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NeoIceI'm managing a multi-user environment and would like to restrict certain users to certain commands, whats the best way to accomplish that?12:46
NeoIcerbash isnt restrictive enough12:46
tckmore restrictive than rbash?12:48
NeoIcerbash allows the chsh command still which basiclly nullifies using rbash12:49
NeoIcewhich seriously, whats the point of rbash if it only blocks SOME of the commands that allow shell changing?12:50
tckjust turn off the x bit for app12:50
tckchmod o-x /usr/bin/chsh ?12:51
NeoIcebut is there a way to specify which commands which user can use?12:51
tcknot quite sure12:51
tckim sure you can input something into a startup script when the shell is executed12:52
NeoIceI read something but I cant find it again and it looked like you created a folder full of the commands you wanted to allow and you pointed something at it12:53
tckit would be similar to the say, netopia menu based scenario i would imagine12:54
tckoh fancy that, its in apt12:55
PumpernickelWould rbash with a carefully vetted $PATH work well enough for you?12:55
NeoIcecan you explain that a little more?12:56
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PumpernickelRbash seems to restrict users to running executables in their $PATH - no ./foo type commands, no commands starting with a /, no `cd`, etc.12:57
PumpernickelSo if you were to setup their $PATH to only include 'allowed' executables, that should be an absolute limit.12:58
NeoIceah, found the environmental variable for the user that looks like this:01:02
dendrobatesNeoIce: you could chroot the user and only put the commands you want them  to access in the chroot.01:04
NeoIceyeah, rbash really doesnt block anything01:15
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nealmcbinfinity, et al.: is there a web page somewhere (or ubotu response) with insights on why ubuntu doesn't have webmin any more?  We see it come up so often, that having a good page to point people to would help.  Info on when we dropped it, what other GUI tools are available that deal with config files in a respectful way, etc (like ebox?), etc would be nice also.03:03
mathiaznealmcb: not that I know of.03:25
mathiaznealmcb: may by we could discuss that during tomorrow meeting.03:26
nealmcbmathiaz: that would be good.  as a new ubutu additions topic?  roadmap item?03:35
mathiaznealmcb: addition topic seems good to me.03:36
mathiaznealmcb: it may turn into a roadmap item at the end of the meeting.03:37
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newbie3anybody using ncsa_auth on squid?05:12
newbie3my authentication can't run05:12
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nealmcbnewbie3: Can you be more specific?  What version, what browser, what configuration, what does it do instead?05:29
newbie3who's version?05:52
newbie3my ubuntu 7.0405:53
newbie3squid 2.605:53
newbie3ncsa_auth can't run05:53
newbie3it's always wrong everytime i enter username and password05:53
newbie3actually the squid is running but not until i try to run the authentication program05:55
newbie3what could be wrong?05:56
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dezmaethhi, im having problems with chmodded directories07:20
dezmaethi cant seem to enable uploads from users , i allready chmoded every needed directory as 77707:20
dezmaethbut still doesnt work07:20
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newbie3my squid keep telling cache access denied?08:06
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bainmornign 08:17
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newbie3no responses09:38
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pmjdebruijnwill Gutsy support dm-multipath in the installer?01:57
pmjdebruijnfor example CentOS 5 automatically creates /dev/mapper/mpath{0-...} devices when it's started with 'linux mpath'01:59
NafalloI do need to throw this suggestion out here:01:59
pmjdebruijnquite critical for our datacentre01:59
Nafallowhat do you people think of a task that will install openssh-server + deps as its own preselected tasks in the installer?02:00
Nafalloserverinstaller that is02:00
Nafallomost people will want to install it, and those that does not can easily untick it.02:00
Nafalloshould help new users02:00
dendrobatesNafallo: We could not have it running by default.  We advertise no open ports in a default install.02:07
lcddNafallo: anything to help the admin get out of the server room sooner, i guess02:07
dendrobatesNafallo: I could see an argument for having it installed though.02:08
Nafallodendrobates: yes I know. that's why I wondered about the option above. to make it easier to get the most usual thing up and running fast :-)02:08
Nafallodendrobates: I don't want to force it on people, but a good default choice that you can untick :-)02:08
Nafallolcdd: agreed02:08
Nafallolcdd: or the datacenter ;-)02:09
Nafalloit's easier to hit enter then login, sudo apt-get install openssh-server, wait a bit, logout02:09
dendrobateswhy have a checkbox at all.  I think you can make the assumption that all servers need ssh-server.02:10
dendrobatesYou just can't start it by default without intervention at install.02:11
infinityI think that assumption would be incorrect.02:11
Nafallodendrobates: cause we have a no open ports policy :-)02:11
dendrobatescore server need ssh-server than moin and we ship moin on the image.02:12
Nafalloinfinity: hi :-). I would love your feedback as well ;-)02:12
infinityWe ship both, we don't INSTALL moin.02:12
infinityTry logic that makes sense. :P02:12
Nafalloinfinity: I applied for ~ubuntu-server btw. when you have time etc... ;-)02:13
dendrobatesI'm not saying we should start ssh-server by default, I think it might be a useful option in the installer.02:14
dendrobatesNafallo: I add you in a few minutes.02:14
infinityThere's no point in installing it and not starting it.02:15
Nafallodendrobates: ah. thanks :-)02:15
infinityThat has the same net effect as not installing it at all.02:15
=== Nafallo agrees with infinity
NafalloI rather have a task for it.02:15
infinityNamely that you can't make it run without having physical access to the box. :P02:15
dendrobatesIt's still early for me.   My last comments have nothing to do with my checkbox comments earlier.   What I am saying is it might be good to have an installer option that defaults to off, that installs and starts ssh-server when checked.02:18
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dendrobatesNafallo: Are you on the server mailing list?02:19
Nafallodendrobates: yes, have been from the start I think. backlogged though :-P02:20
Nafallodendrobates: so what I suggested, except I want it default to on :-)02:20
dendrobatesyes.  I think it is a good idea.02:21
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nealmcbubuntu server team meeting in 53 minutes in #ubuntu-meeting04:08
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dendrobatesserver team meeting in 15 minutes at #ubuntu-meeting.04:45
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dendrobatesserver meeting in #ubuntu-meeting now.05:02
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JekharI'm new to server administration, using an Ubuntu-6.06 server running Ruby1.8.4 which was installed with apt-get. I have not found a .deb on the repository my server is checking for Ruby1.8.6. I'm sure I could build it myself, but was curious as to whether installing it via rubygems would cause any problems or inconsistencies with the present 1.8.4 package.06:00
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gamble6xJekhar: not terribly experienced with the ruby packages on 6.06.  But I'm curious.  Do you need both 1.8.4 and 1.8.6?  If not you could uninstall 1.8.4 to make sure there are no conflicts.06:20
gamble6xmy assumption would be if you're installing from source you can designate where it puts the files for 1.8.6 and then just make sure whatever apps need to use 1.8.6 are pointing to that location.06:20
leonelIn most packaged  distributions  if you  install some package from source  you need to make sure you install that package somewhere your instaled packages does not conflict with the new one 06:25
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nealmcbJekhar: what do you need in particular from ruby1.8.6?  switching out language versions can have a lot of ramifications06:32
nealmcb!info ruby06:33
uboturuby: An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby. In component main, is optional. Version 1.8.2-1 (feisty), package size 18 kB, installed size 96 kB06:33
JekharI guess you could say its a job requirement. The rails app was written with 1.8.6 on our machines. But, I know that when I do capistrano commands, I get a warning message about a bug in Ruby1.8.6's threading implementation.06:37
nealmcbThat shows 1.8.2 as the ruby version in ubuntu dapper thru gutsy....06:37
JekharYeah, when I do a apt-cache policy ruby, it shows 1.8.2, but when I do ruby -v, it shows 1.8.406:39
nealmcbI don't know much more about ruby versions or what you might run into compiling it from source06:39
nealmcbJekhar: interesting...06:39
nealmcbon feisty, ruby -v  gives  ruby 1.8.5 (2006-08-25) [i486-linux] 06:40
nealmcbso that package summary seems dubious....06:40
nealmcbbut on feisty, dpkg -l ruby  gives 1.8.2-106:41
nealmcbI'll look later for more about ruby versions - seems like a bug to me - but now, about time for breakfast....06:43
pmjdebruijndoes anybody here know whether it's possible to configure dm-multipath on a root fs, during the Ubuntu installation?06:44
pmjdebruijnthis is rather essential in "enterprise" environments.... many of our systems don't have local disks anymore...06:44
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Nafallomissed the meeting cause of RL-stuff06:59
=== Nafallo reads backlog
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Nafalloehrm. make that php-page NOT know SQL passwords. just check that the modules are working please.07:06
Nafalloconnect, but don't auth. rather connect() -> disco() sort of way.07:06
Nafallojdstrand: ^ :-)07:06
Nafalloinfinity: ^ even :-)07:11
Nafalloinfinity: btw. we don't either have it in php5 or something or a new package putting in /var/www/index.php07:11
Nafallojust green OK or read FAIL ;-)07:12
infinityNafallo: I wasn't planning on it having any password knowlege. :P07:12
Nafalloinfinity: good :-)07:12
infinityNafallo: (what do you take me for..?)07:12
Nafalloinfinity: didn't read you had the task until further down in the meeting. I know yu wouldn't :-)07:13
NafalloI might want to take a stab at postfix+dovecot later btw07:15
infinityStab on.07:15
NafalloI have a real slick setup at work that would be fun to have as a task :-)07:16
infinityAnyone who occasionally pretends to understand network-manager should find postfix trivial in comparison. :)07:16
lamontinfinity: I understand network-manager sufficient for my needs...07:16
lamontbut then apt-get remove --purge isn't much of a need.07:17
infinitylamont: Nafallo's actually played around with the source.  That shit doesn't wash off.07:17
infinityI know, I still have some on me as well.07:17
lamontno, it most certainly does not.07:17
Nafallobasically let dovecot use static checking for users mboxes in /var/mail/$user and let postfix auth throu dovecot would be a nice default.07:17
=== lamont still appreciates the various warnings he received to avoid reading that source
Nafalloalso let postfix listen to more then if the task is installed.07:18
infinitylamont: It's scary, and it gets scarier with each new iteration.07:18
lamontNafallo: that's a preseeding thing...07:18
infinitylamont: The "let's pretend every network is wpa" thing was utter crack-addled genius.07:18
Nafallolamont: preseeding? you meant only listen on
Nafallolamont: why do we even have that? feels like a leftover from when we installed an MTA by default07:19
lamontdb4.4 only enables pthreadsmutexes (NPTL crap) on amd64?07:19
infinityNafallo: Enough stuff depends on "postfix | mail-transport-agent" that it's still a good default.07:19
lamontNafallo: because there's no good answer07:20
lamontand people on cable modems install postfix07:20
infinitylamont: In Debian, amd64 was the only arch guaranteed to be NPTL-friendly (old kernel support, blah blah blah)07:20
lamontand then complain when they were open relays for their neighbor's compromised machine07:20
infinitylamont: In Ubuntu, we can probably change that to do it across the board.07:20
lamontinfinity: should I?07:20
Nafalloinfinity: but if we put a small package that pre-depends on postfix and dovecot-imapd and does some small seds in postinst? ;-)07:20
infinitylamont: If it puts your heart a-twitter to do so.  I was planning on doing it anyway.07:21
lamontNafallo: modifying another package's config files is forbidden07:21
Nafallolamont: well, it isn't open relay by default surely?07:21
lamontinfinity: doing an upload anyway....07:21
lamontNafallo: it's an open relay for whatever is in $my_networks07:21
infinitylamont: Doing the whole db4.x family?07:21
infinitylamont: Right, well, go nuts with the NPTL change too, then.07:22
Nafallolamont: ah. right. and FQDN on those machines are the ISPs thingies...07:22
=== Nafallo ponders...
lamontNafallo: the upstream default is all machines on the local subnet.07:22
Nafallolamont: debconf wrapper for modifying other packages things not allowed as well, right?07:22
lamontwhich is bad on cable-modems and in co-lo centers07:22
infinityNafallo: You want to wrap debconf in debconf?07:23
lamontNafallo: I'm all for making the admin answer the question, or edit the config later.07:23
lamonthence the default (since I wasn't allowed to ask the question...)07:23
=== Nafallo ponders a bit more, just throwing ideas :-)
lamontinfinity: care if I ignore the NPTL change for db4.{2,3}?07:24
lamontI mean, 4.2 is _so_ dead, right?07:24
infinitylamont: Just change 'em all, lazy man.07:24
lamont(as in, why is that in main, still??)07:24
Nafalloa new package in the task pre-depending postfix and running dpkg-reconfigure -plow postfix *s*07:24
=== lamont changes db4.2 and 3 _again_
lamontI don't think dpkg is that friendly07:25
infinitylamont: It's in main because pitti and I need to do a reducing-duplication run again before gutsy+1.07:25
infinityNafallo: And we allow you to upload to the archive?07:25
Nafalloinfinity: I wouldn't upload until I get concent on the ideas. you should now that by now :-)07:26
Nafalloknow even07:26
lamontinfinity: 4.2 and 4.3 both lack NPTL_SUPPORTED_CPUS variables -> lose07:26
infinitylamont: Oh, even better.  You don't have to change a thing107:26
lamontexcept for hppa/java dropping07:26
lamont--> upload already07:26
infinitylamont: Did you add lpia to the NPTL_SUPPORTED_CPUS list?07:27
=== infinity bats his lashes.
Nafalloinfinity: those ideas are intrusive enough to demand a spec anyway btw :-)07:27
infinitySpec, schmeck.  I upload intrustive things ALL THE TIME.07:27
lamont4.5 has NPTL mutexes disabled for everyone....07:27
infinityI call it "work".07:27
infinitylamont: Yay consistency.07:28
lamontinfinity: should I turn it on for giggles?07:28
Nafalloinfinity: wasn't that you who hexedited fglrx or something? :-)07:28
lamontinfinity: in 4.4, I eliminated the CPU check. :-)07:28
infinitylamont: Clint's a bit schizophrenic.  I think I need to get back into bdb maintenance again for a bit.07:28
infinityNafallo: Yes.07:28
infinityNafallo: We still do it.07:28
Nafalloinfinity: I loved that one :-)07:28
lamontso was that a yes on "turn on NPTL for all in db4.5"???07:28
lamontinfinity: what did we have to hexedit?07:29
infinitylamont: What could possibly go wrong?07:29
lamont#ifneq (,$(findstring z$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_CPU)z,$(NPTL_SUPPORTED_CPUS)))07:29
lamontifneq (,$(findstring z$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_SYSTEM)z,$(NPTL_SUPPORTED_SYSTEMS)))07:29
lamontCONFIGURE_SWITCHES += --enable-pthreadsmutexes=yes07:29
lamontI win.07:29
infinitylamont: SUSEish lib32/lib64 paths in the libGL.so binary.07:29
Nafallolamont: the path to something xorgish I think :-)07:29
Nafallolamont: re:hex07:29
infinitylamont: There's nothing to fear, really...07:31
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lamontinfinity: yeah, I've certainly done worse.07:31
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jdstrandNafallo: I just got back from lunch-- I wouldn't have put a password in there either!07:36
jdstrandso I am not clear on what was decided regarding openssh-server task.  Or was it tabled til next time?07:37
jdstrandnext meeting that is07:38
Nafallowtf... why do we need an LAMP exception? it's a TASK, not INSTALLED BY DEFAULT07:38
dendrobatesI want to start working on the sshd tasksel, but no one volunteered.07:39
jdstrandthe task itself wouldn't be hard (haven't worked with tasksel myself, but certainly could).07:40
jdstrandI was mainly getting at whether ssh should be enabled by default with LAMP07:40
nealmcbJekhar: the ruby version naming issue has already been reported: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ruby-defaults/+bug/5048007:41
nealmcb[where did ubotu go?] 07:42
dantalizingssh enabled by default with LAMP -107:42
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Nafallodantalizing: agreed.07:43
nealmcbbug 5048007:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 50480 in ruby-defaults "Reported version is incorrect" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5048007:43
NafalloI would want ssh on the virtual host and not in the lamp guest on that server :-)07:43
infinitylamont: Oh, the LRM hack in question is correct-lib-path.c (and calls to correct-lib-path in debian/rules)07:44
Nafalloanyone agrees?07:44
Nafalloinfinity: hmm. can we tell the bootthingie to install two tasks when choosing LAMP?07:44
lamontinfinity: that's not hexediting... hex editing requires manual human intervention07:44
jdstrandNafallo: I am inclined to agree.  It was brought up in the meeting that this use case as well as web developers wouldn't want it.07:45
infinitylamont: I used to do it with a hex editor, before automating it.07:45
infinityNafallo: Of course we can.07:45
lamontinfinity: automation is good07:45
Nafalloinfinity: would you like that idea then? seperate tasks and make the starfeature install both of them, leaving the virtual box admin to install ssh-task on host and lamp-task on guest :-)07:46
jdstrandthe way I feel is how many users want it or don't want it.  If users really want it, what about having a lamp-ssh-server task in addition to lamp-server?07:46
jdstrandnot sure that is the best option, but it would at least address both sets of users07:47
Nafallojdstrand: naah. cluttering.07:47
dantalizingi dont see the difficulty in a user adding ssh later07:47
dantalizingserver install should be minimal07:47
Nafallojdstrand: I rather have the bootmenu install both and then the regular installer have to choose them specifically.07:47
jdstrandNafallo: there is already talk of openssh-server task.  Not sure if adding lamp-ssh-server would be more clutter07:47
dantalizingLAMP has an expected set of components07:47
dantalizingSSH is not one of them07:48
jdstrandNafallo: that is still a little surprising to me, as a user, unless the bootmenu was clear that it is installing openssh-server07:49
dantalizingif remote administration is the thing, why not install SSH with any "server" application07:49
jdstranddantalizing: aggreed07:49
ScottKWell it's certainly the first pacakge I install after a server setup.07:50
Nafallodantalizing: space+enter vs. login, apt-get, wait, logout07:50
jdstrandwithout having studied any statistics, it seems that there is a large set of users who would install it immediately, and quite a few who wouldn't07:50
Nafallojdstrand: LAMP+SSH in the boot then :-)07:51
Nafallodantalizing: because of the non open ports policy :-)07:51
dantalizingscottk, me too, but for a server it is much better to err on the side of forcing users to install stuff, than adding extra unneeded (sp?) stuff07:51
Nafallodantalizing: so better tick the box during install.07:51
Nafallothen the user agreed to broke non open ports :-)07:52
Nafalloand doesn't have to login after final reboot07:52
Nafallojust reboot and go away, continue with what else to do.07:53
Jekharnealmcb: thanks07:53
Nafalloand yes, raidcontrollers can take minutes of waiting better spent elsewhere...07:53
ScottKdantalizing: Not trying to argue either way (I agree no open ports by default is a good policy.07:53
ScottKI like Nafallo's tickbox idea.07:53
NafalloScottK: what about alt. bootmenu to LAMP+SSH? :-)07:54
NafalloScottK: as our keyfeature07:54
ScottKNafallo: Dunno.  LAMP + only SSH seems like kind of a detail.07:55
jdstrandScottK: IMO it is a critical detail leaving an open login port with letting the user know.07:56
ScottKjdstrand: Agreed.07:56
ScottKThat's why I liked Nafallo's idea of asking if they want it.07:56
NafalloScottK: you knew I was talking about the SUSE thing we use for choosing stuff after booting the iso, right? :-)07:57
jdstrandScottK: yes-- I believe there is consensus on having an openssh-server task, to check that box.  Please correct me if I am wrong.07:57
jdstrandScottK: there was also talk of enabling ssh with LAMP by default.07:57
NafalloScottK: we have install, install lamp etc... would make sense to have install lamp+ssh and install both lamp and ssh task by that option.07:57
jdstrandScottK: this was all from the meeting today07:57
ScottKNafallo: No.  I've never run a suse server, just desktop.07:58
ScottKYes.  I was reading during the meeting, but didn't have much to say.07:58
ScottKNevermind then.07:58
NafalloScottK: you still get the bootmenu on the iso that comes from SuSE originally :-)07:58
ScottKOK.  It's been a long time since I installed a server from scratch.07:59
NafalloScottK: F1-F6 to change options you know... :-)07:59
NafalloScottK: so select LAMP+SSH instead of having install LAMP and get no SSH?07:59
NafalloI think the option preseeds the installers taskquestion.08:00
Nafalloinfinity: correct?08:00
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nealmcbJekhar: if you really need ruby, rather than a straight source compile you might see what the version in gutsy is, and build that source package on dapper (which does the compilation) and install the package it produces.  managing things via packages is a really good idea08:00
nealmcb(i.e. if you really need _version 1.8.6_ of ruby...)08:03
jdstranddendrobates: since infinity is going to do the php page, I'll look at tasksel for openssh-server08:05
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Nafallojdstrand: great! what about the LAMP vs. LAMP+SSH in the isomenu? :-)08:06
NafalloI haven't heard many arguments against...08:07
jdstrandNafallo: no not yet.  Hopefully we'll get some more input08:07
Nafallojdstrand: yea, that would be good :-)08:09
Jekharnealmcb: Um, I'm not exactly sure how to do that.08:09
JekharBut I'm pretty sure that gutsy has 1.8.208:10
nealmcbfeisty has ruby 1.8.5 (despite what dpkg says).  I don't know what gutsy has, but it should be at least 1.8.508:16
Nafallonealmcb: packagename?08:17
nealmcbcan someone with gutsy run "ruby -v"  (install "ruby" package)08:17
Nafallo      ruby |    1.8.2-1 | http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/main Packages08:17
nealmcbbug 5048008:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 50480 in ruby-defaults "Reported version is incorrect" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5048008:17
dantalizinggetting ruby1.8.6.36-1ubuntu108:18
Nafallodantalizing: *confirm*08:18
dantalizingruby 1.8.6 (2007-06-07 patchlevel 36) [i486-linux] 08:19
Nafalloso the metapackage has the wrong version :-P08:20
Nafalloand we import that from Debian08:20
Nafalloand our ruby1.8 is probably updated in Ubuntu :-)08:21
dantalizingso Jekahar should be ok08:21
Nafallothere you go. your bug explained ;-)08:21
nealmcbcan someone give Jekhar tips on building that source package on dapper?08:21
dantalizingi dont think there is a need...if i understand he was looking for 1.8.608:21
Nafalloask jdong for a backport? :-)08:21
dantalizingwhich is installed08:21
Jekharruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [x86_64-linux] 08:22
nealmcbbut he is running dapper, and gutsy isn't out yet....08:22
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nealmcbhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware 08:32
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dantalizinglooks like ruby is a basic configure/make/make install08:39
dantalizingno autoconf08:39
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JekharOh, yes indeed it is. I just did a wget from ruby-lang.org and did the usual install steps. I was going to use pbuilder but decided against it08:52
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JekharWould there be any need for me to upgrade svn on the server?08:56
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nealmcbJekhar: did you put it in a different place than the default ruby?  or uninstall the default?09:39
nealmcbJekhar: changing svn would seem to invite more problems, unless there is some feature you need09:39
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JekharI put it in a different place as I could not find where the default was stored (I love having multiple people working on the same server). When I run "ruby -v" it reports 1.8.6, but I can't run any Rails "script" commands on the server09:47
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bdmurraymathiaz: every once in a while I see [2380777.861967]  smb_get_length: Invalid NBT packet, code=b609:56
bdmurraybetween my Feisty desktop and Dapper server09:56
bdmurrayand smb_add_request: request [ffff8100b5462e00, mid=2769]  timed out!09:56
mathiazhum.. does it crash you server or client ?09:56
bdmurraythe client hiccuped this time09:56
mathiazdo you get a timeout ?09:57
bdmurrayI'm using rhthymbox to listen to music and it there was quite a pause in the song09:57
nealmcbJekhar: getting all the rails tools etc to find the right ruby stuff in an unofficial place may be a challenge - might want to ask on a rails channel.09:57
mathiazbdmurray: how do you mount your dapper server 09:58
mathiazbdmurray: with smbfs or cifs ?09:59
bdmurraymathiaz: with smbfs09:59
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mathiazbdmurray: could try to mount it with cifs ?10:00
mathiazbdmurray: smbfs is no longer supported.10:01
bdmurraymathiaz: hunh, since when?10:02
mathiazbdmurray: well. Let me rephrase that - smbfs is not actively maintained by upstream10:03
mathiazbdmurray: anymore. Cifs is the successor/replacement for smbfs.10:03
bdmurrayso just a s/smbfs/cifs/ in my /etc/fstab?10:08
mathiazbdmurray: that should do it.10:13
bdmurraymathiaz: neat, I'll have to experiment some then10:15
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ajmitchmathiaz: great, so next server team meeting will be at a different time? :)10:19
mathiazajmitch: we don't know yet.10:21
mathiazajmitch: it's just that we were running out of time. 10:21
mathiazajmitch: so dendrobates asked if we should have more frequent meetings.10:22
mathiazajmitch: I guess that 19:00 UTC would be a better time for you guys ?10:22
ajmitchwell, feature freeze is almost upon us10:22
ajmitchyes, 7AM isn't too bad10:23
ajmitchback in 10 minutes10:24
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Innatechhaving some trouble with a 7.04 install on SATA drives. I've tried with a dmraid mirror, an mdraid mirror, with boot on  a plain ext3 partition  and / on a  mdraid mirror, and finally with plain ext3 /boot and / partitions on a single drive. The failure mode is the same each time: install is OK from CD, and when complete you can chroot into target and do stuff--but when rebooting GRUB dies silently when you try and boot a kernel. 10:38
Innatechbreak=premount doesn't help, it hangs forever at "starting up...."10:38
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mathiazsommer: I've updated the ServerTeam Roadmap10:52
sommermathiaz: cool 10:53
mathiazsommer: with a section about tracking wiki pages on help.ubuntu.com10:53
nealmcbmathiaz: thanks for all the bug triage also!10:53
mathiaznealmcb: yeah ! I finised the last bugs below 90 000 yesterday10:53
mathiaznealmcb: but ivoks did a lot of work too...10:54
sommermathiaz: I just got done reading through the dovecot doc for feisty and there are a couple of updates.10:54
sommerShould I create a page under the section you created update drafts?10:54
sommerif that makes sense?10:55
mathiazsommer: hum.. for now, I'd just list the pages.10:55
sommersure no problem.10:55
mathiazsommer: I've added a sentence "Here is a list of pages that requires some attention:"10:55
mathiazsommer: so you could just add bullet points below it, linked to the wiki page on help.ubuntu.com10:56
sommerya...what I was thinking was to add a link to the original page and a link to proposed updates.10:56
mathiazsommer: I don't think we need that structure.10:56
mathiazsommer: help.ubuntu.com/community/ is a wiki.10:57
mathiazsommer: so pages should be updated directly10:57
mathiazsommer: (there is always a history).10:57
sommerah...I'm with ya10:57
mathiazsommer: and I don't think that we have the man power to have a review process10:57
mathiaza wiki is supposed to be editable by anyone10:58
mathiazit should be easy to update a page10:59
ScottKlamont: Would you have any interest in uploading the current git-core release before UVF?  There's a debian/control typo (milli found it when he was looking at it), so the debdiff is here: Bug 13252710:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 132527 in git-core "Please merge git-core 1: from Debian Unstable (Main)" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13252710:59
sommermathiaz: so is this page the official doc?  https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/server/10:59
lamontScottK: what ubuntu-changes do we have, I wonder.11:00
lamontand yes, I would be interested11:00
ScottKWe have none now.11:00
sommermathiaz: Is that also under community?11:00
mathiazsommer: that's the ubuntu server guide maintained by the doc team.11:00
ScottKThe only one I proposed is fixing the typo in the build-dep.11:00
mathiazsommer: it's not under the community umbrella.11:00
sommermathiaz:  gotcha, that's that doc where I found a couple of updates.11:00
=== ScottK is not a core-dev, so over to lamont ...
mathiazsommer: the server guide is maintained in docbook.11:01
lamontScottK: I just played drumsticks on postfix/+bugs. :-)11:01
mathiazsommer: the community docs are located under help.ubuntu.com/community/11:01
ScottKI saw.  Very nice.11:01
lamontand I'll be uploading 2.4.5-2 and syncing that to ubuntu once I test the config changes11:01
mathiazsommer: it's a wiki.11:01
=== ScottK is subscribed to all Ubuntu postfix bugs as bug contact.
sommermathiaz: aaaahhhh...my bad I was looking under the wrong area.11:02
mathiazsommer: if you want to update the server guide, you should contact the ubuntu-doc team.11:02
lamontScottK: rock11:02
ScottKsommer: Or you can file bugs against ubuntu-doc and attach a patch.11:02
mathiazsommer: they'll be happy if someone wants to make some changes to the server guide.11:02
sommermathiaz: is the docbook source available?11:03
mathiazsommer: yes. it's in a svn repository I think.11:03
mathiazsommer: the DocTeam is also a community team.11:03
sommermathiaz: cool I'll check into it...at least for the dovecot page...heh11:03
lamontScottK: so debian's has a typo?  or gutsy has different packages?11:04
=== sommer will look into joining the Doc Team.
mathiazsommer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/11:04
ScottKlamont: Deiban's has a typo (it's been reported).11:05
ScottKDebian even11:05
lamontyou have a debian bug #?11:05
sommermathiaz: thanks for the link.  I've got a migration to LDAP to do so I'll check in later.11:05
ScottKNo.  I'll go look.11:05
lamontah.  43319611:05
ScottKDebian bug 43319611:05
ubotuDebian bug 433196 in git-core "Typo of libcurl3-gnutsl-dev in Build-Depends" [Minor,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/43319611:05
ScottKThat's the one.11:06
lamontScottK: given that (1) it's an obvious failure, and (2) marked as pending upload, I'm going to be evil and upload it as 1:
lamontwith only slight amounts of guilt11:06
ScottKAnd then file a sync request?11:06
lamontno.  upload that to ubuntu, and then will autosync over it... and hopefully he wasn't lying about having it fixed for the next upload.11:07
ScottKI see11:07
ScottKSounds good to me.11:07
lamontLP# nnnn, yes?11:07
ScottKExcept there's no LP bug written for that11:08
ScottKIt's LP: #nnnn11:08
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lamont132527 is the LP bug11:13
ScottKAh.  For the merge.  Got it now.  11:14
ScottKI guess I should have put that in the debian/changelog I did.11:14
mathiazWe hadn't had enough time to get to the Triagger section of the Roadmap during the meeting.11:16
mathiazThe goal was to have a look at all the samba bugs below 90 00011:17
mathiazwhich has been reached.11:17
mathiazSo I'd like to set another target for Triagging work.11:17
mathiazEither apache2 or php5 - any preferences ?11:17
ScottKI don't have a personal stake either way, but it seems to me it'd make sense to deal with Apache2 first.11:18
ajmitchphp5 has 37 open bugs11:20
mathiazwell - we'd target only New,Unconfirmed bugs11:20
mathiazapache2 has 13 and php5 has 1811:21
ajmitchnot too many in either case11:21
nealmcbI'd guess that startiing with apache2 would be good11:22
mathiazajmitch: I think it's realistic to have them triagged in 2 weeks.11:22
mathiazwe'll go back to samba later...11:23
=== ajmitch should catch up on the appropriate bug statuses to use
ScottKajmitch: Invalid and Won't Fix are my favorites.11:25
ajmitcheg https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/12010311:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 120103 in php5 "PHP 5.2.3-ubuntu1 Broken - Problems with : /usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/" [Undecided,New]  11:25
ajmitchI can't reproduce it, though I recall something like that in the past11:26
lamontScottK: uploaded11:27
ScottKNow all I need is an archive admin for a sync and my "Done before UVF" list is complete.11:27
lamontScottK: and about 21 hours or so11:28
lamonter, that was git-core uploaded to gutsy, not debian11:28
lamontwhat do you have that's sync-pending?11:29
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ScottKThat's what I thought.11:29
ScottKBug #13254311:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 132543 in pypolicyd-spf "Please sync pypolicyd-spf 0.4.1-1 from Debian Unstable (Main)" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13254311:29
ScottKIs the one.11:29
lamontoh.  spf crap11:29
ScottKNo, good SPF stuff.11:29
ScottKIt's a tool, not a panacea.11:29
=== lamont didn't think there was such a thing
ajmitchmy todo list before UVF is only a mile long11:29
ajmitchincluding a security update to do asap11:30
ScottKlamont: I agree that SPF sucks, it just sucks less than the other available options.11:30
lamontand breaks email11:30
lamontgo spf11:30
ScottKSure.  But only a little.11:30
lamontspf: proof that college kids can write protocols11:30
ScottKWhat's better and deployable currently?11:30
lamontdkim is at least sensible11:31
ScottKFor combating domain forgery?11:31
ScottKWhat does DKIM give you beyond another identity that the end-user doesn't see?11:31
ScottKIf they were going to do a proper policy component, I would agree.11:31
ScottKActually, though I see good synergy between the two.11:32
lamontanyone who implements a collective-discussion interface via /etc/aliases will discover that spf doesn't allow users to send mail to that interface and have it delivered to their coworkers...11:32
lamontthere is absolutely no guarantee that email from user@foo.com will arrive from foo.com's mail servers.11:32
ScottKThat's true.11:32
lamontSPF asserts that there is.11:33
lamontand if you check that the mail comes from where foo.com says it must, then you bounce valid email.11:33
ScottKSPF asserts that domain owners should be able to assert that one should be suspicious about mail that doesn't.11:33
lamontI know that my company won't let me do that.11:33
lamont(hurt when I did...)11:33
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ScottKYes, but there is deployed forgery prevention scheme that doesn't do that.11:34
ScottKDKIM breaks on most mailing lists and has the same "greeting card" problem that SPF does.11:34
lamontthe only real solution is end user signing... but they won't stand for that yet.11:35
ScottKRight, so in the meantime, it's nothing or an imperfect solution.11:35
ScottKSome will wait, some would prefer the imperfect solution.11:35
lamontmy big issue with spf was that the designers did their design, published it, got feedback about what they broke, and said (basically) "We choose to ignore that part of the spec, because it's inconvenient"11:35
ScottKWell we are working on that bit now.11:37
lamontuntil spf allows mail to come from anywhere, it breaks that part of the whole store-n-forward mail delivery architecture.11:37
lamont'which is to say, there's a lot of work there.11:37
ScottKAs an example, one "solution" to the forwarding problem is for recievers to whitelist known forwarders from SPF checks.  pypolicyd-spf now supports whitelisting.11:38
ScottKThe truth is thought that, except for alias forwarding, mail today is point to point (at least border point to border point).11:39
ScottKOf course it's opt-in at the domain level, so we don't have to agree.11:40
lamontwhitelisting will help, that's always a good thign11:41
lamontof course, that's the big issue with spam fighting in general.. how much of a false-{positive,negative} rate does $CUST feel is acceptable11:42
ScottKThe data I've seen says the "forwarding problem" is generally a less than 1% (often much less) problem.  That may or may not be tolerable.11:43
lamontwell, it's idiots who don't know how to set up a mailing list, for the most part. :-)11:44
lamontand .forward files11:44
ScottKYes.  That's in the less than 1% by volume.11:44
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