templar | i remember kde had an option in the background settings to allow a website be part of it | 03:14 |
ipx1 | ok r00by: gnome terminal is open. | 03:14 |
ipx1 | What to do now? | 03:14 |
cornell | ANd it can recognize the existing vg, binarydigit? | 03:15 |
ipx1 | sorry -- r0bby. | 03:15 |
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r0bby | now type dmesg and look for your wifi card, it should say Linksys | 03:15 |
Pelo | Templar, you'll have to ask in #kubuntu | 03:15 |
binarydigit | cornell: yes it should see it | 03:15 |
r0bby | or Broadcom | 03:15 |
ipx1 | ok | 03:15 |
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r0bby | WPC54GS probably | 03:15 |
gerber^Cavesup | Sony Vegas 7 with ubuntu? Possible? | 03:15 |
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ipx1 | erros/ | 03:15 |
switchcat | Q: how do I set the NNTPSERVER environment variable? Thanks. | 03:15 |
ipx1 | errors...lots of them. | 03:15 |
Templar | pelo, do u know of anything similar for gnome | 03:15 |
jmworx_ | Pelo: I was being told the packages couldn't be anthenticated... somehow, I did an apt-get update and it's fixed | 03:15 |
ipx1 | r0bby: it says: | 03:15 |
r0bby | that's your syslog | 03:15 |
r0bby | PASTEBIN! | 03:15 |
Pelo | switchcat, man nntpserver | 03:15 |
r0bby | !pastebin | ipx1 | 03:16 |
ubotu | ipx1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:16 |
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ipx1 | bcm43xx: error: microcode ..... | 03:16 |
Pelo | Templar, no I do not , which doesnT' mean anyting | 03:16 |
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ipx1 | huh? | 03:16 |
r0bby | okay you have the broadcom chipset | 03:16 |
r0bby | !broadcom | ipx1 | 03:16 |
ubotu | ipx1: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:16 |
tengulre | 03:16 | |
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r0bby | hrm | 03:16 |
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ipx1 | ok.... | 03:16 |
switchcat | pelo - I tried that already. :) "no manual entry for nntpserver" | 03:16 |
ipx1 | one sec | 03:16 |
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tengulre | anybody here come from china? | 03:16 |
Pelo | jmworx, no I think the problem is because it was a third party repos , but I can be wrong I often am | 03:16 |
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Pelo | switchcat, chck in he forum | 03:17 |
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switchcat | pelo - forum? | 03:17 |
r0bby | ipx1: this is what you'll need: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty?highlight=%28WifiDocs%29%7C%28AND%29%7C%28ManufacturerModel%29 | 03:17 |
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Pelo | !cn | tengulre | 03:17 |
ubotu | tengulre: For Ubuntu help in Chinese #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-tw #ubuntu-hk | 03:17 |
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KleRo1 | hello everyone... does someone knows how can i play .wma files with Rhythmbox? | 03:17 |
ipx1 | ok. | 03:17 |
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cornell | So, binarydigit, install the new OS, ignoring the other partitions. apt-get install lvm2, ummm... done? | 03:17 |
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ipx1 | r0bby: it says: event not found. | 03:17 |
Pelo | switchcat, do a search in www.ubuntuforums.org | 03:17 |
ipx1 | Let me check out the web site. | 03:17 |
=== Almighty_Henaro [n=henaro@c-24-98-20-28.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
r0bby | I needed to know which chipset you were using | 03:17 |
Pelo | afk | 03:17 |
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binarydigit | cornell: it would be easier if you could get an "fdisk -l" of the hd you are talking about , and throw it up in a pastebin | 03:18 |
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nbags | does ubuntu run on pre-i686? | 03:18 |
mrigns | !codecs > KleRo1 | 03:18 |
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r0bby | > vs | > does privmsg, whereas | displays to the channel? | 03:18 |
KleRo1 | thanks mrigns | 03:18 |
kitche | r0bby: correct | 03:18 |
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pawan | HI | 03:18 |
r0bby | ah | 03:18 |
genefitz | nbags yes. What are you wanting to run it on? | 03:19 |
nbags | genefitz, a P1 | 03:19 |
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ipx1 | r0bby: It's bascially saying I have to connect physically to the internet before I can use the wireless device? | 03:19 |
pawan | how to play rmVb files in ubuntu | 03:19 |
fevel | anyone installed pidgin successfully?? | 03:19 |
pawan | !rmVb | 03:19 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rmvb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:19 |
insta | rah, does anyone else have ideas i can try for audio? I've tried the simple things, and i've had this motherboard with working audio in linux before | 03:19 |
cornell | K... I'll try that... but it will have to be later, gotta clean up and hit the rack... thanks binarydigit, hope to see you tomorrow | 03:19 |
Pelo | pawan, install realplayer from the realplayer site | 03:19 |
insta | i don't see alsa throwing any errors | 03:19 |
genefitz | nbags, you may be better off with something smaller. Hold on, and I will get you the Ubuntu requirements. | 03:19 |
r0bby | you have to associate to an AP | 03:19 |
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Pelo | insta, are you sure alsa is the selected output device ? | 03:19 |
insta | outside of a metric asston of APIC errors on CPU0 | 03:19 |
ipx1 | AP or IP? | 03:19 |
binarydigit | cornell: no prob good luck | 03:19 |
Pelo | or whatever it is called | 03:20 |
r0bby | it would help if you had a physical nic in the machince | 03:20 |
r0bby | machine* | 03:20 |
ipx1 | ok. | 03:20 |
ipx1 | I have one. | 03:20 |
insta | Pelo: i've tried both ALSA and OSS | 03:20 |
r0bby | a/physical/wired/ | 03:20 |
r0bby | I had one hell of a time getting mine to work | 03:20 |
Pelo | insta, what audio card do you have ? | 03:20 |
r0bby | but basically, ubuntu has awesome docs | 03:20 |
ipx1 | ok. | 03:20 |
ipx1 | I will try that right now. | 03:20 |
genefitz | nbags, minimum for ubuntu is Mhz, 64 Megs ram. 2 Gigs drive space | 03:20 |
r0bby | read them, it's gonna take time :) | 03:20 |
ipx1 | Hey thanks a lot. | 03:20 |
r0bby | no problem | 03:20 |
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insta | ATI IXP card, Realtek ALC658D chipset | 03:21 |
insta | (onboard) | 03:21 |
insta | it's enabled in the BIOS and stuff as well | 03:21 |
Pelo | insta, checdk the realtep bit in theforum | 03:21 |
genefitz | nbags, for that old a system, you may be better with something like Damn Small Linux (DSL) | 03:21 |
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Pelo | insta check the realtek bit in the forum | 03:22 |
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pawan | no real player for ubuntu | 03:22 |
nbags | genefitz, nah i'll be fine. i'll just install the base system | 03:22 |
phun_afk | helix? | 03:22 |
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Pelo | pawan, for linux | 03:22 |
nbags | genefitz, should i use the server iso or the alternate iso? | 03:22 |
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pawan | from where | 03:22 |
Flannel | nbags: alternate CD | 03:22 |
nbags | Flannel, why? | 03:23 |
pHro- | naggers | 03:23 |
Pelo | pawan, google for realplayer 10 linux | 03:23 |
Flannel | nbags: better hardware support | 03:23 |
nbags | Flannel, oh, it does raid in the setup | 03:23 |
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Pelo | pawan dl the bin not the rpm | 03:23 |
nbags | Flannel, nice | 03:23 |
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genefitz | nbags, if you are going to try it, you will have to use the alternate install disk, most likely. (Depending on ram, etc) | 03:23 |
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Flannel | nbags: believe server will do LVM/raid stuffs too, but server CD removes support for some hardware | 03:23 |
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insta | Pelo, it's actually "ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 AC'97 Audio Controller" according to lspci. I've *never* seen AC97 not work ... | 03:23 |
nbags | Flannel, ok | 03:23 |
IndyGunFreak | Pelo: isn't realplayer in the medibuntu repo? | 03:23 |
nolhay | can anyopne help me connect my wireless? | 03:24 |
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nolhay | wireless conection drops after 2 seconds | 03:24 |
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xgamma[laptop] | hey guys, i'm having problems with xchat-gnome on feisty fawn...it worked fine for a few days, then I tried to add a network. and when I went to reload the client, it would crash within 5 seconds. I read that xchat-gnome 0.18 fixes this crash, but it's not on the repositories. how do i go about uninstalling 0.16 and installing 0.18? | 03:24 |
Pelo | insta, did you check the spaker plug and power ? | 03:24 |
Pelo | IndyGunFreak, how the heck would I knwo what is in the mediubuntu repos | 03:24 |
Kill_X | nolhay: chipset? | 03:24 |
nolhay | nope | 03:24 |
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insta | Pelo: yeah :) tried two cables and headphones | 03:25 |
nolhay | chipset drivers are fine | 03:25 |
IndyGunFreak | Pelo: i wasn't suggesting yuou should/shouldn't, was just thinking that it would be an easier way to install realplayer | 03:25 |
astro76 | IndyGunFreak, it's not, if anything it would be in cannonical's commercial repo but I don't think so | 03:25 |
Kill_X | nolhay: I wanted to know which one :) | 03:25 |
IndyGunFreak | astro76: ok.. i know its in a repo i've used.... maybe pLF | 03:25 |
Pelo | IndyGunFreak, sorry , I'm getting a bit frazzled and I needed to take it out on someone, I knew you could handle it | 03:25 |
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IndyGunFreak | Pelo: lol... no sweat | 03:26 |
ameyer | IndyGunFreak: it used to be in canonical's commercial repo if I recall correctly | 03:26 |
Adlai | anyone here good with dvd encoding on ubuntu? | 03:26 |
ameyer | IndyGunFreak: it might still be there | 03:26 |
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IndyGunFreak | ameyer: i'm not sure, hold on. | 03:26 |
Pelo | insta, probably someting very very silly and easily overlooked | 03:26 |
IndyGunFreak | i'll look and see where i got it. | 03:26 |
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insta | Adlai: yeah | 03:26 |
=== Pelo hands the channel over to IndyGunFreak while he takes a break | ||
=== IndyGunFreak doesn't want it | ||
reya277 | Pelo: is it possible you can help me trouble shoot this | 03:26 |
K3nto | how do i configure cube caps for compiz? | 03:26 |
Adlai | insta, what do you use | 03:26 |
=== insta whines in IndyGunFreak's general direction about his sound issues | ||
=== Pelo redirects to IndyGunFreak | ||
IndyGunFreak | lol | 03:27 |
scipio | insta, i just checked the forums for your problem and there are several reports from people with the same card that say they made it work by unmuting a channel in alsa-mixer: pcm-2 or pcm | 03:27 |
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insta | Adlai: two pass x264 encoding with mencoder | 03:27 |
Pelo | reya276, troubleshoot what ? | 03:27 |
reya277 | I finally installed the driver by following this manual which created a .deb package instead of that Bin stuff | 03:27 |
=== IndyGunFreak loads a Glock 23, who'd like to step up with the first problem? | ||
Adlai | command-line then? | 03:27 |
nolhay | Kill_X, its a linksys Wusb11v4 | 03:27 |
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Pelo | reya276, the actual problem please, I'm trying to exit gracefully | 03:28 |
reya277 | but now everytime I do "fglrxinfo" I get this "Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". | 03:28 |
reya277 | display: :0.0 screen: 0 | 03:28 |
reya277 | OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org | 03:28 |
reya277 | OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect | 03:28 |
reya277 | OpenGL version string: 1.4 (1.5 Mesa 6.5.2) | 03:28 |
insta | scipio: link? | 03:28 |
reya277 | when it should say ATI instead of Mesa | 03:28 |
Pelo | reya276, does it work ? | 03:28 |
insta | Adlai: yeah I use CLI for encoding. It's not very hard and I even have it bundled into a neat little script now. | 03:28 |
scipio | insta, http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=25311946 | 03:28 |
reya277 | but I have an ATI control Panel and everything which displaus the correct drivers for my card | 03:28 |
=== orangey [n=orangey@dsl-67-55-17-244.acanac.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | Pelo: its in the canonical commercial repo.. from the looks of it. | 03:28 |
scipio | insta, first and third thread | 03:29 |
xgamma[laptop] | no dice with fixing xchat-gome? | 03:29 |
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Kill_X | nolhay: well, I have _some_ knowledge in WLAN chipsets, but not every particular one... I'll try to get some information on it, hang on. | 03:29 |
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Pelo | IndyGunFreak, realy I had to get it online ... who cares anyway, it's realplayer , only good for cheap porn | 03:29 |
nolhay | Kill_X, im trying to find out too | 03:29 |
IndyGunFreak | Pelo: now that i agree with...lol | 03:29 |
astro76 | xgamma[laptop] , honestly most everyone uses xchat, not xchat-gnome | 03:29 |
pawan | after downloading bin file | 03:29 |
K3nto | !cubecap | 03:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cubecap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:29 |
nguoihungvodanh_ | hiiiiiiiiiiiii | 03:30 |
nolhay | Kill_X, i used ndiswrapper with the linksys drivers provided on their website | 03:30 |
Pelo | reya276, I beleive that the ati drivers uses some mesa stuff , so you are probably ok, stop nit picking | 03:30 |
K3nto | how do i set up cube caps for compiz? | 03:30 |
astro76 | !compiz | K3nto | 03:30 |
ubotu | K3nto: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 03:30 |
r0bby | win 7 | 03:30 |
Pelo | pawan, try this in the terminal sudo apt-get install realplayer | 03:30 |
xgamma[laptop] | astro76: ok, I'll try switching to xchat instead of that. can I just delete the files for xchat-gnome, or is there an uninstall process? | 03:30 |
=== gerber^Cavesup [n=jon@c-71-200-85-204.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
astro76 | xgamma[laptop] , you can uninstall through synaptic or with sudo apt-get remove xchat-gnome | 03:30 |
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jrib | !realplayer > pawan (see the private message from ubotu) | 03:31 |
Pelo | pawan, nvm the apt-get stuff | 03:31 |
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=== MeltedUFO [n=bryan@c-71-194-149-163.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Pelo goes away now | ||
Kill_X | nolhay: what's you'r router/access point and how many devices are connected? Is it a private one? | 03:31 |
Pelo | lager folks | 03:31 |
Pelo | later | 03:31 |
jrib | pawan: personally, I'd try mplayer for the real media stuff first so you don't have to install such an ugly thing like realplayer :) | 03:31 |
MeltedUFO | hey anyone know anything about Usenet? | 03:31 |
jrib | !anyone | MeltedUFO | 03:31 |
ubotu | MeltedUFO: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 03:31 |
xgamma[laptop] | thanks astro76. i'll try that | 03:32 |
nolhay | Kill_X, its a befw11s4v4 with one wired connection and 1 wireless connection already in place im trying to add another computer | 03:32 |
K3nto | astro76: didnt help. i need help with cube caps in specific | 03:32 |
pawan | mplayer is not playing rmVb files | 03:32 |
reya277 | Pelo: Still there? | 03:32 |
=== Sweetandy [n=andrew@c-24-17-18-66.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
jrib | pawan: have you installed w32codecs? | 03:32 |
pawan | yes | 03:32 |
astro76 | K3nto, try #ubuntu-effects | 03:33 |
=== earsausage [n=paul@adsl-69-212-173-150.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | pawan: k, follow directions from ubotu for realplayer I guess | 03:33 |
=== damejiar [n=damejiar@sv-cpe-dynamic-190-53-22-109.amnetsal.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pawan | pawan@pawan-desktop:~/Desktop$ sudo apt-get install realplayer | 03:33 |
pawan | Reading package lists... Done | 03:33 |
pawan | Building dependency tree | 03:33 |
pawan | Reading state information... Done | 03:33 |
pawan | Package realplayer is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 03:33 |
scipio | pawalls, see this http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/07/27/how-to-play-rmvb-files-in-ubuntu/ | 03:33 |
pawan | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 03:33 |
pawan | is only available from another source | 03:33 |
pawan | E: Package realplayer has no installation candidate | 03:33 |
astro76 | !paste | pawan | 03:33 |
ubotu | pawan: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:33 |
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Kill_X | nolhay: are you using the most recent firmware at your router? | 03:34 |
MeltedUFO | I'm trying to get the Pan newsreader working with Comcast's usenet service | 03:34 |
MeltedUFO | Can someone help me? | 03:34 |
astro76 | MeltedUFO, what's the problem? I believe they give you a giganews account correct? | 03:35 |
pawan | i downloaded the real player bin file now how to install it | 03:35 |
scipio | pawan see my link above, sorry tab completed to another name | 03:35 |
jrib | pawan: did you read the link from ubotu? | 03:35 |
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MeltedUFO | Do you nees a Giganews account? | 03:35 |
Kill_X | nolhay: I remember that the befw11 series had some firmware issues | 03:35 |
jrib | pawan: or scipio's looks even better because it gets mplayer to play them | 03:35 |
IndyGunFreak | pawan: theys hould have instructions on their site. | 03:35 |
IndyGunFreak | !realplayer | 03:36 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:36 |
MeltedUFO | You are supposed to use your comcast.net account | 03:36 |
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kim__ | hey howto use eggdrop on ubuntu 6.06? | 03:36 |
pawan | sudo apt-get install realplayer10gold.bin | 03:37 |
pawan | Reading package lists... Done | 03:37 |
pawan | Building dependency tree | 03:37 |
pawan | Reading state information... Done | 03:37 |
pawan | E: Couldn't find package realplayer10gold.bin | 03:37 |
=== yoyho1 [n=yoyo@adsl-69-224-38-135.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IndyGunFreak | pawan: read the instructions on real's site. | 03:37 |
jrib | pawan: stop pasting here and read what people link you to please | 03:37 |
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kim__ | I can't find eggdrop.conf | 03:37 |
MeltedUFO | astro76: but when I tell it toget headers it just puts it in the task que | 03:37 |
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kim__ | somebody help me | 03:37 |
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yoyho1 | Hey all. I did a aptitude remove freeradius. and i deleted all the /etc/freeradius/* files. Now I tried to refresh the install by doing 'aptitude install freeradius' | 03:37 |
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yoyho1 | but the /etc/freeardius files did not get reinstalled | 03:37 |
yoyho1 | how do i force aptitude to reinstall everything correctly? | 03:37 |
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TylerJGillies | is there a chkdsk utility that comes with Ubuntu install CD? | 03:38 |
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jrib | yoyho1: aptitude purge PACKAGE first, then install it | 03:38 |
TylerJGillies | i can't find one | 03:38 |
astro76 | MeltedUFO, I'm going to set mine up, I have comcast too | 03:38 |
RabidLockerGnome | hi all' | 03:38 |
jorvis_ | is there not a package for limewire? anyone know something better? | 03:38 |
eboyjr | GKSudo is not working.. all of the controls are gone on i.e. gedit | 03:38 |
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MeltedUFO | astro76: ok thank you | 03:39 |
K3nto | what are strings? i just wanna put a picture on the top and bottom of my cube.. | 03:39 |
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IndyGunFreak | eboyjr: maybe gksudo? | 03:39 |
jrib | jorvis_: I'd recommend frostwire | 03:39 |
jrib | !frostwire > jorvis_ (see the private message from ubotu) | 03:39 |
yoyho1 | jrib: ok i'll try that | 03:39 |
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jorvis_ | thanks | 03:39 |
bullgard4 | Are 'database backend' and 'database server' synonymous? Synaptics: Synaptics: "MySQL is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server." | 03:39 |
MeltedUFO | astro76: comcast.net/newsgroups has the settings | 03:39 |
astro76 | MeltedUFO, what did you use for username? | 03:39 |
eboyjr | IndyGunFreak, yeah, thats not working | 03:39 |
=== Yasumoto [n=Yasumoto@cpe-75-84-49-174.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mr_Awesome | anyone know a good utility for recording whats playing through the speakers? | 03:39 |
scipio | kim__, try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=312071 | 03:39 |
astro76 | MeltedUFO, yeah I have it working | 03:39 |
pawan | still not working | 03:40 |
Flannel | bullgard4: yeah, I imagine they are | 03:40 |
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jorvis_ | jrib: new to ubuntu, but apt-get for frostwire didn't work | 03:40 |
yoyho1 | that was it. Thanks! | 03:40 |
bullgard4 | Flannel: Thank you. | 03:40 |
kim__ | scipio//thanks | 03:40 |
=== ShadowXP [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-126-9.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
astro76 | MeltedUFO, user@comcast.net? | 03:40 |
MeltedUFO | astro76: It works for you? | 03:40 |
astro76 | MeltedUFO, indeed | 03:40 |
RabidLockerGnome | hey, any of you guys know how to get a fully transparent gnome panel with compiz fusion? | 03:40 |
jrib | jorvis_: did ubotu send you a link with some info? | 03:40 |
CaptainMorgan | !dialogblocks | 03:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dialogblocks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:40 |
MeltedUFO | astro76: yes | 03:40 |
jorvis_ | jrib: only the name and that it was open-source | 03:40 |
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Flannel | yoyho1: you shouldn't have deleted the config files, you should've purged the package. `remove completely` in synaptic, or with --purge in aptitude. You'll need to reinstall, then remove with the purge, then reinstall to get the config files back | 03:41 |
MeltedUFO | astro76: But did you actually get headers? | 03:41 |
jrib | pawan: you need to be more specific. What exactly did you try that isn't working? and how isn't it working (error messages, etc.)? | 03:41 |
astro76 | MeltedUFO, everything | 03:41 |
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jrib | jorvis_: no link? | 03:41 |
jorvis_ | nope | 03:41 |
astro76 | MeltedUFO, are you using the comcast account's primary user name? | 03:41 |
jorvis_ | i'll google it | 03:41 |
TylerJGillies | !chkdsk | 03:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about chkdsk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:41 |
jrib | jorvis_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire | 03:41 |
MeltedUFO | astro76: yes and i put in all the settings from comcast's website | 03:42 |
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scipio | TylerJGillies, fsck in terminal might help | 03:42 |
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TylerJGillies | scipio: thanx | 03:42 |
Selanit | Any C++/QT devs in the channel? | 03:42 |
astro76 | MeltedUFO, huh, it's pretty simple, not sure what could be wrong... I guess the only other stupid question to ask is do you have the right password? :p | 03:42 |
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TylerJGillies | scipio: its a ntfs file system, doesn't fsck only work with linux? | 03:43 |
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TylerJGillies | scipio: im trying to check my windows filesystem to resize it cause ntfsresize won't let me | 03:43 |
=== Blackdog451978 [n=sam1978@pool-70-19-135-159.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TylerJGillies | scipio: says i need to run chkdsk first | 03:44 |
scipio | TylerJGillies, ah | 03:44 |
thedash | is there an easy way to return the number of a certain type of files in a directory ? | 03:44 |
MeltedUFO | astro76: yes, is there any other requirements or anything that could be a problem with what I'm doing? I'm new to usenet | 03:44 |
=== towlie [n=towlie@pool-71-104-99-22.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kim__ | scipio/what folder for save eggdrop.conf ? ...right english? T.T | 03:44 |
towlie | whats a good media player besides xine ? | 03:44 |
scipio | TylerJGillies, resizing an existing windows partition might cause data loss. you would want to defrag it first | 03:45 |
=== Idfy [n=yestoi@adsl-2482.camtel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | thedash: ls *.c | wc -l maybe? | 03:45 |
jrib | thedash: mplayer and vlc are nice | 03:45 |
Selanit | Hmm. Okay, failing that, is there a better channel to ask KDE development/debugging questions in? I've tried kde-devel - any others? | 03:45 |
nolhay_ | k31th K3nto kabtoffe kabus Kaja kal0 kallegan Karotte Karti kazol kbrosnan KDan kekZpriester KennethP Kernel ketrox kha1i1 Khisanth Kilroo kim__ kimmey2k3 kinaole_ kinection kingKonqueror Kinks kintaro0e kippi kismet Kitar|st kitche kizmet kjdash kkerwin kloeri klop klos komodin koolrans kozlojak kr00l kraut krel kritical kritzstapf Kurisutofuaa kuyky Kwitschibo kyja | 03:45 |
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scipio | kim__, sorry i haven't used eggdrop myself. | 03:45 |
jrib | towlie: mplayer and vlc are nice | 03:45 |
nolhay_ | whoah | 03:45 |
TylerJGillies | scipio: already did that | 03:45 |
astro76 | MeltedUFO, no, those three items are the only thing you need to enter in pan to get it to work... I'd think your next step is to contact comcast tech support | 03:45 |
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bullgard4 | Where can I find a sample MySQL database in the Internet for learning purposes? | 03:45 |
kitche | molkko: please do not do that | 03:45 |
IndyGunFreak | did pawan leave? | 03:45 |
kkerwin | Please kick nolhay_ | 03:45 |
kim__ | scipio/ok. thanks :) | 03:45 |
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Mr_Awesome | anyone know a good utility for recording whats playing through the speakers? | 03:45 |
towlie | jrib ive never really used mplayer much. does it player encrypted dvds ? | 03:45 |
astro76 | MeltedUFO, I seem to remember having to specifically enable usenet in the account settings, it doesn't seem that's the case anymore | 03:45 |
nolhay_ | bad move on my part | 03:45 |
nolhay_ | sry | 03:46 |
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kazol | What the hell is nolhay_ doing? | 03:46 |
newpers | is there any reason why ubuntu (gnome) seems to be ignoring my ~/.xinitrc file? | 03:46 |
eboyjr | Can someone help me get gksudo working? | 03:46 |
=== sixtyeight [n=sixtyeig@c-75-66-242-169.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nolhay_ | IT WASN"T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN | 03:46 |
=== nolhay_ is now known as nolhay | ||
IndyGunFreak | jrib: i had the perfect FAQ on installing realplayer for pawan http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j263/IndyGunFreak/snapshot1.jpg | 03:46 |
kazol | nolhay_: How did you do it then? | 03:46 |
sh3l1 | i uninstalled beryl, but there is still a "emerald theme manager" in the "system>preferences" menu. how do i remove it? is there any way to remove all traces of beryl? | 03:46 |
kritical | Nice one nolhay_, making my IRC client blink for nothing =) | 03:46 |
=== Bino [n=schiffne@pool-64-223-33-150.prov.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kkerwin | nolhay: No problem. Just please be aware that you can be kicked for that. | 03:46 |
nolhay | kybd shortcut | 03:46 |
AskHL | eboyjr, how exactly is gksudo "not working" ? | 03:46 |
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astro76 | MeltedUFO, actually, go in to my account, and see what the "Set up Comcast Newsgroups" link does for you | 03:46 |
scipio | TylerJGillies, hmm. then resize it with gparted, from a livecd? back up your data though :) | 03:46 |
jrib | IndyGunFreak: heh | 03:46 |
IndyGunFreak | :) | 03:46 |
nolhay | i was trying to get kill_x and nick to nolhay | 03:46 |
Fezzler | Hoosier needs help. Can I get a Belkin USB to Serial cable to work under Ubuntu? | 03:47 |
MeltedUFO | astro76: Ahh that's probably what's wrong, I never enabled it or anything like that. | 03:47 |
TylerJGillies | scipio: im running an ubuntu livecd to speak in here | 03:47 |
newpers | any ideas why iptables -L just hangs there? | 03:47 |
newpers | as well as iptables -Ln | 03:47 |
eboyjr | AskHL, It starts but, on gedit (and others) every thing is light grey, except where the text box is where its white. no controls at all. | 03:48 |
scipio | TylerJGillies, are you trying to install ubuntu? it will let you run gparted during the install process | 03:48 |
=== dug [n=doug@c-24-10-134-184.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TylerJGillies | scipio: it gives me an error when it tries to resize, its not very verbose, thats why im trying to do it from the command line | 03:49 |
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sh3l1 | i uninstalled beryl, but there is still a "emerald theme manager" in the "system>preferences" menu. how do i remove it? is there any way to remove all traces of beryl? | 03:49 |
eboyjr | AskHL, I'll get a screenshot | 03:49 |
=== poweruser1 [n=user@adsl-68-127-240-151.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MeltedUFO | astro76: Yeah the link just sends my to comcast.net/newsgroups | 03:50 |
astro76 | MeltedUFO, I had a feeling | 03:50 |
astro76 | MeltedUFO, tech support | 03:50 |
poweruser1 | someone help me use samba. I compiled it already, how do i access another comp on the network (wireless) w/ it. it's also runnin linux | 03:50 |
fevel | im having trouble installing pidgin | 03:50 |
fevel | can someone please help me?? | 03:50 |
astro76 | MeltedUFO, I think there's a link on that page | 03:50 |
=== slipry [n=slipry@201.182-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | poweruser1: samba is in ubuntu's repositories, you shouldn't need to compile it | 03:51 |
duluu | fevel: what kind of trouble are you having? | 03:51 |
Selanit | Guess not. Well, thanks anyway. | 03:51 |
jrib | !samba > poweruser1 (see the private message from ubotu) | 03:51 |
Fezzler | poweruser1: I thought Samba was for Linux to Windows networking? | 03:51 |
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=== Kprofthreat [n=kpr@adsl-68-127-240-151.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MeltedUFO | astro76: I guess i could try it but it says that they don't support any newsreader except outlook express | 03:51 |
eboyjr | !pastebin | 03:51 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:51 |
fevel | I cant | 03:51 |
fevel | im using ubuntu 64 edition | 03:51 |
IndyGunFreak | why? | 03:51 |
Flannel | fevel: 64 should still have a deb package whereever you're lookng | 03:51 |
eboyjr | AskHL, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33526/ | 03:52 |
astro76 | MeltedUFO, just tell them you are using it :) | 03:52 |
duluu | fevel: what is the version of your Ubuntu? | 03:52 |
fevel | duluu, when I try the command make it says no make file found | 03:52 |
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fevel | feisty fawn | 03:52 |
kitche | sh3l1: uninstall emerald since it's not part of beryl | 03:52 |
IndyGunFreak | fevel: you're probalby in the wrong directory | 03:52 |
Fezzler | I need to get a USB-to-Serial adapter going (Belkin F5U109). Possible? | 03:52 |
fevel | im in the pidgin directory | 03:52 |
sh3l1 | kitche: thanks | 03:52 |
fevel | that unextracted from the tarball | 03:52 |
=== paulmaul23 [n=paul@pool-70-21-75-180.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MeltedUFO | astro76: I guess i could try! | 03:53 |
astro76 | MeltedUFO, one other quick thing to try, is try to ping newsgroups.comcast.net | 03:53 |
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paulmaul23 | hello | 03:53 |
paulmaul23 | i need help | 03:53 |
d4rkmonkey | fevel, did you ./configure first? | 03:53 |
d4rkmonkey | !ask | paulmaul23 | 03:53 |
=== networkgamer [n=networkg@71-218-65-98.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | paulmaul23: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 03:53 |
paulmaul23 | i sorat dug myself into a hole in ubuntu | 03:53 |
fevel | d4rkmonkey, yes | 03:53 |
TylerJGillies | scipio: oh the default partition tool in install isn't gparted is it? | 03:53 |
Kprofthreat | Samba samba SAMBA | 03:53 |
networkgamer | whats the command to move every file from one directory to another directory? | 03:54 |
fevel | it seemed to go pretty fine | 03:54 |
sh3l1 | i am trying to remove windows (w00t) but, the option to format this partion is greyed out in gparted. what can i do to remove windows (and merge it's partition with ubuntu)? | 03:54 |
d4rkmonkey | fevel, you do sudo make install and it said no make file found? | 03:54 |
fevel | ill try it again | 03:54 |
duluu | fevel: had any problem with ./configure ? | 03:54 |
MeltedUFO | astro76: I'm getting replies so that's not the problem | 03:54 |
=== mauricio [n=mauricio@adsl-68-122-223-65.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eboyjr | I get this error when I use gksudo!!!!: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33526/ | 03:54 |
mauricio | i dont have sound in ubuntu | 03:54 |
=== shaanM [n=shaan@ip68-110-108-148.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fevel | d4rkmonkey, yes | 03:54 |
jrib | networkgamer: mv /some/place/* /some/place/.* /some/other/place | 03:54 |
scipio | TylerJGillies, honestly i can't remember. i was looking for some info right now. i installed it on my system several times with partioning in the process but never had problems | 03:54 |
d4rkmonkey | fevel, hmmm thats weird then | 03:54 |
duluu | fevel: http://www.debuntu.org/pidgin-2.1.0-for-ubuntu-feisty | 03:55 |
networkgamer | thank you | 03:55 |
MeltedUFO | astro76: Wait, what button do you push to actually get a list of newsgroups? | 03:55 |
=== LauraJ [n=sparkleh@71-34-24-163.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | sh3l1: did you unmount the partition first? | 03:55 |
scipio | TylerJGillies, maybe if you remember the error message so we can look it up? | 03:55 |
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sh3l1 | jrib i will do th at | 03:55 |
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fevel | it gave me an error | 03:55 |
fevel | wget http://download.ubuntu.pl/_Feisty_Fawn/pidgin/pidgin_2.0.0-1_i386.deb | 03:55 |
fevel | oops | 03:55 |
=== retour [n=ret@adsl-70-228-71-180.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
duluu | fevel: I would recommend you to install from deb | 03:55 |
mars2686 | what's a good chit chat channel for bored people? | 03:55 |
astro76 | MeltedUFO, groups>get headers | 03:55 |
fevel | You must have the GLib 2.0 development headers installed to build. | 03:55 |
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jrib | eboyjr: ignore it, it's normal | 03:55 |
astro76 | mars2686, #ubuntu-offtopic :) | 03:56 |
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MeltedUFO | astro76: is there some sort of confirmation usually? | 03:56 |
sh3l1 | jrib: how do i merge the formated partition with the ubuntu one? | 03:56 |
IndyGunFreak | fevel: what are you trying to compile again? | 03:56 |
jrib | sh3l1: don't know | 03:56 |
sh3l1 | k, thanks | 03:56 |
fevel | IndyGunFreak, pidgin | 03:56 |
jrib | sh3l1: try asking the channel though | 03:56 |
sh3l1 | ok | 03:56 |
astro76 | MeltedUFO, no I just saw the progress in the status bar, it downloaded very fast | 03:56 |
IndyGunFreak | fevel: 1. you should download the .deb if you don't want to do that, open a terminal, sudo apt-get build-dep gaim | 03:56 |
=== kjp [n=kjp@177-18.73-24.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fevel | ill try to install the deb duluu | 03:56 |
sh3l1 | all: does anyone know how to merge partitions in GParted? | 03:57 |
eboyjr | jrib, then why don't the programs start correctly? i.e. On gedit, the buttons and conrtols and menu bar is grey and everything is grey and white where the text input shuold be | 03:57 |
Fezzler | Does Ubuntu/Linux have drivers for Usb-to-Serial cables (Belkin F5U109). | 03:57 |
fevel | IndyGunFreak, what would that command do? | 03:57 |
kjp | how can I make two physical ethernet cards function like one ? | 03:57 |
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kjp | can I bind them together into one fat pipe? | 03:57 |
IndyGunFreak | fevel: that will want to install a ton of dependencies for GAIM(pidgin).. once those are installed, then run ./configure and make and make install | 03:57 |
eboyjr | jrib, And I can't click anything | 03:57 |
d4rkmonkey | Fezzler, I don't think cables need special drivers... | 03:57 |
astro76 | Fezzler, yeah they should all be in the kernel | 03:57 |
MeltedUFO | astro76: my status bar isn't even moving. Absolutley nothing changes when I tell it to get headers | 03:57 |
mauricio | i do not have sound in linux | 03:57 |
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jrib | eboyjr: it's unrelated, I get that error you pastebinned as well. I have seen your issue before though, but don't know of a solution. I've always thought it was related to settings in /root/. Theme settings and such, but that's just my guess | 03:58 |
poweruser1 | how you network linux systems together? | 03:58 |
poweruser1 | samba, right? | 03:58 |
TylerJGillies | scipio: the error message is that it failed to resize, thats why i'm even asking is because the error message sucks. my original question was where do i find chkdsk for ubuntu because it doesn't come on the install cd. i think chkdsk will fix the problem | 03:58 |
Fezzler | d4rkmonkey/Astro: So just plug the cable into my USB port and the driver will load? Where do I go to confirm? | 03:59 |
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vip3rousmango | anyone know how to uninstall something in wine when the wine uninstaller won't reconginze the installed app? | 03:59 |
networkgamer | is there a way for grep to only list files that have been modified/created since a specific date? | 03:59 |
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Bobicus | is there a driver to use a 360 controller on linux? | 03:59 |
d4rkmonkey | Fezzler, as I said, a cable shouldn't need specific drivers. If it does, Ubuntu should auto-load the drivers if it has them | 03:59 |
woodwizzle | I want to get a *nice* webcam for Ekiga and Skype that works in linux and doesn't include stuff like built in mics that won't work under linux. I'd also like something would good image quality and a higher res han 640x480. Anyone know of such a cam? | 03:59 |
vip3rousmango | Bobicus: the wireless receiver that you can use for windows also works in ubuntu | 03:59 |
jrib | networkgamer: you can use find to search for files modified since a specified date, but ext3 doesn't retain information about when a file was created | 04:00 |
Bobicus | I mean a wired one | 04:00 |
networkgamer | well the fs im searching on is fat16 | 04:00 |
networkgamer | so it documents it? | 04:00 |
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matthewt | Hello, if anyone could help me I'd be grateful. I've an Atheros WIFI card that shows up on lspci, but not under lwconfig. Can anyone tell me why? | 04:00 |
vip3rousmango | Bobicus: wired won't connect unless you do some mods to the controller.. thats why they made the wireless receiver | 04:00 |
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sh3l1 | does anyone know how to merge partitions in GParted? | 04:00 |
IndyGunFreak | fevel: is it working? | 04:01 |
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Bobicus | hmm. Well, the wireless connects to xp with a driver, could I ndiswrapper it? | 04:01 |
Bobicus | I mean the wired one | 04:01 |
=== nonewmsgs [n=william@pool-72-95-202-157.pitbpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vip3rousmango | Bobicus: possibly, never tried so i wouldn't know :( i use the wireless one | 04:01 |
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@cpe-72-190-96-243.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MeltedUFO | astro76: Is it possible that firewalls or routers could somehow interfere? | 04:01 |
Bobicus | hmm ok. thanks | 04:01 |
nonewmsgs | can someone help me? my ubuntu wont play oss or alsa sound anymore...some of the other types like mixed chanel still work. my soundcard is a sounblaster audigy 2 | 04:02 |
=== pegwole [n=tj@74-140-40-90.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scipio | TylerJGillies, the problem is you can't run chkdsk to check a ntfs partition from linux. you need an Windows XP cd | 04:02 |
=== blah569_ [n=blah569@cpe-72-177-4-215.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcantor | I'm trying to get Ubuntu 7.04 working with a 3com 3c509 Etherlink III network adapter. sudo modprobe 3c509 puts eth0 an eth0:avah in my ifconfig, but I keep getting 169.254.*.* IP addresses, which is a Windows Private IP address that happens when it can't find a DHCP server, which is confusing. The PC connection light on my router isn't turning on, either. sudo dhclient eth0 isn't working. Can someone help me? | 04:02 |
astro76 | MeltedUFO, not really | 04:02 |
Kprofthreat | poweruser1: See query | 04:02 |
TylerJGillies | scipio: i learned that from google 5 seconds before you said that heh | 04:02 |
TylerJGillies | scipio: oh well time to --force ;) | 04:02 |
=== unclephreak [n=frank@71-210-240-211.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nonewmsgs | mcantor if the pc connection light isnt on then check the cable | 04:02 |
scipio | TylerJGillies, dangerous :P good luck :) | 04:02 |
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mcantor | nonewmsgs: I'm fairly certain that the cable isn't the problem. It was working fine on Windows just five minutes ago. | 04:03 |
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TylerJGillies | scipio: reformat is my middle name! ... er I mean dangerous | 04:03 |
brunotvrs | Apparently, ff won't install any new player, and uses this "default" web browser player to run the videos... Some frames appear and some sound is heard... But not really like a movie! (stage6.com) | 04:03 |
matthewt | Sorry to repeat myself. I've an Atheros WIFI card that shows up on lspci, but not under lwconfig. Can anyone tell me why? | 04:03 |
=== Scunizi [n=Scunizi@ip72-197-240-36.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcantor | nonewmsgs: I've done some research, and it seems like one other person solved this by changing "boot from LAN ROM" in BIOS or something, but I don't have anything like that. | 04:03 |
=== paulmaul24 [n=paul@pool-70-21-75-180.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brunotvrs | Same player that it uses to load quicktime files online (it fails btw)... Using Ubuntu 7.04 | 04:03 |
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Bobicus | is there a way to skip the disk check on the 30th mount? My computer hangs during the proccess | 04:03 |
paulmaul24 | how do I log into root | 04:03 |
=== Lorenzo_ [n=chatzill@c-67-187-174-3.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blah569_ | I'm getting fed up with Windows, and I'm famular with Ubuntu, but I absolutly need Direct X 8+, is there any way to obtain Dirext X 8+, because some told me that WINE only does Direct X 7 | 04:03 |
ttmrichter | Is there a launchpad admin alive and active here? | 04:03 |
kjp | anyone know how to make one big bandwidth pipe out of two ethernet cards ? | 04:04 |
brunotvrs | pauldy, su - | 04:04 |
brunotvrs | ooooops | 04:04 |
bruenig | Bobicus, man fsck | 04:04 |
Flannel | paulmaul24: don't, use sudo. | 04:04 |
mcantor | Bobicus: If the file "/fastboot" exists, the mount check won't happen. | 04:04 |
jrib | !root > paulmaul24 (see the private message from ubotu) | 04:04 |
paulmaul24 | ok | 04:04 |
Mr_Awesome | can the "sound recorder" app record sound thats playing through the speakers to a file? | 04:04 |
=== At0mic_PC [n=arch_ato@host-216-77-193-37.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | but /fastboot will be removed everytime | 04:04 |
Bobicus | Fastboot file? How would I do that? | 04:04 |
Flannel | Bobicus: sudo touch /fastboot | 04:04 |
bruenig | just change the fsck interval | 04:04 |
MeltedUFO | astro76: Did I get a defective copy of Pan or what? i guess I'll have to use Google Groups. | 04:04 |
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vip3rousmango | blah569_: the newest version of wine should support everything up to directx 9.0c | 04:04 |
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=== politik [n=d@68-116-199-81.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | I changed mine to do it every 14 days because it was annoying me | 04:04 |
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blah569_ | That'd be awesome | 04:04 |
politik | can anyone recommend a bluetooth dongle that works well in linux? | 04:05 |
astro76 | MeltedUFO, heh doubtful, are you using feisty? | 04:05 |
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politik | usb? | 04:05 |
=== manduski [n=manduski@fl-71-0-160-245.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
krrh | How can I change themes in Compiz in a default Feisty install? | 04:05 |
mcantor | Bobicus: You basically have 3 options: Take bruenig's advice and change the fsck interval; create the fastboot file every time you use the computer manually; or if you know how, write a script that runs on login that creates it for you. | 04:05 |
MeltedUFO | astro76: Yeah Fiesty Fawn and I got it with apt-get | 04:05 |
=== pegwole yawns, stretches, and belches all at once | ||
pegwole | opps pardon me | 04:05 |
=== IrisBlaze [n=raed_mfs@a22-189.adsl.paltel.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
paulmaul24 | ok what if i want to login to the root account to change the user settings | 04:06 |
mcantor | Can anyone help me figure out why my 3com 3c509 isn't working? | 04:06 |
krrh | And not a Metacity theme ... I would like to use a cgwd theme, and I noticed cgwd is not int he repositories. Any advice? | 04:06 |
Bobicus | How would I change the interval? | 04:06 |
paulmaul24 | it asks me for a password at the login | 04:06 |
Bobicus | Or create the file | 04:06 |
Mr_Awesome | yay 2^10 users! | 04:06 |
MeltedUFO | astro76: Do I need to be root? | 04:06 |
jrib | paulmaul24: you use sudo, sudo asks for your user's password | 04:06 |
pegwole | krrh get xgl and the emerald theme manager | 04:06 |
astro76 | MeltedUFO, no | 04:06 |
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mcantor | The PC link light on my modem isn't lighting up. Anyone know why that might happen? | 04:06 |
paulmaul24 | how do i do that in terminal | 04:06 |
jrib | paulmaul24: did you read the link from ubotu? | 04:07 |
TylerJGillies | haha when i run ntfsdresize with --force --no-action it says "NTFS is inconsistant, run chkdsk from windows and reboot TWICE!" the caps twice with explanation mark is part of the message | 04:07 |
paulmaul24 | yes i did not understand much | 04:07 |
=== chohmann [n=chohmann@cpe-76-80-179-68.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TylerJGillies | s/ntfsdresize/ntfsresize/ | 04:07 |
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astro76 | MeltedUFO, I think there's a good chance your account isn't set up correctly | 04:07 |
jrib | paulmaul24: what do you want to do exactly? | 04:07 |
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl912.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
krrh | Is there any option that does not require me to switch from the default compiz install? | 04:07 |
paulmaul24 | i mean i know about sudo | 04:07 |
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paulmaul24 | but i uncheked every box in the user panel then restarted | 04:07 |
matthewt | Sorry to repeat myself. I've an Atheros WIFI card that shows up on lspci, but not under iwconfig. Can anyone tell me why? | 04:07 |
paulmaul24 | now i cant even get to the user panel | 04:08 |
pegwole | ah i didn't know you didn't want to switch...hrm not sure i'll google it for you | 04:08 |
jrib | !who | paulmaul24 | 04:08 |
=== jza__ [n=jza@h8922085224.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | paulmaul24: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 04:08 |
MeltedUFO | astro76: Must be. I don't know what else could possibly be wrong. | 04:08 |
jrib | paulmaul24: what user panel? | 04:08 |
=== gasman [n=nick@c-68-44-156-50.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eboyjr | Why whould someone not have Ubuntu Feisty, but Dapper or Hoary or Edgy? | 04:08 |
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paulmaul24 | like user settings | 04:08 |
Pelo | matthewt, try the restricted drivers | 04:08 |
jrib | paulmaul24: "users and groups"? | 04:08 |
xp_prg | anyone know how I can share an internet connection on ubuntu easily? | 04:08 |
paulmaul24 | yea can we do a private so its less confusing | 04:08 |
jrib | paulmaul24: join me in #ubuntu-classroom | 04:09 |
Bobicus | I do not understand what it tells me to do when I man fsck. What cmd starts the manual check process | 04:09 |
=== DanT[_DT_] [n=phuc@modemcable010.122-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | eboyjr, dapper is the LTS release , some ppl donT' like upgrading every 6 months all theothers are more or less intermidiate versions | 04:09 |
nonewmsgs | "mcantor alsa " | 04:09 |
jza__ | got it Pelo \o/ I needed the legacy drivers for my Card its running like a train now thnx _o_ Pelo :) | 04:09 |
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eboyjr | Pelo, thanks | 04:09 |
paulmaul24 | ok im in | 04:09 |
Pelo | jza__, glad it worked out | 04:09 |
repwatuso | is cedega worth the price? | 04:10 |
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mcantor | Guys, I have a 3com 3c509 etherlink iii adapter and the PC link light on my router isn't lighting up. What's wrong? | 04:10 |
Kurisutofuaa | Hi all, when i look at my dmesg log I keep seeing: APIC error on CPU0: 40(40). Does anyone know why that is? | 04:10 |
mcantor | I've done modprobe 3c509 and it's still not working. | 04:10 |
ttmrichter | eboyjr: because Feisty's kernel is unstable for a large number of people, maybe? | 04:10 |
ttmrichter | Is there a launchpad admin alive and active here? | 04:10 |
Pelo | repwatuso, if you can't get your most important app to work on wine it probably is | 04:10 |
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MeltedUFO | astro76: do you know if evolution supports newsgroups? | 04:10 |
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astro76 | MeltedUFO, no idea, but there's no reason pan shouldn't work | 04:11 |
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poweruser1 | how do set up a linux-to-linux network??? | 04:11 |
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bruenig | Bobicus, its tune2fs | 04:11 |
bruenig | Bobicus, I think tune2fs -i 0 | 04:11 |
Pelo | MeltedUFO, it does not , you need to instal a newgroop reader, check in synaptic, there is one i forget it's name | 04:11 |
Pelo | poweruser1, probably through samba | 04:11 |
jza__ | Pan Newsreader Pelo ;) | 04:12 |
=== Derspankster [n=larry47@cpe-76-181-4-2.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bobicus | what does the tune2fs do? | 04:12 |
Pelo | jza__, that would be the one | 04:12 |
jza__ | its under software | 04:12 |
bruenig | Bobicus, or that is for time interval, do tune2fs -i 0 and tune2fs -c 0 | 04:12 |
pegwole | hrm, khhr i'm not finding much man, sorry, all i'm finding is for emerald and all that rot | 04:12 |
repwatuso | thanks, i cant seem to find a 64 bit crossover office. is there one? | 04:12 |
manduski | hey guys i'm at a coffe shop, can anyone by any weird chance connect SSH with me at port 1337? | 04:12 |
krrh | Thanks, anyway. That's all I found, too. | 04:12 |
jrib | k, to be able to use 'sudo', you need to be in the admin group, so we'll add you back to that and then you should be able to go to "users and groups" again and check everything again for "paul" | 04:12 |
Pelo | pegwole, in gnome look ? you want the gtk themes | 04:12 |
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krrh | I just do not get why a default option to use Compiz themes was not included ... | 04:12 |
MeltedUFO | Pelo: I've been trying to use Pan but It's not working and i don't even know why | 04:13 |
pegwole | 1337 is usually the port people set their honeypots on | 04:13 |
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astro76 | manduski, ssh: connect to host port 1337: Connection refused | 04:13 |
ttmrichter | OK, no launchpad admin is present, it seems. Does anybody know how to delete a launchpad account? | 04:13 |
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n0yd | Why does ubuntu disable root when you can still run a root shell by using 'sudo $SHELL'? | 04:13 |
manduski | figured...can't really forward ports here at coffee shop | 04:13 |
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bruenig | n0yd, multiple accounts confuse people | 04:13 |
manduski | gonna have to go to my friend's | 04:13 |
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manduski | andn test it there | 04:14 |
bruenig | what is this root, I don't have this on windows, linux sucks | 04:14 |
manduski | thnx astro | 04:14 |
Pelo | MeltedUFO, you need to supply the newsgroup server , then you need to load and search, there is something about the protocol you need to set to as I recal someting about nntp , check in the forum that's wherer I got it from | 04:14 |
bruenig | they would say | 04:14 |
f0rqu3 | fonts look ugly what can I do? | 04:14 |
theTick | hey i need some help with cdrecord, i cant get it to see my cdburner | 04:14 |
f0rqu3 | !font > f0rqu3 | 04:14 |
bruenig | theTick are you using dev=> | 04:14 |
bruenig | ? | 04:14 |
jza__ | meltedUFO go to www.binaries4all.nl/Linux its dutch I know but I don't know something else | 04:14 |
theTick | dunno, what is it? | 04:14 |
Pelo | f0rqu3, in menu > system > prfs > fonts, select hinting subpixel | 04:15 |
TylerJGillies | bruenig: I have the opposite problem i always try to 'su' in the windows command prompt | 04:15 |
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scipio | krrh, try renaming the extension of your theme to .emerald and use it | 04:15 |
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CowzRule | ubotu, ati > me | 04:15 |
MeltedUFO | Pelo: What forum is that? | 04:15 |
Pelo | MeltedUFO, www.ubuntuforums.org | 04:15 |
repwatuso | is there a 64 bit crossover office? | 04:15 |
f0rqu3 | !fonts > f0rqu3 | 04:15 |
Pelo | repwatuso, you'd need to check the crossover site | 04:15 |
=== Tonren [n=mcantor@adsl-75-33-56-108.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
krrh | Right, but from what I've found, emerald is not compatible with compiz. Wouldn't I have to use Beryl to run Emerald? | 04:15 |
MeltedUFO | Pelo: okay, i'll check it out | 04:15 |
f0rqu3 | !mplayer > f0rqu3 | 04:15 |
networkgamer | i finally figured out a way around the ubuntu ps3 media card readers problem | 04:16 |
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Tonren | Guys, I have a 3com Etherlink III adapter and when I do 'sudo modprobe 3c509', the pc link light on my router doesn't turn on. what's wrong? | 04:16 |
theTick | when i do a cdrecord -scanbus, the only thing that comes up is my usb stick | 04:16 |
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vip3rousmango | networkgamer: whoa whoa,, you mean you have ubuntu running on ur ps3?!? | 04:16 |
networkgamer | yeah | 04:16 |
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Bobicus | So if I wanted to use tune2fs to set my mount count to zero, how would I do that? Sorry i am a newb | 04:16 |
bruenig | theTick, specify it manually, cdrecord dev=/dev/whatever otherstuffhere | 04:16 |
networkgamer | but there is a problem with it when reading the memory card readers | 04:16 |
vip3rousmango | networkgamer: i thought only fedora worked on ps3.. was it hard to get working? | 04:16 |
networkgamer | and i foudn a way around it | 04:16 |
networkgamer | no | 04:16 |
theTick | thanks ill try that | 04:16 |
vip3rousmango | networkgamer: ahhhh | 04:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | networkgamer: Have you tried the ps3 emulator for linux? | 04:17 |
networkgamer | theres an easy install cd,as if it was a normal 8 core g5 pu | 04:17 |
Pelo | networkgamer, don'T forget to post about it in the forum | 04:17 |
jza__ | MeltedUFO on http://www.binaries4all.nl/linux are more then 5 newreaders under download | 04:17 |
TylerJGillies | gonna reboot and run chkdsk since ntfsresize won't even let me run it with --force heh | 04:17 |
networkgamer | havnt done anything yet | 04:17 |
networkgamer | well its not really a problem fix | 04:17 |
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networkgamer | its just a workaround | 04:17 |
vip3rousmango | networkgamer: what can you do on the ps3?? whast the point of having it on there besides having it on there.. | 04:17 |
networkgamer | its an actual pc | 04:18 |
Pelo | networkgamer, better then nothing | 04:18 |
jrib | networkgamer: no idea what extra data fat16 stores or how to access it | 04:18 |
vip3rousmango | networkgamer: think i can get ubuntu working on my 360? =b | 04:18 |
networkgamer | its about as fast as an overclocked current gen laptop | 04:18 |
theTick | didnt work | 04:18 |
MeltedUFO | jza_: i already have pan, but I don't think that's the problem | 04:18 |
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networkgamer | you cant even get windows on that 360 | 04:18 |
Hadron | networkgamer: it depends what tasks. The PS3 is a poor general purpose performer IMO. | 04:19 |
networkgamer | what makes you think linux would work? | 04:19 |
Bobicus | What command would set my mount count to 0? | 04:19 |
networkgamer | atm yes | 04:19 |
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vip3rousmango | no clue | 04:19 |
matthewt | can anyone please help me, I need to get some wifi drivers off a usb drive, but don't know how | 04:19 |
vip3rousmango | but i've seen some weird modded 360 floating around the net | 04:19 |
kjp | what package contains the mkraid util ? | 04:19 |
networkgamer | but its because nobody really wants to streamline linux for 8 cores | 04:19 |
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Hadron | networkgamer: no. Its because it has no memory. | 04:19 |
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Kurisutofuaa | When i look at my dmesg log I keep seeing: APIC error on CPU0: 40(40). Anyone else getting this error? | 04:19 |
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networkgamer | and besides of all the 4 million ps3's out there,how many do you think will actually be running linux | 04:20 |
TylerJGillies | Kurisutofuaa: try boot with noapic? | 04:20 |
Tonren | Guys, I have a 3com Etherlink III adapter and when I do 'sudo modprobe 3c509', the pc link light on my router doesn't turn on. Also, I'm getting a 169.* IP address as though this were a Windows private IP thing. What's happening?? | 04:20 |
ameyer | networkgamer: it's probably because the cell architecture sucks at fixed point | 04:20 |
Hadron | networkgamer: about 3. | 04:20 |
vip3rousmango | not many.. probably around 100,000 if that | 04:20 |
ameyer | networkgamer: all of em? | 04:20 |
Bl00dFox | guys, whats a good BT client to run with Ubuntu? | 04:20 |
n0yd | Anyone know if the default ubuntu 7.04 kernel supports rlocate? | 04:20 |
Tonren | Bl00dFox: rtorrent is a good command-line one, ktorrent is great too | 04:20 |
ameyer | If I recall, the firmware for the ps3 is linux | 04:20 |
vip3rousmango | Bl00dFox: ktorrent, azereus, bittornado | 04:20 |
vip3rousmango | ameyer: no, its the psp firmware updated.. | 04:21 |
networkgamer | ameyor:probably not very many people | 04:21 |
Hadron | ameyer: who told you that? | 04:21 |
Kurisutofuaa | TylerJGillies, How do I do that? | 04:21 |
ameyer | I think I read it somewhere | 04:21 |
vip3rousmango | sony has a name for it, dont remmeber what its offically called | 04:21 |
Hadron | ameyer: you think? | 04:21 |
networkgamer | the ps3 uses xmb,which is sonys proprietary menu system | 04:21 |
networkgamer | Xross Media Bar | 04:21 |
vip3rousmango | thats it | 04:21 |
vip3rousmango | couldn't think of it, i was looking thru my PSP menu =b | 04:21 |
networkgamer | im pretty familiar with it | 04:21 |
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networkgamer | not the ps3's version though | 04:22 |
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vip3rousmango | no, the ps3 has a whole wack of updates/addons etc.. | 04:22 |
networkgamer | they got the ps3's flash and hdd locked up more than apple would lock up a phone | 04:22 |
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Jza|[OFF] | NN all thnx for al the help _o_ | 04:22 |
Hadron | I understood the firmware is "in house". The ability to load Linux is a different issue. | 04:22 |
newpers | where do i put xmodmap ~/.xmodmap? if i put it into ~/.xsession, gnome won't load (it says i'm already logged in). if i put it in ~/.xinitrc, then x freezes | 04:22 |
networkgamer | Hadron:the ps3 does a special partitioning system | 04:23 |
Bobicus | Someone help me with tune2fs? | 04:23 |
jrib | newpers: ~/.gnomerc should work (only in gnome), if you need it elsewhere too, ~/.xprofile should work for everything that you start through gdm | 04:23 |
networkgamer | the ps3's side of the hdd cant even be seen with linux | 04:23 |
Bobicus | I do not understand it | 04:23 |
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Bl00dFox | Guys, how stable do you think Tribe 3 gutsy is? | 04:23 |
newpers | jrib: thanks | 04:23 |
networkgamer | linux only knows about what the ps3 gives it | 04:23 |
MeltedUFO | well I can't get it working but thanks for all the help everyone | 04:23 |
Pelo | Bl00dFox, ask in #ubuntu+1 | 04:23 |
pearlbear | anyone know what "No credentials cache found" means in terms of ssh? I'm trying to debug a connection problem | 04:24 |
Hadron | by all accounts the ps3 is a technical flop too. Despite all the fanfares and trumpeting the word on the street is that the Xbox360 is at least as good at graphics thropughput as the PS3. It was certainly a shock to me. | 04:24 |
jrib | newpers: actually, if you name it ~/.Xmodmap gnome should find it and take care of it all by itself and no need to do 'xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap' anywhere | 04:24 |
newpers | jrib: thanks. | 04:24 |
Bl00dFox | okay | 04:24 |
newpers | i have that and xbindkeys | 04:24 |
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networkgamer | sry for caps | 04:24 |
BlendArt | Hello. I can't get my computer to get out of standby/hibernate. My monitor stays completely blank with no signal. | 04:24 |
networkgamer | didnt mean them | 04:24 |
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networkgamer | you know the iner bus bandwidth of the EIB in a cell? | 04:25 |
Tonren | Guys, I have a 3com Etherlink III adapter and when I do 'sudo modprobe 3c509', the pc link light on my router doesn't turn on. Also, I'm getting a 169.* IP address as though this were a Windows private IP thing. What's happening?? | 04:25 |
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Pelo | BlendArt, hibernate is far from perfect in linux, many ppl have problems the forum is a good place to look for fixes, try looking up your model number | 04:25 |
paulmaul23 | jrib u there | 04:25 |
jonesy | how can I make my wallpaper change every 30 minutes in feisty? | 04:26 |
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jrib | paulmaul23: yes | 04:26 |
vip3rousmango | you can make ur wallpaper change every 30min in fiesty!?! | 04:26 |
palintheus | Tonren: so a router is between you and the internet? | 04:26 |
Hadron | BlendArt: ask in comp.os.linux.advocacy if you have thick skin :-; | 04:26 |
paulmaul23 | i installed ubuntu through wubi | 04:26 |
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Pelo | jonesy, you'll probably have to get an app to do it , I donT' know of one | 04:26 |
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paulmaul23 | so i dont have grub \ | 04:26 |
networkgamer | damn ccnettv... | 04:26 |
jrib | jonesy: checkout wallpaper-tray in the universe repository | 04:26 |
jonesy | pelo - ok, thanks. | 04:26 |
paulmaul23 | ho would i add myself to admin group | 04:26 |
jonesy | jrib - that's just a manual changer, I think. | 04:26 |
paulmaul23 | how* | 04:26 |
sin2gen2 | BlendArt: you might have better luck with uswsusp's s2disk. hibernate is flaky on my machines as well | 04:26 |
jonesy | I'll look anyway. | 04:26 |
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Pelo | jonesy, doing a search for wallpaper in synaptic would be a good start | 04:27 |
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jonesy | I did. :) | 04:27 |
Bender1337 | does ubuntu support 56k modems | 04:27 |
ohad | hi, i am running feisty on x61s and having some major issues with wireless- i've set it up but it's flaky. same with suspend. anyone here found a fix. i looked at the forums already | 04:27 |
jonesy | I'm installing wallpaper-tray now. | 04:27 |
Hadron | jrib: nice hint about wallpaper-tray. didnt even know it existed. | 04:27 |
jrib | jonesy: description mentions "on a regular basis" but I admit I've never used it | 04:27 |
n0yd | Wow what a POS the package findutils is | 04:27 |
jherrera | <Bender1337>yes | 04:27 |
n0yd | it needs to be split | 04:27 |
_Ahti | Is reiserFS better than ext3? Which consumes more CPU? | 04:27 |
jonesy | jrib: yeah, I just noticed. | 04:27 |
sin2gen2 | paulmaul23: sudo gpasswd -a user admin? | 04:27 |
n0yd | what crap | 04:27 |
jonesy | I'll report back, jrib | 04:27 |
kjp | ugh. is there a software raid0 howto for fiesty ? | 04:27 |
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jrib | paulmaul23: don't really know how wubi sets things up... do you know of some way to edit the ubuntu files while on windows? | 04:28 |
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n0yd | kjp, check the wiki | 04:28 |
Pelo | jonesy, there was someting online called wallpapoz that allowed for different wallpaper on diffrent workspaces, I tink it also had the feature you want | 04:28 |
scguy318 | jrib: notepad? :P ruin line endings tho | 04:28 |
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paulmaul23 | yea i can do that | 04:28 |
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_Ahti | /quit | 04:28 |
palintheus | or notepad++ | 04:28 |
kjp | n0yd: link ? | 04:28 |
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paulmaul23 | and sin2gen2 it asks me for a password when i type that in | 04:28 |
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paulmaul23 | and when i type nothing shows up | 04:29 |
jonesy | jrib: Pelo: wallpaper-tray does the trick. | 04:29 |
jonesy | :-D | 04:29 |
n0yd | kjp, wiki.ubuntu.com | 04:29 |
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Pelo | jonesy, congradulation | 04:29 |
jonesy | thanks. | 04:29 |
=== Usrl [n=feba@c-69-247-164-232.hsd1.ks.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
matthew | hello | 04:29 |
jrib | paulmaul23: you can edit /etc/group to add your user to the "admin" group. It should be easy to see the format from the other lines, but feel free to post it on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org if you want us to review it | 04:30 |
Usrl | How can I create video DVDs on Kubuntu? I tried using k3b, but it apparently can't convert mpeg files to whatever DVDs need (I plan on playing it on my normal TV) | 04:30 |
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paulmaul23 | all right thanks ill try it | 04:30 |
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matthew | usrl try devede | 04:30 |
paulmaul23 | cya | 04:30 |
sin2gen2 | Usrl: try devede | 04:31 |
jrib | paulmaul23: take note of what scguy318 mentioned though | 04:31 |
Usrl | ok | 04:31 |
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paulmaul23 | wheres that | 04:31 |
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matthew | you have to play with devede a little it's a little tricky | 04:31 |
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paulmaul23 | the line endings | 04:31 |
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jrib | paulmaul23: right | 04:31 |
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paulmaul23 | like thy are messed up in windows | 04:32 |
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paulmaul23 | they* | 04:32 |
Kurisutofuaa | hey all is there a way for me to find out what hardware that I and export it to something like a html doc for viewing? | 04:32 |
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paulmaul23 | ok ill see wut i can do cya | 04:32 |
paulmaul23 | thanks jrib | 04:32 |
jrib | paulmaul23: the line in my file looks like "admin:x:117:jrib" for reference. The only good editor I know of on windows is vim, I don't know if others can suggest something easier | 04:33 |
sin2gen2 | Kurisutofuaa: lspci tells you what you have | 04:33 |
Nutubuntu | When I ran Win I really liked an editor called NoteTab - there is a free as in beer version | 04:33 |
sin2gen2 | paulmaul23: you can use nano. it is pretty easy | 04:33 |
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paulmaul23 | allright thanks all | 04:33 |
paulmaul23 | cya | 04:34 |
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scguy318 | paulmaul: in Windows, line ending is \r\n, *nix is \n? | 04:34 |
cameron_ | Azureous crashes on startup, I've reinstalled Azurous, and it still crashes, I do have to torrent set to download to a ntfs partition, but I have ntfs-config and it is set to write | 04:34 |
scguy318 | bah too late | 04:34 |
scguy318 | cameron_: pastebin the terminal message? | 04:34 |
cameron_ | mk | 04:34 |
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Kurisutofuaa | sin2gen2, How do I export that to a file like a .txt? | 04:34 |
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Stooth | Hi all, I'm trying to load ubuntu ubuntu-6.06.1-server-i386 in VMware player, things seem fine until it goes to reboot and I get a black screen with "Uncompressing Linux... OK. Booting the kernel." that never goes away! running a gateway Intel celeron 1.4GHz, with 480 MB of ram | 04:35 |
Tonren | palintheus: Yeah, there was a router | 04:35 |
Tonren | palintheus: But dhclient eth0 didn't detect a DHCP server | 04:36 |
palintheus | well, you will get a private IP from a router | 04:36 |
Tonren | palintheus: I don't understand... the router has DHCP running, and the PC link light isn't glowing. | 04:36 |
scguy318 | Stooth: i think the Ubuntu Server kernel has issues in VMware | 04:36 |
palintheus | Tonren: wifi or lan? | 04:36 |
Tonren | palintheus: LAN | 04:36 |
Bender1337 | hey i know u have to buy the drivers if u have a conaxent chipset (witch i have) but i found anther modem its a PC TEL modem is that conaxent? | 04:36 |
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Tonren | palintheus: I'm using a 3com 3c509 NIC. It's from 1994. | 04:36 |
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palintheus | Tonren: did you have it plugged in when you powered on the machine? | 04:37 |
Tonren | palintheus: "sudo modprobe 3c509" is supposed to make the PC link light show up, but it's not. | 04:37 |
Tonren | palintheus: Yes. | 04:37 |
cameron_ | how do I highlight the entire terminal? | 04:37 |
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Tonren | palintheus: I've read some terrifying things about downloading a DOS configuration utility to change the IRQ options of the NIC. | 04:37 |
savadda | Hi, im running ubuntu 7.04 and basically im having trouble with 2 things, connecting to my wireless network i.e i cannot even ping the gateway! Secondly, if i use an ethernet connection, i can ping my gateway but cannot get google or anything like that to work! | 04:37 |
scguy318 | click? or right click? | 04:37 |
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cameron_ | how do I use pastebin? | 04:38 |
palintheus | Tonren: when you left click on the network manger icon near the clock is 'wired' and option | 04:38 |
Tonren | palintheus: I'm on the command line. | 04:38 |
palintheus | !pastebin | cameron_ | 04:38 |
ubotu | cameron_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:38 |
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Stooth | scguy318: thx for response-- do you know if another VM will work? | 04:38 |
ketrox | savadda try to tape in a terminal sudo dhclient that helps sometimes | 04:38 |
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BlendArt | Anyone know a good harddisk cleaner? | 04:38 |
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scguy318 | Stooth: I haven't personally tried, you could always take a shot at QEMU/VirtualBox | 04:38 |
scguy318 | BlendArt: what kind of cleaner? | 04:38 |
Nutubuntu | Kurisutofuaa, were you asking about redirecting the output of lspci ? | 04:39 |
Stooth | thanks, will do | 04:39 |
palintheus | Tonren: ahh, well I'm not up on my terminal only info sorry... | 04:39 |
palintheus | Tonren: have you tried the forums? | 04:39 |
Tonren | palintheus: Yep. I've been Googling and forum-searching for almost 2 hours | 04:39 |
Kurisutofuaa | Nutubuntu, Yup | 04:39 |
savadda | ketrox: on my gateway im not running dhcp, ive configured the computer with an ip address and directed it to the correct gateway | 04:39 |
Nutubuntu | Kurisutofuaa, lspci > path/to/the/output/file | 04:39 |
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Kurisutofuaa | Nutubuntu, thanks | 04:40 |
seiflotfy | I have 2 sound cards: one usb and another onboard. I want to use the onboard for everything. I went to Syste,-Prefrences-Sound Devices and i also tried multimedia selector and chose the right device ... however the login and totem still play through the usb. everthign else does it thourgh onboard .... help how do i change the default device on boot | 04:40 |
ketrox | make it run dhcp if u can savadda | 04:40 |
palintheus | Tonren: you may just make a new post and wait a day or two if you can and no one else here can help, sorry I couldn't help more | 04:40 |
savadda | ketrox: do i need to configure the dns server on the computer also? | 04:40 |
Nutubuntu | n/p Kurisutofuaa - pay it forward sometime : ) | 04:40 |
scguy318 | BlendArt: repeating, what kind of cleaner? | 04:40 |
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ketrox | savadda yes u need | 04:41 |
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seiflotfy | I have 2 sound cards: one usb and another onboard. I want to use the onboard for everything. I went to Syste,-Prefrences-Sound Devices and i also tried multimedia selector and chose the right device ... however the login and totem still play through the usb. everthign else does it thourgh onboard .... help how do i change the default device on boot | 04:41 |
cameron_ | scguy318: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33529/ | 04:41 |
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palintheus | !repeat | seiflotfy | 04:41 |
ubotu | seiflotfy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 04:41 |
savadda | ketrox: how do i configure the dns server on ubuntu ? | 04:41 |
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docmur | I need to make a Clone or Extact copy a CD, it a diablo 2 Expansion CD and it needs to be a perfect Mirror | 04:42 |
palintheus | seiflotfy: can you unplug the USB, you may also have to enable the on-board through the BIOS | 04:42 |
docmur | how can A)Make the Image or B)copy | 04:42 |
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scguy318 | cameron_: either try rm -rf ~/.azureus/logs or try this guide for installing Azureus: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144546 | 04:42 |
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networkgamer | well i g2g | 04:43 |
networkgamer | cya | 04:43 |
scguy318 | docmur: CDRDAO, in Windows (gasp) Alcohol 120%/CloneCD | 04:43 |
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cameron_ | kk, thanks scguy318 | 04:43 |
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ketrox | do u have the adress savadda ? | 04:43 |
Nutubuntu | Can someone point me in the right direction to start figuring out what the strace output of a crashing program means? | 04:43 |
docmur | can I use dd to do it | 04:43 |
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seiflotfy | the onboard works fine | 04:44 |
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seiflotfy | its enabled | 04:44 |
kersinc07 | #panas | 04:44 |
ketrox | then system-->admnistration---->network then select your connection | 04:44 |
seiflotfy | however its not the defautl device | 04:44 |
savadda | ketrox: nvm i found it, i kept entering the dns address into the network config, but seeing as i didnt see an ok button i thought u had to click close, when in fact after u enter the ip i need to press enter | 04:44 |
thedash | my keyboard has some multimedia control buttons, how can I trick those into doing what I want ? | 04:44 |
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sin2gen2 | thedash: on a laptop? | 04:45 |
palintheus | seiflotfy: is the USB audio device unplugged? | 04:45 |
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thedash | nope, just a normal keyboard | 04:45 |
BlendArt | does anyone know a good defragmenting program? | 04:45 |
savadda | ketrox: which brings me onto my next question, in ubuntu is it as easy to connect to a wireless home network as it is in windows xp? | 04:45 |
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Nutubuntu | BlendArt, what do you need to defrag? what file system? | 04:45 |
seiflotfy | i need it plugged since its also the wireless thingie for my keyboard | 04:45 |
BlendArt | Nutubuntu: How do I check what file systems I have? | 04:45 |
Frogzoo | what to use to convert my mp3 library to ogg ? | 04:46 |
sin2gen2 | thedash: you can use xf86audio maps through xmodmap for audio functions | 04:46 |
ketrox | savadda iof u have a supported wireless card it's easier | 04:46 |
palintheus | seiflotfy: I'm confused your usb is your audio device and how you connect your keyboard to your comp? | 04:46 |
sin2gen2 | thedash: or map the keys through your window manager | 04:46 |
ketrox | if not.... | 04:46 |
Nutubuntu | BlendArt, mount | 04:46 |
seiflotfy | yep and ouse | 04:46 |
hunteke | Hey, has anyone messed with UML and Ubuntu? I can't seem to find it in the repository. | 04:46 |
Usrl | well devede seems to be working, although it wants 14GB of space to burn a 4.6GB ISO for some reason... | 04:47 |
savadda | ketrox: the laptop has a broadcom 47xx in built wireless card, my wireless network is secured, and i enter all the keys into the network config in ubuntu, but its like nothing happens | 04:47 |
seiflotfy | its called logitech easycall | 04:47 |
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BlendArt | Nutubuntu: ext3,proc,sysfs | 04:47 |
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Nutubuntu | BlendArt, reason I asked is, ext3 (for example) needs to be defragmented so rarely that it's really almost never | 04:47 |
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BlendArt | Nutubuntu: I have this error remount-ro | 04:47 |
Frogzoo | hunteke: umbrello, and other tools | 04:47 |
scguy318 | BlendArt: pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l | 04:48 |
ketrox | savadda i can't help u since i have an intell but google will help | 04:48 |
scguy318 | BlendArt: to determine wut file systems you have | 04:48 |
hunteke | thanks frogzoo | 04:48 |
hunteke | frogzoo, there we go, thanks. Knew I had to be missing it. | 04:49 |
o2- | I have a wireless connection and im using ubuntu on my other computer but I can't connect to the internet using it. Is there a driver i need to install, or can I only use an Ethernet cable not a wireless connection | 04:49 |
scguy318 | hunteke: I haven't messed with UML since I'm not at the level but ArgoUML? | 04:49 |
scguy318 | hunteke: http://www.argouml.org | 04:49 |
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radioman | good morning ;} | 04:49 |
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hunteke | hey, speak for yourself, radioman | 04:50 |
Usrl | yeah, DeVeDe doesn't work either... | 04:50 |
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scguy318 | radioman: good...night :) | 04:50 |
hunteke | it's evenin' here, | 04:50 |
Usrl | Any other suggested programs to try? | 04:50 |
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sin2gen2 | thedash: you can use xev to determine the keycode of your special key, then set it in your ~/.Xmodmap file | 04:50 |
Kumaru | can anyone tell me how i could use a live CD to clean up a majorly f$@#ed up windows install if i cannot reinstall windows? | 04:50 |
flaco | hi all.... anyone know how to set the mplayer plugins for mozilla by default instead the totem plugins? | 04:50 |
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scguy318 | Usrl: what's the original question? i'm afraid to scroll back up :) | 04:51 |
hunteke | scguy318, thanks for that link, it looks like it's a little higher in the stack than I want to attack | 04:51 |
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sin2gen2 | Kumaru: the Knoppix LiveCD can mount ntfs read/write | 04:51 |
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Usrl | scguy: Basically, I have a bunch of lectures (20 of them) in mpeg format, which obviously takes up a ton of disk space. This isn't very good when your PC still only has 80GB to work with, so I want to burn them to DVD video so I can store them that way, not to mention watching them on my big screen. | 04:52 |
hunteke | scguy318, I'm wanting to work on kernel dev right now, but I'll keep that in mind for later | 04:52 |
scguy318 | hunteke: out of my league :D | 04:52 |
Kumaru | sin2gen2, ok, but what programs could i use? | 04:52 |
RootyRootRootWoo | Hi, can someone pls recommend a good app for converting flac's to .mp3 pls? | 04:52 |
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scguy318 | Usrl: soooo proprietary, but Nero Linux? rofl | 04:52 |
scguy318 | Usrl: Tovid? | 04:52 |
hunteke | well, to be honest, it's right at the tip of my "league", but that's why I'm tackling it, to learn | 04:52 |
Usrl | scguy318: so I'm wondering how to convert the mpeg -> iso or better yet burn it directly onto the DVD, in a format that should work on my DVD player (it's not very old, so it should support home made ones) | 04:52 |
Usrl | scguy318: I'll look up Tovid. | 04:53 |
scguy318 | Usrl: in Windows land, I believe I simply let Nero author my MPEGs | 04:53 |
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sin2gen2 | Kumaru: most window managers let you run any command you want with the mappings | 04:53 |
hunteke | but, I figure if I show up here, asking questions about, you all will think I actually know something. then I can say "got one fooled!" ;-) | 04:53 |
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hunteke | alright, ciao, off to use UML, thanks | 04:53 |
Usrl | scguy318: eh, windows isn't an option. | 04:53 |
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scguy318 | Usrl: exactly :) | 04:53 |
visof_ | i have binary file in my desktop and i want to install it in /home/plt , i did mkdir plt then chmod +x fff.sh then sh fff.sh | 04:54 |
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sin2gen2 | Kumaru: so a little IE icon can open firefox for example | 04:54 |
visof_ | and i had error | 04:54 |
dan_ | hi all | 04:54 |
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Usrl | huh, this tovid thing looks pretty nice | 04:55 |
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dan_ | i've got an avermedia avertv hybrid ultra that i want to use with ubuntu, but a google search didn't come up with anything interesting | 04:55 |
dan_ | it's usb | 04:55 |
Kumaru | sin2gen2, i mean... the case is, my friend has a computer, 2000, with windows. she cannot backup her data nor can she loose it. she can run clean up tools, but they crash her computer (very, very, very bad). is there anything i could do with a live CD to help fix her computer? | 04:55 |
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scguy318 | Kumaru: with Linux System Rescue CD, backup her hard disk? | 04:56 |
sin2gen2 | Kumaru: you can try a LiveCD | 04:56 |
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RootyRootRootWoo | Hi, can someone pls recommend a good app for converting flac's to .mp3 pls? | 04:56 |
sin2gen2 | Kumaru: load a Knoppix LiveCD and mount the drive | 04:56 |
scguy318 | Kumaru: and after backing up, re-install Windows? it happens to be a regular chore of gamers every few months | 04:57 |
Kumaru | sin2gen2, yes, but are there any tools i could put on a live CD to clean up her system? | 04:57 |
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sin2gen2 | Kumaru: then you can pull what you need off and re-install Win | 04:57 |
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scguy318 | Rooty: SoundConverter? | 04:57 |
Kumaru | we cannot backup her data, no other computers, HDDs or storage media of any kind that she can get | 04:57 |
sin2gen2 | Kumaru: maybe, but when Windows is screwed up it is pretty rare to fix it without a re-install | 04:58 |
dan_ | save to internet | 04:58 |
sin2gen2 | Kumaru: no network at all? | 04:58 |
scguy318 | Kumaru: she's sitting in hot water if she doesnt do backups | 04:58 |
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flaco | hi all.... anyone know how to set the mplayer plugins for mozilla by default instead the totem plugins? | 04:58 |
palintheus | RootyRootRootWoo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7034 | 04:58 |
scguy318 | Kumaru: no externals, how big is the important stuff anyway? | 04:58 |
Kumaru | sin2gen2, just to internet is what she has told me | 04:58 |
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blah569_ | What do you guys prefer? Ubuntu, Kbuntu, or Xbuntu? | 04:58 |
Kumaru | scguy318, she's a photographer and she has other important data that she cannot loose. as for file size, that is unknown | 04:58 |
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scguy318 | Kumaru: perhaps backup to a remote FTP server? | 04:59 |
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RootyRootRootWoo | palintheus Thanks! I'm looking it up now | 04:59 |
rxKaffee | anyone know what command ya need to update modules list before modprobing after using m-a autobuild? | 04:59 |
Kumaru | scguy318, that is an interesting thought... that is possible to do with 2 computers over the internet? i.e. she could send her data (if her comp didnt crash) to one of mine for storage? | 04:59 |
rxKaffee | modprobe keeps looking for old modules locations | 04:59 |
sin2gen2 | Kumaru: you are going to have to copy the stuff from the NTFS drive, mounted in a LiveCD environment, to a network share or FTP site or similar | 05:00 |
palintheus | RootyRootRootWoo: read the whole post before doing anything I think I saw several suggestions | 05:00 |
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scguy318 | blah569_: GNOME and Xfce for me | 05:00 |
sin2gen2 | Kumaru: if you have two computers, boot the LiveCD, mount the drive, and use scp to copy stuff over | 05:00 |
Kumaru | sin2gen2, we dont even live in the same state, else it would be a no brainer | 05:00 |
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Usrl | blah569_: I use kubuntu, I like the GUI more, although it comes with way too much software imo | 05:01 |
sin2gen2 | Kumaru: oh, ok :) | 05:01 |
Kumaru | sin2gen2, the only thing i can think of to do is send data over the net to back it up, or a Live CD (which would allow her to get video and stuff again) | 05:01 |
RootyRootRootWoo | palintheus Thanks again. I'm on it, for my ipod....:) | 05:01 |
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palintheus | Kumaru: is she willing to purchase a external drive to mount and move stuff to? in the future it would also be good for backups ;-) | 05:01 |
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scguy318 | Kumaru: hard drives aren't all that expensive these days, perhaps buy an external and backup? | 05:02 |
Kumaru | palintheus, her parents dont want to spend money on computer stuff if they don want to. they are going to get her a new computer for christmas but this one will probably be shot by then | 05:02 |
sin2gen2 | Kumaru: if you have the data available in a LiveCD environment, you can email stuff up to 20mbs to a gmail account | 05:02 |
Kumaru | scguy318, read above | 05:02 |
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scguy318 | Kumaru: can't gmailfs do the trick? | 05:03 |
sin2gen2 | Kumaru: yeah, or slave up another drive or cdwriter and transfer/burn from the LiveCD | 05:03 |
scguy318 | Kumaru: dunno how TOS cushy that is but eh | 05:03 |
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palintheus | Kumaru: or gspace extension for firefox | 05:03 |
dan_ | you can use yousendit.com for up to 100mb | 05:03 |
Kumaru | sin2gen2, scguy318 im not sure if she could email them | 05:03 |
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macogw | Kumaru: xdrive | 05:03 |
rxKaffee | I'm having some trouble loading in kernel modules from synaptic, I've got my pastebin up: http://pastebin.ca/655168 | 05:03 |
Kumaru | its a 30 GB hard drive with about 100 MB left | 05:03 |
scguy318 | Kumaru: well, she could create a gmail, then "mount" the gmail account so to speak | 05:03 |
Kumaru | xdrive? | 05:03 |
macogw | Kumaru: all you need is an AIM screen name | 05:03 |
scguy318 | Kumaru: it will transparently appear to be yet another file system | 05:03 |
palintheus | Kumaru: they have low limits unless you pay extra | 05:04 |
bruenig | loading kernel modules from synaptic? | 05:04 |
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rxKaffee | Kumaru: why not use scp? | 05:04 |
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rxKaffee | bruenig: yes, installed module-sources from synaptic | 05:04 |
Kumaru | whoa, 4 ppl telling me different things | 05:04 |
sin2gen2 | Kumaru: nothing that i know of is going to 'fix' Windows. i think you need to get the stuff off of the drive via network or a mounted hardware volume of some kind | 05:04 |
rxKaffee | bruenig: then compiled/installed them with m-a autoinstall | 05:04 |
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rxKaffee | Kumaru: why not have her boot into a livecd that starts up an sshd? | 05:04 |
Bender1337 | hey i know u have to buy the drivers if u have a conaxent chipset (witch i have) but i found anther modem its a PC TEL modem is that conaxent? | 05:04 |
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rxKaffee | Kumaru: then you could loginto it and scp the files to your pc via internet | 05:05 |
Kumaru | RxDx, sshd? | 05:05 |
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Kumaru | sin2gen2, ok, i wasnt sure at all, thank you | 05:05 |
rxKaffee | Kumaru: sshd is used for ssh, scp, and sftp | 05:05 |
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Kumaru | rxKaffee, i know what ftp is. thats it | 05:05 |
Usrl | argh, tovid has dependancies I can't seem to find.. | 05:05 |
sin2gen2 | Kumaru: sftp is very similar, just through another means | 05:05 |
scguy318 | Kumaru: SSH = Secure Shell, lets you securely administer another machine, or forward connections through the machine | 05:05 |
rxKaffee | Kumaru: sftp uses similar protocol and client software, but secure, and auto-configured to use system logins via ssh | 05:06 |
RxDx | Kumaru, what? | 05:06 |
bruenig | Usrl, tovid is week | 05:06 |
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scguy318 | Kumaru: SCP = Secure Copy, me never used | 05:06 |
bruenig | weak* | 05:06 |
rxKaffee | RxDx: tabber attack | 05:06 |
scguy318 | Kumaru: SFTP = Secure FTP, a redesigned FTP for SSH me thinks | 05:06 |
Usrl | bruenig: and I suppose you have something even better, then? | 05:06 |
bruenig | Usrl, devede | 05:06 |
rxKaffee | any ideas why modprobe is still looking at the old location for the driver? | 05:06 |
scguy318 | Usrl: what dependecies? | 05:06 |
RxDx | rxKaffee, hehe :) | 05:06 |
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palintheus | Bender1337: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&hs=fmk&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=pctel+chipset&spell=1 | 05:06 |
Usrl | bruenig: yeah, I already tried that, and it didn't work. | 05:06 |
bruenig | Usrl, "didn't work" what do you mean by that | 05:06 |
palintheus | Bender1337: looks like no? | 05:06 |
Usrl | feba@febuntu:~$ tovid | 05:07 |
Usrl | mplex MISSING! | 05:07 |
Usrl | mpeg2enc MISSING! | 05:07 |
Usrl | yuvfps MISSING! | 05:07 |
Usrl | yuvdenoise MISSING! | 05:07 |
Usrl | ppmtoy4m MISSING! | 05:07 |
bruenig | scguy318, the brilliant folks at tovid, went ahead and put a checkinstall deb up | 05:07 |
Usrl | mp2enc MISSING! | 05:07 |
Usrl | jpeg2yuv MISSING! | 05:07 |
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Usrl | ffmpeg MISSING! | 05:07 |
bruenig | !ops | 05:07 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 05:07 |
Usrl | those. | 05:07 |
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rxKaffee | Usrl: pastebin in future plz | 05:07 |
blah569_ | I love this Windows Media player I made :P. I wonder if I can make it cross platform... | 05:07 |
blah569_ | Maybe with WINE | 05:07 |
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savadda | Hi, just wondering whats the best way to get subversion onto ubuntu, i thought the command was apt-get install svn but its clearly not! | 05:07 |
Kumaru | scguy318, so your thoughts on this are that she should FTP her data to a server for backup and then reinstall windows? (we are talking about a computer novice with no local geeks btw) | 05:08 |
bruenig | Usrl, what do you mean doesn't work | 05:08 |
Usrl | bruenig: doesn't burn to dvd or create an iso. | 05:08 |
scguy318 | Kumaru: well, it's the most viable option I can think of besides copy to external storage | 05:08 |
bruenig | Usrl, it creates an iso | 05:08 |
Nutubuntu | bruenig, checkinstall deb? is bad? | 05:08 |
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Usrl | bruenig: No, it didn't, which is my point when I say it didn't work. Duh. | 05:08 |
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Kumaru | scguy318, ok... external isnt really an option so i could talk to her about that, i have plenty of storage on my systems... | 05:08 |
bruenig | Nutubuntu, it is if you are distributing it to others, because the checkinstall debs doesn't have dependencies listed | 05:08 |
scguy318 | Usrl: lazy me suggests sudo apt-get installing all the missing dependecies? | 05:09 |
Nutubuntu | t/y bruenig - understand now | 05:09 |
Usrl | scguy318: tried it, they don't seem to be in my repos. | 05:09 |
bruenig | Usrl, no but what happens | 05:09 |
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bruenig | it obviously works, else no one would use it | 05:09 |
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Usrl | bruenig: it makes am mpeg file, which puts me no better off than I already was. | 05:10 |
Kumaru | scguy318, have you ever used FTP over the internet? | 05:10 |
scguy318 | Usrl: this may be of interest: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3139602 | 05:10 |
Usrl | bruenig: works for them, maybe. I'm looking for something that works for me, thanks. | 05:10 |
scguy318 | Kumaru: yes | 05:10 |
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nalioth | Usrl: pasting into channels is rude and counterproductive, please use a pastebin :) | 05:10 |
rxKaffee | btw, the fix to modprobe not finding correct new module... | 05:10 |
Flare183 | Does anybody ever have any problems with "make" | 05:10 |
rxKaffee | `depmod -a` | 05:10 |
Kumaru | scguy318, how simple/difficult is that to set up? | 05:10 |
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rxKaffee | Flare183: I'm sure make works most of the time for most programs for most people | 05:10 |
scguy318 | Kumaru: install something like FileZilla Server :) | 05:10 |
bruenig | Usrl, ok, you might be more suited for ##windows with that kind of mindset, stuff doesn't just "not work" for certain people, you probably have make compliant mpeg option checked instead of the iso option | 05:10 |
rxKaffee | Filbert: what are you trying to make? | 05:11 |
scguy318 | Kumaru: then just add a user then connect in | 05:11 |
scguy318 | Kumaru: OR | 05:11 |
scguy318 | Kumaru: you can run the FTP server, and she just connects in with FileZilla client | 05:11 |
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bruenig | or maybe just your computer has special not working voodooness | 05:11 |
scguy318 | Kumaru: drag and drop ;) | 05:11 |
Kumaru | scguy318, now that sounds like something she would understand | 05:11 |
Usrl | bruenig: Actually, no, I use Linux, so windows wouldn't be much help. By nature of using linux, I'm actually intelligent enough to click the right button. | 05:11 |
Megaf | Good Night | 05:11 |
Flare183 | rxKaffee:> umm well I run it on a program that I created, and it tells me this: http://pastebin.ca/655173 | 05:12 |
bruenig | Usrl, you obviously aren't intelligent enough to realize that when something "doesn't work" that means you have something messed up, and doesn't mean well throw it away it is broken dur dur, | 05:12 |
sin2gen2 | Usrl: found this script for converting to dvd iso- http://pastebin.com/m1e92fb42 | 05:12 |
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Usrl | bruenig: Considering it doesn't do what it should, it's broken. If there's an error, it should report it. | 05:12 |
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sin2gen2 | Usrl: it *should* install dependencies and work. i think i used it wonce | 05:12 |
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scguy318 | Kumaru: http://filezilla.sourceforge.net/, assuming her Windoze is working fine | 05:13 |
bruenig | Usrl, it is your fault it doesn't work | 05:13 |
bruenig | fault* | 05:13 |
Nutubuntu | I vaguely remember some issue about normalize in Ubuntu - am I remembering right? can't find it in a search so I begin to wonder | 05:13 |
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Kumaru | scguy318, must i have my system set up to work like it could host a webpage? | 05:13 |
TBZ | !sudo | 05:13 |
Flare183 | rxKaffee:> umm well I run it on a program that I created, and it tells me this: http://pastebin.ca/655173 | 05:13 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 05:13 |
TBZ | !gksudo | 05:13 |
ubotu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo <GUI-application> See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo for more info | 05:13 |
Usrl | sin2gen2: thanks, looking at something else right now, i'll check that in a moment | 05:13 |
scguy318 | Kumaru: well, you have to install the server, then port forward if behind a router | 05:13 |
cameron_ | I downloaded the Azurous .jar file from Azurouses website, how do I install it? | 05:13 |
Flare183 | !ubot:> samba | 05:13 |
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Flare183 | !ubot samba | 05:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubot samba - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:13 |
scguy318 | cameron_ java -jar? | 05:13 |
Kumaru | scguy318, ok, ill have to figure out how to port forward with mine then | 05:14 |
Flare183 | !make | 05:14 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 05:14 |
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cameron_ | ? it's Azerous.jar | 05:14 |
bruenig | Usrl, oh nevermind Usrl I forgot I was in #ubuntu for a second, you probably should just try to find something else, computer confuse | 05:14 |
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cameron_ | Azerous~versionnumber.jar | 05:14 |
scguy318 | cameron_ java -jar Azureus...... | 05:15 |
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cameron_ | I need java installed? | 05:15 |
cameron_ | I'll trie it anyways... XD | 05:15 |
scguy318 | cameron_ it should already be installed | 05:15 |
scguy318 | cameron_: else how could you run Azureus in the first place? :) | 05:15 |
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sin2gen2 | Kumaru: you can try installing gmailfs from within the LiveCD and follow the Howto here http://richard.jones.name/google-hacks/gmail-filesystem/gmail-filesystem.html | 05:15 |
cameron_ | I know, XD, just thought it was pre-installed XD | 05:16 |
Frogzoo_ | nautilus is showing my icons is textfiles, named icon.desktop - any ideas? | 05:16 |
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Kumaru | sin2gen2, ok, but first id have to find out if she could even reinstall it herself and get it working right | 05:16 |
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scguy318 | Frogzoo_: blahblah.desktop is your icon ;) but i wouldnt know how to suppress the extension hiding | 05:16 |
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scguy318 | Frogzoo_: *supress the extension | 05:16 |
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cameron_ | which Java package should I download? | 05:17 |
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dan_ | hi, i've got an avermedia avertv hybrid ultra usb that i want to use with ubuntu, but a google search didn't come up with anything interesting | 05:17 |
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Dr_Willis_ | cameron_: use the repositories. dont manually download the java stuff from sn. | 05:17 |
Dr_Willis_ | !java | 05:17 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 05:17 |
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Kumaru | scguy318, right now, even though im sure i could walk her through how to do it, im pretty sure that she couldnt (or make it through) reinstalling her OS | 05:17 |
Frogzoo_ | scguy318: yes, something broke - gnome usually uses these files as references to icons, instead of showing theme as text files | 05:17 |
Dr_Willis_ | sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre | 05:18 |
cameron_ | In the repos, theres java 6, java 5, or java 1.4 ?_? | 05:18 |
scguy318 | java6 | 05:18 |
bruenig | java6 and java5 | 05:18 |
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cameron_ | kk, that's what I was going for | 05:18 |
scguy318 | Frogzoo_: unfortunately I don't know the solution :( | 05:18 |
cameron_ | X_D, both??? | 05:18 |
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Usrl | hm | 05:19 |
cameron_ | I'll install every repo available, that'll solve my problems... XD | 05:19 |
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Usrl | maybe that's what I should do with this PC | 05:19 |
Usrl | hook it up to my TV | 05:19 |
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Usrl | use it to watch internet crap... | 05:20 |
Usrl | better than youtube crap on my Wii. | 05:20 |
Usrl | since I could actually download things. | 05:20 |
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cameron_ | scguy318, bruenig said I should download java 5 and java 6, should I.??? | 05:20 |
Kumaru | Usrl, i use my computer's s-video out (with adapters) for my TV. its cool but it looks weird. do you have an Xbox? | 05:20 |
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bruenig | cameron_, no I didn't, I just said both were available | 05:21 |
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stephans_ | why can't I install i386 packages in feistey 64 bit??? | 05:21 |
bruenig | cameron_, you should only download 1 | 05:21 |
cameron_ | 6? | 05:21 |
Kurisutofuaa | Is there a why to update my computer for i386 to the amd64 or will I have to reinstall? | 05:21 |
scguy318 | stephans_: because its i386 ;) | 05:21 |
Usrl | Kumaru This has an svid out, actually I found an Svid cable sitting behind my PC a couple days ago for some reason. I have an xbox | 05:21 |
Nutubuntu | I vaguely remember some issue about normalize-audio in Ubuntu - am I remembering right? I want to burn a normalized audio cd | 05:21 |
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bruenig | cameron_, whichever you want, unless you need 5 for some reason, I would just use the latest one | 05:21 |
scguy318 | stephans_: you have to install x64 packages | 05:21 |
cameron_ | ya, I want 6 lol | 05:21 |
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JeevesMoss | can someone give me a hand with a command on a HowTo on-line? | 05:21 |
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Usrl | stephans_: because you're trying to run one program on a different architecture. It's like trying to tell a spanish chef how to cook your food in mandarin | 05:22 |
bruenig | !someone | JeevesMoss | 05:22 |
ubotu | JeevesMoss: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 05:22 |
cameron_ | Sun Java 6 Web Start? | 05:22 |
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Kumaru | Usrl, look into an xbox media center. i did mine a few weeks ago. looks much, much better than my tv-out video. you can set it up to download and play video over a network also. if you play xbox live it will be a little hectic because you will get banned with the mod active | 05:22 |
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bruenig | stephans_, it can run i386 programs, just need to make sure all the 32 bit dependencies are installed and in the right places as well | 05:22 |
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JeevesMoss | ok, the line of "quotacheck -avugm" on http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu704_p4 is confusing me, can someone help me with it please? | 05:22 |
cameron_ | bruenig:::::::::::::::: Sun Java 6 Web Start???????????????????????? | 05:23 |
bruenig | stephans_, best to either go with a chroot or have specific 32 folders and compile against those like /usr/lib32 and /usr/bin32 etc | 05:23 |
stephans_ | <scguy318> yes but both in SUSE and windows 64 bit editions they run 32 bit programs fine.. and actually in Ubuntu as well... Real Player is 32 bit, and Skype -- all installed with automatix | 05:23 |
Usrl | Kumaru: I don't like hard modding things, and my Xbox can't be softmodded. Honestly for the price of getting a mod chip, I could just trade it for an old PC that would do the same thing. | 05:23 |
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Kumaru | Usrl, theres ups adn downs to both. why cant you softmod though? thats what i did | 05:23 |
Usrl | stephans_: they're running it in compatibility mode, though. | 05:23 |
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Usrl | Kumaru: xbox model isn't right, mech warrior is plat. edition, etc. | 05:23 |
scguy318 | JeevesMoss: what about it? | 05:23 |
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Kumaru | Usrl, oh, youve looked into this before :) | 05:24 |
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JeevesMoss | scguy318: the command dosn't work, and I'd like to troubleshoot it | 05:24 |
Usrl | Kumaru: if it has a processor, I've tohught about running linux on it :) | 05:24 |
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scguy318 | JeevesMoss: well, pastebin what the command does in Terminal | 05:24 |
cameron_ | Commadore 64 XD? | 05:24 |
cameron_ | or a calc... lol | 05:24 |
Usrl | cameron_: I don't have those | 05:25 |
JeevesMoss | scguy318: it's just saying that it can't find the file system to check or the file system mounted with the quota option | 05:25 |
Usrl | cameron_: I mean, I have a calculator, but I have a 2.4GHz P4, why would I ever use some puny little TI thing? | 05:25 |
cameron_ | lol, what about, a Wii?, is there anything out yet? | 05:25 |
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Usrl | cameron_: I like my wii too much to risk messing it up D: | 05:25 |
stephans_ | Usr1 -- that is OK by me... better that having to live without flash player etc... I am trying to install crossover office, which worked without a hitch in SLED (what I used b4 i decided to use ubuntu) | 05:25 |
scguy318 | JeevesMoss: check your fstab? | 05:25 |
cameron_ | oh, I was thinking on a Drug-Mart 10$ calc, XD lol | 05:25 |
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Usrl | stephans_: is there any reason why you can't just run 32-bit OS? | 05:26 |
Bender1337 | anybody have info on setting up a 56k modem in ubuntu | 05:26 |
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JeevesMoss | scguy318: sorry, I don't understand what you're talking about. that's why I'm here asking for help | 05:26 |
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Kumaru | Usrl, i see | 05:26 |
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Usrl | Bender1337: Yeah, take the 56k modem out of your PC, take it to the store, then hit people over the head with it and take their money until you can afford broadband. | 05:26 |
Nutubuntu | JeevesMoss, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fstab | 05:27 |
sin2gen2 | Bender1337: look into slmodem | 05:27 |
scguy318 | JeevesMoss: could be a syntax error in your fstab Jeeves | 05:27 |
stephans_ | Usr1 -- Yes. I have a laptop that just will not allow X to run when I try Ubuntu 32 bit... 64 - no problem. Suse No problem, Xandros No problem... Just Ubuntu 32. | 05:27 |
scguy318 | stephans_: how exactly not run? | 05:27 |
sin2gen2 | Bender1337: there is a script that detects the chipset as they are all wonky with models it is hard to tell what you have | 05:27 |
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Usrl | stephans_: odd. Are you sure it's the 32bit-ness? Have you tried using an older version of Ubuntu, or Kubuntu or Xubuntu or something like that? | 05:28 |
JeevesMoss | scguy318: ok, thank for the wiki, is there a simple way of fixing this? I'm REALY tire, and I'd like to get this fixed. | 05:28 |
scguy318 | JeevesMoss: copy your /etc/fstab file into pastebin | 05:28 |
scguy318 | !pastebin | 05:28 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:28 |
stephans_ | Well it refuses to run... perios... even with the same xorg.conf... | 05:28 |
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JeevesMoss | scguy318: how do I do that? | 05:28 |
sin2gen2 | stephans_: have you tried to different install CDs? i have had bad ones that don't boot if that is your issue | 05:28 |
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stephans_ | I tried the Live and the alternate | 05:28 |
scguy318 | cat /etc/fstab and copy the Terminal output to a new pastebin linky entry? | 05:28 |
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scguy318 | *do the command cat /etc/fstab | 05:29 |
Usrl | stephans_: also, have you tried alternate install CDs? My mac absolutely refuses to boot liveCDs, but alternate installs work fine | 05:29 |
Usrl | stephans_: ah, well then | 05:29 |
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JeevesMoss | scguy318: ok, thanks. I'm VERY new to the command line stuff. And I'm trying to install this GuI so I can admin my server. | 05:29 |
stephans_ | Its a T60P wide screen -- I filed a bug. | 05:29 |
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sin2gen2 | stephans_: i have a T60 here with Ubuntu 32 bit | 05:30 |
stephans_ | not the wide... | 05:30 |
stephans_ | ? | 05:30 |
JeevesMoss | scguy318: http://pastebin.com/m7bce0d79 | 05:30 |
scguy318 | ty | 05:30 |
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sin2gen2 | stephans_: no, but you can probably pass a vga=### at the boot and get it to come up? | 05:30 |
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stephans_ | I even installed fglrx and then used dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 05:31 |
scguy318 | JeevesMoss: you didn't add the quota mount options? | 05:31 |
scguy318 | JeevesMoss: which device do you want to have the quota thingy on? | 05:31 |
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sin2gen2 | stephans_: mine doesn't work without vga=791 | 05:31 |
stephans_ | The only resolution that I can get was 640x | 05:31 |
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JeevesMoss | scguy318: I'm just following that howto on the web page. and the ONLY thing I want quota installed on is the WWW roots. /home/www_root/ | 05:31 |
scguy318 | stephans_: manually input h/vsync and select resolutions? | 05:31 |
ohad | hi, does anyone know how to make the Intel Corporation Unknown device 4230 wifi card work? | 05:31 |
sin2gen2 | stephans_: so you install fine, but it doesn't boot the new kernel image? | 05:31 |
stephans_ | no no kernel and everything is fine... just the X refuses to work in 32 bit... | 05:32 |
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scguy318 | JeevesMoss: do in Terminal sudo nano /etc/fstab | 05:32 |
sin2gen2 | stephans_: not even with the vesa driver? | 05:32 |
JeevesMoss | and edit what? | 05:32 |
philthy | whats the program to test the mouse? i forgot | 05:33 |
scguy318 | JeevesMoss: and append ",usrquota,grpquota" (without quotes) to the end of "defaults,errors=remount-ro" | 05:33 |
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sin2gen2 | ohad: pcmcia or internal? | 05:33 |
cameron_ | Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/cli/CommandLine | 05:33 |
scguy318 | JeevesMoss: then press Ctrl+O, Enter, then Ctrl-X | 05:33 |
cameron_ | when I java -jar Azureus3.0.1.6.jar | 05:33 |
scguy318 | and redo the little group of instructions | 05:33 |
ohad | sin2gen2, internal | 05:33 |
philthy | 05:33 | |
stephans_ | Now everything works in 64bit... (yes vesa blow X too in 32 bit) just in the 64x there are some illogical annoyances... | 05:33 |
scguy318 | JeevesMoss: I'm not intimately familiar with quotas, but that should do the trick | 05:33 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: what is the laptop model? | 05:33 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: and maker | 05:34 |
philthy | whats the program to test the mouse? i forgot | 05:34 |
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stephans_ | I should be able to install apps that are 32 bit since that works... but apt will not let me do it | 05:34 |
ohad | sin2gen2, thinkpad x61s | 05:34 |
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ohad | sin2gen2, running into some issues with wifi and suspend | 05:34 |
Usrl | stephans_: you might just need to add 32 bit repos | 05:34 |
JeevesMoss | scguy318: ok, I added it, and now what? (BTW, I used Pico insted of Nano) | 05:34 |
Usrl | ..blarg | 05:35 |
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scguy318 | JeevesMoss: okay, I'm assuming you saved the file, kk, now follow the instructions starting with touch /quota.user .... | 05:35 |
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Usrl | ok, guys, am I the only one that laughs when they see driver CDs now? >.> | 05:36 |
defiant_damian | so what's this room about? | 05:36 |
JeevesMoss | scguy318: I'm lost, sorry. Did you get a chance to look @ that web page? | 05:36 |
scguy318 | the pastebin link? or the guide? | 05:36 |
scguy318 | i looked at both | 05:36 |
DerangedDingo | defiant_damian: Support for stuff involving in one way or another, Ubuntu | 05:36 |
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Usrl | defiant_damian: ubuntu.com | 05:36 |
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defiant_damian | oh oh | 05:36 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: that card is supported in Gutsy, i'll look for something for Feisty | 05:37 |
scguy318 | Jeeves: start at the instructions right after the fstab listing, starting with touch /quota.user /quota.group | 05:37 |
scguy318 | Jeeves: then proceed | 05:37 |
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ohad | sin2gen2, thanks. i'm running feisty with 2.6.22-9 generic | 05:37 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: its the iwl4965 module, i think | 05:37 |
Usrl | ...ok... | 05:37 |
JeevesMoss | scguy318: tried it. sorry. dosn't work, it's telling me the same thing | 05:37 |
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Expecto | anyone know how to remove the extra environments in feisty? | 05:37 |
isthatall | someone hit me on the head with a brick....I'm on my laptop, and can't get the internal speakers to play sound, where is that setting?? | 05:37 |
scguy318 | JeevesMoss: did you do the remount? | 05:38 |
ohad | sin2gen2, yes it is | 05:38 |
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ohad | sin2gen2, i am trying to do this -- http://kuscsik.blogspot.com/2007/06/how-to-install-intel-4965-wireless.html | 05:38 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: have you looked at this? http://tinyurl.com/3dnzyc | 05:38 |
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ohad | sin2gen2, but not sure if it will work | 05:38 |
hudson | sin2gen2: you seem pretty knowledgable when it comes to ubunut | 05:38 |
theonlyalt | I have an Intel Core 2 Duo and I'm not entirely sure both cores are being utilized. How can I check this? | 05:38 |
JeevesMoss | scguy318: it's telling me that it's not mounted allready. | 05:38 |
hudson | i am having trouble with getting my wireless card to work on my deskotp | 05:38 |
Usrl | isthatall: I don't see what someone hitting you on the head with a brick would do your laptop, unless your head smacked the laptop on the way down. Either way, you have more serious concerns, like why people are hitting you over the head with bricks. | 05:39 |
scguy318 | paste the line? | 05:39 |
hudson | im running wifi radar | 05:39 |
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Kurisutofuaa | Is there a why to update my computer for i386 release to the amd64 release or will I have to reinstall? | 05:39 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: it's hard to get the right patch for the right kernel, i find | 05:39 |
Usrl | isthatall: serious note, have you looked at the mixer window? | 05:39 |
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Frogzoo | just me that nautilus suddenly can't display pngs as icons ?? | 05:39 |
Dr_Willis__ | Kurisutofuaa: why do you need the 64bit disrto? | 05:39 |
ohad | sin2gen2, yes it is | 05:39 |
isthatall | Usrl: of course, pc speaker is turned on | 05:39 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: if you can find the Windows driver (ack!) you can try ndiswrapper too | 05:39 |
Usrl | Kurisutofuaa: if you don't know why you should upgrade to 64bit, you shouldn't. | 05:39 |
scguy318 | JeevesMoss: paste the line when you try to remount? | 05:40 |
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ohad | sin2gen2, i found those. the install did not work | 05:40 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: does network manager see the card at all | 05:40 |
sin2gen2 | ? | 05:40 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: they rarely do | 05:40 |
JeevesMoss | scguy318: root@tessa:~# mount -o remount / | 05:40 |
JeevesMoss | mount: / not mounted already, or bad option | 05:40 |
JeevesMoss | root@tessa:~# quotacheck -avugm | 05:40 |
JeevesMoss | quotacheck: Cannot find filesystem to check or filesystem not mounted with quota option. | 05:40 |
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palintheus | theonlyalt: you can add the applet to the top panel that monitors cpu throttling and when you right click and select preferences it should have the option to pick which cpu to monitor, if it does both cores are usd | 05:40 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: you have a card with new hardware, and it takes some time for the restricted modules to show up | 05:40 |
scguy318 | Jeeves: i guess do "mount /"? | 05:41 |
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linux_user400354 | help, nvidia driver isnt working | 05:41 |
JeevesMoss | scguy318: root@tessa:~# mount / | 05:41 |
JeevesMoss | mount: /dev/disk/by-uuid/a723482f-f7c0-49bc-84db-3a5b6381ccdf already mounted or / busy | 05:41 |
JeevesMoss | mount: according to mtab, /dev/hda3 is already mounted on / | 05:41 |
bruenig | !wiki nvidia | 05:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wiki nvidia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:41 |
bruenig | woops wrong channel | 05:41 |
bruenig | linux_user400354, install it, edit xorg.conf, done | 05:41 |
Usrl | linux_user400354: did you try restricted drivers manager? | 05:41 |
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linux_user400354 | no, im using the driver from nvidia.com | 05:42 |
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bruenig | linux_user400354, make sure you kill x before you try to install it | 05:42 |
Usrl | linux_user400354: use the restricted drivers manager | 05:42 |
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scguy318 | Jeeves: try rebooting? | 05:42 |
JeevesMoss | scguy318: ok, give me a sec | 05:43 |
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bruenig | try rebooting? what is this ##windows? | 05:43 |
Kurisutofuaa | Dr_Willis__, Usrl, my cpu is AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ so I trying to figure out if I should go with the 64 or stay i386 release. | 05:43 |
RadiantFire | lol | 05:43 |
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JeevesMoss | scguy318: it's only a 1.5Ghz system, so it'll take a sec | 05:43 |
scguy318 | Jeeves: ok np | 05:43 |
Usrl | Kurisutofuaa: again, if you don't know why you should switch to 64bit, stay with 32bit | 05:43 |
scguy318 | bruenig: can't really remount / amirite? | 05:43 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: then there is Intel's driver. doesn't need patching i think http://intellinuxwireless.org/?p=iwlwifi&n=howto-iwlwifi | 05:43 |
theonlyalt | palintheus, thanks. I can select between the two! So linux automatically takes advantage of both cores, right? | 05:43 |
palintheus | theonlyalt: yup | 05:44 |
bruenig | why would you remount /? | 05:44 |
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JeevesMoss | scguy318: can you give me some help with what this is doing? as I said, I'm not good @ the shell yet, and I'm just trying to get this installed so I don't have to mess around in shell | 05:44 |
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scguy318 | bruenig: JeevesMoss is following a tutorial on quotas | 05:44 |
scguy318 | http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu704_p4 | 05:44 |
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ohad | sin2gen2, i'll try that | 05:44 |
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ohad | sin2gen2, thanks | 05:44 |
JeevesMoss | scguy318: it's so I can graphically manage this thing | 05:44 |
scguy318 | JeevesMoss: with what? please clarify | 05:45 |
nikin | are there any Perl coders here who could reccomend me an editor? hat is the best? | 05:45 |
bruenig | nikin, vim | 05:45 |
savetheWorld | vi or emacs | 05:45 |
Usrl | JeevesMoss: Graphically manage a server? | 05:45 |
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savetheWorld | err, vim or emacs :-) | 05:45 |
scguy318 | Usrl: why sure sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop :P | 05:45 |
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nikin | bruenig: and why is vim the best? | 05:45 |
JeevesMoss | scguy318: I'm trying to get 3 v-servers set up on this box, and I don't want to do all the manual editing. anywyas, it's back up, what would you like me to try? | 05:45 |
scguy318 | JeevesMoss: proceed with the instructions after the fstab | 05:46 |
Nutubuntu | oh gosh, here we go ... editor wars | 05:46 |
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scguy318 | JeevesMoss: *fstab listing | 05:46 |
ohad | sin2gen2, so i hope i resolved the wireless issue. now suspend :/ | 05:46 |
scguy318 | if anyone knows more than I do please step up :P | 05:46 |
bruenig | nikin, speed | 05:46 |
Usrl | Nutubuntu: I never got why people like emacs and vi so much... I use nano. *prepares for gasps of horror and shock* | 05:46 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: try uswsusp | 05:46 |
nikron | Use either vim or emacs, nano and die (I'm joking) | 05:46 |
JeevesMoss | scguy318: root@tessa:~# cat /etc/fstab | 05:46 |
JeevesMoss | # /etc/fstab: static file system information. | 05:46 |
JeevesMoss | # | 05:46 |
JeevesMoss | # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> | 05:46 |
JeevesMoss | proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 | 05:46 |
JeevesMoss | # /dev/hda3 | 05:46 |
JeevesMoss | UUID=a723482f-f7c0-49bc-84db-3a5b6381ccdf / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro,usrquote,grpquota 0 1 | 05:46 |
scguy318 | ahhhh | 05:46 |
nikin | Nutubuntu: i dont want to agregate any editor war... i ame only intersted in what editor is the best to write Perl scripts | 05:46 |
JeevesMoss | # /dev/hda1 | 05:46 |
scguy318 | pastebin pastebin | 05:46 |
bluedemon | has anyone had any luck with the motorola phones (RAZR) as a modem with ubuntu | 05:46 |
JeevesMoss | UUID=869b0c34-07c2-471a-8697-06a03cfb1b44 /boot ext3 defaults 0 2 | 05:46 |
JeevesMoss | # /dev/hda2 | 05:46 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: works faster and flawlessly on my T60 | 05:46 |
slapfaceware | vim is fast | 05:46 |
jherrera | ehrm, so w3m doesn't support javascript? | 05:46 |
JeevesMoss | UUID=d7516633-8c13-4a91-909f-6ca4c6b35bb7 none swap sw 0 0 | 05:46 |
ohad | sin2gen2, installed that. we'll see how that goes. | 05:47 |
JeevesMoss | /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 05:47 |
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JeevesMoss | sorry. | 05:47 |
jherrera | wooow | 05:47 |
Usrl | nikin: whichever one works best for you | 05:47 |
slapfaceware | i'm fast with vim | 05:47 |
scguy318 | Jeeves, next time pastebin | 05:47 |
jherrera | use the paste | 05:47 |
palintheus | !pastebin > JeevesMoss | 05:47 |
rockets | I'm having trouble playing a video | 05:47 |
Usrl | nikin: Try them all and see what works | 05:47 |
rockets | In totem the movie doesnt play smothely | 05:47 |
bruenig | slapfaceware, you should try the vimperator plugin for firefox if you like vim, it is pretty cool | 05:47 |
ohad | sin2gen2, great - what about sound -- i have to run this python script manually to get sound to work | 05:47 |
rockets | in vlc it plays smoothely but skips badly every 30 seconds | 05:47 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: huh? | 05:47 |
Usrl | nikin: whichever you like most, really. That's why we don't all use vim or emacs or kwrite or anything else. | 05:47 |
scguy318 | JeevesMoss, continue with instructions starting with touch .... | 05:47 |
Nutubuntu | nikin, that is going to be different, for good reasons, for lots of different people. There are over 1000 here. Try some editors. See what you like. | 05:47 |
JeevesMoss | scguy318: http://pastebin.com/m5b7b60ca | 05:47 |
ohad | ps. does anyone know of a good application to see which wifi networks are open and which are closed? | 05:47 |
rockets | and in mplayer it plays great but the volume wont go high enough and the equalizer makes it crackle | 05:47 |
palintheus | Usrl: you could also just do 'sudo apt-get install gnome-core' | 05:47 |
bruenig | ohad, iwconfig | 05:48 |
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bruenig | ohad, iwlist I meant to say | 05:48 |
ohad | sin2gen2, sound is not working natively - i have to run this script for it to work | 05:48 |
Usrl | palintheus: for what? | 05:48 |
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nikin | So then i will grab apt and get them all :) | 05:49 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: in a terminal, does alsaconf find anything? | 05:49 |
elliott_ | im thinking about installing beryl, anyone with experience have comments on if it's worth it? | 05:49 |
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scguy318 | gotta catch them all nikin | 05:49 |
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JeevesMoss | scguy318: now it's complaining about a read only file system | 05:49 |
Usrl | palintheus: I use KDE... | 05:50 |
ohad | sin2gen2, sudo: alsaconf: command not found | 05:50 |
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scguy318 | Jeeves: when you do all the commands? | 05:50 |
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Tonren | My screen looks like this: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a141/maxcantor/Screenshot.png | 05:50 |
theonlyalt | Can anyone suggest a better Widget program? I'm using Gdesklets, atm and It's not playing nice with Compiz... | 05:50 |
=== dystopianray [n=dystopia@pulteney-pix.border.net.adelaide.edu.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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sin2gen2 | ohad: there you go! apt-get install alsa | 05:50 |
JeevesMoss | scguy318: yes | 05:50 |
nikin | Maybe i will write my own :P ty. and see you around | 05:50 |
JeevesMoss | scguy318: I REALY don't want to have to reinstall the OS. | 05:50 |
=== mad-sibyl [n=nobody@cpe-71-79-110-55.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ohad | sin2gen2, already in the lastest version | 05:50 |
bruenig | sin2gen2, alsaconf is a script, it is not tied to alsa | 05:51 |
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sin2gen2 | ohad: apt-get install alsa-utils | 05:51 |
bruenig | !find alsaconf | 05:51 |
ubotu | Package/file alsaconf does not exist in feisty | 05:51 |
bruenig | it doesn't exist | 05:51 |
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ohad | sin2gen2, already in the latest version | 05:51 |
Tonren | Any hints on why my screen on an old Pentium II would be garbled? | 05:51 |
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JeevesMoss | scguy318: Ideas? | 05:52 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: that's right. it isn't there in Fiesty. i forgot sorry | 05:52 |
scguy318 | mmmm......Jeeves, i'm sorry to say but I'm out :( | 05:52 |
bruenig | !find alsaconf edgy | 05:52 |
ohad | sin2gen2, ok. np | 05:52 |
JeevesMoss | scguy318: NOOOOOOO!!!! | 05:52 |
ubotu | Package/file alsaconf does not exist in edgy | 05:52 |
bruenig | !find alsaconf dapper | 05:52 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: does /etc/init.d/alsa-utils start do anything? | 05:52 |
scguy318 | Jeeves: i'm just a nub | 05:52 |
ubotu | Package/file alsaconf does not exist in dapper | 05:52 |
bruenig | !find alsaconf breezy | 05:52 |
ohad | sin2gen2, yep. started | 05:52 |
scguy318 | JeevesMoss: that said, anything happen on bootup? | 05:52 |
ubotu | Package/file alsaconf does not exist in feisty | 05:52 |
nikin | ohad: for getting wifi network info i use wifi radar... dont remember the package name tho. | 05:52 |
bruenig | sin2gen2, didn't exist in dapper, edgy or feisty | 05:52 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: and open alsamixer | 05:52 |
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JeevesMoss | scguy318: nope, it just booted normaly | 05:53 |
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scguy318 | JeevesMoss: can you remove those options I told you to add then reboot? | 05:53 |
sin2gen2 | bruenig: i use too many distros. my bad | 05:53 |
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JeevesMoss | scguy318: one sec | 05:53 |
j85wilson | join #linux | 05:53 |
j85wilson | oops | 05:53 |
Tonren | Someone, please? This completely sucks... why does my screen look like this?: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a141/maxcantor/Screenshot.png It's on a very old Pentium II | 05:53 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: alsa is muted on install sometimes. maybe it just needs to be turned up? | 05:53 |
K3nto | !p2p | 05:53 |
ubotu | Conventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network). - BitTorrent: see !torrent - Direct connect: try valknut. - Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information. | 05:53 |
dystopianray | Tonren, what video card? | 05:53 |
scguy318 | wut video card Tonren? | 05:53 |
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scguy318 | ah beat me | 05:54 |
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K3nto | !torrent | 05:54 |
ubotu | Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) - Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html | 05:54 |
Usrl | Tonren: overheated GPU? | 05:54 |
JeevesMoss | scguy318: yep, now it won't let me save anything | 05:54 |
=== jellymaster [n=chatzill@ool-45702dcc.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tonren | dystopianray: I have no idea. It's the integraded video card on an old Pentium II motherboard. It worked fine in Windows. | 05:54 |
scguy318 | mm, shit | 05:54 |
Tonren | Usrl: Why would it overheat? How can I tell? | 05:54 |
dystopianray | Tonren, run lspci and see what card it is | 05:54 |
K3nto | does the bittorrent client that comes with ubuntu work well? | 05:54 |
ketrox | i love ubuntu | 05:54 |
scguy318 | boot in recovery mode and edit? | 05:54 |
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ketrox | K3nto | 05:54 |
K3nto | ketrox: welcome :D | 05:54 |
ketrox | no | 05:54 |
Usrl | Tonren: integrated video and a P2... your PC might not be able to handle Ubuntu. Have you tried Xubuntu, or even something like DSL or Puppy? | 05:54 |
sin2gen2 | K3nto: i use ktorrent. it's a nice one | 05:54 |
scguy318 | otherwise I am out of ideas and I shouldn't have told you to reboot | 05:54 |
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Usrl | Tonren: Ubuntu is more demanding than XP | 05:55 |
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K3nto | ktorrent eh | 05:55 |
pawan | hi | 05:55 |
ohad | sin2gen2, it seems like it is in full vol but nothing | 05:55 |
JeevesMoss | scguy318: naa, I'll just reinstall it. I'm not happy about this howto though | 05:55 |
=== s__ [n=s@r190-64-134-236.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ohad | sin2gen2, no sound | 05:55 |
pawan | how to install jaVa runtime | 05:55 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: hmmm | 05:55 |
Tonren | Is Ubuntu really more demanding? Hmm | 05:55 |
JeevesMoss | scguy318: I guess I'll just run it without a quota | 05:55 |
ketrox | K3nto try auzereus | 05:55 |
scguy318 | Jeeves: googling reveals similar instructions, but honestly, kinda out of mah league :( | 05:55 |
pawan | !jaVa | 05:55 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 05:55 |
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Usrl | Tonren: yes it is, otherwise I wouldn't have said that, would I? | 05:55 |
scguy318 | Jeeves: sry for the trouble | 05:55 |
dystopianray | pawalls, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre | 05:55 |
sin2gen2 | K3nto: Deluge is another | 05:55 |
ohad | sin2gen2, Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller | 05:55 |
Tonren | Usrl: Sorry; no need to be cheeky. | 05:55 |
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dystopianray | pawalls, sorry wrong person | 05:55 |
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jellymaster | hey can I get some help I try to install but after it loads the disc up and I hit start and install it starts to loads it but it goes black | 05:56 |
s__ | hi | 05:56 |
K3nto | ketrox: thats what i used for windows. i just want the one that will get me my movie the fastest and easiest | 05:56 |
jellymaster | and then nothing happens | 05:56 |
=== bullgard4 [n=detlef@p54BF157B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Usrl | Tonren: You have to consider Ubuntu is updated every 6 months, Ubuntu is newer than Vista. Comparing it to XP is sorta unfair. | 05:56 |
Tonren | dystopianray: It's a Texas Instruments TVP4020 [Permedia 2] . | 05:56 |
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dystopianray | K3nto, rtorrent | 05:56 |
dystopianray | Tonren, hrrm that is a very obscure card | 05:56 |
mattg | is amsn compatible with ubuntu? | 05:56 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: i have the 82801G working with snd_hda_intel | 05:56 |
JeevesMoss | scguy318: Thanks again, I'm going to bed. I have to be up to be in the pool for 6:30 am | 05:56 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: is that module loaded? | 05:56 |
Tonren | dystopianray: Yeah, I didn't even know TI made video cards | 05:56 |
dystopianray | mattg, yes | 05:57 |
scguy318 | Jeeves: good night, what tz? | 05:57 |
ohad | sin2gen2, which module? | 05:57 |
mattg | thanks, dystopianray | 05:57 |
Tonren | Usrl: Do you think Xubuntu would be a good bet, or should I not bother? | 05:57 |
ketrox | K3nto auzereus is the best | 05:57 |
ohad | sin2gen2, snd_hda_intel? modprobe snd_hda_intel ? | 05:57 |
scguy318 | Tonren: sure, you can always install GNOME after the fact | 05:57 |
Usrl | Tonren: I'd try running DSL or Puppy Linux, personally. I'm kinda amazed you managed to run Ubuntu on that though. | 05:57 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: snd_hda_intel | 05:57 |
ketrox | bu it need jvm to b installed | 05:57 |
pawan | how to install sun jaVa 6 | 05:57 |
Tonren | Usrl: Harsh. Hmmm.. | 05:57 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: yeah? | 05:57 |
dystopianray | K3nto, ktorrent isn't as resource intensive as azureus and has utorrent compatible DHT | 05:57 |
Usrl | Tonren: I personally hated Xubuntu, but that's personal opinion. | 05:57 |
mattg | how would i go about setting my acct up so that i can manage my sdb1? | 05:57 |
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ohad | sin2gen2, just ran that. let me restart and see if the wireless and the sound works. brb | 05:57 |
ohad | sin2gen2, thanks | 05:57 |
Dr_willis | FeatherLinux, Puppy, DSL - are all 3 nice uber-light linux disrtos. :) | 05:58 |
dystopianray | mattg, what do you mean 'manage' ? | 05:58 |
jellymaster | can anyone tell me what I should do I tried reburning a CD but that didn't work | 05:58 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: put it into /etc/modules to load at boot | 05:58 |
scguy318 | jellymaster: what doesnt work | 05:58 |
Tonren | Dr_willis: Usrl But are any of them as easy to use as Ubuntu? | 05:58 |
Usrl | Tonren: Dr_willis has good advice | 05:58 |
mattg | right now, i cannot save anything on it, dystopianray | 05:58 |
=== s|k [n=bjorn@g2spf.jeeves.ask.info] has joined #ubuntu | ||
palintheus | jellymaster: have you tried the alt install cd? | 05:58 |
ohad | sin2gen2, what else should i put in module? | 05:58 |
s|k | is us.archive.ubuntu.com down? | 05:58 |
dystopianray | mattg, amsn is in the repos for feisty | 05:58 |
jellymaster | after I hit from the CD to install it loads but then goes black and I can't do anything | 05:58 |
Dr_willis | Tonren, i find them all easy to use.. but i know to 'read' and learn. :) | 05:58 |
Usrl | Tonren: probably not, but given the stuff you'll be using a PC that old for it will probably work just as well | 05:58 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: it will load dependent modules with it | 05:58 |
Tonren | Dr_willis: This isn't for me; it's for a friend. | 05:58 |
K3nto | dystopianray: im just gonna turn it on, go to bed and leave it all night, so i dont really care how resource intensive it is. | 05:58 |
mattg | repos for feisty? | 05:58 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: snd_xxxx stuff | 05:58 |
Dr_willis | It all depends on their needs/goals/tasks | 05:58 |
jellymaster | I would order a free CD but it says it takes 10 week and I don't have that patience and I'm only 14 so no access to CC's | 05:58 |
palintheus | s|k: worked for me | 05:58 |
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Usrl | Tonren: You might want to consider just getting a new PC. Dell sells desktops starting at 400$, and I know a place you can get laptops starting at 400$ | 05:59 |
Dr_willis | jellymaster, check the magazine racks for computer mags with the cd's :) | 05:59 |
scguy318 | jellymaster: ask your mom :) | 05:59 |
Tonren | Usrl: Like I said--this isn't for me, it's for a friend | 05:59 |
pawan | how to install sun jaVa 6 | 05:59 |
s|k | palintheus: I get a 'could not resolve 'us.archive.ubuntu.com' | 05:59 |
dissection | Hello. When I visit sites with Java, my firefox crashes. What could I do to prevent that from happening? | 05:59 |
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Tonren | Usrl: I gave them the "just get a new PC speech" already | 05:59 |
Usrl | Tonren: Well obviously I wasn't paying attention then, was I? :P | 05:59 |
Dr_willis | I grabbed a $350 laptop the opther day (new) its a decent little linux machine. | 05:59 |
pawan | !sun | 05:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sun - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:59 |
faileas | ;) | 05:59 |
dystopianray | K3nto, ktorrent is superior to azureus | 05:59 |
jellymaster | I'd been looking on comp racks hoping one day an ubuntu CD would be in one but no luck so far | 06:00 |
Usrl | Dr_willis: Where from? I'm looking for a new laptop | 06:00 |
palintheus | s|k: are other websites pulling up? | 06:00 |
dissection | !java | 06:00 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 06:00 |
mattg | i am running an HP Pavillion DV9230US Laptop...$1700 and kicks ass | 06:00 |
sin2gen2 | K3nto: ktorrent is the best, i agree | 06:00 |
bruenig | hp is nice | 06:00 |
s|k | palintheus: yes | 06:00 |
dystopianray | k31th, ktorrent or rtorrent, both the best | 06:00 |
pawan | !multieVerse | 06:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about multieverse - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:00 |
mattg | anyways, gotta reinstall this, messed it up big time, be back later | 06:00 |
dystopianray | k31th, sorry wrong person | 06:00 |
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pawan | !multiVerse | 06:00 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 06:00 |
dystopianray | K3nto, ktorrent or rtorrent, both the best | 06:00 |
Usrl | Tonren: Personal advice then, tell them about something "cool" you saw someone do with a bucket of water and a computer. Be creative, and then take them shopping for a new one. | 06:00 |
dissection | Anyone here has problem running Java? | 06:00 |
ohad | sin2gen2, ok. brb.. | 06:00 |
dystopianray | dissection, no | 06:00 |
K3nto | dystopianray: yeah. i dont wanna go therough the jre deal at this hour : / | 06:01 |
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pawan | how to install multiVerse | 06:01 |
scguy318 | Usrl: *salt water? :) | 06:01 |
dystopianray | K3nto, so ktorrent or rtorrent is your best bet | 06:01 |
dystopianray | pawan, are you not using feisty? | 06:01 |
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faileas | no no, strong magnets, burn out the PSU ;) | 06:01 |
pawan | i am using it | 06:01 |
Usrl | scguy318: Whatever floats your boat. | 06:01 |
Tonren | Usrl: Hehe, they may just really not have hte money, dude | 06:01 |
dissection | dystopianray, everytime I go to a site with Java, my firefox crashes. | 06:01 |
faileas | Tonren: i missed it earlier, but what kinda system? | 06:01 |
Usrl | Tonren: Have you tried to see how much a museum would pay for their PC? | 06:01 |
bullgard4 | English help wanted: Gnome: The lower panel shows in the lower left of the screen an applet. What is its English name? 'Show desktop'? Or 'Show Desktop button' or what? | 06:02 |
elliott_ | is there a way to set up a script to connect to a telnet server and run commands? | 06:02 |
palintheus | s|k: hmmm, not sure then, I would say it was a DNS issue, but you said other sites pull up... | 06:02 |
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pawan | in firefox browser i am not able to install ja | 06:02 |
pawan | in firefox browser i am not able to install jaVa | 06:02 |
jellymaster | I'm trying again to see if it will go into it it's on the screen where it shows the ubuntu logo and is moving the orange bar acrossed the screen | 06:02 |
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scguy318 | bullgard4: something like Show Desktop? | 06:02 |
=== Injen votes rtorrent :) | ||
scguy318 | bullgard4: it's the Show Desktop Applet ;) | 06:02 |
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sin2gen2 | dissection: try apt-get install sun-java6-plugin? | 06:02 |
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jellymaster | I did the error check in the disk options and it says disk is fine | 06:02 |
dissection | sin2gen2: Its already installed. | 06:03 |
Tonren | Usrl: Haha, jerk | 06:03 |
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Tonren | faileas: It's an old PII with an integrated video card. The screen looks like this http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a141/maxcantor/Screenshot.png | 06:03 |
s|k | palintheus: I can ping it | 06:03 |
UnitedWeFall | hey all.. bit of help if possible (i'm still a bit of a linux newb). I installed nvidia drivers on ubuntu, and rebooted. the os obviously doesn't like them, and now the GUI wont load. not really sure how to disable the drivers thru command prompt.. or boot into a fail safe default. any ideas? | 06:03 |
sin2gen2 | dissection: dpkg-reconfigure sun-java6-plugin? | 06:03 |
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palintheus | s | 06:03 |
scguy318 | UnitedWeFall: recovery mode, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 06:03 |
palintheus | s|k: try typing the IP for a workaround? | 06:03 |
sin2gen2 | dissection: i think that is crashing firefox, possibly | 06:03 |
scguy318 | well no sudo tbh | 06:03 |
s|k | palintheus: ah now it works weird | 06:03 |
Usrl | UnitedWeFall: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 06:03 |
UnitedWeFall | thanks, will try that | 06:03 |
faileas | Tonren: gut instincts say bad video card, or xorg config | 06:04 |
ohad | sin2gen2, still no sound.. | 06:04 |
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dystopianray | dissection, try another browser | 06:04 |
Tonren | faileas: Should I try xubuntu intsead? Everyone else seems to say that the computer's just too old. | 06:04 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: rotten | 06:04 |
dystopianray | pawan, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin | 06:04 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: what window manager? gnome? | 06:04 |
Usrl | Tonren: it couldn't hurt to try it. Only 25 cents or so to burn a CD-R | 06:04 |
faileas | Tonren: oldest system i tried it on, is a PIII 733 | 06:04 |
dissection | dystopianray, it used to work fine with firefox bofore but recently installed updates and now java doesn't work. | 06:04 |
Tonren | faileas: It worked? | 06:05 |
dissection | *before | 06:05 |
faileas | perfectly ;) | 06:05 |
=== burner_ [n=burner@c-67-172-157-202.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sin2gen2 | ohad: have you checked that both PCM and Master are turned up? | 06:05 |
faileas | alternate install CD tho | 06:05 |
faileas | erm | 06:05 |
faileas | not perfectly | 06:05 |
Usrl | Tonren: if you can get it to run Ubuntu somehow, Xubuntu is worth a shot | 06:05 |
faileas | screen was messed.. | 06:05 |
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faileas | hmm | 06:05 |
dissection | sin2gen2, Okay I just did dpkg-reconfigure. Should it have shown a confirmation message in terminal? I don't know if it did anything.. | 06:05 |
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sin2gen2 | dissection: it might sometimes, but not for that package | 06:05 |
faileas | Tonren: there's a xorg config script. i forget the command, and i'm at another system, play around with it/// | 06:05 |
Usrl | Tonren: I've run Xubuntu on a 400MHz PPC iMac from 1999~ish, worked fine, but I didn't like it. I'm running Ubuntu on it now, actually. It's a little slow, but I'm thinking of giving it to a cousin | 06:05 |
dissection | okay. | 06:05 |
sin2gen2 | dissection: restart firefox and see if it works? | 06:06 |
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Nergar | any alternative to cloneCD or alcohol 120% ??? | 06:06 |
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wedderburn | quick question can you set the resolution of text mode to be better than 640x480, thanks | 06:06 |
UnitedWeFall | does anyone know the bus ident for pci-e? | 06:06 |
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Flannel | wedderburn: you can. Try adding vga=ask as a kernel parameter, and then once you find a config you like, you can make t permanant | 06:06 |
scguy318 | UnitedWeFall: default value is ok | 06:07 |
Usrl | Flannel: care to give step-by-step instructions for that? I could use that, actually | 06:07 |
wedderburn | Flannel: thanks :D | 06:07 |
faileas | Tonren: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg . play around with it till it works ;) | 06:07 |
noelferreira | i don't want to have icons in my dekstop from my /media folder. how can i do that? | 06:07 |
scguy318 | Nergar: CDRDAO i think | 06:07 |
Nergar | googling | 06:07 |
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bullgard4 | scguy318: Thank you very much for telling me. | 06:07 |
dystopianray | Nergar, k3b | 06:08 |
DivideZero | i can access linux folders from windows xp ? | 06:08 |
scguy318 | bullgard4: np | 06:08 |
scguy318 | DivideZero: yes with ext3 driver | 06:08 |
dystopianray | DivideZero, not usually | 06:08 |
wedderburn | Flannel: and i just add that to grub? | 06:08 |
scguy318 | DivideZero: http://www.fs-driver.org/ | 06:08 |
ohad | sin2gen2, so no sound and wireless is still flaky -- getting the following message on the syslog -- iwl4965: REPLY_ADD_STA failed | 06:08 |
Flannel | Usrl: Uh you can temporarily add the ask thing by doing edits at the grub menu, except you'll probably have to do ita few times to get a good resolution. So, for both steps (ask and the eventual real resoltuion), edit /boot/grub/menu.lst, and on the kopt= line (yes, it's commented out, no you don't uncomment it) add vga=ask to the end. And then save, and then sudo update-grub to regen sources.list | 06:08 |
Nergar | dystopianray, neither k3b nor gnomebaker could handle the cd i'm trying to clone | 06:08 |
Flannel | wedderburn: see that | 06:08 |
DivideZero | scguy318 thanks | 06:09 |
dystopianray | Nergar, did you select 'clone' mode? | 06:09 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: when my T60 was new this is the same s**t i went through before driver support caught up | 06:09 |
Usrl | Flannel: <3 | 06:09 |
scguy318 | i think hes trying to copy something copy-protected? | 06:09 |
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dystopianray | probably | 06:09 |
Nergar | dystopianray, yes | 06:09 |
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wedderburn | Flannel: thanks | 06:09 |
noelferreira | how can i delete my mounting systems from my desktop (/media folder) | 06:09 |
Nergar | dystopianray, error 16 | 06:09 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: did sound work in the LiveCD on install? | 06:09 |
dystopianray | Nergar, is it a copy protected cd? | 06:09 |
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sin2gen2 | ohad: or wireless? | 06:09 |
ohad | sin2gen2, that sucx | 06:09 |
Nergar | dystopianray, i could bet | 06:09 |
ohad | sin2gen2, 5: REPLY_CT_KILL_CONFIG_CMD succeeded Aug 13 00:05:09 mux NetworkManager: <WARNING>^I get_scan_results (): card took too much time scanning. Get a better one. | 06:09 |
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sin2gen2 | ohad: try tuxmobile of linux-on-laptops (google 'em) and search for your X61s | 06:10 |
UnitedWeFall | hmm going through the " sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" setup didn't solve the problem | 06:10 |
ohad | sin2gen2, never tried the sound on the live cd. i can run this python script that i found for the t series and that works. but i always have to run it | 06:10 |
scguy318 | UnitedWeFall: after doing it reboot | 06:10 |
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UnitedWeFall | yes, I did that | 06:10 |
dystopianray | ohad, I think you would want gutsy to get properly working iwl4965 | 06:10 |
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=== jmb^ DCC CHAT startkeylogger | ||
scguy318 | UnitedWeFall: same issue? | 06:11 |
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UnitedWeFall | exactly the same | 06:11 |
ohad | sin2gen2, looked already. didn't find my laptop there.. | 06:11 |
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sin2gen2 | ohad: can you put it as an init script to run at boot? | 06:11 |
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dystopianray | ohad, read the script and see what it does, make it permanent | 06:11 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: that isn't a pretty fix but it would work | 06:11 |
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Usrl | Flannel: thanks, I can't wait to try it. I wish I could finish this process or something so I could try it already D: | 06:11 |
ohad | dystopianray, sin2gen2 i can do that. what's more important to me is the wifi :/ | 06:11 |
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sin2gen2 | ohad: you can pastebin the script for us | 06:11 |
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dissection | sin2gen2: I tried it. It still crashes. | 06:12 |
DivideZero | scguy318 , i have installed this , but i dont see the ext3 drivers in "My Computer" | 06:12 |
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The_S | ups | 06:12 |
manduski | astro76, are you here? | 06:12 |
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Tar_Zxf | is it wise/possible to use the ubuntu mirrors on a fresh etch install to dist-upgrade to fesity-amd64? | 06:13 |
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manduski | can someone try and see if they can connect (not login) to my laptop via SSH port 1337? I'm trying to see if it works remotely | 06:13 |
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sin2gen2 | dissection: i would backup your bookmarks, and delete your ~/.mozilla directory and configure firefox again | 06:13 |
bruenig | Tar_Zxf, no | 06:13 |
scguy318 | DivideZero: run the configuration utility or wutever? | 06:13 |
ohad | sin2gen2, which one? | 06:13 |
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jellymaster | ok still nothing on these CD's I'm running an Asus A7400MX with 752MB of RAM and a Radeon 9250 graphics card | 06:13 |
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dystopianray | ohad, try gutsy | 06:14 |
dissection | sin2gen2: How do I backup my bookmarks? | 06:14 |
nephish | lo there all | 06:14 |
ohad | sin2gen2, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33530/ | 06:14 |
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nephish | anyone have their box hooked up to a tv ? | 06:14 |
dystopianray | Tar_Zxf, you want to go from 32-bit to 64-bit? | 06:14 |
Usrl | Dr_willis: did you ever tell me where you found a 350$ laptop? I had to go afk. | 06:14 |
ohad | dystopianray, i already did. that had too many other problems with gutsy - i had to rebuild my machine.. | 06:14 |
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dystopianray | ohad, did you try tribe4? | 06:14 |
pvl | some comapny is mass producing 200$ laptops | 06:14 |
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manduski | dystopianray, can you see if you can SSH into my computer at my friends house? | 06:14 |
sin2gen2 | dissection: your ~/.mozilla/firefox/bunchofnumbers.default/bookmarks.html file | 06:15 |
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manduski | port 1337 | 06:15 |
Tar_Zxf | well, I'm still grabbing hte AMD64 desktop CD, but the 32bit CD didn't see my cdrom drive whne installing, rather limiting the install | 06:15 |
ohad | dystopianray, what's tribe4? | 06:15 |
Usrl | pvl: 3ePC isn't out yet, and it's not much of a laptop. | 06:15 |
Tar_Zxf | Etch's installer sees everything fine | 06:15 |
sin2gen2 | dissection: or Google Browser Sync if you have a Gmail account | 06:15 |
bruenig | ohad, oh it runs infinitely, you probably should call it from /etc/rc.local | 06:15 |
=== chalcedony smiles | ||
ohad | bruenig, what runs infinitely? | 06:15 |
Frogzoo | nautilus has stopped display pngs, and displays the icon.desktop as a file, not as an icon - any ideas? | 06:15 |
DivideZero | scguy318 , now its show them but when i try to enter in its tell me that ineed to FORMAT them ? | 06:15 |
pvl | any1 know where to get smiles for gaim? | 06:15 |
bruenig | ohad, that script is just one infinite loop | 06:15 |
scguy318 | DivideZero, no of course | 06:16 |
scguy318 | run | 06:16 |
chalcedony | can anyone see a way to make this work on ubuntu? and how to download it? http://www.editpadlite.com/editpadlite.html | 06:16 |
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`eric- | yo | 06:16 |
scguy318 | http://www.fs-driver.org/download/mountdiag.exe | 06:16 |
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ohad | bruenig, how would i run it from rc. and is there a better way to handle sound on x61s ? | 06:16 |
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chalcedony | hi eric- :) | 06:16 |
`eric- | !peer guardian | 06:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about peer guardian - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:16 |
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dissection | sin2gen2: Okay, I've backed up my bookmarks. Now just delete the ~/.mozilla and sudo apt-get install firefox? | 06:16 |
bruenig | ohad, recompile the kernel it looks like, but just put whatever command in rc.local | 06:16 |
scguy318 | DivideZero: http://www.fs-driver.org/download/mountdiag.exe, then run like mountdiag "drive letter without qutoes" | 06:16 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: yeah, that's messed up | 06:16 |
bruenig | ohad, rc.local gets sourced during boot | 06:16 |
Usrl | chalcedony: WINE might work, but if it's not made for linux it usually won't work on linux. | 06:16 |
manduski | hey can anyone try connect SSH (not log in) to my computer? | 06:16 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: i think you have to wait for Gutsy | 06:16 |
dystopianray | ohad, tribe4 is the latest gutsy release | 06:16 |
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dystopianray | manduski, still having trouble? | 06:17 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: it is supported in Gutsy | 06:17 |
cellofellow | manduski: sure | 06:17 |
chalcedony | Usrl: it sez it will work in unixes | 06:17 |
pvl | any1 know where to get smiles for gaim? | 06:17 |
manduski | dystopianray, yeah | 06:17 |
bruenig | sin2gen2, do you have any idea if that is true or not | 06:17 |
palintheus | !offtopic > pvl | 06:17 |
Usrl | manduski: which reminds me, I need to learn how to ssh crap | 06:17 |
ohad | dystopianray, i've tried the latest of gutsy and that sucked. so many problems | 06:17 |
manduski | trying at my freinds house with his router and a different ISP | 06:17 |
`eric- | anyone know of a 'peer guardian' replacement for linux? | 06:17 |
sin2gen2 | dissection: yeah. i would apt-get remove --purge mozilla-firefox and re-install it | 06:17 |
bruenig | `eric-, use deluge with the blocklist plugin | 06:17 |
sin2gen2 | dissection: just blow it out and redo fresh | 06:17 |
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manduski | cellofellow, port 1337 | 06:17 |
sin2gen2 | dissection: your ~/.mozilla dir is your user configs | 06:18 |
`eric- | bruenig: thx, i'll look it up | 06:18 |
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sin2gen2 | dissection: but firefox takes only a second to config so no biggie | 06:18 |
manduski | Usrl, apparently it's easy on a LAN, but i haven't been able outside it | 06:18 |
ohad | dystopianray, i've just tried to move my sources from feisty to gutsy and do an upgrade-- would that not grab tribe4? | 06:18 |
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bruenig | my firefox is configured such that it might take hours to put it back from fresh | 06:18 |
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Usrl | manduski: I tried it on my LAN once, had problems with it, I think I need to remember how to enable it first of all =p I never really bothered looking it up, I just sorta dicked around with it. | 06:19 |
borovy3488 | can someone help me with compiz fusion? | 06:19 |
sin2gen2 | bruenig: ohad : well, judging from the install docs on tuxmobile and linux-on-laptops and thinkwiki | 06:19 |
Usrl | manduski: although I do need to find out my local IPs before I can do it, I suppose | 06:19 |
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chalcedony | some people can figure things out from poking.. | 06:19 |
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manduski | Usrl, for your local ip type ifconfig | 06:19 |
bruenig | borovy3488, compiz fusion hasn't yet had a release | 06:19 |
chalcedony | borovy3488: did you see the video ? | 06:19 |
sin2gen2 | bruenig: ohad : i don't actually have one but people are saying the card is working under restricted modules | 06:19 |
borovy3488 | no, where is it | 06:19 |
bruenig | restricted modules makes people dumb | 06:20 |
ohad | sin2gen2, how would i use that? | 06:20 |
sin2gen2 | bruenig: i agree | 06:20 |
manduski | then (for me, for example) it would be "ssh mando@ -p 1337" | 06:20 |
jellymaster | does ubuntu have a problem running on Asus? or is mine really old and I don't know(someone built it for my sis who gave it to me when mine fried out,she never used the thing ever)it's an Asus A7400MX with 752MB of RAM and a Radeon 9250 graphics card | 06:20 |
borovy3488 | Bruenig: what do you mean? I have installed it, but I just have some problems. | 06:20 |
Usrl | manduski: it just shows, I probably need to dig deeper | 06:20 |
manduski | Usrl, -p for the port which by default should be 22 for you | 06:20 |
cellofellow | josh@lordpenguin:~$ ssh c-68-42-53-138.hsd1.fl.comcast.net -p 1337 | 06:20 |
cellofellow | ssh: connect to host c-68-42-53-138.hsd1.fl.comcast.net port 1337: Connection refused | 06:20 |
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dissection | sin2gen2: Okay its re-installed. When I did apt-get, it was only 59KB. Is that normal? | 06:20 |
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sin2gen2 | ohad: when you install Gutsy, if it is like Feisty, it will have a balloon for Restricted-Manager saying the stuff is working | 06:21 |
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Usrl | manduski: I just need to look up a tut sometime | 06:21 |
bruenig | borovy3488, people don't realize that restricted modules is just a huge pack of precompiled modules | 06:21 |
`eric- | bruenig: no actual stand-alone program tho? only switching clients? | 06:21 |
manduski | Usrl, are you connected via ethernet or wirelessly? | 06:21 |
sin2gen2 | dissection: yeah, most of the libraries are still there, i guess | 06:21 |
Usrl | manduski: ethernet through router, right now the mac isn't plugged in though | 06:21 |
cameron_ | I have java 6, how do I install a .jar program with it? | 06:21 |
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cellofellow | manduski: it said connection refused | 06:21 |
sin2gen2 | dissection: when you run firefox it should be all defaults with the firefox home page | 06:21 |
Usrl | nevermind, I found my local IP | 06:21 |
nj786 | is there a divx online player for ubuntu? | 06:21 |
chalcedony | borovy3488: http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net/techblog/article/enable_compizfusion_in_ubuntu_feisty/ | 06:21 |
borovy3488 | dont know what ure talking about bruenig | 06:21 |
bruenig | `eric-, there was something I saw that was actually linked to from the peerguardian website but I never used it seeing as I only needed it for bittorrent and I use deluge | 06:21 |
pvl1 | what are you trying to do? | 06:21 |
dissection | sin2gen2: Yes it is. | 06:21 |
manduski | cellofellow, then i guess it must be something with me | 06:21 |
Usrl | brb, ima go get the mac | 06:22 |
cellofellow | manduski: yeah, :( | 06:22 |
Usrl | heavy POS, but I need exercise.. | 06:22 |
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sin2gen2 | dissection: maybe navigate to that page and see if it asks you to install the plugin? | 06:22 |
ohad | sin2gen2, wireless worked find under gutsty but many other things didn't | 06:22 |
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sin2gen2 | sin2gen2: some install in apt (synaptic, etc) and some install via the browser | 06:22 |
puff | My mouse is acting weird. It sometimes seems to work fine, but then it's stuck at the top of the screen and skitters about when I try to move it. If it weren't optical, I'd think it needed cleaning. The problem might be related to the fact that I replaced the batteries in my wireless mouse (logitech). | 06:22 |
nj786 | is there a divx online video player for ubuntu | 06:22 |
manduski | Usrl, then when you type ifconfig look at the second line in eth0 where it says inet addrs | 06:23 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: i had to wait, like you, for new drivers | 06:23 |
cameron_ | I have java 6, how do I install a .jar program with it? | 06:23 |
manduski | and that's probably the one | 06:23 |
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sin2gen2 | ohad: still am for the fglrx to catch up to AIGLX | 06:23 |
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manduski | it should look something like 192.168.x.xxx | 06:23 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: new hardware is like that since drivers are slow to appear, it seems | 06:23 |
manduski | x's for numbers | 06:23 |
ohad | sin2gen2, ok. i guess that's what i'll have to do. maybe i'll use my pcmacia card i have -- it's old. probably will work fine:) | 06:23 |
Usrl | thank god apple put a handle on that thing | 06:23 |
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manduski | cellofellow, what can you suggest? | 06:23 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: just for a little while. or you have a few other ways to try | 06:24 |
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pvl1 | does anyone know where i can get smiles for gaim? | 06:24 |
puff | cameron_: I'm not sure about the ubuntu aspect of it, but I can tell you from the java perspective: You don't generally "install a .jar program:", a .jar file is a runnable java program; you execute it with "java foo.jar" | 06:24 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: i'd try the source again, but do a make uninstall in the dir and a make clean, re-configure etc | 06:24 |
jellymaster | I'm gunna try to see if the install disk would work on this latop brb | 06:24 |
cellofellow | manduski: it means either A) The port is closed. B) There is no service listening on that port. C) My host is blocked on that port. | 06:24 |
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sin2gen2 | ohad: i compile my madwifi-ng stuff manually | 06:24 |
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palintheus | pvl1: google? | 06:25 |
pvl1 | well i googled it nd found some rar file i think nd could unzip it | 06:25 |
pvl1 | does ubuntu do rar? | 06:25 |
sin2gen2 | ohad: and most other things, really. like the fingerprint thing, hdaps, video on my Thinkpad... | 06:25 |
bastid_raZor | unrar file.rar | 06:26 |
palintheus | !rar | pvl1 | 06:26 |
ubotu | pvl1: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 06:26 |
dissection | sin2gen2: It works now :D | 06:26 |
sin2gen2 | dissection: did it work? | 06:26 |
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dissection | thanks | 06:26 |
sin2gen2 | dissection: yeah! hack and slash | 06:26 |
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dissection | Hehe | 06:26 |
sin2gen2 | dissection: you can do that with a lot of stuff to fix it. usually something in your home dir messes it up | 06:27 |
cameron_ | I recieve this error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Azureus3/0/1/6/jar | 06:27 |
manduski | cellofello, but i went to portforwarding.com and looked up how to open it and still not open? | 06:27 |
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manduski | cellofellow, btw do you actually play the cello? | 06:27 |
sin2gen2 | dissection: re-copy your bookmarks and you'll be good | 06:27 |
pvl1 | u could use a different bittorent | 06:27 |
poningru | anyone need help? | 06:27 |
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manduski | yeah, how to remotely SSH | 06:27 |
dissection | sin2gen2: Okay. | 06:27 |
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EJ | \\'elcome ack Jesusbird | 06:27 |
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sin2gen2 | dissection: you could look into Google Browser Sync for Firefox. it's rad and you needn't worry about bookmark backups with a Gmail account | 06:28 |
Usrl | back | 06:28 |
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sid | What is a decent cms to use? doesn't have to have everything and the kitchen sink, preferably having a decent security track record | 06:28 |
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dissection | sin2gen2: Does that require me to install a toolbar? | 06:29 |
sin2gen2 | dissection: no, just a little icon in the top right | 06:29 |
faileas | dissection: no, firefox extention ;) | 06:29 |
dissection | Okay | 06:29 |
ohad | sin2gen2, thanks for your help and thanks to everyone for helping out | 06:29 |
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sin2gen2 | dissection: it isn't bothersome. i too dislike the toolbars | 06:29 |
manduski | poningru, maybe you could help me resolve my problem SSHing remotely into my computer | 06:30 |
vw12 | ubuntu 7 works only in live cd but when the full installation is completed ubuntu shows garbled screen on reboot | 06:30 |
poningru | manduski: ok whatsup? | 06:30 |
dissection | sin2gen2: I'm having a look at it now. | 06:30 |
panther_sn | sid I used cms madesimple and it works well | 06:30 |
xoRock | need help, which one is better, epson driver ubuntu default or fromthis site http://avasys.jp/hp/menu000000500/hpg000000442.htm | 06:30 |
pvl1 | try live installing 6 and upgrading | 06:30 |
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poningru | manduski: did you read the wiki.ubuntu.com guide on howto setup ssh? | 06:31 |
poningru | err sshd | 06:31 |
poningru | !sshd | 06:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sshd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:31 |
manduski | poningru, I've been trying with a couple of good fellows here to SSH into my laptop with no success. I can transfer files fine on the LAN, but not remotely | 06:31 |
manduski | poningru, i have not read that guide, will read now | 06:31 |
pvl1 | whats ssh stand for? | 06:32 |
poningru | manduski: no if you can transfer on lan then its your router | 06:32 |
poningru | pvl: secure shell | 06:32 |
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vw12 | ubuntu 7 works only in live cd....... when the full installation is completed ubuntu shows garbled screen on reboot why is this ?? | 06:32 |
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poningru | manduski: what router do you have? | 06:32 |
pvl1 | vw12 try live installing ubuntu 6 or a previous version nd upgrading | 06:32 |
poningru | and are you sure you are transfering through ssh? | 06:32 |
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pvl1 | oo yay rar worked | 06:33 |
Ecalix | moving hdd from one box to another. the drive boots but then it kernel panics. any ideas on how to make it fully boot? | 06:33 |
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manduski | poningru, D-Link DI 624 | 06:33 |
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manduski | poningru, i'm actually at my friends house because I couldn't get through from my own house either, so i don't know what is wrong | 06:33 |
sin2gen2 | manduski: you should be able to ssh your way around the network with any firewalls disabled or port 22 open and ssh installed on the machines | 06:34 |
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sin2gen2 | manduski: if you are remote, you need to forward 22 | 06:34 |
manduski | poningru, i went to portforward.com and read on how ot forward the port on this router so it should be open, i believe | 06:34 |
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vw12 | pv1------------------ if thats what a new user have to do in order to get ver 7.04 working on a new machine ..... then may be ubuntu is not ready for prime time | 06:34 |
tulga | someone use ltsp on gutsy? | 06:34 |
poningru | manduski: hold | 06:35 |
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vw12 | it puzzles me .... that the live cd worked perfectly thougth | 06:35 |
poningru | port scanning you | 06:35 |
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sin2gen2 | manduski: on dlinks it is usually called "Applications and Gaming" or something | 06:35 |
sin2gen2 | manduski: maybe? | 06:35 |
pvl1 | vw12 well ive had 6 lying around nd tried it, nd upgraded nd worked for me, im just trying to help | 06:35 |
Gaming1 | Hello guys, suppose I open vlc player using command, how do I exit it? | 06:35 |
pvl1 | vw12. i say it was worth the effort | 06:35 |
sin2gen2 | Gaming1: Ctrl+X? | 06:35 |
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manduski | poningru, actually it's under the "Advanced" tab and "Virtual Server" | 06:36 |
Gaming1 | nope | 06:36 |
vw12 | no worries thnx for your offer | 06:36 |
sin2gen2 | Ctrl+C? ESC? | 06:36 |
pvl1 | anytime | 06:36 |
manduski | poningru, that sound like the one? | 06:36 |
Ninja | is edubuntu broken? | 06:36 |
poningru | manduski: no thats not it | 06:36 |
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poningru | manduski: it is under application and games | 06:36 |
poningru | and do port 22 to your computers port 22 | 06:36 |
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Gaming1 | sin2gen2: Ctrl+C completely terminates it... How do I read the commands for the application | 06:37 |
poningru | or actually it could be virtual server | 06:37 |
poningru | manduski: I was thinking linksys my mistake it is virtual server | 06:37 |
poningru | for a dlink | 06:37 |
manduski | poningru, under "Advanced" and "Applications" then? | 06:37 |
vw12 | well i wont be using ubuntu..... its like saying install windows 98 to get windows xp to work | 06:37 |
sin2gen2 | Gaming1: can you right click on the video? is there a gui? | 06:37 |
vw12 | im off | 06:37 |
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Gaming1 | sin2gen:Of course there is GUI...but I am trying something different today..... | 06:38 |
nunofgs | hey guys, I need some help. I just upgraded the motherboard and cpu of my ubuntu installation and everything seemed to boot up fine except for my gfx card. Xserver says it cannot find my geforce2 mx 400 but I noticed that I have framebuffer gfx. also, booting a livecd works completely | 06:38 |
poningru | manduski: it is advanced->virtual server | 06:38 |
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manduski | poningru, ok i have it set up already | 06:38 |
sin2gen2 | Gaming1: well, you need a gui for menus, right? | 06:38 |
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poningru | manduski: its not working | 06:39 |
poningru | manduski: go delete the one you have setup already or disable it | 06:39 |
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poningru | and then make a new one | 06:39 |
pvl1 | is there a Pidgin for ubuntu? | 06:39 |
DigeratiH | of course | 06:40 |
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sin2gen2 | pvl1: i compile it from source | 06:40 |
Gaming1 | sin2gen: Not necessarily..... | 06:40 |
muhammad | how can I play MP3 in ubuntu? | 06:40 |
manduski | poningru, ok try now on port 22 | 06:40 |
palintheus | !codecs | 06:40 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 06:40 |
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poningru | manduski: you got it | 06:40 |
poningru | its working | 06:40 |
pvl1 | idk how to complie to be honest, ive been using gui stuff all the time | 06:40 |
manduski | WOW! | 06:40 |
manduski | no way! | 06:41 |
DigeratiH | http://digg.com/linux_unix/Install_Pidgin_on_Ubuntu_Feisty_with_all_plugins | 06:41 |
manduski | really? | 06:41 |
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DigeratiH | fuck compiling | 06:41 |
=== bruenig shakes head at pvl1 | ||
poningru | manduski: ... yes dude | 06:41 |
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poningru | !ohmy | DigeratiH | 06:41 |
ubotu | DigeratiH: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 06:41 |
nunofgs | soooo, can anyone help me? why did changing my motherboard+cpu make my ubuntu installation not detect my nvidia card? the live cd still works :/ | 06:41 |
poningru | DigeratiH: but good advice though | 06:41 |
manduski | poningru, wow, you have no idea how much i've hassled this thing | 06:41 |
bruenig | DigeratiH, how do you think that deb got there, I bet you someone compiled it | 06:41 |
manduski | poningru, hours and hours and hours | 06:41 |
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pvl1 | well ive compiled before but not with ubuntu programs | 06:41 |
rafael__ | e ai galera | 06:41 |
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rafael__ | alguem da um help | 06:41 |
DigeratiH | no shit sherlock | 06:41 |
bruenig | pvl1, ubuntu doesn't have programs | 06:41 |
DigeratiH | but pvl wont have too | 06:41 |
nephish | manduski, what version of ubuntu? | 06:42 |
bruenig | good for him to learn | 06:42 |
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sin2gen2 | pvl1: you could install debian packages but it will break stuff | 06:42 |
manduski | rafael_, hola | 06:42 |
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manduski | nephish, 7.04 | 06:42 |
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sin2gen2 | pvl1: or track down a Pidgin .deb somewhere online | 06:42 |
pvl1 | ill compile, im sure theres documentation | 06:42 |
sin2gen2 | pvl1: it isn't bad | 06:42 |
poningru | !pidgin | 06:42 |
ubotu | pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. | 06:42 |
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manduski | nephish, it's actually Xubuntu | 06:42 |
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mad-sibyl | What could handle Ubuntu. Have you may have -- yes, I wouldn't cause me | 06:42 |
muhammad | ubotu: I have ubuntu 5.0 | 06:42 |
DigeratiH | suite yourself pvl1 | 06:42 |
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nephish | cool, enable multiverse or the mediubuntu repositories and you will be good to go., xubuntu is fine | 06:42 |
Tar_Zxf | well, shoot, the AMD64 CD is working. Suck on that 32-bit land! | 06:43 |
DigeratiH | I gave you a link that will have you up in 5 mins | 06:43 |
j85wilson | /jion #linux | 06:43 |
DigeratiH | with all extras | 06:43 |
manduski | nephish, what's mediubuntu | 06:43 |
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ParaDoX | is there a RAR decompressor for ubuntu? | 06:43 |
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pvl1 | yeah i just got it through the add/remove thingy | 06:43 |
nephish | manduski, it's another software repository for ubuntu with multimedia codecs and software and such, lemme get the link | 06:43 |
pvl1 | just searched up rar | 06:43 |
ParaDoX | k, thanks | 06:43 |
=== metalac [n=dejan@dsl254-025-029.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
muhammad | how can I play MP3 on Ubuntu 5.0? | 06:44 |
pvl1 | same way, therse applications towards it | 06:44 |
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pvl1 | just search up mp3 in the add/remove programs | 06:44 |
nephish | manduski, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu | 06:44 |
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Usrl | argh, my mac's Ethernet cable is plugged in, but it's not connected. Is there a way to turn it on manually? | 06:44 |
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thedash | anybody know if it's possible to copy files from a remote machine while viewing said machine through vnc ? | 06:45 |
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nephish | thedash, copy files to the machine you are on? | 06:45 |
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mad-sibyl | cellofello, but i can you just for example) it is a non-free archive format created by bios drives with it will occasionally be people have ubuntu programs | 06:45 |
thedash | yes, from the machine I am vnc'ing to | 06:45 |
cellofellow | thedash: using a different program, it won't make any difference. VNC doesn't have file transfer features I think. | 06:45 |
thedash | k | 06:46 |
muhammad | up mp3 search not found | 06:46 |
cellofellow | thedash: an FTP-like system. | 06:46 |
sin2gen2 | thedash: nope | 06:46 |
pvl1 | hey sing2gen2 did u say that deb files work in ubuntu? | 06:46 |
sin2gen2 | thedash: ssh them or samba, etc | 06:46 |
manduski | nephish, is it a different flavor like kubuntu and xubuntu, or just added packages for media codecs? | 06:46 |
nephish | thedash, i use sshfs to mount remote directories on my local machine, | 06:46 |
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thedash | nephish :: yeh I would, but this machine is restricted solely to vnc | 06:47 |
manduski | ah, packages | 06:47 |
sin2gen2 | pvl1: there are .debs available for Feisty somewhere | 06:47 |
thedash | I think I can push something via ftp to another server where I can ssh it | 06:47 |
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sin2gen2 | pvl1: but i use Edgy so i compiled Pidgin | 06:47 |
litral | why is the default owner of the lamp stack root dir /var/www root rather than www-data | 06:47 |
Gaming1 | Is it possible to fully control any program using terminal, for eg vlc? | 06:47 |
nephish | manduski, yes, but if you just add the repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list you will have access to all of it in Xubuntu also , no reinstall required | 06:47 |
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litral | Do i risk anything changing that ? | 06:47 |
hoss | any body knows how to install ubuntu on macbook | 06:47 |
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nephish | thedash, can you install an ftp server on your machine that you are remoting from ? what are you using to remote in ? the ubuntu computer? | 06:48 |
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Bobicu1 | Hey all.. Quick que | 06:48 |
sin2gen2 | pvl1: Ubuntu is a Debian based distribution. you add and remove things via apt. the packages apt uses are .deb files | 06:48 |
Usrl | might as well try restarting it then... | 06:48 |
pvl1 | oooooh | 06:48 |
Gaming1 | How to see what all programs are installed on my PC using command? | 06:48 |
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Bobicu1 | Hey all...quick question.. Is there a way to make the hidden files in my home folder not show up when looking for a file in a program (like gimp or gaim)? | 06:49 |
nephish | thedash, which machine is running ubuntu? | 06:49 |
thedash | nephish :: it doesn't really matter now, but I am on an Ubuntu machine, VNC'ing to a Windows machine, which I will use IE to create a FTP-like environment which will allow me to send the files to a Debian server to which I can SSH to get the files on my Ubuntu machine | 06:49 |
thedash | nice little circle :P | 06:49 |
manduski | nephish, when i follow the shell commands on the website you pointed to, does that add the lines to the sources.list automatically, or do i have to do it manually after i input what they tell me? | 06:49 |
sin2gen2 | Bobicu1: i think the check box in the Nautilus preferences will disable that | 06:49 |
palintheus | Bobicu1: right-click uncheck 'show hidden files' in the open window | 06:49 |
Usrl | yay! my router's #2 light is on now | 06:50 |
hoss | Any body knows how to install Ubuntu on a MacBook | 06:50 |
sin2gen2 | Bobicu1: but you won't see them in icon or list views, either | 06:50 |
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nephish | manduski, no, just follow the instructions on the website, it does it for you | 06:50 |
pvl1 | hoss did u google it? | 06:50 |
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Bobicu1 | haha.. duh... Ok, I am an idot | 06:50 |
Usrl | hoss which macbook? if it's PPC, you'll have to use that version, intel should work on x86 | 06:50 |
Bobicu1 | thanks | 06:50 |
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manduski | nephish, thanx for the knowledge! Good Stuff coming out | 06:50 |
hoss | it is the new Macbook | 06:50 |
hoss | i just bought it today | 06:51 |
manduski | nephish, will download now | 06:51 |
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Bobicu1 | another quick question... anyway to stop the help window from popping up when turning back on my touchpad? | 06:51 |
sin2gen2 | hoss: just use the i386 LiveCD | 06:51 |
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hoss | have you done it | 06:52 |
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sin2gen2 | hoss: nope. only PPC stuff here | 06:52 |
sin2gen2 | hoss: but you have an Intel chip | 06:52 |
nephish | thedash, you could set up an ftp server on your home machine, then use network folder in windows, use vsftp will be good. or try dropboks http://www.dropboks.com/ | 06:52 |
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hoss | yes | 06:52 |
hoss | what about hardware compitablity | 06:52 |
thedash | nephish :: supposedly we will have NFS or something similar running on everything soon | 06:52 |
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sin2gen2 | hoss: the LiveCD will tell you what is supported or not. except for some stuff that may need to be compiled manually | 06:53 |
pvl1 | windows has ftp preinstalled if ur using windows as 1 of the comp | 06:53 |
Usrl | YEAH! I SSHd to my mac D: | 06:53 |
Usrl | I feel so awesome D: | 06:53 |
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nephish | thedash, nfs is great, i love it, | 06:53 |
hoss | sounds like a lots of work | 06:53 |
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sin2gen2 | hoss: i would google around for configs for that model. usually, since the hardware is so similar, it is easy to find the right config for your machine specifically | 06:53 |
manduski | nephish, how can i check if they installed fine? | 06:54 |
sin2gen2 | hoss: it is compared to installing OSX | 06:54 |
hoss | How? | 06:54 |
sin2gen2 | hoss: how what? | 06:54 |
=== mattg [n=mattg@ip68-104-158-11.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nephish | manduski, go to add remove programs and look for mp3 ( or whatever codec you need ) | 06:54 |
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hoss | i am not a programmer | 06:55 |
mattg | alright, a fresh install of ubuntu x64! | 06:55 |
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Bobicu1 | another quick question... anyway to stop the help window from popping up when turning back on my touchpad? | 06:55 |
Usrl | Is there a command to shut off monitor, but not the PC? My mac is a CRT, so it uses a lot of power, but I still want to have it on | 06:55 |
nephish | manduski, or try to open the mp3 in your media player let us know what happens | 06:55 |
madman91 | hey guys | 06:55 |
sin2gen2 | hoss: you don't need to be. but you are going to have to work a little for Ubuntu on that machine | 06:55 |
habo | WHAT anti virus do i need for linux?? | 06:56 |
Usrl | habo: none | 06:56 |
palintheus | habo: none | 06:56 |
nephish | thedash, don | 06:56 |
habo | thx | 06:56 |
mattg | aight, so how do i enable 1440x990 on my screen resolution? maxes out at 1220 or whatever | 06:56 |
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sin2gen2 | habo: clamav | 06:56 |
hoss | thanks | 06:56 |
pvl1 | uhm how do i get "packages"? | 06:56 |
nephish | thedash, sorry, don;t know if windows handles nfs, havn't been on a windows computer in years | 06:56 |
manduski | nephish, but i've been able to play mp3's before | 06:56 |
habo | clamav??? for protecting windows files? | 06:56 |
DigeratiH | synaptic | 06:56 |
jbalint | Hi, how can i force e2fsck to be run at boot? | 06:56 |
DigeratiH | or apt-get | 06:56 |
sin2gen2 | hoss: if you stick the install CD in there, it will give you a good idea of what it would be like to have Ubuntu on the MacBook | 06:56 |
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thedash | nephish :: the windows machine is just for torrents and such :P | 06:57 |
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sin2gen2 | habo: it works in linux too | 06:57 |
thedash | because linux has no good torrent manager atm | 06:57 |
madman91 | my dads ubuntu 7.04 fails to display the loading screen while booting up ubuntu.. the monitor says "unsupported mode" or something similar .. yet the ubuntu login screen pops up perfectly.. ideas? | 06:57 |
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manduski | nephish, i forgot what i had installed that got me it, but i guess there are other codecs which are good to have for the future | 06:57 |
sin2gen2 | DigeratiH: either | 06:57 |
habo | ok thanx guys ill get back to you later .. cya all .. gnight | 06:57 |
nephish | manduski, what media player are you using? what error are you getting, do other sound files work ? | 06:57 |
binMonkey | what is the site to get a temp url where you can paste code and longer quotations? | 06:57 |
madman91 | thedash: ?? rtorrent | 06:57 |
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nephish | thedash, sounds like MS is replaceable :) | 06:58 |
sin2gen2 | binMonkey: pastebin? | 06:58 |
manduski | nephish, i use xmms usually | 06:58 |
manduski | nephis, i haven't gotten any errors yet | 06:58 |
binMonkey | sin2gen2: that's it! thanks!!! | 06:58 |
nephish | manduski, ok, what happens when you try to open an mp3 ? | 06:58 |
thedash | nephish :: yeh, it's being replaced slowly but surely | 06:59 |
jbalint | how can i disable the GUI boot screen? | 06:59 |
bullgard4 | Is there a DEB program package available for dBVisualizer? | 06:59 |
manduski | nephish, music | 06:59 |
manduski | lol | 06:59 |
pvl1 | i tried to compile pidgin through the terminal nd it said You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list | 06:59 |
nephish | manduski, so everything is ok ? | 06:59 |
manduski | nephish, "take on me..." | 06:59 |
manduski | nephish, yep! | 06:59 |
nephish | manduski, he he | 06:59 |
nephish | great | 06:59 |
disinterested | ms except for buisness is a dying breed | 06:59 |
madman91 | my dads ubuntu 7.04 fails to display the loading screen while booting up ubuntu.. the monitor says "unsupported mode" or something similar .. yet the ubuntu login screen pops up perfectly.. ideas? | 06:59 |
nephish | good on ya, thedash | 06:59 |
manduski | nephish, thanks | 06:59 |
nephish | np | 06:59 |
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sin2gen2 | madman91: the splash resolution is probably incompatible with the monitor rates or vice versa... | 07:00 |
binMonkey | what log file will shows my shutdown messages? | 07:00 |
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disinterested | i switched out a hp pavillion yesterday with ubuntu it had xp on it never been online | 07:00 |
madman91 | sin2gen2: how would i go about checking that? / changing that? | 07:01 |
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sin2gen2 | madman91: you don't see the Ubuntu logo until gdm starts (the login window) right? | 07:01 |
holotone | can someone tell me how to permanently block net access to a host domain name? | 07:01 |
madman91 | sin2gen2: yes, and it is the default logo | 07:01 |
holotone | like, the equivilant of the hosts file in win* | 07:01 |
nephish | madman91, i have a computer at work that does the same thing, dell, with the i10 whatever graphics on board, never bothered me enough to fix it | 07:02 |
holotone | even something that would let me point the domain name to an ip that doesn't exist | 07:02 |
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Usrl | How the hell do I close emacs? | 07:02 |
madman91 | holotone: the hosts file? | 07:02 |
sin2gen2 | madman91: i think you need a vga=xxx line in your defoptions in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 07:02 |
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madman91 | holotone: /etc/hosts* | 07:02 |
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nephish | holotone, you could use firestarter too, it's a gui firewall app | 07:02 |
binMonkey | Usrl: use vim. lol. | 07:02 |
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Usrl | binMonkey: I don't really give a shit about the editor wars, thanks, I just want to know how to close it. | 07:03 |
sin2gen2 | madman91: i have a 1400x something resolution and needed vga=791 to run the usplash | 07:03 |
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jonathan_ | hi | 07:03 |
Shadow6363 | hmm, for some reason the terminal no longer opens, is their like a profile directory for it that i could delete or something? | 07:03 |
teKnofreak | Usrl, ctrl-x ctrl-c | 07:03 |
madman91 | sin2gen2: how do i find the value i need for xxx ? | 07:03 |
Usrl | teKnofreak: thanks | 07:03 |
ks005 | Hi all.. new ubuntu user here.. I was wondering, when I double click the titlebar and it scrolls up, is that a function of beryl or of linux? | 07:03 |
Shadow6363 | im dual screening using xinerama and thought that was it, but terminal is the only program that will not start anymore | 07:03 |
teKnofreak | Usrl, :) | 07:03 |
sin2gen2 | madman91: what is the monitors resolution? | 07:03 |
madman91 | 1024x768 @ sin2gen2 .. i believe | 07:04 |
Usrl | ks005 that's your window manager | 07:04 |
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madman91 | ks005: #beryl for beryl help | 07:04 |
Usrl | ks005 if you're using GNOME, you should be able to change it in your settings, under title bar | 07:04 |
Usrl | ks005: same for KDE, really | 07:04 |
sin2gen2 | madman91: try vga=791 (http://www.mepis.org/node/2992) | 07:04 |
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pvl1 | is there a way to find out what version of ubuntu im running? | 07:04 |
nephish | ks005, could be either one, can change it in your window settings in gnome | 07:04 |
jellymaster | I could get my install CD to work on my laptop but not on my computer: the computer is an Asus A7V400MX with 752MB RAM and a Radeon 9250 graphics card | 07:04 |
ks005 | wow.. nice chat room, thanks guys | 07:05 |
nephish | jellymaster, what is going wrong on install ? | 07:05 |
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sin2gen2 | madman91: write vga=791 on the line that says # defoptions in menu.lst then run update-grub | 07:05 |
sin2gen2 | madman91: then reboot | 07:05 |
nephish | jellymaster, i have the same mb, different card though | 07:05 |
mosburn | jellymaster: to get the CD working on my laptop I have to add some packages before X works, might be something you have to look for | 07:06 |
madman91 | sin2gen2: sweet, thanks | 07:06 |
sin2gen2 | madman91: but don't remove the # in menu.lst! | 07:06 |
jellymaster | it tried to load up the install it goes through all of the orange bars going up but then the screen goes black and nothing | 07:06 |
jellymaster | I can get the X on my laptop perfectly fine but now on my POS desktop | 07:06 |
madman91 | sin2gen2: i'm not that noobish :) but thanks for the reminder | 07:06 |
sin2gen2 | madman91: ok :) | 07:06 |
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nephish | jellymaster, have you tried with the onboard video ? | 07:07 |
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pvl1 | is there a quick way to find out what version of ubuntu i am running? | 07:07 |
nephish | you could adjust X window server later | 07:07 |
Jordan_U | pvl, lsb_release -a | 07:07 |
jellymaster | onboard video? you mean the one that came on the motherboard not my radeon? | 07:07 |
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Usrl | Argh, I'm giving DeVeDe a second shot, and this thing is just slow as hell... it must've been running for three hours now, and it's only 30% ;.; | 07:07 |
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sin2gen2 | pvl1: what does the install CD say? | 07:07 |
Usrl | jellymaster: yes. | 07:07 |
nephish | Jordan_U, what version of nautilus are you using? | 07:07 |
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Jordan_U | nephish, Was that really directed at me? | 07:08 |
pvl1 | dont even remember i know i ahve th latest 1 thought since the update thing says im updated | 07:08 |
sin2gen2 | pvl1: probably Feisty | 07:08 |
nephish | Jordan_u , yes | 07:08 |
Benderz | how do i set xchat to display a user list? | 07:08 |
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Jordan_U | nephish, 2.18.1 Why? | 07:08 |
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pvl1 | yeah lsb_release -a worked says feisty | 07:08 |
Mijitosan | How can I set up a preferred wireless network | 07:09 |
nephish | Jordan_U, fiesty, ubuntu 7.04 | 07:09 |
sin2gen2 | pvl1: cat /etc/apt/sources.list and see if it says gutsy, feisty, edgy, dapper... | 07:09 |
jellymaster | I don't think I'm actually using my Radeon right now I gotta have it checked because it says it recognises it but when I installed the drivers given with it(just set up the RAM card yesterday)it was saying that there was a problem then I installed ATI catalyst from their website no more of that error but the Radeons video port doesn't seem to want to run it | 07:09 |
=== teenbeat2007 [i=teenbeat@d51A56254.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ks005 | wow.. my window manager just switched to metacity... someone in here is hacking me? | 07:09 |
Jordan_U | nephish, I don't understand, I know what version of Ubuntu I am running. | 07:09 |
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teenbeat2007 | mrning | 07:09 |
pvl1 | jordan the version was for me | 07:09 |
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teenbeat2007 | someone already tested gutsy | 07:09 |
pvl1 | oh? nvm | 07:10 |
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nephish | Jordan_U, sorry, i was directing that to the wrong guy, my bad.. | 07:10 |
nephish | that was for pvl1 | 07:10 |
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Jordan_U | nephish, Np :) | 07:11 |
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ks005 | what kind of linux software is there for monitoring if someone is hacking me? | 07:11 |
nephish | pvl1, yes the cat /etc/apt/sources.list will tell you | 07:11 |
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pvl1 | well i got it through the terminal already so its k, but thank you anyway | 07:11 |
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mad-sibyl | does the heck do you won't get the questioner (JesseW) is just need an FTP-like system. | 07:11 |
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yookoala | Hello | 07:12 |
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banyunet | HI | 07:12 |
ks005 | windows rules | 07:12 |
Jordan_U | !hi | yookoala | 07:12 |
ubotu | yookoala: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 07:12 |
dissection | lol | 07:12 |
ks005 | haaaaaaaaa just kidding | 07:12 |
nephish | jellymaster, did you try to load ubuntu with the onboard video ? | 07:12 |
yookoala | Hello all! :) | 07:12 |
yookoala | Does anybody here used Ezmlm before? | 07:12 |
jellymaster | yes | 07:12 |
jagad7 | heloo | 07:13 |
nephish | jellymaster, no good? | 07:13 |
jellymaster | nope | 07:13 |
Mijitosan | How can I set up a preferred wireless network? Whenever I start my laptop it auto-connects to my neighbors unsecured network instead of mine... | 07:13 |
mad-sibyl | ok | 07:13 |
Jordan_U | jellymaster, What onboard video chipset ? | 07:13 |
pvl1 | couple hours ago my comp froze nd i had to reset. is that possible of too many progams running? | 07:13 |
jellymaster | I'm not sure lemme check | 07:13 |
Usrl | afk | 07:14 |
ks005 | Miji, RFTM | 07:14 |
nephish | pvl1, old computer ? | 07:14 |
pvl1 | sorta | 07:14 |
ks005 | RTFM, rather | 07:14 |
jellymaster | Via/S3G UniCHROME IGP | 07:14 |
ks005 | haaaaaa kidding | 07:14 |
pvl1 | its got 2 1ghz cards nd like 512 mb ram i think | 07:14 |
Jordan_U | pvl, The OS shouldn't freeze with to many applications open unless you don't have any swap, more likely driver issues | 07:14 |
pvl1 | but it is old. it was running fine for the past 2 days nd then froze up | 07:14 |
ks005 | Miji.. Im a newb, couldnt tell ya man | 07:15 |
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nephish | pvl1, my computer does that if it gets too hot, check your airflow | 07:15 |
pvl1 | well i reset it nd have been running since, nd its goin fine now | 07:16 |
nephish | pvl1, RAM doesn't like heat, not too much anyway, chip can revolt on you too | 07:16 |
pvl1 | ill checkanyway | 07:16 |
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Jordan_U | Mijitosan, You can set up the connection in System -> Administration -> Networking | 07:16 |
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Mijitosan | ks005: lol | 07:16 |
Jordan_U | Mijitosan, But then it won't roam at all, it will only connect to the one wireless network you set up | 07:16 |
pvl1 | airflow seems fine, meh works now its all good | 07:16 |
Mijitosan | Jordan: so there's no way to do it so that it roams but chooses preferred networks? | 07:17 |
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nephish | pvl1, cool enough, he he get it? | 07:17 |
pvl1 | lol | 07:17 |
Jordan_U | Mijitosan, I am sure this is a way, but I don't know it :) | 07:17 |
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Mijitosan | k, thanks anyway | 07:18 |
KleRo1 | hello, i'm trying to install a soft but it gives me this error: ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' <--- does anyone knows what the problem is? | 07:18 |
nephish | KleRo1, what are you trying to install, | 07:18 |
nephish | ? | 07:18 |
KleRo1 | nephish: poker-web | 07:18 |
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nephish | KleRo1, sudo apt-get install mysql-server | 07:18 |
KleRo1 | oh, thats what i needed? i've installed mysql server ^^" | 07:19 |
ks005 | what does sudo mean?? I keep thinking.... su su sudio.. oh oh | 07:19 |
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threethirty | ! sudo | 07:19 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 07:19 |
KleRo1 | i think it means super user do | 07:19 |
mad-sibyl | in apt (synaptic, etc) and open it locally, then (for me, im updated iceweasel | 07:19 |
nephish | KleRo1, how are you installing ? | 07:19 |
KleRo1 | nephish: with the synaptic package thingy | 07:20 |
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nephish | KleRo1, gives you admin privleges | 07:20 |
jellymaster | I'm trying to look for more driver updates for my Radeon maybe I need to update the drivers I think | 07:20 |
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KleRo1 | nephish: is that a question? | 07:20 |
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apache2 | what is the proper channel for Gusty? | 07:20 |
benanz2 | ubuntu+1 | 07:20 |
Mijitosan | Is there a specific Ubuntu wireless channel anywhere? | 07:20 |
palintheus | !gutsy | 07:20 |
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ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | 07:20 |
cyrenity | hi all | 07:20 |
apache2 | thanks, appreciated | 07:21 |
nephish | KleRo1, no, um sorry, got a little lost here | 07:21 |
cyrenity | am getting this error while trying to get ip from dhcp | 07:21 |
KleRo1 | oh ok np nephish | 07:21 |
ks005 | Miji... did you check out your network settings? | 07:21 |
cyrenity | ug 13 10:20:10 localhost dhcpd: DHCPRELEASE of from 00:01:03:05:bf:b6 via eth1 (not found) | 07:21 |
ks005 | Im looking at mine and I can see my connection listed, cant you see your wireless listed? | 07:21 |
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Mijitosan | ks005: yeah the connection pops up fine in the icon/system tray thing, its just that it always autoconnects to my neighbors unsecured network instead of mine | 07:22 |
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ks005 | Cant you configure the connection in the settings so it always connects to yours? | 07:23 |
benanz2 | open gconf-editor and go to system->networking->networks->wireless and delete the entry for your neighbor's network | 07:23 |
pvl1 | some explain to me what amd 64 and i386 means? | 07:23 |
mad-sibyl | JesseW: scp or feisty | 07:24 |
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KleRo1 | nephish: i get another error now.. its this one: ERROR 1045 (28000): access denied for user 'root'#'localhost' (using password: YES) | 07:24 |
threethirty | cyrenity, I have no idea whatto do if no one else speaks up you might want to post on ubuntuforums.org | 07:24 |
nephish | pvl1, 64 is for 64 bit processors, i386 runs about any pc | 07:24 |
Jj | hello | 07:24 |
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ks005 | ben, how did that get there in the first place? wont it get recreated at boot or something? | 07:24 |
threethirty | hi Jj | 07:24 |
Jj | is anyone using emu10k1 +ekiga or skype? | 07:24 |
evri2 | guys since bcm-fwcutter doesn't work can i just put that bcm43xx.*.fw files into lib/firmware/mykernel ?Wl it work? | 07:24 |
nephish | KleRo1, you need to set the mysql root password. | 07:24 |
pvl1 | uhm k | 07:25 |
Jj | i can't get the mic to work :-\ | 07:25 |
KleRo1 | nephish: oh, how do i do that? | 07:25 |
threethirty | Jj, I use skype | 07:25 |
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Mijitosan | benanz2: it won't reappear when I restart my laptop and/or bring it back in range? | 07:25 |
benanz2 | no | 07:25 |
threethirty | Jj, do you have the correct mic chose in the preferences | 07:25 |
nephish | KleRo1, i think, in a terminal, type mysqladmin -u root -p somepassword | 07:25 |
ks005 | it must get there during the os install | 07:25 |
Jj | I've set my "mic" device to record on aumix | 07:25 |
nephish | KleRo1, lemme check on that | 07:25 |
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KleRo1 | oh okay nephish | 07:25 |
Jj | and it shows "capture" in alsamixer | 07:26 |
Mijitosan | benanz2: so it'll just automatically ignore any network with that name? | 07:26 |
benanz2 | You'll still see your neighbor's network in the list, it just won't connect to it automatically | 07:26 |
Jj | I can listen to what i say on the speakers... but ekiga nor skype will | 07:26 |
benanz2 | right | 07:26 |
=== Evilbadwrong [n=Evilbadw@71-212-85-49.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ks005 | huh | 07:26 |
ks005 | if u delete it, its not there to ignore.. | 07:26 |
Mijitosan | benanz2: thats perfect, as long as I can still get on his network when I need to | 07:26 |
nephish | KleRo1, yeah, mysqladmin -u root password YourPassWord | 07:27 |
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ks005 | lol | 07:27 |
KleRo1 | Jj: i had the same problem, i just maxed the volume of the mics, plus set as capture mic and as capture1 front mic | 07:27 |
koko | can someone give me a namserver please | 07:27 |
Jordan_U_ | Mijitosan, I am still looking for how to remove a network, and this may not be the "official" way of doing this anyway, but I have found folders for known wireless networks in gconf-editor | 07:27 |
KleRo1 | thanks nephish | 07:27 |
koko | mine disapeared from resolv.conf | 07:27 |
nephish | KleRo1, np, keep us up | 07:27 |
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pvl1 | thank god for google. didnt need to complie anything, some ppl already made a version pf pidgin with plugins for feisty | 07:27 |
Jordan_U_ | koko, | 07:27 |
koko | Jordan_U: thank you | 07:27 |
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Jordan_U_ | koko, Np, it's opendns btw | 07:28 |
ks005 | Any hot girls in here?? | 07:28 |
threethirty | Jj, let me look at my settings real quick | 07:28 |
ks005 | lol.. | 07:28 |
nephish | pvl1, always look for the package first, try getdeb.net, always easier to find a package than anything else | 07:28 |
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Jordan_U_ | !offtopic | ks005 | 07:28 |
ubotu | ks005: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 07:28 |
KleRo1 | nephish: mmm weirdly enough i get the same error | 07:28 |
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Jj | KleRo1: what sound card do you have? | 07:28 |
nephish | pvl1, especially for ubuntu, very popular distro. | 07:28 |
pvl1 | aye ty | 07:28 |
=== awesome [n=awesome@CPE-121-210-195-120.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KleRo1 | Jj: i have realtek but for skype i just use the hda intel thing | 07:29 |
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pvl1 | im really happy with linux. like everytime i have a problem with windows i have to spend like a week dealing wtih it. linux just either doesnt have problems or has smart ppl in the irc | 07:29 |
ks005 | later guys ima go to *beryl | 07:29 |
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awesome | Hi there people.. | 07:29 |
Mijitosan | Ok, now how do I open gconf-editor lol | 07:29 |
ks005 | #beryl | 07:29 |
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Jordan_U_ | Mijitosan, alt+f2 for a run dialog or from the terminal | 07:30 |
nephish | pvl1, well, on behalf of all of us, thanks, and welcome to open source ! | 07:30 |
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pvl1 | ty! | 07:30 |
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Mijitosan | Jordan: ahhh thank you so much | 07:30 |
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KleRo1 | sigh, why is it so hard to install a game :s | 07:30 |
awesome | I happen to agree there pvl | 07:30 |
pvl1 | not to mention its free | 07:30 |
pvl1 | im a huge fan of irony | 07:30 |
=== n0yd [n=n0yd@about/linux/regular/n0yd] has joined #ubuntu | ||
awesome | I for the life of me, cannot get Company of Hero's Going.. | 07:31 |
awesome | Using cedega... | 07:31 |
Jordan_U_ | Mijitosan, That may not solve your problem though, I was just poking around and found it :) | 07:31 |
threethirty | Jj, I'm not gonna be much help, i have somehow screwed up my install of skype, hopefully someone else can help | 07:31 |
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Jj | threethirty: is there a way to know where is skype listening from? | 07:31 |
Jordan_U_ | awesome, Tried wine? | 07:31 |
Jj | threethirty: no problema, thanks anyway :) | 07:31 |
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garryFre | I got wow running under wine in Ubuntu. It seems to be faster. | 07:32 |
KleRo1 | Jj: do alsamixer in the terminal and by browsing with tab check that the Capture menu has all the microphone settings not muted | 07:32 |
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Wolfwalker | How do you get a boot floppy for Ubuntu that will direct the computer to boot from the image cd in an external cd rom? | 07:32 |
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Ninja | Should I put swap on software RAID? | 07:32 |
Mijitosan | Jordan: benanz had similar advice so I'm gonna try it. It won't let me delete/modify anything in gconf-editor though... | 07:32 |
awesome | Jordan, wine installs it, but doesn't run it, cedega half runs it.. but i cannot get it to work in the settings suggested.. | 07:33 |
Infected_PC | ... when your bios is loading just go to bootoption and tell it to boot from cd/dvd | 07:33 |
nephish | Wolfwalker, cant you do that from the cmos setup screen ? | 07:33 |
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Wolfwalker | The what? | 07:33 |
garryFre | waht is it that wat is? | 07:33 |
garryFre | er what. | 07:33 |
Wolfwalker | Okay......... this is an old computer, pre-usb boot BIOS | 07:33 |
Wolfwalker | I need a floppy that will boot and redirect the computer to boot from the USB cd-rom | 07:34 |
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nephish | Wolfwalker, when you boot the computer it says <hit del to enter setup> or maybe F1 or something, you can usually set the boot order | 07:34 |
nephish | Wolfwalker, oh, sorry, misunderstood | 07:34 |
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nephish | idk | 07:34 |
garryFre | google grub linux and you get a lot of pages showing you how to make a boot floppy, but floppy quality is so terrible they are like IOU's written on ice cubes. | 07:34 |
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phu1 | lol | 07:35 |
Wolfwalker | Dare I hope there are any premade? | 07:35 |
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Wolfwalker | I woudn't know how to make one if you spelled it out for me | 07:35 |
Jordan_U_ | Mijitosan, gconf-editor preferences are stored in folders in your home folder in .gconf , you might try just navigating to the folder with your friends network and delete it | 07:35 |
bill_k | What is LVM (partitioning option for alternate install cd?) | 07:36 |
awesome | Jordan_U, Do you know how to mount an mdf file? | 07:36 |
sirjoshimus | would any of you recommend using the envy program to update riva tnt2 drivers? | 07:36 |
sparr | synaptic? | 07:36 |
sirjoshimus | legacy drivers | 07:36 |
Jordan_U_ | awesome, I think there are tools to convert them to iso's | 07:36 |
anandanbu | How do add pidgin in the top panel of Xubuntu | 07:36 |
sirjoshimus | right click, add item | 07:37 |
sirjoshimus | find pidgin | 07:37 |
awesome | Jordan_U, Would you know what the tool is called? | 07:37 |
sirjoshimus | click add | 07:37 |
garryFre | what sirjoshimus said. | 07:37 |
pvl1 | oooo yay irc colors! | 07:37 |
phu1 | yup | 07:37 |
inventorgp | drag and drop it from the menu anandanbu | 07:37 |
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anandanbu | inventorgp: it is not possible | 07:37 |
mattg | got an issue here. i have SDB1 formatted FAT32. how do i mount it? | 07:37 |
inventorgp | anandanbu: works for me | 07:38 |
inventorgp | but I'm using Ubuntu not Xubuntu | 07:38 |
Infected_PC | right click mount drive :-> | 07:38 |
anandanbu | inventorgp: im speaking about the xubuntu | 07:38 |
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garryFre | I think it works for both | 07:38 |
inventorgp | rifgth click on pigin, then add to panel | 07:38 |
philthy | Why are windows popping up beneath windows I already have (Focus & Raise w/ Beryl problem?) | 07:38 |
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mattg | infected_pc doesn't allow me to mount it, and the info says it's not mounted | 07:39 |
inventorgp | anandanbu: right click on pigin, then add to panel | 07:39 |
sirjoshimus | yeah, that would work too | 07:39 |
Mijitosan | Jordan_U_: Sorry, how do I get to .gconf folder? Didn't see it as a folder in either home or filesystem | 07:39 |
sirjoshimus | how did you install pidgin? | 07:39 |
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sirjoshimus | i havent been able to find a .deb anywhere | 07:39 |
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garryFre | choose view/show hidden files | 07:39 |
philthy | sirjoshimus, just compile it | 07:40 |
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anandanbu | inventorgp: that doen't work in xubuntu | 07:40 |
awesome | Mijitosan, View, Show hidden files.. | 07:40 |
Mijitosan | thanks guys | 07:40 |
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inventorgp | sirjoshimus: uninstall gaim and ubuntu-desktop and then install pidgin | 07:40 |
philthy | Or just press ctrl + h | 07:40 |
sirjoshimus | oh, you uninstall gaim first? | 07:40 |
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sirjoshimus | last time i tried to compile it, i neglected to do that | 07:40 |
Jordan_U | awesome, apt-cache search mdf | 07:40 |
inventorgp | anandanbu: right click on the panel and click on add to menu... | 07:41 |
awesome | Does anyone know of a converter of image files to .iso? | 07:41 |
inventorgp | sirjoshimus: yes unistall gaim | 07:41 |
philthy | awesome, .iso's are image files? | 07:41 |
awesome | oh, hey jordan_U | 07:41 |
mattg | yes, philthy | 07:41 |
awesome | yes | 07:41 |
=== Borin [n=borin@c-76-111-50-14.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jordan_U | awesome, Having wireless issues, got disconnected :) | 07:41 |
DerangedDingo | Anyone know how I can check my gtk2 version? | 07:41 |
awesome | jordan_U - thats the command? | 07:41 |
mattg | you can see what they have with magiciso (windows software) | 07:41 |
inventorgp | sirjoshimus: and gaim will ask to uninstall ubuntu-desktop... and uninstall that | 07:41 |
philthy | awesome, so why would you convert somethign to itself? unless you mean a different type of image | 07:41 |
anandanbu | inventorgp: there is no option to add pidgin directly i have added a launcher then how to do | 07:41 |
Mijitosan | Jordan et al: ok I'm gonna leave it at that and get some sleep, hopefully it works. Thanks for all the help everyone. | 07:41 |
Jordan_U | awesome, That will search for packages with the keyword "mdf" | 07:42 |
sirjoshimus | wont that then mess up gnome? | 07:42 |
DerangedDingo | oh wait | 07:42 |
awesome | philty - well, an image file, comes it different formats.. And i need to convert it to an iso, so i can mount it :) | 07:42 |
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inventorgp | anandanbu: then click on the apllication launcher button in add to panel | 07:42 |
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nephish | any you guys in a place to check out the parsieds ? i just saw three shooting stars | 07:42 |
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inventorgp | sirjoshimus: no, its not the desktop, just a package.... | 07:42 |
philthy | Why are windows popping up beneath windows I already have (Focus & Raise w/ Beryl problem?) | 07:43 |
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sirjoshimus | yes, im still somewhat new | 07:43 |
Jordan_U | !ubuntu-desktop | sirjoshimus | 07:43 |
ubotu | sirjoshimus: k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading. | 07:43 |
sirjoshimus | heh, but thanks | 07:43 |
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scipio | awesome, check this: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion | 07:43 |
Infected_PC | mattg, your drive that you are trying to mount could be an LVM file, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=527940 | 07:43 |
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sirjoshimus | i dont have time right now, but tomorrow sometime ill get it up | 07:43 |
anandanbu | inventorgp: thanks for you help | 07:43 |
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inventorgp | : no probs | 07:43 |
IPGHOST | hi | 07:44 |
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inventorgp | anandanbu: no probs | 07:44 |
philthy | is it safe to get rid of ubuntu-desktop? | 07:44 |
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inventorgp | hi | 07:44 |
IPGHOST | when ever i open network administration it stuck down :( | 07:44 |
garryFre | I dunno, but I got same issue with beryl, I think its a bug with beryl | 07:44 |
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awesome | jordan_U, cheers mate.. | 07:44 |
inventorgp | plilthy: yes | 07:44 |
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philthy | if you want to continue using gnome? | 07:44 |
IPGHOST | im using feisty | 07:44 |
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awesome | scipio: - thanks, I'll have a look | 07:44 |
CheeseGardener | does anyone know how to safely defrag EXT3? Does EXT3 ever need to be defragged? | 07:44 |
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inventorgp | !ubuntu-desktop | philthy | 07:44 |
ubotu | philthy: k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading. | 07:44 |
=== skinnypuppy1334 [n=user@66-168-108-106.dhcp.mdvl.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DerangedDingo | CheeseGardener: I remember reading a long post on LinuxQUestions that said it didn't need defragging | 07:45 |
scipio | CheeseGardener, almost never | 07:45 |
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philthy | inventorgp, thanks. so it's main purpose is just to make sure everything is okay? | 07:45 |
CheeseGardener | Ok, but for whatever reason, assuming I needed to, how do I do it? | 07:45 |
phu1 | CheeseGardener: no ext3 does not need to be defrag'd | 07:45 |
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inventorgp | philthy: yeah kind of | 07:45 |
Jordan_U | awesome, cheers | 07:45 |
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CheeseGardener | can I do it folder by folder erasing it and rewriting it? | 07:45 |
CheeseGardener | or just overwriting? | 07:46 |
mattg | what's the command to give me root permissions? | 07:46 |
phu1 | mattg: sudo | 07:46 |
mythrage | mattg: sudo | 07:46 |
Frogzoo | !sudo | mattg | 07:46 |
ubotu | mattg: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 07:46 |
philthy | that's cute | 07:46 |
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mattg | thanks ubotu | 07:46 |
phu1 | lo | 07:46 |
inventorgp | philthy: its fine to unistall it cause of the apps with check if ubuntu is okay with the app | 07:46 |
philthy | inventorgp, ty | 07:46 |
Jordan_U | CheeseGardener, There are defrag utilities though they are hardly ever needed and you need to be careful with them as they may move the kernel for instance so that grub won't be able to find it | 07:46 |
inventorgp | mattg: sudo and sudo -i | 07:47 |
inventorgp | philthy: no probs | 07:47 |
skinnypuppy1334 | Where does Samba resolve Lan computer name to IP? I can see my XP laptop on the network, but simply clicking on it gives an error folder contents can't be displayed. However if i smb://IPOFLAPTOP I can see its shares and browse them... Ideas? | 07:47 |
mythrage | CheeseGardener: ext3 don't need to be defragmented | 07:47 |
CheeseGardener | Jordan_U, so I should wait until a better utility comes out? and I'm defragging a external hard drive, in the future. | 07:47 |
awesome | Whats version of this http://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2545&release_id=3870 Would i get for fiesty Ubuntu? | 07:47 |
phu1 | skinnypuppy1334: good question | 07:48 |
philthy | mdf2iso_0.3.0-2_i386.deb | 07:48 |
Jordan_U | CheeseGardener, It is not that the utility isn't good, it's just that you need to re-install the bootloader if it contains a bootable kernel | 07:48 |
Lunis | I have two monitors on a video card set up as two seperate X screens (NOT twinview). If Screen0 has an application running that is locking the cursor to it (a fullscreen opengl app, for instance) can I force the cursor to Screen1 to do things, then force it back to Screen0 without having to minimize? | 07:48 |
skinnypuppy1334 | Seems to be a common prob with the default samba setting in fiesty | 07:48 |
Jordan_U | CheeseGardener, The program is called defrag, but... | 07:48 |
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Jordan_U | !defrag | CheeseGardener | 07:49 |
ubotu | CheeseGardener: defragmentation is not needed for Ext3 and ReiserFS filesystems. They are much more efficient in their allocation of storage units. | 07:49 |
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CheeseGardener | Jordan_U and how do I resintall the boot loader? does GRUB come on a bootable CD like a live CD? | 07:49 |
Jordan_U | CheeseGardener, Yes, and now that I think of it it may not apply to grub but only to lilo, I am not sure | 07:49 |
bullgard4 | Is there a DEB program package available for dBVisualizer? | 07:49 |
Jordan_U | CheeseGardener, Why do you want to defrag though? | 07:49 |
mythrage | CheeseGardener: why u need to defrag ur harddisk? | 07:50 |
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CheeseGardener | I don't "need" to I'm just curious how to do it, and how to reinstall grub (if I need to) | 07:50 |
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Jordan_U | !grub > CheeseGardener | 07:50 |
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awesome | philthy: Thanks mate.. True Champion.. | 07:50 |
DerangedDingo | Does anyone know how I can can check my GTK2 version? I looked up the packages in Synaptic but I'm confused. Is there any way in the terminal? | 07:50 |
CheeseGardener | thanks Jordan_U | 07:51 |
mythrage | to reinstall grub, i say it just using the live cd and chroot i think | 07:51 |
Jordan_U | CheeseGardener, np | 07:51 |
CheeseGardener | I'll take a look at it and see if that answers my question. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow. I was just curious. Cya | 07:51 |
CheeseGardener | l8er | 07:51 |
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skinnypuppy1334 | Anyone here tried to make a virtual machine with osx86? | 07:52 |
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balbir | how to add printer in gnome? | 07:52 |
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Infected_PC | can anyone help me install compiz-fusion? | 07:52 |
Jordan_U | skinnypuppy1334, This is not the place to ask about illegal activities or OSx | 07:53 |
Infected_PC | no one is talking in the ubuntu-effects room | 07:53 |
DerangedDingo | balbir: System > Administration > Printing | 07:53 |
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DFM | I will take this to off topic if need to, however can anyone help with a Dell Dimension 2400 locked bios? Pulling the battery and shorting the clear cmos pins resets everything to defaults but when you enter bios it still ask's for a password to make any changes. I have added a hard drive and am going to load Ubuntubu the slave connection of the secondary IDE is turned off???? | 07:53 |
mythrage | Infected_PC: u can join the #compiz-fusion | 07:53 |
DFM | I am checking the web but wanted to ask here as well. | 07:54 |
phu1 | Infected_PC: there are some really good howto's in the forums | 07:54 |
mythrage | Infected_PC: i think there is a repo create by the tr3vin0 | 07:54 |
Infected_PC | reada the forums | 07:54 |
pvl1 | well pvl has to be off... thanks everyone for ur help! | 07:54 |
eboyjr | When I try to play a song (mp3) in rhythmbox, it freezes and I have to force quit it. I have the Gstreamer thing installed, but I don't know what the problem is. What can I do to fix this? | 07:54 |
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Jordan_U | DFM, Some BIOS's ( most unfortunately ) have backdoor passwords, look up your BIOS model to check | 07:55 |
philthy | eboyjr, get songbird. =P | 07:55 |
mythrage | eboyjr: install xmms... it's roxx | 07:55 |
balbir | DerangedDingo: it's not there? | 07:55 |
balbir | unable to find printer option over there | 07:55 |
Ahadiel | eboyjr, Amarok ftw | 07:55 |
DerangedDingo | balbir: You have to add it | 07:55 |
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n3kl | mythrage: used amarok? | 07:55 |
DFM | Jordan_U: Thanks | 07:55 |
Jordan_U | DFM, np | 07:55 |
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mythrage | n3kl: amarok is just fine too but xmms is roxx | 07:55 |
balbir | DerangedDingo: like apt-get? | 07:55 |
philthy | setting up codecs for amarok is kind of tough for gnome though isnt it? | 07:56 |
DFM | Checking the boards now and am seeing a lot of posts about this but no solutions. | 07:56 |
eboyjr | philthy, mythrage, songbird or xmms or amarok | 07:56 |
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DerangedDingo | balbir: Open System > Administration > Printing, right click "New Printer" click, "Add", and add your printer | 07:56 |
Ahadiel | philthy, How so? | 07:56 |
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mythrage | eboyjr: i suggest xmms | 07:56 |
n3kl | mythrage: verynice winamp replacement | 07:56 |
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philthy | Ahadiel, I don't know, it just didn't work for me. :P I couldn't play any music | 07:56 |
DerangedDingo | speaking of music, does anyone here use the Gimmix MPD client? | 07:56 |
Ahadiel | philthy, Yeah, it all worked for me after I did apt-get | 07:57 |
eboyjr | mythrage, is the package "xmms"? | 07:57 |
mythrage | n3kl: yea but of course it is not winamp | 07:57 |
balbir | DerangedDingo: no no, I am not able to get printer at System -> Administration -> [sorry I had to elabotate it] | 07:57 |
philthy | what did you apt-get? | 07:57 |
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mythrage | eboyjr: yea... just type sudo apt-get install xmms | 07:57 |
Ahadiel | Hrm, maybe I did install another package for the codecs | 07:57 |
Ahadiel | sec | 07:57 |
DerangedDingo | balbir: There's no "Printing" option in the System > Administration menu? | 07:58 |
philthy | Ahadiel, thanks, I appreciate it | 07:58 |
eboyjr | mythrage, thx | 07:58 |
DerangedDingo | balbir: in between Network Tools and Restricted Drivers Manager? | 07:58 |
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Ahadiel | philthy, try sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs | 07:58 |
Ahadiel | Amarok uses xine | 07:59 |
n3kl | mosburn: ps, svn is awesome! | 07:59 |
n3kl | Ahadiel: anything else that it can use? | 07:59 |
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Ahadiel | n3kl, Not sure | 07:59 |
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sauvin | n3kl, does it have to be amarok? | 07:59 |
balbir | DerangedDingo: right, not able to get that, that's why I am surprized, can't we have some command to add | 07:59 |
mosburn | n3kl: I knew you would become addicted | 07:59 |
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randoman | yo! anyone know a good linux benchmarking program? 3dmark pcmark .. ? | 07:59 |
philthy | y | 07:59 |
n3kl | Why in the hell does gentoo use sudo for everything? Really, why don't you all just sudo su and be done with all this sudo crap | 07:59 |
philthy | wrong window :P | 07:59 |
mythrage | http://3v1n0.tuxfamily.org/dists/feisty/eyecandy/index.html <-- for those who searching how to install compiz-fusion | 07:59 |
n3kl | ubuntu | 07:59 |
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n3kl | missssspoke | 08:00 |
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Ahadiel | it's easier telling someone to use sudo, than saying, "Run this as root" | 08:00 |
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mosburn | n3kl: they spent to much time with apple me thinks | 08:00 |
mythrage | hahaha... because the actual command is "sudo" | 08:00 |
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awesome | Where does xchat keep its logs? | 08:01 |
philthy | Ahadiel, thank you<3 | 08:01 |
Ahadiel | philthy, Did it work? | 08:01 |
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philthy | Ahadiel, yup. thanks | 08:01 |
Ahadiel | :) np | 08:01 |
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mythrage | i try using the xgl but it slowing my computer... is it because of my graphic card | 08:02 |
phun1 | mythrage: most likely | 08:02 |
andrew_ | Is there any way to actually run TV out on an ATI card w/o fglrx? Or should I just by an nVidia card and be done with it? | 08:02 |
andrew_ | mythrage: ATI much? | 08:02 |
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philthy | Maybe someone can help me with this issue. When I open new windows, they don't get focus automatically (as they should) I'm using beryl and I have all the "Focus & Raise" options enabled Under General Settings | 08:02 |
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mythrage | andrew_: i'm using intel 855 | 08:02 |
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eboyjr | mythrage, i tried to play the mp3 on xmms and it also froze. I think it has something to do with Gstremer | 08:03 |
andrew_ | mythrage: That might be it too then. You should probably get an nVidia card. | 08:03 |
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philthy | Nvm, I may have solved it. I set the delay to 0. So it just never happened, it didn't do it immediately as I planned. | 08:03 |
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kkerwin | Hi, I'm attempting to install xpertmud from SVN, but it doesn't have the typical ./configure file to use. | 08:04 |
mythrage | andrew_: i can't change it because i'm using laptop | 08:04 |
phun1 | andrew_: as far as the fglrx drivers go, they work alright, why would you not want to use them? | 08:04 |
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Jordan_U | mythrage, Both XGL and fglrx are inefficient and somewhat hacks, so using both isn't going to work out well :) | 08:04 |
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awesome | philthy: Man, could you resend that link from before? :( Sorry to be a pain.. | 08:04 |
mythrage | eboyjr: i think u should open Applications --> Add/Remove | 08:04 |
andrew_ | phun1: I'm on a 9200. And they don't work too well in that case. | 08:04 |
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Jordan_U | kkerwin, Some things just come with a make file | 08:05 |
andrew_ | phun1: Not to mention the fglrx drivers are so bad that Xorg on a 9200 goes 15x faster than fglrx on a 9800. | 08:05 |
Jordan_U | kkerwin, Does it have a README ? | 08:05 |
kkerwin | Jordan_U: Just has a makefile.am | 08:05 |
mythrage | eboyjr: go to other and install ubuntu restricted extras | 08:05 |
philthy | awesome, you're so lucky it's still in my chat window. :P | 08:05 |
philthy | awesome, http://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2545&release_id=3870 | 08:05 |
pawan | hi | 08:05 |
awesome | philthy: <3 | 08:05 |
mythrage | Jordan_U: i just enable the xgl so far... | 08:05 |
kkerwin | Jordan_U: README says, quote, "Install like any other KDE 2 program". | 08:05 |
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mythrage | Jordan_U: don't even know about fglrx | 08:06 |
pawan | !hi | 08:06 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 08:06 |
kkerwin | Jordan_U: I can only assume they mean ./configure && make && make install. | 08:06 |
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ks005 | ubotu, hi | 08:06 |
Jordan_U | mythrage, fglrx is ATI's proprietary driver that gets installed with restrcted driver manager | 08:06 |
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kkerwin | Jordan_U: The main directory has a Makefile.am and a configure.in.in, but that is all. | 08:06 |
philthy | Can I add some parameters to the pidgin link to change its default location and size? | 08:07 |
andrew_ | phun1: correction, the statistic was that a 7500 goes 15x faster than an X1400. Which is even worse. | 08:07 |
kkerwin | ks005: ubotu is a bot, in case you weren't aware ... | 08:07 |
mythrage | Jordan_U: i'm not using ATI graphic card... i'm using intel 855 | 08:07 |
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pawan | hello | 08:07 |
ks005 | oh yea.. I was trying to make it speak | 08:07 |
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ion | my computer is really hot, can that cause instability | 08:07 |
ion | my pc crashed recently | 08:07 |
ks005 | I said hot girls and it spoke to me | 08:07 |
kkerwin | ks005: Ok. Just wanted to make sure that you weren't waiting for a response ... ;-D | 08:07 |
ion | its 90 degrees in my apt, im living in phoenix arizona | 08:07 |
mythrage | ks005: it's like forever to make it speak | 08:07 |
ks005 | :) | 08:07 |
andrew_ | phun1: Hopefully this should explain my lack of support for fglrx. | 08:08 |
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sauvin | It's closer to 100 in my apartment in Chicago. | 08:08 |
Jordan_U | awesome, mdf2iso is available through apt-get / synaptic | 08:08 |
floppyears | hi, I'm getting a new machine in a couple of days and I will install ubuntu | 08:08 |
floppyears | I've been thinking about using lvm, how reliable is it ? | 08:08 |
ks005 | cool | 08:08 |
kkerwin | Jordan_U: I can't run ./configure, or make. | 08:08 |
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floppyears | what happens if I lose power or something like that ? | 08:08 |
mythrage | Jordan_U: another one is nrg2iso | 08:08 |
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floppyears | will my lvm volumes get corrupted or something ? | 08:09 |
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pawan | is there a ubuntu server | 08:09 |
philthy | floppyears, you die, that's what happens. :P | 08:09 |
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floppyears | how reliable is lvm compared to a regular partition ? | 08:09 |
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mythrage | pawan: yea open ubuntu.com | 08:09 |
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floppyears | philthy: how ? | 08:09 |
ks005 | I solved my title bar problem | 08:09 |
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ks005 | I cant believe how cool beryl is | 08:10 |
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mythrage | ks005:compiz is more stable | 08:10 |
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philthy | floppyears, I'm just messing around with you. As far as I know, it's no different than windows or osx | 08:10 |
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awesome | Jordan_U: Yes, thanks. I know that, Just trying to figure out how to use it. | 08:10 |
ks005 | compiz doesnt work on my system | 08:10 |
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Jordan_U | ks005, Compiz Fusion is even better ( but it's not finished yet ) | 08:10 |
floppyears | philthy: cool, thanks | 08:10 |
h1st0 | ks005: wait till you see compizfision then. | 08:10 |
pawan | !ubuntu server | 08:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:10 |
floppyears | does anybody use lvm here ? | 08:10 |
ks005 | it does but all my window borders are missing, so I use beryl | 08:10 |
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h1st0 | pawan: go to ubuntu.com and download the server version. | 08:10 |
h1st0 | pawan: its right on the download page. | 08:11 |
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DerangedDingo | ks005: all you'd need to do is specify gtk-window-decorator for compiz in gconf-editor, or just run compiz --replace in the terminal | 08:11 |
Jordan_U | awesome, "mdf2iso /path/to/mdf /path/where/you/want/the/iso" | 08:11 |
mythrage | ks005: compiz roxx | 08:11 |
ks005 | Yup, tried compiz --replace didnt work | 08:12 |
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philthy | Can I add some parameters to the pidgin link to change its default location and size? | 08:12 |
mythrage | nrg2iso /path/to/nrg /path/to/iso | 08:12 |
noodles12 | why doesnt' vlc player play videos over the network? but it will if i copy them over to my computer? | 08:12 |
mythrage | ks005: sudo compiz --replace | 08:12 |
awesome | Jordan_U: Ahh, it's terminal based.. Thanks Mate. | 08:12 |
phun1 | I have installed both beryl and compiz, currently am running beryl, should I use compiz instead of beryl? I really haven't had too (yes some) many crashes | 08:12 |
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Jordan_U | awesome, np :) | 08:12 |
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mythrage | phun1: stick with the compiz because it's more stable... | 08:13 |
mythrage | phun1: remove beryl | 08:13 |
ks005 | yup, still doesnt work, all my window borders are missing.. | 08:13 |
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mythrage | ks005: how about metacity... do u install it? | 08:14 |
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ks005 | maybe my theme doesnt work with compiz | 08:14 |
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mythrage | ks005: what theme do u use? | 08:14 |
ks005 | uh.. | 08:14 |
ks005 | leme check | 08:14 |
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ks005 | scaled_black_mod | 08:15 |
awesome | Jordan_U: mdf2iso /home/awesome/Desktop/Game Istalls/Supreme Command.mdf /home/awesome/Desktop/Game Istalls/filename.iso? | 08:15 |
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Ashfire908 | !Compiz | 08:15 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 08:15 |
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mythrage | ks005: install gnome-compiz-preferences | 08:16 |
awesome | Jordan_U: mdf2iso [--cue|--toc|--help] <sourcefile> [destfile] | 08:16 |
awesome | - Heheh, Found this.. | 08:16 |
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ks005 | sudo apt-get? | 08:16 |
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mythrage | ks005: yea... | 08:16 |
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Jordan_U | awesome, You need to escape the spaces in the file name with a \ like "/home/awesome/Desktop/Game\ Istalls/Supreme\ Command.mdf" or as a trick type "/home/awesome/Desktop/Game" then hit tab | 08:16 |
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mattg | i got it mounted | 08:17 |
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ks005 | Reading state information... Done | 08:17 |
ks005 | E: Couldn't find package gnome-compiz-preferences | 08:17 |
phun1 | what is the compiz config? | 08:18 |
Jordan_U | msg ubotu info gnome-compiz-preferences | 08:18 |
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Jordan_U | :) | 08:18 |
Jordan_U | oops | 08:18 |
mythrage | !gnome-compiz-preference | 08:18 |
mythrage | not working | 08:18 |
phun1 | okie doke | 08:19 |
phun1 | got the point | 08:19 |
mattg | hey i need to know where to get a driver. nVidia GeForce Go 7600 | 08:19 |
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Jordan_U | ks005, Are you looking for gnome-compiz-manager possibly? | 08:19 |
awesome | Jordan_U: *cries* Cannot find filename? but ... its.... right..... there! , haha.. | 08:19 |
Jordan_U | awesome, Did you try the tab completion trick ? | 08:20 |
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mythrage | ks005: yea... my fault.... it is gnome-compiz-manager | 08:20 |
ks005 | I dont know what Im doing Jordan | 08:20 |
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mythrage | ks005: another way is to run synaptic and search for compiz... | 08:20 |
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Jordan_U | ks005, What are you trying to accomplish? | 08:20 |
mythrage | ks005: install everything | 08:20 |
awesome | Jordan_U: ome/awesome/Desktop/Game\ Istalls/Supreme\ Command.mdf Right? Thats the source.. | 08:20 |
awesome | Hmm, typo.. | 08:21 |
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garryFre | I remember being on a network of work stations at college all connected to a server, I got "Cannot find file" and I did a dir on the monitor next to me, and grabbed my monitor and said "There's the file right there! now go find it!" and everyone around about fell out of their seats laughing. | 08:21 |
philthy | When I have a program open that opens another window, it doesn't appear until I click the main app again. | 08:21 |
philthy | Any ideas how to fix that? | 08:21 |
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ks005 | Im using beryl but I want to get compiz working | 08:22 |
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ks005 | It sorta works but all my window borders are always missing | 08:22 |
awesome | Jordan_U: Might update this version.. looking at the help is doesn't convert it to iso.. just dat and cue.. | 08:22 |
Jordan_U | awesome, You can also cheat and drag files into the terminal :) | 08:22 |
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mythrage | ks005: if u're using either beryl or compiz, you can't watch movie | 08:23 |
Jordan_U | awesome, I think you misread, it is called mdf2iso after all :) | 08:23 |
garryFre | Its a wierd felling to get a message from xyz.exe saying "Can't find xyz.exe" :) | 08:23 |
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mythrage | ks005: only compiz fusion got movie plugin that enable u to watch movie | 08:23 |
CaptainDave | hey dudes, total newb on irc. Can I switch servers using a command or do I have to use preferences? | 08:23 |
MSIGuy | What can I use to unrar a split archive? | 08:23 |
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saxin | CaptainDave: client? | 08:24 |
CaptainDave | xchat-gnome | 08:24 |
mythrage | CaptainDave: /server <new server> | 08:24 |
ks005 | Ok, I ran sudo apt-get install gnome-compiz-manager, do I need to re login? | 08:24 |
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awesome | Jordan_U: Yes mdf file to iso, right? | 08:24 |
Jordan_U | awesome, Ahh, I see. I think that it just doesn't have a --iso option because that is the default, though that is a little misleading | 08:24 |
awesome | Jordan_U: mdf2iso '/home/awesome/Desktop/Game\ Istalls/Supreme\ Command.mdf' /home/awesome/Desktop | 08:24 |
CaptainDave | thank you very much | 08:24 |
philthy | When I have a program open that opens another window, it doesn't appear until I click the main app again, any ideas on how to fix this? (sorry for spam) | 08:24 |
mythrage | ks005: no just disable the beryl and enable the compiz | 08:25 |
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awesome | Jordan_U: - Yes it is.. | 08:25 |
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mythrage | philthy: ur word need to be explain more | 08:25 |
MSIGuy | unrar e filename? | 08:25 |
philthy | Yeah, it is hard to explain. | 08:25 |
ks005 | myth, still missing my window borders | 08:26 |
mythrage | philthy: what program, which ubuntu? | 08:26 |
Jordan_U | awesome, Try dragging the file into the terminal instead of typing the path, just to make sure you have it right | 08:26 |
ks005 | my titlebar is gone, I can select any windows | 08:26 |
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ks005 | all titlebars are missing when I switch to compiz window manager | 08:26 |
mythrage | ks005: i don't know what to say | 08:27 |
philthy | For example, in Synaptic, when I press Ctrl + F to search, the task on the taskbar does its flashing thing, and the find window only appears once I click that or the main synaptic window. | 08:27 |
sSiroSoriSs | try changing the 'rendering' setting ks005 | 08:27 |
jherrera | video[1106:3343 @ VIA Technologies, Inc. P4M890 Host Bridge] | 08:27 |
mythrage | philthy: r u using compiz/beryl? | 08:27 |
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philthy | Feisty w/ gnome | 08:27 |
philthy | yeah | 08:27 |
jherrera | is this card being supported soon?: video[1106:3343 @ VIA Technologies, Inc. P4M890 Host Bridge] | 08:27 |
philthy | beryl. | 08:27 |
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awesome | Jordan_U: ok.. | 08:27 |
mythrage | philthy: check the beryl setting | 08:27 |
=== mrk [n=mrk@bzq-82-81-181-242.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mrk | If someone could please help me with this, I've just installed Ubuntu desktop edition, then I installed Nvidia latest drivers from their website, now after I rebooted it says "Failed to load Xserver", and the reason has something to do with "Nvidia module", I get a blue screen then it takes me back to the console mode, please any ideas? | 08:28 |
sSiroSoriSs | >X< | 08:28 |
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Jordan_U | mrk, Have you had a kernel update recently? And did restricted manager not work for your card? | 08:28 |
faileas | !freenx | 08:28 |
ubotu | FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX | 08:28 |
Rabbitbunny | Install is telling me I have a scsi drive, this is news. Why isn't it realizing it's IDE? | 08:29 |
kimmey2k3 | mrk. sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bakxxxx /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 08:29 |
philthy | mythrage, I have All three boxes checked under "Focus & Raise" with a delay of 1 | 08:29 |
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slackorama | How do I install the emacs info file? | 08:29 |
mrk | Jordan_U I just installed ubuntu for the first time I don't think so then, I am pretty new to linux but damn I need help now :{ don't want to format again | 08:29 |
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mrk | I have Nvidia GTS 8800 card. | 08:30 |
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mythrage | philthy: disable the focus&raise and try again | 08:30 |
awesome | Jordan_U: Tried that, i renamed the folders so there were no spaces.. | 08:30 |
Jordan_U | mrk, Installing from nvidia.com is the hardest and least supported way, there is a built in tool in Ubuntu to do it for you correctly | 08:30 |
MSIGuy | What's the command for unraring a file that's a multipart file? | 08:30 |
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MSIGuy | unrar -ex filename.part1.rar? | 08:30 |
mrk | Jordan_U how do I get myself back to the GUI at least? | 08:30 |
awesome | Jordan_U: mdf2iso '/home/awesome/Desktop/Game_Installs/SupremeCommand.mdf' '/home/awesome/Desktop/Game_Installs/SupremeCommand.iso' | 08:30 |
eboyjr | More people on #ubuntu channel than ##windows | 08:30 |
philthy | mythrage, I can't. It's a category of General Options. Disabling all of them would make me do things like scroll to give focus. | 08:30 |
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Usrl | eboyjr: Well linux has more of a community... | 08:31 |
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Usrl | eboyjr: Windows just has customers. | 08:31 |
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=== pauldy rolls over | ||
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ks005 | Its probably hardware specific problem.. its cool I like beryl | 08:31 |
voldermort | How to remove an item from the top panel in xubuntu 7.04 | 08:31 |
Jordan_U | mrk, But to get you back into a GUI, press ctrl+alt+f1 and then run this "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh && sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" choose "nv" when asked what driver to use ( not "nvidia" ) | 08:32 |
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mythrage | philthy: i never experience that... but suggesting u to use compiz instead of beryl... | 08:32 |
philthy | voldermort, right click > Remove From Panel | 08:32 |
benanzo | In Compiz how do I prevent windows from extending below the bottom panel? I can't find the setting | 08:32 |
h1st0 | Okay I feel like an idiot but how do I erase a dvdrw? | 08:32 |
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philthy | voldermort, there's only one r in voldemort, btw. | 08:32 |
eboyjr | Usrl, It also looks like #ubuntu has the most people on this server... pretty cool | 08:32 |
h1st0 | cd/dvd creator has no options. | 08:32 |
voldermort | philthy: but i am not able to remove certain items | 08:32 |
locke_ | eboyjr: quantity doesn't necessarily equate to quality | 08:32 |
ks005 | only thing is scaling windows seems sooo choppy | 08:33 |
mythrage | benanzo: install gnome-compiz-manager | 08:33 |
philthy | mythrage, I would, but it's way too much to risk. I can't mess up xorg.conf anymore. I'm using two screens (one 20" LCD and a 17" CRT so it's very messy lol) | 08:33 |
voldermort | philthy: thanks for the correction of my name | 08:33 |
h1st0 | wow chinese thats interssting | 08:33 |
benanzo | It's installed. I can't find the correct setting though | 08:33 |
Jordan_U | h1st0, I think that if you try to burn new files to it it will erase it before-hand, there may be an option in the built in tool to do it also but if not try gnome-baker | 08:33 |
philthy | voldermort, such as...? | 08:33 |
=== srbaker [n=srbaker@d146-25-142.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
srbaker | folks | 08:33 |
srbaker | how do i mute the pc speaker? | 08:34 |
srbaker | it's *way* too loud | 08:34 |
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philthy | Open your case and snip the wires going to it | 08:34 |
Jordan_U | srbaker, sudo rmmod pcspkr ( IIRC ) | 08:34 |
srbaker | it's a laptop | 08:34 |
mythrage | philthy: maybe u need someone more experience with beryl... | 08:34 |
srbaker | that worked, thanks | 08:34 |
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voldermort | philthy: by right-clicking on the panel i added MiniCommand and Verve Command Line | 08:34 |
voldermort | philthy: but now iam not able to remove it | 08:35 |
h1st0 | missed if anyone answered me about erasing a dvdrw | 08:35 |
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Jordan_U | srbaker, That will only stay until the next reboot, blacklist "pcspkr" to make it permanent | 08:35 |
philthy | voldermort, you sure it's not farther down on the menu or something? | 08:35 |
srbaker | will do, thx | 08:35 |
Jordan_U | h1st0, I think that if you try to burn new files to it it will erase it before-hand, there may be an option in the built in tool to do it also but if not try gnome-baker | 08:36 |
voldermort | philthy: yeah im sure | 08:36 |
philthy | mythrage, yes, experience is nice, but I don't think this is anything from the options. It seems maybe to be linked with the fact that I upgraded the kernel. :-/ | 08:36 |
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h1st0 | Jordan_U: i'll try writing somehting else to it. | 08:36 |
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Jordan_U | mrk, Are you back in X ( the GUI ) ? | 08:37 |
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philthy | voldermort, sudo apt-get remove? | 08:37 |
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h1st0 | Jordan_U: yeah attempting to write to it aagain prompts for erase. | 08:38 |
voldermort | philthy: what to remove | 08:38 |
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philthy | voldermort, the programs that you want to get rid of? | 08:38 |
voldermort | philthy: wait i would try that | 08:38 |
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mrk | Jordan_U thank you it got me back into the GUI, now what is the safest way to install nvidia drivers please? | 08:38 |
kimmey2k3 | sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx | 08:39 |
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Jordan_U | mrk, First remove the ones installed from nvidia.com ( I think you can do that from synaptic / apt but I don't remember ) then once they are removed go to System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager | 08:40 |
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mythrage | ubuntu got it restricted driver for nvidia | 08:40 |
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=== lei -list | ||
=== lei help | ||
=== eboyjr is on the ##windows channel trying to get every one on there to install Ubuntu. | ||
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elkbuntu | eboyjr, please dont troll other channels | 08:42 |
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mythrage | wei... ko skang ade kat mane? | 08:42 |
eboyjr | elkbuntu, is trolling channels just going on random channels on talking? | 08:43 |
MSIGuy | What's the command to clear the history? | 08:43 |
MSIGuy | void clear_history? | 08:43 |
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MSIGuy | What's the void supposed to be? | 08:43 |
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awesome | Jordan_U: Hows does a 6gig mdf file end up being 544k? | 08:44 |
elkbuntu | eboyjr, that is not how you described it earlier. 'trying to get everyone on there to install ubuntu' is not 'just going on random channels on talking' | 08:44 |
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AntEater | hello, i would like to ask something. On ubuntu installation if not defining a 256mb swap space as suggested, what could the deffects be there? | 08:44 |
eboyjr | elkbuntu, okey | 08:44 |
awesome | Jordan_U: Hows does a 6gig mdf file end up being 544bytes even.. | 08:44 |
Jordan_U | awesome, I have not idea, what does it show is in the .iso file when you open it | 08:44 |
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Jordan_U | ? | 08:45 |
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h1st0 | Jordan_U: cdrecord blank=fast worked as well | 08:45 |
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awesome | Jordan_U: Doesn't let me open it.. | 08:45 |
awesome | File too big? | 08:45 |
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h1st0 | MSIGuy: what are you trying to do? | 08:45 |
Jordan_U | awesome, Can you pastebin the output of the command you ran with mdf2iso? | 08:46 |
mythrage | mdf is use by macintosh... | 08:46 |
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awesome | Jordan_U: mdf2iso </home/awesome/Desktop/Game_Installs/SupremeCommand.mdf> /home/awesome/Desktop/Game_Installs/SupremeCommander.iso | 08:46 |
awesome | - Thats right isn't it? | 08:46 |
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ian_ | hey guys, trying to install apache | 08:47 |
Chavao | apache | 08:47 |
ian_ | and i get "/usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 08:47 |
Chavao | ho | 08:47 |
Cerl | so what are you waiting for | 08:47 |
mrk | Jordan_U I uninstalled, then installed from the "restricted drivers", it asked me to reboot, i did, but getting the same message :/ "Nvidia kernel module" file was not found... | 08:47 |
ian_ | when installing | 08:47 |
^futuro | Hi to all | 08:47 |
Jordan_U | awesome, no < > | 08:47 |
^futuro | good morring | 08:47 |
awesome | Jordan_U: ok./. | 08:47 |
^futuro | I try my new English | 08:47 |
^futuro | :) | 08:47 |
ian_ | cerl | 08:47 |
Chavao | futuro brasileiro? | 08:48 |
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Cerl | ya? | 08:48 |
Jordan_U | mrk, Try running "sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-glx" | 08:48 |
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ian_ | how would i go about reparing "/usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 08:48 |
Twomby | Quick question : If I install XP under Vmware in Ubuntu, would the Creative X-FI drivers theoratically work ?? | 08:48 |
^futuro | Chavao, I'am Italian boy | 08:48 |
=== pyrohotdog [n=aaron@pool-71-161-5-187.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chavao | Ubuntu a pior coisa que eu j usei | 08:48 |
Cerl | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=519070 | 08:48 |
pyrohotdog | How do I mount .iso files? | 08:48 |
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Flannel | !iso | pyrohotdog | 08:48 |
ubotu | pyrohotdog: To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 08:48 |
Chavao | s no pior que Windows | 08:48 |
Chavao | briga feio | 08:48 |
pyrohotdog | Thank you.:) | 08:49 |
awesome | Jordan_U: if i do it without the <> its tells me theres no such file? | 08:49 |
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Chavao | Slackware > Kurumin > Qualquer um > {Ubuntu/Windows} > Kubuntu | 08:49 |
elkbuntu | !es | Chavao | 08:49 |
ubotu | Chavao: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 08:49 |
awesome | Jordan_U: - Sorry, no such format.. | 08:49 |
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yeniklasor | How can I use a spesific java version when I start a program that works with old java. | 08:49 |
vorde | hello | 08:49 |
=== elkbuntu hopes it was the right language | ||
Chavao | ubotu, no quero ajuda | 08:49 |
Chavao | s to trollando mesmo xD | 08:49 |
Jordan_U | awesome, Strange, I wish I had an mdf file so I could test it myself | 08:50 |
elkbuntu | Chavao, stop trolling please. | 08:50 |
vorde | are any of the people here familiar with the program zsnes? | 08:50 |
awesome | Jordan_U: Any other suggestions on conversion? | 08:50 |
Chavao | elkbuntu, to saindo | 08:50 |
h1st0 | !pr > Chavao | 08:50 |
=== Drevor [i=Drevor41@p54B3CFA6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chavao | que eu gosto de zuar o Ubuntu | 08:50 |
h1st0 | !ask | vorde | 08:50 |
ubotu | vorde: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:50 |
vorde | ok | 08:50 |
Chavao | Ubuntu muito ruim | 08:51 |
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h1st0 | !offtopic | chav | 08:51 |
ubotu | chav: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 08:51 |
elkbuntu | h1st0, he's gone now | 08:51 |
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Chavao | desculpa | 08:51 |
Jordan_U | awesome, No, that really should work though | 08:51 |
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Chavao | to saindo na boa agora | 08:51 |
scipio | it was portuguese i think | 08:51 |
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vorde | when I run the linux port of zsnes v1.51 and 1.42 they both say a bunch of lines in the terminal and says "(core dumped)" and doesn't run :( | 08:52 |
=== Arkian [n=migger@cpe.atm2-0-1051059.0x50a09f6a.bynxx11.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
habo | guys why isit that every time i turn my desktop effets on .... ubuntu restars on its own and i dont get the effects | 08:52 |
mythrage | awesome: linux is case-sensitive and even u write is MDF and mdf is 2 thing different | 08:52 |
prabs | need help compiling psybnc please :( | 08:52 |
awesome | Jordan_U: - Yeah, it should.. All i wanted to do was convert it to .iso So i could run the iso script which mounts it as a drive.. So, maybe if i find a program or script which mounts mdf files? | 08:52 |
vorde | habo: sounds like video card driver probs | 08:53 |
habo | vorde how can i update my driver | 08:53 |
prabs | on doing make menuconfig i get make: *** No rule to make target `menuconfig'. Stop. | 08:53 |
prabs | i have ncurses libraries installed | 08:53 |
vorde | what kind of videocard do u have? | 08:53 |
vorde | ati or nvidia? | 08:53 |
awesome | mythrage: Yup, i know that, however, the file name is all lower case.. and using the <> parameters make shell not give me error codes.. | 08:53 |
habo | how can i check .. its a laptop so i think its integrated | 08:54 |
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mythrage | awesome: using tab is more efficient... is there any problem with that | 08:54 |
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habo | but the effects worked fine on the live CD tho for pclinuxos | 08:54 |
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vorde | you'd have to look up the specs of your laptop online | 08:54 |
vorde | I'm still a bit of a linux n00b myself | 08:55 |
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vorde | I've only used it for 3 weeks | 08:55 |
awesome | mythrage: Tab was used in the command.. | 08:55 |
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Jordan_U | awesome, Have you tried running "sudo mount -o loop <Imdf-filename> <mountpoint>" ? | 08:55 |
habo | so im guessing my graphics card can handle it .. its 64 MBs shared | 08:55 |
vorde | hmm... | 08:55 |
phun1 | habo shared gets a little complicated | 08:55 |
mrk | Jordan_U i think it helped, i rebooted and it's ok now... the question is, are my drivers installed now? becuase i don't seem to be able to get a higher resolution than 1024-1080 while i have a 22" screen that supports 1680*1050 and my gts 8800 supports it as well | 08:55 |
vorde | I would have to know the maker of the video card before being able to tell u how to install the right drivers | 08:55 |
habo | it worked with pclinuxos tho | 08:55 |
=== alan8r [n=sn4cks@c-71-197-183-139.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vorde | try a program called "Automatix2" it will find the right drivers for it I believe | 08:56 |
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mythrage | awesome: yea... use tab to listing the file first before executing the command mdf2iso | 08:56 |
habo | ok how can i check it??? | 08:56 |
habo | hold on ill check it on wndows | 08:56 |
Jordan_U | !automatix | vorde | 08:56 |
ubotu | vorde: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software. When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it. A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme) | 08:56 |
tondar | hey all | 08:56 |
vorde | oh | 08:56 |
phun1 | habo: I would follow vodes advice and look up specs on internet, most likely manufactures website | 08:56 |
alan8r | i'm having some issues with the JACK stuff | 08:56 |
alan8r | any suggestions? | 08:56 |
^futuro | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33538/ | 08:56 |
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tondar | can I use c# to write an screenlet for ubuntu? | 08:56 |
^futuro | help me audio does'nt work | 08:56 |
habo | hold on m running windows on VMware hold on a sec i can check it from there | 08:57 |
vorde | now, can anyone help me here with zsnes? | 08:57 |
tondar | or it has to be python | 08:57 |
^futuro | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33538/ | 08:57 |
tondar | ? | 08:57 |
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phun1 | habo: there should be some type of model designation on the laptop itself | 08:57 |
Jordan_U | mrk, To check if it is installed correctly run "glxinfo | grep direct" If it says yes then it is installed correctly | 08:57 |
vorde | there u go | 08:57 |
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phun1 | habo: type that into google and more than likely the makers website will come up 1 or 2 | 08:58 |
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mythrage | salah in my language mean wronge | 08:58 |
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tondar | can I use c# to write an screenlet for ubuntu? | 08:58 |
tondar | or it has to be python | 08:58 |
tondar | ? | 08:58 |
mythrage | tondar: screenlet? conky | 08:58 |
=== veritgo [n=jon@ntsitm234127.sitm.nt.ftth.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
salah | mythrage, ? | 08:58 |
tondar | mythrage: what d you mean? | 08:58 |
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tondar | conky | 08:58 |
phun1 | vorde: what's up with znes? | 08:58 |
tondar | mythrage: what is conky? | 08:59 |
theshadow | whats the easiest way to install Suns JRE? | 08:59 |
mythrage | tondar: that's w i'm asking u what is screenlet... | 08:59 |
mythrage | tondar: is it the same as desklet and conky? | 08:59 |
tondar | oh | 08:59 |
Jordan_U | mrk, When you ran "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh" did you select the resolution of your screen? | 08:59 |
salah | In Ubuntu, nForce 2 chipsets default sound card do not work. It is simply not coming any sound out. Any idea how to get the sound working again? | 08:59 |
tondar | mythrage: you know about desktop widgets that osx and vista use | 08:59 |
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tondar | well there are screenlets for linux | 09:00 |
tondar | mythrage: yes | 09:00 |
tondar | same | 09:00 |
mythrage | oic... | 09:00 |
Jordan_U | salah, Have you checked alsamixer to see that all channels are up and unmuted ( they don't have "MM" at the bottom ) ? | 09:00 |
tondar | mythrage: you know ifI could develope them with c# | 09:00 |
tondar | ? | 09:00 |
salah | Jordan_U, Yes. It is checked both via Ubuntu and fysically | 09:01 |
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tondar | any channels for screenlets and development ? | 09:01 |
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vorde | phun1: well if I try to run zsnes out of the terminal, nothing happens. when I run it in the terminal, what ends up happening is a bunch of code comes up and on the bottom it says "(core dumped)" | 09:01 |
habo | VORDE ....... I GOT it...its RADEON IGP 340M from ATI technologies.... | 09:01 |
habo | thank you | 09:01 |
Jordan_U | salah, Do you see the channels at all with alsamixer? | 09:01 |
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vorde | lol np | 09:01 |
^futuro | hi to all | 09:01 |
TPCerl | hello | 09:02 |
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mythrage | tondar: no... never | 09:02 |
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tondar | mythrage: oh man | 09:02 |
salah | Jordan_U, yes, there are a lots of channels, everything from PCM, Master, Mono, AUX, Video, etc etc | 09:02 |
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Jordan_U | mrk, Did you see my earlier comments? | 09:02 |
Jordan_U | salah, Do you have more than one sound card? | 09:02 |
mrk | Jordan_U yeah sorry it's just that my linux pc is not in the same room with this one. | 09:03 |
habo | i know it supports effects on desktop i tried it with pclinixos vorde and it work smooth ..very smooth | 09:03 |
mrk | Jordan_U it says missing, i guess not installed | 09:03 |
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mrk | and yeah i choose the res but it didn't help ;) | 09:03 |
Jordan_U | mrk, What says missing, "glxinfo | grep direct" ? | 09:03 |
mrk | yes Jordan_U | 09:03 |
vorde | just look on google about "ubuntu install ati drivers" | 09:03 |
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jherrera|home | hi people, is there an app to see how much memory does a PID is using? | 09:04 |
Jordan_U | mrk, Does it really say missing or just "direct rendering = no" ? | 09:04 |
habo | ok ill try it | 09:04 |
mrk | Jordan_U it says "missing 0" | 09:04 |
habo | thx | 09:04 |
mrk | a few lines | 09:04 |
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Jordan_U | mrk, Can you pastebin the output of "glxinfo" ? | 09:04 |
salah | Jordan_U, no, this is the only card I have. But in alsamixer, I can change between two devices: "0: NVidia nForce 2 (Alsa mixer)" and "1: Realtek ALC650F (OSS mixer)" | 09:04 |
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mrk | Jordan_U yeah sec | 09:05 |
salah | Jordan_U, I only know about the first one, the NVidia. The last one is probably something wrong. I don't have that card | 09:05 |
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kraut | moin | 09:05 |
orbisvicis | anyone know of any panels aside from pypanel, lxpanel & fbpanel ? | 09:06 |
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Jordan_U | salah, Can you pastebin the output of "asoundconf list" ? | 09:06 |
mattg | need an x64 version of flash player, anybody know where it's at/available? | 09:06 |
Jordan_U | !flash64 | mattg | 09:06 |
Aren | you're outta luck | 09:06 |
ubotu | mattg: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava | 09:06 |
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habo | VORDE>> i found nothing... all bunch of threads and posts no drivers | 09:07 |
salah | Jordan_U, "Names of available sound cards: nForce2" | 09:07 |
Jordan_U | mattg, Adobe doesn't make a 64 bit version of flash for windows or Linux, you can use flash on 64 bit Ubuntu though | 09:07 |
habo | i cant find ATI driver list | 09:07 |
vorde | habo: read the posts, lol | 09:07 |
vorde | they'll tell u what to do | 09:07 |
mattg | mozilla wasn't finding the plugin so i didn't know for sure | 09:07 |
mattg | thanks all, tho | 09:07 |
vorde | and can someone plz help me with zsnes?? | 09:07 |
habo | ok thx | 09:08 |
habo | vorde | 09:08 |
vorde | I really wanna play star ocean :P | 09:08 |
vorde | np | 09:08 |
pitwalker | Hi, all! How can I replace multiline strings in 20 text files? | 09:08 |
habo | u knwo vorde id love to help lol .. but ima nuub :( | 09:08 |
faileas | !ntfs 3g | 09:08 |
Jordan_U | mattg, It won't because you need some extra stuff to use 32 bit plugins in firefox, follow the instructions from ubotu | 09:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ntfs 3g - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:08 |
habo | just installed linux a week ago | 09:08 |
faileas | !ntfs-3g | 09:08 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 09:08 |
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mattg | am doing, jordan_u | 09:09 |
pitwalker | ntfs-3g is included in http://www.sysresccd.org/Download | 09:09 |
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=== Rimers [n=nils@0x5553320b.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Shaye | Jordan_U: it's 'mrk' there u go, http://pastebin.com/m1b7f6bc4 | 09:09 |
mattg | im new to linux, fyi | 09:09 |
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phun1 | vorde: I have tried over and over to replicate your error to no avail | 09:09 |
phun1 | vorde: I would have to go through the dump to see if I could figure it out | 09:09 |
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vorde | here, I'll post it up here if that's ok | 09:10 |
Jordan_U | mrk`-, What happens when you run "sudo modprobe nvidia" ? | 09:10 |
vorde | that would help a lot | 09:10 |
Rabbitbunny | install, live CD, wd80g ide. Setup refuses to partition and errors in a very unspecific fashion. Options? | 09:10 |
phun1 | vorde: not sure if everyone would appreciate that | 09:10 |
vorde | lol | 09:10 |
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mrk`- | Jordan_U: FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/volatile/nvidia.ko': No such file or directory | 09:11 |
vorde | can I send it to u in a private msg? | 09:11 |
banyunet | hjihuihihoohoi | 09:11 |
Jordan_U | Rabbitbunny, What is the error exactly? | 09:11 |
phun1 | vorde: post it to a thread on one of the forums linuquestions or ubuntu | 09:11 |
Rimers | hi guys, anyone have a good file recovery tip for a jfs partition? i lost aprox 150GB in a crash last night :S | 09:11 |
phun1 | vorde and I will take a look at it | 09:11 |
Rabbitbunny | Jordan_U: i says it can't partition. | 09:11 |
Jordan_U | mrk`-, Did you try "sduo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-glx" ? | 09:11 |
Rabbitbunny | *it | 09:11 |
vorde | ok | 09:11 |
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mrk`- | Jordan_U: i did before, and did now again, Setting up nvidia-glx (1.0.9631+ ... what to check now? | 09:12 |
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yeniklasor | How can start a java software with spesific java in another path ? | 09:12 |
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Jordan_U | mrk`-, Try "sudo modprobe nvidia" again | 09:12 |
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mrk`- | getting the same thing Jordan_U :/ | 09:13 |
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Jordan_U | mrk`-, That is strange, I have seen installing the drivers from nvidia.com mess up the standard drivers exactly like that before, but reinstalling the drivers has always fixed it | 09:13 |
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Blauhaut | guys i need to run one .dll file | 09:14 |
Blauhaut | on mozilla | 09:14 |
Blauhaut | is it posible ? | 09:14 |
Jordan_U | Blauhaut, What are you trying to do exactly? | 09:14 |
mrk`- | Jordan_U: any other thoughts on what can I do? except format ;/ becuase that didn't help. | 09:14 |
tulga | I have 2 NIC cards (eth0 and eth1). howto know eth0 is which card? | 09:14 |
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Blauhaut | Jordan_U; i want to connect to my security cam | 09:15 |
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Blauhaut | Jordan_U; mozilla says ; To enable control work: Tools -> Internet Options -> Security -> Custom Level Reset to: Low Or Download and Install it | 09:15 |
tulga | which card is eth0 and which card is eth1? | 09:15 |
Jordan_U | Blauhaut, What kind of security camera and how are you connecting to it? | 09:15 |
Blauhaut | Jordan_U; what you mean by which kind of ? | 09:16 |
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=== Rabbitbunny bets ethernet 2-axis | ||
Jordan_U | Blauhaut, You could try installing the windows firefox in wine. | 09:16 |
Blauhaut | upsss ok i will try it | 09:16 |
Blauhaut | :) | 09:16 |
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mattg | jordan_u: okay, so had a conflict with the mozilla deal...i already have x86_x64 mozilla on here, preinstalled... | 09:16 |
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Jordan_U | Blauhaut, How is it connected to your computer, or is it connected to a remote server etc. | 09:16 |
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Durmant | Hello all | 09:17 |
WindsofTime | Does anyone know how to install IDE (InternetDoomExplorer) for Linux?.. Its a game for online Doom play | 09:17 |
Blauhaut | Jordan_U; ow i have 9 security cam on one of my terminal which are connected by DV card | 09:17 |
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Blauhaut | And i have a rooter | 09:17 |
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g-unot | does anybody know if F5D7000 v4000 works with ubuntu? | 09:17 |
vorde | phun1: here's a link to my post | 09:18 |
g-unot | its a belkin card | 09:18 |
vorde | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3180787#post3180787 | 09:18 |
awesome | Jordan_U: Hey mate, I discovered that the ubuntu version didn't support large files. However, Upon update it supported larger files, However! (*cries*) The mdf2iso package does not support my file of 6gig. | 09:18 |
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Jordan_U | mattg, That shouldn't matter, what is this "conflict" are you getting an error when trying to follow one of the steps in the guide? | 09:18 |
Blauhaut | Jordan_U; i can connect with windoz explorer really easy but when i try linux i need some dll to run on explorer, or mozilla | 09:18 |
Durmant | I finally got nvidia drivers installed on my geforce4 440 go......everything is great except when I pull up terminal its just a white box.....I cant see what I am typing | 09:18 |
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Durmant | anyone got any ideas? | 09:18 |
Jordan_U | awesome, So did you get it to work? | 09:18 |
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awesome | Jordan_U: Final verdict no.. awesome@Uawesome:~$ mdf2iso /home/awesome/Desktop/Game_Installs/SupremeCommand.mdf | 09:19 |
awesome | File too large | 09:19 |
mattg | gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file / tar: child returned status 1 / tar: error exit delayed from previous errors jordan_u | 09:19 |
g-unot | does anybody know if the belkin F5D7000 v4000 works with ubuntu? | 09:19 |
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Durmant | :-( | 09:19 |
scipio | Durmant, maybe your font color is the same as your background? it's something that happens only in terminal? | 09:20 |
Jordan_U | mattg, Maybe the tar file didn't download completely? | 09:20 |
awesome | Jordan_U: I wasn't sure howto use the mount command you gave me.. | 09:20 |
Durmant | as far as I have seen | 09:20 |
_GsT_ | Iv installed ubuntu on a second hard drive (dual boot XP) after the install said to restart there was no option to load ubuntu only windows, as if the boot loader did not install, can anyone help? please | 09:20 |
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Durmant | how do I change the text colot in terminal? | 09:20 |
Jordan_U | awesome, "However, Upon update it supported larger files" I am not sure what you mean by that | 09:20 |
Durmant | just to make sure | 09:20 |
wnet | uh | 09:20 |
mattg | jordan_u: idk man, but if i cant watch my entertainment...i can't sleep! | 09:21 |
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mattg | lmao | 09:21 |
g-unot | does anybody know where i could find a list of belkin compatible cards, ive seen it b4 but ive missplaced the link | 09:21 |
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scipio | Durmant, edit--curent profile | 09:21 |
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Jordan_U | !hardware | mattg this possibly? | 09:21 |
ubotu | mattg this possibly?: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 09:21 |
jherrera|home | how can I know how much memory a PID is using? | 09:22 |
salah | Jordan_U, I fixed the problem. I simply used the command 'asoundconf set-default-card nForce2' and it worked :-) thanks for your useful help. | 09:22 |
awesome | Jordan_U: I updated to the latest version of mdf2iso. In the latest version, in its readme, it says "Now support large files" However, it is not specific on the maximum size the program supports. My file is 6gig. And the shell output says.. "File is too large" | 09:22 |
Durmant | Do I enter that into the terminal I cant see :-p | 09:22 |
scipio | jherrera|home, try top in terminal | 09:22 |
Jordan_U | salah, np :) | 09:22 |
Jordan_U | awesome, How did you update it? | 09:22 |
scipio | Durmant, you can see anything when you open terminal? not even the menu? like file edit view etc? | 09:23 |
jherrera|home | scipio, suppose I have to assign that value to a variable for bash scripting | 09:23 |
Durmant | No | 09:23 |
=== predaeus [n=predaeus@chello212186005030.401.14.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Durmant | It is just a white box | 09:23 |
awesome | Jordan_U: Manual downloaded it, and used package manager to update it to 3.02 or something. | 09:23 |
Durmant | I cant type commands....I just cant see it | 09:23 |
Jordan_U | awesome, From where? | 09:23 |
Durmant | *can | 09:23 |
mattg | ... jordan_u ... what would that be for??? im not asking hardware questions | 09:23 |
Durmant | lol | 09:24 |
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Durmant | I can type commands....I just cant see it | 09:24 |
Durmant | there | 09:24 |
jherrera|home | scipio, I need it to be output to stdout :( | 09:24 |
habo | where can i find drivers for ATI RADEON+IGP+300M please HELP .... i have looked everywhere | 09:24 |
Jordan_U | !hardware | g-unot this possibly? | 09:24 |
ubotu | g-unot this possibly?: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 09:24 |
awesome | Jordan_U: From here.. Homepage: http://mdf2iso.berlios.de/ | 09:24 |
Jordan_U | mattg, Sorry, wrong nick :) | 09:24 |
mattg | it's all good, jordan_u | 09:24 |
scipio | jherrera|home, oh. i don't know sorry | 09:24 |
_GsT_ | Iv installed ubuntu on a second hard drive (dual boot XP) after the install said to restart there was no option to load ubuntu only windows, as if the boot loader did not install, can anyone help? please | 09:24 |
jherrera|home | scipio, thanks anyway :P | 09:25 |
habo | where can i find drivers for ATI RADEON IGP 300M please HELP .... i have looked everywhere | 09:25 |
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poningru | habo: they dont exist | 09:26 |
Durmant | so ya | 09:26 |
poningru | I have that | 09:26 |
scipio | Durmant, that's very weird. how about if you try and install another terminal? like xterm. i know this is not a solution but at least you can see what you type | 09:26 |
poningru | habo: and I think you mean 320M | 09:26 |
Jordan_U | awesome, I don't see a link to a .deb there, did you compile from source or am I just missing it? | 09:27 |
habo | poninggru u mean there are no drivers for my graphics acard | 09:27 |
poningru | habo: right | 09:27 |
poningru | habo: complain to ati | 09:27 |
habo | no it says 300M on my hardware info | 09:27 |
Durmant | lol....only problem with that is, this is the first time I have ever used a linux distro seriously....no clue how to do much of anything | 09:27 |
habo | maybe 320M might work | 09:27 |
=== Offset__ [n=Offset@c-67-166-147-118.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Durmant | is there any way to reinstall the terminal easily | 09:27 |
habo | do u know where i cant find the driver for that? | 09:27 |
scipio | Durmant, ok. go to system-administration-synaptic package manager | 09:27 |
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poningru | habo: go to a terminal and do 'lspci -vvv | grep -i ati' | 09:28 |
Durmant | got it | 09:28 |
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jetscreamer | grep VGA | 09:28 |
Durmant | Is it normal not be able to move that window | 09:28 |
awesome | Jordan_U: https://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2545 - File was mdf2iso_0.3.0-2_i386.deb | 09:28 |
poningru | habo: ati does not make drivers for that device | 09:28 |
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scipio | Durmant, hit the search button and type xterm. scroll all the way down in the list to xterm | 09:29 |
poningru | so you are out of luck | 09:29 |
=== Usrl [n=feba@c-69-247-164-232.hsd1.ks.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Usrl | and devede crashed. Which leaves me with nothing but wasted time. *sob* | 09:29 |
scipio | Durmant, right click on it and "mark for installation". then hit the apply button | 09:29 |
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Durmant | that is greyed out | 09:30 |
habo | poininggri I DID .. and then what ( thank you) | 09:30 |
Durmant | there is a mar for reinstallation | 09:30 |
habo | a bunch of words | 09:30 |
awesome | Jordan_U: - You said you were on Ubuntu didn't you? If so, that was the right file.. | 09:30 |
scipio | Durmant, ok do that | 09:30 |
Durmant | done | 09:30 |
Durmant | waitinh | 09:30 |
IPGHOST | hi | 09:30 |
Jordan_U | awesome, Yes | 09:30 |
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scipio | Durmant, hit apply | 09:31 |
poningru | habo: do you want 3d support or just want to use your laptop? | 09:31 |
IPGHOST | when ever i try to open any thing from administartion manue it goes stuck | 09:31 |
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habo | poninggru my 3D effects and cube worked fine on PClinuxOS | 09:31 |
Durmant | Is xterm supposed to have file, edit or anything like that? | 09:31 |
habo | but it hangs up and shutsdown ubuntu when i switch the effect on .. for it | 09:31 |
scipio | Durmant, yeah, on the top status bar. like any program | 09:32 |
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Durmant | nope | 09:32 |
Durmant | none of that | 09:32 |
Durmant | but I can now see what im typing | 09:32 |
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poningru | habo: wait it works in pclinuxos? | 09:33 |
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scipio | Durmant, ok. search for "xfce terminal" and install "xfce4-terminal". that's an alternative and try to use that, see if it works | 09:34 |
habo | YES poningru | 09:34 |
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scipio | Durmant, ahh | 09:34 |
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habo | iy works smoothy and erfect with pclinuxos | 09:34 |
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scipio | Durmant, at least some progress :) | 09:34 |
salah | whem im trying to compile a application, I get a error that says I don't have a c compiler. any idea what the package name of the c compiler is? | 09:34 |
Durmant | uhhh....I just realized....I dont have a title bar on any windows | 09:34 |
habo | i tripple boot with pclinuos | 09:34 |
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arooni | how do i list what version of jvm i have installed? | 09:34 |
ranjan | salah: build-essential | 09:35 |
Durmant | I just opened firefox and there is no title bar... | 09:35 |
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predaeus | salah, I think you just need build-essential for that it has the required dependencies | 09:35 |
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scipio | Durmant, are you using desktop effects or something similar? | 09:35 |
yeniklasor | How to change system's java path ? | 09:35 |
Durmant | I turned on the desktop effects | 09:35 |
habo | poingru and i was thinking about replacing pclinuxos with ubuntu .. but my 3D effects dont work on ubuntu | 09:35 |
poningru | habo: dont know what to tell you | 09:35 |
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predaeus | Durmant, try login out and in again | 09:35 |
salah | thanks | 09:35 |
habo | poingru .. its ok man thx anyway ... i guess ill frmat ubuntu's partion .. ill keep pclinuxos | 09:36 |
=== mrk`` [n=mrk@bzq-82-81-181-242.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
habo | thx anyway man | 09:36 |
jetscreamer | habo did you ask in #ati | 09:36 |
habo | format | 09:36 |
habo | nope | 09:36 |
jetscreamer | you might try | 09:36 |
habo | there is a channel for ati? | 09:36 |
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jetscreamer | :o | 09:36 |
_GsT_ | does anyone know if ubuntu has to be installed on the primary hard drive to load the boot loader | 09:36 |
Durmant | nope | 09:36 |
Durmant | still no titel bars | 09:37 |
mrk`` | Jordan_U reinstalling linux now, doing a fresh new installation, what to do next with the drivers? don't wanna mess things up again... first thing to do when i boot up into the desktop? | 09:37 |
jetscreamer | no _GsT_ | 09:37 |
sauvin | _GsT_, I don't think ubuntu cares where you put it, but the boot loader, unless I'm mistaken, still needs to be on hd(0) somewhere. | 09:37 |
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Jordan_U | mrk``, Go to System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager | 09:38 |
jetscreamer | you could use some other bootloader and install grub to the partition, but windows wouldn't boot it | 09:38 |
mrk`` | and to enable the driver there? | 09:38 |
jetscreamer | i use a floppy sometimes | 09:38 |
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mrk`` | then i should get a 1680*1050 resolution options or are there any other actions i need to take | 09:39 |
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_GsT_ | [jetscreamer] the reason i ask is because ive installed ubuntu on my second hard drive but it does not come up in the boot loader.. can i install the boot loader on it s own and if i do will it still see the windows partition | 09:39 |
phun1 | habo: have you tried installing the fglrx driver for your vid card in ubuntu? | 09:39 |
=== Durmant cries | ||
habo | nope where do i find it? | 09:39 |
habo | phuml nope where do i find it .. tx | 09:40 |
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scipio | Durmant, the obvious quick fix is to turn the effects off | 09:40 |
habo | phunl**** | 09:40 |
Durmant | well lets see if that works | 09:40 |
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jetscreamer | _GsT_: yeah when you install ubuntu it automatically detects windows and adds it to the grub menu | 09:40 |
phun1 | habo: I have a link here somewhere.. 1 second | 09:40 |
habo | ok thx | 09:40 |
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Durmant | It did :-/ | 09:41 |
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flow^ | Can someone help me out with alsa oss installing and so on :I | 09:41 |
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_GsT_ | jetscreamer: my primary hard rive is a SATA drive and the second one is a ATA, could the installation be picking up the second hard drive because it is the only one of its kind in the machine | 09:42 |
phun1 | habo: this is one of the install processes (it worked great for me) http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubu...allation_Guide | 09:42 |
jetscreamer | you mean pata | 09:42 |
jetscreamer | sata and pata | 09:42 |
jetscreamer | ? | 09:42 |
habo | phunl thank you SOO much ..... | 09:42 |
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habo | ill check it out | 09:42 |
Durmant | Is Beryl supposed to replace the default desktop effects? | 09:42 |
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jetscreamer | _GsT_: it 'should' detect them all | 09:43 |
Jordan_U | awesome, The home page for mdf2iso suggest trying his new program iat | 09:43 |
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jetscreamer | _GsT_: can't swear , no idea what you have or the limits of ubuntu | 09:43 |
setkeh | i just downloaded a TGZ file how do i install it ??? | 09:43 |
Jordan_U | awesome, http://mdf2iso.berlios.de/ | 09:44 |
jetscreamer | tar xvzf it first | 09:44 |
jetscreamer | think 'unzip' | 09:44 |
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scipio | Durmant, i have the effects on and beryl on top of it. don't know if it would work without them and i don't wanna try cause it took me ages to make it work :) | 09:44 |
flow^ | Can someone help me to get alsa-oss Installed | 09:44 |
Jordan_U | awesome, http://iat.berlios.de/ | 09:44 |
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setkeh | so do i just type "tar xvzf (filenamehere)?? | 09:44 |
ian_ | Hey guys, i'm installing apache on feisty, yet when i sudo apt-get install apache, it returns this: | 09:45 |
ian_ | LoadModule php6_module libexec/libphp6.so | 09:45 |
ian_ | err | 09:45 |
_GsT_ | jetscreamer: thanks for you help,, i think i will try a re-install | 09:45 |
Durmant | ya it doesnt look like Beryl functions at all without the desktop effects on | 09:45 |
ian_ | invoke-rc.d: initscript apache, action "start" failed. | 09:45 |
ian_ | dpkg: error processing apache (--configure): | 09:45 |
ian_ | subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 09:45 |
ian_ | Setting up php5 (5.2.1-0ubuntu1.4) ... | 09:45 |
ian_ | Errors were encountered while processing: | 09:45 |
ian_ | apache | 09:45 |
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ian_ | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 09:45 |
Jordan_U | !paste | ian | 09:45 |
ubotu | ian: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:45 |
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flow^ | Can someone help me to get alsa-oss Installed | 09:45 |
setkeh | so do i just type "tar xvzf (filenamehere)?? | 09:45 |
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Jordan_U | ian_, Is this a fairly fresh install? | 09:46 |
flow^ | noone helps meh :< | 09:46 |
Jordan_U | flow^, Install it through synaptic / apt-get? | 09:47 |
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flow^ | I tried | 09:47 |
jetscreamer | setkeh: yeah or just use file-roller on it | 09:47 |
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flow^ | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 09:47 |
jetscreamer | file-roller is cool | 09:47 |
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ian_ | ok guys, attempting to install apache in feisty | 09:47 |
ian_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33542/ | 09:47 |
ian_ | thats what i get | 09:47 |
jetscreamer | ok so run it flow^ | 09:47 |
jetscreamer | sudo | 09:47 |
Jordan_U | flow^, run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" | 09:47 |
flow^ | how? | 09:47 |
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blazemonger | what's better? using lokkit or a pre-built firewall or learning iptables | 09:47 |
TylerJGillies | my cdrom drive is wack but i managed to get the livecd working is there a way i can install from internet? | 09:47 |
Jordan_U | flow^, In a terminal | 09:47 |
flow^ | ok I did | 09:48 |
TylerJGillies | wack == not reading cd fully | 09:48 |
jetscreamer | blazemonger: i use lokkit on high it just blocks everything | 09:48 |
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jetscreamer | works for me (tm) | 09:48 |
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flow^ | E: Packet wine-doors would needed to be reinstalled but the packet cannot be found | 09:48 |
jetscreamer | you can try other stuff, but for really simple easy and effective... | 09:48 |
flow^ | "not 100% translation cuz my linux is in finnish" :P | 09:48 |
Jordan_U | TylerJGillies, What do you mean install from the internet? What are you trying to install? | 09:48 |
flow^ | jetscreamer is it now installed | 09:48 |
flow^ | eventho it whined lilbit about wine-doors ? | 09:49 |
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jetscreamer | flow^: after you dpkg --configure -a, try sudo apt-get -f install | 09:49 |
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TylerJGillies | Jordan_U: Ubuntu.. i would install from cd but my cdrom drive is acting up. i was able to boot into livecd mode though, so i have a RAM install of ubuntu to work with | 09:49 |
flow^ | it said it again | 09:49 |
Jordan_U | flow^, wine-doors is not a supported package, it is most likely causing the problems. | 09:49 |
jetscreamer | flow^ use a package manager | 09:49 |
flow^ | hmh? | 09:50 |
=== jetscreamer never did wine so g'luck | ||
flow^ | so I need to reinstall wine? | 09:50 |
Jordan_U | TylerJGillies, If you are booted into the LiveCD why can't you just run the installer? | 09:50 |
ian_ | when apt-get installing apache in feisty | 09:50 |
ian_ | i get | 09:50 |
ian_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33542/ | 09:50 |
ian_ | -_- | 09:50 |
ian_ | what should i do? | 09:50 |
Jordan_U | ian_, Is this on a fairly stock install? What have you done if anything with apache? | 09:51 |
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ian_ | it's pretty stock, yes | 09:51 |
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tulga | my fn key not working properly. it is working when i not click | 09:51 |
ian_ | the first time i installed, i got the error | 09:52 |
TylerJGillies | Jordan_U: because my cdrom drive is messed up. it needs cleaning | 09:52 |
=== Durmant cuts his wrists | ||
ian_ | but i added stuff the modules.conf and httpd.conf | 09:52 |
ian_ | for php | 09:52 |
Durmant | I broke something | 09:52 |
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Durmant | I only have 1 virtual desktop now | 09:52 |
ian_ | but i removed it, then reinstalled, and got that error again | 09:52 |
Jordan_U | ian_, Can you pastebin the output of "sudo /etc/init.d/apache start" ? | 09:52 |
MISTERTibbs | TylerJGillies: cdrom drives are cheap. replace it | 09:52 |
ian_ | yes, hold on | 09:52 |
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jetscreamer | there's also #apache at the same time | 09:53 |
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Jordan_U | TylerJGillies, If you think you might be able to boot again try the minimal CD, it downloads almost everything from the net, only ~ 10 meg on the CD itself | 09:53 |
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ian_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33544/ | 09:53 |
MISTERTibbs | Jordan_U: is there a usb stick install option??? | 09:54 |
ian_ | this is after adding the module stuff | 09:54 |
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Jordan_U | MISTERTibbs, Yes. | 09:54 |
ian_ | but i got the same error BEFORE the module | 09:54 |
Jordan_U | !install | MISTERTibbs | 09:54 |
ubotu | MISTERTibbs: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate | 09:54 |
=== rulus [n=rulus_|@5.155-244-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jordan_U | ian_, What module stuff are you adding? | 09:54 |
MISTERTibbs | Jordan_U: tyler should know that | 09:54 |
TylerJGillies | MISTERTibbs: give me the money then | 09:54 |
ian_ | AddModule mod_php5.c | 09:55 |
ian_ | LoadModule php5_module libexec/libphp5.so | 09:55 |
TylerJGillies | Jordan_U: thnx | 09:55 |
MISTERTibbs | TylerJGillies: lol. according to jordan u can do a USB stick install. | 09:55 |
setkeh | i just downloaded and extracted wine how do i install it ?? | 09:55 |
TylerJGillies | MISTERTibbs: wanna buy me a usb stick? ;) | 09:55 |
rulus | hi, can anyone point me to a guide to go from a Python bzr application branch to a .deb package? thanks | 09:55 |
MISTERTibbs | TylerJGillies: um, NO! getajob! | 09:55 |
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TylerJGillies | i found a way using debian debootstrap | 09:56 |
TylerJGillies | MISTERTibbs: got one, doesn't mean i have money ;) | 09:56 |
Durmant | Do you guys know who I limited this to 1 virtual desktop :- | 09:56 |
Durmant | poop | 09:56 |
ian_ | LoadModule php5_module libexec/libphp5.so | 09:56 |
Jordan_U | TylerJGillies, So are you going to try the minimal CD? | 09:56 |
ian_ | AddModule mod_php5.c | 09:56 |
setkeh | i just downloaded and extracted wine how do i install it ?? | 09:56 |
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rulus | setkeh: via apt-get | 09:56 |
MISTERTibbs | !wine | 09:56 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 09:56 |
MISTERTibbs | !wine|setkeh | 09:56 |
ubotu | setkeh: please see above | 09:57 |
TylerJGillies | Jordan_U: later. i don't have a cd burner. need to burn it at work. is it accessible from main page? | 09:57 |
Jordan_U | setkeh, Why are you downloading and extracting anything to install wine? | 09:57 |
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Jordan_U | !minimal | TylerJGillies | 09:57 |
ubotu | TylerJGillies: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 09:57 |
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setkeh | because its not in apt get | 09:57 |
Jordan_U | TylerJGillies, No, I think it is pretty hidden, but there are links to it on the wiki page | 09:57 |
MISTERTibbs | TylerJGillies: if u have XP there,s a powertoy to burn ISO on the msft site | 09:57 |
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faileas | its not on the MS site, its third party | 09:58 |
TylerJGillies | MISTERTibbs: i don't have a CD-R drive | 09:58 |
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Jordan_U | TylerJGillies, If you have windows you can try wubi | 09:58 |
Jordan_U | !wubi | TylerJGillies | 09:58 |
ubotu | TylerJGillies: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html | 09:58 |
jetscreamer | must be like goodbye-windows.com | 09:58 |
kahrytan | what?! Ubuntu windows installer | 09:58 |
Jordan_U | TylerJGillies, No external media, or even partitioning required :) | 09:59 |
ian_ | Jordan | 09:59 |
ian_ | any response? | 09:59 |
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dev_ | how do i automate installation using preseed | 10:00 |
kevor | Hello, i'm using a macbook keyboard to log into Ubuntu, but all ican type are wrong chars, what Keyboard Layout should i choose to correct this? | 10:00 |
syntux | How can I change the cron notification email ? | 10:00 |
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Jordan_U | ian_, Whatever you are doing with libphp6.so is causing the problem, you can probably get apache to update by simply not having apache try to load it, though I am guessing that is not a complete solution for you :) | 10:01 |
PHu1 | bla | 10:01 |
=== notton [n=matman@dsl-58-7-94-168.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ian_ | hmm | 10:01 |
ian_ | jordan, i was getting the error | 10:01 |
ian_ | the very first time | 10:01 |
enry | Help i'm using gnumeric how to adapt automaticaly the cells to the imput? | 10:01 |
ian_ | i installed apache | 10:01 |
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ian_ | without touching php | 10:01 |
Jordan_U | !automate | dev | 10:02 |
ubotu | dev: Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning | 10:02 |
enry | helpppp | 10:02 |
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enry | pleeese | 10:02 |
enry | helll | 10:02 |
jetscreamer | try irc.gimp.org maybe | 10:02 |
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jetscreamer | probably a #gnumeric | 10:02 |
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jetscreamer | or try here | 10:02 |
Jordan_U | enry, We can't help if you don't ask a question | 10:02 |
jetscreamer | or both | 10:02 |
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jetscreamer | he did | 10:02 |
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enry | Help i'm using gnumeric how to adapt automaticaly the cells to the imput? | 10:03 |
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phun81 | /NickServ register a01530153 | 10:03 |
jetscreamer | quick take the nick | 10:03 |
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jetscreamer | change the pw phun | 10:03 |
enry | i have to center a text in a cell | 10:03 |
=== rapflap [n=kjetil@cF52401C3.dhcp.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | yay | 10:03 |
enry | anybody is using gnumeric or penoffice calc? | 10:04 |
jetscreamer | size the fields | 10:04 |
rapflap | Id like to remove my kubuntu splash screen, having alot of bootup problems, and it would be great to see what going on, and anyway id like to just be able to start X from terminal when i choose anyway | 10:04 |
enry | the result is the text in the bottom of te resized cell | 10:04 |
Jordan_U | awesome, Do you want to try iat? I have made a .deb file for it | 10:05 |
koshari | rapflap edit the grub entry to boot without the quiet switchm | 10:05 |
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jetscreamer | rapflap: you can take the quiet directive out of menu.lst, and see the bootup stuff with the splash, or you can take both splash and quiet out ... quiet is set in a seperate file, i forget exactly which one, that controls update-grub.. it might be instide of update-grub come to think of it | 10:06 |
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Jordan_U | rapflap, Install bum to prevent kdm from starting at boot and remove "splash" from your kernel parameters to prevent usplash from starting | 10:06 |
notton | Ubuntu 7.04 :) | 10:06 |
jetscreamer | s/instide/inside/ | 10:06 |
mattg | got me a new theme, RemiX.tar.gz.bin how do i install it??? | 10:06 |
TylerJGillies | Jordan_U: im using debootstrap | 10:06 |
bullgard4 | Is it possible in dBVisualizer to display the contents of a long text field of a record not in line with the other fields but somewhat separated and larger field? | 10:06 |
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jetscreamer | or just edit /etc/X11/default-display-manager and make it blank... back it up first | 10:07 |
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jetscreamer | or just chmod -x /etc/init.d/kdm | 10:07 |
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jetscreamer | or use the rc-update tool which is preferred | 10:07 |
Anthonydu68 | how join #sdz? | 10:07 |
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rapflap | im getting so many options here im getting confused lol ;) | 10:07 |
jetscreamer | /join #whatever | 10:07 |
Anthonydu68 | thank's | 10:07 |
jetscreamer | /lastlog thing | 10:08 |
jetscreamer | or nick | 10:08 |
mattg | how do i get the contents out of a .tar.gz.bin file? | 10:08 |
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Jordan_U | mattg, double click it | 10:09 |
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DerangedDingo | mattg: "Extract Here" doesn't work? | 10:09 |
mattg | says no suitable app available | 10:09 |
mattg | what's the doc prescribe? | 10:09 |
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DerangedDingo | mattg: Make a copy to your desktop, and rename it to ~.tar.gz | 10:10 |
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Jordan_U | mattg, delete the .bin at the end | 10:10 |
DerangedDingo | mattg: i'm not sure if it'll work, but if it does, yay | 10:10 |
kauer | enry: I can't help you, but you may get a better result if you state your problem carefully and concisely. | 10:10 |
mattg | no go peoplez | 10:10 |
jetscreamer | you just run the bin | 10:10 |
jetscreamer | ./blah.bin | 10:10 |
enry | kauer, i solved | 10:11 |
jetscreamer | chmod +x blah.bin if it's not | 10:11 |
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setkeh | do i have to restart my system when i install wine ????? | 10:11 |
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jetscreamer | no | 10:11 |
DerangedDingo | setkeh: no | 10:11 |
jetscreamer | only kernels | 10:11 |
setkeh | hmm i cant find it lol | 10:11 |
DerangedDingo | setkeh: but you can further configure wine by running "winecfg" | 10:12 |
jetscreamer | you might log out, or source something | 10:12 |
prabs | guys while compilling psybnc , on doing make menuconfig i get make: *** No rule to make target `menuconfig'. Stop. why is that? i have ncurseslib installed.. any kind soul willing to help? | 10:12 |
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DerangedDingo | setkeh: wine isn't an app that you 'run'. it's something that you 'run' other stuff with. it's a compatibility layer | 10:12 |
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jetscreamer | prabs: there's no target for that | 10:12 |
jetscreamer | that's for a kernel | 10:12 |
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jetscreamer | try make config | 10:12 |
setkeh | ok ill see the thingy on how to install stuff with it :D | 10:13 |
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prabs | jetscreamer: ok | 10:13 |
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prabs | jetscreamer: thanks, ill try it now | 10:13 |
DerangedDingo | setkeh: though it does come with lots of goodies. try running "winecfg", "wine notepad", "wine cmd", and "wine regedit". | 10:13 |
prabs | jetscreamer: same error still | 10:13 |
DerangedDingo | setkeh: it's a full windows compatibility suite | 10:13 |
jetscreamer | prabs: examine the makefile.. no idea | 10:13 |
setkeh | inside the konsol ??????? | 10:13 |
jetscreamer | less it | 10:13 |
setkeh | sorry key got stuck lol | 10:13 |
DerangedDingo | setkeh: yes, or from Alt + F2 | 10:13 |
kauer | I have been watching a bug in launchpad. It was in Evolution. The bug has gobe through various stages, but I just received an automated message that it had progressed to released: " In Progress => Fix Released". Does this mean it will be available for Feisty shortly, or does that mean it will be in the next release of Ubuntu? | 10:14 |
jetscreamer | prabs: try just 'make' | 10:14 |
jetscreamer | make install | 10:14 |
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jetscreamer | prabs: are you sure you want to be doing this? | 10:14 |
jetscreamer | maybe a couple howtos | 10:14 |
jetscreamer | first | 10:14 |
setkeh | i cabnt minimize konversation :( | 10:14 |
jetscreamer | send it to another desktop till you figure out how | 10:14 |
prabs | jetscreamer: there is no psybnc .deb tho | 10:14 |
=== jetscreamer shrugs | ||
prabs | jetscreamer: so i guess ill have to follow the instructions? | 10:15 |
setkeh | jetscreamer: i cant don anything but konversation my system has locked up lol | 10:15 |
jetscreamer | maybe they have an irc channel or a website you could read up on it | 10:15 |
DerangedDingo | setkeh: how? | 10:15 |
prabs | jetscreamer: #psybnc empty lol | 10:16 |
jetscreamer | setkeh: well ctrl alt bckspace might kill x | 10:16 |
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jetscreamer | prabs: i don't do much of that | 10:16 |
setkeh | DerangedDingo: no idea mate lol | 10:16 |
jetscreamer | not much help | 10:16 |
setkeh | jetscreamer: thanks mate :D | 10:16 |
tulga | why my keyboard working with fn button? i'm not click fn key. | 10:16 |
prabs | jetscreamer: even google is not helping much | 10:16 |
Jordan_U | awesome, Do you want to try iat? I have made a .deb file for it | 10:16 |
jetscreamer | some have f-locks | 10:16 |
tulga | f-locks? | 10:17 |
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jetscreamer | they lock the fkeys on or something .. laptops | 10:17 |
jetscreamer | i dunno | 10:17 |
tulga | ok | 10:17 |
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tulga | someone know f-locks? | 10:17 |
jetscreamer | it would be a key on your keyboard | 10:17 |
tulga | hehe not key on my keyboard | 10:18 |
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jetscreamer | oh yeah not just laptiops | 10:18 |
jetscreamer | i remember a grandma had one | 10:18 |
jetscreamer | bugged me | 10:18 |
tulga | hehe ok now fixed | 10:18 |
DerangedDingo | i have a keyboard with an F-Lock key | 10:18 |
DerangedDingo | kinda retarded | 10:18 |
tulga | it is num lock | 10:18 |
=== Skiff [n=Skiff@cpe-72-225-174-254.si.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_aaa | wipe install CD clean of smugs, and reinstall CD, helped me once | 10:18 |
tulga | hehe funny thing | 10:19 |
tulga | thanks jetscreamer | 10:19 |
=== LiberCogito [n=deliberc@cpe-72-184-123-163.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
flow^ | someone help me fast | 10:19 |
flow^ | why when I play CSS I get no sound | 10:19 |
flow^ | I got sound yesterday .. :D | 10:19 |
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setkeh | well that fixed my system luckup lol | 10:20 |
setkeh | lockup* | 10:20 |
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adamorjames | I have a question | 10:21 |
DerangedDingo | shoot | 10:21 |
setkeh | what was that wine config thing ?? | 10:21 |
flow^ | HEY HOW can I see that no other program is USING OSS DRIVER ???? | 10:21 |
BaD_CrC | winecfg | 10:21 |
adamorjames | How do I use keyboard shortcuts to get to the notification area of the panel | 10:22 |
DerangedDingo | setkeh: Press Alt + F2, and enter "winecfg" | 10:22 |
setkeh | thanks bad | 10:22 |
setkeh | thanks BaD_CrC DerangedDingo | 10:22 |
Jordan_U | flow^, CSS == counter strike source? | 10:22 |
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DerangedDingo | adamorjames: what exactly are you asking? | 10:23 |
flow^ | yes | 10:23 |
Jordan_U | flow^, Are you sure that wine is using ALSA? | 10:23 |
flow^ | dunno | 10:23 |
DerangedDingo | flow^: In winecfg try changing up the sound settings for CSS | 10:23 |
flow^ | it should be using OSS I think | 10:23 |
adamorjames | How do I use the notification area without using the mouse | 10:23 |
Jordan_U | flow^, No, it should be using ALSA | 10:23 |
Jordan_U | flow^, Do what DerangedDingo Suggested | 10:24 |
DerangedDingo | adamorjames: "use"? | 10:24 |
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DerangedDingo | adamorjames: If it helps, System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts has, well, what the name implies | 10:25 |
adamorjames | ok | 10:25 |
adamorjames | I'll try to figure it out | 10:25 |
adamorjames | bye | 10:25 |
tulga | I'm using ltsp, howto enable sound on client? | 10:25 |
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flow^ | but when WINE is using ALSA | 10:27 |
flow^ | for css | 10:27 |
flow^ | the game is laggy as heck | 10:27 |
=== bluszcz [n=bluszcz@poczta.jrbnet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
flow^ | I read from net that if you want it not to lag you have to use OSS | 10:27 |
bluszcz | how can I install ubuntu from pendrive? | 10:27 |
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DerangedDingo | flow^: Play with it. try running with ALSA, and if it lags, play with no sound | 10:27 |
Jordan_U | !install | bluszcz | 10:27 |
ubotu | bluszcz: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate | 10:27 |
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flow^ | DerangedDingo but I had sound with OSS | 10:28 |
flow^ | like yesterday | 10:28 |
flow^ | and it didnt lag :D | 10:28 |
DerangedDingo | flow^: System > Preferences > Sound | 10:28 |
Jordan_U | flow^, Then you need to not have any other program that makes sound running at the same time | 10:28 |
DerangedDingo | flow^: play with that as a last resort | 10:28 |
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flow^ | Jordan_U how can I see | 10:28 |
flow^ | that no other program is using OSS driver ? | 10:29 |
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flow^ | mik o hyv leffa | 10:29 |
Jordan_U | flow^, It doesn't matter if they are using the OSS driver or not, you can't have any other program making sound *at all* | 10:29 |
incorrect | is there a gnome subversion client? | 10:29 |
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dev_ | my keyboard prints multiple characters when pressed how do i solve this prob | 10:29 |
dev_ | works properly in win xp | 10:30 |
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leagris | hiroshiX, can someone if I should care these devd "DEPRECATED VALUES" warnings at boot time and if it can be fixed? | 10:30 |
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Jordan_U | dev_, What characters? Can you give an example? | 10:30 |
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dev_ | ex: wwwwwwwwwwertyyyy | 10:30 |
leagris | hiroshiX, can someone if I should care these devd "DEPRECATED VALUES" warnings at boot time and if it can be fixed? See: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33546/ | 10:31 |
flow^ | Jordan_U well how I see that | 10:31 |
flow^ | noprogram is using sound? :P | 10:31 |
flow^ | theres no sound in my headphones.. :D | 10:31 |
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pvl1 | any1 mind helping with pidgin? | 10:32 |
MasterShrek | !ask | pvl1 | 10:32 |
ubotu | pvl1: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:32 |
pvl1 | i cant get google talk to work in pdigin | 10:32 |
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MasterShrek | never used googletalk in pidgin, but from what ive heard its not very good | 10:33 |
pvl1 | meh, not gonna try then, i use aim anywa | 10:33 |
pvl1 | thnks tho | 10:33 |
Jordan_U | flow^, I guess you could run "echo test > /dev/dsp" and if you don't get an error then no other program is using the sound card *at that time* but I don't know of a way you could know if there are other programs that might make a sound effect at some point, but there shouldn't be many of those so it shouldn't be hard to not have any other apps try to make noise :) | 10:33 |
skt | I'm using gtalk in pidgin, works just fine =) | 10:33 |
dev_ | google talk works fine with pidgin | 10:34 |
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leagris | Can someone help on debuging "add_to_rules: PHYSDEV* values are deprecated" at boot time on my laptop? Here is a paste: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33546/ | 10:34 |
MasterShrek | i wonder why someone said it wasnt very good then... | 10:34 |
enry | help me how to set apex and pedice in gnumeric!!?? | 10:34 |
=== MasterShrek wouldnt know, i dont use it | ||
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pvl1 | its simply a personal taste | 10:34 |
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setkeh | ok i downloaded the exe and i type wine tibia800*.exe but i get an error message ?? | 10:35 |
enry | and with OO? | 10:35 |
enry | help me how to set apex and pedice in gnumeric!!?? or in OO | 10:35 |
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MasterShrek | setkeh, dont put the wildcard in there, type the entire filename | 10:35 |
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lostat_C | !video | 10:35 |
ubotu | Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications | 10:35 |
BaD_CrC | pvl1: http://www.google.com/support/talk/bin/answer.py?answer=24073 | 10:35 |
=== Greeny_ [n=greeny@77-96-136-35.cable.ubr03.pres.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pvl1 | i look into that, bad | 10:36 |
setkeh | MasterShrek: like wine desktop tibia800.exe?? | 10:36 |
lostat_C | !w32codec | 10:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about w32codec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:36 |
MasterShrek | yea setkeh that would be the first thing i try | 10:36 |
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MasterShrek | !w32codecs | 10:36 |
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs | 10:36 |
lostat_C | !w32codecs | 10:36 |
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setkeh | MasterShrek: thanks mate :D | 10:37 |
MasterShrek | setkeh, did it work? | 10:37 |
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setkeh | MasterShrek: no mate :( module not found is the error message :( | 10:38 |
MasterShrek | what module?> | 10:38 |
setkeh | MasterShrek: wine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\desktop.exe": Module not found | 10:38 |
MasterShrek | interesting | 10:39 |
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cas3 | how can I put a minimized running application into the system tray as an icon? | 10:39 |
MasterShrek | i dunno what to tell ya, but i dont think there should be double slashes in there | 10:39 |
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DerangedDingo | setkeh: You need to use quotes, and specify the path | 10:39 |
leagris | PHYSDEV* values are deprecated at boot time. Someone know how to fix this? | 10:39 |
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DerangedDingo | setkeh: such as wine "/home/john/Desktop/desktop.exe" | 10:40 |
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DerangedDingo | setkeh: or wine "Z:\Blah\Blah.exe" | 10:40 |
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Durmant | where is the setting for changing the number of works spaces? | 10:40 |
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setkeh | DerangedDingo: thanks mate | 10:40 |
Telep | Durmant: have you got Desktop Effects enabled or not? | 10:41 |
Durmant | ya I have them enabled | 10:41 |
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Durmant | but it says I only have 1 workspace | 10:41 |
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Telep | Right. The easiest way is probably to install gnome-compiz-manager | 10:41 |
Durmant | I have beryl installed | 10:42 |
Durmant | but now I dont have a title bar on any window :-/ | 10:42 |
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Durmant | damn I hate being a noob | 10:43 |
Telep | Durmant, hmm sorry can't help you there, maybe someone more knowledgeable about Beryl can help... | 10:43 |
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Durmant | well im going to try and uninstall it real quick.....is compiz like a equivelant? | 10:44 |
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DerangedDingo | Durmant: Type beryl --replace in a terminal | 10:44 |
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DerangedDingo | Durmant: if that doens't work, right click the Beryl Manager icon, and, pardon me, i forget the details, but in one of the little menu's, it might have an option for what Window Decorator to use | 10:45 |
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DerangedDingo | Durmant: Compiz is more stable, but lacks a few of the feautures Beryl has. HOWEVER, recently, Compiz and Beryl reunited, and formed Compiz-Fusion. I would define Compiz-Fusion as "kickass", but it's harder to install | 10:46 |
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r0bby | /w/win 2 | 10:46 |
Durmant | not noob friendly :-p | 10:46 |
dev_ | my keyboard prints multiple characters when pressed how do i solve this prob | 10:46 |
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DFM | Durmant: I have experienced this also which didn't let me move or resize the window but it wasn't with beryl, it happened after I enabled desktop effects | 10:47 |
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inventorgp | DerangedDingo: I had a couple of problems with compiz.. altho it looks nicer that beryl.. when you get it working | 10:47 |
DFM | Durmant: this is true | 10:47 |
DerangedDingo | DFM: Desktop Effects is just a launcher for Compiz | 10:47 |
tamiya | hey guys | 10:47 |
=== Anthonydu68 [n=anthony@bdi68-1-89-84-194-100.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tamiya | I'm trying to play a movie DVD but having no luck | 10:47 |
Anthonydu68 | Quelqu'un est Francais? | 10:48 |
DerangedDingo | DFM: Feisty comes with the core compiz packages preinstalled, and enabling "Desktop Effects" just starts compiz | 10:48 |
DFM | DerangedDingo: I didn't know that, but isn't compiz different from beryl? | 10:48 |
inventorgp | ! dvd | tamiya | 10:48 |
ubotu | tamiya: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 10:48 |
tamiya | the DVD drive is going nuts. Its just spinning. The apps is MPlayer | 10:48 |
dev_ | have you installed the codecs tamiya | 10:48 |
DerangedDingo | DFM: Beryl forked off of compiz's code and added more features | 10:48 |
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inventorgp | ! compiz | 10:48 |
tamiya | yes | 10:48 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 10:48 |
tamiya | I have installed the codecs | 10:48 |
DFM | DerangedDingo: guess I should have read up on that. Thanks for the education. | 10:48 |
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Anthonydu68 | The player VLC can use Thoggen file? | 10:48 |
inventorgp | yes Anthony | 10:48 |
tamiya | how do I stop the drive from spinning and eject my disc? | 10:48 |
DerangedDingo | DFM: lol.. sorry.. i need to keep away from wikipedia | 10:49 |
inventorgp | well it should anthony | 10:49 |
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tamiya | i have pressed the eject button the drive but nothng happens | 10:49 |
tamiya | it just spins and spins | 10:49 |
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DerangedDingo | Durmant: did my earlier messages help at all? | 10:49 |
DFM | DerangedDingo: NP I just have limited time and hate not knowing something trivial | 10:50 |
inventorgp | tamiya... straighten a paper clip and push it through the hole in your dvd drive the dvd might be stuck | 10:50 |
Durmant | no | 10:50 |
Jordan_U | DFM, They have remerged now though and the next release will be called compiz-fusion, and it looks really nice so far :) | 10:50 |
Durmant | still broke | 10:50 |
inventorgp | ! compiz-fusion | 10:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about compiz-fusion - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:50 |
inventorgp | darn | 10:50 |
DerangedDingo | Durmant: Okay, here's your last ditch option. | 10:50 |
Durmant | is there another config menu for desktop effects? | 10:50 |
DerangedDingo | Durmant: Which one do you want working, Compiz or Beryl? | 10:51 |
Durmant | well at the moment....I have niether....which ever is more noob friendly at the moment | 10:51 |
Jordan_U | Durmant, I suggest Compiz | 10:51 |
DerangedDingo | Durmant: in that case, start Desktop Effects and see if it works | 10:51 |
inventorgp | DerangedDingo:... I had compis working with the cube.. then couple of reboots later compiz dont work.. and it screws up my machine... | 10:52 |
Durmant | it doesnt | 10:52 |
DFM | Jordan_U: sounds good. I like what little I have played with. Only wish I could figure out why sometimes out of the clear blue it locks up my window's. I turn off desktop effects and even reboot but once it happens it's all over but the crying. | 10:52 |
setkeh | its still not working :( | 10:52 |
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Durmant | when I have it enabled.....I get 1 work space and no titlebars | 10:52 |
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DFM | same here when it happens to me | 10:52 |
Durmant | was working fine before I installed beryl | 10:52 |
Durmant | just uninstalled beryl hoping it would go back | 10:53 |
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DFM | well I never installed beryl | 10:53 |
Durmant | hmmm | 10:53 |
inventorgp | beryl = crap..... | 10:53 |
Durmant | so how do you normally fix it? | 10:53 |
Durmant | lol | 10:53 |
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inventorgp | umm reinstall???.. lol | 10:53 |
DFM | Durmant: Kill it and reinstall. Not the preferred method of most but I have no data to loose | 10:54 |
Durmant | not again....you know how long it took me to get glx working on this shit video card | 10:54 |
Durmant | geforce 4 440 go | 10:54 |
draker | Anyone running dual monitor setup with Xinerama? I'm having a slight problem with my cursor.. | 10:54 |
vlt | Hello. I have installed Feisty on a PC with an RTL8139/EM nic. This should be the module "8139too" but it isn't loaded automatically. Why could this be | 10:54 |
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Durmant | stupid laptop | 10:54 |
Jordan_U | Durmant, ATI? | 10:54 |
DFM | Durmant: get any decent Nvidia card and your video troubles will be gone. even a $25 one | 10:54 |
Durmant | Nvidia | 10:54 |
Durmant | Laptop | 10:55 |
Durmant | cant replace card :-p | 10:55 |
Jordan_U | Durmant, What problem did you have exactly? | 10:55 |
DFM | Durmant: crud. your stuck | 10:55 |
inventorgp | ATI & linux = wasted time | 10:55 |
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DerangedDingo | Durmant: To get the Window Manager working (assuming you have 3D capable video card), open up gConf-Editor with Alt-F2, and by typing "gconf-editor". Go under Apps > Beryl > General > plugins > decoration > allscreens > options, and on the right, for "command", enter gtk-window-decorator | 10:55 |
Durmant | ok when I enable the desktop effects.....I get no titlebars on any windows and I am limited to 1 workspace | 10:55 |
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DerangedDingo | Durmant: Then in my above post, change the word "beryl" to "compiz" | 10:56 |
Durmant | Beryl is no longer installed | 10:56 |
Durmant | ah | 10:56 |
tulga | my laptop speaker working. but mic not working. where is problem? | 10:56 |
Frogzoo | inventorgp: depends - <=850 does ok with fglrx | 10:56 |
NET||abuse | Hi all, i am in DESPERATE need of help, my mother, god bless her, tipped a pint of water into my laptop over the weekend, I can't get that machine to boot at all, but my housemate has saved me by offering a spare laptop chasey, my machine was an nc6000, and this is an nx6000 (both are HP) | 10:56 |
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Frogzoo | NET||abuse: if it's still wet, leave it somewhere warm with moving air till it 100% dry | 10:57 |
NET||abuse | so i stick in my hard drive, it boots, but.. of course, this is an intel graphics card, and mine was radeon, so, i've installed the xserver-intel-video | 10:57 |
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NET||abuse | Frogzoo, 've done all that, dissasembled, left in the hot air cubbord for 3 days, not joy | 10:57 |
inventorgp | rogzoo: okay.. yeah I heard somewhere that 850 is ok | 10:57 |
flow^ | well just leave your laptop to dry | 10:57 |
DFM | NET||abuse: if it is just watere and you unplugged it soon enough it should work again once dried out | 10:58 |
Durmant | that command you said to edit already had that in there | 10:58 |
flow^ | I have spilled 1.5l bottle of cocacola in my comp | 10:58 |
flow^ | straight on mb :D | 10:58 |
NET||abuse | DFM, i wasn't in the room when it happened (my neice was watching a dvd on it, mother brought her water) | 10:58 |
flow^ | it gave a little zapping sound and shutdown | 10:58 |
pvl1 | most laptops would be fine unless drenched for a while, just really wait for it to dry | 10:58 |
DFM | flow^: sweet action!!! | 10:58 |
flow^ | then I let it dry and wash it with alcohol cleaner or something | 10:58 |
DFM | NET||abuse: ah I see | 10:58 |
flow^ | now it works perfectly again :D | 10:58 |
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Flannel | NET||abuse: take it apart, completely. Wash it with distilled water (the salts in the water can cause problems) and then dry it out completely. | 10:58 |
NET||abuse | DFM, so she went hitting powere a few times after the event before coming for me | 10:59 |
pvl1 | ive fixed blackberries before with isopropyl(rubbing alcohol) | 10:59 |
DerangedDingo | Durmant: then something's really not working :P restart X with Ctrl Alt Backspace, and don't use compiz or Beryl is all I can say | 10:59 |
DFM | NET||abuse: gotta love mom. we all have one :) | 10:59 |
flow^ | Flannel I found some alcohol cleaner from comp shop that cleaned comp very well :D | 10:59 |
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NET||abuse | Flannel, well, right now i have my hard drive in this alternate laptop and i just need the xserver config to work | 10:59 |
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draker | I'm having a problem, I am running a dual-head ATI setup, but on one of my monitors my mouse cursor shows up as a square box.. anyone have this issue or know how to fix it? | 10:59 |
Flannel | flow^: as long as it doesn't dissolve any of the plastics, yeah. | 10:59 |
pvl1 | dollar store isopropyl seems to work just as fine | 10:59 |
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NET||abuse | DFM, i really need stuff to work (i have software on the laptop i need for work today) | 10:59 |
Durmant | there needs to be a system restore | 10:59 |
flow^ | hehehe :D:D:D | 11:00 |
pvl1 | well i doubt u can get it running in a few hours | 11:00 |
flow^ | just get some strong alcohol and stick your MB in there | 11:00 |
flow^ | :D | 11:00 |
Flannel | NET||abuse: If you dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, it should do it. | 11:00 |
flow^ | and hope it dont melt :D | 11:00 |
pvl1 | water damage can be really bad | 11:00 |
DFM | NET||abuse: I am afraid I will be useless in this case | 11:00 |
NET||abuse | so the xorg.conf is wrong.. but need it to be rewritten to work on intel card :) | 11:00 |
DerangedDingo | durmant: you could do "sudo dpkg --reconfigure _________" (the underscore's being the packages you want restored) | 11:00 |
NET||abuse | Flannel, thanks, i'll try that! :) | 11:00 |
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DFM | good night | 11:01 |
DerangedDingo | 'night | 11:01 |
Durmant | ....package I want restored lol.....I dont even know what packages those are | 11:07 |
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DerangedDingo | durmant: ubuntu-desktop would be the package to reset all | 11:07 |
DerangedDingo | Durmant: the package of packages | 11:07 |
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inventorgp | you can uninstall ubuntu-desktop | 11:07 |
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albert | what's the command to create a directory in terminal? | 11:07 |
DerangedDingo | Durmant: it wouldn't eliminate any of your data, but all your configurations and stuff would be restored to when you first installed | 11:07 |
DerangedDingo | mkdir | 11:07 |
albert | thanks | 11:07 |
tulga | someone use ltsp here? | 11:07 |
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Durmant | hmmm | 11:07 |
Durmant | it didnt know what that --reconfigure was | 11:07 |
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pvl1 | anyone know if itunse works in WINE? | 11:07 |
Durmant | unknown option | 11:07 |
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paulie_007 | how does dpkg differ from synaptic | 11:07 |
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paulie_007 | or apt-get | 11:07 |
negara | hy | 11:07 |
_-XPERT-_ | Hi all | 11:07 |
negara | hy too | 11:07 |
DerangedDingo | paulie_007: a lot of different ways.. apt-get and synaptic are more user friendly and have more options | 11:07 |
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NET||abuse | ok, i have xorg starting up now, just no sound, | 11:07 |
negara | hy | 11:07 |
NET||abuse | but, when i login something craps out | 11:07 |
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Durmant | what if I goto synaptics and mark everything for compiz? | 11:07 |
Durmant | will that do the same thing? | 11:07 |
paulie_007 | DerangedDingo: is synaptic just a gui for apt-get? | 11:07 |
DerangedDingo | paulie_007: yeah basically | 11:07 |
negara | what? | 11:07 |
DerangedDingo | paulie_007: apt-get and aptitude are for reading from the repositories. dpkg has more options for dealing with .debs you downloaded from the interweb | 11:07 |
negara | yeah | 11:07 |
negara | come on | 11:08 |
negara | come on baby | 11:08 |
NET||abuse | hmm, i have an error in /var/log/Xorg.0.log saying No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:0:2:1) found | 11:08 |
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Durmant | GRRRR! | 11:10 |
Durmant | still only 1 workspace | 11:10 |
Durmant | boo | 11:10 |
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paulie_007 | Durmant: gotta love the cube goodness | 11:11 |
Durmant | I hate you | 11:11 |
Durmant | lol | 11:11 |
Durmant | It worked awesome till I installed Beryl | 11:11 |
Durmant | then it broke | 11:11 |
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paulie_007 | haven't tried beryl ... but I am using compiz-fusion so I guess I kind've am using beryl | 11:12 |
abuyazan | i have problem in my wireless connection on HP laptop with ubuntu 7.04 | 11:12 |
abuyazan | it was working but now it sill try to connect but with no luck | 11:13 |
pvl1 | can it find the router? | 11:13 |
abuyazan | i can see the access point with good signal | 11:13 |
pvl1 | secured? | 11:13 |
abuyazan | pvl, yes | 11:13 |
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rudy_1 | good morning | 11:14 |
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pvl1 | sometimes u just need a diff app | 11:14 |
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rudy_1 | a good program for sharing music? | 11:14 |
pvl1 | are u using whatever came with feisty? | 11:14 |
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udung | any1 can help me ? | 11:14 |
pvl1 | amule is good for international music idunno if its good for other things, rudy | 11:14 |
SlimeyPe1e | rudy_1: emule/amule | 11:15 |
abuyazan | pvl, i am using nm-applet come with feisty | 11:15 |
rudy_1 | thanks guys | 11:15 |
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SlimeyPe1e | udung: just ask your question and if we can help you then we will :) | 11:15 |
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pvl1 | abuyazan, i would personally just see what other apps there are | 11:16 |
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pvl1 | i was using wireless on my toshiba laptop with a previous verision and it worked, i dont know how well the feisty wireless app is | 11:16 |
Durmant | its working for me | 11:16 |
pvl1 | at the top right though, there should be an icon to modify ur settings | 11:17 |
Durmant | on my toshiba | 11:17 |
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pvl1 | yeah toshiba is good | 11:17 |
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udung | new into ubuntu, can install the right driver for my vga, i had cds from the store but it contains rpm files not deb files | 11:17 |
rudy_1 | do rpms need conversion before being installed into ubuntu? | 11:18 |
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pvl1 | idk about that | 11:19 |
pvl1 | google! | 11:19 |
rudy_1 | or can we just do rpm -i | 11:19 |
dgjones | !rpm | udung, rudy_1 | 11:19 |
ubotu | udung, rudy_1: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 11:19 |
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SlimeyPe1e | rudy_1: use the repositories or a .deb package if you can | 11:19 |
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abuyazan | i am trying to download knetworkmanager | 11:19 |
SlimeyPe1e | rudy_1: emule/amule are available via synaptic, if that's what you're looking for | 11:19 |
Durmant | LOL | 11:20 |
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rudy_1 | ive heard about alien.. | 11:20 |
Durmant | I uninstalled compiz but forgot to disable the desktop effects first | 11:20 |
Durmant | omg | 11:20 |
Durmant | someone cut me | 11:20 |
udung | thx | 11:20 |
koshari | udung whats your card? | 11:21 |
habo | Guys s quick QUestion ... is there a P2P programs like limewire for linux??? | 11:21 |
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habo | not torrents | 11:21 |
SlimeyPe1e | habo: emule/amule | 11:21 |
pvl1 | kosharl try amule | 11:21 |
pvl1 | er habo | 11:21 |
_-XPERT-_ | Does anyone know where to download package dvd's of Ubuntu 7.0.4 ? | 11:21 |
pvl1 | my mistake | 11:21 |
habo | oww thx | 11:21 |
rudy_1 | i found amule with synaptic | 11:21 |
rudy_1 | what's the difference between amule and emule? | 11:21 |
rudy_1 | same servers? | 11:22 |
habo | program not programs i meant ..... lol typos | 11:22 |
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SlimeyPe1e | rudy_1: amule's a bit more up-to-date but is less stable | 11:22 |
pvl1 | the way it works, emule is mroe of a technology | 11:22 |
habo | thxxx | 11:22 |
=== Todd_ [n=chatzill@beachhouse-host-40-82.CITRAMEDIA.NET.ID] has joined #ubuntu | ||
habo | so emule or amule??? | 11:22 |
habo | which one? | 11:22 |
koshari | i thaught amult WAS the linux port for emule? | 11:22 |
pvl1 | i know emule works | 11:22 |
SlimeyPe1e | habo: I use emule because it's more stable. | 11:22 |
pvl1 | koshar i think ur correct | 11:23 |
SlimeyPe1e | koshari: nope, there's a linux emule | 11:23 |
habo | they both connect on the same network? | 11:23 |
SlimeyPe1e | habo: yes | 11:23 |
pvl1 | sorta | 11:23 |
habo | thx | 11:23 |
habo | smiley | 11:23 |
koshari | ok, well ihave only ever used amule and had no prob for the last 2 years | 11:23 |
Durmant | there is no torrent ap for linux? | 11:23 |
pvl1 | shure there is | 11:23 |
setkeh | i still cant get wine to work lol | 11:23 |
Durmant | that makes me a sad panda | 11:23 |
NET||abuse | ok,, so i have no login happening here,, i get the the gdm login, and basically as soon as it takes in my user/password X dies, but it restarts imediately, so does that mean /var/log/Xorg.0.log gets restarted so whatever error i need is lost? | 11:23 |
habo | Durmant USe ktorrent i use it its really good | 11:24 |
SlimeyPe1e | Durmant: there are loads of torrent apps | 11:24 |
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SlimeyPe1e | ktorrent, bittorrent, bittornado, azureus, and lots more | 11:24 |
Durmant | good | 11:24 |
dgjones | !torrent | 11:24 |
ubotu | Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) - Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html | 11:24 |
SlimeyPe1e | habo: I don't think the emule port is in synaptic though so amule is probably easier to find/install | 11:25 |
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abuyazan | it work fine now both application work fine after i installed knetworkmanager | 11:25 |
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rudy_1 | in synaptic u can find amule only | 11:25 |
sauvin | Does anybody remember how to convert ape files to flac? | 11:25 |
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silverman | has joined | 11:26 |
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pvl1 | any1 kno any sites where to get pidgin smiles? | 11:27 |
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poningru | habo: I figure it out | 11:28 |
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poningru | its displaying on the vga output for whatever reason | 11:28 |
NET||abuse | ok, i've rebooted, the intel driver is starting up my gdm login, but something is killing the x session right after login | 11:28 |
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Durmant | now ive done it | 11:28 |
NET||abuse | and it restarts gdm immediately so i can't check any new messages after login in Xorg.0.log | 11:28 |
NET||abuse | is there anything i can do here? | 11:28 |
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Durmant | now I dont have a top or bottom bar lol | 11:28 |
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paulie_007 | Durmant: sounds like you need to restart | 11:29 |
habo | poinggri?? u fingure my graphic cards probs? | 11:29 |
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habo | poinggru.. | 11:29 |
poningru | habo: yes | 11:29 |
poningru | habo: you have a blank screen when you bootup right? | 11:30 |
habo | what is it ??? thx ... for working on it tho :S how can i pay u back | 11:30 |
habo | yes | 11:30 |
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Durmant | hmmm I figured out how to add workspaces.....but when I change over to them they dont have toolbars | 11:30 |
habo | poingre yes i do | 11:30 |
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poningru | habo: yeah the output is toward the connection on the outside of the laptop | 11:30 |
Durmant | screw it....ill just reinstall and learn from my mistake | 11:30 |
habo | poingru?? | 11:31 |
habo | what do you mean | 11:31 |
poningru | habo: do you see a little blue connection on the back of your laptop? | 11:31 |
habo | towards an extenal monitor? | 11:31 |
poningru | thats for outside monitors | 11:31 |
poningru | right | 11:31 |
habo | oww yes ... blue | 11:31 |
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poningru | for whatever reason ubuntu is directing the video toward that instead of the laptop screen | 11:31 |
poningru | I will try to figure this out | 11:32 |
habo | but its wierd coz i never used an external on it lol | 11:32 |
Co`Bru`JogJa | asd | 11:32 |
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habo | poninggru thx alot | 11:32 |
poningru | habo: funny thing is gutsy should work on this out of the box | 11:32 |
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killerpiggy | can anyone help me with an error im gettin when botting inti ububtu? | 11:33 |
habo | poingru .. well it did work out of the box with pclinuxos man ... but why does it directing my vid to an external monitor | 11:33 |
habo | i never used an external on it | 11:34 |
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killerpiggy | booting into ubuntu* | 11:34 |
poningru | habo: I know, and this is a bug in package | 11:34 |
poningru | I will figure out how to get this fixed | 11:34 |
poningru | killerpiggy: whats the error? | 11:34 |
TBZ | !gtk | 11:34 |
ubotu | GTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI | 11:34 |
sacater | hey guys, if i burn the i386 .iso to a DVD, will everything still be able to work okay | 11:35 |
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killerpiggy | /dev/sd1 does not exist | 11:35 |
habo | poingru .. owww thx man for thinking about it tho :) | 11:35 |
killerpiggy | dropping nto a shell | 11:35 |
poningru | sacater: it should | 11:35 |
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sacater | poningru: k thanks | 11:35 |
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killerpiggy | poningru: its /dev/sd1 does nto exist dropping to a shell! | 11:36 |
killerpiggy | not* | 11:37 |
poningru | killerpiggy: how did you install this? | 11:37 |
poningru | killerpiggy: when did you install this? | 11:37 |
killerpiggy | with the burned cd that i made | 11:37 |
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killerpiggy | today | 11:37 |
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poningru | killerpiggy: what version of ubuntu is what I meant | 11:37 |
killerpiggy | oh | 11:37 |
killerpiggy | the latest | 11:37 |
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poningru | feisty? | 11:37 |
Durmant | well im off to bed, thanks for the help guys | 11:38 |
bimmel | someone in here an englishman, and can do me a favour? | 11:38 |
killerpiggy | its 7.04 | 11:38 |
poningru | killerpiggy: yeah thats feisty | 11:38 |
poningru | weird | 11:38 |
Eq|work | bimmel : possibly. | 11:38 |
killerpiggy | feisty? | 11:38 |
killerpiggy | what is that | 11:38 |
Eq|work | the codename | 11:38 |
poningru | killerpiggy: dont worry thats the internal code name | 11:38 |
killerpiggy | right | 11:38 |
killerpiggy | ok | 11:38 |
=== Eq|work beats his d630 with gutsy | ||
bimmel | Eq|work: http://www.dirty-pages.de/new-world-disorder-8-teaser/ can you write down for me the speach, he is talking to fast for me but i need it | 11:39 |
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poningru | killerpiggy: ok what kinda system is this? | 11:39 |
killerpiggy | like spec's you mean | 11:39 |
Eq|work | bimmel : no sound atm, so can't really.. sorry :-/ | 11:39 |
poningru | desktop? laptop? what kinda mobo? right | 11:40 |
killerpiggy | oh | 11:40 |
killerpiggy | desktop | 11:40 |
killerpiggy | home built | 11:40 |
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bimmel | no problem, and thanks for your help :) | 11:40 |
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pc_ | sexy girl seek nice gentelmen | 11:40 |
poningru | what kinda mobo/controller card do you have? | 11:40 |
poningru | !ops | pc_ | 11:40 |
ubotu | pc_: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 11:40 |
dixon | what's the command for suspend and hibernate? I mean, how can I execute suspend or hibernate from the command line | 11:40 |
killerpiggy | i dont know exactly what mobo it is but it came out of a ibm thinkcentre | 11:41 |
poningru | hmm | 11:42 |
Eq|work | dixon : probably 'suspend' .. or at least related to it. | 11:42 |
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poningru | did the live cd bootup on it correctly? | 11:42 |
Eq|work | anyone here used gutsy on a dell d630? | 11:42 |
=== Eq|work is fighting with it atm | ||
killerpiggy | no | 11:42 |
killerpiggy | i try to boot from it and i get that | 11:42 |
killerpiggy | the only clue on the mobo i have is it just says IBM rev 2.7 | 11:43 |
poningru | killerpiggy: what? | 11:43 |
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Eq|work | you got any os on the machine atm killerpiggy ? | 11:43 |
poningru | you tried to boot from the cd and you get that? | 11:43 |
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poningru | ok sooo weird | 11:43 |
MinuteElectron | I am running Ubuntu server edition - wher can I find my USB ext hdd that I just plugged in? | 11:43 |
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MinuteElectron | There is nothing in /mnt | 11:44 |
poningru | MindOfChaos: it should /dev/sd something | 11:44 |
killerpiggy | no i do not have a os on it right now i formatted it | 11:44 |
SlimeyPe1e | MinuteElectron: /media is the usual place in ubuntu | 11:44 |
ziroday | MinuteElectron: try /media | 11:44 |
MinuteElectron | Thanks | 11:44 |
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MinuteElectron | Hmm, there is no USB hard drive in there. | 11:44 |
poningru | so you gotta do sudo mount /dev/sd<whatever> /media/<whatever> | 11:44 |
poningru | MinuteElectron: read what I just said | 11:44 |
MinuteElectron | I see. | 11:44 |
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poningru | killerpiggy: get a new cd | 11:45 |
poningru | that sounds like the cd got fracked up | 11:45 |
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MinuteElectron | poningru: Any ideas what the <whatever> could be? | 11:45 |
Eq|work | MinuteElectron : dmesg | tail | 11:45 |
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MinuteElectron | thanks | 11:45 |
killerpiggy | ok i will try that | 11:45 |
MinuteElectron | Ahh, sda | 11:45 |
MinuteElectron | thanks | 11:45 |
Eq|work | you'll probably need to create a dir in /media or /mnt to mount it to.. | 11:46 |
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MinuteElectron | yeah | 11:46 |
ion | I need to search and replace a part in text "0.80" to "0.70" in about 100 files in a few directories, how can I do this recursively, is there an app to do it | 11:47 |
killerpiggy | how can i get to a command prompt at the boot loader? | 11:47 |
MinuteElectron | Hmm, problem. What do I do to specify fat32, I can't see it in the manual. | 11:48 |
killerpiggy | wait a sec | 11:48 |
killerpiggy | how can i re format the drive? | 11:48 |
Eq|work | MinuteElectron : mount -t vfat | 11:48 |
MinuteElectron | Eq|work: thanks | 11:48 |
Eq|work | but mount should autodetect it | 11:48 |
Nikolas | ion, check sed | 11:49 |
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ion | find . -type f | xargs perl -pi~ -e 's/oldtext/newtext/g;' | 11:49 |
ion | will this work Nikolas | 11:49 |
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TylerJGillies | when i try to chroot to /media/disk (/dev/hda1) it get a segfault. i'm using livecd | 11:50 |
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TylerJGillies | s/it/i'm/ | 11:50 |
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Rowan | WHEN IS UBUNTU 8.45 COMING OUT? | 11:52 |
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Rowan | HE SAID I'D BE THE FIRST TO GET IT | 11:52 |
poningru | !ops | Rowan | 11:53 |
poningru | !op | Rowan | 11:53 |
ubotu | Rowan: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 11:53 |
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jeremy_west | hey guys | 11:54 |
paulie_007 | heya | 11:54 |
shearn89 | Roawn: and why did you bother to buy it, ubuntu's free? | 11:54 |
elkbuntu | Rowan, please behave | 11:54 |
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pitwalker | Hi, all! Anybody know an image manipulator program (like gwenview) that can rotate serious files by manual click, andt DON'T modify the last modification time? | 11:54 |
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pitwalker | I have this problem vith Gwenview 1.4.1 | 11:55 |
jeremy_west | I followed the instructions located here: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/unetbootin.html and when the installation is finished i get a /dev/sd1 does not exist error? | 11:55 |
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jeremy_west | can anyone help me? | 11:56 |
shearn89 | pitwalker: i think all image manipulation programs change the mod time, because they have to change the picture. | 11:56 |
shearn89 | pitwalker: they basically swap all the pixels over.... | 11:56 |
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mattgu | this is really upsetting me. i cannot get my nvidia geforce go 7600 to be 1440x900 resolution! can somebody help me?? | 11:56 |
Eq|work | mattgu : tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? | 11:56 |
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paulie_007 | jeremy_west: do you not have a cd-r? | 11:57 |
jeremy_west | my computer is in pieces sitting on my desk at a friends house and i diddnt bring my cdr | 11:57 |
mattgu | wow...eq|work... | 11:57 |
OminousZ | Anyone around who is experienced with attempting to install ubuntu off a partition using grub? I've ran into an error 15: file not found error, despite doing everything on -> this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux correctly | 11:57 |
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Eq|work | hm.. this is fun.. when i change the effects level, i get 'nvidia hardware not available'.. lol | 11:57 |
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OminousZ | the only difference is I'm doing the server version text install iso of 7.04 | 11:58 |
Eq|work | mattgu : most of the settings you should be able to leave as default, or use autodetect.. when it gets to the monitor, it should pick up the lcd res. | 11:58 |
poningru | Ominous: err you dont need that | 11:58 |
poningru | !grub | 11:58 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 11:58 |
jeremy_west | his crd wouldent burn the disk for some reason | 11:58 |
poningru | just reinstall grub | 11:58 |
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Raff7 | hi all | 11:58 |
dvm | Is it possible to choose scim language using shell command? | 11:58 |
OminousZ | poningru, I'm attempting to install the server version of ubuntu without using a cd | 11:59 |
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TylerJGillies | can you install a package to a specific place using apt-get? like apt-get install --root-directory=/tmp/foo | 11:59 |
OminousZ | when I choose the new option I made labeled "installer" I get error 15: file not found | 11:59 |
poningru | Ominous: oh | 11:59 |
OminousZ | I've tried editing the boot options to use other partitions, no luck | 11:59 |
poningru | where did you point it at? | 11:59 |
OminousZ | hd(0,3) | 12:00 |
OminousZ | er | 12:00 |
OminousZ | 0,2 sorry | 12:00 |
poningru | are you sure thats it? | 12:00 |
OminousZ | since it's /dev/sda3 | 12:00 |
jeremy_west | I followed the instructions located here: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/unetbootin.html and when the installation is finished i get a /dev/sd1 does not exist error? i couldent burn the cd with my friends cdr for somereason | 12:00 |
habo | Guys where can i find the linux version of emule .... i tried looking for it all i get is the .exe file | 12:00 |
Raff7 | i wrote beryl on the command line and i passed the tests, but "beryl: Failed to load slide: /home/robb/hotcorners_racarr.svg | 12:00 |
OminousZ | well I've tried both | 12:00 |
OminousZ | so even if I'm not sure | 12:00 |
OminousZ | ;P | 12:00 |
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poningru | do you have other disks? | 12:00 |
Frogzoo | all my desktop icons are now text files called xxxx.desktop - any ideas? | 12:00 |
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OminousZ | I only have the one | 12:00 |
OminousZ | scsi raid | 12:00 |
Frogzoo | habo: amule | 12:01 |
habo | frogzo .. yes but people told me emule is more stable | 12:01 |
dvm | Is it possible to choose scim language using shell command? | 12:01 |
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erUSUL | habo: amule with 'a' it's an emule clone | 12:01 |
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erUSUL | !info amule | habo | 12:01 |
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ubotu | habo: amule: client for the eD2k and Kad networks, like eMule. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.3-1ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 1266 kB, installed size 3452 kB | 12:01 |
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poningru | go into the prompt and try to autocomplete the thing | 12:01 |
habo | erusul ... i knwo about amule i found it the package manager but ialot of people said emule is more stable | 12:02 |
jeremy_west | I followed the instructions located here: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/unetbootin.html and when the installation is finished i get a /dev/sd1 does not exist error? i couldent burn the cd with my friends cdr for somereason | 12:02 |
OminousZ | autocomplete the hd(0,3) ? | 12:02 |
poningru | Ominous: yes | 12:02 |
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DARKGuy | hey guys, how do I enable the restricted manager for installing my nvidia driver? (GeForce4 Ti 4200, usually nVIDIA 9639 max.) | 12:02 |
OminousZ | er | 12:02 |
OminousZ | 0,2 | 12:02 |
habo | thx guys | 12:02 |
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poningru | Ominous: if you go into the prompt and start typing root (hd and then tab it should start autocompleteing | 12:02 |
OminousZ | ooh cool | 12:02 |
erUSUL | habo: !? afaik there is no linux version of emule | 12:02 |
OminousZ | comes up with a list | 12:02 |
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OminousZ | I have 1-4 | 12:02 |
poningru | so right because of the raid I think grub is confused | 12:03 |
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erUSUL | habo: maybe it runs in wine but i do not see the point of doing that | 12:03 |
=== _Ahti [n=none_of_@220-244-221-165-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
OminousZ | no, I should have 4 partitions | 12:03 |
poningru | !emule | habo | 12:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about emule - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:03 |
habo | eRUSUL .. yup there is ..... poninggru said thee was .. or someone els eim not sure | 12:03 |
jeremy_west | I followed the instructions located here: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/unetbootin.html and when the installation is finished i get a /dev/sd1 does not exist error? i couldent burn the cd with my friends cdr for somereason | 12:03 |
_Ahti | could someone tell me where the package "vmware-server" has gone off to -.- | 12:03 |
_Ahti | it was there a while ago | 12:03 |
habo | poingru .. its an !emule with the ! ? | 12:03 |
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OminousZ | the / and /home/ are seperate, I have some swap space, and some unallocated | 12:03 |
_Ahti | !vmware | 12:03 |
ubotu | VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers | 12:03 |
OminousZ | this seems to reflect that properly | 12:03 |
poningru | _Ahti: you have to enable the canonical commercial repository | 12:04 |
OminousZ | well, and the temp partition I set up to boot off of | 12:04 |
poningru | ok with that I must go to bed | 12:04 |
Eq|work | habo : try amule | 12:04 |
poningru | nn guys | 12:04 |
jeremy_west | can anyone help me? | 12:04 |
DARKGuy | hey guys, how do I enable the restricted manager for installing my nvidia driver? (GeForce4 Ti 4200, usually nVIDIA 9639 max.) - I'm in a fresh Ubuntu Feisty install, updating as I speak. | 12:04 |
OminousZ | so I'm guessing the swap isn't listed since it's not primary | 12:04 |
_Ahti | pningru, right-o | 12:04 |
_Ahti | ...how? 0.0? | 12:04 |
habo | thx guys | 12:04 |
jeremy_west | I followed the instructions located here: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/unetbootin.html and when the installation is finished i get a /dev/sd1 does not exist error? i couldent burn the cd with my friends cdr for somereason can anyone help me? | 12:05 |
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OminousZ | Gnight poningru | 12:05 |
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Morpheouss | hi | 12:05 |
Morpheouss | does ubuntu 7.04 support reiser4? i not mean booting from it, but if i boot livedvd can i access reiser4? | 12:05 |
_Ahti | Where do i get canonical's "commercial" repo? | 12:05 |
_Ahti | Or rather what is it -.- | 12:06 |
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Eq|work | _Ahti : it's in the software sources app in system/administration | 12:06 |
jeremy_west | can anyone help me? | 12:06 |
Eq|work | contains all non-free software.. things that aren't under open licenses. | 12:06 |
DARKGuy | !ask | jeremy_west | 12:06 |
ubotu | jeremy_west: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 12:06 |
Eq|work | ubotu : he did. look up :P | 12:07 |
Morpheouss | anyone? | 12:07 |
Eq|work | gah. | 12:07 |
DARKGuy | lol my bad | 12:07 |
jeremy_west | yeah srsly | 12:07 |
jeremy_west | lol | 12:07 |
=== Eq|work punts a large crate at the bot | ||
DARKGuy | sorry xD | 12:07 |
jeremy_west | :> | 12:07 |
jeremy_west | so | 12:07 |
Todd_ | Problem, while trying to set JAVA_HOME variable on Ubuntu server 6.10.... | 12:07 |
Todd_ | Running this...sudo echo "JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun" >> /etc/environment | 12:07 |
jeremy_west | so dard can you help me with my problem? | 12:08 |
jeremy_west | dark* | 12:08 |
Todd_ | returns -bash: /etc/environment: Permission denied | 12:08 |
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DARKGuy | jeremy_west: nope, I'm sorry, I've never done any ubuntu network installation in my life :/ | 12:08 |
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Todd_ | Any ideas? | 12:08 |
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jeremy_west | i diddnt do it over network | 12:08 |
DARKGuy | hey guys, how do I enable the restricted manager for installing my nvidia driver? (GeForce4 Ti 4200, usually nVIDIA 9639 max.) - I'm in a fresh Ubuntu Feisty install, updating as I speak. | 12:08 |
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jeremy_west | it was on one computer | 12:09 |
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mrk | What's a command to check if I installed the graphics nvidia card properly? | 12:09 |
DARKGuy | jeremy_west: huh, not much ideas either :/ | 12:09 |
jeremy_west | ok | 12:09 |
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jeremy_west | I followed the instructions located here: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/unetbootin.html and when the installation is finished i get a /dev/sd1 does not exist error? i couldent burn the cd with my friends cdr for somereason can anyone help me? | 12:09 |
jeremy_west | DARKguy: do you know how i would go about reformatting my HD | 12:10 |
MinuteElectron | /part/ | 12:10 |
jeremy_west | so i can try the disk | 12:10 |
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Todd_ | I'm having issues creating the JAVA_HOME variable while installing Sun JDK onto Ubuntu server 6.10 | 12:11 |
habo | Guys about amule WHy do i get no valid serves in the list? | 12:11 |
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mrk | What's a command to check if I installed the graphics nvidia card properly? | 12:11 |
habo | whenever i try to connect on amule i cant i get no valid servers found in | 12:11 |
FrozenFlame | testing testing | 12:11 |
FrozenFlame | gut | 12:11 |
DARKGuy | jeremy_west: not in Linux, but I know you can download a bootdisk from www.bootdisks.com (or any other page that shows up in google with downloadable bootdisks) and make a floppy disk out of an image of a bootdisk in there and reformat oO | 12:11 |
jeremy_west | it works frozen | 12:11 |
FrozenFlame | :D yes i see. ;D | 12:11 |
adrian_ | Hi, in Evolution I cannot remove my deleted mail I get the error Error while expunging folder Error storincg a folder. Any ideas? | 12:11 |
jeremy_west | ok thanks darkguy | 12:12 |
DARKGuy | but of course, FAT or TNFS o.O | 12:12 |
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OminousZ | Are the locations of the kernel and initrd different on the server+text install cd? | 12:12 |
DARKGuy | *NTFS | 12:12 |
DARKGuy | dunno about formatting in ext3 or other linux fs | 12:12 |
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Morpheouss | or maybe U know any 64bit linux livecd with reiser4 support? | 12:12 |
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DARKGuy | hey guys, how do I enable the restricted manager for installing my nvidia driver? (GeForce4 Ti 4200, usually nVIDIA 9639 max.) - I'm in a fresh Ubuntu Feisty install, updating as I speak. | 12:12 |
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jeremy_west | I followed the instructions located here: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/unetbootin.html and when the installation is finished i get a /dev/sd1 does not exist error? i couldent burn the cd with my friends cdr for somereason can anyone help me? | 12:13 |
Eq|work | DARKGuy : by restricted manager, you mean for the commercial software? | 12:13 |
habo | HELP...whenever i try to connect on amule i cant i get no valid servers found in.. DO i have to type in the servers MANUALLY ?????? | 12:13 |
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Eq|work | habo : ask the amule people.. | 12:13 |
mrk | habo don't spam for f*** sake | 12:13 |
=== three14 [n=eddie@pool-71-176-133-110.hag.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DARKGuy | Eq|work: Nope, that thingy that says that you're using an opensource video driver and allows you to install/download the correct propietary driver | 12:13 |
habo | eq|work ... they have a channel? | 12:13 |
Eq|work | you could try telling it to get the server list from an emule source.. (go find where you can get the list of servers..) | 12:14 |
Eq|work | no idea. | 12:14 |
Eq|work | DARKGuy : ah.. err, dunno tbh | 12:14 |
Fute1 | hi guys, i just installed Festy Fawn and its great lol way more simpler then when i put gentoo 2.6.21 on ouch that was hard lol.. one problem im having problems playing any audio though i did a hardware check and i notice my sound card and onboard both are ment to be working fine.. just no audios coming out, its turned up and im using the right one lol its also not mute lol any ideas please PST me i would really appreciate it, thanks i | 12:14 |
Eq|work | see what happens after the upgrade is finished? | 12:14 |
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habo | ok thx | 12:14 |
phenom | Hi people, could anyone guide me to lit or have experience installing xp dual boot with ubuntu which is currently the only os? Should I look in to vmware or is their a better alternate to install xp dual boot? | 12:14 |
Eq|work | Fute1 : sure that both master & pci is turned up? | 12:14 |
Eq|work | pcm* | 12:14 |
DARKGuy | Eq|work: that's ok xD... yeah, gonna wait. It usually pops up -after- I've installed my own nvidia downloaded driver -.- so I want to try the other way around xD | 12:14 |
jeremy_west | I followed the instructions located here: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/unetbootin.html and when the installation is finished i get a /dev/sd1 does not exist error? i couldent burn the cd with my friends cdr for somereason can anyone help me? | 12:15 |
mrk | What's a command to check if I installed the graphics nvidia card properly? | 12:15 |
Fute1 | hmm pci im not sure good thinking lol i didnt even knew i hade to turn it up on the pci.... | 12:15 |
Eq|work | mrk : try glxinfo | 12:15 |
phenom | I finally found my xp discs :) | 12:15 |
Eq|work | and glxgears | 12:15 |
Eq|work | phenom : read the common questions bit on the website support section | 12:15 |
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mrk | Eq|work: glxgears seems fine, glxinfo gives me alot of lines with numbers :o) | 12:16 |
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banyunet | paijo | 12:16 |
wehttamb | i normally get automatic updates every day for compiz fusion but recently i havent had any updates. im using trolvenos repo. has he not updated it recently? | 12:16 |
phenom | Eq|work: I believe I did, I'll check in to it a bit more. My concern is ubuntu being primary, normally one installs ubuntu from xp :) | 12:16 |
Eq|work | mrk: what numbers do you get from glxgears | 12:16 |
Fute1 | /name Futex | 12:17 |
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mrk | Eq|work: 102063 frames in 5.0 seconds = 20412.580 FPS | 12:17 |
Eq|work | and do glxinfo | grep dri | 12:17 |
Eq|work | holy fark that's fast. | 12:17 |
fute1 | YEAH LOL | 12:17 |
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mrk | i got 8800 gts | 12:17 |
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arturo_on_rails | Hi guys, I'm trying to install ubuntu on an aging Toshiba S1800 lappy, and the LiveCD doesn't boot, so I copied it on the HDD and installed lilo in the MBR. | 12:18 |
arturo_on_rails | I need the proper kernel parameters... | 12:18 |
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mrk | Eq|work: that doesn't do anything | 12:18 |
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BlackDalek | what kernel is feisty supposed to be? Is 2.6.17-11 right? | 12:18 |
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wehttamb | i normally get automatic updates every day for compiz fusion but recently i havent had any updates. im using trolvenos repo. has he not updated it recently? | 12:19 |
arturo_on_rails | My current parameters are: root=/dev/ram0 ramdisk_size=12000 rootfstype=ramfs <-- but I am getting an error 'cannot open console' or the like on boot | 12:19 |
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maz1977 | hi all | 12:19 |
sygon | could anyone tell me how i would go about checking if my pci sound is turned up?? | 12:19 |
sygon | hi maz | 12:19 |
maz1977 | i have BIG problem firefox | 12:19 |
mrk | OK I gotta go to work I will be back midnight thanks | 12:19 |
wehttamb | i normally get automatic updates every day for compiz fusion but recently i havent had any updates. im using trolvenos repo. has he not updated it recently? | 12:19 |
arturo_on_rails | sygon: alsamix | 12:19 |
maz1977 | i can't see some site | 12:19 |
arturo_on_rails | Guys, any ideas? | 12:19 |
sygon | ty artuo | 12:19 |
maz1977 | i thought it was gzip problem | 12:19 |
sygon | google maybe mate? | 12:19 |
maz1977 | but it isn't | 12:19 |
sygon | check fourms for a tutorial on how to boot from a harddrive | 12:20 |
bentob0x | is there a problem with the apache2 package? | 12:20 |
Morpheouss | does ubuntu 7.04 support reiser4? i not mean booting from it, but if i boot livedvd can i access reiser4? | 12:20 |
sygon | try this first maz can u ping google.com | 12:20 |
sygon | lol of course u can u are on IRC now :( srry... | 12:20 |
Eq|work | arturo_on_rails : what gfx chipset? | 12:20 |
adrian_ | OK found work round https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+bug/27014/comments/6 | 12:20 |
maz1977 | sygon is not dns connection problem | 12:20 |
Eq|work | maz1977 : it's more likely your isp or those sites. | 12:21 |
sygon | proxy maybe? | 12:21 |
maz1977 | I see only strange charatercs | 12:21 |
OminousZ | Is it normal to format a partition to ext3 and end up with 227.53 MiB used? | 12:21 |
sygon | do you see html source? | 12:21 |
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maz1977 | do you use firefox ubuntu? | 12:21 |
arturo_on_rails | Eq|work: Trident | 12:21 |
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Eq|work | OminousZ : depends on the size of the partition, but yeah that's probably about right.. it's the journal | 12:21 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by PriceChild at Sun Aug 5 18:04:23 2007 | ||
(dgjones/#ubuntu) arturo_on_rails, np, just thought there may have been some help in the wiki for you | 12:25 | |
(sipior/#ubuntu) !envy > sipior | 12:26 | |
(nubu/#ubuntu) Could anyone help me how can I mount the macosx drive (Lacie drive externally connected with firewire) in ubuntu? | 12:26 | |
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dicki | Eq|work: ok that file has some info on the card, can i just add MTU 1500 on to the end of this string? | 12:27 |
Eq|work | arturo_on_rails : you're using the normal livecd? yeah, it normally boots into X, asks you a few questions when you double click on the install icon, then installs the base system | 12:27 |
dicki | iface eth0 inet dhcp mtu 1500 | 12:27 |
DerangedDingo | nubu: "sudo mount /path/to/mountpoint" is that what you're asking? | 12:27 |
Eq|work | dicki : read the documentation | 12:27 |
Eq|work | man interfaces | 12:27 |
Eq|work | should be it | 12:27 |
sauvin | How do I enable French language support on konsoles? | 12:27 |
cewEk | ] | 12:27 |
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cewEk | hi | 12:28 |
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nubu | DerangedDingo: No, the live ubuntu cd does not detect the external firewire drive | 12:28 |
sygon | how do i check if my pci sound is on or turned up, any ideas ? :-/ | 12:28 |
sygon | hi cewek | 12:28 |
dgjones | !sound | 12:28 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 12:28 |
dicki | Eq|work: thanks i'll check it out :) | 12:28 |
sygon | tyvm guys thanks | 12:28 |
arturo_on_rails | Eq|work: ?_? yes... | 12:28 |
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DerangedDingo | nubu: I have a few ideas, but I don't know enough to be sure.. have you tried the forums? | 12:29 |
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OminousZ | hokay wish me luck... attempting to boot installer from disk again | 12:30 |
OminousZ | using different partition this time | 12:30 |
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zarshark | whois Fade | 12:31 |
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OminousZ | nope... | 12:32 |
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zarshark | list | 12:33 |
zarshark | .list | 12:33 |
zarshark | q | 12:33 |
theDtTvB2 | Hello... Are there any ways to make Audacity looks like all the other applications? | 12:34 |
theDtTvB2 | I searched through the internet, it says that I need to config gtk-1 | 12:34 |
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dezmin | theDtTvB2, yes. audacity uses wxwidgets which is gtk1 based | 12:36 |
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CowzRule | }:-0 Moo | 12:36 |
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yellow_chicken | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 167K 2007-07-12 13:03:14.000000000 -1000 file.txt what's that "-1000" indicate? , i used ls --full-time | 12:39 |
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TBZ | !nautilus | 12:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nautilus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:41 |
prone | <----n00by ;) can somebody tell me some tips for ettercap??? | 12:41 |
=== xRaich[o] 2x [n=raichoo@i5387EC45.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
prone | works it over wifi? | 12:41 |
BlackDalek | Why is my uname-r saying 2.6.17-11-generic instead of 2.6.20-etc...? | 12:42 |
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habo | I have a quiestion .. how do u install macromedia flash player for linux if its not in.deb .. its in .tar.gz and when i etract the installed opens in text .. help | 12:42 |
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roshan_s | BlackDalek: Because you're running a 2.6.17 kernel? | 12:42 |
_5-HT | BlackDalek, you're booting into the 2.6.1-11-generic kernel, uname -r only displays the kernel you're currently using | 12:42 |
habo | installer | 12:42 |
prone | can someone helpme with ettercap? | 12:43 |
roshan_s | habo: It's better to install the flashplugin-nonfree package | 12:43 |
_5-HT | habo, the installer has a README, apart from that: there is a .deb available | 12:43 |
=== scorp123 [n=scorp123@217-162-105-227.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_5-HT | hado, all you really need to do is to extract the plugin to your firefox plugins directory | 12:43 |
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habo | _5-ht no[pe there isnt its only in .rpm or .tar.gz .. on the macromedia website | 12:44 |
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prone | need help with ettercap :( can somebody help plz? | 12:44 |
Jza|[Ubuntu-Linu | hi all | 12:45 |
_5-HT | habo, the install instructions are in the .tar.gz. I can check if you really want | 12:45 |
K3nto | how do i extract a file that is packed at .roo, .r01, .r02 etc... | 12:45 |
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roshan_s | habo: Ubuntu has a flash package. Just install the flashplugin-nonfree package or run "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree" | 12:45 |
blackmatrix | - | 12:45 |
K3nto | !rar | 12:45 |
ubotu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 12:45 |
CowzRule | !moo | 12:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about moo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:45 |
habo | ok guys ill try it one sec | 12:46 |
BigToe7000 | moo: os: Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium - (6.0.6000) up: 9hrs 38mins 10secs cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T5200 @ 1.60GHz at 1600MHz (5% Load) gfx: Intel Corporation Intel(R) GMA 950 224MB res: 1440x900 32bit 59Hz ram: -385/0MB (0%) hdd: C:\ 32.69GB/91.69GB net: Intel[R] PRO_100 VE Network Connection - 10MB/s 0B In 0B Out | 12:46 |
blackmatrix | exit | 12:46 |
i-hate-myself | moo: os: Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate - (6.0.6000) uptime: cpu: Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.20GHz at 3214MHz (9% Load) gfx: NVIDIA GeForce 6200 TurboCache(TM) 128MB res: 1024x768 32bit 60Hz ram: -276/0MB (0%) hdd: 11 C:\ 19.56GB/50.78GB Free D:\ 43.4GB/49.8GB Free E:\ 58.5GB/58.59GB Free F:\ 73.61GB/73.7GB Free H:\ 1.42GB/19.53GB Free I:\ 22.79GB/38.59GB Free J:\ 1.62GB/38.09GB Free K:\ 1.24GB/17.76GB Free net: Built-in Inf | 12:46 |
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_5-HT | hado, sorry. Yes, there is only the installer. You can run in by doing a ./flashplayer-installer from it's directory | 12:46 |
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_5-HT | hado, alternatively: you can just copy the plugins to ~/.mozilla/plugins/ | 12:47 |
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nubu | My external firewire harddrive is not detected by Ubuntu live. The hdd is in macosx format *hfs* | 12:47 |
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nubu | how could I make the firewire external drive recognized in ubuntu_ | 12:48 |
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roshan_s | _5-HT: habo: Installing the package gets you automatic updates, etc. What's the point of using that tar.gz file? | 12:48 |
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_5-HT | nubu, Ubuntu *should* have support for hfs. It's most likely the firewire device that not's getting recognized. Have you tried mounting it? | 12:48 |
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_5-HT | roshan_s, yeah it's better to keep it with the package manager | 12:49 |
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Frogzoo | nubu: should be plug & play | 12:50 |
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sygon | HAHAHAH ok guys about my sound problem this helps.... make sure u pluged your speakers into your speaker input not your mic input 0_o how imbarasing, thanks heaps for the help guys | 12:50 |
mhds | Yo | 12:50 |
_5-HT | roshan_s, the only reason I suggested it was because 1) they already downloaded the file and 2)if flash gets updated it won't be reflected in the repos unless it's a major bug/security fix | 12:50 |
=== BlackDalek [n=CorpseFe@ppp121-45-209-245.lns2.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mhds | Hey what do I get to play wav files | 12:50 |
dgjones | nubu, i don't have any macos formatted drives, but a quick search brought this up http://jclark.org/weblog/Miscellany/ubuntumount.html, maybe its of some help | 12:50 |
Tommy- | hi, i cannot run any linux distro that has a 2.6.21+ kernel. But i can of run them in VM ware. why? | 12:50 |
str1 | hi, how can i make the following command run without root privilages: "sdparm --command=stop /dev/sdb1"... i tried editing sudeors file but it didn't seem to work... heres the file: http://rafb.net/p/eR51KE86.html | 12:51 |
faileas | sounds like some hardware issue | 12:51 |
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_5-HT | Tommy-, what's the error when you try to run them? | 12:51 |
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roshan_s | _5-HT: Not really. The backports system is working fairly well now. Flash 9 is available in Edgy and Dapper | 12:51 |
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str1 | i followed some instruction on ubuntu guide to edit sudoers file | 12:51 |
Solid | hi, does xubuntu work (at least) with 32mo RAM? (bad english) | 12:51 |
_5-HT | roshan_s, thanks- I haven't been up to speed with backports lately | 12:52 |
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Tommy- | _5-HT: some busy box error, then just freezes up. But all distros show different errors | 12:52 |
roshan_s | !flash > habo | 12:52 |
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nubu | dgjones: I had been to that site, but when ubuntu does not detect the external firewire drive, it is impossible to find a mountpoint | 12:52 |
=== mhds needs help.. | ||
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habo | roshan ..... i got the flashplugin-nonfree package it worked thxxx | 12:53 |
str1 | * | 12:53 |
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mhds | what to get to play wav files people. | 12:53 |
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dgjones | nubu, rite, sounds like the livecd isn't detecting the firewire itself, is the external drive firewire only? or does it have a usb option as well, might be worth trying that if it does | 12:54 |
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_5-HT | Tommy, I'm trying to think of what was introduced in 2.6.21 (well...a lot). Maybe dynticks? A few ideas: some boot parameters might help (like noacpi, noapi, irqpoll, etc...) apart from that, most distros will probably use dynticks (it's weird for that itself to gives problems though). Have you tried to compile a >=2.6.21 kernel with all the *new* features disabled? | 12:55 |
mhds | -.- | 12:55 |
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nubu | dgjones: that is firewire onlhy | 12:56 |
CowzRule | !wav | 12:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wav - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:56 |
=== TBZ [n=st33ldi9@rrcs-24-172-7-26.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_5-HT | Tommy, booting into the kernel with debug on might help pointpoint the issue | 12:56 |
Tommy- | _5-HT: ive tried everything ever since ubuntu 7.04 first came out ive been trying to get it to work. others like me have the exact same issue. Though i did find a workaround that works fine but........ | 12:56 |
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mhds | Does anyone here know a good app to play wav files with | 12:57 |
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CowzRule | xmms | 12:57 |
mhds | 3 | 12:57 |
mhds | this place isnt helpful :( | 12:57 |
_5-HT | Tommy, hmmm...what was the workaround? Is there a bug filled with Ubuntu if a lot of other people are experiencing it? I've had my fair share of kernel issues so I can relate. | 12:57 |
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Kopfgeldjaeger | mplayer should be able to play wav files | 12:58 |
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astro76 | !xmms | mhds | 12:58 |
ubotu | mhds: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 12:58 |
mhds | Kopfgeldjaeger: how come when im using webmessenger lets say the beep noise is .wav so it doesnt play it and says there is a missing plugin when I click search for plugin (this is firefox) says nothing found | 12:58 |
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davin | How do I get gDesklets to show up automatically when I startup my computer? | 12:58 |
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mhds | !codecs | 12:59 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:59 |
_5-HT | davin: you can add gDesklets to your starup apps: it in the gnome 'sessions' menu. If you're using KDE you can put it in ~/Autostart | 12:59 |
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davin | _5-HT: I added it but when I close and open the sessionsmanager again it just isn't there anymore | 01:00 |
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davin | I tried sudo which works but it's useless as it would only startup for root | 01:00 |
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Jimma | hi all | 01:00 |
dgjones | nubu, not sure what to suggest, maybe keep asking in here, or have another look round the ubuntuforums, seems to e a few threads about mounting hfs drives, but not having one, i wouldn't know whether i was looking at the right thing | 01:00 |
Tommy- | _5-HT: yeah, there many a bug report. Heres what i did: first i extracted the ubuntu 7.04 iso to a partition and then booted into that partition via grub and installed it like that, the key thing that made this work is i unplugged my cd rom drive before doing so. And as long as i kept it unplugged i could run it just fine. But thats hardly a usable set up for me, ubuntu with no cd drive :( | 01:00 |
_5-HT | davin, hmm...do you have the 'save sessions' enabled? I do remember a few people having a similar issue, but can't remember the workaround. | 01:00 |
davin | _5-HT: Ahh that did it, thanks! | 01:01 |
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_5-HT | Tommy-, Yeah, defo issue there. Can you plug the drive in after the initial install? | 01:01 |
_5-HT | davin, glad to help! | 01:01 |
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tommax1083 | hi | 01:02 |
davin | _5-HT: Or wait, actually it didn't work | 01:02 |
tommax1083 | how i can connect to channel #java ? | 01:02 |
davin | tommax1083: type /join #java | 01:02 |
Tommy- | _5-HT: no, if i plug it back in it wont load and it freezes up half way | 01:02 |
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_5-HT | Tommy-, Maybe an IRQ issue? Hopefully the bug will get solved, but it's hard to say what it is without a verbose debug | 01:02 |
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=== Aelle [n=yaoifan@cpe-066-057-204-121.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_5-HT | davin, eh...sorry. I do remember something like this. Have you checked the forums for an answer? | 01:03 |
davin | _5-HT: No probs, gonna do that now | 01:03 |
_5-HT | davin, yeah, I'm not sure what it was, but the sessions were not saving | 01:03 |
Tommy- | _5-HT: truth is that ive all but given up after so much troubles. But with all new distros moving to a 2.6.21+ kernel................im screwed | 01:03 |
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killerpiggy | hey | 01:03 |
Aelle | Anyone here willing to help out a total Linux newbie? ;.; | 01:04 |
killerpiggy | i got a new cd | 01:04 |
killerpiggy | and | 01:04 |
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killerpiggy | i am now getting an arror 17 | 01:04 |
killerpiggy | error* | 01:04 |
_5-HT | Tommy-, Best thing I can say would be to get your own kernel that works and stick with that until the bugs fixed (I'm sure it will be as long as it's reported to upstream) | 01:04 |
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LiberCogito | !anyone | Aelle | 01:04 |
ubotu | Aelle: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 01:04 |
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dgjones | !enter | killerpiggy | 01:05 |
ubotu | killerpiggy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 01:05 |
graendal | !alsa | 01:05 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 01:05 |
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killerpiggy | ok | 01:05 |
killerpiggy | sorry | 01:05 |
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LiberCogito | lolz | 01:05 |
Aelle | Well, I'm having a problem with my network card. Ubuntu doesn't recognize the drivers, so I installed ndiswrapper, only to have it come back saying "no version of ndiswrapper found". I looked it up on the forums and it said to try version 1.18 of ndiswrapper, but it does the same thing | 01:05 |
Tommy- | _5-HT: im sticking with distros with a 2.6.18 kernel, though its been 4+ months and nothings been fixed | 01:05 |
killerpiggy | can anyone help me i am getting an error 17 | 01:06 |
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TBZ | what's hotkey to show gdesklets? | 01:06 |
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graendal | is there anything like ndiswrapper that can be used with other devices i.e. a sound card? | 01:06 |
eris | Aelle: what network card? | 01:06 |
_5-HT | Tommy-, it's annoying...but if you read up on the protocols for lkml.org (linux kernel mailing list) and submit a proper bug report (with bisects if possible) It WILL get looked at | 01:06 |
unagi | anyone know of a fix for the slight hang on bootup at configuring network devices/ | 01:07 |
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Aelle | WMP54GS | 01:07 |
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Aelle | Linksys | 01:07 |
killerpiggy | can anyone help me cure an error 17 on install of ubuntu | 01:07 |
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LiberCogito | aelle: there's a special project for those, i think. Give me a minute or three to find it. k? | 01:07 |
tommax | how i can connect to channel ##java ? | 01:07 |
_5-HT | Tommy- a shot in the dark, but have you tried vanilla kernels from kernel.org >= 2.6.21? | 01:07 |
Aelle | Sure, thanks ^_^ | 01:08 |
Tommy- | _5-HT: i'll do all i can to get people to notice that its a real problem, and hopefully they'll fix it | 01:08 |
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TBZ | anyone? default hotkey to show gdesklets? | 01:08 |
Tommy- | _5-HT: vanilla kernels? | 01:08 |
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killerpiggy | can anyone help me cure an error 17 on install of ubuntu | 01:08 |
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graendal | I think it's alt+f12 or some such | 01:08 |
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_5-HT | Tommy- kernels straight from the source without any distro specific patches. Ubuntu for one heavily patches their kernels. Possibly the problem is inherent to a patch and not the kernel sources? | 01:09 |
_5-HT | Tommy- kernel.org has the default, untouched (vanilla) kernels | 01:09 |
graendal | !emu10k2 | 01:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about emu10k2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:09 |
LiberCogito | Aelle: Its onboard, right? | 01:09 |
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Aelle | It's a bus card. | 01:09 |
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Aelle | the computer with ubuntu is a laptop. | 01:10 |
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graendal | is there any way to get the creative soundblaster audigy to work? | 01:10 |
Tommy- | _5-HT: well, ive tried many different distros (including ubuntu gutsy) and non have worked. How would i install the default kernel? | 01:10 |
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killerpiggy | can anyone help me cure an error 17 on install of ubuntu | 01:10 |
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LiberCogito | Aelle: What does it come out with if you type lspci in a terminal? | 01:10 |
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graendal | it uses the emu10k2 and all i can find is the emu10k1 driver | 01:10 |
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graendal | very fuzzy sound | 01:11 |
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Aelle | Liber: Lots of crap. Anything in particular I should be looking for? | 01:11 |
tommax | how i can connect to channel "##java" ? | 01:11 |
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dystopianray | tommax: /join ##java ?? | 01:11 |
LiberCogito | Aelle: Wireless LAN Network Controller. | 01:11 |
aa^way | hey, does anyone know some linux video edit programming? Im not looking for a big program, maybe like 2 mb? all i want to do is just convert video and cut it . | 01:11 |
tommax | i wrote it but i can't connect | 01:11 |
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dystopianray | aa^way: i think there is a program called 'kino' | 01:12 |
killerpiggy | can anyone help me cure an error 17 on install of ubuntu | 01:12 |
_5-HT | Tommy-, you'll need to download the kernel sources from kernel.org. There's a great walkthrough on the Ubuntu forums called the "master kernel thread" that gives you step-by-step directions on how to compile and install it | 01:12 |
LiberCogito | Aelle: It'll probably report it as a Broadcom, those models use a Broadcom chipset... | 01:12 |
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inc0 | hello | 01:12 |
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inc0 | do anyone know where is java.security file ? | 01:13 |
Aelle | Liber: Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) | 01:13 |
roshan_s | tommax: That's /join #java | 01:13 |
Aelle | Yep. | 01:13 |
killerpiggy | when installing ubuntu do i need to have my drives fromatted to fat32? | 01:13 |
xuedi | does anybody know if xchat allso rigister my nicname at firt login? | 01:13 |
aa^way | dystopianray(aww weird name hehe) yeh thanks for mentionig it, i have it on my comp :P | 01:13 |
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tommax | i wrote....nothing resutl | 01:13 |
tommax | result | 01:13 |
_5-HT | killerpiggy, you can reformat/repartition your drives as desired during the install | 01:13 |
roshan_s | tommax: Which IRC client are you using? | 01:13 |
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tommax | XChat | 01:14 |
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Tommy- | _5-HT: isnt the kernel 2.6.22 the latest one?, because gutsy already uses that and i couldnt install it. | 01:14 |
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dystopianray | killerpiggy: you can have them formatted howevery ou like, as long as there are partitions available for ubuntu to use | 01:14 |
nubu | coming back again to the same question: How can I get the firewire external drive detected in the ubuntu 7.04 | 01:14 |
nubu | ? | 01:14 |
killerpiggy | _5-HT: thats the thing when i boot from CD it just comes up witht he error 17 | 01:14 |
LiberCogito | Aelle: Well, you' | 01:14 |
WindsofTime | o.O | 01:14 |
dystopianray | nubu: plugging it in doesn't work? | 01:14 |
roshan_s | tommax: A new item should have appeared in the list on the left | 01:14 |
dystopianray | Tommy-: you need to install gutsy to use 2.6.22 | 01:15 |
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killerpiggy | can anyone help me cure an error 17 on install of ubuntu | 01:15 |
tommax | no, I have only #ubuntu channel | 01:15 |
_5-HT | Tommy-, yeah is the newest stable release. The only reason I mentioned that is because it may (slight chance) be distro specific patches that are causing the problem. Without specific debug info though, it's hard to tell *what's* causing it save for the cdrom | 01:15 |
tommax | now i use xchat 2.80 | 01:15 |
LiberCogito | Aelle: have two choices. I had the same broadcom chipset, and the ONLY way I got it to work was to go to /etc/network/interfaces and comment out everything but auto lo | 01:15 |
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LiberCogito | Aelle: Try that, see if it works. If not, the only thing I haven't tried is explained here: http://www.larsen-b.com/Article/28.html | 01:16 |
Aelle | Liber: Talk to me like I'm two, I've never used Linux before. | 01:16 |
Aelle | Please ^^ | 01:16 |
LiberCogito | Aelle: PM me :) | 01:16 |
inc0 | where can I find java security file? | 01:16 |
Tommy- | _5-HT: i might just try that then, the default kernel minus the extras. Is there any plans for a whole re-do of the kernel, completely remake it? | 01:17 |
roshan_s | tommax: I'm afraid I can't figure out the problem | 01:17 |
tommax | no problem, i retry after.... thanks at all for support!!! :) | 01:17 |
dystopianray | Tommy-: that would likely be an enormous waste of time | 01:17 |
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_5-HT | Tommy- Shouldn't be for Ubuntu's flavour. If it's a legitimate bug- I'd hope they'd look at it! It should be fixed. If not, kernel.org will look at and fix 'em ASAP (so long as the post includes all information necessary, but there are lots of guides around on how to post to lkml.org. It's a little intimidating-but they know their stuff! | 01:18 |
Tommy- | dystopianray: yes but it would be better for me, and that makes it all worth while :) | 01:18 |
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_5-HT | killerpiggy, that error is usually associated with SCSI devices, have you taken a look at Ubuntuforums.org? There are plenty of threads discussing how to fix that error | 01:20 |
Tommy- | _5-HT: i'll see what i can do, ill try to dig up those old launchpad bug files that had the same problem i had and see all the information i need | 01:20 |
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_5-HT | Tommy-, yeah, just take a look to see if their assigned to anyone, and what their priority is. Just posting again on their threads in launchpad should get some attention | 01:21 |
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_5-HT | Tommy- they're | 01:21 |
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inc0 | from the other hand...do anyone can guide me to do this: http://www.jguru.com/faq/view.jsp?EID=534023 on ubuntu 7.05? | 01:21 |
LiberCogito | !paste | 01:21 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:21 |
Tommy- | _5-HT: i hope it gets someones attention. I'll look for the bug files now. | 01:21 |
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aa^way | does anyone know some GUI video editing programs(not commandline such as mencoder / ffmpeg) for only cutting video and converting it to smaller format. Also if im using wine, is there chance that video programs works on there such as videomatch? | 01:23 |
kyncani | aa^way: avidemux maybe | 01:24 |
sygon | greetings guys , anyone know what this error means E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 01:24 |
sygon | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 01:24 |
sygon | thank you kindly in advance ^_^ | 01:24 |
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ziroday | aa^way: kino | 01:24 |
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kyncani | aa^way: ( I use it and I like it ) | 01:24 |
roshan_s | sygon: It means that the dpkg package manager is already running | 01:24 |
dystopianray | sygon: another process is using dpkg by the sounds of it | 01:24 |
aa^way | ziroday: it expects me to capture video, i cant edit directly | 01:24 |
aa^way | kyncani thanks ill check, sounds good | 01:24 |
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kyncani | np :) | 01:24 |
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sygon | ok cheers thats what i assumed, i was worried it may be somthing worse lol thanks for your help | 01:25 |
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Tommy- | _5-HT: heres a bug report, if you want to see it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/78380 | 01:25 |
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b4l74z4r | i've noticed that the overall soundcard output level is lower in ubuntu than in xp so i have to set the volume of my amp higher, is this normal or is something misconfigured | 01:26 |
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_5-HT | Tommy- Looks good! It's a confirmed bug that is assigned...so *someone* should be looking at it. But I notice that it was first filled in January....holy! I admire your patience. | 01:28 |
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pai | hi! wats the command i should type on terminal to RESTORE the default upper and lower panels on Feisty? | 01:28 |
_5-HT | Tommy- If it is really an upstream kernel issue, Ubuntu will file it with them, I just hope somebody looks at it again! But posting like you did will get some attention. They HAVE confirmed that it's legitamate and needs to be looked at | 01:28 |
BlackDalek | what is remote desktop? | 01:29 |
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inc0 | ehh noone know how to prevent java from putting this grey box with "java applet window" in there? | 01:29 |
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Tommy- | _5-HT: i just posted another comment on the file, telling them how i got it to work without my cd rom drive plugged in. Hopefully they'll notice it. | 01:30 |
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roshan_s | pai: rm -r .gconf/apps/panel should do it | 01:30 |
bullgard4 | BlackDalek: Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a multi-channel protocol that allows a user to connect to a computer running Microsoft Terminal Services" | 01:30 |
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_5-HT | Tommy-, looks good. What I would do is add what you're CD-drive is getting recognized at (/dev/sr0 or similar, if you know) and what type: internal, USB, firewire etc... | 01:31 |
_5-HT | Tommy- make and model would help too | 01:31 |
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Tommy- | _5-HT: i'll do that now | 01:32 |
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_5-HT | Tommy- cool. Might not help, but won't hurt. Hope it gets fixed! | 01:32 |
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Tommy- | _5-HT: i hope so to. Thanks for the help :) | 01:32 |
ouioui | salut, je voudrais faire le plus gros formatage possible, c'est possible? | 01:32 |
dromer | can anyone explain to me how I can get cinelerra ? | 01:33 |
ouioui | oups ! sorry | 01:33 |
nalpha | Anyone can help me? I can't right click on my Desktop (Ubuntu 7.04) | 01:33 |
_5-HT | Tommy- sorry I couldn't be of more, but we've really no idea what's going on except that the drive is causing *something* | 01:33 |
ouioui | i go to france ! | 01:33 |
ouioui | bye ! | 01:33 |
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jrib | _5-HT: did you disable nautilus from showing your desktop? | 01:33 |
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_5-HT | jrib, Are you referring to haing nautilus not drawing your desktop? | 01:34 |
kyncani | !cinelerra | dromer | 01:34 |
ubotu | dromer: cinelerra is a video editor and compositor. Install instructions can be found on http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu | 01:34 |
_5-HT | jrib, if you, you can call it as 'nautilus --no-desktop' | 01:34 |
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Tommy- | _5-HT: eh, i assume someone will fix it someday. I just dont want to be left using older distro versions for too long | 01:34 |
_5-HT | jrib, sorry, *if so* | 01:34 |
jrib | _5-HT: oops, wrong person, sorry :) | 01:35 |
jrib | nalpha: did you disable nautilus from showing your desktop? | 01:35 |
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OminousZ | what the hell? | 01:35 |
nalpha | jrib: no... | 01:35 |
bosworth | Hi. Some webpages won't load in my browser, it just hangs. The trouble isn't with the remote server and it isn't with the connection... where can I look? | 01:35 |
_5-HT | Tommy- Yeah, I can feel that. What you can try though is just using the old kernel with newer distros....as long as gcc hasn't been that much upgraded along with glib6, it should work | 01:35 |
dromer | kyncani: the kiberpipa.org-packages don't work anymore | 01:35 |
jrib | nalpha: you are using GNOME? | 01:36 |
OminousZ | Ubuntu install is prompting for username and password.... to login to it | 01:36 |
OminousZ | I haven't ..... this is a new install.... | 01:36 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | lol | 01:36 |
nalpha | jrib: it's cause I'm try to mount samba from my samba server on my desktop, but it's goes to hang | 01:36 |
nalpha | jrib: yes, I'm using gnome | 01:36 |
kyncani | dromer: well, don't know then (don't use cinelerra here= | 01:36 |
dromer | ok .. hmm | 01:36 |
inc0 | do anyone know where to configure java security?? | 01:36 |
roshan_s | bosworth: Probably some plugin on the page | 01:36 |
Tommy- | _5-HT: ive looked into doing that, looked too complicated though. People advised me to just "hang in there" | 01:36 |
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inc0 | I have little, but annoying problem-.- | 01:36 |
jrib | nalpha: can you right click again if you start nautilus? or if it's hanging... if you kill it and then start it again? | 01:37 |
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nalpha | jrib: I'm already try to restart my computer and reinstall the nautilus, gnome. | 01:37 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | Ominous, Did you had a linux before on it | 01:37 |
bosworth | roshan_s: hmm. ok, so I'll try disabling plugins and then trying again. Is there anything I can do other than stop using the faulty plugins? | 01:37 |
_5-HT | Tommy- If hanging in for a while will work- it'll be easier. But rolling your own kernel really isn't that bad. After your first successful time, it'll be a piece of cake. Take a look at the "master kernel thread" if you feel like it | 01:37 |
kyncani | bosworth: you could try with a different browser | 01:37 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | Damn wrong tab sorry | 01:38 |
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nalpha | jrib: Maybe because that still have cache on my home folder?? maybe?? | 01:38 |
Floker | sorry for OT: does anyone know an irc channel where they play irc-poker? | 01:38 |
OminousZ | Jza, yes I did | 01:38 |
roshan_s | bosworth: Not really. If you're using Firefox, you can probably use on of the myriads of extensions to block specific content on a page | 01:38 |
nalpha | jrib: so my nautilus keep tryng to mount to my samba server (but I has disabled it) and making may Desktop waiting with no response again | 01:38 |
OminousZ | however, none of the userinfo from that install worked | 01:38 |
bosworth | kyncani, roshan_s: I've actually tried with the w3m text based browser and it hangs on the same pages | 01:38 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | then you its maybe in your cache if had auto login | 01:38 |
Tommy- | _5-HT: i'll look into it again then, im about willing to try anything now days | 01:38 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | *you | 01:39 |
_5-HT | Floker, how can you play IRC poker *without* cheating? | 01:39 |
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nalpha | jrib: I still can move folder and file with console on my Desktop, do you have any idea? | 01:39 |
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kyncani | bosworth: url ? | 01:39 |
bosworth | www.sinfest.net | 01:39 |
OminousZ | maybe | 01:39 |
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pmo | my problem -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3181386#post3181386 | 01:39 |
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Floker | _5-HT, i dont know i never played irc poker at all. but i want to have an online poker game w/ my buddies and THPoker is pretty much crap ^^ | 01:39 |
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jrib | nalpha: but you can't drag files to your desktop for example? | 01:39 |
tom17bombadil | i have trouble to install latex on feisty fawn | 01:39 |
OminousZ | we'll try that again though | 01:39 |
bosworth | kyncani:www.sinfest.net i know it works, as I can ssh to my uni and see it through there | 01:39 |
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nalpha | jrib: no, I can't do anything on my Desktop except changing my wallpaper from control panel | 01:40 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | ok gl m8 | 01:40 |
OminousZ | thanks | 01:40 |
tom17bombadil | i found out that tetex is buggy and no longer recomended | 01:40 |
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kyncani | bosworth: konqueror and firefox work here | 01:40 |
roshan_s | bosworth: Works fine in elinks | 01:40 |
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_5-HT | Floker, I'm not sure, but you can scan the channels on a server with '/list' and some googling might turn up some results--or just create your own channel if it's with buddies | 01:40 |
jrib | tom17bombadil: install texlive then from universe | 01:40 |
tom17bombadil | so i did a remove + autoremove | 01:40 |
kyncani | bosworth: (with feisty) | 01:40 |
bosworth | kyncani: also sourceforge.net | 01:40 |
jrib | !enter | tom17bombadil | 01:40 |
ubotu | tom17bombadil: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 01:40 |
Floker | _5-HT, i will try to do that, ty | 01:40 |
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_5-HT | Floker, no worries- good luck | 01:41 |
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bosworth | kyncani: they hang in both w3m and firefox on this machine, so it must be something system-wide | 01:41 |
BlackDalek | what do I need to setup a VPN? | 01:41 |
bosworth | roshan_s they hang in both w3m and firefox on this machine, so it must be something system-wide | 01:41 |
=== dystopianray [n=dystopia@203-213-54-54-syd-ts2-2600.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dystopianray | at what point will ubuntu official be distributed on dvd? there always seem be sacrifices made to squeeze each release onto a cd | 01:42 |
roshan_s | bosworth: A text based browser doesn't really interact much with the rest of the system. Have you tried using telnet? | 01:42 |
=== ajmorris_ [n=ajmorris@220-253-62-86.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | nalpha: try 'killall nautilus', then open a nautilus window by going to places -> home. Is your destkop still in the same state then? | 01:42 |
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ii | Hi - anyone know where there are instructions on how to share ntfs-3g with nfs? | 01:42 |
bosworth | roshan_s: telnetting to the server on port 43? | 01:43 |
nalpha | jrib: it's say not prosess killed ( I don't open any nautilus ) | 01:43 |
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bosworth | roshan_s: Is'nt port 43 http? | 01:43 |
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dystopianray | bosworth: http is port 80 | 01:43 |
jrib | nalpha: ok, go to places -> home then and then try the desktop | 01:43 |
roshan_s | bosworth: telnet www.sinfest.net 80<newline>GET / HTTP/1.1<newline>Host: www.sinfest.net<two newlines> | 01:44 |
bosworth | dystopianray: d'oh! | 01:44 |
bosworth | dystopianray: ty | 01:44 |
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host81-157-56-157.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalpha | jrib: oh I mean is I can access my Desktop from console and Nautilus..., But I CAN"T access the Desktop from the Desktop It's self... do you understand?? thanx... for helping Jrib. | 01:45 |
jrib | nalpha: yep, after you run places -> home, can you still not right click on the desktop (the actual desktop) | 01:45 |
=== rudy_1 [n=rudy@ppp-28-78.25-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bosworth | roshan_s: telnet hangs, but works on other sites | 01:45 |
nalpha | jrib: yes, I still can't do anything... on my Desktop | 01:46 |
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bosworth | roshan_s: telnet works (i tried another site), but hangs on sinfest.net | 01:46 |
roshan_s | bosworth: Does it produce any messages? | 01:46 |
jrib | nalpha: what does this command return: gconftool-2 -g /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop | 01:46 |
bosworth | roshan_s nope | 01:46 |
rudy_1 | when I create symbolic links for my browser's plugins, can i just copy the links from another browser folder? | 01:46 |
ii | I've read that it is possible to share ntfs-3g partitions with nfs but I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get instructions on how to do so ... | 01:46 |
nalpha | jrib: true... | 01:46 |
jrib | rudy_1: depends on the links | 01:46 |
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bosworth | roshan_s just hangs after i input the second newline | 01:46 |
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rudy_1 | i have installed opera... | 01:47 |
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jrib | nalpha: don't know then | 01:47 |
rudy_1 | and i have copied the *.so from the mozilla-firefox/plugins directory | 01:47 |
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rudy_1 | will it work? | 01:47 |
bosworth | roshan_s I can ping the site, and the IP resolves fine when i use "dig" | 01:47 |
nalpha | jrib: okey.. it's ok thanx. alot | 01:47 |
webking | hello i search the ubuntu channel for germann | 01:47 |
webking | language | 01:47 |
jrib | rudy_1: depends on the links | 01:47 |
dystopianray | !german | 01:47 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 01:47 |
roshan_s | bosworth: So you get the escape character is ... message with telnet? | 01:47 |
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rudy_1 | jrib: what o you mean, what kind of links can i have? | 01:48 |
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bosworth | roshan_s: sorry? I dont understand that :-) | 01:48 |
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jrib | rudy_1: you can have absolute links (start with '/') and those will work fine, or you can relative links that just specify a relative path to where they are located. So for example a link /a/b/c may point to '../d'. If c is in /a/b, the link points to /a/d, but if it is in /a, then it points to /d. So relative links may work and may not work depending on where the opera folder is | 01:49 |
KaiserDaTA | hello | 01:49 |
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nalpha | jrib: Do you know how to clear cache that have related with the Desktop ??? Beacuse if I create another account My Desktop works good.. | 01:50 |
roshan_s | After you type telnet www.sinfest.net 80, you should get a message saying connected to host www.sinfest.net and then "Escape character is ^] " before you type in the rest of the stuff. Do you get these messages? | 01:50 |
bosworth | roshan_s I tried sourceforge too, and got a message. here: http://pastebin.com/d5fc8e2d5 | 01:50 |
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KaiserDaTA | Someone know a low level format soft under linux? If it isn't forced to be booting on a cd :S | 01:50 |
rudy_1 | ok, i remember when i have installad the plugins i used the command ln -s + full path | 01:50 |
roshan_s | bosworth: And sourceforge.net doesn't work in the browser? | 01:50 |
tatters | been trying to run my capture devices give me error X Error of failed request: XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode, anyone ave any knowledge of this problem? | 01:51 |
rudy_1 | jrib: means they are absolute links, doesn't it? | 01:51 |
jrib | nalpha: not really sure. You said you thought it was because of a samba share. As long as that isn't showing up on the side pane in nautilus anymore I believe it's gone. You can try just renaming ~/.gnome2 and seeing if that fixes it and then narrowing it down more | 01:51 |
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nalpha | jrib: okey I will try it.. | 01:51 |
jrib | rudy_1: yes | 01:51 |
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NET||abuse | Hi all,, i have a problem,, i had a laptop get fried on me, but the disk was fine, so I switched the drive over to a new laptop,, i got the intel graphics setup (the old laptop was radeon) and into X no problem, then i try to login, and compiz crashes the session, compiz is in my gnome session startup,, I can get into KDE, but when i run "gnome-session-properties" nothing happens... under konsole i get the error | 01:51 |
NET||abuse | CRITICAL **: gsm_protocol_new: assertion `GSM_IS_GNOME_CLIENT (gnome_client)' failed | 01:51 |
NET||abuse | session manager does not support GNOME extensions | 01:52 |
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tom17bombadil | jrib: i did that already; it was installed - but with this warning, that some sub-process failed and it wouldnt configure. i can use latex in the shell, but installing kile fails, talking about dependency-problems | 01:52 |
NET||abuse | So how can i access the gnome-session settings and take compiz out of the startup? | 01:52 |
bosworth | roshan_s: I do get the "Escape char..." message with both sites. sinfest hangs after i've inputted the "GET" and "Host". sourceforge gives the message you can see and closes the connection itself | 01:52 |
jrib | tom17bombadil: can you pastebin the full output APT gave you and the command you used? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org is the link | 01:52 |
bosworth | roshan_s: im stumped - I have no idea what could cause this... :-( | 01:53 |
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jrib | NET||abuse: it should be a .desktop file in the users ~/.config/autostart/ | 01:53 |
OminousZ | ah crap | 01:53 |
roshan_s | bosworth: The sourceforge site is coming through properly in telnet. Did you say it doesn't work in a browser? | 01:53 |
OminousZ | bunch of squashfs errors just flew by | 01:53 |
OminousZ | that can't be good | 01:53 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | :O :( | 01:53 |
NET||abuse | jrib: hmm, ok, i'll have a poke at that.. thanks :) | 01:53 |
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nalpha | jrib: wah... Great... my Desktop appear normally... what;s is inside .gnome2 exactly? | 01:53 |
rudy_1 | guys, I haveto admit that ubuntuis the best distro I've ever tried | 01:54 |
OminousZ | yep | 01:54 |
OminousZ | now, it popped up authentication | 01:54 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | I hope you won't get the BLUE screen OminousZ :P | 01:54 |
OminousZ | and keeps saying "authentication failed" message | 01:54 |
tom17bombadil | jrib: well, my system-language is german | 01:54 |
OminousZ | despite not having typed anything | 01:54 |
OminousZ | Jza, HAAHAHAH | 01:54 |
OminousZ | oh dear lord ;P | 01:54 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | ::P | 01:54 |
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rudy_1 | #color red | 01:55 |
BlackDalek | Anyone know how to configure a VPN on a Linksys Wireless-G ADSL Gateway WAG54G? | 01:55 |
pmo | seems like i need to get rid of ubuntu since it doesnt do the job.. | 01:55 |
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bosworth | roshan_s: it isn't coming through in telnet - it should send the index page when i "GET". The sourceforge page hangs in firefox and w3m | 01:55 |
rudy_1 | bye | 01:55 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | Wich version you want to put on it OminousZ | 01:55 |
OminousZ | 7.04 | 01:55 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | feisty | 01:55 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | ok | 01:55 |
jrib | tom17bombadil: k, do the command again but prepend 'LANGUAGE=en' at the beginning | 01:56 |
bosworth | roshan_s: i retried, and now I don't get any response from sourceforge again... :-? | 01:56 |
NET||abuse | jrib: perfect, bloody weird though, the startup script was called "LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1.desktop" | 01:56 |
=== Rondom [n=Rondom@p57A95C6F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NET||abuse | jrib: thanks for that, i think you just recued by gnome desktop :) | 01:56 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | maybe its a bios error wich contains that the properties aren't set right its just a suggestion I'm a newbie here OminousZ | 01:56 |
OminousZ | Pretty sure it's something to do with my scsi raid ;) | 01:57 |
OminousZ | so you're right! | 01:57 |
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Jza|[Ubuntu] | \o/ | 01:57 |
jrib | nalpha: a lot of gnome settins, so you should restore your old .gnome2 and then try just renaming some stuff inside (if nothing looks like the culprit, just rename half, see if it helps, repeat...) | 01:57 |
OminousZ | since adaptect has a bios | 01:57 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | bios upate \o/ | 01:57 |
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FirstTimer | nix coders | 01:58 |
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NET||abuse | jrib: turns out that wasn't the only problem, something in the gnome startup is still killing my session :( | 01:58 |
OminousZ | Aha! | 01:59 |
OminousZ | Okay, found out | 01:59 |
FirstTimer | hello | 01:59 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | nice m8 | 01:59 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | \o/ | 01:59 |
FirstTimer | i am new | 01:59 |
jrib | NET||abuse: what happens exactly? Try renaming ~/.gnome2/session too if nothing is left in ~/.config/autostart/ | 01:59 |
bosworth | roshan_s: Thank you for your help. the pages just started working for me again. I'll call my ISP, as I think it must be their problem. I haven't changed anything on my end | 01:59 |
OminousZ | Turns out my RAID was trying to rebuild | 01:59 |
FirstTimer | on ubutut | 01:59 |
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FirstTimer | can any 1 help me? | 01:59 |
FirstTimer | :P | 01:59 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | Me to FirstTimer | 01:59 |
FirstTimer | rly? | 01:59 |
jrib | !helpme | FirstTimer | 01:59 |
ubotu | FirstTimer: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:59 |
OminousZ | kind of hard to install on a flux RAID | 01:59 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | yeah my first Linux | 01:59 |
OminousZ | when things keep moving around | 01:59 |
OminousZ | hehehehe | 01:59 |
FirstTimer | me 2 =) | 02:00 |
FirstTimer | h3h3h3 | 02:00 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | lool | 02:00 |
FirstTimer | u guys play et? | 02:00 |
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NET||abuse | jrib: basically the gdm login comes up, i can switch the session to kde, fine, but if i leave it on gnome, i put in password, hit enter, the screen goes to the brown background colour for a moment, then X crashes,, pretty much withing 2 seconds | 02:00 |
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NET||abuse | jrib: X then immediately restarts to the gdm login | 02:01 |
tom17bombadil | jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33570/ | 02:01 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | Sorry I thought you ment new with linux FirstTimer | 02:01 |
=== Tiancai [n=lari@a88-113-83-239.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NET||abuse | jrib: someone else also thought what i was thinking, the window manager is crashing and X is restarting | 02:01 |
FirstTimer | yeh me to | 02:01 |
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FirstTimer | i am new | 02:01 |
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Jza|[Ubuntu] | nice | 02:01 |
FirstTimer | just new | 02:01 |
FirstTimer | i just got cd now, | 02:01 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | But I got the whole thing running in a hour \o/ | 02:01 |
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SliMM | hello | 02:02 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | hi o/ | 02:02 |
jrib | tom17bombadil: can you pastebin /tmp/texlive.fmtutil.YwUA2929 too? | 02:02 |
FirstTimer | i dunno how to connect to another server | 02:02 |
FirstTimer | u know how? | 02:02 |
FirstTimer | me 2 hrs | 02:02 |
FirstTimer | xD | 02:02 |
FirstTimer | h3h3 | 02:02 |
FirstTimer | g2g | 02:02 |
FirstTimer | cya | 02:02 |
jrib | !enter | FirstTimer | 02:02 |
SliMM | does ubuntu have the zydas driver | 02:02 |
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ubotu | FirstTimer: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 02:02 |
SliMM | ? | 02:02 |
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NET||abuse | jrib: the only other thing i can think of is if i just get my direct rendering and things setup on this new laptop properly (switched from radeon laptop to intel graphics laptop) then the program that's causing the crash won't be an issue anymore :) | 02:02 |
OminousZ | ohhh too late, he left ;( | 02:02 |
tatters | X Error of failed request: XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode , does anyone have any knowledge of this error , occurs if try to run capture card,apparently Nvidia does not support this function any more, | 02:02 |
NET||abuse | jrib: but i've heard all sorts of weirdness about the intel graphics and 3d setup,, it's just not good | 02:02 |
SliMM | doesn't anyone know? | 02:03 |
jrib | NET||abuse: heh, I'd try renaming ~/.gnome2/session first then | 02:03 |
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NET||abuse | jrib: no such file ./.gnome2/session | 02:04 |
SliMM | :( | 02:04 |
=== YoshiBishi [n=YoshiBis@cpe-066-057-249-211.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
YoshiBishi | Hello, Can anyone tell me if abiword or openoffice is better? | 02:04 |
NET||abuse | jrib: directory ./.gnome2/ exists, but no file session in there | 02:04 |
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SliMM | i'll go for openoffice | 02:04 |
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faileas | YoshiBishi, if you want just a word processor, abiword. if you want a full office suite OOo | 02:05 |
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four80-6 | uhmm.. I was using VirtualBox inside of Feisty (64bit cpu)... my screen went blank and it shut off.. now when I turn the machine one, it wont detect the HD... (300gb). is this common with Sata? | 02:05 |
tom17bombadil | jrib: i tried to cat it, but it seems not to be a regular file: /usr/bin/fmtutil: 932: /texconfig/tcfmgr: not found fmtutil: config file `fmtutil.cnf' not found. | 02:06 |
jrib | NET||abuse: does GNOME fail to start if you create a new user account? | 02:06 |
NET||abuse | that's a good idea,, i can try that,, thanks :) | 02:06 |
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jrib | tom17bombadil: that's the contents of /tmp/texlive.fmtutil.YwUA2929 ? | 02:07 |
NET||abuse | jrib: actually i better leave it for now :) i have some thiing to get done in the next hour,, but a good place to go next,, cheers :) | 02:07 |
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YoshiBishi | Thanks for the info faileas | 02:07 |
tom17bombadil | jrib: no. thats the error when i try to read it out with 'cat' or 'less' | 02:07 |
YoshiBishi | Cheers | 02:07 |
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futuro82 | help me | 02:08 |
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futuro82 | I have Cirrus Logic CS 4610/11 sound but it isn't work | 02:09 |
jrib | tom17bombadil: what does 'file /tmp/texlive.fmtutil.YwUA2929' return? | 02:09 |
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nox-Hand | ~How would I safely remove distfiles (/var/cache/apt/archives) | 02:09 |
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tom17bombadil | jrib: /tmp/texlive.fmtutil.YwUA2929: ASCII text | 02:10 |
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shearn89 | nox-Hand: sudo apt-get clean | 02:10 |
Pici | nox-Hand: sudo apt-get clean | 02:11 |
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shearn89 | Pici: almost at the same time... nice.. | 02:11 |
Pici | :) | 02:11 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | Did you checked under Preferences > Sound their are some options 2 futuro82 | 02:11 |
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tom17bombadil | jrib: sorry.^^ that is indeed the content from the file | 02:11 |
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dromer | how can I install libfftw3 ? | 02:12 |
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dromer | I'm trying to compile Cinelerra, but I still have these dependencies: http://pastebin.com/d6d1553ca | 02:12 |
nox-Hand | Pici: shearn89 Thanks :) | 02:12 |
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tom17bombadil | jrib: but find gets this: /var/lib/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf | 02:13 |
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Kcaj | hii | 02:13 |
shearn89 | dromer: not sure, its not in the repos? | 02:13 |
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Kcaj | I was wondering how hard it would be to make a translation of Ubuntu to my native language. | 02:13 |
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dromer | shearn89: can't find it | 02:14 |
Kcaj | Or is this something I'd be ebtter off petitioning someone else or an organization to do? | 02:14 |
shearn89 | dromer: found it on rpmfind. You might have to use alien. | 02:14 |
shearn89 | dromer: go to rpmfind.com and search for it | 02:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | Kcaj: What language | 02:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | !alien | 02:14 |
ubotu | RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 02:14 |
jrib | tom17bombadil: can you find texconfig/tcfmgr ? It's under /usr/share/texmf here on tetex | 02:15 |
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Pici | dromer: Try installing fftw3-dev and fftw3 | 02:15 |
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dromer | shearn89: ok, I was hoping to avoid that ;) .. Pici: those are the same? and in the repo's ? | 02:15 |
tom17bombadil | jrib: jep, there it is:/usr/share/texmf/texconfig/tcfmgr | 02:15 |
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Kcaj | I'm fairly fluent in English, but I beleive it would be very beneifical if I could work on Ubuntu in Ebonics, and might also help people from where I was born become better Ubuntu users, and set Ubuntu above all other Linux distros in places lke public schools, prisons, and possibly even Walmart would adopt some Ubuntu based systems, if it were available in an ebonics version. | 02:16 |
shearn89 | dromer: yes, there in the repos. | 02:16 |
shearn89 | dromer: that might solve the problem without resorting to alien. | 02:16 |
dromer | Pici: ok, I didn't have fftw3-dev, maybe that'll fix the dependency for that | 02:16 |
dromer | shearn89: ^ | 02:16 |
MrMeoff | hey finally theres someone here, tell your server admins to change the global operator commands for this irc server...I just saw it posted on some forums and anyone can do it and ban anyone /server oper x827c-jd8l3-kd9sf-ldj82 | 02:16 |
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Kcaj | /server will disconnect a user. | 02:17 |
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Kcaj | No matter what they put after it O_o | 02:17 |
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jrib | no one do what MrMeoff said... | 02:17 |
FurryNemesis | ... | 02:17 |
faileas | eheh | 02:17 |
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dromer | hmm, now all I need is librom1394 .. | 02:18 |
Kcaj | I remember when I was... I don't know... 13? It was SOOO FUNNY to tell someone to hold alt while pressing F4, or, worse yet in the "old Windows" day to convince someone to press ctrl+alt+del twice fast. XD | 02:18 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | xD | 02:18 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | lool | 02:18 |
Terrasque | Kcaj: what was even more lol was to tell someone to hold alt and type faxmachine for easter egg :p | 02:19 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | loool | 02:19 |
shearn89 | Kcaj: i think thats been replaced by evil linux people with "sudo rm -f *" | 02:19 |
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Terrasque | as soon as they came to alt+x mirc exited :) | 02:19 |
shearn89 | Kcaj: or "sudo rm -f /" | 02:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | shearn89: Dont even post that n fun | 02:19 |
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shearn89 | Jack_Sparrow: sorry... | 02:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | It just gives kiddies more ideas | 02:20 |
jrib | tom17bombadil: I wonder if it is actually tring /texconfig/tcfmgr? I'm going to check the bugtracker at bugs.ubunntu.com | 02:20 |
Kcaj | I'm actually serious though, if it wouldn't be too difficult, I'd make a Ubuntu translation in to Ebonics. Not "slang", but actual ebonics, somethign that would (ironically) be very useful in public schools, prisons, etc. and low-income areas where I'm sure many people are thrown off by a lot of the manual pages and other documentation using words with too many syllabals. | 02:20 |
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SliMM | ok, let's put it this way: does ubuntu 7.04 have support for msi us54se wireless usb stick? | 02:20 |
faileas | actually the funniest one was that one where someone talked someone into hacking ;) | 02:20 |
shearn89 | faileas: brilliant... | 02:20 |
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faileas | SliMM: depends on the chipset its based on | 02:20 |
faileas | i tend to test my hardware in VMware first ;p | 02:20 |
SliMM | faileas: ZyDAS | 02:21 |
SliMM | sorry, epressed enter too soon | 02:21 |
IdleOne | Kcaj, that last statement is borderline racist and I believe you need to read !coc factoid and not make statements like that again | 02:21 |
SliMM | zydas driver is needed i think | 02:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | SliMM: THe 54 in the middle of that what I assume is Micro Star International model might imply the broadcom chipset | 02:21 |
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Kcaj | !coc factoid | 02:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about coc factoid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:21 |
Terrasque | what was that fun bash fork bomb now again? can someone pm it to me? | 02:21 |
Kcaj | How can it be border-lien racist? | 02:21 |
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shearn89 | !coc | Kcaj | 02:21 |
ubotu | Kcaj: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 02:21 |
Nimsoc_82 | I have install linuxdcpp and I don't now where the start icon is. help pls | 02:21 |
Kcaj | I'm black :o haha, so I mean, unless you mean it is racist against white people somehow. | 02:21 |
SliMM | Jack_Sparrow: and is it supported? | 02:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | SliMM: Yes | 02:22 |
faileas | SliMM: possibly: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/zd1211rw | 02:22 |
SliMM | Jack_Sparrow: the live cd didn't detect it | 02:22 |
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Jack_Sparrow | !broadcom > SliMM | 02:22 |
shearn89 | Kacj: IdleOne: i agree, how was that racist? | 02:22 |
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IdleOne | Kcaj, lets get off the race subject and back to ubuntu support | 02:22 |
faileas | ;) | 02:22 |
SliMM | jack_sparrow: what? | 02:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | SliMM: Do you have access to a hardwire lan connection | 02:22 |
faileas | though | 02:22 |
shearn89 | actual question: does anyone use openbox? | 02:22 |
harveyd | anyone have an idea how to either fix the size of the taskbar items, or stop firefox from showing the page title in the taskbar | 02:23 |
faileas | not at the moment. though once i get backup protocols on line, maybe ;) | 02:23 |
SliMM | jack_sparrow: i don't know where the cable is, so i guess not very soon | 02:23 |
harveyd | 7.04 | 02:23 |
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Jack_Sparrow | SliMM: How are you on here? | 02:23 |
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harveyd | incredibly annoying having the taskbar move when you change website | 02:24 |
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SliMM | jack_sparrow, this is my other pc, that runs windows (badly) and is also wired to the router | 02:24 |
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livrelivre | lexsander | 02:24 |
Kcaj | Didn't Ubuntu really only coem out in like... late 2003? | 02:24 |
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Kcaj | I'm surprised that it has taken over the popularity of all other distros so fast O_O | 02:24 |
shearn89 | Kcaj: theres info on translating here: http://tinyurl.com/2b8wuj | 02:24 |
Kcaj | Thank you shearn89 | 02:24 |
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eifzon | hmm | 02:24 |
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jrib | tom17bombadil: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/texlive-bin/+bug/82412 looks similar | 02:25 |
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saya | #jablay | 02:25 |
livrelivre | livre | 02:25 |
Jordan_U | SliMM, Are you trying to get a broadcom card working? | 02:25 |
livrelivre | livrelivre | 02:25 |
shearn89 | livrelivre: ? | 02:25 |
faileas | Kcaj: great marketing, and easy accessability | 02:25 |
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Jack_Sparrow | SliMM: What version of Ubuntu are you using? | 02:25 |
SliMM | Jordan_U: i don't know what card it is | 02:25 |
SliMM | i will be using 7.04 | 02:25 |
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harveyd | yeh ive been impressed with ubuntus usability | 02:26 |
livrelivre | kanfkjakn | 02:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | SliMM: http://www.murrayc.com/blog/permalink/2007/02/17/linux-compatible-wireless-usb-adaptor-results/ | 02:26 |
harveyd | was a suse user before, and it could be a nightmare at times | 02:26 |
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Jack_Sparrow | SliMM: That should work out of the box.. | 02:26 |
SliMM | jack_sparrow: it's installed now, but the live cd didn't autodetect the network | 02:26 |
cwill1 | !fsck | 02:26 |
ubotu | fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot | 02:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | SliMM: It will not work out of the box on Dapper | 02:26 |
shearn89 | livrelivre: do you have a question? | 02:27 |
murrayc | That's just for USB wireless sticks. | 02:27 |
Kcaj | Every time I used Ubuntu it seemed fine, I mean, out of all the distros I've ever used, by far one of the best. I haven't used any verison recently | 02:27 |
SliMM | what do you mean by 'Dapper'? | 02:27 |
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Kcaj | Thinking of mgirating voer from SuSE 10 though, sometime soon | 02:27 |
eifzon | Why do i get this error? Just installed kde. http://pastebin.ca/655480 | 02:27 |
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eifzon | *kubuntu | 02:27 |
shearn89 | and 'buntu's livecd/installer is really easy. | 02:27 |
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arn_ | how to change permission recursively to a folder and all its subdirectories? | 02:27 |
dgjones | !dapper | 02:27 |
ubotu | dapper is the 4th release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake". | 02:27 |
jrib | arn_: what folder? | 02:27 |
shearn89 | eifzon: did you sudo it? | 02:28 |
Jordan_U | arn_, chown / chmod -R | 02:28 |
defrysk | arn_, man chown | 02:28 |
eifzon | shearn89: yes | 02:28 |
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arn_ | OK | 02:28 |
eifzon | shearn89: or what you mean? | 02:28 |
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arn_ | Thaks guys | 02:28 |
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jrib | arn_: changing permissions recusively is likely to leave you with a broken system if you do it on the wrong folder | 02:28 |
SliMM | if this works, ubuntu is the best | 02:28 |
cwill1 | eifzon: full disk? | 02:28 |
eifzon | cwill1: no, cd1 | 02:28 |
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Jza|[Ubuntu] | !wine | 02:28 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 02:28 |
eifzon | the alternative cd for kubuntu desktop | 02:28 |
shearn89 | eifzon: i mean, did you "sudo apt-get...." | 02:28 |
eifzon | yes shearn89 | 02:28 |
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eifzon | apt-get irssi yes | 02:28 |
cwill1 | eifzon: cd1? | 02:28 |
eifzon | nothing works | 02:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | SliMM: The Networking control panel does not show a list of access points, so you must type in the access point name manually. per that article | 02:28 |
shearn89 | eifzon: hmmm... What did you try and install? | 02:29 |
eifzon | shearn89: anything.. | 02:29 |
eifzon | I got the error after updating | 02:29 |
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eifzon | It didnt update done.. | 02:29 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | Are their any other programs like Wine or Better ?? | 02:29 |
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eifzon | Jza|[Ubuntu] : cedega for gaming | 02:29 |
shearn89 | eifzon: oh... try "sudo apt-get check" | 02:30 |
SliMM | Jack_Sparrow: that's fine for me, i used ubuntu/kubuntu 5.10 and it didn't work | 02:30 |
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eifzon | shearn89: it said done | 02:30 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | ok thnx eifzon | 02:30 |
eifzon | Jza|[Ubuntu] : no problems, its definitly worth paying for ;) | 02:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | SliMM: You should be good to go... | 02:30 |
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SliMM | it didn't work on fedora core 6, slackware 12 | 02:30 |
SliMM | knoppix | 02:30 |
eifzon | shearn89: i still get the chache problem | 02:31 |
shearn89 | eifzon: did you just do a general "update/upgrade" type thing? | 02:31 |
SliMM | and knoppix was the only one that culd read from the windows partition | 02:31 |
SliMM | can ubuntu 7.10 do that "out of the box"? | 02:31 |
eifzon | shearn89: yesbox. | 02:31 |
SliMM | 7.4* | 02:31 |
SliMM | 7.04** | 02:31 |
shearn89 | eifzon: ok, try "sudo fc-cache -fv" to reload the font caches. | 02:31 |
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Jack_Sparrow | SliMM: Reading is fine You will need to enable ntfs-e6 to write | 02:31 |
tom17bombadil | jrib: not even can i remove texlive nor kile again: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33573/ | 02:31 |
Kcaj | How well does WINE work with FL Studio 7? Anyone have further experience using WINE with Adobe Audition 2.0, Virtual DJ, or any other resource itnensive music apps? I'd probably be running AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core with 2GB RAM on a laptop | 02:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | 3g | 02:32 |
eifzon | shearn89: fc-cache: failed | 02:32 |
eifzon | they cant write cache | 02:32 |
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SliMM | Jack_Sparrow, how do i do that? | 02:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | Kcaj: Ask in #winehq | 02:32 |
Kcaj | kk | 02:32 |
indigo | does anyone know of some resource that will help me select a video card that works in linux that isn't horribly outdated? | 02:32 |
eifzon | grr | 02:32 |
shearn89 | hmm.. struggling to think of ideas. | 02:32 |
jrib | tom17bombadil: you could always force it but, I would read through that bug and see what was tried for others | 02:32 |
SlimeyPe1e | indigo: just grab a mid-range nvidia card | 02:33 |
SlimeyPe1e | should work. | 02:33 |
defrysk | indigo, get some nvidia-card | 02:33 |
Kcaj | indigo: Check the manufacturer's website? | 02:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | SliMM: Easy to do, when you have feisty installed we can go through the one click process | 02:33 |
eifzon | it seems like ttf-opensymbol is causing the problem? | 02:33 |
Kcaj | Nvidia probably sdoes have the most support, driver-wise | 02:33 |
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indigo | yeah, "should work" is how it's been for my last video cards | 02:33 |
LiberCogito | indigo, my nvidia 7600 OC works well. | 02:33 |
Kcaj | Look on the manufacturer's website | 02:33 |
shearn89 | eifzon: no, look here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/122976 | 02:33 |
indigo | does it work on amd64? | 02:33 |
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SlimeyPe1e | I use 7600GTs on amd64 | 02:34 |
Kcaj | Why would it not? | 02:34 |
LiberCogito | indigo, ah, that I do not know/ | 02:34 |
SliMM | Jack_Sparrow: do i have to type the acces point name for any wireless stick/card or just for us54se? | 02:34 |
shearn89 | eifzon: looks just like your problem | 02:34 |
indigo | Kcaj: because the drivers don't support it | 02:34 |
LiberCogito | But I know that 7600 tends to work well in general for ubuntu. | 02:34 |
tom17bombadil | jrib: ok. i look for this bug. thanks a lot! | 02:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | indigo: Most mid range nvidia work great.. the very newest, sometimes are lagging in drivers | 02:34 |
Kcaj | wait wait... | 02:34 |
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Jza|[Ubuntu] | eif | 02:34 |
Kcaj | So the videocard ahs to work with your processor, and then your OS? | 02:34 |
LiberCogito | Why you're gaming on an AMD 64 bit system is another story... | 02:34 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | eifzon, do you no where i can find Cedega | 02:35 |
SlimeyPe1e | Kcaj: no | 02:35 |
IdleOne | indigo, here you go https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCards | 02:35 |
indigo | Kcaj: no, they simply don't provide drivers | 02:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | SliMM: I didnt got the broadcom.. so it may just be something in that one | 02:35 |
LiberCogito | Jza|[Ubuntu] : Transgaming.com | 02:35 |
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eifzon | Jza|[Ubuntu] : you buy it at transgaming.com | 02:35 |
SlimeyPe1e | Kcaj: but drivers have to be rewritten for 64-bit OSes | 02:35 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | thnx :) | 02:35 |
indigo | "oh yes! we have linux drivers! | 02:35 |
SlimeyPe1e | Kcaj: so sometimes 64-bit drivers are a bit behind their 32-bit counterparts | 02:35 |
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eifzon | shearn89: thank you very much :)= | 02:35 |
Kcaj | Hmm, see, cuz I had no idea whatsoever that the videocard drivers were like that, I guess all the 64-bit systems I've had have all come prebuilt, it is a sad day :( lol | 02:35 |
shearn89 | eifzon: no provs... | 02:35 |
shearn89 | *probs. | 02:36 |
eifzon | hate that problem | 02:36 |
indigo | "only, you have to be running version 7.1727 or redhat on an intel cpu build between 2006-05-06 and 2006-05-8" | 02:36 |
eifzon | i did format my kubuntu twice :P | 02:36 |
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shearn89 | eifzon: ouch... sounds painful... | 02:36 |
Kcaj | plus I've only had laptops for the last few years and can't be bothered to hand-build a laptop, or go back to using desktops :( I'm fading out of production or something. ;_; I'm outdated !! | 02:36 |
eifzon | shearn89: yes, really? ;90 | 02:36 |
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SliMM | Jack_Sparrow: ok | 02:37 |
SliMM | Jack_Sparrow: does ubuntu run on macintosh computers? (intel-based) | 02:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | SliMM: Are you downloading now or ? | 02:37 |
NET||abuse | hey guys.. anyone know how to setup a volume shortcut? i've an nx6000 here and the dratted thing has no hardware volume control :( | 02:37 |
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Jack_Sparrow | SliMM: There is a ppc version but I know nothing about it or even if it is still a project | 02:38 |
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SliMM | Jack_Sparrow: if you are talking about ubuntu 7.04, nu, i am installing it now, allmost done | 02:38 |
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N3bunel | hy | 02:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | SliMM: cool... let me know when you are done | 02:38 |
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Kcaj | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/7.04/release/ | 02:38 |
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Kcaj | SlicerDicer- | 02:38 |
SliMM | Jack_Sparrow: ok | 02:38 |
Kcaj | Err, SliMM | 02:39 |
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station8 | hi | 02:39 |
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SliMM | Kcaj: what? | 02:39 |
Kcaj | Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn): Mac (PowerPC) and IBM-PPC (POWER5) desktop CD | 02:39 |
N3bunel | i have a problem whit my linux i canot open a terminal or mozila | 02:39 |
eifzon | hmm, what package do i need for openoffice? | 02:39 |
station8 | how is people | 02:39 |
Kcaj | at umm... http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/7.04/release/ | 02:39 |
Kcaj | people is good :D | 02:39 |
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Kcaj | tastes like chikkins | 02:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | eifzon: It should be already in there.. | 02:40 |
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station8 | where is people from on here | 02:40 |
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eifzon | Jack_Sparrow: no, because i had that failed to write to cache thing | 02:40 |
eifzon | but i fixed it now | 02:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | Kcaj: Please stop ... | 02:40 |
Kcaj | people is from the whole world | 02:40 |
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SliMM | kcaj: and sony ps3.. wow | 02:40 |
Kcaj | :O | 02:40 |
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Kcaj | Jack_Sparrow: What did I do wrong? | 02:40 |
JeevesMoss | can someone give me the syntax to install the Linux-Kernal-Headers ? | 02:40 |
station8 | iam from whiteheaven | 02:40 |
JeevesMoss | jack_sparrow: 'morning Jack | 02:41 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Kcaj: Your earlier comments, and now tastes like chickens... you are pushing your luck... | 02:41 |
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station8 | any one horny | 02:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | JeevesMoss: Morning | 02:41 |
Kcaj | Umm dude, I only said that, because he said HOW IS PEOPLE | 02:41 |
Kcaj | and it is common joke to say any kind of meat "tastes like chicken" | 02:41 |
JeevesMoss | jack_sparrow: any ideas on the syntax for the kernal headers for 6.1? | 02:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | JeevesMoss: Nope... | 02:42 |
Kcaj | Like... how is Racoon? "Oh, it tastes like chicken", and he said "how is people", and I said "people is good, tastes like chicken." | 02:42 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | eifzon, I got a Cedega 6.0 Small does that matter it was free | 02:42 |
dgjones | !offtopic | station8 | 02:42 |
ubotu | station8: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | jrib: you around... | 02:42 |
eifzon | Jza|[Ubuntu] : its not free | 02:42 |
BCMM | how can i see a lits of files belonging to a specified package? | 02:42 |
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JeevesMoss | jack_sparrow: k, I'll stick around and give you a hand if I can with questions | 02:42 |
jrib | Jack_Sparrow: what's up? | 02:43 |
Kcaj | I think you are getting me out of context and reading in to me a way that I don't mean to be read in to. As an African American myself, who is proud of my heritage, I would never do anything that possibly a comedian like Dave Chappel would do that demoralizes blacks in general. | 02:43 |
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jrib | BCMM: dpkg -L PACKAGE | 02:43 |
BCMM | jrib: thanks | 02:43 |
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jrib | station8, Kcaj: try to keep this channel to ubuntu support only | 02:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | jrib: Kcaj .. his earlier comments were borderline... and his last peopel tastes like chicken... | 02:43 |
jrib | Jack_Sparrow: thanks | 02:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 02:43 |
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javaJake | Wow.... it's quiet! | 02:44 |
javaJake | Holy smokes! | 02:44 |
sharperguy | with OOo Writer, I keep trying to type the word "podcast", but it suggests the word "podcast411", i can still just type the word, but it would be easier if it suggested "podcast". So how do i change what it suggests? | 02:44 |
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javaJake | This is going on record for being the first time I haven't been bombarded with 5 messages within 30 seconds! | 02:44 |
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Jack_Sparrow | javaJake: Yep... give it a few minutes... | 02:45 |
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javaJake | lol | 02:45 |
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Jack_Sparrow | javaJake: I once saw the channel go 30 seconds without a post.... I thought my pc was broke | 02:46 |
station8 | hi | 02:46 |
javaJake | :D | 02:46 |
javaJake | station8, hey | 02:46 |
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station8 | people want a sexy chat | 02:46 |
javaJake | station8, May the internet shine upon you with fast speeds and high bandwidth | 02:46 |
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dgjones | !ops | station8 | 02:46 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by jrib | ||
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ubotu | station8: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 02:46 |
javaJake | station8, I take that back. ;) | 02:46 |
warriorforgod | I am getting an error upon login to gnome that states $HOME/.dmrc is being ignored. I ran an ls -l on the file and 644 is the permissions, but I still receive the error. Any suggestions? | 02:46 |
dgjones | jrib, thanks | 02:46 |
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Jack_Sparrow | thanks | 02:47 |
Hobbsee | nice one, jrib | 02:47 |
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JeevesMoss | jack_sparrow: are you any good @ dealing with Quota? | 02:47 |
jan__ | gibts hier jemanden der mir mit einem problemchen weiterhelfen kann ? | 02:47 |
defrysk | !de | 02:47 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 02:47 |
=== Aelle [n=yaoifan@cpe-066-057-204-121.sc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Jack_Sparrow | JeevesMoss: No... never heard of it.. sorry | 02:47 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | !nl | 02:47 |
ubotu | Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl | 02:47 |
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jan__ | suche deutschen support fr ubuntu....kennt jemand nen guten channel ? | 02:49 |
wsjunior | how do i generate metamodes to add in xorg.conf to change my monitor refresh rate frequency, it is set by default to 60, but i know it supports 75hz, could anybody help me with this? | 02:49 |
Kcaj | Is there a Ubuntu Studio install that is more geared towards just music? | 02:49 |
SlimeyPe1e | !german | jan__ | 02:49 |
ubotu | jan__: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 02:49 |
dgjones | !english | jan__ | 02:49 |
ubotu | jan__: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 02:49 |
Kcaj | I'm trying not to have to break out a DVD for all the graphic and video apps :( | 02:49 |
Kcaj | Especially since I really only want the music section of the release | 02:49 |
wsjunior | there is a program to generate those metamodes i just dont remember which on it is.. | 02:49 |
IdleOne | Kcaj, #ubuntustudio | 02:50 |
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jan__ | thx....ich schau da mal | 02:50 |
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dgjones | Kcaj, you could try a standard ubuntu install and then add sevea's gnome-multimedia metapackage | 02:50 |
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sharperguy | how do i get OOo writer to stop giving me "podcast411" as an autocomplete, and give me "podcast" instead? | 02:50 |
Kcaj | How large is the gnome-multimedia metapackage, a few GB, or several hundred MB? | 02:51 |
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dgjones | Kcaj, give me a sec, its probably 10's of Mb, just downloads various multimedia packages from the ubuntu repo's | 02:52 |
savetheWorld | sharperguy: investigare the spellcheck dictionaries | 02:52 |
Kcaj | Oh, that is nice then :D | 02:52 |
dgjones | !seveas | 02:52 |
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 02:52 |
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sharperguy | savetheWorld, is it anything to do with spellcheck? | 02:53 |
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savetheWorld | yes | 02:53 |
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sharperguy | hmm | 02:53 |
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FirstTimer | sup | 02:54 |
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FirstTimer | how i can install something? | 02:54 |
FirstTimer | su -c /home/sean/Desktop/et-linux-2.55.x86.run | 02:54 |
FirstTimer | wont work omg, | 02:54 |
Kcaj | dgjones: thanks, reading the link | 02:54 |
Some_Person | How do I mount a .bin without a .cue in Ubuntu? | 02:54 |
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dgjones | Kcaj, have a look at that link - don't know how much space it'd need to download, but this is the description of the multimedia package This package will install a complete multimedia system for the GNOME desktop, including codecs, players and catalog programs | 02:54 |
IdleOne | sharperguy, have you tried typing out the word podcast and then try using the tab completion? I believe what it does is remember the last word used | 02:54 |
sharperguy | IdleOne, lots of times | 02:55 |
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IdleOne | sharperguy, sorry. was taking a shot | 02:56 |
sharperguy | hmm | 02:56 |
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Some_Person | I have a .bin cd image, how can i mount/convert it without a .cue? | 02:56 |
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Pici | !iso | Some_Person | 02:57 |
ubotu | Some_Person: To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 02:57 |
bentob0x | sourceforge down? | 02:57 |
Some_Person | Pici: A .bin is not an iso. | 02:57 |
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zpertee | bentob0x, must be. I was wondering same thing | 02:57 |
kauer | sharperguy: There is a way! wait a sec, I'll get it for you... | 02:57 |
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taran | Hello everyone. I have a little problem, im not searching a complete solution but i need some pointers :) .. I have a 40gb USB disk, that im using to boot Ubuntu on .. Now, i installed it on this box with an ATI card, but the purpose of the disk is to have it with me to be able to have my installation on any box capable of booting from an USB device. The problem is that it has installed ATI drivers, and wont start X on other graphics card. | 02:57 |
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oranye | erde | 02:58 |
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Pici | Some_Person: See the list of cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion | 02:58 |
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Some_Person | Pici: ok | 02:58 |
kauer | sharperguy: Go to Tools->AutoCorrect->Word Completion and you can delete word completions you don't like. | 02:58 |
sharperguy | kauer, yeah i found that | 02:59 |
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sharperguy | kauer, but is there any way to tell it to suggest words i do want? | 02:59 |
kauer | sharperguy: The I don't understand your question. | 02:59 |
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kauer | sharperguy: No, sadly. It just remembers the up to 500 most common words you use.... | 03:00 |
IdleOne | sharperguy, try hitting tab a second time it may cycle through the words | 03:00 |
sharperguy | ok | 03:00 |
sharperguy | IdleOne, well it doesn't suggest anything now | 03:00 |
=== Schwein0 [n=armand@h8441179176.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bir | how to add one more gnome instance(like ctrl+alt+f7 at ctrl+alt+f8) | 03:01 |
GNine | dual boot drive : XP / ubuntu - problem : reinstallation of ubuntu damaged XP boot.ini file. no boot on windows. how do i reinstall/fix XP | 03:01 |
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IdleOne | !grub | GNine | 03:02 |
ubotu | GNine: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 03:02 |
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GNine | negative: ubuntu is not the problem. i need windows to boot | 03:03 |
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kauer | sharperguy: I tell a lie, you CAN add entries. Use Replace and With on the Replace tab in the Tools->Autocorrect dialogue. | 03:03 |
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Christian85 | hola gente buenos dias | 03:03 |
Christian85 | alguien me puede ayudar con mi server ubuntu | 03:04 |
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Christian85 | ? | 03:04 |
sharperguy | kauer, ok | 03:04 |
dgjones | !es | Christian | 03:04 |
ubotu | Christian: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 03:04 |
bir | I am unable to see eth0 only eth1(wireless is there) | 03:04 |
Christian85 | ohh, sorry , thanks !! | 03:04 |
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sharperguy | kauer, well thats not the same thing though is it? | 03:04 |
GNine | !boot | gnine | 03:04 |
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kauer | sharperguy: Once more I miss your point. What do you mean? Not the same as what? | 03:05 |
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sharperguy | kauer, thats autocorrect, not autocomplete | 03:05 |
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kauer | sharperguy: Have you tried it? | 03:06 |
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Esine | Hi. I'll be setting up a home theater PC using Ubuntu (Alternate CD install). I'm going to compile the newest SVN MythTV, mplayer (and ffmpeg) and my own kernel. Should I consider making dpkg versions of these or just compile and install them normally? I understand apt may be a bit confused if I won't make dpkgs out of them but it just seems quite a bit of work. So what to do? | 03:06 |
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genii | Are you using aspell backend? | 03:06 |
OminousZ | what is the Extended System Configuration Data area? | 03:07 |
berent | Problem with alsa: Whenever I change volume the sound completely stops .... I am on feisty?? | 03:07 |
OminousZ | is it for my BIOS or my OS's use? | 03:07 |
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Esine | Is it considered bad practice to install them directly from source? | 03:07 |
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sharperguy | kauer, ive looked at it, but i know its not what i want | 03:08 |
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Some_Person | How do you play a KVCD in Ubuntu? | 03:08 |
kauer | sharperguy: Ifyou enter say "fred" and "ferderick", then type "fred<space>" into your doc, you will get "frederick". That is effectively autocomplete. If you type "fredd" theye will be no autocorrect/autocompelete, and you can go on to type (say) "freddy". | 03:08 |
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dgjones | Esine, if you compile something yourself, you can have problems with synaptic updates, wherever possible, you'd be better using the supported version that are available in the repositories | 03:09 |
sharperguy | kauer, yeah but i just want to add it to the list of suggestions that come up | 03:09 |
=== FruitieX [n=rasse@a80-186-69-59.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kauer | sharperguy: Read the help on autocomplete/word completion, and look at the bottom of that help page. Maybe get more enlightenment there :-) | 03:09 |
Some_Person | !vcd | 03:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about vcd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:09 |
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Esine | dgjones, well the problem is I don't want to use two years old version of mplayer or MythTV. I NEED newer ones. | 03:09 |
sharperguy | kauer, I'm using metacity :P | 03:10 |
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Esine | I come from Gentoo background | 03:10 |
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BCMM | i've just messed up my xorg.conf | 03:11 |
bir | where is the etho script file | 03:11 |
bir | eth0* | 03:11 |
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OminousZ | BCMM, there should be a default | 03:11 |
GNine | issue: re-installation of ubuntu via wubi not successful. no revert. system unchanged. this caused a fatal error on windows boot.ini file. windows unusable | 03:11 |
BCMM | is there a way to regenerate the default xorg.conf? | 03:11 |
IdleOne | !xorg | 03:11 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 03:11 |
BCMM | OminousZ: where? | 03:11 |
preaction | bir, /etc/network/interfaces <- if i remember correctly | 03:11 |
dgjones | Esine, if it works and you're happy taking the chance you're probably ok, it might just be more difficult getting support in the channels if there's a problem with using different versions | 03:11 |
OminousZ | Not sure where, I never edited it | 03:12 |
bir | !eth0 | 03:12 |
OminousZ | so I've forgotten ;( | 03:12 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about eth0 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:12 |
BCMM | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg asks questions and stuff, right? | 03:12 |
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BCMM | is there not a way to just get the same defaults which the installer chose? | 03:12 |
Esine | dgjones, ok, thanks. I do know my way around Linux so it shouldn't be a problem | 03:12 |
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GNine | bcmm: yes | 03:12 |
IdleOne | BCMM, yes just use the defaults and you should be ok | 03:12 |
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dgjones | Esine, good luck with it then | 03:13 |
BCMM | IdleOne: if i go through that hitting enter, i'll get the same results as the installer? | 03:13 |
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GNine | keep in mind it is a good idea to know the exact location of your PCI devices | 03:13 |
IdleOne | BCMM, pretty much yuo should | 03:13 |
BCMM | no wait that isn't right, the default driver is vesa for example, and the installer gave me nv | 03:13 |
BCMM | ... | 03:13 |
berent | Problem with alsa: Whenever I change volume the sound completely stops .... I am on feisty?? | 03:13 |
berent | Problem with alsa: Whenever I change volume the sound completely stops .... I am on feisty?? | 03:13 |
rizhun | whats happened to SourceForge ? | 03:13 |
preaction | !patience | berent | 03:13 |
ubotu | berent: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 03:13 |
rizhun | they getting DDoS'd or somethin? | 03:13 |
preaction | !offtopic | rizhun | 03:14 |
ubotu | rizhun: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 03:14 |
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kauer | sharperguy: BTW, CTL-TAB, not TAB, will cycle through the options. I find it's generally easier to keep typing until the alternative I want appears. | 03:15 |
dgjones | rizhun, looks like their servers are down for some reason | 03:15 |
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rizhun | cheers dgjones - not just me then :) | 03:16 |
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blackest | can you install ubuntu to an extended partition ? | 03:16 |
sharperguy | kauer, the problem was that i wanted "podcast" and it was giving me "podcast411" and "podcast" wasn't even on the list, so cycleing never did anything | 03:16 |
SliM1 | Jack_Sparrow: i'm running ubuntu now :) | 03:16 |
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GNine | extended partition = virtual drive. | 03:16 |
GNine | yes | 03:17 |
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berent | Problem with alsa: Whenever I change volume the sound completely stops .... I am on feisty?? | 03:17 |
blackest | thank you GNine | 03:17 |
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IdleOne | !sound | berent | 03:17 |
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kauer | sharperguy: Go into autocorrect and delete "podcats411". Then type "podcast<space>" into your document. From that point on, you should see "podcast" as an option whenever you type "pod". If you just WANT "podcast411" as well, just don't delete it first, then you'll have both possibilities. | 03:18 |
ubotu | berent: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 03:18 |
bir | system says its unable to device, device fetch information failed, I am not able to get eth0 | 03:18 |
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SliMM | Jack_Sparrow: it's great, though i have to get used to using gaim instead of y! messenger | 03:18 |
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bir | any idea what could be wrong? | 03:18 |
bir | earlier it was working fine | 03:18 |
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tech_ | _Nathan | 03:18 |
berent | IdleOne : is there any command to restart alsa? | 03:18 |
sharperguy | kauer, it dosn't work i've typed the word podcast loads of times and it doesn't suggest it | 03:18 |
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BCMM | IdleOne: it does't give me an option of autodetection | 03:19 |
IdleOne | berent, probably but I dont know it | 03:19 |
BCMM | it just asks me the questions, with my old answers as defaults | 03:19 |
IdleOne | BCMM, let it autodetect | 03:19 |
BCMM | i cannot work out how to rese tit | 03:19 |
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GNine | word of advice.. ubuntu is unforgiving is configuration is incorrect. | 03:19 |
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BCMM | IdleOne: how do you make it autodetect? | 03:19 |
inc0 | hello all | 03:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | SliMM: It detected the usb without any problems.. | 03:19 |
fevel | is pidgin only for 32 bit architecture? | 03:19 |
GNine | if it works .. dont fix it | 03:19 |
IdleOne | BCMM, oh sorry I misread | 03:19 |
GNine | lol | 03:19 |
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BCMM | IdleOne: i run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and first thing i see it's asking me which driver | 03:19 |
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fevel | Im having trouble inding package for feisty 64 edition | 03:20 |
inc0 | can anyone tell me where is any security configuration file for Sun's jre? | 03:20 |
IdleOne | BCMM, does it give you coices? | 03:20 |
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IdleOne | choices? | 03:20 |
BCMM | IdleOne: yes | 03:20 |
IdleOne | BCMM, then chose the nvidia one | 03:20 |
SliM1 | Jack_Sparrow: no need of typing in the acces point name :) | 03:20 |
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Jack_Sparrow | SliMM: Good... | 03:20 |
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IdleOne | BCMM, you said earlier you had nv | 03:21 |
Pici | fevel: Pigdin isnt in the Ubuntu repositories for any Feisty architecture | 03:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | SliMM: That page talked about feisty beat so that was fixed | 03:21 |
SliM1 | Jack_Sparrow: yeah :) | 03:21 |
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BCMM | IdleOne: but then it will ask me about EVERYTHING | 03:21 |
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Don|Carp | room in Spanish ? | 03:21 |
BCMM | i just want the xorg that the installer put in | 03:21 |
fevel | Pici, Is there an alternative way to use pidgin or is it unavailable for Ubuntu 64? | 03:21 |
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GNine | how to reformat entire disk from ubuntu? | 03:21 |
BCMM | and which i stupidly lost | 03:21 |
VSpike | I've followed the instructions for installing LAMP on Ubuntu, but when I try a php test, I get a download dialog in my browser instead of a page... what am I doing wrong? | 03:22 |
Don|Carp | o.O | 03:22 |
IdleOne | BCMM, after that it should give you some default answers go with those | 03:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | SliMM: Glad to have you with us, if you have any questions, just ask. Be patient as this place gets busy and someone that knows the answer will help | 03:22 |
BCMM | IdleOne: no. it's all based on answers from last time | 03:22 |
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BCMM | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto claims it will just rerun the autodetection | 03:22 |
dgjones | !es | Don|Carp | 03:22 |
ubotu | Don|Carp: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 03:22 |
BCMM | this seems not to be correct | 03:22 |
Pici | fevel: You can search getdeb.net, but I'm afraid I cant help you beyond that. | 03:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | !es > Don|Carp: | 03:22 |
fevel | thank you anyway Pici | 03:22 |
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ndo | hey, guys, i have a question, how can i copy audio cd? cuz standart (right clock on the cd and "copy to cd" option dont work with audio cd). plz. thx. | 03:23 |
VSpike | fevel: if it's in gutsy you may be able to backport it with prevu | 03:23 |
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fevel | VSpike, im pretty noob | 03:23 |
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genii | sharperguy: if your language is en_GB for instance, sudo nano /usr/share/myspell/dicts/en_GB.dic then look for pocast411and remove it, also possibly add just podcast | 03:23 |
VSpike | fevel hmm okay it's not a trivial task | 03:24 |
fevel | VSpike, i think I found the .deb where Pici told me | 03:24 |
sharperguy | genii, thanks but never mind for now i got rid of podcast411 thats enough | 03:24 |
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fevel | let me check if it works and ill report back | 03:24 |
VSpike | fevel: neat :) | 03:24 |
VSpike | fevel: another thing to try might be klik | 03:24 |
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taran | anyone have a minute over for a graphics related question? :) | 03:25 |
fevel | klik? ...ill check it out too | 03:25 |
fevel | thanks | 03:25 |
mist3 | hi all. I am having a heck of a time securing phpmyadmin on Feisty. It almost seems like it is not reading /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf | 03:25 |
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bir | how can i get one more gui screen | 03:26 |
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kauer | sharperguy: Hmmmm - do you have automatic spellchecking turned on and is "podcast" in your dictionary (or podcast411)? The autocomplete list will only accept words that are in the dictionary (I seem to recall but have not tested). Try turning it off for a while and see what happens (Tools->Options->Language settings->Writing aids) | 03:26 |
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sharperguy | kauer, hmm | 03:27 |
VSpike | fevel: pidgin doesn't seem to be on there yet. http://klik.atekon.de/ | 03:27 |
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OminousZ | what do I do when I'm getting a spammage amount of SQUASHFS errors? | 03:27 |
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kauer | kel39ru: This is a known problem; the copy in Feisty assumes "data", even when it's been told "audio" :-( No workaround except rip/write, as far as I know. | 03:28 |
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GNine | any hints on reinstalling windows from ubuntu or how to reformat entire hard drive? | 03:29 |
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blackest | Gnine where is your windows partition | 03:29 |
berent | Problem with alsa: Whenever I change volume the sound completely stops .... I am on feisty?? | 03:30 |
sharperguy | right ok now vnc's messing up | 03:30 |
b4l74z4r | i'm sometimes running into problems when transferring music to my portable mp3 player, the device hangs and i get error messages like i don't have permission to access it when i use nautilus | 03:30 |
sharperguy | it keeps putting me randomly back to desktop 1 | 03:30 |
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blackest | if its the first partition you can reinstall windows there then ubuntu will be inaccessable and you need to boot from ubuntu cd and reinstall grub on the mbr | 03:30 |
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GNine | blackfest: ? | 03:31 |
sharperguy | b4l74z4r, what type of mp3 player is it? | 03:31 |
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kel39ru | kauer: okay, ty. hmm, let's see. Juicer for ripping and serpentine for burning i guess, eh? But does Juicer rip in audio format? ty. | 03:31 |
skrypt | how do you remove an IRC ignore? | 03:31 |
GNine | XP on first .. only got access to ubuntu. i need XP back | 03:31 |
VSpike | skrypt: depends on the client | 03:31 |
skrypt | XChat | 03:31 |
kauer | kel39ru: Just make sure yoiu rip to a lossless format - WAV, FLAC etc. | 03:32 |
skrypt | XChat-GNOME IRC Chat, actually. | 03:32 |
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kauer | sharperguy: Here's weird: "podcast411" appears to be in my dictionary, and I know I never put it there! Maybe there is a faulty dictionary entry happening here as well.... | 03:32 |
b4l74z4r | sharperguy: its a sony ericsson k810i with a 2gb memory card | 03:33 |
VSpike | skrypt: I think it's /ignore <mask> UNIG | 03:33 |
bir | how can i get one more gnome instance [gui] into the ubuntu | 03:33 |
kauer | sharperguy: Maybe genii had the right idea :-) | 03:33 |
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Jza|[Ubuntu] | GNine, don't you have a bootable Win XP | 03:33 |
sharperguy | kauer, strange, because i had loads of random things in my autocomplete list because i'd copy and pasted them | 03:33 |
bir | like if i press ctrl+alt+f8 i would get new gui login screen | 03:34 |
sharperguy | kauer, and podcast411 was one of them AFAIK | 03:34 |
kel39ru | kauer: okay, ty 4 advice. Using Ubuntu, only, alredy for a year or even more. And first time encountered this :P Never had to copy Audio before. Alweys data. Now i c, its indeed known problem, hehe. bye. hf. | 03:34 |
VSpike | skrypt: oh no, tell a lie.. it's /unignore <mask> | 03:34 |
GNine | XP on primary partition not accessible . boot.ini bad. grub only allows boot to ubuntu. question: how to reformat hard drive. | 03:35 |
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kel39ru | kauer: i hope they fix it in 7.10 :) | 03:35 |
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blackest | ok gnine theres a couple of possibilitys its probably easier if i talk to you direct | 03:36 |
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sharperguy | b4l74z4r, well sorry i don't know about that one | 03:36 |
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GNine | go ahead | 03:36 |
sharperguy | b4l74z4r, ask again and someone else might | 03:36 |
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b4l74z4r | ok | 03:36 |
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Matic`Makovec | Hm, could anyone remind me how can I mount up .iso image without burning it? | 03:37 |
OminousZ | hold on Matic | 03:38 |
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dgjones | !iso | Matic`Makovec (I think thats the right bit of info from ubotu) | 03:38 |
ubotu | Matic`Makovec (I think thats the right bit of info from ubotu): To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 03:38 |
kauer | sharperguy: Well, I grepped for podcast in all the ductionaries in the myspell directry and found nothing. But "podcast411" is definitelin whatever dictionaries OO is using, because "podcast" gets marked as misspelled, while "podcast411" doesn't! I think that's why "podcats411" gets collected and "podcast" doesn't. Add "podcast" to your dictionary and you'll see it collected and suggested as an autocompletion. Now I have a question: what | 03:38 |
Matic`Makovec | Thank you dgjones | 03:38 |
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OminousZ | d'oh | 03:38 |
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OminousZ | beaten to the punch | 03:39 |
dgjones | :) | 03:39 |
Matic`Makovec | Heh | 03:39 |
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OminousZ | :P | 03:39 |
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Jza|[Ubuntu] | lool | 03:39 |
=== dgjones goes to the doctors with a bad back :) | ||
sharperguy | kauer, ok, ill try that | 03:39 |
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sharperguy | kauer, sorry i can hardly do anything because vnc keeps putting me back to screen 1 whenever i right click somthing | 03:40 |
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sharperguy | kauer, i just switched through to a different computer and vnc'ed in | 03:40 |
blackest | GNine there are two possibilities i can think off to get xp back working you can try to edit the menu list for grub or if that isnt working reinstall xp insert the ubuntu cd and open a terminal and type grub ...http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html | 03:40 |
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sharperguy | GNine, if you use the repair function of the install disk, get into a terminal and type "fixboot" it might fix the boot.ini problem and you wont have to reinstall xp or grub | 03:42 |
SliMM | what's the default root password and how do i get more apps in ubuntu? | 03:43 |
skrypt | how do I delete a non-empty directory? | 03:43 |
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sharperguy | !sudo | 03:43 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 03:44 |
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skrypt | sharperguy: is that supposed to be for me? | 03:44 |
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b4l74z4r | to me it appears when transferring files to an external device there is no progress info so that you don't know when the transfer is finished | 03:44 |
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fulhack | Hello folks. Any idea on which package provides "java-config" ? | 03:44 |
debint | is there an active project to create a easy harddrake like device manager for ubuntu ? | 03:44 |
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sharperguy | skrypt, yes, but i cant type a pipe charachter so i couldnt send it directly to you | 03:44 |
VSpike | can anyone tell me how I can purge and reinstall a package while ignoring dependancies | 03:45 |
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skrypt | sharperguy: that doesn't help me. | 03:45 |
skrypt | skrypt@Eos:~/.Trash$ sudo rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty .wine/ | 03:45 |
skrypt | skrypt@Eos:~/.Trash$ ls -a | 03:45 |
skrypt | . .. .wine | 03:45 |
sharperguy | skrypt, oh sorry it wasnt for you | 03:45 |
skrypt | :P lol | 03:45 |
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preaction | skrypt, you want rm -r | 03:45 |
sharperguy | skrypt, it was for SLiMM | 03:45 |
preaction | skrypt, but be careful with that one. | 03:46 |
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preaction | skrypt, --ignore-fail-on-non-empty just means that rmdir won't print out a message when it fails to remove a directory | 03:46 |
skrypt | kk thanks | 03:46 |
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OminousZ | uhhh, so, guess what guys, I've made things worse. | 03:47 |
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preaction | skrypt, if you're absolutely sure you want to delete the directory (and don't want prompts) you can use the -f (force) switch to rm | 03:47 |
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skrypt | k, I got it | 03:47 |
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OminousZ | I rebooted in the middle of an install, which was running off a mounted portion of the hard-drive | 03:47 |
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GNine | if i could use the repair function of XP install disk i wouldnt be askin questions | 03:47 |
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OminousZ | now I can't boot from anything, and the cd no long makes it to the live mode | 03:48 |
OminousZ | longer* | 03:48 |
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TylerJGillies | OminousZ: i know how you feel | 03:48 |
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OminousZ | Yeaahh | 03:48 |
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OminousZ | As if I couldn't screw things up more, eh? | 03:48 |
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TylerJGillies | OminousZ: im installing from a live cd that barely works (well works fine, but my cdrom drive is foobar) | 03:48 |
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OminousZ | I'm getting a lot of SQUASHFS error unable to read, sb_bread failed errors | 03:49 |
OminousZ | heh | 03:49 |
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haren2 | ok, I just installed skype, and the bugger killed my sound :( been wrestling all morning to get it to work properly and now it's gone again lol | 03:49 |
OminousZ | now, I know that ubuntu works on this server, since it was on there before | 03:49 |
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TylerJGillies | OminousZ: installing directly from cd won't work because it can't find the files. so i'm just downloading a custom iso and kernel/initrd and installing from that | 03:49 |
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OminousZ | yar | 03:49 |
GNine | is there any command on linux to reformat entire disk at all | 03:49 |
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TylerJGillies | GNine: rm -fr / | 03:50 |
Dr_willis | GnarlyBob, you can quickly totally whipe out a hard drive... if you REALLY want to do that. | 03:50 |
moonlite_ | TylerJGillies: that doesn't reformat. | 03:50 |
TylerJGillies | moonlite_: it was a joke ;) | 03:50 |
Frogzoo | OminousZ: mmm.. consider deleting the mbr | 03:50 |
GNine | is that going to work from user terminal window , tyler? | 03:50 |
OminousZ | How do I do that? | 03:51 |
OminousZ | sounds good though, master boot record... | 03:51 |
moonlite_ | TylerJGillies: well it was a bad one. Spreading misinformation isn't good | 03:51 |
OminousZ | I'd like to give that record a boot in the butt | 03:51 |
TylerJGillies | moonlite_: sorry | 03:51 |
moonlite_ | np | 03:51 |
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OminousZ | ooh, could the MBR be the same thing as the ESCD? | 03:52 |
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TylerJGillies | !escd | 03:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about escd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:52 |
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TylerJGillies | wget -c is a wonderful thing | 03:52 |
OminousZ | something about the ESCD in my bios, says it's the uh ... going by memory... extended ... something... I forget | 03:52 |
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OminousZ | lemme google real quick | 03:52 |
SliMM | Jack_Sparrow: a little bit more help pls, how can i download extra applications for ubuntu? | 03:53 |
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OminousZ | Extended System Configuration Data | 03:53 |
TylerJGillies | SliMM: apt-get install | 03:53 |
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OminousZ | there we go | 03:53 |
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GNine | so linux can commit suicide.. lol | 03:53 |
[s0] | hello | 03:53 |
OminousZ | !apt | SliMM | 03:53 |
ubotu | SliMM: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 03:53 |
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[s0] | u can install zd1211 wiffiUsb jazztel ? | 03:54 |
thedash | how can I add entries to the 'Places' taskbar button ? | 03:54 |
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bir | how can i get one more xserver instance in ubuntu dapper | 03:54 |
=== TylerJGillies never tried running more than one xserver before | ||
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kclo4 | hi everyone | 03:54 |
Frogzoo | OminousZ: say the disk is /dev/sda - then from the live cd '# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=64 count=1' - be sure to get this exact, else you could clober the partition table or worse, scrub the entire disk | 03:54 |
westguy | . | 03:54 |
OminousZ | Well, the problem is, I can't get to the live cd | 03:55 |
OminousZ | ;) | 03:55 |
GNine | !linux suicide | 03:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about linux suicide - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:55 |
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TylerJGillies | Frogzoo: whats the difference between /dev/zero and /dev/null? | 03:55 |
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kclo4 | i am running on a laptop is there a way to know the frequency of the cpu and to change it? | 03:55 |
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Frogzoo | OminousZ: well that's no fun | 03:55 |
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OminousZ | hrhrhr | 03:55 |
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OminousZ | indeed | 03:56 |
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TylerJGillies | OminousZ: got any floppy disks? | 03:56 |
Dr_willis | kclo4, mine has some little battery/cpu moniutor in the panel applets that shows it. | 03:56 |
OminousZ | uhhhh | 03:56 |
GNine | overclockin a cpu thru software .. dont think so | 03:56 |
OminousZ | maybe.... | 03:56 |
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srivatsark | /dev/zero outputs a continuous strem of zeros | 03:56 |
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TylerJGillies | OminousZ: make a bootdisk | 03:56 |
PriceChild | TylerJGillies, yeah, null != 0 | 03:56 |
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PriceChild | 0 is a value | 03:57 |
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Frogzoo | TylerJGillies: /dev/zero is reads only zeros, /dev/null reads as eof, and writes as a bit bucket | 03:57 |
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TylerJGillies | Frogzoo: thnx | 03:57 |
kclo4 | GNine: i don't want to overclock it, for laptop there economic mode or full performance | 03:57 |
GNine | zero is a bad value.. null is a ghost value.. either way bad | 03:57 |
OminousZ | Oh lord, time to dig out my old computer parts box | 03:57 |
Frogzoo | OminousZ: yeah, in bios check you boot off cd before hdd | 03:57 |
OminousZ | with my ram that has ..... 32 mB? | 03:57 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | Edoram ???? OminousZ | 03:57 |
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Jza|[Ubuntu] | :P | 03:58 |
OminousZ | Heheh, well I can get to the main screen of the CD | 03:58 |
OminousZ | so I know I'm that far ;P | 03:58 |
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OminousZ | Jza, what? | 03:58 |
GNine | wow. frogzoo just gave me a great idea to reinstall xp | 03:58 |
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Jza|[Ubuntu] | <OminousZ> with my ram that has ..... 32 mB? <----- | 03:58 |
GNine | i shouldve thought of it | 03:58 |
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OminousZ | Oh! | 03:58 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] | :) | 03:58 |
OminousZ | I thought Edoram was a person | 03:59 |
OminousZ | hahah @_@ | 03:59 |
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Jza|[Ubuntu] | lool | 03:59 |
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TylerJGillies | i uninstalled xp today, i ritualistically reformatted with ext3 filesystem | 03:59 |
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OminousZ | Hrhrhr, doesn't seem to be edoram | 04:01 |
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OminousZ | sdram actually | 04:01 |
OminousZ | ktd-sdram | 04:01 |
thedash | how can I add entries to the 'Places' taskbar entry ? | 04:01 |
guyvdb_ | how do i set the software sources from the command line? Do i have to edit each line in /etc/apt/sources ? | 04:01 |
GNine | EXT 3 is virtual drive to me. for ubuntu. | 04:01 |
TylerJGillies | GNine: virtual drive? | 04:01 |
GNine | partition | 04:01 |
fulhack | Does anyone here know where I can get "java-config" ? | 04:01 |
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TylerJGillies | fulhack: "touch java-config" | 04:01 |
GNine | in other words.. EXT 3 is where ubuntu is at | 04:01 |
kauer | sharperguy: I have been unable to find "podcast411" in any of the multitude of dictionaries I have to hand. Because it has letters and numbers it is being treated as "special" and not getting spellchecked at all - so it always gets collected, even with autospellchecking switched on. | 04:02 |
fulhack | TylerJGillies, haha. I'd like some functionality from it, too. :) | 04:02 |
OminousZ | sheesh, how is it that I can have an overabundance of floppy drives, and not a single floppy disk | 04:02 |
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sharperguy | kauer, yeah ok | 04:02 |
sharperguy | kauer, podcast411 is a podcast about podcasts btw | 04:03 |
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genii | OminousZ: Yes, that happens to me often since i mostly use cds now LOL | 04:03 |
kauer | sharperguy: You can change this behaviour by going in to Tools->Options->Language settings->Writing aids and clicking the option the "Check words with numbers". Then "podcast411" and similar constructs) will undergo normal spellchecking. | 04:03 |
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TylerJGillies | fulhack: echo echo hello world>>java-config | 04:03 |
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kel39ru | kauer: it worked, ty :) just havent expected Ubuntu want able to copy audio cd :( | 04:04 |
sharperguy | kauer, I'd prefer to leave it as it is tbh | 04:04 |
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kauer | sharperguy: If you want "podcast411" in your dictionary you will have to add it; then you will a) get it as a completion option (along with "podcast" and b) get a warning if you accidentally type "podcast412" one day... | 04:04 |
mccune | If I only want to install a package from the Universe repository if it doesn't exist in the officially supported repository, how should I go about it? I remember something like apt-pinning from my debian setups a few years ago... | 04:04 |
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erisco | I am having problems with... well I am not sure how to name it. Basically I am playing a java game in firefox... and because of that firefox is the only application that can put sound through my speakers. the only way I can overcome this is by opening, say, my music player FIRST, and then playing the java game in firefox... surely there is a better way to "free" the speakers though... | 04:05 |
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sharperguy | kauer, I don't want podcast411 in my dictonary | 04:05 |
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sharperguy | kauer, I was trying to remove it from my autocomplete list, and succeeded | 04:05 |
OminousZ | Oooh I think I found the OLD COMPUTER JUNK box | 04:06 |
kauer | sharperguy: Thank you for your question, by the way. I learned a lot about dictionaries and some of the less obvious interactions between options in OO today. | 04:06 |
sharperguy | kauer, its just strange that "podcast" isn't showing up in my autocomplete list now because i'm trying it nearly every 3 sentances in this document | 04:06 |
OminousZ | I should have a boot disk in here... | 04:06 |
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taran | anyone have a minute over for a graphics related question? :) | 04:06 |
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sharperguy | kauer, lol cool | 04:06 |
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kauer | sharperguy: is "podcast" in your dictionary now? | 04:07 |
sharperguy | kauer, yes | 04:07 |
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kauer | sharperguy" What wordlength do you have set for autocompletion? Tools->Autocorrect->Word completion->Min word length | 04:08 |
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kauer | sharperguy: If it is 8 or more, podcast (seven letters) isn't a candidate for autocompletion. | 04:09 |
sharperguy | kauer, ah that must be it | 04:09 |
sharperguy | kauer, ill put it down a bit it was on 10 | 04:09 |
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OminousZ | PAYDIRT | 04:09 |
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OminousZ | but these floppies have important drivers | 04:09 |
OminousZ | >.< gragh | 04:09 |
mosno | How can I get development tools (to compile a newer kernel then Feisty's default) onto a system with no network access? Both my ethernet and wifi don't seem to be detected by the Feisty installer (atl1 driver for ethernet, iwlwifi/mac* for wifi)? | 04:09 |
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kauer | sharperguy: The problem with leaving "check words with numbers" unchecked is that the next time you type it, "podcast411" it will be BACK in your autocomplete list... I would say that unless you use a LOT of letter/number combinations that you don't want checked, checking this option would be a good idea. | 04:11 |
genii | mosno: If you have a free slot put a network adapter it can use in there for the time being | 04:11 |
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mosno | genii: it's a Santa Rosa laptop | 04:11 |
shiv_j | Just installed on desktop knetworkmanager shows device as Netgear Wireless but no networks are detected... Any help? | 04:12 |
mosno | genii: i'd prefer not to buy a PC Card just for this... | 04:12 |
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kauer | sharperguy: I use a minimum word length of 6, any shorter and you start getting too many worthless autocomplete suggestions. I suspect 10 is about right for German, but 6 is better for English. | 04:12 |
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kauer | sharperguy: Are we done? | 04:12 |
sharperguy | kauer, wi think so :) | 04:12 |
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genii | mosno: If you have another network capable machine you can wire them together by laplink (parallel port network cable) and use PLIP | 04:13 |
mosno | genii: it's only got USB/Firewire | 04:13 |
mosno | maybe some usb cable that does serial... | 04:13 |
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genii | mosno: Yes, thats pretty tricky | 04:14 |
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OminousZ | bbiab | 04:14 |
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SliM1 | i can't see the add/remove programs in applications :( | 04:14 |
tommax | anyone know good channel IRC for java? | 04:14 |
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shiv_j | Just installed on desktop knetworkmanager shows device as Netgear Wireless but no networks are detected... Any help? | 04:14 |
SliM1 | tommax: try #java | 04:14 |
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genii | mosno: There are also some usb-usb sort of network cables but i have never used em and don't know if supported out of box in a new install | 04:15 |
mosno | genii: all i need to do is find a LiveCD with my network driver in-kernel then chroot to the Ubuntu install........ i think | 04:15 |
tommax | not enter | 04:15 |
SliM1 | come on, how can i add or remove applications? | 04:15 |
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SliM1 | am i not logged in as admin? | 04:15 |
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gordonjcp | !synaptic | SliM1 | 04:15 |
ubotu | SliM1: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto | 04:15 |
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mosno | genii: because if i do that, then theoretically my network interface is exported to my chrooted userland, no? | 04:16 |
genii | mosno: Yes, theoretically :0 | 04:16 |
yellow_chicken | is there a program (command line app) that can extra ms excel file into CSV file? | 04:16 |
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sacater | hey my friend is having some serious wireless network trouble that I cant help with, can someone give him a hand, his m*n is arbiter417@hotmail.co.uk | 04:16 |
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eifzon | I just installed envy on my kubuntu, then the nvidia driver, and i rebooted, and i couldnt get into X because of this: (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module! | 04:17 |
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SliM1 | gordonjcp: i can't see any System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager | 04:17 |
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gordonjcp | SliM1: you've broken it | 04:20 |
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killerpiggy | does anyone know how to fix the 5 min lagg on startup of ubuntu right after the logo comes up and the loadign bar comes up it showa a sliver of orange and just suts for 5 min | 04:20 |
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gordonjcp | SliM1: try "sudo apt-get install synaptic" from a terminal | 04:20 |
SliM1 | gordonjcp: how could i? i've just started ubuntu | 04:20 |
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gordonjcp | SliM1: are you running off the live cd? | 04:21 |
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Thunderzzz | Folks how do I create another signon for other members of the family with Feisty Fawn | 04:22 |
SliM1 | gordonjcp: did that, no message back, and no synaptic :) | 04:22 |
blacktux | hello i need help about setting up multimonitor support | 04:22 |
killerpiggy | does anyone know how to fix the 5 min lagg on startup of ubuntu right after the logo comes up and the loadign bar comes up it showa a sliver of orange and just suts for 5 min | 04:22 |
shiv_j | Just installed on desktop knetworkmanager shows device as Netgear Wireless but no networks are detected... Any help? | 04:22 |
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Jza|[Ubuntu] |OFF | eifzon, I had something like that 2 until I installed Beryl | 04:22 |
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m1r | shiv_j ask in kubuntu ? | 04:23 |
eifzon | Jza|[Ubuntu] |OFF: hah, it hasnt anything with beryl to do :) | 04:23 |
shiv_j | mlr i did | 04:23 |
zpertee | does anyone know how I can install php5-session on feisty? | 04:23 |
blacktux | anyone can help me? i use ubuntu | 04:24 |
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Jza|[Ubuntu] |OFF | its your glx who doesnt load @ all | 04:24 |
gordonjcp | SliM1: "no message back" - it dropped you back at a prompt without printing anything at all? | 04:24 |
dgjones | !anyone | blacktux | 04:24 |
ubotu | blacktux: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 04:24 |
m1r | shiv_j : do iwconfig | 04:24 |
SliM1 | gordonjcp: yes | 04:24 |
tck | selinuxium, are you here? | 04:24 |
analpear | hi, is the internet archive working for anyone else? http://www.archive.org/index.php if you try entering a url | 04:24 |
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killerpiggy | does anyone know how to fix the 5 min lagg on startup of ubuntu right after the logo comes up and the loading bar comes up it shows a sliver of orange and just sits for 5 min | 04:24 |
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shiv_j | mlr it says no wireless extensions | 04:25 |
m1r | shiv_j , lspci | 04:25 |
m1r | check if card is loaded there | 04:25 |
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killerpiggy | does anyone know how to fix the 5 min lagg on startup of ubuntu right after the logo comes up and the loadign bar comes up it showa a sliver of orange and just suts for 5 min | 04:26 |
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IdleOne | what is the update-alternatives command to choose java? | 04:26 |
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gordonjcp | killerpiggy: is it possibly timing out waiting for a network connection? | 04:26 |
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genii | killerpiggy: First find out whats causing it, hit esc at grub, edit the default line to remove quiet then note where itstalls | 04:26 |
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killerpiggy | ok | 04:26 |
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Vlet | killerpiggy: Is this when booting off the CD, or off a hard disk? | 04:27 |
killerpiggy | HD | 04:27 |
Vlet | ahh | 04:27 |
killerpiggy | brb im going to see exactly where it laggs | 04:27 |
shiv_j | mlr that has all the interfaces even the wireless listed as netgear | 04:27 |
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boyam | analpear: works for me... | 04:27 |
m1r | shivj | 04:28 |
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m1r | shiv_j , card is detected in lspci *? | 04:28 |
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kauer | dang, I had a great long answer written out for Thunderzzz, and he left the room! | 04:29 |
shiv_j | mlryes | 04:29 |
shiv_j | mlr yes | 04:29 |
m1r | shiv_j , edit /etc/networking/interfaces to fit your network | 04:30 |
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m1r | then restart | 04:30 |
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killerpiggy | ok so what do i need to do to check where it hangs? | 04:30 |
suspec1 | I have Celeron in my lap.. I have 512 mb ram.. integrated graphic card... And a moment ago after I turned it on it was just frozen ?! So I had to turn of by holding a power button. Does anybody knows why this happened and will it happen again.. I ve been using Ubuntu for a month now. | 04:30 |
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shiv_j | mlr I did that earlier to comment out all except the wlan, still no luck | 04:31 |
xxxx | FLIPPED - TURNED UPSIDE DOWN, | 04:31 |
xxxx | AND I'D LIKE TO TAKE A MINUTE, | 04:31 |
xxxx | JUST SIT RIGHT THERE, | 04:31 |
xxxx | IN WEST PHILADELPHIA, | 04:31 |
xxxx | BORN AN' RAISED, | 04:31 |
killerpiggy | oh lawd | 04:31 |
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palintheus | !ops | 04:31 |
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ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 04:31 |
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m1r | !admin | 04:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about admin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:31 |
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genii | killerpiggy: Hit esc at grub, e to edit the default kernel line it loads. Remove "quiet" from the line. boot to that. You should get at least some idea what main component is taking so long | 04:33 |
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tekkeitserktok | hi ^^ | 04:34 |
m1r | shiv_j , did u restart network after editing ? | 04:34 |
Hamnvik | Is it possible to set up a wireless connection between two computers? | 04:34 |
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shiv_j | mlr yup | 04:34 |
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Hamnvik | we want to be able to chat with each other in a direct wireless conection | 04:35 |
m1r | shiv_j , paste me iwconfig and ifconfig in pastebin please | 04:35 |
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SlimeyPe1e | Hamnvik: yes. It's called an "ad hoc network". Just pick an SSID and tell both the computers to connect to it in ad-hoc mode. | 04:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | Hamnvik: I know you can if you use a router.. but direct is a good question.. | 04:35 |
shiv_j | mlr: I do not have internet on that desktop but let me try | 04:35 |
SlimeyPe1e | Hamnvik: I'm afraid I don't know how to do it in Ubuntu specifically, but it should be possible. | 04:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | SlimeyPe1e: Cool thanks.. | 04:35 |
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shiv_j | mlr ifconfig did not do anything, iwconfig says no wireless extensions | 04:36 |
Falstius | Hamnvik: you need to set up an "ad hoc" network .. you can find lots of resources for doing that with a search | 04:36 |
Hamnvik | thank you Falstius | 04:36 |
harveyd | when I open kate, the terminal toolbar is blank | 04:36 |
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m1r | shiv_j , what is model of your network card ? usb , pcmcia , internal cardd ? | 04:37 |
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harveyd | anyone have an idea why | 04:37 |
shiv_j | mlr its internal wirelesscard for desktop pci netgear MA 301 was working fine with older ubuntus | 04:37 |
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m1r | shiv_j did u upgrade system ? | 04:38 |
drgeb | I am trying to add a netwrok printer from my windows machine to my ubuntu where the local printer is located I get the folllowing in /var/lo/cups/error_log file : | 04:38 |
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drgeb | UPS-Add-Modify-Printer: Unauthorized | 04:38 |
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killerpigg1 | ok so what do i need to do to see where it hangs? | 04:38 |
BlueStorm | http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d183/kwiggins29059/french_k.jpg :DD | 04:38 |
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drgeb | any idea how to fix this ? | 04:38 |
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harveyd | http://arandomurl.com/stuff/Screenshot.png | 04:39 |
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killerpigg1 | no idea | 04:39 |
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Wolfwalker | I now have concerns about Ubuntu. I tried to install 7.04 on this old dell and it hung on startup. So I installed 6.06, upgraded to 6.10, worked fine. | 04:39 |
harveyd | the bottom is just a grey area, the interactive shell seems to have dissappeared | 04:39 |
recon | Is the alternate install CD just the regular w/o the liveCD enviro? | 04:39 |
Wolfwalker | Upgraded from there to 7.04, and it hung the same way as the live CD did. | 04:39 |
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brylie | when I type dpkg -L package there is pages and pages of directories. how can I view these pages one at a time? | 04:40 |
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drgeb | cupsdStartBrowsing: Unable to bind broadcast socket - Permission denied. | 04:40 |
drgeb | is the next message i see | 04:40 |
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killerpigg1 | do you know how to how to fix my 5 min hang on the startup ubuntu right after the logo showa? | 04:40 |
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Wolfwalker | Rebooted and used the 6.10 kernel and it worked fine. | 04:40 |
recon | brylie: "dpkg -L | more" | 04:40 |
Wolfwalker | So what about the 7.04 kernel is different that will not work? | 04:40 |
genii | Wolfwalker: I'm using an old Optiplex GX1 right now with Feisty. Installed fine | 04:40 |
diafic | Wolfwalker, 6.10 kernel? | 04:40 |
recon | brylie: or "dpkg -L | less" | 04:40 |
diafic | What the hell | 04:40 |
gordonjcp | killerpigg1: have you rebooted without "quiet" ? | 04:40 |
brylie | thx recon | 04:40 |
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diafic | they're all linux 2.6.x kernels | 04:40 |
killerpigg1 | no | 04:40 |
misty_work | I am having some trouble. How do I make a package be completely reinstalled as though it had never been installed before, including putting the default config files back in place? | 04:40 |
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derenrich | Ubuntu server edition comes with no windowing system correct? But I can install one lateR? | 04:40 |
gordonjcp | killerpigg1: you need to do that | 04:40 |
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killerpigg1 | i havent how do i do that | 04:41 |
diafic | derenrich, yes | 04:41 |
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misty_work | I have tried removing with --purge and then installing, but I do not get the config files back | 04:41 |
Wolfwalker | Whatever kernel was used in Ubuntu 6.10 dapper | 04:41 |
derenrich | diafic: thanks | 04:41 |
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killerpigg1 | godonjcp: how to i do this | 04:41 |
gordonjcp | killerpigg1: reboot, hit <ESCAPE> at the grub menu, and remove "quiet" from the boot options | 04:41 |
gordonjcp | killerpigg1: then you'll see lots of boot messages when you start up | 04:41 |
killerpigg1 | gordonjcp: ok i will try that | 04:41 |
gordonjcp | lots and lots and lots | 04:41 |
killerpigg1 | ok | 04:41 |
gordonjcp | eventually it will stick on one | 04:41 |
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killerpigg1 | ok | 04:42 |
killerpigg1 | brb | 04:42 |
Falstius | Wolfwalker: when does it freeze when you boot with the feisty kernel? | 04:42 |
Wolfwalker | Yup | 04:42 |
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Wolfwalker | But if I reboot and use dapper or 6.06's kernel (forget what was before dapper) it works. | 04:42 |
Falstius | Wolfwalker: I mean does it display the Ubuntu logo and just sit there, or does it give an error message or just a blank screen? | 04:42 |
Wolfwalker | Says something about can't access job control | 04:43 |
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cbart | hello, can I ask for help with ubuntu here? | 04:44 |
Artimus | cbart: Go for it | 04:44 |
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Falstius | Wolfwalker: can't access tty: job control turned off ? | 04:44 |
sapumal | cbart: go ahead | 04:44 |
misty_work | Did anyone see my question? I need to get a package totally reinstalled including the default config files | 04:44 |
cbart | so the problem is that the system freezes, its a core2duo e4400 on asus p5n-e | 04:44 |
berent | !theme | me | 04:45 |
ubotu | me: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 04:45 |
Wolfwalker | Um............. dunno exactly. I'll reboot and see. | 04:45 |
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Artimus | misty_work: Can you install aptitude? 'aptitude purge <package>' should delete the config files. Then reinstall the package. | 04:45 |
Wolfwalker | !Xcfe | 04:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xcfe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:45 |
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mattie | hello, im trying to connect too the internet through my wireless card but nothing is working | 04:45 |
Wolfwalker | !Xubuntu | 04:45 |
ubotu | xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels | 04:46 |
Wolfwalker | !Xfce | 04:46 |
mattie | hello, im trying to connect too the internet through my wireless card but nothing is working | 04:46 |
mattie | can anyone help me? | 04:46 |
rjg_ | how does one make holding down crtl (on a 2nd gen MacBook) be right click? | 04:46 |
Wolfwalker | !wifi | mattie | 04:46 |
ubotu | mattie: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 04:46 |
Falstius | Wolfwalker: please write down whatever it says when it fails to load (at least the last few lines) | 04:46 |
mattie | there are no errormessages | 04:46 |
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Wolfwalker | In the process Falstius. This old computer takes a while | 04:46 |
mattie | it just stays on 0% | 04:46 |
Wolfwalker | !wifi | mattie | 04:47 |
ubotu | mattie: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 04:47 |
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Wolfwalker | !Xfce | 04:47 |
ubotu | xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels | 04:47 |
Wolfwalker | Grrr | 04:47 |
mattie | !xface | 04:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xface - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:47 |
mattie | !wireless | 04:47 |
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Artimus | !init | 04:47 |
ubotu | Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 04:47 |
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Wolfwalker | Right, I'm at the main grub boot screen. How do I boot the fiesty kernel without quiet and splash? | 04:49 |
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noelferreira | hi. there's any oss similar to auto route? | 04:49 |
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Wolfwalker | I know how from the live CD, but not from grub after install | 04:49 |
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palintheus | Wolfwalker: press 'e' to edit the line and take out all occurences of 'quiet' and 'splash' | 04:49 |
Falstius | Wolfwalker: select that kernel, hit e to edit it. delete quiet and splash, hit enter to accept the change, enter again to boot | 04:49 |
BLUG-fred | Hi guys! speaking English tonight? | 04:49 |
Frogzoo | Wolfwalker: hit 'e' & edit the kernel line, removing 'quiet & splash' then to boot 'b' | 04:50 |
kclo4 | ni shuo ingwen ma? | 04:50 |
kclo4 | ca parle anglais ici? | 04:50 |
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BLUG-fred | yingwen ;) | 04:50 |
BLUG-fred | va falloir bosser le pinyin dis donc! | 04:50 |
kclo4 | sorry my chinese is so poor that's terrible | 04:50 |
kclo4 | ouais mais bon dans les fait tu l'ecris pas souvent | 04:51 |
Falstius | kclo4: that is pingyin (sort of) not chinese ;) my wife would beat you up for saying otherwise. | 04:51 |
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=== Tmi- [n=tommi@kr-lun-9-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BLUG-fred | kclo4: quand tu tapes chinois, tu l'cris tous les jours | 04:52 |
kclo4 | Falstius: ahah | 04:52 |
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BLUG-fred | sorry.. back to English | 04:52 |
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BlackDark | hi do you know how to get a rid of the autorecory under ooffice ? | 04:52 |
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Kilroo | When I first went checking, my Xubuntu installation had a nice little gui that let me search for files containing specified text. It seems to have disappeared. I think this occurred when I made the mistake of having Aptitude aggressively try to fix broken packages. I prefer to do that sort of thing with a gui. I can't figure out where to get it back. Anyone have a suggestion? | 04:52 |
kclo4 | BLUG-fred: well if u just barely speak it?? i already have some problem with english so | 04:52 |
BLUG-fred | oops.. I am just realizing I am on #ubuntu and not #Ubuntu-cn LOL | 04:52 |
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BLUG-fred | probably too late for me | 04:53 |
kclo4 | first improve english and then maybe start learning seriously chinese | 04:53 |
BLUG-fred | i was thinking the channel was really crowdy tonight (we're usually 35-40) | 04:53 |
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kclo4 | /stat | 04:53 |
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kclo4 | hum | 04:53 |
kclo4 | not that | 04:53 |
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BLUG-fred | my bad... | 04:54 |
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kclo4 | BLUG-fred: do you speak chinese? | 04:54 |
BLUG-fred | kclo4: yes I do | 04:54 |
Wolfwalker | Okay, here we go | 04:54 |
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BLUG-fred | kclo4: but I live in Beijing.. so that helps | 04:54 |
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kclo4 | BLUG-fred: your my enemy!! | 04:54 |
Wolfwalker | It says /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off | 04:54 |
kclo4 | i live on the other side!! | 04:54 |
BLUG-fred | kclo4: which other side? | 04:54 |
neverblue | morning | 04:55 |
shearn89 | neverblue: afternoon where i am... | 04:55 |
Falstius | taiwan or shanghai (this so should be in offtopic) | 04:55 |
kclo4 | other side of the "detroit de taiwan" | 04:55 |
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neverblue | well, afternoon then shearn89 :P | 04:55 |
shearn89 | haha... | 04:55 |
BLUG-fred | Falstius: hehe I was thinking the same, didn't dare to write it | 04:55 |
kclo4 | how do we say detroit in englis? | 04:55 |
JeevesMoss | has anyone here ever done an IP or firewire conection before? | 04:55 |
TBotNik_u | Morning all! | 04:56 |
Wolfwalker | Before that it says ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/a44b664b7-a340-45f2-9799-ff0d0465a880 does not exist. Dropping to a shell! | 04:56 |
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Falstius | kclo4: crappy city | 04:56 |
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charlie_ | hi all | 04:56 |
charlie_ | anyone installed vmware workstations | 04:56 |
shearn89 | kclo4: maybe "straights"? as in "the straight of taiwan" | 04:56 |
BLUG-fred | kclo4: strangely I have a new 'neighbor' (canadian) who's coming from Taiwan | 04:56 |
kclo4 | is it possible to hide when people coming inside the channel or leaving? | 04:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | Wolfwalker: cant find the drive? | 04:56 |
Eq|work | kclo4 : change your client settings | 04:56 |
zmeiat_joro | I'm looking for a laptop to buy, and I have three options, a custom built one, some sort of toshiba satellite and some kind of hp, I don't know details about these yeat, but the custom-built one has an ATI Xpress 200; I heard ATI have sucky support for GNU/Linux? | 04:56 |
TBotNik_u | All: Need to install or config sound on my box. No current audio here with chat! | 04:56 |
Wolfwalker | You got me man. It's all greek to me. | 04:56 |
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kclo4 | BLUG-fred: taiwan is overcrowded of canadian | 04:57 |
charlie_ | anyone installed vmware workstations and made networking work with windows as guest | 04:57 |
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JeevesMoss | jack sparrow: ever heard of IP over Firewire? | 04:57 |
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kclo4 | they all come to teach english | 04:57 |
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kclo4 | they earn like 2000US dollar a month for teatching | 04:57 |
BLUG-fred | kclo4: Beijing is just overcrowded.. | 04:57 |
dgjones | kclo4, what irc client are you using? if its xchat, just right click on the channel name and untick show join/part messages | 04:57 |
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kclo4 | BLUG-fred: i heard that too | 04:57 |
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noelferreira | hi. there's any oss similar to auto route? | 04:57 |
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shearn89 | dgjones: can you do that in trillian? | 04:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | JeevesMoss: No... dosnrt mean much though, I dont have anything firewire | 04:57 |
Falstius | Wolfwalker: okay, that maybe can be fixed. You should edit fstab to replace UUID=... to point to your drives as /dev/sd?? instead of UUID, or fix the UUID. I've read that a lot of people have problems with some disk controllers when upgrading to feisty. You might also just stick with edgy unless you have a special need to upgrade. | 04:58 |
kclo4 | Falstius: which city is crappy? | 04:58 |
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charlie_ | anyone installed vmware worsktation 6 with windows guests and made networking work | 04:58 |
Wolfwalker | What is UUID and how do I fix it? | 04:58 |
zmeiat_joro | where should I check the state of linux driver suport for hardware? | 04:58 |
neverblue | !patience | charlie_ | 04:58 |
ubotu | charlie_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 04:58 |
IdleOne | !offtopic | kclo4 | 04:58 |
dgjones | shearn89, i've not used trillian i'm afraid | 04:58 |
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ubotu | kclo4: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 04:58 |
Falstius | kclo4: detroit .. in english we usually just call it that crappy city. | 04:58 |
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dgjones | !uuid | Wolfwalker | 04:58 |
ubotu | Wolfwalker: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: blkid (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 04:58 |
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kclo4 | dgjones: no it's gaim | 04:58 |
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dgjones | kclo4, not sure then, i don't use it | 04:59 |
Wolfwalker | So fiesty has a problem with the computer's hard drive? | 04:59 |
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neverblue | zmeiat_joro, find whose writing it, check the README, maybe email the person? | 04:59 |
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charlie_ | VMWare workstation 6 and windows guest networking | 04:59 |
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Mr-Snick | feisty WHAT? | 04:59 |
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JeevesMoss | jack sparrow: do you know how to recompile a kernel? | 04:59 |
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Falstius | Wolfwalker: UUID is a way of identifying devices and filesystems uniquely. So if you move your hardware around it will still know which is which. | 05:00 |
Falstius | It is probably the HD controller and not the harddrive itself. | 05:00 |
Rayen | Hello, I have installed Ubuntu 7.04, Feisty Dawn. My network does not seem to work. lspci shows my Ethernet Controller correctly. I can also see 'eth1' and 'lo' by typing 'ifconfig'. After running the command dhclient eth1 I get the following error: "socket: Address family not supported by protocol - make sure CONFIG_PACKET (Packet socket) and CONFIG_FILTER (Socket filtering are enabled in your kernel configuration!", how can I fix this? | 05:00 |
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kclo4 | ok sorry for the offtopic | 05:00 |
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Wolfwalker | So how do I fix this controller? | 05:00 |
aleX-xx | Rayen: becose isnt feisty dawn.. | 05:00 |
aleX-xx | :) | 05:00 |
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BLUG-fred | 'm having a small (big in fact) issue with my Linux box: since Friday morning (didn't install anything new) I have something writing to the hard disk continuously slowing down the machine to an usable state. | 05:01 |
BLUG-fred | Looking at the available apps and CPU usage gives nothing, restarting neither. | 05:01 |
BLUG-fred | Gnome failsafe works fine and the HDD writing doesn't happen. Logging in and out in normal mode keeps that app using the HDD even after logging out. any clue on how to solve this? | 05:01 |
neverblue | Rayen, is it using eth0 or eth1? | 05:01 |
BLUG-fred | sorry too for the offtopic, I started it I think | 05:01 |
Wolfwalker | OR: After upgrading to edgy, and then to fiesty, would it be okay to go back in the bootloader and just use the 6.06 Ubuntu's kernel? | 05:01 |
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kclo4 | so i like to make a media center on wich i could whatch video , download via P2P, use internet to check mail, and share with other computer on my network basically windows one | 05:01 |
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Falstius | Wolfwalker: you can try loading your drives by /dev/ instead of UUID or switch to a different kernel | 05:01 |
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variant | Wolfwalker: should boot at least | 05:02 |
Rayen | neverblue : I can only see eth1, so I assume that it's using eth1... | 05:02 |
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Wolfwalker | So using 6.06's kernel WILL still be okay | 05:02 |
thedash | can totem play rm files ? | 05:02 |
Wolfwalker | Also, will they be fixing this in the next release? | 05:02 |
variant | Wolfwalker: i fyou must | 05:02 |
Wolfwalker | 8.something something I think it is | 05:02 |
SliM1 | is there a way to recover an admin user? it seems the password isn't accepted | 05:02 |
kclo4 | i like to know what the best for media center and media library | 05:03 |
Falstius | Wolfwalker: yeah, you can just use the older kernel (go with Edgy's if that works) | 05:03 |
variant | !uuid | Wolfwalker | 05:03 |
ubotu | Wolfwalker: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: blkid (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 05:03 |
shearn89 | Slim1: what are you trying to do? | 05:03 |
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neverblue | Rayen, i am not sure if I can help you with it, sorry | 05:03 |
variant | SliM1: from a live cd is the fastes/easyest way | 05:03 |
SliM1 | shearn89: to log in as the admin user | 05:03 |
Wolfwalker | So, from grub bootloader main screen, how do I tell it to use /dev/ instead of UUID? | 05:03 |
genii | SliM1: Hopefully you have another user allowed to sudo, you can sudo passwd <name> | 05:03 |
C-{pR0F | Where can i find the Trash , it has disapeard fro the left bottom corner !? | 05:03 |
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variant | Wolfwalker: select the option you want to load and press "e" | 05:04 |
shearn89 | Slim1: You can't log in as the super user, there is no password. | 05:04 |
C-{pR0F | *right bottom corner | 05:04 |
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variant | C-{pR0F: /home/username/.Trash iirc | 05:04 |
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charlie_ | vmware workstation 6 and windows guest no network | 05:04 |
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Wolfwalker | And what do I edit | 05:04 |
SliM1 | shearn89: not superuser, just admin user | 05:04 |
Falstius | Wolfwalker: you'd have to do that by editing /etc/fstab ... and I'm not sure it will work. | 05:04 |
variant | charlie_: was that a question or a statement? | 05:04 |
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Wolfwalker | Worth a shot anyway | 05:04 |
Rayen | neverblue Ok, no problem. Do you have any suggestions where I can ask my question? | 05:04 |
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charlie_ | That was a question | 05:05 |
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neverblue | Rayen, here or #linux | 05:05 |
Wolfwalker | I really, really, REALLY like fiesty on this laptop, and want it to work on this desktop. | 05:05 |
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SliM1 | genii: and if i don't? | 05:05 |
charlie_ | variant I cant manage to get networking done | 05:05 |
variant | Falstius: you can do it by editing the command line in grub prompt (press e on selected entry that you want to edit and press b to boot) | 05:05 |
IdleOne | !root | SliM1 | 05:05 |
ubotu | SliM1: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 05:05 |
charlie_ | variant: I cant manage to get networking done | 05:05 |
=== cwillu [n=cwillu@S01060011952cd2e5.ss.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
C-{pR0F | variant: how can i bring it back to the screen corner ? | 05:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | Wolfwalker: Did it go through the install ok? | 05:05 |
shearn89 | SliM1: do you mean your normal everyday user? | 05:05 |
genii | SliM1: You can boot into single user mode and change it there. | 05:05 |
Wolfwalker | Yup | 05:05 |
variant | C-{pR0F: no idea | 05:05 |
Wolfwalker | No problem. | 05:05 |
=== PriitM [n=priit@ip214.cab62.mus.starman.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Wolfwalker | Just hung when it rebooted | 05:06 |
C-{pR0F | ok | 05:06 |
Wolfwalker | Same as it hung when I tried to install 7.04 with the cd | 05:06 |
IdleOne | C-{pR0F: right click on the bottom panel and click Add to panel | 05:06 |
SliM1 | IdleOne: i know how ubuntu works, i just don't know why my account with admin rights isn't working | 05:06 |
cwillu | I need to put a work around into what happens when acpi powers the monitor back on, where do I do that? | 05:06 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Wolfwalker: Didnt mean to pop in and out but working today and well sometimes need to look like it.. | 05:06 |
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SliM1 | genii: how do i do that? | 05:06 |
Wolfwalker | lol | 05:06 |
Falstius | variant: how does that tell mount to look at devs by /dev instead of uuid? | 05:06 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Wolfwalker: So it hug as in locked up or loop as in error.. | 05:06 |
Wolfwalker | No prob. But careful with that cussing man. W**k is a four letter word you know. :P | 05:07 |
Wolfwalker | Hung as in same UUID error stuff | 05:07 |
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C-{pR0F | IdleOne: thanks , the trash is back :) | 05:07 |
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Wolfwalker | And then dropped to busybox | 05:07 |
Falstius | Wolfwalker: with edgy? | 05:07 |
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Wolfwalker | No, just with fiesty | 05:07 |
Wolfwalker | Edgy worked fine | 05:07 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Wolfwalker: And you got that uuid error trying to run the live cd? | 05:07 |
genii | SliM1: Or to livecd, remove the hashed passwd between : in the file /etc.shadow | 05:07 |
Wolfwalker | So did........ whatever was before edgy, that 6.06 stuff. | 05:07 |
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Jack_Sparrow | dapper | 05:08 |
genii | SliM1: /etc/shadow rather, of the old / | 05:08 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Wolfwalker: Feisty has been a little finnacky for me as well | 05:08 |
Wolfwalker | With fiesty, from the live cd and after upgrade from edgy, it dropped to the busybox | 05:08 |
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c0mmander | quit | 05:08 |
SliM1 | genii ok, i'll try that | 05:08 |
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cwillu | !compiz | 05:09 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 05:09 |
Wolfwalker | Okay, got the boot line for the kernel up. /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-16-386 root=UUID+a4b664b7-a340........ etcetera | 05:10 |
Wolfwalker | What do I take out and what do I put in its place? | 05:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | Wolfwalker: So you have edgy installed and upgraded to feisty (online) and that caused the problems.. can you boot an edgy live to get to your fstab | 05:10 |
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Puppy_ | do all usb flash drives work in linux (not just ubuntu)? | 05:10 |
Falstius | Wolfwalker: root=/dev/sda1 (or whatever is correct for your computer) | 05:10 |
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ferret_0567 | Puppy_: It s | 05:10 |
Wolfwalker | I can boot from edgy's kernel already installed (it is still in the grub bootloader, as well as dapper's) and get in. | 05:11 |
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Wolfwalker | Just can't boot from fiesty's | 05:11 |
ferret_0567 | It depends on how the core of the OS (the kernel) is configured | 05:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | Wolfwalker: and grub boot if that is where it is hanging... good point Falstius | 05:11 |
ferret_0567 | most times, yes | 05:11 |
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Puppy_ | ferret_0567: I don't understand... :) did you say to me: most times, yes? | 05:11 |
ferret_0567 | yes | 05:12 |
Puppy_ | ok thanks! | 05:12 |
ferret_0567 | most of the time, they will work | 05:12 |
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iratik | How do i run a command as another user? | 05:12 |
iratik | (through console) | 05:12 |
IdleOne | Puppy_: look at this link bottom of page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 05:12 |
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Puppy_ | ok | 05:12 |
killerpiggy | can anyone help me with this 5 min lag durring startup of ubuntu | 05:12 |
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Agusia_ | lalala | 05:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | Wolfwalker: Post your fstab and your boot grub menu to the pastebin for a look see... | 05:12 |
palintheus | killerpiggy: do you know whats causing it to lag? | 05:12 |
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IdleOne | killerpiggy: solution is to go make a cup of coffee and perhaps ask if anybody else wants any :) | 05:13 |
killerpiggy | n | 05:13 |
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Puppy_ | oh, Thanks IdleOne! | 05:13 |
TBotNik_u | All: Looking for a command. Pastebin at: http://paste.stgraber.org/2456 showing what I need as output. Anyone know the command I need? | 05:13 |
=== mariusvl2 sdhasda | ||
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killerpiggy | no i dont know what the cause is | 05:13 |
Wolfwalker | Well........ it's a-tryin | 05:13 |
BLUG-fred | 'm having a small (big in fact) issue with my Ubuntu box: since Friday morning (didn't install anything new) I have something writing to the hard disk continuously slowing down the machine to an unusable state. Looking at the available apps and CPU usage gives nothing, restarting neither. | 05:13 |
BLUG-fred | Gnome failsafe works fine and the HDD writing doesn't happen. Logging in and out in normal mode keeps that app using the HDD even after logging out. How can I fix that? | 05:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | killerpiggy: boot without quiet in the command line and see where it is hanging ... | 05:13 |
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IdleOne | Puppy_: no problem . remember wiki.bubuntu.com is a really good resource | 05:13 |
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killerpiggy | i tried that no luck | 05:13 |
IdleOne | Puppy_: no problem . remember wiki.ubuntu.com is a really good resource | 05:13 |
Puppy_ | lol. thanks | 05:13 |
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palintheus | killerpiggy: you may want to, when you boot enter into grub and remove quiet from the kernel entry and it will show where it hangs | 05:14 |
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killerpiggy | i just press escape then delete quiet from the list then boot right? | 05:14 |
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TBotNik_u | All: Reason I need status cmd is I need to install or config sound on my box. No current audio here. I think I installed both alsa and alsu-utils, but do not know how to status them. Can I get some help here? | 05:14 |
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palintheus | killerpiggy: press escape, press e to edit the line and remove quiet and then b to boot | 05:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | killerpiggy: No luck as in you didnt see things as they loaded and when it stopped on one for a long time , or you couldnt see anything or couldnt figure out what we wanted you to do | 05:14 |
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Mr-Snick | ok | 05:15 |
genii | killerpiggy: delete quite AND splash to see everything. then enter, enter again to continue booting with the modified entry | 05:15 |
Mr-Snick | this has been gettin on my nervs | 05:15 |
killerpiggy | i did what you said and it still showd the boot gui | 05:15 |
monty_ | i'm looking for some help installing the driver for my new wifi pcmcia card | 05:15 |
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Mr-Snick | can someone help me compile wine 0.9.16 please? | 05:15 |
genii | quite=quiet, bleh, typos | 05:15 |
Mr-Snick | i do what it says n it doesnt work | 05:15 |
Wolfwalker | !wifi | monty_ | 05:15 |
ubotu | monty_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 05:15 |
ferret_0567 | killerpiggy: remove splash too | 05:15 |
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killerpiggy | ok i will | 05:15 |
killerpiggy | brb | 05:15 |
palintheus | killerpiggy: see genii's message I forgot about the 'splash' too | 05:15 |
Andeh | Hello | 05:15 |
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Andeh | Is there a FAT32 / NTFS defragmenter for windows? | 05:15 |
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Andeh | *Ubuntu | 05:16 |
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ferronica | how to update nvidia Fx 5200 Graphic card in ubuntu fiesty fawn GNOME ? | 05:16 |
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SliM1 | genii: i don't have permission to edit shadow | 05:16 |
neverblue | Andeh, why? | 05:16 |
Wolfwalker | Huh | 05:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | Andeh: I have a hirens boot cd with a defread for windows.. It uses a linux porgram so it must be available... | 05:16 |
neverblue | Andeh, do you believe it requires one? | 05:17 |
Andeh | ah | 05:17 |
Wolfwalker | I tried with /dev/sda1 and it said it doesn't exist | 05:17 |
Wolfwalker | Next? | 05:17 |
SliM1 | ah, Jack_Sparrow: i can't log in as the admin user | 05:17 |
Wolfwalker | How do I get a list of available hard drives from in busybox? | 05:17 |
=== SnakeX [n=root@BAA3fe9.baa.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SnakeX | Hi | 05:17 |
Andeh | neverblue: I require one. Atleast, it would be awesome if it had one... | 05:17 |
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monty_ | my main question is how to install the driver that came with the cd...its in two tar's, and i think i have to compile them but am not too sure how | 05:17 |
genii | SliM1: use sudo nano /mnt/wharerever/etc/shadow | 05:17 |
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neverblue | Andeh, why though? | 05:17 |
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jrib | Mr-Snick: why are you compiling instead of using the version in the repositories? | 05:17 |
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Mr-Snick | cuz the new wine sucks | 05:18 |
DjKoRn` | hehehe Jack_Sparrow | 05:18 |
DjKoRn` | :P | 05:18 |
Mr-Snick | i want 0.9.16 but cant compile | 05:18 |
Andeh | neverblue: In case my external hard drive gets damn slow | 05:18 |
rafael__ | hello people. for some reason my system is freezying suddenly | 05:18 |
=== DjKoRn` is listening to: Alesana - Punk Goes Acoustic 2 - Apology - (0:14/3:59) | ||
Mr-Snick | havent compiled in forever, so i need some help | 05:18 |
SliM1 | genii: i think it's /media/hda2 | 05:18 |
Andeh | neverblue: it's fat32 | 05:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | Andeh: PageDfrg 2.32 | 05:18 |
neverblue | Andeh, so its speed your worried about? | 05:18 |
recon | Andeh: This might help: http://www.linuxformat.co.uk/modules.php?op=modload&name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=48322 | 05:18 |
rafael__ | how can i know whats wrong here ? | 05:18 |
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Andeh | recon: thanks! | 05:18 |
Andeh | neverblue: Well, yeah | 05:18 |
neverblue | Andeh, maybe you might want to consider using a different partition then? | 05:19 |
neverblue | type* | 05:19 |
rafael__ | i need some help before my system freezy again | 05:19 |
jrib | Mr-Snick: pastebin your errors | 05:19 |
rafael__ | :) | 05:19 |
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neverblue | !ask rafael__ | 05:19 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ask rafael__ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:19 |
neverblue | !ask | rafael__ | 05:19 |
ubotu | rafael__: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | Wolfwalker: what is your partition setup? fdisk -l as in Ell | 05:19 |
ferronica | how to update nvidia Fx 5200 Graphic card in ubuntu fiesty fawn GNOME ? | 05:19 |
quaker | configure,make,make install,you need buld-essential installed | 05:19 |
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rafael__ | i made the question | 05:19 |
genii | SliM1: When you get it opened finally... everything after username: to next : | 05:19 |
Andeh | neverblue: Yeah, maybe, but i don't want to install ReiserFS drivers on every windows PC I visit :( | 05:19 |
quaker | ferronica use synaptic,dont need new drivers for that | 05:19 |
Wolfwalker | Windows 2000 on the first hard drive partition, Ubuntu on the second. | 05:19 |
rafael__ | my system is freezying everytime.. i dont know why.. how can i found the problem ? | 05:19 |
rafael__ | please | 05:19 |
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neverblue | !patience | rafael__ | 05:20 |
ubotu | rafael__: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 05:20 |
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neverblue | Andeh, true | 05:20 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Wolfwalker: Where is swap... usually on extended which could be 2 | 05:20 |
SliM1 | genii: what should i write instead of that password? | 05:20 |
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Wolfwalker | How do I find out? | 05:20 |
Wolfwalker | Guess I could boot a disk partitioner | 05:20 |
Wolfwalker | brb | 05:20 |
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neverblue | rafael__, first off, thats your system setup like? | 05:21 |
rafael__ | neverblue, thank u | 05:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | Wolfwalker: fdisk -l or gparted will show you... look for ext3 | 05:21 |
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cwillu | anyone know how I can intercept xset dpms force on'ish things? When my screen blanks, it won't unblank it without chvt'ing away and back | 05:21 |
=== Wolfwalker talks to himself a lot, but at least he answers a lot of his own questions :P | ||
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=== cwillu talks to himself too, but doesn't tend to answer his own :p | ||
Falstius | Wolfwalker: do you have ide or sata hard drives? | 05:21 |
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nojoints | I have a problem and error from Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) and don't know how to get it away, was yesterday when I tried to fix flash, eventually got it working manually, had to download the source from another site now I can't get rid of the terminal "installation" that didn't work | 05:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | Wolfwalker: Tricky there as I have seen IDE which should be hda show up as sda | 05:22 |
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Wolfwalker | IDE, I think | 05:22 |
genii | SliM1: Write nothing there. Just put the two :: together. then save it. there will be no password til you make one again from inside that account | 05:23 |
rafael__ | neverblue, i have a notebook vaio vgn=fe92hs.. its a core 2 duo 2gb ram. geforce go 7600 ... ubuntu 7.04 compiz fusion + screenlets + avant running on the startup.. the problem began this morning.. at first i thought it was the screensaver.. but its not ... i tried to see anything strang on the /var/log/messages and i didnt find anything. when my system freezy.. only my mouse move. i can move my mouse but its all.. the video a | 05:23 |
rafael__ | dapter is not with high temperature | 05:23 |
quaker | hdxx IDE-------sdxxx SATA | 05:23 |
Wolfwalker | It's an old computer, pre-usb boot for the BIOS | 05:23 |
nojoints | And I also can't log onto Pidgin, no idea why | 05:23 |
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nojoints | Same with amsn | 05:23 |
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killerpiggy | i still het the gui | 05:23 |
Wolfwalker | So I think it wouldn't have sata would it? | 05:23 |
nojoints | and GAIM | 05:23 |
lonelywolf_ | 05:23 | |
killerpiggy | wait | 05:23 |
thedash | having some troubles getting my speakers to work in 5.1 rather than 2.0, any ideas ? | 05:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | Wolfwalker: Can you paste output from terminal... fdisk -l to the pastebin | 05:23 |
neverblue | rafael__, new install? | 05:23 |
quaker | yes | 05:23 |
ultra | you have any disk for it | 05:23 |
jrib | !cn | lonelywolf_ | 05:23 |
ubotu | lonelywolf_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-tw #ubuntu-hk | 05:23 |
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ultra | you have any disk for it | 05:23 |
killerpiggy | splash isent a selectable boot command | 05:23 |
rafael__ | neverblue, before. i had some problems on the startup after login some seconds and the system had freezy too.. but... i dont think its a problem of hardware. the last was fusion icon but im not running it on the system.. | 05:23 |
ultra | so what | 05:23 |
Falstius | Wolfwalker: probably ide (which is good because it is less likely to change drive numbers with different operating systems). | 05:23 |
=== Sunnyboi14 [n=Sunnyboi@c-75-73-104-152.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lonelywolf_ | i see | 05:24 |
Sunnyboi14 | Does Anyone Know How To Uninstall ubuntu? | 05:24 |
Wolfwalker | No, I can't. I'm booting my GParted cd | 05:24 |
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predaeus | rafael__, I've got that too with Compiz, I think it is either Compiz or more likely the Nvidia drivers. Don't use Compiz for the time being. | 05:24 |
neverblue | rafael__, did you do any updates recently? | 05:24 |
Wolfwalker | I luvs me my Gparted <3 | 05:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sunnyboi14: INstall anything you want right over it.. no problem | 05:24 |
jrib | How can I prevent a user from being able to shutdown the computer? I've denied him permissions to reboot and shutdown, but he can still use the gui in xfce | 05:24 |
Sunnyboi14 | I cant. | 05:24 |
rafael__ | neverblue, i dont think so, i dont recieve any update for days | 05:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sunnyboi14: What are you trying to install | 05:24 |
killerpiggy | sunnyboi14: format your hardrive | 05:24 |
Sunnyboi14 | Windows | 05:24 |
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Sunnyboi14 | i cant | 05:25 |
predaeus | rafael__, actually it is the Nvidia driver here because I get kernel messages before freezes. | 05:25 |
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Sunnyboi14 | i installed ubuntu on a external drive | 05:25 |
neverblue | rafael__, first off, grab your ubuntu CD, and run mem test | 05:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sunnyboi14: Windows WILL install right over it.. Windows loves to write over linux | 05:25 |
rafael__ | predaeus, that is what i thought. if i run metacity the system will not freezy right ? | 05:25 |
Sunnyboi14 | and it messed it up | 05:25 |
neverblue | rafael__, to elimate the RAM as an issue | 05:25 |
ZAKhan | i have been trying to get compiz working but cannot for days now. I have a clean installation of Ubuntu and Ihave upgraded the ATI driver as well .. can someone please help me to install compiz? | 05:25 |
Sunnyboi14 | ubuntu messed up my external hard drive | 05:25 |
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Sunnyboi14 | how do i get it fixed? | 05:25 |
neverblue | rafael__, second, maybe Compiz is the issue | 05:25 |
killerpiggy | you cant mess up hardrives from files | 05:25 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Sunnyboi14: Format it.. | 05:25 |
quaker | have u tride using the script for COMPIZ from opencompositing? | 05:25 |
rafael__ | neverblue, my notebook is new.. i dont have mem problem | 05:25 |
puspito | hiii | 05:25 |
killerpiggy | you canALWAYS format a drive | 05:25 |
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Sunnyboi14 | how? | 05:25 |
predaeus | rafael__, nah, if it still freezes then it must be something else. but here it was the compiz/nvidia combination that caused this. | 05:25 |
Sunnyboi14 | how do i do this when it is running ubuntu? | 05:26 |
neverblue | rafael__, you will never know until you run memtest | 05:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sunnyboi14: What os are you running right now | 05:26 |
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Sunnyboi14 | it will make ubuntu crash | 05:26 |
Skiessi | what's in the tars? | 05:26 |
neverblue | rafael__, things break, its common | 05:26 |
Sunnyboi14 | i am using my sisters computer | 05:26 |
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mad-sibyl | Sweetandy: why are two monitors resolution? | 05:26 |
Sunnyboi14 | windows xp | 05:26 |
rafael__ | neverblue, u want i reboot my system with a cd and run the memtest ? | 05:26 |
Sunnyboi14 | but on my computer | 05:26 |
kyncani | Sunnyboi14: from windows or from ubuntu's livecd | 05:26 |
Sunnyboi14 | it is ubuntu | 05:26 |
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TBotNik_u | All: noob here! Can't seem to get sound working! Can I get some help? | 05:26 |
killerpiggy | wow | 05:26 |
killerpiggy | lol | 05:26 |
neverblue | rafael__, thats the only way you can run it | 05:26 |
Sunnyboi14 | i installed ubuntu | 05:26 |
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Sunnyboi14 | on my computer | 05:26 |
Sunnyboi14 | and it wont dual boot | 05:26 |
neverblue | Sunnyboi14, keep it to one line please | 05:26 |
Sunnyboi14 | so now it screwed up windows | 05:26 |
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killerpiggy | !enter sunnyboi14 | 05:27 |
Wolfwalker | Odd, GParted's X config didn't work | 05:27 |
killerpiggy | oww | 05:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sunnyboi14: see what kyncani said.. either will work... | 05:27 |
Sunnyboi14 | How do i format a drive while i am running ubuntu? | 05:27 |
predaeus | Sunnyboi14, does the grub boot menu show up? | 05:27 |
Sunnyboi14 | what do you mean? | 05:27 |
rafael__ | neverblue, un.. i tried to run the system with the old kernel. i had the same freezy... some of these freezys happened like someone had touched my video adapter. couz appeared many strange colors on the screen.. | 05:27 |
killerpiggy | wow | 05:27 |
killerpiggy | ..... | 05:27 |
Wolfwalker | Sunnyboi First reformat the whole hard drive. Then reinstall Windows. Then defrag. Then reinstall Ubuntu. | 05:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sunnyboi14: easy enough to get windows back... fixboot from XP recovery mode... Ask in Windows channel if you need to know how to get there. | 05:27 |
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Wolfwalker | Be sure to tell Ubuntu to free up some space and use it, rather than using the whole hard drive. | 05:28 |
kyncani | Sunnyboi14: either format your drive from windows, or from ubuntu livecd, or from ubuntu on another computer | 05:28 |
Sunnyboi14 | how? | 05:28 |
neverblue | rafael__, i cannot help u until you help yourself | 05:28 |
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Sunnyboi14 | how do i free up space | 05:28 |
rafael__ | neverblue, ok, i got it | 05:28 |
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rafael__ | neverblue, how long time will take from me the memtest? | 05:28 |
killerpiggy | delete shit | 05:28 |
quaker | sudo apt-get install gparted | 05:28 |
monty_ | also, it seems like ubuntu has an expo-like hotspot in the upper right corner of my screen...is there a way to turn this off? | 05:28 |
quaker | use gparted easily to free space | 05:28 |
killerpiggy | can anyone help me eith this 5 min lagg when starting up ubuntu | 05:29 |
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jrib | monty_: are you using compiz or beryl? | 05:29 |
rafael__ | neverblue, u should know, if i got some problem on my memory i will be really sad.. | 05:29 |
jiminyK | I'm trying to figure out how to calculate the total size of all the files in a directory newer than a certain date, without having to list them all and add each file's size up one at a time. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm on Edgy and not afraid of the command line . . . | 05:29 |
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killerpiggy | it laggs ight after the logo shows up | 05:29 |
rafael__ | neverblue, i mean. if i get some problem there. | 05:29 |
leftyfb | For all that are interested in the Ubuntu case badges and want to get the prices down as low as possible: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Powered_by_Ubuntu_Case_Badges_Put_in_your_order_now | 05:29 |
monty_ | jrib i have compiz fusion, but have disabled the expo plugin | 05:29 |
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neverblue | rafael__, how about you just go do it, and we can talk when you get back? | 05:29 |
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quaker | jiminyK private | 05:30 |
Sunnyboi14 | because my main problem is that it made my HD able to hold 54 | 05:30 |
rafael__ | neverblue, but im afraid it will take much time, and when i back u will not stay here | 05:30 |
Sunnyboi14 | when it is supposed to hold 250 | 05:30 |
cwillu | any hope for blanking, suspend, hibernate actually working in the next few years? | 05:30 |
jrib | monty_: it's a compiz setting /somewhere/, try #ubuntu-effects maybe | 05:30 |
Sunnyboi14 | and i tried to install gparted | 05:30 |
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Sunnyboi14 | but it came up with an error | 05:30 |
neverblue | rafael__, stop whining | 05:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | jiminyK: Use nautilus... list format... sort by date highlight to the date and check property size | 05:30 |
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rafael__ | neverblue, dude. i waste many money on my computer. try to understand my feelings.. i will reboot it know then | 05:31 |
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neverblue | !patience | rafael__ | 05:31 |
ubotu | rafael__: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 05:31 |
=== Wolfwalker is STILL trying to get his beloved GParted to work. Plan C........ forcevideo | ||
jiminyK | Jack_Sparrow: *slaps forehead* I should have thought of that. ;o) Thanks. | 05:31 |
quaker | which tipe of error parted made? | 05:32 |
nojoints | I can't log into pidgin, it says connecting but then it just goes nothing from there | 05:32 |
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monty_ | jrib: whats the path for compiz? | 05:32 |
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ubuntu_ | hello | 05:32 |
Nigromante | hello | 05:32 |
ubuntu_ | bye | 05:33 |
kyncani | !compiz | monty_ | 05:33 |
ubotu | monty_: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 05:33 |
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TBotNik_u | Moring all: Hey trying to install sound. Have ECS MB with SIS sound chipset. Only resource I have for installing sound is: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto and that is for Intel chipset. I know I can follow the instructions for a while, but then I have to depart, since diff in chipsets. 2 Q's is there a good step-by-step for SIS? or What do I do diff to get sound working? | 05:33 |
ZAKhan | i have been trying to get compiz working but cannot for days now. I have a clean installation of Ubuntu and I have upgraded the ATI driver as well .. can someone please help me to install compiz? | 05:33 |
predaeus | nojoints, what protocol are you using? | 05:33 |
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cwillu | ZAKhan: #ubuntu-effects | 05:34 |
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nojoints | predaeus; got no protocal as far as I know | 05:34 |
nojoints | predaeus; got this in stun server: messenger.hotmail.com | 05:34 |
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Sunnyboi14 | how do i get the external hard drive that i used to install ubuntu to format? | 05:34 |
predaeus | nojoints, ok msn. | 05:34 |
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Sunnyboi14 | so ubuntu is on it, but i want to format the disk | 05:35 |
Sunnyboi14 | how | 05:35 |
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nojoints | predaeus; yea and it wont log into my account | 05:35 |
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jacobian_wrk | anyone know if there is an easy way to get the DOM viewer installed in ubuntu edgy? | 05:35 |
amicrawler | what is the app so i can change my res on my screen | 05:35 |
jacobian_wrk | for mozilla firefox | 05:35 |
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j85wilson | amicrawler: try Ctrl+Alt+- | 05:36 |
predaeus | nojoints, works here. | 05:36 |
predaeus | hm | 05:36 |
nojoints | predaeus; took away the stun server | 05:36 |
blacktux | why if i use lshw i can't see my apg video card? | 05:36 |
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nojoints | predaeus; maybe should change the port to 80? | 05:36 |
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berthie | hi | 05:37 |
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predaeus | nojoints, default setting is port 1863 and messenger.hotmail.com for server here. and that works. | 05:37 |
almokharibealmok | hi akk | 05:37 |
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nojoints | predaeus; I live in sweden and usually is the port 80 for msn here i believe | 05:37 |
predaeus | nojoints, I am using Pidgin v2.1.0 | 05:38 |
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Marlohatori | Does anyone know how to edit the windows GRUB? | 05:38 |
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predaeus | nojoints, I don't think there would be any difference in port, no matter where on earth you live. | 05:38 |
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predaeus | nojoints, but I don't know, there is an http option, maybe try that. | 05:38 |
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predaeus | blacktux, does lspci show it? | 05:39 |
Wolfwalker | Okay, I'm about to get slightly ticked here | 05:39 |
nojoints | predaeus; tried to change the port but didn't work, amsn works but i rather use pidgin | 05:39 |
blacktux | predaeus no | 05:39 |
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blacktux | preaction yes! | 05:39 |
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predaeus | nojoints, hm no idea, sorry. | 05:39 |
Sunnyboi14 | how do i format the HD i am using ubuntu with? | 05:39 |
Wolfwalker | GParted refuses to run. New default config, old X config, force vesa, nothing works. | 05:39 |
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monty_ | still looking for a little help compiling a driver... | 05:40 |
nojoints | predaeus; hm on proxy it says use GNOME proxy settings, should maybe take that away | 05:40 |
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blacktux | yes lspci yes, i knew it, but lspci give me non infos like lshw! | 05:40 |
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Marlohatori | Guys im on my ubuntu and i have a windows HD plugged in and i want to be able to boot the windows HD on its own but the GRUB wont let me. Any way i can edit it? | 05:40 |
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j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: chill. | 05:40 |
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Sunnyboi14 | sry | 05:40 |
Sunnyboi14 | but how do i? | 05:40 |
j85wilson | is the drive mounted? | 05:40 |
predaeus | nojoints, no idea, I am not familiar with proxy settings sorry. | 05:40 |
faileas | Sunnyboi14: use another os or a livecd | 05:40 |
Sunnyboi14 | it totally messed ub my external Hard drive which i used to install ubuntu on | 05:41 |
SlimeyPe1e | Marlohatori: check out /boot/grub/menu.lst | 05:41 |
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Marlohatori | No i need to do it to my windows HDD :( | 05:41 |
Wolfwalker | sunnyboi try fdisk or gparted. You can find them on google | 05:41 |
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Sunnyboi14 | fdisk? | 05:41 |
j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: what drive are you trying to format? The external drive? | 05:41 |
Wolfwalker | You will burn an image cd from what you download. Use this image cd on reboot. | 05:41 |
SlimeyPe1e | Marlohatori: eh? your Windows HD won't have grub on it | 05:41 |
RGautier | Hi - I've set up a new install of Ubuntu Server and would like it to be able to send out mail on my ISP account. I don't know anything at all about exim, and could use some help setting it up to just relay every message to my ISP's smtp server with my email address as the source (so they'll deliver it) | 05:41 |
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blacktux | Sunnyboi14 cfdisk too | 05:42 |
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Sunnyboi14 | cfdisk | 05:42 |
Sunnyboi14 | ok | 05:42 |
predaeus | Wolfwalker, why are you messing with X settings when running gparted? | 05:42 |
fevel | is there any tools that I can check mu internet speed? | 05:42 |
Marlohatori | Well when i try to boot it it gives me a GRUB error | 05:42 |
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Sunnyboi14 | when i did cfdisk | 05:43 |
Sunnyboi14 | it told me that it could not | 05:43 |
SlimeyPe1e | Marlohatori: what error? | 05:43 |
amicrawler | to big | 05:43 |
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j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: unmount the drive | 05:43 |
predaeus | fevel, try http://www.google.com/search?hl=de&q=speedtest&meta= | 05:43 |
Sunnyboi14 | open the disk drive | 05:43 |
amicrawler | 640x480 | 05:43 |
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Marlohatori | brb i will try again and write down the error :P | 05:43 |
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Sunnyboi14 | what will that do? | 05:43 |
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Wolfwalker | |predaeus:| because the new autoconfig won't work | 05:43 |
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m1r | what i need to download to be able to compile package ? build-essentials ? | 05:43 |
Wolfwalker | Not on this old Dell | 05:43 |
j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: make it so that the filesystem isn't accesssing it anymore. | 05:43 |
Wolfwalker | Old X config usually works for me | 05:44 |
joe4444 | i was experiencing really slow transfers with uTorrent 1.6.1 so i removed it along with wine (it needed an upgrade anyway), then i reinstalled the latest wine and uTorrent 1.7.2 ...but now i can't get torrents to open with uTorrent from a link in Firefox even though i associated .torrent files inside the uTorrent settings and i manually associated them in Nautilus ... any suggestions? | 05:44 |
Sunnyboi14 | u did | 05:44 |
Sunnyboi14 | what does that do? | 05:44 |
Sunnyboi14 | i did* | 05:44 |
predaeus | Wolfwalker, you mean the installer for ubuntu? did you try the alternate installer cd? | 05:44 |
hsatera | joe4444: why use utorrent? you should try some options like azureus, ktorrent,... | 05:44 |
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Wolfwalker | Nonono, right now I'm still trying to answer the question about what partition I have Ubuntu on | 05:45 |
joe4444 | hsatera: b/c i hate everything else i've tried | 05:45 |
j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: unmounting a drive makes it so that the filesystem isn't accessing the drive anymore. If the filesystem is accessing it, then it clearly can't be formatted. | 05:45 |
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j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: you did unmount the drive? | 05:45 |
Sunnyboi14 | yes | 05:45 |
hsatera | joe4444: what have u tried? | 05:45 |
Sunnyboi14 | i just did | 05:45 |
j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: and then you tried fdisk? | 05:45 |
Wolfwalker | But I'm having to resort to FDisk | 05:45 |
Sunnyboi14 | ok | 05:45 |
Sunnyboi14 | i will | 05:45 |
j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: or cfdisk | 05:45 |
joe4444 | azureus, bittorent, ktorrent, and others | 05:45 |
hsatera | the speed of a torrent dependes on the number of seeders/peers | 05:45 |
fevel | thank you predaeus, but is there any tools like that locally on my machine?? | 05:45 |
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TBotNik_u | Still no response on getting me some sound setup help! | 05:45 |
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anandanbu | How to install gajim in Ubuntu 7.04 | 05:46 |
Sunnyboi14 | it came up with some weird thing | 05:46 |
predaeus | Wolfwalker, try "sudo fdisk -l" | 05:46 |
Wolfwalker | Okay Jack_Sparrow Windows is on 1, linux ext2 is on 2, with a logic partition for swap on 3 | 05:46 |
j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: paste it. | 05:46 |
Sunnyboi14 | ummm | 05:46 |
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Sunnyboi14 | i am on a different computer | 05:46 |
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Sunnyboi14 | i have more than one computer | 05:46 |
Sunnyboi14 | i am using windows | 05:46 |
joe4444 | hsatera: well the older versions of torrent clients are sometimes blocked by trackers and/or do not support newer protocol features (or something like that)... after upgrading and restarting the same torrent my d/l speed increased 500%+ | 05:46 |
j85wilson | type it out into the pastebin, then | 05:46 |
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xionox | irc://irc.gnome.org/#f-spot | 05:47 |
Sunnyboi14 | what is the pastebin? | 05:47 |
joe4444 | www.dpaste.com | 05:47 |
j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: read the topic. | 05:47 |
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Wolfwalker | So to use something besides UUID for boot, I use /hda2? | 05:47 |
Marlohatori | OK so i unplugged my Linux HDD plugged in my windows one and i got this error | 05:47 |
Marlohatori | http://pastebin.com/m15050245 | 05:47 |
joe4444 | among others... like 10,000 others | 05:47 |
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micman | hello Ubuntoers! | 05:48 |
hsatera | joe4444: pm | 05:48 |
Wolfwalker | I mean /dev/hda2 | 05:48 |
Lattyware | Anyone here have a Logitech G15 Keyboard and want to test out a script to display xChat Hightlights on it? | 05:48 |
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predaeus | fevel, I don't know. But I think there is not much sense in testing or retrieving information on that locally. Only for maximum possible theoretical values probably. | 05:48 |
mad-sibyl | Sunnyboi14: Sunnyboi First reformat oO | 05:48 |
SlimeyPe1e | Marlohatori: hrm, looks like grub somehow ended up on your windows HD. If you didn't mean that to happen, you'll need to boot a windows CD/rescue disk and use fixmbr to remove grub and install the windows boot manager | 05:48 |
Sunnyboi14 | Usage: fdisk [-l] [-b SSZ] [-u] device | 05:49 |
SlimeyPe1e | Marlohatori: however not that if your Windows HD is your main HD then you do need grub installedon it | 05:49 |
Marlohatori | dang :( | 05:49 |
SlimeyPe1e | *note | 05:49 |
Sunnyboi14 | Usage: fdisk [-l] [-b SSZ] [-u] device | 05:49 |
Sunnyboi14 | thats the first thing | 05:49 |
Sunnyboi14 | then the second thing | 05:49 |
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Sunnyboi14 | E.g.: fdisk /dev/hda (for the first IDE disk) | 05:49 |
micman | i m a beginner in ubuntu. i have recently installed feisty.now i want to upgrade it with c compiler. how should i do it? | 05:49 |
Sunnyboi14 | or: fdisk /dev/sdc (for the third SCSI disk) | 05:49 |
Marlohatori | Well it was my main HDD until something went horribly horribly wrong... | 05:49 |
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Sunnyboi14 | or: fdisk /dev/eda (for the first PS/2 ESDI drive) | 05:49 |
j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: use the pastebin | 05:49 |
Sunnyboi14 | oh | 05:50 |
Sunnyboi14 | sry | 05:50 |
j85wilson | ok | 05:50 |
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fulhack | Hey guys. I have an application now working on linux, but working on vista. Is there any way to run ONLY that application over a VNC (like) connection on my linux PC? | 05:50 |
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Sunnyboi14 | dpaste.com/16747 | 05:50 |
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fulhack | I don't want a full desktop. | 05:50 |
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Rprp | hi, when i type 'glxinfo' i see this as output: http://rafb.net/p/OelVhg83.html but 'nividia-glx' is installed :( (Graphics card = Nvidia GeForce 7600 GT) | 05:50 |
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micman | !i m a beginner in ubuntu. i have recently installed feisty.now i want to upgrade it with c compiler. how should i do it? | 05:50 |
j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: ok, do you know what disk you want to format? ie, which device under /dev it is? | 05:51 |
Marlohatori | Cant i just remove the GRUB from my windows HDD manually? | 05:51 |
Sunnyboi14 | no | 05:51 |
Wolfwalker | When Jack_Sparrow comes back from looking busy while at work, let me know willya? | 05:51 |
Sunnyboi14 | i unmounted it anyway | 05:51 |
Sunnyboi14 | remember? | 05:51 |
dev_eddie | micman use sudo apt-get install build-essential | 05:51 |
Wolfwalker | lol | 05:51 |
j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: what command did you issue to unmount it? | 05:51 |
SlimeyPe1e | Marlohatori: using fixmbr is the only way AFAIK | 05:51 |
predaeus | Rprp, check if "nvidia" is set in the driver section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, if not then the nvidia driver is not being loaded. | 05:51 |
Sunnyboi14 | i just right clicked on it and said unmount | 05:52 |
Sunnyboi14 | and i clicked on i | 05:52 |
Sunnyboi14 | t | 05:52 |
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fevel | predaeus, actually its cause I want to test rom the gateway, it is a very large lan (several floors) and the gateway server is the cleanest route to the internet...I would have to use a command line browser | 05:52 |
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j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: Can you paste(bin) the contents of the file /etc/fstab, and also the output of the command mount? | 05:52 |
Rprp | predaeus: http://rafb.net/p/mJGRgz96.html << Thats my /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but there is nothing wrong ? | 05:53 |
Sunnyboi14 | ?? | 05:53 |
predaeus | fevel, ah ok, probably try an ftp download from console to get the download rate for a starter. | 05:53 |
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rafael__ | neverblue: my computer got a hightemperature.. had freezy in 30% of memtest. but i think that happened because its a notebook, possible it would happen | 05:53 |
j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: open a terminal, and type 'cat /etc/fstab', and put the contents of that into pastebin. | 05:53 |
rafael__ | neverblue: just to make sure. im on windows now. i want know if my computer will freezy here too.. windows vista. | 05:53 |
j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: then type 'mount', and put that into the pastebin as well. | 05:53 |
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predaeus | fevel, but this is all bad because rates are most often limited by the servers you start downloads from or upload files to so maybe not a good solution. | 05:54 |
rafael__ | neve | 05:54 |
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predaeus | Rprp, you probably need the nvidia-glx-new package...lemme check | 05:55 |
fevel | I see | 05:55 |
Sunnyboi14 | how do i change the partitions? | 05:55 |
Rprp | predaeus: hmm k | 05:55 |
j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: what? | 05:55 |
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Sunnyboi14 | how do i change partitons? | 05:55 |
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j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: (c)fdisk will allow you to repartition the drive too. | 05:55 |
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j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: you have to figure out which /dev/* device the drive you are trying to format is. The best way to do this is probably to look at /etc/fstab and the output of the mount command. | 05:56 |
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Rafae-- | neverblue, so.. maybe u are right. that is my memory | 05:57 |
TBotNik_u | Repeating: Ran "lspci" and "lsmod" but don't see sound chipset in either. What cmd do I run? | 05:57 |
Rafae-- | neverblue, im on my dad computer | 05:57 |
predaeus | Rprp, yes I think you need to install the nvidia-glx-new package instead of the nvidia-glx one. To get newer drivers. | 05:57 |
monty_ | i'm having problems with compiling, can anyone help? | 05:57 |
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Rafae-- | neverblue, :( | 05:57 |
Sunnyboi14 | how do i change the partitions on a HD? | 05:57 |
Rprp | predaeus: oke, thnx, i will try | 05:57 |
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Sunnyboi14 | how do i change partitions on my Hard Drive? | 05:58 |
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j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: with fdisk or cfdisk, I already told you! | 05:58 |
Rafae-- | neverblue, or .. after the memtest my computer get a hightemperature.. maybe the memory is not broken | 05:58 |
Rafae-- | neverblue, what do u think ? | 05:58 |
Sunnyboi14 | after i type fdisk | 05:58 |
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Sunnyboi14 | then what do i do? | 05:58 |
j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: try help | 05:58 |
kyncani | Sunnyboi14: boot ubuntu's livecd, there may be a tool in a system menu somewhere that can partition your hard drive the way you want | 05:58 |
kitsuneofdoom | My USB mouse stopped being detected! I'm on a laptop, the touchpad doesn't work too well, Ubuntu 7.04 32 Bit. | 05:59 |
Sunnyboi14 | ok | 05:59 |
Sunnyboi14 | thanks | 05:59 |
Sunnyboi14 | ill try tha | 05:59 |
Sunnyboi14 | t | 05:59 |
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Rafae-- | neverblue, i will turn on my external cooler than. must work | 05:59 |
Rafae-- | neverblue, i know just this way | 06:00 |
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Rafae-- | to solv it | 06:00 |
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TBotNik_u | All: Trying to find sound card info on box. Ran "lspci" and "lsmod" but don't see sound chipset in either. What cmd do I run? | 06:00 |
predaeus | kitsuneofdoom, is it reported with lsusb? | 06:00 |
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kitsuneofdoom | predaeus: lsusb hangs | 06:01 |
Sunnyboi14 | the menu had nothing | 06:01 |
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Sunnyboi14 | i typed fdisk | 06:01 |
predaeus | TBotNik_u, try running alsamixer and look at the top left corner, quit it with ESC. Not sure if it will show though. | 06:01 |
Sunnyboi14 | what do i do now? | 06:01 |
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kyncani | Sunnyboi14: forget about fdisk | 06:01 |
j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: Did you find out which device file the drive is? | 06:01 |
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Sunnyboi14 | ?? | 06:01 |
predaeus | kitsuneofdoom, hm that doesn't sound good. No idea, keep asking around here. | 06:01 |
predaeus | kitsuneofdoom, what Ubuntu version have you got? | 06:02 |
bstock | i have a problem when running gnome-cups-add. i tried running it from console and i don't get any kind of error output | 06:02 |
kyncani | Sunnyboi14: if you have ubuntu on your other pc, you can install gparted and partition your external hard drive with it | 06:02 |
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kitsuneofdoom | 7.04 | 06:02 |
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Sunnyboi14 | where do i download gparted? | 06:02 |
kitsuneofdoom | predaeus: 7.04 | 06:02 |
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kyncani | Sunnyboi14: from the Add/Remove package manager | 06:02 |
Sunnyboi14 | ok... | 06:03 |
sinkorswim | can anyone tell me where the cgi-bin directory is located in 7.04 please? | 06:03 |
predaeus | kitsuneofdoom, hm yes, then just keep asking here, maybe someone else is familiar with usb device detection. | 06:03 |
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nojoints | Is it possible to use kopete in gnome? | 06:03 |
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Jacob | sinkorswim: are you running a webserver? there is no cgi-bin, just mark the script as executable | 06:03 |
predaeus | sinkorswim, type "locate cgi-bin" | 06:03 |
Cyrax | anyone know a good program to run embedded media like .wmv .avi . divx .qt etc... in firefox , cant get some plugins installed | 06:03 |
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Jacob | nojoints: yep, it might look a little weird though | 06:03 |
Jacob | nojoints: just install it from Apps > Add/Remove | 06:04 |
nojoints | Jacob; okok thanks | 06:04 |
TheGateKeeper | anyone know where the clock / timezone config files are? | 06:04 |
TBotNik_u | predaeus: What is alsamixer cli cmd? | 06:04 |
paul_____ | Hi I'm having a little problem getting ubuntu server connected to my network | 06:04 |
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predaeus | TBotNik_u, yes just "alsamixer" | 06:04 |
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Sunnyboi14 | ok | 06:05 |
Sunnyboi14 | how do i run gparted? | 06:05 |
chikita | hello, after installing switchfox and applying its spanish language pack, switchfox opens renamed as firefox... | 06:05 |
Jacob | Sunnyboi14: System > Admin > Gparted (Partition Editor maybe) | 06:05 |
sinkorswim | Jacob, I installed apache2 using instructionson the ubuntu site, my site config file has the line "ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/" but usr/lib/cgi-bin doesnt exist | 06:05 |
kyncani | Sunnyboi14: it should be called partition something and be located in a system menu somewhere | 06:05 |
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Jacob | sinkorswim: you may remove the second cgi-bin part then, it won't harm anything | 06:06 |
bstock | does anyone else have the problem with gnome-cups-add hanging and using 100% of 1 cpu on 7.04? | 06:06 |
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Cyrax | anyone know a good program or codecpack for firefox to run all embedded media ? | 06:06 |
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sinkorswim | Jacob, thanks, but then my cgi scripts don't run | 06:06 |
Jacob | bstock: it does that regularly for a few moments when adding a printer | 06:06 |
predaeus | TBotNik_u, see "man alsamixer" for details its just the CLI volume control. | 06:06 |
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bstock | Jacob: yeah i've let this one go for an hour | 06:06 |
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Jacob | bstock: ah. never had it do that | 06:06 |
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kitsuneofdoom | Okay, I've got a number of issues that have cropped up when I installed 7.04. Now, my USB mouse isn't detected and lsusb hangs. | 06:07 |
Wolfwalker | Just one more question: Are they going to fix this fiesty UUID hard drive controller glitch for the next release? | 06:07 |
bstock | no debug output when running it from console either | 06:07 |
Jacob | sinkorswim: make sure the permissions are +x for everything. "chmod +x script.cgi" in a terminal, replace script.cgi with your script | 06:07 |
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bstock | when i run top it shows cupsd is using 100% even if i kill the gnome-cups-add process | 06:07 |
rafael__ | neverblue, external cooler on.. lets see what happen | 06:07 |
sinkorswim | Jacob, I'll give it a try, thanks | 06:07 |
predaeus | Wolfwalker, it is not very likely to get answers from devs here. Probably look at launchpad bug entries for such info. | 06:07 |
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Wolfwalker | Say what? | 06:08 |
Wolfwalker | Where's that? | 06:08 |
Wolfwalker | !launchpad | 06:08 |
ubotu | launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ | 06:08 |
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_imran_ | can anyone tell me how to scan and save it ontothe computer? | 06:08 |
Sunnyboi14 | now how do i chnge the partition size to have ubuntu take up barely anything? | 06:08 |
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nojoints | Any able to help me remove an old installation of flashplayer? It tries to download when I'm installing something by the terminal, but it wont work and I need to remove it. It stops at OK ..... | 06:08 |
predaeus | _imran_, scan and save what? | 06:08 |
chikita | hello, after installing switchfox and applying its spanish language pack, switchfox opens renamed as firefox, what can i do to fix this? | 06:09 |
j85wilson | Sunnyboi14: perhaps gparted has a help menu? | 06:09 |
Sunnyboi14 | ok... | 06:09 |
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_imran_ | if i scan something using a scanner (pages/documents etc) | 06:09 |
Sunnyboi14 | it dows not have a help menu | 06:09 |
predaeus | _imran_, ah, I think you can scan with gimp. | 06:10 |
j85wilson | perhaps it has a webpage? | 06:10 |
Sunnyboi14 | weird. i had a dream about gparted a long time before i even got linux | 06:10 |
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Sunnyboi14 | freaky | 06:10 |
Sunnyboi14 | umm | 06:10 |
Sunnyboi14 | ok | 06:10 |
Jacob | nojoints: did you try: sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree | 06:10 |
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kyncani | Sunnyboi14: resize the ubuntu partition, then move it, then resize your windows partition | 06:10 |
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hsatera | how do i install xvid with gstreamer? | 06:11 |
nojoints | Jacob; I got a installation done that works, but i get an dpkg error in terminal from an old that didn't work | 06:11 |
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nojoints | Jacob; I get this E: flashplugin-nonfree: subprocess post-installation script killed by signal (Interrupt) | 06:11 |
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Jacob | nojoints: eww, i hate that error, hmm | 06:11 |
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Sunnyboi14 | i need ubuntu to take up barely any space, and i need my hd to go back to the way it was when i bought it | 06:12 |
omegaweopon | Anyone availible with vmware knowlege? | 06:12 |
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faileas | omegaweopon: a little, or try vware | 06:12 |
faileas | #vmware ;) | 06:12 |
omegaweopon | faileas: Why do you always have to save me bum? | 06:12 |
faileas | cause i'm awesome like that ;) | 06:13 |
Sunnyboi14 | does anyone know how to change a partition? | 06:13 |
omegaweopon | faileas: At least this isn't as simple as an apt-get install like last time hehe | 06:13 |
Jacob | Sunnyboi14: you cannot shrink ubuntu once it is installed. you'll have to clear the drive and reinstall; it is a limitation of the ext3 filesystem | 06:13 |
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ZAKhan | i have installed the NTFS support form synaptic but i cannot create folders on the drive, can someone help please | 06:13 |
nojoints | Jacob; know any way to remove it? | 06:13 |
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Jacob | nojoints: you could try removing the file manually, though i wouldn't reccommend it | 06:14 |
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mx-zoom | ZAKhan: the ntfsprogs driver does not support ntfs write | 06:14 |
faileas | omegaweopon: i thought it was an update script. installation is not my forte though, i run it in windows | 06:14 |
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faileas | !vware | 06:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about vware - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:14 |
faileas | !vmware | 06:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ntfs-3g | 06:14 |
ubotu | VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers | 06:14 |
cwillu | ZAKhan: look at ntfs-3g | 06:14 |
mx-zoom | ZAKhan: you need the ntfs-3g driver which enables write support | 06:14 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 06:14 |
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predaeus | http://gparted.sourceforge.net/ | 06:14 |
nojoints | Jacob; well I could cut it out of the map if it works I delete it else I just paste it back | 06:14 |
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nojoints | Jacob; but don't know where it's at | 06:14 |
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kyncani | Sunnyboi14: well, if ext3 cannot be resized, you'll have to delete all the ubuntu partitions then resize your windows partition to take up the entire disk space | 06:15 |
Jacob | nojoints: /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so | 06:15 |
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ZAKhan | cwiiis, mx-zoom i will try installing it now | 06:15 |
TBotNik_u | predaeus: Getting error: "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device". Guess alsa didn't get installed correctly, What now? | 06:15 |
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chikita | hello, after installing switchfox and applying its spanish language pack, switchfox opens renamed as firefox, what can i do to fix this? | 06:15 |
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moonlite_ | jacob: GNU Parted claims it can resize ext3 (http://www.gnu.org/software/parted/features.shtml) | 06:15 |
predaeus | TBotNik_u, hm no idea, probably your card is not detected correctly if it does not show up elsewhere. it should be in lspci I think. | 06:15 |
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mx-zoom | chikita: close alll your previous firefox sessions... and then try opening the other versio againm | 06:16 |
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cwillu | how do I fix my screen unblanking? | 06:16 |
nojoints | Jacob; it's not the working I want to dissapear it's the one that didn't work to install | 06:16 |
Paddy_EIRE | does running kde apps in gnome really impact performance much? | 06:16 |
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Jacob | moonlite_: hmm... i know you can grow an ext3, but idk about shinking; let me get gparted myself | 06:16 |
cwillu | Paddy_EIRE: not really, unless you're already on the minimum specs | 06:17 |
Jacob | nojoints: ah, so a ghost .deb. huh... | 06:17 |
intra | hi | 06:17 |
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Paddy_EIRE | ...and is there a way to make kde apps more integrated | 06:17 |
nojoints | Jacob; yea | 06:17 |
kyncani | Paddy_EIRE: yes, use kde | 06:17 |
kyncani | != | 06:17 |
cwillu | Paddy_EIRE: use kde? :p | 06:17 |
kyncani | :) | 06:17 |
Paddy_EIRE | with gnome I mean | 06:17 |
cwillu | aka, not really | 06:17 |
predaeus | Paddy_EIRE, depends on your computer. Starting the first kde application will usually take a bit because it will have to load all needed shared kde libs and no other app or KDE has done that before. | 06:17 |
kyncani | Paddy_EIRE: nope then | 06:17 |
TBotNik_u | predaeus: I'm trying to reload. Following howto at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto, but it is for Intel chipset. I have SIS chipset, but don't know which. trying to find cli cmd to see chipset, for alsa-site download. What is cmd? | 06:17 |
Jacob | nojoints: you can force remove it I believe, let me look up the syntax | 06:17 |
cwillu | Paddy_EIRE: they're not gtk, so they can't be by definition | 06:18 |
predaeus | TBotNik_u, did you try lspci? | 06:18 |
CrAsH_x64 | ##java | 06:18 |
stroyan | Sunnyboi14: You might want to read through http://www.howtoforge.com/partitioning_with_gparted | 06:18 |
cwillu | TBotNik_u: terminal | 06:18 |
dhanjeet | hello,has anyone try asterisk under ubuntu ? | 06:18 |
CrAsH_x64 | #java | 06:18 |
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Paddy_EIRE | predaeus: cwillu thanks guys | 06:18 |
Jacob | moonlite_: ah, so you can shrink an ext3. didn't know that. | 06:18 |
kyncani | Paddy_EIRE: kde is great, you should try it and maybe switch to it later :) | 06:18 |
cwillu | kyncani: I'm on my way to switching away from it :p | 06:19 |
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Paddy_EIRE | kyncani: I have thought it was a little to much on the eyes | 06:19 |
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nojoints | Jacob; okok | 06:19 |
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ZAKhan | cwiiis, mx-zoom : installed ntfs-3g , enabled it and now gives and error "Unable to mount the volume 'WD1TB'." | 06:19 |
kyncani | cwillu: :) always switching back and forth every two years :) | 06:19 |
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moonlite_ | jacob: the same goes for Sunnyboi14 now :/ | 06:19 |
Paddy_EIRE | kyncani: dont like the windoze uninspired start menu aswell | 06:19 |
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jerrcs | hi - i run mac osx and ubuntu linux on my mac mini. I'm using EFI and I need it to boot linux by default, I'm at the efi shell, what should i do? | 06:19 |
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cwillu | ZAKhan: did you unmount the original? also, if you didn't shut windows down cleanly, you'll have to run scandisk from it, and then do a proper shutdown first | 06:20 |
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moonlite_ | Sunnyboi14: did you read that? You can shrink an ext3. gparted should do it i think | 06:20 |
kyncani | Paddy_EIRE: yep, but it's much more integrated than gnome :) | 06:20 |
Rprp | predaeus: that 'nvidia-glx-new' package didnt fix it :< | 06:20 |
Paddy_EIRE | kyncani: maybe If I could get something like the opensuse or linux mint menu | 06:20 |
cwillu | god, please stop using the word windoze :p | 06:20 |
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Jacob | nojoints: try apt-get --force-yes remove flashplugin-nonfree (--force-yes can be a little dangerous however, so use with caution) | 06:21 |
ZAKhan | cwillu, is scandisk part of ubuntu? | 06:21 |
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cwillu | ZAKhan: no, its a part of windows | 06:21 |
TBotNik_u | predaeus & cwillu: Tried lspci, but no sound chipset info. cwillu, what you mean terminal? | 06:21 |
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Paddy_EIRE | kyncani: also kwifi manager says my wireless is out of range and wont connect | 06:21 |
intra | I'm having trouble booting Ubuntu to get it installed on my comp | 06:21 |
kyncani | cwillu: stop using this word ! | 06:21 |
cwillu | TBotNik_u: thought you were looking for it :p | 06:21 |
kyncani | :D | 06:21 |
intra | can anyone help? | 06:21 |
cwillu | with? | 06:21 |
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ZAKhan | cwillu, so i have to connect it on a windows pc run scandisk and then try again with ubuntu? | 06:22 |
Paddy_EIRE | !anyone | intra | 06:22 |
ubotu | intra: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 06:22 |
intra | my Ubuntu install freezes | 06:22 |
kyncani | Paddy_EIRE: ha well, it's a matter of taste really :) | 06:22 |
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nojoints | Jacob; well it removed the problem, now I need the tarball again.. <.< | 06:22 |
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intra | Does any have experience with fixing and installation that freezes? | 06:22 |
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jerrcs | hmm.. im wondering if my efi shell even works, i googled the command list and none of the commands work | 06:22 |
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cwillu | ZAKhan: probably, assuming that you don't have it mounted somewhere else right now | 06:22 |
Jacob | nojoints: the flash tarball? do you prefer v9 update beta 3 or just v9? | 06:22 |
Paddy_EIRE | kyncani: it is, I would like to beable to go online in kde then I supppose I could give it a really practical test...kde4 has grabbed my attention | 06:23 |
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nojoints | v9 is less buggy then beta 3 right? | 06:23 |
jerrcs | anyone wanna take a bite? :S | 06:23 |
intra | Or getting Ubuntu to not freeze when it's booting to the LiveCd | 06:23 |
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Jacob | well, the beta 3 fixes some bugs from v9 and does some neat gtk stuff | 06:23 |
ZAKhan | cwillu, no i have it on this ubuntu PC only but i can connect it to my xp pc and try that .. brb | 06:23 |
hsatera | besides mplayer, any GOOD player wich runs subtitles? | 06:23 |
Jacob | nojoints: i'll get you both links anyway | 06:23 |
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Paddy_EIRE | hsatera: vlc | 06:23 |
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kyncani | Paddy_EIRE: kde is going the strigi way i think and ubuntu the tracker way (some vague memory) | 06:23 |
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hsatera | Paddy_EIRE: the subtitles sometimes appear, sometimes doesn't | 06:24 |
Greevous | intra: what type of installation are you running? Live cd or alternate? | 06:24 |
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Jacob | nojoints: v9 update3 v61: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer9_update/flashplayer9_install_linux_061107.tar.gz | 06:24 |
intra | Live CD | 06:24 |
stroyan | intra: You may be able to get farther with boot options such as noapic. | 06:24 |
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kyncani | intra: brand new hardware ? | 06:24 |
Jacob | nojoints: v9 v41 stable: http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz | 06:24 |
Paddy_EIRE | kyncani: Im currently using beagle...although have used tracker, loved how little of a footprint it has | 06:24 |
nojoints | Jacob; I can't reach the adobe site | 06:24 |
Greevous | intra: also, at what point does it freeze | 06:24 |
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stroyan | intra: You could google for your hardware and ubuntu to look for specific tips. | 06:25 |
intra | brand new hardware: Asus MB, AMD x2 64, 1GB RAM | 06:25 |
Jacob | nojoints: connection down? | 06:25 |
intra | I've already google my MB | 06:25 |
Jacob | er, never mind | 06:25 |
intra | I'm trying to dual boot | 06:25 |
Paddy_EIRE | kyncani: is strigi up and coming | 06:25 |
intra | Win XP works fine | 06:25 |
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nojoints | Jacob; I need it sent or downloadable version from another site | 06:25 |
jerrcs | okay no1uknow | 06:25 |
kyncani | Paddy_EIRE: well, none work well enough for me for now | 06:25 |
intra | what does noapic do? | 06:25 |
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stroyan | intra: You could also look for newer firmware. New hardware often ships with half-baked firmware. | 06:25 |
jerrcs | http://jerrcs.net/uploads/flashplayer9_install_linux_061107.tar.gz | 06:26 |
Paddy_EIRE | kyncani: well there is *cough* google-desktop *cough* | 06:26 |
Paddy_EIRE | ewwww | 06:26 |
Jacob | nojoints: i'll mirror a copy of it for now, which version do you want? v9 or the beta3? | 06:26 |
jerrcs | r http://jerrcs.net/uploads/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz | 06:26 |
intra | stroyan: I've done that too | 06:26 |
jerrcs | anyways, I was at the EFI shell | 06:26 |
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kyncani | intra: brand new hardware -> I would try gutsy beta. If it works, it should mean that your hardware will be supported in the next ubuntu version only and you could stick with the beta versions for the time being | 06:26 |
nojoints | Jacob rather have an stable becouse this is my main computer | 06:26 |
intra | stroyan: I haven't tried the noapic, however | 06:26 |
Jacob | kk | 06:26 |
variant | Falstius: you change the kernel line to show /dev/whatever instead of the uuid.. | 06:26 |
jerrcs | nojoints: you can use http://jerrcs.net/uploads/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz if you want | 06:26 |
kyncani | Paddy_EIRE: i don't go the non-gpl way if i can avoid it | 06:27 |
jerrcs | I was reading the chat and figured I'd help | 06:27 |
variant | Falstius: grub doesn't use the fstab | 06:27 |
Paddy_EIRE | kyncani: me neither | 06:27 |
intra | kyncani: good suggestion, I'll try it | 06:27 |
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nojoints | jerrcs; is it the beta3 or stable version? | 06:27 |
camelcho | hello | 06:27 |
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jerrcs | nojoints: stable | 06:27 |
camelcho | hola | 06:27 |
Jacob | nojoints: http://files.codechunk.net/flash9.tar.gz should do it then :) | 06:27 |
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Paddy_EIRE | kyncani: thats why Im not really fond of kde it uses gt does it not | 06:27 |
kyncani | intra: I had to stick with feisty in december 2006, edgy would not work with this laptop at the time | 06:27 |
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stroyan | intra: There are several boot options that may avoid using troubled features. But they are disabling things that you would really want to have working. | 06:28 |
intra | kyncani: I'm trying to install feisty myself | 06:28 |
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intra | stroyan: One weird thing is that I actually got it to load cleanly from the Live CD, it just froze during install | 06:28 |
chikita | hello, after installing switchfox and applying its spanish language pack, switchfox opens renamed as firefox, what can i do to fix this? | 06:28 |
kyncani | intra: gutsy has a new kernel, hence new drivers and fixes for new and existing hardware | 06:28 |
nojoints | Jacob thanks but jerrcs had it uploaded | 06:28 |
intra | stroyan: and ever since it simply won't boot to the Live Desktop anymore | 06:28 |
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stroyan | intra: ouch! | 06:29 |
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Paddy_EIRE | chikita: check the help>about to see what it is | 06:29 |
Jacob | heh heh, never saw that | 06:29 |
kyncani | Paddy_EIRE: gt ? wazzat ? | 06:29 |
intra | kyncani: thanks, I will definately try it | 06:29 |
camelcho | where download ubuntu... | 06:29 |
camelcho | ?? | 06:29 |
Paddy_EIRE | kyncani: proprietry | 06:29 |
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jerrcs | Anyone want to help me for a min? I have a dual boot between Linux/MacOSX, but I want to set it to use Linux FIRST, and then osx if i choose.. reason why - it's going to be my server - anyone know how to do this with efi? | 06:29 |
Jacob | camelcho: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | 06:29 |
KingPunk | anybody have any idea why x86_64 is terrible when it comes to just about anything? | 06:29 |
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camelcho | thx | 06:29 |
Paddy_EIRE | kyncani: as in not truly free or gpl, hence thats why gnome came about | 06:29 |
KingPunk | ..you have to have a 32bit browser to get plugins like flash, etc. | 06:29 |
KingPunk | how terrible is that. | 06:30 |
kyncani | Paddy_EIRE: that was a long time ago, now qt is gpl | 06:30 |
predaeus | KingPunk, the problem is firms don't provide 64bit binaries of there programs. | 06:30 |
predaeus | *their | 06:30 |
Paddy_EIRE | kyncani: oh, never realised that | 06:30 |
coma_ | What plays .gif files | 06:30 |
coma_ | image viewer wont, | 06:30 |
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predaeus | coma_, did you try firefox? for animated gif | 06:31 |
camelcho | ubuntu it's the easy instalecion? | 06:31 |
TBotNik_u | cwillu: Looking for cli cmd to find sound chipset! | 06:31 |
cwillu | KingPunk: 64bit is a big change | 06:31 |
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KingPunk | predaeus: so its a vendor issue? (such as adobe) and not an issue on behalf of GNU/FavoriteLinus Distro. | 06:31 |
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coma_ | I could but id rather just have an app do it. I guess thats ok. | 06:31 |
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intra | kyncani: I don't see gusty on the ubuntu site, know where I can get it? | 06:31 |
KingPunk | Its just amazing how many things are "broken" when you go to 64bit. | 06:31 |
preaction | intra, #ubuntu+1 | 06:31 |
intra | KingPunk: yeah, it's frustrating | 06:32 |
camelcho | ubuntu it's the easy instalation??? | 06:32 |
KingPunk | Im impressed that its actually at that level and was just curious. | 06:32 |
intra | preaction: thanks | 06:32 |
camelcho | my english is't bad T_T | 06:32 |
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coma_ | I have gifs and want to see them with out using firefox. | 06:32 |
KingPunk | I mean, i've been running 32bit for that very reason, i knew in the beginning it was WAY terrible, but it has mad progress, but you'd think I'd still be able to do your run-of-the-mill stuff, thats why i was so shocked. | 06:32 |
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KingPunk | anyways guys, thank you for the input, I appreciate it. | 06:32 |
kyncani | intra: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/ | 06:32 |
=== Greevous is away: I don't want to talk | ||
predaeus | KingPunk, it most often is a vendor issue when there is a driver or binary problem with linux. | 06:33 |
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intra | kyncani: thanks | 06:33 |
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predaeus | KingPunk, there are people working on open solutions like gnash for flash, but it is not perfect yet, because they have to reverse engineer. but youtube partly works on my 64bit firefox. but be sure to get the flash video download plugin for firefox for vids that do not work well, and play them in vlc. | 06:33 |
Paddy_EIRE | kyncani: http://ubuntuforums.org/g/images/19792/1_Smoke.jpg looks really nice | 06:33 |
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predaeus | doh | 06:34 |
coma_ | Does anyone have a US robotics 5410 wireless card and get it working with ubuntu? | 06:34 |
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Rprp | Can someone help me please? My 'glxinfo' output: http://rafb.net/p/OelVhg83.html screen: http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/7640/schermafdrukte8.png and i installed 'nvidia-glx' :< | 06:34 |
reya276 | Is there a POSTFIX Channel? | 06:34 |
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TBotNik_u | All: Looked on MB. Chipset says SIS 964! Looking at alsa site for driver, brb | 06:34 |
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Kr00l | Does anyone know if Ubuntu will work with the VIA chip set? | 06:34 |
nojoints | Neither Kopete, GAIM or Pidgin works to log onto an MSN account, but aMSN does (and I don't like/want aMSN) is there another option or someone able to help me with either Kopete or Pidgin? | 06:34 |
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kyncani | Paddy_EIRE: kde 4 should be integrated in gutsy+1, so you have some time before having kde 4 on your somehow-stable desktop | 06:35 |
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Kr00l | Anyone know if Ubuntu will work with a VIA chipset motherboard? | 06:35 |
aaron_ | ~[ Kr00l ] ~ should. | 06:35 |
TBotNik_u | all: Alsa site jumps from 745 to 966 for SIS chipset. Looking at SIS site brb! | 06:36 |
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Kr00l | aaron: i'm trying to build a budget pc under $250 and i need to know if ubuntu will support a VIA based motherboard | 06:36 |
j85wilson | krool, I am running ubuntu on a VIA chipset mb. | 06:37 |
kyncani | Kr00l: should, and no practical way to know for sure. Maybe googling for ubuntu/linux with the specific motherboard model would give some information | 06:37 |
aaron_ | ~[ Kr00l ] ~ VIA probably makes more than half of the running chipsets out there. | 06:37 |
Falstius | variant: yeah, I understood that when I looked at the kernel line. I had forgotten the root= bit. | 06:37 |
Kr00l | sweet | 06:37 |
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m1r | !shockwave | 06:37 |
ubotu | Shockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave | 06:37 |
Rprp | Can someone help me please? My 'glxinfo' output: http://rafb.net/p/OelVhg83.html screen: http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/7640/schermafdrukte8.png , Xorg.conf: http://rafb.net/p/oqDFDF27.html and i installed 'nvidia-glx' :< | 06:37 |
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Kr00l | anyone think that building a budget pc for under $250 and loaded with ubuntu would be a great choice for people that can't afford a computer, like family members? | 06:38 |
variant | Kr00l: absolutely | 06:38 |
variant | 100% | 06:39 |
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Falstius | Kr00l: or get a used pc | 06:39 |
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aaron_ | ~[ Kr00l ] ~ it's also good to buy used dell stuff on ebay for 120 bucks. | 06:39 |
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Falstius | Kr00l: and then install ubuntu on it because it is better than windows anyway :) | 06:39 |
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aaron_ | i think that's his point | 06:39 |
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stroyan | Kr00l: Don't skimp on a backup mechanism. Otherwise it may be doing no favor to them. | 06:39 |
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Kr00l | Variant what happens if you have bad hardware in ubuntu like in windows you get a BSOD what happens in ubuntu | 06:40 |
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Kr00l | stroyan backup? | 06:40 |
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variant | Kr00l: there can be a kernel panic, but that is rare | 06:40 |
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stroyan | Kr00l: Hard drives do die. | 06:40 |
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Mr-Snick | ok .. can someone help me compile wine 0.9.16? | 06:40 |
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Mr-Snick | and install? O . o | 06:41 |
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aaron_ | ~[ Mr-Snick ] ~ why compile? | 06:41 |
Kr00l | does anyone know how to compile the kernel so ubuntu boots faster? maybe a wiki | 06:41 |
Mr-Snick | cuz its 0.9.16 and has no deb | 06:41 |
Mr-Snick | like the newer versions do | 06:41 |
jetscreamer | Kr00l: just take out what you know for a fact you don't need, for starters | 06:41 |
Mr-Snick | http://source.winehq.org/source/?v=wine-0.9.16 | 06:42 |
Mr-Snick | thats what im trying to make work | 06:42 |
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aaron_ | wooooooooooooooooo | 06:42 |
Cypher21 | I need help realy mod | 06:42 |
jetscreamer | botattack! | 06:42 |
softwork | xiiiiiiiiiiii | 06:42 |
Cypher21 | O_O | 06:42 |
softwork | what is this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 06:42 |
sirjoshimus | hi there, i used envy to install the drivers for my riva tnt2 model 64 video card, and when i restarted x my resolution was at like 800 X 600; but i like it at 1280 x 1042 @ 60 | 06:42 |
jetscreamer | ^^ | 06:42 |
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sirjoshimus | what should i do? | 06:42 |
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mc44 | !ops | 06:42 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 06:42 |
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softwork | ?! | 06:42 |
softwork | !?!?!?!?!?!? | 06:42 |
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Cypher21 | !op | 06:43 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ | ||
Cypher21 | !ops | 06:43 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+rR] by tonyyarusso | ||
[swb] | lame | 06:43 |
Hobbsee | !staff | 06:43 |
ubotu | Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :) | 06:43 |
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Falstius | Kr00l: In my experience, slow booting has more to do with the services being run and not the kernel. | 06:44 |
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softwork | xii | 06:44 |
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Hobbsee | no point. better to get them klined. | 06:44 |
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softwork | yes | 06:44 |
Hobbsee | tonyyarusso: they nick change. | 06:44 |
tonyyarusso | Hobbsee: I know - not the nick ;) | 06:44 |
Hobbsee | tonyyarusso: oh, point, yes | 06:44 |
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phenom | Kr00l: I wouldn't, didn't, can't see myself spendingg over 300 on any "personal" system. I payed $250 for a dimension p4 2.8 hyperthreading tech from Dells refurbished section a couple years back. This thing had hosted more operating systems without regard to loss of windows, as dell gives you os discs and all. If you can find a cheap p4 + for sub $300 on dells refurbished section. Calling them makes a difference. :) | 06:44 |
softwork | yes | 06:45 |
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=== Liquinn looks for the bots. | ||
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=== Cap_J_L_Picard looks for bots too | ||
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phenom | They upgraded me to a hypter threading box and saved me like 50 bucks by calling. | 06:45 |
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_oP | @Falstius http://kernel-handbook.alioth.debian.org/ | 06:45 |
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Kr00l | phenom: i can't build Intel systems | 06:45 |
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Cypher21 | My ubuntu is mounted as /cdrom and now i can't delete it or reinstall ubuntu :( | 06:46 |
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phenom | youch, my whoops. :) | 06:46 |
softwork | reinstall | 06:46 |
Falstius | _oP: so? | 06:46 |
_oP | so read and learn ;) | 06:46 |
Cypher21 | I can't reinstall ubuntu becuase its mounted as /cdrom | 06:46 |
=== genii sips a coffee and tries to remember to take the cdrom out of the drive after installing | ||
=== phenom looks at the mountain of computers in his basement. | ||
Mr-Snick | ty@pc1:~$ /home/ty/Desktop/1/wine/wine-0.9.16/tools/wineinstall You're running this from the wrong directory. Change to the Wine source's main directory and try again. | 06:46 |
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phenom | ^ :) nice. | 06:47 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ | ||
NSCAD_Nathan | Is there an easy way to encrypt my home folder? Or do I have to do the whole HDD? How much of a performance hit would that cause? | 06:47 |
Mr-Snick | help? | 06:47 |
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Falstius | _oP: learn what? | 06:47 |
kyncani | Cypher21: ?? Boot the install cd and install ? | 06:47 |
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softwork | good antivirus for linux x64 | 06:47 |
Cypher21 | I can't | 06:47 |
genii | Cypher21: You mean that the partition which you installed ubuntu to (for instance /dev/sdb3) is mounted to the directory /cdrom ? | 06:48 |
poningru_ | !antivirus | 06:48 |
Cypher21 | yea | 06:48 |
ubotu | antivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus | 06:48 |
softwork | !linuxvirus | 06:48 |
ubotu | The short life and hard times of a Linux Virus http://librenix.com/?inode=21 | 06:48 |
poningru_ | softwork,^^ | 06:48 |
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softwork | yah because windows clientes | 06:48 |
Cypher21 | I am stupid for mounting it as cdrom lol | 06:48 |
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Cypher21 | not how do i unmount it? | 06:48 |
poningru_ | softwork, well look for clamav and aegis | 06:48 |
genii | Cypher21: please say what: mount|grep cdrom command gives | 06:48 |
Cypher21 | ok | 06:48 |
softwork | thx | 06:48 |
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=== Mr-Snick sighs | ||
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Cypher21 | i type it in | 06:49 |
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Cypher21 | no commands givin | 06:49 |
noel_ferreira | i have my media folder devices mounted appering with a link in my desktop. how can i stop that from happening? | 06:49 |
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Tragique | I am sorry I am French, I tested my clones, I am to afflict to have disturb to you, good work, kisses. | 06:50 |
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mc44 | Mr-Snick: why aren't you installing wine from the repositories? | 06:50 |
Cypher21 | If i try to unmount it, on gnome pation editer and it gives me errors | 06:50 |
genii | Cypher21: try: sudo mount | grep cdrom then please | 06:50 |
Paddy_EIRE | kyncani: did you say that kubuntu gutsy will be kde4 | 06:50 |
aaron_ | ~[ mc44 ] ~ he wants a newer version | 06:50 |
kyncani | Paddy_EIRE: nope, gutsy+1 should be | 06:51 |
mc44 | aaron_: that seems to be an older version :) | 06:51 |
Mr-Snick | dont know how | 06:51 |
aaron_ | heh. well the. i don't know. | 06:51 |
Paddy_EIRE | kyncani: oh so quite a wait then | 06:51 |
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mc44 | Mr-Snick: "sudo apt-get install wine" | 06:51 |
Cypher21 | still nothing | 06:51 |
kyncani | Paddy_EIRE: exactly | 06:51 |
Mr-Snick | no | 06:51 |
genii | Cypher21: So right now you are on some other linux looking at the partition layout etc? | 06:51 |
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Mr-Snick | i already did that | 06:51 |
Mr-Snick | its not that version i want | 06:51 |
Cypher21 | yea | 06:51 |
Mr-Snick | i want 0.9.16 | 06:51 |
Mr-Snick | no 42 | 06:51 |
dgjones | noel_ferreira, in terminal, type "gconf-editor", go to Apps, Nautilus and desktop, in the right hand pane, there is a volumes visible icon that will be ticked, untick it and that will stop volumes appearing on the desktop | 06:51 |
mariux | anyone here with a pentium-m? | 06:51 |
Paddy_EIRE | kyncani: linux mint will have it im sure | 06:51 |
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Cypher21 | the path of is /dev/sda2 mountpointL /cdrom | 06:52 |
mc44 | Mr-Snick: you want an older version? shouldn't the newer version work too? | 06:52 |
noel_ferreira | thanks dgjones | 06:52 |
Cypher21 | mountpoint: /cdrom | 06:52 |
_oP | + mc44 http://www.winehq.org/site/git just run ./configure until everything you need is installed ;) | 06:52 |
Mr-Snick | the newer version doesnt work well for p2p's | 06:52 |
Mr-Snick | and the games i try to play | 06:52 |
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Jack_Sparrow | I had terminal server client working perfectly yesterday... I am trying to connect to another machine on my side of the router.. I did ifconfig on both so I know both addresses but today it will not connect.. what should I check first. | 06:52 |
=== uR-solarus [n=evan@c-75-71-70-22.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Paddy_EIRE | kyncani: they seem to be good at integrating things that didnt make the release | 06:52 |
genii | Cypher21: Is the complete distribution already installed there? | 06:52 |
Cypher21 | yea | 06:52 |
=== gnufied [n=gnufied@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tragique | To increase your safety, it is average, to see weak, Mode +R then +b host it is trs effective on this good evening. | 06:52 |
_oP | then go on reading howto | 06:52 |
mariux | anyone here with a pentium-m that gets something else than C0 (cpu running) (100,0%) in powertop? | 06:52 |
neonacid | whenever i try applying changes in add/remove, or try running synaptic, after i enter root's password, the screen stays darkened and will not go back although the mouse works | 06:53 |
kyncani | Paddy_EIRE: kde 4 won't be ready and rock-solid when gutsy is out, tha'ts why it will be introduced in gutsy+1. A wise decision :) | 06:53 |
Cypher21 | I did a remaster ubuntu tut >.> and it mess up ubuntu badly | 06:53 |
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neonacid | any ideas? | 06:53 |
seiflotfy | hi guys | 06:53 |
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Mr-Snick | so can you help me compile/install this 0.9.16 mc44? | 06:53 |
=== blacktux_ is now known as blacktux | ||
aaron_ | ~[ Mr-Snick ] ~ check out crossover office | 06:53 |
Paddy_EIRE | kyncani: I agree | 06:53 |
seiflotfy | somehow i try to pop my mails down using evolution | 06:53 |
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seiflotfy | however it pops them all down | 06:53 |
seiflotfy | abut somehow deosnt store al lof them | 06:53 |
gnufied | well here is some sorta seasoned Linux expert unable to install ubuntu/kubuntu because of this problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3155966 | 06:53 |
seiflotfy | i think some get deleted | 06:53 |
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=== Airforce5555 [n=stephen@adsl-68-253-237-38.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnufied | lol, it never changes does it? | 06:53 |
Cypher21 | it mounted a iso over my ubuntu partion and now it messed up so badly i can't delete it and it stuck on my harddrive | 06:53 |
KaiserDaTA | hi | 06:54 |
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Paddy_EIRE | kyncani: oddly beryl is more stable in mint than in ubuntu feisty...? always thought the repos where exactly the same | 06:54 |
gnufied | i am on dell inspiron 1520 | 06:54 |
KaiserDaTA | How to change nautilus font? | 06:54 |
=== floyd [n=floyd@dxb-as56463.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu | ||
genii | Cypher21: OK. So: mkdir /mnt/temp then: mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/temp then: sudo nano /mnt/temp/etc/fstab and make sure the entry which is for sda2 there is: /dev/sda2 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1 | 06:54 |
=== Noble [n=noble@] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
kyncani | Paddy_EIRE: well, i'm not holding my breath for brand new eye candy, had amarok crashed twice on me yesterday :'( | 06:54 |
Cypher21 | ok | 06:55 |
=== Neutrinux [n=Neutrinu@64.98.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Noble | can anyone suggest any good videoconferencing software? | 06:55 |
seiflotfy | wengophone | 06:55 |
Jacob | Noble: ekiga, it has webcam support | 06:55 |
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neonacid | my comp stays darkened after i enter the root password for add/remove or synaptic | 06:55 |
Mr-Snick | ok... well cross over costs money, so im goin wine for now... which still cant get compiled/installed | 06:55 |
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faileas | sirjoshimus: edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf? ;P | 06:55 |
genii | Yes, ekiga is very good | 06:55 |
=== Marlohatori [n=chris@cpc1-stre2-0-0-cust122.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
faileas | gah | 06:55 |
faileas | scrolled up ;p | 06:55 |
Jacob | plus ekiga is already installed ;) | 06:56 |
bentob0x | !samba | 06:56 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 06:56 |
=== katakaio [n=katakaio@wireless-199.spa.umn.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Marlohatori | hey guys i have a windows HDD installed on my comp but i cant edit anything on it through Ubuntu, how can i change that? | 06:56 |
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Paddy_EIRE | kyncani: yeah I noticed amarok does not seem to like beryl | 06:56 |
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IdleOne | !ntfs | Marlohatori | 06:56 |
ubotu | Marlohatori: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 06:56 |
kyncani | Paddy_EIRE: i don't run beryl (thanks god), just and ipod (and god left me there ...) | 06:57 |
Cypher21 | genii: i got mount: /dev/sda2 already mounted or /mnt/temp busy | 06:57 |
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_oP | @Marlohatori http://www.unixboard.de/vb3/showthread.php?t=16755 | 06:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | !tsc | 06:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tsc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:57 |
tego | make update send me Failed to fetch http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/dists/feisty/Release Unable to find expected entry mainsudo/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) | 06:57 |
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floyd | sigh if only gimp didn't use so much screen real estate... | 06:57 |
=== DennisTT [n=dennis@S010600062579d782.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Marlohatori | thanks | 06:58 |
genii | Cypher21: Please issue command: mount|grep sda2 and report the result | 06:58 |
aaron_ | ~[ floyd ] ~ add screens | 06:58 |
Cypher21 | ok | 06:58 |
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Cypher21 | :( !! It return nothing | 06:58 |
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floyd | aaron_: still trying to get dual monitor working with fglrx :( | 06:59 |
aaron_ | ~[ floyd ] ~ nvidia? | 06:59 |
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floyd | aaron: ati | 06:59 |
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aaron_ | stink. | 06:59 |
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floyd | yes lol | 06:59 |
Cypher21 | ops i disconnect now i am back | 06:59 |
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genii | Cypher21: Then issue: cd ~ then the other commands above as before. Use sudo before the commands as neccesary. | 06:59 |
aaron_ | i have it working with twinview, and it's awesome. but i have an x1300 ATI in another machine that i'd like dualies on. | 06:59 |
cwesks | googled and found no answers, is there some way to get a terminal emulation for wyse 50 or att 4410? | 06:59 |
genii | Cypher21: In fact, to be sure put before each command previously given | 06:59 |
aaron_ | ~[ cwesks ] ~ not on google? it does not exist. | 07:00 |
Cypher21 | I did | 07:00 |
aaron_ | unless you are in china | 07:00 |
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aaron_ | 07:00 | |
ubotu | Google is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com - Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux | 07:00 |
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Cypher21 | Is there a way to delete sda2? | 07:00 |
holihue | gparted | 07:00 |
aaron_ | ~[ Cypher21 ] ~ i like gparted. | 07:00 |
analpear | http://www.archive.org/index.php why does this not work when i type http://www.google.com and click take me back? | 07:00 |
=== StoneNewt [n=snewt@stonenewt.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cypher21 | ? | 07:01 |
genii | Cypher21: If sda2 is not mounted and you are not in the directory /mnt/temp when issuing these commands, then there is a program like fdisk perhaps using the devie right now | 07:01 |
genii | devie=device | 07:01 |
Rprp | Can someone help me please? My 'glxinfo' output: http://rafb.net/p/OelVhg83.html screen: http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/7640/schermafdrukte8.png , Xorg.conf: http://rafb.net/p/oqDFDF27.html and i installed 'nvidia-glx' :< | 07:01 |
Hamnvik | hello everyone i was here earlier asking for help about connecting two computers wireless(ad hoc) and i we are both connected in same wireless network with ad hoc enabled an both computers but i am stil unable to ping the other computer | 07:01 |
holihue | hello Hamnvik | 07:01 |
Hamnvik | hello holihue | 07:01 |
Hamnvik | can you help me | 07:02 |
holihue | hello, again | 07:02 |
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Cypher21 | So what do i do to get sda2 deleted? | 07:02 |
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genii | Cypher21: Let the partitioning program finish. It may then end tying up the device. then as before | 07:02 |
cwesks | I hoping that someone has some experience with wyse 50 term emulation and linux | 07:02 |
paulmain | Hey there guys and gals... I've an ftp problem here. When I ftp in the command line, I don't need a username and password. Why can't I do this in gftp though? | 07:02 |
holihue | install gparted | 07:02 |
holihue | sudo apt-get install gparted | 07:02 |
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Cypher21 | I get a error genii if the partion editer does anything to it and i will try gparted | 07:02 |
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Cypher21 | what is gparted? | 07:03 |
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paulmain | Hamnvik, I've had two computers networked and wasn't able to ping. Can you do anything else (ftp, ssh)? | 07:03 |
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genii | Cypher21: Gnome Partiton Editor | 07:03 |
kyncani | Rprp: look into /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 07:03 |
Cypher21 | i try using it | 07:03 |
Cypher21 | on live cd | 07:03 |
floyd | does anyone know how i can get my ide drive visible? i installed ubunto originally with only sata drives, but after adding in an ide drive there's no /dev/hda | 07:03 |
Cypher21 | didn't yet me do anything to it | 07:03 |
kyncani | Rprp: it may give you some clue | 07:03 |
floyd | ubuntu* | 07:03 |
Phrozen_One | is it possible to alter the right click context member that appears when right clicking on a window on the taskbar | 07:03 |
holihue | You should use GParted Live cd | 07:03 |
_oP | @ Cypher21 http://gparted.sourceforge.net/ | 07:03 |
Hamnvik | i dont think so how can i check if it works paulmain | 07:03 |
=== danilo_ [n=danilo@host-84-223-83-165.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cypher21 | status: Mounted on /cdrom | 07:04 |
Phrozen_One | **menu | 07:04 |
danilo_ | buonasera signori.... | 07:04 |
paulmain | Cypher21, You can use fdisk too. fdisk /dev/sda, then d at the next prompt, then pick the partiton number. Make sure you get the last one right, or you'll hose your box | 07:04 |
paulmain | Hamnvik, Do each of them have an ip? ifconfig will tell you | 07:04 |
Rprp | kyncani: http://rafb.net/p/o8QycW87.html look at line 531, it says its loaded :< | 07:04 |
Cypher21 | I can't do anything to it and i can't use PC :( | 07:04 |
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Falstius | Hamnvik: I assume you've checked that both machines have IP addresses on the wireless network, then you should check the routing with route -n | 07:04 |
habo | !scramble | 07:05 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about scramble - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:05 |
Hamnvik | yes we both had different ip and we were connected to the same cell | 07:05 |
habo | !ping | 07:05 |
ubotu | host not found | 07:05 |
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Davy_Jones | what would be the point of installing helix player when one can install real player which has better support for real media files? | 07:05 |
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berent | !ping ubuntu | 07:05 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ping ubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:05 |
faileas | Davy_Jones: helix is open source, that means a lot to some people | 07:05 |
floyd | !ping me | 07:05 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ping me - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:05 |
berent | !ping | 07:05 |
ubotu | host not found | 07:06 |
berent | !ping localhost | 07:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ping localhost - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:06 |
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habo | !newbie | 07:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about newbie - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:06 |
Cypher21 | why is it not leting me unmount UBUNTU!!!! | 07:06 |
Phrozen_One | is it possible to alter the right click context menu that appears when right clicking on a window on the taskbar (gnome enviroment) | 07:06 |
luismi14 | ola | 07:06 |
Pici | !botabuse | 07:06 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 07:06 |
Davy_Jones | faileas: but it doesn't do the job | 07:06 |
=== ciaron [n=soth@cpc3-broo4-0-0-cust526.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kyncani | Rprp: well yep :( don't know ... | 07:06 |
Cypher21 | MY PC HARDDRIVE will not let me remove it form harddrive not even by force | 07:06 |
holihue | !me | 07:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about me - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:06 |
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=== soothsayer [n=user@bas16-montreal02-1242357234.dsl.bell.ca] has left #ubuntu ["No] | ||
habo | !ping ubotu | 07:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ping ubotu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:07 |
holihue | !myself | 07:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about myself - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:07 |
Pici | !botabuse | habo holihue | 07:07 |
ubotu | habo holihue: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 07:07 |
faileas | Davy_Jones: well, just use realplayer then ;p | 07:07 |
=== Mafioso_ [n=fhei@89-186-148-242.dynamic.primacom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== MilitantPotato [n=Militant@12-201-89-254.client.mchsi.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
MilitantPotato | !samba | 07:07 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 07:07 |
_oP | !ping i don't know nothing ... | 07:07 |
habo | !wine | 07:07 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 07:07 |
Davy_Jones | faileas: absolutely | 07:07 |
Hamnvik | Falstius, i have not tried route -n but i will try it next time. what does route -n do? | 07:07 |
mariux | anyone here with a pentium-m that gets something else than C0 (cpu running) (100,0%) in powertop? | 07:07 |
paulmain | Hamnvik, then from one, ssh ip.add.ress.of.the.other.box | 07:07 |
habo | !dope | 07:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dope - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:08 |
paulmain | Hamnvik, which wil work only if you have an ssh server running | 07:08 |
=== kauer [n=kauer@CPE-124-183-12-34.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
genii | Someone needs to work on a SWAT-ng | 07:08 |
Falstius | Hamnvik: it shows you how packets to different IP addresses will be routed. route -n doesn't change any settings. | 07:08 |
habo | I love THIS CHANNEL | 07:08 |
=== Tiancai [n=lari@a88-113-83-239.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holihue | me to | 07:08 |
habo | and i thank all volunteers who are trying to help us all | 07:09 |
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=== Tulio [n=carl@c-68-40-57-49.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
floyd | i installed a primary ide drive but ubuntu doesn't have /dev/hda, any ideas? :( | 07:09 |
faileas | Davy_Jones: on the other hand, there're are idealists who believe ALL software needs to free, realists who use whatever suits them, people who go linux cause its free... the beauty of FOSS is that it accomodates the whole spectrum of em ;) | 07:09 |
mannytu | Hello, everybody, I have a question "What channel should I goto for a question on ClamAV?" | 07:09 |
IdleOne | as the only paid volunteer I would like to say your welcome :) | 07:09 |
Cypher21 | GRRRRR I can't delete the partion on windows or ubuntu ive cd "MY HARDDRIVE IS MESSED UP FOREVER !!!!!1!!!!!!!1!1!!!!!!" | 07:09 |
Hamnvik | i followed this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc to try to get ad-hoc to work | 07:09 |
genii | floyd: /dev/sda | 07:09 |
IdleOne | manny: askaway | 07:09 |
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faileas | manny: there's a #clamav | 07:09 |
Cypher21 | How do i wipe out the whole harddrive by force? | 07:09 |
floyd | genii: /dev/sda is what ubuntu's installed on already | 07:10 |
faileas | cypher: boot and nuke | 07:10 |
mannytu | IdleOne: I loaded "clamav-milter" and I notice that it does not want to close when I logg off. | 07:10 |
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Cypher21 | how do i nuke it? | 07:10 |
genii | floyd: Is it a SCSI or SATA drive? | 07:10 |
kauer | Cypher21: Take a large hammer and hit it until the bits fall out. | 07:10 |
ErrantEgo | set it on fire | 07:10 |
holihue | plant some C4 on it | 07:10 |
IdleOne | manny: you might be better served in #clamav | 07:10 |
Cypher21 | lol | 07:10 |
=== djennewe|away is now known as djennewe | ||
kyncani | Cypher21: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M count=1 should wipe out /dev/sda | 07:10 |
faileas | cypher21: DOD compliant hard drive erasure tool ;) | 07:10 |
mannytu | cool | 07:10 |
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floyd | genii: it's a pata drive... wasn't connected when i installed ubuntu on the sata drive | 07:10 |
Hamnvik | Cypher21, that is a bad idea | 07:11 |
ErrantEgo | blow torch :p | 07:11 |
Cypher21 | Why? | 07:11 |
mannytu | IdleOne: thank you | 07:11 |
=== phaero [n=phaero@h73n2fls31o891.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
berent | Cypher21 : do it only if you wan tto wipe out | 07:11 |
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Cypher21 | I can't use my PC becuase ubuntu is mounted as a cdrom on my harddrive | 07:11 |
kauer | Cypher21: Oh! DOD compliant! Sorry I misunderstood. Use a grenade instead. | 07:11 |
genii | floyd: Some mb controllers put IDE drives logically after the sata controllers. So if 1 sata that is sda then ide0master will be then sdb | 07:11 |
=== cockaigne [n=Frodo@c-76-21-105-196.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ErrantEgo | kauer: no..blow torch :P | 07:11 |
faileas | thermite | 07:12 |
ErrantEgo | AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! | 07:12 |
moonlite_ | Cypher21: what is it you want help with? | 07:12 |
ErrantEgo | aaha | 07:12 |
Cypher21 | my ubuntu is mounted as a cdrom on my harddrive | 07:12 |
berent | !thermite | 07:12 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about thermite - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:12 |
genii | floyd: You can do always ls /dev/hd* or ls /dev/sd* to see possibles | 07:12 |
Cypher21 | i do not know how it happin >.< | 07:12 |
gordonjcp | Cypher21: do you want to erase all the data on a hard disk? | 07:12 |
paulmain | Hey there guys and gals... I've an ftp problem here. When I ftp in the command line, I don't need a username and password. Why can't I do this in gftp though? It connects ok (as far as user logging in) but then I get: 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,10,28,20,6,129), Cannot create a data connection: Connection refused, Disconnecting from site | 07:12 |
moonlite_ | Cypher21: erm, what do you mean? | 07:12 |
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faileas | berent: aluminium FE203 mix. can burn through steel ;) | 07:13 |
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berent | Cypher21 : your ubuntu is mounted as cd rom -. whcih version is it? | 07:13 |
Cypher21 | The gnome partion editer says dev/sda2/ mountpoint: /cdrom | 07:13 |
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kauer | Cypher21: I don't know if it's DOD compliant, but you could look at shred... | 07:13 |
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gordonjcp | kauer: in general if you overwrite the data on a hard drive even *once* it's gone | 07:14 |
berent | faileas : why do want that? | 07:14 |
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gordonjcp | kauer: for any drive made in the last 10 years or so, anyway | 07:14 |
floyd | genii: ohhh thanks... it's on sdc... odd tho i thought ata drives were on /dev/hd* by default | 07:14 |
kauer | Cypher21: That's a program called "shred" though I suppose physically shredding the drive would work too. | 07:14 |
anandanbu | Help needed to install the NetBeans C/C++ Development Pack in Ubuntu 7.04 | 07:14 |
faileas | berent: never mind | 07:14 |
kyncani | Cypher21: from the livecd: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M count=1 should wipe out /dev/sda, then reboot the livecd and install | 07:14 |
kauer | gordonjcp: Wrong. | 07:14 |
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gordonjcp | kauer: oh right, and how do you propose to get data off when it's been completely overwritten? | 07:14 |
jstarcher | why does the port 6464 only forward if I visit it from a proxy? http://pb.theoverclocked.com/71 | 07:14 |
=== roupel [n=roupel@dslb-084-057-181-019.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
genii | floyd: All depends on motherboard and ubuntu version | 07:14 |
Cypher21 | Is there a way to just delete the sda2? on sda1 i have loads of games and stuff | 07:14 |
kauer | kyncani etc: Just overwriting data once is not enough. Cypher21 knows what he needs... he just doesn't know how to get it. | 07:15 |
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berent | faileas : i got the hard meaning | 07:15 |
gordonjcp | kauer: yes, it is | 07:15 |
gordonjcp | kauer: do you know how hard disks work? | 07:15 |
=== KingPunk [n=kingpunk@cpe-24-59-157-250.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cypher21 | >.< | 07:15 |
Cypher21 | >..< | 07:15 |
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KingPunk | hello again my friends. | 07:16 |
Cypher21 | !! | 07:16 |
kyncani | kauer: well, he seems to have problems for some time now and want to wipe out everything, so ... | 07:16 |
=== AnRkey [n=AnRkey@87-194-62-131.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anandanbu | where does the netbeans ide 5.5 install by default | 07:16 |
KingPunk | i have a quick question, anybody know why after a system update my icons would've disappeared from my gnome menu? | 07:16 |
Cypher21 | MY pc is screawed up for good | 07:16 |
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KingPunk | ...and how do i get them back :/ | 07:16 |
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kauer | gordonjcp: With the right tools, magnetic "shadows" of previously written data can be detected; the strength of these shadows can be used to match data of similar vintage, and it is very possible to obtain a good amount of the previously written data. That's why just deletng data is not good enough for the DoD. | 07:16 |
gordonjcp | kauer: uhm, no | 07:16 |
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berent | Cypher21 : its not screwed up .. Is it booting? | 07:16 |
berent | ohhhh | 07:17 |
berent | k | 07:17 |
gordonjcp | kauer: the problem is, you don't know how strong the recording was to begin with | 07:17 |
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kyncani | Cypher21: from the livecd: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda2 bs=1M count=1 should wipe out only /dev/sda2, then reboot the livecd | 07:17 |
gordonjcp | kauer: because it's been overwritten | 07:17 |
alphanimal | hi people! i have an ALSA problem... can anybody help me? | 07:17 |
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berent | he is gone | 07:17 |
berent | the train has left | 07:17 |
=== Kwitschibo [n=Michael@host-091-096-133-152.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
berent | dont take the ticket now | 07:17 |
Davy_Jones | alphanimal: no body knows if you don't ask | 07:17 |
dphasewrk | anyone seen an issue with nautilus crashing after selecting 'open terminal' from the root menu? | 07:17 |
alphanimal | i had no luck in the german channel so i try here | 07:17 |
berent | !alsa | alphanimal | 07:17 |
ubotu | alphanimal: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 07:17 |
Davy_Jones | alphanimal: ok.. ask | 07:18 |
genii | Cypher21: Worst case: you can't change it from being mounted there. So let whatever is trying to do that finish up and do a rebbot. boot back up to some live cd and not into an installer. mount the partition sda2 which should have been / and modify fstab there to make sda2 mount / and not /cdrom | 07:18 |
gordonjcp | kauer: in theory that idea works *if* you're using a very very very old hard disk that uses MFM recording (although it may have an IDE hard disk) | 07:18 |
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gordonjcp | kauer: any drive made in the past 10 years has a far more complex encoding scheme where bits are recorded at different levels and phases | 07:18 |
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kauer | gordonjcp: "no" to what? I suggest you go look around for discussions of disk wiping utilities and extreme recovery techniques. There is more between heaven and earth than is dreamed of in your philosophies. | 07:18 |
berent | genii : he is gone . all u wrote is in vain. you have taken the ticket after train has left | 07:18 |
gordonjcp | kauer: uhm | 07:18 |
KingPunk | i have a quick question, anybody know why my icons would've disappeared from my gnome menu? ..and how do i get them back?! | 07:19 |
gordonjcp | kauer: all the "extreme recovery" types seem to be major league tinfoil hat brigade | 07:19 |
kauer | gordonjcp: but let's agree to disagree. It matters not to Cypher21, he has a milspec to meet :-) | 07:19 |
gordonjcp | kauer: I guarantee you, on any modern-ish drive you *cannot* recover overwritten data | 07:19 |
gordonjcp | kauer: and in fact, I'll go a step further than that | 07:19 |
berent | !milspec | 07:19 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about milspec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:19 |
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gordonjcp | I've got a brand spanking new Hitachi Deskstar sitting here, and the deeds to a house plot that I've just decrofted | 07:20 |
alphanimal | I was searching the web for a solution to my Sound problem but didn't find one... It's I cannot play sound from different apps (busy device) | 07:20 |
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gordonjcp | kauer: read the last-but-one written data off the drive, and you get a free 50k house site | 07:20 |
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kauer | gordonjcp: where is the site? | 07:21 |
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MDK7 | hey what would be the latest/safest place to get the Beryl Cube effects from...didn't it merge with comp fusion or something? | 07:21 |
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alphanimal | is there anybody who wants to help a beginner? :) i'm really stuck | 07:22 |
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berent | alphanimal : please be more specific | 07:22 |
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kauer | alphanimal: ask your question... | 07:22 |
paulmain | alphanimal, what's up | 07:22 |
anandanbu | Have anyone here installed netbeans ide 5.5.1 in their ubuntu system and could help me | 07:22 |
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kauer | anandanbu: Ask your actual question! What is the problem? | 07:23 |
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alphanimal | as i said... i cannot play sound an my external sound card from more than one app. (busy sound card) | 07:23 |
Bulazeem | just currious. i hear lots of amazing things about the security of ubuntu. does that mean that i dont need an antivirus or anything like spybot s&d? | 07:23 |
macolor | hi | 07:23 |
=== genii sips a coffee and tries not to think too much | ||
kyncani | Bulazeem: yep | 07:23 |
=== floyd passes genii and donut to help out | ||
floyd | a* | 07:23 |
giiker | hello everyone anybody well versed with dual booting problems!! | 07:23 |
berent | alphanimal : what happens if you do | 07:23 |
anandanbu | Help needed to install the NetBeans C/C++ Development Pack in Ubuntu 7.04. Iam facing problem on installing the pack which asks for the installation folder of netbeans ide 5.5.1 | 07:23 |
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MilitantPotato | !swat | 07:23 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 07:23 |
genii | floyd: Hah, thanks :) | 07:23 |
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MDK7 | Hey guys, any of you use the Beryl / comp fusion effects? | 07:23 |
alphanimal | i just dont know what driver to choose? that OOS, ALSA things confuse me a bit | 07:24 |
giiker | i get an error msg saying that ntldr is missing when botting into xp | 07:24 |
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kyncani | Bulazeem: make sure you install security updates though | 07:24 |
macolor | who here there is from russia ? | 07:24 |
berent | anandanbu : choose the default | 07:24 |
mariux | choose alsa | 07:24 |
anandanbu | kauer: Help needed to install the NetBeans C/C++ Development Pack in Ubuntu 7.04. Iam facing problem on installing the pack which asks for the installation folder of netbeans ide 5.5.1 | 07:24 |
Bulazeem | kyncani: thats amazing. why dont more ppl use this... i used spybot s&d once a week on my other pc and it would correct like 50 odd problems a week | 07:24 |
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MilitantPotato | X( | 07:24 |
berent | macolor: why russia | 07:24 |
Paddy_EIRE | is there a script or something in the repos that would group all kde apps into a kde menu entry in the gnome applications menu | 07:24 |
StoneNewt | hum any idea my laptop never reboots or shutsdown from kdm/kde shutdown menu but if I type the 'sudo command shutdown -h now' or 'sudo restart' into a console it will shutdown/restart every time | 07:24 |
Bulazeem | kyncani: i think i am getting the updates correctly. i dont need to add any extra repo right? its automatically in there? | 07:24 |
StoneNewt | it's almost like the shutdown order is diffrent! | 07:24 |
avis_ | what audio player in linux has a "true random" playback feature ? something where the random generator is always running | 07:24 |
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anandanbu | berent: default is blank and i am supose to choose the installation dir of netbeans ide 5.5.1 | 07:24 |
Paddy_EIRE | avis_: amarok | 07:24 |
avis_ | thank you | 07:25 |
MilitantPotato | avis_: XMMS? | 07:25 |
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berent | macolor: choose ~/netbeans | 07:25 |
kyncani | Bulazeem: don't know about spybot, but ubuntu get security patches before the antivirus get updated (or virus are made, for that matter) | 07:25 |
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piedere | ola | 07:25 |
avis_ | MilitantPotato, i read that xmms did not have true random from a good search | 07:25 |
MDK7 | oh, would anyone know why my video playback likes to black out all the time? it fixes it if I nudge the window a bit, but breaks it again fi i try to resize or anything | 07:25 |
avis_ | 07:25 | |
berent | macolor: or /usr/bin/netbeans | 07:25 |
macolor | berent> I not much well dialect in english and think do not be able explain problem correct... | 07:25 |
MilitantPotato | avis_: Ok :) | 07:25 |
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kauer | anandanbu: can't help you there. Are you installing an Ubuntu package, or something else? | 07:25 |
berent | !russian | 07:25 |
ubotu | #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 07:25 |
MDK7 | i changed a setting last night that fixed the overlay problems and let me run fullscreen vids, but now it's still blanking a lot of the time on windowed media | 07:26 |
MilitantPotato | Filesharing is giving me a headache. | 07:26 |
kyncani | Bulazeem: should be, make sure, there is a "software sources" application in a system menu i think | 07:26 |
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berent | !russian | macolor | 07:26 |
ubotu | macolor: please see above | 07:26 |
macolor | ubotu> thank you! | 07:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about thank you! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:26 |
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MilitantPotato | Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at | 07:26 |
MilitantPotato | X( | 07:26 |
anandanbu | kauer: i installed netbeans through synaptic which showed an error while fetching the netbeans package | 07:26 |
xs4545x | hello all | 07:26 |
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theo_ | hello | 07:26 |
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cirkit | I have latest Ubuntu here on CD .. I am trying to install it on a friend's Dell Latitude and its a Pentium 2 ... I changed the boot sequence to boot from CD first of course, but the problem seems to be that it just bypasses the Ubuntu disc and never boots ... does Ubuntu not like P2 laptops? | 07:26 |
berent | anandanbu : choose some directory nothing will happen | 07:27 |
xs4545x | i'm a total newb to linux and ubuntu | 07:27 |
anandanbu | kauer: after that i downloaded the netbeans and placed in the /tmp as said by synaptic | 07:27 |
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anandanbu | berent: doesn't work that way | 07:27 |
berent | why | 07:27 |
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kauer | anandanbu: Some of the Sun packages require you to first obtain a package from Sun, put it somewhere specific, and THEN install the Ubuntu package. Read the help text in Synamptic very carefully. | 07:27 |
xs4545x | i figured i'd start with the AA aproach | 07:27 |
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Davy_Jones | xs4545x: you came here just to say this? | 07:27 |
kauer | anandanbu: oh, you already did :-) | 07:27 |
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Bulazeem | kyncani: yes, i have software sources and i noticed that in the updates tab i have the "important security updates (feisty-security" selected. =] ty vm | 07:27 |
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xs4545x | no i'm looking to figure out how to setup my install for twin head | 07:28 |
kyncani | np :) | 07:28 |
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=== floyd cries, i want an nvidia card!!! i'd do anything to have twinview right now :( | ||
anandanbu | kauer: i finsihed with that part now i want to install NetBeans C/C++ Development Pack which i downloaded and on installation i face this kind of issue | 07:28 |
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eck | how do I alter the default permissions for home directories of new users? | 07:28 |
=== kyncani cries, he wants gpl nvidia drivers which would handle hardware 3d | ||
xs4545x | i had a hell of a time figuring out the video driver thing | 07:29 |
cirkit | chmod eck | 07:29 |
alphanimal | can someone tell me what ALSA actually is? If I select ALSA as the default Sound driver, sound is coming from my internal sound card... can i configure it to use y externam (5.1) sound card? | 07:29 |
cirkit | man chmod | 07:29 |
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eck | cirkit: but is there no way to do this by default? | 07:29 |
kauer | anandanbu: is the NetBeans C/C++ Development Pack a Ubuntu package or not? | 07:29 |
cirkit | Ubuntu doesn't work on Pentium 2? | 07:29 |
xs4545x | alsa is advanced linux sound architechture | 07:29 |
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alphanimal | yes | 07:30 |
genii | cirkit: It certainly Does. I'm on a p2 400 feisty box right now | 07:30 |
Davy_Jones | !alsa | 07:30 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 07:30 |
alphanimal | oes it abstract sound cards or what? | 07:30 |
kyncani | !alsa | alphanimal | 07:30 |
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ubotu | alphanimal: please see above | 07:30 |
anandanbu | kauer: no it is a .bin file that i downloded separately | 07:30 |
alphanimal | that doesnt help | 07:30 |
TBotNik_u | All: Have the SIS active-x hardware scanner working to find chipset and driver info. | 07:30 |
kimmey2k3 | !cdburning | 07:30 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cdburning - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:30 |
Mr-Snick | crossover any good? | 07:30 |
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kimmey2k3 | !cd-burning | 07:30 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cd-burning - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:30 |
cirkit | eck, you mean like the umask? | 07:30 |
kimmey2k3 | any know what the term is? | 07:30 |
xs4545x | also i believe handles sound cards | 07:30 |
anandanbu | kauer: here is the link and also info on how to install http://www.netbeans.org/products/cplusplus/ | 07:30 |
allblacks | hi i have a question i shared a internet connection using this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370 how can i make this to autorun on startup | 07:30 |
xs4545x | i did research on this | 07:30 |
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eck | cirkit: yes -- i want to know if it is possible to alter the umask of adduser (or whatever ubuntu uses) | 07:31 |
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xs4545x | i know it handles the m-audio delta 1010... which is a higher end digital interface | 07:31 |
alphanimal | i just cant get my external sound card to work on all applications! | 07:31 |
floyd | alphanimal: have you tried disabling your internal sound card instead, maybe alsa will pick up your external by default...just a guess | 07:31 |
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zpertee | how come when I uninstall a package it doesn't remove the /etc/package-name directory? | 07:31 |
alphanimal | it does work with my internal card, but not with the external | 07:31 |
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cirkit | genii, interesting - I know I burned the latest Ubuntu 7,04 correctly as an image ... it just goes straight into the NT loader on this dell laptop | 07:31 |
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musikgoat|laptop | 7.04 server is hanging at running local boot scripts, what can i run at boot to skip those? | 07:32 |
alphanimal | floyd, no i didn't try that. how can i do it? :) | 07:32 |
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theo_ | How do you run flashplayer plugin on a 64-bit system (AMD64)? | 07:32 |
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Abu_Hamza | !64 | 07:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 64 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:32 |
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genii | cirkit: Sounds like a bios boot order thing | 07:32 |
deepthought | test | 07:32 |
theo_ | !64 | 07:32 |
Abu_Hamza | i wanna run a plugin on a 69 system | 07:32 |
cirkit | eck, yes you can ... umask <mode> | 07:33 |
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Falstius | theo_: install the 32bit version of firefox, or reinstall with the 32bit version of ubuntu. | 07:33 |
iratik | On windows.. a ssl certificate file (.cer) can be installed by right clicking it and clicking "install certificate"...... anything equivalent in ubuntu ? | 07:33 |
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floyd | alphanimal: if it's an onboard audio card, u can disable it in the bios. hopefully alsa decides to use ur external card instead if it doesn't see the internal... i'm still guessing lol | 07:33 |
genii | cirkit: Or a crappy cd drive like <cough> mitsumi | 07:33 |
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MilitantPotato | Anyone have a link to a guide for configuring Samba with SWAT? | 07:33 |
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alphanimal | floyd: I cannot disable my sound card in BIOS... | 07:33 |
alphanimal | i know that | 07:33 |
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theo_ | Falstius: does ubuntu 32-bit work on AMD64? | 07:34 |
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TBotNik_u | cwillu: Hey down to the line: "sudo ./configure --with-cards=hda-intel" in that howto at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto. What will I sub for it when SIS driver is found and downloaded? | 07:34 |
musikgoat|laptop | theo_: yes it does | 07:34 |
nessee | yes theo. it does | 07:34 |
kauer | anandanbu: The you probably need to actually know where the netbeans installation folder is! :-) Is it ~/.netbeans? If not, I'm out of ideas. You could try running "sudo /etc/cron.daily/slocate" then using locate to see if you can find other plausible candidates. | 07:34 |
mon^rch | how can I get "sudo mount --bind..." to run at startup? | 07:34 |
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genii | bah, work. AFK | 07:34 |
cirkit | eck, a reasonable value for umask is 022 which will cause files to be created with permissions of 644 rwxrw-rw- and directories to be created with permissions of 755 rwxr-xr-x | 07:34 |
alphanimal | whats the difference between ALSA an OOS? | 07:34 |
theo_ | then why do they have 64-bit avalible? | 07:34 |
cirkit | eck, umask is normally defined in the file .profile | 07:35 |
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mon^rch | how can I get "sudo mount --bind..." to run at startup? | 07:35 |
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musikgoat|laptop | 64bit systems are reverse compatible for older support | 07:35 |
Abu_Hamza | theo_: for idiots like you who like to use anything that has zero support | 07:35 |
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eck | cirkit: umask isn't what i want -- the default umask is fine, it's just that home directories are not created world readable. i found teh config file though -- it's /etc/adduser.conf | 07:35 |
floyd | ouch that's harsh | 07:35 |
theo_ | im new to all this. I did not know | 07:35 |
nessee | mon^rch:you mean you wanna run it as daemon? | 07:35 |
mon^rch | you bite | 07:35 |
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habo | Guys i have Quick question ..... if someone uses windows just for few application .. really not on daily bases should i dual boot or just istall it on VMware as virtuall and run it when i need that program????? | 07:36 |
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IceLink | hi | 07:36 |
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habo | few applications | 07:36 |
berent | IceLink bye | 07:36 |
diafic | one last try... | 07:36 |
IceLink | nice berent | 07:36 |
kyncani | theo_: i have ubuntu 64 and it works very well | 07:36 |
theo_ | So i should reinstall ubuntu with the 32-bit cd and everything will be more compatible? | 07:36 |
nessee | I think you have to fiddle with one of the /etc/rc$ files.... | 07:36 |
musikgoat|laptop | habo: I run in VMware, as i only use it maybe 5% of the time | 07:36 |
nessee | mostly the rc1 | 07:36 |
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kauer | Abu_Hamza: that kind of response doesn't win hearts and minds for ubuntu, now does it? | 07:36 |
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mon^rch | nessee: I just want it ro run when I start my computer | 07:36 |
Abu_Hamza | habo: it's up to you to decide | 07:36 |
__Ace__ | can someone explain to me why /dev/fb is gone when I shut down X in Ubuntu 7.04? | 07:36 |
musikgoat|laptop | theo_: yes | 07:36 |
theo_ | what are the basic difference between 64 and 32 bit? | 07:37 |
KingPunk | i have a quick question, anybody know why my icons would've disappeared from my gnome menu? ..and how do i get them back?! | 07:37 |
habo | <musikgoat|laptop> Thx .. i miht do the sme | 07:37 |
anandanbu | kauer: thanks for your kind help i solved it by checking the about of netbeans which showed me the installation location netbeans | 07:37 |
__Ace__ | and how do I get it back | 07:37 |
Abu_Hamza | kauer: what makes you think i care about ubuntu hearts and minds | 07:37 |
habo | i might do the same | 07:37 |
diafic | here we go again~ | 07:37 |
IceLink | i want to ask if tehre is a dictation-program, so that it writes what you're saying into a microphone | 07:37 |
habo | <musikgoat|laptop> thx i might do the same | 07:37 |
Falstius | theo_: yes... 64 bit is mostly only relavent in systems with over 4(?)GB of ram. | 07:37 |
kyncani | theo_: none that i can see and feel | 07:37 |
musikgoat|laptop | theo_: its the processing functionality, read up on it at wikipedia | 07:37 |
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musikgoat|laptop | 7.04 server is hanging at running local boot scripts, what can i run at boot to skip those? | 07:37 |
theo_ | thank you | 07:37 |
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marti149 | how do you get a list of all packages installed | 07:38 |
marti149 | to copy over to a new workstation | 07:38 |
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floyd | theo_: 64bit's great if u do a lot of math or 3d :) | 07:38 |
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deMz | hola | 07:39 |
kauer | Abu_Hamza: this forum is about helping people, not insulting them. Or so I though. Perhaps I'm wrong. | 07:39 |
Sverre^ | yo | 07:39 |
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kimmey2k3 | Brasero cant burn files on data-dvd >=4GB? | 07:39 |
MilitantPotato | I have Samba and SWAT running, now what? | 07:39 |
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mannytu | Abu_Hamza: I agree with kauer... | 07:40 |
nessee | mon^arch, you still there mate? | 07:40 |
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Falstius | marti149: I use dpkg -l | grep '^ii' | awk '{print $2}' > installed but I think there are simpler ways | 07:40 |
mon^rch | yup | 07:40 |
floyd | kimmey2k3, you'll need a dual layer dvd-r for images greater than 4.7gb | 07:40 |
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mon^rch | nessee: lo | 07:40 |
nessee | my friend by my side says you gotta open /etc/initab file | 07:40 |
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kimmey2k3 | I got a truecrypt volume on 4GB i want to burn | 07:40 |
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nessee | its inittab actually | 07:41 |
Falstius | marti149: what you really want though is a list of packages that were directly installed (instead of ones that were installed for dependencies) | 07:41 |
kimmey2k3 | But I get the errormessage that says its stoo large for the DVD that supports 4.7GB | 07:41 |
Sverre^ | tell me | 07:41 |
mon^rch | nessee: I thought it might be something like that | 07:41 |
floyd | kimmey2k3, guess you'll need a dual layer dvd then =( | 07:41 |
eck | marti149, Falstius: you can use dpkg --get-selections | 07:41 |
nessee | place you're command with a custom id, and appropriate run levels.. and then in terminal type init q to see changes without rebooting | 07:41 |
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kimmey2k3 | Hmm that shouldnt be nessessary but ill do some research on this :p | 07:42 |
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nessee | whats that command you wanted to place btw? | 07:42 |
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mon^rch | nessee: tx for your help :) | 07:42 |
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kauer | kimmy2k3: I've seen a similar problem on *read* when the disk was mounted as device XXX rather than device YYY (can't remember specifics yet). Do you *know* it is the burn failing, or could it be that you cannot read the result properly? | 07:42 |
Falstius | eck: yeah, but that still doesn't give you which packages were auto installed. | 07:42 |
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mon^rch | nessee: sudo mount --bind /dir /another dir | 07:43 |
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mon^rch | nessee: for ftp purposes, I want to share folders via ftp that are in my home dir ;) | 07:44 |
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nojoints | Need some kind of help, can't get any messenger to work. Kopete, GAIM, Pidgin doesn't work to connect with an e-mail adress which is registred, no idea why. | 07:44 |
nessee | id0:2345:wait:pathtomount/mount --bind /dir /another dir | 07:44 |
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl912.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TBotNik_u | All & cwillu: Hey down to the line: "sudo ./configure --with-cards=hda-intel" in that howto at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto. What will I sub for it when SIS driver is found and downloaded? | 07:44 |
MilitantPotato | Mmm | 07:44 |
=== karmelek [n=mateusz@host-134-162-karolina.igloonet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nessee | yea, place that at the end of your inittab file | 07:44 |
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Lappy | where can I find the software so that my fn key works on ubuntu (i have a SONY VGN-FE38GP) | 07:45 |
MilitantPotato | Can someone walk me through setting up a home network? | 07:45 |
nessee | pathtomount would be /sbin or just do a find / -name mount. that should give you the path | 07:45 |
alphanimal | So, I couldnt find anything on the help pages... In the audio settings, I selected my External sound card as the default one. But XMMS (for example) plays sound on my internal Laptop speakers. (Selected ALSA in XMMS settings with default audio autput device). If i select OOS, sound comes from my external card but then no other app can play sound to that device. I tried every possible configuration but i cant get all apps to play sound over | 07:45 |
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Pelo | MilitantPotato, the ppl in #networking can probably help | 07:45 |
nessee | mon^rch mate, still with me? | 07:45 |
MilitantPotato | ty | 07:45 |
mon^rch | yup | 07:45 |
Ianman | hi all | 07:46 |
kimmey2k3 | kauer: the errormessage tells me that its to large, i can try reburn after this and paste it too you | 07:46 |
Pelo | Lappy, try looking up your model number in the forum , I wouldn't be surprised if you found a trick there | 07:46 |
MTecknology | is there a channel specifically for x64? | 07:46 |
m1r | how can i list all my HDD's in terminal ? | 07:46 |
kimmey2k3 | Burning 2x2GB volumes now, and its working | 07:46 |
nessee | okie good. well thats abt it. try that. should work :) | 07:46 |
MTecknology | ubuntu on x64* | 07:46 |
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Ianman | kimmey2k3: are you burning in feisty? | 07:46 |
kimmey2k3 | yep | 07:46 |
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Ianman | wow | 07:46 |
mon^rch | nessee: thanks again.... that's much help | 07:46 |
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m1r | what comand is for listing HDD's in terminal ? | 07:46 |
mrmonday | where can I find the users and groups icon? | 07:46 |
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m1r | fdisk - ?? | 07:46 |
kauer | kimmey2k3: is the error message coming when you burn, or when you try to read the resulting disk? | 07:46 |
Ianman | my system locks up if I try to burn :( | 07:46 |
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FurryNemesis | hmm | 07:47 |
kimmey2k3 | kauer: when im starting to burn | 07:47 |
alphanimal | m1r,what about mount? | 07:47 |
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m1r | alphanimal , sec | 07:47 |
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kauer | kimmey2k3: when you *start*? That is, before it has actually attempted to actually burn anything? | 07:47 |
kimmey2k3 | yep | 07:47 |
Pelo | alphanimal, if you change your sound devide to oss you'll need to change the sound device in your apps as well , but I think gnome native apps should see the change whithout help,( like gnome and rythmbox) | 07:47 |
m1r | alphanimal , not that | 07:47 |
kimmey2k3 | sorry for the misspelling | 07:47 |
Lappy | Pelo, google didn't give me any results, i'll try ubuntuforums | 07:47 |
m1r | i forgot command :( | 07:48 |
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Pelo | Lappy, I meant the ubuntuforums | 07:48 |
Lappy | yeah.. i'll check | 07:48 |
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genii | m1r: usually sudo fdisk -l and blkid gives you a fair bit of hd info | 07:48 |
kauer | kimmey2k3: then it thinks it knows how much will fit. That sounds like something configurable, or possibly a driver issue. Or a badly programmed burner that makes invalid assumptions. | 07:48 |
Lappy | Prefetching is not allowed due to the various privacy issues that arise. <--- when did I allow this? | 07:48 |
=== Rambozo [n=brendan@c-71-228-60-137.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kauer | kimmey2k3: can you use some other burned just a an experiment? | 07:48 |
kimmey2k3 | wierd, cus it works with burning images | 07:48 |
kimmey2k3 | ill try, what packages are good? | 07:49 |
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W8TAH | !syslog-ng | 07:49 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about syslog-ng - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:49 |
Pelo | alphanimal, I block /msg you'll need to talk to me in the channel | 07:49 |
TBotNik_u | All: Hey not getting any results from the SIS active-x chipset scanner. How do I find the driver I need. From decal on chip it is SIS 964, but what audio driver supports that? | 07:49 |
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alphanimal | Pelo, I want to use ALSA (not OOS) but i cant get ALSA to play sound on my external card | 07:49 |
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mon^rch | can anybody point me to an icon theme for kde that sports vista style folders? | 07:49 |
alphanimal | but OSS strangely does | 07:49 |
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=== Zapadlowsky [n=Z@pptp-89-189-141-44.ufanet.ru] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | alphanimal, did you try chaning the card in alsamixer ? type alsamixer in the terminal | 07:50 |
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alphanimal | how can i cange the card there? | 07:50 |
krawler | hi | 07:50 |
Zapadlowsky | hiho | 07:50 |
alphanimal | i can just adjust volume levels | 07:50 |
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kimmey2k3 | kauer: http://pastebin.com/m1d4bc852 <-- error-message | 07:50 |
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nessee | outta ideas mate hehe | 07:50 |
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kauer | kimmey2k3: dunno other packages, but there are bound to be some around. Silly question, bt could it be that your source data is 4GB, thus making the image to be written significantly larger, and possibly too large? | 07:50 |
seme | hi guys... | 07:50 |
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nojoints | I have no idea why but internet seems slower in Ubuntu then in Windows for me even though when I download and install something in terminal it uses full speed | 07:51 |
kimmey2k3 | I managed to burn 2x2GB, it sounds weird | 07:51 |
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seme | any idea why my new lvm partition doesn't mount on boot... I put an entry in /etc/fstab for the device /dev/datavg/datalv but it doesn't mount at boot... it does mount if I mount /mnt/data | 07:51 |
seme | which is the entry in /etc/fstab | 07:51 |
Scunizi | How do you start a .jar program when you have 2 versions of Java? I can right mouse click and choose which one, but how do I make a startup shortcut? | 07:51 |
musikgoat|laptop | nojoints: DNS issues? | 07:51 |
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krawler | hola | 07:51 |
krawler | algien abla castellano | 07:52 |
nessee | that indicates a problem with ur browser nojoints and not with ur eth interface | 07:52 |
nojoints | musikgoat|laptop; no idea | 07:52 |
MTecknology | I'm trying to install Ubuntu 6.06 Server on an x64 Dell PowerEdge SC 1435with the x86 alternate CD. I believe my RAID is set up correctly. When I'm doing the installation it seems to work fine for a while. After I enter in my IP information another screen comes up and finishes b4 i can read it and then it seems to just stop. Anybody have any idea what could cause this? It's been about 5 minutes so far and it's still just a blue screen | 07:52 |
MTecknology | with a grey bar in the bottom. | 07:52 |
Pelo | analpear, I'm trying to now but I can't seem to manage it , but I only have the one card mind you, you would need to tab or arrow your way to the second line from the top I beleive, , well, I cant get it to work, in anycase you would have to get alsamixer to use the the card you want, maybe there is a conf file you can edit , you'd have to check in the forum probably | 07:52 |
seme | krawler: un poquito | 07:52 |
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nojoints | nessee; is there a way to speed it up? some sites works as in Windows but some doesn't | 07:52 |
alphanimal | Pelo? | 07:52 |
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alphanimal | I cant switch device in alsamixer | 07:52 |
nessee | what browser u using nojoints? | 07:52 |
seme | any help would be much appreciated | 07:52 |
seme | very odd | 07:53 |
nojoints | nessee; mozilla firefox latest | 07:53 |
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__Ace__ | I just ran /dev/MAKEDEV -v fb, but got: mknod: `fb0-': Operation not permitted | 07:53 |
Pelo | alphanimal, check in the forum for a way to set a alsamixer to use a different card then | 07:53 |
__Ace__ | whats wrong? | 07:53 |
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Pelo | alphanimal, that's the most I can do for you | 07:53 |
kauer | kimmey2k3: looks like a bug to me (but that's just a hunch). Sorry, can't help any more :-( | 07:53 |
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Pelo | __Ace__, sudo ... | 07:53 |
alphanimal | :( | 07:53 |
Lappy | my Lappy doesn't exist on ubuntuforums, Pelo. | 07:53 |
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nessee | i thought so. sorry mate. can't help u with that. i uninstalled firefox long time back. have been using opera ever since. check you connection settings in the preferences tab. that should help | 07:53 |
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kimmey2k3 | thanks for trying :) | 07:54 |
__Ace__ | yes, same problem with sudo aswell | 07:54 |
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jstarcher | can someone help me with iptables? | 07:54 |
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W8TAH | what is the default system logger in ubuntu (dapper) server? | 07:54 |
Pelo | Lappy, I thought that model number you typed was the card not the lappy | 07:54 |
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alphanimal | okay i can do "alsamixer -c 1" to manage my USB Card | 07:54 |
brunotvrs | Hi | 07:54 |
Lappy | nope, it's the Lappy! | 07:54 |
bruenig | !hi | brunotvrs | 07:54 |
ubotu | brunotvrs: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 07:54 |
monateng | moin, i'm a german boy how has a problem with proftpd and ubuntu 6.06. can help me any one? | 07:54 |
alphanimal | but that doesn't make sound play on that device | 07:55 |
bruenig | !de | monateng | 07:55 |
ubotu | monateng: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 07:55 |
Pelo | Lappy, well , that's all I had for you, maybe someone else has an idea | 07:55 |
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__Ace__ | Pelo, sudo in front didnt help | 07:55 |
brunotvrs | I just put my wincfg to make wine act like windows 98, now when I try to run wincfg, I get the following error: "err:module:LdrInitializeThunk "msvcrt.dll" failed to initialize, aborting" | 07:55 |
Lappy | Pelo is there an irc server/channel that might help me... atl east that u know of? | 07:55 |
Lappy | !sony | 07:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sony - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:55 |
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brunotvrs | !wine | 07:55 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 07:55 |
monateng | ubotu thx; there i#m too | 07:55 |
_oP | is there the app tunapie in drapper ? if yes great if not why? | 07:55 |
Pelo | alphanimal, you'll need to rested your sound thingy to use alsa | 07:55 |
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alphanimal | Pelo, I need to do what? | 07:56 |
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__Ace__ | danmit, how do I create this damn frame buffer device | 07:56 |
Pelo | Lappy, I donT' know of one, if all you want is a key manager, you could try searching for key in synaptic see what comes up | 07:56 |
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alphanimal | I tried rebooting | 07:56 |
Pelo | alphanimal, where did you change from alsa to oss the last time ? | 07:56 |
alphanimal | didn't change anything | 07:56 |
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alphanimal | i do it all the time | 07:56 |
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bruenig | Lappy, what is your question | 07:57 |
alphanimal | playing around with different settings | 07:57 |
m1r | i have put NTFS disk on this PC and i cant delete files from it. i have NTFS config instaled b4 i put this HDD. | 07:57 |
alphanimal | and sometime even with rebooting | 07:57 |
seme | how can I get a lvm partition to mount during boot? | 07:57 |
bruenig | m1r, pastebin /etc/fstab | 07:57 |
Pelo | alphanimal, let me get this straight, you are trying to use a usb sound card ???? | 07:57 |
bruenig | !paste | m1r | 07:57 |
ubotu | m1r: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:57 |
alphanimal | yes | 07:57 |
alphanimal | a USB external 5.1 sound card | 07:57 |
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alphanimal | which is recognized correctly | 07:57 |
W8TAH | hi folks - i want to convert my server from sysklogd to syslog-ng -- ive stopped sysklogd and installed syslog-ng -- do i need to remove sysklogd? | 07:57 |
m1r | sec bruenig | 07:57 |
Pelo | alphanimal, have you looked up the card model and number in the forum ? | 07:57 |
mannytu | Hello Mr. bot | 07:57 |
seme | I have added a line for that partition to /etc/fstab | 07:57 |
alphanimal | no | 07:58 |
Pelo | alphanimal, disable your onboard soundcard in the bios ? if you can ? | 07:58 |
alphanimal | can you gibe me the foruim URL? | 07:58 |
alphanimal | no i cant | 07:58 |
bruenig | W8TAH, just make sure the daemon doesn't start at boot | 07:58 |
Pelo | alphanimal, www.ubuntuforums.org | 07:58 |
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_oP | just delete /home/~/.wine and run wincfg again | 07:58 |
W8TAH | rc-update remove sysklogd? | 07:58 |
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alphanimal | okay Pelo, thanks you | 07:58 |
brunotvrs | I just put my wincfg to make wine act like windows 98, now when I try to run wincfg, I get the following error: "err:module:LdrInitializeThunk "msvcrt.dll" failed to initialize, aborting" | 07:58 |
alphanimal | maybe i'll come back soon ;) | 07:58 |
bruenig | W8TAH, looks right, I have forgotten the exact syntax | 07:59 |
Pelo | alphanimal, best of luck | 07:59 |
alphanimal | thx | 07:59 |
W8TAH | bruenig: ok - cool | 07:59 |
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m1r | bruenig : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33588/ | 08:00 |
xs4545x | so does anybody have any insight on how to install twinview? | 08:00 |
xs4545x | is it a fairly easy process and where should i go to research this | 08:00 |
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Pelo | xs4545x, dual monotor thign ? | 08:00 |
xs4545x | yes | 08:00 |
Rprp | Can someone help me please? My 'glxinfo' output: http://rafb.net/p/OelVhg83.html screen: http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/7640/schermafdrukte8.png , Xorg.conf: http://rafb.net/p/oqDFDF27.html and i installed 'nvidia-glx' :< | 08:00 |
Pelo | !dualhead | xs4545x | 08:01 |
ubotu | xs4545x: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 08:01 |
Lappy | bruenig, where can I find the software so that my fn key works on ubuntu (i have a SONY VGN-FE38GP)? | 08:01 |
Pelo | Rprp, what is the actual problem ? a short summary would help | 08:01 |
xs4545x | Pelo: what's the difference between the two | 08:01 |
bruenig | m1r, looks good, which of those drives are you trying to use? | 08:01 |
Rprp | Pelo: see my glxinfo output. | 08:01 |
bruenig | Lappy, is it a vaio? | 08:01 |
Lappy | Pelo, fn is just one thing, but i'd rather tackle one problem at a time | 08:01 |
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Lappy | bruenig, yes. | 08:01 |
Pelo | xs4545x, no idea, I expect both ar discussed in the liink | 08:01 |
m1r | bruenig, i need write access to all | 08:02 |
Pelo | Rprp, see my actual question | 08:02 |
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bruenig | Lappy, there are specific acpi modules for vaio, I don't have that laptop though, but that should get you started with google | 08:02 |
fysa | Is it possible to do a diskless installation to nfsroot? The machine has no drives, but PXE is setup. | 08:02 |
Lappy | alright, thx bruenig. | 08:02 |
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Pelo | Rprp, to make it plain, neither I nor anyone will go an open 3 links if we don'T know wheter or not we can actualy help with the problem | 08:03 |
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Rprp | Pelo: the problem is that OpenGL isnt loaded, think so (Sorry for my bad english :r) | 08:03 |
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m1r | bruenig sdb hdd | 08:03 |
Yorokobi | okay, how does one generate an SSL cert for apache2 on feisty? All the tutorials want to use 'apache2-ssl-certificate' which doesn't exist in feisty (confirmed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+bug/77675/+viewstatus) | 08:03 |
afd__ | hi! I have an upgrade (edgy > feisty) that fell midway through. Is there a rescue disk or something, to complete the install? The installer, as far as I remember, wants a clean disk and wouldn't use the config files already present on my system | 08:04 |
bruenig | m1r, do any of those other drives work? | 08:04 |
m1r | all | 08:04 |
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tuato | hi all | 08:04 |
tuato | i need help | 08:04 |
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Pelo | Rprp, personnaly I cannot help with that, I suggest you repeat your question ( restate theproblem not the links) periodicaly and hope somene who can help joins the channel or check in the forum, the ppl in #ubuntu-effects migth also be able to help with something like that | 08:04 |
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m1r | bruenig , brb 5 min dinner | 08:05 |
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jur4ix | sveiki kungi un daamas | 08:05 |
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Falstius | afd__: can you no longer boot the system? If you can fix the reason the upgrade failed, just run the upgrade again. | 08:05 |
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Mr-Snick | Yorokobi - http://rotterdam.ics.uci.edu/drupal/?q=node/128 | 08:06 |
afd__ | Falstius: It complained something about udev not being installed... and so I probably won't be able to boot the system | 08:06 |
afd__ | I'll try, though | 08:06 |
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Mr-Snick | "Missing apache2-ssl-certificate from Ubuntu Server + Apache2 + SSL" | 08:07 |
oellinux | hello | 08:07 |
Mr-Snick | is the title of that story, it shud help ya | 08:07 |
Falstius | afd__: the other alternative that has worked for me in the past is to boot with a live CD, chroot to the installed system and then continue the upgrade | 08:07 |
Yorokobi | Mr-Snick, thanks | 08:07 |
nojoints | Ok now I'm getting abit confused I got following errors; I can't log onto any messenger like program in Ubuntu, some sites isn't able to go to for example: adobe and sweclockers.org Does anyone might know the problem? Nobody else seems to have any problem | 08:07 |
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Mr-Snick | np | 08:08 |
pvl | shockwave doesnt wrok in linuxm, u gotta use wine | 08:08 |
pvl | *linux | 08:08 |
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afd__ | Falstius: I remember a bit about chroot... if the apt-get binary isn't working, is there a static built one? | 08:08 |
afd__ | or aptitude... | 08:08 |
nojoints | And I can't log onto my hotmail account via browser | 08:08 |
oellinux | i am moving from kubuntu to ubuntu, i would like to know, is it possible to keep all my current configuration and being able to smoothly use still some kde applications? | 08:08 |
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pvl | nojoints, you sure u have all the updates? | 08:08 |
nojoints | pvl; very sure | 08:08 |
Falstius | afd__: it should be working. you'd probably have to build your own to get a statically linked one. | 08:09 |
nojoints | pvl; installed the system yesterday | 08:09 |
Abu_Hamza | oellinux: are you doing a complete reinstallation? | 08:09 |
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oellinux | Abu_Hamza, yes | 08:09 |
nojoints | pvl; updated latest, installed latest | 08:09 |
afd__ | Falstius: ok, thanks for the advice :) | 08:09 |
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nojoints | pvl; using fiesty btw | 08:09 |
pvl | nojoints, plus all the plugins? | 08:09 |
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oellinux | i am not just installing ubuntu desktop | 08:09 |
nojoints | pvl; yes as far as I know | 08:09 |
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jur4ix | how can i solve this problem, when i start instalation, it goes on 79mhz but my lcd monitor can show only with 75mhz refresh time | 08:09 |
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oellinux | i found kubuntu quite unstable although i still like kde more than gnome | 08:10 |
nojoints | pvl; sweclockers.org doesn't require any flash or java or such to get into, it's like most forum sites | 08:10 |
pvl | nojoints, i have absolutly no idea why it wouldnt work then. do u get error messages or does it just load for ever? | 08:10 |
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nojoints | pvl; it loads forever and ever | 08:10 |
TBotNik_u | all: Ran dmesg to pastbin at: at: http://paste.stgraber.org/2511. Looking for the audio codes. I see "Realtek RTL8201 PHY transceiver found at address 1." on line 210. Is this the codec I need? | 08:10 |
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nojoints | pvl; on my testing computer everything that doesn't work on this computer works | 08:10 |
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Abu_Hamza | oellinux: you can run kde apps in gnome if you install kde-libs | 08:11 |
seme | argg... can anyone give me a hand with mounting this hard drive during boot... I've done everything I normally do and it isn't working... I added the drive to /etc/fstab and it mounts when I type the command manually... is there something special I have to do to get a lvm lv to mount during boot? | 08:11 |
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seme | I also checked the forums and haven't found anything | 08:11 |
pvl | then it may be a problem with your internet or rouer, or maybe even the server | 08:11 |
oellinux | yes but can i configure they're behavior decoration and so on or i also need kcontrol to be able to do it | 08:11 |
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nojoints | pvl; how? when I can do everything on my other computer but not this one | 08:12 |
Abu_Hamza | oellinux: you can but it's different | 08:12 |
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nojoints | pvl; also in windows all sites works | 08:12 |
pvl | oh | 08:12 |
Abu_Hamza | oellinux: installing themes and stuff is different among window managers | 08:12 |
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pvl | then im sorry, i have no idea why it wouldnt work | 08:12 |
qetuR | #ubuntu-se | 08:13 |
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Shinaku | Hey, little problem with a new install of Ubuntu on a Core 2 Duo. When I start up any program the spinny cursor appears, everything waits for 10 or so seconds, then I get a flurry of hard drive activity and the program opens. | 08:13 |
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Shinaku | Once the program is running it's at normal speed, but starting programs is painfully slow. | 08:14 |
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moriator05021988 | excuse me! | 08:15 |
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moriator05021988 | I have a prolem with my Ubuntu | 08:15 |
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Bllz | Hey guys. Nobody in #ubuntu-effects seems to be alive so I'll go ahead and ask my question here. What's the terminal command to install beryl, beryl manager, and emerald themes? | 08:15 |
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moriator05021988 | can u help me? | 08:15 |
pvl | moriator just ask | 08:16 |
Shinaku | Bllz, sudo apt-get install beryl emerald | 08:16 |
__Ace__ | hmm, is tty same as frame buffer? | 08:16 |
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Bllz | shinaku, thanks. That'll install everything i just mentioned? | 08:16 |
dxdt | Bliz: you shouuld check out the wiki on the beryl site about installing with Ubuntu as well. Will help out a lot with other questions like that one you might have | 08:16 |
Shinaku | moriator05021988, would help if you told us what the problem was | 08:16 |
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moriator05021988 | affter I install a software | 08:16 |
Skiessi | Bllz: sudo apt-get install beryl beryl-manager emerald-themes | 08:16 |
Shinaku | Bllz, yup. But make sure you have video card drivers setup | 08:16 |
Skiessi | maybe | 08:16 |
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moriator05021988 | I can't use Totem any more | 08:16 |
Shinaku | I'd recommend looking at Compiz Fusion | 08:16 |
Bllz | dxdt. thanks i've installed it before just like that and it worked beautifully | 08:16 |
moriancumer | Shinaku: tty is not the same as FB | 08:16 |
Bllz | thanks guys | 08:17 |
Shinaku | did I say it was? =] | 08:17 |
=== Dinobe [n=Dinobe@dD5E09CD7.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kaplan_ | compiz fusion rulez | 08:17 |
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moriator05021988 | when I run Totem in Terminal | 08:17 |
Dinobe | hello | 08:17 |
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Shinaku | got a new install of Ubuntu on a Core 2 Duo. When I start up any program the spinny cursor appears, everything waits for 10 or so seconds, then I get a flurry of hard drive activity and the program opens. | 08:17 |
oellinux | Abu_Hamza, ok i am installing now | 08:17 |
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moriator05021988 | It say: The program 'totem' received an X Window System error. | 08:17 |
moriator05021988 | This probably reflects a bug in the program. | 08:17 |
moriator05021988 | The error was 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)'. | 08:17 |
moriator05021988 | (Details: serial 132 error_code 11 request_code 141 minor_code 19) | 08:17 |
moriator05021988 | (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously; | 08:17 |
moriator05021988 | that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it. | 08:17 |
moriancumer | Shinaku: sorry meant ace | 08:17 |
moriator05021988 | To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line | 08:17 |
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moriator05021988 | option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful | 08:17 |
moriator05021988 | backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.) | 08:17 |
sipior | Shinaku: rnu the program with strace, see what it's doing | 08:17 |
moriator05021988 | what's problem with my Totem? | 08:18 |
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oellinux | i'll then try to replace my home with the old one and see if it makes some damages ;) | 08:18 |
bruenig | !paste | moriator05021988 | 08:18 |
ubotu | moriator05021988: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:18 |
moriator05021988 | what can I do now? | 08:18 |
moriancumer | __Ace__: are you trying to set up fb | 08:18 |
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Shinaku | it gets to read(10, | 08:18 |
Shinaku | waits | 08:18 |
Shinaku | then continues. | 08:18 |
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__Ace__ | moriancumer, you can bet I am | 08:18 |
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__Ace__ | :) | 08:18 |
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Alloosh | hi guys, my dvd drive plays some movies anot does not play others, in fact it accepts some dvd and not the others regardless of content | 08:18 |
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keito | hey | 08:18 |
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Sunnyboi14 | Hello everyone | 08:18 |
Sunnyboi14 | i have a question | 08:19 |
bruenig | !justask | 08:19 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:19 |
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sipior | Shinaku: find out what resource corresponds to file descriptor 10 | 08:19 |
Sunnyboi14 | nvm | 08:19 |
__Ace__ | there is a /proc/fb | 08:19 |
Skiessi | o_o | 08:19 |
moriator05021988 | @_Ace_: can you help me? | 08:19 |
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dxdt | Alloosh: You install all the decryption stuff you need to play DVD's? | 08:19 |
sipior | Shinaku: also, is this a recent development, or has your system always behaved this way? | 08:19 |
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pvl | alloosh can u open the dvd folder? | 08:19 |
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PriceChild | Alloosh, do you have libdvdcss2 installed? | 08:19 |
genii | Alloosh: Perhaps some are on dvd-r and others on dvd+r Or else the region they are for disallows your player from using them | 08:19 |
Shinaku | I installed it last night and it's been behaving like this since. | 08:19 |
dxdt | Alloosh: the first thing that occurs to me is that perhaps some of the DVD's are encrypted and others aren't. | 08:19 |
Shinaku | This is a new system | 08:19 |
__Ace__ | moriator05021988, with what? | 08:20 |
seme | does the ubuntu kernel support mounting lvm partitions during boot? | 08:20 |
PriceChild | seme, yes | 08:20 |
Skiessi | Shinaku: what ubuntu version? | 08:20 |
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Shinaku | 7.04 | 08:20 |
Shinaku | with all the updates | 08:20 |
sipior | Shinaku: does your cpu activity peg as well? | 08:20 |
Alloosh | dxdt what stuff, its not about playing dvds its about that it does not show anything in the cdrom with some dvds | 08:20 |
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Shinaku | i386 | 08:20 |
hemma | Hi Folk- Question from very new Linux user- I am sitting in front of the PC. How do I know which version of Ubuntu I am running?? Thanks from Unix user | 08:20 |
moriator05021988 | @Ace: my problem with my Totem | 08:20 |
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seme | PriceChild: I've added my partition to /etc/fstab but for some reason it doesn't mount during boot | 08:20 |
Shinaku | one sec, I'll check | 08:20 |
moriator05021988 | I can't use it any more | 08:20 |
seme | anything special need to be done for lvm partitions | 08:20 |
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PriceChild | seme, I haven't a clue sorry. All I know is I have a machine next to me with LVm doing the entire drive so it is possible. | 08:21 |
Alloosh | dxdt: what do I need to install, please give me softwares names | 08:21 |
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Shinaku | no | 08:21 |
Shinaku | it drops when it's paused on read(10 | 08:21 |
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keito | guys: this is not stricty ubuntu related, but what is this message all about (I can't join the channel!!!!) .... #blender :You need to be identified to join that channel | 08:21 |
Shinaku | down to 2% or something, then jumps back up after 5/10 seconds | 08:21 |
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__Ace__ | moriator05021988, afraid I dunno what you're talking about | 08:21 |
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Shinaku | keito, you need to register with nickserv | 08:22 |
sipior | Shinaku: look for an "open(10,...)" statement earlier in the output | 08:22 |
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Shinaku | and then log in | 08:22 |
seme | can anyone see anything wrong with the following line in my fstab?... UUID=54685ef2-2af8-4ca3-a62c-fb0e9e7a4d0e /mnt/data ext3 defaults,noauto 0 0 | 08:22 |
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moriator05021988 | ok | 08:22 |
dxdt | hemma: two big things will get you information. If you know how to open a terminal Accessories >> Terminal you can then type lsb-release and press enter and it should give you a bunch of information. Also the command uname -a will give you information about what kernel you are using. | 08:22 |
Skiessi | Alloosh: I would try VLC | 08:22 |
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keito | Shinaku: how | 08:22 |
Shinaku | /msg nickserv help | 08:22 |
seme | it looks like it should work and according to everything I've read it is correct | 08:22 |
moriator05021988 | @_Ace_: when I open a file with my Totem | 08:22 |
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Shinaku | it changes network to network slightly | 08:22 |
keito | Shinaku: and just for the knowledge... why ;0) | 08:22 |
Alloosh | I have it, the problem is not playing dvds, the problem is that dvds are not recognized at all | 08:22 |
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moriator05021988 | @_Ace_: Totem is open and disappear | 08:22 |
hemma | thanks dxdt- I used uname as you said it worked. 6.06 thanks | 08:23 |
moriator05021988 | @_Ace_: when I run it in Terminal | 08:23 |
Alloosh | the content of the dvd is not showing in the drive | 08:23 |
Shinaku | because they want you to have registered with the network to get on the channel, probably spam protection | 08:23 |
Shinaku | 2 mins I'm trying to fix my box atm ^^ | 08:23 |
Shinaku | :P | 08:23 |
moriator05021988 | @_Ace_: it show the error | 08:23 |
__Ace__ | what is totem? | 08:23 |
genii | seme If the command blkid produces a uuid that matches the line above that one in fstab eg: sda1 sdb5 etc it should be fine | 08:23 |
moriator05021988 | @_Ace_: The program 'totem' received an X Window System error. | 08:23 |
moriator05021988 | This probably reflects a bug in the program. | 08:23 |
moriator05021988 | The error was 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)'. | 08:23 |
moriator05021988 | (Details: serial 132 error_code 11 request_code 141 minor_code 19) | 08:23 |
moriator05021988 | (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously; | 08:23 |
moriator05021988 | that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it. | 08:23 |
Fub | hey, I'm trying to install smart pinyin, I have managed to install scim and made it work, I just don't have smart pinyin only, erbi, wubi and some others | 08:23 |
moriator05021988 | To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line | 08:23 |
moriator05021988 | option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful | 08:23 |
moriator05021988 | backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.) | 08:23 |
kouryuu | anyone:, reccomendations on an ircd to use for a good harmony of functionality and security on ubuntu server? | 08:23 |
seme | genii: I got that uuid from /dev/disk/by-uuid | 08:23 |
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moriator05021988 | @_Ace_: a software help me listening music | 08:24 |
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genii | seme: Should be fine then. Syntax etc is good | 08:24 |
seme | its weird because there is nothing in the logs indicating any kind of error... it just silently doesn't mount it | 08:24 |
slipihead_4147 | http://tinyurl.com/3xvync | 08:24 |
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__Ace__ | never used it | 08:24 |
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Shinaku | open("/etc/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/theme-method.conf", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 10 | 08:25 |
moriator05021988 | _Ace_: what software are u using? | 08:25 |
Shinaku | I think that's the last open with 10 in it | 08:25 |
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sipior | Shinaku: now, does that file exist? and is it readable? | 08:25 |
LogicalDash | The GNOME keyboard applet is not working correctly--when I switch to the Dvorak layout, the CTRL+. commands behave as though I were still in QWERTY. I've worked around this by making launchers for the setxkbmap command line utility, and that works fine, but what's going on with the layout indicator? | 08:25 |
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dxdt | kouryuu: You could use the same that freenode is using. That is probably pretty secure. Then just secure the rest of your box and such. Freenode runs on Hyperion IRCD | 08:25 |
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keito | Shinaku: thank you. I'm now rocking it in that room. LEGEND | 08:25 |
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Shinaku | yes it does | 08:26 |
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Shinaku | keito, no worries :) | 08:26 |
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sipior | Shinaku: and you can open it with no trouble? | 08:26 |
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Shinaku | read, not write though | 08:26 |
seme | oops.. I think I see it... noauto means don't auto mount right :) | 08:26 |
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genii | seme: Well, you could just revert it to no uuid, like old fstab syntax. See if that works or no | 08:27 |
kouryuu | Thanx dxdt, that's the answer I was looking for | 08:27 |
sipior | Shinaku: that's fine, it only opens it readonly | 08:27 |
Shinaku | it reads from 10 a lot before it pauses | 08:27 |
moriator05021988 | are there anyone here use Totem? | 08:27 |
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moriator05021988 | can you help me? | 08:27 |
Shinaku | moriator05021988, have a look at VLC. | 08:27 |
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MasterShrek | moriator05021988, or xine | 08:27 |
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Shinaku | You can download a .deb from their website | 08:27 |
MasterShrek | or mplayer | 08:27 |
bruenig | mplayer | 08:27 |
MasterShrek | totem sux | 08:27 |
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sipior | Shinaku: i presume it's not a large file? | 08:27 |
bruenig | Shinaku, its in the repos, this isn't windows come on | 08:28 |
Shinaku | couple of k ;) | 08:28 |
kouryuu | dxdt, what's the ubuntu package in dapper for hyperion ircd? | 08:28 |
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genii | Bleh i can't believe i missed the auto noauto thing. Must be caffeine deprived. that and the nonexistent sleep last night | 08:28 |
Shinaku | bruenig, doesn't stop VLC from having a debian package on their website which is probably more up-to-date than the reps. | 08:28 |
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sipior | Shinaku: bizarre. sure there's not another file opened later with that descriptor? | 08:28 |
Shinaku | I couldn't see one | 08:28 |
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Shinaku | one second, I'll bang it in gedit and search ;) | 08:28 |
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Schumi_1131 | . | 08:29 |
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sipior | Shinaku: sounds like you're waiting on i/o, but i assume the disk in new and gives you no other difficulties | 08:29 |
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GNine | grub loads and gives the option to boot ubuntu or xp. choose xp and boot.ini invalid = zero xp. | 08:29 |
Shinaku | Funnily enough it pauses for a second when the system starts up on fsck, but it doesn't show any errors or anything | 08:30 |
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sipior | Shinaku: what fielsystem is on this partition? | 08:30 |
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Shinaku | Hm, one second, I'll unmount my fat32 drive, that was resized in the ubuntu setup | 08:30 |
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tck | does anyone have the Ubuntu Certified Professional cert ? | 08:30 |
Shinaku | / is in ext3. /media/files is in FAT32 | 08:30 |
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Abobo | cant believe how much ubuntu crashes. cant believe moving a window around causes the media player to stop playing. lame | 08:31 |
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Shinaku | it doesn't on my PC, nor any others I've setup before | 08:31 |
tck | Abobo, are you running compiz ? | 08:31 |
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dxdt | kouryuu: ooh.... I don't know off the top of my head. You could try searching for it with aptitude search hyperion. Otherwise you might have to manually install it. :-/ | 08:31 |
Abobo | dapper | 08:31 |
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GNine | how do i restore a valid boot.ini file so grub can load windows xp | 08:31 |
PriceChild | Abobo, that is not standard behaviour. Now would you like to ask for help, or just troll? | 08:31 |
axisys | according to this http://rafb.net/p/beqJM539.html should I be able to increase the cpu speed on my laptop? | 08:31 |
=== [Bird] [i=[Bird] @ppp-128-165.31-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sipior | Abobo: well, duh... | 08:31 |
Shinaku | dapper is ancient :> | 08:32 |
[Bird] | salve | 08:32 |
deMZ | Beryl crashes | 08:32 |
[Bird] | ragazzi | 08:32 |
Shinaku | deMZ, it's good at that. | 08:32 |
PriceChild | sipior, Shinaku dapper is lts and still supported. It works perfectly | 08:32 |
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Abobo | which is the best one. fo PriceChild | 08:32 |
axisys | intel spec says 1.73Ghz but dmesg says 1.6ghz | 08:32 |
deMZ | ? | 08:32 |
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sipior | PriceChild: that's hardly the point | 08:32 |
PriceChild | !attitude | Abobo | 08:32 |
ubotu | Abobo: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 08:32 |
tck | dapper is like nearly 18 months ago | 08:32 |
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Abobo | fo | 08:32 |
PriceChild | sipior, the point is. It works... random crashes aren't random. | 08:32 |
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deMZ | how can I optimize Beryl? | 08:33 |
sipior | PriceChild: clearly it doesn't always work. | 08:33 |
kouryuu | dxdt, I tried several searches, looks like freshmeat.net is my only choice for download. Thx anyway though! I should be good to go now ;) | 08:33 |
Shinaku | sipior, still doing it with the FAT32 drive unmounted | 08:33 |
dxdt | Abobo: That is a bummer. http://cse.unl.edu/~mwolff/windowssucks.png is a picture of me using Ubuntu and playing system shock II while rotating the desktop in 3d. Your behavior isn't necessarily the fault of Ubuntu. Something is wrong, perhaps the peopel in the channel can help. | 08:33 |
Shinaku | deMZ, try compiz fusion | 08:33 |
Karmak | I'm new to Linux (kubuntu) and I'm requiret to start a certain program with sudo command how do I that? | 08:33 |
deMZ | Shinaku, compiz its faster? | 08:33 |
PriceChild | deMZ, beryl is old and has been replaced by compiz fusion. See #ubuntu-effects | 08:33 |
Shinaku | deMZ, by leaps and bounds. | 08:33 |
deMZ | okk | 08:33 |
Shinaku | the magic lamp effect turns from a couple of laggy frames to being perfectly smooth for me on my old box | 08:34 |
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dxdt | Karmak: you can do it in the terminal with sudo or use kdesu program name to get the little gui box to come up and ask for the password | 08:34 |
sipior | Shinaku: hmm...hard to say what the underlying problem might be without a closer inspection. | 08:34 |
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sipior | Shinaku: i assume this is all modern hardware? | 08:34 |
deMZ | what's the best alternative to amsn? | 08:34 |
Shinaku | sipior, sod it, the amount of time it'll take to fix this I could just reformat XD | 08:34 |
Shinaku | Yeah, this is a Core 2 Duo | 08:34 |
Shinaku | 2Gb of ram, 500gb drive | 08:35 |
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sipior | Shinaku: if the problem persists, that won't have saved you anything | 08:35 |
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Shinaku | true. | 08:35 |
khelll | anyone knows how to set up webhttrack to work??? | 08:35 |
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sipior | Shinaku: the drive isn't going into powersaving mode for any reason, is it? | 08:35 |
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Shinaku | I shouldn't think so | 08:35 |
Karmak | dxdt thanks | 08:35 |
graft | yo, is there a pdf firefox plugin in the repository? | 08:36 |
dxdt | np | 08:36 |
Shinaku | I've tried it with hdparm enabled and disabled | 08:36 |
sipior | Shinaku: if you start one app, then another, the delay occurs for both? | 08:36 |
ralf_ | what is going on with goobuntu? | 08:36 |
Shinaku | yeah, it's on both | 08:36 |
Shinaku | anything I open has the delay | 08:36 |
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dxdt | ralf_: what do you mean? Like how has it progressed or are you just looking to talk about it? | 08:36 |
A[D] minS | when i open desktop-effects to enable it | 08:36 |
sipior | Shinaku: and the live cd doesn't show these problems | 08:36 |
willofthewisp_tm | when I try to execute a command from ssh, using curl "http://www.google.com?arg1=a&arg2=2" only arg1 is passed and arg2 is removed. | 08:36 |
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A[D] minS | i get this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33594/ " advise Please" | 08:36 |
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ralf_ | ok forget it.. | 08:36 |
willofthewisp_tm | Can anyone help me with it? | 08:36 |
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khelll | anyone knows how to set up webhttrack to work??? | 08:37 |
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Shinaku | I can't remember, I was mostly paying attention to my Xbox when I was setting it up =) | 08:37 |
Shinaku | I don't think it was. | 08:37 |
willofthewisp_tm | I need both arg1 and arg2 passed | 08:37 |
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graft | willofthewisp_tm: are you escaping your &? you know that's a special character for bash, right? | 08:37 |
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sipior | Shinaku: hmm...sorry, i'm stumped for the moment. | 08:37 |
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deMZ | what's the best alternative to amsn? | 08:37 |
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cinex | how do I access the properties of the user 'nobody' ? the account seems to be hidden ffrom the users and groups programs | 08:37 |
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graft | willofthewisp_tm: if it's not quoted, it'll thik you mean 'put in background' by '&' | 08:37 |
Shinaku | deMZ, it depends | 08:37 |
cinex | deMZ: pidgim/gaim | 08:38 |
PriceChild | Sorry about that all :) | 08:38 |
Shinaku | I like pidgin, other people like kopete | 08:38 |
deMZ | gaim supports webcam? | 08:38 |
Shinaku | no | 08:38 |
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sipior | PriceChild: no worries. cleaning's got to be done | 08:38 |
Shinaku | only amsn supports that up to now. | 08:38 |
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graft | willofthewisp_tm: compare 'echo &' vs. 'echo "&"' | 08:38 |
GNine | can ubuntu run a command to format its own host hard drive | 08:38 |
cinex | deMZ: no, kopete does though | 08:38 |
kouryuu | dxdt, fyi the older version of hyperion "dancer" is an ubuntu package "dancer-ircd" | 08:38 |
Shinaku | that's new. | 08:38 |
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graft | GNine: better off doing such things from a livecd | 08:38 |
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dxdt | kouryuu: oh no kidding? That is cool. I used to kinda dabble around with dancer a long time ago. | 08:38 |
deMZ | is any msn client to support audio conversations? | 08:38 |
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cinex | deMZ: teamspeak does (but its not msn) | 08:39 |
graft | how can i view pdfs in firefox? | 08:39 |
GNine | live cd as in the ISO stuff? | 08:39 |
Shinaku | I think I might have found something. | 08:39 |
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dxdt | graft: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Adobe_PDF_Reader_with_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox | 08:39 |
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avis | i am getting speaker output only through my right speaker. i dont know what could cause this | 08:40 |
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Shinaku | or not | 08:40 |
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graft | avis: is your balance centered? | 08:40 |
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kouryuu | dxdt: yeah, I did some quick googleing and it seems the original "beta" project was dancer.. don't quote me on that though ;) only place I found a recent tarball for hyperion (I think referenced simply as "freenode ircd" and "once dancer" is from this guy's homepage: http://www.stack.nl/~jilles/irc/ | 08:41 |
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avis | graft, i have no idea how do i check balance ? i've definitely not fiddled with any settings | 08:41 |
Shinaku | gettimeofday({1187029333, 148020}, NULL) = 0 | 08:41 |
Shinaku | gettimeofday({1187029333, 148067}, NULL) = 0 | 08:41 |
Shinaku | socket(PF_FILE, SOCK_STREAM, 0) = 10 | 08:41 |
graft | avis: can you run 'aumix' in the shell? | 08:42 |
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Lappy | !acpid | 08:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about acpid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:42 |
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Lappy | !acpi | 08:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about acpi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:42 |
avis | yes one second | 08:42 |
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Shinaku | aw, he left | 08:42 |
Shinaku | Meh, fair enough, I'll just format it ;) | 08:42 |
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genii | Hmm, that is something ubotu should know at least SOMETHING about (acpi) | 08:43 |
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avis | graft i have aumix loaded right now. the first meter on the upper left hand corner is not centered however the balance on the right hand is | 08:43 |
GNine | after reinstalling ubuntu via wubi, from XP, now grub tells me windows boot.ini is invalid. grub also bypass bios and doesnt allow booting up from cd drive. wtf | 08:43 |
afd__ | Falstius: regarding my problem with the broken upgrade:it booted using the old edgy kernel and now I'm running a dkpg-configure -a (as recommended by aptitude dist-upgrade). One question: | 08:43 |
khelll | how to extend the partinon of unbuntu | 08:43 |
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cwillu | genii: wassup? | 08:44 |
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graft | avis: the meter on the left is just the volume level - the right should show balance. | 08:44 |
avis | graft all is working now thank you for your help | 08:44 |
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Falstius | afd__: what? | 08:44 |
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afd__ | Falstius: when I've started the upgrade, it asked me as part of the install procedure about lvm and raid stuff. I said none, cause I don't have any, but it might have broken the disk setup, how they are mounted | 08:44 |
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mikebot | Can I make a folder so that when I double click it it asks me for a password before it opens? | 08:44 |
graft | dxdt: jeez, isn't there anything in the repository? | 08:45 |
afd__ | I'm thinking that maybe that's why it broke (there were errors about disk not mounted, midway through upgrade) | 08:45 |
cwillu | mikebot: you can restrict access to a folder by changing the owner, I'm not aware of any extention to nautilus that would automatically ask for a password though | 08:45 |
afd__ | dpkg-reconfigure lvm? | 08:45 |
Falstius | afd__: if you don't have lvm and raid it shouldn't matter .. | 08:45 |
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afd__ | Falstius: I didn't configure the old system using LVM, just used the Ubuntu defaults, not sure if it doesn't use LVM | 08:46 |
GNine | is there anything i can tell grub so it allows me to boot my xp intall disk | 08:46 |
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mikebot | cwillu: How do I change the owner? | 08:46 |
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graft | GNine: that's a bios issue, not a grub issue | 08:46 |
Falstius | afd__: It doesn't use LVM unless you tell it do. If the error occurs again, you should do a google search for the exact error message. | 08:46 |
cwillu | mikebot: chown <user> <group> <file> ... | 08:46 |
graft | GNine: start up your BIOS config and change your boot order so the CD drive boots first | 08:46 |
GNine | right.. well .. my bios is set to boot from cd drive and grub dont give a **** | 08:47 |
cwillu | mikebot: there may be an option under permissions for nautilus, but I don't think it'll work unless you run nautilus as root, which is a ball of wax I'm not getting into | 08:47 |
mikebot | cwillu: Yikes, where can I look up what that command means? | 08:47 |
Terrasque | can you set up grub to boot cd's? it would be easier than changing bios config every time i need that done | 08:47 |
afd__ | Falstius: ok, thanks for the advice | 08:47 |
cwillu | mikebot: man chown | 08:47 |
graft | GNine: what boots FIRST, though? | 08:47 |
cwillu | mikebot: apropos is useful as well | 08:47 |
GNine | grub. | 08:48 |
mikebot | cwillu: THanks a lot for your help. | 08:48 |
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graft | GNine: grub is on the hard drive - it won't come up unless the BIOS tries to boot from the hard drive | 08:48 |
cwillu | np | 08:48 |
mikebot | cwillu: What does that do? | 08:48 |
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Mr-Snick | how the hell do you uninistall wine? | 08:48 |
graft | GNine: it cannot overrule the BIOS | 08:48 |
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cwillu | mikebot: looks up documentation by word | 08:48 |
MasterShrek | Mr-Snick, apt-get remove wine | 08:48 |
graft | GNine: what is the boot ORDER, i mean - does it try the HDD first, or does it try the CD first? | 08:48 |
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GNine | ur not reading me.. bios is set to cd boot first. grub is loading instead. | 08:48 |
mikebot | cwillu: Ah, OK. Well, thanks a lot. | 08:48 |
Mr-Snick | thanks mastershrek | 08:48 |
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graft | GNine: okay, then something is wrong with your CD | 08:49 |
WolfEyes | hello | 08:49 |
graft | GNine: there is no way grub can be hijacking the boot process, that is impossible | 08:49 |
WolfEyes | I have some problems with java -.- | 08:49 |
GNine | well.. so is the matrix | 08:49 |
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Dinobe | back | 08:49 |
genii | cwillu: Low energy day for me, zero sleep. Put 3 problemmatic boxes together last night til it was time to just go to work | 08:49 |
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Dinobe | hello all | 08:50 |
graft | GNine: it's just a fact - grub does not start unless the BIOS tries to boot from the hard drive, therefore grub cannot influence the boot order | 08:50 |
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ubuntu_ | hola | 08:50 |
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renico | join #kubuntu | 08:50 |
graft | GNine: so, make sure your CD is working, and make sure your drive is actually bootable (try a livecd, for example) | 08:50 |
cwillu | graft: should be possible to get grub to skip to the cd though | 08:50 |
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GNine | i just burned this boot disk iso and that doesnt get read either | 08:50 |
GNine | the drive is good | 08:51 |
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graft | cwillu: i've never heard of that being possible, but i could always be wrong | 08:51 |
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graft | cwillu: i'm sure you're right, but i suspect the problem is with his BIOS/CD, and hacking grub is unnecessary | 08:52 |
ribando | hi everyone | 08:52 |
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Dinobe | someone here willing to help me with graphics driver? | 08:53 |
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Wytse | hello | 08:53 |
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turbooster | hi there | 08:53 |
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Wytse | i got a problem | 08:53 |
graft | !anyone | Dinobe | 08:54 |
nojoints | Ok I'm starting to get frustrated; some sites doesn't work to enter and I can't log into any messenger application, I've been on mozilla's troubleshooting site (http://kb.mozillazine.org/Error_loading_any_website#Error_loading_some_websites) and didn't help me wit hanything | 08:54 |
ubotu | Dinobe: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 08:54 |
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Wytse | with my nvidia driver | 08:54 |
graft | !ask | Wytse | 08:54 |
ubotu | Wytse: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:54 |
Wytse | okay | 08:54 |
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GNine | ok.. so why did reinstalling ubuntu damaged a windows xp boot.ini file | 08:54 |
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Dinobe | I've been messing around with the Ati driver, xorg driver, .... | 08:55 |
Alloosh | I think I found the problem with my dvd drive, I think that ubuntu does not allow playing dvds that were burnt to allow adding data in the future (multisession), any solution? | 08:55 |
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khelll | is there a way to extend the partition of linux | 08:55 |
turbooster | How can I download (and install) all the new parts of Gutsy? I saw a how-to somewhere but can't find it anymore... Any ideas? | 08:55 |
khelll | ex3 partition | 08:55 |
Dinobe | all I would like to find out is what the default driver was my ubuntu installation came with | 08:55 |
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Wytse | the problem is that if i install the nvidia driver for my nvidia geforce 4 MX 440 and i pres control alt backspace, an log in, i my system gets stucked after one minute and after a reboot i get a xorg error | 08:56 |
graft | nojoints: you can't load some sites, but you can load others? | 08:56 |
nojoints | graft; yes | 08:56 |
freetos | does anybody know if you can record softsyths tracks with ardour and qtctrjack running? i want to use almost all softsyths except for voice | 08:56 |
graft | nojoints: what about with other browsers? | 08:56 |
GNine | sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx then sudo nvidia-glx-config enable | 08:56 |
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Wytse | i did that | 08:57 |
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nojoints | graft; in lynx they seem to work (I don't know how to control it though but it seems I can get onto the webpages) | 08:57 |
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graft | nojoints: so this is a firefox issue... what sort of error does it give? | 08:57 |
GNine | how bout settin ur pci bus id correctly | 08:57 |
ribando | can someone tell me which one is better to run winXP? VirtualBox or VMware? | 08:58 |
nojoints | graft; no error, just stays at loading | 08:58 |
nojoints | graft; same with any messenger program just stays at loading/connecting | 08:58 |
ribando | can someone tell me which one is better and faster to run winXP? VirtualBox or VMware? | 08:58 |
freetos | Wytse: were you replying to me? | 08:58 |
turbooster | feisty ->gutsy install newest builds: Where to find a How-to? | 08:58 |
Wytse | that was correctly | 08:58 |
graft | nojoints: but lynx connects okay? can you ping google.com and such? | 08:58 |
Wytse | yes | 08:58 |
=== piero [n=piero@d54C4EE49.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GNine | i wanna crash ubuntu | 08:58 |
syuroff | hi all. I'm trying to apt-get install ubunut-desktop, and keep getting conection timeouts. are there any known problems with us.archive.buntu.com right now? | 08:58 |
freetos | Wytse what softsynth apps did you use? | 08:59 |
nojoints | graft; it's only some websites that doesn't work, they work on windows and on my other computer that has ubuntu fiesty running | 08:59 |
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kyncani | turbooster: #ubuntu+1 | 08:59 |
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jstarcher | where does iptables log to? | 09:00 |
turbooster | kyncani: thanks | 09:00 |
ribando | GNine why crach ubuntu? | 09:00 |
ribando | can someone tell me which one is better and faster to run winXP? VirtualBox or VMware? | 09:00 |
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GNine | ribando: cuz i cant | 09:00 |
graft | nojoints: what are you running on this one? | 09:00 |
nojoints | graft; and yes I can ping the website and lynx connects to the sites | 09:00 |
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MasterShrek | ribando, qemu is prolly the best | 09:01 |
graft | nojoints: what websites can't you connect to? | 09:01 |
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nojoints | graft; both uses desktops | 09:01 |
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nojoints | graft; sweclockers.com, adobe, hotmail login, opera for examples | 09:01 |
hele | How can I see a mapping of what disk is what (hd0, hd1 etc)? | 09:01 |
ribando | MasterShrek QEMU? is that like a new way of worling with virtual machines? | 09:01 |
GNine | ubuntu messed up windows boot.ini .. jealousy? | 09:02 |
ribando | !qemu | 09:02 |
ubotu | qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo | 09:02 |
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graft | nojoints: and i guess you disabled pipelining as suggested? | 09:02 |
slipihead_4147 | http://tinyurl.com/3xvync see her qemu | 09:02 |
nojoints | graft; it was never enables as far as I could see | 09:02 |
kyncani | hele: in grub ? | 09:02 |
ribando | GNine ubuntu messed up windows boot.ini?how come?u must have done something wrong :o | 09:02 |
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nojoints | graft; all pipelinings are valued as false | 09:03 |
graft | nojoints: i seem to remember having a similar issue long ago, but i forget the fix... | 09:03 |
graft | nojoints: ipv6? | 09:03 |
GNine | yah .. i did something wrong like reinstalling ubuntu... right after i got a boot.ini invalid issue for XP | 09:03 |
nojoints | graft; not enabled i believe | 09:03 |
MasterShrek | GNine, there is no way ubuntu could mess that file up | 09:04 |
hele | kyncani: yes im conna configure grub, after a clean installation of ubuntu when having winxp installed i cannot bootup winxp again. It stucks on "Starting up ..." after the grubmenu :( | 09:04 |
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hele | kyncani: so im looking for a way to fix it | 09:04 |
MasterShrek | it cant write ntfs unless you install ntfs-3g | 09:04 |
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graft | nojoints: the default is enabled (or rather, not disabled) | 09:04 |
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graft | nojoints: check it out, about:config, search for ipv6 | 09:04 |
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GNine | that is the problem.. not know why it went wrong when XP was fine and ubuntu reinstall was the last operation done | 09:04 |
DerangedDingo | hey everyone... this is kind of a silly question... but when I | 09:04 |
nojoints | graft; it's false | 09:04 |
graft | nojoints: change it to true | 09:05 |
MasterShrek | GNine, pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst for me | 09:05 |
graft | nojoints: you mean network.dns.disableIPv6, right? | 09:05 |
nojoints | graft; network.dns.disableIPv6 is set as true now | 09:05 |
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graft | nojoints: okay, see if that helps | 09:05 |
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moriancumer | __Ace__: are you still there. sorry I got disconnect for a time. I can help you with framebuffer. | 09:05 |
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kyncani | hele: no idea how knowing the disk names in grub will help you fix xp. Anyway, grub has a built-in "find" command that can help you know which disk is hd0 and which is hd1. sudo grub to get a grub shell. | 09:05 |
graft | nojoints: also you might want to consider blacklisting the ipv6 kernel module... i find that module to be a nuiscance more than anything else | 09:06 |
nojoints | graft; didn't seem likei t | 09:06 |
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__Ace__ | moriancumer, you sure can | 09:06 |
nojoints | graft; how do i do that? | 09:06 |
__Ace__ | pm | 09:06 |
moriancumer | __Ace__: do you just need to know how to set it up? | 09:06 |
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__Ace__ | yea, I guess | 09:06 |
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[1] jack | doesanyonehere know how to setup redhat-cluster-suite? | 09:07 |
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nojoints | graft; how do i see which kernel I got? forgotten | 09:07 |
__Ace__ | when I ran /dev/MAKEDEV -v fb, it created some fb0... in /dev/.static/dev | 09:07 |
MasterShrek | nojoints, uname -r | 09:07 |
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graft | nojoints: nojoints uname -a | 09:08 |
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nojoints | graft; kk | 09:08 |
moriancumer | __Ace__: you need to activate fb at boot | 09:08 |
graft | nojoints: you can disable ipv6 by making a file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist containing the line 'blacklist ipv6' | 09:08 |
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graft | nojoints: needs a reboot, of course | 09:08 |
hele | kyncani: thanks | 09:08 |
moriancumer | __Ace__: edit file /boot/grub/menu.lst | 09:08 |
__Ace__ | ah | 09:09 |
nojoints | graft; already exist an file with that name though | 09:09 |
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moriancumer | __Ace__: at the end of the kernel line add'vga=791' | 09:09 |
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graft | nojoints: well, add to it | 09:09 |
moriancumer | __Ace__: than reboot. that will give you fb in 1024x768 | 09:09 |
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moriancumer | __Ace__: it's that easy | 09:10 |
__Ace__ | lol | 09:10 |
nojoints | graft; done, guess I will reboot now | 09:10 |
__Ace__ | ok, gotta reboot the machine and see.. | 09:10 |
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nojoints | graft; brb | 09:10 |
__Ace__ | there should be some /deb/fb created then right? | 09:10 |
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moriancumer | __Ace__: I didn't need to | 09:11 |
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__Ace__ | uh? | 09:11 |
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=== super [n=super@cpc1-rdng1-0-0-cust56.winn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
moriancumer | __Ace__: I believe it's install by default | 09:11 |
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__Ace__ | there is no /dev/fb now | 09:11 |
Coded1 | has anyone gotten a 9800 pro to work well with compiz or beryl? | 09:11 |
__Ace__ | (before reboot) | 09:11 |
__Ace__ | only in /proc/fb | 09:12 |
coma | Amarok, Is there a wat i can get it to play Streams? | 09:12 |
Coded1 | ive had so many problems i would rather ask first then go through it again :( | 09:12 |
coma | way* | 09:12 |
__Ace__ | lovely | 09:12 |
__Ace__ | ! | 09:12 |
__Ace__ | now there is a /dev/fb | 09:12 |
__Ace__ | now there is a /dev/fb0 | 09:12 |
=== MrObvious [i=Owner@wsip-70-182-243-46.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
super | Dear GOD please help me :(( gksu WON'T ask for password, even when logging back in.. JFC Grr | 09:13 |
__Ace__ | now, why isnt this there per defauly? | 09:13 |
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MrObvious | super: Is there a ~/.gksu type file? | 09:13 |
nojoints | graft; didn't work | 09:13 |
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graft | nojoints: crapola. | 09:13 |
moriancumer | __Ace__: I have /dev/fb0 and /proc/fb | 09:14 |
graft | nojoints: is there anything about ipv6 in system messages? does the blacklist work? | 09:14 |
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graft | super: do you still have sudo privileges? | 09:14 |
nojoints | graft; but i've noticed one thing: when I login on ubuntu I get this up: Network service discovery disabled Your current network has a .local domain, which is not (now it dissapeared and I didn't get the last one | 09:14 |
moriancumer | __Ace__: that's the way it should be | 09:14 |
[1] jack | need help setting up a cluster on ubuntu | 09:14 |
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nojoints | graft; how do i check? | 09:14 |
__Ace__ | well, after this "vga=791" I do have /dev/fb | 09:14 |
__Ace__ | didnt before | 09:14 |
super | MrObvious there are two files .gksu.lock AND .sudo_as_admin_succesful | 09:14 |
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[1] jack | does ne1 have any experience with this | 09:14 |
moriancumer | __Ace__: good | 09:15 |
__Ace__ | gotta see with some .c code if its readable.. :) | 09:15 |
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graft | nojoints: dmesg | grep -i ipv6, for example | 09:15 |
GNine | mastershrek: sent u a pastebin of menu.lst | 09:15 |
MasterShrek | GNine, u didnt get it, is your nick registered? | 09:15 |
nojoints | graft; nothing happened | 09:15 |
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MasterShrek | u can just paste the link here too GNine | 09:15 |
MrObvious | super: Then it might be that you have no problems with it then. Does it let you run root apps? | 09:15 |
moriancumer | __Ace__: You need to run fb without X | 09:15 |
graft | nojoints: okay, so no ipv6 | 09:15 |
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nojoints | graft; yep | 09:15 |
TBZ | How good is linux in general and especially ubuntu with installing MASS packages, say you were to do a nearly full install, will you run into default program, dependancy, or library, problems? Or does it suit it out well? | 09:16 |
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TBZ | I'm up to 1300 packages so far and not done picking out the ones I want yet... | 09:16 |
__Ace__ | well, I got the screeninfo | 09:16 |
__Ace__ | even with X running | 09:16 |
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MrObvious | TBZ: Is MASS a package? Or do you mean installing a bunch of packages? If you mean the later then you will be fine. | 09:16 |
super | MrObvious Yes! That's the problem. When gksu'd apps are closed no prompt for password is asked ever again... ;@ | 09:16 |
MrObvious | super: rm -rf ~/.gksu.lock | 09:17 |
shem | can anyone tell me if Nmap has a graphical interface for ubuntu? when i install it I cant find it | 09:17 |
MrObvious | super: Then it should ask for pass. | 09:17 |
super | This is wrong. I may as well be root anyway... | 09:17 |
kouryuu | knmap for KDE | 09:17 |
Jza|[Ubuntu] |Get | !nl | 09:17 |
ubotu | Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl | 09:17 |
GNine | i just copy/paste the whole thing to ya in a message.. u didnt get that? | 09:17 |
graft | nojoints: i'm close to stumped | 09:17 |
MasterShrek | GNine, no, you dont have a registered nick apparently | 09:17 |
MrObvious | super: Besides sudo is better. :p | 09:17 |
kouryuu | theres another for GTK too | 09:17 |
moriancumer | __Ace__: pm | 09:17 |
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MasterShrek | GNine, if u put it on pastebin just give me the link here | 09:17 |
discodave | Hi guys and gals, just a question if anyone is willing to help - Can someone tell my why ubuntu prompts me for a password when connecting to my home wireless network and secondly is tearing a common problem with compbiz? | 09:18 |
super | MrObvious Will try that. | 09:18 |
nojoints | graft; your not alone about it | 09:18 |
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MrObvious | :) | 09:18 |
shem | so none for gnome? | 09:18 |
kouryuu | I'll find it, one sec | 09:18 |
GNine | i dont know how to paste bin | 09:18 |
GNine | lol | 09:18 |
nojoints | graft; brb | 09:18 |
MasterShrek | !pastebin | GNine | 09:18 |
graft | nojoints: | 09:18 |
ubotu | GNine: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:18 |
MrObvious | !pastebin | 09:18 |
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MrObvious | I was beat to it. lol | 09:18 |
MasterShrek | =P | 09:19 |
graft | nojoints: err, forget the ?, just try that | 09:19 |
__Ace__ | moriancumer, ok | 09:19 |
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kouryuu | shem: nmapfe should work | 09:19 |
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martink | Does the 2.6.22-9-powerpc64-smp gutsy kernel boot on the ps3? | 09:19 |
shem | ok thanks ill try | 09:19 |
GNine | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33595/ | 09:19 |
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kouryuu | shem: no worries | 09:20 |
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GNine | i dont even think there is anything wrong with it tho | 09:20 |
nojoints | graft; i'm back | 09:20 |
super | Thx MrObvious but no work. Will remove,purge and reinstall sudo and gksu for belt and braces approach! :o | 09:20 |
MasterShrek | martink, are the ps3's processors 64 bit? | 09:20 |
PriceChild | MasterShrek, ppc | 09:21 |
MrObvious | super: I tried. :) YW. | 09:21 |
MasterShrek | i know that, but why does is it powerpc64? | 09:21 |
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nojoints | graft; doesn't work | 09:21 |
super | I may even enable root account if I have to. Viva Linux Mint! | 09:21 |
ribando | !virtualbox | 09:21 |
ubotu | VirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox | 09:21 |
=== WilliamB [n=Oni@adsl-070-145-246-067.sip.ard.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
martink | MasterShrek: yes, I have no problem with feisty's 2.6.20-16-powerpc64-smp | 09:22 |
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nojoints | graft; I've installed epiphany and it didn't work to connect there either | 09:22 |
TBZ | MasterShrek: hey there =P | 09:22 |
discodave | Hi guys and gals, just a question if anyone is willing to help - Can someone tell my why ubuntu prompts me for a password when connecting to my home wireless network and secondly is tearing a common problem with compbiz? | 09:22 |
MasterShrek | sup TBZ | 09:22 |
MrObvious | super: Usually sudo or gksudo is the option in Ubuntu to do root, not su or gksu. | 09:22 |
MrObvious | :\ | 09:22 |
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Sunnyboi14 | i am using gparted. How do i change the partitions on my external Hard Drive?? | 09:22 |
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martink | MasterShrek: I guess it won't hurt to try the 32bit kernel though | 09:22 |
graft | nojoints: weird. not a DNS issue, not an ipv6 issue. you can do it with other machines on the network, so not a router issue | 09:22 |
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MrObvious | Sunnyboi14: Is your external HD showing up? | 09:22 |
MasterShrek | discodave, it prompts you for a password because you need root priviledges to change network settings, as for compiz, you shold join #ubuntu-effects | 09:22 |
jshadias | I'm having trouble getting wireless to work with PEAP. Authentication is fine, and the only error I see is this: "EAPOL: Failed to set WEP key to the driver. | 09:22 |
jshadias | " Any ideas? | 09:22 |
Sunnyboi14 | yep! | 09:23 |
TBZ | MasterShrek: Not much man, going through packages... did a full reinstall back to x32, the other night | 09:23 |
MasterShrek | =( why/ | 09:23 |
nojoints | graft; and it also works in windows on this computer i'm on right now | 09:23 |
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Sunnyboi14 | but it was kinda weirf | 09:23 |
nojoints | graft; could it be that it flunks up my network card? | 09:23 |
GNine | mastershrek: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33595/ | 09:23 |
Sunnyboi14 | it like split it up into 2 things | 09:23 |
TBZ | MasterShrek: just so it would be more user friendly while I learn what I'm doing, and also to get my video and C-F to work properly | 09:23 |
discodave | MasterShrek, thanks. But ubuntu connects to be neighbors network without me asking...but when i reselect mine it asks for a password. Does the network manager have a favourite network to connect to automatically? | 09:23 |
graft | nojoints: in what way? | 09:24 |
MrObvious | Sunnyboi14: I'll let someone else handle it as I'm in no position to do it right now in Winblows at work. :( | 09:24 |
nojoints | graft; no idea <.< | 09:24 |
Sunnyboi14 | it split up into file system and disk | 09:24 |
MasterShrek | im not sure discodave i dont use network manager | 09:24 |
discodave | well its just the generic one in ubuntu | 09:24 |
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syuroff | hi all. I'm setting up a new ubuntu server, trying to apt-get updates, and anything I DL from the net stalls out at about 5 megs. Just stops downloading. I can move 600 meg .iso files from a local server just fine though. Any ideas what would do that? | 09:25 |
MasterShrek | hmm GNine i dont see anything wrong with taht, how about a pastebin of your windows boot.ini? | 09:25 |
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__Ace__ | moriancumer where are ya? | 09:25 |
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aaron_ | Hi. Where do you change the settings for the k menu spacing? | 09:25 |
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h1st0 | Okay i'm having a problem for somereason I cant' change the group owner of a file on a usb stick even as root. | 09:25 |
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GNine | mastershrek: how i get ubuntu to read that file? | 09:25 |
bobgill | What prog can I use to cut a .avi file? ie., it's 20mins long but I want to grab minutes 5-7 and make a separate file of that clip | 09:25 |
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h1st0 | its a FAT32 stick but for some reason the directories show owners and groups and I can't write to them. | 09:26 |
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=== TBZ waves to Mr Obvious | ||
MasterShrek | GNine, mount the partition (sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /path/to/mountpoint) | 09:26 |
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MasterShrek | hist0 is it mounted read-only? | 09:26 |
Sunnyboi14 | why did the hard drive i used to install ubuntu with split into file system, and disk, and how do i change it back, because i want to go back to windows and i dont want my hard drive to be messed up. My Hard drive is external, but does that really matter? | 09:27 |
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h1st0 | MasterShrek:no because I can write to the root of the stick | 09:27 |
h1st0 | MasterShrek: let me double check | 09:27 |
Lappy | fnfx makes the fn key work, but it says it's for toshiba laptops, does that mean it wont work on sony? | 09:27 |
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MasterShrek | h1st0, if u can write to the root of it, then it isnt read-only | 09:27 |
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Sunnyboi14 | hello? | 09:27 |
kyncani | h1st0: fat32 does not support owner and group i think | 09:28 |
h1st0 | MasterShrek: yeah I can write to root of the stick but not the folders in it. | 09:28 |
Sunnyboi14 | hello? | 09:28 |
MasterShrek | Sunnyboi14, #windoze | 09:28 |
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Sunnyboi14 | No | 09:28 |
MasterShrek | this is an ubuntu room not for installing windows | 09:28 |
blah1231 | how do i register on this thing ? | 09:28 |
Sunnyboi14 | it has to do with partitions | 09:28 |
MasterShrek | blah1231, /msg nickserv help | 09:28 |
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blah1231 | thanks | 09:28 |
Sunnyboi14 | how do i change partitons with gparted? | 09:28 |
moriancumer | __Ace__: what's up? | 09:29 |
h1st0 | kyncani: this is though the folders are locked and if i ls -l they show me being the owner but root being the grp | 09:29 |
chrisgentry | I understand this is an ubuntu channel but I am considering switching from pclinuxos to ubuntu, are there many differences? | 09:29 |
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__Ace__ | moriancumer no answer in pm | 09:29 |
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MasterShrek | chrisgentry, never used pclinuxos, do u konw what its based off of/ | 09:29 |
moriancumer | ace I don't see a pm. try again | 09:29 |
suspec1 | I hate this Firestarter... Since I installed it my Ubuntu Freezes every time I turn Computer on... Is there some manual how to set up custom firewall for Ubuntu 7.04? | 09:29 |
kyncani | h1st0: owner and group are mount options. They are not part of the fat32 filesystem | 09:29 |
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MasterShrek | __Ace__, you need to be registered to send pm's | 09:30 |
h1st0 | kyncani: I also have KNOPPIX on the usb drive and I can write to that folder somehow but not the others. | 09:30 |
chrisgentry | MasterShrek: no i don't sorry | 09:30 |
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jshadias | for google: I'm going try adding this to wpa_supplicant.conf: phase1="peaplabel=1" | 09:30 |
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GNine | mastershrek: can i omit path/to/mountpoint on that line? | 09:30 |
MasterShrek | GNine, maybe | 09:30 |
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kyncani | h1st0: check your kernel logs, may be a fileststem or device problem | 09:30 |
MasterShrek | GNine, if its set in your /etc/fstab | 09:30 |
benji__ | hi | 09:31 |
benji__ | Im having trouble with sound, getting none, could somone please help me? | 09:31 |
__Ace__ | Password accepted - you are now recognized | 09:31 |
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__Ace__ | did that some hour ago | 09:31 |
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nojoints | graft i think i've found a solution | 09:31 |
moriancumer | __Ace__: are you register? I wasn't signed in earlier, that maybe why. | 09:31 |
h1st0 | kyncani: ahh I see I think the files were just write protected with windows | 09:31 |
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MasterShrek | benji__, try installing alsa | 09:31 |
suspec1 | what is the best forewall for Ubuntu? | 09:31 |
h1st0 | kyncani: I checked to add and delete files in the permissions properties and now it works | 09:31 |
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benji__ | i have alsa-base installed | 09:32 |
__Ace__ | moriancume thanks for help so far | 09:32 |
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MasterShrek | benji__, is there an alsa-drivers package? | 09:32 |
benji__ | ill check | 09:32 |
MasterShrek | sry im not running ubuntu atm | 09:32 |
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nojoints | graft; need abit of help with this one becouse dunno how to do it :p kinda new on linux though, haven't used it like I am right now | 09:33 |
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benji__ | : Couldn't find package alsa-drivers | 09:33 |
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MasterShrek | benji__, what kinda soudn card do you have? | 09:33 |
benji__ | Soundblaster Live 24bit | 09:33 |
benji__ | http://pastebin.ca/655978 | 09:34 |
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benji__ | is that right? | 09:34 |
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FrozenFlame | hey you guys know where can i Add auth in xchat | 09:36 |
FrozenFlame | so it would auto auth | 09:36 |
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holihue | Is there a Channel for sf.net | 09:36 |
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Sunnyboi14 | Can Someone Help Me? | 09:37 |
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benji__ | MasterShrek, any ideas? | 09:37 |
radioman | make command like /reg, setings->advanced->user comands | 09:37 |
Lunis | I cannot find any information on how to get XGL working on Gutsy, preferably with twinview working... anyone know where i could find something? | 09:38 |
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MasterShrek | sorry benji__ nothing off the top of my head, did you try the forums/ | 09:39 |
benji__ | yeo | 09:39 |
benji__ | *yep | 09:39 |
benji__ | can anyone else help? | 09:39 |
mint | MrObvious Okay, GKSU problem solved. :) Using Thunar, exec'd /usr/bin/gksu-properties and changed option 'sudo' to su' Also enabled root acount (for admin access only) and assigned new global root passwd. :D | 09:39 |
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pvl | any1 know where to get pidgin smiley themes? | 09:40 |
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d4rkmonkey | Hey, I don't really know if anyone can help, because I'm not even sure if its a problem with grub or ubuntu, but my laptop stopped booting. It starts up and freezes right before grub should start. It freezes in the same place when I tried a live CD, anyone have any ideas how I could fix this? I have a HP Compaq 6710b if thats any help. | 09:41 |
nojoints | graft; i fluxxing got it working!!! | 09:42 |
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pvl | are you dualbooting? | 09:42 |
graft | nojoints: howzat? | 09:42 |
graft | nojoints: sorry, went afk for a bit | 09:42 |
aaron_ | Hi. Where do you change the settings for the k menu spacing? | 09:42 |
mint | BTW, has anyone solved the cd playing prblem for Exaile yet?? | 09:42 |
zorze | Slightly off topic: when trying to burn the ubuntu iso onto DVD-RW some discs will work and others will not (even with discs that are from the same package) any ideas as to the cause? | 09:42 |
pvl | d4rkmonkey, are you only installing ubuntu? | 09:43 |
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nojoints | graft; it works now, added net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling = 0 to /etc/sysctl.conf | 09:43 |
pvl | sometimes the bios gets messy when installing operating systems | 09:43 |
d4rkmonkey | pvl yeah I only have Ubuntu installed. | 09:43 |
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d4rkmonkey | pvl I instaled it in July, its a new laptop | 09:43 |
pvl | d4rmonkey do any load up screens load? | 09:44 |
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Sunnyboi14 | Somebody help! | 09:44 |
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genefitz | Sunnyboi14, what's up man? | 09:44 |
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graft | nojoints: how obscure | 09:44 |
Sunnyboi14 | read it. | 09:44 |
floyd | bye, thanks for all the help guys :) | 09:44 |
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d4rkmonkey | pvl well, theres the HP screen at the very beginning, it gets past there, then there are two lines of text on a black screen which just tell you how to get into BIOS setup and I forget what the other one says, when I try to get into the BIOS the "Entering Setup" freezes. The whole thing just stops right before grub so none of the Ubuntu loading screens or anything appear | 09:45 |
nojoints | graft; yeah quite | 09:45 |
holihue | Can someone help me with SourceForge.net? I want to add a website to my project(leifgame.sf.net). | 09:45 |
nojoints | graft; well thanks alot for your help | 09:45 |
genefitz | Sunnyboi14, I just got here. What do you need help with? | 09:45 |
mint | Linux is a mind dieseise. I'm at a advanced stage of NuDimentia | 09:45 |
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graft | nojoints: no problem... sorry i wasn't actually helpful :) | 09:45 |
d4rkmonkey | o_O got into setup this time :D | 09:46 |
mooseshaped | nah mint, it only affects the mind when you use it as a desktop heh | 09:46 |
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pvl | well mines froze before for a few hours and then it started up again, but which live version are u sing? | 09:46 |
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d4rkmonkey | restored defaults, lets see if itboots this time | 09:46 |
nojoints | graft; well you tried atleast :p | 09:46 |
markinux | hi can anyone help me with my wirelss | 09:46 |
Sunnyboi14 | Hello? | 09:46 |
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mint | Yes, I use mine to bang nails in too! ;) | 09:46 |
d4rkmonkey | pvl I was just trying a random live ophcrack CD I had sitting around | 09:46 |
Sunnyboi14 | HELLO????? | 09:46 |
holihue | hello | 09:46 |
d4rkmonkey | pvl, thanks for your help, I just got it to boot but I don't know how lol... | 09:47 |
genefitz | Sunnyboi14, what do you need help with? I wasn't here to see your original post.. | 09:47 |
Sunnyboi14 | I want to backup my files, but i put ubuntu on my backup drive which has 250gb, so i didnt think it was a big deal, and then when i went to backup, because i was going to restore my computer to factorty settings, and get rid of ubuntu, go back to Windows, and be happy again, but i cant because when i went to backup my files, it told me that it could only hold 25gb. i want it back to normal. could i do this with gparted, but i dont | 09:47 |
pvl | lol happens, glad it works | 09:47 |
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mint | Anyway, must go. I gotta try my second 'remastersys' attempt... (deep breath, and dive) | 09:47 |
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markinux | i have an asus a6km with the dreaded bcm4318 | 09:48 |
genefitz | Sunnyboi14, can you boot into windows? | 09:48 |
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Sunnyboi14 | nope | 09:48 |
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Sunnyboi14 | only on this computer | 09:48 |
Sunnyboi14 | which is totally different from the other one | 09:48 |
genefitz | Sunnyboi14, okay, you have windows on your primary, and Ubuntu on your secondary? | 09:48 |
holihue | Can someone help me with SourceForge.net? I want to add a website to my project(leifgame.sf.net). | 09:48 |
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Sunnyboi14 | computers? | 09:49 |
Rictoo | What's a good 2 player game to play on linux? | 09:49 |
genefitz | Hard drives.. | 09:49 |
pvl | monoply! | 09:49 |
Rictoo | ... | 09:49 |
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Sunnyboi14 | yes | 09:49 |
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Sunnyboi14 | but windows does not boot | 09:49 |
pvl | holihue what do you mean? | 09:50 |
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cbart | hi, i've got this kind of problem: the pc is intel c2d e4400 on asus p5n-e; after few attempts to install ubuntu (the problem was I/O error - don't know why because it was a fresh-burned CD) instalation succeed :-) Then after reboot, there was no desktop (i mean no default wallpaper, icons, or the right mouse button menu), there was only a brown color in the background; moreover the system freezes sometimes (usually when performing an update or installin | 09:50 |
genefitz | Sunnyboi14, if windows is on your primary hard drive, you should be able to remove grub by installing your windows disk, in repair computer, Command line type "fix MBR" it should allow you to boot into windows. | 09:50 |
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Sunnyboi14 | it tells me something about Hard drives | 09:51 |
Sunnyboi14 | an error comes up | 09:51 |
genefitz | Then if you want to remove Ubuntu, you would have to go into Disk Manager in windows and remove (re-format the drive to NTFS) | 09:51 |
genefitz | Sunnyboi14, it should say bootmgr not found | 09:51 |
holihue | I con't know how I can have a website to leifgame. When I go to leifgame.sf.net, I only get some kind of ftp stuff. | 09:51 |
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Sunnyboi14 | no | 09:51 |
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pvl | cbart there usually sint anything on the desktop, did you try changing some settings | 09:51 |
Sunnyboi14 | when i get to the blue screen | 09:52 |
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pvl | ftp is a server, its where u might need to download the game | 09:52 |
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Sunnyboi14 | i click on recovery console, and an error comes up. | 09:52 |
viktor | nautilus crashes when i try to open some folder and this log is created in /home/user http://www.pastebin.ca/656008 any advice, help please | 09:52 |
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pvl | youd hve to set up and ftp to hold the game, and from that allow ppl to download it | 09:52 |
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genefitz | Sunny, have you used the boot CD in "repair" option? | 09:52 |
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Sunnyboi14 | huh? | 09:52 |
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cbart | pvl: yes, the applet changing settings on the screen didn't work | 09:52 |
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pizzle | is it possible to get counter strike source running on ubuntu? | 09:52 |
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genefitz | Sunnyboi, have you tried booting to you windows CD? | 09:53 |
Sunnyboi14 | yes | 09:53 |
pvl | cbart. well have you update nd so forth? | 09:53 |
genefitz | Sunnyboi, have you been able to get to the repair options in your Windows CD? | 09:53 |
Sunnyboi14 | ummmm | 09:53 |
Sunnyboi14 | i dont know | 09:53 |
Sunnyboi14 | what does it say? | 09:53 |
genefitz | Sunnyboi14, forst of all, which version of windows are you running? | 09:53 |
Sunnyboi14 | xp | 09:53 |
Sunnyboi14 | SP2 | 09:53 |
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Sunnyboi14 | Home edition | 09:54 |
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cbart | pvl, the system is fully updated, it's ubuntu 7.04 for amd64 and in the update windows it say's "your system is fully updated" | 09:54 |
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genefitz | Sunnyboi14, when you boot to your windows CD, you should have "install" and "repair" options... | 09:54 |
Sunnyboi14 | yes | 09:54 |
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holihue | I've seen projects like gparted.sf.net, and azureus.sf.net. They have a website | 09:54 |
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Sunnyboi14 | either one comes up with an error | 09:54 |
bnovc | how can I run a command from a terminal and have it display on the local machine's X session? I thought I could export DISPLAY=0.0:0 && ./command but that appears to be invalid | 09:54 |
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pvl | cbart, and the problem is that it doesnt load a desktop? | 09:54 |
brian__ | here is my situation: I am trying to run a script via cron using crontab to set it up. Part of the script needs sudo in order to run. I was told that if I was running it through crontab that the script would run because crontab uses root privilages. The script runs up until the point that sudo is needed. In syslog, it shows that the script ran and that it sent an email with response 0X0001. How can I know what is going on here? | 09:55 |
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TBZ | discodave: pm away ! | 09:55 |
genefitz | Sunny, if you go into repair, you should be able to use fdisk to re-format your Ubuntu drive, and to repair your MBR (command: Fix MBR) | 09:55 |
mon^rch | anyone know how to get sound in quake 3 ? | 09:55 |
cbart | pvl, no, the problem is that system freezes | 09:55 |
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cbart | and i don't know why | 09:55 |
Sunnyboi14 | but then ubuntu will crash, right? | 09:55 |
Lappy | !sontpid | 09:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sontpid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:55 |
pvl | cbart, does it happen repeatedly? | 09:55 |
Lappy | !sonypid | 09:55 |
porkpie | hi guy's I am trying to get pure-ftpd working. I am getting htis error Unable to read the indexed puredb file (or old format detected) - Try pure-pw mkdb I have tried the obvious and double checked the doc I used but still no joy | 09:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sonypid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:55 |
amelia | Errors were encountered while processing: bcm43xx-fwcutter this error occurs when I am done installing something with apt. | 09:56 |
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Lappy | !spicctrl | 09:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about spicctrl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:56 |
cbart | pvl, yes, it happens a few minutes after system starts | 09:56 |
viktor | nautilus crashes when i try to open some folder and this log is created in /home/user http://www.pastebin.ca/656008 any advice, help please | 09:56 |
tideline | brian__, are you using your users crontab of roots? | 09:56 |
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genefitz | Sunnyboi14, you wanted to remove Ubuntu you said, and go back to windows.. | 09:56 |
Sunnyboi14 | yep | 09:56 |
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ConstyXIV | does the intel x3100 have 3d under ubuntu? | 09:57 |
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kel39ru | hey, guys, i have some question that is more hardware (pc) related, would i be able to ask it here?:) this bow is running Ubuntu hehe :P | 09:57 |
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pvl | cbart sorry, i dont know why that would happen, ive had ubuntu freeze on me once, and that i assumed was bc the processort overheated. sorry mate, cant help ya | 09:57 |
pike_ | ConstyXIV: yeah | 09:57 |
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kel39ru | box* | 09:57 |
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ConstyXIV | good | 09:57 |
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palintheus | !ask | 09:57 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 09:57 |
slashzul | hey guys | 09:57 |
slashzul | how do you know what packages your running on ubuntu | 09:57 |
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kel39ru | hehe, okay :P | 09:57 |
cbart | pvl, was it a 64-bit processor? | 09:57 |
slashzul | or packages installed | 09:58 |
slashzul | oops | 09:58 |
tideline | sladen, you want a list of processes that are running? | 09:58 |
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graft | slashzul: dpkg -l | grep ^ii will do it | 09:58 |
=== porkpie thinks he will not get help here :( | ||
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cbart | pvl: because i've noticed this kind of problems on other systems (gentoo) | 09:58 |
ribando | hi again everyone | 09:58 |
slashzul | thanks | 09:58 |
slashzul | it worked | 09:58 |
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pvl | cbart, i honestly dont know | 09:59 |
graft | porkpie: what's your problem? | 09:59 |
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slashzul | how do you know if you have a 32bit or 64bit ubuntu install? | 09:59 |
cbart | pvl, ok :] thanx | 09:59 |
pvl | cbart, np | 09:59 |
porkpie | graft: I am trying to get pure-ftpd working. I am getting htis error Unable to read the indexed puredb file (or old format detected) - Try pure-pw mkdb I have tried the obvious and double checked the doc I used but still no joy | 09:59 |
slashzul | im being asked for commercial software if I want to install 32 or 64 bit on ubuntu | 09:59 |
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slashzul | how do you know what your running? 32 or 64 bit? | 10:00 |
Sunnyboi14 | hello | 10:00 |
Sunnyboi14 | im still here | 10:00 |
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kefka | !beryl | 10:00 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 10:00 |
graft | porkpie: when do you get that error? | 10:00 |
ribando | hi, I'm trying to get going with virtualbox, when I try to add the innotek key, I get this error: gpg: can't open `innotek.asc': No such file or directory.can someone help me? | 10:00 |
porkpie | graft:when trying to connect | 10:00 |
slashzul | how do you know what your running? 32 or 64 bit? | 10:00 |
=== Kumaru [n=Nexus@or-76-2-12-83.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
palintheus | Sunnyboi14: if you are dumping ubuntu why do you care if ubuntu gets removed? | 10:01 |
porkpie | graft:the error is in the syslog | 10:01 |
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Sunnyboi14 | becaue i want to backup my files before i do it | 10:01 |
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genefitz | Calm down Sunnyboi14, I had to step away for a second | 10:01 |
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porkpie | graft:it's like it cannot see the puredb | 10:01 |
Kumaru | has anyone else had a problem with the "x server" on startup? | 10:01 |
xero | alright i need some linux networking help. every time i need to use the internet i have to reconfigure my ip and gateway through knetworkconfig. It ssms that no mater what i do the darn hing wont hold its settings. no one in #kubuntu knew how | 10:01 |
graft | porkpie: did you do 'pure-pw mkdb'? | 10:02 |
porkpie | graft:yeah | 10:02 |
Sunnyboi14 | brb | 10:02 |
tideline | xero, are you using dhcp? | 10:02 |
genefitz | Sunnyboi14, if you are trying to remove Ubuntu and gowith windows only, it should matter if you make ubuntu crash, you are going to fdisk and format it anyway | 10:02 |
Sunnyboi14 | i think im going to die of hunger | 10:02 |
Sunnyboi14 | brb | 10:02 |
porkpie | graft:done it couple of times ....you do it when you add a user | 10:02 |
slashzul | how do you know what your running? 32 or 64 bit? | 10:02 |
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Kumaru | slashzul, 32 is the most common | 10:03 |
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xero | tideline:: no im using static | 10:03 |
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graft | porkpie: you set up a real user and a bunch of virtual users? | 10:03 |
porkpie | graft:yep | 10:03 |
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graft | porkpie: did you install from the repository or from scratch? | 10:03 |
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ben__ | I've got these buttons on my laptop above my keyboard. Play, skip, email, that stuff. The on/off button works but none of the others do. They did in XP (though not to my satisfaction). Any way to get them going? | 10:04 |
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palintheus | genefitz: sunny said he wants to backup his files before switching back, I asked a couple lines up | 10:04 |
porkpie | graft:from the repository | 10:04 |
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porkpie | graft:I followed this install | 10:04 |
desync | hiho | 10:04 |
Moez | Hello ! I have a Roland CAMM-1 Plotter and i would like to use it under Ubuntu. An idea ? | 10:04 |
ribando | hi, I'm trying to get going with virtualbox, when I try to add the innotek key, I get this error: gpg: can't open `innotek.asc': No such file or directory.can someone help me? | 10:04 |
Kumaru | ben__, you can try amarok for a media player, that is supported. i prefer songbird myself, which doesnt work with my hardware, but its a matter of what you need | 10:04 |
porkpie | graft: http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/pureftp.htm | 10:04 |
Karmak | how do I make "ps -e" command to show running processes in shorter lists? | 10:04 |
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ben__ | amarok supports those skip type things? | 10:05 |
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markinux | karmak as in ps -e | more | 10:05 |
slashzul | how do you know what your running? 32 or 64 bit on ubuntu? | 10:05 |
porkpie | graft:maybe I should reinstall again | 10:05 |
genefitz | Palintheus, oh, I see, well, the best way I can think of to do that is to enable NTFS r/w and drop the files to NTGS drive and go from there.. | 10:05 |
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ben__ | How about the email and internet buttons? | 10:05 |
Kumaru | ben__, i havent used amarok a whole lot, but it works with foxytunes and my keyboard's buttons | 10:05 |
graft | porkpie: hold on a sec, reading | 10:05 |
tideline | Karmak, ps -e | less | 10:05 |
palintheus | genefitz Sunnyboi14 : or use a USB drive/stick if avail | 10:05 |
genefitz | oops, ntfs even.. | 10:06 |
genefitz | Indeed palintheus, I didn't think about that.. | 10:06 |
xero | tideline: any ideas? | 10:06 |
ben__ | Kumaru: ok, thanks. I was wondering if there was custom drivers or something. As I say, they didn't do exactly what I wanted them to in XP either... | 10:06 |
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kel39ru | euhm, my box.. it dosnt work. when i turn it on, there is no any image on the screen. so, i guess cpu is damaged(als i can see it from backpanels msi diacnostic lights). Im quite shure that ist the cpu that isnt working. But all the fanes in the case, including power supply fan, are working. But, i wasnt sure for 100%, only for like 90% or so. So for 100% surness, i took ram and vga card out to test it on other box. And as i expected they r ok. | 10:06 |
kel39ru | (its not actually that i wasnt so sure, its someone here near me was asking to test them, while i was saying that im cute sure cpu is damaged, but anyway now does not matter anymore). So, now in the end, the PC isnt switching on at all. So i wonder, (im qute sure theres nothing i connected wrong or some like that). Is there a possibility of damaged cpu to damage motherboard? or is have the cpu become more damaged so the pc dont go on at all? ( | 10:06 |
kel39ru | sry for misspells and such a long post). thx. | 10:06 |
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tideline | xero, you are setting it network-admin? | 10:07 |
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Kumaru | ben__, dont know. amarok isnt really pretty but it will work if youd rather use buttons and stuff. im stuck with clicking on songbird whenever i want to do something, but thats a sacrafice i can live with | 10:07 |
hele | Is there any alternative way of fixing the mbr so i can boot back to windows to use the cd? i cant seem to remember the admin password on winxp | 10:07 |
markinux | please can anyone help with a major wireless problem | 10:07 |
zorze | Slightly off topic: when trying to burn the ubuntu iso onto DVD-RW some discs will work and others will not (even with discs that are from the same package) any ideas as to the cause? | 10:07 |
xero | tideline: kinda, KNetworkManager | 10:07 |
genefitz | I have a dual boot, but I only use windows for media center anymore. everything else is donw in Linux. (MythTV doesn't like my board and Capture card) | 10:07 |
porkpie | graft:I think I no what is wrong .....I created a user with a home dir outside of ftpusers | 10:07 |
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bnovc | what command can I run to logout of gnome | 10:08 |
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markinux | my wireless is installed, detected and attempts connection but just falls over itself while trying | 10:08 |
xero | tideline: the problem interface it a orinoco hermes I wireless B pcmcia card | 10:08 |
hele | After a clean install of Ubuntu (while having winxp installed earlier) I cannot boot my WinXP through grub. It stucks on "Starting up ..." :/ Any clues? (All partitions on one sata drive) | 10:08 |
tideline | xero, are you using separate locations? | 10:08 |
genefitz | bnovc: out of gnome and into CLI or a different window manager? | 10:08 |
markinux | my wireless worked in dapper but not since | 10:08 |
porkpie | graft:I think I need to syslink that home dir to the dir I want to give ftp access to ....I maybe wrong of course | 10:09 |
tideline | xero, ooh, I am not familiar with the KDE wereless tools | 10:09 |
reallyjoel | Is there a way to run a an already installed Windows in a virtual machine from inside Linux? Like VMWare or Bochs or something, or du they only deal with images? | 10:09 |
xero | tideline: im not shure what you are asking | 10:09 |
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bnovc | genefitz: SSH to a box and log out of the local gnome | 10:09 |
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kitche | reallyjoel: with vmware but you need to use vmware-converter first | 10:09 |
bnovc | genefitz: export DISPLAY=0.0:0 /usr/bin/gnome-session-saver --kill ... but the display won't ope | 10:09 |
bnovc | *open | 10:09 |
ConstyXIV | reallyjoel: qemu /dev/(windows partition) | 10:09 |
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xero | tideline: thanks | 10:10 |
reallyjoel | kitche: to convert the partition to an image, or what do you mean? | 10:10 |
chikita | hello, i installed swiftfox with the sh installer, now i cant uninstall with the sh uninstaller, what can i do? | 10:10 |
tideline | xero, at the top of the network-admin interface there is a place to create locations | 10:10 |
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reallyjoel | ConstyXIV: Ah, that sounds perfect, thanks | 10:10 |
genefitz | bnovc, the only way I know to switch out of gnome is to use the log out command, and at the boot change session.. | 10:10 |
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genefitz | I am not sure of that is exactly what you are looking for though.. | 10:10 |
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porkpie | graft:just added another user ..get the same problem | 10:10 |
kitche | reallyjoel: I don't know to much about vmware-converter but I know you need to run it to be able to use a partition not made in vmware in vmware | 10:10 |
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genefitz | But I am running 3 window managers though.. | 10:11 |
porkpie | graft:looks like it cannot see or read the db | 10:11 |
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xero | tideline: im using only one location | 10:11 |
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adam_ | hi, can someone help me with xorg.conf | 10:11 |
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reallyjoel | kitche: i want my partition intact though, and I dont want to run an image, so that doesnt sound like its for me.. | 10:11 |
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genefitz | adam_, what's the issue? | 10:11 |
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xero | tideline: same place, works fine with dhcp, but static is problematic | 10:11 |
slashzul | how do you add a PATH environment globally to all users on ubuntu? | 10:11 |
Bllz | hey guys, what's the unix command to start beryl automatically at startup? | 10:11 |
bruenig | not really a unix command | 10:11 |
bnovc | genefitz: how can I figure out what displays are present to use in export DISPLAY= | 10:12 |
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Bllz | oh. well what's the command then lol | 10:12 |
xero | !beryl | 10:12 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 10:12 |
Bllz | i thought it was unix for some reason | 10:12 |
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Bllz | thanks guys | 10:12 |
qetuR | anyone heard of any foobar port of foobar2000? | 10:12 |
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tideline | xero, so it's static with wireless right | 10:12 |
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slashzul | how do you add a PATH environment globally to all users on ubuntu? | 10:12 |
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xero | tideline:yes | 10:12 |
bruenig | slashzul, /etc/profile | 10:12 |
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Bllz | xero, you could just give me the answer... it'll take 2 seconds | 10:12 |
kel39ru | so, i guess nobody can help me on my hardware issue.. ? | 10:12 |
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us | I have a dual boot laptop.I can't connect to the internet with Ubuntu, only with windows. I downloaded" bluez-gnome-0.13.tar" and tried to move it from windows to ubuntu and tried to extract it to ubuntu. I got a you don't have authority to write or extract to this. It's a GZIP file and windows can't unzip it. I'm stuck, can anyone help, please? | 10:13 |
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Lappy | where do I put my startup scripts? | 10:13 |
svu | damn, upgrade to gutsy made the system unbootable. It cannot find my root | 10:13 |
MrObvious | us: ls -l (filename) please | 10:13 |
adam_ | genefitz, i'm trying to setup my mouse, Option "Device" "/dev/input/event4" - WORKS and Option "Device" "/dev/input/vxrev" - Dont Work!! and i dont know why because vxrev is a symlink to event4 | 10:13 |
xero | bllz: i have only had experience with beryl manually | 10:13 |
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prone | good evening at all, yes I have searched by google, but i dont understand it very well (DAU).I have problems to install programms (*.tar.gz)programms :( | 10:14 |
us | Mr. Obvious I don't know what you are asking | 10:14 |
genefitz | adam_: have you tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? | 10:14 |
palintheus | kel39ru: could it be the power supply? you said it wouldn't boot at all right? | 10:14 |
pearlbear | can anyone think of a reason why networking would fail to start up during boot without complaining? | 10:14 |
Bulli | hello, anyone who knows if the new "ports of call" running under wine? | 10:14 |
xero | bllz: ie beryl-manager | 10:14 |
porkpie | guy's how do I purge the files from on install | 10:14 |
graft | porkpie: works for me | 10:14 |
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porkpie | graft:let me reinstall | 10:14 |
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MrObvious | us: At a terminal type ls -l then add to that the filename of the file in question and post the output here if it's like a line or two. | 10:15 |
graft | porkpie: are oyu using puredb for authentication? | 10:15 |
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MrObvious | us: If it's more than one or two liens use pastebin. | 10:15 |
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porkpie | graft:I assume so | 10:15 |
genefitz | bnovc: Sorry, I am not entirely sure. Have you tried Ubuntu forums? | 10:15 |
Bllz | xero, thanks! | 10:15 |
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graft | porkpie: do you have a /etc/pure-ftpd/auth/50pure file? | 10:15 |
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adam_ | genefitz, no.. it has nothing to do with that, the mousr works, but i'm trying to get it to work with "evdev" instead of "mouse" module, and the /dev/input/eventX keeps changing every boot | 10:15 |
bnovc | genefitz: haven't but it isn't a big deal just was thinking about it | 10:15 |
ash756 | Hello! I have ATI X1600 video card. Ubuntu Feisty. I have just upgraded from Edgy. The problem: I couldn't set resolution higher than 1024x768 (when 1600x1200 is supported). I tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", tested that "fglrxinfo" report that it works, added additional modes into xorg.conf, tried using "sudo aticonfig". It all didn't help. What to do? | 10:15 |
porkpie | graft:no | 10:15 |
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kel39ru | palintheus: thats why im wondering, i even replaced the power supply, cuz i tough as first that it could be a power supply. But it isnt as far as i trued another one, and this had not changed anything.. :( | 10:15 |
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graft | porkpie: do you have /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/PureDB? | 10:15 |
porkpie | graft:do I need to add one | 10:16 |
adam_ | genefitz, so i added a rule to udev to do a symlink, but xorg.conf wont have it! | 10:16 |
porkpie | graft:yes | 10:16 |
xero | ash756 ati works? how did you install your drivers? | 10:16 |
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=== jtomps22 [i=lolmac@201-2-254-223.fnsce701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graft | porkpie: sudo ln -s /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/PureDB /etc/pure-ftpd/auth/50pure | 10:16 |
graft | porkpie: then restart your server and see if it works | 10:16 |
=== Soul [n=Soul@88.pool85-53-132.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ConfidentiaL | how do I make lampp or other apps needing sudo access start when my computer boots up? | 10:16 |
neverblue | anyone a sysadmin, for a staff above 40 ppl ? | 10:16 |
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palintheus | kel39ru: looks like you have already eliminated the RAM, GPU, PSU, and all thats left is the CPU and motherboard, which you just have to trial and error since you can't boot up to see what the problem is | 10:17 |
svu | how could I make grub see LVM? Or at least check what it sees? | 10:17 |
bruenig | ConfidentiaL, lamp is not an app | 10:17 |
=== Flameviper [n=chatzill@user-12l2cg3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ash756 | xero: I installed ati drivers with sudo apt-get install fglrx. fglrxinfo reports: OpenGL renderer string: ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 | 10:17 |
=== The_S [n=s@r190-64-168-84.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
genefitz | Adam, have you checked here? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-31813.html | 10:17 |
prone | i dont know how to install some (*.tar.gz) programms. i have linux for2 days. Even I have searched at www. But even it doesent work! Can someone explain me to install such programms plz???? | 10:17 |
porkpie | graft:ok testing | 10:17 |
bruenig | !english | prone | 10:17 |
us | MrObvious Thank you for trying, I can't do that, I have to restart and come back, will you still be here in an hour? | 10:17 |
ubotu | prone: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 10:17 |
xero | ash756: any errors on dmsg? | 10:18 |
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desync | Are bugs in dapper still worthy being reported? Looks like something odd with ccache in dapper.. | 10:18 |
MrObvious | us: Maybe. | 10:18 |
porkpie | graft:same error | 10:18 |
ConfidentiaL | bruenig: Whatever... | 10:18 |
=== Blissex [n=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
genefitz | There is a bit on Xorg and evdev with mouse.. | 10:18 |
bruenig | the l in lamp stands for linux, so linux boots I assume? | 10:18 |
-Flameviper:#ubuntu- I ARE AWESOME | 10:18 | |
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porkpie | graft: let me reinstall .... how do I clear the config file from the install | 10:18 |
us | MrObvious See you later :}} | 10:18 |
benji_ | Hi al, I can play sound in mp3 etc, but I have no sound in youtube | 10:18 |
benji_ | how do I fix this? | 10:19 |
ash756 | xero: No errors on dmesg. I think. | 10:19 |
MrObvious | us: Cya. | 10:19 |
prone | hm wasnt it engl? | 10:19 |
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porkpie | graft: is it --purge | 10:19 |
djdarkman_ | hy, does someone know how to foward ports with firestarter? | 10:19 |
brian__ | anybody have good experience with cron and crontab? | 10:19 |
=== Mr_Awesome [n=eric@pool-70-105-100-192.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graft | porkpie: no, just do apt-get install --reinstall pure-ftpd | 10:19 |
MrObvious | benji_: Is flash 9 installed okay? | 10:19 |
benji_ | uh | 10:19 |
benji_ | dunno | 10:19 |
benji_ | the videos play | 10:19 |
=== einPaul [n=siggy@dslb-084-060-050-198.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrObvious | benji_: Hmm. | 10:19 |
genefitz | benji, have you installed the latest versionof flash? | 10:19 |
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benji_ | dunno will try removing it and reinstalling it | 10:19 |
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xero | ash756: i had simmilar problems with my x1600 pro. you may have to recompile your drivers | 10:19 |
genefitz | benji_: which version of Ubuntu are you running, 32 or 64? | 10:20 |
graft | porkpie: you can just delete the db file, rm /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb | 10:20 |
benji_ | sudo apt-get remove flash doesnt work | 10:20 |
graft | porkpie: also rm /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.passwd | 10:20 |
ahmadsaifan | I want a 4 desktop cube, I have only 1 desktop | 10:20 |
-Flameviper:#ubuntu- Why don't you notice me!? | 10:20 | |
graft | porkpie: then just start over | 10:20 |
=== Bille_kopete [n=wstephen@p54944862.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flameviper | NOTICE ME! | 10:20 |
benji_ | how do i see if flash is installed properly? | 10:20 |
ash756 | xero: "may have to recompile"... Did you have to recompile yourself? | 10:20 |
porkpie | OK | 10:20 |
graft | Flameviper: are you looking to get banned? | 10:20 |
kitche | Flameviper: don't notice the whole channel it's annoying | 10:21 |
brian__ | anybody have good experience with cron and crontab? | 10:21 |
porkpie | graft:doing now | 10:21 |
Flameviper | no, I want attention | 10:21 |
xero | ya | 10:21 |
graft | Flameviper: go away | 10:21 |
=== Percussive_Maint [n=Brian@2.sxbs3.xdsl.nauticom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Flameviper is a sad puppy | ||
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xero | ash756: im looking for the proper tool | 10:21 |
graft | !offtopic | Flameviper | 10:21 |
ubotu | Flameviper: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 10:21 |
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ahmadsaifan | Can someone help me have a 4 desktop cube? i have only 1 desktop | 10:21 |
ash756 | xero: hey wait. fglrx is a binary driver... | 10:21 |
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kel39ru | palintheus: exactly, but what im wondering. u c, im not sure that cpu was damaged in the beginning, but now ist not butting at all. so.. coul a more damaged cpu cause it, or have the motherboard became also damaged?.. im braking my head on this, running alredy some days around with this question. | 10:21 |
chikita | hello, i installed swiftfox with the sh installer, now i cant uninstall with the sh uninstaller, what can i do? | 10:22 |
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xero | ash756: there is a tool that will compile the propritary ati driuvers | 10:22 |
bruenig | swiftfox is unsupported | 10:22 |
palintheus | kel39ru: seeing as it won't boot at all, not even POST I'm betting motherboard | 10:22 |
ahmadsaifan | who is here to help> | 10:22 |
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ahmadsaifan | who here can help me | 10:22 |
bruenig | it is closed source, likely doesn't do anything | 10:22 |
bruenig | !patience | ahmadsaifan | 10:22 |
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ubotu | ahmadsaifan: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 10:22 |
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Catoptromancy__ | What is smallest web browser not based on firefox? | 10:23 |
ash756 | xero: I don't. But to me it sounds like nonsense. | 10:23 |
ash756 | s/don't/don't know/ | 10:23 |
benji_ | plz help me | 10:23 |
benji_ | i get no sound in any flash videos | 10:23 |
tideline | xero, have you looked at /etc/network/interfaces after you enter the info in your network-admin interface? | 10:23 |
ahmadsaifan | ook, I just need help get a 4 desktop cube i only have 1 desktop | 10:23 |
=== Flare183 [n=jesse@adsl-242-66-188.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kel39ru | palintheus: i havent expected damaged cpu to be able to damage motherboard :( | 10:23 |
ConfidentiaL | how do I add commands which will be executed when I boot my computer? | 10:23 |
genefitz | benji, are you using 32 bit or 64 bit Ubuntu? | 10:23 |
xero | tideline: ok let me dig around there thanks | 10:23 |
benji_ | 32bit | 10:23 |
kel39ru | palintheus: and i guess it is. | 10:23 |
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benji_ | + | 10:24 |
eldkraft | !question ahmadsaifan | 10:24 |
kel39ru | palintheus: cuz i have no idea what else could it be | 10:24 |
ahmadsaifan | I need help getting a 4 desktop cube | 10:24 |
xero | ash756: http://albertomilone.com/ubuntu/nvidia/scripts/envy_0.9.7-0ubuntu6_all.deb | 10:24 |
genefitz | benji, try sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-nonfree then re-installing flash plugin | 10:24 |
=== Flare183 [n=jesse@adsl-242-66-188.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
palintheus | kel39ru: you just have to eliminate parts, if you don't have parts to switch out, you may have to shell out money for a part and hope your right | 10:24 |
ahmadsaifan | i only have 1 desktop | 10:24 |
porkpie | graft:this is driving me nuts ...I get the same error | 10:24 |
xero | ash756: http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html | 10:25 |
benji_ | Package flashplugin-nonfree is not installed, so not removed | 10:25 |
theo_ | Question: Can I take my hard drive (with ubuntu installed) and but it in a friends computer and boot from it? | 10:25 |
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graft | porkpie: you followd that debian install exactly? | 10:25 |
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eldkraft | !beryl @ ahmadsaifan | 10:25 |
genefitz | okay benji, give me a second, let me see what I can find for you.. | 10:25 |
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porkpie | graft:yep | 10:25 |
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benji_ | thx | 10:25 |
ahmadsaifan | what is beryl? | 10:25 |
ahmadsaifan | is it like compiz??? | 10:25 |
=== |doorsman [n=raphael@modemcable040.48-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graft | porkpie: whats your testuser's name? can you pastebin 'pure-pw show <your test user>'? | 10:26 |
ahmadsaifan | i also wont like burning windows when i exit them | 10:26 |
eldkraft | yeah but more eyecandy | 10:26 |
kitche | !beryl | ahmadsaifan | 10:26 |
ubotu | ahmadsaifan: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 10:26 |
ahmadsaifan | how can i download it | 10:26 |
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ash756 | xero: thanks for the link. I will probably try it soon (it is somewhat scaring...) | 10:26 |
ahmadsaifan | does it have like burning window effects and watery desktop? thats what i want | 10:26 |
xero | ash756: i needto go... thats all i can help you with for now | 10:26 |
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eldkraft | yeah thats it ahmad | 10:26 |
=== jan__ [n=jan@e178086127.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ahmadsaifan | how can i download berly? | 10:26 |
eldkraft | !beryl | 10:27 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 10:27 |
=== MrMitch [n=mitch@static-68-162-90-159.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Happu | you should actually get compiz-fusion | 10:27 |
theo_ | find beryl in add/remove applications | 10:27 |
Happu | beryl isn't developed anymore | 10:27 |
=== python_user [n=bunny@host86-144-135-150.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kel39ru | palintheus: it could be very easy, if i could just pick a cpu from this box and put it in that box, but.. this box is 462 socket, and the other is 754 .. | 10:27 |
eldkraft | hmm check it out on the ubuntu website | 10:27 |
ahmadsaifan | ok | 10:27 |
porkpie | graft:http://pastebin.ca/656061 | 10:27 |
hele | After a clean install of Ubuntu (while having winxp installed earlier) I cannot boot my WinXP through grub. It stucks on "Starting up ..." :/ Any clues? (All partitions on one sata drive) | 10:27 |
bruenig | beryl has finally become deprecated today | 10:27 |
ahmadsaifan | ill be back, looking in add/remove programs | 10:27 |
=== illustroflamma [n=illustro@host86-147-9-96.range86-147.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | but not until today | 10:27 |
benji_ | genefitz, any luck? | 10:27 |
chikita | since nobody wants to ask my question, could anyone check if the megaupload trick still working? | 10:27 |
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=== DivideZero [i=DivideZe@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theo_ | why is beryl depreciated? | 10:27 |
genefitz | benji, checking the wikis now.. | 10:27 |
ahmadsaifan | i found them in the add/remove, im going to download it now | 10:27 |
=== illustroflamma_ [n=illustro@host86-147-9-96.range86-147.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
qetuR | why isnt there any foobar2000 port to Linux? | 10:28 |
ash756 | xero: bye! thanks! | 10:28 |
xero | ash756: ive used it twice... compile the drivers on your machine with it and it works but uninstall your existing drivers first and ste xorg.conf to vesa till you get the drivers working | 10:28 |
chikita | since nobody wants to answer my question, could anyone check if the megaupload trick still working? | 10:28 |
sacater | illustroflamma_: :D | 10:28 |
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qetuR | i really miss that app | 10:28 |
hele | Is there any way to reset the mbr (winxp) without using the winxp-cd? I dont know the admin-password. | 10:28 |
kitche | theo_: it's not being worked on anymore and is now part of compiz known as compiz-fusion | 10:28 |
ahmadsaifan | does beryl have watery desktop? | 10:28 |
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porkpie | graft:the user where still in the passwd after the reinstall .... but I added a new user called test2 | 10:28 |
genefitz | benji_: try this page http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187207&page=2 It may have your solution | 10:28 |
illustroflamma_ | hello | 10:28 |
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python_user | bonjour everyone | 10:28 |
sacater | hi brad | 10:28 |
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bruenig | !obnoxious | ahmadsaifan | 10:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about obnoxious - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:28 |
benji_ | thx will try | 10:28 |
ahmadsaifan | lol | 10:29 |
chikita | since nobody wants to answer my question, could anyone check if the megaupload trick still working? pleeeeeeeeeease | 10:29 |
ahmadsaifan | bye | 10:29 |
graft | porkpie: did you delete the old password database? | 10:29 |
porkpie | No | 10:29 |
theo_ | kitche: why is it that when I switch back to the normal desktop effects from beryl they no longer work? | 10:29 |
porkpie | I think I will do that now | 10:29 |
graft | porkpie: well, do that and make a new user... | 10:29 |
sacater | illustroflamma_ needs help setting up his wireless network | 10:29 |
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porkpie | OK | 10:29 |
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python_user | how do you connect to XP from an Ubuntu Dapper Drake machine? I have some files that I need to copy to the Windows machine | 10:29 |
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python_user | and have tried to use Terminal Server Client but that hasn't worked | 10:30 |
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illustroflamma_ | Can someone help me with my wireless connection set-up? | 10:30 |
=== benji_ [n=chatzill@79-73-26-68.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
python_user | ive also tried to install Samba but there was a 404 No Server Found error- something wrong with the link | 10:30 |
palintheus | !ask | illustroflamma_ | 10:30 |
ubotu | illustroflamma_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:30 |
benji_ | it didnt work :( | 10:31 |
porkpie | graft:same error | 10:31 |
slashzul | how do you know what your running? 32 or 64 bit ubuntu linux? | 10:31 |
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illustroflamma_ | Im having wireless connection problem. | 10:31 |
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kitche | slashzul: uname -a should tell you | 10:31 |
porkpie | graft:how do I do a complete clean install | 10:31 |
rory096 | what's the problem? | 10:31 |
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palintheus | illustroflamma_: can you elaborate? | 10:31 |
mattie | hey all :) | 10:32 |
genefitz | Hey there mattie :-) | 10:32 |
porkpie | graft:driving me insane ....I know it should work .. | 10:32 |
illustroflamma_ | It wont let me connect basicily, | 10:32 |
mattie | genefitz: how r u | 10:32 |
illustroflamma_ | Ive tried everything, | 10:32 |
graft | porkpie: what did you remove? | 10:32 |
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illustroflamma_ | But It always said (0%) | 10:32 |
genefitz | mattie: Just ducky, yourself? | 10:32 |
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slashzul | doesnt tell you if its 32 or 64 bit -> Linux laptop598 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Thu Jun 7 20:19:32 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux | 10:32 |
porkpie | graft:just the db and passwd | 10:32 |
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theo_ | Question: Can I take my hard drive (with ubuntu installed) and but it in a friends computer and boot from it? | 10:33 |
python_user | illustroflamma_; have you tried the Networking tool? | 10:33 |
kitche | slashzul: sure it does it's 32bit | 10:33 |
illustroflamma_ | Yep plenty of times :S | 10:33 |
kitche | slashzul: it would have said x86_64 instead of i686 | 10:33 |
python_user | and activating wlan0? | 10:33 |
slashzul | cool, but how did you figure thatout kitche? | 10:33 |
=== rautopia [n=chatzill@201-13-138-116.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graft | porkpie: and you still get the same error? are you connecting from the same machine? | 10:33 |
illustroflamma_ | Yep its active | 10:33 |
=== The_S [n=s@r190-64-168-84.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
porkpie | yes | 10:33 |
graft | porkpie: what client are you using? | 10:33 |
DreamThief | does the nvidia-glx-new driver from feisty support SLI ? | 10:33 |
=== w4ett [n=chatzill@24-159-74-250.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
porkpie | graft:transmit | 10:33 |
palintheus | theo_: does it have the same hardware? | 10:33 |
=== Goliath23_ [n=david@dslb-084-058-089-018.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
python_user | on my connection, changing the settings from DHCP to static sometimes works | 10:33 |
|doorsman | is winubi a real linux or just a windows shell? | 10:33 |
python_user | have you tried that? | 10:34 |
theo_ | palintheus: no | 10:34 |
porkpie | let me try a terminal connection | 10:34 |
illustroflamma_ | WHat lke when you put in your own settings? | 10:34 |
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=== Paddy_EIRE [n=patrick@host217-43-65-88.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
python_user | ya | 10:34 |
kitche | !wubi | |doorsman | 10:34 |
ubotu | |doorsman: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html | 10:34 |
bnovc | can i play a wav file without installing anything like mplayer? | 10:34 |
illustroflamma_ | No ive tried that | 10:34 |
illustroflamma_ | My router is dynaic though and it doesn;t work | 10:34 |
genefitz | slashzul, have you tried cat /etc/issue | 10:34 |
|doorsman | thx kitche | 10:34 |
Paddy_EIRE | bnovc: wav should just work | 10:34 |
palintheus | theo_: you will have display issues at the least, but other than that Im not sure | 10:34 |
Paddy_EIRE | I think | 10:34 |
python_user | are you using any WEP or WPA encryption? | 10:34 |
graft | porkpie: well that shouldn't be the issue... what user does it run as? | 10:34 |
Paddy_EIRE | !codecs | bnovc | 10:34 |
ubotu | bnovc: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:35 |
slashzul | yep -> Ubuntu 7.04 \n \l | 10:35 |
illustroflamma_ | Yep I put it in when It promps me but it just trys connecting all the time | 10:35 |
illustroflamma_ | And never gets thorugh | 10:35 |
slashzul | doesnt say 32 or 64 | 10:35 |
|doorsman | is it recommended to get an anti-virus on linux ? | 10:35 |
illustroflamma_ | I change it to Hex so it works | 10:35 |
porkpie | graft:http://pastebin.ca/656070 | 10:35 |
theo_ | palintheus: I wanted to take it to a friends house to show him how cool ubuntu is. Would it damage the copy of ubuntu that is on the hdd? | 10:35 |
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porkpie | graft:that's interesting | 10:35 |
anAngel | Hello i have this kind of a problem with mysql 5: http://pastebin.ca/656065 Could someone help me pls | 10:35 |
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python_user | illustroflamma: I think WPA encryption support in ubuntu is poor | 10:36 |
bnovc | Paddy_EIRE: should just work using what command? | 10:36 |
Paddy_EIRE | |doorsman: not at all, unless your linux comp is in frequent contact with a win machine | 10:36 |
python_user | maybe try to search on how to enable it? | 10:36 |
graft | porkpie: is that new? | 10:36 |
python_user | sorry i cant help further | 10:36 |
visof | how can i update any program? | 10:36 |
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illustroflamma_ | Okai well thanks anyways | 10:36 |
erUSUL | |doorsman: only if you plan to scan mail or files destined to windows boxes ;) | 10:36 |
illustroflamma_ | Just one more thing | 10:36 |
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illustroflamma_ | Do you think its the WPA ? | 10:36 |
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porkpie | graft:first time I tried from a terminal session | 10:36 |
python_user | yes most likely | 10:36 |
python_user | but sometimes it can also be WEP | 10:36 |
illustroflamma_ | Okie thanks a lot | 10:36 |
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Paddy_EIRE | bnovc: oh on the cli, not sure...why would you want to play music on the cli | 10:36 |
python_user | ok bye | 10:37 |
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|doorsman | Paddy_FIRE: I use winubi presently... does I need an anti-virus? | 10:37 |
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tesstbot | anyone knows a gui for chaing v4l settings? | 10:37 |
m_tadeu | hi everyone | 10:37 |
palintheus | theo_: not sure if it would hose the install, but it would throw up all kinds of errors because of the different hardware | 10:37 |
tesstbot | i know there is setv4l but that's just console | 10:37 |
klinnn | Hello, I want to install ati prop drivers for my video card. do i need to dl the drivers off atis website or are they available through apt? | 10:37 |
bnovc | Paddy_EIRE: *shrug* i'm always on the command line | 10:37 |
palintheus | theo_: you could just take your box | 10:37 |
m_tadeu | where can I find a howto to install ubuntu in a compact flash? | 10:37 |
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graft | porkpie: is it running as root? the server? | 10:38 |
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kel39ru | palintheus: hey, man :) what is i take the cpu out of the motherboard, and try to switch pc on, how do u think it will behave? | 10:38 |
eldkraft | bnovc: not sure what your question were but mpg123 is good for listening on music in cli | 10:38 |
kel39ru | is=if* | 10:38 |
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brian__ | anybody have good experience with cron and crontab? | 10:38 |
palintheus | kel39ru: lots of POST beeps | 10:38 |
palintheus | kel39ru: if anything | 10:38 |
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theo_ | palintheus: its to big for the subway so i think i will bring the cd and try on one of his unused pc | 10:38 |
porkpie | graft:I installed as root | 10:38 |
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porkpie | graft:is that the problem | 10:39 |
graft | porkpie: no, that's fine | 10:39 |
genefitz | klinnn: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI | 10:39 |
graft | porkpie: just wondering why it can't read the db | 10:39 |
palintheus | theo_: ah, I don't have to use a subway, so didn't think of that | 10:39 |
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kel39ru | palintheus: i guess, its the way for me to test, i take the cpu out, and if it soesnt beeb beeb beeb, then motherboard is also damaged.. | 10:39 |
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porkpie | graft:me 2 | 10:40 |
genefitz | klinnn: Ubuntu has the restricted drives in repository | 10:40 |
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porkpie | graft:what are your perms -rw------- 1 root root 88 Aug 13 20:19 pureftpd.passwd | 10:40 |
porkpie | -rw------- 1 root root 2154 Aug 13 20:20 pureftpd.pdb | 10:40 |
theo_ | palintheus: I think i will install it on his pc, but he has no internet so i cant show him all the cool desktop effects (needs to download driver) thanks for the help | 10:40 |
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genefitz | klinnn: an easer way is by going to system, prefrences, desktop effects, and turning them on. it will tell you it needs to install the driver and will auto-install. Reboot, then done | 10:41 |
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DeepFrotteuse | Hi! i have a question about character encoding. My ESSID contains a "" but i cannot connect to it. I have the sign instead of when i scan it | 10:41 |
graft | porkpie: that's fine... what does cat /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/PureDB say? | 10:41 |
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koud | is there a good gui to change settings in v4l?, i would like to change colors and brightness for my cam | 10:42 |
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syuroff | I have a brand new 6.06LTS server I'm setting up. All my transfers from the WAN are timing out, - they only move about 5 megs per connection before croaking. | 10:43 |
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syuroff | I've changed the MTU, no good. | 10:43 |
porkpie | graft:root@clientzone:/etc/pure-ftpd# cat /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/PureDB | 10:43 |
porkpie | /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb | 10:43 |
frojnd | what's the command to shut down or restart the system? | 10:43 |
syuroff | I can move things around the local network perfectly. Everything else can get from the outside world just fine. | 10:43 |
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syuroff | any thoughts what to tweak? | 10:43 |
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ahmadsaifan | Does beryl included burning window effects when you exit them | 10:44 |
syuroff | frojnd: sudo shutdown now and sudo shutdown -r now = reboot | 10:44 |
Karmak | how do set kubuntu to automatically download and install updates without asking? | 10:44 |
brian__ | anybody have good experience with cron and crontab? | 10:44 |
porkpie | graft:something strange going on :S | 10:44 |
Haz | brian__: yes | 10:44 |
brian__ | could you please help me? | 10:44 |
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Haz | sure, if i can :P | 10:45 |
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ahmadsaifan | lol, its raining on my desktop!!!!!!!!!!!! | 10:45 |
cjtenny | hmm. anybody worked with the MCP51 before? (nvidia sound card) | 10:45 |
porkpie | graft:I am running a 64bit OS | 10:45 |
patog | i'm getting "grub error 17" when attempting to start my computer, i can't boot any OS (ubuntu or windows), how can I fix this error? | 10:45 |
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ahmadsaifan | how can i have burning window effects when i exit a window????? | 10:45 |
patog | I am using the live CD atm ;\ | 10:45 |
brian__ | I have a script, when I run via CLI it runs fine. I do need to use sudo in order to run this script as it accesses /dev/lp0. | 10:45 |
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cjtenny | ahmadsaifan, install compiz-fusion. or beryl but i'm not sure if it's in beryl. | 10:45 |
theo_ | Why is it that when i switch from beryl to desktop effects they do not work? | 10:45 |
ahmadsaifan | i have beryl installed now | 10:45 |
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iehova | Hi everyone, wondering if anyone can help me... I'm looking for a way to output the contents of a text file to an image. I know lots of people do it with php (like those "your IP is ..." forum signatures that lots of people have, but is there a better/simpler way of doing it on a local machine? | 10:46 |
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graft | porkpie: shut down the server, then run pure-ftpd -A -l puredb:/etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb | 10:46 |
cjtenny | ahmadsaifan, check your beryl options. in animations. | 10:46 |
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ahmadsaifan | if i install compix-fusion, will beryl dissappear | 10:46 |
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ahmadsaifan | i check in beryl, i dont think it has it | 10:46 |
graft | ahmadsaifan: no, it won't | 10:46 |
brian__ | I need this script to run at night when I am not here. When I run it via cron, it run up until the point where sudo is actually is needed, when it accesses /dev/lp0, then nothing. | 10:46 |
cjtenny | ahmadsaifan, i don't think so. go to digg and find the guide for compiz-fusion w/ feisty. | 10:46 |
ahmadsaifan | so i have have cimpiz-fusion and beryl? | 10:46 |
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graft | ahmadsaifan: yep, you would | 10:46 |
brian__ | I have looked at the syslog and it shows that it rran, but no error messages | 10:46 |
vexati0n | I have an HP laptop that came with a WXGA (1280x800) screen, which they recently replaced under warranty. The replacement screen is WSXGA (1680x1050) native, but the laptop still says its max res is 1280x800.. is there any way around that? | 10:46 |
ahmadsaifan | is compiz-fusion in add/remove programs? | 10:46 |
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graft | ahmadsaifan: in gutsy, dunno about feisty | 10:47 |
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ahmadsaifan | ill go check | 10:47 |
ahmadsaifan | be right back | 10:47 |
cjtenny | ahmadsaifan, no.... go to digg.com and search for the guide to install compiz-fusion in feisty. | 10:47 |
ahmadsaifan | ok | 10:47 |
cjtenny | ahmadsaifan, do you have nvidia? | 10:47 |
porkpie | graft:Unable to start a standalone server: Address already in use | 10:47 |
ahmadsaifan | not sure | 10:47 |
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graft | porkpie: kill the existing server, eh | 10:47 |
cjtenny | ahmadsaifan, you should find out. | 10:47 |
ahmadsaifan | how can i find out | 10:47 |
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cjtenny | ahmadsaifan, umm.... lspci | grep nvidia | 10:48 |
ahmadsaifan | well i have beryl installed and i have a lot of cool effects now | 10:48 |
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cjtenny | anybody know much about getting the nvidia MCP51 sound card to work? | 10:48 |
brian__ | ?? | 10:48 |
ahmadsaifan | nothing happens cjtenny | 10:48 |
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ahmadsaifan | that means i dont have it | 10:49 |
ahmadsaifan | ? | 10:49 |
porkpie | graft:OK ...killed the server and ran the command but it just sits there | 10:49 |
PanicByte | has beryl improved it's ATI card support yet? | 10:49 |
cjtenny | ahmadsaifan, then i think you have ATI. either way i'd suggest adding the repository in the guide and installing compiz-fusion. probably will work anyway. | 10:49 |
brian__ | how can I find out what happened? | 10:49 |
cjtenny | ahmadsaifan, if beryl works, that is. | 10:49 |
ahmadsaifan | beryl is working right now | 10:49 |
graft | porkpie: that's fine, now try to ftp in, see if it works | 10:49 |
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cjtenny | again.... can somebody help me get my nvidia MCP51 sound card towork? | 10:50 |
ahmadsaifan | im looking at a guide right now on digg.com | 10:50 |
ahmadsaifan | it looks good | 10:50 |
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ahmadsaifan | ill be back | 10:50 |
ahmadsaifan | just msg me if you wanna say anything | 10:50 |
cjtenny | ahmadsaifan, k | 10:50 |
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porkpie | graft:nope :( | 10:50 |
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graft | porkpie: same problem? | 10:51 |
m4nnn | im trying to remove gaim but it also wants to delete: gaim nautilus-sendto ubuntu-desktop | 10:51 |
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porkpie | graft:yesh | 10:51 |
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cjtenny | m4nnn, that's fine. | 10:51 |
graft | porkpie: well, i'm flummoxed. | 10:51 |
Mr_Awesome | is it possible to capture audio output in ubuntu? | 10:51 |
m4nnn | ok | 10:51 |
m4nnn | isnt ubuntu-desktop important? | 10:51 |
cjtenny | m4nnn, no. it's just a metapackage | 10:51 |
porkpie | graft:me 2 | 10:51 |
cjtenny | m4nnn, meaning it just installs other packages but doesn't actually do anything itself. perfectly ok to remove. | 10:51 |
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m4nnn | i see | 10:52 |
ahmadsaifan | for some reason, when i put the volume up and down, the big square the comes up, is blurred and messed it, is that because i have a bad graphics card maybe | 10:52 |
cjtenny | ahmadsaifan, or bad driver | 10:52 |
genefitz | cjtenny: have you tried this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=239995&page=5 | 10:52 |
porkpie | graft:I think I need to test it on my dev server to see if I get the same problem | 10:52 |
ahmadsaifan | i dont know | 10:52 |
Mr_Awesome | arecord -l doesnt give me a complete list of devices | 10:52 |
ahmadsaifan | im not having anything other appearances disturbed | 10:52 |
ahmadsaifan | so im ok | 10:52 |
cjtenny | genefitz, TecnoVM64's post? yeah i was just reading that / just did that. | 10:52 |
cjtenny | genefitz, didn't work. | 10:52 |
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ricach | hello | 10:53 |
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ahmadsaifan | how can i change it to a little rectangle? instead of the big square? | 10:53 |
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genefitz | cjtenny: hmmm, let me search for another solution real quick | 10:53 |
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cjtenny | genefitz: thanks. | 10:53 |
ahmadsaifan | cjtenny, can i change it to a little rectangle instead of the big square??? | 10:53 |
theo_ | how do I get a screen resolution higher than 1024x768? | 10:53 |
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brian__ | I have a script, when I run via CLI it runs fine. I do need to use sudo in order to run this script as it accesses /dev/lp0. When I try to run the script with cron, it does not complete ( some of the script does complete), but I do not know why it does not complete. I have looked at syslog, but it just states that it ran. I have the output gong to and error file, but it is empty. Any ideas? | 10:53 |
cjtenny | ahmadsaifan: umm i don't think so? check beryl's settings manager thing. | 10:54 |
ahmadsaifan | ok | 10:54 |
ahmadsaifan | be right back | 10:54 |
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Optimus55 | sup people | 10:54 |
derenrich | How bad is automatix? I have it installed...should I uninstall it? | 10:54 |
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benji_ | argh | 10:54 |
benji_ | why am i getting no sound in flash | 10:54 |
porkpie | graft:it's working | 10:54 |
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porkpie | graft:but I get this error now ~? | 10:54 |
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genefitz | derenrich, automatix is bad news.. | 10:55 |
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derenrich | genefitz: I installed it a year ago...back before people were saying that | 10:55 |
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genefitz | most you find there you can get through the proper chennels.. | 10:55 |
ahmadsaifan | do i need a nvidia for compiz fusion??? | 10:55 |
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porkpie | graft:http://pastebin.ca/656108 | 10:55 |
cjtenny | ahmadsaifan: no. | 10:55 |
derenrich | yeah... | 10:55 |
Optimus55 | i have a small question | 10:56 |
ahmadsaifan | kk | 10:56 |
brian__ | I have a script, when I run via CLI it runs fine. I do need to use sudo in order to run this script as it accesses /dev/lp0. When I try to run the script with cron, it does not complete ( some of the script does complete), but I do not know why it does not complete. I have looked at syslog, but it just states that it ran. I have the output gong to and error file, but it is empty. Any ideas? | 10:56 |
genefitz | derenrich, it is a 50/50 bud, some have no issues, some have hella issues.. | 10:56 |
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ahmadsaifan | but it is recommended? | 10:56 |
benji_ | why am i getting no sound in flash | 10:56 |
genefitz | kind of a craps shoot | 10:56 |
TBotNik_u | All: Been afk. Downloaded audio driver file: realtek-linux-audiopack-3.5-6b.tar.bz2. realteck AC97 not showing in dmesg. Need to extract and install, but not sure how and where. | 10:56 |
crackerbox | ahmad- any 3d GXL card will do | 10:56 |
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Optimus55 | once gusty is released, how hard will it be to upgrade from feisty? | 10:56 |
derenrich | I already have it though, is it risky to uninstall? Will it leave crap that I won't be able to fix? | 10:56 |
jtshaw | should be easy Optimus55 | 10:56 |
Optimus55 | i already put a lot of time into 7.04 customizing settings etc and dont want to have to start from scratch | 10:56 |
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genefitz | derenrich, shouldn't, and it should leave the accessories you installed on.. | 10:57 |
derenrich | Optimus55: edgy to feisty had few problems | 10:57 |
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jrib | Optimus55: the upgdate-manager will notify you of a new release and ask you if you want to upgrade | 10:57 |
crackerbox | Is there a way to install a USB printer on the system without having the printer physically connected? Im making a ubuntu PC for my grandparents and was going to ship it to them | 10:57 |
derenrich | genefitz: okay, thanks | 10:57 |
graft | porkpie: err, you DID make the directories in question, right? | 10:57 |
genefitz | half full, you can leave the repos on your computer and apt-get from them if you really need to | 10:57 |
theo_ | how do you change the screen resolution with the terminal? | 10:58 |
=== bigjohnto [n=bigjohnt@S01060018396f59b3.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bigjohnto | are there any good open source burning software for windows? | 10:58 |
cjtenny | genefitz: any more on the MCP51? i searched the forums for a while, it's a fairly common problem... but no consensus on a solution. however, it was working a few days ago for me. | 10:58 |
porkpie | graft:i assumed it was automatically created | 10:58 |
jrib | bigjohnto: ask ##windows | 10:58 |
crackerbox | Is there a way to install a USB printer on the system without having the printer physically connected? Im making a ubuntu PC for my grandparents and was going to ship it to them | 10:58 |
derenrich | crackerbox: box: I can't answer your question, but have you considered letting yourself ssh in? | 10:58 |
jrib | !burning > bigjohnto (see the private message from ubotu) | 10:58 |
graft | porkpie: nope, gotta make it yourself | 10:58 |
Optimus55 | jrib: oh okay thanks | 10:58 |
crackerbox | not an option | 10:58 |
crackerbox | no internet | 10:59 |
derenrich | crackerbox: ah, too bad. | 10:59 |
porkpie | graft:thanks for all you help ..... I owe you a beer | 10:59 |
porkpie | or 2 | 10:59 |
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Abobo | crackerbox that sounds like a disaster waiting to happe | 10:59 |
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crackerbox | believe me, its not | 10:59 |
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genefitz | I found two pages with possible solutions in forums, but you may have tried them both... hold on and I will post the links | 10:59 |
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kevor | hello, i've just installed mrtg this afternoon, but the values that apear in the charts cannot be correct. Is this somehow fixable? | 10:59 |
cjtenny | GnarlyBob: k | 10:59 |
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cjtenny | oops i meant genefitz: k | 11:00 |
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cjtenny | lol | 11:00 |
=== derenrich can't imagine what I'd do with a computer not on the internet... | ||
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crackerbox | they will do word processing and print pictures | 11:00 |
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kevor | derenrich: play chess :P | 11:00 |
crackerbox | and soduku | 11:00 |
kevor | pac-man | 11:00 |
ahmadsaifan | compiz-fusion is the same thing as beryl, i dont think i will waste my time to get compiz on here | 11:00 |
ahmadsaifan | ill stickk with beryl | 11:00 |
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eriksay1 | trying to setup a webcam (orangemicro ibot) on dapper drake. system recognizes the device as an orangemicro webcam .... camorama errors with ' | 11:01 |
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eriksay1 | cannot connect to video device | 11:01 |
crackerbox | compiz-fusion i like more... there is not red diamond in the notification area | 11:01 |
Abobo | crackerbox why not use windows | 11:01 |
genefitz | djtenny: Here's what I have found so far, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2013895&postcount=17 and | 11:01 |
jacob__ | how do i install tar.bz2 files? | 11:01 |
graft | ahmadsaifan: beryl and compiz merged into compiz-fusion - eventually if you want to upgrade, you'll have to upgrade to compiz-fusion | 11:01 |
crackerbox | abobo, not an option | 11:01 |
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graft | god i hate that name... | 11:01 |
Abobo | or macosx whatever | 11:01 |
ahmadsaifan | but i dont have experience to be able to do it | 11:01 |
jrib | jacob__: what are you trying to install? | 11:02 |
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hwt | hi | 11:02 |
genefitz | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=455147 | 11:02 |
jacob__ | jrib a bit torrrent client called azureus | 11:02 |
derenrich | crackerbox: you'd have to know the specs of the printer, i'd imagine | 11:02 |
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DrHalan | hey peeps, how can i connect to my wlan router? | 11:02 |
koud | is there a good gui to change webcamsettings in ubuntu? | 11:02 |
hwt | does compiz/beryl work with ati bigscreen now? | 11:02 |
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jrib | jacob__: azureus is in ubuntu's universe repository. You should use your favorite package manager to install it instead of download tar.bz2 files. Do you know how to do that? | 11:03 |
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graft | DrHalan: depends on your router | 11:03 |
cjtenny | genefitz: thanks. i gtg to the gym now, but i'll bbl and let you know how those work. i've tried variants of each of them but they look promising. | 11:03 |
graft | DrHalan: what's your ip address? | 11:03 |
ahmadsaifan | how can i have like a fish tank in in the middle of my cube???????????/ | 11:03 |
genefitz | cjtenny: those are the only things I could find that relateto your audio.. | 11:03 |
DrHalan | erm i mean is there a program similiar to the one on Kubuntu? | 11:03 |
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genefitz | cjtenny: okay, good luck | 11:03 |
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PriceChild | DrHalan, left click the network manager applet next to your clock and see if your router is listed | 11:03 |
Juukamen | Starting CPU frequency scaling daemon: CpuFreq support not available. Check sysfs is mounted and your CPU-specific module is loaded or built in the kernel. | 11:03 |
Juukamen | invoke-rc.d: initscript emifreq-applet, action "start" failed. | 11:03 |
=== Spangle [n=dieske@101-42.126-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | ahmadsaifan, #ubuntu-effects please | 11:03 |
Juukamen | that is one really annoying error | 11:04 |
Juukamen | :P | 11:04 |
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vip3rousmango | anyone know how to install Domino 0.4? I'm having a problem during ./configure | 11:04 |
jacob__ | jrib is it ok if you can teach me to install azureus through the tar.bz2 files? i want to learn how to do it so i can also install other programs | 11:04 |
ahmadsaifan | ok | 11:04 |
Juukamen | what todo, all off the atp-get install's won't work | 11:04 |
ahmadsaifan | but noone every talks there | 11:04 |
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jacob__ | jrib and if you cant, then tell me the other way | 11:04 |
Juukamen | jacob__: try ktorrent ? | 11:04 |
graft | DrHalan: what program? | 11:04 |
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graft | DrHalan: are you trying to configure your router? or jsut to connect to a network? | 11:05 |
koud | jacob__: most programs in tar.gz includes a readme, read it they have good explanations | 11:05 |
jacob__ | juukamen no thanks, i like azureus for a reason | 11:05 |
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DrHalan | just connect to it | 11:05 |
Juukamen | hehe | 11:05 |
jacob__ | koud ok thx | 11:05 |
DrHalan | i think its called "WLAN Assistent" or so | 11:05 |
graft | DrHalan: oh... um. there's some networkmanager thingy | 11:05 |
=== benji_ [n=chatzill@79-73-26-68.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
koud | jacob__: but azureus needs java | 11:05 |
benji_ | i will pay $20 if somone can fix my flash problem for me | 11:05 |
graft | DrHalan: that'll still work in ubuntu | 11:05 |
jrib | jacob__: I've never installed azureus without using the repositories. APT is the superior way, you get free security updates and don't need to bother with dependencies. To install it with a package manager just make sure you have the Universe Repository enabled (system -> administration -> software sources) and then go to system -> administration -> synaptic, search for azureus and install it | 11:05 |
benji_ | i will pay $20 if somone can fix my flash problem for me | 11:05 |
jrib | !software > jacob__ (see the private message from ubotu) | 11:05 |
graft | DrHalan: if you have it installed | 11:05 |
koud | i recomend you to install java from apt | 11:05 |
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Juukamen | apt-get is a newbies best friend | 11:06 |
ahmadsaifan | how can i change my homepage????????????????/ | 11:06 |
koud | there is better programs to learn how to compile programs yourself | 11:06 |
JeevesMoss | has anyone here used ISPconfig? for some reason I can't log onto the admin page | 11:06 |
abu_89 | benji_: what's wrong with the flash? | 11:06 |
jacob__ | jrib ok thx | 11:06 |
benji_ | no sound | 11:06 |
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koud | ahmadsaifan: you mean the start page in firefox? | 11:06 |
abu_89 | is your comp 64 bit or 32? | 11:06 |
benji_ | i have no sound on all flash videos, but everything else works fine | 11:06 |
benji_ | 32 bit | 11:06 |
ahmadsaifan | yes | 11:06 |
vip3rousmango | Anyone configured Domino 0.4?? I keep getting a Qtconfig error | 11:06 |
DrHalan | i dont i just started ubnutu and have no connection to the net | 11:06 |
ahmadsaifan | koud: yes | 11:06 |
abu_89 | hmm... let me consult google.. :D | 11:06 |
benji_ | already have dun | 11:07 |
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Spangle | why can't ubuntu connect to my unsecure wireless internet connection? | 11:07 |
IceLink | is it possible to record both stereo mix AND micrphone? | 11:07 |
graft | DrHalan: oh... isn't there some network management icon in your system tray? | 11:07 |
abu_89 | and nothing worked? | 11:07 |
abu_89 | http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-76743.html | 11:07 |
neverblue | Spangle, did you read any documentation on it? | 11:07 |
=== MrMitch [n=mitch@static-68-162-90-159.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ahmadsaifan | how can i change the start page in firefox??????????/ | 11:07 |
Spangle | documentation? | 11:07 |
abu_89 | benji_: I assume you have feisty fawn? | 11:07 |
koud | ahmadsaifan: start firefox, go to edit then preferences | 11:07 |
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benji_ | yes | 11:07 |
benji_ | 7.04 | 11:07 |
Juukamen | There was an error raised by: | 11:07 |
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Juukamen | emifreq-applet | 11:07 |
neverblue | !wireless | Spangle | 11:08 |
ubotu | Spangle: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 11:08 |
ahmadsaifan | thank you!!!!!!!!!!! | 11:08 |
Juukamen | grrawr! | 11:08 |
PriceChild | ahmadsaifan, there is no need for those question marks | 11:08 |
ahmadsaifan | What pricechild? | 11:08 |
Spangle | awesome | 11:08 |
abu_89 | benji_: check this pagehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187752&page=2&highlight=sound+flash | 11:08 |
abu_89 | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187752&page=2&highlight=sound+flash | 11:08 |
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benji_ | already dun that | 11:08 |
benji_ | didnt work | 11:08 |
abu_89 | damn... | 11:08 |
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abu_89 | is the problem only for Firefox? | 11:09 |
DrHalan | graft, ah yeah that symbol | 11:09 |
benji_ | yep | 11:09 |
benji_ | seems to be | 11:09 |
DrHalan | graft, thanks i use ubuntu for the first time wokrs perfect :DE | 11:09 |
abu_89 | so, use Konqueror.. :D | 11:09 |
benji_ | well havent tried any other browser | 11:09 |
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abu_89 | try another and see if it works | 11:10 |
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benji_ | im about to try opera | 11:10 |
abu_89 | kk | 11:10 |
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graft | DrHalan: no problem... what's that below your mouth? DE? | 11:11 |
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theo_ | why is my largest resolution available 1024x768? | 11:11 |
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pizzle | hackers! | 11:12 |
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ericrost | can someone (since you're outside my subnet) load http://mybabylon.homelinux.org/blog for me to sanity check my firewall setup? | 11:12 |
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ericrost | and tell me if it loads properly | 11:12 |
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abu_89 | theo_: maybe it's a problem with your video card? | 11:12 |
jrib | ericrost: I see a wordpress blog | 11:12 |
benji_ | doesnt work in opera abu | 11:13 |
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zitner | Can someone tell me why Gaim's window is so large, and I can't get it to go small again? | 11:13 |
abu_89 | hmm... then it's a problem with the flash plug-in | 11:13 |
ericrost | coo, its up then, I had an interesting time getting my dnat rules set up right so I can use the proper url | 11:13 |
ericrost | and since there's links galore to manage, that was needed :) | 11:13 |
theo_ | abu_89: before i just installed ubuntu 32-bit. when installed ubuntu 64-bit the resolution was higher | 11:13 |
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hunteke | anyone know how I can find the statistics of the popularity of different packages in the Ubuntu repositories? | 11:14 |
benji_ | im gona format | 11:14 |
benji_ | thx anyway | 11:14 |
TBotNik_u | All: Trying to install sound. I have realtek driver downloaded, but do not know how to install, AC97 driver was not showing in dmesg. Can i get some help? | 11:14 |
abu_89 | sorry i couldn't help much | 11:14 |
jrib | hunteke: popcon.ubuntu.com | 11:14 |
ericrost | jrib: i really wanted to use xen, but its just too much of a pita to really make me want to do it vs vmware... i guess i hate free software :) | 11:15 |
hunteke | excellent! thank you | 11:15 |
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abu_89 | theo_: is your computer 64 bit? | 11:15 |
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=== Takeya|Ikuhara [n=dieske@101-42.126-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zitner | Can someone help me figure out how to resize Gaim, when it's rediculously huge for no reason? | 11:16 |
Takeya|Ikuhara | does ubuntu not like integrated wireless cards or something? | 11:16 |
PriceChild | jrib, never knew about popcon, thanks :) | 11:16 |
theo_ | abu_89: yes AMD64 | 11:16 |
zitner | My wireless works perfect. | 11:16 |
Takeya|Ikuhara | well | 11:16 |
Takeya|Ikuhara | finally | 11:16 |
=== Takeya|Ikuhara is now known as Spangle | ||
zitner | What type of wireless card do you have? | 11:16 |
abu_89 | theo_: 32 bit stuff doesn't work well on 64 bit processors... probably the reason for your resolution limit | 11:16 |
Spangle | no clue | 11:16 |
Spangle | all i know is that ubuntu doesn't want to work with it | 11:16 |
Spangle | i'm wired to the back of my wireless router | 11:17 |
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duswalk | wired to the back of my wireless router??? hmmm....... | 11:17 |
Spangle | yeah | 11:17 |
theo_ | abu_89: so it cant be increased? | 11:18 |
Spangle | my wireless router has some ports for cat5 in the back | 11:18 |
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ThrobbingBrain66 | abu:89: That's rubbish | 11:18 |
duswalk | so it works wired but not wireless | 11:18 |
Spangle | yeah | 11:18 |
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zitner | What's your wireless card? | 11:18 |
borgista | Question: I upgraded to Feisty and now my Creative Labs Audigy LS has no sound, any ideas? | 11:18 |
Spangle | any way to check my integrated card? | 11:18 |
Spangle | i don't know my wireless card | 11:18 |
erUSUL | !wifi | 11:19 |
Spangle | how do i check? | 11:19 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 11:19 |
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duswalk | do you have security enabled on your router? | 11:19 |
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Spangle | no | 11:19 |
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Spangle | unsecured | 11:19 |
hunteke | Spangle: try a shell, and type 'lspci' | 11:19 |
duswalk | can you see the SSID? | 11:19 |
Spangle | ssid? | 11:19 |
duswalk | does it see the access point? | 11:20 |
Spangle | no | 11:20 |
Spangle | ubuntu has no clue that i have a wireless network | 11:20 |
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duswalk | does ubuntu know that you have a wireless card? | 11:20 |
Spangle | i don't even know if ubuntu knows that i have an integrated card | 11:20 |
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furenku | does anybody know how to send messages that have the recipient's name in yellow? | 11:20 |
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abu_89 | for irc? /msg username yourmessage | 11:21 |
furenku | like the ones you get when somebody answers a question | 11:21 |
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ThrobbingBrain66 | theo_:have you fixed your resolution problem yet? | 11:21 |
kitche | furenku: just say their nickname and it highlights on their end the color depends on their clinet | 11:21 |
JeevesMoss | anyone? help on ISPConfig? | 11:21 |
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duswalk | if you type ifconfig from a terminal how many cards return a value? | 11:21 |
furenku | kitche: like this? | 11:21 |
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kitche | furenku: yes xchat is red usually and default irssi highlight is yellow | 11:22 |
theo_ | ThrobbingBrain66: no, i understand that it will be dificult since i am running 32-bit on AMD64 | 11:22 |
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Spangle | return value? | 11:22 |
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Spangle | i get this eth0 and an lo | 11:22 |
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furenku | kitche: thanx | 11:22 |
DaniDiamond | i'm installing ubuntu server on a machine that doesn't have a network connection... is there any way to stop the installer from trying to resolve the repository URLs so it doesn't hang for 45 minutes? | 11:22 |
zitner | SPANGLE, type in eth1 for wireless to work. | 11:23 |
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duswalk | so it more than likely does not see the card | 11:23 |
ThrobbingBrain66 | theo_: I really don't think it has anything to do with your procesor. | 11:23 |
Spangle | type eth1 where? | 11:23 |
porkpie | graft:are you still here | 11:23 |
zitner | Spangle: I had the same issue when I first used my wireless on my laptop. | 11:23 |
duswalk | if the card was there then you would see it there | 11:23 |
=== davina [n=dave@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
palintheus | DaniDiamond: comment out the entries in your sources.list | 11:23 |
borgista | Is there a specific room for sound issues? | 11:23 |
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porkpie | graft:how do I give an ftpuser access to write to a dir | 11:24 |
bruenig | borgista, no | 11:24 |
DaniDiamond | palintheus: how do i do that when i'm installing from the server cd? | 11:24 |
ThrobbingBrain66 | theo_: what kind of graphics card do you have and have you tried to reconfigure your xserver-xorg? | 11:24 |
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Spangle | so how do i get it to recognize my card? | 11:24 |
borgista | bruenig: Any experience with sound cards? | 11:24 |
zitner | Spangle: Click on your connection icon in the system tray. then go to manual configuration. | 11:24 |
duswalk | spangle, I am new to this ubuntu thing so I am trying to compare it to what it would do on a windows machine. It might be the wrong approach | 11:24 |
bruenig | borgista, I have had favorable experiences with sound cards | 11:24 |
Spangle | ok | 11:24 |
|doorsman | i've a celeron 500 with 256 megs RAM and i've install xubuntu on it via winubi... is there a way to make run faster ? | 11:24 |
borgista | bruenig: ah, o.k. I'm having trouble after an upgrade to Feisty. | 11:24 |
Spangle | i'm in the manual configuration | 11:24 |
shadhoe_ | I have an x-fi, no support for it =( | 11:25 |
Spangle | now what? | 11:25 |
palintheus | DaniDiamond: "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" | 11:25 |
zitner | You want it to notice your wireless card, so you have to configure it. | 11:25 |
shadhoe_ | so Im back to onboard sound | 11:25 |
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shadhoe_ | and its all hissy and scratchy | 11:25 |
shadhoe_ | geh | 11:25 |
zitner | Spangle: Do you have a password on your router? | 11:25 |
Spangle | no | 11:25 |
zitner | Ok, that makes it easier, give me one sec. | 11:25 |
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Spangle | ok | 11:25 |
DaniDiamond | palintheus: i get that part, but is there a way for me to do that while the installer is running? | 11:25 |
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zitner | PM me, so I don't have to keep up with this chat, lol. | 11:26 |
threethirty | shadhoe: the last i checked there is no support for the x-fi, you could try complaining to creative, but I dont that will do much good | 11:26 |
palintheus | DaniDiamond: ah, sorry I have never used the server cd, sorry I misunderstood you | 11:26 |
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Ecalix | anybody use hamachi on their buntu box? | 11:26 |
shadhoe_ | yeah, not x-fi support | 11:26 |
=== TomB_ [n=tomb@host86-145-195-250.range86-145.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shadhoe_ | which makes me sad | 11:26 |
shadhoe_ | and the onboard is REALLLLLY hissy and scratchy | 11:26 |
shadhoe_ | know of any fixed to help that? | 11:26 |
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zitner | Spangle: PM me, so I don't have to keep up with this chat. | 11:26 |
zitner | lol | 11:26 |
shadhoe_ | *fixes | 11:26 |
DaniDiamond | palintheus: no problem. do you suppose if i switch to a different terminal while the installer is running, that i might be able to run nano? | 11:26 |
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|doorsman | i've a celeron 500 with 256 megs RAM and i've install xubuntu on it via winubi... is there a way to make run faster ? | 11:27 |
Spangle | zitner, how? | 11:27 |
=== blindet [n=ubuntu@dna248-189.satp.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zitner | Double click on my name and say something. | 11:27 |
Spangle | like what? | 11:27 |
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Spangle | uhh | 11:27 |
zitner | Anything, lol. | 11:27 |
Spangle | i double-clicked | 11:27 |
Spangle | still nothing | 11:27 |
palintheus | DaniDiamond: I am not sure, depends on how far the install is as to what you can do, I guess it wouldnt hurt to try | 11:27 |
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blindet | i am in need of urgent help | 11:27 |
cellofellow | !ask | blindet | 11:27 |
blindet | i was doing something with xorg.conf | 11:27 |
DaniDiamond | palintheus: thanks, i'll try it | 11:28 |
kitche | !register | Spangle you must be reigstered and identified to pm on freenode | 11:28 |
ubotu | blindet: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 11:28 |
ubotu | Spangle you must be reigstered and identified to pm on freenode: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 11:28 |
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Sverre^ | Hi | 11:28 |
kanedaddy | sup? | 11:28 |
blindet | and i mistyped, or something, now i cant boot my ubuntu. | 11:28 |
Spangle | ok | 11:28 |
=== ShiftyPowers [n=Shifty@mail.franciscopartners.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spangle | that link, no help | 11:28 |
zitner | Ok, nevermind, lol. You should have a sign for wired and wireless, regardless of your card not working, yes? | 11:28 |
blindet | right now im using my livecd | 11:28 |
=== rupek [n=rupek@acnk236.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spangle | yeah | 11:28 |
demonspork | !pm | zitner | 11:28 |
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ubotu | zitner: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. | 11:28 |
blindet | i have a back up of the original xorg.conf but i cant rename from this live cd | 11:29 |
Ecalix | Spangle right click his name in the user list and click "open dialog window" | 11:29 |
blindet | becouse im not logged in as root | 11:29 |
shadhoe_ | so, any ideas on how to make my onboard sound not suck? | 11:29 |
blindet | any ideas | 11:29 |
=== didymo [n=ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.static.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spangle | ok | 11:29 |
Spangle | i did that open dialog window thing | 11:29 |
zitner | Spangle: you'll see both, click on your wireless one, it should bring up a list of local connections. | 11:29 |
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zitner | Spangle: If it's not set to etho1, your wireless won't work. | 11:29 |
Ecalix | Spangle, so now you should have a new window that you will just be chatting with that person | 11:30 |
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Spangle | uhhh | 11:30 |
zitner | No, I'm still here for Spangle. | 11:30 |
Spangle | how do i set it to etho1? | 11:30 |
kanedaddy | investigating | 11:30 |
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|doorsman | i've a celeron 500 with 256 megs RAM and i've install xubuntu on it via winubi... is there a way to make run faster ? | 11:30 |
Ecalix | so, anybody use hamachi with ubuntu? or any other suggestions for something like it other than SSH tunneling? | 11:31 |
zitner | Spangle: Click on create new wireless connection. | 11:31 |
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zitner | We'll do it manually so you can remember later on if you have any wireless issues. | 11:31 |
Spangle | i don't see that function.... | 11:31 |
DaniDiamond | Ecalix: is there a reason you don't want to use ssh tunneling? it works quite well :) | 11:31 |
cellofellow | hamachi uses SSH tunneling anyway. | 11:31 |
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=== Soul [n=Soul@88.pool85-53-132.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zitner | You don't see it when you click on the icon? | 11:32 |
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zitner | Spangle: Hmmmm | 11:32 |
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silva | a | 11:32 |
theo_ | why does desktop effects not work when i quit beryl? | 11:32 |
zitner | Spangle: Give me a sec. | 11:32 |
silva | jauihahauhauhauha | 11:32 |
=== Gray-Hat [n=draven@adsl196-158-191-217-196.adsl196-14.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ecalix | yeah, i use ssh tunneling all the time. but basically i need to have somebody connect to my box to pull some large files off. was hoping to use hamachi to use for file sharing. i can connect linux to windows share, but not windows box to linux share (yes its smb share) | 11:32 |
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zitner | Spangle: I'm going to try something. | 11:32 |
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eyethr33 | whats the best way to unistall ubuntu....im dualbooting windows and unbuntu.... | 11:33 |
Spangle | zitner, ok | 11:33 |
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blindet | eyethr33, just format the partition that your ubuntu has? | 11:33 |
cellofellow | eyethr33: you need to reset the Windows bootloader, and then remove the Ubuntu partition. Gone. | 11:33 |
Spangle | but i don't have that create new wireless connection thing | 11:33 |
zitner | Spangle: uh, right click on your connection icon, is wireless enabled? | 11:33 |
eyethr33 | ok | 11:33 |
PriceChild | eyethr33, use the ubuntu live cd, system > admin > disk partitioner, delete yoru ubuntu partition, enlarge your windows one, then ask in ##windows how to restore your windows mbr | 11:33 |
|doorsman | i've a celeron 500 with 256 megs RAM and i've install xubuntu on it via winubi... is there a way to make run faster ? | 11:33 |
eyethr33 | how do i reset the windows bootloader | 11:33 |
PriceChild | eyethr33, ask that in ##windows | 11:34 |
|doorsman | anybody have an idea? | 11:34 |
eyethr33 | ok | 11:34 |
bruenig | |doorsman, use a lighter distro | 11:34 |
|doorsman | bruenig : like what ? | 11:34 |
PriceChild | |doorsman, try the enlightenment desktop manager... or fluxbox or something like that | 11:34 |
eyethr33 | thank you | 11:34 |
=== Spangle [n=dieske@101-42.126-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spangle | no | 11:34 |
bruenig | |doorsman, zenwalk, dsl, etc. | 11:34 |
psusi | PriceChild: enlightenment would be a horribly SLOW desktop | 11:34 |
zitner | Spangle, enable wireless so you can get the menu, then we'll go from there. | 11:35 |
blindet | hey. i was modding my xorg.conf, and made a mistake. | 11:35 |
Spangle | all i have is enable networking and connection information | 11:35 |
|doorsman | ok it's because i'm new here... | 11:35 |
PriceChild | psusi, I run it on an 800 with 128mb ram and its faster than full xubuntu | 11:35 |
psusi | and iirc, xubuntu uses fluxbox | 11:35 |
blindet | Now my ubuntu wont start. | 11:35 |
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blindet | Of course i was prepared for this and made a backup, xorg1.conf | 11:35 |
blindet | right now im using live cd so i could go and use my backupfile. | 11:35 |
PriceChild | psusi, xubuntu is xfce4 | 11:35 |
kitche | psusi: xubuntu uses xfce | 11:35 |
blindet | But i cant do that becouse im not logged in as root. | 11:35 |
blindet | Any ideas? | 11:35 |
kitche | but has fluxbox installed | 11:35 |
Ecalix | DaniDiamond, did you happen to see my response mate? | 11:35 |
PriceChild | !sudo | blindet | 11:35 |
ubotu | blindet: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 11:35 |
|doorsman | ok and is there any windows installer in them ? (like winubi) | 11:35 |
psusi | you MUST be doing something wrong then because enlightenment is all graphics intensive eye candy | 11:35 |
psusi | blindet: can't do what because you aren't logged in as root? | 11:36 |
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cellofellow | |doorsman: why not just install? And you can use Winubi or whatever it is with other systems I think. (A straight install of Xubuntu should scream on that hardware, actually.) | 11:36 |
kitche | psusi: yes but it runs faster then most other window managers | 11:36 |
genefitz | I am not quite sure I trust wubi. Seems all too unstable. I have seen many issues come up with wubi installs. | 11:36 |
blindet | sh, forget about that. | 11:36 |
Spangle | ok | 11:36 |
zitner | Spangle: left click on the icon again, then click on manual configuration. In the list, do you see wireless at all? | 11:36 |
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genefitz | Not to sound mean, but dual boot seems easier and much more stable. | 11:36 |
bruenig | Spangle, what card | 11:36 |
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Spangle | bruenig, no clue | 11:37 |
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blindet | now i just need someone to tell me a command how to rename a file | 11:37 |
blindet | is it just rename? | 11:37 |
Spangle | zitner, i see wireless | 11:37 |
bruenig | blindet, mv file newname | 11:37 |
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cellofellow | |doorsman: Zenwalk claims to be faster than Xubuntu, cause of the Slackware base. | 11:37 |
PriceChild | blindet, mv originalname newname | 11:37 |
blindet | thanks | 11:37 |
zitner | Spangle: Is it checked? | 11:37 |
Spangle | no, it has a "-" | 11:37 |
brigante | hi.....:-) | 11:37 |
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Sunnyboi14 | PLEASE HELP!!!!! | 11:37 |
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=== psusi shows Sunnyboi14 the straight jacket... there... all better... | ||
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Spangle | lol | 11:38 |
=== technel [n=technel@66-216-232-76.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sunnyboi14 | Comeon | 11:38 |
psusi | here, have some xanex | 11:38 |
Sunnyboi14 | i need help with this | 11:38 |
poningru | !ask | Sunnyboi14 | 11:39 |
ubotu | Sunnyboi14: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 11:39 |
Spangle | zoloft does not prevent cannibalism | 11:39 |
Sunnyboi14 | i did | 11:39 |
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Sunnyboi14 | argh | 11:39 |
zitner | Spangle: Ok, so it does know it's there, it's just not using it yet. Give a minute, I'm trying to back track when I had to do this. | 11:39 |
poningru | Sunnyboi14: well I wasnt here | 11:39 |
Spangle | ok | 11:39 |
poningru | whats the trouble? | 11:39 |
Sunnyboi14 | read the last post | 11:39 |
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poningru | argh | 11:40 |
brigante | there is someone that with grub of ubuntu ago the boot of backtrack2? | 11:40 |
psusi | Sunnyboi14: all you said was "PLEASE HELP!@#?" | 11:40 |
blindet | yes, now its time to see that was my xorg.conf only reason why ubuntu didnt boot... | 11:40 |
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zitner | Spangle: Close that window, click back on the icon, is there a small list, and if so, is your router listed. It should be there now. | 11:40 |
blindet | thanks for the help | 11:40 |
Sunnyboi14 | Psusi, be quiet please | 11:40 |
=== blindet [n=ubuntu@dna248-189.satp.customers.dnainternet.fi] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Spangle | no router listed | 11:40 |
poningru | Sunnyboi14: this is what I last read [17:39:11] <Sunnyboi14> argh | 11:40 |
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poningru | and please do not be rude to other people | 11:41 |
Sunnyboi14 | do you want me to say it again | 11:41 |
Sunnyboi14 | sry | 11:41 |
Sunnyboi14 | did you get that? | 11:41 |
poningru | Sunnyboi14: I'd rather not scroll through 1000s of lines to help you, state your question | 11:41 |
IdleOne | Sunnyboi14: please repeat your question and try to keep it in one line | 11:41 |
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Sunnyboi14 | i cant | 11:41 |
poningru | I did not | 11:41 |
zzaza | Anyone runing ubuntu on a mac am trying to install skype on my ibook g3 but i have failed | 11:41 |
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psusi | that would be why we asked you to ask your question instead of being hysterial | 11:41 |
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=== Spangle [n=dieske@101-42.126-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
`Matir | Sunnyboi14, why can't you ask a question? | 11:42 |
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Sunnyboi14 | i did! | 11:42 |
Spangle | :| | 11:42 |
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IdleOne | Sunnyboi14: ask your question now please | 11:42 |
psusi | no, you didn't | 11:42 |
bruenig | !attitude | Sunnyboi14 | 11:42 |
ubotu | Sunnyboi14: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 11:42 |
Sunnyboi14 | didnt you get that? | 11:42 |
=== jacky_ [n=jacky@rrcs-208-125-28-166.nyc.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IdleOne | psusi: nm what was past | 11:42 |
Spangle | is there some type of remote help thing someone can use with me? | 11:42 |
psusi | no | 11:42 |
sayers | Hi there are these other partitions on my desktop. I dont want to see them. How do I have them not show? | 11:42 |
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zitner | Spangle: Hmmmm, I'm sorry, mine was working by now. There's thing on your's that showed up on mine. I'm going to keep checking more stuff. If I can get it, I will tell you right away. Sorry though. | 11:42 |
Sunnyboi14 | i pasted what i wrote a while ago onto here | 11:42 |
Spangle | crap | 11:42 |
bruenig | Spangle, you really need to know your card | 11:42 |
Sunnyboi14 | should i use that website | 11:43 |
=== Dyskonn [n=diskonn@adsl-67-67-14-77.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
psusi | well you didn't send anything | 11:43 |
poningru | Sunnyboi14: do you have a leading / in front of it? | 11:43 |
Spangle | bruenig, i don't know my card. how do i check? | 11:43 |
zitner | Yea, that helps too, but Ubuntu should auto recognize it. It did mine. | 11:43 |
=== robtaylor [n=robtaylo@208-78-103-131.slicehost.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sunnyboi14 | can you paste things onto here? | 11:43 |
robtaylor | so can anyone tell me why gutsy needs so much space in /boot? | 11:43 |
bruenig | Spangle, manual? receipts? | 11:43 |
IdleOne | Sunnyboi14: listen to me . please state your question again | 11:43 |
brigante | hi to all....please , there is someone that with grub of ubuntu ago the boot of backtrack2? | 11:43 |
bruenig | !gutsy | robtaylor | 11:43 |
ubotu | robtaylor: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | 11:43 |
psusi | generally yes, most irc clients understand the clipboard or whatever it is called on your os | 11:43 |
Sunnyboi14 | i am trying | 11:43 |
Spangle | i got this laptop for christmas | 11:43 |
astro76 | !pastebin | Sunnyboi14 paste it here | 11:44 |
ubotu | Sunnyboi14 paste it here: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:44 |
Spangle | i don't know | 11:44 |
Sunnyboi14 | i dont think anyone except for me can see it | 11:44 |
Sunnyboi14 | tell me if you see this... | 11:44 |
zzaza | Anyone running ubuntu on a mac need to fix my keyborad keys | 11:44 |
=== yo_soy [n=art-zer0@pc-118-119-241-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sunnyboi14 | get it? | 11:44 |
=== blindet [n=aleksi@dna251-237.satp.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | Spangle, there is very little you can do if your card isn't working and you don't know what card it is | 11:44 |
psusi | Sunnyboi14: if the line you are trying to send starts with a /, that is a command, not text | 11:44 |
`Matir | Sunnyboi14, nope... nothing between "tell me..." and "get it" | 11:44 |
psusi | Sunnyboi14: so we don't see it | 11:44 |
Spangle | great | 11:44 |
blindet | yes, i got it working. | 11:44 |
Sunnyboi14 | ok | 11:44 |
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blindet | then i got one more question | 11:44 |
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Sunnyboi14 | what is that website that i can paste things onto? | 11:44 |
blindet | about ati drivers and video flicking | 11:44 |
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blindet | or something, i read from net that there is no fix | 11:45 |
palintheus | !paste | Sunnyboi14 | 11:45 |
ubotu | Sunnyboi14: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:45 |
psusi | Sunnyboi14: if it is one line but starts with a /, prefix it with a . or something | 11:45 |
blindet | is this true? | 11:45 |
bruenig | !enter | blindet | 11:45 |
ubotu | blindet: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 11:45 |
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blindet | okay. | 11:45 |
Sunnyboi14 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33622/ | 11:45 |
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zitner | Ok, I know this is something small, but it's annoying. Does anyone know why my Gaim would start blown up and why I can't strink it to normal size? | 11:46 |
=== Chepra [n=bjoern@p5B22050A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chepra | hello | 11:46 |
joe_giampaoli | Hi all, how can I change read permissions on an NTFS drive so all users have read access to it? I am installing a virtual server, and I mounted that drive as a network drive, but the apache server on the virtual machine has no read acces to that drive | 11:46 |
blindet | my videos have very low fps, i googled that its from ati drivers, and there is no help for that, is that true? | 11:46 |
Chepra | may you give me a link how to install compiz-fusion0.5.2? | 11:46 |
robtaylor | bruenig: thanks | 11:46 |
zitner | Anyone? | 11:46 |
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bruenig | !patience | zitner | 11:47 |
ubotu | zitner: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 11:47 |
Sunnyboi14 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33622 | 11:47 |
psusi | joe_giampaoli: add umask=777 to the mount option list | 11:47 |
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poningru | Sunnyboi14: yeah dude what windows do you have? | 11:47 |
bruenig | Chepra, it was released few hours ago? Doubt one exists yet, feel free to make one though | 11:47 |
zitner | I know, I'm not trying to come off teh wrong way, it's cool, lol. | 11:47 |
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Chepra | bruenig: mhm | 11:48 |
pfarrell | hi -- I'm writing a panel applet and I'd like to be able to have it notify me of certain things. I'd like to use the same kind of notifications that update-notifier does; can anyone give me some pointers on how I can do that in python? | 11:48 |
bruenig | psusi, umask=777 gives everything 000 permissions | 11:48 |
Sunnyboi14 | i have windows xp home edition SP2 | 11:48 |
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psusi | bruenig: err, I got it inverted then... I tend to do that... umask=000 | 11:48 |
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joe_giampaoli | psusi: ok, fstab is 007 change that to 777? that will still be readable only right, I don't want it to be mounted writeable.... | 11:48 |
zitner | I'm volunteering too, I know the guidelines, I was just seeing if anyone saw my question. I understand, and it's ok Uboto. | 11:48 |
bruenig | psusi, you just want it readable not necessarily writable correct? | 11:49 |
psusi | joe_giampaoli: unless you are using ntfs-3g, you can not write to the volume | 11:49 |
=== FreeKnop [n=GeorgeSt@adsl-75-18-86-3.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poningru | Sunnyboi14: ok go to start | 11:49 |
FreeKnop | what is the difference between regular and ubuntu ultimate? | 11:49 |
poningru | Sunnyboi14: right click on my computer | 11:49 |
poningru | and click on manage | 11:49 |
joe_giampaoli | ok, I guess thats fine then, Thanks a lot :) good Day.... | 11:49 |
bruenig | FreeKnop, regular ubuntu is not as retarded | 11:49 |
poningru | Sunnyboi14: now go to disk management | 11:49 |
poningru | make sure you have the usb disk connected already before you do this | 11:50 |
Sunnyboi14 | ok | 11:50 |
Sunnyboi14 | hold on | 11:50 |
Chepra | bruenig: well, are you using compiz-fusion? | 11:50 |
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poningru | Sunnyboi14: now on disk management find the drive letter of your drive | 11:50 |
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Sunnyboi14 | ummmmm | 11:50 |
Sunnyboi14 | when i installed ubuntu on it | 11:51 |
Sunnyboi14 | it broke it apart into different pieces | 11:51 |
bruenig | Chepra, no | 11:51 |
poningru | Sunnyboi14: I know | 11:51 |
Sunnyboi14 | well | 11:51 |
Chepra | bruenig: ok | 11:51 |
poningru | you should see those part through windows iirc | 11:51 |
bruenig | Chepra, if you need it, just compile it | 11:51 |
poningru | I think | 11:51 |
Sunnyboi14 | i dont know which one it is | 11:51 |
poningru | what? | 11:51 |
Chepra | bruenig: why? I have a paketmanager | 11:51 |
Sunnyboi14 | nvm | 11:52 |
Sunnyboi14 | i found it | 11:52 |
Sunnyboi14 | what do i do now | 11:52 |
bruenig | Chepra, well that just means you have to wait until someone else gets around to compiling it, so just wait quietly | 11:52 |
Sunnyboi14 | poningru? | 11:52 |
poningru | Sunnyboi14: do you see the one that is not accessible from windows | 11:53 |
poningru | as in the different portions? | 11:53 |
=== qetuR [n=petur@194-144-134-39.du.xdsl.is] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sunnyboi14 | huh? | 11:53 |
Sunnyboi14 | i see 3 different portions | 11:53 |
poningru | the non 25gig part of the drive | 11:53 |
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Sunnyboi14 | actually its 46 | 11:53 |
OrgulloKmoore | omg wow wine is fantastic | 11:53 |
Sunnyboi14 | oh well | 11:53 |
Sunnyboi14 | ok | 11:53 |
OrgulloKmoore | it's like having windows...on linux | 11:53 |
OrgulloKmoore | but it only works for the simplest programs I think | 11:54 |
bruenig | OrgulloKmoore, tap the breaks a bit | 11:54 |
Sunnyboi14 | i see one that says 46.1 gb | 11:54 |
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poningru | Sunnyboi14: sigh | 11:54 |
Sunnyboi14 | another one that says 183.8 gb | 11:54 |
poningru | I thought you said it was 25gig? | 11:54 |
OrgulloKmoore | bruenig> Excuse me? | 11:54 |
poningru | how many drive do you have? | 11:54 |
poningru | total | 11:54 |
Sunnyboi14 | 1 | 11:54 |
poningru | like internal | 11:54 |
genefitz | OrguloKmoore, yes and no, Wine can be unstable, so be careful. | 11:54 |
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Sunnyboi14 | AAAH | 11:54 |
Sunnyboi14 | nvm | 11:54 |
poningru | I thought you said it was a usb drive? | 11:54 |
poningru | ... | 11:54 |
bruenig | wine is not unstable, it just doesn't support a lot | 11:54 |
Sunnyboi14 | it doesnt really matter | 11:54 |
Sunnyboi14 | just how do i get it back to normal? | 11:55 |
poningru | it does matter | 11:55 |
Sunnyboi14 | the only portition that shows up in windows is the 46 gb one | 11:55 |
genefitz | bruenig, correction noted, You just have to check what will and will not run with it.. | 11:55 |
poningru | because if you format your hard drive | 11:55 |
poningru | then you are screwed | 11:55 |
Sunnyboi14 | yeah | 11:55 |
Sunnyboi14 | y | 11:55 |
poningru | so it matters very much | 11:55 |
OrgulloKmoore | genefitz> I know, but I bought an RCA digital voice recorder, I was afraid it wouldn't run on linux, I searched and searched and found out it uses a proprietary .voc format, and then I was like "crap...I'll just return it." But I figured I would try to run the software it comes with on wine..and it worked! | 11:55 |
OrgulloKmoore | >( | 11:55 |
OrgulloKmoore | :)** | 11:55 |
poningru | figure out which portions have ubuntu on it | 11:55 |
Sunnyboi14 | ok | 11:55 |
poningru | and then right click and format it | 11:55 |
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genefitz | OrgulloKmoore: great, I am happy for you :-) | 11:56 |
=== guerilla [n=steve@ool-182e3ee2.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
guerilla | hello | 11:56 |
guerilla | any1 here | 11:56 |
Sunnyboi14 | the option is not there | 11:56 |
OrgulloKmoore | thanks :-p | 11:56 |
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genefitz | guerilla: lots of people here :-) | 11:57 |
guerilla | cool | 11:57 |
guerilla | wats new | 11:57 |
bigjohnto | does ubuntu 7.0.4 resolve issues with APIC and etc... | 11:57 |
Sunnyboi14 | it says it is active | 11:57 |
poningru | Sunnyboi14: then thats not the one ubuntu on it | 11:57 |
Sunnyboi14 | then what is? | 11:57 |
poningru | you need to find the portion that has ubuntu on it | 11:57 |
poningru | how would I know I am not looking at it | 11:57 |
genefitz | guerilla: nota lotta, just the regular things :-) | 11:57 |
poningru | can you put up a screenshot of the thing? | 11:57 |
Sunnyboi14 | yes | 11:57 |
Sunnyboi14 | hold on a moment | 11:57 |
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guerilla | life sucks right now | 11:57 |
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genefitz | guerilla: sorry to hear that.. | 11:58 |
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guerilla | where u from | 11:58 |
genefitz | Seattle | 11:58 |
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guerilla | new york | 11:58 |
guerilla | wat is like there | 11:58 |
genefitz | Sunny | 11:59 |
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guerilla | too hot here | 11:59 |
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Sunnyboi14 | im loading it | 11:59 |
Sunnyboi14 | hold on a moment | 11:59 |
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poningru | Sunnyboi14: holding on ;) | 12:00 |
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Sunnyboi14 | hold on | 12:00 |
Sunnyboi14 | its comin | 12:00 |
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ahmadsaifan | how can i have something special like a fish tank in the middle of my CUBE?????? | 12:00 |
poningru | Sunnyboi14: its ok dude not gonna go away ;) | 12:01 |
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Sunnyboi14 | k | 12:01 |
Sunnyboi14 | got it | 12:01 |
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