=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released, see http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | gutsy (7.10) Tribe-4 released ! test the development iso from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/gutsy/tribe-4/ | ||
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released, see http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | gutsy (7.10) Tribe-4 released ! test the development iso from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/gutsy/tribe-4/ | ||
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joris_ | ogra: are you online? | 03:06 |
ogra | busy but here, yes | 03:10 |
joris_ | great :) | 03:13 |
joris_ | I'm setting up an LTSP server based on edubuntu feisty for a school | 03:13 |
joris_ | I'm told you're the guru on the subject | 03:14 |
joris_ | if/when I get really stuck, could I bug you on the subject? | 03:14 |
ogra | sure | 03:24 |
ogra | i'f i'm not around there are also plenty of people in #ltsp that can help :) | 03:24 |
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TheLambs | Hello all | 03:49 |
=== TheLambs Edubuntu newbie and long time away from IRC | ||
highvoltage | hi TheLambs! | 03:51 |
TheLambs | I have a server video resolution issue - I cant change it and it is awful | 03:52 |
highvoltage | what display card does is have? | 03:52 |
highvoltage | have you tried using a vesa driver? | 03:52 |
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TheLambs | During the install it didnt ask what I wanted... one moment on card spec... | 03:53 |
TheLambs | Radeon Mobility M7 LW (7500) | 03:55 |
TheLambs | How to change driver? | 03:55 |
highvoltage | dpkg-reconfigure --default-priority xserver-xorg | 03:56 |
highvoltage | it will show you a list where you can choose another driver | 03:56 |
highvoltage | if you manually want to change it | 03:56 |
highvoltage | you can also edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:56 |
TheLambs | Thanks - I will try that. I am SO used to SuSE's YAST - Ubuntu is kind of an alien environment. | 03:57 |
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TheLambs | highvoltage - all done -thanks!!! | 04:44 |
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sbalneav | ogra: hey, I understand things don't build anymore? | 05:26 |
ogra | sbalneav, yeah | 05:28 |
ogra | you added some m4 stuff ... | 05:28 |
sbalneav | That's probably the gettext stuff | 05:28 |
sbalneav | Well, I ran gettextize on the source dir | 05:28 |
sbalneav | That's what the tutorials recommended, but I noticed that nothing else has a po, but there's one big po for the whole tree. | 05:29 |
sbalneav | So maybe I don't need that stuff | 05:29 |
sbalneav | If so, back out the m4 changes, and ditch ldm's po dir. | 05:30 |
sbalneav | This is my first gettext, so I've probably done it wrong. | 05:30 |
sbalneav | ogra: That something you could do for me? | 05:35 |
ogra | sbalneav, sorry i'm in the middle of an important meeting, how long are you around ? | 05:38 |
sbalneav | about 5 more minutes :( | 05:38 |
sbalneav | Wost case, I'll be back friday | 05:39 |
ogra | do i need anything in my build environment i'm probably missing ? | 05:39 |
sbalneav | Shouldn't | 05:40 |
ogra | aclocal: couldn't open directory `m4': No such file or directory | 05:40 |
ogra | thats the error i get | 05:40 |
sbalneav | hmm | 05:40 |
sbalneav | hold on | 05:40 |
ogra | if i create m4 manually i get "aclocal: macro `AM_PROG_MKDIR_P' required but not defined" | 05:40 |
sbalneav | crap, maybe I didn't add the m4 dir. | 05:40 |
sbalneav | k gimme 2 secs | 05:40 |
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sbalneav_ | ok | 05:43 |
sbalneav_ | just added m4, pushing now | 05:44 |
sbalneav_ | ogra: Pushed up to revision 423. | 05:44 |
ogra | ah, cool | 05:46 |
sbalneav | That do it? | 05:46 |
ogra | for now, yes | 05:46 |
ogra | i'd rather not have the generated autofoo stuff in there, but we can strip later | 05:47 |
sbalneav | right, I had no idea if I did it right. | 05:47 |
sbalneav | We can patch things up from here | 05:47 |
ogra | i'll upload it anyway before UVF ... if it builds or not :P | 05:48 |
sbalneav | That's today, right? | 05:48 |
=== sbalneav slides ogra a heffeweissen | ||
sbalneav | we made it \o/ | 05:49 |
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ogra | sbalneav, nope., tomorrow | 05:50 |
ogra | distro meeting is 20:00 UTC ... thats freeze date | 05:51 |
bddebian | Heya | 05:51 |
sbalneav | OK, off to the cottage | 05:58 |
sbalneav | seeya | 05:58 |
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RichEd | hey highvolt1ge :) | 06:26 |
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released, see http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | gutsy (7.10) Tribe-4 released ! test the development iso from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/gutsy/tribe-4/ | ||
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by ogra at Thu Aug 9 16:05:26 2007 | ||
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RichEd | LaserJock: pongy pongy | 08:59 |
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pips1 | LaserJock: hi | 09:15 |
RichEd | hi pips1 ... | 09:16 |
RichEd | i spoke to the admins re the drupal update, and they kind of deferred me to highvoltage | 09:16 |
RichEd | :( me was not impressed | 09:16 |
pips1 | hmm | 09:16 |
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RichEd | if highvoltage can't assist or is too busy, i'll bug them again ... | 09:17 |
highvoltage | hey pips1 and RichEd | 09:17 |
RichEd | hiey highvoltage | 09:17 |
pips1 | hi highvoltage | 09:17 |
highvoltage | pips1: how does your schedule look like the upcoming weekend? | 09:17 |
RichEd | seeing as it is a "security patch" request on a canonical server, i would assume that they should step up to the bar | 09:18 |
highvoltage | pips1: and will you want to do something directly after the upgrade? | 09:18 |
highvoltage | I could do the upgrade Friday afternoon/evening, it won't be a problem | 09:18 |
RichEd | pips1: and another thing ... that RH post article was very very interesting | 09:18 |
highvoltage | RichEd: I agree with you. I'm willing to give them a *little* leeway though, since they are quire loaded at the moment as a result of the recent outage. | 09:18 |
highvoltage | RichEd: ironically, if it wasn't for us, that server would still be on Breezy too | 09:19 |
RichEd | it fits with exactly what I am trying to get Dell and HP to "buy into" | 09:19 |
highvoltage | RichEd: and it runs things like fridge, ms's blog, etc | 09:19 |
highvoltage | RichEd: and it would've been compromised too | 09:19 |
RichEd | i.e. a recommended and tested and certified LTSP solution | 09:19 |
highvoltage | that would be quite cool. | 09:19 |
pips1 | highvoltage: thanks for offering to help out... but really, I should also be able to do the work.. it's just silly to leave the workload to you, since you already handed the baton over to me a long time ago... grumble | 09:19 |
RichEd | and the article also gives a good indication of the management tools that the clients would want to see in Edubuntu LTSP Server | 09:20 |
RichEd | -- | 09:20 |
highvoltage | pips1: indeed. I think I'll upgrade this time, and then for drupal 5.3, we make sure that you'll have everything you need to do it | 09:20 |
RichEd | highvoltage: thanks for the offer to help ... | 09:20 |
RichEd | highvoltage: there was a post a few mins ago from Joey on an upgrade issue re fridge ... | 09:21 |
=== RichEd goes to dig it out | ||
highvoltage | pips1: Znarl is quite helpful, he caves quickly to pressure ;) | 09:21 |
highvoltage | pips1: I'll do some pesting, it should work | 09:21 |
RichEd | highvoltage: <quote> | 09:21 |
RichEd | Some Fridge news for the Editing team: | 09:21 |
RichEd | 1) We're looking at upgrading the existing Drupal installation from | 09:21 |
RichEd | 4.3 to 6.0 once 6.0 is out. | 09:21 |
RichEd | <endquote> | 09:21 |
highvoltage | RichEd: shew | 09:22 |
RichEd | did your comment above mean that edubuntu.org runs on the same drupal install or same box as the fridge, or were you talking about the ubuntu version ? | 09:22 |
pips1 | highvoltage: i mean, it really just takes a simple change on the filesystem (i.e. assign the drupal folder to the 'edubuntu' group, which i'm part of) ... | 09:22 |
highvoltage | RichEd: it runs on the same box | 09:23 |
RichEd | and the same instance ? or a seperate install | 09:23 |
RichEd | (of drupal) | 09:23 |
highvoltage | sepereate drupal install | 09:24 |
RichEd | okay | 09:24 |
pips1 | I think they are separate drupal installations... they didn't use the 'multisite' installation feature of drupal, afaik | 09:24 |
highvoltage | well, I just popped in for a quick hello, goodnight RichEd and pips1. I'll be around, so ping me if there's anything else I can help get going. | 09:27 |
pips1 | RichEd: your above comments relate to the mail discussion thread on the fedora-education-list i sent you? | 09:27 |
pips1 | highvoltage: ok | 09:27 |
pips1 | highvoltage: thanks | 09:27 |
highvoltage | pips1: thanks to you! | 09:27 |
pips1 | has anyone seen LaserJock active in the channel lately? | 09:29 |
LaserJock | blah, I'm back | 09:29 |
pips1 | LaserJock: hey, hi | 09:29 |
pips1 | :-) | 09:29 |
RichEd | pips1: indeed | 09:30 |
pips1 | LaserJock: did you get the email from Andreas Meiszner | 09:30 |
LaserJock | pips1: yes | 09:31 |
pips1 | ... his announcement about "'Learning the Open Source Way' project", the joint FLOSSCom / Ubuntu Education event | 09:31 |
LaserJock | pips1: working on it with RichEd right now ;-) | 09:31 |
pips1 | ah! | 09:31 |
RichEd | LaserJock: go ahead ... make his day | 09:31 |
=== pips1 taps his fingers in anticipation | ||
pips1 | :-) | 09:33 |
LaserJock | gimme a sec to edit his story | 09:33 |
pips1 | hehe | 09:34 |
=== pips1 hits the reload button repeatedly | ||
pips1 | don't worry, I'm joking | 09:35 |
pips1 | as a random side-note, the programmer at my office is already working on his second drupal client project and he can't stop to rave about drupal | 09:36 |
RichEd | pips1: it is interesting in that fedora education post that even with the RH certification and support from Dell that Dell have not "configured and blessed" a K12LTSP server | 09:36 |
RichEd | even though the clients are desperately asking | 09:36 |
LaserJock | did you guys see System76 was selling Edubuntu servers? | 09:36 |
pips1 | RichEd: interesting, yes | 09:37 |
pips1 | LaserJock: nope | 09:37 |
RichEd | ? wot ... gotta link LaserJock ? | 09:37 |
LaserJock | http://system76.com/index.php?cPath=29 | 09:37 |
LaserJock | just go to configure any of them and they give you an option of Ubuntu or Edubuntu | 09:37 |
pips1 | ha! | 09:38 |
pips1 | ok... edubuntu workstation then | 09:38 |
pips1 | oh, servers | 09:38 |
LaserJock | yeah, servers | 09:38 |
pips1 | impressive | 09:39 |
pips1 | heh "Edubuntu 7.04 Server Edition (Schools)" | 09:39 |
LaserJock | I was thinking it'd be cool to contact them and see if they need anything or if they've even sold any | 09:40 |
pips1 | Hardware Warranty... hmm. what about software support...? | 09:40 |
pips1 | LaserJock: indeed! | 09:40 |
pips1 | where did you learn about System 76? | 09:41 |
pips1 | reads the "For Schools" page http://system76.com/articles.php?tPath=2_10 | 09:42 |
pips1 | that's a neat little page | 09:44 |
RichEd | === Edubuntu Meeting in 10 mins in #ubuntu-meeting === | 09:49 |
LaserJock | pips1: the company or the Edubuntu part? | 09:52 |
pips1 | the company | 09:52 |
LaserJock | hmm, no idea | 09:52 |
LaserJock | they've been around for a while | 09:52 |
pips1 | ok, so what about the edubuntu part? | 09:53 |
LaserJock | I was just scouting out they're new selection and decided to look at servers | 09:53 |
LaserJock | *their | 09:53 |
RichEd | check this page; http://system76.com/articles.php?tPath=2_9 | 09:54 |
RichEd | talks about LTSP deployments (but for business) | 09:54 |
RichEd | ping ogra | 09:55 |
ogra | pong | 09:56 |
=== ogra looks | ||
ogra | well, you can buy it with edubuntu preinstalled apparently | 09:57 |
ogra | way cool ! | 09:57 |
RichEd | ogra: indeed:) | 09:57 |
RichEd | perhaps we must work on them to put together a recommended Edubuntu LTSP Server | 09:57 |
RichEd | ogra: also take a read of this when you have some time: | 09:58 |
RichEd | https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-education-list/2007-April/msg00022.html | 09:58 |
RichEd | i'll extract and summarise the whole thread, but there are some excellent points made | 09:59 |
ogra | i know thia thread :) | 09:59 |
ogra | *that | 09:59 |
RichEd | i'll send a mail to you and chris & markm ... shows what the clients want ... and are ready for | 09:59 |
ogra | even though when i read it i skipped most of the ono ltsp bits in it | 10:00 |
RichEd | === Edubuntu Meeting in 1 mins in #ubuntu-meeting === get your coffee now ! === | 10:00 |
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LaserJock | pips1: have a look at http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1084 real quick | 10:35 |
pips1 | *click* | 10:43 |
pips1 | erm, not authorised.. | 10:44 |
LaserJock | pips1: ok, fine, it'll be up shortly | 10:46 |
LaserJock | I thought maybe you could see it | 10:46 |
pips1 | nope | 10:47 |
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pips1 | LaserJock: thanks for posting Andreas' announcement to the fridge | 11:00 |
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pips1 | However, I noticed because of the delay in the announcement, the text has gone out of sync with where their talk schedule currently stands... it's a detail though | 11:04 |
LaserJock | pips1: hmm, didn't think to check, I can fix that | 11:08 |
pips1 | see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/flosscom/talks | 11:08 |
pips1 | * Past meetings / talks | 11:10 |
pips1 | * What are the roles in FLOSS? | 11:10 |
pips1 | * Summer University Newbie Introduction - Part 1 | 11:10 |
pips1 | * Summer University Newbie Introduction: The support approach | 11:10 |
pips1 | * Coming meetings / talks | 11:10 |
pips1 | * What is the FLOSS support system? | 11:10 |
pips1 | * How is FLOSS learning different from normal education? | 11:10 |
pips1 | * Is there any assessment and evaluation in FLOSS? | 11:10 |
LaserJock | fixed | 11:12 |
pips1 | great! | 11:13 |
pips1 | do you want to ping Andreas? or should I? | 11:13 |
LaserJock | I just sent him an email | 11:14 |
pips1 | good man! :-) | 11:17 |
LaserJock | bye guys I gotta run | 11:22 |
pips1 | night all | 11:23 |
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opapo | If I have a 64 bit server can I have ppc clients with ltsp and edubuntu? | 11:55 |
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