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nixternalKubuntu tasks added to the DocTeam wiki page12:47
mdkegood job12:48
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robotgeeknixternal: thanks for adding, taking a look now03:27
robotgeeknixternal: i wil grab unrar04:59
robotgeekafter i eat my pasta and finish teh daily show05:00
nixternalI finished the quicken write up..working on the publisher/scribus write up now05:00
robotgeeknixternal: shouldn't the nvidia/ati drivers just work05:00
robotgeekwith the restricted drivers05:00
nixternalooh, ya, I forgot about that now that Kubuntu has the restricted thing05:00
nixternalwow, that makes that section "Easy" and "Complete" pretty much :)05:01
robotgeeki can take up the wifi section too05:01
nixternalwe could be done way ahead of time then..unless you can come up with things to add05:01
nixternalthe wifi base is there, just needs a little love05:02
nixternalI did the base for Feisty05:02
robotgeeki saw that, i used to maintain the wifidocs page on the wiki05:02
nixternalyou are my hero05:02
robotgeekand you are mine :)05:02
nixternalwhee :)05:02
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4232 kubuntu/ (4 files in 4 dirs): added new sections and updated index06:19
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4233 kubuntu/validate_all.sh: little bash script that will allow quick validation of all Kubuntu docs06:19
robotgeeknixternal: did you break validation, i am trying to see if you broke it (or fixed it?)06:19
nixternaleverything validates06:19
nixternalnever mind the little validation error with index about entrytbl06:20
robotgeekoh okay :)06:20
nixternalya, I don't know why it complains about that..it works as it should and is a valid label06:22
robotgeekuggh, i removed vim-full, need to edit with vim-tiny06:36
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4234 kubuntu/hardware/C/hardware.xml: added the ati and nvidia restricted manager information06:45
nixternalwoohoo, that was easy :)06:45
robotgeeknixternal: good going!06:46
nixternalI can see us being available for a total review this week, with a new package uploaded, and the translations starting06:46
robotgeeki think i should dump vim and get an editor that just works, like kate :)06:46
nixternalyes, kate rocks06:46
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4235 kubuntu/index/C/index.xml: updated index06:58
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4236 kubuntu/index/C/index.xml: more index updates07:10
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4237 kubuntu/index/C/index.xml: last update, promise07:12
robotgeekkonqueror is pissing me off07:12
nixternalwhat is it doing?07:13
robotgeeki can't see the built index, even after copying to /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/07:16
robotgeeki moved the older kubuntu to kubuntu-feisty07:16
robotgeekThere is no documentation available for /kubuntu/basic-concepts/user-mgmt.html ...grrr!07:17
robotgeekall the help:/ links which refer kubuntu dont work07:18
nixternalya, they go back...I just browse to the trunk/build/kubuntu directory and try to avoid clicking on any of the links07:18
=== robotgeek takes a deep deep breath
robotgeekman, nothing has been going well for me today. my vim is painfully slow, and khelpcenter links dont work.07:19
robotgeekall i want to see if where to insert the unrar section :)07:19
nixternalthe khelpcenter links work as they should by pointing to a help:/ based url...just gotta get used to that07:20
nixternalthe fun part will be converting all of those links to http links when I build them for the website07:20
robotgeekwell, we probably also need to handle the extra C directory while being built.07:28
robotgeekkhelpcenter expects it at /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kubuntu/about-kubuntu/ , while when we build, we get kubuntu/C/about-kubuntu07:29
nixternalya, but when I build the package, it gets moved over correctly07:29
nixternalthe C translates to en during packaging07:29
robotgeekoh okay. cool.07:30
nixternalthat pain is the stupid Firefox frontpage and translations07:30
nixternalthat silly perl script doesn't work as it should...so I need to figure out how to go about fixing that07:30
robotgeekperl..good luck07:30
nixternalya, I think if I decide to keep a script like that, I am converting it to python right away07:31
robotgeekyup, then i could also possibly help07:31
nixternalI used to know perl, but for some reason, it looks so cryptic to me now07:31
robotgeekumm, isn't dolphin the default file mangler in gutsy?07:33
nixternalhrmm...if it is, I hope it understand the help:/ kio07:33
nixternalif it doesn't, no huge deal, because KHelpCenter does07:33
nixternalplus I don't even see dolphin on my gutsy box yet07:34
=== robotgeek tries
nixternaloh ya I d07:34
nixternalnope it doesn't07:34
robotgeekit seems restricted to file mangling07:34
nixternalyou know what...I think it does...if you look in the top right corner at the big icon, it says "about-kubuntu" and has it labeled as html07:35
nixternaldolphin doesn't do html07:35
robotgeekoh well, i guess we should also link to dolphin, as it will be the default file manager07:36
nixternalI guess so..need to find out more from Riddell first..I don't remember it being agreed upon just yet07:38
=== robotgeek undeletes konqueror
nixternalOK, filed a bug for Dolphin and help:/ kio07:41
nixternalit is funny, if I navigate to the doc html file and click on it, dolphin opens up konqi...but doing the help:/ it gives the malformed url error, yet it knows it is an html file07:41
robotgeekfunny the way things work. but i like the looks of dolphin. its very clean07:42
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robotgeekbtw, my problem was vim trying to connect to X server. vim -X fixes speed issue!07:43
nixternalthat it is07:43
nixternalit is growing on me07:43
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4238 kubuntu/internet/C/internet.xml: added 64bit flash section procedure TODO07:51
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4239 kubuntu/internet/C/internet.xml: don't forget about flash and java07:54
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4240 kubuntu/internet/C/internet.xml: oops, forgot to remove that07:55
nixternalhehe, doing a quick push before bed time07:55
robotgeeknixternal: i am almost done with my small edit. damn, i have been out of the loop.07:56
robotgeeknixternal: adding this entire section: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/kubuntu/desktopguide/C/file-managing.html07:56
nixternalrock on07:56
robotgeekit just seemed too bare with unrar section :)07:57
nixternaldid I forget the file managing stuff? for some reason I thought it got into the files-and-docs07:57
nixternalwhere are you putting it at?07:57
robotgeekin the same folder07:57
robotgeekunder files-tips.xml07:57
nixternalumm, we don't have a desktopguide though in gutsy07:58
nixternaland the way the indexes build is that the folder name and the *.xml name are the same...so if you could fit it into files-and-docs that would be great actually07:59
robotgeeki'm sorry, i missed the initial plan to this, so how do we want to handle it? should i just add the unrar item ?07:59
robotgeekoh okay, i will fix it then07:59
robotgeekokay, will do.07:59
nixternaljust double check and make sure I didn't forget stuff out to the dg from 6.10...but I think most of the file stuff that was in the dg is also in the konqueror handbook, so I may have just linked everything instead of copying it all over08:00
robotgeekyeah, sounds like a better thing to have done.08:01
nixternalya, plus the whole CC-by-SA for us and GFDL for KDE thing too that kind of hurts08:02
nixternalbut there is a lot of great KDE documentation that is hidden in that mess called KHelpCenter08:02
robotgeekyeah, is learnt a lot about kio:/ there.08:03
robotgeekman, it feels like something MS did!08:03
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: robotgeek * r4241 kubuntu/files-and-docs/C/files-and-docs.xml: Added section about file manglign08:42
robotgeekdamn, that thing is fast08:42
robotgeekhey mdke08:43
robotgeekalrite, i am off to bed. gotta get to work tomorrow08:44
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mdkebuongiorno enrico09:07
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mptThe FSF are currently working on a SFDL (Simple Free Documentation License)11:13
mptIt gets rid of the cover-pages-and-invariant-texts problem from the FDL11:14
mptbut it retains the attribute-many-of-the-previous-authors problem11:14
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ubotuNew bug: #132462 in ubuntu-doc "Xubuntu help list terminal located at Application>System>Terminal" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13246204:36
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CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4242 ubuntu/libs/gnome-menus-C.ent: Added restricted-manager entity08:13
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4243 ubuntu/about-ubuntu/C/about-ubuntu.xml: Mention Xubuntu as well as Kubuntu, and provide instructions on how to change between DEs08:14
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4244 ubuntu/internet/C/networking.xml: Added sections on Samba shares, including creating shares and using smbpasswd08:20
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mdkenow to find out how to apply a "bzr bundle"12:12

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