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alex-weeji've noticed that GTK List/Tree View scrolling is streaking a hell of a lot more in Gutsy than in Feisty02:34
CaesarCan anyone tell me why Ubuntu chose to go for mounting devices by UUID rather than label? Pointers to the relevant discussion/blueprints fine02:38
ion_Every partition has an UUID, but not necessarily a label.02:39
mthaddonCaesar: don't have the details off the top of my head, but it's basically because UUIDs are device unique, so you can plug in two identical external hard drives, for instance, and it'll still know which is which and mount it correctly rather than just first in order02:40
ion_Multiple partitions may have the same label, but not likely the same UUID.02:40
CaesarThanks ion_, mthaddon02:42
=== licio [n=licio@ubuntu/member/licio] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Nafalloshouldn't displayconfig-gtk dep on xserver-xorg-video-vesa or something?02:53
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RAOFNafallo: Why?02:54
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Nafalloisn't that part of the bulletproof-X thing that should fall back to VESA and just that app instead of showing the ncurses-based /var/log/Xorg.0.log?02:55
RAOFOh, maybe.  But still, displayconfig-gtk doesn't really need to depend on a specific X driver.02:56
RAOFMaybe some other package wants to.  Our standard X packages already depend on all the various drivers, so...02:57
Nafalloit does not. I have only vesa and ati installed right now.02:57
NafalloI need only one to satisfy the depends.02:58
Nafalloxserver-xorg-video-all | xserver-xorg-video-1.0 | xserver-xorg-video02:59
RAOFBut all of them are installed by default.02:59
RAOFMaybe the xserver wants to depend on vesa & those.03:00
NafalloI'm not sure why it recommends them as well thou03:00
Nafalloyea. vesa might be a good dep as well.03:00
Nafallobryce: you might want to read the discussion above this hilight :-)03:00
RAOFAlthough vesa isn't actually cross platform, of course.03:00
RAOFHello x86 centicism!03:00
Nafallobryce: oh. I thought you was asleep :-)03:01
=== RAOF invents new misspelled words.
Nafallobryce: what do you think? :-)03:01
bryceit shouldn't depend on a driver, but I've been wondering if it should be a dependency of something03:01
bryceI've got it hooked in via gdm, so gdm is one possibility.  Most of the files are kept in xorg, though, so that's another03:02
NafalloI guess it will actually need to be if we are going to use it as a fall-back :-P03:02
brycebut I'm not certain what would be best03:02
brycein theory it would not be gdm-specific, if we could get a failsafe functionality in kdm03:02
brycebut presently it only works with gdm03:03
RAOFYou could just recommend it in xorg, couldn't you?03:03
RAOFThe "apt auto-installs recommends for metapackages" will get done for Gutsy, right?03:03
brycemore importantly, we also need to decide about adding displayconfig-gtk to the seeds03:03
NafalloRAOF: should be a depend somewhere I think... we don't want users to accidently kill fall-back.03:03
RAOFNafallo: Eeeh, maybe.03:04
Nafallobryce: if I change xorg.conf to use at instead of ati it should kick in, right? :-)03:04
NafalloI'll test that in a bit then :-)03:04
brycehang on; I've got a new version to upload03:04
Nafallooh. oki :-)03:05
bryceit has a better auto-xorg.conf generator that will pull in your preferred keyboard settings, and get the pci stuff right03:05
NafalloI'll test it after upgrade then :-)03:05
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Nafallogut feeling says it should be a dep of xserver-xorg rather than gdm :-)03:07
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Nafalloand maybe kill the recommends on -all packages at the same time. those are already first of alternative deps.03:08
bryceah yeah, good point03:10
RAOFNafallo: I think you still want to recommend them though, right?03:11
bryceany other xorg changes we need while you're at it?03:11
NafalloRAOF: why?03:11
bryceer, while *I'm* at it03:11
NafalloRAOF: it's redundant :-)03:11
RAOFBecause even if you've satisfied the dependency with a single driver, you still want to recommend all the drivers.03:11
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Nafallobryce: not that pops out, but then I haven't looked that closely. just saw it when I was killing off some more packages from my harddrive :-)03:12
NafalloRAOF: why?03:12
RAOFNafallo: Because it's still useful?  It means people can just drop in any old graphics card and expect it to work.03:12
NafalloRAOF: it's the first dep, so goes in as default. if the user uninstalls those things he hopefully knows whats his doing.03:13
NafalloRobot101: as long as we don't cut out the new and improved fall-back path that powerusers might not know about :-)03:13
Nafallobryce: maybe kill off ctrl+alt+backspace? ;-)03:13
bryceah yeah, I think I promised that, too03:14
RAOFSAK is enough for anyone :)03:14
brycethat one's going to be controversial03:14
RAOFOh, you're serious!03:14
RAOFWhat's the rationale for that?03:14
Nafallobryce: yes :-)03:14
Nafallobryce: I'm tired of the discussions on the spec ;-)03:14
NafalloRAOF: kills data hard and fast if the user accidently hits it.03:15
Nafallocausing dataloss03:15
Nafallothats the biggest I think :-)03:15
RAOFNafallo: Ok.  Yeah.03:15
brycewell, I use ctrl-alt-bksp every day, multiple times, so will feel the pain of it going.  However, I figure anyone like me that actually does use and need it, probably is adequately knowledgeable to fiddle xorg.conf to turn it back on03:17
DShepherdhow easy is it to accidentally hit those key combinations? not very easy imho03:17
bryceplus like Nafallo says, it's truly a data-loss issue, and since ubuntu is geared towards making rounded edges and such for users, I think it makes sense03:17
Nafallobryce: if not we need a graphical tickbox to turn it on somewhere :-)03:18
bryceDShepherd: agreed, however I guess some users do.  It sounds like there's some apps that use keyboard shortcuts similar enough to that, that they do get hit03:18
RAOFCan we (easily) catch it in a different way?  I suppose not, really.  That'd defeat the purpose.03:18
bryceNafallo: agreed; ideas on where it makes sense?  I was thinking displayconfig-gtk03:18
Nafallobryce: doesn't make sense I don't think. somewhere in gnome-control-center, and I'm sure KDE has an equivalent of that :-)03:19
DShepherdbryce, ok. well as long as I can turn it back on :-) i have no problem-ish03:19
bryceyeah I plan to leave a friendly comment in xorg.conf for us hackers03:20
Nafallobryce: keyboard shortcuts should be obvious. keyboard -> layoutoptions or whatsitcalled in english might be good as well :-)03:20
DShepherdNafallo, agreed03:21
DShepherdsounds logical03:21
bryceyeah the tricky thing is that this setting is in xorg.conf rather than in the gnome config03:21
brycebut that should only take a sed or two ;-)  it'll just be a tad mussy03:22
Nafallobryce: sed for the featurefreeze and fix it proper before release then :-)03:23
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DShepherdbryce, well.. its a 'hardcore' thing to do... so i dont think you need to find a place in the gui to turn it back on..03:25
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DShepherdbryce, it might just end up confusing us 'old' folks :-)03:25
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bryceDShepherd: yeah true03:25
DShepherdbryce, i am going to the cli.. anyways..and I bet most people who are going to turn it back on.. are fairly familar with the CLI..03:25
DShepherdbryce, but .. thats what i think..03:26
=== bryce nods
brycewell that's what led me to think that just sticking in a friendly comment in xorg.conf might be sufficient03:26
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Nafallobryce: so upload and see what users do :-)03:26
brycebut we'll see, I'm certain we'll get feedback on this one03:26
DShepherdbryce, you sure will..03:27
DShepherd"I cant kill x. what happened?"03:27
DShepherd"we disabled it but you can enabled it"03:27
DShepherd"oh how"03:27
DShepherd"ah. thanks"03:27
DShepherdand life goes on!03:28
bryce"X is *too* bulletproof..."03:28
bryce"This is a very annoying problem for me, as I am working with an03:33
bryceapplication that uses Ctrl+Alt+End as a hotkey, and End is right above03:33
bryceBackspace on my laptop keyboard."03:33
NafalloI think the consequences really does outweight the advantage :-)03:35
Nafallothose that use it probably does it cause they are to lazy to ctrl+alt+f1 + login + sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart03:35
bddebianHeya Nafallo03:38
Nafallohi bddebian03:38
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DShepherdbryce, question though.. would a 'newbie' have to reboot the machine to get X changes? cause that's so tedious..03:39
brycestuff in xorg.conf only gets parsed at X startup, so they'd at least need to restart X03:40
Nafallodoesn't X get restarted on logout now?03:40
bryce(which I'd generally do by just ctrl-alt-backspace, however in this case...)03:40
DShepherdNafallo, that's what i want to know..03:40
bryceyup, just going back to the login screen should be plenty sufficient03:40
DShepherdbryce, does it? ^03:40
DShepherdbryce, kool.. well that ok for me03:41
Nafallothen it's a non-problem.03:41
DShepherdNafallo, right03:41
NafalloI can't see any reason not to do it.03:41
DShepherdNafallo, same here.. bryce .. fire away03:41
Nafalloand I would prefer logout/login before zapping stuff anyway :-)03:41
DShepherdNafallo, well....03:42
brycehere's what I'm adding, lemme know if this looks ok - http://pastebin.ca/65639803:42
DShepherdNafallo, it depends for me :-) .. cause sometimes.. things just need to get zapped :-D03:42
Nafallothere is always a risk of things hanging around while zapping. logout would kill things the proper way AFAIK03:42
DShepherdNafallo, i guess03:43
Nafallobryce: instead of changing the option, propose to comment it? :-)03:43
Nafallo"use default"03:44
Nafallodefault behaviour even03:44
Nafallobut that's just me not wanting to specify defaults in configs ;-)03:44
NafalloI'm fine with that wording :-)03:45
DShepherdbryce, why not just say.. restarting x -- instead of making xorg terminate..03:45
DShepherdXorg.. which works..03:45
brycealthough technically it doesn't restart X, it just terminates it.  gdm is what restarts things03:46
DShepherdbryce, point taken03:46
bryceI'll say "exiting"03:46
DShepherdbryce, but i knew that :-D03:46
Nafallobecause it is zapping :-)03:47
brycequiz time03:47
brycexorg now auto-loads modules like dri, vbe, etc.03:48
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NafalloI think terminate is good wording actually. Zap implies termination rather then exit :-)03:48
Nafalloexit sounds to cleanish ;-)03:48
brycewho knows how to *disable* an autoloaded module?03:48
Nafallowhy would you want to? I trust it to not load things I wouldn't need, right?03:49
DShepherdbryce, well, right now. i dont03:49
brycethere are some drivers which don't work properly with certain modules03:49
DShepherdbryce, its not smart enough to know which module works best with which drivers?03:49
Nafallowhat DShepherd said... :-)03:50
brycenot always03:50
bryceanswer here:  http://pastebin.ca/65640903:50
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DShepherdbryce, hmm...03:50
DShepherdbryce, oh. well I know now03:50
bryceI'm thinking of adding that to the xorg.conf - it would not be unlikely that someone editing their xorg.conf might need to be doing that, so this'd give them that clue03:51
NafalloI should have guessed :-)03:51
brycetook me a while to figure that one out ;-)03:51
DShepherdbryce, ok03:51
Nafalloto logic? :-)03:51
brycehardly anyone will need that, but then, hardly anyone should need to touch their xorg.conf03:51
Nafallobryce: that one really should be in documentation rather then the conffile... again, gut feeling :-)03:52
DShepherdNafallo, i dont mind that though03:53
Nafallobryce: those that needs to know that know about /usr/share/doc/xserver-xorg/, right? :-)03:53
brycehmm, true03:53
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NafalloDShepherd: I thought we wanted a smaller xorg.conf. that's why I'm a bit hesistant :-)03:53
bryceah, commented out lines don't count ;-)03:53
Nafallobryce: still clutter ;-)03:54
bryceactually the reason I thought to add this is that for feisty, the dropping of the Modules section is new, and may confuse people03:54
Nafallomore to read. harder for the n00b to find what he should do.03:54
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Nafallomost n00bs will probably be on IRC-channels asking anyway.03:55
Nafalloand thats from #ubuntu-se experience :-P03:55
DShepherdNafallo, i vote to keep it in03:56
DShepherdits just 8 lines.. and its good info03:56
DShepherdno need to hide it :-)03:56
DShepherdi think..03:56
Nafallosure. put it in. I'll take a look when I see the entire file instead ;-)03:56
StevenKinfinity: Ping, re: libnss-db again03:58
brycehmm, looks like it's not documented in the xorg.conf man page either.  I'll patch that up next time I do xorg-server04:01
Nafallobryce: you will soon, right? drop recommends, add depend and now manpage :-)04:02
brycethe xorg upload will be tonight or tomorrow morning depending on when I can find a sponsor.  But the man page is over in the xorg-server package, so that's separate04:03
Nafallooki :-)04:05
=== Nafallo looks at StevenK
Nafallobryce: think you got a core-dev right there ;-)04:06
bryceI've been having a build issue with xorg-server trying to sync to debian, probably a mesa mis-match.  So the man page change may have to wait a bit.04:08
bryceI'll post for upload once I've run it through my qa scripts, but the dexconf change is the only thing risky there04:15
brycebbl (dinner)04:17
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keescookLP uploads are down?04:28
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Nafallobryce: I feel xorg-driver-video-vesa should be depend for xorg-server since displayconfig-gtk is and both are part of the fallback :-)05:03
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pittiGood morning07:51
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sbalneavMorning pitti.07:53
sbalneavSay, you sprecken sie deutch, nein?07:54
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sbalneavIf I install the language-support-de, and set LC_ALL=de_AT, LANGUAGE=de_AT, and LANG=de_AT on my login session, everything should be in german, correct?07:57
pittihey sbalneav07:58
pittisbalneav: LANGUAGE=de, but yes (if you want Austrian German :) )07:59
pittisbalneav: you can just select German in gdm's option menu (and just for one session)07:59
sbalneavAh, it worked07:59
sbalneavSorry, ltsp stuff, the new greeter.07:59
sbalneavI selected de_DE.UTF808:00
sbalneavMy system menu still says "system" in english08:00
pittisbalneav: that's ok, it's the same in German08:00
sbalneavbut under it, I have Einstellungen, Systemverwaltung, Info zu GNOME08:00
pittisbalneav: klingt Deutsch08:01
sbalneavDu musst amboss oder hammer sein.08:02
sbalneavBonus points for guessing the german philosopher who said that.08:02
sbalneavNo googling, now08:03
pittino idea, sorry :/08:04
sbalneavI'll give you a hint: he was saved by his mistress when Napoleon's sodiers invaded his house.  She beat them off with a stick.08:04
pittisounds like a communist08:04
sbalneavI am a fount of useless trivial.08:05
sbalneavpitti: What time does ogra usually wander in?08:07
pittisbalneav: relatively late, usually not before 0900 UTC08:08
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pittimhb, Riddell: any idea about http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8800635/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-i386.restricted-manager_0.27_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ?08:21
pittimhb, Riddell: I don't have pyqtconfig either, but it builds for me08:22
doko_good morning08:26
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hati have problem with VLC program08:48
hati want to open file py  UDP/RTP port by command line08:49
hathow can i do that08:49
pygi#ubuntu for support08:49
hatok Dear thanks08:50
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fyrestrtris canonical planning to release launchpad as opensource? I would love to see how that is developed :)09:20
fabbionefyrestrtr: you want to ask in #launchpad :)09:21
fyrestrtrah .. thanks.09:21
fabbioneno problem09:21
fyrestrtrso many channels.09:21
fabbioneyeah no problem09:21
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mdketracker is included by default in gutsy, right? Is it included in vanilla Gnome too?09:26
pygimdke, no, I don't think so09:27
mdkeright, that's what I thought too; thanks09:27
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pygihey asac !09:37
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asacpygi: hi09:37
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pittimhb, Riddell: re my previous question, I got it (Debian bug 435855, was recently merged)10:11
ubotuDebian bug 435855 in python-qt-dev "python-qt-dev: pyqtconfig.py shipped in both python-qt3 and python-qt-dev" [Serious,Fixed]  http://bugs.debian.org/43585510:11
RiddellI had e-mailed you10:12
pittiRiddell: thanks, just saw it10:12
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StevenKpitti: How do you feel about doing some NBS work? :-)10:13
pittiStevenK: for you, always :)10:14
=== Hobbsee waves
=== pitti hugs Hobbsee
StevenKpitti: :-)10:14
=== Hobbsee hugs pitti :D
StevenKpitti: If you can wave vips through binary NEW, I'll upload nip2, and that should get two down in a publisher run or two.10:14
StevenKpitti: I'll upload nip2 now. It has a versioned dependancy on libvips-dev, so it'll either fail and need to be given back, or just hit depwait and deal itself.10:16
pittiStevenK: the latter should happen10:16
StevenKpitti: My thought too, but just in case it doesn't. :-)10:16
StevenKUploading to ubuntu (via ftp to upload.ubuntu.com):10:17
StevenKConnection failed, aborting. Check your network (111, 'Connection refused')10:17
pittivips accepted10:18
StevenKpitti: Thanks. Would you mind pointing a sysadmin at ^10:18
pittiStevenK: poked10:19
pittiStevenK: should work again10:22
StevenKJust saw myself about 20 seconds before you said that. :-)10:22
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=== StevenK pushes nip2's 8Mb orig tarball to drescher.
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_StefanS_doko: hi, it seems like compiling in lpia is broken since yesterday10:33
doko_StefanS_: what exactly?10:34
_StefanS_doko: checking if C++ programs can be compiled... no10:35
_StefanS_doko: configure: error: Your Installation isn't able to compile simple C++ programs.10:35
_StefanS_doko: all gcc, libstdc. headers, g++ and the like are installed. Along with build-essential. It worked yesterday10:36
doko_StefanS_: please have a look at the config.log, it should have more details10:36
_StefanS_doko: /usr/include/stdio.h:34:21: error: stddef.h: No such file or directory10:36
_StefanS_doko: got 100+ of lines with missing standard libraries10:37
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doko_StefanS_: ok, see it here as well, not with gcc-4.1, but with gcc-4.210:40
Lutinpitti: can you give-back freesci, mgcv, kernsmooth ppc and amd64, and libmail-box-perl, eric on i386 please ?10:40
_StefanS_doko: can you fix it ? :)10:40
_StefanS_doko: I have a few packages that need to be fixed in order to have all kde stuff done10:40
doko_StefanS_: have to find the reason first ...10:40
_StefanS_obviously :)10:40
pittiLutin: done; btw, no need to tell the arches, I'll just give them back on all that failed10:41
Lutinpitti: ok :) . thanks10:42
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StevenKpitti: Would you mind seeing if nip2 has hit drescher? I haven't gotten an accepted mail, and it hasn't hit LP yet.10:52
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pittiStevenK: hm, it's not in accepted10:53
pittiStevenK: in done, the last nip2 upload is seven weeks old10:54
StevenKnip2_7.12.4-1ubuntu1_source.changes: done.10:54
StevenKI uploaded that about 20 minutes ago ....10:55
pitti*scratching head*10:56
pittiI cannot find it anywhere10:56
pittiStevenK: ah, got it10:57
pittiStevenK: still in incoming10:57
pittifor some reason10:57
StevenKAh. I was about to offer to re-upload it.10:57
FujitsuNot surprising that it's still there... when one part of Soyuz backend breaks the rest usually does too :(10:57
StevenKpitti: Maybe the queue processor isn't running?10:58
=== pitti asks
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pittiStevenK: ah10:59
pittiIOError: [Errno 13]  Permission denied: '/srv/launchpad.net/ubuntu-queue/incoming/.lock'10:59
pittiStevenK: ^ I just ran it by hand10:59
doko_StefanS_: ok, found, wil be fixed soon10:59
StevenKAh. It's busticated.10:59
_StefanS_doko: sweet :D11:00
_StefanS_doko: thanks alot11:00
pittiStevenK: no, I am, sorry11:00
pittiStevenK: ran it as the wrong users11:00
Fujitsupitti: Wrong user?11:00
FujitsuHahha, yes.11:00
StevenKpitti: Heh11:00
pittiFujitsu: I'm a bit confused11:00
pittithe cronjob belogns to lp_queue, but the lock file is owned by lp_upload11:00
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pittiok, I got it; apparently the lock file was stale11:02
iwjStale lockfiles ??  Surely it should be using fcntl or flock ?11:05
pittiStevenK: it's in done now11:05
pittiiwj: I guess that's what it does11:05
pittiiwj: but the lock file that lp_buildd creates and uses was owned by lp_upload, which made it except out with an EPERM11:05
pittiI guess that was just a fallout from the uploader crash this morning11:06
pittiStevenK: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nip2/7.12.4-1ubuntu111:06
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StevenKpitti: Thanks11:18
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Lutinpitti: would you know why this happens: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8807191/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-i386.libmail-box-perl_2.070-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ? (bith packages are in universe and libtest-harness-perl is 2.64 in ubuntu)11:30
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pittiLutin: I bet it's because perl-modules Provides: libtest-harness-perl11:32
pittiLutin: and apparently the dependency resolver isn't clever enough for that11:32
tkamppeterhi pitti11:32
pittihey tkamppeter11:32
pittiLutin: I bet it fails on Debian, too11:32
tkamppeterpitti, have you seen my mail yesterday? CUPS 1.3 is officially released.11:32
pittiLutin: just because Debian doesn't build arch:all on buildds, they won't notice11:33
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pittitkamppeter: yep, I saw; not sure whether this kind of last-minute switch is something we should do11:33
pittitkamppeter: does it work with hplip and all the other drivers and backends that we have?11:33
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pittilibtest-harness-perl: already installed (=*=PROVIDED=*= >= 2.62 is satisfied)11:34
pittiLutin: ^11:34
Hobbseemorning seb12811:34
tkamppeterIt will avoid a generation change for the gutsy+1 LTS when we do the change now.11:34
seb128hi Hobbsee11:34
pittitkamppeter: true that11:34
=== Hobbsee hugs k3b
tkamppeterWe will also have 2 months for bug fixing until Gutsy will get released.11:35
pittitkamppeter: right11:35
Lutinpitti: ok, I see11:36
pittitkamppeter: so if you are prepared to have a look on the bug list, that's fine11:36
tkamppeterAnd I think users will complain if they get CUPS 1.2 with their distro and CUPS 1.3 is released.11:36
pittitkamppeter: btw, can you test the hplip driver? I need to fix the apparmor profile and got some logs, but it would be nice to test it before I upload11:36
pittitkamppeter: most users won't care, I guess11:37
pittitkamppeter: gss is in universe, though, that needs a MIR and checking11:37
tkamppeterpitti, some printouts with HPLIP I already did but I will do more testing.11:37
Lutinpitti: but libtest-harness-perl is also a separate source package, why isn't that used instead of the provided version ?11:38
pittitkamppeter: the current cups in gutsy should fail with hplip with the aa profile enabled11:38
pittiLutin: see above line I quoted; the dependency resolver in the buildd does the wrong thing11:38
tkamppeterOnly problem which I have seen recently, but this is independent of the CUPS version, is the broken poppler filter.11:38
pittiLutin: that's an infinity problem, I'm afraid11:38
pittitkamppeter: right, printing pdf is busticated11:38
pittitkamppeter: geser attached the diff of the old and new .ps, was that conclusive somehow?11:39
pittitkamppeter: probably something we should forward to the poppler upstream guys11:39
tkamppeterpitti, for this I have compiled the original pdftops as a workaround (not in the packages, only on my local box)11:39
tkamppeterpitti, I think so, too, for them it is probably much easier than for us to fix it.11:40
pittitkamppeter: a nasty fallback hack if all else fails could be to modify cups' pdftops filter to use pdf2ps from ghostscript instead of pdftops from poppler11:41
tkamppeterpitti, I will test the HPLIP with "sudo aa-complain cupsd" and send you the /var/log/syslog which contains the complaints.11:41
pittitkamppeter: I have that log already11:41
pittitkamppeter: I'll provide an updated profile; once I have it, can I send it to you for a final test?11:42
tkamppeterpitti, yes, whre we have Ghostscript 8.6x now we can use Ghostscript as PDF interpreter.11:42
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tkamppeterpitti, yes, send it to me.11:42
pittitkamppeter: great, thanks11:42
Lutinpitti: btw, when using requestsync -n , the email gets rejected from Malone it tries to affect ubuntu/%srcpkg, which does not exist. the following patch (http://people.dunnewind.net/lutin/requestsync.patch) should fix it, mind having a look at it ?11:44
tkamppeterpitti, how can I see whether an already installed package is in main or in universe?11:45
Hobbseeanyone know when dholbach gets back?  maybe seb128?11:45
seb128Hobbsee: next week11:45
pittiLutin: ah, that makes sense, thanks11:45
Hobbseeseb128: ah, great!  thanks.11:45
seb128you're welcome11:45
=== Hobbsee can pick his brains then, then.
pittitkamppeter: just use "rmadison -u ubuntu <package>"11:46
Lutinpitti: np11:46
tkamppeterpitti, thank you, did not know the rmadison command before.11:48
StevenKLutin: Ah ha. I can patch it if you like.11:48
StevenKI have a devscripts merge pending upload as soon as I fix a few conflicts.11:49
tkamppeterThere are two build-depends of the new cupsys in Universe: heimdal and libgss11:49
pittitkamppeter: erk, heimdal? doesn't it work with the MIT implementation?11:50
pittitkamppeter: (libkrb5-dev)11:50
pittitkamppeter: I would really like to avoid getting that into main again11:50
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LutinStevenK: yep, thanks11:53
pittimhb: if you have some minutes, can you please look at bugs like bug 131483?11:54
ubotuBug 131483 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/131483 is private11:54
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pittimhb: (public now)11:55
StevenKLutin: I'll try and sort out devscripts tonight.11:56
LutinStevenK: ok11:56
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FujitsuWhy does compiz keep eating my configuration on upgrades? And eliminating keyboard shortcuts, causing my machine to remain unlocked?12:03
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mvoFujitsu: do you have the latest compiz from gutsy? that one is meant to give a much improved compatiblity with the old metacity keysettings12:27
Fujitsumvo: The latest one /broke/ them.12:28
=== pitti wonders where the setfacl command has gone to
pitticommand-not-found claims it's in package 'acl' which does not exist12:28
FujitsuAll the previous versions worked, but this one reset all my config again, and eliminated some keybindings which I can't work out how to restore.12:28
Fujitsupitti: I'm sure it's in acl...12:28
pittioh, I see, apt-get update md5sum mismatch *grumpf*12:29
mvopitti: the data for c-n-f is not up-to-date unforatunately12:29
mvoFujitsu: hrm, that is bad :/12:29
pittimvo: seems to work now12:29
mvoFujitsu: did all of them broke? or only some?12:30
pittisetfacl: /dev/bus/usb/003/009: Operation not supported12:30
pittiseems that our tmpfs doesn't support ACLs yet :/12:30
geserpitti: # CONFIG_TMPFS_POSIX_ACL is not set (from /boot/config-2.6.22-9-generic)12:31
Kmoswho look for ~ubuntu-main-sponsors ?12:31
KmosMOTU ?12:32
seb128Kmos: the ubuntu-main-sponsors members12:32
seb128Kmos: no, MOTU is for universe12:32
Fujitsumvo: I haven't used anything special other than screen-locking in the past.12:32
Kmosseb128: errr.. ups, didn't check that12:33
mvoFujitsu: how did you setup that keybinding? via system/preferences/keyboard shortcuts? or by some other means?12:33
seb128Kmos: why?12:34
Fujitsumvo: The former.12:34
Kmosseb128: don't remember to check +members of it :) sorry..12:34
Fujitsumvo: It's still set there.12:34
seb128no problem ;)12:34
mvoFujitsu: I think I can reproduce the issue, c-a-L does not work for me too12:35
mvoFujitsu: I'm investigating12:35
Fujitsumvo: Oh, good :)12:35
mvogeser: the problem with the decorator is that I have currently no idea what to do when no gconf is available in the decoration plugin (i.e. when kde is used). I need to look/think about it (re #128557)12:35
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pittihey Keybuk12:40
Zichave just passed to gutsy, and I noticed that the decorator of window was... smaller than normally. On my small screen, it is annoying: /12:40
pittiKeybuk: FYI, I just tried hal with CK and ACL magic12:40
Zicsame problem since Tribe 2 iirc12:40
Kmosgparted is used in live-cd installation for set partitions ?12:41
Keybukpitti: how did it go?12:41
pittiKeybuk: unfortunately our kernel doesn't enable ACLs for tmpfs, so it doesn't actually work :-(12:41
pittiKeybuk: however, it builds, and the debug output actually calls a reasonably looking setfacl command12:41
mvoFujitsu: ctrl-alt-l used to work for you with compiz? but it does no longer, is that correct? I'm wondering what eats that keybinding currently12:42
Keybukpitti: yeah, I nagged the kernel guys about that a few weeks ago12:42
Keybukcould you try a kernel with acls enabled and see what happens?12:42
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MithrandirKeybuk: are you interested in boot failures with / on md?12:42
pittiKeybuk: I'll build one12:43
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KeybukMithrandir: sure12:43
MithrandirKeybuk: it tries to start, but ends up just stopping md0 a whole lot of times.  If I do break=mount and start the raid by hand, it works.12:43
Keybukstopping md0?12:44
Keybukwhat does md0 consist of?12:44
Mithrandir[   39.000120]  md: md0 stopped.12:45
Mithrandirit's a raid1, so sda2 and sdb212:45
Fujitsumvo: It worked until about 48 hours ago, AFAICR.12:45
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mvoFujitsu: ok, thanks12:46
Mithrandirroot=/dev/md0 is passed from the kernel command line.12:46
KeybukMithrandir: is there anything raid/md related in scripts ?12:47
pittiKeybuk: 'k, kernel build started12:47
MithrandirKeybuk: doesn't appear to be, no.  (find /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts -name \*md\* -o -name \*raid\* doesn't return anything)12:51
tkamppeterpitti, I have rechecked the build dependencies of CUPS and I have found out that one can build it with all new features not needing anything from Universe.12:51
pittitkamppeter: yay, cool; gss didn't look that bad, but heimdal was; so it builds with MIT krb?12:52
KeybukMithrandir: ok; way to debug it is to break before udev is started, do that script manually by hand running udevd --verbose > /dev/udevd.log 2>&1 or something, delete the script, and then allow things to resume normally12:52
ograMithrandir, wasnt that in hook-functions ?12:52
Keybukthen we'll have a log of what udev received and did12:52
tkamppeterpitti, I could use libkrb5 from main instead of heimdal from Universe and libkrb5 also brings the GSS API, so I could drop libgss.12:52
ograMithrandir, oh, sorry thats only the module loading12:53
tkamppeterpitti, yes CUPS 1.3 builds with MIT libkrb5.12:53
pittitkamppeter: splendid!12:53
pittitkamppeter: does your package have all of our current patches applied?12:53
tkamppeterWhat is the bad of heimdal? Insecure? Unmaintained? Pulling a lot of Universe dependencies?12:54
pittitkamppeter: I think one or two might have been accepted upstream12:54
MithrandirKeybuk: that script == the ./init-premount/udev script?12:54
pittitkamppeter: not particuarly, but maintaining two implementations in main is just overhead12:54
tkamppeterpitti, I have merged the CUPS with your newest with all patches which Mike did not fix upstream in 1.3.12:54
pittitkamppeter: cool; did you get any serious merge conflicts?12:55
tkamppeterpitti, you are right libkrb5 and heimdal do the same thing.12:55
KeybukMithrandir: premount one12:55
KeybukMithrandir: yes12:55
tkamppeterpitti, no problem with the merge. I had to rediff some patches because Mike did changes at places close to our changes, but all worked fine.12:56
MithrandirKeybuk: thanks, I'll try that.12:56
pittitkamppeter: I should upload that to Debian as well then if it doesn't break PPDs etc. which worked for 1.212:56
tkamppeterpitti, CUPS 1.3 with the new dependency settings built fine on my local system, now I am running it through pbuilder.12:57
pittitkamppeter: it even works with the current AA profile? cool12:58
tkamppeterpitti, Foomatic PPDs pass the new cupstestppd without warnings, the HP PostScript PPD of my LaserJet 3390, too.12:59
Lutinhum, sorry for asking, but isn't that: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8807886/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-amd64.mgcv_1.3-24-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz somehow related to a gcc issue ?12:59
Lutin(or maybe feature which I'm not aware of. if so, sorry for the noise)01:00
MithrandirLutin: ouch.  Looks toolchain-related, yes.01:00
tkamppeterpitti, pbuilder test passed. Will replace the packages on my server by the current ones.01:00
pittitkamppeter: thanks01:00
LutinMithrandir: actually - just tested on my box and it seems to be gcc-4.2 only01:01
Kopfgeldjaegerpitti: does the fwcutter "create" more files than (?) the .fw file?01:01
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pittiKopfgeldjaeger: yes, should be some 701:02
tkamppeterpitti, "ldd /usr/sbin/cupsys" shows all new features really being built in: Kerberos, Zeroconf, LDAP, ...01:02
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tkamppeterpitti, one test which I did yesterday is also system-config-printer. It works perfectly with CUPS 1.3.01:04
pittitkamppeter: ok, so here's my plan: I update the AA profile now, send it to you, you test it with a real hplip setup, and if it works, I'll update the packages?01:05
=== ogra really has to look at the new cups hal backend for gutsy+1 and ltsp
tkamppeterpitti, now I have replaced the packaqes on my server. The files have the same names as before, but now they are with main-only dependencies, full-featured, and pbuilder-checked.01:05
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pittiogra: it's installed by default in ubuntu now01:06
ograpitti, not in thin client chroots01:06
pittiogra: and I flipped g-c-m to s-c-p in edubuntu seeds, too for now (I think)01:06
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pittiogra: right, not in chroots; that would be a bit heavy IMHO01:06
ograpitti, i need a proper forwarder for all the hal backends to talk  to the users session01:06
tkamppeterOK pitti, I have also uploaded my compiled binaries so you can download them to quickly do your AA tests.01:06
ogra(in ltsp)01:06
pittiogra: but usually the thin clients would print to the printer connected to the server, no?01:07
ograpitti, the plan is to have the session hal talk to the clients HW at some point01:07
pittitkamppeter: I need amd64 binaries, but don't worry, it's just replacing the file in /etc/apparmor.d/01:07
ograpitti, nope, we have locally attached printers and ltsp even has the opportunity to set up a diskless netbooting printserver for a whole company01:07
ograpitti, currently ltsp clients emulate a jetdirect printer and forward whats coming in on port 9100 1:1 to the printer device01:08
pittiogra: ok, that's a bit more advanced01:08
pittiogra: but on the server side the magic should just work now01:08
tkamppeterpitti, as you can modify seeds, can you check whether the following packages go onto the CDs of Ubuntu/Xubuntu/Edubuntu/Server and add them to the seeds if needed:01:08
pittitkamppeter: wrt magic, s-c-p still defaults to using the gdi driver instead of splix01:08
pittitkamppeter: you can check that yourself by looking at the .manifest/.list files (on cdimage)01:09
tkamppetersplix, m2300w, pxljr01:09
pittitkamppeter: splix is still in universe, so that won't01:09
pittitkamppeter: apt-cache rdepends for the other two doesn't show anything, so 'no'01:09
tkamppeterpitti, I will check this, but as this is a bug and not a feature I have now more worked on features, like s-c-p, CUPS 1.3, ... bugs can also get fixed after UVF.01:10
pittitkamppeter: yeah, that's perfectly fine01:10
pittilet's get cups 1.3 in01:11
tkamppeterpitti, why is splix in universe, it was approved (by you) to go into main: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportSplix01:11
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tkamppeterpitti, can you move it into main?01:11
pittitkamppeter: yeah, can do01:12
pittitkamppeter: erm, it *is* in main, sorry01:12
tkamppeterm2300w, pxljr are in main, too?01:13
pittisee madison, yes01:13
tkamppeterSo then I think it is no problem to seed these three. They are not very big, as they are drivers for only a few printers.01:14
LutinMithrandir: same thing happens with kernsmooth (gcc 4.2 too)01:14
pittitkamppeter: m2300w is quite big (0,5 MB)01:15
pittitkamppeter: splix and pxljr are trivial, right01:15
ograHobbsee, ....01:17
ogra<sbalneav> I'll give you a hint: he was saved by his mistress when Napoleon's sodiers invaded his house.  She beat them off with a stick.01:17
ogra<pitti> sounds like a communist01:17
ograHobbsee, are you a communist ?01:17
tkamppeterYes, m2300w seems to have some color profiles whereas the others are for BW lasers01:17
dokoseb128: is inkscape gnomish? if yes, please have a look at the build failure on lpia01:17
pittiI was referring to sbalneav's quote01:17
ograpitti, bah, context makes it only half as funny :)01:18
Hobbseeogra: uh...wha?01:18
tkamppeterpitti, but would be great to have m2300w on the CDs, to one more class of printers which simply works.01:19
Hobbseeogra: where was that01:19
=== jsgotangco [n=JSG@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittitkamppeter: any chance to downsize it a bit? using bzip2, splitting out docs, or sth?01:19
ograHobbsee, a quiz about goethe quotes between sbalneav and pitti this morning :)01:19
Hobbseeogra: ahh...01:19
Hobbseeogra: green aliens have no particular pollitical affiliation, neither any things like communism.01:20
Hobbseeogra: green aliens have no need for them.01:20
=== thekorn [n=thekorn@a89-182-89-64.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Hobbseeogra: but clearly, it wasnt me.  your quote mentions "a stick".  the Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  is *the* stick.01:22
pittitkamppeter: can you please replace /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.cupsd with http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/usr.sbin.cupsd and test with hplip?01:22
ograHobbsee, but it seems it has german ancestors ;)01:23
Hobbseeogra: unfortunately, green aliens have no german ancestry.01:23
=== dendrobates [n=rclark@adsl-065-005-186-012.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograHobbsee, well, looking around me in this country i often doubt that :)01:24
=== Fujitsu [n=fujitsu@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Hobbseeogra: :)01:24
tkamppeterpitti, the size of m2300w comes from the color profiles in /usr/share/m2300w/0.51/psfiles/01:24
pittitkamppeter: you probably need to do "sudo aa-enforce cupsd" to tell AA to reload the profile01:25
=== IntuitiveNipple [n=TJ@alexandros.tjworld.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittitkamppeter: hm, bzip2 compression doesn't help01:26
_StefanS_doko: hey got your mail :) - the keep build failure you're referring to, what exactly do you want me to look ?01:29
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #ubuntu-devel
doko_StefanS_: let the package build without failure? ;-P01:30
_StefanS_doko: argh :) - then push the updates now :D01:30
=== _wipf1337 [n=athlon@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
_StefanS_doko: you screwed up the gcc :)01:30
_StefanS_doko: I will just wait those 2-3 hours... and get back to you.01:30
=== Fujitsu [n=fujitsu@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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Hobbseeogra: besides, i'm not a mistress :P01:39
mhbpitti: hi, I'll take a look01:42
MithrandirHobbsee: nor do you usually attack Napolean's soldiers?01:42
HobbseeMithrandir: no.  i didnt even attack my boss today, come to think of it.01:43
FujitsuMithrandir: That's what she wants you to think.01:43
ograMithrandir, do you think sh met one ?01:43
=== Hobbsee just attacks those who tickle her.
pittimhb: good morning; thanks!01:43
mhbpitti: ah yes, I know where that one comes from01:43
mhbpitti: I can fix it in a jiffy01:43
MithrandirHobbsee: no, you don't. :-P01:44
HobbseeMithrandir: okay, and a few others as well :P01:45
=== Fujitsu watches Hobbsee stomp on Mithrandir's feet.
=== Mithrandir is levitating today, so she'd fail if she tried.
=== Hobbsee throws icecubes at Mithrandir instead.
HobbseeMithrandir: why are you levitating?01:46
MithrandirHobbsee: why not?01:46
Mithrandir(or, because then you can't stomp my feet)01:46
=== ogra wants some icecubes as well ... europe is warm ...
HobbseeMithrandir: because then you'll have insane ideas.01:46
Hobbseeogra: how warm?01:46
Mithrandir19C here01:46
=== viviersf [n=cain@gw.impilinux.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograonly 25C here01:46
siretart25 degrees in my office :/01:46
ograbut warm enough for ice cubes01:46
geserMithrandir: you should get some steel-capped shoes for the next time Hobbsee tries to stomp on your feet01:47
StevenKogra: It's 12 degrees here, I'll swap you.01:47
Mithrandirgeser: spiked steel-capped shoes might be fun01:47
Hobbseeyou europeans dont know real heat01:47
Kmosbug 13131101:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131311 in Ubuntu "tribe cd images not being produced for powerpc" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13131101:47
FujitsuAbout 8 degrees here.01:47
MithrandirHobbsee: sure we do.  It's not hot here now, for instance.01:47
ograjust warm :)01:47
=== Fujitsu shakes a fist at 42 degree summer days.
=== Spads basks in a 16 degree summer day
=== Hobbsee takes her second jacket off, after all this talk of heat.
Nafallobryce: didn't find anyone to upload for you? :-)01:48
HobbseeMithrandir: it does occur to me that i'll have to learn to cope with the cold, in europe01:49
MithrandirHobbsee: it's not cold here either.01:49
=== Fujitsu likes European winters.
HobbseeMithrandir: for a non-australian value of "not cold"01:49
NafalloFujitsu: good for you :-P01:49
ograHobbsee, just wait another year or two, global warming willo adjust that for you :)01:49
Hobbseeogra: excellent!01:49
Nafalloogra: I don't like the outcome of that this year. far too much rain...01:50
MithrandirHobbsee: pft, you claim it's cold when it's still fine to walk around in shorts and t-shirt.01:50
=== Kmos it's 21C here
ograyeah its turning tropical here as well, warm and humid all the time01:50
KmosPortugal :)01:50
StevenKSpads: That isn't summer ...01:51
NafalloMithrandir: surely only fine for vikings like us ;-)01:51
SpadsStevenK: Why not?01:51
SpadsIt's only August01:51
HobbseeMithrandir: for you, yes.  i tend to be a little thin, and therefore freeze.01:51
MithrandirHobbsee: you claim I'm fat? ;-P01:52
ograMithrandir, you work for canonical :P if you are not yet, you will be soon :P01:52
HobbseeMithrandir: no. just not as thin as i happen to be.01:52
HobbseeMithrandir: probably a good thing01:52
=== Nafallo gives Mithrandir more pizza
mhbpitti: it seems to be fixed01:53
=== Hobbsee steals the pizza, and munches
mhbpitti: (now in my branch)01:53
Nafallotrue. Mithrandir has skills in the kitchen. he shouldn't be allowed to eat pizza ;-)01:53
=== pedro_ [n=pedro@pc-65-202-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Lutinpitti: can you give-back nethack please ?01:54
HobbseeNafallo: skills in cooking, or skills in poisoning?  or are these not mutually exclusive?01:54
NafalloHobbsee: I've only experienced the first of those skills :-)01:54
ograHobbsee, skills in dishwashing ?01:54
Hobbseeogra: or them.01:55
pittiLutin: kicked01:55
=== jwendell [n=wendell@ubuntu/member/wendell] has joined #ubuntu-devel
MithrandirHobbsee: I have yet to to kill anybody with my food.02:00
HobbseeMithrandir: that you'll admit to02:00
HobbseeMithrandir: or is that just to soften them up, so you can go take them to your cave and eat them?02:00
jwendellHi, seb12802:00
jwendellseb128, do you use clearlooks?02:01
MithrandirHobbsee: yeah.  meat > skin and bones.02:01
=== hggdh [n=hggdh@pool-71-170-39-244.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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xxxxx1mornin' people02:07
=== pygi [n=mario@157-186.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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Hobbseejono: ping02:33
=== Hobbsee waits for the contentless_ping.pl to kick in
=== eggauah [n=daniel@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityHobbsee: You sent jono a contentless ping, please try again with some useful content, kthx.02:35
jonoHobbsee: pong02:35
jonoinfinity: arf arf :)02:35
Hobbseeinfinity: no.  :P  that's not the correct response02:35
HobbseeYou sent me a contentless ping.  This is a contentless pong.  Please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I am around.02:35
Hobbsee*that* is the correct response02:35
infinityMine's better.02:35
Hobbseeinfinity: maybe i'll change mine.02:36
Hobbseeinfinity: it's useful for random people pinging me, when i dont want to speak to them :P02:36
infinityI find that I don't often want to speak to anyone, so just pretending to be asleep (do people still believe I sleep?) works well.02:36
Hobbseeinfinity: ahh.  and most people dont think to check a /whois02:38
Hobbseeinfinity: unfortunately, most of the people to do with irc *do*.02:38
Hobbseealso, connecting in as LongPointyStick is also effective02:38
geserah, Hobbsee reveals all her secrets02:41
=== alex-weej [n=alex@cpc2-darl3-0-0-cust237.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Hobbseegeser: no, not all.02:41
=== Hobbsee has most effective ways of hiding
=== EtienneG [i=etienne@ubuntu/member/EtienneG] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Hobbseegeser: i havent revealed why i have this particular real name, for eg.02:42
geserHobbsee: why have you this particular real name?02:43
Hobbseegeser: to avoid excessive amounts of harassment02:43
=== viviersf [n=cain@gw.impilinux.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Hobbseegeser: seriously.  i'd go from being harrassed multiple times each week, at times, to zilch.02:44
Hobbseefrom randoms in #ubuntu, and wherever else.02:44
=== Hobbsee is still stunned over that
dendrobateshobbsee: harassed how?02:46
infinityHobbsee: OMG, UR A GIRL LOL?!02:46
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infinityHobbsee: A/S/L!!!02:46
elkbuntuinfinity, dont be silly. girls dont exist on teh intarweb02:46
Kmosanother one :)02:46
geserelkbuntu: only as .jpg?02:47
elkbuntugeser, well a request for one of those usually accompanies these conversations02:47
Hobbseeinfinity: 93.  green alien.  antarctica.02:47
geserelkbuntu: :(02:48
elkbuntuHobbsee, i think geser failed to get the reference. do you have the link handy? :)02:49
ubotuThe women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.02:49
ubotuGirls dont exist on the internet.  See http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/2702:49
=== Hobbsee tries not to make a reference about "big and curvy".
=== Hobbsee hides from elkbuntu
dendrobatesI had actually never seen A/S/L before.   I am so sheltered/old.02:50
elkbuntuHobbsee, oh? do i hear you right? you want to be thrown in a pool? :02:51
=== Hobbsee rofl's
Hobbseeelkbuntu: i think you do.  or you want the other02:51
elkbuntuHobbsee, if you continue, i will hold you under :02:52
Hobbseeyou couldnt.  you wouldnt dare.02:52
Hobbseeelkbuntu: but does this mean you'll refuse to be my room mate?  :P02:52
elkbuntuHobbsee, between this conversation and 'the other side of the wall'... likely02:52
=== Hobbsee tries not to laugh too loudly, or bash something
=== viviersf [n=cain@gw.impilinux.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee tries very hard nto to think about the other side of that wall
=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@ubuntu/member/stefans/x-00001] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
=== elkbuntu tries to choose between choking on water, or shorting out her laptop
Mithrandirelkbuntu: turn, choke.02:54
Mithrandiror rather, turn, spill water on floor02:54
elkbuntuMithrandir, that was no freudian slip, i know ;)02:54
=== Hobbsee shoudl so not be being evil, like this.
elkbuntuHobbsee, i agree02:55
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=== hggdh [n=hggdh@pool-71-170-39-244.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
HobbseeMithrandir: were you ever evil, btw?02:56
Hobbseeelkbuntu: actually, i dont thikn i should remind Mithrandir.02:56
=== Hobbsee shuts up
=== viviersf [n=cain@gw.impilinux.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== hggdh [n=hggdh@pool-71-170-39-244.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
MithrandirHobbsee: no, I'm nice02:57
HobbseeMithrandir: oh good02:58
elkbuntuMithrandir, a perfect little angel, right?02:58
=== Hobbsee snorts
Hobbseesure sure02:58
=== elkbuntu plucks one of Mithrandir's wing feathers.
=== evand_ is now known as evand
Hobbseehiya evand.  welcome to the madhouse.03:03
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-76-204-9-149.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
evandgood morning Hobbsee, everyone03:05
geserelkbuntu: seen the movie "Dogma"?03:06
=== StevenK sighs, and plays "Find the missing right curly in a 1,300 line perl script" again.
viviersfis beagle or tracker gonna be installed by default in gutsy ?03:07
elkbuntugeser, dont think so, no03:07
evandtracker is, isn't it?03:07
pygisadly :P03:08
StevenKelkbuntu: Matt Damon, Ben Affleck as angels of death. Oh, and Jay and Silent Bob.03:08
StevenKStupid movie.03:08
=== elkbuntu doesnt watch many movies.. attention span too short :
StevenKOh, who'd have guessed?03:08
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=== StevenK hides.
=== elkbuntu thwaps StevenK with a long pointy hobbsee
=== Hobbsee is not long and pointy!
StevenKelkbuntu: Can you find where this missing curly is supposed to be? :-P03:10
=== Hobbsee does not work well as a throwing implement, either.
elkbuntuStevenK, i can give you a hint. 'the last place you look'03:10
elkbuntuhave fun! :D03:10
=== StevenK throws Fujitsu at elkbuntu
geserelkbuntu: except you look there first, then it's the first place you would search03:11
=== cr3 [n=marc@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== StevenK sighs, and comments out half the script.
=== mrsno [n=mrsno@cpc3-blfs3-0-0-cust868.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
StevenKGrah. Now dch is broken.03:17
StevenK"2.10.7-1ubuntu1" -> "2.10.7-1ubuntu1ubuntu1"03:17
=== Kano [n=kano@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Fujitsu breaks dch further.
Kanohi, how about only starting X in init 503:18
HobbseeStevenK: ...impressive03:18
ChipzzKano: no03:18
thomubuntu doesn't really differentiate runlevels03:18
ChipzzKano: runlevels are different in debian/ubuntu than in RH03:18
Kanoi know that03:19
Chipzzthan why do you ask?03:19
Kanobut there is no way expect single user mode not to start X03:19
Kanoor is there another option to get rid of x03:19
Chipzzsure there is03:19
Kanoand how it is called03:19
Chipzzstart in some other runlevel than 203:19
Kanoas 2-5 are the same03:20
Kanowhat should that do03:20
Chipzzthen file a bug to have gdm not start in some other runlevel then 203:20
Kano5 is the runlevel where it should start03:21
Chipzzno it is NOT03:21
FujitsuKano: In RH that is where it starts.03:21
KanoFujitsu: and in many other distros too03:21
FujitsuProbably because they're RH-based.03:21
StevenK2-5 are the same by default. If you change that, the system should respect it. If it doesn't, it's a bug.03:22
Chipzzlast time I checked, unless you are some important debian developer you do not get to dictate how each run-level is used...03:22
broonieThis comes from Debian which has done this since forever.03:22
Kanothats right, and i always changed the runlevels ;)03:23
ChipzzStevenK: it may be considered a bug (/waste of runlevels) that runlevels 2-5 are not differentiated03:23
Kanoi have got a gfx card which does not init with ati or vesa driver03:23
Kanoonly with fglrx03:23
Kanoneed to stop x from loading, without splash option i can get rid of the splash at least - as this does not work too03:24
StevenKKano: Then drop the single user?03:24
Kanobut i would not consider to use single user mode as good workaround03:24
thomso just delete the symlinks in the other runlevels. that's why we provide them; it's a user customisation03:25
Kanodo you really think i dont know thi03:26
thomso why do you think it should change globally?03:26
Kanoi am using primary your live systems for testing03:26
Chipzzthom: which do get recreated the next time the package is upgraded...03:26
thomChipzz: nope03:26
thomif they do, that's a bug in the package03:27
StevenKkeescook: Are you around?03:29
=== mjg59 [i=mjg59@pip.srcf.societies.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kanoand why are the kernel patches i proposed not acceptet? there are only simple pci id addons03:34
Kanoi dont like to write 100 pages of bug reports to get em in03:34
Kanoi tried it once, nothing changed03:35
HobbseeKano: surely you'd ask the kernel team that...03:35
Kanothe only thing that was solved was the fuse update03:35
Kanoalso your ntfs-3g is outdated, get the update from sid03:35
Kmosin Gnome: Menu "System" -> click on "About Ubuntu" , it doesn't work.. can't open file xml file..03:35
Kanothis is a major package for write support, should be always current03:36
thomwhining in this channel is a perfect way to get people to ignore you; please follow the procedures like everyone else03:36
Kanook. sid still did not add it ;) but it is on mentors03:37
Kanoand it works03:37
tkamppeterpitti, are you there?03:37
mjg59Kano: Point us at the bug in launchpad and it'll get fixed03:39
pittitkamppeter: back03:39
mjg59Kano: Otherwise it's unlikely that it will be. You've been told that on several occasions03:39
Kanomjg59: i added 5 test bugs, only one solved03:40
mjg59Kano: Numbers?03:40
Kanowhy should i waste my time?03:40
mjg59Kano: Because, right now, you're wasting *our* time03:40
pittitkamppeter: any luck with the updated AA profile?03:40
mjg59And you're the one that believes there are issues03:40
Kanoi know they are issues03:40
Kanoi dont "believe" it03:40
mjg59Kano: Then point us at a bug report precisely describing the issues and your proposed resolution03:41
mjg59Or, alternatively, spend the next five years failing to get them fixed03:41
Kanoit cant be the point to write a endless description when i even attach the fix03:41
mjg59Kano: Yes, it can. We don't alter packages without understanding the problem.03:41
Kanothen ubuntu will always be not that optimized than it could be03:42
Kanojust because of ignorance03:42
infinityKano: Applying patches that aren't well-explained is a surefire way to break things.03:42
StevenKinfinity: *poke* :-P03:43
infinityKano: If you know the fixes are correct, surely you know how to explain why that is?03:43
infinityStevenK: OW.03:43
Kanoinfinity: i do not always own the hardware that requires em03:43
mjg59Kano: If you point me to a launchpad bug containing a description of the problem and a patch, then I will get any kernel fixes applied03:43
Kanobut others use the patches versions and they work03:44
mjg59But without that, it's not happening03:44
Kanomjg59: it really seems you dont know who i am03:44
tkamppeterpitti, no, I had to return to complain mode to get my HP printer printing.03:44
pittitkamppeter: can you please send me the dmesg output?03:45
pittitkamppeter: so we need some more iterations (not entirely unexpected)03:45
mjg59Kano: Until I've seen your name on a significant number of patches that have been accepted into the upstream kernel, it doesn't matter who you are03:45
StevenKinfinity: I'd like to get yada killed before UVF, which is sneaking up ...03:45
tkamppeterAnd looking into /var/log/syslog I see 100s of lines PERMITTING, no BLOCKING or similar.03:45
StevenKWell, killed would be nice. Demoted is the current goal.03:45
mjg59Kano: We have no reason to believe tht your patches are automatically better than anyone else's - as a result, they will go through the same procedure03:46
Kanomjg59: currently the ubuntu kernel + 3 applied patches use serveral kanotix user without problems. you can be sure that adding the right pcis to the right modules does not hurt03:46
mjg59Kano: No, I can't be certain03:46
mjg59We have a significantly larger number of users than you03:46
pittitkamppeter: yeah, in complaint mode it will be PERMITTING, in enforce mode REJECTING03:46
mjg59And we need to be able to explain to upstream what these patches do03:46
StevenKAnd the explanation "Because $USER said so" doesn't cut it.03:47
mjg59In the time you've taken arguing here, you could already have filed usefuland appropriate bugs03:47
Kanomjg59: i will add the 2 bugs for the other kernel patches only if you definitely add em in next kernel03:48
Kanootherwise it is useless03:48
mjg59Kano: If you explain them adequately, it will be done. I can't promise it will happen for the next kernel.03:48
infinityKano: The only person that ultimatum harms is you.03:48
mjg59But it will be done before release.03:48
Kanoinfinity: search for the bugs from Kano in your launchpad03:49
tkamppeterpitti, so all these PERMITTINGs are complaints? S I should tell on which files they are?03:49
infinityKano: I have bugs open in Debian that are twice as old as Ubuntu.  I don't run around saying "I'll never file another bug until you fix those ones, nyah nyah nyah."03:49
pittitkamppeter: please send me 'dmesg | grep audit'03:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 128289 in linux-source-2.6.22 "VIA southbridge Intel id missing" [Medium,Triaged] 03:49
Kanoone of the 3 bugs03:49
mjg59Kano: A bug where you failed to provide any useful information in the bug03:50
tkamppeterpitti, these ones come if s-c-p scans for printers:03:50
tkamppeter PERMITTING03:50
kylemso why are you attaching things to bugs instead of following documented policy.03:50
tkamppeter r access to /dev/bus/usb/004/001 (hp(22433) profile /usr/sbin/cupsd active /usr/sbin/cup03:50
=== mathiaz [n=mathiaz@dsl-207-112-93-134.tor.primus.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
tkamppeter(same for the other USB devices)03:50
mjg59Kano: The useful information was added 10 days ago03:50
Kanomjg59: i always have to ask other ppl to write that because i told you already that i do not own the hardware!03:50
tkamppeter r access to /dev/parport0 (hp(22433) profile /usr/sbin/cupsd active /usr/sbin/cupsd)03:51
Kanoand 10 days... is it added?03:51
mjg59Kano: And I keep telling you that we cannot apply patches to the kernel unless we know wht they do03:51
mjg59Kano: Half the kernel team is currently on holiday03:51
broonieKano: Often a link to eg, a mailing list thread discussing the patch would help.03:51
pittitkamppeter: ooh, I see, the raw printers and parallel ports03:51
tkamppeterEither AppArmor is blocking the device files or the hp CUPS backend.03:51
pittitkamppeter: I only allowed /dev/lp* and dev/usb/lp*03:51
pittitkamppeter: I'll add that03:52
mathiaztkamppeter: if the profile is in complain mode, there shouldn't be any blocked access.03:52
pittitkamppeter: raw access to all USB devices is pretty evil, though03:52
mathiaztkamppeter: and since it's PERMITTING, it means the access has been granted.03:52
Kanothe 4 other bugs about avm drivers are still NEW. added the same day03:52
pittitkamppeter: does hplip really talk to the raw devices or does it just scan the entire /dev and talks to usblp* or lp*?03:52
Kanoyou add drivers that can not even work without patching03:53
mjg59Kano: l-r-m will tend to be handled at a lowerpriority than the core kernel03:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 128296 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 "avm drivers need pci_register_driver instead of pci_module_init" [Undecided,New] 03:53
tkamppeterpitti, HPLIP is accessing bi-directionally for printing, too. The lines with the raw devices I got also while printing.03:53
tkamppeterAnd I got also this one, but do not know by which action:03:54
pittitkamppeter: ok, seems it needs it then03:54
tkamppeter r access to /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat (python(22432) profile null-complain03:54
tkamppeter-profile active null-complain-profile)03:54
Kanoi think abi changes should be known to you ...03:54
pittitkamppeter: that looks weird; can you please mail me your entire dmesg output?03:54
tkamppeterand a lot on the various Python files of HPLIP:03:55
tkamppeter r access to /usr/share/hplip/base/service.py (python(22432) profile null-complain-profil03:55
tkamppetere active null-complain-profile)03:55
pittitkamppeter: please, don't spam the channel, just mail it03:55
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xxxxx1hello pitti03:56
pittihey xxxxx103:57
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tkamppeterpitti, the logs are on their way.03:59
tkamppeterpitti, I have also found out why your printer is not set up with the SpliX driver.04:00
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tkamppeterpitti, s-c-p is not isolating the model name correctly from the PPDs. Open s-c-p, "Add Printer" and then look at the models under "Samsung". Your model appears twice, once correctly as "ML-1610" (with only "gdi") and second as "ML-1610, 1.0" (with SpliX).04:02
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tkamppeterhal-cups-utils selects "ML-1610" because this is an exact match of the real model name.04:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 132454 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Add a necessary PCIID for Santa Rosa's PATA controller" [Undecided,New] 04:04
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Kanohigh prioity as you can not even boot with new laptops04:04
ijuz_with the ide_generic option you can, but that is of course ugly04:07
Kanoyes it is ugly04:07
Kanoi tested the patch, the use can use his cdrom just fine04:08
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mjg59Kano: Is already in git04:10
Kmosthere is any wiki about HAL debugging, ?04:12
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StevenKLutin: devscripts uploaded.04:14
Riddellmvo: how can we add kubuntu-restricted-extras to app-install-data?04:14
LutinStevenK: cool, thanks :)04:17
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Kmosmjg59: so that one can be fix commited ?04:21
mjg59Kmos: Wait for confirmation. I'm not sure it's hit the main tree yet.04:22
Kanomjg59: whats the current git checkout command04:22
Kmosmjg59: i set it to confirmed04:22
infinitypitti: Is there a pending MIR or something to get abiword's build-deps in main?04:23
pittinot that I know of04:23
infinitypitti: It's been happily not building since May...04:24
infinitypitti: Needs liblink-grammar4-dev, apparently.04:26
infinityWho's in charge of Xubuntu these days?  I assume they should care..04:26
pittiinfinity: gpocentek?04:27
infinityLooks like you did approve it, no one ever fixed the overrides.04:27
=== infinity goes to do that now.
Lutinmvo: pbuilder-satisfydepends-gdebi seems broken, because it passes the --root option to gdebi, which now requires an argument04:27
Lutinpitti: gpocentek stepped down from xubuntu. janimo and mr_pouit are the guys who care for it :)04:28
pittiI see04:28
seb128jwendell: no, I use the Human theme04:28
infinitypitti: Fixed.  Sorry to bug you, should have search the wiki first.04:29
jwendellseb128, ah, did you see my comment on bug 106124?04:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 106124 in gtk2-engines "Clearlooks, tooltips and notifications are gray now instead of yellow" [Low,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10612404:29
pittiinfinity: np, thanks for fixing it04:29
broonieApparently someone rewrote it to do some hideous XML stuff with no obvious understandig of xML at some point.04:29
seb128jwendell: no04:30
seb128jwendell: reading now04:30
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seb128jwendell: open a bug on bugzilla I would say04:30
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pittitkamppeter: I updated the profile on people, can you please test again?04:31
pittitkamppeter: copy it, and do 'sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor reload'04:32
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pittiiwj: can we two kill some MIRs today? dendrobates needs some urgent ones (the pam/ldap stuff)04:32
infinityStevenK: You recently had to beat intltool into submission, right?04:33
infinityStevenK: Does this look familiar? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8806474/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-lpia.inkscape_0.45.1-1ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz04:33
dobeyinfinity: rerun intltoolize --force --copy04:34
Lutinmvo: maybe just replace --root $CHROOT by --root=${CHROOT:-/} would be ok ?04:34
dobeyautoreconf doesn't rerun intltoolize04:34
seb128dobey: is that an intltool bug?04:35
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pittitkamppeter_: wb04:36
dobeyseb128: no. all the INTLTOOL_$GNUTOOL stuff is gone in 0.36, so if you are using the new intltool.m4, and old intltool-foo.in, it breaks04:36
pittitkamppeter_: I updated the profile on people, can you please test again? copy it, and do 'sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor reload'04:37
dobeyand autoreconf causes the new intltool.m4 to get pulled in i think04:37
dobeyseb128: it's probably prudent to get autoreconf patched to support re-running intltoolize04:37
dobeyif needed04:37
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iwjpitti: Does it need doing before FF ?  I'm very short of time.04:40
tkamppeterpitti, I had an interruption here. Did you say anything to me before "tkamppeter_: wb"?04:40
pittitkamppeter: yes, but I said it again04:40
pittiiwj: yeah, that's why it is urgent04:40
pittiiwj: I'll review some as well04:40
iwjLet me look.04:41
iwjlibpam-ldap, *auth-client* ?04:42
pittiiwj: and libpam-mount, and libnss-ldap04:42
dendrobatesiwj: libnss-ldap , not libpam-mount04:42
dendrobatespitti and iwj:  this is my first MIR, so I apologize in advance f they are crap.04:43
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ubotuLaunchpad bug 132466 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Add T-Sinus 111card to hostap_cs driver to be able to upload firmware" [Undecided,New] 04:46
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Kanomjg59: is it now enough to confim that the patch works...04:47
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tkamppeterpitti, I have added some test results to our private chat.04:47
pittitkamppeter: weird, I didn't get anything;04:48
pittitkamppeter: ah, you aren't registered04:48
iwjpitti: TBH libnss-ldap and libpam-ldap seem like the main questions here.04:48
pittiiwj: yeah, the auth client stuff should be trivial (I didn't look at it yet)04:48
iwjThey don't have a hugely nice security history and they're put right in the most critical place.04:48
pittiiwj: yeah, I know; the question, however, is less about whether or not to put them in main (since it's a feature goal), but rather to check their sanity etc.04:49
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iwjIf the question isn't whether to put them in main then there is no point doing the MIR, surely ?04:50
iwj"Executive Override"04:50
pittiwell, if they are really broken, we wouldn't of course04:50
iwjOr do you mean you want to review them for (a) hideously broken and/or (b) easy fixes ?04:50
tkamppeterpitti, so I will mail you the full syslog04:50
pittiiwj: in that case we would note down the complaints, have the guys fix them, wash/rinse/repeat04:50
iwjOK, that makes sense.04:50
iwjI think the lib*-ldap are the meat.  Do you want me to take those two ?04:51
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pittiiwj: oh, if you are comfortable with grabbing both of them?04:51
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iwjWell, I think they'll be similar.04:51
pittiiwj: I'll look at the other stuff then (that should take less time per report)04:51
iwjI can't guarantee to spot the next vuln though.04:51
pittiiwj: no, I don't think we should expect to get a full audit04:52
seb128what the heck?04:54
tkamppeterpitti, you have mail04:55
seb128ah, command-not-found looking weird04:55
iwjpitti: OMG   4088 pam_ldap.c04:57
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pittitkamppeter: updated again; I think it should do now, since I basically disabled all confinements of hplip (that's not a regression anyway)05:06
pittitkamppeter: that version also fixes the gazillion null-complain-profile noise05:07
keescookhiya pitti :)05:07
pittihey keescook! *hug*05:07
=== keescook hugs pitti
pittikylem: do you have some time today to discuss the dapper.2 list?05:07
Hobbseeheya keescook!05:10
=== keescook hugs Hobbsee too!
tkamppeterpitti, there is still the following:05:11
tkamppeterREJECTING rw access to /dev/tty (bash(6719) profile /usr/sbin/cupsd active /usr/sbin/cupsd)05:11
kylempitti, yup.05:11
tkamppeterbut it prints05:12
pittitkamppeter: yeah, I deliberately don't allow that05:13
pittitkamppeter: cool!05:13
pittitkamppeter: thanks a lot; I'll upload that now to get it fixed, and look into cups 1.3 after the discussion with kyle05:13
tkamppeterpitti, job has successfully completed.05:13
tkamppeterpitti, started system-config-printer and looked for device auto-detection. All devices appear, HPLIP-driven printers. network printers, and my Bluetooth cell phone.05:15
pittitkamppeter: erm, is that cellphone able to print? :-)05:16
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tkamppeterpitti, no, or simply Samsung does not provide a Linux driver for it (would be nice to have a fax driver).05:19
tkamppeterpitti, but at least it asks for the PIN when one sends a job to it. So one can see that the Bluetooth backend works.05:20
pittitkamppeter: heh, indeed, a fax driver would be a nice gadget05:20
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psusiiwj: ping05:23
tkamppeterpitti, what did you mean with " thanks a lot; I'll upload that now to get it fixed, and look into cups 1.3 after the discussion with kyle"05:23
iwjpsusi: Content free ping isn't very interesting.05:23
pittitkamppeter: I don't discuss cups with kyle; just saying that I'll look into cups afterwards05:24
psusiiwj: hey... was wondering how dpkg triggers is coming?05:24
Riddellcalc: see this? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-users/2007-August/019536.html05:24
tkamppeterWill you add this profile now to the CUPS 1.3.0 package which I have made available to you or should I re-upload that package with the new apparmor profile?05:24
psusiiwj: I thought we would have it in gutsy, but it looks like it hasn't made it upstream even yet?05:24
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iwjI'm working hard on it when I'm not being asked about it :-).  It'll be in for FF but not very well tested.  I'll probably break everyone's stuff :-).05:24
seb128pitti: do you run gutsy on you powerpc?05:24
pittiseb128: yes, I do05:25
seb128pitti: does "gst-inspect-0.10" crash?05:25
pittiseb128: except that I downgraded the kernel again since suspend to ram broke between gutsy's -8 and -905:25
pittiseb128: booting05:25
seb128pitti: thanks05:25
psusiiwj: you are still just working on it privately?  I didn't see it in the dpkg git repo05:25
iwjIt's all on my local disk, yes.05:27
iwjIn fact TBH I've been too busy coding to do any playing with git so I'll probably upload to Ubuntu first and mess with git later.05:27
psusiok... definately check out git when you get a chance... it is awesome... I've been tracking the linux kernel develeopment with it... it is incredible to update after linus tags a new -rc1 and see all the thousonds of changes woven into the kernel from all of his dozens of liutenents and submitted by hundreds of contributors05:29
psusimost of which have been sitting in other repos for testing for weeks or months, but all are now in the mainline for -rc105:30
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pittiseb128: doesn't crash here, but it's already some weeks old; dist-upgrading now05:31
tkamppeterpitti, you have put your new profile into the old CUPS 1.2.x now? Will we stay with CUPS 1.2.x in Gutsy?05:31
pittitkamppeter: yes (so that it gets out of my eyes), and no (I'll still update it)05:32
seb128pitti: ok, thanks05:32
tkamppeterpitti, should I merge 1.3.0 with your 1.2.12-3ubuntu3 now or will you do it?05:33
pittitkamppeter: if you have your package current against ubuntu2, that's fine05:33
pittitkamppeter: ubuntu3 just updates the AA profile, that's trivial05:33
psusiiwj: you should be able to use triggers to things like shut down apache once, update several apache related packages, then start it back up at the end right?  rather than restrting it dozens of times?05:34
pittitkamppeter: I'll probably update the Debian trunk first and re-merge the Ubuntu changes05:34
tkamppeterpitti, yes, I have now a cupsys 1.3.0-0ubuntu1 with your newest profile now, I only need to upload it to my server.05:34
pittitkamppeter: cool, thanks05:34
iwjpsusi: Would you mind if we had this conversation after feature freeze ? :-)05:35
psusihehe... sure ;)05:35
tkamppeterpitti, I am currently replacing the source files on the server.05:36
tkamppeterpitti, files on the server are replaced now.05:37
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tkamppeterpitti, I have another question: Will CUPS work with other filter-style drivers than HPIJS, like foo2zjs, m2300w, pxljr, ...05:39
pittitkamppeter: by default those backends have the same privileges as cupsd05:40
pittitkamppeter: so if they need configuration files or special programs to work, they might break05:40
tkamppeterpitti, these are not backends, these are executables in /usr/bin, which are called via foomatic-rip.05:40
tkamppeter x access to /usr/bin/foo2zjs-wrapper (bash(22239) profile /usr/sbin/cupsd active /usr/sb05:42
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tkamppeterpitti, I think this is a big problem, as every driver would need its own entry in the AppArmor profile. Especiallyt for users printers will not work out-of-the-box if they would install a distro-independent driver package from the manufacturer or from OpenPrinting.05:43
=== alex-weej [n=alex@cpc2-darl3-0-0-cust237.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittitkamppeter: we should probably allow execution of /usr/bin/*05:44
pittitkamppeter: with the same privs as cupsd05:44
pittiinstead of picking particular programs05:44
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tkamppeterpitti, yes, and this is not dangerous, as only root can write into this directory or modify the files in there.05:44
iwjpitti: Well, libpam-ldap consists of about 4kloc of flabby C code which implements complicated logic for pam in terms of libldap.  I haven't found any howlers reading it just now but I'm pretty sure it has more bugs than the ones found so far.05:46
pittitkamppeter: can you please replace "/usr/bin/env ixr," with "/usr/bin/* ixr" and remove the other /usr/bin lines? then /etc/init.d/apparmor reload05:46
iwjpitti: What more did you want to know ? :-)05:46
tkamppeterpitti, still a problem will be the distro-independent driver packages from OpenPrinting. They install into /opt and add the directory with the executable filters to the system's PATH, via an entry in /etc/profile or in /etc/profile.d/*.05:47
iwjI wouldn't want it on the security boundary of any machine I cared about.05:47
iwjBut then that's true of web browsers too and I have to run those ...05:47
pittiiwj: a general impression of "this code is maintained upstream, it has a good chance to actually work" and such, I think05:47
iwjI have no reason to think it doesn't work.05:48
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pittitkamppeter: yeah, it's no problem to add /bin/*, /usr/local/bin/*, /sbin/* etc., too05:49
iwjUpstream is a small company who do appear to be active.05:49
pittitkamppeter: oh, they modify a system configuration file? urgh05:49
tkamppeterpitti, and also /usr/lib/cups/driver/* /usr/lib/cups/filter/* /usr/lib/cups/backend/*, as drivers also bring files to be put into these directories.05:50
pittitkamppeter: those are already covered05:51
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tkamppeterpitti, how do you think one should do distro-independent driver packages? Somehow they need to be connected with the system.05:51
Kmosbug 13020305:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 130203 in Ubuntu "MoM creates package against wrong tarball when tarballs are different" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13020305:52
Kmoswhat package to fill this bug against ?05:52
tkamppeterpitti, after adding /usr/bin/*, /usr/sbin/*, /sbin/* and /bin/* my LaserJet 1020 (foo2zjs) prints.05:53
iwjpitti: libnss-ldap is about 17kloc in total of which at least half is actually used by us.  The latest upstream version has a probably hard-to-exploit buffer overflow bug which was reported to Debian in December 2006.05:54
pittitkamppeter: ok, I did that change in svn05:54
pittiiwj: they didn't fix that yet? hmm05:54
iwjAnd for which a fix has been in Debian since June 2006.05:54
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iwjTBH I don't think I properly understand the basis for the yes/no decision.  I don't much like these packages.05:58
pittiiwj: in this case the question is more like "what do we need to fix on those packages before we can support them?"05:59
iwjWhat do you do with 10kloc of security authorisation code written by idiots to fix it to make it secure ?06:00
pittiiwj: sounds exactly like the thing I'd put on a CD by default and ship worldwide :-P06:01
iwjGo for it then :-).06:01
iwjOK, `idiot' is probably overly harsh.06:01
iwjIt's not absolutely terrible.06:01
xhakerwhats the subject here?06:02
iwjI think the bug rate will be comparable to that from other excessively extensive C code.06:02
iwjxhaker: libnss-ldap06:02
iwj(and libpam-ldap, earlier)06:02
pittitkamppeter: /opt> allowing cupsd to read everything below /opt/ is no problem; for execution, do those drivers have a certain structure?06:09
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pittiseb128: latest gst-inspect behaves for me06:10
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tkamppeterpitti, in general in /opt every supplier can do everything he wants under /opt/<supplier>/, accordint to the FHS there is no required structure.06:15
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pittitkamppeter: ok; let's not worry too much about /opt then, I'll whitelist it06:17
pittitkamppeter: do you think that /opt needs write privs, too? or do these drivers generally use /tmp/ and /var/spool/?06:18
alex-weejmvo: you there?06:19
tkamppeterpitti, write privs are not needed in /opt. They use /var/opt/..., perhaps also /tmp/...06:19
tkamppeterAnd there should also read access for everything under /usr/, as some drivers, like m2300w have some extra files, but these only need to be read by the driver.06:21
tkamppeterOpening read access to /usr/ should be no problem, as there is no private data. Only world-readable system files.06:21
pittitkamppeter: read /usr/ is more or less covered (/usr/lib/** and /usr/share/**)06:22
pittitkamppeter: people.u.c. profile updated06:23
pittitkamppeter: so that should work with those three drivers you mentioned above06:23
tkamppeter/usr/lib64, /usr/X11R6/?06:23
mvoalex-weej: yes06:24
alex-weejmvo: when you created the ubuntu theme for notification-daemon, was it a copy and paste job from the standard theme?06:24
alex-weejjust there is a fair bit of delta now :/06:24
pittitkamppeter: /usr/X11R6 is deprecated06:25
mvoalex-weej: it was06:25
tkamppeterpitti, foo2zjs is working with your new profile.06:25
pittitkamppeter: and the cupsys package doesn't use /usr/lib6406:25
tkamppeterpitti, what happens if a driver uses a shared library and we are on a 64-bit box?06:26
alex-weejmvo: PM06:27
dendrobatespitti iwj: Is it your opinion that libpam-ldap is not of sufficient quality to be supportable?06:27
pittitkamppeter: shared libs are not the problem, that's already allowed by #include <abstractions/base>06:27
tkamppeterpitti, is this also valid for libs linked at run-time, via libdl or so?06:27
pittitkamppeter: yes06:28
tkamppeterpitti, then /usr/lib64 is really not needed.06:28
pittitkamppeter: ok, I committed the changes to the svn06:31
tkamppeterpitti, do the AppArmor profile entries for cups-pdf fix https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/pdf-printing-cups-as-default06:32
pittitkamppeter: I made the profile work with cups-pdf, yes06:32
pittitkamppeter: (and did a small fix to cups-pdf itself for that)06:32
tkamppeterI mean part 3 there. part 2 and part 1 are easy to fix then.06:33
tkamppeterpitti, does cups-pdf already auto-create the PDF queue (part 2)?06:33
pittitkamppeter: part 3> it's not too bad ATM, I had a look at it when fixing the package06:34
pittitkamppeter: part 2 is not done, you have to manually add the queue06:34
tkamppeterpitti, I mean with fixing part 3 also if an AppArmor protection assures the security, so that privilege-dropping can be dropped.06:34
pittitkamppeter: not sure what you mean06:35
pittitkamppeter: cups-pdf drops root privs to user privs for actually writing the file06:35
tkamppeterpitti, part 2 we can do easily, by simply adding an "lpadmin ..." line to the post-install script.06:35
pittithat's good, that's robust, it's upstream, I see no reason to change that06:35
tkamppeterpitti, it does already? Even better, then part 3 is really fixed.06:36
pittitkamppeter: it might be possible that it could be tightened, but it's not too bad ATM06:36
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tkamppeterFor fixing part 2 see my comment in bug 8267406:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 82674 in cups-pdf "add/remove the PDF printer in CUPS at installation/removal time" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8267406:38
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iwjpitti: I've written two report conclusions into those two MIRs.  I think the decision now is political so if you don't mind I would like to bow out.06:45
iwjYou should ask The Management whether there is, as I say, a "compelling reason" for inclusion.06:45
pittiiwj: I just read it, thanks for you analysis!06:45
iwjYou're welcome.06:45
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calcRiddell: as best as I can tell Retroshare has nothing to do with openoffice.org07:04
RiddellI'll assume he's talking nonsense and ignore it then :)07:05
calcRiddell: perhaps the person meant open office as a general term07:05
pittikeescook: btw, your SSP main rebuilds are complete?07:07
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keescookpitti: they're not finished, but the bulk of things that looked interested are done: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kees/needs-stackprotector-build.txt07:09
keescookI'll do a few more; why do you ask?07:09
pittikeescook: oh, it just came into my mind, since I'll start the universe rebuilds for Maintainer: now07:10
=== keescook nods
seb128pitti: thanks, that depends of the powerpc model, I've found the corresponding Debian bug07:21
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pittitkamppeter: debian/patches/68_edit-config.dpatch> funny, I was just thinking of actually updating this patch to our configuration changes; you said that it was fixed upstream, how so?07:26
pittitkamppeter: doesn't upstream use per-language templates for the config file any more?07:26
pittitkamppeter: in ubuntu-disable-browsing.dpatch you changed "BrowseAllow @LOCAL" to "BrowseAllow all"; IMHO @LOCAL is a better default for printing07:28
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pittitkamppeter: oh, wait, my 'patch of patch' reading skills are weak; upstream changed that default, as it seems07:30
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pittitkamppeter: 68_edit-config.dpatch> ah, I see how that works now. cool!07:34
pittithere goes our biggest patch07:34
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bryceNafallo: it was pointed out that the CtrlAltBkspace spec still needs a final approval first07:57
pittitkamppeter: 1.3 works great here07:58
bryceNafallo: I've put in a request for an official decision on that.  Otherwise everything else looked ok.  Hoping to have it uploaded some time later today.07:58
iwjdpkg is no longer built with -Werror.07:59
Nafallobryce: ouch :-/. what about the xserver-xorg-video-vesa depends in the same place that deps displayconfig-gtk? :-)08:01
Nafallobryce: should make most sense IMO :-)08:01
bryceit was recommended not to have low level components like xorg or gdm depend on higher level gnome apps like displayconfig-gtk, so that change won't be made08:03
Kopfgeldjaegeranyone reported rt73 chipset (rt2x00 module in gutsy) working??08:04
pittibryce: why do you think it is bad to just seed displayconfig-gtk?08:04
bryceoh, I don't think it's bad - in fact I just now put in a request to evand and cjwatson to do that for the desktop seed08:05
brycepitti: I was just not clear on what to do - you gave me two options and I just picked the wrong one.  ;-)08:06
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bryceNafallo: regarding having a depends on -vesa, I'm not sure on that one.  technically bulletproof-x should allow use of vga and/or the framebuffer, I just haven't been able to get it working with those configs yet08:07
Nafallobryce: :-)08:08
pittibryce: oh, I can seed it08:08
brycepitti, ah that'd be great08:08
Nafallobryce: maybe have displayconfig-gtk dep on those drivers that work as fallback might be the best for now then. even if a bit ugly.08:08
pittibryce: done08:09
bryceno, because displayconfig-gtk's primary use case is not bulletproof-x but rather the screen settings configuration, which by design is driver-independent08:09
pittibryce: now we need to rebuild ubuntu-meta, so that ubuntu-desktop actually depends on it; how urgent is this?08:10
Nafallobryce: right... that was my though yesterday as well :-P08:10
pittibryce: (it'll be done next Monday for the next tribe anyway)08:10
brycepitti, not urgent08:10
Nafallopitti: next tribe :-)08:10
brycepitti, if it can be done by tribe-5 that'd be fine08:10
Nafallobryce: bulletproof-x metapackage? ;-)08:10
pittibryce: it will, it's part of the standard procedure08:11
=== Nafallo hides
Kopfgeldjaegerpitti: do you know the state of the rt2xxxx chipsets in gutsy? or do you know where to find information about?08:11
pittiKopfgeldjaeger: no, I don't have such a thing08:11
NafalloKopfgeldjaeger: works better than in previous versions.08:13
KopfgeldjaegerNafallo: with rt2x00 or the "legacy" drivers?08:13
NafalloKopfgeldjaeger: they are working hard to get into the vanillakernel now from what I've seen.08:13
NafalloKopfgeldjaeger: rt2x0008:13
Kopfgeldjaegerrt2x00 does support network-manager, doesnt it?08:14
NafalloKopfgeldjaeger: did when I tried. that has improved a lot in gutsy I must say.08:14
KopfgeldjaegerNafallo: im going to buy a usb dongle with rt73 (rt2571w) chipset i think08:15
NafalloKopfgeldjaeger: nice. my experience was with rt61pci08:16
NafalloKopfgeldjaeger: rt61 on a pcicard even :-)08:16
KopfgeldjaegerNafallo: interesting. what would you say: will it work ootb (i CAN compile, but of course it would be cool...) ?08:17
NafalloKopfgeldjaeger: I can't say. but I would be surprised if it didn't.08:19
NafalloKopfgeldjaeger: I know the drivers are in linux-ubuntu-modules08:19
Nafalloor whatsitsname08:19
KopfgeldjaegerNafallo: sound good.08:19
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bryceheya glatzor08:21
glatzorservus bryce08:21
glatzorbryce: it seems that we are in main now :908:21
bryceglatzor: good news - displayconfig-gtk is now in main, and has been added to the desktop seed so now will be installed by default08:21
glatzorbryce: urgs08:21
glatzorbryce: could you please send me your patch as email?08:22
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glatzorlaunchpad included some html statements08:22
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Nafallobryce: bzr ;-)08:25
bryceI used bzr to make the patch ;-)08:25
Nafalloglatzor: bzr ;-)08:25
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ugihi all08:43
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glatzorbryce: the infimporter should now work too.08:46
bryceexcellent, yes I saw that code when I was reviewing08:46
glatzorthe module is now shipped in guidance-backends08:47
glatzorbut you can also call it from the command line to add monitors to our database08:48
ion_Hm. Would it be feasible to have the physical size of screens in a monitor database? That would be for monitors that dont report the size or report a wrong size. If X knows the correct size (from DDC or the DisplaySize setting), it calculates the correct DPI value whatever the resolution is.08:50
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pittitkamppeter: still here?08:53
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glatzorion_: right.08:55
bddebianGo pitti, go keescook... :-)08:55
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psusiion_: sounds reasonable... I know I have been pissed at windows for years because it simply assumes all monitors have a dpi of 96 no matter what their size or resolution08:56
bryceglatzor: cool, I'll plan on learning to use that08:57
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bryceglatzor: for bulletproof-x I've added in some code for blacklisting monitors based on their edid info08:57
ion_psusi: Yeah. Its really nice to have about the same font size on all monitors when the font setting is the same.08:58
bryceI'm getting that via get-edid, however that's not installed by default, so I'm pondering if there's something better to use08:58
psusiion_: I just love how a 12 point font is NEVER actually shown as 12 point in windows08:59
bryceglatzor: does dcg have this capability already, that I could just reuse?08:59
ion_*Especially* since the monitor DPIs are going to get higher and higher year by year, and some day were going to have freely scalable UIs. Then knowing the DPI value is an absolute necessity.08:59
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psusidpi keeps getting higher so windows just renders the fonts smaller and smaller making it harder to read instead of easier, as it should be09:00
psusiso most people end up just running in a lower resolution so they can still read the fonts09:00
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glatzorbryce: no, guidance just calls the scripts09:02
brycehmm, ok.  maybe I'll get that added to the seeds too.  presently the blacklist is empty so it's not important yet09:02
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Skiessi:/ It's not good that aMSN or Pidgin doesn't let me add people whose email address doesn't end with hotmail.com, msn.com etc.09:13
infinityErr, of course pidgin does...09:13
Skiessio_o Are you sure?09:14
infinityJust give the full email address for the contact...09:14
wasabipidgin always has for me09:14
wasabii have a dozen people on msn like that09:14
infinityWorks For Me.09:14
infinityI don't use a Microsoft address.09:14
infinityAnd most of my friends don't either.09:14
xhakeryou can add whatever you like09:14
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jdstrandcjwatson: I was playing with tasksel to try to add an openssh task, and when I run the updated tasksel on feisty, I get aptitude failed (100)09:18
jdstrandcjwatson: the tasksel file is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33735/09:18
jdstrandcjwatson: is there a known problem on feisty?09:19
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jdstrandcjwatson: just tried with gutsy's version.  same thing.  :(09:31
superm1jdstrand, I believe cjwatson is on vacation atm.09:31
jdstrandhmm.. shows he's online.  oh well09:32
superm1online but idle for many hrs.09:32
mathiazjdstrand: cjwatson is on vacation this week.09:33
infinityjdstrand: Lots of us are always online, doesn't mean much.09:35
jdstrandyea, I wasn't suggesting he was actually online.  :)  Just saw he wasn't away and went for it.09:36
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keescookKeybuk: yay, sometimes, if I boot really quickly mdadm segfaults in getinfo_super0 (sb is NULL, it seems) wheee race conditions.09:40
mathiazinfinity, seb128: I've added a debdiff to bug 12854809:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 128548 in samba "Enable net usershare?" [Wishlist,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12854809:43
keescookand I've now baffled the linux timer experts with my getnstimeofday() hang.  I think I need different hardware.  ;)09:43
mathiazinfinity, seb128: it should enable net usershare for the samba package.09:44
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Zero_HI, somebody can put the bug 128165 as milestone in tribe-6 ?09:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 128165 in netcfg "Installation of Network put a wrong DNS, crashing the Installation" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12816509:54
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sabdflasac: hi... dropping the scan_ssid line does not reproduce the problem10:04
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sabdflwhen using NM, i can connect to wpa_supplicant using wpa_cli and if i ask for status it is scanning10:04
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asacsabdfl: so you say the previous package did work for you, right? let me build a package for you ... amd64 or i386?10:22
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sabdflasac: no, i don't know if it ever worked, i just arrived in SA last week10:24
sabdfland it didn't work on two networks out of three10:24
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sabdfli can manually connect to both networks using wpa_supplicant with the config I pasted up for you10:24
sabdflthen sudo dhclient eth110:24
sabdflas long as I've killed NM and wpa previously of course10:24
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sladensabdfl: what happens if you do  watch -n0 iwconfig eth1   whilst letting NM attempt to connect10:29
sladensabdfl: here I've met a couple of networks were the network successful associates, even gets an IP, and then 5seconds later NM "gives up" and yanks the interface down10:30
sladen...everything /has/ worked (briefly) but NM hasn't realised it10:30
ion_siretart: I think gxine may need a rebuild, since it links to libmozjs.so, which doesnt exist in libmozjs0d.10:34
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sabdflsladen: that's interesting, i'll try as soon as the tech board meeting is done10:35
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bdmurraybryce: is xvmc supposed to be working with -intel now?10:38
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rglwhat version of gnome will gutsy have?10:40
brycebdmurray: I expect so.  I've seen some xvmc bug reports passing through but haven't had a close eye on them.  Is something broken?10:41
pygirgl, 2.20, but #ubuntu pls ;)10:41
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rglpygi, how is that possible if gnome 2.20 is scheduled for sept 12?10:41
pygirgl, easy ... release is in october :)10:41
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rglpygi, oh you are right.  gag. for some reason I though gutsy was going to be released in this month *G*10:44
bdmurraybryce: it doesn't work for me for whatever that is worth. ;)10:44
bryceyou using it with mythtv, or...?10:46
bdmurraybryce: on my laptop with hd video just to see10:47
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mvoif anyone is using compiz, I would like to see feedback on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompizTeam "Status of Xv video"11:19
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=== ion_ takes a look
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ion_mvo: Works with nvidia-glx 1:1.0.9631+
mvoion_: thanks!11:25
mvoion_: wiki updated11:25
ion_mvo: I have to play video in fullscreen mode and use the dont redirect fullscreen windows setting, though. Video played through compiz is absolutely too slow on this hardware (which is quite old).11:25
mvoion_: oh, that is interessing. what card do you use?11:26
ion_mvo: Ive been meaning to report a bug about it, btw. The redirect setting doesnt always work. I have yet to do some testing, but seems like it stops working after a SDL program has been in fullscreen mode, and restarting compiz doesnt seem to help. Restarting X is required.11:27
mvoion_: oh, that is interessting. what card is that?11:27
ion_nVidia Corporation NV28 [GeForce4 Ti 4800 SE] , Pentium III 500MHz11:27
mvoion_: where do you set the setting? in the nvidia-control panel thing?11:27
ion_CCSM  General Options11:28
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ion_The second to last item in the General tab.11:28
mvoion_: ok, I think I can do some testing on a more recent 6600 tomorrow11:29
gesermvo: do you know what happened to the recent xserver-xorg-video-ati for amd64? it build but didn't hit the archive yet11:29
ion_mvo: Ive been hoping that the compiz video plugin makes the video playback fast enough so that i dont need it. Hopefully some player implements support for it soon. :-)11:29
mvogeser: I think some mirrors (e.g. de.archive.u.c) are outdated11:32
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gesermvo: even p.u.c still shows the old version (and I use archive.u.c)11:34
ion_mvo: Im quite sure the slowness isnt because of the GPU, but because of the processor, btw.11:35
mvogeser: I got the new version today (well, one new version)11:35
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mvoion_: I see, p3-500 is really no longer top-of-the-line11:35
ScottKseb128: Riddell suggested I ask you about getting Bug #132543 processed.  It's got a significant bug fixed I'd like to get in before UVF if possible.11:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 132543 in pypolicyd-spf "Please sync pypolicyd-spf 0.4.1-1 from Debian Unstable (Main)" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13254311:36
seb128ScottK: I'm processing syncs request at the moment, will be synced11:38
ScottKseb128: Great.  Thanks.11:38
gesermvo: I see it now too, I expected it on the archive sooner as it was uploaded 3 days ago11:38
mvogeser: indeed11:38
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ion_mvo: Xv-via-compiz uses a *lot* more CPU power than plain Xv. The compiz video plugin should yield performance enhancements to compiz-wrapped Xv. I just hope theyre enough. :-)11:40
mvoion_: compiz-video plugin needs patches for the application that uses Xv unfortunately11:42
xhakermvo, will they be carried out?11:42
ion_mvo: Yes.11:42
mvoxhaker: its not easy, I hope someone will find time to patch gstreamer, currenly there is only a mplayer patch11:42
mvoand that will not work on embedded mplayer (i.e. mozilla plugin for example)11:43
ion_Actually, gstreamer shouldnt be patched, but a new output plugin should be created.11:43
mvoeven better11:43
xhakermvo, i had some luck modifying the videosink to gstreamerGL11:43
ion_Also i dont like the fact that the mplayer patch modifies the Xv plugin. A mplayer should also get a separate output driver for compizvideo.11:43
mvoindeed, but I think david just didn't want to spend too much time on it, it seems to be more of a proof-of-concept11:44
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ion_It does allow it to fall back from compizvideo to Xv *while a video is playing*, but the cost is high: maintaining and enhancing the functionality becomes more difficult and it becomes next to impossible to implement the entire video pipeline differently when thats needed. For instance, where Xv only allows one to render subtitle and OSD overlays to the video itself (their resolution is poor if the video resolution is poor; they cant be shown outside ...11:47
ion_... the video image), the compizvideo plugin should render the overlays to separate composited layers at the display devices resolution.11:48
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vdepizzolHello. There is a bug/blueprint anywhere informing that ubuntu should come with gnome-backgrounds package installed?11:55
dobeycheck launchapd11:55
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Riddelltkamppeter: awake?  do the files in hplip-firmware run on the local CPU or on the printer?11:59
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Riddelltkamppeter: also do you know what licence they are under?12:09
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