=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please. | KDE 4.0 beta 1 -- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php | ||
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Riddell at Sat Aug 4 17:44:53 2007 | ||
(intelikey/#kubuntu) or kde for that matter | 05:23 | |
(stdin/#kubuntu) !kde | 05:23 | |
(ubotu/#kubuntu) KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information. | 05:23 | |
stdin | kazuma_: you can have both installed at the same time | 05:24 |
=== intelikey still disagrees with installing more than one *buntu-desktop package.... defaults get hosed. | ||
kazuma_ | i know man | 05:24 |
kazuma_ | but in some way i can't select | 05:24 |
elite101 | hey i wonder how hard it would be to connect and "xbox" to the computer using a cross-over eth. cable then making a network from the xbox to the network then in ur xbox going onto a System link game do the same for the other person but make sure it connects to the IP of ur XBOX using DMZ? so this way the person can connect to the xbox through my ip? | 05:24 |
kazuma_ | the kde desktop | 05:24 |
kazuma_ | and the programs are all mixed | 05:24 |
elite101 | o_0 | 05:25 |
=== stdin thinks intelikey should bring out intelikeybuntu | ||
elite101 | confusing but it might work? | 05:25 |
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=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please. | KDE 4.0 beta 1 -- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php | ||
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Riddell at Sat Aug 4 17:44:53 2007 | ||
(kazuma_/#kubuntu) for my good luck i just have one hahaha | 05:27 | |
(kazuma_/#kubuntu) i have to be careful xD | 05:27 | |
(stdin/#kubuntu) intelikey: and run on a 64MHz with 5MB ram | 05:27 | |
(intelikey/#kubuntu) 16m ram i don't like using swap :) | 05:27 | |
=== raylu [n=raylu@adsl-75-53-96-221.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
raylu | i'm trying to compile pvpgn from source with mysql support | 05:27 |
raylu | what package would i install? libmysqlclient-dev? | 05:28 |
stdin | raylu: why are you compiling it? | 05:28 |
raylu | because i can't find the binaries? | 05:28 |
stdin | !info pvpgn | 05:28 |
ubotu | pvpgn: Gaming server that emulates Battle.net(R). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.9-3 (feisty), package size 738 kB, installed size 2244 kB | 05:28 |
elite101 | perfect | 05:29 |
raylu | that's not 1.8.0 | 05:29 |
raylu | and that doesn't necessarily have mysql support | 05:29 |
elite101 | battle.net? emulate it? | 05:29 |
elite101 | why? | 05:29 |
intelikey | elite101 heh | 05:29 |
dystopianray | elite101: to play battle.net games over a lan | 05:29 |
raylu | because it's better for lans and such | 05:29 |
elite101 | it wouldnt be battle.net u couldnt play ppl | 05:29 |
stdin | raylu: well it's not 1.8, but it does have mysql support | 05:29 |
elite101 | ohh ic* | 05:29 |
elite101 | i thought he ment go online | 05:29 |
elite101 | well He meaning the "bot" | 05:29 |
raylu | i'm actually compiling it for a friend who's using red hat :D | 05:30 |
elite101 | lol wow Diablo on Kubuntu using pvpgn | 05:30 |
kazuma_ | is suse a good choice? | 05:30 |
elite101 | with a friend | 05:30 |
stdin | raylu: how are you planning to get it on your friends system? | 05:30 |
raylu | opensuse is supposed to be decent | 05:30 |
=== olivier_ [n=olivier@212-165-20-190.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | kazuma_ some like it, some dont. | 05:31 |
raylu | stdin, sftp? i'm not installing it, just building it | 05:31 |
=== gonzalo_ [n=gonzalo@223-217-222-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | kazuma_ it's a big name in the linux world | 05:31 |
kazuma_ | oh i see | 05:31 |
stdin | raylu: that probably won't work | 05:31 |
raylu | o.0, why not? | 05:31 |
Biovore | why build sftp.. install openssh.. you got it... | 05:31 |
kazuma_ | i began my path with fedora core 6 | 05:31 |
raylu | he doesn't have root on that syste | 05:31 |
raylu | m | 05:31 |
kazuma_ | and linux let me impressed | 05:31 |
raylu | Biovore, lol, that's not what i'm building | 05:31 |
kazuma_ | so, let's say that i'm looking for my linux haha | 05:31 |
stdin | raylu: you're almost certainly using different versions of the libs | 05:31 |
elite101 | man i keep on looking @ my xbox thinking *linux linux.....mod it...mod-it....linux...linux* | 05:32 |
elite101 | its faster than my pc | 05:32 |
intelikey | kazuma_ i don't know what the popularity is right now, *buntu is probably #1 now but the well established major distros might be listed something like redhat/fedora debian(and it's major dirivitaves) gentoo slackware suse mandrake/mandriva | 05:33 |
stdin | elite101: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox_Linux ? | 05:33 |
elite101 | thanx | 05:34 |
elite101 | but i need to build a USB adapter | 05:34 |
intelikey | if i missed anyone major i can't recall them right now... | 05:34 |
elite101 | for my Jumpdrive with the loaded xploit | 05:34 |
=== dsmith_ [n=dsmith@c-76-114-154-224.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kazuma_ | oh i see | 05:34 |
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kazuma_ | well i had fedora core 7 | 05:34 |
kazuma_ | but i had a problem with the instalation | 05:34 |
=== dsmith_ [n=dsmith@c-76-114-154-224.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
elite101 | on xbox? | 05:35 |
stdin | intelikey: just do !distros | 05:35 |
elite101 | o_0 | 05:35 |
kazuma_ | all seemed good but it never | 05:35 |
kazuma_ | started | 05:35 |
=== ltmon [n=ltmon@ppp59-167-86-191.lns2.mel6.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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kazuma_ | a message appeared telling me moduling the kernel or something like that | 05:35 |
kazuma_ | and never passed from it | 05:35 |
intelikey | stdin that's hardly a history tho is it ? | 05:35 |
stdin | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux :) | 05:36 |
=== narg [n=narg@72-55-216-222.mammothnetworks.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stdin | or look at distrowatch | 05:36 |
intelikey | well it ouly adds ubuntu and mepis which i sub-classed as major debian based distros so not bad. | 05:37 |
raylu | someone's sig on slashdot was: | 05:37 |
intelikey | : > : | 05:37 |
raylu | Linux: because I want it to be fast. Gentoo: because I don't mind waiting for it to compile. | 05:37 |
=== crispies [n=crispies@cpe-71-66-122-206.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== ClassFoo [n=fuzhiqin@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dystopianray | i don't know why people use gentoo over other distros, you spend a whole day compiling and the result is inferior | 05:41 |
dystopianray | i used it for 2 years before realising that | 05:41 |
flaccid | the result is you get what you want with no extra crap | 05:41 |
Biovore | well in reality.. if you know what your going its marginly better.. but its alot of work and not worth it in my option.. | 05:41 |
flaccid | ubuntu minimal is not actually minimal... | 05:42 |
=== tpelton [n=tpelton@cpe-24-31-141-89.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
elite101 | man i am going to make linux for psp it sucks how they only did it for DS | 05:42 |
elite101 | psp is soo....hackable | 05:42 |
flaccid | elite101: already done | 05:43 |
flaccid | try google | 05:43 |
=== leileilol [n=Hsi@c-75-68-37-174.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
elite101 | yeah but its not good thou | 05:43 |
flaccid | then make it better, don't fork it.. | 05:43 |
elite101 | alot of them are scams and are just portals i have only seen 2good ones soo far | 05:43 |
elite101 | lol | 05:44 |
elite101 | but they just load the "kernel" and loadlike this:........................................... and then thats it? | 05:44 |
flaccid | linux is just a kernel... you make the userland what you want.. | 05:44 |
elite101 | nothing of a desktop enviorment | 05:44 |
flaccid | that usually indicates early life of the project... | 05:44 |
elite101 | yeah i know but no one yet i have saye has made a enviorment? atleast now? | 05:45 |
=== boubbin [n=boubbin@80-248-243-10.cust.suomicom.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
elite101 | saw* | 05:45 |
flaccid | elite101: dunno, but if if X is not running on it yet, perhaps there is a reason why its not running on it yet.. | 05:45 |
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elite101 | yeah | 05:45 |
elite101 | well some one has managed to get uClinux on it | 05:45 |
stdin | my iPod runs linux | 05:46 |
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elite101 | It loads an interactive shell and has a very minimal userland.""" http://df38.dot5hosting.com/~remember/chris/ | 05:46 |
flaccid | elite101: looks like thats going too: http://psp3d.com/getting-started-help-tutorials/14071-life-lessons-linux-2.html | 05:46 |
elite101 | ;) | 05:46 |
=== firecrotch [n=nick@adsl-69-210-46-118.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
flaccid | hmmm maybe the link i pasted is not actually for the psp | 05:47 |
flaccid | but "This let me install ubuntu, as well as get stuff started." | 05:47 |
flaccid | fux me... i don't have a psp | 05:48 |
elite101 | nope | 05:49 |
elite101 | lol | 05:49 |
yeniklasor | How can I start Kwallet with run command ? | 05:49 |
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elite101 | since when does the psp have a PCI card? | 05:49 |
elite101 | lol @ flaccid, | 05:49 |
Tomi-idle | yeniklasor: kwalletmanager | 05:49 |
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yeniklasor | thanks | 05:49 |
elite101 | well i wanna get an KDE enviorment kinda thing for PSP since they have it boot just the device drivers are a pain | 05:50 |
flaccid | elite101: maybe you should ask them why they are posting non psp threads | 05:51 |
elite101 | yeah | 05:51 |
elite101 | lol | 05:51 |
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flaccid | if you don't know linux and kernel, then its going to be quicker for you to wait for the real devs to do the work... | 05:51 |
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elite101 | prob the hassle of the device drivers i mean there onboard and not supposed to be used as a normal device only in the PSP native's OS wich use's .prx files for the device "drivers" | 05:51 |
=== Joe857 [n=Owner@ip70-161-204-38.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
flaccid | well driver would have to be written.. | 05:52 |
elite101 | .prx make the psp think of wich is wich if they can get a Enviorment or build a Bootlogger thing to run these .prx files or a whole new linux to run these .prx files for the OS it might just work | 05:52 |
flaccid | why would it work | 05:53 |
elite101 | i think its boot logger or loader* | 05:53 |
flaccid | .prx is not linux | 05:53 |
elite101 | i know | 05:53 |
flaccid | thats like saying a windows device driver will work | 05:53 |
elite101 | but these ppl might think of something | 05:53 |
elite101 | yeah true* | 05:53 |
elite101 | since ur not using the PSP Os anymore* | 05:53 |
flaccid | the prx needs to be reverse engineered if its not open source (if the source is available, it can be ported to linux) | 05:53 |
flaccid | yep | 05:54 |
flaccid | so this is why drivers are not available | 05:54 |
elite101 | well u would have to make a set of drivers using the .prx files this way u can see what the Device is capable of doing and then u can re-make it compatable for linux* | 05:54 |
abel | Sorry, I have a problem, what is the name of the program eclipse whit all the pluggins ? | 05:54 |
flaccid | whether its a kernel mode or userland blob or whatever | 05:54 |
elite101 | ^ | 05:54 |
elite101 | .prx converter thing* | 05:54 |
flaccid | elite101: thats a pipe dream | 05:54 |
flaccid | i assume that .prx is a binary | 05:55 |
elite101 | man psp would make a great linux box* but u cant use the flash as a normal RAM because thats the psp acutall flash* 15/15mb | 05:55 |
elite101 | um | 05:55 |
flaccid | its like saying you can convert a .exe to run on linux | 05:55 |
elite101 | .prx is a file in the sony's flash FLASH0/FLASH1 | 05:55 |
elite101 | well | 05:55 |
elite101 | diff | 05:55 |
elite101 | u examine what it is capable of doing | 05:55 |
elite101 | so u just then design off it | 05:55 |
elite101 | or else u will be doing trial and error | 05:56 |
flaccid | exactly | 05:56 |
flaccid | but its most likely a binary | 05:56 |
flaccid | you would need a de-compiler specific to the filetype | 05:56 |
elite101 | im not sure what can open a .prx file exact but once u do u can see the code's and stuff and see the full potential | 05:56 |
elite101 | yeah | 05:56 |
elite101 | the psp is a 33Mhz beast with 32Mb ram | 05:56 |
elite101 | 333* | 05:56 |
flaccid | this is proprietry stuff.. you are expecting things that are not physically possible and don't match | 05:56 |
elite101 | lol | 05:56 |
elite101 | well not really | 05:57 |
flaccid | thats not right | 05:57 |
elite101 | 333Mhz is what the psp is clocked @ | 05:57 |
elite101 | ;) | 05:57 |
flaccid | whatever runs the prx will need to be reverse engineered as well | 05:57 |
elite101 | ds is only 66Mhz | 05:57 |
flaccid | im sure sony didn't make the psp open source... | 05:57 |
elite101 | yeah they can do that | 05:57 |
Joe857 | No, but you can hack it | 05:57 |
flaccid | who is they | 05:57 |
elite101 | its called Hacked firmware Dark_alex makes them all the time 3.03oe-c | 05:57 |
klobster | system hangs for a minute or two log here: http://dpaste.com/16885/ | 05:57 |
klobster | any ideas? | 05:57 |
Joe857 | I have a modded psp, it runs all sorts of games | 05:57 |
elite101 | yeah | 05:58 |
elite101 | it is fully capable | 05:58 |
Joe857 | Including ps1 games. | 05:58 |
flaccid | elite101: your assumptions are crazy.... | 05:58 |
Joe857 | http://psp-hacks.com | 05:58 |
Joe857 | >_> | 05:58 |
Joe857 | Alright, back to lurking | 05:58 |
elite101 | the linux ppl have to join forces with the ppl working with Dark_alex or M33 team | 05:58 |
Joe857 | Didn't Alex quit? | 05:58 |
elite101 | not really u can judge the psp u dont know exact what it does or is | 05:58 |
elite101 | yeah | 05:58 |
elite101 | like 3months or so | 05:58 |
elite101 | school work* i dont blame hime | 05:58 |
Joe857 | Yeah... a sad day for PSP hackers alike. :< | 05:59 |
elite101 | the hacker team M33 is now doing the hacked firmware althou i dont trust it | 05:59 |
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Joe857 | I'm sticking with my OE`A | 05:59 |
elite101 | 3.03oe-c is the golden firmware with recov. menu | 05:59 |
elite101 | yeah | 05:59 |
abel | someone work with eclipse ? | 05:59 |
Joe857 | Unless Sony makes a feature I absolutely need, and they crack it, I'm staying with 3.03 I think | 05:59 |
flaccid | software can do anything the hardware has the capabilities of. if its closed then it has to be reverse engineered. elite101 perhaps you should spend more time helping these psp projects than letting us know what it needs in this channel. | 05:59 |
elite101 | lol they are making a DS emu for the psp | 05:59 |
elite101 | lol | 06:00 |
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elite101 | ^ | 06:00 |
Joe857 | ...o_o Why? | 06:00 |
Joe857 | What's the use? | 06:00 |
elite101 | Linux on psp | 06:00 |
elite101 | i can talk to u guys on the go..go.goo | 06:00 |
elite101 | ;) using my Eliteubuntu for psp | 06:00 |
Joe857 | I have it too. :D | 06:00 |
elite101 | ;) | 06:00 |
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elite101 | eliteubuntu ver 1.01 | 06:01 |
Joe857 | Alright, I'm going to stop being off topic now | 06:01 |
elite101 | yeah | 06:01 |
elite101 | !offtopic | 06:01 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 06:01 |
elite101 | the only good video showing linux on psp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSXaoWsDNYI | 06:02 |
Joe857 | !offtopic | 06:02 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 06:02 |
Joe857 | e_e | 06:02 |
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=== carlos [n=carlos@pc-173-221-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
elite101 | well i gotta go | 06:06 |
carlos | que? | 06:06 |
elite101 | but one more thing www.psp-hacks.com PSP can now emu. Nintendo DS** | 06:06 |
elite101 | ;P take that Nintendo lovers* | 06:06 |
stdin | elite101: if you weren't going, I'd kick ya | 06:06 |
stdin | :p | 06:06 |
elite101 | lol | 06:06 |
elite101 | sorry | 06:06 |
elite101 | bye | 06:06 |
stdin | cya | 06:06 |
flaccid | haha | 06:06 |
carlos | no cacho | 06:06 |
carlos | jakja | 06:07 |
abel | hola, alguien maneja eclipse ? | 06:07 |
firecrotch | !es | 06:07 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:07 |
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carlos | alguien sabe acelerar una tarjeta via | 06:08 |
carlos | ? | 06:08 |
stdin | !es | carlos | 06:09 |
ubotu | carlos: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:09 |
firecrotch | !botsnack | 06:09 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 06:09 |
stdin | !opsnack | Things a Bot likes | 06:10 |
ubotu | Things a Bot likes: Chocolate! And Peanuts! | 06:10 |
Tm_T | hmh | 06:10 |
stdin | Tm_T: you heard him, he want you to give it Chocolate and Peanuts | 06:11 |
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=== raylu [n=raylu@adsl-75-53-96-221.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
raylu | ok...so, if you remember | 06:45 |
raylu | i was trying to get pvpgn on a friend's server | 06:46 |
raylu | that he doesn't have root on | 06:46 |
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raylu | this should be simple, but i can't think of a way to do it and, more importantly, i can't even compile it | 06:46 |
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firecrotch | How do I turn off IPv6 completely on a server? | 06:48 |
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yeniklasorr | What is categories of Development of KDE menu ? Internet is "Categories=Network;Application;" | 06:50 |
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neptunepink | How do you kill zombie processes? | 06:53 |
neptunepink | I keep trying, I even used a machine gun, but it won't die! | 06:53 |
Crell | With a chainsaw, just like any other zombie. | 06:53 |
neptunepink | Crell: What's the command? | 06:54 |
firecrotch | chainsaw = kill -9 | 06:54 |
Joe857 | >_> kill in terminal. | 06:54 |
Joe857 | Dang, got beaten | 06:54 |
Crell | hehe | 06:54 |
firecrotch | neptunepink: kill -9 PID | 06:54 |
firecrotch | :) | 06:54 |
Crell | Note to self: do not try to compile a kernel without specifying which architecture to use. | 06:54 |
Crell | Even for a full build, it shouldn't be taking over an hour on an otherwise idle Core 2 Duo. | 06:55 |
firecrotch | Hahaha | 06:55 |
=== TheCreationist [n=elyon@c-71-205-67-153.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
neptunepink | it's still there.... :/ | 06:55 |
firecrotch | neptunepink: did you do it as root with sudo? | 06:56 |
neptunepink | aye | 06:56 |
neptunepink | I've got 2 zombie processes running around, actually | 06:57 |
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firecrotch | neptunepink: you'll need to kill their parent processes | 06:58 |
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neptunepink | according to ksysguard, that would be init | 06:58 |
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=== Doug_ [n=Doug@c-24-12-8-246.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Doug_ | one question, if i have a dual boot, should i have installed linux first or last? | 06:59 |
firecrotch | Doug_: last | 06:59 |
firecrotch | Windows first, then Linux | 06:59 |
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neptunepink | firecrotch: though I did start it through kde... | 07:00 |
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Doug_ | firecrotch: crap, thanks. hopefully i can backup my stuff all my backup drives are ntfs, any suggestions? | 07:00 |
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firecrotch | Doug_: It's still possible to install windows afterwards, but you'll need to reinstall GRUB | 07:01 |
flaccid | !backup | 07:01 |
ubotu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 07:01 |
firecrotch | !fixmbr | 07:01 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 07:01 |
Doug_ | firecrotch: thanks | 07:01 |
firecrotch | Doug_: You're welcome :) | 07:01 |
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firecrotch | neptunepink: Any reason you can't just reboot? | 07:02 |
firecrotch | it's the surefire way to kill any process :) | 07:02 |
neptunepink | yes, but.... | 07:02 |
neptunepink | my uptime! :O | 07:02 |
firecrotch | Then kill init :) | 07:03 |
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neptunepink | aight. | 07:03 |
firecrotch | or telinit 1 to drop to a root shell with nothing running | 07:03 |
neptunepink | sounds like a plan | 07:03 |
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neptunepink | except I'd have to walk over to my computer to get to a terminal... | 07:04 |
neptunepink | maybe tommorow | 07:04 |
firecrotch | Hahaha | 07:04 |
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firecrotch | Oh no, I have 2 zombie processes too | 07:06 |
yeniklasorr | I'm trying to make a bin sh. This must execute 2 command. "cd /opt/ebyn/" and "exec sh bdp.sh" How can I do this ? | 07:06 |
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neptunepink | firecrotch: :O | 07:07 |
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yeniklasorr | Sorry I'm trying to make a bin sh. This must execute 2 command. "cd /opt/ebyn/" and "sh bdp.sh" How can I do this ? | 07:07 |
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Crell | firecrotch: I'm telling you, chainsaws. Have we learned nothing from Bruce Campbell?? | 07:08 |
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Tm_T | ClassFoo: hum | 07:08 |
ClassFoo | Tm_T: ? | 07:08 |
Tm_T | ClassFoo: don't use awaynick thanks | 07:08 |
ClassFoo | Tm_T: sorry | 07:08 |
Tm_T | np | 07:08 |
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firecrotch | I can't even figure out what they are | 07:10 |
firecrotch | Hmm.... netstat and sudo are the zombies.... | 07:12 |
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neptunepink | firecrotch: sudo killall sudo | 07:12 |
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liu | ?? | 07:13 |
firecrotch | neptunepink: yeah... it feels odd to even be typing that in | 07:13 |
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neptunepink | firecrotch: I was kidding :b | 07:14 |
firecrotch | I can live with zombies though :) | 07:14 |
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=== neptunepink summons a zombie hord to make friends with firecrotch | ||
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neptunepink | *and possibly convince him to change his nick | 07:15 |
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kazuma_ | hi | 07:17 |
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kazuma_ | i need help | 07:18 |
kazuma_ | please | 07:18 |
kazuma_ | i have just installed kubuntu | 07:18 |
kazuma_ | and i have something called bam from iusacell | 07:18 |
kazuma_ | it's wireless internet | 07:18 |
kazuma_ | and konqueror doesn't let me open any page | 07:19 |
kazuma_ | what should i do | 07:19 |
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Tabmow | kazuma_: bam? | 07:19 |
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kazuma_ | it's like an usb modem | 07:19 |
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firecrotch | neptunepink: those were quite the zombies.... | 07:20 |
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Tabmow | kazuma_: like or it is? | 07:20 |
Crell | When compiling a kernel out of git in Ubuntu, what's the flavours target for a 32-bit core2duo? It doesn't appear to be i386, as that gives an error. | 07:21 |
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Tw|sT | Does anyone here use IBM FileNet? I'm taking a class on it this week, and they said it supports Linux, and I'm interested in deploying it on my intranet. | 07:30 |
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grumpybear | hey can anyone run me through how to install warcraft3 TFT?? | 07:46 |
Daisuke_Laptop | winehq.org | 07:47 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | check the appdb | 07:47 |
Daisuke_Laptop | it will have the information you seek | 07:47 |
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grumpybear | what about | 07:48 |
grumpybear | CSS? | 07:48 |
Daisuke_Laptop | winehq.org | 07:48 |
Daisuke_Laptop | it will have the information you seek | 07:48 |
grumpybear | kk | 07:48 |
grumpybear | thank you | 07:48 |
grumpybear | oh are u a bot | 07:48 |
grumpybear | HAHA. | 07:48 |
Daisuke_Laptop | no | 07:48 |
grumpybear | oh | 07:48 |
grumpybear | .. | 07:48 |
grumpybear | sorry | 07:48 |
Daisuke_Laptop | just the same answer applies to both :) | 07:48 |
grumpybear | haha | 07:48 |
stoned | http://stoned.is.dreaming.org/screenshots/pi_to_1_million_digits_on_kubuntu_amd64.jpg | 07:49 |
stoned | check it out | 07:49 |
stoned | its pretty fast man | 07:49 |
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stoned | everything is running great | 07:52 |
stoned | i hate to say/admit it, but debian actually lacked, etch lacked 64bit desktop stuff | 07:52 |
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czer323 | It's okay to criticize something that doesn't meet your needs. I think too many people forget that without criticism, we'd never try to do somethign better. | 07:55 |
czer323 | Too many people criticize criticism. | 07:55 |
yeniklasorr | stdin : Why this a bash is doing absolute query? #!/bin/bash cd /opt/ebyn /bin/bash bdp.sh | 07:55 |
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stoned | czer323: I happen to like kubuntu now | 07:56 |
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stoned | I didn' twant to accept that but I have used it for a while now and so far so good, so thumbs up on that | 07:57 |
stoned | 64bit on etch was fairly unstable for me | 07:57 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i'm doing ok with gnome... haven't gotten around to installing kde here yet :D | 07:57 |
Daisuke_Laptop | night night | 07:57 |
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underdog5004 | Daisuke_Laptop, I much prefer kde to gnome...fluxbox or xfce for older machines | 08:03 |
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netdaemon | hrm | 08:04 |
netdaemon | how many of you have removed the kubuntu artwork? | 08:04 |
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underdog5004 | netdaemon, what do you mean? | 08:07 |
czer323 | I don't use the kubuntu artwork usually, but i don't remove it. | 08:07 |
czer323 | the udev splash, kde splash startup i don't care about changing. | 08:08 |
czer323 | But, i like rotating desktops and different icons. | 08:08 |
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jd__ | wooooooooooooooooooooooh | 08:09 |
navets | can anyone debug this mysql line for me | 08:09 |
navets | i get an error at limit | 08:10 |
navets | $result = @mysql_query('SELECT id, name, email, site, date, body FROM Board ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ' .$first. ',' .$last.' " ; '); | 08:10 |
underdog5004 | jd__, yes? | 08:10 |
jd__ | just excited | 08:10 |
underdog5004 | you have beryl running? lol | 08:10 |
jd__ | o | 08:10 |
jd__ | no | 08:10 |
jd__ | :-( | 08:10 |
jd__ | not yet | 08:10 |
jd__ | superkarmba though | 08:10 |
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underdog5004 | ah | 08:10 |
jd__ | which is good enough | 08:10 |
underdog5004 | that's always nice | 08:10 |
jd__ | for my laptop | 08:10 |
underdog5004 | I like glassmonitor and aeroclock | 08:11 |
underdog5004 | just fyi | 08:11 |
kazuma__ | does anyone knows how to install a bam from iusacell? | 08:11 |
jd__ | might check them out | 08:11 |
jd__ | probably already did see it | 08:11 |
underdog5004 | kazuma__, bam? iusacell? | 08:11 |
kazuma__ | yeah | 08:11 |
kazuma__ | it's like a small usb modem | 08:11 |
underdog5004 | oh | 08:11 |
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underdog5004 | have you tried googling the model numbers? | 08:12 |
kazuma__ | that you put on your usb and gives you internet | 08:12 |
YingFan | I have no QT environment variables at the moment and have both qt3 and 4 installed. How do I change default Qt from 3 to 4? | 08:12 |
kazuma__ | that's the problem my friend | 08:12 |
kazuma__ | i'm using it | 08:12 |
kazuma__ | but konqueror doesn't let me open anything | 08:12 |
kazuma__ | i don't know why | 08:12 |
underdog5004 | kazuma__, oh...have you connected to the internet with it yet? | 08:12 |
kazuma__ | yes i'm using it right now dude | 08:12 |
underdog5004 | oh, ok, sorry | 08:13 |
kazuma__ | the problem is konqueror i can't open any page | 08:13 |
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underdog5004 | weird...and in firefox? | 08:13 |
netdaemon | underdog5004: removing all of the ubuntu patches from kde...i see the package here | 08:13 |
kazuma__ | an error ocurred while loading http://www.google.com.mx | 08:13 |
kazuma__ | that's the error | 08:13 |
Tabmow | kazuma__: .mx ? | 08:14 |
underdog5004 | that's in firefox, kazuma__ ? | 08:14 |
flaccid | kazuma__: usually indicates a installation issue with kde/konq | 08:14 |
underdog5004 | netdaemon, what are you talking about? | 08:14 |
kazuma__ | what should i do i'm really new | 08:14 |
kazuma__ | using konqueror | 08:14 |
flaccid | run it from cli and see what errors you get kazuma__ | 08:14 |
kazuma__ | well kubuntu xD | 08:14 |
kazuma__ | cli? what's that dudde | 08:14 |
netdaemon | underdog5004: kubuntu-default-settings | 08:15 |
flaccid | from konsole | 08:15 |
netdaemon | ^^ that package | 08:15 |
kazuma__ | =o | 08:15 |
kazuma__ | it doesn't appear any problem it looks like it conect | 08:15 |
underdog5004 | netdaemon, I'm still not sure...have I been helping you? | 08:15 |
kazuma__ | but well it only let me conect here | 08:16 |
underdog5004 | netdaemon, oh, sorry | 08:16 |
netdaemon | i'm wondering if anyone has removed that before | 08:16 |
underdog5004 | gotcha, kde-artwork stuff, right? | 08:16 |
underdog5004 | netdaemon, I would keep that package around...it looks like a metapackage anyway... | 08:17 |
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underdog5004 | I'm going to bed now...gf is looking more and more inviting | 08:17 |
kazuma__ | i'm suffering xD | 08:17 |
kazuma__ | brb | 08:18 |
flaccid | xD ? | 08:20 |
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NeedRock | I dont know the pass and I load from virual-cd and try to mount root-partition but I cant... why? how can I do that? | 08:29 |
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dosen | hi | 08:29 |
dosen | anyone from indonesia??? | 08:29 |
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dosen | indonesia??? | 08:29 |
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progreSSive | hi everybody | 08:30 |
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NeedRock | I dont know the pass and I load from virual-cd and try to mount root-partition but I cant... why? how can I do that??? | 08:35 |
NeedRock | I dont know the pass and I load from virual-cd and try to mount root-partition but I cant... why? how can I do that??? | 08:36 |
hsn_ | !sudo | 08:36 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 08:36 |
NeedRock | ))) | 08:36 |
NeedRock | something else? )) | 08:36 |
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NeedRock | I dont know the pass and I load from virual-cd and try to mount root-partition but I cant... why? how can I do that??? (dont say "sudo" :) ) | 08:39 |
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Kein | I'm having the same problem, to my knowledge... | 08:40 |
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NeedRock | I have the message that the fstype must be specified, mount -a dont work... I try mount -t ext3 but it didnt work anyway... I am sure that filesystem is ext3 | 08:45 |
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hangthedj | is there a movie player for kubuntu that creates a database for your movies? | 08:46 |
hangthedj | like amarok, but a movie player? | 08:46 |
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grul | hey, does anyone know about risifrutti? how long can you keep it in a fridge? | 09:02 |
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Assid | hrmm anyone here using gutsy + kopete | 09:04 |
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kraut | moin | 09:16 |
vlt | !de | kraut | 09:17 |
ubotu | kraut: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 09:17 |
vlt | ;-) | 09:17 |
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kraut | vlt: moin is an internationalized word! ;) | 09:18 |
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genii | I sure wish tere was a #kubuntu+1 | 09:26 |
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mm_202 | ugh, is there a cmd option or something that will not fsck up the x permission on directories when doing a chmod -R nnn * ? | 09:26 |
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evri2 | Guys,do you have seek problem in VLC while playing flv files? | 09:38 |
gaara | nope | 09:38 |
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gaara | hey stdin u there? | 09:57 |
stdin | possibly | 09:58 |
Assid | your still awake?! | 09:59 |
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Assid | dont you ever sleep? | 09:59 |
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stdin | I did sleep | 09:59 |
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stdin | then got woken up | 09:59 |
ksivaji | !lamp | 09:59 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 09:59 |
Assid | you slept after i did | 09:59 |
ksivaji | stdin hi | 09:59 |
openorigin | hello all, i am using feisty, how to boot into command line directly ( i dont want display manager)?? | 10:00 |
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stdin | letters still blurry...need caffeine... | 10:00 |
gaara | someone plz help me with my stupid wifi connection | 10:00 |
gaara | stdin, i installed bcm43xx cutter thingy | 10:00 |
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gaara | do u have that link again? | 10:01 |
EviL_AciD | hi! | 10:01 |
stdin | gaara: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty | 10:01 |
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EviL_AciD | raga c' qualke italiano? | 10:01 |
stdin | !it | EviL_AciD | 10:02 |
ubotu | EviL_AciD: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 10:02 |
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stdin | openorigin: in the grub menu there is a recovery mode that's console only, or you can run "sudo update-rc.d kdm remove" to stop kdm from starting automatically | 10:03 |
=== stdin now get coffee | ||
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openorigin | stdin:ok | 10:03 |
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gaara | stdin the problem doesnt seem to be with the driver.. | 10:03 |
gaara | when i use the knetwork manager its not detecting anything because the interface is not enabled | 10:04 |
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gaara | but when i try enabling it, it stands for one second and switches of the next | 10:04 |
czer323 | Has anyone ever been able to successfully link minimize window to khotkeys with a mouse gesture? | 10:05 |
openorigin | stdin: ok., it boots to which runlevel?? (just i am curious to know | 10:06 |
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gaara | hello??????? | 10:07 |
slobodan_ | hi | 10:07 |
gaara | help help help | 10:07 |
stdin | openorigin: to runlevel 1 | 10:08 |
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openorigin | stdin: ok | 10:08 |
slobodan_ | what's the matter | 10:08 |
gaara | wifi interface not enabing | 10:08 |
gaara | gets disabled everytime i press enable | 10:08 |
stdin | gaara: does it show scan results? | 10:09 |
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gaara | in terminal? | 10:09 |
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gaara | shows no networks scanned | 10:09 |
openorigin | stdin: ok one last question, what about my apache n mysql ? will they start automatically? | 10:09 |
stdin | openorigin: not with the recovery mode, but they will if you just stop kdm from starting | 10:10 |
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stdin | gaara: have you used ndiswraper to load the driver? | 10:10 |
stdin | gaara: or the firmware? | 10:11 |
gaara | the firmware | 10:11 |
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gaara | how do i check whether the ndiswrapper has been loaded or not? | 10:11 |
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stdin | gaara: "ndiswrapper -l" | 10:12 |
Assid | hrmm their right.. it is "unstable? | 10:12 |
Assid | somewhat | 10:12 |
gaara | not there.. | 10:12 |
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stdin | gaara: did you download the firmware? (when you installed bcm43xx-fwcutter) | 10:13 |
gaara | gimme a minute, i need to restart | 10:13 |
Assid | stdin: can you run glxgears? | 10:13 |
Assid | everytime i try X crashes | 10:14 |
stdin | Assid: yeah, I can | 10:14 |
Assid | weird | 10:14 |
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Assid | you have compiz-fusion running? | 10:14 |
stdin | Assid: yep | 10:14 |
Assid | bah | 10:14 |
Assid | lemme try again | 10:14 |
stdin | Assid: I don't think it works with Xgl tho, if you have that | 10:14 |
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Assid | (II) UnloadModule: "xgl" | 10:16 |
Assid | (EE) Failed to load module "xgl" (module does not exist, 0) | 10:16 |
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Assid | it used to work on feisty tho | 10:16 |
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stdin | Assid: do you have a line like ""Load "xgl" " in your xorg.conf? | 10:16 |
Assid | yes | 10:17 |
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Assid | i mean thats fine.. it didnt load it .. but still glxgears should work | 10:17 |
stdin | Assid: post xorg.conf to pastebin, I'll have a peek | 10:17 |
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Assid | also compiz-fusion benchmarks went from 135+ fps .. to 35-55 | 10:17 |
Assid | sure gimme a sec.. i might get cut | 10:18 |
Assid | trying one more time | 10:18 |
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gaara | when i open adept manager, it says someother adept manager is open right now but i havent opened any.. | 10:20 |
gaara | whats the catch? | 10:20 |
stdin | !aptfix | 10:21 |
ubotu | If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 10:21 |
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gaara | thank yo | 10:23 |
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bionic | hello | 10:24 |
gaara | i installed looking glass in my machine but it doesnt even start the session.. | 10:25 |
gaara | any idea why? | 10:25 |
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trekdanne | looking glass = the java 2.5d window manager ? | 10:26 |
gaara | yea | 10:26 |
gaara | actually i dont know | 10:27 |
gaara | i think so | 10:27 |
trekdanne | ah, actually i havn't tried that one, just read the paper :P | 10:28 |
gaara | hey stdin... | 10:28 |
gaara | i've installed the ndiswrapper | 10:28 |
gaara | now what | 10:28 |
gaara | ? | 10:28 |
stdin | gaara: you need to get the windows xp driver for the card | 10:29 |
gaara | and how do i do that? | 10:29 |
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stdin | gaara: look it up on http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/joomla/index.php?/component/option,com_openwiki/Itemid,33/id,list_b/ | 10:30 |
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stdin | gaara: "lspci | grep Broadcom" should tell you which you have | 10:30 |
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gaara | i download the windows driver and then i do this? | 10:34 |
gaara | ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf | 10:34 |
gaara | ? | 10:34 |
stdin | yeah | 10:35 |
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Lucios | hi | 10:39 |
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Lucios | i got problem with my wxDownload Fast | 10:39 |
Lucios | unable to return the file size | 10:39 |
Lucios | i dunno why | 10:39 |
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gaara | where is the inf file usually stored for windows? | 10:41 |
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trekdanne | pardon my ignorance but what's "wxDownload Fast"? | 10:41 |
trekdanne | gaara: toplevel driver directory? | 10:42 |
stdin | gaara: you can download the .zip it tells you on the ndiswrapper site, then extract it and use the .inf there | 10:42 |
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Lucios | download manager | 10:43 |
Lucios | such as IDM in windows | 10:43 |
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kazuma_ | help | 10:43 |
kazuma_ | i have a probleem :( | 10:43 |
kazuma_ | it's a modem that gives me wireless internet | 10:44 |
trekdanne | Lucios: ah i c, never heard of :) | 10:44 |
kazuma_ | and i can't make it work | 10:44 |
stdin | Lucios: my guess is that the server doesn't support resume (and isn't sending the file size) | 10:44 |
gaara | hey stdin, there is no zip file for the chipset i have, the very first one u gave me | 10:44 |
gaara | in the link u sent, mine is the first one... | 10:44 |
kazuma_ | who can help me | 10:45 |
stdin | gaara: the Broadcom Corporation BCM4310 UART ? | 10:45 |
gaara | yea | 10:45 |
stdin | kazuma_: what card/chipset? | 10:45 |
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kazuma_ | well stdin it's kindda weird | 10:45 |
kazuma_ | here in mexico | 10:45 |
kazuma_ | there's something called Bam, from iusacell | 10:46 |
kazuma_ | it's a small card you put on your usb port | 10:46 |
kazuma_ | and gives you internet | 10:46 |
kazuma_ | but, it's not working properly | 10:46 |
stdin | gaara: try this one ftp://ftp.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp34001-34500/sp34152.exe (extract with cabextract) | 10:46 |
kazuma_ | konqueror doesn't let me open web pages | 10:46 |
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kazuma_ | can anyone help me with that? | 10:48 |
stdin | kazuma_: hmm, I've never heard of it | 10:48 |
kazuma_ | ok thanks anyway | 10:49 |
stdin | kazuma_: maybe try searching for "iusacell bam linux" in google, you're sure to get something | 10:49 |
Lucios | but in windows it's say support resume | 10:49 |
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kazuma_ | yeah i did | 10:49 |
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Lucios | i download from ftp server using centos | 10:49 |
kazuma_ | the problem | 10:49 |
kazuma_ | is that | 10:49 |
kazuma_ | it's already installed | 10:49 |
kazuma_ | but i can't access to any other program that needs internet | 10:50 |
kazuma_ | only this | 10:50 |
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stdin | kazuma_: so you can access this IRC but nothing in konqueror? | 10:50 |
kazuma_ | exactly my friend | 10:50 |
stdin | hmm | 10:51 |
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kazuma_ | weird don't you think? | 10:51 |
stdin | yeah | 10:51 |
stdin | does your ISP use a HTTP proxy? | 10:52 |
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kazuma_ | now that's something i don't understand haha | 10:52 |
kazuma_ | can you explain it please? | 10:52 |
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gaara | how do i extract it using the cabextract? | 10:53 |
stdin | kazuma_: some ISPs use a HTTP proxy to allow users to connect to web pages (they block normal access except with their proxy) | 10:53 |
kazuma_ | =o | 10:54 |
stdin | gaara: cabextract file.exe | 10:54 |
kazuma_ | would you let me explain how do i install the bam? | 10:54 |
gaara | figured it, sorry... | 10:54 |
stdin | kazuma_: can you try something? open konsole and do "w3m www.google.com" | 10:54 |
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kazuma_ | let me check | 10:55 |
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kazuma_ | hey | 10:55 |
kazuma_ | it opened! =O | 10:55 |
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stdin | well, that means at least you don't need a proxy :p | 10:56 |
kazuma_ | but why konqueror not? | 10:56 |
kazuma_ | hahaha | 10:56 |
kazuma_ | what should i do about konqueror? | 10:56 |
gaara | it says driver already installed | 10:56 |
stdin | kazuma_: have a look in system settings > network settings > proxy, is it set to connect directly to the internet ? | 10:57 |
stdin | gaara: ndiswrapper says that? | 10:57 |
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kazuma_ | yeah that it says | 10:58 |
gaara | the command ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf says driver already installed! | 10:58 |
kazuma_ | connect directly to the internet | 10:58 |
kazuma_ | is that correct? | 10:58 |
stdin | yes | 10:58 |
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kazuma_ | then, i'm lost haha | 10:59 |
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gaara | what do i do? | 10:59 |
kazuma_ | i don't know what to do my friend | 10:59 |
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Ahadiel | Is there anyway to stop apt from being in use? I hadn't even used Adept and it was it was already in use. | 11:00 |
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Ahadiel | I prefer to do updates from the commandline | 11:00 |
stdin | kazuma_: I'm looking | 11:01 |
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gaara | ndiswrapper -l says bcmwl5 is invalid driver! | 11:01 |
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stdin | gaara: have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff (not sure what else) | 11:02 |
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holycow | okay so once again | 11:04 |
holycow | i try krita | 11:04 |
holycow | and holy schneikes | 11:04 |
Ahadiel | Anyone got a link to a compiz fusion tutorial for kubuntu? | 11:04 |
holycow | it once again eats a gtk app for lunch | 11:04 |
holycow | well damn | 11:04 |
kazuma_ | i ran out of ideas man | 11:05 |
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stdin | kazuma_: can you try installing firefox and see if that works, then we know if it's a konqueror problem | 11:06 |
kazuma_ | is it a good thing that google appeared in the console? | 11:06 |
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stdin | Ahadiel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion | 11:07 |
kazuma_ | hahaha i wish how do i install it dudde if i can navigate :P | 11:07 |
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stdin | kazuma_: quick way: in konsole do "sudo apt-get install firefox" | 11:07 |
kazuma_ | no my friend | 11:09 |
gaara | hey stdin...i installed using someother file and it says driver installed.. | 11:09 |
kazuma_ | i tried add/remove program | 11:09 |
kazuma_ | and you need internet to install those other programs | 11:09 |
gaara | am i to restart and stuff? | 11:09 |
kazuma_ | but it appears that i don't have internet | 11:09 |
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kazuma_ | now i wanna kill myself xD | 11:09 |
kazuma_ | at the usa exist iusacell? | 11:10 |
stdin | kazuma_: what does apt-get say? | 11:10 |
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kazuma_ | the firefox pakage is not available | 11:11 |
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kazuma_ | that could mean that the package is missing, obsolet | 11:11 |
kazuma_ | or it's only available from other source | 11:11 |
kazuma_ | that says dudde | 11:11 |
Ahadiel | wait what? | 11:12 |
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Ahadiel | I just finished apt-get'ing firefox | 11:12 |
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stdin | kazuma_: your sources.list is probably commented out..., press alt-f2 and remove the "#" from all lines starting with "deb http://.." | 11:13 |
rojanu | Hi, Can I use SATA RAID disk individually or I have to use them as part of the RAID | 11:13 |
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kazuma_ | it appears | 11:14 |
kazuma_ | run command | 11:14 |
gaara | stdin....help..plz.. | 11:14 |
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kazuma_ | wait | 11:14 |
kazuma_ | back in a while | 11:14 |
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gaara | im probably troubling u too much but plz...my ndiswrapper has installed properly.. | 11:14 |
mikkael | where should i calibrate my gamma, brightness and contrast ? i can set it on my monitor, on nvidia's settings and on kde .. so confusing | 11:14 |
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stdin | gaara: did you blacklist the bcm43xx module ? | 11:15 |
gaara | ? | 11:15 |
stdin | gaara: "echo 'blacklist bcm43xx' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" ? | 11:16 |
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gaara | now what? it just echoed. | 11:17 |
rick-cn | iptablesiptables | 11:17 |
stdin | !cn | rick-cn | 11:18 |
ubotu | rick-cn: For Ubuntu help in Chinese #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-tw #ubuntu-hk | 11:18 |
stdin | gaara: "sudo depmod -a ; sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" | 11:18 |
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VSpike | That "KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems" page is a good'un | 11:18 |
stdin | gaara: this is all from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff | 11:18 |
gaara | looking thru.. | 11:19 |
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namelessjon | My friend (who has asked me for help) currently has a very frustrating problem with kubuntu. It boots fine, displays the login screen. When you login, it accepts the auth (and shows in auth.log as a successful login), then fades to black and redisplays the login screen. | 11:20 |
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stdin | namelessjon: KDM keeps a log in /var/log/kdm.log have a look in there for errors | 11:21 |
miguelcabrera | hello | 11:21 |
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maxagaz | hi | 11:23 |
maxagaz | how to desactivate the message saying new people are connected with kopete ? | 11:23 |
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thirupathib | hi, how to shutdown from command prompt as a user, if i try shutdown and halt commands they want me to be root | 11:24 |
trekdanne | maxagaz: try fine-tuning the nofify tab in the settings | 11:24 |
stdin | maxagaz: settings > configure notifications | 11:24 |
kazuma__ | nope | 11:24 |
kazuma__ | nothing happened | 11:24 |
namelessjon | Hmm. There's some 'BadDevice' errors (which look like they're probably because he doesn't have a tablet connected since they're input device errors) and also 'QImage::ConvertDepth: Image is a null image' | 11:24 |
kazuma__ | i wanna die | 11:24 |
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stdin | !sudo | thirupathib | 11:25 |
ubotu | thirupathib: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 11:25 |
trekdanne | thirupathib: add yourself to the shutdown group? | 11:25 |
kazuma__ | it's my only way to have internet | 11:25 |
grul | don't do it | 11:25 |
stdin | kazuma__: did you run "sudo apt-get update" after you edited/saved the file? | 11:25 |
kazuma__ | what should i do | 11:25 |
kazuma__ | let me check | 11:25 |
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maxagaz | trekdanne,stdin: I understand... thanks :) | 11:26 |
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kazuma__ | and that what is it for friend | 11:26 |
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stdin | kazuma__: after "sudo apt-get update" try "sudo apt-get install firefox" again | 11:27 |
kazuma__ | =o ok dudde | 11:27 |
kazuma__ | cool | 11:28 |
kazuma__ | is the firefox downloading from the internet' | 11:28 |
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fotoflo | hey, im having a wierd problem. i think its on the other end but maybe you guys could help me troubleshoot... i am ftping into a ftpserver and after login it stalls out on "ls" or dir commands... | 11:29 |
rojanu | namelessjon: Could you check for permission on the home folder | 11:29 |
stdin | kazuma__: firefox will probably work, until we can figure out why konqueror isn't | 11:29 |
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kazuma__ | but | 11:29 |
kazuma__ | add/remove programs use internet too right? | 11:29 |
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VSpike | fotoflo: could be firewall or NAT problem | 11:29 |
lazy-bit | hi | 11:29 |
stdin | kazuma__: yes | 11:29 |
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fotoflo | VSpike: i have tried from two unix systems. | 11:30 |
kazuma__ | then | 11:30 |
kazuma__ | my internet doesn't work propperly | 11:30 |
fotoflo | VSpike, so if it is, its not on my side | 11:30 |
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namelessjon | rojanu: It's 755, for his u/n, his group | 11:30 |
trekdanne | kazuma__: probably something wrong with konqueror not the internet | 11:30 |
VSpike | fotoflo: it's a public ftp, or one you set up? | 11:30 |
kazuma__ | and i can't install nothing | 11:30 |
fotoflo | its one that someone else setup | 11:30 |
fotoflo | i think its on a windows box | 11:31 |
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VSpike | fotoflo: is it public? can I try it? | 11:31 |
stdin | kazuma__: it should work now that you have edited the sources | 11:31 |
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kazuma__ | wow | 11:32 |
kazuma__ | impresive | 11:32 |
fotoflo | VSpike, sorry, its private | 11:32 |
kazuma__ | but just firefox | 11:32 |
kazuma__ | not konqueror | 11:32 |
stdin | kazuma__: firefox works? | 11:32 |
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kazuma__ | yeah dudde | 11:33 |
kazuma__ | that means that i have internet? | 11:33 |
stdin | kazuma__: yes | 11:33 |
kazuma__ | but why the packages from add/remove | 11:33 |
kazuma__ | doesn't work | 11:33 |
stdin | kazuma__: have you tried it again? | 11:33 |
kazuma__ | let me check | 11:33 |
VSpike | fotoflo: do you know if anyone else from outside the server's location can access it? | 11:33 |
kazuma__ | awesome | 11:33 |
VSpike | If it's behind a NAT router or firewall, that is most likely the problem | 11:34 |
fotoflo | Vspike: just the sysadmin, who i think has a negitive IQ | 11:34 |
kazuma__ | do you think if i reboot my computer | 11:34 |
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kazuma__ | maybe konqueror should work? | 11:34 |
stdin | kazuma__: you can try, it may work. but if not that at least you have firefox | 11:34 |
fotoflo | VSpike, he did however reply to my email saying he was able to access it. so i am wondering if it is a permissions problem or something | 11:34 |
VSpike | fotoflo: but he may have tried from inside the network | 11:35 |
Ahadiel | Does anyone have a tutorial for installing Compiz fusion under Kubuntu? | 11:35 |
stdin | kazuma__: if you want to make firefox default: system settings > default applications | 11:35 |
kazuma__ | thanks man | 11:35 |
stdin | Ahadiel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion < there | 11:35 |
kazuma__ | how do i contact with you | 11:35 |
kazuma__ | if i reboot my pc | 11:35 |
fotoflo | VSpike, he said he tried from outside | 11:35 |
kazuma__ | xD | 11:35 |
stdin | kazuma__: I'll still be here | 11:35 |
fotoflo | VSpike, maybe he didnt try with my username... | 11:35 |
rojanu | namelessjon: did you check ~/.xsessionerrors as well | 11:36 |
kazuma__ | =o | 11:36 |
VSpike | fotoflo: you'd expect permission errors to return a permission error though | 11:36 |
Ahadiel | stdin: I just did that, doesn't work | 11:36 |
Ahadiel | I get no window borders, and yeah | 11:36 |
rojanu | namelessjon: there must be an error in one of the logs | 11:36 |
Ahadiel | I'm not even sure if it enabled | 11:36 |
stdin | Ahadiel: install compiz-kde | 11:36 |
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Ahadiel | And I'm not sure if this is weird, but umm, it keeps saying I have a compiz-core update | 11:36 |
rojanu | namelessjon: on off shot deleting ~/.kde might help as well | 11:37 |
Ahadiel | and when I update it, it still wants to update it | 11:37 |
fotoflo | shit it just worked | 11:37 |
fotoflo | randomly | 11:37 |
stdin | !language | fotoflo | 11:37 |
ubotu | fotoflo: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 11:37 |
fotoflo | whoops | 11:37 |
namelessjon | .xsessionerrors is 0 bytes. | 11:38 |
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harmental | hey guys...which type of collection database would you recommend me to use for Amarok? | 11:38 |
VSpike | fotoflo: I still think it's a network problem | 11:39 |
stdin | harmental: sqlite is fine for most | 11:39 |
fotoflo | eh? | 11:39 |
kazuma__ | dudde | 11:39 |
fotoflo | why? | 11:39 |
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kazuma__ | how do i install amarok mp3 codecs xD | 11:39 |
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Ahadiel | it's like sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs | 11:39 |
Ahadiel | or something like that | 11:40 |
hobbit_ | Hi ^^ | 11:40 |
harmental | stdin: thx! | 11:40 |
kazuma__ | just that? | 11:41 |
Aranel | hi, my ttyX consoles broken. When I press CTRL + ALT + F1 , F2 etc. , It only gives black screen, please help me :) | 11:41 |
namelessjon | rojanu: I moved .kde out of the way, that did nothing. | 11:41 |
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namelessjon | rojanu: There are some 'BadDevice' errors (which look like they're probably because he doesn't have a tablet connected since they're input device errors) and also 'QImage::ConvertDepth: Image is a null image' (this from /var/log/kdm.log) | 11:42 |
fotoflo | hmm how do i upload a directory with commandline ftp? | 11:42 |
stdin | Aranel: try disabling the boot splash | 11:42 |
fotoflo | my ftp gui apps are all carshing | 11:42 |
Aranel | stdin: ok :) how can I disable it ? | 11:42 |
Ahadiel | stdin: Even after installing compiz-kde, I still get no borders | 11:43 |
Ahadiel | and I can't enter text | 11:43 |
stdin | Ahadiel: you have to restart compiz after you install that | 11:43 |
VSpike | fotoflo: use ncftp | 11:43 |
Ahadiel | stdin: Did | 11:43 |
Ahadiel | Many times | 11:43 |
VSpike | fotoflo: it's the best ftp client | 11:43 |
fotoflo | commandline or gui | 11:43 |
fotoflo | ? | 11:43 |
VSpike | then you can do "mput -r dir" | 11:44 |
VSpike | commandline | 11:44 |
stdin | Ahadiel: try "kde-window-decorator --replace" | 11:44 |
Aranel | stdin: splashimage=(hd1,0)/boot/grub/56843-kubuntu-grub.xpm.gz | 11:44 |
stdin | Aranel: alt-f2 > kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst, in there remove all the words "splash" | 11:44 |
VSpike | fotoflo: supports tab completion (both local and remote), bookmarks... it just works like you want it to | 11:44 |
fotoflo | o | 11:44 |
fotoflo | cool | 11:44 |
fotoflo | getting | 11:44 |
stdin | Aranel: not the splashimage, just "splash" | 11:44 |
kazuma__ | stdin how do i install mp3 codecs? | 11:45 |
stdin | kazuma__: you have feisty? | 11:45 |
Ahadiel | stdin: Nothing, I get like "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input devied 196" | 11:45 |
kazuma__ | yeah dudde | 11:45 |
Ahadiel | 169* | 11:45 |
Aranel | stdin: ok thanks, i'll try :) | 11:45 |
stdin | kazuma__: sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg | 11:45 |
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stdin | Ahadiel: that's not the problem then, do you have an ati or nvidia card? | 11:46 |
Ahadiel | Intel GMA950 | 11:46 |
Ahadiel | When I had Ubuntu installed, I was able to get compiz working | 11:46 |
Ahadiel | then I switched repo's, and it's acting the same way as it is now | 11:46 |
stdin | I have intel too, works here.... | 11:46 |
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Ahadiel | Are you using those repo's? | 11:47 |
Ahadiel | ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net.. etc | 11:47 |
stdin | Ahadiel: no, I run gutsy | 11:47 |
Ahadiel | Maybe that's the problem. | 11:48 |
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rojanu | namelessjon: can you try and create another user see how that goes | 11:48 |
stdin | Ahadiel: those sources should be good tho | 11:48 |
Ahadiel | It keeps giving me an update for compiz-core | 11:48 |
Ahadiel | but even after in install it | 11:48 |
Ahadiel | it still wants to update | 11:48 |
stdin | Ahadiel: does "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" update it? | 11:48 |
Ahadiel | let's find out | 11:49 |
rojanu | namelessjon: it is very difficult to solve without any proper error or similar? So I am just firing some guesses, sorry!!!! | 11:49 |
Ahadiel | stdin: Yes | 11:49 |
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fotoflo | ncftp is crashing too | 11:50 |
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stdin | Ahadiel: try "kde-window-decorator --replace" again (after the update finishes) | 11:51 |
Ahadiel | "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169" | 11:51 |
Ahadiel | that shows twice in the terminal | 11:51 |
Ahadiel | along with "Failed to open Device" | 11:52 |
stdin | ignore those "BadDevice" errors | 11:52 |
Ahadiel | if I were to do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade again, it still says I need to update compiz-core | 11:52 |
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stdin | Ahadiel: run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and post all the output to pastebin | 11:53 |
Ahadiel | okay, a bit tricky though. | 11:53 |
Ahadiel | I'm running Kubuntu on my laptop | 11:53 |
Ahadiel | sec | 11:53 |
fotoflo | VSpike, ncftp keeps crashing too | 11:54 |
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Ahadiel | stdin: http://pastebin.com/m414907c0 | 11:54 |
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=== namelessjon sighs at the ping out. | ||
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stdin | Ahadiel: no pastebin output of "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 11:57 |
Ahadiel | ah sorry | 11:57 |
Ahadiel | sec | 11:57 |
Ahadiel | http://pastebin.com/m8df39c1 | 11:58 |
VSpike | fotoflo: you got problems :) | 11:58 |
stdin | Ahadiel: press Y and pastebin the rest too | 11:58 |
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fotoflo | possibly | 11:59 |
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Ahadiel | stdin: http://pastebin.com/m516b6baf | 11:59 |
stdin | Ahadiel: does "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" still want to upgrade it now? | 12:00 |
Ahadiel | yes | 12:00 |
Ahadiel | still | 12:00 |
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kazuma__ | can i install beryl in kubuntu? | 12:00 |
stdin | Ahadiel: post what "apt-cache policy compiz-core says" | 12:01 |
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stdin | kazuma__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnFeisty | 12:02 |
fotoflo | VSpike, very strange. from ftp an LS command works, but not from nsftp or any gui i have | 12:02 |
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Ahadiel | stdin: http://pastebin.com/m15abcefe | 12:02 |
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fotoflo | im gonna go downstairs and try from a windows box | 12:03 |
Ahadiel | well if I can't get this working, I have gutsy tribe 4 almost finished downloading | 12:03 |
liberti_ | hola buenos dias | 12:03 |
liberti_ | he instalado kubuntu | 12:03 |
kazuma__ | =o | 12:03 |
liberti_ | y no se me escucha por el micro | 12:03 |
stdin | !es | 12:03 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 12:03 |
kazuma__ | hablas espaol? | 12:03 |
liberti_ | alguien me ayuda | 12:03 |
kazuma__ | genial xD | 12:03 |
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stdin | liberti_: #kubuntu-es | 12:03 |
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liberti_ | ya | 12:03 |
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liberti_ | y me sallio esta pagina | 12:03 |
stdin | Ahadiel: it shouldn't want to upgrade it then... | 12:03 |
Ahadiel | well it does >_> | 12:04 |
Ahadiel | over and over and over | 12:04 |
stdin | odd that | 12:04 |
VSpike | what's the command-line equivalent of alt-f2? | 12:04 |
Ahadiel | konsole | 12:05 |
Ahadiel | i mean wait.. heh? | 12:05 |
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Ahadiel | alt+f2 = command in konsole | 12:05 |
trekdanne | not entirely true, i think | 12:05 |
Ahadiel | alt+f2 = executing command in konsole** | 12:05 |
VSpike | Ahadiel: not exactly... alt-f2 is like the windows Start->Run which is like using "start ...." from the windows command line... | 12:06 |
stdin | alt-f2 executes command in the shell kde is started from | 12:06 |
kazuma__ | stdin why the update save my neck? | 12:06 |
VSpike | Ahadiel: in that it can "execute" documents, folders, commands, etc | 12:06 |
GoodHabit | Good day people. Help me please. My friend tryied to install Kubuntu 7.04 for pc, and he had trouble - near 83 percents of installation distro asked to downloading language packs. Who can help? It is impossible to use internet there without installed system. | 12:06 |
kazuma__ | can you explain it to me? | 12:06 |
VSpike | Ahadiel: I'm referring to a command line tool which can select the appropriate handler for any file type and open it | 12:06 |
VSpike | Ahadiel: if such a thing exists | 12:07 |
stdin | kazuma__: what do you mean? | 12:07 |
kazuma__ | well, after the update that you told me | 12:07 |
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kazuma__ | the internet started to work right why dudde? | 12:07 |
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stdin | kazuma__: with add/remove? because your sources were inactive | 12:08 |
stdin | VSpike: I think "kfmclient exec filename.whatever" | 12:09 |
kazuma__ | o i see | 12:09 |
kazuma__ | then if i reboot maybe konqueror works propperly? | 12:09 |
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stdin | kazuma__: maybe, but I don't think so | 12:10 |
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kazuma__ | oh i see | 12:10 |
VSpike | stdin: thx.. will try it | 12:10 |
kazuma__ | how do you know a lot about kubuntu? =o | 12:10 |
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stdin | kazuma__: I know more about some parts than others :p | 12:11 |
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VSpike | stdin: spot on.. thanks! | 12:11 |
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VSpike | I can even alias that to "start" I guess :) | 12:11 |
stdin | VSpike: no problem :) | 12:12 |
kazuma__ | =o i see | 12:12 |
stdin | VSpike: "start" is already a command, maybe "kdestart" | 12:12 |
kazuma__ | you are cool man thanks for the help | 12:12 |
stdin | VSpike: btw "kstart" is also already a command :) | 12:13 |
VSpike | stdin: so it is.. | 12:13 |
stdin | kazuma__: no problem | 12:13 |
VSpike | stdin: yes, I think I tried kstart in case it was what I wanted :) | 12:13 |
kazuma__ | stdin one more thing | 12:13 |
kazuma__ | can i install beryl with kde | 12:14 |
kazuma__ | ? | 12:14 |
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stdin | kazuma__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnFeisty | 12:14 |
stdin | yes ^ | 12:14 |
kazuma__ | =o | 12:14 |
stdin | VSpike: you would *think* that it would be kstart... that just starts applications with "special window properties" | 12:15 |
kazuma__ | what was the way to make firefox my web browser the usable? xD | 12:15 |
VSpike | stdin: yeah! Which is useful, but not what I wanted | 12:15 |
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runlevelten | kazuma__: Make it the default KDE web browser? | 12:16 |
stdin | kazuma__: in system settings > default applications (and "sudo update-alternatives --configure x-www-browser" for system wide) | 12:16 |
kazuma__ | yeah that dudde | 12:16 |
kazuma__ | xD | 12:16 |
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runlevelten | alt f2 kcontrol kde components default apps default browser. | 12:17 |
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cperrin88 | Hi | 12:19 |
Ahadiel | okay, time to install gutsy tribe 4. Thanks for helping me stdin. | 12:19 |
cperrin88 | i have a small question | 12:19 |
stdin | Ahadiel: sure :) | 12:19 |
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Ahadiel | and btw, is there any app that can automagically detect window's shares on a network? | 12:20 |
Ahadiel | I dont' like having to find the IP and share name manually | 12:20 |
stdin | Ahadiel: tried "smb:/" in konqueror ? | 12:20 |
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Ahadiel | kk, I'll do that later | 12:20 |
VSpike | My fonts are totally wierd | 12:20 |
cperrin88 | I have 2 soundcards in my PC and I want to set a standard soundcard becaus Kubuntu just takes one of these cards on every startup | 12:21 |
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VSpike | By default, they are all too big in KDE apps, and random sized in Gnome apps, too big or too small in Firefox. Sometimes, the whole font sizing jumps, and all the KDE fonts and gtk fonts get much smaller on all apps. Sometimes it even seems to oscillate a bit. It's to do with opening gtk apps, but it's not consistent | 12:22 |
VSpike | And they all look crappy anyway | 12:22 |
VSpike | How can I troubleshoot this kind of problem? | 12:23 |
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namelessjon | Ah. I solved the kde login problem on the computer I was trying to fix. He'd filled up his whole kde partition, so it couldn't write any of the temp files he needed there. | 12:23 |
VSpike | For exmaple, in Konversation, I use an 8pt font at 1600x1200 resolution, and yet it's huge. How can I check if it's the right size, and if not, why not? | 12:23 |
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cperrin88 | So .... can anyone help me setting a standard soundcard | 12:27 |
Ahadiel | whoa... with Gutsy I no longer have to install 915resolution to fix my resolution! | 12:28 |
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Santzschies | hi!! | 12:29 |
Santzschies | is somebody there? i need some help running Skype on my kubuntu | 12:29 |
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CraZy675 | hey I got ubuntu LAMP server running on my production server, but I was wondering if I can easily add LAMP on my kubuntu desktop and use it as a development server? | 12:29 |
kazuma_ | stuuudiin where aaare uuu xD | 12:30 |
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Lynoure | Santzschies: describe your problem and someone probably answers | 12:30 |
kazuma_ | i have a problem dudde xDD | 12:30 |
stdin | !lamp | CraZy675 | 12:30 |
=== lewis_ is now known as Urilock | ||
ubotu | CraZy675: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 12:30 |
Urilock | does anyone here own a wordpress site? | 12:30 |
stdin | kazuma_: ? | 12:30 |
kazuma_ | i have a problem with amarok dudde | 12:30 |
se7en^Of^9 | Santzschies: skype is easy just download .deb from the website | 12:30 |
kazuma_ | when i select a song | 12:30 |
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kazuma_ | it says | 12:31 |
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CraZy675 | Urilock: I have a wordpress site | 12:31 |
kazuma_ | that it can install the mp3 codec | 12:31 |
kazuma_ | but it crashes and falls | 12:31 |
kazuma_ | it doesn't do anything | 12:31 |
kazuma_ | what should i do? | 12:31 |
Urilock | crazy: whats the url on the end at the login screen? | 12:31 |
stdin | kazuma_: close amarok and install "libxine1-ffmpeg" then reopen amarok | 12:31 |
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Urilock | CraZy675: my skin has gone wierd and i cant find it | 12:32 |
kazuma_ | is there another thing missing? | 12:33 |
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stdin | kazuma_: no, that's the package for mp3 | 12:33 |
CraZy675 | Urilock: /var/www | 12:33 |
Urilock | kazuma_: my amarok does that | 12:33 |
kazuma_ | weir | 12:33 |
kazuma_ | weird | 12:33 |
kazuma_ | cuz | 12:33 |
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kazuma_ | it says | 12:33 |
stdin | kazuma_: make sure you quit amarok, File > Quit | 12:33 |
CraZy675 | Urilock: #wordpress | 12:33 |
kazuma_ | the archive operandum or something like that is missing | 12:33 |
Urilock | hmm | 12:33 |
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Urilock | my skin just does nothing | 12:33 |
stdin | kazuma_: do you have adept or add/remove open ? | 12:34 |
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Urilock | its really annoying | 12:34 |
kazuma_ | no dudde | 12:34 |
Urilock | http://blog.urilock.zeeblo.com see what I mean? | 12:34 |
contrast83 | Greets, everyone... | 12:34 |
Urilock | hey | 12:34 |
stdin | kazuma_: what says that about the archive ? | 12:35 |
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kazuma_ | the konsole | 12:35 |
kazuma_ | y put the command | 12:35 |
stdin | kazuma_: you put in "sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg" ? | 12:35 |
kazuma_ | and it says tha the operandum file or archive from destiny is missing | 12:35 |
kazuma_ | no xD | 12:35 |
Urilock | im giving my amarok a test run | 12:35 |
Urilock | im installing mp3 support... | 12:35 |
Urilock | its crashed :( | 12:36 |
CraZy675 | ok tasksel is just awesome | 12:36 |
kazuma_ | now it's working thanks stdin | 12:36 |
stdin | kazuma_: :) | 12:36 |
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kazuma_ | awesome | 12:37 |
kazuma_ | now i'm listening music | 12:37 |
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kazuma_ | and what about videos and avi and that my friend | 12:37 |
stdin | !avi | 12:37 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:37 |
stdin | kazuma_: see that top link | 12:37 |
RivaeAerya | Urilock: i do | 12:37 |
RivaeAerya | Urilock: i own a wordpress site | 12:38 |
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Urilock | i have fixed it!! | 12:38 |
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Urilock | i found out the code was http://blog.urilock.zeeblo.com/wp-login.php | 12:38 |
Urilock | now im going to change that damned skin | 12:39 |
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HxH | I had installed kubuntu on sda5. I have now installed windows xp on sda1. How can I get Grub to present a dual-boot option screen? | 12:41 |
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VSpike | Maybe eventually kde/linux will get decent font rendering :/ | 12:41 |
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stdin | HxH: when you install kubuntu, grub will automatically detect it and setup for it | 12:43 |
stdin | HxH: oh, you installed windows after? | 12:43 |
stdin | HxH: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 12:43 |
HxH | stdin, I installed winXP after kubuntu | 12:43 |
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HxH | stdin, thanks, I'll read... | 12:44 |
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Urilock | guh | 12:45 |
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Urilock | anyone know of an FTP program for kubuntu? | 12:46 |
stdin | konqueror | 12:46 |
Urilock | like cuteFTP | 12:46 |
n8k99 | Urilock: you can use konqueror | 12:46 |
stdin | !ftp | 12:46 |
ubotu | FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd | 12:46 |
Urilock | its used for that? woah | 12:46 |
n8k99 | or dolphin | 12:46 |
Urilock | okay i'll try it | 12:46 |
stdin | Urilock: konqueror with split view is nice for ftp :) | 12:47 |
n8k99 | konqueror is also does ssh | 12:47 |
stdin | konqueror does EVERYTHING :p | 12:47 |
kazuma_ | not everything dudde xD | 12:47 |
=== n8k99 came to kde for amarok, stayed for the konqueror | ||
kaminix | How do I tell mplayer to stop playing a DVD at a chapter. The following commands rip all four chapters of the DVD instead of just the first one: | 12:47 |
kaminix | mplayer -dvd-device ./Morning\ Musume\ -\ Onna\ ni\ sachi\ are\ Single\ V.ISO dvd://0 -chapter 1 -dumpstream -dumpfile sachi_1.vob | 12:47 |
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VSpike | Konqueror crashes well :) | 12:48 |
kazuma_ | hahaha | 12:48 |
kazuma_ | x | 12:48 |
stdin | kaminix: tried k9copy ? | 12:48 |
kazuma_ | xD | 12:48 |
kaminix | stdin: No, I want vobs. :/ | 12:49 |
=== runlevelten doesn't see konqueror crashing. | ||
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VSpike | just did for me - btw, is there any way to make apport catch kde apps crashing? | 12:50 |
stdin | kaminix: you can use -chapter 1-1 | 12:50 |
Urilock | what | 12:50 |
Urilock | im reading this tutorial | 12:50 |
Urilock | http://www.osresources.com/3_19_en.html | 12:50 |
kaminix | stdin: Thanks :) | 12:50 |
Urilock | my konqueror doesn't have the file, edit, view toolbars etc | 12:50 |
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Urilock | also CTRL + B does not work | 12:51 |
stdin | Urilock: Ctrl-M ? | 12:51 |
Urilock | i'll try it | 12:51 |
Urilock | thanks! | 12:51 |
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stdin | :) | 12:52 |
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VSpike | Urilock: my konqueror somehow got totally screwed up on toolbars - all kinds of wierd stuff going on, menus moving around, toolbars disappearing (and unable to be restored). All very random | 12:53 |
VSpike | Urilock: in the end I deleted all or nearly all of the konqueror config files from ~/.kde and it fixed it | 12:53 |
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booya | !addept error | 12:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about addept error - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:55 |
fraction | is there anyway to mount an iso in order to make a program believe its in your cd? | 12:57 |
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stdin | !iso | fraction | 12:58 |
ubotu | fraction: To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 12:58 |
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stdin | !aptfix | booya | 12:59 |
ubotu | booya: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 12:59 |
fraction | thanks | 12:59 |
booya | stdin: i will ever be able to learn all those commands ? :) | 12:59 |
kazuma_ | stdin any alarm clock for ubuntu? xD | 12:59 |
booya | thanks :) | 12:59 |
stdin | kazuma_: kalarm ? | 12:59 |
kazuma_ | =o | 01:00 |
stdin | booya: you can always /msg ubotu search adept | 01:00 |
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runlevelten | I run my life by kteatimer, too. | 01:00 |
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booya | stdin : okey :) thanks for this tip ;) | 01:00 |
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runlevelten | -r | 01:00 |
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booya | okey... Adept is running and i cannot run Automatix ... | 01:00 |
Myelin | Hello. Can you tell me equivalent command for xorgconfig in kubuntu. | 01:01 |
stdin | do NOT run automatix, EVER | 01:01 |
runlevelten | kteatime lets you pick arbitrary periods after which you can be reminded of stuff. Handy. | 01:01 |
fraction | hmm what I meant was, can I mount an iso somewhere in order to not make a program whine about "insert cd" | 01:01 |
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stdin | Myelin: to reconfigure the X server? | 01:01 |
=== runlevelten 's new work computer is an ubuntu one, apparently | ||
runlevelten | \o/ | 01:01 |
booya | how? :) | 01:02 |
Myelin | <stdin>yes, to startx for my installation. | 01:02 |
stdin | fraction: mount it to /media/cdrom0 (that's the default wine checks) | 01:02 |
booya | can i uninstall automatix :| | 01:02 |
runlevelten | automatix? eesh. | 01:02 |
booya | the bot doesnt know :( | 01:02 |
stdin | booya: how did you install it? | 01:02 |
=== runlevelten waggles his beard and notes that there be dragons | ||
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booya | http://www.getautomatix.com/wiki/index.php?title=Installation#Ubuntu_7.04_.28Feisty_i386.29 | 01:03 |
booya | as they say in there | 01:03 |
stdin | Myelin: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" will rerun the setup for X | 01:03 |
Myelin | <stdin>Thanks. | 01:03 |
stdin | booya: sudo apt-get --purge remove automatix | 01:04 |
booya | thanks | 01:04 |
booya | well it says that is not installed :| | 01:04 |
booya | grrr | 01:04 |
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stdin | booya: ahh, sorry "sudo apt-get --purge remove automatix2" | 01:05 |
fraction | stdin it didnt work to mount it there, still whine about cd .. is there anything else I can do? thanks. | 01:05 |
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gaara | hey stdin...i've given up... | 01:05 |
gaara | wireless doesnt work.... | 01:05 |
stdin | fraction: hmm, I don't use wine soo... try asking in #winehq | 01:05 |
fraction | ty | 01:06 |
booya | stdin : okey now it says that "deleting automatix2 ... "and then apears booya@warsoul:~$ | 01:06 |
booya | it is done? | 01:06 |
runlevelten | fraction: what's your boggle? | 01:06 |
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runlevelten | you having problems swapping CDs in wine? | 01:06 |
stdin | booya: yeah | 01:06 |
booya | thanks \:D/ | 01:06 |
=== Dinofly [n=dinofly@mar92-13-88-165-255-149.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
se7en^Of^9 | is there a chance to get a Mobile 965 Express chipset, wireless capabilities that stretch to the Draft 802.11n standard working | 01:07 |
stdin | booya: can you post your sources.list to pastebin (I doubt automatix fixed it after removal) | 01:07 |
runlevelten | let's hope that apt has deborkomatix'd you properly :\ | 01:07 |
=== runlevelten kicks borkomatix | ||
kaminix | Anyone know a good Linux app similar to VirtualDub? Loads of reencoding options and functions such as "cutting of the black" in videos? | 01:07 |
booya | i closed the konsole :( | 01:07 |
fraction | runlevelten: trying to get rid of "insert cd" popup | 01:08 |
stdin | booya: just press Alt-F2 then put in "kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list" | 01:08 |
grul | kaminix, try virtualdub :D | 01:08 |
lewis_ | yay | 01:08 |
=== lewis_ is now known as Urilock | ||
Urilock | amarok is fixed | 01:08 |
stdin | booya: post the content to pastebin | 01:08 |
Urilock | but now | 01:08 |
runlevelten | fraction: start your installer again. When it wants to swap CDs, type "wine eject" in another console. | 01:08 |
kaminix | grul: But it doesn't work in Linux? :s | 01:08 |
Urilock | my speakers have decided not to work... | 01:09 |
runlevelten | swap your CD, wait a second for it to mount again, and install as normal. | 01:09 |
booya | where is that paste bin? :| | 01:09 |
stdin | !paste | 01:09 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 01:09 |
runlevelten | Do start the installer over again, though. | 01:09 |
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runlevelten | and remove your CD so it unmounts, if you've been remounting stuff in place with -f, and -l and whatever | 01:10 |
grul | kaminix, well it's open source so i assumed it did :o have you tried it in wine? | 01:10 |
booya | stdin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33802/ | 01:10 |
runlevelten | fraction: ^ got that? :) | 01:10 |
fraction | runlevelten: perhaps I was not very clear, what I mean is: I have already installed the game, and when I start it I get an "insert cd" in order to play, so I tried to mount it to /media/cdrom0 but that doesnt help | 01:10 |
grul | kaminix, i mean, if you know the program well it's probably better than to learn another program | 01:10 |
gaara | is there anyone in this room who can surely assisst me in configuring my WIRELESS CARD!????? | 01:10 |
gaara | i've tried every possible solution.. | 01:10 |
runlevelten | right, and when you look in .wine/dosdevices with ls -la do you see a link pointed at your drive? | 01:11 |
gaara | and i've bugged stdin so much i'm feeling guilty to ask him/her again. | 01:11 |
runlevelten | ie at the mountpoint for it? | 01:11 |
kaminix | grul: I don't know it well. Or well, I can find my way around, but it's rather intuitive :) I tried to wine it long ago, but it didn't go very well. | 01:11 |
fraction | ahh..no I dont :) just to / and ../drive_c | 01:12 |
stdin | booya: see the line "deb http://www.getautomatix.com/apt feisty main"? remove that, then remove the "#" from "# deb http://ro.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-backports main restricted universe multiverse", then save | 01:12 |
fraction | shall I create a sn to /media/cdrom0? | 01:12 |
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kazuma_ | stdin what time is it where you are? | 01:12 |
Urilock | it's clockday today | 01:12 |
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stdin | kazuma_: 12:13pm | 01:13 |
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kazuma_ | where are you from =o | 01:13 |
runlevelten | then just do an ln -s /yourdrive z: | 01:13 |
stdin | kazuma_: UK | 01:13 |
kazuma_ | woow | 01:13 |
Urilock | its 12:13pm here aswell !! | 01:13 |
runlevelten | by the way, if you want to mount an iso, you can mount -o loop -t iso9660 file.iso /media/fakedrive | 01:13 |
Urilock | lol | 01:13 |
kazuma_ | what's the language that you talk there? | 01:13 |
llutz | something wrong here, it's 13:13 :( | 01:13 |
kazuma_ | english? | 01:13 |
Urilock | british :U | 01:14 |
stdin | kazuma_: yes :p | 01:14 |
kazuma_ | wooow | 01:14 |
runlevelten | you can then create links to all mounted isos in dosdevices if you want to. | 01:14 |
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fraction | runlevelten: thanks alot:) works now | 01:14 |
Urilock | we invented english | 01:14 |
runlevelten | fraction: good stuff matey :) | 01:14 |
kazuma_ | you'll have the most nice and kind language | 01:14 |
grul | kaminix, have you tried AVIdemux (quote from a random google search: You should have a look at AVIdemux. It is afaik designed to be a VDub clone.) | 01:14 |
booya | stdin: then i can close it ? | 01:15 |
=== stdin can't live without spellchecker :p | ||
Urilock | america just took it and changed some words :o | 01:15 |
stdin | booya: yep | 01:15 |
booya | done | 01:15 |
booya | what is infact this automatix ? | 01:15 |
kaminix | grul: Heard about it. I'll look it up! Thanks! | 01:15 |
runlevelten | Ah well, English was made to be bastardised, it always has been :) | 01:15 |
stdin | !automatix | booya | 01:15 |
ubotu | booya: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software. When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it. A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme) | 01:15 |
kazuma_ | haaha | 01:15 |
kazuma_ | i'm from mexico | 01:15 |
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booya | kazuma_: entonces estas hablando espanol tambien asi es? :)) | 01:16 |
booya | lol | 01:16 |
stdin | kazuma_: there are other language channels too | 01:16 |
kazuma_ | oorale | 01:16 |
kazuma_ | yeah but i know english well, i guess xD | 01:16 |
Urilock | woah | 01:16 |
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Urilock | all of my stepmania songs are in amarok | 01:16 |
runlevelten | yeah, there's espanol speakers around if you need them :) | 01:16 |
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stdin | !es | 01:17 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 01:17 |
kazuma_ | hahaha i took english from nine years | 01:17 |
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kazuma_ | xD | 01:17 |
booya | :P | 01:17 |
booya | that's good | 01:17 |
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stdin | I learnt english as a baby :p | 01:17 |
runlevelten | I'm just getting to grips with it now. | 01:17 |
Urilock | i learnt it as a baby too | 01:17 |
kazuma_ | is here a way to add you like buddies or something like that? xd | 01:17 |
kazuma_ | hahaha i guess so :P | 01:17 |
booya | add us as buddies where? :)) | 01:18 |
Urilock | im learning german and spanish now | 01:18 |
stdin | kazuma_: in konversation there is a "Watched Nicks" list | 01:18 |
kazuma_ | is it possible to add you? | 01:18 |
runlevelten | kazuma_: The best way is to revisit the channel, and kubuntu-offtopic | 01:18 |
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kazuma_ | =o | 01:18 |
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llutz | Urilock: german is easy, and if you wait a bit it will be nearly the same as english :( | 01:18 |
Urilock | yeah | 01:18 |
Urilock | lots of words are the same | 01:18 |
stdin | kazuma_: settings > configure konversation > notifications > watched nicknames | 01:19 |
llutz | way too much | 01:19 |
Urilock | spanish tenses are easy aswell | 01:19 |
Urilock | german tenses are harder | 01:19 |
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booya | lol | 01:20 |
booya | french is harder for me:) | 01:20 |
kazuma_ | well now i'm watching booya and stdin muahahah :P | 01:20 |
Urilock | haa | 01:20 |
Urilock | i want to learn chinese aswell | 01:20 |
booya | why do you watch me? :( | 01:20 |
stdin | language discussion > #kubuntu-offtopic please :) | 01:20 |
Urilock | and maybe perl :D | 01:20 |
llutz | foreign languages are always hard too learn (imho) | 01:20 |
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kazuma_ | the hard from spanish at least latin american | 01:20 |
kazuma_ | is the lots of words out of contexts that we use xD | 01:21 |
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runlevelten | kaminix: Allegedly virtualdub 1.6.14 can be run on wine, I don't know how functional it is. | 01:21 |
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kazuma_ | hahaha i add you like a buddie booya xD | 01:21 |
kazuma_ | how old are you stdin? =o | 01:22 |
booya | let's see... stdin : what commands i can type in Konsole ? :) i want to know more :) | 01:22 |
kaminix | runlevelten: Is that the latest? | 01:22 |
runlevelten | kaminix: No. | 01:22 |
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stdin | booya: thousands of commands... | 01:22 |
kazuma_ | hahaha | 01:22 |
kazuma_ | xD | 01:22 |
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booya | yeah ... that`s the best shoot :P | 01:22 |
kazuma_ | your age dudde xD | 01:22 |
runlevelten | booya, you want bash tutorials. | 01:22 |
stdin | kazuma_: #kubuntu-offtopic for non-support questions please | 01:22 |
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Urilock | haha | 01:23 |
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booya | which soft supports video and sending files ? | 01:23 |
runlevelten | booya: also, to find out all about a command, you can try man <command>, info <command> and <command> --help | 01:23 |
stdin | booya: kopete | 01:23 |
booya | gyachi is good? | 01:23 |
booya | :) | 01:23 |
runlevelten | gyachi! is the most featureful, but yahoo only. | 01:23 |
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booya | how the heck do i install that ? :) | 01:24 |
booya | !install gyachi | 01:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about install gyachi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:24 |
booya | !info gyachi | 01:24 |
ubotu | Package gyachi does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 01:24 |
japaya | does anyone have experience with wine+steam? | 01:24 |
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stdin | !steam | 01:24 |
ubotu | Steam can be found at: http://www.steampowered.com/ | 01:24 |
stdin | ?? | 01:24 |
booya | great i can't use gyachi :( | 01:24 |
Urilock | i was on sound system settings | 01:24 |
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winlogger | ght ja | 01:24 |
runlevelten | what's your boggle, japaya? | 01:24 |
Urilock | and changed my midi sourcwe | 01:24 |
japaya | oeps wrong channel, I actually wanted to ask this in winehq | 01:24 |
winlogger | oh | 01:24 |
Urilock | and then restarted sound system | 01:25 |
Urilock | and its taking forever | 01:25 |
Urilock | over 5 minutes | 01:25 |
runlevelten | that's OK, I know wine + steam as well as most people, tbh. | 01:25 |
cherva | hi will kubuntu work if I back it up from a vmware and unpack it over a normal install ? | 01:25 |
Urilock | it usually takes around 10 seconds | 01:25 |
japaya | first of all, all the browser windows are white, although I installed the mozilla active X, and my source engine based games are at very high ping and 10fps | 01:25 |
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runlevelten | japaya: are you running them on the latest version of wine, with all debug messages switched off, and niced up as per the instructions? | 01:26 |
runlevelten | View the Counter-Strike: Source instructions on appdb. | 01:26 |
kaminix | !kdenlive | 01:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kdenlive - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:26 |
japaya | runlevelten: yes, running with WHINEDEBUG="fixme-all" | 01:26 |
kaminix | Anyone know if kdenlive is any good? | 01:27 |
runlevelten | WHINEDEBUG="fixme-all"? You mean WINEDEBUG="-all" | 01:27 |
stdin | kaminix: sure, it works :) | 01:27 |
kaminix | stdin: Can it handle .vobs? | 01:27 |
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runlevelten | http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=3731 | 01:28 |
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booya | stdin: i have gyachi archive on my desktop :) can i install it ? and if yes ... then how ? :) | 01:28 |
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booya | sudo install archive name ? | 01:28 |
stdin | kaminix: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | 01:28 |
=== runlevelten wrote some of that | ||
japaya | noe runleveltenreally WHINEDEBUG="fixme-all" was the command the said in the how to | 01:28 |
runlevelten | so? | 01:29 |
stdin | booya: gyachi ? | 01:29 |
booya | aham | 01:29 |
kaminix | Is there any good repo where I can download and install kdenlive or will I have to compile? | 01:29 |
runlevelten | what howto gave you WHINEDEBUG="fixme-all"? Was it on somethingawful.com? Heh | 01:29 |
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japaya | runlevelten: haha no, it was on this site: http://linux.wordpress.com/2007/02/07/wine-gaming-steam-half-life-half-life-2-counter-strike-source-and-16/ | 01:30 |
runlevelten | Use winehq. | 01:30 |
stdin | booya: what's the file called ? | 01:30 |
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japaya | yeah seems like the best solution :) | 01:30 |
booya | stdin: gyachi_1.0.5-1_i386.deb | 01:30 |
Urilock | GAH | 01:31 |
japaya | runlevelten: well, the error messages aren't printed anymore so I'm going to test the game itself now | 01:31 |
Urilock | my speakers have decided not to work | 01:31 |
runlevelten | japaya: That howto is garbage. | 01:31 |
runlevelten | I'd start again. | 01:31 |
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stdin | booya: right click it > Kubuntu Package (or something :P) > install | 01:31 |
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runlevelten | Install wine from the ubuntu packages you can find linked on winehq.org. (or the repos if you want to try, they should work tbh) | 01:32 |
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booya | doesnt work :)) | 01:33 |
japaya | runlevelten: you mean to install Steam etc from scratch? | 01:33 |
stdin | booya: after that do "sudo apt-get -f install" from konsole | 01:33 |
runlevelten | and go with the howto on winehq.org | 01:33 |
japaya | runlevelten: I've just started css again and it's nothing better | 01:33 |
booya | does not pass over the first command | 01:33 |
runlevelten | japaya: follow the steps on the proper howto and try again. | 01:34 |
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runlevelten | the one you used is outdated :) | 01:34 |
kaminix | !gyachi | 01:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gyachi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:34 |
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=== sp0ck_ is now known as sp0ck^ | ||
stdin | booya: yeah, see if "sudo apt-get -f install" installs it after | 01:35 |
runlevelten | You've done all sorts of unnecessary stuff and aren't using GLSL, etc. | 01:35 |
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japaya | runlevelten: okay, I've found the howto and it's waaay better then the one I had first! Thank you! | 01:35 |
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runlevelten | Use the one I linked you to japaya :) | 01:35 |
runlevelten | If it's a little slow, try preceding your command with nice -n 20 | 01:35 |
=== runlevelten recalls there may be oddness with that on ubuntu | ||
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runlevelten | you may have to renice it from elsewhere as root, I can show you how to do that | 01:36 |
japaya | runlevelten: I don't fully understand what you're trying to say there... | 01:36 |
booya | works now :) | 01:36 |
runlevelten | try it first, the nice stuff shouldn't *really* be necessary any more. | 01:36 |
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gaara | stdin: canya take over my comp? do u know how to do it? | 01:37 |
japaya | oke, but I'll probably have to reinstall my Kubuntu because of all thos unnecassairy things that are now on this | 01:37 |
japaya | ? | 01:37 |
runlevelten | japaya: ignore me I'm geeking, heh. Go delete your .wine folder from your home dir and try with the CSS howto, heh | 01:37 |
runlevelten | :) | 01:37 |
runlevelten | come back if it's intolerable. | 01:38 |
japaya | runlevelten: haha okay thanks, this is my 3th day on Kubuntu and I'm trying to do everything on Kubuntu that I do on my Win setup | 01:38 |
runlevelten | and *DON'T* install the cruft from that other howto, it's not necessary any more :) | 01:38 |
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runlevelten | Cool. Just remember it's not windows, so it won't be a perfect facsimile of it, any more than the other way around. Don't have massive expectations :D | 01:39 |
runlevelten | GLHF ;) | 01:39 |
japaya | haha thanks, but I've got my other version of counter-strike working perfectly though! | 01:39 |
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runlevelten | good stuff | 01:40 |
=== runlevelten considers CS | ||
gaara | help | 01:40 |
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gaara | help | 01:40 |
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kaminix | Avidemux gives me troubles initializing Audio Device when previewing. Ideas? | 01:41 |
gaara | HELP | 01:42 |
kaminix | Also the video colors are mixed up :s | 01:42 |
gaara | help | 01:42 |
gaara | HELP | 01:42 |
gaara | help | 01:42 |
gaara | is there a single person in this room who is an expert in ubuntu? | 01:43 |
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gaara | I GUESS NOT!! | 01:44 |
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runlevelten | !ask | 01:44 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:44 |
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gaara | WIFI PROBLEMS... | 01:44 |
gaara | someone take over my comp and make it alright! | 01:45 |
gaara | :P | 01:45 |
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gaara | i've used both ndiswrapper and the cutter tool but i cant detect anything.. | 01:45 |
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gaara | ? | 01:48 |
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Urilock | !sound | 01:52 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 01:52 |
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danus | hola | 01:53 |
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Ahadiel | stdin: You still there? | 01:54 |
kaminix | Urilock: But Avidemux is a gtk app | 01:55 |
Ahadiel | So I installed Gutsy Tribe 4, but whenever I go to enable "Extra Desktop Effects", it says no nvidia found and doesn't enable. | 01:55 |
Ahadiel | I haven an Intel GMA950 | 01:55 |
Ahadiel | I have an* | 01:55 |
gaara | well is ur graphics driver installed? | 01:56 |
Ahadiel | yes | 01:56 |
Ahadiel | the xorg intel driver | 01:56 |
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Ahadiel | and it's using that in xorg.conf | 01:56 |
Ahadiel | however I noticed when I was updating packages, it also had installed the ati and nvidia drivers (although not in use) | 01:56 |
gaara | it installs the basic drivers just incase | 01:57 |
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gaara | urs is an inbuilt gd? whats the vram? | 01:57 |
Ahadiel | say what? | 01:58 |
Ahadiel | Well, this time it didn't give me an error | 01:58 |
Ahadiel | so I think I'm good :) | 01:58 |
gaara | okie.. | 01:58 |
gaara | do u by chance know how to set up the wifi properly.. | 01:58 |
gaara | troubleshoot it? | 01:58 |
Ahadiel | What wireless card you got? | 01:58 |
Ahadiel | I got an Intel card so it worked out of the box :) | 01:58 |
gaara | i got broadcom 4310 | 01:59 |
gaara | so not outta the box.. | 01:59 |
gaara | full of problem only:D | 01:59 |
Ahadiel | hrm, not sure | 01:59 |
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Ahadiel | btw, where are the settings for the number of desktops? | 02:00 |
Ahadiel | I want to have a cube, but it's only set to 2 desktops | 02:00 |
gaara | u've installed beryl right? | 02:00 |
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Ahadiel | I'm using Gutsy, comes with compiz | 02:01 |
Ahadiel | Just need to know where the setting is | 02:01 |
gaara | oh...can tell u in beryl...never tried compiz | 02:01 |
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Ahadiel | It's a setting in KDE | 02:01 |
Ahadiel | not in compiz | 02:01 |
Ahadiel | >_> | 02:01 |
Ahadiel | by default it only has 2 desktops | 02:01 |
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gaara | right click on the desktops itself and there'll be conf desktops | 02:02 |
Ahadiel | oops sorry, forgot I wasn't using KDE. | 02:02 |
Ahadiel | I should ask in #ubuntu | 02:02 |
gaara | either ways.... | 02:03 |
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gaara | just right click on the frame with the 2 desktops...and conf there | 02:03 |
gaara | u can change it | 02:03 |
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runlevelten | Hi, can anyone check an ubuntu package for a bug for me please? | 02:06 |
runlevelten | it's in universe. | 02:06 |
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danus | can u help me please? how can i get in other chat room? | 02:07 |
runlevelten | type /join #channelname | 02:07 |
runlevelten | :) | 02:07 |
danus | thanks so much!! | 02:07 |
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toni_ | hi | 02:09 |
aguitel | what bug? | 02:09 |
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toni_ | nokia n70 cannot connect | 02:10 |
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Urilock | is offtopic #kubuntu-offtopic ? | 02:10 |
toni_ | with kmobiletool | 02:10 |
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runlevelten | Urilock: yeah | 02:10 |
Urilock | yay | 02:10 |
toni_ | sorry | 02:10 |
avenge | c | 02:10 |
runlevelten | aguitel: I need to see whether the packaged version of kde-tweak in ubuntu has a bug - it involves logging out of kde and back in again | 02:11 |
=== runlevelten doesn't have access to an ubuntu machine at this moment | ||
runlevelten | Steps: | 02:11 |
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runlevelten | Run kcontrol KDE components tweak applet make sure the "start panel with KDE" option is checked, and the "Offer Turn off computer...." option in "Global", then Apply | 02:13 |
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runlevelten | the bug stops kicker starting on the next KDE login (which is easily fixed). | 02:13 |
hanzz_ | nick HAnzZ | 02:13 |
hanzz_ | sry | 02:13 |
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runlevelten | if you can reproduce the bug, then delete .kde/share/autostart/panel.desktop, and run kicker, and all will be back to normal. | 02:14 |
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shadowhywind | does anyone know what the difference is between the boot options irqfixup and irqpoll? | 02:16 |
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lione | Hallo all does anybody check what with zaptel on ubuntu Feisty? If run /etc/init.d/zaptel status if says: 176:check_zaptel_timing:not found | 02:17 |
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lione | and zaptel by apt-get inssstall zaptel doesn't work at all | 02:18 |
lione | mayby there must be patches for it | 02:18 |
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imbams | hello all, i'm newbie here.. | 02:19 |
greenkobold | hi, in the current state of development of an app i am doing, the easiest way to share it is making a customized kubuntu livecd with its framework. I am not trying to approach a great livecd and It can be a DVD, no problem. I never did something like that and found docs for 2 options to make things simpler. As i undertood: | 02:20 |
greenkobold | uck - With which I take an iso image, mount it and than customize its packages | 02:20 |
greenkobold | bootcdwrite - that can make a live CD ou DVD from my running distro | 02:20 |
greenkobold | Did anyone try these out already and could point me which is the simplest way to do this? I am hoping that the ubuntu community has somewhat tackled this kind of stuff | 02:20 |
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greenkobold | oops, long message, sorry. is that considered aggressive or unpolite? | 02:22 |
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trekdanne | greenkobold: making a livecd isn't really that hard. do you do need to use a union fs? | 02:25 |
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trekdanne | i would suggest using knoppix, but that's just because i had some experince with it :P | 02:27 |
imbams | reply me | 02:27 |
imbams | hellow | 02:27 |
Jevon | Anybody havea cluseas to why I cannot configure local network file sharing in the kde control module? Its all greyed out | 02:28 |
greenkobold | trekdanne:no, i nerver used a unionfs. if that means that i need to unite several filesystems, no as well. | 02:28 |
Urilock | hey | 02:28 |
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Urilock | is there a program or something that allows me to cube my desktop? | 02:28 |
greenkobold | why did you ask that? | 02:29 |
greenkobold | (trekdanne) | 02:29 |
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runlevelten | Jevon: You either need to be in administrator mode, or you're missing whatever software that kind of sharing requires. | 02:29 |
SlimeyPe1e | !compiz | Urilock | 02:29 |
ubotu | Urilock: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 02:29 |
Jevon | more software. great | 02:29 |
trekdanne | greenkobold: hmm, it maybe feasable to use unionfs | 02:29 |
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runlevelten | jevon, what are you trying to do exactly? | 02:30 |
runlevelten | use the "file sharing" section in kcontrol? | 02:30 |
trekdanne | greenkobold: but if you're just using it to distribute your own software, probably a customized knoppix would do | 02:30 |
Jevon | allow one of my other computers to mount y share folder through NFS | 02:30 |
Jevon | yes, that | 02:31 |
runlevelten | Apart from the help button, there is one other button. | 02:31 |
runlevelten | Did you consider clicking it? | 02:31 |
runlevelten | :) | 02:31 |
trekdanne | greenkobold: building it from scratch seems to be unnecessary | 02:31 |
Jevon | if you mean the admin button, I am in admin mode | 02:31 |
greenkobold | trekdanne:i never used knoppix, once a kanotix.... i am already using ubuntu, i know how to deal with it already, work my stuff on it | 02:32 |
runlevelten | and you checked enable file sharing? | 02:32 |
greenkobold | trekdanne:yes, buiding from scrach does not seem to fit the purpose | 02:32 |
lione | Is here people dealing with asterisk? | 02:32 |
Jevon | I cannot. Even in admin mode the whole panel is greyed out | 02:32 |
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runlevelten | Then you're probably missing requisite softwares | 02:33 |
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runlevelten | samba, perhaps? idunno :) | 02:33 |
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trekdanne | greenkobold: both are debian-based. | 02:33 |
Jevon | samba over three linux systems? that would be somewhat redundant, no? | 02:33 |
runlevelten | why don't you use fish? | 02:33 |
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Jevon | and what is fish | 02:34 |
greenkobold | hum, ok. are you supposing that making a custom knopix is easier that a custom (k)ubuntu | 02:34 |
greenkobold | ? | 02:34 |
trekdanne | yes | 02:34 |
runlevelten | you have sshd running on each machine, then open them in konqueror using fish://user@host | 02:34 |
trekdanne | or as far as I understand the kubuntu livecd :P | 02:34 |
runlevelten | if you want, you can attach them using knetattach. | 02:35 |
runlevelten | and obviously a non-interactive login is possible using non-password based ssh auth or just kwallet :) | 02:35 |
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runlevelten | much quicker and less hassle ;) | 02:35 |
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spiroo | hello everyone | 02:36 |
runlevelten | If you wanted to restrict folders that can be accessed, well just have a "share" account on each machine. | 02:36 |
Jevon | user@host... little help? All I have been using is IPs | 02:36 |
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greenkobold | trekdanne:ok, i'll think about it. thanks for your advice | 02:36 |
runlevelten | well, it's just the same as ssh - so fish://jevon@yourip would do the trick | 02:37 |
Jevon | ok. just as a question: what is ssh? | 02:37 |
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runlevelten | bread and butter of remote administration :) | 02:37 |
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runlevelten | you can install sshd from apt. It's all very easy to set up. | 02:38 |
spiroo | anyone, which have skills with deleting data on DVD+RW? | 02:38 |
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runlevelten | Nice and encrypted and stuff, too. | 02:38 |
runlevelten | Quite secure. | 02:38 |
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Jevon | well, I am not really worred about secure, but ok | 02:38 |
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runlevelten | At this juncture, I'm thinking easy and useful. | 02:39 |
runlevelten | And the good thing is that you could leave it facing the outside world and access it from elsewhere with some semblance of security | 02:39 |
runlevelten | if you ever wanted to, heh | 02:39 |
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Jevon | the host, that would be the same as the machines domain name, no? | 02:40 |
runlevelten | or IP | 02:40 |
Jevon | I meant user | 02:41 |
trekdanne | if you use sshd with password-based auth, beware that brute-force attempt are quite common. never enable root-logins! | 02:41 |
runlevelten | no, that'd be a user on the machine. | 02:41 |
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runlevelten | you can use your own to start with, or you can create one if you want to restrict access to files and all that jazz. | 02:41 |
Jevon | An error occurred while loading fish://jevon@ | 02:42 |
Jevon | Could not connect to host | 02:42 |
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spiroo | k3b anyone? | 02:42 |
runlevelten | Jevon: did you install sshd? | 02:42 |
Jevon | command line says it exists | 02:42 |
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runlevelten | Can you reach the machine in question (ie ping IP) and have you got a firewall that would be stopping it? | 02:43 |
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spiroo | there is no such package in adept for me | 02:44 |
Jevon | would the computer I am trying to contact need sshd as well? | 02:45 |
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runlevelten | Jevon: certainly. sshd is the bit that serves. | 02:46 |
Jevon | well, that idea just got thrown out the window until I can find sshd for my older mandrake box | 02:47 |
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runlevelten | Are you sure it's not already on there unstarted? | 02:48 |
Jevon | well, how would one start it? | 02:49 |
runlevelten | or firewalled? | 02:49 |
Jevon | no firewalls. i am sure of that | 02:49 |
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=== runlevelten believes there are mandrake tools, and doesn't know them. | ||
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runlevelten | mandrake sshd into google should do the trick :) | 02:50 |
HxH | I have windows ntfs partition on sda1 and kubuntu on sda5. How do I automagically get access to my ntfs partition from kubuntu? | 02:50 |
Jevon | mandarke comes with CDs too, but the one containing the ssh-server program is the one I lost a while back | 02:50 |
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runlevelten | aren't there online mirrors? | 02:50 |
HxH | I suppose there is a automagic command I can run | 02:51 |
Jevon | if it had access to the internet, that would not be a problem | 02:51 |
Jevon | I am looking for it | 02:51 |
runlevelten | the alternative is to build it from source, but I don't know mandrake/mandriva well enough to drive you through that | 02:51 |
kadtarka | Hi everybody. Can anyone tell me if the AMD-64bit-ISO installs on 64bit Intel chips? And if not, whether there is a 64bit-distro that does. | 02:51 |
runlevelten | (in case there are weird prefixes or whatever) | 02:51 |
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lione | What does this mean "You need to be identified to join that channel" | 02:51 |
llutz | kadtarka: it should | 02:51 |
Jevon | mandriva has a 64-bit kadtarka | 02:51 |
kadtarka | llutz: thanks! | 02:52 |
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Jevon | Once i find it runlevelten, I can build it | 02:52 |
stdin | HxH: write access or just read access? | 02:52 |
Jevon | and I found it | 02:53 |
runlevelten | cool. | 02:53 |
llutz | kadtarka: but 64 bit hasn't that much advantages | 02:53 |
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runlevelten | You should still be able to scp or fish from the connected machine to the mandrake client tbh. | 02:54 |
runlevelten | ie if you do it from the mandrake machine | 02:54 |
kadtarka | llutz: I know, but since I have a virgin system I might as well install a 64bit distro. | 02:54 |
llutz | kadtarka: good luck then ;) | 02:54 |
kadtarka | llutz: Thanks. I have the feeling I will need it. :-D | 02:55 |
Jevon | why do you need luck? 64 bits are easy | 02:55 |
kadtarka | Jevon: Just kidding. | 02:55 |
llutz | Jevon: aren't there still some apps missing or problematic in 64bit? | 02:55 |
stdin | kadtarka: have a read of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64 then devide | 02:55 |
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Jevon | some, but not that many | 02:56 |
Jevon | we run a 64 bit at my house and have had no real problems | 02:56 |
=== genii fumbles for a coffee | ||
stdin | kadtarka: replace "devide" with "decide" in that sentence :P | 02:56 |
kadtarka | stdin: Already did. ;-) | 02:56 |
stdin | ho for it then :) | 02:57 |
=== stdin is typing one handed | ||
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stdin | not good | 02:57 |
runlevelten | heh | 02:57 |
Jevon | and do you consider that hard? | 02:57 |
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stdin | Jevon: whilst eating, yes | 02:58 |
runlevelten | depends how dextrous you're being with the other hand. | 02:58 |
Jevon | well, thanks for the info runlevelten | 02:58 |
Jevon | its easy | 02:58 |
_aaa | the sound card, is it connected to motherboard as a card or a componant attached to motherboard? | 02:58 |
genii | or possibly external by usb or pcmcia ;) | 02:59 |
stdin | _aaa: depends on the system | 02:59 |
kadtarka | Thanks for the help. Bye. | 02:59 |
runlevelten | _aaa: That depends on whether you have one which is connected to motherboard as a card, or one which is integrated in the motherboard... | 02:59 |
_aaa | compaq 5k | 02:59 |
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=== runlevelten be's really helpful :\ | ||
Urilock | do name colours mean anything? | 02:59 |
stdin | for most systems it's intergrated | 03:00 |
stdin | Urilock: no | 03:00 |
Urilock | oh | 03:00 |
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genii | Urilock: On irc, you mean? | 03:00 |
runlevelten | yeah, a lot of the time you'll know if it's not integrated. | 03:00 |
Urilock | yeah | 03:00 |
genii | Urilock: then no | 03:00 |
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Urilock | lol | 03:00 |
stdin | you can turn it off | 03:00 |
_aaa | my system has no sound, and I've tried all I know to do | 03:01 |
Urilock | aaa | 03:01 |
Urilock | i had that a minute ago | 03:01 |
Urilock | i tried everything | 03:01 |
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Urilock | then i restarted and it worked | 03:01 |
CPrompt^ | _aaa : do you hear any system sounds when you boot up? | 03:01 |
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_aaa | no | 03:01 |
_aaa | none | 03:02 |
CPrompt^ | _aaa : this is going to sound silly but...under "Multimedia" you should have something called "KMix" right? | 03:02 |
_aaa | i'll have to look | 03:02 |
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_aaa | I don't have multimedia | 03:03 |
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stdin | in the Kmenu, _aaa | 03:04 |
CPrompt^ | _aaa : hmm....do you have anything on the start menu where music programs such as Amarok and such are? | 03:04 |
HxH | stdin, I know write access to ntfs is experimental. I can live with read-only access from kubuntu and write from win :-) | 03:04 |
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_aaa | no | 03:04 |
_aaa | i'm using Ubuntu 7.04 | 03:04 |
CPrompt^ | _aaa : open up adept and in the filter type in kmix and see if it's installed. | 03:05 |
CPrompt^ | _aaa : that's what I am running as well. | 03:05 |
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stdin | HxH: the write support has gotten better, though I can't say for sure (don't use ntfs). anyway, if you want write support: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions else, for read only https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions | 03:05 |
_aaa | do this while in IRC? | 03:05 |
CPrompt^ | _aaa : sure. | 03:06 |
_aaa | ok | 03:06 |
stdin | _aaa: are you using Ubuntu or Kubuntu ? | 03:06 |
=== Madinko12 [n=nils@ABordeaux-256-1-165-182.w86-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
CPrompt^ | hmmm....didn't think of asking that. Just guessed that it was Kubuntu since they were here | 03:06 |
_aaa | ubuntu | 03:06 |
runlevelten | #ubuntu | 03:06 |
stdin | ahh, you'll get better help there ^ | 03:07 |
_aaa | it will not allow me to do both... | 03:07 |
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stdin | _aaa: sure it will, just click it | 03:07 |
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Dimich | who can give me bnc account? | 03:08 |
stdin | Dimich: bnc? | 03:09 |
Dimich | yes | 03:09 |
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@ip68-9-117-243.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stdin | no, what is bnc? | 03:09 |
runlevelten | I can give you a bnc connector... | 03:09 |
runlevelten | it's what was beaten out of existence by rj45.. | 03:10 |
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stdin | runlevelten: I know that :p . but a bnc account? | 03:11 |
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_aaa | now i got system tools | 03:11 |
runlevelten | http://www.gotbnc.com/ ? | 03:12 |
stdin | hmm, maybe... | 03:13 |
runlevelten | seems pointless to me. What's wrong with screen + irssi? | 03:13 |
stdin | heh | 03:13 |
stdin | not everyone wants to use irssi | 03:13 |
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=== stdin has no clue why | ||
runlevelten | I'm not using it now :) | 03:14 |
Urilock | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 03:14 |
Urilock | any help? | 03:14 |
runlevelten | I'm using nice big antialiased fonts that are good for overworked geek eyes. | 03:14 |
stdin | Urilock: do what it says, run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" | 03:14 |
runlevelten | Urilock: manually run dpkg --configure -a | 03:14 |
Urilock | 'needs superuser privaledge' | 03:15 |
stdin | Urilock: that's why I said to use sudo | 03:15 |
stdin | "sudo dpkg --configure -a" | 03:15 |
runlevelten | indeedly do. | 03:15 |
Urilock | oh | 03:15 |
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Urilock | ok yeah its doing something | 03:16 |
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Urilock | setting up stuff | 03:16 |
runlevelten | I need to reboot :( | 03:16 |
Urilock | oh noez | 03:16 |
runlevelten | this sucks. | 03:16 |
Urilock | lol | 03:16 |
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CPrompt^ | _aaa : I'll try to help but not too familiar with Gnome | 03:18 |
CPrompt^ | _aaa : do you have anything there like ALSAMixer or anything? | 03:18 |
_aaa | it says kmix is not installed | 03:18 |
genii | Bah. my kubuntu and moodin ksplash size are putting the window at bottom right of screen and not centered. Already cleared /home/user/.kde/share/apps/ksplash/cache and set /usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/kubuntu/Theme.rc BaseResolution value to what my desktop runs but no dice. Small but annoying. | 03:19 |
CPrompt^ | _aaa: kmix is more for Kubuntu running KDE. Since you are running Gnome, there should be something similar to it | 03:19 |
stdin | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound | 03:20 |
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cgk__ | hello zhan | 03:20 |
_aaa | it may take an hour or so, but I can install Kubuntu 7.04 | 03:20 |
cgk__ | why? | 03:20 |
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stdin | _aaa: have you asked in #ubuntu ? | 03:22 |
runlevelten | you need to ask in #ubuntu, where they're actually running the desktop you are, _aaa :) | 03:24 |
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runlevelten | Does anyone else find kcontrol modules don't work when you launch them from the Settings applet in feisty? | 03:26 |
runlevelten | eg: kde components default applications | 03:26 |
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genii | runlevelten: I got this on my gutsy box, thought it was the restricted nvidia driver (Occured setting display res) | 03:27 |
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stdin | not working here to (gutsy) | 03:28 |
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runlevelten | thanks | 03:28 |
erik_ | !soundfonts | 03:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about soundfonts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:28 |
runlevelten | I've not borken it any more than usual, then, heh | 03:28 |
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genii | runlevelten: heh :) | 03:28 |
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ERIK_LIMA | Anyone knows how to install soundfonts for Timidity? | 03:29 |
=== JohnFlux2 [n=JohnFlux@cs215026.pws.uscs.susx.ac.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stdin | ERIK_LIMA: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo | 03:29 |
JohnFlux2 | At a guess.. how long is it going to take to fsck a 4TB filesystem? | 03:30 |
JohnFlux2 | seems to be taking a while | 03:30 |
SlimeyPe1e | a very long time | 03:30 |
genii | Yes, have a meal | 03:31 |
JohnFlux2 | poor me | 03:31 |
greenkobold | ubotu | 03:31 |
runlevelten | Ah, now that's _weird_. Using kcmshell directly works just fine. | 03:31 |
greenkobold | failed.. bye | 03:31 |
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Santzschies | does anybody know how to put the Mac dock on Kubuntu? | 03:32 |
genii | runlevelten: I'll have to test that on my gutsy one. But that won't be for 8 hours from now | 03:32 |
Santzschies | i saw a guy with one, so there must be some way | 03:32 |
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JohnFlux2 | Santzschies1: google for kicker replacements | 03:33 |
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runlevelten | Hmm, it's 38692 I reckon. | 03:33 |
stdin | runlevelten: kcmshell works for me too | 03:33 |
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runlevelten | No, it isn't 38692, it works fine in system settings, kcontrol and from a shell. | 03:34 |
ERIK_LIMA | stdin: Hope if the repository is still working... | 03:35 |
spiroo | does anyone know how to change the output audio. The sound soudns horrible, especially the base | 03:35 |
ERIK_LIMA | It's too hard to find Eawpatches nowadays. | 03:35 |
spiroo | does not work to changei n Kmix | 03:36 |
stdin | runlevelten: actually, the default applications one doesn't work, others do (for me) | 03:36 |
Urilock | i set my taskbar to the top | 03:36 |
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Urilock | and got kSmoothDock | 03:36 |
spiroo | sometimes XMMS says you havent configure sound card and so on, and sometimes it works | 03:36 |
ERIK_LIMA | stdin: But I have to thank you for help. See you later. :) | 03:37 |
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fraction | how do i check to see if my wireless card is setup properly? I get wireless connection from my other comp,but I dont know if its cause the signal is to low or if it is not setup correctly | 03:37 |
spiroo | anyone? | 03:37 |
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spiroo | I had same problem before, install Kubuntu v7.10 | 03:38 |
Urilock | run > control center | 03:38 |
spiroo | with wireless | 03:38 |
spiroo | WPA doesnt work, or wireless did not work at all for me in Kubuntu version 7.04 | 03:38 |
stdin | fraction: see if you can pick up any access points "iwlist acan" | 03:38 |
spiroo | it was a bug | 03:39 |
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spiroo | *is | 03:39 |
=== runlevelten tentatively considers filing a separate bug. | ||
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infoweb | hello | 03:39 |
fraction | says none of my interface supports scanning = wireless not installed? | 03:39 |
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stdin | fraction: indeed, what wireless card/chip? | 03:39 |
solarwaver | how i install deb files? | 03:40 |
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infoweb | who speak italian? | 03:40 |
stdin | !ti | infoweb | 03:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ti - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:40 |
stdin | opps | 03:40 |
stdin | !it | infoweb | 03:40 |
ubotu | infoweb: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 03:40 |
atidem | hi | 03:40 |
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infoweb | ok grazie | 03:40 |
fraction | stdin: Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02) | 03:40 |
solarwaver | how i install .deb files? | 03:40 |
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stdin | !deb | solarwaver | 03:40 |
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stdin | ... ubotu ... | 03:41 |
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ubotu | solarwaver: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu) | 03:41 |
stdin | fraction: if you do "modinfo ipw3945" do you see output ? | 03:42 |
solarwaver | you r the greatesttttttttttttttttt of all thanx | 03:42 |
japaya | Does anyone know if there's a pack that can replace this package: win32codecs with another package, because I need the GSM 6.10 codec, appDb advises to download the package but It's not in adept :s | 03:42 |
fraction | stdin: yes I do | 03:42 |
stdin | japaya: w32codecs aren't in the official repos | 03:42 |
stdin | !w32codecs | 03:42 |
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs | 03:42 |
stdin | fraction: try "sudo modprobe ipw3945" | 03:43 |
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spiroo | anyone, who knows how to change audio output? The sound does not working properly | 03:43 |
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fraction | stdin: no output | 03:44 |
stdin | fraction: see if "iwlist scan" shows anything now | 03:44 |
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spiroo | anyone? | 03:44 |
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fraction | stdin: same error as before, my interface does not support.. I only have loop back and eth0 visible, shoudlnt there be another one aswell? | 03:45 |
stdin | fraction: what ones does "ifconfig -a" show? | 03:45 |
spiroo | annyone with sound skills? | 03:46 |
evri2 | Guys,anyone in here plays flv without a problem? | 03:46 |
marc | Hi, I just installed wine and tried to run BEARSHARE under it but it doesn't work at all. Anyone any suggestions? | 03:46 |
fraction | stdin: just loopback and eth0.. but I was to choose in bios whether to enable wireless or not | 03:46 |
stdin | fraction: that may be it, have a look in the bios | 03:47 |
stdin | evri2: in a web browser? | 03:47 |
marc | For flv I think just install some codecs? | 03:47 |
=== phimic [n=michels@skywalker.ruf.uni-freiburg.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stdin | marc: use one of the native clients | 03:47 |
marc | look in adept | 03:47 |
stdin | !p2p | mathieu | 03:47 |
ubotu | mathieu: Conventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network). - BitTorrent: see !torrent - Direct connect: try valknut. - Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information. | 03:47 |
stdin | opps | 03:47 |
stdin | marc: ^ | 03:47 |
evri2 | stdin: no in a player | 03:47 |
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
marc | Hey thanks man! | 03:48 |
marc | Try VLC Mediaplayer | 03:48 |
spiroo | anone with sound skills? | 03:48 |
evri2 | with VLC i cannot seek,forward.It stops video. | 03:48 |
marc | ah ok | 03:48 |
evri2 | i miss zoom player&kazaa mega codec pack :S | 03:48 |
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evri2 | no problem with any file | 03:49 |
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spiroo | please, anyone, i really need help with my audio | 03:50 |
spiroo | ? | 03:50 |
evri2 | what is the problem? | 03:51 |
stdin | !audio | 03:51 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 03:51 |
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evri2 | !Players | 03:51 |
ubotu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 03:51 |
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evri2 | !codecs | 03:52 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:52 |
spiroo | I have all that isntalled | 03:52 |
evri2 | so what is your problem | 03:52 |
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #kubuntu | ||
spiroo | its the base the sounds weird, it doesnt compile the sound properly | 03:52 |
spiroo | *that | 03:52 |
evri2 | is it laptop? | 03:52 |
spiroo | no it is pc | 03:52 |
evri2 | new pc? | 03:52 |
=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP | ||
Eyeless | !wireless | 03:53 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:53 |
spiroo | I use an stereo with speakers with built in subwoofers | 03:53 |
spiroo | no it is not a new pc | 03:53 |
spiroo | It worked perfectly with Windows, lol :D | 03:53 |
atidem | spiroo: use windows then | 03:53 |
spiroo | no thanks | 03:54 |
spiroo | I hate windows | 03:54 |
evri2 | spiroo: well i had some sound problems,too.I solved them by updating alsa.You can do that by adding gutsy's reposity.But only update alsa. | 03:54 |
stdin | that would be because the manufacturer provided the driver to windows | 03:54 |
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spiroo | The sound works, but it doesnt sound good | 03:54 |
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spiroo | how do I update ALSA? | 03:54 |
evri2 | well | 03:55 |
evri2 | first | 03:55 |
spiroo | Im new to linux :P | 03:55 |
evri2 | let's do this | 03:55 |
aaron_ | Hello. I'm trying to install the kde4 beta.... | 03:55 |
evri2 | if this doesn't help,we will try update alsa | 03:55 |
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spiroo | okay | 03:55 |
evri2 | open your package manager adept or synaptic | 03:55 |
spiroo | already have open :P | 03:55 |
evri2 | find alsa | 03:55 |
spiroo | okey done, which of them? | 03:56 |
evri2 | tell me packages starts with alsa.I am on windows i cannot tell you now | 03:56 |
marc | hi what should i do with a .deb package/ | 03:56 |
aaron_ | http://pastebin.com/m476d52eb <- i get that when i try to install kde4 | 03:56 |
aaron_ | marc: dpkg -i yourdeb.deb | 03:56 |
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evri2 | You need to install alsa-oss,alsa-firmware but here is one more i believe so pls tell me. :) | 03:57 |
spiroo | alsa-base | 03:57 |
spiroo | alsa-utils | 03:57 |
=== TheGateKeeper [n=gatekeep@82-36-118-96.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
spiroo | gstreamer 0.10 for alsa | 03:57 |
evri2 | alsa- ones only | 03:57 |
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spiroo | okay ;P | 03:57 |
evri2 | alsa base is already installed | 03:57 |
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spiroo | okay, it is just: alsa-base and alsa-utils | 03:58 |
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evri2 | no alsa-oss and firmware? | 03:58 |
spiroo | nope, should i isntall? | 03:58 |
evri2 | then you need to open rep. | 03:58 |
spiroo | open rep? | 03:59 |
stdin | aaron_: apparently aptitude works, you'll probably need to --force-overwrite a couple packages too | 03:59 |
evri2 | you need to enable other reposites | 03:59 |
=== darkalien [n=darkalie@dslb-084-059-143-198.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
spiroo | such as? | 03:59 |
Urilock | all: see the taskbar? when you roll over an application there is a box that animates, is there a way to change the animation? | 03:59 |
nosredna_ekim | aaron_: this from the backports repository? | 03:59 |
evri2 | multimedia vs. | 03:59 |
evri2 | do you use adept or synaptic | 03:59 |
marc | I got this file: LimeWireLinux.deb | 04:00 |
spiroo | adept | 04:00 |
nosredna_ekim | Urilock: change it or remove it? | 04:00 |
marc | How do I Install it? | 04:00 |
evri2 | then click first menu in the program | 04:00 |
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evri2 | select software sources or manage reposites sth like this | 04:00 |
Urilock | change it | 04:00 |
llutz | marc: use frostwire from repos instead | 04:00 |
marc | ok | 04:00 |
spiroo | OKay I have I think :P | 04:00 |
llutz | ups sry, isn't in the repos it's from getdeb | 04:01 |
nosredna_ekim | Urilock: I don't think so. | 04:01 |
Urilock | oh ok | 04:01 |
evri2 | mm if you can wait a little more,i can boot kubuntu | 04:01 |
evri2 | wait 1 min | 04:01 |
spiroo | okay, thanx | 04:01 |
stdin | nosredna_ekim: I've seen several people on feisty trying to install from backports with that error | 04:01 |
nosredna_ekim | huhmm... | 04:01 |
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stdin | nosredna_ekim: aptitude seems to be able to do it tho | 04:02 |
stdin | just not apt-get | 04:02 |
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nosredna_ekim | thats interesting.. | 04:03 |
spiroo | evri2: could you login to msn, I could send a screenshot which packages I have installed | 04:03 |
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marc | whats getdeb? | 04:04 |
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stdin | it's a website to search for deb packages (normally ones not in ubuntu's repos or newer packages) | 04:05 |
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ice-phoenix | tnx | 04:05 |
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ice-phoenix | hi | 04:05 |
ice-phoenix | can someone help me i cant install kubuntu | 04:06 |
japaya | ice-phoenix: what's the problem? | 04:06 |
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ice-phoenix | i downloaded kubuntu 7.04 desctop | 04:06 |
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japaya | Does anyone know why I don't see the seveas packages in adept btw, I've added the additional lines in the sources.list | 04:07 |
ice-phoenix | and when i go to install it block and do nothink | 04:07 |
ice-phoenix | i have dell inspirion 9400 | 04:07 |
stdin | japaya: have you clicked "fetch updates" ? | 04:07 |
pag | lla | 04:08 |
pag | sorry guys... | 04:08 |
fraction | stdin: it did not work to change enable / disable in bios.. got any other tips? | 04:08 |
japaya | stdin: yes, but I've uncommented the 2 lines for seveas that were already in the file | 04:08 |
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nosredna_ekim | ice-phoenix: you mean you try to start the liveCD and it just locks up? | 04:09 |
Assid | heya | 04:09 |
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stdin | fraction: post what "lsmod | grep ipw3945" shows | 04:09 |
Assid | hey stdin | 04:10 |
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stdin | hey Assid, how's gutsy goin? | 04:10 |
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spiroo | evri2? | 04:10 |
ice-phoenix | <nosredna_ekim>yes the option "live or install" and it do some stuff then its stop and do nothing for hours | 04:10 |
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Assid | doing alrite.. a few issues here and there.. mostly i do think its alot of compiz too contributing | 04:10 |
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Assid | stdin: ium gonna dl the nvidia drivers from the site | 04:11 |
evri2 | spiroo ok in adept go adept-> menage repositories | 04:11 |
Assid | might do the difference | 04:11 |
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spiroo | evri2: Could you login to msn? | 04:11 |
Assid | i cant get glxgears :( | 04:11 |
evri2 | then in kubuntu software tab check all checkboxes | 04:11 |
evri2 | then go updates tab | 04:11 |
spiroo | wait a sec, I updatinf for the moment | 04:11 |
stdin | Assid: I'm so glad my drivers are open source :) | 04:12 |
evri2 | then check all kubuntu updates button | 04:12 |
evri2 | k | 04:12 |
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Assid | yeah | 04:12 |
fraction | stdin: | 04:12 |
fraction | ipw3945 118816 1 | 04:12 |
fraction | ieee80211 34760 1 ipw3945 | 04:12 |
nosredna_ekim | ice-phoenix: no clue... thats a really new laptop right? | 04:12 |
spiroo | hehe it goes slow today on the adept updater | 04:12 |
ice-phoenix | not really | 04:12 |
evri2 | guys superkaramba vs conky?Which do you preffer? | 04:12 |
evri2 | on KDE | 04:13 |
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ice-phoenix | <nosredna_ekim> edubuntu stop when he must rund video card and ubuntu work ok | 04:13 |
Assid | err..how do i get the mac expose to work in c-f ? | 04:13 |
stdin | fraction: can you post the output of these commands to pastebin: "lspci", "ifconfig" and "iwconfig" | 04:14 |
spiroo | evri2: Do you have msn? | 04:14 |
nosredna_ekim | ice-phoenix: then just install ubutnu and then run "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" | 04:14 |
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stdin | Assid: mac exposure? | 04:14 |
ice-phoenix | ok thanks | 04:14 |
fraction | stdin: lspci (grep net) 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8055 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 12) | 04:14 |
stdin | fraction: to pastebin please | 04:14 |
Assid | err.. you know.. move to the top right of the screen and you get the expose .. or whatever | 04:15 |
Assid | like how mac has | 04:15 |
ice-phoenix | <nosredna_ekim>thanks , this is the only way ? | 04:15 |
nosredna_ekim | ice-phoenix: its the easiest! | 04:15 |
ice-phoenix | :) | 04:15 |
stdin | Assid: I think that's in the scale addons | 04:15 |
stdin | Assid: no, scale in Window Management | 04:16 |
Assid | yep got it | 04:16 |
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Assid | thanks | 04:16 |
fraction | stdin: http://pastebin.com/d5ab6fadf | 04:16 |
aaron_ | anyone here using kde4 beta1? | 04:16 |
trekdanne | aaron_: yes | 04:17 |
fraction | sorry missed you writing "pastebin" the first time. | 04:18 |
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Assid | stdin: you know how you do CTRL ALT DOWN .. the cube unfolds... | 04:18 |
Assid | how do oyu enable mouse | 04:18 |
Assid | so that you can drag applications acrfoss | 04:19 |
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stdin | Assid: it should be in the "Actions" tab in Bindings | 04:19 |
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Assid | nope | 04:19 |
aaron_ | trekdanne: http://pastebin.com/m476d52eb <- check that out | 04:19 |
aaron_ | how'd you install? | 04:19 |
Assid | more than anything i do want to get a seperate taskbar per desktop | 04:20 |
stdin | aaron_: like I said, apparently aptitude works, you'll probably need to --force-overwrite a couple packages too | 04:20 |
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=== runlevelten reports and patches in like 2 minutes or something :S | ||
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stdin | fraction: hmm, not sure why it's not working... | 04:24 |
m_tadeu | hi everyone | 04:24 |
m_tadeu | how can I set exec permissions when I connect my compact flash card? | 04:24 |
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fraction | oki :< | 04:24 |
fraction | I should have the drivers? it said in adept that they were included in linux kernel .14 something and I have .20 | 04:25 |
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ice-phoenix | how i can change kernel boot option when i install to not search wifi and bluetoot driver , or skip network | 04:26 |
stdin | fraction: they are installed, try downloading the gutsy tribe4 live cd and see if wireless works from the live session | 04:26 |
andresjim | canal en espaol | 04:26 |
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stdin | !es | andresjim | 04:27 |
ubotu | andresjim: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 04:27 |
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fraction | stdin: ok thanks alot for your help | 04:28 |
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m4st3r | hi I use kubuntu 7.04 | 04:29 |
m4st3r | I try to install berly | 04:29 |
m4st3r | but I do "glxinfo | grep direct " | 04:30 |
m4st3r | Error: unable to open display (null) T.T | 04:30 |
stdin | m4st3r: where are you running the command from? | 04:30 |
m4st3r | konsole | 04:31 |
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m4st3r | on X-window | 04:31 |
stdin | as root? | 04:31 |
japaya | What do you have to do when the *.deb file you downloaded is i386 and your system is AMD64? | 04:32 |
ice-phoenix | can some one help me ? | 04:32 |
stdin | japaya: what deb? | 04:32 |
m4st3r | stdin/yes | 04:32 |
stdin | m4st3r: don't :) | 04:32 |
japaya | stdin: the .deb file for my w32 codecs :s | 04:32 |
stdin | m4st3r: run it as the normal user | 04:32 |
m4st3r | okok i see thanks | 04:33 |
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stdin | japaya: there is a w63codecs package | 04:33 |
m4st3r | stdin/thanks! | 04:33 |
stdin | japaya: er, w64codecs | 04:33 |
japaya | stdin: w63 or w64? | 04:33 |
japaya | ah okay thought so :D | 04:33 |
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stdin | japaya: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64#head-54b678e0bfe810c13d7557a619007c42c97f67a7 | 04:34 |
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handy | !it | 04:38 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 04:38 |
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japaya | stdin: found the package and installing, thanks :) | 04:39 |
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_Urilock | hey | 04:39 |
japaya | stdin: I suppose I'll have to go search for the gsm 6.10 codec now and copy it to my windows dir | 04:39 |
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aaron_ | stdin: package managers keep telling me that installing with "BREAK" other packages. | 04:40 |
stdin | japaya: no clue, don't think I ever needed that codec :P | 04:40 |
stdin | aaron_: does aptitude? | 04:40 |
japaya | stdin: It's for my ventrilo, VOiP | 04:40 |
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stdin | aaron_: ask about in #kubuntu-devel too | 04:43 |
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moofoo | hello, is there a way to switch the gcc version in ubuntu ( there seems to be no "update-alternatives --config gcc" or so)? i want to temporary have gcc-3.4 running... | 04:44 |
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m4st3r | a......dont start beryl-manager...T.T | 04:44 |
stdin | moofoo: for make? | 04:45 |
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ice-phoenix | can some one help me ? | 04:47 |
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stdin | ice-phoenix: try the alternate cd | 04:47 |
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ice-phoenix | stdin : ok thanks | 04:48 |
moofoo | stdin: no.. not regular autotools/.. stuff. just setting $CC is not enough... i just want to have gcc/g++/.. point to gcc-3.4 etc. in an automatic way (i could however manually hack around but that seems bad) | 04:48 |
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stdin | moofoo: "sudo update-alternatives --config cc" and "sudo update-alternatives --config c++" :) | 04:49 |
CPrompt^ | anybody have any luck getting dual monitors working with an nVidia card? | 04:49 |
m4st3r | beryl error T.T | 04:50 |
m4st3r | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169 | 04:50 |
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m4st3r | I use GMA900 | 04:50 |
stdin | m4st3r: that's not a beryl error | 04:50 |
m4st3r | stdin//?? | 04:50 |
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stdin | CPrompt^: toy need the binary driver | 04:50 |
stdin | m4st3r: you can ignore the "BadDevice" errors | 04:51 |
m4st3r | .... | 04:51 |
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CPrompt^ | stdin : got that. But when I choose to use TwinView, it gives me on big desktop instead of two displays | 04:51 |
stdin | moofoo: does that work for you? | 04:51 |
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Hanseatix | #kubuntu-de | 04:52 |
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stdin | CPrompt^: that's what twinview does | 04:52 |
stdin | CPrompt^: disable clone | 04:52 |
moofoo | stdin: hmmm "There is only 1 program which provides c++" no.. (g++-3.4 is installed an in /usr/bin) | 04:53 |
CPrompt^ | stdin : ahh....OK. will give it a go. Thanks | 04:53 |
m4st3r | stdin//I dont know what i have to do | 04:53 |
stdin | moofoo: just tested it, seems you're right | 04:53 |
moofoo | so g*-3.4 packages are broken ;) | 04:53 |
stdin | m4st3r: ask in #ubuntu-effects | 04:53 |
m4st3r | stdin//ok | 04:54 |
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dimitri | hi, i followed this: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Flash_Player_.28Macromedia_Flash.29_Plug-in_for_.2864-bit.29_Mozilla_Firefox_.28only.29 to get flash working with 64bit firefox, it worked, then i restarted | 04:54 |
stdin | moofoo: I have 3.3, 3.4 and 4.1. none are in alternatives | 04:54 |
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handy_ | !it | 04:54 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 04:54 |
dimitri | about:plugins says the plugin is loaded, but when i go to you tube it does not play the movies... how can i correct this? thanks | 04:55 |
moofoo | stdin: so i should manually change the symlinks or is there a better way? | 04:55 |
stdin | moofoo: seems you just have to change the links /usr/bin/{gcc,g++,cpp} to use the right version. maybe a bug report too | 04:55 |
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moofoo | stdin: oh update-alternative provides an --install that should do the trick, right? (atleast for me ;) | 04:56 |
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stdin | moofoo: yes, but gcc's postinst scripts should do that | 04:57 |
_Urilock | #kubuntu-offtopic | 04:57 |
moofoo | stdin: yep.. thats right. | 04:57 |
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moofoo | so in bugzilla terms WORKSFORME ;-) | 04:58 |
stdin | yeah, works if you know how to install alternatives via command line, not what I'd call ideal :p | 05:00 |
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aguitel | hi | 05:02 |
aguitel | how i open blacklist file? | 05:02 |
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aguitel | i need to modify this file | 05:02 |
moofoo | stdin: hehe, no, sure ;) - but the persons who want use gcc-3.4 are more likely to find out ;)... | 05:03 |
runlevelten | aguitel: Be more specific | 05:03 |
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stdin | moofoo: yeah, it'd be nice to have the work done for you tho :) | 05:04 |
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aguitel | i need to change the file called blacklist( /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist) | 05:04 |
runlevelten | module blacklist? hosts blacklist? mail blacklist? acpi blacklist? user blacklist? etc. etc. | 05:04 |
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runlevelten | then open it with a text editor in super user mode. | 05:05 |
doug_ | hey if i have a bunch of avi files, how do i make a video dvd out of them? | 05:05 |
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runlevelten | kdesu kate | 05:05 |
aguitel | how i open with administative privilegios | 05:05 |
runlevelten | ^ | 05:05 |
evri2 | guys i want to install compiz-fusion etc.But it should be easy to remove if i got some problem.Where should i get it? | 05:05 |
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doug_ | hey if i have a bunch of avi files, how do i make a video dvd out of them? | 05:08 |
stdin | try devede | 05:08 |
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jhutchins | doug_: There's a package called tovid that does a really nice job of preparing the files and building a menu - even has the option to burn the disc. | 05:09 |
doug_ | stdin: thanks | 05:09 |
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jhutchins | doug_: There's also avidemux which is a nice visual editor for splicing and such. | 05:10 |
nodesert | i can not start xserver | 05:10 |
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nodesert | is there anyone who cna help me | 05:10 |
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doug_ | jhutchins: thanks a dual layer dvd is 8 GB right? | 05:11 |
jhutchins | ~ | 05:11 |
jhutchins | doug_: Approximately, yes. | 05:11 |
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doug_ | jhutchins: thanks | 05:12 |
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level1__ | Hi, I've been having some issues connecting to one wireless network in particular. I can connect eventually, but I have to try over and over, restarting knetworkmanager, removing and readding the module for my wireless card, until something works and I'm able to connect. I have a pastebin of the output of NetworkManager: http://www.pastebin.ca/658358 | 05:13 |
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level1__ | all other networks work fine | 05:14 |
level1__ | I have an intel pro wireless 3945 and use ipw3945 | 05:15 |
doug_ | jhutchins: i should keep the native resolution, right? | 05:15 |
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nodesert | i can not start kde | 05:16 |
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doug_ | are there files, like in windows called temp files, that can be erased to free up space? if so how do i do it? | 05:20 |
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chuckp | I need help so bad right now | 05:21 |
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chuckp | can't access tty; job control turned off | 05:21 |
chuckp | live cd install | 05:21 |
SlimeyPe1e | doug_: /tmp, but it's not generally a good idea to go deleting stuff in there | 05:21 |
SlimeyPe1e | I'm fairly sure it gets wiped when you reboot anywhere | 05:22 |
SlimeyPe1e | *anyway | 05:22 |
doug_ | slimeypele: thanks is there another way to free up space or defrag? | 05:22 |
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SlimeyPe1e | doug_: no defragging under Linux. It isn't necessary. | 05:22 |
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SlimeyPe1e | doug_: otherwise, just deleting apps or documents is all you can do | 05:22 |
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doug_ | SlimeyPele: thanks. lol i'm kind of still new to the linux way of life, lol | 05:23 |
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chuckp | I need help on this guys | 05:23 |
frojnd | how can I copy files between two linux machines with ssh ? | 05:23 |
hero | frojnd: scp | 05:24 |
stdin | frojnd: sftp://user@host from konquror if you want a GUI | 05:24 |
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jhutchins | doug_: The more you compress the files, and the more you change the features of a compressed file so that it needs to be re-compressed, the more detail you will loose. No way around the fact that you'll probably do one recompression to make the DVD files. Depends on the original quality and what you want out. Only way to know for sure is to experiemnt. | 05:27 |
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nodesert_ | i have a low resolution | 05:30 |
nodesert_ | how can i improve it | 05:30 |
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level1__ | !resolution | 05:32 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 05:32 |
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level1__ | nodesert_: that page might help | 05:32 |
aaron_ | i use this to run VNC for gnome/gdm.... can anyone help me make it work for kdm/kubuntu | 05:32 |
aaron_ | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3193913#post3193913 | 05:32 |
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nodesert_ | aaron_:it used to work fine but after i try to upgrade to gusty i had a proble like this | 05:33 |
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aaron_ | nodesert_: i'm on feisty. but it references gdm, so it needs to be adjusted. just don't know how | 05:34 |
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aaron_ | are drivers for an x1300 (ati) even worth trying to install? | 05:35 |
frojnd | I tryed to format it into ext3, but there was error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33842/ dmesg output Can someone tell me why tehre is a bad block, and how can I format disk ? :S | 05:35 |
SlimeyPe1e | use badblocks to scan the drive first | 05:35 |
SlimeyPe1e | bad blocks are generally due to minor hard disk failures | 05:36 |
SlimeyPe1e | such as the heads banging against the platters when the disk is moved | 05:36 |
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ksivaji | hi | 05:36 |
SlimeyPe1e | hi | 05:37 |
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Fooller | where do I set automatic updates so that it downloads and installs them automatically without asking? | 05:39 |
aaron_ | Fooller: in windows. | 05:40 |
aaron_ | :) | 05:40 |
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lewix | hi | 05:43 |
lewix | I always forget how to open my windows partition | 05:43 |
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lewix | how do we do that | 05:43 |
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lewix | how to create a windows partition ? | 05:44 |
Daisuke-Ido | explain better? | 05:45 |
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Madinko12 | Bonjour tous ! | 05:45 |
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chuckp028 | Xserver failed | 05:46 |
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chuckp028 | I have a nv quadro NVS135M | 05:46 |
chuckp028 | im in xorg.conf | 05:46 |
ubuntu | hey, how do i merge free-space partitions? i have two separate areas of free space that i want to merg | 05:46 |
Madinko12 | Comment est-ce que je peux avoir le son avec mon Kubuntu ? Merci d'avance ! | 05:47 |
hero | !fr > Madinko12 | 05:47 |
nodesert_ | hi, i tried to upgrade to gusty i had installed some packages but later decided to downgrade cuz of bugs how can i downgrade? | 05:47 |
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m4st3r | How can i know KDE version? | 05:50 |
m4st3r | I use kubuntu feisy | 05:50 |
miles | type "/sysinfo" in irc | 05:50 |
miles | m4st3r: type "/sysinfo" in irc | 05:51 |
m4st3r | Sysinfo for 'm4st3r-laptop': Linux 2.6.20-16-generic running KDE 3.5.6, CPU: Intel(R)Celeron(R)Mprocessor1.60GHz at 1596 MHz (3195 bogomips), , RAM: 734/995MB, 112 proc's, 47.33min up | 05:51 |
ubuntu | hey, how do i merge free-space partitions? i have two separate areas of free space that i want to merg | 05:51 |
m4st3r | thanks ^^ | 05:51 |
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crazycookie | Sysinfo for 'laptop-cookie': Linux 2.6.20-16-generic running KDE 3.5.6, CPU: AMDTurion64X2MobileTechnologyTL-50 at 800 MHz (1597 bogomips), , RAM: 854/877MB, 137 proc's, 1.9h up | 05:52 |
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miles | what is the difference between "kill [pid] " and "killall [pid] "? | 05:53 |
JarJarBinks | miles: none afaik, you normally use a name with killall | 05:54 |
Daisuke_Laptop | kill -9 [pid] | 05:54 |
Daisuke_Laptop | :D | 05:54 |
Daisuke_Laptop | for those stubborn processes that just won't go away | 05:54 |
miles | o | 05:55 |
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miles | yea i read online that killall is better/faster, i didnt understand why | 05:55 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | i usually use killall myself because you use the process name, which i usually already know | 05:55 |
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crazycookie | Uptime: 1 hours and 15 minutes | 05:58 |
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miles | Uptime: 3 hours and 45 minutes | 05:59 |
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jhutchins | -9 should be the kill of last resort. | 06:02 |
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jhutchins | pkill is handy too. | 06:02 |
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jhutchins | afik killall is just a script that finds the pid's of processes with that name and sends a kill -15 to them. | 06:03 |
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jhutchins | Uptime: 2 days, 2 hours and minutes | 06:07 |
jhutchins | Guess i'll go read the newspaper... | 06:07 |
crazycookie | 06:07 | |
moofoo | jhutchins: actually killall is part of psmisc and a "fullblown" executable .. as pkill it supports regexps ;) | 06:08 |
chuckp028 | I have no mnitor | 06:08 |
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chuckp028 | monitor | 06:08 |
chuckp028 | no screens found | 06:09 |
chuckp028 | :( | 06:09 |
crazycookie | 0 | 06:09 |
stdin | !cn | crazycookie | 06:09 |
ubotu | crazycookie: For Ubuntu help in Chinese #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-tw #ubuntu-hk | 06:09 |
crazycookie | 3 How could you see these words? | 06:09 |
crazycookie | thanks :P | 06:10 |
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Fooller | How do I disable trl+alt+f# and ctrl+alt+backspace? | 06:14 |
Fooller | *ctrl | 06:14 |
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speaker219 | Fooller | 06:15 |
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Fooller | speaker219 | 06:15 |
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moofoo | Fooller: i suppose inittab should be for the VTs and DontZap in xorg.conf / ServerFlags section should disable c-a-backspace killing of xorg | 06:18 |
moofoo | ah there is DontVTSwitch too | 06:18 |
moofoo | Fooller: man xorg.conf ;-) | 06:19 |
speaker219 | Whoever wanted to disable Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, you need to put Option "DontZap" in your xorg.conf | 06:19 |
moofoo | speaker219: too late :p | 06:19 |
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speaker219 | hah | 06:20 |
speaker219 | http://www.x.org/archive/X11R6.8.0/doc/xorg.conf.5.html | 06:20 |
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moofoo | speaker219: or man xorg.conf ;) | 06:20 |
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moofoo | (which is the doc for xorg not for X11R6 ;-) | 06:21 |
moofoo | sorry | 06:22 |
moofoo | wc ;) | 06:22 |
speaker219 | ohhhhhhhhhhhhh | 06:23 |
speaker219 | me stupid | 06:23 |
speaker219 | well | 06:23 |
speaker219 | it is xorg :P | 06:23 |
moofoo | yeah it's fine for most options.. | 06:24 |
moofoo | like DontZap ;) | 06:24 |
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=== runlevelten plays with something unbelievable cool. | ||
runlevelten | s/e /y / | 06:31 |
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speaker219 | Does anybody know if there's a fix for the flash player 9/firefox crash bug? | 06:33 |
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etalli | Is it possible to run two X Servers at the same time, and have KDE on one, and Gnome on the other? | 06:35 |
Fooller | So basically all I need to do is put Option "DontVTSwitch" under ServerFlags? | 06:36 |
runlevelten | etalli: yeah | 06:36 |
etalli | runlevelten: How? | 06:36 |
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moofoo | Fooller: yes DontVTSwitch and DontZap should work... | 06:38 |
etalli | runlevelten: How? | 06:38 |
moofoo | etalli: you can start run "X :1" to start an X server at display 1 | 06:39 |
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etalli | moofoo: Thanks | 06:39 |
Fooller | moofoo is it Option "DontZap" "yes" or just Option "DontZap" or does it matter :) | 06:39 |
moofoo | Fooller: yes/on/true is better ;) | 06:40 |
moofoo | but none is fine too | 06:41 |
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etalli | moofoo: I did that, and now I am seeing a gray screen with an X cursor, nothing else | 06:42 |
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etalli | moofoo: Do I need to manually start Gnome? If so, how? | 06:42 |
moofoo | etalli: you have to start an gnome session or whatever.. | 06:42 |
moofoo | etalli: switch back to a terminal and set export DISPLAY=:1 , then you can start gnome-session or whatever | 06:43 |
rlt | right, where were we? | 06:43 |
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please. | KDE 4.0 beta 1 -- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php | ||
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Riddell at Sat Aug 4 17:44:53 2007 | ||
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(p-f/#kubuntu) stdin: make exits with non-zero when compilation fails if I remember well | 08:27 | |
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(Daisuke_Laptop/#kubuntu) what's wrong with pre-compiled packages? | 08:27 | |
p-f | nothing, I just like using the development version of a few projects | 08:27 |
stdin | p-f: yes, but the way the debian packaging system works if some part of install fails, that stops anything being installed until it's resolved | 08:28 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | there tend to be 3rd party repos for some major projects (amarok for one) that more or less keep up with development releases | 08:28 |
stdin | p-f: you can, of course, just compile it and install/make a package | 08:29 |
p-f | stdin: I don't see how having a virtual package that fetches from svn, compiles and if compilation worked fine, generates a package and then installs it would have problems having that specific behaviour | 08:29 |
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p-f | stdin: yeah, it looks like I'll have to do that and write scripts to automate it by myself | 08:29 |
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stdin | p-f: because the packaging system we used isn't meant to accommodate that type of thing | 08:30 |
The_Machine | how to flush DNS cache in linux? | 08:31 |
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p-f | The_Machine: restart the nscd daemon | 08:32 |
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The_Machine | thanks p-f | 08:34 |
p-f | you're welcome :O) | 08:34 |
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Urilock | this place sure is exciting | 08:45 |
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elite101 | yes im getting linux on my xbox!! wu!! its Xedebian and i found away to get my mp3 player working with the xbox i took apart the wireless adpt. for a controller and i soudler'd the wire to the board now i can have the controller wireless and working and i can still insert a USB:drive/keyboard. | 08:46 |
olifre | Nice evening... I have just encountered a problem changing the locales... | 08:46 |
olifre | It affects adept-manager. | 08:46 |
olifre | anybody here also switches to de_DE@euro or similar? | 08:47 |
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elite101 | all i need is a copy of 007/mechassault/splinter cell wich i can rent @ blockbluster im going to boot it off the live cd thou i dont wanna get my xbox a whole linux thing or else i dont think i can play games? | 08:47 |
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stdin | olifre: you'll probably have better luck in #kubuntu-de | 08:48 |
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olifre | ah, thank you ;-) | 08:48 |
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mikeskde | noob q: How do I end a session on a virtual console that's no longer accepting bash input? | 08:49 |
mikeskde | say a keyboard shortcut | 08:49 |
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fdoving | mikeskde: ctrl-d | 08:49 |
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etalli | Can anyone help me with my wireless internet connection? | 08:51 |
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hamadooo | hello .... how i deal with rar files | 08:58 |
stdin | !rar | 08:58 |
ubotu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 08:58 |
hamadooo | ok | 08:59 |
stdin | hamadooo: basically install "unrar" then just use ark | 08:59 |
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hamadooo | ark !! what is this | 08:59 |
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hamadooo | i downloaded unrar. but i don't know how to use it | 09:00 |
stdin | hamadooo: you in kubuntu yes? | 09:00 |
hamadooo | but let me see the site | 09:00 |
hamadooo | no ubuntu | 09:00 |
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stdin | hamadooo: ahh, then use whatever ubuntu uses (and this is #kubuntu) | 09:00 |
elite101 | lol | 09:01 |
hamadooo | the mirc .. gets me here direct | 09:01 |
hamadooo | (: | 09:01 |
elite101 | why do ppl connect and disconnect? i had to turn it off it was anyoing | 09:01 |
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elite101 | like 30 lines of connecting and ppl disconnecting | 09:02 |
booya | !info tcltls | 09:02 |
ubotu | tcltls: The TLS OpenSSL extension to Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.0-4 (feisty), package size 66 kB, installed size 288 kB | 09:02 |
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stdin | hamadooo: mirc? | 09:02 |
stdin | hamadooo: isn't that a windows client? | 09:02 |
hamadooo | Konversation program | 09:02 |
elite101 | well gotta go | 09:03 |
booya | stdin: i have a problem when i want to install the tcltls ... i cannot open /var/lib/dpkg asks me if i`m root and /var/lib/dpkg/lock -open (permission denied) | 09:03 |
booya | what can i do ? | 09:03 |
hamadooo | Rar is a non-free | 09:03 |
booya | :) | 09:03 |
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stdin | hamadooo: mirc is a windows program, IRC is the type of network, you are using a KDE client so you are being sent to #kubuntu, you can change it to #ubuntu | 09:03 |
hamadooo | should i pay | 09:03 |
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stdin | booya: sudo ? | 09:04 |
elite101 | just click on the #ubuntu <- | 09:04 |
hamadooo | ok don't worrry i'll leave now :) | 09:04 |
booya | yeah with sudo :| | 09:04 |
elite101 | it will take u there* | 09:04 |
stdin | hamadooo: you don't have to :p | 09:04 |
booya | huh? | 09:04 |
hamadooo | you guys dont want me to be here :P | 09:04 |
booya | sudo ? :) | 09:04 |
hamadooo | lol | 09:04 |
hamadooo | ok i'll ask them | 09:04 |
ScarFreewill | how do I extract a deb remove a depenency en compile it again? | 09:04 |
booya | what do you mean with that sudo ? :) | 09:04 |
stdin | hamadooo: you'll just get better gnome help in there | 09:04 |
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hamadooo | aha ok ... thanxx anyway | 09:04 |
elite101 | lol if u change KDE in kubuntu to Gnome will that make it ubuntu? | 09:05 |
stdin | booya: "sudo apt-get install", not just "apt-get install" | 09:05 |
booya | ah | 09:05 |
booya | hihihihi thanks :) | 09:05 |
booya | danke :P | 09:05 |
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ScarFreewill | stdin: I'm stil struggling to install kde4 :P hehe | 09:05 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: get the source code and compile | 09:05 |
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stdin | ScarFreewill: you can't just edit the deb (well, you can, but it would fail, dependencies are called 'dependencies' for a reason) | 09:06 |
ScarFreewill | stdin: ye i think its a bug | 09:06 |
ScarFreewill | i've reported it | 09:06 |
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stdin | got a bug number ? | 09:07 |
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=== ScarFreewill gets it | ||
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=== stdin waits for ScarFreewill to get it | ||
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ScarFreewill | :P | 09:07 |
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ScarFreewill | 132517 | 09:07 |
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antandou | je cherche l accelerateur graphique | 09:08 |
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antandou | pour Toshiba Tecra 8100 | 09:09 |
Joe857 | !fr | 09:09 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 09:09 |
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antandou | accelerateur graphique pour toshiba Tecra 8100 | 09:10 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: ask in #kubuntu-devel if they can have a look at it | 09:10 |
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Joe857 | !fr | antandou | 09:10 |
ubotu | antandou: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 09:10 |
ScarFreewill | I did yesterday... but I'll ask again | 09:11 |
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=== ScarFreewill tries to edit the deb | ||
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=== SoulChild [n=eshat@dslb-084-060-015-133.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
SoulChild | how do i fix this message at boot: "intel_rng: FWH not detected"??? | 09:16 |
antandou | looking graphic accelerator for S3 Inc. 86C270-294 Savage/MX-MV (rev 11) | 09:17 |
stdin | SoulChild: it's not something you can fix | 09:17 |
stdin | SoulChild: it means that the hardware chip for the intel random number generator isn't there (no biggie) | 09:18 |
Joe857 | It's a filed bug | 09:18 |
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jhutchins | SoulChild: What would fixing that message do for you? | 09:20 |
ice-phoenix | hi , can some one help me i have installed kubuntu 7.04 on dell inspirion 9400 and i cant run it, it blok after the splash screen all i can see is the cusor blinking | 09:20 |
jhutchins | ice-phoenix: What happens if you hit ctrl-alt-f1? | 09:20 |
ice-phoenix | open login screen | 09:21 |
ice-phoenix | thanks i didnt know that :) | 09:21 |
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SoulChild | My System boots in 28 seconds ,... Do you want to know why ? | 09:22 |
stdin | SoulChild: is that a bad thing? | 09:22 |
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SoulChild | stdin: no it s very fast ,... the clean isntall of ubuntu takes over 1 minute | 09:22 |
ScarFreewill | dpkg-deb: failed to open package info file `./kdelibs5_3.92.0-0ubuntu3~feisty1_i386/DEBIAN/control' for reading: No such file or directory | 09:22 |
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ScarFreewill | there is a control.tar.gz ... and i've edit it why doesn't dpkg want to compile it? | 09:23 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: you don't compile from binarys... | 09:23 |
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ScarFreewill | stdin: ye but i've compiled (just compressed) deb before without compiling them | 09:24 |
ScarFreewill | from src | 09:24 |
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stdin | ScarFreewill: you've unpacked the deb, that's not source | 09:24 |
Assid | stdin: i wannamake my desktop look like that guy in the video | 09:25 |
stdin | Assid: ask the guy how he did it? | 09:25 |
Assid | i think a few people asked.. i dont see a post tho | 09:25 |
BluesKaj | tried gparted live cd on a friend's pc to have a look at why his OS footprint is 40G after a clean install , but the intel driver wouldn't launch X .We tried the Forcevideo cmd and various driver configs vesa, vga etc but nothing would launch X ...any suggestions | 09:26 |
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BluesKaj | would bad sectors on a HDD show up as part of the OS footprint ? | 09:30 |
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ice-phoenix | what is the default root password | 09:33 |
ice-phoenix | ? | 09:33 |
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stdin | !sudo | ice-phoenix | 09:34 |
ubotu | ice-phoenix: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 09:34 |
stdin | ice-phoenix: there is no root password, at all | 09:34 |
ice-phoenix | thanks i never used kubuntu before , just a little bit of slackware | 09:35 |
stdin | ice-phoenix: there's no need for a root account in kubuntu, the 1st user set up has sudo access to root | 09:36 |
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biosword | ciao ragazzi | 09:39 |
biosword | buon ferragosto a tutti | 09:39 |
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jussi01 | !it | biosword | 09:40 |
ubotu | biosword: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 09:40 |
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rami | anyone know a good n64 emulator? | 09:44 |
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hero | snes9x? | 09:45 |
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rami | ty! | 09:45 |
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rami | but thats snes | 09:46 |
rami | but who cares.... | 09:46 |
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lucaferr | Hey.. I was planning to install the kde4.0 beta 1 release packaged by you.. will I get any of the kde4 compiz effects or is that still in the pipeline? | 09:47 |
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tatters | Could someone tell me what is possibably happening here when I try to use my capture device http://pastebin.com/m5e95595e | 09:51 |
speaker219 | pastebin.com ? :O | 09:51 |
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speaker219 | pastebin.ca ftw | 09:52 |
tatters | omg u mean I made a faux paux already n I only just come in :( | 09:53 |
runlevelten | !pastebin | 09:54 |
tatters | takes off loud tie and action slacks | 09:54 |
sahin_h | lucaferr: Yes, you will have the new compiz effects. However not enabled default. | 09:54 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 09:54 |
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tatters | Did freedom just leave the room :? I am not a number I am a free man | 09:55 |
kaminix | When was Kubuntu 7.10? Beginnig or end of October? | 09:55 |
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level1_ | tatters: did I miss something? | 09:56 |
speaker219 | 7.10? you mean 7.04? | 09:56 |
=== runlevelten adjusts his tartare-sauce stained clown suit, orange fuzzy wig and welders' mask. | ||
=== Some_Person [i=Nah2@adsl-70-240-104-104.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
sahin_h | kaminix: At the end imho | 09:56 |
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tatters | dunno I just asked | 09:56 |
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tatters | Could someone tell me what is possibably happening here when I try to use my capture device http://pastebin.com/m5e95595e | 09:56 |
Some_Person | Does Kubuntu Gutsy come with KDE 4? | 09:56 |
level1_ | kaminix: the version numbers are actually dates: 7.10 = 2007 10 (october) | 09:56 |
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level1_ | Some_Person: no, gutsy+1 hopefully | 09:56 |
stdin | Some_Person: no | 09:56 |
kaminix | speaker219: Isn't next version 7.10 and current 7.04. | 09:56 |
stdin | level1_: no | 09:56 |
kaminix | Oh! | 09:56 |
tatters | and I being harrased by pastebin salesmen | 09:57 |
kaminix | I didn't know. :) | 09:57 |
sahin_h | Some_Person: Yes, Gutsy will contains the KDE4 RC somethings. | 09:57 |
level1_ | Some_Person: but you will probably be able to get it yourself, if you want to, by next year ish | 09:57 |
Some_Person | but the current gutsy live cd does not come with KDE 4, correct? | 09:57 |
level1_ | stdin: gusty+1 won't be kde 4 either? | 09:57 |
stdin | level1_: no, it's going to be a LTS | 09:58 |
sahin_h | Will be, but not the default. | 09:58 |
ScarFreewill | !info libpq5 | 09:58 |
ubotu | libpq5: PostgreSQL C client library. In component main, is optional. Version 8.2.4-0ubuntu0.7.04 (feisty), package size 218 kB, installed size 764 kB | 09:58 |
=== runlevelten installs kde4 for the new kwin | ||
=== runlevelten and to have a look | ||
sahin_h | KDE4 won't be the default in Gutsy+1, however it will be part of the distro. | 09:59 |
=== ciccio [n=ciccio@ppp-250-160.31-151.libero.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
level1_ | actually, the kde 4 on the ubuntu repositories is much more stable than the kde 4 from suse, buts its a little outdated | 09:59 |
sahin_h | So you can use it if you want... | 09:59 |
stdin | there will be packages, probably in universe | 09:59 |
Some_Person | I have always been a GNOME user, but I'm just now looking into KDE. Could someone tell me all about it | 09:59 |
runlevelten | No KDE 4 is stable at all. | 09:59 |
Some_Person | As for the KDE 4 question, my friend wanted to know | 10:00 |
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level1_ | Some_Person: well, you can find a lot of cool stuff online, and #kde will give you a "fair and balanced (heh)" view | 10:00 |
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hasan | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 10:00 |
hasan | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 10:00 |
hasan | mister boot | 10:00 |
hasan | are u there | 10:00 |
Some_Person | as fair and balanced as fox noise? | 10:00 |
stdin | Some_Person: look in wikipedia | 10:00 |
hasan | probably i ve got a problem | 10:00 |
level1_ | hasan: are you running it as root? | 10:00 |
strabes | hasan: that's because you have a different package manager program | 10:00 |
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hasan | do u have a pragmatic solution | 10:00 |
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hasan | yep as root | 10:01 |
hasan | sudo | 10:01 |
yeniklasorr | stdin : I created a bash script, but it is going endless loop. Script is "#!/bin/bash cd /opt/ebyn /bin/bash bdp.sh" . If I wrote to shell "cd /opt/ebyn" and "/bin/bash bdp.sh" it works great. | 10:01 |
stdin | !aptfix | hasan, use this | 10:01 |
strabes | hasan: make sure synaptic isn't working or anything and run this: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock | 10:01 |
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hasan | it does not run | 10:01 |
strabes | hasan: running* | 10:01 |
=== stdin pokes ubotu | ||
hasan | not running | 10:01 |
strabes | hasan: then run the command i wrote | 10:01 |
strabes | above | 10:01 |
level1_ | stdin: actually, the wiki page on kde 4 is out of date... maybe I'll update it | 10:01 |
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runlevelten | !adeptfix | hasan | 10:02 |
strabes | does anyone know why in amarok if you order a playlist by artist, it orders by artist but the track numbers are out of order | 10:02 |
speaker219 | !ubuntu | 10:02 |
sahin_h | Troy Unrau wrote a lot of articles about KDE4... | 10:02 |
stdin | hasan: sudo fuser -vik /var/lib/dpkg/lock ; sudo dpkg --configure -a | 10:02 |
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ubotu | hasan, use this: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 10:02 |
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speaker219 | i guess that was the poke of death | 10:02 |
runlevelten | ubotu: you awake? | 10:02 |
ubotu | hasan: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 10:02 |
speaker219 | ubotu is dead | 10:02 |
runlevelten | ah ok then | 10:02 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 10:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about you awake? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about is dead - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:02 |
Some_Person | ubotu is just lagging | 10:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about is just lagging - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:03 |
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sahin_h | Some_Person: Try this link: http://www.googlesyndicatedsearch.com/u/dot?as_q=&as_epq=%22Also+by+Troy+Unrau%22&as_oq=dept.&as_eq=&num=100 | 10:03 |
stdin | yeniklasorr: how do you know it runs in a loop exactly? | 10:03 |
booya | stdin: i still cannot copy an image or something to another partition beside my desktop :( | 10:03 |
yeniklasorr | I'm checking with "htop". And really my computer is slowing down. | 10:04 |
speaker219 | !botsnack | 10:04 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 10:04 |
strabes | that is the dumbest thing lol | 10:04 |
Some_Person | lol | 10:04 |
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strabes | we're debian users here, no yum for us | 10:04 |
Some_Person | yeah | 10:04 |
runlevelten | !lart | 10:04 |
speaker219 | !ping | 10:04 |
yeniklasorr | stdin : I'm checking with "htop". And really my computer is slowing down. And app isn't starting. | 10:04 |
booya | pong | 10:04 |
booya | :P | 10:04 |
Some_Person | APT is way better than anything else I've ever seen | 10:04 |
=== Madinko12 [n=nils@ABordeaux-256-1-165-182.w86-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
strabes | i agree | 10:05 |
Some_Person | Especially the Windows Package Manager... oh wait, there isn't one | 10:05 |
stdin | yeniklasorr: where is the script, what's it called ? | 10:05 |
booya | !info write protected | 10:05 |
yeniklasorr | stdin : /usr/bin/ebyn | 10:05 |
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stdin | booya: where are you trying to put the file? | 10:06 |
booya | in media | 10:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lart - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:06 |
ubotu | host not found | 10:06 |
booya | to another partition :) | 10:06 |
lucaferr | satin_h: is it documented somewhere? how to enable compiz using tribe+kde4b1? | 10:06 |
ubotu | Package write does not exist in feisty | 10:06 |
stdin | booya: what type ? | 10:06 |
stdin | yeniklasorr: what's bdp.sh ? | 10:06 |
booya | .avi / .jpg etc | 10:06 |
booya | ntfs | 10:06 |
stdin | booya: what type of partition? | 10:07 |
booya | are the partition | 10:07 |
stdin | filesystem? | 10:07 |
level1_ | booya: you followed ubotu's ntfs help? | 10:07 |
yeniklasorr | stdin : An app that works with Java | 10:07 |
level1_ | !ntfs | 10:07 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 10:07 |
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ciccio | hello | 10:07 |
level1_ | !ntfs-3g | 10:08 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 10:08 |
stdin | yeniklasorr: in your script, try replacing "/usr/bin/bash bdp.sh" with just "./bdp.sh" | 10:08 |
yeniklasorr | ok | 10:08 |
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booya | i have NTFS Configuration Tool installed | 10:09 |
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yeniklasorr | stdin : again endless loop | 10:10 |
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level1_ | booya: well, your partition is probably being mounted ro (read only) ... can you pastebin /etc/fstab? | 10:10 |
=== stdin ponders | ||
booya | Error Message : | 10:11 |
booya | umount: /media/hdb5: device is busy | 10:11 |
booya | umount: /media/hdb5: device is busy | 10:11 |
speaker219 | sudo sh configure | 10:11 |
speaker219 | woops | 10:11 |
=== ScarFreewill replies to his own bug report | ||
level1_ | booya: oh... you can force it to unmount, but first can you close everything that is using it? | 10:11 |
level1_ | booya: also, is it a magnetic (hard) drive or flash drive? | 10:11 |
booya | hard | 10:12 |
stdin | yeniklasorr: just to make sure, post your script to pastebin | 10:12 |
runlevelten | are you calling the I did that today ScarFreewill | 10:12 |
runlevelten | oops | 10:12 |
runlevelten | I did that today ScarFreewill | 10:12 |
level1_ | booya: okay, you can just umount -l /media/hdb5 | 10:12 |
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ScarFreewill | runlevelten: are you calling calling I did that... | 10:12 |
grul | what's -l do? | 10:13 |
yeniklasorr | stdin : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33866/ | 10:13 |
level1_ | grul: "lazy" | 10:13 |
level1_ | grul: it unmounts it even if another program is using it | 10:13 |
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booya | umount: /media/hdb5 mount disagrees with the fstab | 10:13 |
booya | :| | 10:13 |
level1_ | grul: usually its just bash | 10:13 |
grul | oh, nice | 10:13 |
booya | what's that? | 10:13 |
level1_ | booya: oh wow | 10:13 |
level1_ | I guess you could run it as root | 10:14 |
level1_ | ... I've never had that before | 10:14 |
speaker219 | what's the default mail client that comes with kubuntu? | 10:14 |
level1_ | speaker219: kmail, part of kontact | 10:14 |
booya | and what i shall do in this case? :( | 10:14 |
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level1_ | booya: did you try it as root? | 10:14 |
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level1_ | booya: maybe pumount /media/hdb5 ? | 10:15 |
booya | this meaning? | 10:15 |
stdin | yeniklasorr: there's no reason that should loop.. | 10:15 |
level1_ | sudo umount blah ... but try pumount /media/hdb5 | 10:15 |
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booya | nope level1 :( | 10:15 |
booya | umount failed | 10:15 |
level1_ | pumount too? | 10:16 |
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booya | yups :( | 10:16 |
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level1_ | what was the error? | 10:16 |
ddjikic | how i can startx ? i typed startx and it told to me no screen found | 10:16 |
d0uglas | So USB's got 500mA. If I plug four devices to charge their batteries, do they all get 500mA each or 125mA each? | 10:16 |
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booya | umount : /dev/hdb5 not mounted . Error : Mounted failed | 10:17 |
booya | that's all | 10:17 |
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level1_ | booya: is it actually mounted? | 10:17 |
booya | how can i see that? : | 10:17 |
level1_ | df -h | 10:17 |
zipper | booya, well, thats because you cannot mount or umount /dev/hdb5. You need to mount it somewhere, /dev/hdb5 is the device. | 10:17 |
level1_ | and other ways | 10:17 |
zipper | booya, i believe ubuntu keeps its mounts in /media and /mnt | 10:18 |
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level1_ | booya: oh yeah, theres a difference between pumount /dev/hdb5 and pumount /media/hdb5 | 10:18 |
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booya | so i have to put media instead of dev | 10:19 |
zipper | booya, go to your /media dir | 10:19 |
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booya | and? | 10:19 |
ddjikic | how i can startx ? i typed startx and it told to me no screen found how to fix ? | 10:19 |
raymond | im trying to load a command line system on a thinkpad 570 with a docking station but the installer doesnt see the cdrom or floppy | 10:19 |
zipper | booya, see any folders there? | 10:19 |
raymond | is there a way to start the text based installer from the live cd | 10:19 |
zipper | booya, i'm sorry, i havent been following. What is your problem? | 10:20 |
=== LeSanglier [n=samuel@AReims-151-1-62-202.w83-192.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
booya | cdrom0 ,floppy0 , hdb5 , hdb6 | 10:20 |
stdin | raymond: no, you need the alternate cd | 10:20 |
booya | i cannot copy files on my hdb5 and hdb6 | 10:20 |
booya | only on my desktop | 10:20 |
=== lewis_ [n=lewis@82-33-96-248.cable.ubr10.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
zipper | ah.... then you should be able to just replace /dev/hdb5 with /media/hdb5 booya | 10:20 |
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raymond | that is what i am using | 10:20 |
booya | okey | 10:20 |
booya | let me try | 10:20 |
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urilock | hey | 10:20 |
hasan | hi guys | 10:20 |
hasan | i ve got a problem | 10:20 |
zipper | not sure you're taking the right approach though... | 10:20 |
level1_ | ddjikic: can you "sudo kdm" ? | 10:21 |
hasan | my log on screen s resolution is incredibly high | 10:21 |
booya | booya@warsoul:~$ pmount /media/hdb5 | 10:21 |
booya | mount: can't find UUID=C6DCB0F7DCB0E2BB in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 10:21 |
urilock | test | 10:21 |
stdin | raymond: you said you has the live cd | 10:21 |
hasan | i mean fonts seems a little bit bigger than normal | 10:21 |
hasan | how can i arrange that ? | 10:21 |
hasan | repair that | 10:21 |
zipper | booya, are you registered on this network? Can you send private messages? | 10:21 |
level1_ | hasan: is that really a big deal? sometimes fixing that problem is more trouble than its worth. | 10:21 |
raymond | well i tried that and the alternate | 10:21 |
=== zipper is now known as z1pp3r | ||
hasan | but it's really ugly | 10:21 |
booya | pffffffff | 10:22 |
booya | not | 10:22 |
hasan | is it lots of trouble in this case ? | 10:22 |
level1_ | you could really screw up your user login, that would be worse | 10:22 |
hasan | level1:? | 10:22 |
level1_ | hasan: yeah, it is | 10:22 |
raymond | the alternate goes to mount the cdrom and says it cant find it to mount | 10:22 |
z1pp3r | booya, okay. Well, you should probably take a look on the ubuntu wiki about how to enable read/write/mount access. | 10:22 |
hasan | but whenever i install kubuntu after tackling with kcontrol settings. its always like that | 10:22 |
=== LinuxAddict [n=jbaerboc@24-197-197-30.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
z1pp3r | booya, for all users that is | 10:23 |
z1pp3r | or for your user alone, you decide | 10:23 |
LinuxAddict | Got a problem with the login screen, can anyone help? | 10:23 |
ddjikic | i cant run x can some one help me | 10:23 |
z1pp3r | just ask your questions, instead of asking to ask | 10:23 |
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LinuxAddict | ok | 10:23 |
level1_ | ddjikic: did you try "sudo kdm"? | 10:24 |
booya | where do i find ntfs-3g ? | 10:24 |
booya | !info ntfs-3g | 10:24 |
LinuxAddict | My login screen was resized for some reason and it is huge now, how to i change the login screens resolution back to normal? | 10:24 |
stdin | booya: it's in adept | 10:24 |
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level1_ | lol | 10:24 |
z1pp3r | booya, i have to warn you, write access to ntfs partition is, and always will be, dangerous and experimental | 10:24 |
booya | but i installed it | 10:24 |
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stdin | booya: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 10:25 |
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=== ice-phoenix [i=chaos@212-200-205-128.adsl.sezampro.yu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ice-phoenix | no i tryed startx | 10:26 |
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booya | i`m going crazy | 10:26 |
booya | i dont have ntfs-3g on my pc | 10:26 |
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booya | i have only NTFS configuration tool | 10:26 |
booya | which is installed | 10:26 |
ScarFreewill | get it? (ntfs-3g) | 10:27 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: why don't you try "sudo kdm"? | 10:27 |
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booya | how do i see if i have that ntfs-3g in my pc? | 10:27 |
ice-phoenix | level1_ : i try it ask me password , when i give he do donthing | 10:28 |
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booya | they are on the way now | 10:28 |
booya | i found them | 10:28 |
ScarFreewill | booya: apt-get -s install ntfs-3g | 10:28 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: a likely story... can you cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE | tail 1 | 10:28 |
LinuxAddict | My login screen was resized for some reason and it is huge now, how to i change the login screens resolution back to normal? | 10:29 |
level1_ | and tell me what that gives you (should be just one line) | 10:29 |
level1_ | LinuxAddict: you mean it has very low resolution, like 1024x800? | 10:29 |
booya | now i have to type those commands from upper lines? | 10:29 |
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level1_ | ice-phoenix: enter this command: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE | tail 1 | 10:31 |
ice-phoenix | level_1 : when i do this its say tail:canot open "1" for reading: no such file | 10:31 |
level1_ | oh... just do: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE | 10:32 |
stdin | booya: make sure adept is closed, open konsole and put in "sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g" | 10:32 |
level1_ | and tell me the last line | 10:32 |
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ice-phoenix | level_1 : when i do tail:canot open "1" for reading: no such file or directory | 10:32 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: can you do this: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE | 10:33 |
booya | ntfs-3g is allready to the new version | 10:33 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: and then tell me what the last line it prints is | 10:33 |
ice-phoenix | faild to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/driver//fglrx_drv.so | 10:34 |
=== darkalien [n=darkalie@dslb-084-059-143-198.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ice-phoenix | and | 10:34 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: oooohhh... the classic | 10:34 |
ice-phoenix | faild to load module "fglrx " (loader faild,7) | 10:34 |
ice-phoenix | no driver avalable | 10:34 |
yeniklasorr | stdin : With which editor must I create a bash script? I edited "limewire"s bash and it worked. | 10:35 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: do you want to fix X so you can log back in or do you want to fix fglrx so you can get beryl and other cool stuff? Which is more important? | 10:35 |
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stdin | yeniklasorr: any text editor will work | 10:35 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: It'll take longer to fix fglrx, and it might be a waste of time | 10:35 |
ice-phoenix | best option | 10:35 |
ice-phoenix | i installed ati driver | 10:35 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: its up to you | 10:35 |
ice-phoenix | i have x1400 | 10:35 |
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level1_ | ice-phoenix: I have the same one... let me get you back into X, heres the tick | 10:36 |
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level1_ | ice-phoenix: sudo editor /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 10:36 |
yeniklasorr | stdin : all require is this? /usr/bin/xxx Only 1 file. | 10:36 |
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level1_ | ice-phoenix: thats a command line text editor. The file /etc/X11/xorg.conf is the file that controls your X | 10:36 |
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ice-phoenix | i know i tryed to edit it before | 10:37 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: you need to find the section called "Device" | 10:37 |
ice-phoenix | found | 10:37 |
stdin | yeniklasorr: if the app is in your path you can just put commands, you don't need absolute paths | 10:37 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: and change Driver "fglrx" to Driver "vesa" | 10:37 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: that will give you minimum functionality (actually, pretty decent functionality) and you can fix fglrx | 10:38 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: and if you get back here you can just do that again | 10:38 |
speaker219 | !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 10:38 |
speaker219 | Konsole | 10:38 |
speaker219 | !! | 10:38 |
stdin | speaker219: huh? | 10:39 |
ice-phoenix | level1_ device is generic vdeo card driver vesa busid pic:1:0:0 | 10:39 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: once you've done that, you can can ctrl-X and it will save and exit, then try "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart" to start up again | 10:39 |
speaker219 | stdin: konsole! | 10:39 |
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stdin | speaker219: what about it? | 10:39 |
one_norse | Has anyone else had problems with Thunderbird crashing while downloading messages? | 10:40 |
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stdin | one_norse: nope | 10:40 |
speaker219 | one_norse: use TB 2 | 10:40 |
ice-phoenix | level1_ : i have 3 device , one vesa and 2 fglrx | 10:40 |
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level1_ | ice-phoenix: oh... that shouldn't be | 10:40 |
one_norse | Is TB2 available from one of the Kubuntu official repositories? | 10:41 |
speaker219 | one_norse: you should erally use thunderbrid 2 | 10:41 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: can you find the section called "screen" | 10:41 |
speaker219 | one_norse: nope, you have to download it from mozilla | 10:41 |
ice-phoenix | level1_ : yes , i installed ati driver | 10:41 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: it should say: Device "XXX" ... whats XXX? | 10:41 |
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one_norse | speaker219: I'll give that a shot, thanks. | 10:42 |
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ice-phoenix | level1_ : aticonfig-device[0] | 10:43 |
ice-phoenix | level1_ : aticonfig-device[1] | 10:43 |
ice-phoenix | level1_ : aticonfig-device[2] | 10:44 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: it mentions all three? | 10:44 |
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level1_ | ice-phoenix: well, I guess you can delete all but one | 10:44 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: and make sure that one says "vesa" not "fglrx" | 10:44 |
yeniklasorr | stdin : How to executable it? chmod -x /usr/bin/ebyn ? | 10:44 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: then you'll be able to log into kde | 10:44 |
stdin | yeniklasorr: yeah (with sudo) | 10:45 |
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ice-phoenix | level1_ : where to write vesa ? | 10:45 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: under "Device" | 10:46 |
yeniklasorr | stdin : "bash: /usr/bin/ebyn: Permission denied" "sudo: ebyn: command not found" :S | 10:46 |
level1_ | device>driver | 10:46 |
speaker219 | wouldn't it be sudo chmod +xB | 10:46 |
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ice-phoenix | ok | 10:46 |
speaker219 | i mean | 10:46 |
=== tobias [n=tobias@p54A1EA30.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
speaker219 | wouldn't it be sudo chmod +x | 10:47 |
stdin | yeniklasorr: make _sure_ it's executable | 10:47 |
ice-phoenix | level1_ : what to put on monitor ? | 10:47 |
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level1_ | ice-phoenix: that shouldn't matter, just leave it as it is | 10:47 |
yeniklasorr | at last worked :D | 10:47 |
stdin | yeniklasorr: +x yeah | 10:47 |
yeniklasorr | yes | 10:47 |
=== nebster [n=nebster@201-14-48-57.mganm702.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
JohnFlux | hey all | 10:48 |
JohnFlux | how do I reinstall a package, completely. configuration files etc as well | 10:48 |
JohnFlux | just --reinstall skips configuration files etc | 10:48 |
yeniklasorr | sudo chmod -R 777 /opt/ebyn/ is it safe ? If I don't execute it with sudo it son't save any changing. | 10:48 |
level1_ | JohnFlux: apt-get --purge remove XYZ | 10:49 |
level1_ | JohnFlux: then, apt-get install XYZ | 10:49 |
level1_ | you might need to sudo | 10:49 |
JohnFlux | level1_: that will remove dependancies no? | 10:49 |
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level1_ | JohnFlux: it shouldn't | 10:49 |
level1_ | JohnFlux: do you want it to? | 10:49 |
JohnFlux | nope | 10:49 |
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JohnFlux | if you remove a package, it will remove anything depending on it | 10:49 |
level1_ | JohnFlux: yeah, thats the idea | 10:50 |
level1_ | JohnFlux: apt always does that | 10:50 |
JohnFlux | right but if I'm reinstalling I don't want it to | 10:50 |
level1_ | JohnFlux: what are you installing? | 10:50 |
JohnFlux | xfonts-base :) | 10:50 |
ice-phoenix | level1_ : i have saved xorg.conf , adn restarted kdm , and i saw the splashscreen for a sec , and now i see only the cursor blinking in the top | 10:51 |
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speaker219 | does anybody know how to not make the names on the taskbar items to fade | 10:51 |
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level1_ | ice-phoenix: wait a moment | 10:51 |
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level1_ | JohnFlux: I don't know, really | 10:52 |
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level1_ | ice-phoenix: still not working? | 10:53 |
Sanne | speaker219: If nobody here knows, try also in #kde, they should know if it's possible. | 10:53 |
ice-phoenix | level1_ : no | 10:53 |
ice-phoenix | still the cursor blinking in the top | 10:54 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: press alt-ctrl-F2 | 10:54 |
runlevelten | Erm... http://it.slashdot.org/it/07/08/15/1341224.shtml | 10:54 |
Soulwarp | why does my kernel say generic | 10:54 |
Soulwarp | is that bad? | 10:54 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: that will put you back in a bash shell | 10:54 |
stdin | Soulwarp: no, not bad | 10:54 |
stdin | !generic | 10:54 |
ubotu | Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed) | 10:54 |
ice-phoenix | level1_ : i presed ctrl-alt-f1 and just saw starting kdm | 10:54 |
runlevelten | "Ubuntu had to shutdown 5 of 8 production servers that are sponsored by Canonical, when they started attacking other systems. Canonical blames the community, saying they were community hosted, and were poorly maintained. " | 10:54 |
runlevelten | :\ | 10:55 |
=== runlevelten thinks that article seems a tad misrepresentative. | ||
stdin | runlevelten > -ot | 10:55 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: well, look through the files in /var/log , especiall Xorg.0.log and any kde or kdm logs | 10:55 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: tell me if you find anything interesting | 10:55 |
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ice-phoenix | level1_ : just one sec im installing mc | 10:56 |
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Soulwarp | ok so generic kernels are non specific builds for general hardware? | 10:57 |
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Soulwarp | i guess that's good | 10:58 |
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level1_ | stdin: would it be a waste of my time to find a kernel optimized for my cpu? | 10:58 |
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level1_ | stdin: its a new dual core cpu | 10:58 |
ice-phoenix | level1_ : no screen found | 10:58 |
stdin | level1_: yes, a complete waste of time | 10:58 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: thats a problem... | 10:58 |
stdin | level1_: no point whatsoever | 10:59 |
stdin | :) | 10:59 |
ice-phoenix | level1_ : undefinde device vesa referenced by scren vesa | 10:59 |
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level1_ | stdin: lol... my freind custom complied a kernel and said he got a 20-30% boost | 10:59 |
level1_ | stdin: I think he removed modules | 11:00 |
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level1_ | ice-phoenix: wait, what did you write to your xorg.conf | 11:00 |
drewcipher | !generic | 11:00 |
speaker219 | does anybody know how to not make the names on the taskbar items to fade | 11:00 |
ubotu | Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed) | 11:00 |
stdin | level1_: that would be the only reason, the kernel auto-configures itself to your cpu at boot | 11:00 |
Soulwarp | wouldn't custom kernels remove the ability for plug and play? | 11:00 |
level1_ | Soulwarp: well, if I never buy a wacom tablet I don't need the wacom tablet module, right? | 11:01 |
stdin | Soulwarp: custom kernels are mostly not needed, only in some rare circumstances | 11:01 |
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Soulwarp | ah gotcha | 11:01 |
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CPrompt^ | does anyone have any experience running Xming? | 11:01 |
tobias | hey everyone | 11:01 |
Soulwarp | hi tobias :D | 11:02 |
trekdanne | hmm i would actually discurage against custom kernels | 11:02 |
tobias | I got a questoin | 11:02 |
tobias | question | 11:02 |
trekdanne | and i don't understand why the ubuntu communtiy seem to ignore the issue | 11:03 |
trekdanne | tobias: yes? | 11:03 |
tobias | that is: how come I dont have a X or sometimes a screwed X if I disable aiglx in my xorg.conf? | 11:03 |
tobias | xgl wont work as well by the way | 11:03 |
tobias | ATI mobility X1400 is my card | 11:03 |
stdin | trekdanne: we don't encourage custom compiles | 11:03 |
level1_ | tobias: lol, I have the same card | 11:04 |
level1_ | tobias: I just use vesa... I swear to god its faster at video play back | 11:04 |
level1_ | tobias: can you just use aiglx, or is there a problem with that? | 11:05 |
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tobias | vesa is without 3d acceleration ?! | 11:05 |
Soulwarp | this channel sure gets a lot of video card issues when it comes to ATI | 11:05 |
trekdanne | hmm stdin, yeah true but kernel compiling may need explicit disencourage | 11:05 |
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tobias | level1_: ATI doesnt support aiglx ... | 11:06 |
level1_ | Soulwarp: suprised? apparently you've never had an ATI card | 11:06 |
stdin | trekdanne: the wiki we point people too states that we can't support problems with custom kernels and all bug reports on such kernels will be rejected | 11:06 |
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ice-phoenix | level1_ : undefinde device vesa referenced by scren vesa | 11:06 |
Soulwarp | level1_ lol nope, nvidia here | 11:06 |
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level1_ | Soulwarp: but theres something wrong with the nvidia 8800GTS that I got so I wouldn't have ATI issues, its almost as bad | 11:07 |
level1_ | I can't figure it out | 11:07 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: what did you change in xorg.conf when I told you to change it? | 11:07 |
urilock | im trying to modify a file | 11:07 |
trekdanne | hmm next time i'll buy VIA or something lulz | 11:07 |
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tobias | I hate being not able to use compizz-fusion because of that *curse | 11:07 |
urilock | and i can because it says im not an admin even though i am | 11:07 |
tobias | ATi card | 11:07 |
urilock | do i have to log in as root? | 11:08 |
trekdanne | !sudo | urilock | 11:08 |
ubotu | urilock: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 11:08 |
trekdanne | testa kdesu <program> | 11:08 |
level1_ | ice-phoenix: you should have a section called Screen with a line like this: Device "XXX" | 11:08 |
trekdanne | test | 11:08 |
stdin | urilock: what file? how are you editing it? | 11:08 |
ddjikic | level1_ : undefinde device vesa referenced by scren vesa | 11:08 |
urilock | kdmrc | 11:08 |
level1_ | ddjikic: you changed screen names on me | 11:08 |
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level1_ | ddjikic: anyway, what did you write to your xorg.conf? | 11:08 |
urilock | im using gedit | 11:09 |
stdin | urilock: did you start gedit as root? | 11:09 |
urilock | oh | 11:09 |
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urilock | how do i do that | 11:09 |
ddjikic | level1_ : its me ice-phoenix , | 11:09 |
stdin | urilock: for gnome "gksu gedit" for kde "kdesu kate" | 11:09 |
urilock | thanks | 11:09 |
stdin | urilock: you can use "kdesu gedit" too | 11:10 |
ddjikic | level1_ : genetic video card | 11:10 |
ddjikic | level1_ : and the other is vesa | 11:10 |
level1_ | ddjikic: well, the line "Device" in "Screen" *must* be the same as the line "Identifier" in "Device" | 11:10 |
level1_ | ddjikic: that allows X to match them up | 11:11 |
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tobias | stdin: can you find any errors in my xorg.conf ( http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/2542 ) ? If I remove the # before the aiglx disable section, I dont have X | 11:11 |
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urilock | yay it worked | 11:11 |
urilock | thanks | 11:11 |
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ddjikic | level1_ : ok fixed | 11:12 |
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level1_ | ddjikic: can you load up kdm? sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart | 11:12 |
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stdin | tobias: for ati cards xorg disables aiglx anyway, no need to manually disable it | 11:12 |
tobias | ah okay | 11:12 |
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tobias | great | 11:13 |
tobias | and what about xgl? ;) I did it after a wiki-guide that 100% works with others - but not for me | 11:13 |
tobias | If I start a new session with xgl, I get a totally weird screen | 11:13 |
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level1_ | tobias: story of my life... wheres the guide? what step did you screw up on? | 11:14 |
tobias | it loads and stuff, but I cant see anything because its blurry and just fucked up | 11:14 |
stdin | tobias: report it, xgl should work with fglrx | 11:14 |
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stdin | tobias: language! | 11:14 |
level1_ | !ohmy | 11:14 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 11:14 |
=== adenicio [n=adenicio@Mix-Pointe-a-Pitre-105-3-180.w193-250.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ddjikic | level1_ : when i do that its show me the ubuntu screen with the loading bar , after the cursor , after the loading bar , after the cursor , and then nothing | 11:14 |
tobias | Im sorry, english is not my first language and I didnt know any other word to describe it ;) | 11:14 |
level1_ | tobias: corrupted | 11:15 |
stdin | tobias: messed up? | 11:15 |
tobias | level1_: its a german guide, I think it wont help you much if I post it ;) | 11:15 |
stdin | tobias: not working? | 11:15 |
Joe857 | tobias: There are other language channels, if you aren't comfortable with english | 11:15 |
adenicio | stdin: how do i use samba with windows xp? | 11:15 |
tobias | and I didnt screw up at any point - it all worked... at least it looked like it :/ | 11:15 |
level1_ | ddjikic: hmmm... | 11:15 |
stdin | adenicio: follow the samba guide? I don't use samba | 11:16 |
lewis_ | what is xgl | 11:16 |
lewis_ | lol | 11:16 |
stdin | !samba | 11:16 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 11:16 |
stdin | !xgl | lewis_ | 11:16 |
level1_ | !xgl | lewis | 11:16 |
ubotu | lewis_: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 11:16 |
lewis_ | !xgl | 11:16 |
ubotu | lewis: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 11:16 |
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lewis_ | ah ok | 11:16 |
Joe857 | adenicio: I'll help if you need it, I messed with it yesterday | 11:16 |
level1_ | ddjikic: any errors in /var/log? | 11:16 |
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tobias | ddjikic: I had the same problem - it was that my video card wasnt supported by the drivers I had chosen | 11:17 |
tobias | or the other way round | 11:17 |
ddjikic | level1_ : undefined screen ati config screen[0] | 11:17 |
adenicio | Joe857: ok tanks.3was it easy to do? | 11:17 |
tobias | the point is that if you reconfigure your xorg.conf to the standard "vesa" driver, it should work again | 11:17 |
ddjikic | level1_ :fatal error no screens found | 11:17 |
level1_ | ddjikic: I still don't think you have your xorg.conf correct | 11:17 |
ddjikic | level1_ :me to | 11:17 |
tobias | just listen to me ;o | 11:18 |
Joe857 | Meh, I had a few issues. | 11:18 |
lewis_ | dang it | 11:18 |
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level1_ | ddjikic: actually, why don't you try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and follow the instructions | 11:18 |
Urilock | i followed this http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=1153 tutorial | 11:18 |
tobias | go to your konsole- sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 11:18 |
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tobias | ._. | 11:19 |
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level1_ | tobias: I beat you to it | 11:19 |
tobias | too slow | 11:19 |
Urilock | and running compiz-manager doesn't work :( | 11:19 |
tobias | ;) | 11:19 |
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adenicio | Joe857: config wa in a wat?im a beginer if u xplaining xplaine as u will talk to a child :-/ | 11:19 |
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Joe857 | Err, I'm a bit of a beginner too, but I'll try to explain it as best as I can | 11:20 |
tobias | level1_: thats the guide I installed xgl after ( http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Xgl?action=show&redirect=XGL ) it is in german but you will know the commands - maybe you can find something that helps me ?! | 11:21 |
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Joe857 | Okay. Do you have a specific folder you want to use? | 11:21 |
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Joe857 | adenicio: Do you have a specific folder you want to use? | 11:22 |
Urilock | i know why compiz manager wont run... | 11:23 |
Urilock | i did this code | 11:23 |
Urilock | sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl compiz compiz-plugins compiz-core compiz-manager csm cgwd cgwd-themes | 11:23 |
Urilock | and i get... | 11:23 |
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Urilock | E: Couldn't find package compiz-manager | 11:23 |
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level1_ | Urilock: for all the power that is compiz, they don't seem to want to give a configuration manager that will make use of it... I had to get compiz-fusion just for the dump ccsm | 11:24 |
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ddjikic | level1_ : caught signal 11. server aborting | 11:25 |
Urilock | hmm | 11:25 |
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level1_ | ddjikic: when you "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"? | 11:26 |
adenicio | Joe857: wait my mouse wheel brook im stikin it with crazy glue :-/ it got to dry | 11:26 |
level1_ | of all the times | 11:26 |
Joe857 | ...Wow. Alright then. | 11:26 |
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ddjikic | level1_ yes but i dont know how to configure it exactly | 11:26 |
level1_ | ddjikic: what part has you worried? most of that stuff doesn't even matter | 11:27 |
tobias_ | ddjikic: just set your graphic driver to "vesa" | 11:27 |
adenicio | Joe857: its my mom that come in here and turn everything up side down while i was at work :-( | 11:27 |
ddjikic | tobias_ : not working | 11:27 |
Joe857 | adenicio: It's alright, just let me know when you're ready | 11:27 |
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Joe857 | adenicio: But do you have a specific folder that you want to share? | 11:28 |
tobias_ | ddjikic: thats weird | 11:28 |
ddjikic | tobas_: dell inspirion 9400 with ati mobiliti radeon x1400 | 11:28 |
tobias_ | is there a command for my konsole that shows me if I run xgl or kde or gnome or whatever right now ? | 11:29 |
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tobias_ | ddjikic: I got the same graphics card and I did it the way I told you already | 11:30 |
tobias_ | ddjikic: currently I use fglrx | 11:30 |
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tobias_ | ddjikic: did you try using that driver already ? | 11:30 |
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level1_ | ddjikic: what were you doing when your program crashed? | 11:30 |
level1_ | <ddjikic> level1_ : caught signal 11. server aborting | 11:31 |
ddjikic | level1_ : kdm restart | 11:31 |
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ddjikic | tobas_ : how to instal fglrx | 11:31 |
level1_ | oh... did you try "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart"? | 11:31 |
ddjikic | yes | 11:31 |
level1_ | ddjikic: anything in /var/log/Xorg.0.log? | 11:32 |
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ddjikic | many things | 11:32 |
level1_ | any errors? | 11:32 |
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ddjikic | the last line is server aborting | 11:33 |
awen | does anyone know in which package all the laptop hotkey events from /etc/acpi/events/ is located (or know how to locate the package that installed a certain file)? | 11:33 |
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level1_ | ddjikic: what does it say leading up to that? | 11:33 |
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ddjikic | level1_ : uff too many text | 11:34 |
manchicken | Anybody know if the Intel 4965 is worth the trouble? | 11:34 |
Joe857 | Hey I'm going to go | 11:34 |
Joe857 | >_> Sorry. | 11:34 |
Joe857 | Bye. | 11:34 |
stdin | awen: they are in acpi-support | 11:34 |
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adenicio | Joe857: will u be there in 1h30?im going to watch are we done yet befor my sis cary it back | 11:35 |
level1_ | what ever happend to X bulletproofing? A lot of the fixes that I'm telling ddjikic to try could be automated in an by-any-means-neccessary attempt to get X started | 11:35 |
Fooller | What's a good program for taking a backup? | 11:35 |
awen | stdin: thx | 11:35 |
shai | can anyone help me?? | 11:35 |
level1_ | ddjikic: I'm out of ideas | 11:35 |
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ddjikic | level1_ : :( | 11:35 |
Urilock | does anyone know a way to get the compiz-manager? | 11:35 |
shai | i think you can write sudo apt-get install compiz-manager | 11:36 |
Urilock | for some reason its not in there | 11:36 |
Urilock | E: Couldn't find package compiz-manager | 11:36 |
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LPn | apt-get update | 11:37 |
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tobias | okay.... | 11:37 |
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Sanne | Urilock: you can search for a package at packages.ubuntu.com, maybe it's called differently? | 11:37 |
shai | yeah you should update your sources | 11:37 |
tobias | I dont the heck get why xgl works not | 11:37 |
tobias | ._. | 11:37 |
shai | and also enable all repositories | 11:37 |
tobias_ | its my other sessoin with xgl right here <.< | 11:37 |
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ddjikic | tobas_ : did you installed a driver for you graphic card | 11:39 |
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tobias | ddjikic: yes, the fglrx driver | 11:39 |
tobias | go to amd.ati.com | 11:39 |
tobias | download the driver there | 11:40 |
tobias | and install it | 11:40 |
tobias | that worked fine for me | 11:40 |
tobias | then edit your xorg.conf so that your standard driver is fglrx | 11:40 |
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hydrogen | I just tried to install nvidia drivers... and now xorg won't show | 11:41 |
Urilock | all i could find is gnome-compiz-manager | 11:41 |
nosrednaekim | tobias: thats not the easiest way to do it... | 11:41 |
Urilock | do you think it would work? | 11:41 |
ddjikic | will se | 11:41 |
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nosrednaekim | tobias: its FAR easier to install it from the repositories | 11:41 |
hydrogen | I'm getting an (EE) No devices detected if I startx manually | 11:41 |
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hydrogen | hmm | 11:43 |
jhutchins | !bad device | hydrogen | 11:43 |
ubotu | hydrogen: If you are receiving an error similar to "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168", it can be safely ignored. If you want to get rid of the error messages then please visit this page: http://seerofsouls.com/wiki/How-Tos/BadDeviceErrors | 11:43 |
hydrogen | jhutchins: except thats not the error i'm getting | 11:43 |
hydrogen | and it can't be safely ignored because xorg won't start | 11:43 |
hydrogen | :) | 11:43 |
jhutchins | Yeah, I see that's an (EE). | 11:43 |
jhutchins | hydrogen: Well, it's prefectly safe... it just doesn't work. | 11:44 |
hydrogen | (WW) NVIDIA: No matching Device section for instance ( BusID PCI:1:0:0) found | 11:44 |
hydrogen | is right before no devices detected | 11:44 |
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awen | after upgrading to gutsy nearly all my Fn-key combinations stopped working on my IBM T42... anybody experienced something similar? | 11:45 |
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nosrednaekim | awen: go to #ubuntu+1 | 11:45 |
booya | disk-manager | 11:46 |
booya | !info disk-manager | 11:46 |
ubotu | Package disk-manager does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 11:46 |
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booya | !info diskmanager | 11:47 |
ubotu | Package diskmanager does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 11:47 |
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hydrogen | no worries | 11:48 |
hydrogen | I fixed it | 11:48 |
Fooller | How do I set password for recovery state? | 11:48 |
nosrednaekim | hydrogen: do a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 11:48 |
nosrednaekim | oh.. ok :P | 11:48 |
hydrogen | yea | 11:48 |
hydrogen | thats how I fixed it :) | 11:48 |
ddjikic | tobas_ : so screen found , i installed and put vesa | 11:50 |
ddjikic | e | 11:50 |
ddjikic | no vesa | 11:50 |
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ddjikic | fglrx | 11:50 |
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tobias | ddjikic: you put fglrx into your xorg.conf ? | 11:51 |
tobias | anyone can tell me why I cant download most of the compiz-fusion packages ? | 11:52 |
tobias | always lacks packages e.g. E: couldn't find compizconfig-settings-manager | 11:52 |
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RobNyc | Hello I need some help getting kde 3.5.7 | 11:53 |
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Urilock | on my dual boot screen it says im at version 6.04 or something | 11:54 |
RobNyc | !kde | 11:54 |
ubotu | KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information. | 11:54 |
Urilock | does the dual boot screen update | 11:56 |
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Urilock | because it says im running version 6.04 of feisty ubuntu | 11:56 |
Urilock | when im now pure kde | 11:56 |
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ddjikic | tobas_ : yes | 11:57 |
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elite101 | hey i just got kubuntu 7.04 is it any good? is feisty feet better than Dapper? | 11:58 |
stdin | elite101: yes, and yes | 11:58 |
elite101 | lol k | 11:58 |
elite101 | well im just going to install it | 11:58 |
ddjikic | elite101 : i have problems with video cart | 11:58 |
elite101 | ohh | 11:58 |
ddjikic | :) | 11:58 |
elite101 | well i have nvidia Vanta | 11:58 |
elite101 | its old | 11:58 |
xelnaga666 | hey there guys, Im looking for help with a Kubuntu vncserver. So far, with the client I have managed to connect to it tunnelled with ssh successfully. I have the gui pop up with just a grey screen and terminal though. Id like to be able to view the server (which is a laptop) in real time (as in for example, I move the mouse on vnc, it moves the pointer on the laptop screen). Any ideas how to achieve that? | 11:59 |
elite101 | so it should work since it works with kubuntu 6.06.1 | 11:59 |
stdin | elite101: you'll notice a difference between the two, a good difference | 11:59 |
ddjikic | elite101 : x1400 for some is working but not for me | 11:59 |
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elite101 | ohh well i only use 1200 | 11:59 |
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elite101 | ;) | 11:59 |
elite101 | bye | 11:59 |
Uril | WOAH | 11:59 |
Uril | i just press shift + backspace + backspace :c | 12:00 |
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Uril | and bam | 12:00 |
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stdin | then you know not to do that again :p | 12:00 |
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ddjikic | tobas: i tryed this | 12:01 |
ddjikic | sudo apt-get install linux-686 xorg-driver-fglrx | 12:01 |
ddjikic | sudo aticonfig --initial | 12:01 |
ddjikic | sudo aticonfig --ovt=Xv | 12:01 |
ddjikic | reboot now | 12:01 |
ddjikic | and working | 12:01 |
martijn81 | !paste | 12:01 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 12:01 |
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Urilock | im off to #kubuntu-offtopic :P | 12:01 |
Urilock | i want to get dualscreen | 12:02 |
Urilock | hm | 12:02 |
Urilock | i mean | 12:02 |
Urilock | my desk is big enough | 12:02 |
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ddjikic | sorry | 12:03 |
tobias_ | ddjikic: it all worked now ? | 12:04 |
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=== trekdanne wants dual screen too | ||
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lewis_ | OMG | 12:04 |
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ddjikic | tobas : yes | 12:04 |
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Urilock | i just did it again D: | 12:04 |
ddjikic | tobas : exept the fan on my grapic card | 12:05 |
stdin | Urilock: client? | 12:05 |
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Urilock | shift+backspace | 12:05 |
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stdin | Urilock: what client? | 12:05 |
Urilock | kubuntu feisty latest? is that what you mean? | 12:06 |
stdin | no IRC client | 12:06 |
Urilock | oh | 12:06 |
Urilock | it did it in messanger | 12:06 |
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stdin | kopete? | 12:06 |
Urilock | kopete | 12:06 |
Urilock | when i do it | 12:06 |
Urilock | the whole screen goes black | 12:06 |
Urilock | and i have to do that same command to get it back | 12:07 |
sebbar | hi, I'm trying to open a rm stream with kaffeine and it plays, the problem is that I have no sound. Any idea what the problem might be? | 12:07 |
Urilock | and it logs me out | 12:07 |
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stdin | Urilock: it may be a kde settings to logout, system settings > keyboard & mouse > shortcuts | 12:08 |
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stdin | sebbar: realplayer may handle it better https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealplayerInstallationMethods | 12:09 |
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Tomi-idle | anybody have an idea why mplayer plug-in for firefox sometimes doens't start playing some movie files, but you have to click play many times and then it might start playing | 12:09 |
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RobNyc | !gpg | 12:12 |
ubotu | gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts | 12:12 |
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Urilock | whats the command to reinstal ubuntu? | 12:13 |
stdin | apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ? | 12:14 |
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tobias_ | sounds good stdin :p | 12:14 |
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