Urilock | lewis@Lewis-Desktop:~$ apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 12:17 |
Urilock | E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied) | 12:17 |
stdin | sudo... | 12:18 |
Urilock | >.< | 12:19 |
Urilock | this is a great fun and fast way to use 500mb lol | 12:19 |
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Fooller | what do I need to install to watch quicktime videos in firefox :| | 12:20 |
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Tomi-idle | Fooller: mozilla-mplayer | 12:21 |
RobNyc | anyone here running kde 3.5.7 | 12:23 |
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dthacker-lt | no | 12:25 |
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manchicken | RobNyc: I am. | 12:26 |
manchicken | Hey, folks who are considering buying new computers, consider bringing a copy of the Kubuntu Live CD to your computer distributor (e.g. Circuit City) and test it out before you buy, if you plan on buying from a retail distributor. | 12:27 |
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hasan | hi guys | 12:27 |
hasan | i ve got a question | 12:27 |
RobNyc | manchicken: how did you get it | 12:27 |
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RobNyc | the instructions are so wrong | 12:27 |
manchicken | I just called Circuit City, and the guy told me that he was cool with me bringing the Feisty Live CD in. | 12:27 |
hasan | i use konqueror and by pressing f8 konsole behind konqueror | 12:27 |
manchicken | RobNyc: Which instructions are you following? | 12:27 |
hasan | lets say taht i ve changed to /home/hasan directory in konsole | 12:28 |
RobNyc | manchicken: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-357.php | 12:28 |
hasan | in konqueror view im in another directory | 12:28 |
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hasan | how can i make those changes in accordance ? | 12:28 |
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manchicken | RobNyc: What version of Kubuntu are you running? | 12:28 |
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RobNyc | manchicken: latest :) | 12:28 |
manchicken | RobNyc: Define latest? Can you give me the DISTRIB_RELEASE value from the /etc/lsb-release file? | 12:29 |
dvheumen | I've been searching on google and ubuntu forums but could find the answer (or am searching the wrong way) so I'm asking here: Is it possible to create a shortcut to an application on another linux PC so it starts with X11 Forwarding support? | 12:29 |
RobNyc | manchicken: Feisty | 12:29 |
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manchicken | RobNyc: Those instructions worked for me on Feisty. | 12:29 |
RobNyc | 7.04 | 12:29 |
manchicken | Which part are you having trouble with? | 12:29 |
Soulwarp | wat are the plans for the next release of ubuntu/kubuntu | 12:30 |
RobNyc | it says How To Use and if i try to do it via gui there is not authentication tab to start of | 12:30 |
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manchicken | RobNyc: Try doing it without the GUI. | 12:30 |
RobNyc | i think i managed now | 12:30 |
RobNyc | manchicken: just did | 12:30 |
manchicken | It's pretty easy. | 12:30 |
RobNyc | much easier | 12:30 |
manchicken | Yeah, adept in Feisty is kinda... not as good as it could be. | 12:31 |
manchicken | Okay, I'm off to buy computers. | 12:31 |
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Soulwarp | im having a problem opening adept package manager... | 12:36 |
Soulwarp | it's not opening | 12:36 |
Soulwarp | ah never mind | 12:37 |
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Fooller | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem/TAR Will this guide work in Kubuntu too? | 12:40 |
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dvheumen | How can I (in KDE) create a shortcut to an application on a remote X server? | 12:41 |
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erikeee | I just installed Tribe 4 and I am trying to install ATI drivers.. however, I am presented with a list of x_dir:s since it can't detect my configuration.. workarounds?! | 12:43 |
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tobias | gn8 guys | 12:46 |
tobias | !n8 | 12:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about n8 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:46 |
tobias | ;) | 12:46 |
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erikeee | I just installed Tribe 4 and I am trying to install ATI drivers.. however, I am presented with a list of x_dir:s since it can't detect my configuration.. workarounds?! | 12:56 |
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=== runlevelten thought you typed Tribes 4 for a second :( | ||
fkm | Hi there. Does someone know what executable and/or what commandline arguments the "Home Folder" from the "Menu of important system places" has? I now got the exec kfmclient and the arguments "openProfile filemanagement" but it doesn't open a new tab in the already opened Konqueror :( | 12:58 |
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fkm | I got the exec and arguments from the "Home" Button from the "Quick Launcher" applet. And I guess it's not a problem of the Konqueror config as the tab thing works with the "Home Folder" button from the "Menu of important ..." | 01:00 |
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elite101 | wow | 01:05 |
elite101 | 7.04 is soooo better than 6.06 | 01:05 |
adenicio | !pty | 01:05 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pty - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:05 |
elite101 | i was missing out large | 01:05 |
elite101 | the mapping and windows are soo clean and it has a better feel | 01:06 |
Fooller | How do I make ISO image out of a file in my root dir? | 01:06 |
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elite101 | man i feel like i need alot of ram for running Kubuntu 7.04? i have only 292mb is that good? | 01:12 |
Tomi-idle | you can run kde fine with 300mb :) | 01:12 |
elite101 | thats cool | 01:12 |
Tomi-idle | but if you're using programs like firefox it can suck a lot of ram | 01:13 |
elite101 | well it seems wayy..better feisty feet | 01:13 |
Tomi-idle | minimize the programs you're running at same time to avoid slowing down | 01:13 |
elite101 | yeah | 01:13 |
elite101 | well im going to un-install bluetooth/printing services and unnessacry things i dont use | 01:13 |
elite101 | i love 7.04 it's way better than looking @ 6.06.1 | 01:14 |
Tomi-idle | have feisty on 224mb laptop (some shared) and i can run firefox + flash no probs | 01:14 |
elite101 | cool* | 01:14 |
fkm | If it's not a laptop you can normally also uninstall all the PPP tools | 01:14 |
elite101 | well im going to get a 1gig stick but there is only one prob. | 01:14 |
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elite101 | yeah true* | 01:14 |
elite101 | i dont use ppoe* | 01:14 |
Tomi-idle | i dont like the looks so much, using the svn oxygen icons + qtcurve + some other minor tweaks | 01:14 |
elite101 | for DSl but 1gb stick in SD ram is like 256DDR ram | 01:15 |
Tomi-idle | also if you dont use bluetooth remove the daemon | 01:15 |
elite101 | SD is alot slower its only like 250Mbps | 01:15 |
elite101 | whats that? | 01:15 |
elite101 | daemon* | 01:15 |
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Tomi-idle | it's the backend of bluetooth connectivity. | 01:15 |
elite101 | ic | 01:15 |
Tomi-idle | it takes a few megs ;) | 01:15 |
elite101 | well i usually uninstall things in add/remove manager | 01:15 |
elite101 | yeah | 01:16 |
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elite101 | man i dont ever wanna go back to 6.06 | 01:16 |
Tomi-idle | wait till gutsy comes out and get kde4 working on it.. *drool* | 01:16 |
elite101 | lol | 01:16 |
fkm | I don't know what I shall think about Dolphin | 01:17 |
elite101 | i know it was only 3.5.2 or something that 6.06.1 had (thank god i never used 5.10) | 01:17 |
fkm | I really came to like that Konqueror handles everything | 01:17 |
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elite101 | and is faster* | 01:17 |
elite101 | can i un-instal Knetwork manager? | 01:18 |
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fkm | you could, but if you have a wireless card I don't recommend it | 01:18 |
Tomi-idle | fkm: i have the same thing, got used to konqueror and it works great for me. dolphin seems worse atm | 01:18 |
elite101 | nvm then | 01:18 |
elite101 | lol i have ethernet | 01:18 |
elite101 | but just incase | 01:18 |
Tomi-idle | i uninstalled knetwork manager.. had no probs without it | 01:19 |
elite101 | is opreha any good webbroswer? isnt it really lightweight? | 01:19 |
thedevilsjester | If I add -static to the compile line, it will statically link all deps, but what if I just want to statically link 1 dep? | 01:19 |
Tomi-idle | but if you encounter probs just install it again :D | 01:19 |
fkm | elite101: If you have an ethernet connection with a DHCP server providing your IP you normally don't need the KNetworkManager frontent (IMO) | 01:19 |
Tomi-idle | opera is closed source software, i wouldn't recommend using it | 01:19 |
elite101 | okay lol | 01:19 |
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Tomi-idle | but some say it's good, even better than firefox for some | 01:19 |
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elite101 | well i think thats what the PSP webbrowser use's and same goes for the WII/PS3? | 01:19 |
fkm | Tomi-idle: I just hope we can switch back to Konqueror as the default file manager in Gutsy | 01:20 |
Tomi-idle | fkm: im pretty sure we can, and it should be rather easy. :) | 01:20 |
fkm | I hope so :) | 01:20 |
elite101 | Gutsy? is it like Dapper/feisty feet? | 01:20 |
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thedevilsjester | Any C/C++ devs know about static linking an individual dep, not all deps ? | 01:20 |
Tomi-idle | gutsy is the next release. im running the alpha version right now | 01:20 |
elite101 | so KDE is the desktop enviorment and so is Gnome and then what does gutsy/dapper/feisty mean? | 01:21 |
elite101 | what are they? | 01:21 |
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thedevilsjester | versions | 01:21 |
elite101 | for what thou? | 01:21 |
elite101 | kernel? | 01:21 |
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thedevilsjester | fot the OS | 01:21 |
elite101 | ic | 01:21 |
thedevilsjester | for* | 01:21 |
Tomi-idle | they include different kernels, different programs(or versions of them) etc | 01:21 |
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elite101 | okay | 01:21 |
thedevilsjester | just like 9x XP Vista etc | 01:21 |
thedevilsjester | titles for each new version | 01:22 |
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elite101 | well i must say from using Dapper Feisty Feet is way... ebtter | 01:22 |
elite101 | okay | 01:22 |
Tomi-idle | but you can upgrade to the next version from the last pretty easily | 01:22 |
elite101 | yeah | 01:22 |
thedevilsjester | So no devs here then? | 01:22 |
elite101 | im on 7.04 | 01:22 |
Tomi-idle | gutsy (hopefully) will be even better than feisty ;) | 01:22 |
elite101 | i can just upgrade to 7.10 rite now | 01:22 |
elite101 | :P | 01:22 |
fkm | I hope so. Crashed my whole system when I tried to upgrade from Edgy to Feisty | 01:22 |
Tomi-idle | 7.10 is gutsy | 01:23 |
elite101 | ohhh | 01:23 |
Tomi-idle | but it's not _stable_ yet and might encounter some problems, even data loss | 01:23 |
elite101 | wholey? there is so many is there even Kubuntu going back to99? like 99.06.1? | 01:23 |
Tomi-idle | 99? | 01:24 |
elite101 | lol | 01:24 |
elite101 | how many is there? | 01:24 |
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elite101 | from when this distro? | 01:24 |
elite101 | only back to 05' | 01:24 |
Tomi-idle | i think ubuntu starter from 05.. so i think 5.x was the first | 01:24 |
elite101 | yeah | 01:24 |
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Tomi-idle | but kubuntu was like 2006? | 01:24 |
Biovore | first big release anyway.. | 01:24 |
elite101 | ohh | 01:24 |
Tomi-idle | not sure ;) | 01:24 |
elite101 | yeah | 01:24 |
elite101 | yeah thats what i meant ubuntu 5.10 | 01:25 |
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elite101 | but who use's edubuntu? | 01:25 |
elite101 | i find itkinda pointless | 01:25 |
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Tomi-idle | lol i just got why they name the versions 6.04 6.10 etc.. lol | 01:25 |
Tomi-idle | im pretty slow.. | 01:25 |
elite101 | same* | 01:25 |
Tomi-idle | edubuntu is made towards educational purposes | 01:26 |
Tomi-idle | like schools etc. | 01:26 |
elite101 | is there anyway possiable to run a MAC os on a PC? i heard of ppl getting it for there xbox? | 01:26 |
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elite101 | yeah | 01:26 |
elite101 | i wish i can get a Kubuntu to run MAC programs like video editing* | 01:27 |
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Tomi-idle | elite101: i think it's pretty illegal to run osx on pc | 01:27 |
elite101 | yeah | 01:27 |
elite101 | but is there away? | 01:27 |
Tomi-idle | but they do have how to's on how ot run beta version of leopard on pc :p | 01:27 |
Wckdkl0wn | what repositories do i have to add to install the latest wine? | 01:27 |
elite101 | lol | 01:27 |
Tomi-idle | yeah you could run the latest os's on pcs.. | 01:27 |
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elite101 | well my computer is doing a serious upgrade now | 01:28 |
Tomi-idle | just was an article on digg.com | 01:28 |
elite101 | mhmm | 01:28 |
elite101 | i should check it out* | 01:28 |
elite101 | lol thank god i had a blank CD so i could burn 7.04 | 01:28 |
Tomi-idle | i suppose if you bought the OS you could do anything you want with it. im not a lawyer but that sounds reasonable to me ;) | 01:28 |
elite101 | yeah | 01:28 |
elite101 | but then again | 01:28 |
BluesKaj | Wckdkl0wn, windows repos :) | 01:29 |
elite101 | u could reverse engineer it and improve ur OS and then make ppl pay | 01:29 |
Tomi-idle | dunno how seriously eula must be taken | 01:29 |
elite101 | u can do the same with linux but | 01:29 |
Tomi-idle | you could run into patent problems on reverse engineering | 01:29 |
elite101 | see i wish it was like that U bought it the "consumer" u should beable to use it abuse lose and choose it | 01:29 |
elite101 | yeah* | 01:29 |
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elite101 | well im going to be working in late december* and im going to save for either a Dell XPS or a Suzuki GSX-r | 01:30 |
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elite101 | im thinking GSXR but then again its going to take long* | 01:30 |
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Tomi-idle | suzuki ftw :D | 01:30 |
elite101 | lol | 01:31 |
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fkm | Btw. does anybody here has Beryl working on his Kubuntu? | 01:31 |
elite101 | i dont wanna Hayabusa there to big | 01:31 |
elite101 | im only turning 15 and when i hit 16 im going for my M1-M2 | 01:31 |
Tomi-idle | elite101: i think we drifted a bit too much offtopic ;) | 01:31 |
elite101 | yeah | 01:31 |
runlevelten | !borkomatix | 01:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about borkomatix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:31 |
runlevelten | oh yeah | 01:32 |
runlevelten | !automatix | 01:32 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software. When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it. A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme) | 01:32 |
Tomi-idle | i had beryl working fine on feisty . also compiz-f worked fine on feisty but not on gutsy | 01:32 |
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elite101 | there is a program for windows its called ntune it overclocks and stuff will it work using wine? | 01:33 |
elite101 | or is there a linux supported version? | 01:33 |
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fkm | Tomi-idle: Do you have an ATI card? | 01:33 |
Biovore | there is a nvidia tunning tool for linux.. wine can't access hardware directly.. | 01:33 |
Tomi-idle | if it's nvidia. you could try nvclock & nvclock-qt | 01:33 |
elite101 | ahh | 01:33 |
Tomi-idle | fkm: nvidia sry | 01:34 |
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fkm | kk :) | 01:34 |
Biovore | but you need to be care full with nvlock.. you can permintely kill your card with the wrong settings.. | 01:34 |
fkm | I guess I know what's next on my shopping list ;) | 01:34 |
Tomi-idle | anything that says "overclocking" can ruin your hardware ;) | 01:34 |
elite101 | well | 01:34 |
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elite101 | overcloking is an ART not a skill* (like some say) | 01:35 |
elite101 | i have my system overclocked" | 01:35 |
elite101 | i just wanna get my video card a little higher | 01:35 |
Biovore | its an art if you don't know what your doing.. its a skill of you do.. | 01:35 |
elite101 | lol | 01:35 |
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Tomi-idle | lol@biovore | 01:35 |
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elite101 | with 7.04 is flash enabled? or installed? | 01:36 |
Biovore | you can get flash on it.. | 01:36 |
Tomi-idle | elite101: i dont think it's enabled by default | 01:36 |
Biovore | I have 7.04 running on my gamming box.. | 01:36 |
elite101 | ahh | 01:36 |
fkm | flashplugin-nonfree | 01:36 |
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Wckdkl0wn | anyone else have problems with k3b with making iso? i get it to get to 98% then it errors out on any cd i do | 01:36 |
isthisnickvalid_ | Hi! | 01:36 |
elite101 | well i usually download firefox and it does it for me :) | 01:36 |
fkm | I don't know, but I think there's even a free version. | 01:37 |
isthisnickvalid_ | I have a Zydas usb WLAN dongle.... from Zaapa. | 01:37 |
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elite101 | Zydas? | 01:37 |
elite101 | wow | 01:37 |
Tomi-idle | there's an open source version of flash called gnash | 01:37 |
Tomi-idle | GNU flash ;) | 01:37 |
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elite101 | never heard of them? is the doogle alot of money? | 01:37 |
Tomi-idle | but it doesn't work on all flash programs | 01:38 |
isthisnickvalid_ | It seems it has been correctly detected by kubuntu 7.04, but I want to put it in Acces Point mode, to use it with my Nintendo Wii... Where could I learn to do that? | 01:38 |
elite101 | i am looking for a Doggle that is supported with Kubuntu rite off the bat so its like a "plug and play" | 01:38 |
elite101 | a wiki or Youtube? | 01:38 |
adam | im having trouble with beryl is there something different than ubuntu that i should know or im doing wrong? | 01:38 |
elite101 | ppl post tutorials on the web or on google.com | 01:38 |
Biovore | rgr | 01:38 |
Biovore | when in doubt.. ask google.. it knows stuff.. | 01:39 |
elite101 | lol | 01:39 |
elite101 | its brain is powerd by solaris* | 01:39 |
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elite101 | but anyone have a Doggle that works with kubuntu rite off the bat like its just "PnP"? | 01:39 |
isthisnickvalid_ | My usb wlan dongle seems to be like "plug and play" but I don't know how to acces to the acces point mode. | 01:40 |
elite101 | im looking to buy one so i dont have to use Ndiswrapper or anything | 01:40 |
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isthisnickvalid_ | And I know that the driver supports that mode, and also monitor mode. | 01:40 |
elite101 | hmh^ | 01:40 |
fkm | Wckdkl0wn: Works fine here | 01:40 |
jrick | Does anyone have any knowledge on setting up a SMTP server? I want to set up one (sendmail?) on my box here because my email provider's (runbox) smtp server seems to be always down. | 01:40 |
elite101 | isthisnickvalid, what kinda of doggle? | 01:41 |
isthisnickvalid_ | 54mbps WIFI | 01:41 |
elite101 | no brand* | 01:41 |
isthisnickvalid_ | Zaapa, is the brand. | 01:41 |
elite101 | k | 01:41 |
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isthisnickvalid_ | The chipset is from Zydas | 01:41 |
=== elite101 wonders of i can get one @ wal-mart? | ||
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elite101 | http://zydas.rapla.net/ | 01:43 |
isthisnickvalid_ | So can I share my internet connection or not? | 01:43 |
elite101 | not sure lol | 01:43 |
elite101 | a network bridge? | 01:44 |
mohammad | would someone please let me know where I can find a gnome applet developing howto? | 01:44 |
elite101 | ohh ic make an access point with the USB device and get ur "game sys" to connect to it? | 01:44 |
elite101 | or lappy? | 01:44 |
isthisnickvalid_ | yes | 01:44 |
isthisnickvalid_ | that's what I'd like to do. | 01:45 |
fkm | mohammad: I guess this is the wrong channel for that ;) | 01:45 |
isthisnickvalid_ | what's the correct channel? | 01:45 |
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elite101 | for what? | 01:45 |
elite101 | broadcasting? | 01:45 |
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isthisnickvalid_ | My question is related to the drivers included in kubuntu... and kubuntu's tool. | 01:45 |
elite101 | i use 11/6 wich ever | 01:45 |
isthisnickvalid_ | tools | 01:45 |
elite101 | ohh well | 01:45 |
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mohammad | fkm: so, do you have any idea where I should ask it? | 01:45 |
elite101 | im not sure | 01:46 |
fkm | Well I guess if he searches for a GNOME devel tool he's better of asking the guys in #ubuntu :) | 01:46 |
elite101 | so u need a Program to make the USB dev do both monitor and do things Wlan program in Kubuntu cant do | 01:46 |
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elite101 | but im not sure of any programs | 01:46 |
jrick | so no one knows how to set up smtp? | 01:46 |
fkm | Eventhough it's possible with Kubuntu I think most people here don't use GNOME | 01:46 |
fkm | I don't :| | 01:47 |
elite101 | me either* | 01:47 |
mohammad | thank you anyway | 01:47 |
jrick | hmmm, i'll ask on #ubuntu then | 01:47 |
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isthisnickvalid_ | elite101, do you know any program of that sort? | 01:47 |
elite101 | no | 01:48 |
elite101 | sorry* | 01:48 |
Biovore | jrick: I think ubuntu uses postfix by default.. just google on postfix setup.. | 01:48 |
elite101 | in windows u can do it but not sure about kubuntu | 01:48 |
isthisnickvalid_ | and what's the name for that? Broadcasting? Acces point mode? | 01:48 |
elite101 | is there a wiki for usb doggles supported or a website? | 01:48 |
elite101 | um no sure | 01:48 |
elite101 | its in windows* | 01:48 |
elite101 | its not a program but windows Xp does it | 01:49 |
holymoly | hahaha | 01:49 |
holymoly | oh wow | 01:49 |
elite101 | but | 01:49 |
elite101 | u should ask someone else | 01:49 |
holymoly | drag and drop works between nautilus and konqueror | 01:49 |
holymoly | oh i love linux | 01:49 |
Biovore | you can share you internet connection.. but it requires some lower level configuration.. no gui atm.. | 01:49 |
holymoly | i didn't know that was a solved problem | 01:49 |
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holymoly | nautilus was logged into an ftp site, konq into an ssh account | 01:49 |
holymoly | yow | 01:49 |
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jrick | Biovore: postfix isn't installed, are you sure it's the default? | 01:51 |
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elite101 | will Kubuntu 7.04 feistyFeet still use .deb? for programs? | 01:52 |
elite101 | i am going to get limewire* | 01:52 |
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isthisnickvalid_ | Can I play good games with a card that obtains 1013 fps with glxgears? | 01:54 |
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elite101 | wow 1013? | 01:55 |
elite101 | 10-13? | 01:55 |
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haffi | Can anyone recommend a webcam GUI for KDE? | 01:55 |
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isthisnickvalid_ | 1082.995 FPS | 01:56 |
elite101 | wow? | 01:56 |
elite101 | i have only 1.6 in xracer | 01:56 |
elite101 | :P | 01:56 |
isthisnickvalid_ | do you have 3d accel activated? | 01:56 |
Tomi-idle | i have 10k fps in glxgears and wow is still a bit slow | 01:57 |
elite101 | when i shut everything down i get like 4.5 | 01:57 |
elite101 | no? | 01:57 |
fkm | About sharing the internet connection. Firestarter had some function called like that (or similarly). Maybe that works (but no idea, honestly) | 01:57 |
elite101 | 3d accel? | 01:57 |
elite101 | !3d | 01:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 3d - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:57 |
elite101 | !3D | 01:57 |
Tomi-idle | elite101: binary drivers for your gfx card | 01:57 |
elite101 | ohh wel noo | 01:57 |
isthisnickvalid_ | I have an ati 9200 SE with free drivers... | 01:57 |
elite101 | its too old | 01:57 |
isthisnickvalid_ | the closed source drivers where stopped... | 01:57 |
isthisnickvalid_ | were* | 01:57 |
elite101 | but i usually play games that are online | 01:58 |
fkm | !fglrx | 01:58 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 01:58 |
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isthisnickvalid_ | firestarter... thanks fkm, I'll give it a try | 01:58 |
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fkm | It's about the ... maybe 3rd page of the wizard that pops up when you launch it for the first tim | 01:58 |
fkm | e | 01:58 |
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jrick | I think I found what I needed: http://my.opera.com/Contrid/blog/show.dml/478684 | 01:59 |
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casperzshado | everytime i turn on beryl my screen turns white, is there something im missing? | 02:01 |
evaldo | como fao para ajuda em portugus? | 02:01 |
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[1] Myelin | hello | 02:02 |
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elite101 | hello | 02:02 |
casperzshado | is there anybody out there | 02:02 |
elite101 | yeah | 02:02 |
casperzshado | i need a hand | 02:03 |
elite101 | sorry lol i know nothing about beryl | 02:03 |
[1] Myelin | Please can you tell me the command to know what apt-get will download and install. | 02:03 |
NickPresta | [1] Myelin, `sudo apt-get -s install PACKAGE` | 02:03 |
evaldo | help for speecher of portuguese | 02:03 |
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yurimxpxman | is there any way to forward audio over ssh? | 02:03 |
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jrick | hmm, postfix config is asking me some basic questions, and i don't know how to answer them. | 02:03 |
Biovore | yurimxpxman: the sound servers in kde (arts) can do network sounds.. I have never messed with it.. | 02:04 |
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jrick | Internet Site, Internet Site using smarthost, Satellite system, and Local delivery only. | 02:04 |
elite101 | mhm i wonder if ppl know my nick by now i have been on hear since like 2-3 months? | 02:04 |
level1 | flash player in konqueror (youtube) was working just yesterday, but now youtube gives me the "you don't have flash" message... according to the settings I have libflash loaded into konqueror | 02:04 |
jrick | which should I choose? | 02:05 |
Biovore | jrick: the going to be a real internet mail server that accept mail from other mail servers? | 02:05 |
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jrick | Biovore: i just want to send all my mail through this computer, not some other website or server. | 02:05 |
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Biovore | jrick: local only then.. | 02:06 |
BluesKaj | web mail can be a saviour sometimes | 02:06 |
jrick | Biovore: k, thanks | 02:06 |
Ronald- | Hello, I'm tring to install ubuntu, but once the installation finishes I reboot my pc and i get an error msg "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off"" and when I click on Crt-alt-F1 I get this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33868/ I checked for error on the installation CD, its ok I used the all_generic_ide command, whitout success | 02:06 |
casperzshado | im having trouble with beryl can anyone gimme a hand? | 02:07 |
elite101 | #ubuntu <- ? | 02:07 |
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isthisnickvalid_ | casperzshado, tell us your problem | 02:07 |
jrick | Biovore: what do I do about the 'mail name'? | 02:08 |
level1 | !flash | 02:08 |
ubotu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 02:08 |
jrick | Biovore: it says it's the stuff after the @ | 02:08 |
casperzshado | everytime i start beryl my screen goes white, i just changed from ubuntu and it worked fine there | 02:08 |
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Biovore | you got something setup wrong probably.. | 02:08 |
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Biovore | its the same xserver and interface basicly. | 02:09 |
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elite101 | does kubuntu have anything like mal-ware/spy-ware/at all? | 02:09 |
jrick | Biovore: since I use runbox, if I want to make it look like I used their runbox server, would I use 'runbox.com'? | 02:09 |
elite101 | or a virus? | 02:09 |
Biovore | well there isn't anything in th wild | 02:10 |
elite101 | i thought i read or heard about someone trying to rite a virus for linux? o_0 | 02:10 |
isthisnickvalid_ | It can exist, but there is a very very little probablity for you to be infected by anything. | 02:10 |
elite101 | yeah | 02:10 |
Biovore | in theroy you could.. | 02:10 |
elite101 | but | 02:10 |
elite101 | who would? | 02:10 |
Biovore | but it would probably only run as a user.. | 02:10 |
elite101 | why is windows so vulnerable to attacks? | 02:10 |
elite101 | yeah* | 02:10 |
isthisnickvalid_ | but nobody is interested in programming viruses for a plataform with no-so-many users as windows | 02:10 |
isthisnickvalid_ | lol | 02:10 |
elite101 | with out root privilages | 02:10 |
elite101 | true* | 02:11 |
elite101 | ic | 02:11 |
Biovore | everyone uses windows as administrator | 02:11 |
elite101 | yeah | 02:11 |
Biovore | thus everyone gets owned.. | 02:11 |
elite101 | so then it spreads like wildfire | 02:11 |
casperzshado | isthisnickvalid_, do you know what could be the cause of my screen going white after starting beryl? | 02:11 |
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isthisnickvalid_ | casperzshado what card do you have? | 02:11 |
Ronald- | I'm trying to install ubuntu, do you think that if I try to install Kubuntu it will work? | 02:12 |
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Biovore | Ronald-: did ubuntu install? | 02:12 |
elite101 | lol funny thing i had a broken system" and i installed Kubuntu on a second HDD and the first one started to work? | 02:13 |
Ronald- | biovore> nope | 02:13 |
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elite101 | it was weird it fixed it | 02:13 |
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Biovore | Ronald-: then I doubt kubuntu will install eather.. try the alternate installer.. that might work.. | 02:14 |
Ronald- | biovore> I get an error each time i reboot the sysmem after installing it | 02:14 |
Biovore | oh.. what error? | 02:14 |
Biovore | grub 18? | 02:14 |
Ronald- | biovore> "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" | 02:14 |
Ronald- | biovore> and when I click on Crt-alt-F1 I get this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33868/ | 02:14 |
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Biovore | hmm.. looks like udev is letting you down.. :-/ | 02:15 |
Ronald- | biovore> however when I run ubuntu from the CD it works fine | 02:15 |
isthisnickvalid_ | casperzshado, what's the brand of your video card' | 02:16 |
isthisnickvalid_ | ? | 02:16 |
Ronald- | biovore> what can I do to fix that? | 02:16 |
casperzshado | isthisnickvalid_, dual nvidia geforce 7600 gs | 02:16 |
elite101 | sli problems? | 02:16 |
jrick | ok, I think I have postfix working now, but how do I configure it into Mailody? | 02:16 |
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Biovore | Ronald-: yeah.. might need to change your your grub boot options.. need to pass root=<root_device> and not by uid.. It looks like when the kernel is comming up it can't seem to find the disk with the lable posted.. | 02:17 |
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casperzshado | isthisnickvalid_, it worked fine on ubuntu about 2 hours ago | 02:17 |
isthisnickvalid_ | and now it goes white? | 02:17 |
hsatera | is there any browser that runs in python? | 02:18 |
casperzshado | yeah, only in kubuntu | 02:18 |
isthisnickvalid_ | You tried beryl with ubuntu and worked. Now tried with kubuntu and didn't work. Is that the problem? | 02:18 |
Biovore | hsatera: no but python can call and interface with konqueror using kde interface modules | 02:18 |
Ronald- | biovore>how can I change the grub boot options? sorry I'm newbie | 02:18 |
isthisnickvalid_ | What window manager are you using? I guess beryl switches to "beryl" window manager automaticlly | 02:18 |
casperzshado | isthisnickvalid_, i tried kubuntu last week and had the same problem, burned another boot disk, went back to ubuntu and just tried again | 02:19 |
elite101 | can i update KDE 3.5.6 to 4.0 beta from Kubuntu 7.04? | 02:19 |
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isthisnickvalid_ | Have you tried compiz-fusion? | 02:19 |
casperzshado | im wondereing if theres something that i just dont know about kubuntu yet | 02:19 |
hsatera | Biovore: i need to access the internet trough the shell, and cannot compile cc/gcc programs; | 02:19 |
Biovore | elite101: In theory yes.. but I don't think there any debs guarented to work though.. | 02:19 |
elite101 | ahh | 02:19 |
isthisnickvalid_ | I think it could be, casperzshado, that Ubuntu uses by default "Compiz" and Kubuntu usually uses Beryl... | 02:20 |
elite101 | what happens if i try and it works? | 02:20 |
Biovore | hsatera: lynx.. a text based web browser? | 02:20 |
isthisnickvalid_ | and the bug could be only in beryl and not present in Compiz | 02:20 |
casperzshado | isthisnickvalid_, i tried that for ubuntu but couldnt get it to work right, thought i would wait until they got the kinks worked out | 02:20 |
isthisnickvalid_ | You're using NVIDIA's propietary driver, right? | 02:20 |
hsatera | Biovore: it has gcc | 02:20 |
isthisnickvalid_ | From apt-get | 02:20 |
hsatera | =/ | 02:20 |
elite101 | anyone using 4.0 beta? | 02:21 |
Biovore | hsatera: what is it your tring to do.. I am not really clear what your problem is.. | 02:21 |
Ronald- | Biovore> Sir, how can I change the grub boot options? sorry I'm a newbie | 02:21 |
casperzshado | isthisnickvalid_, , i'm pretty sure but i dont know where to find the restricted drivers in kubuntu, things are a little different | 02:21 |
hsatera | Biovore: want to use a browser trough a remote connection, wich can't compile anything cause i'm not root and do not have gcc installed | 02:22 |
Biovore | Ronald-: when it boots you can try pressing esc and then press 'e' to edit the entry.. | 02:22 |
Biovore | Ronald-: I am not really sure what the fix would be.. might need to check google or the forums.. | 02:22 |
Biovore | !forums | 02:22 |
ubotu | The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums. | 02:22 |
elite101 | well gtg | 02:23 |
isthisnickvalid_ | casperzshado | 02:23 |
elite101 | bye | 02:23 |
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isthisnickvalid_ | go to "System" and then "Adept" | 02:23 |
Biovore | hsatera: so you sshed into this remote shell? | 02:23 |
isthisnickvalid_ | That's the package manager, like Synaptics | 02:23 |
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hsatera | telnet. | 02:23 |
casperzshado | ok | 02:23 |
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isthisnickvalid_ | and then, there search for nvidia's driver | 02:23 |
Ronald- | Biovore> ok, Thank you Sir, at least I have a clue now, I've beenn 2 hours in the ubuntu channel asking the same question and nobody paid me attention | 02:23 |
isthisnickvalid_ | and install the "new" package (there is another group of packages for older graphic cards) | 02:23 |
Biovore | hsatera: ok.. and you want to browser the web on that remote shell? | 02:24 |
hsatera | yes. | 02:24 |
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Biovore | well givin it text only.. your stuck with eather lynx links or w3m was web-based browsers.. | 02:24 |
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Tomi-idle | i think you could use vnc or something like that to use remote X window | 02:25 |
Biovore | ^ probably a bette approach.. | 02:25 |
hsatera | Biovore: all of them use gcc? | 02:26 |
Biovore | gcc is a c compiler.. | 02:26 |
hsatera | yes. | 02:26 |
casperzshado | isthisnickvalid_, it doesnt appear i have it, there a lot of them there, how do i know which one to get? | 02:26 |
Tomi-idle | hsatera: telnet is not very secure way to connect. ssh is a preferred way | 02:26 |
Biovore | I don't see what your asking has to do with a compiler.. | 02:27 |
casperzshado | sorry did see that | 02:27 |
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linux_user400354 | I have 2 dual layer dvd burners and I want to use them both at once for burning. do I have to run 2 instances of k3b to do that? | 02:28 |
hsatera | Biovore: i simply can't compile programs without previous libs | 02:28 |
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isthisnickvalid_ | wait a sec | 02:29 |
isthisnickvalid_ | casperzshado | 02:29 |
Biovore | linux_user400354: dual layer is handeld by the burner.. has nothing to do with software.. k3b should detect it as a dual-layered, I think.. | 02:29 |
casperzshado | yeah | 02:29 |
Biovore | hsatera: what are you compiling? | 02:29 |
Tomi-idle | linux_user400354: you might want to check out k3b's site's faq | 02:29 |
hsatera | trying lyns. | 02:30 |
hsatera | lynx | 02:30 |
Tomi-idle | linux_user400354: or forums. might have some info on the subject | 02:30 |
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Biovore | hsatera: ah the remote box dosn't have lynx or w3m on it, then I guess.. | 02:30 |
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hsatera | no it doesnt. | 02:30 |
isthisnickvalid_ | casperzshado you have to install nvidia-glx | 02:30 |
Biovore | hsatera: do you know what the remote end is running? | 02:30 |
Biovore | hsatera: I am guess you don't have a admin account on that remote machine.. | 02:31 |
hsatera | didnt understand the question | 02:31 |
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hsatera | no i dont. | 02:31 |
isthisnickvalid_ | casperzshado: when you finished installing that, open a terminal window (konsole) and type this: sudo nvidia-glx-config enable | 02:31 |
Biovore | hsatera: what OS/version is the remote end.. what hardware is it running on.. | 02:31 |
casperzshado | ok 1 sec | 02:32 |
W1ZrD | What kind of bot is the IRC bot here? | 02:32 |
hsatera | what should i type to see all this? top ? df? | 02:32 |
Biovore | custom thing.. | 02:32 |
Biovore | hsatera: uname -a | 02:32 |
W1ZrD | uh, is the bot written custom from scratch, or is it based off something like Supybot? | 02:33 |
linux_user400354 | Tomi-idle: http://k3b.plainblack.com/faq i see nothing about it | 02:33 |
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Biovore | W1ZrD: I think its a custom thing in python or perl.. | 02:33 |
casperzshado | isthisnickvalid_, do i have to restart my pc to restart x? | 02:33 |
W1ZrD | thnx Biovore, I would have need for one I can custom with ![variable] [string] | 02:34 |
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hsatera | Biovore: i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux | 02:34 |
Biovore | ok | 02:34 |
Biovore | hsatera: lsb_release -cs | 02:35 |
hsatera | what will it do/ | 02:35 |
Biovore | print out the distro and info | 02:35 |
Biovore | or lsb_release -a | 02:36 |
Tomi-idle | lsb_release -d should be better | 02:36 |
hsatera | command not found | 02:36 |
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Biovore | hsatera: hmm so its not a out of the box linux then.. | 02:36 |
Biovore | hsatera: custom job | 02:36 |
level1_ | Hi, is there a way to configure touchpads in kde? | 02:36 |
jcs7778 | is there a way to configure toutch pads on laptops? | 02:36 |
level1_ | jcs7778: stop copying me, charles | 02:37 |
Tomi-idle | level1_: i think you have to manually edit xorg.conf . let me try to search if there's a gui for it | 02:37 |
hsatera | no way to run lynx so? | 02:37 |
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level1_ | Tomi-idle: me and jcs7778 are just looking for a way to configure tap-to-click and scroll-on-edge features | 02:37 |
isthisnickvalid_ | casperzshado | 02:37 |
isthisnickvalid_ | you have to restart x | 02:38 |
isthisnickvalid_ | remember to do the command | 02:38 |
isthisnickvalid_ | if you haven't done already | 02:38 |
Biovore | hsatera: you could build all static implementation for x86 on your box then copy it over.. | 02:38 |
hsatera | will it work u think? | 02:38 |
Biovore | hsatera: in theory you can build lynx if you have access to a gcc compiler though.. but you can't do the standard ./configure make make install procedure though.. | 02:38 |
hsatera | i have links installed here. | 02:39 |
Tomi-idle | level1_: try a program called ksynaptics | 02:39 |
Biovore | hsatera: the lynxs is dynamic linked.. you need a static linked version.. | 02:39 |
hsatera | i have links, not lynx | 02:39 |
isthisnickvalid_ | Do you know any good strategy game? For online gaming. | 02:40 |
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hsatera | /usr/share/docs Biovore ? | 02:40 |
Biovore | hsatera: If there installed from a deb there probably dynamicly linked and won't work on anothere system.. | 02:40 |
Tomi-idle | level1_: from what i see ksynaptics seems to do the job you need :) | 02:40 |
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elite101 | mhmm while going threw the programs list i saw this "A very nice MSN compatible messenger application. Works pretty much like its Windows based counterpart. Perfect for keeping in touch with those friends who have not yet seen the light." | 02:40 |
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elite101 | ;) | 02:40 |
hsatera | i installed running ./configure | 02:41 |
Biovore | hsatera: you would have to build a staticly linked version of lynx or links or whatever then copy the bin over.. | 02:41 |
level1_ | Tomi-idle: whats the command to run it? | 02:41 |
Biovore | hsatera: ./configure will give you a dynamic link | 02:41 |
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runlevelten | battle for wesnoth. | 02:41 |
runlevelten | freeciv. | 02:41 |
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runlevelten | isthisnickvalid_: | 02:41 |
Tomi-idle | level1_: alt-f2 and type "ksynaptics" | 02:41 |
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level1_ | Tomi-idle: no, thats not it | 02:41 |
hsatera | how do i get it? | 02:41 |
hsatera | a static linked? | 02:42 |
Tomi-idle | hsatera: there should be a module in kcontrol too | 02:42 |
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Tomi-idle | hsatera: it works thru alt-f2, but not thru terminal. the command | 02:42 |
Biovore | hsatera: it complicated.. basicly google on building things as statics on google.. there extra commands and steps to do it.. | 02:42 |
Tomi-idle | oops | 02:42 |
Biovore | hehe | 02:42 |
Tomi-idle | hsatera: i mean to say those to level1_ | 02:43 |
level1_ | Tomi-idle: how is that possible? | 02:43 |
Tomi-idle | level1_: because alt-f2 also recognizes kde modules i think | 02:43 |
hsatera | and to me? | 02:43 |
hsatera | how do i get a static linked program/ | 02:43 |
Tomi-idle | level1_: so it could be something like "kcontrol ksynaptics" command that it's trying to run | 02:43 |
Biovore | hsatera: google on it.. it verys on the package.. | 02:44 |
Biovore | hsatera: basicly thats at a level where you have to know how linking works and what the OS does when it runs a application.. | 02:44 |
runlevelten | what you looking for level1_? | 02:44 |
=== runlevelten scrolls | ||
Tomi-idle | level1_: you did install the ksynaptics package right? | 02:45 |
runlevelten | are you talking about a kcontrol module? | 02:45 |
level1_ | Tomi-idle, runlevelten: I got it | 02:45 |
level1_ | thanks | 02:45 |
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Tomi-idle | np | 02:45 |
runlevelten | Ah, OK :) | 02:45 |
=== runlevelten had better stumble off to bed. | ||
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Tomi-idle | runlevelten: it can be also run through kcontrol | 02:45 |
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hsatera | Biovore: may i pm u for a second or notice? | 02:46 |
isthisnickvalid_ | runlevelten, and what about a good RTS game? | 02:46 |
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adenicio | stdin: when im going to shut tdown the pc i go in K it only got the option log out.cant i change that to show the menu restart or shut down? | 02:53 |
adenicio | when im going to shut tdown the pc i go in K it only got the option log out.cant i change that to show the menu restart or shut down? | 02:54 |
isthisnickvalid_ | bye | 02:55 |
=== level1 [n=level1@adsl-67-36-191-238.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubuntu | isthisnickvalid_: ok worse problem, after restarting my pc, now i cant get to the ligin screen i had this problem in ubuntu i went to the ctrl alt f1 and removed and reinstalled gdm , but appearently kubuntu doesnt use gdm, what does it use for login and would i approacck it the came way? | 02:56 |
fkm | kdm | 02:56 |
level1 | what button do I have to press so that, no matter what, if my finger is not on the left click button my touchpad will not click? | 02:56 |
level1 | I turned off tapping in ksynaptics but its still tapping | 02:57 |
level1 | its driving me nuts! | 02:57 |
level1 | Most frustratating "feature" ever | 02:57 |
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ubuntu | fkm: was that for me? | 02:58 |
fkm | yes | 02:58 |
ubuntu | thank you | 02:58 |
fkm | Kubuntu uses kdm (KDE Display Manager) | 02:58 |
fkm | But I don't know the answer to the rest of your question | 02:59 |
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leafw | is there any way to use xrandr to activate an external screen when connected while xorg is already running? | 03:01 |
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leafw | xrandr -q lists "Reflections possible - none" but if I restart xorg, then the second screen starts working automatically | 03:01 |
leafw | the problem is in "hotplugging" an external screen | 03:02 |
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lucaf3rr | how do I enable compiz and Xgl in Tribe with KDE4b1? | 03:06 |
alexandros | hey guys | 03:06 |
alexandros | when I try to apt-get install adept-notifier I get the following message: | 03:07 |
isthisnickvalid_ | ubuntu | 03:07 |
isthisnickvalid_ | kubuntu uses kdm | 03:07 |
alexandros | adept-notifier: Depends: update-notifier-common but it is not installable | 03:07 |
isthisnickvalid_ | You can do this | 03:07 |
isthisnickvalid_ | go to /etc/X11 | 03:08 |
isthisnickvalid_ | and then take the xorg.conf backup that nvdia's driver did and rename it to xorg.conf | 03:08 |
isthisnickvalid_ | overwriting the new configuration | 03:08 |
isthisnickvalid_ | perhaps nvidia-glx disable? | 03:08 |
alexandros | and when I try to apt-get update-notifier-common I get: | 03:09 |
alexandros | Package update-notifier-common is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 03:09 |
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alexandros | what should I do ?:D | 03:09 |
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renato_ | anyone know if a virtual machine takes long to start working, because this virtual box has been at 0% for ages? | 03:12 |
jdz1394 | hey, here's a really noob question. I've installed UT2004 on kubuntu 7.04, how do I run it? | 03:12 |
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_beata_ | Hello hello. Is it possible for the default kernel to handle more than four ISA/PCI serial ports? | 03:13 |
Biovore | renato_: virtual box should just boot up.. | 03:13 |
Biovore | _beata_: it should be able too.. | 03:13 |
Biovore | _beata_: ass long as the cards are support by the kernel.. | 03:13 |
Biovore | (as) | 03:13 |
_beata_ | I get this error on boot: Couldn't register serial port 0000:00:06.0: -28 | 03:14 |
Biovore | ^ pci serial port? | 03:14 |
_beata_ | Yes. | 03:14 |
Biovore | what uart is on it? | 03:14 |
_beata_ | 16550A | 03:14 |
_beata_ | It's the fourth port of a four-port card. | 03:14 |
level1 | whats the story with linux on intel macs? | 03:15 |
level1 | does it "run"? | 03:15 |
Biovore | oh.. so you got 20 serial ports then? | 03:15 |
underdog5004 | level1, yes | 03:15 |
Biovore | level1: yes... | 03:15 |
_beata_ | No, I have five ports. | 03:15 |
level1 | so, the ubuntu intel 32 liveCD would boot and install on a mac? | 03:16 |
Biovore | yup | 03:16 |
Biovore | broadcom nic | 03:16 |
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_beata_ | I'll elaborate a little, if it isn't sufficiently spammy. | 03:16 |
Biovore | intel duo core with intel chipset.. | 03:16 |
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_beata_ | Hmm, six lines might be sufficiently spammy. Do we have a paste channel? | 03:17 |
Dragnslcr | !paste | 03:17 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 03:17 |
jeffmitchell | ATTENTION BORED PEOPLE: please test my webserver and tell me if you get anything ---> | 03:17 |
Biovore | jeffmitchell: Looks like its working.. | 03:18 |
jeffmitchell | Biovore: what'd you get? is there a file there? | 03:18 |
_beata_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33880/ | 03:18 |
Biovore | yup.. a directory listing with a file blah.txt or something.. | 03:18 |
jeffmitchell | ok thanks Biovore: one of my friends on kopete also confirmed this. i'm done here, cheers :-) | 03:19 |
underdog5004 | jeffmitchell, looks good to me, I'm on the West Coast of the US | 03:20 |
_beata_ | Missed a line. | 03:20 |
_beata_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33881/ | 03:20 |
Biovore | _beata_: it looks like its not assigning it via apic.. only got 16 interrupts.. apic gives you more interrupts.. | 03:22 |
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_beata_ | Er, I have apic working. | 03:23 |
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Biovore | _beata_: sorry.. I read that wrong.. | 03:23 |
Biovore | _beata_: apic is working.. | 03:23 |
_beata_ | Tee hee. 'does this array start at 0 or 1?' | 03:23 |
TehUni | when running glxgears, i get 12000fps. when using compiz, only around 3000fps. is such a drop normal? | 03:23 |
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Alloosh | hi guys I have ubuntu and I would like to get kubuntu also | 03:25 |
Alloosh | how ? | 03:25 |
Dragnslcr | Install kubuntu-desktop | 03:25 |
TehUni | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 03:25 |
_beata_ | I know there's a compile option about the serial driver, but I couldn't find documentation for it when I looked in linux-doc-2.6.20 | 03:25 |
Biovore | _beata_: not sure.. I havn't mucked with that many serial cards on a box.. | 03:26 |
newtoubuntu | Could anyone help me get my Wolfentein ET to work? | 03:26 |
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_beata_ | Awr. | 03:26 |
Biovore | newtoubuntu: I think it works kinda like Q3.. | 03:27 |
Alloosh | thanks, | 03:27 |
newtoubuntu | I know i'm in the wrong room | 03:27 |
newtoubuntu | point me in the right direction? | 03:27 |
Biovore | newtoubuntu: you download the linux patch, install it, and then copy the pak files of the cd onto the game directory.. | 03:27 |
newtoubuntu | everything seems to be installed and patched | 03:27 |
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newtoubuntu | game loads up and everything | 03:28 |
newtoubuntu | just no server list | 03:28 |
_beata_ | I have a serial Palm and two SGI dialbox sets, plus the occational debug console on ttyS0 | 03:28 |
Biovore | hmm.. not sure whats going on there.. | 03:28 |
newtoubuntu | and i can connect to a server manualy, but then i get an empycdkey ban | 03:28 |
Biovore | newtoubuntu: hmm.. in Q3 there was a option to set your cdkey | 03:28 |
newtoubuntu | pb says to enter in console "/pb_cdkeyreg" but to no avail | 03:29 |
Biovore | ET should have the sme option | 03:29 |
newtoubuntu | i'll check again | 03:29 |
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newtoubuntu | nope, on the option | 03:30 |
newtoubuntu | maybe i'll just download Q3 or something | 03:31 |
Biovore | newtoubuntu: I played ET on linux 4 years ago.. I don't remember how it works any more.. | 03:31 |
newtoubuntu | yeah, it should work, but it seems alot of people are having problems with it | 03:32 |
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newtoubuntu | you think i'll have this much trouble with Q3? | 03:33 |
newtoubuntu | or better yet you know of any other free FPS for ubuntu? | 03:34 |
lucaf3rr | How do I change to using Xgl as my default x-server? | 03:34 |
newtoubuntu | besides Tremulous? | 03:34 |
Biovore | alienarena | 03:35 |
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Biovore | www.happypenguin.com | 03:35 |
Biovore | http://happypenguin.org/ | 03:35 |
elite101 | hey "gnash" or flash will that be intergrated into Firefox? or only Konqueror? | 03:35 |
elite101 | or will i still have to download the plugin-in ? | 03:36 |
newtoubuntu | thanks yeah i was on the fence with alien arena, but that's what i'll do | 03:36 |
newtoubuntu | and one more question? should i upgrade to kubuntu? | 03:36 |
Biovore | there is a counter strike like clone as well | 03:36 |
elite101 | ^? | 03:36 |
Biovore | kubuntu is ubuntu with kde and not gnome.. there basicly the same thing.. | 03:37 |
newtoubuntu | yeah i know | 03:37 |
newtoubuntu | just didn't know how to word it | 03:37 |
elite101 | Kubuntu is better | 03:37 |
elite101 | ;) | 03:37 |
newtoubuntu | all i needed to know | 03:37 |
elite101 | well thats my opinion | 03:37 |
elite101 | try both of them and see | 03:37 |
newtoubuntu | appreciated guys, proably see me in the near future | 03:37 |
newtoubuntu | i'm on ubuntu now | 03:37 |
newtoubuntu | but i will | 03:37 |
elite101 | lol | 03:37 |
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elite101 | why not keep both??!! | 03:38 |
newtoubuntu | point me to some reading material, or if it's that simple how? | 03:38 |
Biovore | to kubuntu just install kubuntu-desktop | 03:40 |
Biovore | (to get) | 03:40 |
newtoubuntu | alright, how do i keep gnome as well? | 03:41 |
Biovore | (sudo apt-get instlal kbuntu-desktop) | 03:41 |
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newtoubuntu | will i still be able to run everything i've acciured so far if i install kubuntu? | 03:44 |
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Biovore | yup.. you can select between gnome and kde at login. | 03:45 |
Biovore | just adding stuff | 03:45 |
newtoubuntu | alright, thanks again | 03:45 |
newtoubuntu | shall return to ask stupid question another day | 03:46 |
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casperzshado | ok i installed my nvidia driver and i was talkin to someone earlier about enabling it but hes not here anymore, does anyone know what to type at the terminal in order to enable my nvidia driver? | 03:46 |
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casperzshado | sudo apt-get something enable | 03:49 |
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murchadh | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 03:51 |
elite101 | wow vista theme for firefox looks verygood and clean 5stars:***** | 03:51 |
murchadh | casperzshado: ^^^Sorry, I think this is what you want. | 03:51 |
elite101 | ohh sorry for getting in the way my bad! | 03:51 |
murchadh | elite101: Hehe | 03:52 |
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=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-46-101.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu | ||
elite101 | hey if u can run linux/kubuntu on Mac cant u get "wine" and use windows programs on it too? | 03:54 |
=== Eeyore-Jr [n=chatzill@p226n22.ruraltel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Eeyore-Jr | is there a way to set a bogus printer in kubuntu ? | 03:55 |
casperzshado | im not sure i know what that did | 03:57 |
=== genii [n=user@206-248-129-241.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Biovore | Eeyore-Jr: you can setup a pdf printer.. | 03:57 |
Biovore | nvidia-glx enable? | 03:58 |
=== genii sips a coffee | ||
=== HHP2K [n=jesse@bas16-toronto12-1088910010.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
BluesKaj | still on the coffee at this hr genii, or are you on the niteshift ? | 03:59 |
=== murchadh remembers the day well when elite101 started WW3! | ||
jhutchins | elite101: There are a number of different ways to run windows programs on a Mac, wine works for some. | 03:59 |
=== cedric_ [n=cedric@d83-182-130-229.cust.tele2.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
elite101 | lol | 03:59 |
elite101 | ahaha* | 03:59 |
jhutchins | elite101: There have been commercial emulators for ages. | 04:00 |
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elite101 | okay well i dont own a mac but thought it could be done | 04:00 |
elite101 | lol | 04:00 |
jhutchins | elite101: Running on Mac OS and OS-X. | 04:00 |
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elite101 | well do u have to own a "mac/linux" or will any ol'kubuntu work on a mac? | 04:00 |
jhutchins | elite101: Pretty sure VMWare will run on OS-X, not sure how hosting OS-X goes. | 04:00 |
elite101 | lol | 04:00 |
elite101 | so i can run mac-osx inside PC linux? | 04:01 |
Biovore | vmware for OS-X is call fusion | 04:01 |
murchadh | casperzshado: It configs your xorg-server and should allow you to select the correct driver for your card. But I'm not all that sure about the nvidia stuff. Biovore had a suggestion above....^^ | 04:01 |
jhutchins | elite101: I don't know about the PPC versions - some distros are dropping that, because it's extra work and there are fewer and fewer out ther. | 04:01 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@pool-72-75-20-31.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
genii | BluesKaj: I'm on my home box tryinmg to wire my cellphone to the bluetooth adapter :) | 04:01 |
elite101 | murchadh, why did i start WW3 again? what was it about? | 04:01 |
BluesKaj | aha genii ...good luck :) | 04:01 |
genii | Some progress :) | 04:02 |
jhutchins | Basically anything you can do with a computer, you can do with a Mac - for a price. | 04:02 |
elite101 | lol | 04:02 |
elite101 | no doubt | 04:02 |
=== jhutchins apologises to anybody who's question got stepped on and goes off to #kubuntu-offtopic to ramble. | ||
=== murchadh Laughs, Hehe! Just the Marriage of Macs&Win&Linux users. what was there left to fight about after that..... | ||
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elite101 | ohh lol | 04:03 |
elite101 | 1 button mouse and thats its incompatiable and stuff* and u cant build it | 04:04 |
elite101 | i remember | 04:04 |
BluesKaj | ok, you experts i got a question about bad HDD sectors ...do they show up as "used or files" on the disk | 04:04 |
BluesKaj | ? | 04:04 |
elite101 | idk | 04:05 |
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BluesKaj | genii, ? what do you think ? | 04:06 |
=== murchadh Is sorry for being well off-topic as well. Will try to be constructive to repent. | ||
murchadh | BluesKaj: What FS, ext3? | 04:06 |
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elite101 | NTFS? | 04:06 |
elite101 | lol | 04:06 |
=== scoot [n=scoot@nr27-66-161-248-99.fuse.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
BluesKaj | no NTFS... a friend's new install ...he won't be linux ready for a while | 04:07 |
genii | BluesKaj: I know thats how it worked (works now?) on windoze. ext I dunno, they may have a more sophisticated classification way | 04:07 |
BluesKaj | we installed XP PRO, real clean ...his HDD shows 40G used on the disk | 04:08 |
BluesKaj | his son's shows 8.5 with practically the same stuff | 04:09 |
BluesKaj | looking at a dying HDD , maybe | 04:09 |
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murchadh | BluesKaj: What are the total sizes of the partition/Drive? | 04:10 |
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BluesKaj | 1 partition only ,120g | 04:11 |
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BluesKaj | BBL | 04:15 |
=== robotgeek [n=robotgee@c-68-62-216-83.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
goban_ | whats the KDE process manager? i have a java embeded frame that wont go away | 04:15 |
=== ceros [n=user@c-76-111-84-156.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jhutchins | goban_: ctrl-esc | 04:16 |
jhutchins | goban_: ctrl-alt-esc if you want a window killer. | 04:16 |
goban_ | oh thanks :)) | 04:16 |
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goban_ | oh wow 20 coppies of amarok running | 04:17 |
=== jeffmitchell [n=jeffm@60-234-217-170.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
murchadh | goban_: What does that sound like? | 04:18 |
goban_ | nothing, amarok wont display the GUI | 04:18 |
goban_ | otherwise it might sound like aphex twin :) | 04:18 |
jeffmitchell | hi all, does anyone know what i can use to send files across my lan? i have a dedicated webserver with nothing attached but power and a ethernet cable. what software do i need? | 04:18 |
_beata_ | I may well have to rebuild my kernel. | 04:18 |
murchadh | goban_: Hehe... kill 'em all! | 04:19 |
Eeyore-Jr | Biovore: i need to setup a bogus hp laserjet to test a crash function | 04:19 |
robotgeek | jeffmitchell: ftp server might be easiest | 04:19 |
=== nosrednaekim [n=michael@02-173.200.popsite.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
elite101 | does "sigkill" kill all prosseces? | 04:19 |
jeffmitchell | robotgeek: via apt-get?? | 04:19 |
robotgeek | jeffmitchell: however, there is a simple sharing option in System Settings that might be easier | 04:19 |
Eeyore-Jr | so, i need to tell it, it's a parallel printer and what printer it is without being required to have a parallell port hooked up. i suppose i could create a loop back parallel port | 04:20 |
murchadh | jeffmitchell: Is the dedicated server running *nix; if so setup samba to share files. | 04:21 |
_beata_ | I've had a bit of trouble with samba, myself. | 04:22 |
jeffmitchell | murchadh: they're both linux systems. but my server has no GUI or monitor. | 04:23 |
_beata_ | Can you telnet/ssh into the server? | 04:23 |
jeffmitchell | me? yes i can ssh into it. | 04:23 |
=== Kr4t05 [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-8-103.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Dragnslcr | scp might be the simplest way to just copy files | 04:24 |
murchadh | _beata_: Lotsa trouble or just the seriously underreported bug that came with the last upgrade [still not fixed] ? | 04:25 |
jeffmitchell | scp?? | 04:25 |
jeffmitchell | how about ftp/tftp/samba? | 04:25 |
elite101 | hey what is the program to manage Clusters? like so i can log into them and controll them from the "master node" | 04:25 |
_beata_ | I don't know about the bug. | 04:25 |
Dragnslcr | Yeah, copies files across an SSH connection | 04:25 |
Dragnslcr | !scp | 04:25 |
ubotu | SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/ | 04:25 |
elite101 | it starts with an "M" | 04:25 |
elite101 | moeix i think? | 04:25 |
elite101 | !moeix | 04:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about moeix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:25 |
_beata_ | Biggest problem is I can't browse the samba server. | 04:25 |
elite101 | !cluster | 04:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cluster - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:25 |
elite101 | shoot* | 04:26 |
robotgeek | openmosix | 04:26 |
_beata_ | Amd it didn't like to work with windows 2000 client. | 04:26 |
jeffmitchell | cool. i think i know what i'm doing now. cheers for the suggestions guys :) | 04:26 |
elite101 | ohh | 04:26 |
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murchadh | _beata_: The bug adds a line msdns proxy = "" if the share is created/altered via konqueror, and then the samba server won't start. Removing the offending line fixes it. But to the browse - is the option enabled in the [global] section of /etc/samba/smb.conf | 04:28 |
elite101 | well say i install kubuntu to the "slave" nodes what do i need for it to be connected to the master node? ssh? and thats it? or do i need to run openmosix on all of the pc's | 04:28 |
_beata_ | I think so..haven't touched it in a couple months. And the last time I set up samba, about three years ago with Debian, I had similar problems getting it all working. | 04:29 |
robotgeek | elite101: no, you have to run openmosix on all of them | 04:29 |
elite101 | okay and this is the only tool i need? | 04:29 |
elite101 | allot of tut's out there are only using Redhat 7.1 | 04:29 |
elite101 | but i dont have 80$ | 04:29 |
robotgeek | elite101: i am not sure, it has been 3 years since i messed with it. sorry | 04:29 |
goban_ | can any phone run kubuntu? | 04:29 |
elite101 | lol okay | 04:30 |
nosrednaekim | goban_: maybe... | 04:30 |
nosrednaekim | goban_: but none do that i've seen | 04:30 |
nosrednaekim | it would be a waste of resources | 04:30 |
_beata_ | Aha. I seem to not have a browse setting in [global] | 04:30 |
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murchadh | _beata_: Let me check, brb! | 04:31 |
_beata_ | Samba really seems to be a case of RWFM? | 04:31 |
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jeffmitchell | anyone know how i grab files off a server computer which is running vsftpd via CLI? (they're both linux boxes) | 04:35 |
holycow | jeffmitchell: it would be easier to use ssh | 04:35 |
holycow | and scp | 04:35 |
holycow | man scp and google scp examples | 04:35 |
murchadh | _beata_: OK, my bad! I have a browseable = no under some of my shares but not in my global which kinda indicates that browseable = yes may be the default, but I would try adding browseable = yes to one of your shares and restarting samba to see if you can browse that share after. Worth a go. | 04:36 |
jeffmitchell | errrrr ok. i'll check that. i hate man pages :( ... maybe i'll try help.ubuntu.com if it makes no sense... | 04:36 |
_beata_ | I'm not able to see the samba server from the client in the browser, at all. | 04:36 |
stoned | hi | 04:37 |
=== BluesKaj [n=kaj@unaffiliated/blueskaj] has joined #kubuntu | ||
robotgeek | jeffmitchell: i usually use lftp | 04:38 |
stoned | I am on Kubuntu AMD64 Feisty and using kde 3.5.7. I am also using mplayer and upon playing an X-men cartoon episode it says Requested audio codec family [mp3 | 04:38 |
stoned | er.. mp3 not found, enable it compilation mp3lib | 04:38 |
robotgeek | jeffmitchell: i particularly like the "mirrir" option | 04:38 |
robotgeek | mirror, err | 04:38 |
jeffmitchell | is this the right syntax to connect? "scp user@host -P 1337" | 04:38 |
jeffmitchell | and yes, i'm using port 1337 :D | 04:39 |
BluesKaj | stoned libxine-extracodecs | 04:39 |
stoned | DluesKab no dice | 04:40 |
stoned | BluesKaj: | 04:40 |
_beata_ | Chewing on smb.conf for a while now. | 04:40 |
Biovore | jeffmitchell: I think thats right.. might be little p | 04:40 |
BluesKaj | oops sorry stoned...getting tired , I was thinking of kaffeiine | 04:41 |
jeffmitchell | Biovore: i still get nothing, regardless of lower/upper case. there's no response, i just get the prompt back. what the hell am i meant to do? | 04:41 |
BluesKaj | maybe I'd better hit the sack, ...nite all ..take care ' | 04:42 |
jeffmitchell | the server only needs openssh-server right? or do i need something else? | 04:42 |
stoned | oh hey | 04:42 |
nosrednaekim | jeffmitchell: for scp, you are supposed to specify a file to transfer., and the location to put it | 04:43 |
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stoned | I don't know if this matters, but the audio does work. I get sound, however I still recieve that error message | 04:43 |
Biovore | jeffmitchell: -P works here.. | 04:43 |
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Biovore | jeffmitchell: and need to be setup | 04:43 |
murchadh | _beata_: Are smbclient and samba-common installed on the client? Is there a firewall? | 04:43 |
nosrednaekim | jeffmitchell: "scp file.txt user@host:/home/user/file.txt -P 1337" | 04:43 |
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jeffmitchell | yeah i think i've got it now... 1 sec... | 04:44 |
Biovore | jeffmitchell: is the ssh-server listening on port 1337? | 04:44 |
_beata_ | Nope no firewall. | 04:45 |
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jeffmitchell | yep, 1337 it is =) | 04:45 |
=== Daisuke-Ido [n=sierra-x@pool-71-97-155-54.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nosrednaekim | how l337 of you :) | 04:46 |
greenkobold | does anyone know if, in using bootcdwrite, and configuring NOT_TO_RAM="/home" in the bootcdwrite.conf, if that will make my home files unwritable? | 04:47 |
murchadh | _beata_: Client can ping the server? Both machines using the same workgroup name? To recap; what are the OSs of the server and the client? | 04:49 |
greenkobold | i mean the home files of the livecd created | 04:49 |
nosrednaekim | greenkobold: I think that means that those files are not automatically put to ram... | 04:50 |
nosrednaekim | greenkobold: not sure though... maybe burn one and test ;) | 04:50 |
greenkobold | i'll do that. thanks, i am new to this stuff, its good to know that i am thinking reasonable stuff | 04:51 |
Mr_Sonoma | !sane | 04:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sane - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:51 |
nosrednaekim | yeah... thats reasonable :) | 04:51 |
Mr_Sonoma | anyone got any tips on setting up sane? (for a flat bed scanner) or a good wiki howto? | 04:52 |
holycow | Mr_Sonoma: just install it | 04:52 |
holycow | if your scanner is supported it will be detected automatically via usb | 04:52 |
holycow | if its not it won't | 04:52 |
Mr_Sonoma | hmmmm | 04:53 |
holycow | what kind of scanner do you have? | 04:53 |
=== Crell [n=Crell@c-71-228-13-89.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
Mr_Sonoma | now i wonder if the scanner is dead. sane's site says its supported. | 04:54 |
Crell | Hi all. If I'm compiling a fresh kernel, using git sources, what's the proper way to tell it that I'm using a dual-core system? With the default config it didn't seem to notice that fact. | 04:55 |
Mr_Sonoma | its a SCANMAGIC 1200 (whats wrote on the lid) | 04:55 |
Tomi-idle | Mr_Sonoma: i have a mustek 1200 and i think they're basically the same scanner. didn't get mine to work :( | 04:55 |
nosrednaekim | Crell: you have to compile SMP support into the kernel | 04:56 |
nosrednaekim | its an option | 04:56 |
=== void_math [n=chatzill@12-214-39-49.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
void_math | lol | 04:56 |
Crell | I didn't do anything to the base config. Does make menuconfig work the same with the AUTOBUILD instructions on the wiki? | 04:56 |
void_math | Ubuntu servers shut down for attacking others | 04:56 |
void_math | Network those absos | 04:56 |
void_math | By Nick Farrell: Wednesday 15 August 2007, 16:15 | 04:57 |
void_math | Click here to find out more! | 04:57 |
void_math | MAKER OF the Open Sauce Ubuntu software, Cannonical had to shut down five of the eight of its servers after receiving reports that they were attacking other servers. | 04:57 |
void_math | Knowing that there is nothing worse than a bunch of chavish Linux servers looking for a rumble, or goading Windows computers with calls of, "Come and have a go, if you're hard enough," Cannonical decided to pull the plug. | 04:57 |
Mr_Sonoma | yea i think mustek makes it although i couldnt find that name on the scanner anymore but the 1200 ub plus according to the sane project site says its supported.....this scanner's been in storage for a while needed it so i pulled it out was hoping it would work. | 04:57 |
void_math | With the offending servers out of action, Cannonical called for probation reports and found that the servers had a variety of problems. | 04:57 |
void_math | Not only had the servers not been taking their security patches, which tends to make most servers a bit aggressive. There was a marked disparity between themselves and other posher servers. | 04:57 |
void_math | A Cannonical spokesman said that it was not surprising that the servers were feeling disaffected and socially isolated. While other servers in the Linux world are regularly upgraded they had missed out because there were problems finding drivers for the network cards. | 04:57 |
void_math | The problem has still not been resolved and Cannonical were going to talk to the server's parent community. | 04:57 |
void_math | We guess the problem is that you can't give a server an asbo. | 04:57 |
Crell | void_math: DO NOT FLOOD! | 04:57 |
=== void_math is now known as VinWista | ||
holycow | Mr_Sonoma: well plug it in and just turn on xsane | 04:58 |
holycow | it will serach for it | 04:58 |
Mr_Sonoma | been there done that, that's why im askin....*sigh* oh well guess mine's in the same boat as yours =) | 04:58 |
Crell | nosrednaekim: I didn't do anything to the base config. Does make menuconfig work the same with the AUTOBUILD instructions on the wiki? | 04:58 |
nosrednaekim | Crell: I haven't built a kernel in forever... I don't know... I just know you need that option in there | 04:59 |
=== owner [n=owner@dhcp1-66-244-80-62.stfd.smithvilledsl.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
VinWista | Ubuntu servers shut down for attacking others | 04:59 |
VinWista | Network those absos | 04:59 |
VinWista | By Nick Farrell: Wednesday 15 August 2007, 16:15 | 04:59 |
VinWista | Click here to find out more! | 04:59 |
VinWista | MAKER OF the Open Sauce Ubuntu software, Cannonical had to shut down five of the eight of its servers after receiving reports that they were attacking other servers. | 04:59 |
VinWista | Knowing that there is nothing worse than a bunch of chavish Linux servers looking for a rumble, or goading Windows computers with calls of, "Come and have a go, if you're hard enough," Cannonical decided to pull the plug. | 04:59 |
VinWista | With the offending servers out of action, Cannonical called for probation reports and found that the servers had a variety of problems. | 04:59 |
VinWista | Not only had the servers not been taking their security patches, which tends to make most servers a bit aggressive. There was a marked disparity between themselves and other posher servers. | 04:59 |
VinWista | A Cannonical spokesman said that it was not surprising that the servers were feeling disaffected and socially isolated. While other servers in the Linux world are regularly upgraded they had missed out because there were problems finding drivers for the network cards. | 04:59 |
VinWista | The problem has still not been resolved and Cannonical were going to talk to the server's parent community. | 04:59 |
VinWista | We guess the problem is that you can't give a server an asbo. | 04:59 |
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Mr_Sonoma | it recognises it and gives a failed to open gt68xx:libusb:001:007 invalid argument | 05:00 |
owner | im new to the linux fam. what is some of the most important packages i should download | 05:00 |
=== Vorian [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.active.Vorian] has joined #kubuntu | ||
holycow | Mr_Sonoma: i don't know what aht error means, you might want to google it | 05:01 |
holycow | chances are someone else had the same error | 05:01 |
holycow | Mr_Sonoma: my guess it's a permissions error | 05:01 |
Mr_Sonoma | owner, depends on what ya wanna do | 05:01 |
holycow | every time i had a problem with scanners it was a permissions error | 05:01 |
holycow | there is a chance that udev didn't create the device node but since you detected it maybe thats a wrong guess | 05:01 |
nosrednaekim | owner: whatever you need! there are so many... | 05:02 |
greenkobold | what are these void_math and Vin_Wista??? | 05:02 |
holycow | owner: the most important ones are the ones most valuable toyou :) | 05:02 |
=== manchicken__ [n=manchkn@74-134-231-37.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
holycow | greenkobold: script kiddies that just learned how to click a few buttons in a visual basic app designed to do pathetic things like flood irc channels | 05:02 |
murchadh | Mr_Sonoma: Try running sane as root, maybe? Just to see..... I'm not recomending it long term! | 05:03 |
=== Jack3 [n=michael@pool-71-115-226-117.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Mr_Sonoma | might be worth a try...hold on | 05:03 |
=== Sinistral_ [n=tlot@d055164.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_beata_ | I've met a scanner that will scan with scanimage but not with xscanimge. | 05:05 |
_beata_ | I *think* that scanbuttond will fix that though, but I haven't tried. It's a CanoScan LiDE 20 I think. | 05:07 |
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Mr_Sonoma | no luck | 05:10 |
Mr_Sonoma | same error | 05:10 |
owner | What is a good p2p client for ubuntu | 05:10 |
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mecannotread | owner: emule I think | 05:13 |
greenkobold | holycow: thye' mus see, me love your nick, man |o| still about making a live cd out of my runnig distro with bootcdwrite, could anyone kindly see this output, from line 38 to 43, I have no idea of what is going on: http://paste.milk-it.net/555 | 05:13 |
holycow | Mr_Sonoma: google the error message, thats probably the next step | 05:14 |
holycow | i don't have a set of debuggin steps for scanners yet | 05:15 |
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holycow | greenkobold: no idea what that is i won't be able to help | 05:16 |
holycow | sorry | 05:16 |
murchadh | Mr_Sonoma: Is it a usb scanner? Does lsusb show it up? | 05:17 |
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Mr_Sonoma | yes its a usb scanner and yes it shows | 05:18 |
Mr_Sonoma | Bus 001 Device 007: ID 05d8:4002 Ultima Electronics Corp. Artec Ultima 2000 (GT6801 based)/Lifetec LT9385 Scanner | 05:18 |
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klobster | My system has developed the nasty effect of hanging for 2 sec to 60 sec randomly. I was able to pull this from the logs, but I can't decipher it. it looks like it is getting exceptions while reading the disk? http://dpaste.com/16885/ | 05:21 |
holycow | sounds like the ide problem | 05:22 |
holycow | i've had that with not feisty but the previous version | 05:22 |
Biovore | klobster: sata? | 05:22 |
klobster | Biovore: yeah | 05:22 |
holycow | it will start scanning a cdrom ide and crash and the subsystem will be restarted | 05:22 |
stoned | I am on Kubuntu AMD64 Feisty and using kde 3.5.7. I am also using mplayer and upon playing an X-men cartoon episode it says Requested audio codec family mp3 not found, enable it compilation mp3lib | 05:22 |
holycow | ata1: port is slow to respond, please be patient (Status 0x80) | 05:23 |
holycow | thats exactly what i had | 05:23 |
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klobster | holycow: for me it is just while accessing the disk, I haven't used my dvd-rom drives in weeks | 05:23 |
stoned | but... the sound works and I can hear it | 05:23 |
holycow | i hope my infogives you a bit to google against the bug tracker, the fixes are supposed to be in feisty | 05:23 |
stoned | I still get the error message | 05:23 |
holycow | you don't haveto use your cdrom | 05:23 |
holycow | it will scan the bus anyway to discover devices | 05:24 |
Biovore | klobster: Might have something to do with the sata controller.. Sata works fine here.. | 05:24 |
jeffmitchell | hey everyone, my FTP server isn't working. i log in as "anonymous" and use my email address as my password, but all I get is this: "500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable anonymous root" ... where did i screw up? | 05:24 |
klobster | holycow: ok google launchpad for cdrom subsystem ide problem crash ? | 05:24 |
holycow | yeah that sounds like a good start | 05:25 |
holycow | at least my confirmation will let you recognize the bug when you run into it | 05:25 |
klobster | Biovore: i thought that too, but I found someone who has the same issue with a via controller | 05:25 |
Biovore | jeffmitchell: With proftp you have to setup permission for anonymous access.. | 05:25 |
klobster | holycow: ok, google I can do, thanks for the input! | 05:26 |
jeffmitchell | i'm using vsftpd, is it any different? | 05:26 |
holycow | sure | 05:26 |
holycow | jeffmitchell: check the settings in /etc/vsftpd | 05:26 |
holycow | that ftp is pretty well locked down and you need to enable a few things | 05:26 |
holycow | you will also haveto log in as a user and NOT root | 05:27 |
Biovore | jeffmitchell: vsftp is alot different then proftpd | 05:27 |
holycow | don't be trying such stupid things | 05:27 |
jeffmitchell | i have checked the conf file. the client machine has no write access, and it only lets anonymous users login | 05:27 |
stoned | hello | 05:27 |
stoned | please help me | 05:27 |
stoned | =( | 05:27 |
Biovore | jeffmitchell: that sounds right.. | 05:28 |
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holycow | stoned: just follow the instructions and install the codecs anyway | 05:28 |
stoned | I am on Kubuntu AMD64 Feisty and using kde 3.5.7. I am also using mplayer and upon playing an X-men cartoon episode it says Requested audio codec family mp3 not found, enable it compilation mp3lib, however the audio still works. I have sound | 05:28 |
stoned | holycow: i did | 05:28 |
stoned | holycow: all of them are installed | 05:28 |
Biovore | jeffmitchell: http://vsftpd.beasts.org/vsftpd_conf.html | 05:29 |
stoned | I don't understand why I am getting this error, alongside audio as well. the video is fine, audio is fine, in sync, but still I get this error message | 05:29 |
holycow | oh you are using mplayer | 05:29 |
holycow | ah you will haveto recompile to enable that | 05:29 |
stoned | but i have audio in the file i am playing as well as video | 05:30 |
holycow | thats only there because some dipshit that encoded it used some weird codec | 05:30 |
stoned | it runs fine! | 05:30 |
holycow | download another xmen thats encoded differently | 05:30 |
holycow | or | 05:30 |
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holycow | use totem instead | 05:30 |
Biovore | stoned: the avi file has the wrong codec code on it.. mplayer is probably making a guess and getting it right.. | 05:30 |
holycow | mplayer doesn't actually use the plugins that are installed | 05:30 |
holycow | mplayer is its own self contained beast | 05:30 |
stoned | Biovore: I have w64codecs installed | 05:30 |
stoned | everything is playable, even realmedia | 05:30 |
holycow | it doesn't matter | 05:30 |
stoned | and quicktime and all that | 05:31 |
holycow | mplayer doesn't use any codecs you install | 05:31 |
stoned | why? | 05:31 |
Biovore | ^ yu[ | 05:31 |
holycow | it has all its own plugin structure | 05:31 |
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holycow | its not integrated | 05:31 |
Biovore | www.mplayerhq.hu | 05:31 |
holycow | totem is integrated, use that | 05:31 |
holycow | or use vlc | 05:31 |
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stoned | yes and i have the codecs installed | 05:31 |
Biovore | totem I think us just a front end for xine.. | 05:31 |
sheldonc | any good crash diagnostic apps? | 05:31 |
Biovore | application debugging? | 05:31 |
stoned | holycow: I don't want to change my media player | 05:31 |
holycow | stoned: well then i gave you the answer | 05:32 |
holycow | recompile mplayer | 05:32 |
stoned | holycow: I don't want to use a different program I want to get this issue resolved | 05:32 |
Biovore | stoned: does mplayer play it fine? | 05:32 |
stoned | Biovore: yes | 05:32 |
holycow | or find a properly encoded video file .. .translation, don't trust windows weenies | 05:32 |
stoned | I've said it many times however no one can see it | 05:32 |
Biovore | whats the issue? | 05:32 |
holycow | stoned: i fricking told you the answer | 05:32 |
holycow | what do you mean no one sees it? | 05:32 |
holycow | i think you just don't want to hear the answer | 05:32 |
holycow | take it or leave it | 05:32 |
stoned | apparantly you are blind | 05:32 |
stoned | I am looking to understand the problem | 05:33 |
holycow | i told you the solution | 05:33 |
stoned | if you can't be productive, then please try not to help | 05:33 |
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holycow | you aren't even reading | 05:33 |
sheldonc | settle down kids | 05:33 |
holycow | *shrug* | 05:33 |
sheldonc | its just irc :) | 05:33 |
stoned | Biovore: so yes, the video works fine, and the sound is good on it, its in sync, everything is as normal as it could be, except that I get this error message. I have all of the mplayer codecs instlaled | 05:33 |
stoned | Biovore: of course I can recompile mplayer, I _can_ read and did read the error message, so holycow hasn't suggested anything new or useful. I was hoping you could shed some light on the matter | 05:34 |
klobster | holycow: found that cdrom bug, not the same. Thanks nonetheless, i guess I'll post a bug track | 05:34 |
holycow | klobster: right, it will probably be related | 05:34 |
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sheldonc | i have an easy question - if my computer fubars itself, (i.e. k3b brings down my whole computer after finishing a dvd) is there any tool that would help me build a good crash report ? | 05:35 |
niser | hello | 05:35 |
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klobster | holycow: That thread suggested hardware issues; I hope that's not the case. | 05:35 |
holycow | klobster: oh its possible | 05:36 |
Biovore | stoned: I have noticed that some video I get have wacked out video and/or audio emutation numbers. Mplayer notices that the number it states for the audio dosn't match anything in is database (mplayer -ac help) It then moves on and makes a guess based on the first few bytes of the file.. | 05:36 |
holycow | if you have an option, try a different hd | 05:36 |
stoned | Biovore: I started the mplayer in console and I did not recive the message, but it all works | 05:36 |
stoned | VIDEO: [DIV3] 320x240 24bpp 30.000 fps 462.4 kbps (56.4 kbyte/s) | 05:36 |
Biovore | I run mplayer on the console all the time.. | 05:36 |
stoned | Biovore: usually I browse inkonqueror and click :) | 05:36 |
Biovore | you can also to vidio filters on the video from the console.. | 05:37 |
stoned | hmm I wonder if it is because I have artsd turned off | 05:37 |
Biovore | mplayer <filename> -vf softblur,fspp | 05:37 |
Biovore | I don't use artsd | 05:37 |
stoned | neither do I | 05:37 |
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Biovore | I do have mplayer using alsa though.. | 05:37 |
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stoned | ok | 05:38 |
stoned | I get this error in gmplayer then | 05:38 |
stoned | not mplayer | 05:38 |
Biovore | mplayer -vf help <-- list of video filters and deinterlacers.. | 05:38 |
Biovore | gmplayer is a graphical font end for mplayer.. could pass some weird command line option.. | 05:38 |
stoned | from cli it is fine, but if i launch the video by clicking in konqueror ont he file icon, it gives the error message | 05:38 |
Biovore | kmplayer also might be an option.. | 05:38 |
Biovore | I have used that alot and it seems to work fine.. | 05:39 |
stoned | I like kplayer | 05:39 |
stoned | I don't know if it is even developed anymore | 05:39 |
speaker219 | omg stoned | 05:39 |
stoned | the only place I know of is Christain Marillat | 05:40 |
stoned | debian multimedia | 05:40 |
stoned | unless I compile from source | 05:40 |
stoned | speaker219: ? | 05:40 |
stoned | I would use vlc no problem | 05:40 |
Biovore | kmplayer is in the ubuntu repos.. | 05:40 |
stoned | except, that you can't scroll through the video with mouseplayer | 05:41 |
stoned | er.. mouse wheel | 05:41 |
stoned | you know, forward, rewind using mousewhell back/forth | 05:41 |
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Biovore | or single step frames with . | 05:41 |
stoned | if you could do that in vlc video I would use it fultime | 05:41 |
stoned | yes that too | 05:41 |
stoned | especially when you want to see some celebrity camel toe | 05:41 |
greenkobold | there seems to be a file here that is not aceessible to the super user. mkisofs: Permission denied. cannot open '/sys/module/sbs/parameters/capacity_mode' how can i allow root to open it? | 05:41 |
Biovore | mplayer is kinda cool.. because if it can play it.. you can use mencoder to re-encode it.. | 05:41 |
stoned | I mean.. ahem, stuff | 05:41 |
stoned | yup | 05:41 |
Biovore | Thats how I rip dvd;s | 05:42 |
stoned | problem is | 05:42 |
stoned | dvd drive is inmy pc on linux | 05:42 |
stoned | while easy to use softwoare is on my windows box | 05:42 |
stoned | I just use my windows box to rip dvds on the network | 05:42 |
stoned | it takes a long time but hey whatever | 05:42 |
Biovore | I have it all setup here.. In linux I can rip the vob then split the process onto multipule computers for encoding.. takes me 30 mins to do a 2 hour movie. | 05:43 |
=== BentJ [n=BentJ@port46.ds1-esp.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Biovore | thats with 2 pass x264 | 05:44 |
Biovore | and filters | 05:44 |
holycow | lol so its you who is encoding the videos with shit codecs | 05:44 |
holycow | lol | 05:44 |
holycow | well ain't that ironic | 05:44 |
Scorpaen | hey folks | 05:45 |
holycow | just buggin ya :) | 05:45 |
Biovore | man.. x264 rules :-) | 05:45 |
holycow | might be easier to check your encoding settings | 05:45 |
Scorpaen | i need to install kernel 2.6.18 on Gutsy -- where do i get it? | 05:45 |
Biovore | only thing that comes close is xvid | 05:45 |
stoned | Biovore: i'd just ignore the morons online | 05:45 |
Biovore | Scorpaen: err why? | 05:45 |
stoned | x264 is grand | 05:45 |
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Scorpaen | Biovore: i need Vmware Workstation to run :( | 05:46 |
Biovore | Scorpaen: I don't think it will work.. | 05:46 |
Scorpaen | i start school on the 22nd | 05:46 |
Scorpaen | I need a working XP | 05:46 |
Biovore | Scorpaen: and vmware work station works with out 2.6.18 | 05:46 |
Scorpaen | Biovore: how?? | 05:46 |
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Biovore | Scorpaen: you need to install the kernel headers and dev tools.. | 05:46 |
holycow | why do you need a new kernel for vmware workstation? | 05:46 |
Biovore | Scorpaen: then run the vmware-config.pl script. | 05:46 |
holycow | it will just co,mpile everything against your current one | 05:46 |
Scorpaen | Biovore: done that | 05:46 |
Biovore | IT will build the kernel modules for your kernel.. | 05:46 |
Scorpaen | it won't compile vmmon | 05:46 |
Biovore | what error? | 05:46 |
holycow | don't be installing an dcompiling a new kernl unless you know how | 05:47 |
Biovore | just modules | 05:47 |
Scorpaen | holycow: i came from Gentoo. i'm used to this crap | 05:47 |
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holycow | Scorpaen: ah, well then, have fun :) | 05:47 |
holycow | i won't have any usefull info for you unfortunately | 05:47 |
Scorpaen | hrm | 05:47 |
Scorpaen | holycow: do you have workstation 6 working on gutsy? | 05:47 |
Biovore | Scorpaen: I am running vmware here on feisty.. no problems.. | 05:48 |
holycow | gutsy? | 05:48 |
Scorpaen | if someone has it working, please let me know | 05:48 |
holycow | whats wrong with you | 05:48 |
Scorpaen | yeah | 05:48 |
holycow | gutsy is beta | 05:48 |
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Scorpaen | oh man | 05:48 |
holycow | you shouldn't expect beta software to actually work | 05:48 |
holycow | lol | 05:48 |
Biovore | 2.6.20-15-generic | 05:48 |
Scorpaen | lol | 05:48 |
Scorpaen | i know | 05:48 |
Scorpaen | i um | 05:48 |
holycow | not only is it a beta | 05:48 |
Scorpaen | i dunno why | 05:48 |
holycow | its a beta of a beta | 05:48 |
Scorpaen | everything works but VMWARE | 05:48 |
Scorpaen | :( | 05:48 |
Biovore | holycow: have they got to RC1 yet? | 05:48 |
holycow | ubuntu freezes off of debian unstable which is alpha to begin with | 05:48 |
holycow | Biovore: i haven't bothered checking | 05:48 |
Scorpaen | oh man | 05:49 |
holycow | Scorpaen: so what are you running, gutsy? | 05:49 |
Biovore | ok.. same page here.. don't care untill its done.. | 05:49 |
Scorpaen | what have i done | 05:49 |
kazuma_ | heelp | 05:49 |
kazuma_ | please | 05:49 |
Biovore | !ask | 05:49 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:49 |
Scorpaen | holycow: AMD 2800+ Barton core, 2.5 GB ram | 05:49 |
holycow | Scorpaen: you installed build-essential and kernel headers? | 05:49 |
kazuma_ | how may i install a 3D animated wallpaper in kubuntu feisty xD | 05:49 |
Scorpaen | holycow: let me make sure | 05:49 |
Scorpaen | brb | 05:49 |
holycow | kazuma_: you don't | 05:49 |
kazuma_ | yeah | 05:49 |
kazuma_ | i can | 05:49 |
Crell | OK, so I'm trying to do a kernel build using make menuconfig. When I do so, however, I get a long list of errors in scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/dialog.h and similar files. This is with a fresh kernel.org tarball. Any ideas what that could be other than a busted kernel.org download? | 05:49 |
holycow | kazuma_: that doesn't exist yet here | 05:49 |
Crell | (The tarball unpacked fine.) | 05:49 |
kazuma_ | yes dudde | 05:49 |
kazuma_ | check | 05:50 |
kazuma_ | in youtube | 05:50 |
holycow | 3d animated wallpaper? | 05:50 |
kazuma_ | there's a guy | 05:50 |
holycow | no no it doesn't | 05:50 |
kazuma_ | that has animated 3D | 05:50 |
Biovore | kazuma_: technicaly you can.. but its a program that runs in the background.. | 05:50 |
kazuma_ | wallpaper | 05:50 |
holycow | thats definately not a 3D ANIMATED WALLPAPER | 05:50 |
kazuma_ | yeah? | 05:50 |
kazuma_ | how do i do that? | 05:50 |
holycow | its one of two things | 05:50 |
kazuma_ | chek | 05:50 |
kazuma_ | http://youtube.com/watch?v=kYgV2GlsufI | 05:50 |
holycow | its either beryl | 05:50 |
Biovore | you need the program that does that.. | 05:50 |
kazuma_ | check that link | 05:50 |
holycow | or its a movie playing on the desktop under e14 | 05:50 |
kazuma_ | and you'll see | 05:50 |
kazuma_ | no dudde please check :P | 05:50 |
holycow | oh for fucks sake | 05:51 |
Biovore | ok I see.. he running glmatrix in the background.. | 05:51 |
holycow | goddamnit thats beryl | 05:51 |
holycow | like i told you | 05:51 |
kazuma_ | but | 05:51 |
Biovore | not a wallpaper.. its a screensaver on the desktop.. | 05:51 |
holycow | please try and read when nice folks actually try to answer you | 05:51 |
kazuma_ | how do i make that dude | 05:51 |
kazuma_ | sorry holycow | 05:51 |
kazuma_ | thanks for the help | 05:51 |
holycow | thats just a plugin for beryl that plays the screensaver in the background | 05:51 |
kazuma_ | yeah? | 05:52 |
Biovore | install gkmatrix screensaver | 05:52 |
Biovore | (glmatrix) | 05:52 |
holycow | thats just the gl matrix screen saver | 05:52 |
kazuma_ | =o | 05:52 |
Biovore | yup | 05:52 |
kazuma_ | in konsole right? | 05:52 |
holycow | install beryl, configure it, run th eplugin and like biovore said make sure you have that screen saver installed | 05:52 |
Biovore | well that will pop it open in a window | 05:52 |
Biovore | if glmatrix is installed | 05:52 |
holycow | but i'm warning you, beryl is not supported well under kubuntu | 05:52 |
kazuma_ | =o is ee | 05:52 |
kazuma_ | i have beryl | 05:52 |
Biovore | its a hacked and pray it works thing.. | 05:52 |
holycow | lol exactly | 05:53 |
kazuma_ | and i have the desktop | 05:53 |
kazuma_ | but i just want | 05:53 |
kazuma_ | the screensaver | 05:53 |
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kazuma_ | how do i install that matrix theme? | 05:53 |
holycow | well we gave you the steps | 05:53 |
holycow | google the rest | 05:53 |
holycow | its easy to find information | 05:53 |
kazuma_ | well thanks | 05:53 |
kazuma_ | im really new here | 05:53 |
holycow | it's okay, i'm easily exciteable | 05:54 |
Biovore | lol | 05:54 |
holycow | which is a good and bad thing | 05:54 |
Biovore | Moo | 05:54 |
klobster | OOC, what is the most resource intensive screensaver you can install? | 05:54 |
Biovore | there are a couple.. | 05:54 |
holycow | probably but on beryl it should all be rendered on the vid card | 05:54 |
holycow | so you shouldn't notice it at all | 05:54 |
holycow | if you started encoding dvd's then you would see a hit | 05:55 |
klobster | holycow: read errors on a recently written file. I'm nervous now. | 05:56 |
holycow | klobster: backup everything immediately | 05:56 |
holycow | you really only need /home | 05:56 |
klobster | holycow: I have never seen the "encoding dvd's" screensaver | 05:57 |
Scorpaen | holycow: somewhere along the way build-essential got uninstalled. i dunno how. but i just booted XP | 05:57 |
Scorpaen | thanks holycow | 05:57 |
holycow | klobster: no i meant if you started to encode at the same time as running this | 05:57 |
holycow | example workload | 05:57 |
Scorpaen | now, if that pesky shared folder works, i'm in business | 05:57 |
holycow | Scorpaen: thank you for listening to those that try to help | 05:57 |
holycow | it makes a big dif :) | 05:57 |
Scorpaen | i start school on the 22nd for my BS in IT | 05:57 |
klobster | holycow: I am fully backed up, but this is a fairly new drive, oh and Biovore, it isn't sata, it's pata, as my sata crashed hard and i had to get a new one. | 05:57 |
Scorpaen | they make me use windows xp | 05:57 |
holycow | klobster: sweetness, yeah new hds are designed to fail like that | 05:58 |
holycow | i run through hds regularly, brand new ones too | 05:58 |
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klobster | I have an old drive, 6 GB, still going strong, but these new ones... | 05:59 |
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klobster | holycow: perpendicular access better be a dream come true | 06:00 |
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holycow | klobster: oh one of those? | 06:00 |
holycow | haha | 06:00 |
holycow | neato | 06:00 |
holycow | 1 terrabyte one? | 06:00 |
Scorpaen | holycow: OMG. my shared folder works! | 06:00 |
Scorpaen | holycow: you da man | 06:01 |
Scorpaen | :D | 06:01 |
holycow | Scorpaen: you are welcome | 06:01 |
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Scorpaen | holycow: for your info, i used the vmware-any-any-113 update | 06:01 |
holycow | good luck in your studies dude, just make sure you are always having fun | 06:01 |
Scorpaen | it's a patch for new kernels | 06:01 |
holycow | Scorpaen: aha oh i forgot that right | 06:01 |
holycow | right right, totally forgot | 06:01 |
holycow | *nod* | 06:01 |
Scorpaen | i'm running 2.6.22 latest on Gutsy. generic | 06:01 |
Scorpaen | i tried rolling my own on gutsy, didn't wokr | 06:02 |
Scorpaen | lol | 06:02 |
Scorpaen | this is not gentoo | 06:02 |
Scorpaen | i keep telling myself | 06:02 |
holycow | Scorpaen: i run only dapper lts, but i run i.t. so i need predictability | 06:02 |
Scorpaen | gentoo got me hooked on bleeding edge | 06:02 |
Scorpaen | heh | 06:02 |
Scorpaen | but i got tired of waiting on KDE to compile | 06:02 |
=== Scorpaen pets his barton 2800+ | ||
holycow | gentoo is cool, but yeah thats exactly it | 06:02 |
holycow | i'm waiting to see what barcelona turns out to be like | 06:03 |
Scorpaen | vmware 6 is impressive | 06:03 |
Biovore | yup.. I have it running here.. | 06:03 |
Scorpaen | my USB 2.0 scanner works inside it! | 06:03 |
Scorpaen | i dunno how they managed that, but my scanner had been collecting dust for a few years | 06:03 |
Scorpaen | waiting on them to make it work | 06:03 |
holycow | well its just a usb bridge | 06:04 |
holycow | any usb device will work under vmware | 06:04 |
holycow | meaning it will talk to the guest os as long as your modules are compiled | 06:04 |
holycow | its up to the drivers to just do their stuff after that point | 06:04 |
holycow | you aren't perhaps running vista? | 06:04 |
holycow | lol | 06:04 |
holycow | i'm kidden | 06:04 |
Scorpaen | holycow: you couldn't pay me to run vista | 06:05 |
Scorpaen | i deal with that at work | 06:05 |
Scorpaen | i'm helpdesk tech for a local ISP | 06:05 |
holycow | lol i keep on hearing about that | 06:05 |
Scorpaen | that and norton. grrr | 06:05 |
holycow | oh no kidding? | 06:05 |
holycow | tell me about your experience :() | 06:05 |
Scorpaen | man, mix those two plus an idiot at the wheel | 06:05 |
Scorpaen | trouble, man. trouble | 06:05 |
holycow | you must have a really good perspective on vista | 06:05 |
holycow | really eh? | 06:05 |
Scorpaen | yeap! | 06:05 |
Scorpaen | it messses up their email | 06:05 |
holycow | i'm switching everything except accounting and hr here to linux | 06:05 |
Scorpaen | the pop/smtp proxy | 06:05 |
Scorpaen | brb, changing laundry out of the washer to the dryer | 06:06 |
=== se7en^Of^9 [n=se7enofn@125-24-157-180.adsl.totbb.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
robotgeek | same here, my servers run ubuntu dapper lts and another older debian machine at work. | 06:06 |
robotgeek | all our desktops are XP though | 06:06 |
holycow | oh i should be more specific all servers are debian, running ubuntu as a server is insane | 06:06 |
robotgeek | holycow: why? | 06:07 |
holycow | robotgeek: *nod* we have been under this change process for 2 years so it takes time step by step | 06:07 |
holycow | robotgeek: because ubuntu freezes off of debian unstable | 06:07 |
Scorpaen | holycow: i admin my brother's mail/web server | 06:07 |
Scorpaen | it's Gentoo | 06:07 |
Scorpaen | i built it back in 2004 | 06:07 |
holycow | and they can only patch up a small subselect of packages from there | 06:07 |
Scorpaen | been running the same install, with upgrades, for 3.5 years | 06:07 |
robotgeek | holycow: yeah, that is true. i got lazy :) | 06:07 |
holycow | basically your running latest alpha untested crap | 06:07 |
Scorpaen | i switched to linux in march 2004 | 06:08 |
Scorpaen | had my last bsod with xp | 06:08 |
holycow | i would rather have 18 000 packages FULLY tested available to my fingertips, even if its a bit slower | 06:08 |
Scorpaen | heh | 06:08 |
holycow | the other thing thats wrong with ubuntu is that their release schedule is insane | 06:08 |
robotgeek | holycow: but, that machine does not accept connections from outside our network, so we are okay | 06:08 |
=== greenkobold [n=GreenKob@201-43-77-51.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] | ||
klobster | gentoo mailserver: because _my_ email needs to arrive 0.0000003 ms faster. | 06:08 |
holycow | i can't keep up with that, i can't test releases every 6 months or even every year | 06:08 |
holycow | for a server thats just stupid | 06:08 |
Scorpaen | klobster: it WORKS | 06:08 |
robotgeek | holycow: no, LTS is 5 years | 06:08 |
holycow | thats support but its still not good enough | 06:09 |
holycow | its only support for how many packages? | 06:09 |
holycow | 2000 or less? | 06:09 |
Scorpaen | klobster: i'm not here for a distro war | 06:09 |
Scorpaen | :) | 06:09 |
robotgeek | holycow: well, main. that works for me :) | 06:09 |
holycow | of what use is that really? | 06:09 |
klobster | Scorpaen: I am sure it does, I just like to poke fun at masochists | 06:09 |
Scorpaen | i'm just telling you what works for me | 06:09 |
holycow | :) | 06:09 |
Scorpaen | the reason i chose Gentoo back in '04 was i had friends who were using it | 06:09 |
holycow | robotgeek: thats the beautiful thing about choice :) i'm just stating mine :) | 06:09 |
klobster | Scorpaen: no wars, just being friendly, nothing insulting intended | 06:10 |
Scorpaen | ok | 06:10 |
Scorpaen | :) | 06:10 |
=== linuxwizard [n=linuxwiz@74-141-160-82.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
robotgeek | holycow: sure, all valid reasons. i see your point. | 06:10 |
=== MinusSeven [i=orbit@orbit-05.3x.gs] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
Scorpaen | holycow: what kinda work do you do? | 06:10 |
=== e1mer [n=elmer@elmer.vizcayano.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
holycow | i have a fancy title but in the end its like your job, i run our i.t. dept | 06:10 |
Scorpaen | i'm a 32 year old helpdesk tech. that's why i'm going back to school | 06:11 |
Scorpaen | lol | 06:11 |
holycow | its ALL fucking helpdesk | 06:11 |
holycow | :) | 06:11 |
Scorpaen | LOL | 06:11 |
holycow | oops sorry | 06:11 |
holycow | hehe | 06:11 |
holycow | shouldn't swear | 06:11 |
holycow | what do you want to do? | 06:11 |
savetheWorld | "helldesk speaking, How may we hell you?" | 06:11 |
holycow | i'm same age | 06:11 |
Scorpaen | holycow: i'm going for BS in IT, network admin | 06:11 |
holycow | sweet | 06:12 |
Scorpaen | i'd like a network admin position | 06:12 |
holycow | yeah thats fun | 06:12 |
=== Scorpaen loves the networks | ||
Scorpaen | :) | 06:12 |
holycow | well your running gentoo, that basically qualifies you in terms of personal interest | 06:12 |
Scorpaen | holycow: yeap | 06:12 |
robotgeek | anybody else not having kopete connect to google talk? | 06:12 |
Scorpaen | but i'm on gutsy for my desktop | 06:12 |
Scorpaen | you wanna hear something crazy? | 06:12 |
holycow | whats that? | 06:12 |
Scorpaen | my neighbor is a 60 year old vietnam vet right? | 06:12 |
Scorpaen | known him for 11 years | 06:13 |
=== neville [n=neville@ip-58-28-143-80.ubs-dsl.xnet.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
holycow | *nod* | 06:13 |
Scorpaen | his machine is running Gutsy now | 06:13 |
Scorpaen | :o | 06:13 |
holycow | lol you bastard | 06:13 |
=== merina [n=merina@host-212-149-172-193.kpylaajakaista.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
holycow | well thats cool | 06:13 |
Scorpaen | i admin it of course | 06:13 |
klobster | I love helpdesk work, I just wish it paid more; i would be doing it now | 06:13 |
robotgeek | !language | 06:13 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 06:13 |
Scorpaen | he's liking it | 06:13 |
Scorpaen | see his xp machine crashed | 06:13 |
holycow | we have found out people actually can't tell the difference between system | 06:13 |
holycow | all they object to is change in and of it self | 06:13 |
Scorpaen | his hard drive filled up | 06:13 |
Scorpaen | so i put a 40gb on there | 06:13 |
=== klobster suddenly remembers he is lurking in #kubuntu to help people fix things | ||
holycow | *nod* | 06:13 |
Scorpaen | and snuck in Kubuntu for him | 06:13 |
Scorpaen | he's kewl with it | 06:14 |
Scorpaen | but he has GUNS | 06:14 |
holycow | nice | 06:14 |
Scorpaen | so i amke sure it runs nice | 06:14 |
holycow | heh | 06:14 |
Scorpaen | heh | 06:14 |
Scorpaen | in return, he watches over my trailer while i'm at work | 06:14 |
=== kevin_ [n=kevin@h116.100.40.69.ip.alltel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Scorpaen | and feeds my cat | 06:14 |
Scorpaen | he's my bro | 06:14 |
holycow | nice | 06:14 |
=== kevin_ is now known as wckdkl0wn | ||
Scorpaen | i have a photo of him somewhere | 06:14 |
holycow | in the end its about freedom | 06:14 |
Scorpaen | i'l show you sometime | 06:14 |
holycow | the kind of freedom that he fought for | 06:14 |
Scorpaen | yeap | 06:14 |
holycow | thats something he can understand | 06:14 |
Scorpaen | i respect that | 06:14 |
Scorpaen | i tried to join up.. | 06:15 |
Scorpaen | ..but i'm bipolar | 06:15 |
Scorpaen | they won't take me | 06:15 |
Scorpaen | :P | 06:15 |
holycow | lol oh your going to be one of those 'fun' system admins | 06:15 |
holycow | lol | 06:15 |
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Scorpaen | *Evil grin* | 06:15 |
Scorpaen | :P | 06:15 |
Scorpaen | nah man | 06:15 |
Scorpaen | i take my meds regularly | 06:15 |
holycow | i can see the attractio nto admining yet again | 06:15 |
holycow | haha | 06:15 |
Scorpaen | i'm good | 06:15 |
holycow | i kid dude | 06:15 |
Scorpaen | :) | 06:15 |
Scorpaen | holycow: you are alright bro | 06:16 |
Scorpaen | laughter keeps us sane at work | 06:16 |
Scorpaen | they all know i'm on meds | 06:16 |
holycow | as long as a noob isn't talking to me, that just pisses me off | 06:16 |
Scorpaen | we joke about it | 06:16 |
holycow | hehe | 06:16 |
Scorpaen | hey | 06:16 |
Scorpaen | i can stand stupid | 06:16 |
Scorpaen | i just can't stand stupid with an ATTITUDE | 06:16 |
Scorpaen | you know what i mean? | 06:16 |
Scorpaen | and i get htat a LOT at work | 06:16 |
robotgeek | hmm, maybe we should move the offtopic talk to #kubuntu-offtopic | 06:16 |
Scorpaen | customers | 06:16 |
holycow | actually that describes it perfectly | 06:16 |
holycow | i think robotgeek is right | 06:16 |
Scorpaen | ok robotgeek | 06:16 |
Scorpaen | see you there | 06:16 |
p-f | Is there a tool that would allow me to synchronize some application settings (amarok, pidgin, kde and opera amongst other things) between my main workstation and my laptop? I guess I could always use rsync, but if there is a specialized tool for this purpose I might as well use it. | 06:17 |
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #kubuntu | ||
holycow | p-f: no, rsync is pretty much it | 06:17 |
robotgeek | p-f: unison is also good | 06:17 |
holycow | make sure you have a nicely secured ssh box online and voila | 06:17 |
p-f | holycow, robotgeek: alright, thanks | 06:18 |
holycow | oh wait | 06:18 |
holycow | i haven't looked into unison | 06:18 |
holycow | i think he might be onto something | 06:18 |
p-f | oh sweet, it's crossplatform | 06:18 |
p-f | it seems to be what I was looking for, thanks! | 06:19 |
robotgeek | holycow: please join us in #kubuntu-offtopic ") | 06:19 |
robotgeek | p-f: glad to help, it worked well for me | 06:19 |
=== Eneloop [i=orbit@freebsd.i686.us] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
=== Daisuke_Laptop [n=alexbe01@pool-71-97-155-54.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
NickPresta | !newline | holycow | 06:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about newline - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:20 |
NickPresta | !enter | holycow | 06:21 |
ubotu | holycow: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 06:21 |
robotgeek | damn, that was late :) | 06:21 |
MinusSeven | I'm thinking of trying Kubuntu, I've used fedora before. What's the support like with nvidia? | 06:21 |
NickPresta | !nvidia | MinusSeven | 06:22 |
ubotu | MinusSeven: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:22 |
robotgeek | MinusSeven: pretty good, though right now you will have to follow instructions ^^ | 06:22 |
NickPresta | MinusSeven, you tell us :) | 06:22 |
robotgeek | from next release, it will be automagic | 06:23 |
MinusSeven | Ok | 06:23 |
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wckdkl0wn | http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb for the newest wine what repository should i add? | 06:27 |
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klobster | BTW: I figured out how use either original or broodwar nocd's on SC | 06:30 |
klobster | oops, wrong channel4 | 06:30 |
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=== Scotty_ [n=Scotty@unaffiliated/scotty] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Eyeless [n=hjalle@d83-183-204-137.cust.tele2.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Crell | Is there any reason to leave ISA compiled into a kernel on a modern system? The "vesa" video driver is a different thing from "Vesa Local Bus" under ISA, isn't it? | 06:36 |
=== Scotty_ is now known as Scotty | ||
=== klobster has preemptive withdrawal symptoms for KDE4 | ||
Crell | Playing with the beta? | 06:41 |
=== JohanSalim [i=G3b0ys@ip84-223.cbn.net.id] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== flaccid [n=bob_sinc@dev.ionata.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
klobster | no, cutting edge is about as far as I go. | 06:42 |
=== klobster faints at the sight of blood ^.^ | ||
=== lione_1234567 [n=lione@ita.dsl-comm.vsi.ru] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== elite101 [n=elite101@d36-91-7.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
elite101 | i got a problem Girl on Cam no dekstop recording tool got any ideas? | 06:44 |
elite101 | lol jk | 06:44 |
elite101 | but for real any desktop recording tools? | 06:44 |
genii | Any way to get rid of annoying spdp server not running notification? | 06:44 |
NickPresta | genii, start the server? ;) | 06:45 |
genii | NickPresta: The spdp server has been superceded | 06:45 |
genii | NickPresta: But kde still whines about it | 06:45 |
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=== genii sips a coffee and thinks about things | ||
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=== coteyr [n=coteyr@6532146hfc113.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
coteyr | anyone around fimilura with postfix | 06:54 |
coteyr | and procmail | 06:54 |
coteyr | I have spamass marking emails as spam and I want procmail to move them to the spam folder. I can't seem to get it setup though | 06:54 |
robotgeek | coteyr: uggh, i messed with it once. soupofnuts.com has a tutorial, i think | 06:55 |
=== arun_ [n=sectumse@nadeem2.my7star.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== jcs7778 [n=john-cha@c-24-12-255-196.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
arun_ | hello | 06:56 |
coteyr | robotgeek bad link? | 06:56 |
robotgeek | coteyr: http://souptonuts.sourceforge.net/postfix_tutorial.html sorry | 06:56 |
coteyr | ahh | 06:57 |
coteyr | thanks | 06:57 |
elite101 | anyone know where i can get a program to txt ppl from there cellphones on my computer? | 06:57 |
=== Agrajag` [n=Agrajag@c-67-163-214-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
elite101 | o_0 | 06:57 |
elite101 | anyone i heard of a program that can do this too it was online based | 06:58 |
Tabmow | elite101: a program? you mean when you have your cellphone connected also? | 06:58 |
elite101 | no | 06:58 |
elite101 | like i can type in the # and then the txt | 06:58 |
elite101 | and hit send | 06:58 |
elite101 | so my computer imitates a cell | 06:58 |
jcs7778 | I just installed kubuntu onto a system which has network drivers i needed to install manually by compiling them and modprobeing them. But they don't seem to stay loaded ive had to open up a terminal and re modprobe them each time i reboot, this is starting to get annoying, ive had similar situations on other systems and normally i just need to modprobe them once. | 06:58 |
Tabmow | umm, I haven't looked into it but I am pretty sure such program doesn't exist | 06:59 |
elite101 | yeah | 06:59 |
elite101 | i had one for my psp it was in a flashportal of winxp | 06:59 |
=== mortici [n=mortici@c-67-162-48-234.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
=== buzztracker [n=buzztrac@pelikan.garga.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
coteyr | elite101: they exist, look for sms gateqay or sms server | 07:00 |
coteyr | beyond that your on your own | 07:00 |
coteyr | gateway* | 07:01 |
=== evjunior09 [n=mike@lnngmibas01-pool5-a157.lnngmi.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
elite101 | yeah | 07:01 |
elite101 | i found a couple websites | 07:01 |
evjunior09 | Question. If i wanna buy a webcam, how do i get it set up on linux? I just want it for stickam.com | 07:01 |
underdog5004 | jcs7778, you can have that command (modprobe module_name) when the computer first boots, everytime... | 07:01 |
underdog5004 | !rc | 07:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:01 |
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underdog5004 | jcs7778, you can probably put it in a script and add it to ~/.kde/Autostart | 07:02 |
coteyr | robotgeek; good tutorial on postfix + fetchmail, i guess what I really need is help with procmail. got any links for that (the ones I have found on google I just can't make sense of) | 07:02 |
=== Spami [n=Spami@ALyon-254-1-26-238.w86-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
elite101 | http://www.somaliaonline.com/sms/index3.php?gclid=CMKv2t-f-Y0CFQ1dPgodxiVJLw | 07:03 |
elite101 | is that real? | 07:03 |
robotgeek | coteyr: sorry, i dont remember. | 07:03 |
elite101 | it looks fake like they can get ur msg's | 07:03 |
coteyr | thanks anyway | 07:03 |
=== coteyr goes hunting for a postfix channel | ||
evjunior09 | If i wanna buy a webcam, how do i get it set up on linux? I just want it for stickam.com | 07:04 |
evjunior09 | Like, i know Linux isnt supported on the box of any webcams | 07:04 |
coteyr | evjunior09: you plug it in and pray | 07:04 |
coteyr | or you could google it first | 07:05 |
evjunior09 | Are you serious. thats all i can do? | 07:05 |
evjunior09 | well i found website, but its confusing | 07:05 |
evjunior09 | Do you wanna check it out? | 07:05 |
evjunior09 | http://www.club.cc.cmu.edu/~mdille3/doc/linux_cameras/ | 07:05 |
speaker219 | Did you know that linux is not not cool!?!?!!?!??!!?!??!!? | 07:06 |
flaccid | !webcam > evjunior09 | 07:06 |
klobster | not not cool? | 07:06 |
speaker219 | yes!!! | 07:06 |
coteyr | http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Hardware-HOWTO/ | 07:06 |
speaker219 | !webcam | 07:06 |
ubotu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 07:06 |
=== surgy [n=surgy@ip72-198-123-115.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
speaker219 | !webcam > speaker219 | 07:07 |
surgy | #crystalspace | 07:07 |
surgy | sorry :) | 07:07 |
robotgeek | evjunior09: i know for sure that the A4 Tech, A 985 works with Kubuntu :) | 07:07 |
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=== sean_ [n=sean@82-46-25-42.cable.ubr01.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
evjunior09 | robotgeek: whats the maker? | 07:08 |
robotgeek | evjunior09: a4 tech | 07:08 |
evjunior09 | oh. | 07:08 |
evjunior09 | where did you buy it at? | 07:08 |
klobster | my phillips pixel plus works (it;s a cmos ; 0) | 07:08 |
=== TheCreationist [n=elyon@c-71-205-67-153.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
arun_ | does anyone here use the luxi sans font family | 07:08 |
=== arun_ is now known as arunkale | ||
flaccid | is there even 1 webcam maker that provides a *nix driver? | 07:09 |
coteyr | there are webcams that work | 07:09 |
coteyr | ibm cams | 07:09 |
flaccid | does ibm provide the driver? | 07:09 |
coteyr | um my finepix work (no they don't) | 07:10 |
coteyr | but the finpix is digi so if you just want the webcam then... | 07:10 |
flaccid | yeah im talking about where the vendor writes and provides the driver.. | 07:10 |
flaccid | ie. support for linux | 07:10 |
flaccid | that is by the vendor | 07:11 |
coteyr | does any hardware provide that except nvidia/ati? | 07:11 |
flaccid | yep | 07:11 |
coteyr | who? | 07:11 |
coteyr | dont answer | 07:11 |
coteyr | i will lok | 07:11 |
coteyr | look | 07:11 |
flaccid | various makers of peripherals eg. samsung | 07:11 |
Daisuke_Laptop | intel, for one | 07:12 |
coteyr | hmm | 07:12 |
robotgeek | evjunior09: newegg | 07:12 |
=== greenkobold [n=GreenKob@201-27-198-77.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== jacob [n=jacob@74-60-254-208.mfd.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
greenkobold | in using bootcdwrite to make an image from a running ubuntu install, the final disk is a live cd or not? | 07:14 |
evjunior09 | So if i was just to go out and buy a "Logitech" webcam, if i plug it in, will Kubuntu Fiesty 7.04 reconize it? | 07:14 |
Daisuke_Laptop | doubtful | 07:14 |
Daisuke_Laptop | that was to greenkobold, not evjunior09 | 07:15 |
=== Wiggles [n=devin@102-213-223-66.gci.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Wiggles | hi | 07:15 |
TheCreationist | Does anyone know how I can convert the audio from .mpg video files into mp3? | 07:15 |
evjunior09 | Daisuke_Laptop: Yeah i figured that, since it was sent about the same time i sent it, | 07:15 |
Wiggles | i installed the kde4 beta 1, but i can't figure out how to use it | 07:16 |
Daisuke_Laptop | TheCreationist: mencoder. | 07:16 |
robotgeek | evjunior09: no, dont get logitech! | 07:16 |
arunkale | Daisuke_Laptop: how does it work? does it work with DAT (video cd) files as well? | 07:16 |
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evjunior09 | Robotgeek: well i need one that is Nice, and...cheap. haha. and i can get it at a Target/Wal-mart/Best buy. | 07:16 |
Daisuke_Laptop | since they're just mpeg-1 files, it should be exactly the same | 07:17 |
greenkobold | I got this anwser at #Debian | 07:17 |
greenkobold | green: if you were on debian, it would. no clue about ubuntu. (about bootcdwrite making a livecd or not) | 07:17 |
TheCreationist | Daisuke_Laptop: What command do I use? | 07:17 |
Jack3 | any you guys worked at circuit city ever? | 07:17 |
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Wiggles | can anyone help? | 07:18 |
robotgeek | evjunior09: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826123010 | 07:19 |
Daisuke_Laptop | TheCreationist: dunno, you just asked what could do it :) | 07:20 |
Daisuke_Laptop | i hate saying this, but the man page is pretty helpful | 07:20 |
TheCreationist | Daisuke_Laptop: You have any idea how long mencoder's man page is?? lol | 07:20 |
greenkobold | if bootcdwrite makes a live cd in debian, will it make it also in ubuntu? | 07:21 |
TheCreationist | Daisuke_Laptop: I've been trying to find info on a simple extraction... | 07:21 |
underdog5004 | jcs7778, just so you know, you can also put the command in rc.local | 07:21 |
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TheCreationist | Daisuke_Laptop: 5,918 lines | 07:21 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | yes, but there are a lot of blank lines, a lot of info lines. welcome to linux, you do have to read. | 07:22 |
Daisuke_Laptop | :) | 07:22 |
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jcs7778 | i actually found a good solution i put the command into /etc/modules, or something, it was a config file and it seems to work fine | 07:23 |
underdog5004 | jcs7778, col | 07:23 |
underdog5004 | erm, cool | 07:23 |
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evjunior09 | robotgeek: Man thats a nice one. but i dont have a credit card, i need one to buy at a store. (i.e. Best Buy, Walmart, Target) | 07:24 |
kazuma_ | hi all | 07:24 |
kazuma_ | i have a problem with beryl xD | 07:24 |
Daisuke_Laptop | #ubuntu-effects | 07:25 |
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kazuma_ | when i spin the cube i can only see one face the others are invisible or something like that | 07:25 |
kazuma_ | why | 07:25 |
robotgeek | evjunior09: well, try anything but a new logitech is my suggestion. see if you can find anything on the list from the support hardware | 07:25 |
NickPresta | kazuma_, what do you mean the other sides are invisible? | 07:25 |
kazuma_ | well, i'm working in the desktop and when i wanna turn the other is in blank, and i can't do anything | 07:26 |
kazuma_ | i just see the backside of the other desktop | 07:26 |
kazuma_ | it's a cube with one window xD | 07:26 |
NickPresta | kazuma_, play around with the Desktop Cube configuration options. Perhaps you only have 1 desktop or there are transparency issues? | 07:26 |
kazuma_ | how do i put another desktops | 07:26 |
evjunior09 | robotgeek: i was thinkin this. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=5750839 even tho it dosent say Linux | 07:26 |
kazuma_ | cuz' i tried to put the others | 07:26 |
kazuma_ | and nothing happened dude | 07:26 |
robotgeek | evjunior09: check the wiki | 07:27 |
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robotgeek | !webcam > evjunior09 | 07:27 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=5392451 | 07:28 |
evjunior09 | robotgeek: it dosent say anything about my webcam | 07:28 |
robotgeek | evjunior09: well, that might be cause it does not work :) | 07:28 |
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evjunior09 | Daisuke_Laptop: will that work? | 07:29 |
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kazuma_ | help me please | 07:30 |
flaccid | !ask | 07:31 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 07:31 |
surgy | kazuma state your question | 07:31 |
surgy | clearly | 07:31 |
Daisuke_Laptop | evjunior09: in theory | 07:32 |
evjunior09 | w00t. | 07:34 |
flaccid | !help | 07:35 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 07:35 |
klobster | sure, !help, but: | 07:35 |
klobster | !kazuma | 07:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kazuma - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:35 |
speaker219 | Kay Ooh Boon too | 07:38 |
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ardchoille | I thought it was koo-BOON-too | 07:40 |
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underdog5004 | I pronounce it koo-BOON-too too | 07:40 |
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flaccid | hackbuntu | 07:42 |
flaccid | is the server edition :p[ | 07:42 |
klobster | kuh-bun-tuh | 07:42 |
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kazuma_ | yuhuu | 07:44 |
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kazuma_ | beryl restoreeed xD | 07:44 |
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flaccid | i get a stupid window manager already in use thing with beryl on kubuntu - as do many people and no real solution | 07:45 |
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kazuma_ | there is an easy way to fix beryl, erase the files hahaha xD | 07:49 |
kazuma_ | then you can start over xD | 07:49 |
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whizadree | hey is this server slow today | 07:50 |
whizadree | it keeps login me on then pauses then d/cs timeouts | 07:50 |
whizadree | lag is hmm lonnng | 07:50 |
ardchoille | !menu | 07:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about menu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:51 |
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ardchoille | What's the name of that alternate menu for kde? | 07:51 |
ardchoille | kbfx.. that's it | 07:52 |
NickPresta | ardchoille, kbfx or kickoff | 07:53 |
NickPresta | ardchoille, I hate kbfx. Kickoff is much nicer | 07:53 |
ardchoille | NickPresta: Yeah, found kbfx | 07:53 |
ardchoille | Never heard of kickoff | 07:53 |
ardchoille | NickPresta: URL? It isn't in the repos | 07:54 |
ardchoille | !kickoff | 07:54 |
ubotu | Kickoff is a new KDE menu replacement developed by openSUSE. See http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/2331 | 07:54 |
ardchoille | NickPresta: How did you install kickoff? | 07:54 |
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NickPresta | ardchoille, the official package name is `kicker-kickoff` and I got it from: deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb feisty 3v1n0 AFAIK | 07:55 |
NickPresta | ardchoille, http://3v1n0.tuxfamily.org/dists/feisty/3v1n0/ | 07:56 |
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ardchoille | NickPresta: Thanks :) | 07:58 |
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NickPresta | ardchoille, no problem. I didn't like the default kmenu.png icon so I replaced it with something much nicer. Don't let the default turn you off :) | 07:59 |
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ardchoille | NickPresta: That's easy to replace. | 08:03 |
ardchoille | This is much nicer than the default kde menu.. and nicer than kbfx | 08:03 |
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dvm | I am working on a GTK project where i have the requirement to change the SCIM language whenever user make an action(click a button) and that get effected when user types in a text box. What is the possible way to do this? | 08:09 |
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genii | Bah applied gutsy updates and froze the box totallyhard | 08:12 |
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=== genii sips a fruit juice | ||
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alfatau | hello: i would want to set a standby timer (or be able to choose when to standby) on 2 of the 4 hard disks installed on my server. do you know how to? | 08:29 |
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Myelin | hello | 08:34 |
flaccid | hi | 08:34 |
Myelin | I think i found a bug in the OS. Start KPPP and it gives a error for resolv.conf, which is there in /etc but spelt wrongly. | 08:34 |
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Myelin | Can you confirm this? | 08:35 |
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elite101 | good nite its like 2:40am !!!!!!! | 08:39 |
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elite101 | i gotta stop staying up* | 08:39 |
alfatau | hello, i want to activate standby on some hard disks on my machine. howto? thanks | 08:39 |
flaccid | alfatau: don't repeat | 08:40 |
Myelin | Oh!sorry. How do i creat a resolv.conf file? | 08:40 |
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Cannoli | hey guys | 08:42 |
Cannoli | k so im dling ntfs resize since gparted and qtparted dont work | 08:42 |
Cannoli | and niether does the partitioner in the install | 08:42 |
Cannoli | but its a .rpm file | 08:42 |
Cannoli | wht do i do with that? | 08:42 |
NickPresta | Cannoli, where did you download it from? RPM packages aren't native and should be avoided. | 08:44 |
Cannoli | uh oh | 08:44 |
Cannoli | lol | 08:44 |
Cannoli | sourceforge | 08:44 |
Cannoli | http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=13956&package_id=14232 | 08:44 |
NickPresta | Cannoli, have you tried `ntfsresize`? | 08:44 |
Cannoli | and what do u mean by not native? | 08:45 |
Cannoli | thats wht im dling | 08:45 |
NickPresta | Cannoli, using your package manager, download "ntfsprogs", which includes "ntfsresize". | 08:45 |
Cannoli | how do i do that? | 08:45 |
Cannoli | srry ive just started with kubuntu | 08:45 |
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NickPresta | !adept | Cannoli | 08:46 |
ubotu | Cannoli: adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto | 08:46 |
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NickPresta | Cannoli, if you just came from Windows, you may be used to having to go around and find applications, download them and install them. That is rarely the case in Kubuntu. You use your package manager to do the work for you. | 08:47 |
Cannoli | wow | 08:48 |
Cannoli | nice | 08:48 |
Cannoli | :) | 08:48 |
Cannoli | is that also the case when it comes to things like games | 08:48 |
Cannoli | ? | 08:48 |
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NickPresta | Cannoli, if you click on your kmenu (the "start menu") and find "Add/Remove Programs", you should be greated witha huge categorized list of things you can download right now with a few clicks. | 08:49 |
Cannoli | :S it says ntfsprogs is already installed :S | 08:50 |
Cannoli | thts crazy :) | 08:50 |
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Cannoli | i havent installed it | 08:52 |
Cannoli | but it says its installed | 08:52 |
Cannoli | wht do i do to run it :S | 08:52 |
NickPresta | Cannoli, there are a vast amount of applications installed by default. | 08:52 |
NickPresta | Cannoli, you can open up a Konsole and type in "ntfsresize" at the prompt | 08:52 |
Cannoli | wht promt? | 08:52 |
Cannoli | alt+f2? | 08:53 |
NickPresta | Cannoli, open up Konsole. The prompt is what you see (The flashing "box" that signifies your cursor). | 08:53 |
Cannoli | ah ic | 08:53 |
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Cannoli | ok | 08:54 |
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Cannoli | so where do i find my device name :S | 08:54 |
whizadree | is there been some server probs tonight? | 08:54 |
NickPresta | Cannoli, I would not attempt this without having a backup of my NTFS partition. Once you are ready to begin the resize, you can do something like this (To resize the partition to 10GB): 'sudo ntfsresize -s 10G /dev/sda5' | 08:54 |
Cannoli | ah ic | 08:55 |
NickPresta | Cannoli, to find your device name, do this in the Konsole: sudo fdisk -l | 08:55 |
Assid | hrmm im thinkining of playing with gmailfs next | 08:55 |
NickPresta | Cannoli, you should see the device name (/dev/SOMETHING) for example, and it should be HPFS/NTFS under the System heading | 08:55 |
Cannoli | yep found it :) | 08:56 |
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NickPresta | Cannoli, I would suggest you read the man page for ntfsresize | 08:56 |
NickPresta | Cannoli, to do that: `man ntfsresize` | 08:56 |
NickPresta | Cannoli, out of curiosity, what doesn't work in QT/GParted? | 08:57 |
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Cannoli | lol the ntfs resizing | 08:58 |
Cannoli | :P | 08:58 |
NickPresta | Do you get an error or anything? | 08:58 |
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MilhousePunkRock | Cannoli: Did you try the GPartEd Live CD? That's what I always used for partitioning (before I became familiar with fdisk/cfdisk) | 08:58 |
NickPresta | AFAIK, QT/GParted are just frontends to (c)fdisk and the like? | 08:58 |
MilhousePunkRock | NickPresta: I think so too... | 08:59 |
Cannoli | well in qtparted there was no detailes menu | 08:59 |
Cannoli | so not in tht | 08:59 |
Cannoli | but in gparted | 08:59 |
Cannoli | i got an error | 08:59 |
NickPresta | MilhousePunkRock, they're actually frontends to `parted`. heh | 08:59 |
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MilhousePunkRock | Cannoli: I would highyl suggest the live CD.. Make sure you have defragged your NTFS drive before you try to shrink it though. | 08:59 |
Cannoli | i did defrag | 09:00 |
Cannoli | twice | 09:00 |
Cannoli | :) | 09:00 |
Cannoli | and i cant get the live cd | 09:00 |
MilhousePunkRock | NickPresta: But doesn't parted base on fdisk? | 09:00 |
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Cannoli | either way i dont have anything important on tht drive anymore | 09:00 |
Cannoli | i moved everything on to a friends drve | 09:00 |
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Cannoli | so im good with ntfsresize :) | 09:01 |
Cannoli | and it seems to be doing its job which is good | 09:01 |
MilhousePunkRock | Cannoli: Can you be a little more descriptive about the error Gparted gave you? | 09:01 |
Cannoli | MilhousePunkRock: sorry i cant, i dont have the log file anymore. | 09:02 |
Cannoli | it did have something to do with the resize | 09:02 |
Cannoli | thats i all i remember | 09:02 |
Cannoli | srry | 09:02 |
MilhousePunkRock | Cannoli: Well, nevermind, if ntfsresize works... | 09:02 |
Cannoli | yep | 09:02 |
Cannoli | its at 2.7 on relocating data | 09:02 |
Cannoli | :) | 09:02 |
Cannoli | i got my system of a down collection blasting so i have all the time in the world | 09:03 |
Cannoli | damn | 09:03 |
Cannoli | error | 09:04 |
Cannoli | ! | 09:04 |
Cannoli | !pastebin | 09:04 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 09:04 |
Cannoli | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33896/ | 09:05 |
Cannoli | :( | 09:05 |
Cannoli | the same kind i got on gparted | 09:05 |
Cannoli | :( | 09:05 |
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NickPresta | Cannoli, how large is the HDD? | 09:06 |
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Cannoli | 250 | 09:06 |
Cannoli | gb | 09:06 |
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Assid | hrmm | 09:07 |
NickPresta | Cannoli, http://forum.linux-ntfs.org/viewtopic.php?p=972&sid=6c59b2fee268172ff28e2e051c231e90#972 | 09:07 |
Cannoli | yes | 09:07 |
=== Assid remembers the good old days of small drives | ||
MilhousePunkRock | Cannoli: That looks like it even tells you what to do: Please try to free less space | 09:07 |
Cannoli | yes but how much? | 09:08 |
Assid | Cannoli: do oyu have windows running on that mchine? are you planning on retaining it? | 09:08 |
Cannoli | i have windows | 09:08 |
Cannoli | but its on another drive | 09:09 |
Assid | so why are you keeping this as ntfs? | 09:09 |
Cannoli | so i can save my other files on it :S | 09:09 |
Assid | make it fat32 instead.. less headaches.. or ext3 | 09:09 |
Cannoli | like my moviez and stuff | 09:09 |
MilhousePunkRock | Cannoli: either you make it fat32 or ext2/3 and use the windows ext drivers | 09:09 |
Assid | i still dont trust the nfs-3g / write module | 09:10 |
Assid | you never know how ntfs may react | 09:10 |
Cannoli | why cant i keep ntfs :S | 09:10 |
Assid | you can | 09:10 |
MilhousePunkRock | Cannoli: Why would you? | 09:10 |
Cannoli | whts wrong with ntfs? | 09:10 |
NickPresta | Assid, I have had no trouble with NTFS. I use it fairly frequently using ntfs-3g. The track record is pretty good too (http://www.ntfs-3g.org/quality.html) | 09:10 |
kraut | moin | 09:11 |
Assid | NickPresta: not saying its bad.. i just would rather prefer a more "stabler" | 09:11 |
Assid | system | 09:11 |
NickPresta | Assid, of course. Using ext3 or something similar is ideal but I would still rather use NTFS over FAT32 | 09:11 |
Assid | hrmm k | 09:11 |
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=== Assid plays with gmailfs | ||
Assid | anyone here using it? | 09:12 |
MilhousePunkRock | Assid: Tell me more... | 09:12 |
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Assid | MilhousePunkRock: ? | 09:12 |
MilhousePunkRock | Assid: gmailfs... I googled it now though, heard about it, but haven't used it... I only have about 20 kB upstream anyway... | 09:13 |
Cannoli | damn | 09:13 |
Cannoli | it needs a diskcheck | 09:14 |
Assid | MilhousePunkRock: yeah.. so do i.. but you never know when you need something | 09:14 |
Cannoli | before i can do it agian | 09:14 |
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Cannoli | -_- | 09:14 |
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Assid | so would make sense mapping it around | 09:14 |
Assid | also you can alternately use it insted of mediashare etc.. to share between your friends | 09:14 |
MilhousePunkRock | Assid: OTOH, I have a NAS device in the process of being set up, NFS is already working... | 09:14 |
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Assid | hrmm k | 09:15 |
MilhousePunkRock | still, that is something I could put on my list... I have 4 gmail accounts, so that would make 10+ GB web space... | 09:15 |
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kjiij | hi i've got a proxim wireless pcmcia card on my laptop under kubuntu | 09:18 |
kjiij | lspcmcia shows thecard as yenta_cardbus | 09:19 |
kjiij | whatmodules shd i install for it to work? ifconfig doesn't show the new wireless card | 09:19 |
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MilhousePunkRock | kjiij: What chipset does it have? | 09:21 |
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kjiij | MilhousePunkRock: how do u find out/ its a ORiNOCO802.11b pc card | 09:22 |
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MilhousePunkRock | kjiij: Did you google a bit already? I think Orinoco is a chipset, I might be wrong with that though. | 09:23 |
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kjiij | MilhousePunkRock: yeah i tried to google proxim wireless.. if the modules are installed, i should be able to see my eth1 or wlan0 in ifconfig right? | 09:24 |
kjiij | or do i have to bind them | 09:24 |
MilhousePunkRock | kjiij: Honestly, I don't know, I use an Atheros card myself, there was not much to do manually... | 09:25 |
MilhousePunkRock | kjiij: There is extensive wireless documentation on the wiki though... | 09:25 |
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kjiij | i still have no idea what i should do | 09:28 |
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MilhousePunkRock | Kjiij was a bit unpatient, I just googled for him and found out that it's an atheros chipset... | 09:35 |
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Riddell | anyone able to test amarok 1.4.7 in gutsy and/or fiesty-backports? | 09:38 |
MilhousePunkRock | Riddell: I could try... | 09:39 |
MilhousePunkRock | Riddell: If you guide me a little that is, of course... | 09:40 |
Tabmows | anyone installed the latest ati drivers and receive an error when running it? | 09:40 |
Tabmows | ./ati-installer.sh: 165: Syntax error: Bad substitution | 09:40 |
MilhousePunkRock | Riddell: On a side note, I think the tribe CD iso images need a better naming scheme... Always gutsy-i386-desktop is confusing for all tribes and all flavors... | 09:41 |
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Riddell | MilhousePunkRock: we know | 09:43 |
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MilhousePunkRock | I have downloaded quite a few of them, Kubuntu and Xubuntu, needed to open them to set what flavor it was and compare the date with the news to find out which tribe... The final isos have comprehensive names though... | 09:45 |
antandou | je cherche accelerateur graphique | 09:45 |
MilhousePunkRock | Riddell: So how would I test Amarok 1.4.7 | 09:45 |
MilhousePunkRock | !fr > antandou | 09:45 |
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MilhousePunkRock | Riddell: Found a .deb on launchpad, is that the way to go? | 09:47 |
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Assid | hrmm | 09:49 |
Assid | i cant access gmailfs from kjonqueoror? | 09:49 |
Riddell | MilhousePunkRock: should be in the archives | 09:49 |
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MilhousePunkRock | Riddell: Backports or something? apt-get install amarok says I have the newest version, according to apt-cache show it's 1.4.6 though | 09:51 |
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dotz | hi i need to find out how to get my pcmcia proxim wireless card to work on my laptop.. its detected in lspcmcia | 09:51 |
dotz | but when i ifconfig it doesn't sure anything new even after /etc/init.d/network restart | 09:52 |
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dotz | are there any drivers i need to install? | 09:52 |
MilhousePunkRock | dotz: Are you kjiij? | 09:52 |
dotz | MilhousePunkRock: yeah.. i using another laptop to come in | 09:52 |
MilhousePunkRock | dotz: Alright, I found something for you on the wiki... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsProxim | 09:53 |
dotz | do i need to use wpa_supplicant or something? | 09:53 |
MilhousePunkRock | dotz: Not to make the card working in the first place | 09:53 |
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dotz | oh yeah i saw that page too. | 09:54 |
MilhousePunkRock | Which card is it? | 09:54 |
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dotz | ok behind the card it says IEEE 802.11b PC-card model 8420-WD proxim | 09:55 |
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dotz | infront it says orinoco 802.11b pc card gold | 09:55 |
dotz | i think its the 2nd one | 09:55 |
dotz | 8470 but mine is 8420 | 09:56 |
MilhousePunkRock | dotz: My guess is that you might need the linux-restricted-modules | 09:56 |
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jobbe_ | hey, I just installed kubuntu-desktop to have a look at kde again and I had to notice that kmenu, kcontrol etc are simply empty. that means there are no panels in kcontrol, there is nothing to be selected from kmenu except the logout/user buttons and so on. Any ideas on what might be wrong? | 09:57 |
buz | is the openoffice bug on tribe4 fixed? i just got a new notebook that needs xorg drivers only in gutsy (i could compile them for feisty but i'm lazy) | 09:57 |
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MilhousePunkRock | buz: AFAIK no. But you can install openoffice.org-gnome as a workaround | 09:58 |
buz | the release notes say other things suffer from the same bug? | 09:58 |
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dotz | MilhousePunkRock: thanks for your help.. i plugged in another card Accton and it just work out of the box | 09:59 |
dotz | MilhousePunkRock: my best bet is that my proxim card is spoiled.. the led light wasn't even on when i plug in | 09:59 |
MilhousePunkRock | dotz: Yeah, might be it's just broken... | 10:00 |
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linux_user400354 | what in the world???? im using cups for printing. its printing in red ink instead of black from my open office writer document. i tried changing the printing settings to greyscale black cartridge and it still does the same thing | 10:03 |
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evri2 | why there is amarok 1.4.7 in bacport repositories? is it beta? | 10:36 |
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chx | I try installing a kate plugin from source. /usr/lib/kde3/katescriptdebuggerplugin. so, la is in place. so is /usr/share/services/katescriptdebugger.desktop and finally /usr/share/apps/kate/plugins/katescriptdebugger/ui.rc | 10:48 |
chx | what's missing? | 10:48 |
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jordi_ | alguien sabe como abrir una base de datos access??? | 11:01 |
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jordi_ | estoy provando diferentes herramientas pero no funcionan del todo bien... | 11:02 |
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Aranel | Xorg us | 11:06 |
Aranel | Xorg using %36 mem, why ? | 11:06 |
Assid | Aranel: how much memory do you have | 11:06 |
Aranel | Assid: 512 | 11:06 |
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Assid | 5914 root 15 0 71056 43m 5308 S 6 2.8 1:31.45 Xorg | 11:06 |
Assid | i dont see it | 11:07 |
Assid | its like 43MB | 11:07 |
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Assid | check your Xorg.0.log for issues | 11:07 |
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Aranel | Assid: where can I find it ? | 11:08 |
Assid | check in /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 11:08 |
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Aranel | Assid: ok, thanks :) | 11:09 |
Assid | pastebin that log | 11:09 |
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Aranel | http://pastebin.org/618 | 11:11 |
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Aranel | Assid: http://pastebin.org/618 | 11:13 |
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Assid | Aranel: your using gutsy ?!?!? | 11:16 |
Aranel | Assid: no. i upgraded only kernel. | 11:17 |
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Assid | Aranel: i see no reason for it to eat so muc ram | 11:18 |
Assid | ry restarting X | 11:19 |
Aranel | Assid: it sometimes eat much ram, not always. | 11:19 |
Assid | see which appplication triggers it | 11:19 |
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Aranel | Assid: i think firefox. | 11:21 |
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trekdanne | firefox is evil :P | 11:25 |
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trekdanne | hmm does nvidia's proprietary drivers include support for AIGLX? the wikipedia article in question doesn't explain it very well -_- | 11:33 |
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jussi01 | trekdanne: ask in #ubuntu-effects if you dont get an answer here... | 11:35 |
trekdanne | ah | 11:35 |
trekdanne | hmm i think stdin tried to explain this to me yesterday but he seems to be afk | 11:36 |
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jussi01 | trekdanne: i think its a little early for him | 11:36 |
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dotz | !wmv | 11:37 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 11:37 |
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popow | Help time of my ubuntu server is not correct. I have set it to local time by modifying /etc/defaults/rcS "utc=no" ihave install ntp and ntp simple added 1 pool to /etc/ntp.conf, then rebooted... Still my time is totally of when i type date at the prompt??? | 11:42 |
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Jjohn | Jjohn, I am just idling do you mind me using your nick?? | 11:43 |
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trekdanne | popow: hmm ntp is somewhat strange.. it can take a while before it works -_- | 11:46 |
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jaxon_ | does anyone know where do i go to change the system font n also getting rid of sounds every time i do something..thx | 11:49 |
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trekdanne | jaxon_: k menu -> system settings -> apperance -> fonts | 11:50 |
trekdanne | jaxon_: and k menu -> system settings -> notification | 11:51 |
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trekdanne | *notifications | 11:51 |
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jaxon_ | trekdanne...thx...i have found 'system' n 'setting' but cant seem to see *notification...may be i have gone blind...but cheers though | 11:54 |
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jaxon_ | ah..found it..nice one | 11:54 |
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slawek | how to install update-manager 0.45.2 | 11:55 |
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trekdanne | !find emacs | 12:00 |
ubotu | Found: emacs, emacs-el, emacs-goodies-el, emacs-nox, emacs21 (and 47 others) | 12:00 |
trekdanne | !find emacs22 | 12:00 |
ubotu | Package/file emacs22 does not exist in feisty | 12:00 |
trekdanne | isn't emacs22 is the repos? | 12:00 |
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jeffm | hi all, i want to network my kubuntu 7.04 computer with my ubuntu 6.06 server (which has no GUI) what networking software should I use? NFS or SAMBA? (yes I've tried ftp and scp, but it didn't work!) | 12:14 |
MilhousePunkRock | jeffm: NFS is for native Linux <-> Linux sharing, SMB is for Windows machines involved... | 12:15 |
jeffm | yeah thought so, but some asshats told me otherwise. hehe, thanks :) | 12:16 |
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trekdanne | hmm sftp over ssh is my suggestion | 12:18 |
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trekdanne | so you can use your sever remotely too, can be quite handy | 12:19 |
dylan__ | yay, just got lunix, not too shabby | 12:20 |
trekdanne | neither NFS nor SMB should be use over a public network | 12:20 |
Assid | nfs dies for me | 12:20 |
MilhousePunkRock | trekdanne: I use ssh for administration and nfs for file stuff... | 12:20 |
thoreauputic | sshfs for secure file access over the Net | 12:20 |
MilhousePunkRock | trekdanne: I assumed that jeffm was referring to a private network | 12:20 |
trekdanne | hmm | 12:21 |
jeffm | yep, i'm refering to a private network. i'm hosting a site from home :O | 12:21 |
Assid | nfs dies over public network | 12:21 |
trekdanne | yea it depends on how much files you're gonna transfer and such | 12:21 |
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llutz | nfs is easily tunneled through ssh | 12:21 |
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MilhousePunkRock | trekdanne: Once I have all my music on my server (~20 GB) there will not be more than some backups or files I want to have access to on all clients... | 12:23 |
trekdanne | ah i c | 12:23 |
Assid | okay is it normal for nfs to just break | 12:23 |
Assid | i mean some small discrepency in the network.. and nfs mounts just die | 12:23 |
MilhousePunkRock | Assid: No. What's the exact problem you have? | 12:23 |
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trekdanne | what's the current status of AFS btw? | 12:24 |
Assid | MilhousePunkRock: its a nfs across datacenters | 12:25 |
Assid | just dies after some time | 12:25 |
Assid | ping response across ther servers .. 6ms | 12:25 |
Assid | kinda ridiculous | 12:25 |
trekdanne | Assid: "datacenter" sounds cool? care to tell me more about the setup? | 12:25 |
Assid | i got some dedicated servers in a few DC's | 12:26 |
Assid | all running debian -etch | 12:26 |
MilhousePunkRock | Assid: Well... I am anything but an expert, I have a rather simple setup here and it works fine, setup was pretty easy too... | 12:26 |
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Assid | well most of them atleast | 12:26 |
trekdanne | ah | 12:26 |
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Assid | so sometimes i move a domain across the servers .. maybe for load balancing or whatevcer reasons.. even backups | 12:26 |
Assid | it just dies.. so i gotta stick to the likes of FTP | 12:27 |
trekdanne | hmm FTP does have issues with NATs :P | 12:27 |
Assid | i mean i get around 10MBytes.. no problem | 12:27 |
Assid | trekdanne: dedicated servers dont use nat | 12:27 |
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Assid | they have public ip directly on them | 12:27 |
trekdanne | Assid: ah right | 12:27 |
trekdanne | i was thinking about the core protocol rather than your setup :) | 12:28 |
jeffm | hey guys, i just learnt something about servers: don't buy $50 computers from highschools! mine screwed up on me :( | 12:28 |
Assid | yeah well it doesnt apply here.. since its a direct connection | 12:28 |
jeffm | intermittent faults | 12:28 |
Assid | heck i even get 10MBytes.. how much more do i need? | 12:28 |
Assid | jeffm: those arent servers | 12:28 |
Assid | they barely make it as workstations | 12:29 |
jeffm | well, it has apache2 on it, so its a server :P | 12:29 |
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Assid | jeffm: would explain why they screw up on you | 12:29 |
MilhousePunkRock | Cheap old rigs make nice servers for personal use... | 12:30 |
jeffm | Assid: what do you mean? | 12:30 |
Assid | key word being "personal" use | 12:30 |
Assid | or soho | 12:30 |
Assid | im actually thinking of donating my old AMD 1800xp+ | 12:30 |
Assid | not really being used | 12:31 |
MilhousePunkRock | Assid: I'd take it... That's better then the machine I am on right now | 12:31 |
Assid | 1533mhz only | 12:31 |
popow | Help time of my ubuntu server is not correct. I have set it to local time by modifying /etc/defaults/rcS "utc=no" ihave install ntp and ntp simple added 1 pool to /etc/ntp.conf, then rebooted... Still my time is totally of when i type date at the prompt??? | 12:31 |
Assid | better than what you have now ? | 12:31 |
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Assid | popow: wtf you doing ? | 12:31 |
popow | ? | 12:31 |
Assid | tzconfig | 12:31 |
Assid | just run that man | 12:32 |
popow | I want to put my time right | 12:32 |
MilhousePunkRock | Assid: That's more than the 1.13 GHz my laptop has... Worse than the 2.0 Ghz desktop though | 12:32 |
Assid | tzconfig -- sets the right time zone | 12:32 |
trekdanne | popow: utc=no is evil | 12:32 |
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Urilock | help | 12:32 |
popow | oki | 12:32 |
Assid | apt-get install rdate | 12:32 |
Urilock | my keyboard has messed up | 12:32 |
Assid | rdate will use NTP to keep you updated | 12:32 |
popow | then if I put it back then? | 12:32 |
Assid | MilhousePunkRock: its a desktop | 12:32 |
MilhousePunkRock | trekdanne: Not neccessarily, I think it's even needed on a dualboot system with Windows | 12:32 |
popow | I mean the time i see when I run a script is uuh | 12:32 |
Assid | my lappy is actually a 1.4ghz | 12:33 |
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Assid | popow: did you install rdate? | 12:33 |
Assid | sudo apt-get install rdate | 12:33 |
MilhousePunkRock | popow: Or ntpdate | 12:33 |
popow | nope ntp | 12:33 |
trekdanne | does windows still use local time, i thoguht the changed it ... | 12:33 |
popow | ntpdate is there | 12:33 |
Assid | local time ? | 12:33 |
popow | yup | 12:33 |
popow | local | 12:33 |
popow | but could go back to utc only I want the time be correct | 12:34 |
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popow | So that when my script in the morning wrong all is fine | 12:34 |
MilhousePunkRock | popow: Type "sudo ntpdate yourcountrycode.pool.ntp.org" | 12:34 |
Assid | popow: sudo ntpdate time.nist.gov | 12:34 |
Assid | or what MilhousePunkRock says | 12:34 |
popow | with utc=yes would that be fine? | 12:34 |
Assid | i run my own ntp server | 12:34 |
MilhousePunkRock | Assid: not a good choice if he is outside US | 12:34 |
Assid | MilhousePunkRock: there isnt a mirror per country | 12:35 |
popow | Lemme put back to utc and then see hold on brb | 12:35 |
MilhousePunkRock | I don't think the UTC settings makes the difference there... | 12:35 |
MilhousePunkRock | Assid: Most countries though | 12:35 |
Assid | not for india yet... | 12:35 |
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MilhousePunkRock | popow: Is the time difference like the difference from your local time to UTC? | 12:35 |
popow | I am gmt+1 | 12:36 |
popow | aka copnehgane | 12:36 |
popow | copenhagen ,, Denmark | 12:36 |
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popow | lemme to a date in a few sec when it back | 12:37 |
trekdanne | then it should be around "12:37" | 12:37 |
MilhousePunkRock | Assid: I should make my own NTP server on my server too, only I haven't found a decent howto for it yet. I don't want a daemon that syncs the time to some outside server all the time, that could make my ISP angry | 12:37 |
ericr | hallo iemand die me hier mee kan helpen kaffeine 0.8.3 en kaffeine-sc-plugin 0.2. | 12:37 |
trekdanne | !de | 12:37 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 12:37 |
MilhousePunkRock | !nl | ericr | 12:37 |
ubotu | ericr: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl | 12:37 |
popow | one2superuser@northstar:~$ date | 12:37 |
popow | Thu Aug 16 06:37:25 EDT 2007 | 12:37 |
MilhousePunkRock | trekdanne: That wasn't german... | 12:37 |
trekdanne | ah fail again | 12:37 |
Assid | MilhousePunkRock: if you want a stratum server.. you should synch with the stratum II's atleast | 12:37 |
popow | And my time on my laptop is 12.37 | 12:37 |
Assid | popow: tzconfig | 12:38 |
MilhousePunkRock | Assid: Nothing so critical here that I need the time more exact than let's say one second... | 12:38 |
Assid | i told you that earlier | 12:38 |
popow | oki | 12:38 |
Assid | you need to set your timezone | 12:38 |
popow | thx ill man tzconfig | 12:38 |
popow | thc | 12:38 |
popow | thx | 12:38 |
Assid | after you set tzconfig.. use ntpdate | 12:38 |
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trekdanne | what's a Stratum II? | 12:39 |
popow | Assid: cool .. tjx | 12:39 |
Assid | MilhousePunkRock: i use it on one of my servers.. then i have mny other servers synch with that | 12:39 |
popow | thx | 12:39 |
Assid | trekdanne: a level below stratum 1's :P | 12:39 |
trekdanne | Assid: hehe | 12:39 |
MilhousePunkRock | Assid: What I am looking for is probably a cronjob that uses ntpdate once a day, that should be enough. And run the server from that time | 12:39 |
Assid | MilhousePunkRock: most ntpservers do that | 12:40 |
Assid | like twice a day | 12:40 |
MilhousePunkRock | trekdanne: Stratum is the level of accuracy a timeserver has. Stratum I is an atomic clock, Stratum II gets his time from a Stratum I and so on | 12:40 |
trekdanne | ah i c, milhousepunkrock | 12:40 |
Assid | if you plan to use a ntp servers.. you normally synch it with stratum 2 | 12:41 |
MilhousePunkRock | Assid: I used to run openntp (very small footprint) but that kept on syncing the time, thus keeping my internet connection alive | 12:41 |
Assid | users such as desktop users normally should use stratum 3 | 12:41 |
Assid | MilhousePunkRock: you need your net to die ? | 12:41 |
Assid | MilhousePunkRock: then dont run a server.. just synch your time with the servers instead | 12:42 |
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popow | one2superuser@northstar:~$ date | 12:43 |
popow | Thu Aug 16 12:42:40 CEST 2007 | 12:43 |
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MilhousePunkRock | Assid: I dont exactly _need_ my net to disconnect, but I want to. The router is in the bedroom, all the flickering lights are not what I want at night... | 12:43 |
popow | Super all cool now | 12:43 |
popow | thanks guys | 12:43 |
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popow | Always nice to have time tick correct lol | 12:43 |
popow | :-) | 12:43 |
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Assid | popow: cron it | 12:43 |
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MilhousePunkRock | popow: or have it sync with the system clock every shutdown | 12:44 |
Assid | MilhousePunkRock: shutdown ??? | 12:44 |
Assid | i hope you mean start up | 12:44 |
MilhousePunkRock | Assid: No, shutdown... | 12:44 |
popow | Assid: Yup will cron it thx | 12:44 |
Assid | MilhousePunkRock: why the hell would you need th right time to shut down | 12:44 |
Assid | you should have the right time when you start your machine.. not when you shut it down | 12:45 |
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trekdanne | yea exactly, but it does store the right time so everything, before network, gets the right time in the startup sequence | 12:45 |
ubuntu | hello | 12:46 |
trekdanne | hi | 12:46 |
ubuntu | i'm turk | 12:46 |
MilhousePunkRock | Hello ubuntu, how can we help you? :) | 12:46 |
MilhousePunkRock | !tr | 12:46 |
ubotu | Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 12:46 |
Assid | !tr | 12:47 |
ubotu | Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 12:47 |
Assid | !in | 12:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about in - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:47 |
Assid | !fr | 12:47 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 12:47 |
Assid | :P | 12:47 |
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trekdanne | bot abuse!!11one | 12:47 |
ubuntu | hey | 12:48 |
ubuntu | ka trk var | 12:48 |
ubuntu | burada | 12:48 |
ubuntu | kubuntu hakknda sorum olacak | 12:48 |
ubuntu | ubuntu diyor ama kubuntu yazyor | 12:48 |
Assid | ubuntu: no one here understands you.. join that channel mentioned | 12:48 |
Assid | !tr | 12:48 |
ubotu | Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 12:48 |
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MilhousePunkRock | ubuntu: You will need to join the turkish channel to speak turkish... | 12:48 |
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ubuntu | yokmu trk | 12:49 |
trekdanne | ubuntu: /join #ubuntu-tr | 12:49 |
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Assid | okay | 12:49 |
ubuntu | ne bicim linux | 12:49 |
Assid | i should really wok | 12:49 |
MilhousePunkRock | ubuntu: Or even better, just click on #ubuntu-tr | 12:49 |
Assid | sometime now will be nice | 12:49 |
ubuntu | bir allahn kulu | 12:49 |
ubuntu | yok urda | 12:49 |
trekdanne | Assid: wok? like the food | 12:49 |
MilhousePunkRock | trekdanne: /j is shorter and faster than /join | 12:50 |
Assid | work even | 12:50 |
trekdanne | ah :( | 12:50 |
popow | Oki one last time thing... My time is 12:48:51 16/7/2007 according to the timestamp my perf script make, but the timestamp in /var/log/user.log says ..Aug 16 06:48:11 ?????? | 12:50 |
MilhousePunkRock | trekdanne: Isn't that more a frying pan than food itself? | 12:50 |
ubuntu | ubuntu for running .exe file? | 12:50 |
trekdanne | i think the verb is to "wok" ? | 12:50 |
MilhousePunkRock | !wine | ubuntu | 12:50 |
ubotu | ubuntu: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 12:50 |
ubuntu | thanks diyeyim | 12:52 |
ubuntu | bi ie yaramadya | 12:52 |
popow | So does than mean that somehow the syslog entreis is in utc? and how to corerect | 12:52 |
ubuntu | site hata verdi | 12:52 |
ubuntu | trk yokmu | 12:52 |
trekdanne | !tr | ubuntu | 12:52 |
ubotu | ubuntu: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 12:52 |
ubuntu | geyik | 12:52 |
ubuntu | ne biim kelime | 12:52 |
Assid | man.. im sooooooooooooo damn sleepy | 12:52 |
ubuntu | hi sevmem | 12:52 |
ubuntu | u botlar | 12:52 |
MilhousePunkRock | popow: If you are in copenhagen, 6 hours off is not UTC | 12:53 |
ubuntu | koymasalar olmaz | 12:53 |
MilhousePunkRock | !ops | 12:53 |
=== Assid runs to get some coffee | ||
ubotu | Help! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal or PriceChild! | 12:53 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*@] by Hobbsee | ||
=== ubuntu was kicked off #kubuntu by Hobbsee (Hobbsee) | ||
trekdanne | is the guy trolling? | 12:53 |
MilhousePunkRock | Hobbsee: Quick and dirty, like always... ;) | 12:53 |
Hobbsee | hehe :) | 12:53 |
Riddell | fast on the draw | 12:53 |
popow | oki but how come the timestamp is different in /var/log/user.log?? | 12:53 |
Hobbsee | although, whether there's any help in the turkish channel, i've no idea | 12:53 |
Hobbsee | but if he cant speka in english, he wont get help here | 12:53 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: :) | 12:53 |
MilhousePunkRock | Hobbsee: We kept telling him !tr | 12:54 |
popow | date command returns Thu Aug 16 12:54:07 CEST 2007 | 12:54 |
popow | as it should which is corect for my time | 12:54 |
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trekdanne | popow: seems correct | 12:54 |
Hobbsee | MilhousePunkRock: some people dont listen | 12:54 |
MilhousePunkRock | popow: 6 hours earlier than CET is EST, IIRC... | 12:54 |
popow | Yeah but the time stamp in /var/log/user.log is ... | 12:55 |
popow | ug 16 06:48:51 northstar doAll.pl[4170] : salesimportEXP 87 files where proccesed! | 12:55 |
popow | Aug 16 06:48:51 northstar doAll.pl[4170] : *************doAll.pl END****************** | 12:55 |
Ulic83 | anyone who can help me getting my WiFi connection working? | 12:55 |
popow | ?? | 12:55 |
MilhousePunkRock | Riddell: By now, I have Amarok 1.4.7, but Alsa is not working properly, I assume due to standby... I will reboot shortly anyway, was there anything specific you wanted to have tested? | 12:56 |
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MilhousePunkRock | !paste | popow | 12:56 |
ubotu | popow: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 12:56 |
popow | ubotu: sure thx about pastebin but was only 2 lines | 12:56 |
MilhousePunkRock | Ulic83: What't the matter? | 12:56 |
popow | Ahh it be bot lol | 12:57 |
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MilhousePunkRock | popow: ubotu is a bot, no need to thank him... | 12:57 |
popow | hehe i figured lol | 12:57 |
Ulic83 | just installed Kubuntu, downloaded and installed a driver for my USB wireless adapter | 12:57 |
MilhousePunkRock | popow: I triggered it, I had some lag here that made it look like you pastes more, sorry... | 12:57 |
trekdanne | popow: hmm he's no feelings (yet) | 12:57 |
Ulic83 | the driver seems to work, but it finds no networks | 12:57 |
MilhousePunkRock | Ulic83: What is the chipset of the card? Is you ESSID hidden maybe? | 12:57 |
Riddell | MilhousePunkRock: nothing specific, just that it installs and works | 12:58 |
popow | BUt still aint it weird that date returns one time and time stamp in /var/log/user.log is different? | 12:58 |
trekdanne | popow: are you sure the entry was post after you set the time | 12:58 |
popow | yup | 12:58 |
popow | but i will reboot one time to make sure | 12:58 |
MilhousePunkRock | Riddell: Install worked... It magically appeared in adept's list of updates... | 12:58 |
popow | brb | 12:58 |
Ulic83 | MilhousePunkRock: it's a Ralink chipset, I'm now running Windows and it finds 3 networks, Kubuntu finds none | 12:59 |
MilhousePunkRock | popow: You can also restart the logger | 12:59 |
MilhousePunkRock | Ulic83: Hmm, ralink... Let me check | 12:59 |
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popow | MilhousePunkRock: Yeah that would have been smarter,,, but reboot already called :-) | 12:59 |
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MilhousePunkRock | Ulic83: What brand and model is it? | 01:00 |
Ulic83 | MilhousePunkRock: Sweex LW053 | 01:01 |
popow | Reboot did the trick ... sighs relieved.... finally I am back in buisness after having reinstalled the whole system due to a damn hack... thx guys you rock! | 01:02 |
MilhousePunkRock | Ulic83: Did you read this already: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper?highlight=%28ndiswrapper%29 | 01:02 |
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Ulic83 | MilhousePunkRock: I did read something about ndiswrapper, but since I found a driver for my ralink chipset I figured that would be better | 01:04 |
MilhousePunkRock | Ulic83: How did you install the driver? | 01:05 |
MilhousePunkRock | Ulic83: What does lsusb say? Does it show the card? | 01:05 |
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Ulic83 | MilhousePunkRock: I installed it according to the readme file, make, make install, and modprobe | 01:06 |
Ulic83 | MilhousePunkRock: and yes, lsusb shows it | 01:06 |
dik | www.webmail.uva.nl | 01:06 |
MilhousePunkRock | Ulic83: And network-manager? | 01:06 |
dik | webmail.uva.nl | 01:06 |
MilhousePunkRock | dik: What are you trying to tell us? | 01:07 |
Ulic83 | MilhousePunkRock: it shows the adapter as wlan0 | 01:07 |
MilhousePunkRock | Ulic83: I would assume that's good enough... | 01:08 |
Ulic83 | MilhousePunkRock: that's why I figured the driver was working | 01:08 |
Ulic83 | MilhousePunkRock: but it shows no networks | 01:09 |
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MilhousePunkRock | Ulic83: Have you tried this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132980 | 01:09 |
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Ulic83 | MilhousePunkRock: That method of installing the driver is totally different from the driver I downloaded | 01:11 |
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Ulic83 | MilhousePunkRock: so not applicable to my driver probably | 01:12 |
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MilhousePunkRock | Ulic83: Well, I guess it depends on the exact chipset... | 01:12 |
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Ulic83 | MilhousePunkRock: also iwconfig just lists wlan0 normally | 01:13 |
Ulic83 | MilhousePunkRock: it just finds no networks | 01:13 |
MilhousePunkRock | Ulic83: Unlikely that ALL of them have a hidden ESSID, huh? | 01:15 |
Ulic83 | MilhousePunkRock: well, since Windows does recognize 3 of them I don't think they are all hidden | 01:16 |
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MilhousePunkRock | Ulic83: Did you google about it? If someone had the same problem, there might as well be a solution for it... | 01:19 |
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=== MilhousePunkRock will be back soon... | ||
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alloosh | hello all, I installed kubuntu last night, now my computer is not working | 01:24 |
alloosh | pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee help | 01:24 |
yourself3082 | i also a noob | 01:24 |
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yourself3082 | *im s noob | 01:24 |
yourself3082 | *im a noob | 01:25 |
SlimeyPe1e | you're going to have to give us more information | 01:25 |
SlimeyPe1e | "not working" doesn't tell us much ;) | 01:25 |
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alloosh | ok the thing is that, last night I installed kubuntu-desktop, and now I try to start my computer and the screen is swapped | 01:26 |
SlimeyPe1e | what do you mean by "swapped"? | 01:26 |
alloosh | I cant see what is ion the screen, the computer is not on because I just typed the user name and password, but I cant see anything | 01:26 |
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ubuntu | hi | 01:26 |
SlimeyPe1e | hit ctrl-alt-f1. Do you see anything? | 01:27 |
ubuntu | first time running | 01:27 |
alloosh | I can see nothing, I know that its all there but I cant see it | 01:27 |
alloosh | yes alt ctrl and f1 gave me black screen | 01:27 |
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SlimeyPe1e | ubuntu: hi | 01:28 |
alloosh | and now iam in the terminal, so i thinik I need to change resolutioon, | 01:28 |
alloosh | how to change the resolution | 01:28 |
SlimeyPe1e | you'll need to check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file | 01:28 |
SlimeyPe1e | sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:28 |
alloosh | there is nothing in there | 01:29 |
kaminix | Is there an easy way to remove an audio track from a mp4 file without changing compression or anything like that? | 01:29 |
SlimeyPe1e | alloosh: erk, that'll be the problem then. Are you certain you typed the filename correctly? | 01:30 |
SlimeyPe1e | kaminix: probably (for certain values of "easy"). Check out transcode and mencoder. | 01:30 |
ubuntu | this thing will run on about anything | 01:31 |
alloosh | yes I typed it right, how can I exit that to try again | 01:31 |
alloosh | ? | 01:31 |
SlimeyPe1e | CTRL-X will exit nano | 01:31 |
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kaminix | I mean, it's like a file within a file, isn't it? Shouldn't some program be able to just delete it? | 01:31 |
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SlimeyPe1e | kaminix: no, it's a data stream within a file but yes I expect it's technically possible to delete it | 01:32 |
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alloosh | ok now I see the file | 01:32 |
alloosh | what to do there ? | 01:32 |
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SlimeyPe1e | alloosh: well, check the "device" section and make sure the correct driver is loaded (for your video card). Then check the monitor section, and then further down there is a list of display modes which kubuntu will try to use. | 01:33 |
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praecox | hey guys, is it normal and known problem OO.org doesn't work under Kubuntu Gutsy? | 01:34 |
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alloosh | what should the value be for modeline? | 01:34 |
martijn81 | praecox: don't know, i use koffice | 01:34 |
SeicherlBoB | can anybody tell me about getXconsole, and where i get this function? | 01:34 |
SlimeyPe1e | alloosh: also, it's worth checking in /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see if there are any errors (usually marked "ERROR:" followed by some text) and putting those into Google | 01:34 |
SlimeyPe1e | alloosh: depends on your monitor. | 01:35 |
praecox | martijn81, yeah, but KWord doesn't read my .doc documents in such a proper way OO.org did. | 01:35 |
ubuntu | are there any games you can look at on the kubuntu 6.06 cd when you run it live? | 01:35 |
alloosh | there are many values there. in general is there a comand I can use to change the resolution? | 01:35 |
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martijn81 | praecox: you might have better luck in ubuntu+1 | 01:37 |
martijn81 | * #ubuntu+1 | 01:37 |
murchadh | alloosh: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg at a prompt will run through a config script allowing you to choose values. | 01:37 |
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ubuntu | think i might actually like this. too bad i don't have a HD to install it | 01:39 |
alloosh | now I have options cirrus, cyrix, fbdev, glint, i128, i740 i810 | 01:40 |
alloosh | which one to choose? | 01:40 |
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murchadh | alloosh: Which one do you have? | 01:40 |
alloosh | I dont know, I have intel chepset | 01:40 |
murchadh | alloosh: Id try i810 first, complete the script and then type startx at the prompt. Report back. There may also be a vesa option which can be useful as a fallback. | 01:42 |
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gareth_ | can anybody help me with gaim, it worked last night, but now it wont | 01:43 |
gareth_ | i get connection errors on all my accounts | 01:43 |
ubuntu | anyone know what driver i would need? i have a IBM personal computer 300Pl and it is onboard sound. | 01:43 |
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alloosh | restarting | 01:44 |
alexandros | gareth: which linux distribution do u have? | 01:44 |
gareth_ | kubuntu 7.04 | 01:44 |
murchadh | alloosh: restarting what? No need to reboot if that's what you're doing. | 01:45 |
llutz | ubuntu: not sure, but try snd-intel8x0 | 01:45 |
alexandros | gareth: what is the connection error u get? | 01:45 |
ubuntu | well i don't know how to install or or where to get it. | 01:46 |
gareth_ | aim account says "lost connection with server: connection reset by peer" | 01:46 |
gareth_ | msn says | 01:47 |
ubuntu | has a crystial chip in it so i think that is the audio | 01:47 |
gareth_ | connection error frommm.... writting error | 01:47 |
alexandros | does kopete work? | 01:47 |
ubuntu | crystal* | 01:47 |
gareth_ | nope | 01:47 |
alexandros | maybe a firewall is messing up with it? | 01:48 |
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gareth_ | the msn account i can get to work if under advanced i set it to use http method | 01:48 |
gareth_ | but aim doesn't have that choice | 01:48 |
llutz | ubuntu: "sudo modprobe snd-intel8x0" | 01:48 |
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biosword | ubuntu.it? | 01:48 |
biosword | please! | 01:49 |
llutz | !it | biosword | 01:49 |
ubotu | biosword: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 01:49 |
murchadh | !ubuntu-it | 01:49 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-it - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:49 |
biosword | grazie | 01:49 |
alexandros | gareth_: do you have firestarter installed? | 01:49 |
gareth_ | not unless it installed by default | 01:50 |
alexandros | gareth_: with it you can see whether you're blocking any applications | 01:50 |
gareth_ | oh | 01:50 |
alexandros | gareth_: sudo apt-get install firestarter | 01:50 |
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alexandros | gareth_: once you install it, go to K-Start->Settings->Firestarter | 01:51 |
gareth_ | ok installed firestarter | 01:51 |
gareth_ | ok | 01:52 |
alexandros | gareth_: and when u open it, look at the "Events" tab and check whether you're blocking anything | 01:52 |
gareth_ | set it to device wlan0 | 01:52 |
gareth_ | nah it blank | 01:53 |
alexandros | gareth_: you have a wireless router? | 01:53 |
gareth_ | yes | 01:53 |
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alexandros | gareth_: then maybe this router is blocking | 01:53 |
gareth_ | i can log in and turn the firewall off | 01:53 |
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alexandros | gareth_: or just allow the ports aim and msn are using | 01:54 |
alexandros | sorry | 01:54 |
h4xc0r | JOIN #ubuntu-fr | 01:54 |
alexandros | i'll BRB | 01:54 |
gareth_ | but it shouldn't have changed since yesterday i am the only with acess to it | 01:54 |
alexandros | or BBL , have to go:( | 01:54 |
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gareth_ | oh it works again | 01:56 |
gareth_ | i haven't done anything | 01:56 |
gareth_ | but woohoo | 01:56 |
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Axis | Hello people | 01:57 |
echo-MaTX | hi | 01:57 |
Axis | could someone tell me what is the name of the kde-package that show rss in panel? | 01:57 |
ubuntu | how do i test the sound? | 01:58 |
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Axis | is there anybody there??? | 02:00 |
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allooshna | hello again | 02:00 |
allooshna | now I cant even reach anything | 02:00 |
martijn81 | ubuntu: load amarok, there should be an intro in the playlist | 02:01 |
=== ubuntu looks for it | ||
=== ubuntu is now known as james42519 | ||
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james42519 | i don't think there is anything there | 02:04 |
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murchadh | Axis: Akgregator maybe? It's an RSS feed reader, whether it'll dock in the panel or not I'm not sure. | 02:06 |
alexandros | back! | 02:06 |
alexandros | gareth_: good man, Im happy for you :D | 02:06 |
murchadh | allooshna: What happens after you boot the machine? | 02:07 |
gareth_ | hehe yeah i did nothing and its working again, i think it was my router but it hard to tell | 02:07 |
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gareth_ | axis goto www.kde-apps.org and search for rss | 02:08 |
gareth_ | there is an rss sidebar there which is pretty good | 02:08 |
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miles_ | ok | 02:14 |
Axis | gareth_: its not exactly what i`m lookin for... | 02:14 |
gareth_ | nah i noticed its a superkaramba theme | 02:14 |
gareth_ | not a fan of superkaramba | 02:14 |
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Lattyware | I'm about to take 'Gareth' off my highlight list :P | 02:15 |
Axis | when i use other distribution that goes with kde by default and could be founded in 'add applet to panel menu' | 02:15 |
gareth_ | haha im on a low end laptop anything fancy and it slows to a crawl | 02:16 |
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gareth_ | axis: http://www.kde-forum.org/artikel/16365/RSS-news-ticker.html | 02:18 |
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Axis | gareth_: thank you very much, you use google better then me ;) | 02:20 |
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gareth_ | np | 02:20 |
kaminix | I want aid 1 and the video to do the dumpstream from C-ute - Meguru Koi no Kisetsu (H264).mp4, how? I tried "mplayer C-ute\ -\ Meguru\ Koi\ no\ Kisetsu\ \(H264\).mp4 -aid 1 -dumpstream -dumpfile C-ute\ -\ Meguru\ Koi\ no\ Kisetsu\ \(H264\)_edit.mp4" but had no luck :( | 02:21 |
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echo-MaTX | hey know anyone why Totem crashes when avi & sub are the same name ? | 02:24 |
kaminix | The audiofile I get when ripping audio only is not playable :/ | 02:25 |
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Axis | gareth_: maybe you also tell me about the same application docked in panel that shows weather? :) | 02:29 |
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gareth_ | lol not sure i've ever heard of a docked weather panel | 02:30 |
gareth_ | karamba theme sure | 02:30 |
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tzanger | good morning; if I want to install Perl modules do I use CPAN or is there a deb repository of them to keep the package manager happy? | 02:31 |
gareth_ | oh wait | 02:31 |
gareth_ | maybe there is | 02:31 |
gareth_ | kweather | 02:31 |
naught101 | anyone know how to turn stop the volume up/down/mute OSDs from showing in kubuntu? | 02:32 |
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naught101 | s/turn stop/stop/ | 02:33 |
craig | Hi all - quick qestion from a newbie. I'm running Kubuntu 7.04 Fristy Faun and am keen to upgrade to | 02:33 |
craig | 02:33 | |
craig | LinuxMCE | 02:33 |
craig | I read in the http://www.linuxmce.org/ website that its an add-on to Kubuntu | 02:34 |
craig | just wondering how I go about doing the upgrade | 02:34 |
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naught101 | http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Download_Instructions | 02:36 |
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gareth_ | axis: sudo apt-get install kweather | 02:37 |
gareth_ | just installed it myself | 02:38 |
naught101 | damn. | 02:38 |
naught101 | anyone know how to turn START the volume up/down/mute OSDs showing in kubuntu? | 02:38 |
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m4st3r | 02:39 | |
m4st3r | hi | 02:39 |
Axis | yeah, i already done it | 02:40 |
m4st3r | I installed compiz-fusion on my notebook | 02:40 |
m4st3r | I use kubuntu feisty | 02:40 |
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Axis | hm... adept could not find any applicaiton link to weather word... | 02:40 |
m4st3r | but compiz-fusion is very slow T.T | 02:40 |
Assid | m4st3r: nvidia? | 02:41 |
Assid | !nvidia | 02:41 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:41 |
m4st3r | GMA900 graphic c | 02:41 |
Assid | hrmm.. dunno abou tthat | 02:41 |
gareth_ | kweather is part of kdetoys | 02:41 |
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m4st3r | ?? | 02:41 |
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m4st3r | do you now about that? | 02:41 |
m4st3r | -_-;; | 02:41 |
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Axis | gareth_: thanks again :) | 02:42 |
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Urilock | i need some serious help | 02:43 |
Urilock | sometimes i start up with a non-graphical login etc | 02:44 |
craig | thanks naught101 for the link | 02:44 |
naught101 | no worries | 02:44 |
craig | does anyone know if I can install linuxmce via a download off the net or do I have to burn to CD and install off that? | 02:45 |
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craig | appears I need to install off CD over a fresh install of Kubuntu 7.04 | 02:45 |
saylar | hey | 02:45 |
craig | that would be a pain | 02:45 |
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Urilock | is there a ubuntu section to this irc? | 02:46 |
Urilock | #ubuntu ? | 02:46 |
fkm | yes? | 02:46 |
fkm | and many more | 02:46 |
SlimeyPe1e | Urilock: yes | 02:46 |
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saylar | i got a question regarding the performance of compiz with emerald. apparently my laptop just gets 20 frames. it is a 3ghz, 2 GB and a nvidia gforce Go with only 64MB | 02:47 |
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Urilock | ok | 02:47 |
fkm | Urilock: I found 6655 Channels with either ubuntu in the topic or channel name ;) | 02:48 |
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saylar | sould i get more, or is it as high as it gets with that graphicscard? | 02:48 |
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trekdanne | saylar: hmm not familar with composite manager. maybe you'll get more responses in #ubuntu-effecs tho | 02:49 |
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saylar | oh, thx, trekdanne | 02:50 |
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alexandros | hey guys is KTorrent good? | 02:53 |
alexandros | is it as fast as UTorrent? | 02:54 |
SlimeyPe1e | I like it. Some people find that it hogs resources though. | 02:54 |
alexandros | oh | 02:54 |
SlimeyPe1e | dunno, never used utorrent | 02:54 |
berkes | alexandros: its not slower then others. | 02:54 |
alexandros | 'aight | 02:54 |
alexandros | :D | 02:54 |
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berkes | but it does indeed eat resources often. here it abuses 20% of the CPU when dl-ing fast | 02:55 |
fkm | I for my part don't like the interface as much as that of azureus ;) | 02:55 |
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saylar | i'm using a somehow modded version of torrentflux, tf-b4rt. | 02:57 |
saylar | webinterface, support for rss feeds. | 02:57 |
saylar | really nice piece of software | 02:57 |
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trekdanne | yea torrentflux is nice | 02:59 |
trekdanne | but i like ktorrent too (when it doesn't crash) :P | 02:59 |
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saylar | trekdanne, you know what is going on with the torrentflux homepage? | 03:00 |
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saylar | apparentyl it is not even in the dns cache anymore | 03:00 |
trekdanne | heh? strange | 03:00 |
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saylar | yeah, that's what i thougt too | 03:03 |
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Nuscly | lastest ktorrent is verry fast and stable | 03:04 |
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Nuscly | even after few days of use | 03:04 |
Assid | hrmm | 03:04 |
Assid | i use wine + utorrent | 03:04 |
Assid | brilliant | 03:04 |
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naught101 | anyone here familiar with kmilo? | 03:07 |
m4st3r | hey what is "Super" key? | 03:07 |
naught101 | and/or know if the kubuntu volume OSD is the same as the standard KDE one? | 03:07 |
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m4st3r | window key? | 03:07 |
naught101 | m4st3r: I want to know that too | 03:07 |
m4st3r | T.T | 03:07 |
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miles_ | m4st3r: yes window key | 03:09 |
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m4st3r | do not run . | 03:10 |
m4st3r | T.T | 03:10 |
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Assid | c-f was one of the reasons i upgraded to gutsy | 03:16 |
Assid | may not have been a very smart move.. cause now openoffice is broken | 03:16 |
Assid | hehe | 03:16 |
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hero | c-f? | 03:19 |
Assid | compiz-fusion | 03:19 |
hero | ah | 03:19 |
hero | i upgraded to feisty to get emerald to work | 03:19 |
Aondo | not forced to use gutsy tho hehe | 03:19 |
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goban_ | help my windows dont have maximize, close etc buttons :( | 03:21 |
saylar | ah, what is the name of the quake-like terminal again? | 03:21 |
saylar | anyone knows it? | 03:21 |
goban_ | yanuake? | 03:22 |
saylar | something like yakuka | 03:22 |
saylar | ah, thx | 03:22 |
goban_ | yakuake | 03:22 |
hero | goban_: restart your wm | 03:22 |
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hero | maybe a widget loading problem | 03:22 |
goban_ | i have programs i dont want to close now, how do i do that without closing | 03:22 |
hero | what wm are you using? | 03:23 |
hero | kde? | 03:23 |
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hero | actually, i'd finish your work in those other windows first | 03:23 |
hero | then logout | 03:23 |
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goban_ | ah fixed | 03:27 |
torusy | hej | 03:27 |
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torusy | kul | 03:27 |
hero | goban_: how'd you fix it? | 03:27 |
torusy | you take the cord and put it in the outlet | 03:28 |
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goban_ | new session | 03:29 |
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japaya | !mozilla | 03:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mozilla - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:37 |
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japaya | does anyone know a good tutorial to run mozilla w32 with wine so it supports flash, rplayer, etc... I've found a tutorial about this earlier this week but lost it :s | 03:38 |
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clcar | canal en espaol | 03:41 |
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martijn81 | japaya: firefox supports flash | 03:44 |
andresjim | un cnal en espaol | 03:44 |
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hero | konqueror supports flash | 03:45 |
kaminix | for i in */*.flac ; do md5sum "$i" >> "$i".md5sum ; done <---- Any ideas how to change this to make one checksum for each directory? | 03:45 |
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kaminix | Ah, nm, think I got it. | 03:45 |
japaya | martijn81: I know but when I tried to install the apps from adept manager to support it I just can't get the flash in FF working | 03:46 |
lewis_ | OH MY GOD | 03:46 |
basfrank | Hi everyone! | 03:46 |
japaya | and then I found a how to about installing some activeX simulators and then it worked | 03:46 |
hero | there is no god | 03:46 |
martijn81 | japaya: it should work in feisty fawn (i have it working) | 03:47 |
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basfrank | I need some help with realplayer 10 and konqueror 3.5.6 | 03:49 |
andresjim | como hago para ir a un canal en espaol | 03:49 |
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basfrank | someone please tell me how to integrate realplayer in konqueror. it works fine with firefox, but konqueror still uses kaffeine for rm streams | 03:50 |
japaya | martijn81: so you just install FF from the adept manager and you can view flash movies etc right away? | 03:50 |
hero | basfrank: check your file associations in konqueror | 03:51 |
hero | for a given filetype, you create an application hierarchy as to what app gets to play the file | 03:51 |
kaminix | New question. How do I make "for i in * ; do md5sum "$i"/*flac >> "$i"/checksum.md5sum ; done" not try and browse my spawn_checksums file (looks ugly in the output)? | 03:51 |
martijn81 | japaya: yeah, i needed to reload firefox i think but after that it worked | 03:51 |
martijn81 | work in konqueror too | 03:51 |
basfrank | hero: will it work in an external player window or in the web page? | 03:51 |
martijn81 | *works | 03:51 |
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hero | basfrank: it should play in the webpage | 03:55 |
japaya | martijn81: I know, konqueror is nice but doens't seem to support some html/css standards or something like that :s | 03:55 |
basfrank | hero: i'll try, thx hero | 03:55 |
hero | good luck! | 03:55 |
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japaya | by the way, I've got beryl running but when I minimize a window the animation goes well but about 4cm above the underside of my menubar the animation freeze and after a short time it just flashes away | 03:57 |
japaya | does anyone know if this is a know bug or misconfiguration? | 03:57 |
hero | japaya: try #beryl-effects | 03:57 |
japaya | ok thx | 03:57 |
hero | i think that's what it's called | 03:57 |
hero | !beryl | 03:57 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 03:57 |
hero | #ubuntu-effects | 03:57 |
japaya | yeah beryl-effects was pretty empty :p | 03:58 |
hero | heh, sorry | 03:58 |
hero | i decided not to run beryl or compiz anymore | 03:58 |
buz | mhh gutsy desktop cd dumps me to busybox | 03:58 |
japaya | why not? | 03:58 |
andresjim | como hago para cambiar de canal | 03:59 |
BluesKaj | japaya, eye candy is a secondary consideration here, support is for systems that need real help , not window dressing probs :) | 04:00 |
hero | !es > andresjim | 04:00 |
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japaya | hehe I understand, but I was just wondering and since I didn't know an other channel to ask this question... :) | 04:00 |
martijn81 | japaya: i agree firefox is better in some cases, but it should work with both | 04:00 |
martijn81 | i use flash-nonfree version 9 i think | 04:00 |
hero | the channel ubotu gave you should be fine | 04:00 |
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BluesKaj | japaya, if you stick around someone with beryl experience might logon | 04:01 |
japaya | martijn81: yes, I've just started FF and it works perfectly... yesterday it didn't want to load any of the flash animations :s | 04:01 |
japaya | BluesKaj: well, it's not so urgent. I would actually like to ask someone with beryl experience if it is possible to run windows on a seperate desktop | 04:02 |
japaya | but I'll look this up on google first :) | 04:02 |
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BluesKaj | japaya, http://www.google.com/linux | 04:03 |
japaya | Haha, that actually works! | 04:04 |
japaya | thanks BluesKaj | 04:04 |
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goban | how do i make programs automatically start when i login | 04:24 |
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trekdanne | $HOME/.kde/Autostart | 04:25 |
genii | put a shortcut to them in ~/.kde/Autostart | 04:25 |
genii | heh | 04:26 |
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dhq | guys well when is kde 4 gonna release i can wait ..... is beta safe | 04:29 |
hero | beta is never safe, dude | 04:30 |
hero | that's why it's beta | 04:30 |
steinerhippo | yes, i also wanted to say that, to slow^^ | 04:30 |
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liu | KDE | 04:33 |
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liu | sudo apt-get install kde sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 04:35 |
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hero | !cn | 04:35 |
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ubotu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-tw #ubuntu-hk | 04:36 |
liu | 04:36 | |
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Blauhaut | Hello | 04:36 |
Blauhaut | i am using ubuntu 7.04 | 04:36 |
Blauhaut | is it posible to change my x interface to kubuntu ? | 04:36 |
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Blauhaut | all with my configurations ? | 04:37 |
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Blauhaut | liu; what about my all configuration files ? | 04:38 |
=== hero looks at liu | ||
runlevelten | liu. Why, did he ask how to get bash: SUDO: command not found ? | 04:39 |
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Blauhaut | For an example i am using ubuntu + compiz fusion | 04:40 |
BluesKaj | Blauhaut, install kubuntu-desktop | 04:40 |
Blauhaut | do i need to install the fusion again when i download kubuntu-dekstop ? | 04:40 |
liu | sudo | 04:40 |
liu | don`t type SUDO | 04:40 |
Blauhaut | guys i know have to chance it | 04:40 |
Blauhaut | i am just asking what will be the problems ? | 04:41 |
runlevelten | bash: APT: command not found | 04:41 |
runlevelten | ;P | 04:41 |
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Blauhaut | any help ? | 04:41 |
steinerhippo | no capital letters in apt | 04:41 |
BluesKaj | we don't worry much about compiz, fusion or beryl here ...you'll have to take your chances :) | 04:42 |
liu | apt | 04:42 |
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liu | ok? | 04:42 |
runlevelten | basically, bash is a tad case sensitive, Blauhaut | 04:42 |
runlevelten | Blauhaut: No. | 04:42 |
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Blauhaut | runlevelten; what no ? | 04:42 |
liu | I am a chinese,you are foreigners? | 04:42 |
runlevelten | <Blauhaut> do i need to install the fusion again when i download kubuntu-dekstop ? | 04:42 |
Blauhaut | ok i am downloading it now | 04:43 |
runlevelten | liu: No. You are a foreigner. This is the English-speaking channel :) | 04:43 |
runlevelten | heh | 04:43 |
steinerhippo | :D | 04:43 |
andresjim | como hago para crear una nueva secion en kubuntu | 04:43 |
runlevelten | Nobody's a foreigner on the interwebs really. | 04:43 |
runlevelten | !ch | 04:43 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:43 |
runlevelten | !cn | 04:43 |
ubotu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-tw #ubuntu-hk | 04:43 |
BluesKaj | !es | andresjim | 04:44 |
ubotu | andresjim: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 04:44 |
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liu | who are using KDE4 | 04:44 |
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steinerhippo | not yet, don't really want to use beta, i'm pretty new to kubuntu, so^^ | 04:45 |
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liu | kde have more softwares than gnome | 04:46 |
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llutz | more != better | 04:47 |
trekdanne | liu: i'm using KDE4 on my "development" machine | 04:47 |
steinerhippo | yes, i use kubuntu, but not kde4 | 04:47 |
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trekdanne | hmm the gnome project doesn't include everything using the gtk+ libraries | 04:48 |
Blauhaut | is it posible to have both ubuntu and kubuntu ? | 04:48 |
steinerhippo | yes | 04:48 |
liu | OK | 04:48 |
trekdanne | Blauhaut: kubuntu is ubuntu with KDE | 04:48 |
steinerhippo | but not sure evry program will work on evry desktop environment | 04:49 |
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Blauhaut | i know it but sometimes i need work in gnome so | 04:49 |
trekdanne | !find ubuntu-desktop | 04:49 |
ubotu | Found: edubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop | 04:49 |
Blauhaut | is it posible to decide which interface i am going to work in ? | 04:49 |
frax | anyone have an idea what could be wrong with my wireless networkcard? I have installed the drivers and enabled it, but I only get 2 network interfaces.. loopback and eth0 which is the "cable"-card.. | 04:49 |
Blauhaut | how can i set which one is default ? | 04:49 |
Blauhaut | at login screen ? | 04:49 |
steinerhippo | i'm not sure know, but i think you can choose on login screen | 04:50 |
Blauhaut | steinerhippo; ups that is super :) | 04:50 |
Blauhaut | steinerhippo; i am downloading kubuntu-desktop right now | 04:50 |
Blauhaut | so in my next login there will be KDE choose too | 04:51 |
Blauhaut | when i log in KDE | 04:51 |
steinerhippo | as i said i'm not sure | 04:51 |
Blauhaut | do i need to set up compix-fusion again ? | 04:51 |
japaya | does anyone use the seveas packages? | 04:51 |
Blauhaut | or is it going to work ? | 04:51 |
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steinerhippo | but there is a posibility for sure that you can decide at login screen | 04:51 |
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tobias | hi guys | 04:51 |
japaya | I can't connect to the seveas servers to update apt for some reason... | 04:52 |
Blauhaut | steinerhippo; what about the fusion ? | 04:52 |
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tobias | Blauhaut: are you asking about how to start with xgl? | 04:52 |
steinerhippo | i think all progs will be still there, it's only desktop environment that you change | 04:52 |
sebrezil | is there a way to increase the mouse touchpamouse. its drving me crazyd sensitivity in kubuntu. it takes 3 scrolls to get across the screen and tends to click on things while Im trying tomove the | 04:53 |
Blauhaut | steinerhippo; thats ok i got it now | 04:53 |
sebrezil | ahhhh | 04:53 |
Blauhaut | tobias; steinerhippo get me thank you so much | 04:53 |
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sebrezil | it did it again | 04:53 |
steinerhippo | now, he want's to know if he has to reistall compiz fusoin if he installs kde-desktop on ubuntu | 04:53 |
sebrezil | and screwed up my post. lol | 04:53 |
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Blauhaut | steinerhippo; yes that is what i am talking about :) | 04:54 |
sebrezil | is there a way to increase the mouse touchpad sensitivity in kubuntu. it takes 3 scrolls to get across the screen and tends to click on things while Im trying to move the mouse | 04:54 |
sebrezil | ok thats better | 04:54 |
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tobias | erm | 04:54 |
tobias | well | 04:54 |
tobias | Blauhaut: you got to install compiz-kde then | 04:55 |
tobias | because so far you probably only installed compiz-gnome | 04:55 |
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Blauhaut | tobias; ups | 04:55 |
Blauhaut | tobias; ok wait for kubuntu download :) | 04:55 |
tobias | okay =) | 04:55 |
Blauhaut | steinerhippo; after the command = sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 04:55 |
Blauhaut | i am just going to restart my ubuntu heh ? | 04:55 |
aaron_ | well. i finally switched to kde from gnome. | 04:56 |
aaron_ | it's so much nicer. | 04:56 |
sebrezil | Blauhaut: and try out the aquamarine theme. it works with native kde themes | 04:56 |
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tobias | you might only restart your x-server but.. I personally like hardware restarts better ;) | 04:56 |
Blauhaut | tobias; ok i will | 04:56 |
Blauhaut | sebrezil; ups ? | 04:56 |
steinerhippo | yes, x server would be enough, but as tobias said^^ | 04:56 |
Blauhaut | aaron_; which one is better ? | 04:56 |
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tobias | Blauhaut: after the installation in finished just do sudo apt-get install compiz-kde | 04:56 |
tobias | and maybe you need to do some apt-get update after it as well | 04:57 |
tobias | that should work it =) | 04:57 |
steinerhippo | and don't forget apt-get upgrade^^ | 04:57 |
Blauhaut | tobias; i need fusion so do i need the download the package compiz-kde ? | 04:57 |
aaron_ | Blauhaut: I'm much more happy with kde. | 04:57 |
Blauhaut | aaron_; i hope i will be too :) | 04:57 |
tobias | Blauhaut: dont you have already installed the whole compiz-fusion packages ? | 04:57 |
aaron_ | yeah. just being able to customize the way konqueror works. | 04:57 |
japaya | tobias: do you know something more about the seveas packages? I've tried to download the packages from several adresses but it seems I just can't connect to the servers for some reason :s | 04:58 |
Blauhaut | tobias; dunno i am just using it in gnome ? how can i check it ? if i have all packages or not ? | 04:58 |
tobias | japaya: its because you probably didnt apt-get update | 04:58 |
BluesKaj | gnome isn't my cuppa tea , it's too different for an old windows guy like me | 04:58 |
tobias | do it and he will get the packages | 04:58 |
aaron_ | Does anyone know how to change the size of the icons down by the clock? they eat a lot of real estate and don't do much for me. | 04:58 |
tobias | bla | 04:58 |
tobias | Blauhaut: all packages are the same but compiz-gnome and compiz-kde | 04:58 |
tobias | so if you ran compiz on gnome you only need that package (compiz-kde) | 04:59 |
japaya | tobias: I did, it messages "404 not found" for all servers... | 04:59 |
tobias | sorry I got to go for some minutes | 04:59 |
Blauhaut | tobias; ok i will download it too after sudo apt-get update .. | 04:59 |
Blauhaut | is that will be ok ? | 04:59 |
tobias | yep | 04:59 |
tobias | great | 04:59 |
tobias | =) | 04:59 |
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Blauhaut | ok thanks :) | 04:59 |
Blauhaut | go on apt-get download it quick ! | 04:59 |
tobias | japaya: sorry I got to go real quick - I hope I can get back later and maybe help you then :) | 04:59 |
tobias | later | 04:59 |
reagleBRKLN | in feisty juk, what happend to "guess tag info from Internet" (musicbrainz)? | 05:00 |
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japaya | tobias: Ok nice thanks you :-) | 05:00 |
reagleBRKLN | is there a nice/rec'd application for tagging and renaming files if juk can't do it anymore | 05:00 |
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japaya | I was able to download the file but it's a .deb file I'll have to look up on how opening that | 05:00 |
japaya | !deb | 05:00 |
ubotu | deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu) | 05:00 |
aaron_ | japaya: sudo dpkg -i debname.deb | 05:01 |
steinerhippo | there's the answer :D | 05:01 |
japaya | cool thanks :) | 05:01 |
aaron_ | :) | 05:01 |
hero | or you can do sudo dpkg -i file.deb | 05:01 |
aaron_ | what's the area called by the clock? | 05:02 |
steinerhippo | like aaron_ said | 05:02 |
miles_ | does anyone here program in actionscript 3.0 or flex? | 05:02 |
Blauhaut | i really love buntu :) it does not mather if it is ubuntu or kubuntu, xubuntu | 05:03 |
Blauhaut | edubuntu :) | 05:03 |
Blauhaut | !edubuntu | 05:03 |
ubotu | Edubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org | 05:03 |
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Blauhaut | i just heard that there is a mubuntu too for muslims | 05:03 |
Blauhaut | !mubumtu | 05:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mubumtu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:03 |
steinerhippo | :D | 05:03 |
Blauhaut | !ubuntume | 05:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntume - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:04 |
steinerhippo | but there is one for multimedia things | 05:04 |
Blauhaut | UbuntuME stands for Ubuntu Muslim Edition. Ubuntu Muslim Edition is a free, open source operating system based on the popular Ubuntu Linux. | 05:04 |
aaron_ | i like the idea of mythbuntu. | 05:04 |
Blauhaut | aaron_; oww what i sthat | 05:04 |
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SlimeyPe1e | !ubuntumce | 05:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntumce - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:04 |
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Blauhaut | !mythbuntu | 05:05 |
ubotu | Mythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information | 05:05 |
steinerhippo | !ubuntustudio | 05:05 |
ubotu | ubuntustudio is a site for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best parts of Audio/Graphical/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories, and extra! Available at http://www.ubuntustudio.com. Or visit #ubuntustudio. | 05:05 |
Blauhaut | steinerhippo; i already tried Ubuntu studio but it is just downlaod and installed me lots of audio packages | 05:05 |
japaya | Site Temporarily Unavailable | 05:05 |
Blauhaut | no interface or other think chance | 05:06 |
=== kruemel_ [n=kvirc@p3EE2B206.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
steinerhippo | ok | 05:06 |
kruemel_ | hallo, ich fhre folgenden behelf aus: rpm -i blablabal.rpm und bekomme folgende fehlermeldung: qt is needed by blablabla | 05:06 |
Blauhaut | kruemel_; is that a new english sentence ? | 05:07 |
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steinerhippo | hi, ich glaube wenn du nochmal auf englsisch schreiben wrdest, wrden dich mehr verstehen | 05:07 |
steinerhippo | @ kruemel | 05:07 |
kruemel_ | oh :D im sry | 05:07 |
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llutz | !de | kruemel_ | 05:07 |
ubotu | kruemel_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 05:07 |
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BluesKaj | !de | kruemel_ | 05:07 |
RadiantFire | that was not a support request guys | 05:08 |
Blauhaut | kruemel_; do you need to install some .rpm packages ? | 05:08 |
kruemel_ | hello, i typed this into the console: rpm -i blablabal.rpm but i get that error: qt is needed by blablabla | 05:08 |
Blauhaut | kruemel_; we use .deb files on ubuntu | 05:08 |
Blauhaut | !deb | kruemel_ | 05:08 |
ubotu | kruemel_: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu) | 05:08 |
llutz | kruemel_: *ubuntu uses .deb not rpm, so try to get a .deb of your program and install | 05:08 |
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kruemel_ | ubotum llutz: ok thx | 05:09 |
steinerhippo | yes, .rmp is suse and i also think other, but don't know | 05:09 |
Blauhaut | kruemel_; try to find and download .deb file for installination | 05:09 |
aaron_ | rpm is red hat. | 05:09 |
steinerhippo | ok, thx, suse also uses it | 05:09 |
aaron_ | deb is debian based. | 05:09 |
Blauhaut | kruemel_; if you do not find it let me know | 05:09 |
aaron_ | yup | 05:09 |
SlimeyPe1e | Redhat Package Management | 05:09 |
Blauhaut | kruemel_; than i will show you how to install .rpm packages | 05:09 |
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BluesKaj | !rpm | 05:09 |
ubotu | RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 05:09 |
kruemel_ | Blauhaut: there are only .rpm and src.rpm files.. | 05:10 |
Blauhaut | kruemel_; | 05:10 |
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Blauhaut | kruemel_; $ sudo apt-get install alien | 05:10 |
Blauhaut | at console | 05:10 |
kruemel_ | Blauhaut: i have it | 05:10 |
llutz | kruemel_: what app? | 05:10 |
Blauhaut | kruemel_; so | 05:11 |
Blauhaut | sudo alien -d package-name.rpm | 05:11 |
Blauhaut | it will change it to .deb file | 05:11 |
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Blauhaut | but it is not a heallty way | 05:11 |
aaron_ | it's probably safer to just get the source files. | 05:11 |
Blauhaut | yes | 05:11 |
Blauhaut | maybe you should need to get sources and compile tham on buntu | 05:12 |
kruemel_ | blauhaut: okay, right so | 05:12 |
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aaron_ | danngit. the only thing i'm not happy with, and research says you can't change it, is the size of the icons in the task tray | 05:12 |
kruemel_ | Blauhaut: and now doubleklick=? | 05:12 |
Blauhaut | !deb kruemel_ | 05:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about deb kruemel_ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:13 |
Blauhaut | !deb | kruemel_ | 05:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about deb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:13 |
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Blauhaut | !deb | kruemel_ | 05:13 |
ubotu | kruemel_: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu) | 05:13 |
aaron_ | that information thing is like a bright light to a 2 year old. | 05:13 |
Blauhaut | aaron_; :) | 05:13 |
kaminix | How do I extract an audiofile from a videofile using mplayer? mplayer <file> -aid 1 (it has two) -dumpaudio -dumpfile <file>.mp3 gives an unplayable file. | 05:13 |
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kruemel_ | blauhaut, ubotu: thx | 05:14 |
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Blauhaut | kruemel_; than double click it | 05:14 |
BluesKaj | !repositories | 05:14 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 05:14 |
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Blauhaut | steinerhippo; do i need to chance source.list when i am changing to kubuntu ? | 05:16 |
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steinerhippo | no, don't think so | 05:17 |
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steinerhippo | when i do apt-get update, he also uses ubuntu servers | 05:18 |
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steinerhippo | ubuntu source lists, i think the are the same, an example, firefox for gnome or kde is the same | 05:19 |
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steinerhippo | i also have in my firefox info :"Firefox/ (Ubuntu-feisty)" altough i'm using kubuntu | 05:19 |
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SlimeyPe1e | kubuntu is ubuntu. They're identical in every way - they just come with different packages installed by default. | 05:20 |
tobias | okay guys, I manages to be back for some minutes :) | 05:20 |
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=== zblach [n=zblach@bas2-windsor12-1088927741.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
steinerhippo | yes, structure and all that is the same | 05:21 |
BluesKaj | ubuntu & kubuntu use the same repositories | 05:21 |
steinerhippo | different desktop environments | 05:21 |
BluesKaj | just check your sources.list | 05:21 |
tobias | Blauhaut: did it work? | 05:21 |
tsunade | kubuntu have more bougs | 05:21 |
tsunade | :| | 05:21 |
tsunade | bugs | 05:21 |
tobias | japaya: any questions left? :) | 05:21 |
tsunade | :| | 05:21 |
steinerhippo | @ BluesKaj: thx, just what i thought | 05:21 |
Blauhaut | tobias; still downloading :( | 05:21 |
zipper | SlimeyPe1e, then they arent exactly identical in every way now are they? =P | 05:21 |
zblach | ok. a bit of weirdness. since updating xine, i can no longer get video from avis. what gives? | 05:21 |
zipper | zblach, i tend to use vlc for playing all video-files since it "just works" | 05:22 |
steinerhippo | me too | 05:22 |
zblach | zipper: also with vlc | 05:23 |
BluesKaj | zblach, W32codecs | 05:23 |
zblach | and I have w32codecs | 05:23 |
zipper | W32codecs shouldnt be needed with vlc afaik | 05:23 |
zblach | regardless | 05:23 |
SlimeyPe1e | zipper: well ok, they're identical in every way except for one very trivial one ;p | 05:23 |
trekdanne | mplayer + w32codecs = win | 05:23 |
zblach | "Profile value 2 is forbidden (and WMV3 Complex Profile is unsupported) | 05:23 |
zblach | " | 05:23 |
zipper | but dont know zblach, havent played around with xine much | 05:23 |
BluesKaj | wasn't referring to vlc | 05:23 |
zblach | works with mplayer tho' | 05:24 |
zipper | SlimeyPe1e, well its not really as trivial as you make it be, there are unique issues/bugs/whatever for both distros, but yeah.... generally they're the same | 05:24 |
zipper | trekdanne, can you watch videos on stage6.divx.com with mplayer? | 05:24 |
tobias | anyone can tell me why my Si | 05:25 |
tobias | erm | 05:25 |
tobias | anyone can tell me why my Super-key doesnt work anymore ? | 05:25 |
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zipper | super-key? | 05:25 |
tobias | Windowskey | 05:25 |
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zipper | well, because it's useless? =) Or you have a broken keyboard perhaps? | 05:26 |
trekdanne | zipper: dunno sec | 05:26 |
tobias | zipper: ._. I need it for amarok e.g. | 05:26 |
tobias | because all the global hotkeys work with the super-key | 05:26 |
zipper | trekdanne, i ask cus' i've tried to make them work, but with little luck. I know its possible using automatix, but i'd rather not go there | 05:26 |
GuHhH | hello, im having a problem trying to umount a device, it says its busy. i tried -f to force umount, but the problem persists. what can be done? | 05:26 |
zipper | tobias, hmm i see. Well, i would guess you would have to look at the inputDevice "keyboard" section in your /etc/xorg.conf | 05:27 |
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tobias | zipper: but I dont get any idea what should have happened tonight when my pc was turned off because I didnt change anything ;) | 05:28 |
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tobias | and all the other keys still work | 05:28 |
Blauhaut | tobias; do you know where is the beryl-manager conf file ? | 05:29 |
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zipper | trekdanne, did it work? | 05:30 |
tobias | Blauhaut: because of what ? | 05:30 |
genii | GuHhH: Make sure you are not inside the directory it was mounted to and the file manager is not trying to show it's contents when you umount it | 05:31 |
tobias | Blauhaut: you are using compiz-fusion, dont you ? | 05:31 |
GuHhH | genii thanks, i solve it :) | 05:31 |
tobias | *aren't you | 05:31 |
Blauhaut | tobias; just my friend ask :) | 05:31 |
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genii | GuHhH: :) | 05:31 |
Blauhaut | tobias; nothing to do with just he wants to know :) | 05:31 |
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genii | tobias: Make any weird xmodmap changes lately? | 05:32 |
tobias | Blauhaut: sorry no, I dont exactly know | 05:32 |
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Blauhaut | okki | 05:32 |
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Snake | how do I start mysql on kubuntu? | 05:32 |
tobias | genii: not that I knew... what could be such a change for example ? | 05:32 |
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speaker219 | snake: should be the same as regular ubuntu | 05:32 |
jaxon_ | is it normal to be able to play rmvb files on realplayer ONLY...because on kaffine sound is missing when rmvb files are played....cheers | 05:33 |
genii | tobias If you manually did something like that you would definitely know :) | 05:33 |
stdin | Blauhaut: ~/.beryl/settings | 05:33 |
trekdanne | zipper: no actually not with konqueror | 05:33 |
Snake | speaker219: which is what? | 05:33 |
steinerhippo | ehm @Blauhaut, in home dir is a hidden folder called .beryl and there is a settings file, don't know if you mean that one | 05:33 |
Snake | The method I know isnt there | 05:33 |
trekdanne | zipper: don't have firefox installed ... | 05:33 |
steinerhippo | oh, stdin, faster than me^^ | 05:33 |
zipper | trekdanne, okay, thanks | 05:33 |
Snake | sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start usually works | 05:33 |
speaker219 | snake: did you try sudo invoke-rc.d mysql start | 05:33 |
speaker219 | huh | 05:33 |
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speaker219 | hmm | 05:33 |
speaker219 | hold on snake | 05:34 |
Blauhaut | steinerhippo; thanks | 05:34 |
Blauhaut | stdin; thank you too :) | 05:34 |
zipper | jaxon_, rmvb failes are evil... but you can use vlc to play them i believe | 05:34 |
zipper | failes? | 05:34 |
zipper | format | 05:34 |
zipper | blah | 05:34 |
jaxon_ | also helix player is supposed to play rmvb files but i get the messaging saying it's missing 'audio/x-pn-realaudio | 05:34 |
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jaxon_ | zipper: vlc doesnt seem to work with rmvb files | 05:35 |
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zipper | jaxon_, no? =/ | 05:35 |
genii | tobias anyhow, you can see what is mapped where by: xmodmap -pk | more | 05:35 |
stdin | zipper: you use the mplayer plugin ? | 05:35 |
speaker219 | Snake: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#head-39085275bc28194cca77d021ec362ff3003b10bc | 05:35 |
zipper | stdin, ehrm, for that divx player thing to work? Yeah | 05:36 |
zipper | but it doesnt work though =/ | 05:36 |
speaker219 | zipper: are you trying to get divx to play inside firefox? | 05:36 |
zipper | speaker219, i am | 05:36 |
stdin | zipper: it's bug in the post install of either mozilla-mplayer or firefox, but I put the fix here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33939/ | 05:36 |
speaker219 | zipper: do you have the totem-mozilla plugin installed? | 05:36 |
zipper | speaker219, so i can use sites like stage6.divx.com | 05:36 |
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speaker219 | yeah, I installed the totem-mozilla plugin and stage6 works | 05:37 |
zipper | stdin, uh, i'll take a look, thanks | 05:37 |
stdin | zipper: put those command in a console and restart firefox and it'll work | 05:37 |
Snake | heh | 05:37 |
Snake | speaker219: seems I didnt get the server end of it, just the client | 05:37 |
Snake | whoops | 05:37 |
zipper | speaker219, too bad i already have totem-mozilla =S | 05:37 |
speaker219 | hmm that's weird | 05:38 |
speaker219 | zipper, what do you see when you go to a stage6 video? | 05:38 |
zipper | speaker219, take a look at what stdin pasted | 05:38 |
zipper | it seems like a regular bug that should be fixed soon-ish | 05:38 |
speaker219 | zipper: yeah, that's mplayer, I don't really use mplayer | 05:38 |
speaker219 | zipper, go to about:plugins | 05:38 |
speaker219 | do you see anything about divx there? | 05:39 |
zipper | i prefer mplayer over totem any day | 05:39 |
speaker219 | zipper: meh ;) | 05:39 |
zipper | stdin, your sym-links... they dont point anywhere? | 05:39 |
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trekdanne | totem = gnome xine interface ? | 05:39 |
trekdanne | long time since I used gnome | 05:40 |
zipper | stdin, if the files should just be created, why not use 'touch' ? | 05:40 |
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stdin | zipper: they do point to somewhere, they point to the relevant files in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ | 05:40 |
trekdanne | stdin, i think you forgot the trailing dot | 05:41 |
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stdin | trekdanne: you don't need the dot | 05:41 |
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zipper | stdin, isnt the syntax: 'ln -s <name-of-symlink> <where-it-points-to>' ? | 05:41 |
stdin | zipper: no, other way round | 05:41 |
genii | zipper revered | 05:41 |
genii | bah typo plus late | 05:42 |
zipper | =) | 05:42 |
zipper | okay, thanks a lot | 05:42 |
stdin | if you don't specify the name of the link, then it will use the filename of the target in the directory you are in | 05:42 |
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stdin | ^ for those that don't know | 05:42 |
trekdanne | ah kk good to know | 05:43 |
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Blauhaut | tobias; last 5 min | 05:43 |
Alloosh | hi all, yesterday I installed kubuntu, and when turned my computer on it had problem with the x server | 05:43 |
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steinerhippo | what problems? | 05:44 |
Alloosh | now iam reinstalling again and it asks me to choose between gdm and kdm, which one to use? | 05:44 |
speaker219 | Alloosh, did you edit the xorg.conf file? | 05:44 |
Alloosh | now iam using fresh install of the whole ubuntu, so which to choose gdm or kdm? | 05:44 |
Blauhaut | Alloosh; do you want to use gnome or kde ? | 05:45 |
cruces | hi | 05:45 |
speaker219 | Alloosh, personally, I use GDM, but you can use whatever you want. I assume kdm is perferred here because it is KDE. And please don't say things more than once. We'll answer you eventually. | 05:45 |
Blauhaut | cruces; hiya | 05:45 |
cruces | help convmv | 05:45 |
tobias | Blauhaut: you are getting closer =) | 05:45 |
speaker219 | GDM has more themes because it is more popular, and it can launch KDE, XFCE, or GNOME, whichever you perfer. | 05:45 |
genii | Alloosh: for KDE, kdm is best | 05:45 |
Blauhaut | tobias; so exited :) | 05:45 |
speaker219 | genii: if you don't mind me asking, what advantages does kdm have over gdm? | 05:46 |
cruces | problem with convmv, please help me | 05:46 |
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stdin | speaker219: kdm can launch those DEs too | 05:46 |
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Blauhaut | cruces; ask your question , problem | 05:46 |
frax | quick question, where do I configure "grep" to not be case sensitive? | 05:46 |
cruces | alquien habla espaol? | 05:46 |
genii | speaker219: unified aesthetics with your default wm if it's kde :) | 05:46 |
Alloosh | I took kdm and hope that I wont get the same problem as before, it just wouldnt let me see my screen, everything was swapped. I know that all was there but couldnt see it | 05:46 |
stdin | frax: grep -i | 05:47 |
speaker219 | stdin: meh ;P i installed ubuntu, and that's what it came with, so i'm just sticking to it. plus it has more themes because it is more popular. | 05:47 |
stdin | frax: see the grep manpage "man grep" | 05:47 |
Alloosh | how to switch to gdm if I get problem with the kdm? | 05:47 |
BluesKaj | !es | cruces | 05:47 |
ubotu | cruces: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 05:47 |
stdin | speaker219: how do you know it has more themes? | 05:47 |
speaker219 | most of you guys probably just installed kubuntu, but i started with ubuntu, and installed the kubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop packages to see which one i liked out of all of them, and now i stick with KDE | 05:47 |
cruces | thanks ubotu | 05:48 |
speaker219 | stdin: i went to theme sites | 05:48 |
frax | stdin: ty.. btw I dont know if you remember my question from yesterday about my wireless card that didnt work, I downloaded the gutsy tribe4 live cd, but it didnt work either... any tips? thanks | 05:48 |
tobias | Blauhaut: whisper me when you are doing the compiz part please, wanna know how it goes on ;) | 05:48 |
speaker219 | frax: what model do you have? you may need ndiswrapper | 05:48 |
genii | Alloosh: If you end up wanting gdm instead afterwards it's no biggie to swap them | 05:48 |
Blauhaut | tobias; ok i will | 05:48 |
stdin | frax: was that with the intel pro one? | 05:48 |
frax | stdin: yes | 05:48 |
frax | stdin: Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02) | 05:48 |
Alloosh | genii: great but how to swap? | 05:48 |
genii | Alloosh: you just: sudo apt-get remove kdm and then sudo apt-get install gdm | 05:49 |
speaker219 | frax: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=169593 | 05:49 |
steinerhippo | is it really nessecary to remove kdm? @ genii | 05:49 |
stdin | frax: I don't know then, it's strange because you have the driver installed and active. all I can think of is that it's somehow switched off | 05:49 |
aaron_ | Alloosh: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm | 05:49 |
genii | Alloosh: then start it by sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 05:50 |
aaron_ | that'll ask you which one you want to use | 05:50 |
Alloosh | great genii, thanks guuys will go for it now | 05:50 |
speaker219 | stdin: do you recommend gdm or kdm? | 05:50 |
speaker219 | stdin: also, will kdm automatically detect my GNOME and Xfce installations? | 05:50 |
stdin | speaker219: if you have a choice? | 05:50 |
frax | speaker219: thanks, will check it out | 05:50 |
genii | steinerhippo: No, but it avoids needing dpkg-reconfigure xorg and so on | 05:50 |
steinerhippo | oh, didn't know @genii | 05:50 |
stdin | speaker219: both will detect whatever DEs you have | 05:50 |
speaker219 | okay | 05:50 |
genii | steinerhippo: when you have only 1 in, it will want to use that by default normally | 05:51 |
speaker219 | how do i change from gdm -> kdm? i have them both installed already | 05:51 |
aaron_ | speaker219: | 05:51 |
steinerhippo | ok genii | 05:51 |
speaker219 | aaron_: | 05:51 |
aaron_ | speaker219: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm | 05:51 |
stdin | speaker219: just that gdm allows for the shutdown menu in gnome but not kde and vice versa too (seems to be a persistent bug) | 05:51 |
genii | bah afk,work (they are yelling now) | 05:52 |
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speaker219 | stdin: so i just run sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm? | 05:53 |
speaker219 | stdin: i remember disabling KDM in the services configuration panel, should i enable it | 05:53 |
aaron_ | yes. | 05:53 |
aaron_ | and yes. | 05:53 |
stdin | ^ what aaron_ said | 05:54 |
genii | back | 05:54 |
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genii | steinerhippo: if you have gdm and kdm in, you can select which by just: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm it will prompt you for which to use | 05:54 |
speaker219 | meh, i'm worried about screwing it up, so i'm gonna stick with gdm, sorry to bother you guys ;( | 05:54 |
aaron_ | speaker219: it's easy. | 05:55 |
genii | speaker219: See above :) | 05:55 |
speaker219 | what's the command for the services configuration? i think its a gnome settings thing but KDE doesn't have one | 05:55 |
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steinerhippo | oh ok, all fine, thx genii, i now only use kdm, i don't think that i'll use both in the closer future, but thx for the info | 05:55 |
speaker219 | nevermind, its sudo services-admin | 05:56 |
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stdin | kde has it in system settings > advanced > system services | 05:56 |
speaker219 | alright, now i'm just going to restart :P | 05:56 |
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Urilock | #ubuntu | 05:57 |
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frax | stdin: It cant be that I have several drivers and not using the correct one? .. does this provide any good information? http://pastebin.com/dd08a014 | 05:59 |
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speaker219 | ok | 06:00 |
speaker219 | well | 06:00 |
speaker219 | kdm worked | 06:00 |
speaker219 | except it didn't have my all wonderful theme i picked for gdm :P where can i find themes for kdm? | 06:01 |
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Blauhaut | tobias; just finished | 06:03 |
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speaker219 | where do i put KDM themes? | 06:03 |
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stdin | frax: have you filed a bug report yet? | 06:04 |
stdin | speaker219: use the theme installer? | 06:04 |
tobias | Blauhaut: with kubuntu install ? | 06:04 |
Blauhaut | tobias; yes i am just finished | 06:04 |
tobias | kde-desktop respectively | 06:04 |
tobias | great | 06:04 |
Blauhaut | do i need to update now or after restart ? | 06:05 |
frax | stdin: no.. at where? | 06:05 |
tobias | mhm just try getting compiz-kde | 06:05 |
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Blauhaut | ok | 06:06 |
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stdin | frax: you have feisty ? | 06:06 |
frax | stdin: yes | 06:06 |
Blauhaut | tobias; i think i need both libcompizconfig-backend-kconfig and compiz-kde | 06:06 |
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tobias | erm Blauhaut I do have compiz fusion running right now and I never got something like that libcompiz thing | 06:07 |
Blauhaut | tobias; is that a compiz fusion ? | 06:07 |
speaker219 | Does anybody know if its possible to have something start at startup without the stupid little bouncing icon thing on your cursor and the `Loading "whatever"` thing in the taskbar? | 06:07 |
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Blauhaut | tobias; ? | 06:08 |
stdin | frax: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+filebug | 06:08 |
tobias | is what a compiz fusion ? | 06:08 |
Blauhaut | tobias; the compiz that you are using now | 06:08 |
Blauhaut | :) | 06:08 |
tobias | yes | 06:08 |
speaker219 | Epiphany | 06:08 |
Blauhaut | ok i am done with compiz-kde | 06:08 |
tobias | okai | 06:08 |
Blauhaut | restart now or somethink to do ? | 06:09 |
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tobias | try "compiz --replace" | 06:09 |
Blauhaut | tobias; i am on gnome now :) | 06:09 |
tobias | oh | 06:09 |
tobias | ._. | 06:09 |
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tobias | well then restart | 06:09 |
Blauhaut | shutdown now :) | 06:09 |
tobias | and log in with kde | 06:09 |
Blauhaut | ok | 06:09 |
tobias | good luck ;) | 06:09 |
Blauhaut | see ya bye | 06:09 |
Blauhaut | thanks | 06:09 |
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fkm__ | What graphics card would you recommend for (K)Ubuntu? I guess an ATI, but which one? I've learned since that the statements on the official pages are not always to be trusted :( | 06:13 |
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tobias | fkm__: there nothing I can say about that because you simply cant answer such a question | 06:14 |
tobias | if you dont want to play but only work with it you only need a low budget graphics card | 06:14 |
BluesKaj | fkm__, ATI is not well supported in Linux , Nvidia or Intel is better | 06:15 |
tobias | I personally do have an ATI but after spending some time I got everything working fine | 06:15 |
coreymon77 | fkm__: for linux support, i find nvidia is usually the easiest | 06:15 |
runlevelten | fkm__: I wouldn't recommend ATI. I've never known anyone recommend ATI at all, ever. | 06:15 |
winbond | is anyone here good with electronics or electricity? | 06:15 |
fkm__ | I want to play. But it doesn't need to be the latest model. Just something I can play games like HL2 with. | 06:15 |
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runlevelten | I have ATI, and I wouldn't recommend it. | 06:15 |
runlevelten | If you want to play games, then forget ATI right away. | 06:16 |
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BluesKaj | tobias, yes , same here , but it's a PITA and lucky i don't care about Beryl or Compiz | 06:16 |
fkm__ | Yes, I got an ATI card in my PC and notebook. And I'm disappointed :| | 06:16 |
runlevelten | Specifically windows games, they have nasty unfixable and drastic crashes. | 06:16 |
runlevelten | Try playing Oblivion in wine on an nvidia, then on an ati card, and you'll notice the difference. | 06:17 |
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runlevelten | When the ATI crashes instantly every single time because of memory problems in the driver. | 06:17 |
runlevelten | well, memory and/or gl extensions. | 06:17 |
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stdin | fkm__: if you want to get a graphics card, go for nvidia just about all of them are supported (except for the extremely old) | 06:17 |
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timo_ | hi | 06:18 |
tobias | BluesKaj: I am running compiz fusion and it works great =) | 06:18 |
timo_ | how do i edit my interfaces file | 06:18 |
timo_ | so that my wlan connects automatically to my access point at startup? | 06:18 |
BluesKaj | tobias, which ati card ? | 06:18 |
stdin | timo_: why not use the GUI | 06:18 |
tobias | mobility radeon x1400 | 06:18 |
runlevelten | tobias: you don't have everything working fine if you have an ati card. | 06:18 |
timo_ | which GUI? | 06:18 |
tobias | runlevelten: yes I am | 06:18 |
stdin | timo_: KMenu > system settings > network | 06:18 |
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voln | I have installed Amarok 1.4.5 | 06:18 |
voln | I know that now Amaarok is 1.4.6. | 06:18 |
voln | How can I update a latest version of Amarok? | 06:18 |
boris_ | adept should automaticaly update it | 06:19 |
fkm__ | I got HL1 and so of course CS aswell as ET and Q3 to work somewhat good with my ATI Raedon 9800 XT and the fglrx drivers (but not with the official HOWTO). | 06:19 |
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runlevelten | 3d effects work surprisingly well with the OSS drivers, and sometimes even with fglrx. your basic quake engine stuff will run through fglrx. | 06:19 |
Blauhaut | up | 06:19 |
Blauhaut | s | 06:19 |
Blauhaut | :OP | 06:19 |
runlevelten | Coverage of OpenGL is *GARBAGE* with fglrx in my experience. | 06:19 |
stdin | voln: there may be kubuntu.org packages for feisty, check http://kubuntu.org/packages | 06:19 |
fkm__ | But not games like HL2 and the Quake4 and Doom3 demos run crappy even on the lowest quality and 800x600 :( | 06:19 |
BluesKaj | actaully the latest amarok is 1.4.7 | 06:20 |
voln | i have fiesty 7.04 | 06:20 |
=== tof [n=tof@AStrasbourg-156-1-155-191.w90-13.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
timo_ | stdin: i tried that. but it doesn't save my settings. instead it complains about a bad default gateway" | 06:20 |
BluesKaj | requires KDE 3.5.7 , voln | 06:20 |
runlevelten | Try developing 3D stuff with ATi/fglrx as one of your targets, and finding every second little thing that works everywhere else breaks through fglrx. | 06:20 |
runlevelten | Anyway, my advice is steer clear until something is done about it. | 06:21 |
stdin | timo_: are you comfortable with the interfaces file? | 06:21 |
voln | for 3.5 kde | 06:21 |
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timo_ | yeah i am | 06:21 |
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timo_ | just tell me what to put in | 06:21 |
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stdin | timo_: press Alt-F2 and put in: kdesu kate /etc/network/interfaces | 06:21 |
timo_ | stdin: done | 06:21 |
BluesKaj | tobias, i have an onboard x200G , not exactly a hiend card :) | 06:21 |
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timo_ | stdin: my interface is wlan0 | 06:21 |
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tobias | BluesKaj: hehe true ^_ | 06:22 |
BluesKaj | tobias, but I'm satisfied to be able to use google earth etc ...games , i don't care about | 06:23 |
tobias | same here | 06:23 |
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kubuntu | Anyone know what's the problem with ubuntu servers (5 out of 8) being hacked? are the security updates comprimised? packages comprimised? | 06:25 |
stdin | kubuntu: uh, no ubuntu servers were hacked | 06:25 |
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timo_ | stdin: where do I find the information on whta to put in the interfaces file? I already added wireless-essid. what more do I have to add. I use WEP | 06:27 |
=== MrBougo [n=MrBougo@ip-62-235-207-220.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MrBougo | hay there | 06:27 |
kubuntu | Story> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/08/16/ubuntu_pulls_compromised_servers/ | 06:27 |
MrBougo | where can i get a list of all the boot parameters of the CD? | 06:27 |
MrBougo | witht he explanation | 06:27 |
MrBougo | like quiet, splash and stuff | 06:28 |
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stdin | kubuntu: there were some *community* ran sites (for loco teams etc) that were slightly compromised but NO ubuntu servers | 06:28 |
stdin | kubuntu: no matter what FUD you read on theregister | 06:29 |
kubuntu | phew! - I was worried... | 06:29 |
stdin | kubuntu: rely on trusted sources, if any ubuntu server was compromised, it would be removed | 06:30 |
stdin | timo_: I'm not 100% sure, have a look in the man interfaces | 06:30 |
genii | fearmongers | 06:30 |
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BluesKaj | kubuntu, now would be a good time to change your nick | 06:30 |
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buz | mhh i have no sound on my new laptop? | 06:32 |
buz | on gutsy | 06:32 |
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=== genii hands out coffee to all that want some | ||
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stdin | buz: gutsy help in #ubuntu+1 | 06:32 |
buz | stdin: thx | 06:32 |
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ubuntu | Hi | 06:36 |
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MrBougo | there are always loads of connect/disconnects here | 06:37 |
stdin | MrBougo: yep, that's IRC for you | 06:38 |
aaron_ | irc is a big place :) | 06:38 |
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MrBougo | i know | 06:39 |
MrBougo | oh ok there are 383 ppl here | 06:39 |
MrBougo | i'm used to ~40 ppl | 06:39 |
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stdin | also happens when peoples connection "hickups" | 06:40 |
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speaker219 | How dare you | 06:40 |
speaker219 | HOW DARE YOU | 06:41 |
speaker219 | ITS `hiccups` | 06:41 |
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=== stdin spells 'hickups' however he pleases | ||
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=== speaker219 spells everything besides `hiccups` however he pleases | ||
winbond | dooglus: im trying to mod a old cellphone charger for my mp3 player, its .1v and 70mv over the stock one, id like to know if thats a signifficant difference | 06:41 |
MrBougo | this chanel overloads my cpu :p | 06:42 |
MrBougo | bye | 06:42 |
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winbond | im trying to mod a old cellphone charger for my mp3 player, its .1v and 70mv over the stock one, id like to know if thats a signifficant difference | 06:42 |
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stdin | winbond: ask in #kubuntu-offtopic (or #ubuntu-offtopic for a more active channel) | 06:43 |
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jhutchins | winbond: Can't be both .1v and .07v over. | 06:44 |
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genii | amps <> volts | 06:44 |
jhutchins | genii: Yes, but which? | 06:45 |
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genii | jhutchins: I imagine 70mA since 70 volts over on a charger is rediculous | 06:45 |
winbond | jhutchins: well that what it says, one is 300mv the other one 370mv, so maybe its not mv but milli something else | 06:46 |
stdin | mA more likely | 06:46 |
jhutchins | winbond: ok, where does the .1 come from? | 06:46 |
jhutchins | 70mv = .07v | 06:46 |
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winbond | jhutchins: one is 5.0v the other 5.1v output | 06:47 |
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=== frenchy [n=nicolas@AAmiens-157-1-151-94.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
speaker219 | loffle woffles | 06:48 |
speaker219 | why does it seem like almost everybody's quit message is "Konversation terminated" | 06:49 |
jhutchins | speaker219: Because that's the default that konversation comes with? | 06:49 |
stdin | speaker219: because it's the default quit message for the default kubuntu client | 06:50 |
gorganalmighty | mine isn't | 06:50 |
speaker219 | ohh, i see. | 06:50 |
speaker219 | what client? | 06:50 |
gorganalmighty | im using ChatZilla | 06:50 |
speaker219 | oh | 06:50 |
gorganalmighty | the plug-in for firefox | 06:50 |
speaker219 | nevermind | 06:50 |
speaker219 | konversation | 06:50 |
speaker219 | yeah | 06:50 |
speaker219 | i use a *real* irc cleint | 06:50 |
speaker219 | ;) | 06:50 |
speaker219 | jk | 06:50 |
=== crispies [n=crispies@cpe-71-66-122-206.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jhutchins | Mine isn't either, but I filter join/part messages anyway, so I don't really care. | 06:50 |
gorganalmighty | :P | 06:50 |
speaker219 | i use Xchat | 06:50 |
jhutchins | speaker219: That's just mirc for gnome. | 06:51 |
speaker219 | chatzilla is good, but it's not really meant to be a full featured IRC client, just to test the limits of XUL | 06:51 |
speaker219 | i don't use xchat-gnome | 06:51 |
=== alberg [n=alberg@39.Red-88-27-254.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
gorganalmighty | I haven't found anything I can't do with it yet | 06:51 |
jhutchins | winbond: I'd say you're going to need a better understanding of the specs you're trying to read before you go ahead with this. | 06:51 |
jhutchins | winbond: mv is usually an abreviation for "milivolt" or .001 volt. | 06:52 |
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jhutchins | winbond: most devices are concerned about both voltage and amperage or watts. | 06:53 |
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winbond | jhutchins: im gonna look it up in a second and tell u exactly what it is | 06:53 |
stdin | winbond, jhutchins: you're both in offtopic, continue it there please | 06:54 |
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=== jhutchins happily yeilds the floor to anyone actually discussing kubuntu support. | ||
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genii | How do i get rid of annoying bluetooth "sdpd not running" notification now that it uses sdptool or hidd as the server instead? | 06:57 |
genii | jhutchins: ;) | 06:57 |
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atlas | situation: there is no "keep broken files" option in Ark when extracting from corrupt multipart rar archives. So instead I use the command "rar e -kb" in the "open with" dialog. This results in putting the files in my home directory, but I want it to extract to the same directory where the .rar files are. Q: how do i do this? | 06:58 |
=== LasseP [n=xerox@c-4476e255.010-198-73746f32.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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stdin | atlas: try with 'x' instead of 'e' | 07:00 |
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speaker219 | what is up my homiez | 07:00 |
stdin | atlas: 'e' means "Extract files to current directory." | 07:00 |
genii | speaker219: The price of Vista ;) | 07:00 |
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japaya | is there a small program or anything that can boost d and improve the sound quality by filters? | 07:00 |
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stdin | atlas: you may have to do it from konsole then, possibly file a wish bug in ark about it | 07:04 |
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atlas | stdin: ok thanks for your gelp | 07:04 |
atlas | help* | 07:04 |
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elite101 | hey i found this great site that lets u txt ppl for free it works too lol, | 07:10 |
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stdin | elite101: #kubuntu-offtopic | 07:10 |
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elite101 | sorry | 07:10 |
elite101 | lol | 07:10 |
jhutchins | japaya: Yes, but you'd need to be more specific in your question. There are a number of utilities for recoding/transcoding which can apply filters and normalize volume. | 07:10 |
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jhutchins | japaya: However, compression is usually lossy (as with mp3), and you can not restore information that has been lost. | 07:11 |
japaya | jhutchins: it's just to boost my sound of ventrilo | 07:11 |
japaya | (outbound) | 07:12 |
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jhutchins | !info ventrillo | 07:12 |
ubotu | Package ventrillo does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 07:12 |
japaya | !ventrilo | 07:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ventrilo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:13 |
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Dou1 | hey, I reinstalled grub on my comp after installing windows on top of linux, and when i select kubuntu, it says could not mount partition, press any key to continue. any thoughts? | 07:13 |
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japaya | jhutchins: it's not standard package, I run it using wine | 07:14 |
Dou1 | nvm, fixed it lol incorrect partition number | 07:14 |
Assid | hrmm | 07:14 |
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axel | Hello! | 07:16 |
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Dou1 | I can't mount my windows partition, or when i do, it says i do not have sufficient permissions. chmod +r won't work | 07:24 |
stdin | Dou1: ntfs? | 07:25 |
Dou1 | yep. but before i reinstalled grub, i could see the files on the ntfs just fine | 07:25 |
stdin | how are you mounting it? | 07:26 |
Dou1 | mount /dev/sda2 /media/sda2 | 07:26 |
Dou1 | under root | 07:26 |
stdin | yeah, you'll need to give mount some options to let a user read it | 07:26 |
stdin | sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/sda2 -o fmask=111,dmask=000 | 07:27 |
stdin | that should work | 07:27 |
=== utente [n=utente@host251-50.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Dou1 | thank you very much | 07:28 |
utente | ce qualcuno | 07:28 |
utente | hello | 07:28 |
stdin | !it | utente | 07:28 |
ubotu | utente: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 07:28 |
utente | ciao | 07:28 |
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japaya | anyone that knows a good program to boost my microphone volume and filter static (for use with ventrilo 2.1) | 07:29 |
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Thorne | ew no vhost | 07:41 |
=== Daisuke_Laptop [n=alexbe01@pool-71-97-155-54.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
deminemi | is there a way to make my account root ? or to log in as root ? | 07:41 |
stdin | !root | deminemi | 07:41 |
Thorne | sudo cmd | 07:41 |
ubotu | deminemi: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 07:41 |
Thorne | or that | 07:41 |
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Thorne | owned in a subtle way | 07:42 |
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deminemi | i don't want to leave root disabled though >.> | 07:42 |
Thorne | deminemi you can use root commands | 07:43 |
Thorne | using sudo | 07:43 |
stdin | deminemi: 1) read that link, all instructions there, 2) why enable root? | 07:43 |
genii | deminemi: Just use sudo su for extended sessions which require it | 07:43 |
Thorne | theres really no eason to have a root account t just makes your system less secure | 07:44 |
Thorne | and you can also use a root console | 07:44 |
genii | Plus it's just Best Practice | 07:44 |
deminemi | i am writing programs that operate on the computer like drivers, and my account needs root privileges to run them properly | 07:44 |
=== xRaich[o] 2x [n=raichoo@i5387EEB9.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Thorne | you can do that running su or sudo | 07:44 |
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genii | deminemi: I say again, sudo su | 07:45 |
Thorne | just start up the program using the su cmd | 07:45 |
deminemi | acutally lemme try something, brb | 07:45 |
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Thorne | has anyone here installed kde from CLI off the kubuntu cdrom | 07:45 |
genii | yes | 07:46 |
Thorne | i know its apt-get install but where the kde install on the cdrom | 07:46 |
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Thorne | i did mount cdrom0 then cd to the cd | 07:46 |
genii | you need first to add cdrom by apt-cdrom | 07:46 |
Thorne | aaah | 07:47 |
stdin | I'd think only the alternate cd has the packages in an apt readable format | 07:47 |
Thorne | well im using the alternate cd | 07:47 |
stdin | then that'll work :p | 07:47 |
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Thorne | is it apt-get install kde-desktop? | 07:48 |
stdin | just "sudo apt-cdrom add && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" | 07:48 |
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stdin | or use aptitude if you want | 07:48 |
stdin | or a GUI package manager for that matter | 07:48 |
Thorne | well i only have cli installed right now | 07:49 |
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Thorne | i was doing the nstall and something happens wen setting up software | 07:49 |
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Thorne | so i installed cli only | 07:49 |
stdin | ah, okk | 07:49 |
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Thorne | wierd thing is it did it with both xubuntu and kubuntu | 07:50 |
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Thorne | on alternate install cds | 07:50 |
genii | sorry for lag, work called me. | 07:50 |
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Thorne | youre fired genii | 07:50 |
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deminemi | nvm, i chmod 777'ed it and it still doesn't work, so it doesn't look like a root error | 07:51 |
genii | Thorne: I installed from alternate to CLI. then i did apt-cdrom for the regular cd, added it. Then commented out all the online deb lines. then did usual, apt-get update apt-get install kubuntu-desktop Worked fine | 07:51 |
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Thorne | hm | 07:51 |
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timo_ | hello | 07:52 |
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kazuma_ | hii | 07:53 |
kazuma_ | i have problems with beryl | 07:54 |
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kazuma_ | can anyone help me? | 07:54 |
jhutchins | kazuma_: Perhaps someone in #ubuntu-effects. | 07:55 |
kazuma_ | thanks man | 07:55 |
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Thorne | ok ill brb hopefully itll be on konversation :D | 07:57 |
chaves | ola | 07:57 |
chaves | alguem ker tc?? | 07:57 |
Thorne | thx stdin and genii | 07:57 |
kazuma_ | chaves | 07:57 |
kazuma_ | stdin | 07:57 |
kazuma_ | are you there dudde? | 07:57 |
stdin | !br | chaves | 07:57 |
genii | kazuma_: Yup | 07:57 |
ubotu | chaves: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 07:57 |
stdin | kazuma_: yep | 07:58 |
kazuma_ | man can you help me? xD | 07:58 |
kazuma_ | i have a problem with beryl | 07:58 |
genii | kazuma_: I don't use beryl (at least not yet) | 07:58 |
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stdin | depends on the problem and the extent of my knowledge in the area | 07:58 |
kazuma_ | i went to the other channel but no one answer xD | 07:58 |
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kazuma_ | well it says something like | 07:58 |
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kazuma_ | composite manager failed | 07:59 |
chaves | kjpo | 07:59 |
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kazuma_ | the composite manager failed two times at the same minute and it's unavailable for this session | 07:59 |
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kazuma_ | that's the mistake man xD | 07:59 |
eifzon | I just installed Kubuntu with the alternative CD, when I try to like apt-get irssi or anything else it says couldn't find package irssi. | 07:59 |
stdin | hold on. real life called... | 07:59 |
jhutchins | !info irssi | 08:00 |
kazuma_ | haha sure dude | 08:00 |
ubotu | irssi: terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.10-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 1010 kB, installed size 2788 kB | 08:00 |
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jhutchins | eifzon: is the system connecting to the internet? | 08:00 |
genii | kazuma_: Actually i had a similar issue not with beryl tho on an i810 video | 08:00 |
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eifzon | jhutchins: I am here :P | 08:00 |
kazuma_ | so what that it means genii? =O | 08:01 |
kazuma_ | is it the card? | 08:01 |
kazuma_ | sorry but i'm really new with kubuntu xD | 08:01 |
genii | kazuma_: In my case it was that in the xorg.conf i needed to comment out the lines at bottom which loaded the composite extension and it went OK after. but transparency suffered | 08:01 |
zipper | Hmm, i'm reaching ~30mb/s when transfering data from one hdd to another (same kind, s-ata). Should i be satisfied with this? | 08:02 |
eifzon | nvm fixed it jhutchins . | 08:02 |
kazuma_ | =o i see | 08:02 |
kazuma_ | cuz' weirdly it started to fail this morning | 08:02 |
kazuma_ | it was ok yersterday night | 08:02 |
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kazuma_ | i don't know what could it be | 08:02 |
genii | kazuma_: Likely you updated your video driver, perhaps updated restricted video drivers | 08:02 |
kazuma_ | that's a good point | 08:03 |
kazuma_ | so then, what do you think i should do? =o | 08:03 |
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genii | kazuma_: please issue command: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf|grep Composite and paste result here | 08:04 |
kazuma_ | ok | 08:04 |
genii | kazuma_: 3 possibles for the command result, 1-nothing 2-there and enabled 3-there but commented out | 08:04 |
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kazuma_ | cat: /etc/x11/xorg.conf: No existe el fichero directorio | 08:05 |
kazuma_ | that appeared well i'm mexican xD | 08:05 |
genii | kazuma_: upper case X | 08:05 |
kazuma_ | so it says that the directory doesn't exist | 08:05 |
kazuma_ | ok | 08:05 |
kazuma_ | sorry xD | 08:05 |
genii | kazuma_: upper case X | 08:06 |
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genii | kazuma_: And upper case C on Composite | 08:06 |
kazuma_ | nothing appeared :S | 08:07 |
kazuma_ | look | 08:07 |
stdin | real life sux, but changing the subject.. what graphics card kazuma_? | 08:07 |
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kazuma_ | kazuma@Kazumalap:~$ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf|grep Composite | 08:07 |
kazuma_ | kazuma@Kazumalap:~$ | 08:07 |
kazuma_ | i have an intel 395 or something like that | 08:07 |
kazuma_ | xD | 08:07 |
kazuma_ | but | 08:08 |
stdin | kazuma_: lspci | grep VGA | 08:08 |
genii | kazuma_: OK, looking now for the lines you need to put at bottom | 08:08 |
kazuma_ | =o | 08:08 |
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kazuma_ | 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) | 08:08 |
kazuma_ | that appeared | 08:08 |
Dou1 | stdin: what was that command for mounting ntfs again? sorry | 08:09 |
stdin | 945, ok that's more like it :) | 08:09 |
kazuma_ | xD | 08:09 |
kazuma_ | hhaha | 08:09 |
stdin | Dou1: you mean "sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/sda2 -o fmask=111,dmask=000" ? | 08:09 |
stdin | Dou1: do you want to mount it automatically at boot? | 08:09 |
Dou1 | stdin: yeah thanks if i want it at boot, i just add it to the file in the boot directory? right? | 08:10 |
kazuma_ | that means it's ok no? xD | 08:10 |
kazuma_ | what should i do xD | 08:10 |
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stdin | Dou1: you add it to the /etc/fstab file https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions (if your interested) | 08:11 |
kazuma_ | what could be wrong with composite | 08:11 |
kazuma_ | xD | 08:11 |
tobias | anybody here (points at stdin ^_) can tell me what I can do to make my windows/super key work again? | 08:12 |
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genii | kazuma_: open xorg.conf for writing by: kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf then add to the bottom 3 lines, | 08:12 |
Dou1 | stdin: thanks | 08:12 |
tobias | I didnt change anything as far as I know | 08:12 |
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tobias | it suddenly stopped working after I booted | 08:13 |
genii | kazuma_: | 08:13 |
genii | Section "Extensions" | 08:13 |
genii | Option "Composite" "Enable" | 08:13 |
genii | EndSection | 08:13 |
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kazuma_ | =O | 08:13 |
kazuma_ | let me check | 08:13 |
stdin | tobias: no clue, it's always worked for me | 08:13 |
genii | kazuma_: Then save the file. Then logout and back in to see if it took | 08:13 |
tobias | argh :/ | 08:13 |
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kazuma_ | genii | 08:14 |
tobias | is there any key-configure setting data or something like that in kubuntu ? | 08:14 |
kazuma_ | that appeared | 08:14 |
kazuma_ | check | 08:14 |
kazuma_ | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169 | 08:14 |
kazuma_ | Major opcode: 145 | 08:14 |
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kazuma_ | Minor opcode: 3 | 08:14 |
stdin | ignore that kazuma_ | 08:14 |
kazuma_ | Resource id: 0x0 | 08:14 |
kazuma_ | Failed to open device | 08:14 |
kazuma_ | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169 | 08:14 |
tobias | stop pasting ._. | 08:14 |
kazuma_ | Major opcode: 145 | 08:15 |
kazuma_ | Minor opcode: 3 | 08:15 |
tobias | . | 08:15 |
kazuma_ | Resource id: 0x0 | 08:15 |
kazuma_ | Failed to open device | 08:15 |
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(kazuma_/#kubuntu) Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server | 08:15 | |
(kazuma_/#kubuntu) Xlib: No protocol specified | 08:15 | |
(kazuma_/#kubuntu) kate: cannot connect to X server :0.0 | 08:15 | |
(kazuma_/#kubuntu) haha | 08:15 | |
(kazuma_/#kubuntu) what to do what to do :( | 08:15 | |
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genii | stdin: My bad I should have told him about pastebin ahead of time | 08:15 |
kazuma_ | =O? | 08:16 |
tobias | !pastebin | 08:16 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 08:16 |
kazuma_ | haha | 08:16 |
kazuma_ | i didn't know that | 08:16 |
tobias | now you do =) | 08:16 |
stdin | now you do :p | 08:16 |
kazuma_ | hahaha | 08:16 |
kazuma_ | yeah | 08:16 |
kazuma_ | xD | 08:16 |
tobias | HA ! I beat you to it :d | 08:16 |
tobias | first time ;D | 08:16 |
kazuma_ | so friends what should i do?:P | 08:16 |
genii | kazuma_: OK, so then inkonsole instead do this: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf to open the file | 08:16 |
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genii | kazuma_: go to very bottom of file with page down key, then add those 3 lines | 08:17 |
tobias | note that the "X11" has a large "X" | 08:17 |
kazuma_ | thanks it oppened =O!!! | 08:17 |
stdin | tobias: i'm reading emails, editing wikis, posting blogs, and using IRC... someone's bound to beat me sometime :p | 08:17 |
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kazuma_ | above end section right? | 08:17 |
genii | kazuma_: then save the file, log out from kubuntu then back in | 08:17 |
tobias | still, you're not off the hook. I beat you to it and I will always keep that in mind :p | 08:17 |
kazuma_ | but what do you tell me to put? xD | 08:18 |
kazuma_ | cuz' it kicked me out haha | 08:18 |
genii | kazuma_: No, not above anything below all | 08:18 |
tobias | [20:13] <genii> Section "Extensions" | 08:18 |
tobias | [20:13] <genii> Option "Composite" "Enable" | 08:18 |
tobias | [20:13] <genii> EndSection | 08:18 |
stdin | genii: restarting X is needed, not just logout | 08:18 |
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kazuma_ | ok | 08:18 |
genii | stdin: I know, i told him that already | 08:18 |
mistknight | hello everyone, I have quite a big problem that really seems it's going to really give me quite a headache. Skype's been blocked in Jordan at the IP level. I have a server outside Jordan and I need to setup some way for the following scenario, "my machine encrypts all IP traffic"->"send to remote server"->"server decrypts, does its magic and gets response"->"response is encrypted" (just in case packets are filtered both ways)->"packet reaches my clien | 08:18 |
genii | stdin: sorry, misunderstand | 08:19 |
CS5 | Can anyone help me plz. I tried to open my xorg.conf using sudo gedit /etc/x11/xorg.conf and the page it opens is blank. | 08:19 |
genii | stdin: you are right, X restart entirely is better | 08:19 |
kazuma_ | i'll be back friends | 08:19 |
kazuma_ | i'll tell you what happened :P | 08:20 |
genii | kazuma_: logout kde then do ctrl-alt-backspace | 08:20 |
tobias | CS5: X11 | 08:20 |
kazuma_ | =o ok | 08:20 |
tobias | CS5: It is an big X not a small x | 08:20 |
stdin | CS5: 1) don't use sudo, use gksu (for gnome), 2) upper case X | 08:20 |
NickPresta | CS5, the location of xorg.conf is /etc/X11/. notice the uppercase X | 08:20 |
mistknight | I need a few pointers as to the software, technology, packages I need to get this magic working. I've heard of openVPN, but I'm not so sure! | 08:20 |
genii | kazuma_: When you are at login | 08:20 |
tobias | sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf works | 08:20 |
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CS5 | OIC, TY all | 08:20 |
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Dou1 | what is the kubuntu partition manager called? i can't find it under system anymore | 08:21 |
mistknight | anyone please? any keywords I need to search for would be appreciated! | 08:22 |
NickPresta | Dou1, QTParted | 08:22 |
stdin | Dou1: it's not installed by default, it's qtparted | 08:22 |
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Dou1 | stdin: it was on there yesterday lol | 08:22 |
drewcipher_ | Skype is down in US too. | 08:22 |
stdin | Dou1: on the livecd or the install? | 08:23 |
underdog5004 | mistknight, encryption, ssh tunneling, skype, viop | 08:23 |
underdog5004 | erm, voip | 08:23 |
Dou1 | ohhh maybe it was livecd | 08:23 |
stdin | Dou1: yeah, it's on the live cd (as it's used by the installer), but it's not installed on the real system | 08:24 |
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kazuma_ | nothing happened xD | 08:24 |
kazuma_ | the same mistake | 08:24 |
kazuma_ | xD | 08:24 |
psyhhix | hi | 08:25 |
psyhhix | how to get superuser? | 08:25 |
kazuma_ | sudo -i | 08:25 |
kazuma_ | xD | 08:25 |
stdin | !sudo | psyhhix | 08:25 |
ubotu | psyhhix: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 08:25 |
kazuma_ | hahaha | 08:25 |
mistknight | underdog5004, encryption is so generic I've been lost trying to figure out the results, ssh tunneling? can IP packets be ssh tunneled? | 08:25 |
psyhhix | i know that | 08:25 |
kazuma_ | genii | 08:25 |
kazuma_ | it failed xD | 08:25 |
kazuma_ | the message appeares again | 08:26 |
stdin | psyhhix: then what's the question, if you know how to use sudo? | 08:26 |
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psyhhix | i got my answer already | 08:26 |
psyhhix | i needed "sudo -i" | 08:26 |
genii | kazuma_: OK, please use the pastebin website and cut and paste the contentsa of your file /etc/X11/xorg.conf to it please | 08:26 |
kazuma_ | hahaha | 08:26 |
=== gambix [n=fabien@APoitiers-257-1-81-220.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Dou1 | stdin: i think my partition table is messed up, lol. i have /dev/sda1 and then in a drop down menu is /dev/sda5 (which is Linux) and /dev/sda-1 which is free and then /dev/sda6 (which is linux swap) and then the drop down ends and goes to another /dev/sda-1 which is free and then /dev/sda2 which is my vista install. is there anything i can do to reorganize it? | 08:26 |
stdin | psyhhix: and the link (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo) would have told you that too | 08:26 |
genii | !paste| kazuma_ | 08:26 |
ubotu | kazuma_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 08:26 |
kazuma_ | how do i use pastebin xD | 08:26 |
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genii | kazuma_: I mant copy and paste too, rather than cut | 08:27 |
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genii | kazuma_: Whatever you do don't use cut LOL | 08:27 |
stdin | Dou1: post the output of "sudo fdisk -l" to pastebin (ubotu gave the link ^ ) | 08:27 |
kazuma_ | haha | 08:27 |
kazuma_ | what should i put in konsole?:P | 08:28 |
genii | kazuma_: You know how to copy and paste things from one application to another? | 08:28 |
kazuma_ | secondary click? xD | 08:28 |
genii | kazuma_: Hightlight what to copy, right click mouse and select copy (or by keyboard in KDE use ctrl-c) then go to other app, rightclick and select paste (or by keyboard in KDE ctrl-v) | 08:30 |
kazuma_ | what should i type in konsole genii to send you the info:P | 08:30 |
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genii | kazuma_: Since we are not changing the file you should be able to open it with just the editor called Kate | 08:30 |
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kazuma_ | then i put /etc/X11...? | 08:31 |
genii | kazuma_: yes | 08:31 |
kazuma_ | that's the way pastebin is used? | 08:33 |
kazuma_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33960/ | 08:33 |
kazuma_ | xD | 08:33 |
genii | kazuma_: After you hightlight/copy from Kate, put cursor in text window of pastebin website, paste there then submit the paste in. then let us know the website address it gives in the URL part of the browser so to get there | 08:33 |
genii | kazuma_: You are getting the idea :) | 08:33 |
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kazuma_ | xD | 08:33 |
kazuma_ | that's what appeared:P | 08:33 |
Dou1 | stdin: i put it on paste bin, what do i do now? | 08:34 |
stdin | Dou1: post the URL back | 08:34 |
Dou1 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33961 | 08:35 |
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genii | kazuma_: Hmm, it looks actually OK. but let me go doublecheck for if I originally got the Composite Extension part to paste in there before correct | 08:35 |
genii | AFK | 08:35 |
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kazuma_ | ok genii | 08:35 |
Myelin | Hello, i have installed my modem but ppp is not showing as a network interface, what should i do? | 08:35 |
stdin | !modem | 08:36 |
ubotu | You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto | 08:36 |
kazuma_ | stdin do you know how i can configure my windows transparency? | 08:36 |
stdin | Dou1: is /dev/sdb1 another hdd? | 08:36 |
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Dou1 | stdin: /dev/sdb1 is a flash drive and /dev/sdc1 is the floppy drive partition on my flash drive | 08:37 |
stdin | kazuma_: you may need to add the lines here http://stdin.pastebin.us/38962 to the ' Section "Screen" ' part | 08:37 |
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freakyy | hi all. I'm currently on gutsy - the ati driver doesn't work I'd like to install the one from ati.com but I can't get to the drivers page as lynx doesn't show it or im just too stupid ;D could someone do me a favour and give me the direct link to the newest mobility driver from ATI? my graphics card is a radeon mobility X700 it would be really nice of you!! thx | 08:38 |
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stdin | freakyy: gutsy help in #ubuntu+1 | 08:38 |
freakyy | dont need gutsy help need someone to give me the direct download link of the newest ati driver ;D | 08:38 |
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Myelin | <kazuma_>I have followed the instructions but i get an error that "Connection to the host was not found" upon any internet activity | 08:39 |
kazuma_ | what kind of modem is it | 08:39 |
kazuma_ | =o | 08:39 |
kazuma_ | is it an usb modem? | 08:39 |
Myelin | Its lucent 1646 winmodem | 08:39 |
kazuma_ | mm | 08:40 |
kazuma_ | stdin it's a great help with those things i can help you with usb modems xD | 08:40 |
Myelin | It connects ok with kppp but surfing does not take place. I onlt have eth0 configured, how do i add ppp0? | 08:40 |
=== stdin hasn't used dialup in years | ||
kazuma_ | haha | 08:41 |
kazuma_ | stdin in what part of my code should i put that? | 08:41 |
=== ozcho [n=ozcho@230.Red-83-52-66.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
genii | kazuma_: Ok, the part i told you to add was correctly put in. But I think you need to put a # at the begginning of lines 148 149 and 150 to comment out the DRI stuff. | 08:41 |
kazuma_ | =o | 08:41 |
kazuma_ | let's see | 08:41 |
=== Mr_Pan [n=marcopan@host129-157-dynamic.51-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stdin | genii: doesn't composite need dri? | 08:41 |
Dou1 | stdin: is it too screwed for any chance of organization? lol | 08:42 |
genii | stdin: He has glx too | 08:42 |
stdin | genii: glx in intel is horrible, and not needed :p | 08:42 |
=== Madinko12 [n=nils@ABordeaux-256-1-35-158.w90-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stdin | Dou1: it does look a little messed up | 08:43 |
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stdin | Dou1: does it still work? | 08:43 |
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genii | kazuma_: After you logged out from kde before, did you do at the kdm login screen the keys ctrl-alt-backspace together to restart the X server? | 08:43 |
stdin | genii: erm, xgl, not glx... | 08:43 |
Dou1 | yeah. i just wanted it to look organized but it's alright lol | 08:43 |
kazuma_ | so | 08:43 |
kazuma_ | it has to look like this | 08:44 |
kazuma_ | #Section "DRI" | 08:44 |
kazuma_ | and that? | 08:44 |
genii | kazuma_: yes | 08:44 |
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kazuma_ | ok | 08:44 |
kazuma_ | well | 08:44 |
stdin | Dou1: if you were to reorganise it, it would require you to wipe it clean and repartition manually (thus wiping all data off it). | 08:44 |
genii | kazuma_: Putting a # before things means it does not get used | 08:44 |
stdin | kazuma_: up to the EndSection line | 08:45 |
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Dou1 | ehh no thanks, lol. maybe in a couple months or something. but thanks for looking at it stdin | 08:45 |
genii | kazuma_: You did not answer my just earlier question, | 08:45 |
genii | kazuma_: After you logged out from kde before, did you do at the kdm login screen the keys ctrl-alt-backspace together to restart the X server? | 08:45 |
kazuma_ | yep | 08:45 |
stdin | Dou1: no problem :) | 08:45 |
kazuma_ | i'll try again:p | 08:45 |
kazuma_ | i'll be back friends | 08:45 |
genii | kazuma_: Ok, because otherwise the changes will not take | 08:45 |
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eifzon_ | I just installed Kubuntu, I did install the updates, then the nvidia drivers from nvidia.com. After that I restarted X and it worked properly, then I rebooted my computer and I couldn't come into X, so I had to change to vesa. What can be wrong? | 08:47 |
tobias | did you select the nvidia driver in your xorg,conf before ? | 08:48 |
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Lewix | stdin: hey | 08:48 |
Lewix | stdin, how are you | 08:48 |
Dou1 | what's lost & found? | 08:48 |
Lewix | how y'all doing | 08:48 |
stdin | Lewix: i'm good, just had dinner :) | 08:48 |
stdin | Lewix: you? | 08:48 |
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Lewix | stdin: Finally Ive been able to use aircrack | 08:49 |
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Lewix | stdin: I mean to crack | 08:49 |
Lewix | lol | 08:49 |
=== genii ponders ubuntu-ng | ||
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genii | work, AFK | 08:49 |
stdin | Dou1: lost & found in the KMenu or on the filesystem ? | 08:49 |
Lewix | stdin, besides that no much I'm just chilling | 08:50 |
kazuma_ | compositon sucks xD | 08:50 |
Dou1 | in the KMenu | 08:50 |
Lewix | The UN website have been hacked | 08:50 |
kazuma_ | stdin where should i put the part that you gave me | 08:50 |
kazuma_ | xD | 08:50 |
stdin | Dou1: it's a place where links to applications that aren't formatted correctly go | 08:50 |
Dou1 | stdin: how do I remove those apps? | 08:51 |
stdin | kazuma_: in the " Section "Screen" " part, at the bottom | 08:51 |
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stdin | Dou1: uninstall them I'd guess | 08:51 |
Dou1 | k thanks | 08:51 |
Dou1 | using apt-get remove? | 08:51 |
stdin | yep | 08:51 |
Dou1 | ty | 08:51 |
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stdin | kazuma_: under the last "EndSubSection" on line 134 | 08:52 |
=== pauljw [n=paul@pool119.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stdin | kazuma_: but before "EndSection" | 08:52 |
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kazuma_ | =O OK DUDE | 08:52 |
stdin | kazuma_: it's important, if it's in the wrong place X won't start... | 08:53 |
kazuma_ | wow interesting :S | 08:53 |
kazuma_ | and kindda scary | 08:53 |
kazuma_ | haha | 08:53 |
eifzon_ | .-_-. | 08:54 |
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kazuma_ | do i reboot? | 08:55 |
stdin | kazuma_: did genii tell you how to make a backup yet? | 08:55 |
stdin | kazuma_: post what you have now to pastebin, just to make sure :) | 08:55 |
kazuma_ | ok :P | 08:58 |
kazuma_ | no he didn't tell me xD | 08:58 |
kazuma_ | or she i don't know haha | 08:58 |
ferent | hi people, how can I find the files hasn't got the 755 permission? | 08:58 |
stdin | ferent: "find /place/to/search -type f -not -perm 755" should do it | 08:58 |
kazuma_ | stdin look :P | 08:58 |
kazuma_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33963/ | 08:58 |
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ferent | stdin: i will try | 08:58 |
ferent | thanks | 08:58 |
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stdin | kazuma_: that looks fine :) | 09:00 |
kazuma_ | yeah? | 09:00 |
kazuma_ | so i reboot man? | 09:00 |
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stdin | kazuma_: or just restart X | 09:00 |
kazuma_ | ok my friend | 09:00 |
kazuma_ | i'll be back | 09:00 |
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kazuma_ | nothing my friend | 09:05 |
kazuma_ | the same error | 09:05 |
stdin | kazuma_: are you using Xgl ? | 09:05 |
kazuma_ | how do i check that dude xD | 09:06 |
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tobias | in your k-menue | 09:06 |
stdin | kazuma_: what does "glxinfo | grep direct" say? | 09:06 |
tobias | okay, just listen to stdin =) | 09:06 |
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kazuma_ | yes? | 09:07 |
kazuma_ | xD | 09:07 |
kazuma_ | that saysxD | 09:07 |
=== fabien [n=fabien@APoitiers-257-1-98-197.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
c1|freaky | how can i prevent packages from beeing installed if i installed other versions? | 09:07 |
tobias | direct rendering: yes ? | 09:07 |
c1|freaky | im on gutsy where adept isnt installed and shouldnt be installed | 09:07 |
stdin | c1|freaky: why shouldn't adept be installed? | 09:08 |
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c1|freaky | i don't know. it was uninstalled on tribe 2 and since now it wasnt installed again | 09:08 |
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c1|freaky | when i try to install it says that it shouldnt be installed | 09:08 |
stdin | it should be | 09:09 |
c1|freaky | strange | 09:09 |
stdin | but gusty help is in +1, where you are as well | 09:09 |
kazuma_ | is that correct stdin | 09:09 |
kazuma_ | :P | 09:09 |
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SeanTater | Is it possible to read a pipe between two processes, like a logfile? | 09:10 |
stdin | kazuma_: then it's something to do with compiz, your X server is set right, ask again in -effects | 09:10 |
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stdin | SeanTater: don't think so, not a pipe anyway | 09:11 |
SeanTater | More specifically, can I read an stdout? | 09:11 |
SeanTater | ? | 09:11 |
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SeanTater | stdin: :-S | 09:12 |
SeanTater | stdin: thanks | 09:12 |
kazuma_ | #ubuntu-effects | 09:13 |
stdin | kazuma_: you can just do /join #ubuntu-effects , rather than need to click it :) | 09:14 |
kazuma_ | hahaha | 09:14 |
kazuma_ | i didn't knew xD | 09:14 |
kazuma_ | i'm newbie =3 | 09:14 |
Ink-Jet | same here | 09:14 |
Ink-Jet | this whole thing still confuses me | 09:15 |
Ink-Jet | thank god for manuals | 09:15 |
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=== AscendedDaniel_ [n=jason@ip-64-32-151-170.dsl.lax.megapath.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
SeanTater | "We don't need no stinkin' manuals!" | 09:16 |
SeanTater | :) | 09:16 |
AscendedDaniel_ | how can I turn off power to a usb port? | 09:16 |
Ink-Jet | Yeah. When you're still unsure on how to join channels, y'do XD | 09:16 |
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genii | back | 09:17 |
genii | stdin: Still no joy for kazuma_ I see | 09:18 |
kazuma_ | that's something for sure hahaha | 09:18 |
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Ink-Jet | well, managed to join #ubuntu and #kubuntu, lol | 09:20 |
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kazuma_ | let's drink a beer xD | 09:21 |
kazuma_ | i'm tired, without success | 09:21 |
kazuma_ | and i don't know what to do xD | 09:21 |
kazuma_ | haha | 09:21 |
Ink-Jet | beer sounds good | 09:21 |
kazuma_ | yeah cold with some peanuts to join xD | 09:22 |
Ink-Jet | actually, cider | 09:22 |
kazuma_ | hahaha | 09:22 |
kazuma_ | why not | 09:22 |
kazuma_ | nice taste | 09:22 |
kazuma_ | xD | 09:22 |
Ink-Jet | *cheers* | 09:22 |
kazuma_ | cheers dude xD | 09:22 |
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Tm_T | !offtopic | 09:22 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 09:22 |
Ink-Jet | Sorry. | 09:22 |
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kazuma_ | yeah sorry | 09:23 |
kazuma_ | well, can someone help me? | 09:23 |
kazuma_ | composite error xd | 09:23 |
matias__ | name DjThree | 09:23 |
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DjThree | Holass | 09:24 |
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DjThree | Algunos Aargentino por aca? | 09:24 |
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stdin | !es | 09:25 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 09:25 |
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[ifr0g] | . | 09:28 |
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ronin_ | Anyone here know a fair bit about CD ripping? | 09:29 |
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ronin_ | It seems that K3b, while an excellent application, can't get track data off the CD | 09:31 |
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ronin_ | Info like artist, title etc.. | 09:31 |
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stdin | k3b seems to work here | 09:32 |
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ronin_ | Oh? Is there some special package that allows it to get tagging data? | 09:32 |
stdin | don't think so... let me have a look | 09:33 |
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ronin_ | I'm using a really, really rare CD and K3b doesn't provide any of the tag data. Putting the same CD on my windows box w/ iTunes, it detects track names etc.. correctly | 09:33 |
=== jetsaredi1 [n=jgreenwa@pool-151-203-229-111.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stdin | try with konqueror | 09:34 |
stdin | put in the address audiocd:/ | 09:34 |
jetsaredi1 | Riddell: I seem to be having problems upgrading to the new kdelibs5 - is there something up with the KDE beta repos? | 09:34 |
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stdin | jetsaredi1: kde beta repos are feisty-backports | 09:35 |
ronin_ | stdin: What am I looking for? | 09:35 |
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stdin | ronin_: do you see some directories there ? | 09:36 |
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jetsaredi1 | stdin: yea - I know - I have the whole beta1 installed on my system | 09:36 |
ronin_ | I do. There's actually many of them | 09:36 |
Riddell | jetsaredi1: pastebin the apt-get output? | 09:37 |
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stdin | ronin_: go in to the one with the format you want, copy them, then paste in to the directory you want. how easy is that! :p | 09:37 |
ronin_ | Let me see if it preserves some sort of tag....its not that it can't rip successfully, just there's no info | 09:38 |
=== simon_ [n=chatzill@host86-153-2-34.range86-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
simon_ | i am trying to install a canon LBP-810 laser printer. but i cant find any linux drivers for it | 09:38 |
simon_ | how can i install a printer with out drivers for it? is there a way around it | 09:38 |
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jetsaredi1 | Riddell: http://rafb.net/p/JlnY4Z16.html | 09:39 |
jetsaredi1 | you want my sources.list too? | 09:39 |
kazuma_ | stdin do you know how to install tuxguitar? | 09:40 |
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stdin | kazuma_: is it in the repos? | 09:40 |
jetsaredi1 | also apt-cache policy shows nothing for dbus-x11 | 09:40 |
kazuma_ | let me check | 09:40 |
knightz | hm... compiz and kubuntu STRANGE effects | 09:40 |
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kazuma_ | i downloaded a .deb | 09:41 |
kazuma_ | and it's installed | 09:41 |
stdin | !deb | 09:41 |
ubotu | deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu) | 09:41 |
kazuma_ | the problem is the audio | 09:41 |
kazuma_ | i can't hear anything | 09:41 |
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stdin | don't know then, haven't used it | 09:42 |
kazuma_ | hahaha | 09:42 |
kazuma_ | xD | 09:42 |
slougi | how do i define new sessions in konsole? | 09:42 |
knightz | how do i get my broaders back ever start compiz ? | 09:42 |
slougi | broaders? | 09:42 |
knightz | it just disappered | 09:42 |
stdin | simon_: try http://v0xel.wordpress.com/2006/05/23/canoon-lbp-1120-on-ubuntu-510-how-to/ | 09:42 |
ronin_ | stdin: Afraid that didn't work. The track came across as "track 01" without any tagging information or anything | 09:43 |
simon_ | thanks | 09:43 |
knightz | borders | 09:43 |
knightz | i mean | 09:43 |
stdin | knightz: that would mean compiz crashed, either do "compiz --replace" or "kwin --replace" | 09:43 |
Riddell | jetsaredi1: looks like I need to change dbus-x11 to dbus-x11 | dbus | 09:43 |
slougi | ah borders | 09:43 |
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knightz | cannot coonct to X server that's what is says | 09:44 |
knightz | cannot conect to X server that's what is says | 09:44 |
jetsaredi1 | Riddell: you want I should file a bug for tracking? | 09:45 |
jetsaredi1 | is there even a dbus-x11 out there? | 09:45 |
stdin | ronin_: hmm, it maybe that the cddb info can't be found, you can try and see if amarok can find it, or just use it to add the data (can be done in a batch) | 09:45 |
knightz | root@SCRYPTA:~# compiz | 09:46 |
stdin | jetsaredi1: seems to be only in gutsy | 09:46 |
knightz | [: 222: Failsafe: unexpected operator | 09:46 |
stdin | knightz: not as root | 09:46 |
knightz | Checking for Xgl: xvinfo: Unable to open display | 09:46 |
knightz | not present. | 09:46 |
ronin_ | Amarok can batch tag? | 09:46 |
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knightz | xset: unable to open display "" | 09:46 |
knightz | AIEEEEH, no Log file found | 09:46 |
knightz | xset: unable to open display "" | 09:46 |
knightz | aborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity | 09:46 |
knightz | no /usr/bin/metacity found, exiting | 09:46 |
knightz | sorry | 09:46 |
knightz | hm.. | 09:46 |
Riddell | jetsaredi1: I wouldn't bother, I can't fix it quick enough | 09:46 |
stdin | !paste | knightz, use it | 09:46 |
ubotu | knightz, use it: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 09:46 |
jetsaredi1 | s/can't/can? | 09:47 |
knightz | ok | 09:47 |
ronin_ | Okay... I've been doing it by hand in K3b thus far. I guess my main question here is why iTunes can find data, and Amarok/k3b etc... can't? Any ideas? | 09:47 |
=== clempar [n=clempar@ANancy-152-1-56-248.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kazuma_ | i check my kubuntu | 09:47 |
stdin | ronin_: add them to the playlist, then select them all and choose "edit information for X tracks" (X is a number) | 09:47 |
kazuma_ | and i can't install automatix | 09:47 |
jetsaredi1 | Riddell: its actually been around for a couple days, but I hadn't bothered to ask around till now | 09:47 |
kazuma_ | a lot of packages i don't have installed | 09:48 |
kazuma_ | why? | 09:48 |
stdin | kazuma_: good, DON'T | 09:48 |
kazuma_ | haha xD | 09:48 |
knightz | same error | 09:48 |
kazuma_ | but for example python2.4-glad or something | 09:48 |
kazuma_ | doesn't appear | 09:48 |
ronin_ | Kazuma_: I've heard it fracks things up fiercely. | 09:48 |
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stdin | knightz: don't run compiz in a root shell, run it as the normal user | 09:49 |
ronin_ | I'm a newbie, but its probably actually better to do a lot of manual package installs so you know exactly what you're getting. | 09:49 |
knightz | same error in user account | 09:49 |
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stdin | knightz: pastebin it | 09:49 |
kazuma_ | wow | 09:49 |
stdin | kazuma_: automatix is evil, don't use it | 09:49 |
kazuma_ | so automatix sucks? xD | 09:49 |
kazuma_ | hahahah | 09:49 |
kazuma_ | ok dudde:p | 09:50 |
Riddell | TomRiddle: jings, you're named after me | 09:50 |
TomRiddle | does anybody know how to prevent KDE from drawing to the desktop? | 09:50 |
stdin | ubotu: tell kazuma_ about automatix | 09:50 |
TomRiddle | lol | 09:50 |
ronin_ | Stdin pretty much knows his stuff. Probably should listen to him hehe ^^ | 09:50 |
kazuma_ | wow | 09:50 |
kazuma_ | stdin you rocks xD | 09:50 |
knightz | stdin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33969/ | 09:50 |
TomRiddle | does anybody know how to prevent KDE from drawing to the desktop? | 09:51 |
stdin | knightz: "root@SCRYPTA:~#" < NOT as root | 09:51 |
knightz | it's not root | 09:51 |
stdin | knightz: "root@SCRYPTA" < yes it is | 09:51 |
stdin | root@ | 09:51 |
jhutchins | stdin: apache question? | 09:52 |
TomRiddle | does anybody know how to prevent KDE from drawing to the desktop? | 09:52 |
stdin | jhutchins: you can try, I don't really use it tho | 09:52 |
stdin | !repeat | TomRiddle | 09:52 |
ubotu | TomRiddle: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 09:52 |
knightz | stdin same thing http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33970/ | 09:52 |
jhutchins | Ah. Was wondering if auth shouldn't be recursive. | 09:52 |
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th_ | hi | 09:53 |
th_ | what's a good Kubuntu app to organize your iPod? | 09:53 |
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jhutchins | TomRiddle: "drawing to the desktop" really doesn't make any sense in this context. We were mostly waiting for a clearer question. | 09:53 |
stdin | !ipod | th_ | 09:53 |
ubotu | th_: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod | 09:53 |
kazuma_ | i guess i will have to reinstall kubuntu | 09:53 |
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stdin | jhutchins: no clue :p | 09:53 |
th_ | thanks! | 09:53 |
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kazuma_ | i destroyed a lot of packages | 09:53 |
kazuma_ | xD | 09:53 |
knightz | stdin? | 09:53 |
kazuma_ | in a process i attempted to do | 09:53 |
stdin | knightz: where are you running that from? | 09:53 |
ronin_ | AFK for awhile. GOing try and work up a few things. Damn ksynaptics >>: | 09:54 |
kazuma_ | so the best way it's beginning again xd | 09:54 |
jhutchins | kazuma_: experience is proportional to data deastroyed. | 09:54 |
knightz | terminal in kde | 09:54 |
kazuma_ | hahaha | 09:54 |
ThatLazyGuy | I installed KDE in Ubuntu, and now it messed up my fonts. How can i change it back? | 09:54 |
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th_ | stdin, I've actually tried with Amarok but I find that I can't add album art that will also show on the iPod.. Any ideas? | 09:54 |
kazuma_ | well i guess i'm doing well hutchins:P | 09:54 |
ronin_ | th_ : What music format are you using? | 09:54 |
stdin | th_: not really, I use rockbox on mine | 09:54 |
th_ | ronin_, mp3 mostly | 09:54 |
kambei | jhutchins: He wants to disable kdesktop | 09:54 |
knightz | stdin :terminal in kde | 09:55 |
ronin_ | Hmmm.. I'll give it a go. Mp3s should embed rather easily. Oggs and FLACs do not | 09:55 |
stdin | knightz: hoe did you get back to the knightz user? | 09:55 |
th_ | rockbox.. | 09:55 |
slougi | th_: how did you initialise the ipod? I did mine initially with amarok, but had to redo it with gtkpod for album art to start showing. | 09:55 |
ronin_ | <~iPhone user | 09:55 |
knightz | i just login knightz | 09:55 |
stdin | !rockbox | 09:55 |
ubotu | rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started! | 09:55 |
slougi | th_: that was a while ago though | 09:55 |
stdin | knightz: no, you have to "exit" from the root shell, as the DISPLAY variable won't be set | 09:55 |
th_ | slougi, I used Windows before and I've used it with iTunes and with Red Char's Anapod Explorer | 09:55 |
stdin | knightz: type "exit" teice | 09:56 |
th_ | most of the music on it already got album arts | 09:56 |
stdin | *twice | 09:56 |
jetsaredi1 | Riddell: when will the new kdelibs5 be up in the backports repo? | 09:56 |
knightz | okok | 09:56 |
slougi | th_: hmm right, in that case amarok should be able to add the cover art, there might be a checkbox somewhere to turn it on, i don't quite recall | 09:56 |
th_ | slougi, ok I'll try some more then ;) | 09:56 |
kazuma_ | stdin how can i copy and paste data to another partition | 09:57 |
th_ | Amarok is a bit eccentric though ;) | 09:57 |
knightz | stdin it works thnz | 09:57 |
kazuma_ | i have both visible but i can't write on them | 09:57 |
knightz | i love it .................... | 09:57 |
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stdin | kazuma_: depends on the filesystem and how it's mounted | 09:57 |
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kazuma_ | cuz it doesn't let me save documents there | 09:58 |
kazuma_ | what should i do man | 09:58 |
slougi | th_: yeah... amarok is a bit weird sometimes | 09:58 |
stdin | kazuma_: what filesystem and how it's mounted ? | 09:59 |
kazuma_ | ntfs | 09:59 |
kazuma_ | i have two partitions | 09:59 |
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kazuma_ | sd1 sd5 | 10:00 |
stdin | kazuma_: have you installed ntfs-3g? | 10:00 |
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kazuma_ | what is that dude xD | 10:00 |
stdin | !ntfs-3g | kazuma_ | 10:00 |
ubotu | kazuma_: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 10:00 |
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seanpcrowe | hi all... | 10:00 |
=== stdin waits for the bot | ||
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seanpcrowe | what version of KDE does the latest kunbuntu have??? (i wanna get a new theme) | 10:00 |
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th_ | seanpcrowe, try doing "about" in just about any KDE app | 10:01 |
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seanpcrowe | lulz... | 10:01 |
seanpcrowe | 3.5.6 | 10:01 |
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seanpcrowe | thank you th_ =) | 10:02 |
th_ | yep :) | 10:02 |
th_ | np | 10:02 |
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kazuma_ | is it a manual stdin? xD | 10:02 |
NickPresta | seanpcrowe, the latest version for Kubuntu is 3.5.7 | 10:02 |
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seanpcrowe | NickPresta, ok :) | 10:03 |
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stdin | seanpcrowe: 3.5.7 | 10:03 |
stdin | seanpcrowe: you can check yourself from any KDE app, Help > About KDE | 10:03 |
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stdin | kazuma_: yeah | 10:04 |
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kazuma_ | i can't close synaptci | 10:04 |
kazuma_ | synaptic | 10:04 |
seanpcrowe | also, has anyone had problems getting there synaptics touchpad to be reconised??? (kubuntu thinks mine is a standard mouse) | 10:04 |
kazuma_ | how do i force it to quit | 10:04 |
kazuma_ | xD | 10:04 |
seanpcrowe | lulz, two synaptic problems at once | 10:04 |
Agnostic_Theist | ctrl-escape | 10:04 |
kazuma_ | hahaha | 10:04 |
grzegorzl | wow, so much kubuntu maniacs here ;) | 10:04 |
kazuma_ | control space? | 10:04 |
grzegorzl | hi | 10:04 |
Agnostic_Theist | :) | 10:05 |
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kazuma_ | nothing happened xD | 10:05 |
Agnostic_Theist | ctrl-escape on my box brings up a kill screen | 10:05 |
WWCross | hi all | 10:05 |
kazuma_ | =O | 10:05 |
Agnostic_Theist | process manager :) | 10:05 |
seanpcrowe | i have tried everything... but any changes to xorg.conf to sort out my touchpad just ends up in x not being able to load :S | 10:05 |
kazuma_ | i found the problem hahahaha | 10:05 |
kazuma_ | silly me xD | 10:05 |
Agnostic_Theist | :) | 10:05 |
kazuma_ | thanks agnostic | 10:06 |
slougi | hmm when i press the find multimedia button (emits XF86Search button code) on my keyboard the file search util pops up, how do i rebind the key? I can't find where it is bound anywhere | 10:06 |
Agnostic_Theist | anytime | 10:06 |
=== Agnostic_Theist runs away | ||
stdin | seanpcrowe: here's mine to go by: http://stdin.pastebin.us/38964 (also try installing ksynaptics) | 10:06 |
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seanpcrowe | i have tryed installling ksynaptics... | 10:07 |
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stdin | seanpcrowe: you need the synaptics section in xorg set for it to work too | 10:07 |
seanpcrowe | stdin, i always get this no matter what... http://i17.tinypic.com/676vmkj.png | 10:08 |
stdin | seanpcrowe: yep, look at the post I gave you, that fixes that | 10:08 |
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seanpcrowe | lulz stdin u have the same GFX as me (which was also a headack lol) | 10:09 |
kazuma_ | well that tool sucks | 10:09 |
kazuma_ | xD | 10:09 |
kazuma_ | i installed it | 10:09 |
kazuma_ | and try to run it | 10:09 |
stdin | seanpcrowe: in what way? | 10:09 |
kazuma_ | but nothing happened | 10:09 |
kazuma_ | xD | 10:09 |
speaker219 | xD | 10:09 |
speaker219 | xD | 10:09 |
speaker219 | xD | 10:09 |
seanpcrowe | would not allow 1280x800 (915resulution sorted that out though) | 10:10 |
=== speaker219 is now known as speaker219|away | ||
kazuma_ | how do i run the tool stidn | 10:10 |
kazuma_ | stdin | 10:10 |
kazuma_ | it's installed | 10:10 |
kazuma_ | but i click it | 10:10 |
kazuma_ | and nothing O.o | 10:10 |
seanpcrowe | stdin, ok, i will add your synaptics touchpad bit of your .conf to my conf (cause i aint got that) then reinstall ksynaptics) then reboot?? | 10:10 |
=== ShaneN [n=noreply@host-26-67-111-24.midco.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stdin | kazuma_: alt-f2, kdesu ntfs-config | 10:10 |
seanpcrowe | stdin, that sound right? | 10:10 |
ShaneN | Hello | 10:10 |
ShaneN | Does anyone have any recommendations for a VPN client? | 10:11 |
stdin | seanpcrowe: or just restart X | 10:11 |
ShaneN | I am not familiar with any of the linux VPN offerings | 10:11 |
Lynoure | ShaneN: to use with what? | 10:11 |
seanpcrowe | stdin, ctrl alt & del?? | 10:11 |
waylandbill | seanpcrowe: ctrl-alt-backspace | 10:11 |
seanpcrowe | lulz... ah ok | 10:11 |
ShaneN | Lynoure: I believe it is a VPN system using IPCop | 10:11 |
stdin | ShaneN: I don't use vpn, but I've heard kppp works | 10:12 |
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Lynoure | ShaneN: then not sure, but vpnc works nicely with the cisco pixies :) | 10:12 |
seanpcrowe | "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup" <----- is this right to back up the .conf? | 10:13 |
stdin | yep | 10:13 |
waylandbill | openvpn works just fine. | 10:13 |
seanpcrowe | ok... | 10:13 |
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ShaneN | waylandbill: Is that a VPN client? | 10:14 |
ShaneN | I thought it was a server | 10:14 |
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aaron | how do i make KDE stop making sounds every time i close, open, move, or adjust a window? | 10:15 |
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grzegorzl | turn off the speakers ;) | 10:16 |
aaron | negative. | 10:16 |
knightz | never too old to learn new tricks | 10:16 |
aaron | i'm a gnome converter | 10:16 |
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knightz | stdin how do i make a ubuntu 2 cd with my apt packages? | 10:16 |
Lynoure | aaron: change the settings: System settings -> Notifications | 10:17 |
stdin | knightz: "ubuntu 2 cd" ? | 10:17 |
aaron | ah, i've been digging around in kcontrol | 10:18 |
Lynoure | aaron: Found it? | 10:18 |
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aaron | think so | 10:18 |
kazuma_ | thanks stdin | 10:18 |
kazuma_ | see ya in about 20 minuts | 10:18 |
kazuma_ | reinstalling kubuntu hahaha | 10:18 |
kazuma_ | xD | 10:18 |
aaron | yeah. didn't work. | 10:18 |
kazuma_ | i did something i shouldn't do | 10:19 |
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Lynoure | aaron: What did you do, exactly? | 10:19 |
stdin | aaron: after you set those changes you may need to logout and back in for them to take effect | 10:19 |
aaron | roge rthat. | 10:19 |
aaron | lemme try | 10:19 |
benjamin_ | hi, what is the simples way to convert ogg to mp3. I tried soundconverter, but it dont work :-( | 10:19 |
aaron | under "quick controls" I pressed "turn off all" | 10:20 |
benjamin_ | is there a simple commandline tool? | 10:20 |
kaminix3 | benjamin_: I think you can just use lame for that without any troubles. | 10:20 |
Lynoure | aaron: apply to all applications being checked helps too, and yes, the Apply after that | 10:20 |
stdin | benjamin_: or ffmpeg | 10:20 |
waylandbill | ShaneN: it's both. | 10:21 |
kaminix3 | Theres a ogg2mp3 or something script that will do it for you. | 10:21 |
kaminix3 | benjamin_: lame is cmd | 10:21 |
knightz | yes stdin. i read some where you can take the apt-packages a make a apt-cd with it when you reinstall *buntu you don't have to redownload all the packages again | 10:21 |
stdin | knightz: google for "AptOnCD" | 10:22 |
The_Machine | what is a good partition manager for KDE? | 10:22 |
The_Machine | :) | 10:22 |
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speaker219|away | DONT FEAR THE REAPER | 10:22 |
The_Machine | ...i dont. | 10:23 |
stdin | speaker219|away: ? | 10:23 |
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kaminix3 | The_Machine: qparted is probably the best graphic. But you could just use "parted" or "fdisk"... | 10:23 |
stdin | The_Machine: tried qtparted ? | 10:23 |
drewcipher_ | karamix3: have you tried: sudo apt-get install mp32ogg | 10:23 |
The_Machine | i haven't tried those | 10:23 |
The_Machine | will do now | 10:23 |
speaker219|away | I NEED MORE COWBELL | 10:23 |
stdin | drewcipher_: ogg > mp3, not mp3 > ogg | 10:23 |
stdin | speaker219|away: what are you on about ? | 10:24 |
knightz | ok | 10:24 |
=== Firefishe [n=anon@75-129-198-194.dhcp.sllv.mo.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kaminix3 | drewcipher_: Yes, both mp32ogg and ogg2mp3. ogg2mp3 isn't in the repos though... I don't think. | 10:24 |
The_Machine | hmm, running gparted won't let me delete a partition | 10:25 |
stdin | speaker219|away: go play in #kubuntu-offtopic | 10:25 |
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The_Machine | do i have to have the partition mounted to delete it?! | 10:25 |
drewcipher_ | karaminix: sorry! | 10:25 |
stdin | The_Machine: not while you are using the disk | 10:25 |
kaminix3 | drewcipher_: It's kaminix, not karaminix ;) | 10:25 |
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Firefishe | I need a list of mirrors for the ubuntu security archive, the ubuntu site is slow today. | 10:25 |
=== elite101 [n=public@ppp6.static.dsl.ontario.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
elite101 | hey | 10:26 |
elite101 | im sadly to say im on windows :( | 10:26 |
stdin | Firefishe: all the normal mirrors have the -security repo | 10:26 |
Firefishe | oh, I'm also on a power pc | 10:26 |
elite101 | :P | 10:26 |
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elite101 | im @ the lib i have to format my mp3 player | 10:26 |
Firefishe | stdin: so security is just one server, no mirrors? | 10:27 |
elite101 | i dont own windows so i did it here but i can think of any format programs for windows? but i dont like partition magic it sucks | 10:27 |
The_Machine | i don't get it.. i'm not using the disk. it's not mounted, and i want to delete the partition on it. running it with root.. hmmm | 10:27 |
stdin | Firefishe: no, all the normal mirrors have it | 10:27 |
The_Machine | actually, i'd love to extend my ext3 partition i already have linux on - is that easy to do (same physical disk) | 10:27 |
Firefishe | stdin: oh..i follow | 10:27 |
stdin | Firefishe: XX.archive.ubuntu.com ones | 10:27 |
Firefishe | stdin: I haven't updated this in a while. Are the powerpc mirrors the same as the rest? | 10:28 |
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stdin | The_Machine: it may be using your swap | 10:28 |
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aaron | ok. this damn thing still has more sounds than a chinese circius | 10:28 |
The_Machine | oh, wait | 10:28 |
The_Machine | it might have been mounted | 10:28 |
The_Machine | it was, i'm retarded. | 10:29 |
elite101 | man i hate xchat | 10:29 |
stdin | Firefishe: yeah, same sources | 10:29 |
ScarFreewill | anyone having weird apt problems? can anyone install kde-devel? (sudo apt-get -s install kdebase-dev) | 10:29 |
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aaron | ScarFreewill: i can't get kde4 to install, if that counts | 10:29 |
The_Machine | stdin, so if i boot into knoppix or something, i can use gparted to expand my current ext3 partition with the free space i'm allocated from the ntfs partition i'm deleting right now? :) | 10:30 |
ScarFreewill | aaron: have you checked https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/132517 | 10:30 |
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Firefishe | stdin: so powerpc is part of the file hierarchy, eh? | 10:30 |
Firefishe | I see | 10:30 |
stdin | The_Machine: yeah, you can use knoppix or the install live cd | 10:31 |
Firefishe | thanks | 10:31 |
=== macbeth [n=macbeth@bas4-montreal28-1242418045.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== ScarFreewill pokes ubotu | ||
The_Machine | oh, right. good idea w/ the install live CD | 10:31 |
The_Machine | :) | 10:31 |
The_Machine | stdin, but my current ext3 partition is extendable like that? :) :) | 10:31 |
stdin | Firefishe: the ppc packages are community maintained, but are in the same repos as the other archs | 10:31 |
ScarFreewill | is ubotu still changing servers? | 10:31 |
stdin | The_Machine: should be | 10:31 |
macbeth | Alguien habla espanol? | 10:31 |
stdin | !es | 10:32 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 10:32 |
The_Machine | nice! | 10:32 |
The_Machine | bbiab! | 10:32 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: what do you mean? | 10:32 |
macbeth | como entro ahi | 10:32 |
Firefishe | thanks, stdin, that helps a lot. I'm currently on the <security.ubuntu.com> archive and it's slow as molasses...and this is cable. 23kB just don't cut it ;) | 10:32 |
ScarFreewill | stdin: doesn't ubotu usually give a comment if you paste a bug url? | 10:32 |
macbeth | Hola | 10:32 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: no in #ubuntu or #kubuntu | 10:33 |
macbeth | Alguien aqui me puede ayudar a instalar programas | 10:33 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: erm, no = not :p | 10:33 |
stdin | !es | macbeth | 10:33 |
ubotu | macbeth: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 10:33 |
=== ScarFreewill sigh | ||
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Firefishe | stdin: If your apt (giggle giggle), might you have a look at my /etc/apt/sources.list file. I'm looking for some faster repositories for the security stuff. http://pastebin.com/mabf2d0b | 10:35 |
Firefishe | chiefly four lines in the middle with "security.ubuntu.com" | 10:36 |
stdin | Firefishe: what country ? | 10:36 |
Firefishe | I think the security lines are just d/l it off of the main ubuntu site. | 10:37 |
stdin | Firefishe: no, what country are you in? | 10:37 |
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ScarFreewill | stdin: are you running feisty? because if you are can you try to "sudo apt-get -s install kdebase-dev" unless you've already got that pakage installed | 10:38 |
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stdin | ScarFreewill: gutsy here, I do have a feisty server, but it's already got that | 10:38 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: pastebin the error | 10:39 |
Firefishe | stdin: the u.s., but the uk repositories are faster for me for some reason. Thing is, it's not d/l from the uk repos right now, it's d/l off the ubuntu.com site. Goes between 23kB and xxxx B (aaaugh!) ;) | 10:39 |
ScarFreewill | stdin: ok, i got kde4 installed today :D | 10:39 |
Firefishe | stdin: when it hits the uk repos, it's quick as lightning...but the security.ubuntu.com stuff is stifling my progress. | 10:39 |
kaminix | Will I die if I install KDE 4? | 10:40 |
Firefishe | how do you like 4, ScarFreewill | 10:40 |
Firefishe | I haven't played with it yet | 10:40 |
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stdin | Firefishe: you can use the UK ones for security too, eg: "deb http://uk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted universe" | 10:41 |
bentare | hi! How do I change the default kernel? | 10:41 |
kaminix | Will SKIM work with KDE 4? It doesn't work with the QT4 apps I use now. | 10:41 |
Firefishe | thanks stdin, I'll change the line. | 10:41 |
=== vsudilov [n=vsudilov@cpe-075-183-055-222.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stdin | kaminix: the KDE4 files are kept separate | 10:41 |
stdin | bentare: to what ? | 10:42 |
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kaminix | stdin: What does that have to do with SKIM compability? | 10:42 |
bentare | eh ...now the default is 386...but I want to boot K7? | 10:42 |
ScarFreewill | Firefishe: well I hate arts so I'm all for 4 just because their replacing it, also dolphin and plasma is looking good, just on thing dolphin doesn't have a up button by default but hey its still beta :D | 10:42 |
ScarFreewill | stdin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33988/ | 10:42 |
stdin | kaminix: in reply to: <kaminix> Will I die if I install KDE 4 | 10:42 |
seanpcrowe | stdin, it didnt work dude :s | 10:42 |
seanpcrowe | same as yours but i keep getting that message :s | 10:43 |
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stdin | seanpcrowe: should work, after you restart X... works fine here, I'm using it now | 10:44 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: hmm, odd indeed | 10:44 |
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seanpcrowe | stdin, i have restarted x... no joy | 10:44 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: do you have any non-ubuntu repos? | 10:44 |
ScarFreewill | stdin: I think feisty & feisty-backports doesn't look good atm | 10:44 |
=== Berlioz_ is now known as Berllioz | ||
seanpcrowe | kubuntu will just not reconise my touchpad | 10:45 |
ScarFreewill | stdin: only those 2 | 10:45 |
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stdin | bentare: what version on kubuntu ? | 10:45 |
Berllioz | Hi! | 10:45 |
bentare | 7.04 | 10:45 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: hmm | 10:45 |
stdin | bentare: use the -generic one | 10:45 |
seanpcrowe | stdin, i keep getting this, even it is there (like yours) http://i17.tinypic.com/676vmkj.png | 10:46 |
=== marcin_ is now known as marcin__ | ||
ScarFreewill | stdin: i'm using archive.ubuntu.com | 10:46 |
ScarFreewill | btw.. | 10:46 |
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bentare | Oki...the I need 2 install it I guess...I have all others except generic...I think...have 2 check. | 10:47 |
bentare | Is it possible to remove the other kernels with adept the oposite way I installed them? | 10:48 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: my kdebase-dev (on feisty) has depends on kate (= 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu20.1) yours seems not to | 10:48 |
hero | i h8 kate | 10:48 |
ScarFreewill | stdin: do you have feisty-backports ? | 10:48 |
stdin | bentare: yes, just locate the linux-image package for it and remove it | 10:48 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: yep | 10:49 |
ScarFreewill | stdin: hmm | 10:49 |
Firefishe | stdin: thank you for your help, that seems to have helped a bit, it's not doing too badly now :) | 10:49 |
stdin | :) | 10:50 |
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bentare | Oki! Thanks! Hopefully I will appear here again in a while then ;-) | 10:50 |
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ScarFreewill | stdin: is there any files but sources.list and sources.list.d/* that would effect my repos? | 10:51 |
mkf | What a wonderful peace of software ;D I've just finished downloading Sabayon and what do you know... Beryl _does_ work fine on ATI cards | 10:52 |
mkf | Now I have to find a way to make that happen on my Kubuntu ;D | 10:52 |
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stdin | ScarFreewill: not unless you've pinned a version | 10:53 |
ScarFreewill | stdin: i've remove my prefences too | 10:53 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: then sources.list and sources.list.d/* would be the only place | 10:53 |
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stdin | ScarFreewill: what does "apt-cache policy kdebase-dev" say ? | 10:54 |
ScarFreewill | stdin: when I do apt-get update then I get stuff like "Translation-en_ZA" hence I live in ZA could that be a problem? | 10:55 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: no | 10:55 |
speaker219 | hello? | 10:55 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: my kdebase-dev is 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu20.1 from feisty-backports | 10:55 |
ScarFreewill | kdebase-dev: Installed: (none) Candidate: 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu20 Version table: 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu20 0 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com feisty/main Packages | 10:56 |
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Berllioz | I've a newbie question: How do I get a wide range irc-serverlist for konversation? | 10:56 |
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ScarFreewill | myne is feist normal | 10:56 |
ScarFreewill | feisty | 10:56 |
ScarFreewill | (I just dit an apt-get update before checking it) | 10:57 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: post your sources.list | 10:57 |
=== lwizardl [n=lwizardl@adsl-69-208-77-0.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lwizardl | hi | 10:57 |
stdin | Berllioz: I think you'd have to manually add them, ask in #konversation tho | 10:57 |
lwizardl | can someone help me with making a bootable cd using k3b | 10:57 |
Berllioz | stdin: Thanks, I will. | 10:58 |
psyhhix_ | how do i get batteri indicator back to the clock?? | 10:58 |
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ScarFreewill | stdin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33989/ | 10:58 |
stdin | psyhhix_: alt-f2, put in: guidance-power-manager | 10:59 |
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kazuma_ | hi again | 10:59 |
kazuma_ | xD | 10:59 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: is that it :p | 10:59 |
psyhhix_ | thanks ^^ | 10:59 |
kazuma_ | kubuntu has fresh as a lettuce | 10:59 |
ScarFreewill | stdin: yup :( | 10:59 |
kazuma_ | stdin do you remember the code that you gave me firs time? | 11:00 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: what happened to the rest? | 11:00 |
kazuma_ | something with update? xD | 11:00 |
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ScarFreewill | stdin: I cleaned it | 11:00 |
stdin | kazuma_: to do what? | 11:00 |
kazuma_ | when my internet wasn't working well | 11:00 |
kazuma_ | i typed that | 11:00 |
jhutchins | kazuma_: apt-get update/ | 11:00 |
kazuma_ | =O | 11:00 |
kazuma_ | thanks | 11:00 |
kazuma_ | xD | 11:00 |
ScarFreewill | stdin: do you mean "## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe'" bla bla bla... I've got a backup of that stuff.. | 11:00 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: I'd at least add feisty-updates and feisty-security | 11:00 |
ScarFreewill | stdin: ok | 11:01 |
jhutchins | kazuma_: Then you'll probably want apt-get upgrade | 11:01 |
jhutchins | kazuma_: It's a good idea to use aptitude instead. | 11:01 |
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jhutchins | kazuma_: And you'll need sudo | 11:01 |
jhutchins | kazuma_: so: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade | 11:01 |
kazuma_ | =o | 11:01 |
jhutchins | kazuma_: && means "do this as long as the preceeding command didn't fail". | 11:02 |
=== stdin always uses dist-upgrade | ||
drif | any good way to see which files/handles are busy because I can't unmount? | 11:02 |
SlimeyPe1e | drif: lsof <mount path> | 11:02 |
SlimeyPe1e | eg lsof /media/cdrom | 11:02 |
drif | SlimeyPe1e: tried that with various options | 11:02 |
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kazuma_ | =o | 11:02 |
kazuma_ | interesting | 11:02 |
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kazuma_ | cuz an error message appeared | 11:02 |
kazuma_ | xD | 11:02 |
stdin | drif: sudo lsof|grep /mountpoint sometimes works | 11:03 |
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CS5 | Does anyone know if the repositories have any good software for organizing a book writing project? | 11:03 |
ScarFreewill | stdin: just making sure main universe multiverse restricted for feisty-updates and feisty-security? | 11:03 |
=== frax [n=frax@c-024de155.137-6-64736c13.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
drif | stdin: not this time though :-\ | 11:04 |
mistknight | hello everyone, what software is available on linux that could redirect traffic to a socks server? sort of like freecaps? | 11:04 |
kazuma_ | adept update is the same thing? that the command? | 11:04 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: yeah, they all work in them | 11:04 |
ScarFreewill | stdin: I don't think I ever had feisty-updates and feisty-security | 11:04 |
ScarFreewill | I had feisty since alpha3 | 11:04 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: feisty-security is always default | 11:05 |
kaminix | !gutsy | 11:05 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | 11:05 |
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ScarFreewill | stdin: yay its working :D | 11:07 |
drif | stdin: any other suggestions? | 11:08 |
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ScarFreewill | I guess I can do the kde4 installation without editing the debs :D | 11:08 |
stdin | drif: what errors when you try to umount ? | 11:08 |
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drif | stdin: just busy | 11:09 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: editing debs was never a recommended thing anyway :p | 11:09 |
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stdin | drif: hmm | 11:09 |
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drif | stdin: actually twice in a row.. | 11:09 |
kazuma_ | kd4? O.o | 11:09 |
stdin | kazuma_: see /topic | 11:09 |
kazuma_ | is it stable? | 11:09 |
ScarFreewill | stdin: ye but I'm postative i didn't have those... | 11:09 |
Assid | hrmm | 11:10 |
kazuma_ | isn't kd4 a test version? | 11:10 |
Assid | anyone know any decent video card >= geforce 6600GT and priced < $60 ? | 11:10 |
stdin | kazuma_: kd4? | 11:10 |
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kazuma_ | kde4 | 11:10 |
kazuma_ | xD | 11:10 |
kazuma_ | finger mistake | 11:11 |
stdin | Assid: ask in offtopic, and google (or froogel) | 11:11 |
kazuma_ | do you have kde4 stdin? | 11:11 |
ScarFreewill | stdin: there has been quite some bad software that could maybe have caused the repostory to disapear like there was some brakages... with adept and even the kernel ( I even isntalled that one and didn't format | 11:11 |
stdin | kazuma_: i have it available | 11:12 |
trekdanne | hmm what console based (readline or ncursers) jabber (gtalk) client would you recomend? | 11:12 |
ScarFreewill | anyways thanks a lot for the help ! | 11:12 |
kazuma_ | and what is the difference with my kde xD | 11:12 |
stdin | ScarFreewill: no problem :) | 11:13 |
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Assid | stdin: i dont even know which cards are better than that :P | 11:13 |
BluesKaj | hmm, kde4base-dev won't install due to dependency breaks | 11:13 |
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safwan | hello | 11:14 |
BluesKaj | kde4 prolly doesn't like my xorg file with the patched and modded fglrx driver :) | 11:15 |
=== Black5un is now known as ^SuRe|wife | ||
safwan | My adept-manager is greyed out for firefox, how do i install it? | 11:15 |
barb | howto have a script run in the systray "konsole session" rather than the desktop window ? | 11:15 |
coreymon77 | safwan: try doing it with command line apt | 11:16 |
CS5 | Does anyone know if the repositories have any good software for organizing a book writing project? | 11:16 |
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coreymon77 | safwan: sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox | 11:17 |
safwan | <coreymon77>apt-get is also retuning an error | 11:17 |
thorlinux | part | 11:17 |
coreymon77 | safwan: try running apt-get update first | 11:17 |
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coreymon77 | and whats the error? | 11:18 |
safwan | <coreymon77>Oh! ok. | 11:18 |
safwan | <coreymon77>I will update it first. Thanks. | 11:18 |
JohnFlux | CS5: latex :-D | 11:18 |
coreymon77 | safwan: btw, you dont need the <>, just my nickname and a colon will do just fine | 11:18 |
CS5 | JohnFlux, TY will give it a shot | 11:18 |
kazuma_ | my internet doesn't work with konqueror | 11:18 |
kazuma_ | why xd | 11:18 |
JohnFlux | !doesntwork | 11:19 |
ubotu | Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 11:19 |
JohnFlux | kazuma_: ^^ :) | 11:19 |
BluesKaj | safwan,open adept/manage repositories/, check the the first 4boxes ounder the kubuntu software tab | 11:19 |
JohnFlux | kazuma_: possibly a proxy problem | 11:20 |
kazuma_ | yeah i thought | 11:20 |
JohnFlux | ! proxy | kazuma_ | 11:20 |
ubotu | kazuma_: The #ubuntu channel and related channels ban users joining from anonymous gateways like tor/silenceisdefeat/cgi:irc because the abuse:useful ratio is close to infinity:nothing -- project cloaks will let you join, otherwise you should simply not use an anonymizer. | 11:20 |
ubotu | Attention tor users. You may think you are anonymous, but you are not. Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself. Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc. If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks | 11:20 |
barb | ok if i want konsole to drop into the systray what's the command ? | 11:20 |
JohnFlux | kazuma_: opps | 11:20 |
JohnFlux | kazuma_: wrong message sorry | 11:20 |
kazuma_ | well | 11:20 |
kazuma_ | my problem is | 11:20 |
kazuma_ | that | 11:20 |
kazuma_ | i have internet with an usb modem that gives me signal | 11:21 |
CS5 | JohnFlux, Wow, there are alot of Latex related entries, Any idea's on which would be most needed? ALL, or Some? | 11:21 |
kazuma_ | but | 11:21 |
JohnFlux | CS5: it's not for the faint of heart | 11:21 |
kazuma_ | all seem good just that i have to use firefox instead of konqueror | 11:21 |
kazuma_ | what should i do xD | 11:21 |
CS5 | JohnFlux, I am not that by any means. | 11:21 |
JohnFlux | CS5: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=simple+latex+guide&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 pick a few, browse | 11:22 |
CS5 | JohnFlux, Latex-cjk-all | 11:22 |
JohnFlux | CS5: cjk means for chinese, japanese and koreans :-) | 11:22 |
CS5 | JohnFlux, Ah ty | 11:22 |
drif | stdin: it seemed time did the trick.. but I saw nothing occupying the device | 11:22 |
CS5 | JohnFlux, TY for the link going to read. | 11:23 |
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JohnFlux | CS5: apt-get install kile tetex-bin tetex-base and run kile | 11:24 |
JohnFlux | CS5: best way to get started imho | 11:24 |
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CS5 | JohnFlux, TY again... | 11:25 |
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psyhhix_ | whats the shortcut key to change desktops? | 11:27 |
trekdanne | Ctr-F2 | 11:28 |
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trekdanne | ctrl-f3 and so on | 11:28 |
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saylar | aloha | 11:28 |
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CS5 | aloha saylar | 11:28 |
saylar | i have to say, screen is really a nice feature | 11:29 |
trekdanne | screen = GNU screen? | 11:30 |
saylar | the commandline screen | 11:30 |
trekdanne | ah yea indeed | 11:30 |
trekdanne | nice program indeed | 11:30 |
saylar | until today i always had several instances of putty running | 11:31 |
trekdanne | hmm yea putty + screen can be quite handy at work .... | 11:33 |
RytmenPinnen | how do you show hidden files and folders in konqueror, or alternatively in the terminal? | 11:33 |
trekdanne | RytmenPinnen: in konsole "ls -a" | 11:34 |
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saylar | ls -la on the commandline. a does ther trick | 11:34 |
stdin | RytmenPinnen: in konqueror, view > show hidden | 11:34 |
RytmenPinnen | ah, thanks | 11:34 |
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stdin | -A is better than -a | 11:34 |
trekdanne | hmm yea -A is without . and .. right? | 11:34 |
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stdin | yep | 11:35 |
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kazuma_ | xD | 11:35 |
kazuma_ | ff | 11:36 |
kazuma_ | -.- | 11:36 |
trekdanne | ff = firefox?? | 11:36 |
kazuma_ | O.o | 11:36 |
kazuma_ | sorry | 11:36 |
kazuma_ | i was checking | 11:36 |
kazuma_ | the colors of irc | 11:36 |
kazuma_ | xD | 11:36 |
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stdin | kazuma_: they are disabled in here | 11:36 |
kazuma_ | but in the second message doesn't appeared xD | 11:36 |
kazuma_ | =o | 11:37 |
kazuma_ | i see | 11:37 |
kazuma_ | xD | 11:37 |
kazuma_ | and why i can see your name in red | 11:37 |
kazuma_ | and trekdanne in lighblue | 11:37 |
RytmenPinnen | hmm, I'm dling a torrent and there's an exec. file in Ktorrent that doesnt show neither in the terminal or konqueror. Ktorrent cant download this file and theres some error saying, "...../dsff is not a directory" | 11:37 |
kazuma_ | xD | 11:37 |
Agent_bob | is there a backport of kdocker for dapper anywhere ? | 11:37 |
stdin | because i put your nickname in | 11:37 |
stdin | Agent_bob: do you have backports enabled ? | 11:37 |
kazuma_ | =o | 11:37 |
trekdanne | RytmenPinnen: can you rephrase that please? | 11:38 |
RytmenPinnen | hmm :) | 11:38 |
jussi01 | !info kdocker dapper | 11:38 |
ubotu | Package kdocker does not exist in dapper | 11:38 |
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Agent_bob | idk. doubt it. but that's not the point. the official page points at http://dinton.no-ip.org/ which i can't reach | 11:38 |
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Agent_bob | points to http://dinton.no-ip.org/ for the kubuntu .deb | 11:39 |
Agent_bob | http://kdocker.sourceforge.net/ | 11:39 |
RytmenPinnen | Ktorrent is trying to download a file that doesnt exist, at least i think so. And there's an error saying "Alex/Torrents/fredrik thordendal - solniger within is not a directory" | 11:39 |
drif | how come scp can transfer just barely 3MB/sec and ftp achieves 10MB/sec? | 11:39 |
kazuma_ | is ubotu a bot? =o | 11:40 |
Agent_bob | kazuma_ yes | 11:40 |
kazuma_ | wow | 11:40 |
stdin | drif: scp is encrypted transfer | 11:40 |
kazuma_ | agent bob | 11:40 |
kazuma_ | do you know about beryl and stuff? | 11:40 |
drif | stdin: yes, but does it really affect so much? | 11:40 |
Agent_bob | kazuma_ no. | 11:40 |
RytmenPinnen | the error itself doesnt point to the hidden(or non existant) exec file but I believe it has something to do with it | 11:40 |
kazuma_ | :( | 11:40 |
Agent_bob | !beryl | kazuma_ | 11:41 |
ubotu | kazuma_: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 11:41 |
Agent_bob | they might be able to help you in ^ | 11:41 |
stdin | drif: well, each packet has to be encrypted and decrypted, that can slow things down some | 11:41 |
trekdanne | RytmenPinnen: heh? strange indeed | 11:41 |
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aguitel | anyone know how to change the boot order in Grub? | 11:42 |
Agent_bob | stdin plus the encription is in each packet isn't it... | 11:42 |
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RytmenPinnen | yup :) I've been downloading the torrent for almost 4 months :D ... btw Ktorrent blocks audio for vlc sometimes, dunno why.. | 11:42 |
stdin | aguitel: you can set the default boot option | 11:42 |
Agent_bob | aguitel yeah edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and re-arrange the order | 11:42 |
drif | RytmenPinnen: are you sure it's Ktorrent's doings? | 11:42 |
aguitel | how edit this ? | 11:43 |
RytmenPinnen | pretty, cause all the times I've shut down Ktorrent vlc plays audio fine | 11:43 |
stdin | Agent_bob, aguitel: that will be reset after an update if you just re-arrange it | 11:43 |
drif | RytmenPinnen: which version? | 11:43 |
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Agent_bob | aguitel as root | 11:43 |
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aguitel | i try | 11:43 |
stdin | aguitel: have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 11:43 |
drif | RytmenPinnen: didn't restarting just vlc work? | 11:43 |
RytmenPinnen | nope | 11:43 |
stdin | aguitel: the line you need to edit is the one with "default 0" on it | 11:44 |
drif | RytmenPinnen: I've faced those audioprobs myself couple of times..but it has always worked after I closed vlc - ktorrent's been runinng on background for ages :D | 11:44 |
drif | -n | 11:44 |
Agent_bob | stdin but that doesn't "rearrange" the order it just preselects the default | 11:44 |
Agent_bob | </shrugs> | 11:45 |
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stdin | Agent_bob: like I said tho, after a kernel update, the order will be rewritten anyway | 11:45 |
RytmenPinnen | hmm, that's wierd... im using ktorrent 2.1 | 11:45 |
drif | Agent_bob: what do you exactly need to do..re-arrange the order of choices or change default boot option? | 11:45 |
drif | RytmenPinnen: same here | 11:46 |
Agent_bob | and wont that also be undone when kernels are added if the order changes then the default number will be a different something ? | 11:46 |
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Agent_bob | drif not me. | 11:46 |
Agent_bob | drif aguitel | 11:46 |
drif | sorry :D got confused.. | 11:46 |
drif | Agent_bob: yeah noticed :D after a brief peek above | 11:47 |
RytmenPinnen | k, I tried to reload the torrent and that exec file is still there, anyone feel like testing you got it too? | 11:47 |
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RytmenPinnen | I'm probably not allowed to link torrents here tho? | 11:47 |
drif | RytmenPinnen: testing what? | 11:47 |
krakrjak | has anyone gotten the Dell E1505n S-Video out working on Feisty? | 11:48 |
RytmenPinnen | the torrent, I reloaded it and that spooky noname exec file is still there | 11:48 |
Agent_bob | RytmenPinnen probably shouldn't. spam is frowned upon and if it's something that may be restricted in some locales then dont' | 11:48 |
kazuma_ | i have a dual core processor | 11:49 |
kazuma_ | that makes my laptop 64bits? xD | 11:49 |
drif | kazuma_: yup, most likely | 11:50 |
kazuma_ | but | 11:50 |
kazuma_ | you see that there's a kubuntu 64bits? | 11:50 |
kazuma_ | but is just for AMD technology right? | 11:50 |
drif | your's is dual core? | 11:50 |
kazuma_ | yeah dude | 11:50 |
drif | -' | 11:50 |
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kazuma_ | but my dual core processor is intel | 11:51 |
kazuma_ | that means the other kubuntu doesn't work for me? | 11:51 |
kazuma_ | xD | 11:51 |
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Agent_bob | will it break things if i install the feisty package of kdocker in dapper ? bet it has bad deps | 11:51 |
jhutchins | kazuma_: 64 bit distros are very touchy, you should only use them if you really need them and are prepared to deal with issues like multimedia problems. | 11:51 |
kazuma_ | thanks for the advice | 11:52 |
kazuma_ | fuiuf | 11:52 |
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jhutchins | kazuma_: For regular daily use, use the standard distro. It will work great with your system and take full advantage of the dual core. | 11:52 |
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jhutchins | Agent_bob: Why not just upgrade the system? | 11:53 |
drif | kazuma_: yeah, my bad I meant duo..as for contrast to amd's X2 | 11:53 |
kazuma_ | =o | 11:53 |
kazuma_ | thanks dudes | 11:53 |
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kazuma_ | you're great help | 11:53 |
Agent_bob | jhutchins dialup | 11:54 |
jhutchins | Hm. | 11:54 |
jhutchins | Agent_bob: You'd be better off on a distro that had full cd's available from cheapbytes or somewhere. | 11:54 |
Agent_bob | jhutchins i know. debian etch maybe... | 11:55 |
Daisuke_Laptop | or shipit | 11:55 |
Agent_bob | Daisuke_Laptop no. | 11:55 |
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jhutchins | Daisuke_Laptop: shipit is just the single CD, the whole repositories would be 3 - 4 CD's. | 11:55 |
Daisuke_Laptop | ah ha | 11:55 |
Agent_bob | Daisuke_Laptop doesn't help much you get an install cd that you redownload on the first update... | 11:56 |
Daisuke_Laptop | the whole of the repos would be 3 or 4 dvds... | 11:56 |
jhutchins | I think that's one shortcoming of ubuntu. | 11:56 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | still a minor thing, though | 11:56 |
jhutchins | ? | 11:56 |
Daisuke_Laptop | (for a company to press and ship 3-4 dvds) | 11:56 |
Daisuke_Laptop | a small fee, sure, but it's feasible | 11:57 |
jhutchins | Daisuke_Laptop: It's a massive headache. | 11:57 |
CS5 | JohnFlux, Ty this Kile and Latex, are exceptional programs, I can see that although it will take some time to use them to their capacity, I can also see how much it will help in the feat I am partaking in. Thank you very much. | 11:57 |
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jhutchins | Daisuke_Laptop: They've got to deal with the six month release cycle, overstock and understock. It's a pain. | 11:57 |
krakrjak | has anyone gotten TV out working on Feisty? | 11:57 |
jhutchins | Daisuke_Laptop: Some companies like cheapbytes specialize in doing short runs for a reasonable price. | 11:57 |
Agent_bob | jhutchins not to mention the updates | 11:57 |
Agent_bob | *buntu updates to much. | 11:58 |
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jhutchins | not as bad as gentoo. | 11:58 |
Agent_bob | implies to me that it wasn't really ready when released... | 11:58 |
JohnFlux | CS5: there's a #latex channel btw if (when) you have problems :) | 11:58 |
jhutchins | Agent_bob: I don't think that's really fair. | 11:58 |
jhutchins | Agent_bob: Fedora doesn't update much, and never backports, and they basically suck. | 11:58 |
Agent_bob | jhutchins no ? | 11:58 |
CS5 | JohnFlux, Great to know, You are a wealth of knowledge. TY | 11:59 |
Agent_bob | hehhe i wasn't comparing to fedora | 11:59 |
kazuma_ | Fedora was good xD | 11:59 |
yeniklasorr | How to delete all files in a folder without a spesific file with terminal ? | 11:59 |
jhutchins | Agent_bob: So many components are in constant development, and if they went with the most stable version of each one and never backported or updated... well, you'd have Fedora. | 11:59 |
kazuma_ | what is latex? O.o | 11:59 |
jhutchins | kazuma_: RedHat was good. | 11:59 |
kazuma_ | well that's true too | 11:59 |
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JohnFlux | CS5: also if you add jam when mashing sweet potatoes, it makes them taste extra nice | 12:00 |
Agent_bob | hehhe i wasn't actually comparing to any distro. just think that most of the bugs should be worked out before release. not shortly there after. | 12:00 |
kazuma_ | hahaha | 12:00 |
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jhutchins | yeniklasorr: copy the specific file somewhere else and delete the folder. | 12:00 |
JohnFlux | CS5: there. my total world knowledge :) | 12:00 |
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Agent_bob | jhutchins or if you waited until it was stable you'd have debian ? | 12:01 |
jhutchins | Agent_bob: From what I've seen, most of the updates aren't ubuntu bugs - they're updates from the upstream projects. | 12:01 |
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jhutchins | Agent_bob: I guess, from what I hear. Never done deb. | 12:01 |
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alain__ | anyone here know ati and compiz conf ? | 12:02 |
Agent_bob | yeah that's cause upstream is the "testing" version of debian "where they are working out the bugs..." | 12:02 |
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JohnFlux | Agent_bob: there are 10,000 packages. there's going to be some updates :-) | 12:02 |
kazuma_ | what's the most used OS? | 12:02 |
JohnFlux | windows | 12:02 |
kazuma_ | =O | 12:03 |
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Agent_bob | JohnFlux so is ok. the whole system within 5 weeks of release is not acceptable | 12:03 |
JohnFlux | kazuma_: in the linux world, ubuntu | 12:03 |
Agent_bob | so/some/ | 12:03 |
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jhutchins | !ati | alain__ | 12:03 |
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alain__ | yes jhutchins | 12:04 |
stdin | Agent_bob: upstream is not debian, it's the people who make it, the actual project | 12:04 |
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jhutchins | alain__: Hang on a sec... that was supposed to trigger the bot, but it's dead. | 12:04 |
Agent_bob | stdin ? | 12:04 |
alain__ | ati xpress 200m on a compaq presario v2000, | 12:04 |
kazuma_ | wow, i began with fedora, the i went to suse, and now to kubuntu now that's a change | 12:04 |
Agent_bob | stdin what project ? | 12:04 |
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alain__ | when i run compiz i get this message, no composite and no metacity jhutchins | 12:05 |
stdin | Agent_bob: depends on the package | 12:05 |
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jhutchins | alain__: Sounds like something's missing. | 12:05 |
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stdin | compiz in feisty doesn't work well with kubuntu | 12:05 |
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alain__ | no composite extension | 12:05 |
alain__ | and no metacity | 12:06 |
Agent_bob | stdin does ubuntu port the bulk of their code from debian sid ? | 12:06 |
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stdin | alain__: with ati, you need the fglrx driver and xgl | 12:06 |
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CS5 | JohnFlux, sounds good may try it, lol. I am sure you have more in ya if you dig really deep... | 12:06 |
stdin | Agent_bob: yes, but that's not upstream | 12:06 |
alain__ | i got th fglrx on | 12:06 |
alain__ | because i got rendering | 12:06 |
aguitel | std,compiz and beryl don't work well in kubuntu with me | 12:06 |
stdin | !xgl | alain__ | 12:06 |
alain__ | but i aint sure aboutxgl | 12:06 |
stdin | ... | 12:06 |
jhutchins | stdin: missingbot | 12:06 |
Agent_bob | heh symantics... where something flows from is always upstream to where it flows to... | 12:07 |
raquel_ | I'm having a problem with Adept - it will not shut down and the aps that I requested to be installed are yet to be installed, I can't kill the Adept (tried contless times) any ideas? | 12:07 |
stdin | jhutchins: it just rejoined | 12:07 |
kazuma_ | what is compiz fusion? | 12:07 |
jhutchins | !ati | alain__ | 12:07 |
alain__ | how do i find out if xgl is installed | 12:07 |
alain__ | !ati | 12:07 |
ubotu | alain__: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 12:07 |
jhutchins | Poor bot. | 12:07 |
drif | suggestions for flags/options when mounting a storage space over nfs? | 12:07 |
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drif | storage/workspace | 12:08 |
ubotu | alain__: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:08 |
stdin | Agent_bob: that's not where the fixes come from | 12:08 |
alain__ | i think i got the right driver | 12:08 |
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raquel_ | Any help with Adept?? | 12:08 |
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Agent_bob | stdin the fixes from packages don't come from the updates in debian sid ? | 12:08 |
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jhutchins | raquel_: ctrl-alt-esc | 12:09 |
stdin | Agent_bob: most don't, no | 12:09 |
stdin | Agent_bob: debian sid take a lot of patches from ubuntu | 12:09 |
jhutchins | Agent_bob: Mostly the fixes developed by ubuntu get pushed upstream to debian, or to the original projects. | 12:09 |
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Agent_bob | ah wherl pool | 12:09 |
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raquel_ | jhutchis - erm yeah I can 'close' the window - but it is appearing to be running on the task thingy and I can't kill it - | 12:10 |
jhutchins | Agent_bob: Remember most of Linux isn't developed by debian or ubuntu or RedHat, most of it is independent projects. | 12:10 |
stdin | I think he knows that | 12:10 |
waylandbill | debian sid tends to have more new stuff introduced than security fixes. It gets both, but newer unstable code is another issue to be monitored. | 12:10 |
Agent_bob | jhutchins yeah i'm well aware of that. | 12:10 |
rodrigo | someone know very well of Algorithms and Complexity??????? | 12:11 |
stdin | !br | 12:11 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 12:11 |
jhutchins | Wow. seven question marks.. Must be important! | 12:11 |
kazuma_ | what is beryl brainstorm? | 12:11 |
Agent_bob | so back to my origenal Q anyone know if you can have konsole start in the systray ? | 12:11 |
Agent_bob | without kdocker that is ^ | 12:12 |
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stdin | don't think you can... | 12:12 |
stdin | yakuake is what I tend to use anyway | 12:12 |
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jhutchins | what good would a konsole in the systray be? | 12:12 |
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=== raquel_ is so confused about this adept thing - I just want it to install my games and Firefox... | ||
kazuma_ | then use konsole xD | 12:13 |
Agent_bob | rodrigo might be more helpful to just ask your question rather than fishing for "maybe i can, maybe i can't " answers | 12:13 |
jhutchins | !adeptfix | raquel_ | 12:13 |
ubotu | raquel_: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 12:13 |
Assid | hrmm | 12:13 |
Assid | i wanna get the mac type dock | 12:13 |
waylandbill | yakuake is nice for being available at an F12 keypress. | 12:13 |
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elite101 | what desktop enviorment does "Xubuntu" | 12:14 |
jussi01 | !info kibadock | Assid | 12:14 |
ubotu | assid: Package kibadock does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 12:14 |
stdin | elite101: xfce | 12:14 |
elite101 | okay | 12:14 |
waylandbill | !info yakuake | 12:14 |
ubotu | yakuake: a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.5-4ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 73 kB, installed size 512 kB | 12:14 |
Agent_bob | jhutchins depends on what is running in the konsole in the systray now doesn't it... | 12:14 |
raquel_ | Be back going to attempt this ... | 12:15 |
Assid | no such thing | 12:15 |
jhutchins | Agent_bob: I can't understand how that would make any sense. | 12:15 |
stdin | Agent_bob: yakuake is nice, it "folds" to the op of the screen (so you can't see it) and then can "unfold" back | 12:15 |
jhutchins | Agent_bob: a konsole in the systray would be too small to show anything useful. | 12:15 |
stdin | Agent_bob: activated by a key press | 12:15 |
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