
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-java
=== Topic for #ubuntu-java: Ubuntu Java packaging matters. For Java coding questions please visit ##java
=== Topic (#ubuntu-java): set by vil at Thu Aug 2 16:35:04 2007
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=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-java
=== Topic for #ubuntu-java: Ubuntu Java packaging matters. For Java coding questions please visit ##java
=== Topic (#ubuntu-java): set by vil at Thu Aug 2 16:35:04 2007
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-java: Ubuntu Java packaging matters. For Java coding questions please visit ##java
=== Topic (#ubuntu-java): set by vil at Thu Aug 2 16:35:04 2007
=== xhaker [n=xhaker@83-223-179-80.cpe.netmadeira.com] has joined #ubuntu-java
xhakerman-di, Hi, i'm wondering if you could help me get eclipse 3.3 into ubuntu gutsy :d08:54
=== xhaker_ [n=xhaker@83-223-186-56.cpe.netmadeira.com] has joined #ubuntu-java
xhakeranyone here willing to help packaging eclipse 3.3?10:01
vilyeah, man-di does all the fun stuff10:03
vilseriously, man-di, how can we help?10:04
villast time you mentioned jetty10:04
vilis that still valid?10:05
xhakervil, are you lapacek?10:11
vilxhaker, that's me :)10:12
xhakerohh, atleast i can guess :D10:12
xhakerwhat's man-di real name?10:13
xhakerdoko directed me to him/her10:13
vilhope that it's not secret :)10:14
viltype in /whois man-di10:14
vil ;)10:14
xhakerhad figured it out before10:15
xhakerthat whois command is awesome <\sarcasm>10:16
xhakeri forget that in these irc servers people actually identify themselves10:16
xhakerwell, there's qualified manpower then. let's see if there's enormous power of will10:18
vilman-di is very active here and at debian-java10:18
xhakeryep, i can see that from the changelogs10:18
xhakeri've apt-get source eclipse10:19
xhakernot sure how to get the orig.tar.gz10:19
xhakerit is clearly smaller than the tar.gz i downloaded10:19
vilwell, I don't remember exactly as I did not care about it for a while now10:21
vilbut it is either a snapshot from the web10:21
vilor export from the eclipse cvs10:22
xhakerthere is a watch file10:22
vileither way, the size will differ because it has all .jar .so .dll etc. deleted10:22
xhakerftp://ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de/pub/Mirrors/eclipse/R-([\d\.-] *)/eclipse-sourceBuild-srcIncluded-(.*)\.zip10:22
xhakeris there a script to do that trimming?10:23
vilI don't think so10:25
=== joetheodd [n=joe@dpc674776052.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-java
vilalthough it is a good idea to create one either as part of rules or stand-alone10:26
=== pygi [n=mario@157-186.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-java
=== pygi [n=mario@157-186.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-java

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