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=== Topic (#ubuntu-doc): set by crimsun at Sat Dec 30 01:13:50 2006
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=== Topic (#ubuntu-doc): set by crimsun at Sat Dec 30 01:13:50 2006
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robotgeekdamn, i dozed off. what a waste of useful time06:34
Admiral_Chicagowoot. I get to do doc work today07:03
Admiral_Chicagoheya robotgeek07:03
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mdkempt: interesting about the license; wonder if Gnome will adopt it09:05
mdkedsas: no attachment...09:19
dsasmdke: doh! I do that too often.09:20
mdkeme too :)09:20
dsasA thunderbird extension to scan the text of your mail for 'attach*' and warn you if there's not an attachment would be nice.09:22
=== mdke nods
mdkeso deskbar is there by default eh?09:23
mdkewhat is deskbar?09:23
mdkeah, it's that irritating search thing09:25
mdkedsas: does it not have any yelp documentation?09:27
dsasmdke: no there's no help link when I right click on it.09:27
dsasI didn't actually search yelp though... I'll have a look.09:27
mdkehmm, bad09:27
mdkeso is that yet another search option we need to include in the searching files section; or is it integrated with tracker?09:28
dsasthere is help, but the yelp search function doesn't find it.09:28
dsasI think it uses whatever nautilus does. but might not be right.09:29
mdkeperhaps we should say "for more about searching, see *link*"09:29
dsasok, i'll link to the help too.09:29
mdkelink to the bit in the userguide which deals with searching, if you can09:30
mdkewhoops; user-guide#nautilus-searching09:31
dsashmm, interesting that nautilus seems to have *two* search interfaces. places->search on the panel and places->search from a nautilus window.09:36
dsasthe deskbar applet manual basically just consists of copyright info. So there's no point linking to it.09:36
mdkedsas: on feisty the manual is quite good; are you sure? try /usr/share/gnome/help/deskbar/c/deskbar.xml09:37
mdkewell, it's large; not sure about good09:37
dsasall seems to be commented out here (gutsy)09:39
mdkedsas: you don't have introduction/usage/settings/about09:39
mdkemaybe give them a poke upstream and see what's going on09:40
dsasI have introduction and about09:40
mdkeperhaps they didn't have time to update it and commented it out09:40
mdkedsas: if you fancy it, you might be able to help them :)09:41
dsasmdke: ok, i'll get in touch with them. Should we link to #nautilus-search regardless of the quality of the deskbar manual?09:46
mdkedsas: yes I think so; because I believe there is someone interested in expanding that section to deal with searching generally09:53
mdkedsas: I've added you to the authors list btw; afaics there isn't anything more we need to do, licence wise. I can't remember if we need to change the title of the document for our modification, probably we do09:57
mdkempt: ^^ ?09:58
dsasI think we do yes, (each gnome manual used to be titled e.g. "gnome-terminal v2.8 manual" for precisely that reason.10:01
dsasthey stopped doing that because they realised their doc team wasn't likely to sue theirselves (or something)10:03
mdkedsas: ok, i have to go to work; if you do an amended patch I'll apply it this evening10:04
dsasok, I have to leave the house in 10 mins myself. have fun.10:05
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mdkehiya philbull10:21
philbullhey mdke10:21
philbullpitti seems interested in the restricted-manager docs10:22
philbull(it is installed by default in Gutsy)10:22
mdkejust not on your system?10:23
philbullthere was a bug in tribe 2 which deselected it10:24
philbullubuntu-desktop only recommends it, so it hadn't been installed in subsequent updates10:24
philbullmdke: do you have any ideas on how to open Yelp from a python app?10:25
mdkephilbull: "yelp"?10:25
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philbullwe were thinking of using gnome.help_display('topic-name')10:26
mdkefraid I know nothing about python; but just however all apps do it from the help menu, I guess10:26
philbullnot to worry10:26
mdkewould be useful to link more to the help system in general, actually10:27
mdkeI have the feeling that no one reads it, i've been worrying a lot recently about how we could improve that10:27
philbullme too10:28
philbullNow that deskbar-applet is installed by default...10:28
philbull'Get help on $search_string'10:28
mdkewould be good10:29
philbullShouldn't be too difficult10:29
mdkeyou could propose it upstream; I guess it's way too late for this release though10:29
mdkeso about searching; is tracker integrated with deskbar and nautilus, or are there three separate search mechanisms?10:29
philbullThis tracker thing has been confusing me.10:30
philbullThere's a spec up at freedesktop.org10:30
philbullThis would allow a common API for all of the desktop search tools (beagle, tracker, strigi?)10:31
philbullBut GNOME seem to have really bought into Beagle10:31
philbullYelp optionally uses Beagle, so does deskbar-applet and nautilus10:31
mdkebut Ubuntu has bought into tracker?10:32
philbulltracker probably has patches for nautilus and deskbar-applet10:32
philbullbut I'm not so sure about Yelp10:33
mdkeok, so nautilus and deskbar use tracker?10:33
mdkeI wish there was better communication about new features in Ubuntu :)10:33
philbullthey always add features at what seems like the last minute!10:34
mdkeyes, well that's ok; we just need to know more about it10:34
philbullI normally watch the GNOME release note draft10:35
philbullit's a mess this release, though10:35
philbulldid you notice the new Yelp upload replaces the ubuntu-docs front page?10:36
mdkenot intentionally, I don't think. What does it look like?10:38
philbullIn gutsy, Yelp currently has the default GNOME front page, rather than ours10:38
philbullWasn't Don Scorgie making some pretty big changes?10:38
mdkeperhaps our patch is broken, I'll ask him10:39
philbullIt only changed in the updates earlier today10:39
mdkeI'll ask him10:40
philbullAh, I forgot to ask:10:43
philbullHow are the GNOME docs? Is any more work needed on customising them?10:44
mdkeI don't really know, I would have thought so10:45
mdkeI've just started a thread on their list about a good way to deal with the fact that they keep mentioning "Gnome" all the time rather than $distro or "desktop"10:46
mdkeother than that, just read and see what you think: probably there are a lot of aspects which need work upstream as well as in Ubuntu10:47
philbullhow is the gnome doc team for contributors?10:48
mdkephilbull: really bad :)10:52
mdkeI don't think anyone is really working on docs at the moment10:52
philbullwe might have to lend a hand...10:53
philbullafter string freeze maybe10:54
philbullI'll be going back to uni then though, so won't have as much free time10:55
mdkephilbull: no free time at uni?10:58
mdkewhat sort of uni is this?10:58
philbullhe he, physics degree10:59
philbullall my 'free time' is filled with maths (or drinking)10:59
mdkemust be different with physics10:59
philbullI can still contribute, its just that I can't do things at crazy hours like I do ATM11:00
philbulldid you take a degree, then?11:01
mdkeyeah, I miss Uni11:01
philbulli'm intending to stay in uni as long as possible11:01
mdkeheh. a friend of mine did that, a lot of physics11:02
philbullhowever much you do, it's never enough...11:03
philbullthere's always something to catch you out!11:03
mdkeI got pretty tired of studying though; there is only so much you can put up with11:04
philbullwhat degree did you take?11:05
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philbull'night guys11:34
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