
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
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=== Topic (#ubuntu-fridge): set by Seveas at Sun Nov 26 11:51:12 2006
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-fridge: Refrigerating in process!
=== Topic (#ubuntu-fridge): set by Seveas at Sun Nov 26 11:51:12 2006
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-fridge: Refrigerating in process!
=== Topic (#ubuntu-fridge): set by Seveas at Sun Nov 26 11:51:12 2006
mdkeRinchen: cool thanks08:35
=== wyn [n=riven@dsl-243-124-120.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
=== wyn5 [n=riven@dsl-243-124-120.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
Rinchenoff for food08:44
=== tck [n=tck@213-202-190-87.bas504.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
=== DarkRaven [n=dvwyngaa@dsl-243-124-120.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
=== tck [n=tck@213-202-190-87.bas504.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
=== DarkRaven [n=dvwyngaa@dsl-243-124-120.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
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LaserJocknew story in Fridge10:38
LaserJocksomebody please have a look10:39
mdkeI will10:40
mdkeLaserJock: would you do an ubuntu-docs upload in return? Just bump the version number and say "new material" or something; packaging should be unchanged I hope10:40
LaserJockno dholbach eh?10:42
mdkehe's on holiday until friday ish10:42
LaserJockoh, right10:42
LaserJockmdke: current revision is 4224 right?10:43
mdkeLaserJock: looks like 424410:45
LaserJockheh, just my dyslexia10:46
mdkearticle's live, nice one10:46
LaserJockmdke: do we ship libs/pdf/ ?10:49
mdkeLaserJock: dunno10:52
LaserJockthe answer is no10:52
LaserJocka lot has changed in generic/10:52
mdkelibs/pdf is shipped in my version10:53
LaserJockhmm, its not in 7.07.110:53
mdkeah, did you run the magic delete script?10:53
mdke(I forgot to)10:53
mdkedo that10:53
LaserJockI'm cowboying it10:53
mdkesee the README.Debian file, i think10:54
LaserJockthat helped :-)10:56
mdkesorry, I forgot about that bit10:58
LaserJockme too10:58
LaserJockok, source package built10:58
LaserJockI'll just do a quick test build and then upload10:58
LaserJockmdke: uploaded11:21

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