
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-meeting.log
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-meeting: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 15 Aug 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 16 Aug 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 20 Aug 22:00 UTC: Forum Council meeting | 21 Aug 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 22 Aug 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 22 Aug 20:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers
=== Topic (#ubuntu-meeting): set by ubotu at Tue Aug 14 23:30:23 2007
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ubotuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 15 Aug 20:00: Edubuntu | 16 Aug 20:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 20 Aug 22:00: Forum Council meeting | 21 Aug 15:00: Kernel Team | 22 Aug 12:00: Edubuntu | 22 Aug 20:00: Xubuntu Developers02:05
highvoltagehmmm, isn't the launchpad-users meeting also supposed to be in there?02:05
highvoltageSeveas: does ubotu get the schedule from the fridge?02:06
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popeySeveas is on holiday isn't he?04:43
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Hobbseepopey: no, he's back04:44
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Seveaspopey, I'm back06:33
popeyso i see :)06:33
Seveashighvoltage, yes, from the fridge06:33
BFTD@schedule los_angles06:34
BFTD@schedule los_angeles06:35
ubotuSchedule for America/Los_Angeles: 15 Aug 13:00: Edubuntu | 16 Aug 13:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 20 Aug 15:00: Forum Council meeting | 21 Aug 08:00: Kernel Team | 22 Aug 05:00: Edubuntu | 22 Aug 13:00: Xubuntu Developers06:35
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=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== Topic for #ubuntu-meeting: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 15 Aug 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 16 Aug 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 20 Aug 22:00 UTC: Forum Council meeting | 21 Aug 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 22 Aug 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 22 Aug 20:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers
=== Topic (#ubuntu-meeting): set by ubotu at Tue Aug 14 23:30:23 2007
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: Edubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 16 Aug 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 20 Aug 22:00 UTC: Forum Council meeting | 21 Aug 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 22 Aug 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 22 Aug 20:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers
=== RichEd [n=richard@dsl-245-185-83.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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RichEdhi ... coffee and right back and then we kick off10:00
=== ogra waits for his coffee to arrive ...
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=== ogra got his coffee ....
=== ogra waves
RichEdback ...10:05
RichEdogra kicks off with technical10:06
ograwell, tribe 4 is out ... it was a heavy baby to raise this time ...10:06
ogratook me quite some time to make the CDs work at all this time10:07
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ogralots and lots of thanks go to LaserJock who took care for the live CDs10:07
LaserJockit was fun10:07
ograand was well done :)10:07
LaserJockwell, it made it anyway10:08
ograi wouldnt have managed tribe 4 without you, kudos, really10:08
LaserJockI just help where I can :-)10:08
=== pips1 cheers for LaserJock
LaserJockI can't do the real stuff like ogra10:08
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=== RichEd adds a cheer for LaserJock
=== pips1 greets jono
jonohey pips110:09
ograLaserJock, there isnt much more involved than maintaining seeds, building metaoackages and ask for iso rebuilds10:09
ograno magic anymore :)10:10
ograanyway, beyond that scott (who went camping with his family today) wroked his ass off to get ldm2 complete before feature freeze10:10
=== GCoonrod [i=GCoonrod@gsc-dhcp-0510.tamu.edu] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
ograi'm working on merging his last changes before tomorrow10:11
LaserJockthree cheers for Scotty10:11
ograi havent gotten his stuff building yet though10:11
ograwill keep me busy tomorrow10:11
LaserJockit sounds great though10:11
ograyeah, its all complete10:12
LaserJockreally what people are needing10:12
LaserJockhow are the spec doing as we head to Tribe 5?10:12
ograa list of features (c&p from a mail from scott):10:12
ogra1) Translated into C: check10:12
ogra2) Eliminated delayed mounter: check.10:12
ogra3) Greeter: check.10:12
ogra4) Selectable lang, session, and host: check.10:12
ogra5) Fixed up some server side things for handling multi-hosts: check.10:12
ogra6) Better password handling: check.10:12
ogra7) i18n: added tonight (don't know if I did it right)10:12
ograldm finally will be translatable, it has proper error messages now, we support multiple application servers to log in to and its a lot speedier ...10:13
ograoh, and we have autologin and unencrypted X transport ....10:13
ogranot perfect yet but looots better than any ldm before10:14
ograi merged some other fixes, we now support serial lcd touchpads (in some industrial PCs)10:15
ograoh, he's here ....10:16
ogratoonix wrote an article for the german linux magazin about ltsp ...10:16
ograeverybody take a bow10:17
LaserJocktoonix: cool10:17
toonixWell, I hope it's cool ;)10:18
LaserJockwell, I don't know german so I can't say it's not anyway ;-)10:19
=== finalbeta [n=gggggggg@d54C6865D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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ograLaserJocks changes are now in the server-addon CD, we still need icons, if you have a spare Gb of bandwith, try it out and do some testing of the UI changes and give feedback to the mailing list or irc10:19
LaserJockbtw, to test the menu anyway, you don't have to have gutsy10:20
=== pips1 makes note to himself to check out the linux magazin
ografeature freeze is tomorrow (as well as upstream version freeze) i havent heard anything from moquist about moodle yet :/10:21
LaserJockit should work in any Feisty or Gutsy Ubuntu or Edubuntu machine10:21
ograLaserJock, did you ?10:21
pips1toonix: nice nick :-)10:21
LaserJockI'm pretty sure we can get a UVF exception for it10:21
ograi hope so10:21
ograpitti will be on hneymoon10:21
LaserJockhow hard is feature freeze for the Addon CD10:21
LaserJockI was going to try to get a few more apps on10:21
ograas hard as always ...10:22
pips1re moodle :-/10:22
toonixNormally I call myself Tunix, but this nick is already occupied by someone at FreeNode.10:22
ograno freeze without exceptions ....10:22
ograits just a lot of paperwork10:22
LaserJockogra: but does a new app on the Addon CD count as  a Feature? I'm a bit fuzzy on what counts10:22
ogranah, i dont think you can call that a feature10:23
ograadding a new category for it to teh code might be one10:23
LaserJockoh interesting10:23
ograbut thats would be small enough to easily get an exception10:23
LaserJockno, I don't think categories should change10:24
LaserJockI think the ones I wanted were still Science/Math10:24
LaserJockI might need to get debian-cd patched to get the icons10:24
LaserJockI suppose I should do that ASAP10:24
ograhow big is that patch ?10:25
LaserJockvery small10:25
LaserJockjust a cp10:25
ogratrivial enough ...10:25
LaserJockI've already got debian-cd to use the app-install-data-edubuntu .deb10:26
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LaserJockI just need it to copy icons as well as the .desktop and .directory files10:26
ograoh, remind me to add that to the seeds10:26
LaserJockthat's only if we use new icons10:26
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LaserJockif we use existing icons (say from one of the apps) we don't need it10:27
ograwell, we still have enough time until final artwork freeze ...10:28
ogra(and even then ... its a bugfix)10:28
LaserJockso I'm pretty set10:28
LaserJockI've marked the spec as Beta Available10:28
LaserJockI didn't get to dynamic menus :(10:28
ograright, i'll go through the specs on the weekend and set the latest status10:29
LaserJockbut I think I'll start work on it soon so that it'll be ready to go for Gutsy+110:29
ograthat'd be cool10:29
ograi have a good bunch left from this round but LTSP got new blood at ubuntulive ... :)10:30
ograFrancis Giraldeau is caring for clustering solutions etc10:30
ograhe did mille-xterm before10:30
ograa solution built around ltsp with clustering for really big setups in universities etc10:31
ograi hope we can offer such a solution inside ltsp with gutsy+110:31
pips1nice one10:32
ograthere was also a guy who is very intrested in implementing fat clients for us, i'm still not done writing the basic howto for him to get him started (lack of time) but will do so the next days10:33
ograwith the planned authentication server the server team wants to have in gutsy+1 we hopefully will have fat clients then as well10:33
stgrabermain thing would be to have some kind of scp-client working on a fat client, that'd allow easier management of mixed environment with both fat and thin clients10:34
ograstgraber, i'm pondering to switch to italc ....10:34
pips1re network-auth for gutsy+1 fingers crossed10:34
ograit would need ltsp5 integration which doesnt exist yet10:35
stgraber(btw, hi here :))10:35
LaserJockogra: is italc the gambas one?10:35
pips1hey stgraber, you nastly lurker, you!10:35
ograstgraber, italc is what guadalinex uses everywhere ... but its a bit scary security wise ...10:35
ograLaserJock, nope ...10:35
stgraberoh, I didn't know of that tool, looks great (as always I only looked at the screenshots :))10:35
ograLaserJock, its in the archive10:35
LaserJockopenSUSE wants italic (I've been checking out the Edu efforts)10:36
ograand provides pretty much what SCP does ...10:36
LaserJockbut they also want webmin so ...10:36
pips1ogra: I'm surprised about your italc change of mind...10:36
ograit has the advantage of not being bound to a speific setup ...10:36
ograpips1, the code quality didnt get better10:36
ograbut teh tour at guadalinex was pretty impressive10:37
pips1i didn't realise they are using it10:37
ograits what the teacher uses to control the classroom10:38
stgraberthis italc tool seems to be pretty similar as what the school I'm setting up my edubuntu network at are using on Windows (they are using Genevalogic Vision 6 (was Mastereye))10:38
ograthin client manager was always planned as a small tool for single ltsp servers to maintain sessions ...10:39
pips1i noticed people asking for the SCP features on the mailing list... dave trask trying to get the VNC stuff to work...10:39
ogracurrently i dont like the way it goes, it seems to develop bloat ....10:39
ograyeah, after feature freeze i'll concentrate on bugs10:39
ograi'll look what we can do with vnc10:39
ograstgraber started some work on a vnc tool ...10:40
stgraberlooking at how the Windows tools are working, we'll have some problem with VNC and demo mode10:40
stgraberWindows tools are using broadcasting10:40
stgraberwhere we have to use unicast ...10:40
ograand brought me to a simple script that doesnt generate much load to have small screenshots of every screen ...10:41
ograi think i'll switch TCM to this for the preview ...10:41
stgraberogra: btw, I have a little problem with your script :), it freezes the screen while taking the screenshot :)10:41
ograi'm not sure we can get vnc in the client by defaul10:41
ograstgraber, for a millisecond, yes10:41
ograthat xwd's fault10:42
ograso manually installing x111vnc might still be necessary10:42
ograi'll look if that can be solved somehow ...10:43
ograok, i think thats all from my side today ...10:44
ograquestions ?10:44
stgraberbtw, I'll have a working version of my reworked TCM by the end of the week (as it's my deadline for the school I'm testing it at)10:44
ograstgraber, oh, you didnt say you work *on* TCM ... i thought you developed something new ...10:45
ograthats cool10:45
pips1ogra: what about schooltool, will it be included by default?10:45
stgraberweel, due to the massive UI change I've started at zero and copy/paste some stuff from the current tcm10:45
stgraber(proccess management for instance)10:46
ograpips1, oh, thanks for asking10:46
ograthe only schooltool packages we could use need the latest alpha version of zope10:46
stgraber(and I use the studentcontrolpanel python thing to access the userlist and all other actions10:46
pips1ogra: ic10:47
ograwhich we cant add ...10:47
ograso it will have to wait another release :(10:47
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ograstgraber, ah, so its rather a rewrite10:47
pips1ogra: oh, btw, what is the state of affairs regarding willow? has that progressed?10:49
pips1i mean upstream10:49
pips1sorry, this is rather off topic10:50
LaserJockpips1: I think Amaranth is gone on to compiz heaven ;-)10:51
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ogra_<ogra> stgraber, ah, so its rather a rewrite10:52
ogra_<stgraber> yes10:52
ogra_^^^ the last bit i saw10:52
pips1<pips1> ogra: oh, btw, what is the state of affairs regarding willow? has that progressed?10:52
pips1<pips1> i mean upstream10:52
pips1<pips1> sorry, this is rather off topic10:52
pips1<LaserJock> pips1: I think Amaranth is gone on to compiz heaven ;-)10:52
ogra_pips1, what LaserJock said10:53
ogra_pips1, we're clearly lacking developers10:53
=== pips1 sticks up a side note: regarding willow, we are talking about https://blueprints.launchpad.net/baltix/+spec/internet-content-filter
ogra_baltix ?10:56
LaserJockmaybe we should let them write it then ;-)10:56
ogra_well, target is dapper10:57
ogra_and it was created more than a year ago10:57
ogra_if someone is intrested in it they are free to take the willowng package10:58
ogra_its only missing some pieces actually10:58
ogra_but anyway, our hour is up ...10:58
=== ogra_ cant belive we filled 1h with tech chatter ...
LaserJocklots got done and there is lots yet to do! \o/10:59
ogra_yeah, heh10:59
ogra_and gutsy will rock10:59
=== ogra_ hands the mic to RichEd
RichEdArtwork ...11:00
RichEdOur volunteer sent me a mail this week ... thanking LaserJock for his help11:00
RichEdand a sample 1st effort that you can see here:11:00
RichEdShe would like some comments on her first effort.11:01
ograits a great start ...11:01
LaserJockoh, that's nifty11:01
pips1how do we comment?11:01
pips1is she here?11:01
LaserJockyou can edit the wiki page I imagine11:01
RichEdI'm going to try to hook her up with cbx33 for guidance ... she felt a bit bad taking LaserJock's time when he is more of a "coding person"11:01
RichEdadd comments to the wiki page pips1 ...11:02
ograpips1, she's jillc11:02
RichEdI hope she will attend one of the next meetings ...11:02
ogra(and not here atm)11:02
LaserJockRichEd: I don't mind either, but I'm not much of an artist11:03
RichEdI like the sample myself ... the quality is certainly decent ... and I think if we put her onto a specific task with a "spec" she would be able to be a help11:03
=== boredand1logging [n=nali@c-24-98-177-125.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
LaserJockwe need to make sure it works well as a wallpaper11:04
RichEdLaserJock: that's where I think pete will be able to help out with guidance ...11:04
ograyeah needs a bit more abstraction11:04
LaserJockogra: I agree11:05
RichEdcomments like that would be good for the wiki page, and then I can mail her the link11:05
ograRichEd, well, i dont want her to struggle with procedures, she shall do artwork11:05
LaserJockit gets busy when there is a "real" looking desktop11:05
ografor now i'm fine to act as proxy for pics11:05
RichEdLaserJock: agreed on the above ... for a default ship wallpaper, "muted" graphics work best to avoid "eye clutter"11:06
RichEdbut i think that kids would dig the sort of thing she has provided as an optional choice11:06
LaserJockI think the key is to get a good number of choices11:07
LaserJocknot perfection first round11:07
LaserJockthen she can refine them with feedback11:07
RichEdFor attempt #1 ... I think a fine effort11:07
ograthats definately a good starter for the kids desktop ...11:07
RichEdWhat default wallpaper will 7.10 ship with ?11:07
RichEdogra ?11:07
LaserJockI hate for her to go through all the trouble to get it perfect and then have  use "well, I was really thinking ..."11:07
ograRichEd, abstract, somewhat educational11:08
ograRichEd, apparently everybody loved the edgy wallpaper11:08
RichEddo we have a viewable sample ? so that I can show her ?11:08
ograso we should probably try to go that way11:08
RichEdof gutsy ?11:08
RichEdI'll try to get a page up with all of the defaults we've shipped ... to show her the "abstract" concept (of such a page does not exist)11:09
RichEdokay moving on ... to WebSites11:10
RichEdpips1: any comments ? news ?11:10
pips1well, none, I'm afraid. I've been busy with my day job non-stop11:11
RichEdokay :) we understand11:12
RichEdand community ?11:12
RichEdLaserJock: do you want to mention the fridge story you are putting up ?11:13
LaserJockwell, check out Fridge11:13
LaserJockit's an interesting project FOSSCom and Ubuntu Education are doing11:14
LaserJockabout how formal education might learn from FLOSS11:14
LaserJockkinda "hackers turned education research subjects" sound ;-)11:14
RichEdthat comment is about FLOSSCom ... the project about taking the lessons of Open Source developement collaboration ... and extending into other general education areas11:14
RichEdthey are hosting a summer university ... and are using Launchpad and the Ubuntu wiki for hosting projects and info11:15
RichEdcheck out the fridge for more ... LaserJock does the story have a link to the ubuntu wiki page ?11:15
pips1no, but to launchpad project11:16
LaserJockhmm, it does to the list of meeting11:16
pips1ah, correct11:16
LaserJockbut it does to Launchpad and FOSSCom website11:16
RichEdAnd finally on the Planning Topic ... I still need to split the meeting agenda's and mail out to the lists11:18
RichEdJust a comment to LaserJock regarding our discussion 2 weeks ago ...11:18
pips1I think the links in the announcement work well ... I vaguely remember recommending Andreas NOT to link to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FLOSSCom directly, because the information there is a bit overwhelming11:18
RichEdtonight used up a full hour for tech ...11:19
RichEd(^ pips1 makes sense)11:19
RichEdSo I think an hour meeting for edubuntu-devel and an hour for edubuntu-users is not unreasonable11:19
LaserJockRichEd: well, we didn't at all go according to the new scheme either ;-)11:20
LaserJockbut point taken11:20
RichEdAny other topics anyone else wants to raise for tonight ?11:20
RichEdogra: any other points / discussions ?11:21
ogranot really ...11:21
=== RichEd drags out the gong ... and waves the hammer
RichEdgoing once ...11:21
=== RichEd looks around at LaserJock , pips1 ??
=== s-x-u [n=servaas@ip51cf89ac.direct-adsl.nl] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
LaserJockgo for it11:22
RichEdgoing twice ...11:22
RichEd! BONG !11:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bong ! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:22
RichEdthanks all11:22
ograthanks :)11:22
ograyay, bed ....11:22
pips1LOL about ubuntu11:22
pips1LOL about ubotu11:23
pips1I meant11:23
pips1good night11:23
RichEdubotu does not know want a bong is ... he clearly was not a student ;)11:23
RichEdnight all11:23
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