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=== Topic for #ubuntu-kernel: Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | Latest kernel upload: 2.6.22-9.25 | Latest news: -rt and -xen kernels re-added | New Kernel Team machine: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/
=== Topic (#ubuntu-kernel): set by lamont at Fri Aug 3 16:12:28 2007
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joris_I have a rather odd feisty problem. Machine with a core2quad cpu with a 2.6.20-16-generic kernel works very fast, altough with only 3.2 out of 8GB of ram. Installing the 2.6.20-16-server kernel halves disk IO speed (measurably) and subjectively decimates CPU performance... I'm at a complete loss08:09
joris_I filed a bugreport containing some more info https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=2.6.20-16-server&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=New&field.status%3Alist=Incomplete&field.status%3Alist=Confirmed&field.status%3Alist=Triaged&field.status%3Alist=In+Progress&field.status%3Alist=Fix+Committed&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package=08:09
joris_wrong url, sorry08:10
BenCjoris_: are you trying 32-bit or 64-bit kernel?08:12
BenCTry 64-bit08:13
fabbionehey BenC 08:13
BenChey fabbione08:14
joris_(hmmz, I can't seem to find my own bugreport on launchpad..)08:14
joris_bug id #13257708:15
joris_BenC: do you mean to install an x86_64 optimized kernel, or switching the entire distro to 64bit?08:16
BenCwell, you have to do the entire distro08:16
BenCbut you could just do a kernel, but it wont be easy08:16
joris_it's supposed to become a fat server (for thin clients) for a school... they'll need some 32bit apps like flash08:17
joris_BenC: apt-pinning feisty/amd64 for linux-image*?08:18
fabbioneno you can't use pinning for this08:18
BenCthis is taking a .deb by hand and dpkg-deb extract/control -> build08:18
BenCand having to continue doing it for security updates08:19
joris_hmm... not fun08:19
BenCyou can't use a chroot for the 32-bit thin clients?08:19
joris_is it a known problem? is it worth the effort to try to bugfix this?08:19
fabbionejoris_: are you using LTSP ?08:19
fabbioneor some manually crafted thin client installation?08:20
BenCit's not a bug...just 32-bit can only handle but so much (the slowdown on -server is a bug though)08:20
joris_BenC: possibly yes, but I'm having enough trouble getting LTSP up and running without doing an arch transposition08:20
joris_fabbione: no, edubuntu ltsp :)08:20
fabbionejoris_: ok. i suggest you wait one hour or so and talk to ogra08:20
fabbionejoris_: i think he did put some work into running an amd64 server with 32bit thin client for flash and stuff08:21
joris_he'll be on here?08:21
fabbionehe is no kernel expert but he is the LTSP guru08:21
joris_nice :)08:21
fabbionein #edubuntu or #ubuntu-devel08:21
joris_I'll see if I can remotely reinstall the machine to amd6408:21
fabbionebut he is not awake yet for what i can see08:21
fabbionei'd recommend to talk to ogra first08:22
fabbioneand see what's the best way to handle it08:22
joris_well, I don't know yet if going to amd64 will fix the lack of performance08:22
BenCjoris_: you could try booting an amd64 livecd and see what it would do08:34
BenCpretty sure it would handle the memory a lot better08:35
mjg59joris_: Your BIOS doesn't set MTRRs for the upper memory08:37
mjg59So it's all flagged as uncacheable, and performance sucks08:37
mjg59It's unlikely that using a 64-bit kernel will help her08:37
BenCah, there's a better answer08:37
mjg59We really need PAT support in Linux, but nobody's written an implementation the maintainer is happy with08:38
joris_mjg59: hmmm08:45
joris_mjg59: that's not good08:46
joris_and this is why I recommended using a server board, but they wanted to save 100 bucks08:46
joris_mjg59: the effect is really surprisingly strong btw08:47
mjg59Yes, it will be08:47
mjg59The machine will be basically unusable08:47
joris_it's not like a 10% slowdown, it's more like a 95% slowdown08:47
joris_it is indeed08:47
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joris_mjg59: anything I can try to objectively measure this?08:56
mjg59joris_: Not really - it'll depend on workloads and where in memory stuff gets allocated08:57
mjg59The bottom ~4GB is probably flagged cacheable, but the kernel will be loaded higher08:58
mjg59So if your code is in the cacheable region and doesn't make any syscalls, it'll probably run fairly fast08:58
joris_without programming C there is no way to put a benchmark util in upper or lower memory, I presume09:00
Mithrandirtake out half the memory and see if it improves vastly?09:01
mjg59There's no way to do it at all09:01
mjg59You're at the mercy of the kernel in terms of where your app ends up09:01
joris_Mithrandir: that's what happens with the desktop kernel, presumably09:02
joris_mjg59: ok :(09:02
mjg59It's a genuine failing in Linux to implement PAT, but it's also a BIOS issue to fail to set the MTRRs sanely09:02
Mithrandirjoris_: presumably, yes.09:02
mjg59You can boot with different values of mem= to find the maximum you can get away with09:02
mjg59joris_: Adding the output of cat /proc/mtrr to the bug would be helpful09:03
joris_mjg59: is there any logic in the values to try?09:03
joris_mjg59: will do so09:03
mjg59joris_: Look at /proc/mtrr. Figure out the highest address that's flagged write-back or write-through.09:03
mjg59That's the maximum amount of RAM you can use09:03
joris_as soon as the machine finishes installing sysinfo (half an hour and counting)09:04
joris_mjg59: it's attached09:09
mjg59joris_: Thanks - what was the bug number, again?09:09
joris_what does write-combining mean?09:10
mjg59joris_: Looks like you're not going to get more than 3584MB09:12
mjg59joris_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Write-combining :)09:12
joris_ouch :(09:13
mjg59The mtrrs simply don't cover more than that09:13
joris_mjg59: do you know off hat what unit/syntax does the kernel mem= parameter accept?09:18
joris_'mem=xyzM' ?09:19
joris_mem=3584M it is then09:20
mjg59Might end up needing to be slightly lower than that09:21
mjg59But give that a go first09:21
joris_okay, here goes nothing09:22
joris_that worked :)09:24
joris_it's most likely an intel 965-based motherboard09:25
mjg59All you can really do at this point is check for a bios update, I'm afraid09:26
joris_yep... makes sense :/09:27
mjg59Or wait for PAT support09:27
joris_I'll break the bad news09:27
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lamontmorning zul03:05
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zulhi lamont how goes it?03:22
lamontgenerally pretty well03:22
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instabin|workIs any one working on getting the nvidia 100.14.11 drivers in to gutsy04:27
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NativeAngelsis there anyone in here who knows about unrealirc and neostats10:42
=== verwilst [n=verwilst@d51A4A585.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
mjg59NativeAngels: This sounds like the wrong place to ask10:42
NativeAngelsi know10:43
verwilsti'm building the -xen kernel for amd6410:44
verwilsti did an apt-get source linux-source-2.6.2210:44
verwilstand then debuild10:44
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verwilstbut this will take aaaages :)10:44
verwilstis there an easy way to only build the -xen kernel?10:44
verwilstit's done "build-generic  build-server  custom-build-rt  custom-source-rt" so far :)10:45
verwilstbtw any reason why -xen is i386-only?10:45
verwilstand not amd64?10:45
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JanCverwilst: because it doesn't compile on amd64 AFAIK  :)11:14
verwilstwe'll soon know =-11:14
verwilsti'm compiling it now11:14
JanCI might be wrong, but I'm sure there must be a good reason11:15
verwilsti could really use an amd64 version of the -xen though :)11:16
verwilstthe 2.6.18 from xensource has ext3 corruption11:16
verwilstas i experienced :p11:16
JanCXen patches seem to be constantly outdated compared to current kernels anyway  :)11:16
verwilstmaybe i should just use a 32bit system instead of a 64bit..11:17
verwilstbut 64bit is a lot faster imo11:17
verwilstdoes the -generic have pae?11:17
JanChm, what's the kernel config option for PAE again?11:23
JanCanyway, there are -server kernels too11:24
verwilsti need to use -xen, stupid me :)11:25
verwilst32bit, with -xen11:25
verwilstcan i go over 4GB RAM with it?11:25
JanCI have no -xen kernels installed11:27
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JanCI guess they support > 4 GiB of RAM if the patch allows for it11:30
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