
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-classroom.log
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-classroom: Ubuntu Open Week info: Information and Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek | Ubuntu classroom transcripts: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts
=== Topic (#ubuntu-classroom): set by nalioth at Fri Jun 8 21:28:23 2007
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=== Theimon [n=theimon@cp353526-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
univremonsterok so what is the difference you were speaking of03:50
Theimonhard to explain things with 1000+ people in a channel03:50
Theimonyou have vmware player03:50
univremonsterI do03:50
Theimonwith the XP VM03:50
Theimonfrom some how-to i believe03:50
univremonsteryes, 320 Mb I think03:50
Theimonthe thing is03:51
univremonsterwell, actually from help on this channel03:51
Theimonhmm well, there's a how-to on ubuntuforums03:51
Theimondoesnt matter03:51
Theimonanyway the thing is03:51
Theimonyou can use the player only to run existing VMs03:51
Theimonrendering your XP DVD useless03:52
univremonsterok, so I got a VM from the website03:52
Theimonwhen you use vmware workstation you can create your own VMs03:52
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
Theimonand thats when your XP DVD kicks in03:52
univremonsterTheimon; so I have to do another install?03:53
univremonstercan't I just go here?  http://www.easyvmx.com/cgi-bin/create-supersimple.cgi?filetime=2007-08-14-17%3A44%3A14&hwaddr0=00%3A0c%3A29%3A6b%3A6d%3Afe&vmname=Windows+XP+virtual+machine&guestOS=winXPPro&memory=2048&ide0_0file=4800Mb&ide1_1file=.iso03:53
Theimonwell, when you install vmware workstation, it'll install the player too03:53
Theimonnever saw that before03:54
Theimoni got workstation going with a bunch of XP disks03:54
Theimonbut i think you can use that03:54
univremonsteralright so I have a virtual machine from there03:54
univremonsterbut it keeps saying "can't find operating system" or something of the like03:54
univremonsterI can run it to get the exact error03:55
univremonsterok so on starting up I get "Failed to open sound device /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy03:55
univremonsterVirtual device sound will start03:55
univremonsterCannot connect virtual device parallel0. No corresponding device is available on the host.03:55
univremonsterWould you like an attempt to be made to connect this virtual device every time you power on the virtual machine?03:55
univremonsterCannot connect virtual device serial0. No corresponding device is available on the host.03:56
univremonsterWould you like an attempt to be made to connect this virtual device every time you power on the virtual machine?03:56
univremonsterI hit "yes" for those03:56
Theimonparralel and serial means it will try to connect to those specific ports03:56
univremonsterthen it tells me "No bootable CD, floppy or hard disk was detected.03:56
univremonsterTo install an operating system, insert a bootable CD or floppy and restart the virtual machine by clicking the Reset button."03:56
univremonsterwhich is why I was trying to do this off the XP DVD03:56
Theimonwhen you boot up the VM03:56
Theimonyou get the "POST" screen03:57
Theimonoh wait03:57
Theimonharddisk too03:57
Theimonlemme think03:57
Theimonyou selected the right .vmx?03:58
univremonsteryea, I only have the one03:58
Theimoncbecause just now i started vmware player, selected a .vmx and it boots up perfectly03:59
Theimoni think the .vmx you have is somehow disfunctional03:59
univremonsterwhich distro are you using?03:59
univremonsterof Ubuntu03:59
Theimonfeisty 32bit03:59
univremonsterI have fiesty 64... do you think I should force-architecture to 32?04:00
Theimoni dont think 64bits is well supported04:00
Theimonso I should give it a try04:00
univremonsterI've done this once...with Java... 6 months ago... it will take me a while.  I'll let you know if it works04:01
Theimonits the main reason why i still run 32bit....even though i have an AMD64 X204:01
Theimongood luck04:01
Theimoni'll leave this channel open too04:02
univremonsterTheimonAfk; I'm re-downloading... it's 65 Mb so this will really take quite some time04:21
TheimonAfkgot dialup?04:22
univremonsternah, but the high-speed here isn't the greatest04:22
univremonsterdo you know how to force architecture on a tar?  I've only done it on a deb04:23
TheimonAfknope sorry, i dont know that04:23
univremonsterTheimonAfk; ok so I have a 64-bit XP VM.  Now it runs, but I get the error "The vlance NIC is not supported for 64-bit guests in this release. Please consult the documentation for the appropriate type of NIC to use with 64-bit guests.05:03
univremonsterFailed to configure ethernet0."05:03
univremonsterand my screen is just black...05:04
TheimonAfkso thats the virtual XP complaining..05:04
univremonsterbut shouldn't my screen look like XP?05:04
univremonsternot that I'm sure what a vlance is or and NIC05:05
TheimonAfkwell, maybe it warns beforehand, which is ok...in a way05:05
TheimonAfkmaybe you can check their forums, could be someone else had this problem too05:05
univremonsterok so using Google, looks like vlance is just an ethernet thing.  I'm cool with ethernet not working05:05
TheimonAfkso you want XP without internet?05:06
TheimonAfkwhat are you going to do with it then?05:06
TheimonAfkwell, I dont know for sure but you can probably disable ethernet somewhere in options05:07
univremonsterI can click "ok" on the error message05:08
univremonsterhowever, my screen is just black after that05:08
TheimonAfkhmm, than I would consult their forums, i have never experienced that error05:09
univremonsterTheimonAfk; I seem to be charting all sorts of unexplored errors today... I think I'm going to do a restart and see if that helps, I've changed a lot of stuff today.  Thanks for your help!05:10
TheimonAfksure man, no problem05:10
TheimonAfkgood luck and have fun :)05:10
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
=== HarKoT [n=tony@bpb01-1-88-162-5-1.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
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=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-classroom.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
=== Topic for #ubuntu-classroom: Ubuntu Open Week info: Information and Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek | Ubuntu classroom transcripts: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts
=== Topic (#ubuntu-classroom): set by nalioth at Fri Jun 8 21:28:23 2007
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