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lucas_hi... 01:14
lucas_someone know a howto work with lmks on kernel 2.6???01:15
lucas_how is in this chat?01:20
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zulBenC: ping https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/125855 it sounds sane but im not sure02:06
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defendguini just thought i would check to see if anyone in here knows how usplash works  i think i broke it 03:45
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KmosHi! gutsy will have kernel patches applied ?12:45
mjg59It's likely12:45
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Kmoshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/131957 - Gutsy Tribe 4 live CD don't boot01:07
Kmoscan someone ask for seveas to put ubotu here? it's nice for bug Number :)01:07
mjg59Kmos: Clearly not a kernel bug01:09
mjg59I suspect a bad CD01:09
MithrandirKmos: no, ubotu shouldn't be here01:09
Kmosmjg59: I'll ask him to do a md5sum check01:10
KmosMithrandir: ok :(01:10
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hroo772is anyone around, i was wondering what the proper way to request a change would be? like in launchpad?03:38
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Kmosi'm thinking on changing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#head-45808066734637ee99b63d089b514e2dff49b231 in kernel general04:39
Kmosbecause the adicional information asked is already at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeamBugPolicies04:39
Kmosso the finally work will be something like http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33697/04:42
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hroo772I was wondering if I should be subscribing a group to this bug report I just created05:44
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hroo772nevermind, its taken care of06:03
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lamontamitk_: you around?11:56
amitk_lamont: barely :)11:57
lamontI noticed a few commits merged, was debating panicking that mine wasn't one of them...11:57
lamonthppa should go live in the DC this week, so things will be better integrated for getting the abi files in, I expect.11:58
lamonthrm... actually, it almost looks like I could do it myself.12:00
lamontnah.  kernel_devs != kernel_team12:00
amitk_I am not sure if kylem was planning on doing those.12:01
lamontas in you don't want to do it if he was, or it might be out-plan for -9.26?12:02
amitk_I could do them tomorrow. Kyle said something about uploading a kernel tomorrow though.12:02
amitk_as in it's 1am and I don't trust the commit right now :-p12:03
lamontWe have been "this close" to actually building a kernel for going on 6 or 7 weeks now.12:03
lamontif it's not in -9.26, I'll have to escalate it12:03
amitk_lamont: I will leave a message for kylem to do it today. Else I will do it tomorrow evening. Does that work for you?12:08
amitk_lamont: done12:09
amitk_as in.. sent the message12:09
lamontthe big issue is that it's mucking with the abi files without an abi bump. and yeah.12:09
lamontgiven that there isn't a kernel in the archive before that, though, it's not an abi change... :-)12:09
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amitk_lamont: That ABI muck is why I don't trust myself to touch it while I am sleepy. :D Good night now. I am out of here.12:13
lamontamitk_: it's actually just a git cherry-pick and be done (only changes things in hppa-land)12:15

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