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jdongRiddell: kinda a late answer, but yeah, the second upload of ktorrent (-0ubuntu3) was confirmed to close bug 130300 by several people12:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 130300 in feisty-backports "[gutsy]  ktorrent 2.2.1-0ubuntu1 crash when I quit the program when uPnP plugin is loaded" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13030012:31
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nixternalwhat happened to openoffice.org base?04:46
nixternalseeing as we got rid of kexi as our default dbase app04:47
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_StefanS_Riddell: morning.. I'm preparing that list of files now09:32
_StefanS_Riddell: yea sorry for not providing it earlier, but had to attend to family stuff09:33
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Riddellfair enough09:36
_StefanS_Riddell: the other updates I got today in lpia were they because of the changes to the packages you uploaded ?09:38
_StefanS_Riddell: because of dependencies I mean..09:39
Riddelldunno, depends on what the updates were09:39
_StefanS_uhm ok..09:39
_StefanS_argh.. seems like the new updates has screwed up includes for gcc09:39
_StefanS_Riddell: /usr/include/bits/types.h:31:20: error: stddef.h: No such file or directory09:39
_StefanS_and bunch of other stuff as well09:40
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
_StefanS_Riddell: configure: error: Your Installation isn't able to compile simple C++ programs.... great.10:04
_StefanS_Riddell: know where to start ? libstdc++ is installed10:04
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_StefanS_hey hobbs10:05
Hobbseehi _StefanS_10:07
Riddellg++ installed?10:09
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_StefanS_Riddell: yep10:16
_StefanS_Riddell: linux-headers, libstdc++* , glibc10:17
_StefanS_Riddell: gcc3, gcc4.x, g++10:17
_StefanS_I dont get it10:17
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Riddell_StefanS_: what are you trying to compile?10:22
_StefanS_Riddell: digikam, libnjb.. nothing works anymore10:23
_StefanS_Riddell: cant even compile simple c++ programs10:23
_StefanS_Riddell: checking if C++ programs can be compiled... no :)10:25
Riddell"error: stddef.h: No such file or directory" hmm10:26
Riddellnjb is complaining about no libusb headers10:29
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_StefanS_but I thats even when they're installed :)10:32
Riddellgo complain to doko I guess10:32
_StefanS_Riddell: whats inifinity's mail address?10:33
Riddelladam.conrad@ whatever10:34
Riddelldoko@ubuntu too10:34
Riddell(for doko obviously)10:34
_StefanS_yep ok10:37
_StefanS_Riddell: adam.conrad<at>ubuntu.com ?10:40
_StefanS_mail sent.10:43
Riddellmepis's KDE 4 CD uses my KDE 4 packages, despite slagging off Ubuntu and changing to Debian10:43
Riddelloh and there's no source for them10:43
_StefanS_not really professional is it ? :)10:44
_StefanS_guess thats a breach in GPL as well..10:44
Riddellsomehow kicker seems to be working though10:45
_StefanS_shouldn't it?10:45
Riddelldidn't for me10:45
_StefanS_Riddell: doko is looking into that wierd build issue.. its gcc-4.2 that has problems10:45
_StefanS_Riddell: hope that mail I sent is somehow understandable. Atleast you have debdiff this time :)10:46
HobbseeRiddell: just change them to work only with kubuntu :P10:47
_StefanS_I can help with introducing random bugs if its not running on kubuntu :D10:48
Hobbseethat's the one10:48
_StefanS_Riddell: oh doko found the bug11:00
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Riddellglatzor: software-properties-gtk --no-update  still does an update on close11:25
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glatzorRiddell: indeed. this is a bug.11:30
Riddellglatzor: I'm implementing the opposite for -kde (so it has an update option), want me to implement --no-update for gtk?11:32
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glatzorRiddell: we could also remove the option at all.11:36
Riddellglatzor: I need it for calling from adept, it has its own updater11:39
glatzorbut this would require to patch the synaptic patch11:39
glatzorRiddell: the gtk frontend only performs a check if there isn't any transient_for11:39
glatzorbut this is wrong11:40
glatzorThanks for pointing me at this11:43
glatzorRiddell: the infimport module of guidance does not get shipped in the guidance-backends11:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131669 in kde-guidance "guidance-backends does not include the new infimport module" [Undecided,New] 11:44
Riddelllet me fix that11:45
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Riddellglatzor: you didn't add it to setup.py so it wasn't being installed.  fixed in svn and uploaded to ubuntu12:13
glatzorRiddell: oh, I mainly work in a displayconfig only subtree. :)12:15
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Riddellno amarok packaging volunteers yet?02:07
Hobbseeseems not02:07
RiddellI'll do it thursday morning if nobody has stepped up by then02:10
HobbseeRiddell: check with imbrandon, i guess, but feel free to take it02:11
=== Hobbsee is being useless, atm
\shamarok? new version for gutsy or updates for feisty?02:20
_StefanS_Riddell: networkstatus still depends on kdepimmacros.h.. how to do solve that the easiest way ? (I'm getting good progress on compiling it, btw)02:23
Hobbsee\sh: the former02:23
_StefanS_Riddell: I'm talking about kdelibs+networkstatus, in case you forgot about it :D02:24
Riddell\sh: gutsy02:24
Riddell_StefanS_: if it's just a bunch of macros you could probably just copy the .h files to kdelibs?02:25
_StefanS_Riddell: I'll try that.02:25
\shRiddell: Let me check this evening at home :) hopefully my buildserver is back then02:25
Riddell\sh: ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/amarok/1.4.7/src/amarok-1.4.7.tar.bz2 is where it's at02:28
_StefanS_Riddell: seems to work now. Just put kdepimmacros.h in networkstatus/ dir. It actually just includes two regular .h files (kdeversion, kdemacros.h + a define check)02:28
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Riddellalthough that location (on a public ftp server) is top secret02:28
_StefanS_I guess if you told him now, you have to kill him :D02:29
HobbseeRiddell: there's something seriously wrong with that statement...02:30
\shRiddell, noted02:30
RiddellHobbsee: tis not for us to question the wisdom of apachelogger02:33
HobbseeRiddell: indeed.02:34
apachelogger_lol :P02:39
apachelogger_Riddell: gotta change that for .8 or 2.0 beta1, whichever comes first02:40
apachelogger_yesterday some news sites told 1.4.7 was out02:40
apachelogger_so either we have a mole or they just watched the server02:40
apachelogger_though I think the latter might be a boring job02:40
Hobbseeapachelogger_: wasnt me...02:40
=== Hobbsee points at....jdong.
Hobbseeyes, yes, it's all jdong's fault.02:41
Hobbsee!jdong | jdong02:41
ubotujdong: jdong is Hobbsee: jdong: yes, but you're FULL OF CRACK!02:41
apachelogger_markey is already investigating!02:41
=== apachelogger_ continues reading the latest issue of german linuxuser magazine
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Riddellthese things are scriptable02:45
Riddellapachelogger: the correct way to do it is to just change the permissions to not be chown ftprelease:packages and not be readable to other02:46
Riddellinfact it already is, so just chmod 66002:47
apacheloggerRiddell: well, I'm not sure whether everyone who gets packaging notifiation for amarok has an packager account on ktown02:48
_StefanS_Riddell: do you know if 'networkstatustestservice' is needed from networkstatus ?02:48
apacheloggerI guess I'll just store the next release on amarok.kde.org until official release02:48
Riddell_StefanS_: I've no idea02:48
_StefanS_Riddell: its put under noinst_PROGRAMS in the Makefile.in02:48
_StefanS_Riddell: although the networkstatus.install seems to want to install it02:49
Riddellprobably not then02:49
_StefanS_thanks for the help :D02:49
_StefanS_and all the fish.02:49
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_StefanS_Riddell: should I strip out the .svn entries from inside networkstatus/ or do you want to keep them for reference?02:58
Riddell_StefanS_: I don't want them02:59
_StefanS_Riddell: ok, I'll just remove them.02:59
_StefanS_Riddell: any way to recover when the diff's arent reversible in the source?03:00
Riddellwork out why they aren't?03:00
Riddellsomething will have edited one of the files03:00
_StefanS_yes.. the file cant be found. Great.03:01
_StefanS_I'm just going to piece a new archive together03:01
_StefanS_cant bothered to figure that out03:02
viviersfis beagle or tracker gonna be installed by default in gutsy ?03:06
manchickenIs koffice2 alpha2 included in the kde4 packages?03:06
Hobbseeviviersf: tracker is already in ubuntulog03:07
Hobbseeviviersf: tracker is already in ubuntu03:07
viviersfHobbsee, the thing is03:07
viviersfon a default install of gutsy i see tracker is installed03:07
Hobbseestrigi is installed in kubuntu, iijrc03:07
viviersfi can remove it without affecting ubuntu-desktop03:07
viviersfhow on earth does it get installed ?03:08
Hobbseeviviersf: recommends.03:08
viviersftracker doesnt seem to work tho03:08
viviersfor does it just takes long to build the database ?03:10
Riddellyou'd need to ask on an ubuntu channel about tracker03:11
Riddellpackages in section metapackage have their recommends installed by default03:11
Hobbseeeven in universe, now!03:12
RiddellI'm sure that's always been the case03:13
Hobbseeno it hasnt03:13
Hobbseeonly main before03:13
\shRiddell, any branches on LP bzr hosts somewhere?03:14
\shRiddell, speaking of amarok?03:14
Riddell\sh: no, but debian does so we should branch theirs and do the whole branch/merge thing03:16
Riddelland host on launchpad03:16
\shRiddell, will have a look what we can do03:17
manchickenRiddell: Is there anything different that needs to be done?03:22
manchickenRiddell: Adept is getting kinda dull.  I'll still keep playing with it from time to time, but it would be nice to play with something else, too.03:22
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manchickenRiddell: And I suppose I could be persuaded to play with Python if it meant something interesting to play with.03:24
Riddellmanchicken: package qtjambi?03:25
Riddellalso qdasher and qt accessibility bridge03:25
manchickenI could learn to package.03:26
manchickenOf those which would you like me to start on?03:26
Riddellqtjambi I think03:26
Riddellplace to start would be just to get it compiling and working03:27
RiddellI don't even know if it works with gcj or needs sun java03:27
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Riddellmanchicken: any idea why the description in adept is showing the maintainer?03:29
Riddellin adept_manager03:29
manchickenRiddell: Nope.  I asked the same question about a week ago.03:30
manchickenIs it doing that on your branch?03:30
manchickenThat should be an easy solution.03:30
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manchickenI think the kdesudo change is getting things wrong with the kvpnc launcher.03:31
manchickenArgh, it's a kdelibs5 issue.03:32
manchickenThat's bad.  I can't work without kvpnc03:32
Riddelldon't use KDE 4?03:37
manchickenI've got dingleberries from when I compiled it myself.03:44
manchickenfor X in $(ls -1); do P="$PWD/$X"; Y=$(dpkg -S $P); if [ "$Y" = "dpkg: $P not found." ] ; then echo "$P"; fi; done03:44
manchickenThat should tell me which ones are not packaged :)03:44
manchickenThis is all in /usr/local/bin, too.03:44
manchickenBut kdesudo is screwing up kvpnc03:45
manchickenI think it's running kvpnc as a different user than kdesu used to.03:45
manchickenI'll try copying some config files.03:49
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manchickenWell, I had to reconfigure kvpnc (a task in and of itself), but not too terrible.04:15
manchickenTheir new wizard is nice, but they need to stop assuming that everybody is familiar with the latest networking.04:16
manchickenI had to read up on CIDR subnet masks just to get the damned thing configured.04:16
Riddellthat sounds like something out of 2404:16
manchickenYou and your man-dramas.04:17
manchickenAlthough I can't really say anything there... I'm a CSI fan.04:17
manchickenIt's just counting bits, and it makes sense once you see the wikipedia article, but it's definitely a different way of doing things than I've done before.04:19
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DaSkreechHI Hobbsee05:14
Hobbseeheya DaSkreech05:15
DaSkreechHow are you?05:15
Hobbseedoing OK05:16
Hobbseeworking thru the sponsorship queue again05:16
nixternalgood mornin' my lil Kubuntu'oblins05:26
=== Hobbsee snorts
Hobbseeuh, hi!05:27
=== mhb grunts
=== mhb is the fantasy type of Kubuntu'oblin, the green one with a big club
nixternalsnorts and grunts...i love it :)05:32
DaSkreechZug zug!05:32
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bddebianHehe nixternal :-)05:40
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Riddellapachelogger: http://svn.opensuse.org/svn/kio_sysinfo/trunk/06:21
Riddellnow in svn06:21
Riddellapachelogger: dirk says to let him know if there's anything to merge06:21
apacheloggerhooray :D06:23
apacheloggerRiddell: iirc, the patches just made the whole thing more generic, use lsb file for system detection and rename the css file, nothing that might be interesting for them06:24
Riddellapachelogger: well that is interesting to them, they're looking to open it up to more distros06:24
Riddellso you could add kubuntu and/or kde artwork06:25
apacheloggerwell, gotta have a look into it and mail master dirk the patches then06:25
Riddellyou should be able to get an svn account too if they like you06:26
apacheloggermuahaha, access to opensuse ^_^06:27
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ScarFreewillwhen I try to install kde4 beta1 (apt-get -s install kde4base-dev) I get the following: kde4base-dev: Depends: kdelibs5-dev but it is not going to be installed and Depends: kdepimlibs4-dev but it is not going to be installed06:42
ScarFreewilli've got feisty aswell as feisty-backports in my repostory06:42
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Riddellinstall kdelibs5-dev and work out why it isn't being installed06:46
ScarFreewillkdelibs5-dev: Depends: kdelibs5 (= 3.80.3-0ubuntu4) but it is not going to be installed + Depends: libqt4-dev but it is not going to be installed06:47
Riddell3.80 isn't beta06:48
Riddellfeisty or gutsy?06:48
ScarFreewilli know i've got beta on atm want to install beta06:48
ScarFreewilli mean i've got alpha atm06:49
Riddelldo you have feisty-backports enabled?06:49
ScarFreewillyes deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty-backports main universe multiverse restricted + deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty main universe multiverse restricted06:50
ScarFreewillthat is all I have.06:50
Riddellwhat does  apt-cache policy kdelibs5  give you06:53
ScarFreewillshould i past or paste bin or prt ?06:54
=== ScarFreewill 's kicker just crashed :P
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ScarFreewillmy firefox also crashes randomly while running google's web chat I blame java vm but its just odd (first time i'm experincing some thing like this)06:58
Riddellgoogle web chat doesn't use java06:59
RiddellScarFreewill: it's not seeing backports07:00
Riddellrun apt-get update  maybe07:00
ScarFreewilli've got a pin though just for testing07:00
ScarFreewillbut i'm sure it was like this before the pin07:01
Riddellwell the candidate is not from backports07:01
=== ScarFreewill clears /etc/apt/preferences
=== ScarFreewill does apt-get update
ScarFreewillnow I'm getting http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33718/07:05
Riddell17:46 < Riddell> install kdelibs5-dev and work out why it isn't being installed07:06
ScarFreewillkdelibs5 libsoprano-dev libqt4-dev not one of them installs either07:11
Riddellso.. do the same for them07:12
Riddelluntil you actually get a reason why it won't install07:12
ScarFreewillhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33720/ looks like its some qt libs07:14
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ScarFreewillok i think its qt4-core07:16
Riddellshould be sorted now I expect07:17
=== ScarFreewill takes away the -s and starts to download
=== ScarFreewill hopes it wil work thanks for the help so far Riddell :D
ScarFreewillI've got another problem: Package dbus-x11 is not available, but is referred to by another package.This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package dbus-x11 has no installation candidate07:28
ScarFreewillit appears that dbus-x11 is only avalible for gusty07:33
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ScottKScarFreewill: There's a later version of the package that's demanding it in feisty-backports that doesn't need it.07:36
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ScarFreewillScottK: how do you recommend how I should install it ? i treid sudo apt-get -s -t feisty install dbus-x1107:38
=== ScarFreewill hates it when amarok freezes his keyboard input
ScottKI don't recall which package it is that wants dbus-x11, but whichever it is, it's been updates in feisty-backports to not need it anymore.07:42
ScottKI'd try sudo apt-get update and then apt-get -f install and see if it resolves.07:43
ScarFreewilli'm still getting "kdelibs5: Depends: dbus-x11 but it is not installable"07:45
ScottKHmmm.  Let me check something.07:46
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ScottKOK.  That's a different package than I saw the bug on.  It was Bug #130542 that I was thinking of.  Sorry.  Dunno what you should do next.07:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 130542 in feisty-backports "strigi-daemon 0.5.4: Depends: dbus-x11 but it is not installable" [Undecided,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13054207:48
ScarFreewillScottK: can i try to install the gusty pkg?07:50
ScottKScarFreewill: I really have no idea.07:50
ScarFreewilli'll try it anyways ^_^07:51
ScottKI'm not personally playing with KDE4, I'd just seen the bug in backports.07:51
ScarFreewillI should most propperly make a bug report..07:53
ScottKScarFreewill: Please do.  If the package you had the problem with is in feisty-backports, please file the bug in feisty-backports.07:54
ScarFreewillwill do.07:54
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mileshey i am interested in getting a mentor for development09:30
milescan someone give me some details?09:30
ScottKmiles: It generally works better to find some task you want to work on (fixing bugs that annoy you is a good place to start), figure out what you can, and then ask specific questions.09:34
milesok, so i cant get paired up with a mentor and follow their lead?09:35
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ScottKI don't think there is a specific mentoring program for Kubuntu.  MOTU has one.  You can ask in #ubuntu-motu if that's what you are looking for.09:39
milesok, thanks09:39
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_StefanS_Riddell: packaging for kdelibs+networkstatus is done. I'll send it to you tomorrow.10:07
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ScottKRiddell: If you have a moment to play archive admin would you?  I'm trying to get a sync done prior to UVF: Bug #13254311:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 132543 in pypolicyd-spf "Please sync pypolicyd-spf 0.4.1-1 from Debian Unstable (Main)" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13254311:34
RiddellScottK: ask seb128, he's doing syncs this evening11:35
ScottKRiddell: I will.  Thanks.11:35
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