
ubotuNew bug: #131872 in xorg (main) "[Gutsy]  running glxgears crashes xorg" [Undecided,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13187201:34
ubotuNew bug: #132360 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (main) "[gutsy]  vlc doesn't render properly with compiz 'normal desktop effects'" [Undecided,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13236005:38
kylembryce, around?06:54
kylembryce, nm. it can wait until tomorrow.06:55
bryceok cool06:56
ubotuNew bug: #132377 in xserver-xorg-input-mouse (main) "USB Mouse not work after some time" [Undecided,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13237708:58
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ubotuNew bug: #132400 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15 (restricted) "6.06LTS: Computer locks up with nvidia proprietary driver on SMP system" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13240011:43
=== jcristau_ [n=jcristau@footwar.residence.ens-lyon.fr] has joined #ubuntu-x
ubotuNew bug: #132405 in xterm (main) "Please sync xterm (229-1) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13240512:15
mvobryce: I would like to do some testing/patching for -video-i810 and -video-intel to use xf86XVFillKeyHelperDrawable instead of xf86XVFillKeyHelper in those drivers for better support of composited video01:32
mvobryce: -video-ati should be done with the debian/experimental version that we will soon get (as I understand it)01:33
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ubotuNew bug: #132432 in mesa (main) "glxinfo crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13243202:26
jcristau#132432 is using the nvidia libGL...02:31
brycemvo, ok06:13
mvobryce: basicly I would like to get this http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/tmp/xserver-xorg-video-i810_1.7.4-0ubuntu5.debdiff one here in to make basic video play under composite work. I have no i810 based laptop yet (I got one now that is currently updating). are you happy with this? should I use a patchsystem?06:16
mvobryce: and don't tell me that patch system is quilt ;) 06:16
brycecan you add a description at the start of the patch for what the patch does (i.e., why switching from xf86XVFillKeyHelper to *Drawable is needed), and specify where the patch comes from (e.g., link to the mailing list discussion or bug url)06:27
mvobryce: right, this is more a draft so that you can have a look :) the patch was done my me based on the -video-ati driver, I will certainly improve the description06:40
mvobryce: is there a patchsystem I should use or edit it inline?06:40
brycedebian-x usually uses quilt06:43
bryce(I know I'm not supposed to tell you that)06:43
mvoI was afraid of this answer06:44
bryceediting inline is fine (I don't use quilt either)06:44
bryceas long as it builds and everything stays inside debian/, I'm not fussy :-)06:44
mvook, I will test it on my new-old i810 laptop that I got for testing and if it is ok I will upload. the same dance will have to be done with -intel and maybe -ati (if we do not merge the experimental version there)06:45
mvothat should fix the video playback problem under compiz06:45
bryceexcellent :-)06:45
jcristaumvo: what's the problem with quilt?06:46
jcristaualso, is there any plan to use some sort of version control for the ubuntu x packages?06:47
mvojcristau: there is no real problem apart from that I forget all the time to run quilt add before editing a file06:48
mvojcristau: and that I have not found a way yet to create autoreconf patches with it06:49
mvowithout quilt add loads of files beforehand and forgetting half of them06:49
jcristauyeah, we apply autoreconf stuff directly in the diff06:49
brycewe'd decided since bzr does not have a git import mechanism currently (or at least when we last discussed it), to use git06:49
mvoI feel that its not ideal to not have a reference tree to diff against06:49
brycehowever really we only have a couple packages where ubuntu has a significant amount of stuff differing from debian, so it has not been a very high priority for me06:50
jcristaumvo: sometimes i just create the diff with git, and then put it in debian/patches/06:51
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=== mvo grumbles about xserver-xorg-video-i810 creating a broken .pc and patches smylink
mvobryce: I'm going to upload -video-i810 now, what is the status of -video-ati (sorry for naging, its just that I want to plan what servers needs to be checked for Xv working with compiz)08:58
mvobryce: will it be merged? or will we stay with the current version for feature freeze?08:58
jcristaui think tepsipakki merged it with the experimental version a few days ago08:59
brycewe have also been discussing about potentially going with the randr 1.2 branch of -ati, at alex's recommendation, however we're not yet certain about the stability of it compared with main.09:00
ubotuNew bug: #132523 in xserver-xorg-driver-neomagic (main) "[feisty]  xserver crashes running xzgv over ssh" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13252309:01
mvobryce: is that something that we can decide after feature-freeze? or will it have to be done by then?09:02
brycewell, I'd want it done before feature freeze.  I'm not sure there's sufficient time though.09:04
brycehowever having xrandr functionality in -ati would be _way cool_ esp. for projector users09:04
brycebut for -ati I think stability would trump way-cool arguments09:05
jcristaui expect it'll have a bunch of regressions, as it hasn't been tested very extensively yet09:05
bryceyes, as well if there are fixes in the main branch, it could involve a lot of backporting work09:06
mvohm, I'm inclined to backport the make-compiz-happy-with-xv patch to -ati then if you are unsure if we get the new one or not09:18
bryceyes do09:18
bryceI'm fairly sure we won't be switching to the xrandr branch.  I might post a deb of it to my web space for people to play with.09:20
mvook, thanks09:21
ubotuNew bug: #109357 in xorg (main) "gnome crashes upon relogin" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10935711:51

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