=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-motu.log | ||
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-motu: Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | http://ubuntu.joejaxx.org/ - TOP 10 Uploaders/Packages | REVU likely down for the next few days | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-motu): set by Fujitsu at Wed Aug 8 04:01:59 2007 | ||
(bddebian/#ubuntu-motu) #$%^^ launchpad | 05:29 | |
=== khermans_ [n=khermans@c-71-233-79-104.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
khermans_ | what is the cutoff in the release cycle for adding a new package to universe/multiverse? | 05:30 |
ScottK | August 30th for new package | 05:30 |
Fujitsu | khermans_: See GutsyReleaseSchedule... the deadline in question is NewPackagesFreezeUniverse | 05:30 |
Fujitsu | Or what ScottK said. | 05:30 |
khermans_ | Fujitsu, oh nice! | 05:30 |
khermans_ | Fujitsu, ok so i hjave a question | 05:31 |
khermans_ | metasploit 3 is under their own license | 05:31 |
Fujitsu | Fire away. | 05:31 |
khermans_ | would this go into multiverse instead? | 05:32 |
khermans_ | it is somewhat restrictive | 05:32 |
Fujitsu | It depends if the license is appropriately free. | 05:32 |
Fujitsu | Link? | 05:32 |
khermans_ | sec | 05:32 |
=== porthose [n=charliej@24-119-101-247.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
khermans_ | Fujitsu, http://www.metasploit.com/projects/Framework/msf3/download.html?Release=alpha-r3 | 05:33 |
Fujitsu | Looking. | 05:34 |
=== thully [n=thully@dpc6746164142.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Fujitsu | Urgh, 3a. | 05:35 |
ajmitch | "there are significant restrictions on commercial use and redistribution. " | 05:35 |
ajmitch | doesn't look promising from the start | 05:35 |
khermans_ | ajmitch, well i have aconvo going with hdm | 05:35 |
khermans_ | the lead dev | 05:35 |
Fujitsu | It basically seems to be "don't modify or we'll kill you" | 05:36 |
khermans_ | i dont think he wants to prevent it being in ubuntu, just ensure that people dont modify and commercialize it | 05:36 |
ajmitch | looks like it may be a challenge to even get into multiverse | 05:36 |
khermans_ | ajmitch, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/102212 | 05:36 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 102212 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] metasploit" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 05:37 |
khermans_ | ajmitch, how did Sun's JDK get in? | 05:37 |
=== ajmitch isn't sure what level of redistribution is required | ||
jmg | hmm | 05:37 |
Fujitsu | Commercial use is fine, but you can't sell it. | 05:37 |
ajmitch | khermans_: there was work done with sun & redistribution of it was allowed for that | 05:37 |
khermans_ | it was in before going open source | 05:37 |
Fujitsu | It is redistributable, AFAICT. | 05:37 |
jmg | isnt there generally a moratorium on script kiddy tools going into debian | 05:37 |
Fujitsu | Just not very modifiable... I'd say multiverse would be OK. | 05:37 |
khermans_ | ajmitch, right so if possible the msf devs gave us permission, would that make it uni or multi ocmpatible? | 05:37 |
ajmitch | khermans_: multiverse at best | 05:38 |
ajmitch | (from a very quick reading of the license) | 05:38 |
khermans_ | i thought so | 05:38 |
jmg | i mean | 05:38 |
ajmitch | an archive admin would have a better opinion of it | 05:38 |
khermans_ | ajmitch, can you refer me to someone? | 05:38 |
jmg | just because i release a rootkit under a compatible license | 05:38 |
jmg | doesnt mean it should go in the archive... | 05:39 |
khermans_ | haha | 05:39 |
khermans_ | jmg, well you could say the same about nmap | 05:39 |
=== Fujitsu looks at Germany. | ||
khermans_ | or any other security tool | 05:39 |
khermans_ | hehe | 05:39 |
jmg | khermans_: nmap cant root | 05:39 |
khermans_ | jmg, of course not | 05:39 |
jmg | khermans_: metasploit can | 05:39 |
khermans_ | jmg, so can a guy with nc | 05:40 |
khermans_ | or telent | 05:40 |
khermans_ | telnet -froot | 05:40 |
jmg | khermans_: a guy who knows what hes doing | 05:40 |
jmg | at least defang the plugins | 05:40 |
=== ScottK wonders if the indemnification clause might also be problematic. | ||
khermans_ | anyways, whatever we can do to get it in if possible | 05:40 |
=== khermans_ looks | ||
jmg | shrug | 05:40 |
khermans_ | ScottK, what does that really mean? | 05:41 |
ScottK | I'm not entirely sure. | 05:41 |
khermans_ | lol | 05:41 |
Fujitsu | ScottK: Which bit do you think is questionable? | 05:41 |
ScottK | It might mean that if Ubuntu distributes it and it turns out it violates someone's patent, Ubuntu has agreed to defend the developer. | 05:42 |
ScottK | I'm not sure it means that, I'm just not sure it doesn't. | 05:42 |
jmg | http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2006/07/msg00118.html | 05:42 |
ajmitch | ScottK: I suspect we already have some dodgy clauses like that in multiverse | 05:42 |
ScottK | Could be. I've never uploaded anything to multiverse that wasn't there due to multiverse depends. | 05:43 |
Fujitsu | Hm, that `and defend' doesn't look nice, you're right. | 05:43 |
khermans_ | Fujitsu, hrmmm | 05:43 |
khermans_ | well i will keep in touch with the devs an see wha thappens | 05:44 |
khermans_ | thx for the help | 05:44 |
jmg | the metasploit license is not approved by osi | 05:45 |
=== ScottK sure as heck wouldn't upload it with the "and defend" clause in there. | ||
=== Havis_ [n=Havis@adsl-dyn78.91-127-139.t-com.sk] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Fujitsu | jmg: Your point? multiverse isn't all free. | 05:46 |
Fujitsu | ScottK: Me neither. | 05:47 |
jmg | Ah. | 05:48 |
=== Havis__ [n=Havis@adsl-d169.84-47-120.t-com.sk] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
khermans_ | there are about ~600 packages in multiverse | 05:50 |
=== thully [n=thully@dpc6746164142.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
khermans_ | interesting that linux-lowlatency is in multiverse | 05:52 |
khermans_ | maybe the kernel patches are from some major vendors | 05:53 |
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bddebian | Grr, what the hell is up with netatalk and netdude.. | 06:28 |
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virtuososteve | hey | 06:29 |
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Hobbsee | khermans_: ubuntu-archive@lists.ubuntu.com is the contact address | 07:24 |
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TheMuso | /c/ | 07:28 |
TheMuso | ugh | 07:28 |
=== RobinD [n=robind@69-30-77-125.dq1sn.easystreet.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Hobbsee | you really should script that | 07:29 |
btm | So is having a 4-clause bsd license in ubuntu packages okay? | 07:31 |
khermans_ | Hobbsee, ? | 07:32 |
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=== phoenix is now known as jweyrich | ||
Hobbsee | khermans_: ? | 07:35 |
Hobbsee | khermans_: you asked how to contact the archive admins | 07:35 |
khermans_ | Hobbsee, well i asked who would want to talk about a license issue for getting somehting into multiverse | 07:36 |
pygi | Hobbsee, poke you. I've got the libmtp stuff, care to review? | 07:38 |
Hobbsee | khermans_: i believe you got the answer "the archive admins". that is their contact address | 07:38 |
Hobbsee | pygi: not overly, on this connection. | 07:38 |
pygi | Hobbsee, ah, k | 07:39 |
=== thully [n=thully@dpc6746164142.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
pygi | Hobbsee, /me gonna bug pitti then ^_^ | 07:39 |
Hobbsee | khermans_: pitti is around, but he'd prefer you contact that mailing list, as he's no licencing expert | 07:40 |
khermans_ | Hobbsee, will do thx | 07:40 |
Hobbsee | no problem | 07:42 |
=== Mithrandir [n=tfheen@vawad-xen1.err.no] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: khermans_ ^ | 07:44 |
=== Havis_ [n=Havis@adsl-dyn111.91-127-185.t-com.sk] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
khermans_ | :-) | 07:44 |
Mithrandir | Hobbsee: given I just joined; please repeat. :-) | 07:44 |
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: i have no mouse, i'm inside irssi here :) | 07:44 |
Hobbsee | http://www.metasploit.com/projects/Framework/msf3/download.html?Release=alpha-r3 | 07:44 |
khermans_ | Hobbsee, how about gpm? | 07:44 |
Mithrandir | well, somebody else then. :-) | 07:45 |
Hobbsee | 13:34 < khermans_> metasploit 3 is under their own license | 07:45 |
khermans_ | or you mean physically no mouse...heh | 07:45 |
Hobbsee | would this go into multiverse instead? | 07:45 |
Hobbsee | metasploit 3 is under their own license | 07:45 |
khermans_ | right,,, | 07:45 |
Hobbsee | gah, that did paste twice | 07:45 |
=== greeneggsnospam [n=JSG@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Hobbsee | khermans_: gpm? | 07:46 |
khermans_ | Hobbsee, the mouse module for the console | 07:47 |
Mithrandir | it's non-free, but you're allowed to redistribute the source, so multiverse. | 07:47 |
khermans_ | Hobbsee, sudo modprobe gpm | 07:47 |
Mithrandir | gpm isn't a kernel driver, it's just a normal package | 07:47 |
Hobbsee | hmmm. bugger. | 07:48 |
Hobbsee | this uni clearly doesnt sync things. | 07:48 |
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=== Hobbsee scp's differently, then. | ||
=== khermans_ [n=khermans@c-71-233-79-104.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
khermans_ | got disconnected, Xorg borked on me | 07:51 |
khermans_ | the last thing i saw was hobess linking to the license | 07:52 |
Mithrandir | 07:47 < Mithrandir> it's non-free, but you're allowed to redistribute the source, so multiverse. | 07:52 |
khermans_ | Mithrandir, no what about the clause about defending the develoeprs and their software? | 07:52 |
=== zakame [i=weechat@gateway/tor/x-055d566d58883b16] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Mithrandir | khermans_: multiverse only requires us to be able to redistribute the software. | 07:53 |
khermans_ | Mithrandir, well im just wondering about debian policy | 07:53 |
Mithrandir | it's fine for Debian's non-free too. | 07:54 |
khermans_ | if the license says you must bend over and kiss your own ass, is that allowed in multiverse? | 07:54 |
Mithrandir | yes. | 07:54 |
khermans_ | good to know! | 07:54 |
khermans_ | Mithrandir, also why is linux-lowlatency in multiverse? | 07:54 |
Mithrandir | or "this licence is only valid for as long as you stand on one leg. Once you put down your other foot, your rights to use this software is terminated." is fine. Well, not fine, but it's allowed. | 07:55 |
=== Hobbsee heads home | ||
khermans_ | i c | 07:55 |
khermans_ | Hobbsee, thx dude | 07:55 |
btm | khermans_: did you see http://wiki.debian.org/DFSGLicenses ? | 07:55 |
Mithrandir | because it depends on linux-restricted-modules-lowlatency which is in multiverse | 07:55 |
khermans_ | ahh | 07:55 |
=== thully [n=thully@dpc6746164142.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
StevenK | Ugh. Why is the thing I'm waiting to build 4th last on sparc's build queue? | 08:17 |
btm | khermans_: and you may enjoy: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=323420 | 08:17 |
ubotu | Debian bug 323420 in wnpp "ITP: metasploit-framework -- advanced platform for developing, testing, and using exploit code" [Wishlist,Open] | 08:17 |
khermans_ | btm, but still fine for multiverse right? | 08:19 |
khermans_ | i read this thread previously | 08:19 |
Mithrandir | StevenK: what are you waiting for? | 08:20 |
StevenK | Mithrandir: nip2 | 08:21 |
Mithrandir | StevenK: should build next, then | 08:23 |
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StevenK | Mithrandir: Heh, I see that. Thanks. :-) | 08:26 |
Mithrandir | StevenK: I'm generally happy to rescore builds for you guys if you have a valid reason ("I want my bling" is less of a valid reason than "I need this other thing so I can fix this bug and test it in a useful manner") | 08:28 |
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StevenK | Mithrandir: Ah, the reason is "I want this to build so I can get two old binaries NBS'd out of the archive." | 08:33 |
Mithrandir | a perfectly fine reason to me | 08:34 |
btm | khermans_: I would suppose so, that's one gross license though. | 08:34 |
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mrigns | hi, can I add repositories to pbuilders sources.list without opening the base.tgz? | 09:05 |
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mrigns | Hobbsee, how can I add apt-lines to pbuilder? I tried this: sudo pbuilder update --override-config --distribution feisty --othermirror deb http://ftp.stw-bonn.de/ubuntu/ feisty universe ./ | 09:22 |
mrigns | which results in an error | 09:22 |
Hobbsee | "an error"? | 09:22 |
Hobbsee | follow !pbuilder | 09:22 |
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mrigns | E: Malformed line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (type) | 09:22 |
RAOF | mrigns: You would need to put the deb line in quotes, at least. | 09:22 |
Hobbsee | mrigns: then you may want to actually check said /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:23 |
Hobbsee | line 1, in particular | 09:23 |
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=== phoenixx is now known as jweyrich | ||
mrigns | Hobbsee, this is line 1: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty main | 09:24 |
mrigns | doesn't seem wrong imho | 09:25 |
Hobbsee | should be OK | 09:25 |
mrigns | Failed to fetch http://ftp.stw-bonn.de/ubuntu/dists/feisty/Release Unable to find expected entry .//binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) | 09:27 |
btm | what's with the "./" in your repository line? | 09:28 |
mrigns | btm, hmm it's used in the manpage | 09:28 |
Hobbsee | mrigns: try it without - that tends to mean "all options" instead of just feisty main | 09:29 |
Hobbsee | mrigns: but why are you wanting to build a feisty pbuilder anyway? | 09:29 |
btm | mrigns: drop the ./ | 09:29 |
mrigns | dropped it | 09:29 |
mrigns | Hobbsee, just to fool a bit around, trying how to build packages | 09:30 |
=== benanzo [n=benw@67-40-10-168.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
=== \sh thinks that he has to start a GPbuilder project...from setting up an environment to building packages... | ||
RAOF | devscripts? | 09:32 |
Hobbsee | \sh: how would that work? | 09:32 |
Hobbsee | \sh: it'd be nice if we could do a file that would "just work". | 09:32 |
Hobbsee | although that would require adding universe & multiverse by default, i expect | 09:33 |
\sh | Hobbsee, i have some shells which creates my directories, setup my pbuilderc for any release I need and which creates pbuilder-<distro>-<arch> scripts which are working nicely on x86/x86_64 archs ;) | 09:33 |
Hobbsee | \sh: nice :) | 09:34 |
=== RAOF almost has something similar. | ||
RAOF | And then I switched to sbuild. | 09:34 |
\sh | Hobbsee, this can be setup in a gui tool with gtk-python or python-qt | 09:34 |
btm | mrigns: it would be "deb url repos". most mirrors have multiple repos all under url (main, restricted, etc). if url pointed into one of those, you'd use ./ as the repo. It's just for being able to list multiple repos on one line without duplicating urls. | 09:34 |
mrigns | btm, thx for the info | 09:35 |
\sh | but thinking about a gui tool for packagers ... i would say "the apocalypse is near" | 09:35 |
=== EtienneG [i=etienne@ubuntu/member/EtienneG] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
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ajmitch | \sh: wouldn't it just be wonderful & make ubuntu so much better? | 09:39 |
=== pygi thinks there already is such project (gui for packaging) | ||
\sh | ajmitch, no comment about this...it would be not CoC compatible ,-) | 09:40 |
ajmitch | hehe | 09:41 |
\sh | ajmitch, good think is: ubuntu reaches more people if we would do everything with UIs | 09:41 |
\sh | ajmitch, bad think would be: we lose brain | 09:41 |
Mithrandir | mm, brains. | 09:42 |
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: NOT YOURS. | 09:42 |
=== Mithrandir steals Hobbsee's brain. | ||
Mithrandir | mm, tasty! | 09:43 |
=== Hobbsee cries | ||
Hobbsee | there's no brain there | 09:43 |
Mithrandir | sure, I just had a small tasting. | 09:45 |
\sh | reading jordans blog article about opensuse...I wonder if anyone knows, that they are auto-building debian packages, which will be then .rpms for opensuse ,-) | 09:45 |
Mithrandir | I don't want to kill you. Where would the fun in that be? | 09:45 |
\sh | and this works on OBS quite nicely | 09:46 |
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: dont know. id' suggest you ask the people who want to kill me. | 09:47 |
Hobbsee | \sh: they're also doing stuff for ubuntu, iirc | 09:47 |
=== Zic_ [n=Zic@Final-Fantasy.FF-IRC.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
\sh | Hobbsee, they have ubuntu dapper/feisty build repositories..yeah..and it's possible to create debian packages and rpms from one tar.gz at the same time...very cool...and opensource..i have the buildservice running in our DC for building packages for all used distros we have :) | 09:48 |
Hobbsee | nice :) | 09:49 |
\sh | cool workflow btw... | 09:49 |
\sh | for debian packages you can just upload "orig.tar.gz, diff.gz, .dsc file" and it starts building for debian build repositories | 09:49 |
\sh | or you upload upstream.tar.gz, a spec file, and a debian.tar.gz with the debian dir inside..and it builds rpm and .deb files :) | 09:50 |
\sh | I told adrianS last year that they are crazy ... but seeing it now and how it's working...I'm really admiring the build-service team for creating this piece of software...really..it's great work | 09:51 |
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tonyyarusso | \sh: where can I look into this software? | 09:58 |
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\sh | tonyyarusso, http://en.opensuse.org/Build_Service | 10:03 |
\sh | tonyyarusso, you can read about it there...and for opensuse10.2 you have packages...ubuntu packages for feisty as well...but they are not supported...I'm working on a better solution for ubuntu packages for this... | 10:03 |
tonyyarusso | ah | 10:03 |
\sh | I'm integrating this buildservice tool into our fai installation...so we can use the repositories there for SLES/openSuSE and ubuntu repositories... | 10:04 |
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\sh | it also creates apt-getable repositories for debian projects...very nice | 10:05 |
norsetto | morning all | 10:05 |
=== Hobbsee starts to wonder if there's anything important in these 27 unread emails from the MOTU list. | ||
Hobbsee | morning norsetto! | 10:05 |
norsetto | Hobbsee :-) | 10:05 |
\sh | Hobbsee, btw...I'm still working on amarok...my buildserver just died yesterday evening because of more important private issues :) | 10:05 |
Hobbsee | \sh: right. tell Riddell that | 10:05 |
Hobbsee | \sh: oh, and preferably keep that to one, quieter channel too, maybe :) | 10:06 |
pygi | Hobbsee, you've got yourself more hardware support btw ;) | 10:07 |
Hobbsee | RAOF: so can i have a psychic pony? | 10:07 |
Hobbsee | pygi: hm? | 10:07 |
pygi | Hobbsee, the libmtp | 10:07 |
Hobbsee | oh, yay! | 10:07 |
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Hobbsee | greetings jono | 10:23 |
jono | hey | 10:24 |
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ajmitch | hello mr jono | 10:36 |
jono | hey ajmitch | 10:38 |
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=== ajmitch really hopes this wine update doesn't break WoW | ||
\sh | oh wine...how silent my life is now without wine ,-) | 10:42 |
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=== ajmitch really needs to purge tracker from this system | ||
Lutin | norsetto: did someone had a look at your mail-notificaion patch already ? | 11:15 |
norsetto | lutin: don't think so | 11:17 |
norsetto | lutin: can you have a look at it yourself? Would appreciate it much | 11:17 |
Lutin | norsetto: yep, will do it today | 11:18 |
norsetto | lutin: merc! :-) | 11:18 |
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Lutin | norsetto: np ;) | 11:19 |
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Fujitsu | ajmitch: Your RC bugs thing is giving overly verbose MySQL errors. | 11:25 |
ajmitch | probably because I just restarted & mysql isn't running | 11:25 |
ajmitch | tracker was murdering disk performance | 11:27 |
Fujitsu | That's what tracker does, unfortunately :( | 11:28 |
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\sh | I disabled tracker :) | 11:47 |
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mok0 | What is the easiest/best way to update the build dir when a new upstream version appears? | 12:11 |
Fujitsu | mok0: uupdate | 12:11 |
mok0 | Fujitsu: thx I will check the manpage! | 12:11 |
broonie | Note that that won't work with some packaging styles (dbs is the main offender) | 12:12 |
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\sh | ohoh...http://phanatic.hu/archives/2007/08/ubuntu-viral-marketing-in-hungary/ this will get very political ,-) | 12:30 |
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norsetto | A20: what is your problem? | 12:51 |
RainCT | hi | 12:51 |
norsetto | hi | 12:51 |
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apachelogger | \sh_away: I consider blogging... I like supporting good marketing campaigns :D | 12:55 |
=== apachelogger though prefers the more ...insane professonal way... | ||
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Lutin | norsetto: mail-notification FTBFS even with your patch :/ | 02:19 |
arthur- | hello Lutin | 02:20 |
Lutin | heya arthur- \o | 02:20 |
arthur- | Lutin: so, what's up? :-) | 02:21 |
Lutin | arthur-: trying to sort out the mail-notification thing ;) . you ? | 02:26 |
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xxxxx1 | mornin' people | 02:26 |
arthur- | Lutin: trying to build a shared lib from libgphobos (D language shared library) :-) | 02:27 |
Lutin | :) | 02:27 |
Lutin | 'morning xxxxx1 | 02:27 |
arthur- | hello xxxxx1 | 02:27 |
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Lutin | norsetto: around ? | 02:30 |
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xxxxx1 | hey Lutin, arthur- | 02:36 |
norsetto | lutin: sorry, was haviung lunch | 02:36 |
Lutin | norsetto: no prob | 02:37 |
norsetto | lutin: you applied the patch to 4.1.dfsg.1-1? | 02:37 |
Lutin | norsetto: yep, with some adjustments | 02:38 |
norsetto | lutin: ok, it was building fine for me with a pbuilder gutsy | 02:38 |
norsetto | lutin: amd64 if it makes any difference | 02:38 |
Lutin | norsetto: eg, running llibtoolize & co won't ever work with the makebuilddir: target, because this is run before the patches are applied iirc | 02:38 |
norsetto | lutin: the first time yes, but it is rerun after the patch | 02:39 |
Lutin | hum ok | 02:40 |
Lutin | norsetto: fails with this here: mn-evolution-folder-tree-control.gob:129: error: too few arguments to function 'em_folder_tree_set_selected' | 02:40 |
Lutin | amd64 as well | 02:40 |
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norsetto | lutin: never seen it before, if you tell me what you modified I can try on my machine too | 02:41 |
Lutin | norsetto: apart the makebuilddir: target, nothing | 02:41 |
norsetto | lutin: what target did you choose? | 02:41 |
Lutin | post-patches | 02:41 |
norsetto | lutin: ok, let me try with that | 02:41 |
zul | morning | 02:42 |
Lutin | morning zul | 02:42 |
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Lutin | norsetto: same error if I apply your patch and compile right after | 02:47 |
norsetto | lutin: building now, I'm wondering about this error: mn-evolution-folder-tree-control.gob perhaps its an api change; but the lib was not changed recently | 02:48 |
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norsetto | lutin: same error I guess? | 02:50 |
Lutin | yep | 02:50 |
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A20 | norsetto, Hi | 03:09 |
A20 | norsetto, have you seen my privat messages? | 03:10 |
norsetto | A20:I saw you contacted me, if its about the reception, can you send me an email? | 03:15 |
A20 | sure | 03:15 |
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norsetto | A20: please add also details about you and what you did so far, ok? thanks | 03:17 |
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mok0 | When repackaging the orig.tar.gz, am I supposed to put a shell-script somewhere that says how I did it? | 03:20 |
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ScottK | mok0: get-orig-source in debian/rules is what you are thinking of. | 03:22 |
ScottK | It's not absolutely required. Alternatively you can describe how to do it manually in debian/copyright. | 03:22 |
ScottK | There's a description on one of the MOTU wiki pages on how to do get-orig-source. | 03:23 |
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mok0 | ScottK: I'll use copyright, then. | 03:28 |
ScottK | OK. That's what I did when I had to do it. | 03:28 |
mok0 | ScottK: Is revu still down? | 03:28 |
ScottK | Feel free to ping me when you have stuff that needs looking at since I've looked at your packages befre. | 03:28 |
ScottK | Yes | 03:28 |
ScottK | befre/before | 03:29 |
mok0 | I'll email you the source package shortly, then | 03:29 |
ScottK | Or if you have web space you can use a link to a .dsc so I can dget it would work. Up to you. | 03:29 |
ScottK | siretart: I approved the backport in Bug 120905 based on your say so that it worked. I'd appreciate it if you would have a look at the latest comment on the bug. | 03:33 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 120905 in feisty-backports "Please backport emacs22 from gutsy to feisty-backports" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120905 | 03:33 |
norsetto | lutin: ca c'est la bonne, ils aves deja pris mes modifications!? | 03:37 |
arthur- | Lutin: tu chired j'avais oubli de te dire | 03:39 |
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Hobbsee | norsetto: are you busy at the moment? | 03:41 |
norsetto | Hobbsee: not anymore | 03:41 |
mok0 | ScottK: Is README.Debian-source not used?? | 03:42 |
Hobbsee | norsetto: can you do me (and white) a favour, and merge imlib please? unsure if it's a sync or merge. | 03:42 |
Hobbsee | norsetto: it's a security fix | 03:42 |
ScottK | mok0: Not anymore. It's a recent change. | 03:42 |
arthur- | hello man-di | 03:42 |
norsetto | Hobbsee: sure | 03:42 |
Hobbsee | norsetto: thanks :) | 03:42 |
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mok0 | ScottK: I just emailed you kssh | 03:49 |
ScottK | I'll have a look. | 03:50 |
mok0 | Great! Ooops I have to go... | 03:50 |
mok0 | need to pick up my daughter from school | 03:50 |
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siretart | ScottK: looks like it has been build in the wrong chroots | 04:12 |
ScottK | siretart: OK. Thanks for looking. Suggestions on what to do? | 04:12 |
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siretart | ScottK: verify that only the binary in my ppa is affected, and file a bugreport | 04:17 |
ScottK | OK. | 04:18 |
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russ_ | Thanks for the offer ScottK, My Question wa: I want to install a Python library, I know how to do this in Windows (c:\Python25\lib\) do you know where to put it in Ubuntu? | 05:43 |
ScottK | russ_: What library? | 05:46 |
ScottK | First thing is to check if it's been packaged already. | 05:46 |
russ_ | http://libgmail.sourceforge.net/ | 05:47 |
POX_ | russ_: aptitude install python-libgmail | 05:47 |
russ_ | great thanks :) | 05:48 |
Skiessi | could you get cinelerra to the repository? | 05:48 |
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Hobbsee | Skiessi: if someone puts it in there, sure | 05:49 |
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bddebian | Heya gang | 05:51 |
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Skiessi | Hobbsee: you can put it after someone else has put it there? gj | 05:51 |
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geser | hi bddebian | 05:52 |
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tgm4883 | is anyone available to review a package for me? The necessary files are located at http://linux.weilandhomes.com I also included the output of lintian and linda which came back with no errors | 05:52 |
bddebian | Anyone have a minute to help me with a buildd failure? | 05:52 |
Hobbsee | Skiessi: if someone uploads a good version of it whcih follows the packaging guide, then sure, it'll go in | 05:52 |
bddebian | Heya geser | 05:52 |
Hobbsee | bddebian: i'll attempt to help with the build failure, if you help tgm4883. howzat for blackmail? :) | 05:52 |
bddebian | Oh man... | 05:52 |
tgm4883 | lol | 05:52 |
bddebian | tgm4883: Whats the package? | 05:52 |
tgm4883 | its mythstream plugin for mythtv | 05:53 |
bddebian | OK | 05:53 |
tgm4883 | i had superm1 help me do it and he looked it over too | 05:53 |
bddebian | This is new to Ubuntu? | 05:56 |
tgm4883 | yea, its an unofficial plugin. only the official plugins are in ubuntu | 05:56 |
bddebian | Hobbsee: Both netdude and netatalk failed to build on the buildd but built fine in my pbuilder. I've seen issues before with buildd but these look like missing libraries so I'm confused :-( | 05:57 |
ScottK | bddebian: But I know superm1 has been working with people to get their stuff up to snuff for inclusion. Their goal is to be as "official" as possible. | 05:57 |
bddebian | ScottK: Sure | 05:57 |
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Hobbsee | bddebian: got the buildlog URL's handy? | 05:58 |
bddebian | http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8835482/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-i386.netatalk_2.0.3-6_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz | 05:58 |
bddebian | ScottK, tgm4883: The reason I ask is that if it's new to ubuntu, shouldn't the release be -0ubuntu1? | 05:59 |
ScottK | Ah | 05:59 |
ScottK | bddebian: I'm willing to blame apparmor for that one | 05:59 |
Hobbsee | bddebian: looks like a missing b-d on libgssapi-dev | 05:59 |
Hobbsee | bddebian: as for why it worked on your pbuilder, i've no idea. | 05:59 |
ScottK | Nevermind | 06:00 |
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bddebian | http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8835483/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-i386.netdude_0.3.3-4_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz | 06:00 |
geser | Hobbsee: the missing b-d is libkrb5-dev | 06:00 |
tgm4883 | I found the package from a debian guy (andrew pollack). It's not in the debian repos, but he debanized it so I thought it should be -1ubuntu1 | 06:00 |
Hobbsee | geser: ah, so that was it | 06:00 |
tgm4883 | sorry, andrew pollock | 06:01 |
Hobbsee | geser: i didnt know which group of dev packages it belonged to (krb, or gssapi) | 06:01 |
tgm4883 | I found it here http://www.andrew.net.au/~apollock/mythstream/ | 06:01 |
geser | you can probably replace heimdal-dev with libkrb5-dev | 06:01 |
bddebian | So how the hell does it build locally? I'm trying it again now just to be sure.. | 06:02 |
Hobbsee | bddebian: no idea on that second one, apart from the obvious | 06:02 |
=== ScottK wonders where is superm1 and why isn't he helping ... | ||
bddebian | It just built again.. wtf | 06:08 |
ScottK | If the result after a build is "Failed to upload", does that need an archive admin to fix it and do I need to tell them or do they just get to it eventually? | 06:08 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: means soyuz fell over. poke an archive admin or infinity | 06:08 |
ScottK | OK | 06:09 |
ScottK | Thanks. | 06:09 |
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bddebian | tgm4883: Test building now | 06:14 |
tgm4883 | ok, thanks | 06:14 |
tgm4883 | am I okay with the verion # since I got it from andrew pollock? | 06:15 |
bddebian | No you should probably change that, but that's minor | 06:16 |
tgm4883 | ok | 06:16 |
bddebian | geser: What about the netdude one? Add a build-dep for libcap0.7-dev? | 06:16 |
bddebian | http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8835483/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-i386.netdude_0.3.3-4_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz | 06:16 |
tgm4883 | so just to be sure, it should be this right mythstream_0.17.2-2-0ubuntu1.dsc? | 06:17 |
bddebian | Yes it should | 06:17 |
tgm4883 | ok | 06:17 |
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bddebian | tgm4883: Oh, no. 0.17.2-0ubuntu1, sorry | 06:17 |
tgm4883 | ok, was just about to ask that | 06:17 |
bddebian | And only 1 changelog entry would be needed | 06:18 |
tgm4883 | only 1 changelog entry from me? or are you saying to remove andrews entries? | 06:18 |
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bddebian | You can probably get rid of all of them. Just have 1 entry for -0ubuntu1 stating initial release for ubuntu and any specific changes you have make | 06:19 |
tgm4883 | ok | 06:19 |
bddebian | s/make/made/ | 06:19 |
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tgm4883 | am i correct in thinking that if it was in the debian repos that it would be -2ubuntu1? | 06:20 |
tgm4883 | or am i thinking wrong altogether on that? | 06:20 |
bddebian | tgm4883: Yes if Debians release was -2 it would be -2ubuntu1 | 06:20 |
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tgm4883 | ok thanks | 06:21 |
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geser | bddebian: replace libpcap-dev with libpcap0.7-dev (it doesn't build with libpcap0.8-dev) | 06:22 |
=== bddebian is still confused why these built locally | ||
bddebian | thanks geser, you DA MAN! | 06:23 |
tgm4883 | bddebian, should i also remove XSBC-Original-Maintainer: Andrew Pollock <apollock@debian.org> from control? | 06:23 |
Hobbsee | bddebian: crack infected system. | 06:23 |
pygi | tgm4883, afaik that line should be there | 06:24 |
tgm4883 | ok, just checking | 06:24 |
bddebian | tgm4883: Do you know if he intends to maintain it in Debian? | 06:24 |
tgm4883 | no idea | 06:24 |
tgm4883 | my plan was to send him the changes, then perhaps we could sync | 06:24 |
geser | bddebian: the last libpcap0.8 upload (17 hours ago) move libpcap-dev from libpcap (0.7) to libpcap0.8 | 06:25 |
bddebian | tgm4883: Then I would leave it | 06:27 |
tgm4883 | ok | 06:27 |
bddebian | @#$%$^ | 06:30 |
bddebian | tgm4883: Looks like debian/copyright might be missing some copyright holders. libs/qhttp* seem to be: Copyright (C) 1997-2005 Trolltech | 06:33 |
bddebian | parsers/apple.pl:# * Copyright 2005 by Michael Knoll | 06:34 |
bddebian | parsers/bbc/bbc_l1.pl:### Copyright (c) 2005 Robin Gilks | 06:34 |
Hobbsee | norsetto: please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/imlib/+bug/132724 :) | 06:35 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 132724 in imlib "Please merge imlib (1.9.15-3) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 06:35 |
Hobbsee | (the last comment) | 06:35 |
bddebian | tgm4883: Other than the changelog and those 3 copyright holders, it looks very clean to me | 06:35 |
tgm4883 | alright, i fixed the changelog | 06:35 |
=== CarlF1 [n=carl@c-24-13-14-157.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Hobbsee | norsetto: apart from that, looks great :) | 06:36 |
tgm4883 | i'll add those 3 copyright holders to the copyright section of copyright | 06:36 |
=== norsetto reads | ||
bddebian | tgm4883: Excellent thanks. I didn't look at the licenses for the parser stuff but the Trolltech stuff uses the Q license so I think you need to put a copy of that in debian/copyright as well | 06:37 |
=== bddebian hates licensing stuff | ||
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norsetto | Hobbsee: you are right, I think the clean target maybe do not revert patches correctly? | 06:38 |
Hobbsee | norsetto: it usually does, depending on the build system | 06:39 |
Hobbsee | norsetto: (you should just be able to remove the offending part out of the debdiff) | 06:39 |
norsetto | Hobbsee: sure, just wanted to understand how it ended up there | 06:39 |
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Hobbsee | norsetto: yeah. there's a section of debhelper that you can add to the rules file to add and remove patches. http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/patch-rules for eg | 06:40 |
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Hobbsee | but it would usually remove them too, in the clean | 06:40 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-motu: Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | http://ubuntu.joejaxx.org/ - TOP 10 Uploaders/Packages | REVU likely down for the next few days | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-motu): set by Fujitsu at Wed Aug 8 04:01:59 2007 | ||
(AndyP/#ubuntu-motu) was revu running breezy? :) | 08:28 | |
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(\sh/#ubuntu-motu) nixternal, with drupal you can just inject malicious php code...yeah, but not updating from breezy to something else (dapper e.g.) it's also a fault...no security patches == more risk, less fun ;) | 08:29 | |
nixternal | true | 08:29 |
\sh | AndrewB, revu never ran drupal | 08:29 |
\sh | aeh AndyP | 08:29 |
nixternal | but the attacks/exploits were "supposedly" traced back to the use of old versions of Drupal (cross-site) and ftp | 08:29 |
AndyP | \sh: i didn't say it did | 08:29 |
\sh | but I don't know...when we started, it was running breezy, sure, but after that, I wasn't admin anymore :) | 08:29 |
\sh | nixternal, ftp is more dangerous...the wrong ftp service running with a nice root exploit, and you can do everything | 08:30 |
nixternal | and that they did :) | 08:31 |
\sh | happy birthday my dear ;) | 08:31 |
\sh | ok...need to end this for today...my little sexy wife is just waiting for me with a nice ubuntu shirt on... | 08:33 |
\sh | good night ppls | 08:33 |
bddebian | Gnight \sh | 08:36 |
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xxxxx1 | ScottK, PM? | 08:39 |
ScottK | If it's quick | 08:39 |
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xxxxx1 | someone is available to sponsor my ecryptfs-utils update? | 08:48 |
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bddebian | xxxxx1: Where is it? | 08:56 |
xxxxx1 | is on bzr branch | 08:57 |
xxxxx1 | https://code.launchpad.net/~xxxxx1/+junk/ecryptfs-utils | 08:57 |
bddebian | egads | 08:57 |
bddebian | why? :) | 08:57 |
xxxxx1 | i manage my packages on bzr | 08:57 |
xxxxx1 | :P | 08:57 |
bddebian | Just so wrong | 08:58 |
broonie | +junk, huh? | 08:58 |
xxxxx1 | oh, +junk is used because it's not a ubuntu branch | 08:58 |
xxxxx1 | it's used for personal branches | 08:59 |
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MattJ | Does anyone know why the ecplipse-cdt pulls in so many dependencies? | 09:05 |
ScottK | MattJ: Generally it's because the packager thought they were necessary. | 09:06 |
MattJ | It doesn't seem right | 09:06 |
MattJ | Ok | 09:06 |
MattJ | But for example it depends on eclipse-pde | 09:06 |
MattJ | http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/moreinfo/compare.php | 09:07 |
MattJ | Which as shown there, is certainly not necessary | 09:07 |
ScottK | MattJ: I don't know anything about eclipse, so I'm not the one to argue with. | 09:07 |
ScottK | That was just a general rule. | 09:07 |
MattJ | Who can I argue with? >:-P | 09:07 |
ScottK | I'd suggest file a bug against the package. | 09:07 |
MattJ | ok | 09:07 |
ScottK | With whatever documentation you can muster. | 09:07 |
ScottK | There are mistakes in packages, but generally stuff is there for a reason. | 09:08 |
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bddebian | Hmm, I have a patch that applies successfuly but isn't in the binary package.. | 09:12 |
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xxxxx1 | jweyrich, what you want here? | 09:33 |
xxxxx1 | hehe | 09:33 |
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bddebian | Ack, what happened to all the comments on ajmitch's site?? | 09:48 |
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RainCT | if you place a .desktop file in the debian/ dir of a CDBS package, will it automatically be handled by it? | 10:28 |
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bddebian | RainCT: Not that I know of | 10:30 |
RainCT | bddebian: how can I tell it then that there's a desktop file? | 10:31 |
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jweyrich | xxxxx1 :) | 10:37 |
xxxxx1 | microsoft developer here? | 10:37 |
xxxxx1 | rsrs | 10:37 |
jweyrich | where? give me the gun, faster. | 10:38 |
jweyrich | ;p | 10:38 |
bddebian | RainCT: Is there a .install file? | 10:38 |
Kmos | bddebian: bug 132694 - yes! | 10:40 |
RainCT | bddebian: no | 10:40 |
xxxxx1 | bddebian, we can't delete the bad upload and upload 0ubuntu1 again? | 10:41 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 132694 in ddclient "Please sync ddclient (3.7.3-2) from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132694 | 10:41 |
Kmos | xxxxx1: the next upload will kill the last one | 10:41 |
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xxxxx1 | bddebian, because your version brokes my on bzr | 10:42 |
bddebian | xxxxx1: Unfortunately no, not to the archive | 10:42 |
xxxxx1 | bddebian, ah | 10:42 |
bddebian | xxxxx1: That's what you get for using bzr | 10:42 |
xxxxx1 | bddebian, i'll update my bzr branch | 10:42 |
xxxxx1 | :) | 10:42 |
ScottK | Kmos: Once again you are trying to answer questions you don't know the answer to and getting it wrong. Please stop. | 10:43 |
xxxxx1 | bddebian, version 2 only modifies changelog, right? | 10:44 |
Kmos | ScottK: isn't it correct? | 10:44 |
Kmos | [21:42] <bddebian> xxxxx1: Unfortunately no, not to the archive | 10:44 |
ajmitch | hi | 10:44 |
ScottK | Hi ajmitch | 10:44 |
=== Jazzva is now known as Jazzva|away | ||
bddebian | Heya ajmitch | 10:45 |
bddebian | xxxxx1: Yes and used the correct orig.tar.gz this time | 10:45 |
ScottK | Kmos: What bddebian said is correct. What you said [16:41] <Kmos> xxxxx1: the next upload will kill the last one is wrong. | 10:45 |
bddebian | ajmitch: What happened to the comments? | 10:45 |
xxxxx1 | bddebian, just to be sure. I'm doing the change on bzr too ;) thanks. | 10:45 |
ajmitch | bddebian: the're sleeping | 10:45 |
bddebian | :-) | 10:45 |
ScottK | With the fishes .... | 10:45 |
Kmos | ScottK: I think it's the same thing. you can't delete things on the archive, just with a newer upload with modified version that will kill the last one. | 10:46 |
ScottK | No. You can't re-upload the same revision more than once. | 10:46 |
ScottK | It'll get rejected. | 10:46 |
bddebian | xxxxx1: Why put it in bzr at all? Can't you just overwrite on your next revision? | 10:46 |
ScottK | You have to bump the revision number and upload a new version. | 10:46 |
Kmos | ScottK: i forgot to say with "new version" :( | 10:47 |
ScottK | That's what made your answer wrong. | 10:47 |
Kmos | yeah | 10:47 |
bddebian | xxxxx1: Or better yet, stop using bzr ;-P | 10:47 |
xxxxx1 | hehe | 10:47 |
xxxxx1 | take it easy barry | 10:47 |
xxxxx1 | :D | 10:47 |
norsetto | bzr foreever! | 10:48 |
=== bddebian vomits | ||
ScottK | That's how long it takes, yes. | 10:48 |
=== xxxxx1 waves norsetto | ||
bddebian | ScottK: hehe | 10:48 |
=== norsetto cleans his shoes .... | ||
xxxxx1 | heh | 10:48 |
ScottK | What's the only thing slower than launchpad, bzr + launchpad. | 10:49 |
jweyrich | tsc. | 10:50 |
ajmitch | + internet connectivity in NZ | 10:50 |
bddebian | heh | 10:51 |
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jweyrich | a more accurate answer, dialup+bzr+launchpad | 10:51 |
xxxxx1 | norsetto, you're maintain packages on bzr too? | 10:51 |
xxxxx1 | oups | 10:51 |
ScottK | Hah. Yeah. I'd guess that. | 10:51 |
ajmitch | dsl in NZ is mostly equivalent to dialup anyway | 10:51 |
xxxxx1 | norsetto, you maintain packages on bzr too? | 10:51 |
norsetto | no, I just like to side with the minority ;-) | 10:51 |
jweyrich | hahah, ajmitch, sorry for my laughs, but brazil can be compared to dialup as well. | 10:52 |
bddebian | Who's the minority? I think only ScottK and I are the bzr haters | 10:52 |
=== ScottK agrees. | ||
ScottK | We are the old and bitter ones. | 10:53 |
bddebian | heh | 10:53 |
=== pygi thinks bzr has it's shortcomings, but thinks bzr devs in time will create a beautiful product | ||
bddebian | OK I'm starting to get tired of syncs/merges.. | 10:53 |
bddebian | pygi: I'm not faulting bzr per-se, I just think its stupid for packaging. Upstream development "maybe" but for packaging, pfft | 10:54 |
ScottK | bddebian: Where a vcs works is where you have a team that agrees to use it for team maintenance and maintains all debian dirs in the vcs. The Debaian Python Modules Team uses svn for this and it works really well. | 10:55 |
ScottK | Us non-DD's upload our stuff to the svn and ping a DD via IRC or e-mail, they look at it and upload it. | 10:56 |
ScottK | The Debian Perl team operates similarly. | 10:56 |
ScottK | I don't think there's any way it would scale to something like Universe though. | 10:56 |
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=== pygi doesn't see reason *not* to scale that much | ||
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ScottK | pygi hasn't sat and waited for several minuts on my laptop waiting for svn up to even figure out it needs a password for the ~120 dirs I've got checked out of the DPMT svn. | 11:01 |
ScottK | minuts/minutes | 11:01 |
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ajmitch | ssh-agent helps a lot there | 11:04 |
ScottK | True, but I do all the packaging work on my developmental laptop hard drive (i.e. the one currently running Gutsy) so in the interest of I'm more likely than usualy to get crashes, I don't store any passwords on that install. | 11:06 |
ScottK | What with automatic crash reporting and all... | 11:06 |
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xxxxx1 | bye ubunteros and ubunteras | 11:12 |
RainCT | bye xxxxx1 | 11:12 |
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hroo772 | so i think i screwed up my pbuilder envoriment, i was hoping to start a fresh base.tar.gz, so all i did was sudo pbuilder create | 11:16 |
hroo772 | but now when trying to compile wine i have this error | 11:16 |
hroo772 | error: C compiler cannot create executables | 11:16 |
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jweyrich | directory permissions? | 11:29 |
jweyrich | damn connection. | 11:29 |
jweyrich | hroo772 solved the gcc issue? | 11:30 |
ScottK | bddebian: Still around? | 11:30 |
bddebian | Sorta, what's up? | 11:30 |
ScottK | Trying to figure out why you requested Bug #132604 | 11:30 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 132604 in python-biopython "[Sync Request Universe] python-biopython 1.43-2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132604 | 11:30 |
hroo772 | jweyrich: well im figuring its not the permissions, its more an issue with how im trying to build the package | 11:30 |
bddebian | ScottK: Because it was on ajmitch's list | 11:31 |
ScottK | OK. It's a rebuild for Python2.5 in Debian. | 11:31 |
jweyrich | hroo772, try to compile a simple C program, like a hello world, and use -v flag for gcc, gcc -v hello.c | 11:31 |
hroo772 | jweyrich: well my test was between wine .42 and wine .43 | 11:31 |
ScottK | It's not going to hurt to do it, but it won't change anything as we've already built it for Python 2.5 | 11:31 |
hroo772 | jweyrich: when i was compiling .42 i had it set with --enable-win64, which isn't really supported with wine so the compile fails part way through | 11:32 |
hroo772 | jweyrich: when i took out that option for .43 it stopped with that gcc error, since now it should be trying to compile as 32bit, which im thinking it can't see the 32bit gcc properly | 11:33 |
jweyrich | hroo772 did you update the libc ? | 11:33 |
jweyrich | hm | 11:33 |
jweyrich | right, let me research a bit | 11:33 |
hroo772 | jweyrich: or possibly the ia32 libs, but to help with that, i logged into my pbuilder and installed the ia32-libs and libc6-dev-i386 | 11:34 |
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jweyrich | is your computer/pc/whatever arch x86_64 ? | 11:35 |
bddebian | ScottK: Aye, just trying to clean up his list ;-) | 11:35 |
hroo772 | jweyrich: yea its amd64 | 11:35 |
jweyrich | hrii772: and which gcc version? | 11:36 |
hroo772 | in pbuilder or just on my machine? | 11:36 |
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hroo772 | jweyrich: i mean based on my updating it to the latest i could, it whatever is newest on launchpad | 11:37 |
jweyrich | oh, okay | 11:38 |
bddebian | what the heck is this thing trying to do?? | 11:39 |
bddebian | $(INSTALL) -p -m755 debian/postinst debian/preinst \ | 11:39 |
bddebian | debian/prerm debian/postrm debian/tmp/DEBIAN | 11:39 |
hroo772 | jweyrich: im just thinking i havn't set something correct in the debian/rules, to tell it to compile for amd64 but compile against the ia32 libs since wine is only 32bit for now | 11:40 |
bddebian | Is that trying to put postinst, preinst, and postrm in debian/tmp/DEBIAN?? | 11:40 |
ajmitch | bddebian: yes | 11:40 |
bddebian | WRONG... :-) | 11:40 |
jweyrich | hroo772 just a second. | 11:40 |
ajmitch | bddebian: I would presume that's the intent, at least | 11:40 |
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jweyrich | hroo772: http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit#head-08d4087d863019523214064680fcf26721c9a1af | 11:41 |
jweyrich | have you read it? | 11:41 |
hroo772 | jweyrich: i actually already had the page open, im waiting on the current test compile to see if adding the ldflags and confflags will let it compile | 11:42 |
hroo772 | jweyrich: well it just errored the same, i could send you the rules file or whatever to look at since thats the only place that would need to change | 11:43 |
hroo772 | jweyrich: i know it just has to do with whats in this section | 11:44 |
hroo772 | ifeq ($(DEB_BUILD_ARCH), amd64) | 11:44 |
hroo772 | LDFLAGS="-L/lib32 -L/usr/lib32 -Wl,-rpath,/lib32 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib32" | 11:44 |
hroo772 | CONFFLAGS += ICU_LIB_DIR=/usr/lib32 | 11:44 |
hroo772 | endif | 11:44 |
hroo772 | jweyrich: in this section before it only had CONFFLAGS += --enable-win64 which should not be there | 11:45 |
ajmitch | yay for sensational "reporting" on slashdot | 11:45 |
bddebian | Grrrrr | 11:46 |
bddebian | fakeroot chown -R root.root debian/tmp-src | 11:46 |
bddebian | fakeroot: FAKEROOTKEY set to 1910363207 | 11:46 |
bddebian | fakeroot: nested operation not yet supported | 11:46 |
jweyrich | right hroo772, the ./configure shown some error? | 11:47 |
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hroo772 | jweyrich: well im building with pbuilder so i get the output like i should, but it says it saved a .log file, but im not sure how to get to that after a build fails in pbuilder | 11:50 |
bddebian | Oh, maybe it's this line that fails?? dpkg --build $(TMPSRC) .. | 11:51 |
hroo772 | bddebian: were you talking about my build issue? | 11:52 |
bddebian | hroo772: No, I have my own, sorry :-) | 11:52 |
hroo772 | its all good | 11:52 |
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jweyrich | sorry, I was busy. | 11:58 |
mok0 | ScottK: I soon have updates to kssh. I am sorry I missed the failed build, I was in a rush this afternoon :-( | 12:01 |
jweyrich | hroo772, I gotta go, needs to homologate an app in 30 mins. sorry for not helping too much, I'll be back later, then I can make a complete review with youy. | 12:03 |
jweyrich | you* | 12:03 |
hroo772 | jweyrich: ill be leaving work also, ill be back on the channel around 7pm EST | 12:03 |
jweyrich | let me know if you solve the issue. | 12:03 |
jweyrich | 7pm here, probably I come back @ 11pm. | 12:04 |
jweyrich | if nothing goes wrong :) see you. | 12:05 |
jweyrich | bbl guys. | 12:05 |
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