
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-installer.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-installer
=== Topic for #ubuntu-installer: Development of d-i and ubiquity in Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallerDevelopment
=== Topic (#ubuntu-installer): set by cjwatson at Fri Jan 5 15:12:40 2007
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xivulonevand, cjwatson, how is the alternate/live iso supposed to be preseeded with respect to wubi?12:27
evandxivulon: I would image the same way as before, via initrd preseeding.  I don't believe I fully understand your question.03:04
=== cr3 [n=marc@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-installer
=== thefloydfan [n=FloydFan@cable-66-103-63-26.dyn.personainc.net] has joined #ubuntu-installer
thefloydfancan anybody here help me troubleshoot my installation problems?03:52
thefloydfanI'm Getting the common can't access TTY and turning off job control. If I do a modprobe piix it takes FOREVER to get to the desktop. The installer frezzes while scanning disks.03:54
xivulonevand , my understanding of initrd preseeding is that the file has to be on the root directory of the initrd. But the initrd is on a CD and the preseed file is going to be on the HD, left there by the windows frontend...05:14
xivulonI'd need to be able to pass as a kernel argument the device and folder where to find the preseed file, something closer to hd-media preseeding.05:17
xivulonDid I miss anything?05:17
evandxivulon: Weren't you using initrd preseeding before?05:20
evandxivulon: my understanding is that initrd preseeding is the only way to entirely preseed during an alternate cd install.  However, you can use file= or url= on the kernel cmdline to preseed ubiquity.05:27
evandon the livecd, obviously05:27
=== bdmurray [n=bdmurray@mylar.outflux.net] has joined #ubuntu-installer
bdmurrayevand: have you seen bug 128165?  The use case seems interesting to me06:12
xivulonevand, the way it was done before, was to scan the HD for the wubi folder, mount the host folder, then copy the preseed in there to the initrd root (thus triggering an initrd preseed).06:21
xivulonSo in a sense the initrd was similar to the hd-media initrd. The alternate/live CD initrd do not have HD scanning functionality as far as I am aware. Also in order to have initrd preseed, that functionality has to be in an early stage.06:22
bdmurrayevand: I spoke with the reporter if you have any questions.  It seems they manually setup IP configuration but did not have the cable connected.  They were going to connect it to the network later.06:23
evandbdmurray: ahh, that makes it a little more clear.  OK, I'll give that a shot and see what happens.  No promises on it today as FF is tomorrow and I'm in a panic to get large amounts of code in.06:24
bdmurrayevand: My question was more "is this a valid use case?"  I don't think it is very high priority.06:27
evandbdmurray: ah, I'd wager not, as the installer should be able to assume that you're planning on using the network configuration right away if you're manually configuring it, but perhaps cjwatson would have a different opinion.06:29
bdmurrayOkay, I think the original reporter was under the impression he was configuring the network for the installed system not the installling system.06:31
bdmurrayAnd I was not sure of the relationship between the two.06:31
evandI believe they're assumed to be one in the same.  Is there any reason why he couldn't have the network cable plugged in during the install?06:32
bdmurrayI didn't ask that particular question.06:35
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=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-installer
=== Topic for #ubuntu-installer: Development of d-i and ubiquity in Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallerDevelopment
=== Topic (#ubuntu-installer): set by cjwatson at Fri Jan 5 15:12:40 2007
cr3how can I make the installation poweroff rather than reboot?10:08
cr3I tried adding poweroff to the late_command script but that exits 1. I also tried calling in-target poweroff and that exits 1.10:09
cr3just calling poweroff works though, so I'll just drop in-target10:11
evandcr3: from googling, no idea if it works: debian-installer/exit/halt and debian-installer/exit/always_halt10:18
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