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thumpermdke: not yet but soon12:38
thumpermdke: right now, every branch stored in launchpad is complete by itself12:39
thumpervery handy for isolation, but not so good for efficiency or speed12:39
thumpermdke: changes are planned12:39
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takdiri have a problem01:36
takdirhow to solve this problem01:36
takdirbzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.  Try using "merge" and then "push".01:36
mayecomeeting today?01:59
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mptGooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!05:30
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ubotuNew bug: #132860 in Launchpad Bugs "Package details portlet missing from bug page on edge (and presumably 1.1.8)" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13286006:36
ubotuNew bug: #132863 in Launchpad Bugs "New (1.1.8) UI to open BugTask edit form is a readability regression" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13286306:45
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ubotuNew bug: #132869 in launchpad-bazaar "bzr://bazaar.launchpad.net/ times out" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13286908:30
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lifelessmpt: 1394 4266 - same, total.08:35
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mptthanks lifeless 08:36
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matkorHi. When adding my branch to project (https://code.launchpad.net/bzr-gtk/+addbranch) what should I put in "Branch URL" - I would like branch to be hosted on launchpad TIA08:55
matkorActually I have changes of trunk branch of bzr-gtk on my laptop - but I was asked to publish the branch somewhere with best option being launchpad08:58
RAOFThen you should just be able to push it.08:59
RAOFYou don't need to register it beforehand.08:59
RAOFmatkor: "bzr push sftp://lpnick@bazaar.launchpad.net/~lpnick/project/branch-name" is what you're after.09:00
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HobbseeRAOF: you need to register the project, but can leave the URL blank09:00
RAOFHobbsee: True, but bzr-gtk is already registered.09:01
RAOF(I'm pretty sure)09:01
HobbseeRAOF: ah, right.  yes09:01
HobbseeRAOF: i'd not looked at which specific project it was09:01
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RAOFHobbsee: :)09:01
Hobbseeyes, you can just bzr push, as said above09:01
HobbseeRAOF: since when am i known to read *all* lines?09:02
RAOFHobbsee: Since you became core-dev, on the release team, and generally with awesome powers.09:02
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RAOFHobbsee: Also, the ability to command sea-creatures.09:02
HobbseeRAOF: ah right.09:03
matkorRAOF: So should I put "http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr-gtk/trunk-matkor" as Branch URL in "Register a branch" webpage , right ?09:03
SpadsRAOF: Ability to telepathically communicate with corn.09:03
RAOFmatkor: Um, you could.  I generally just push first, ask questions later :)09:03
matkorok ;)09:04
Hobbseegreetings, Spads 09:05
Spadsmorning, Hobbsee 09:06
thumpermatkor: no09:19
thumpermatkor: currently the register a branch is solely to register a mirrored branch09:19
thumpermatkor: to create a hosted branch (right now) you just push it up09:19
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SpadsWhen you push a branch up to your personal bazaar.lp.n space, can you push it up to just any old project directory at all, or do you need to be a member of the project?09:23
matkorthumper: OK. Thank you very much ! I got it now.09:24
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jameshSpads: any project09:38
jameshSpads: you didn't need permission to make your changes, so it'd be a bit silly if you needed permission to publish them :)09:39
Spadsjamesh: okay, the reason I ask is that i tried to help someone test out hosted branches, and he had trouble pushing.  I suspected it was a problem with his key, but worried that it might be that I had access he didn't.  Thanks.09:42
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mdkethumper: great, thanks for the information09:53
Hobbseemorning mrevell 09:54
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mrevellMorning Hobbsee09:54
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Hobbseemorning carlos!09:57
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mdamtHow long a bzr branch can be viewed from the launchpad after it is pushed?10:59
mdamtOne of my team pushed his branch but the launchpad says "     Launchpad could not mirror this branch     1 hours ago.            The error was:       Not a branch: sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~blankon-pemaket/blankon/gnome-panel"11:00
mdamtTried using bzr cli also the same.11:00
mwhudsonmdamt: congratulations, you have been confused by launchpad11:00
mwhudsonwhere is the branch?11:01
mdamtYesterday we got the same error for different branch, but at night I tried again to branch it using bzr cli and it was succesfull. (But that was after about > 5 hours waiting)11:02
=== mwhudson hms
mwhudsonmdamt: did your team member get disconnected while pushing or something?11:09
mwhudsonthe data is there, but it's not been published correctly for some reason11:09
mwhudsonif you're in the team, you can probably access it via the sftp url11:10
mdamtNo, he pushed throughly without problems.11:11
mdamtYes I can see the .bzr folder.11:12
mdamtBut what is .bzr without bzr :-)11:13
mwhudsonwell, you can do11:14
mwhudsonbzr get sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~blankon-pemaket/blankon/gnome-panel11:14
mwhudsonthis is all very unsatisfactory though11:14
mwhudsonwe're working on making this publishing process more reliable11:14
mdamtWhat's the difference with the "branch" command?11:15
mdamtI don't see the "get" in manpage.11:15
mwhudsonthey're synonyms11:15
mdamtBut why bzr branch fails?11:16
mwhudsonit does?11:16
thumpermwhudson: suggest bzr+ssh11:16
mdamtYes, bzr branch http://.... fails. Is this because the http is out-of.sync?11:16
thumpermdamt: what's your lp id?11:16
mwhudsonmdamt: yes11:17
mdamtthumper: mdamt11:17
mdamtAh ok.11:17
mdamtThat explains it.11:17
thumperbzr branch bzr+ssh://mdamt@bazaar.launchpad.net/~blankon-pemaket/blankon/gnome-panel11:17
thumpermdamt: see if that works11:17
mwhudsonmdamt: the http:// mirror will get updated though it might take 6 hours for it to be tried again :(11:18
mdamtthumper: It works. Thanks.11:18
thumpermdamt: good11:18
mdamtOk guys thanks alot.11:18
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mdamtNow I should tell my build robot to use bzr+ssh instead of http.11:18
mdamtThanks again, you rock!11:18
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Belutzhi all12:28
Belutzi get errors when i do bzr commit12:28
Belutzthe error is like this:12:28
Belutzbelutz@foss-id:~/blankon/paket-siap-bangun$ bzr commit12:28
Belutzbzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.UnlockableTransport: Cannot lock: transport is read only: <bzrlib.transport.http._pycurl.PyCurlTransport url=http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~blankon-pemaket/blankon/paket-siap-bangun/.bzr/repository/>12:28
Belutzwhat may cause that?12:29
mwhudsonyou typed "bzr co lp:something" ?12:30
mwhudsonessentially your branch is bound (do you know what this means?) to another branch that is accessed over a read-only transport12:31
Belutzmwhudson, yes i did12:31
mwhudsoni think typing 'bzr bind sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~blankon-pemaket/blankon/paket-siap-bangun' should sort you out12:31
Belutzok, let me try first12:32
mwhudsonif you really want a bound branch that is, and didn't just type "co" because it's what you do with svn12:32
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Belutzsorry i clicked the wrong button 12:33
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mwhudsoni was a little surprised :)12:38
Belutzmwhudson, it works :)12:38
Belutzmwhudson, thanks :)12:38
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mwhudsonBelutz: cool12:42
mwhudsonat some point, pushing to lp:// urls should work12:42
Belutzmwhudson, you means that instead of commit i could just push it ?12:44
mwhudsonum no12:46
mwhudsonwell, that is true, but it's not what i meant12:46
jameshBelutz: currently an lp: URL resolves to a read-only location12:47
Belutzah, that's why we have to push using sftp:// right?12:48
Belutzso, can i do bzr co sftp:// ?12:49
jameshBelutz: yes12:51
mwhudson'bzr co' sort of combines two steps12:52
mwhudson'bzr co url dir' == 'bzr branch url dir; cd dir; bzr bind url'12:53
mwhudsonyou can think of 'svn co' as being kind of similar, but svn working trees are always associated with a remote repository, so it seems a bit forced there12:53
Belutzi see12:54
Belutzthanks for the info :)12:55
mwhudsoni hope i'm not being too confusing12:56
mwhudsonbzr can behave quite like svn, which is great when it's what you want12:56
mwhudsonbut i worry that sometimes people start using it this way basically by accident12:56
Belutzactually i have never use svn before 12:57
mwhudsonoh ok12:57
mwhudsoncongratulations :)12:58
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ubotuNew bug: #132925 in blueprint "OOPS adding dependency to a distribution blueprint" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13292503:30
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=== takdir do "bzr commit"
takdirbut i got this message03:37
takdirbzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.UnlockableTransport: Cannot lock: transport is read only: <bzrlib.transport.http._urllib.HttpTransport_urllib url=http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~blankon-pemaket/blankon/paket-siap-bangun/.bzr/repository/>03:37
takdirhow to solve that problem ?03:37
takdirTraceback (most recent call last):03:38
takdir  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/commands.py", line 729, in run_bzr_catch_errors03:38
takdir    return run_bzr(argv)03:38
takdir  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/commands.py", line 691, in run_bzr03:38
takdir    ret = run(*run_argv)03:38
takdirect ..03:38
jameshtakdir: from the sound of it, you've created a checkout of a read-only location03:39
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jameshtakdir: it is possible to unbind the branch so that you can commit.  You can then publish the branch to some other location03:40
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jameshtakdir: actually, by the look of it you are a member of the team who owns the branch03:41
jameshtakdir: try the following two commands:03:42
jameshbzr unbind03:42
jameshbzr bind sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~blankon-pemaket/blankon/paket-siap-bangun03:42
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takdirjamesh: thx .. it's work :)03:48
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jameshtakdir: out of interest, how did you create your local branch?03:49
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jameshtakdir: we'd prefer it if people didn't run into your error, so there might be something we can improve03:50
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takdirbzr init --format=dirstate-tags03:52
takdirafter i push ... i've got this message :03:54
takdirbzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.  Try using "merge" and then "push". 03:54
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sinzu1Turn your head and cough.04:00
carlosRinchen: too fast!04:01
schwukRinchen: you'll set everyone off!04:01
Rinchensorry, just clearing my throat04:01
RinchenSteveA 04:01
shirishIs the launchpad users happening now or there is still time04:02
barryway to go Rinchen, running sinzui off like that :)04:02
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Rinchenshirish, yep, we're just about to get started04:02
matsubarashirish: the users meeting was yesterday. today is the developers meeting04:02
mrevellshirish: This is the Launchpad developer's meeting. user's meeting was yesterday.04:02
RinchenYeah, ^^04:02
schwukbarry: you summoned him!04:02
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:mrevell] : Launchpad - https://launchpad.net/ | Next developer meeting: Thu 23 Aug 2007, 1400UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Launchpad help: https://help.launchpad.net | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
=== Rinchen gets more coffee.
shirishdrats missed04:02
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mrevellshirish: No worries, mail me with anything you'd like to raise - or PM me -04:02
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mrevelloh, you've gone04:02
barryschwuk: just a small display of my awesome irc powers :)04:03
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RinchenSteveA 04:03
=== Rinchen searches for the right wires to connect.
schwukbarry: see if you can summon a meeting then :)04:04
ddaaRinchen: you ring him?04:04
=== barry concentrates
=== barry wrinkles his brow
Rinchengood idea ddaa04:04
bigjoolsbarry doing his Hiro impression huh? :)04:04
mptWe can summon SteveA if we all think really nice thoughts04:04
gmbDon't strain anything, Barry04:04
schwukbigjools: lol04:04
=== jsk claps his hands
=== barry pulls an eyebrow muscle
=== ddaa thinks of unspeakable baby jesus devices
gmbOh, someone brought a seal to the meeting.04:04
Hobbseeawww, an otter would have been far more fun!04:05
mrevellddaa: baby jebus?04:05
barryi think there's a law that says when a meeting gets too silly, it's over04:05
ddaamrevell: you do not want to know04:05
=== intellectronica going to silbs' birthday party until the meeting starts for real
gmbddaa: I really hope you aren't thinking of what I think you're thinking of.04:05
schwukgmb: it was in case we needed anything approved04:05
barryHobbsee: we saw some excellent otters at the madison WI zoo!04:05
ddaagmb: I am afraid I am.04:05
Hobbseebarry: :D04:05
gmbOh, dear.04:05
Hobbseebarry: sounds good.04:05
Hobbseebarry: @ the law04:05
bigjoolsI've got a water 'otter in my kitchen04:06
Rinchenmpt, SteveA is having connection difficulties at the moment. Would you care to start us off until he gets sorted?04:06
Hobbseebigjools: bring it in, it'll provide some good entertainment for the meeting04:06
RinchenThank you sir04:06
mptThank you for all waiting patiently04:06
mptFor the next 40 minutes or so we'll be discussing Launchpad development04:06
=== barry gets serious again
mptExcept for schwuk and jsk, who is here?04:06
bigjoolsHobbsee: It's a kettle - geddit?  water 'otter? .... :)04:06
Hobbseebigjools: :)04:06
carlosmpt: jtv SMS me to say he will be late04:07
Hobbseenot me.  me from the salmon.04:07
carlosdanilos: ?04:07
mpt== Apologies ==04:08
matsubarastub: ?04:08
mptBjornT is excused04:08
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carlosjtv: just in time :-P04:08
mpthi jtv04:08
danilos(intellectronica should apologize for widening my xchat nick column)04:08
mrevellwow, we're a huge team, look at all that meeeeeing04:08
jtvfor once, all internet shops in bangkok are closed...04:08
mpt== Agenda ==04:08
mpt * Next meeting04:08
mpt * Actions from last meeting04:08
mpt * Oops report (Matsubara)04:08
mpt * Critical Bugs (Rinchen)04:08
mpt * Bug tags04:08
schwukmrevell: we're like rabbits!04:08
mpt * Operations report (mthaddon)04:08
mpt * DBA report (stub)04:09
mpt * Sysadmin requests (Rinchen)04:09
mpt * A top user-affecting issue (mrevell)04:09
mpt * 1k branch limits - barry04:09
gmbschwuk: Stay away from me at allhands, k?04:09
mpt * Blockers04:09
mpt== Next meeting ==04:09
mpthi SteveA 04:09
=== mpt hands SteveA the gavel
SteveAactually, you're doing a good job.  why don't you continue?04:09
Rinchenmpt, makes a great meetinb chair :-)04:10
mptSo, next meeting04:10
mptIf anyone here today knows of any reason why we should not hold the next meeting same time next week, let him speak now, or forever hold his peace.04:10
ddaaRinchen: SteveA has more stuffing04:11
=== jtv had a speech ready for this sort of occasion, but somehow it doesn't seem to fit now
mptok, next meeting same time next week then04:11
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mptare there at least 30 days in August? I think so04:11
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:mpt] : Launchpad - https://launchpad.net/ | Next developer meeting: Thu 30 Aug 2007, 1400UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Launchpad help: https://help.launchpad.net | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
danilos23rd would work as well, I guess04:12
schwukmpt 23rd?04:12
mthaddonmpt: 3104:12
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:mpt] : Launchpad - https://launchpad.net/ | Next developer meeting: Thu 23 Aug 2007, 1400UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Launchpad help: https://help.launchpad.net | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
mptDid someone change it earlier?04:12
mpt== Actions from last meeting ==04:12
mptThere were none04:12
schwukwe should have the meeting on the 21st so you can all sing Happy Birthday to me04:13
mpt== Oops report ==04:13
matsubaraToday's oops report is about bugs 132925, 13227004:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 132925 in blueprint "OOPS adding dependency to a distribution blueprint" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13292504:13
ubotuBug 132270 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/132270 is private04:13
matsubaraintellectronica can you take bug 132925?04:13
matsubarajamesh can you take bug 132270?04:13
ubotuBug 132270 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/132270 is private04:13
intellectronicai can take over 132925, shall i?04:14
jameshmatsubara: okay04:14
intellectronicamatsubara: yes (typed before reading your question)04:14
matsubarathanks intellectronica, jamesh 04:14
matsubarampt: back to you, thanks.04:15
mptthank you matsubara 04:15
mpt== Critical bugs ==04:15
RinchenHi, 3 for today:04:15
Rinchenjamesh, what's the status of Bug #131043 please?04:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131043 in launchpad "database adapter serialisation tests disabled" [Critical,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13104304:15
RinchenI need someone to investigate Bug #132422.  barry are you free (enough)?04:15
ubotuBug 132422 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/132422 is private04:15
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Rinchenjtv, is Bug #132660 there just so we remember to do this prior to 04:15
ubotuBug 132660 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/132660 is private04:16
jameshRinchen: they are still disabled04:16
barryRinchen: i will be in a little bit.04:16
Rinchenjamesh, are we going to remain that way for a bit? 04:16
Rinchenbarry, thank you sir04:16
ddaaRinchen: about bug 13260704:16
ubotuBug 132607 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/132607 is private04:16
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ddaa<jml> There's a critical bug filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+bug/13260704:16
ddaa<jml> It's critical because I discovered it earlier this week and needed to add it to the review queue.04:16
ddaa<ddaa> "why hasn't it been caught earlier"04:16
ddaa<jml> "A. We don't have smoke testing for the puller script."04:16
ddaa<jml> there's a fix for that too! look at the review queue ;)04:16
ddaa<jml> "make sync_branches" works for me.04:16
ddaa<jml> I'm still not sure why it wasn't caught in the unit tests. I'll need to talk to James about that (it's a layer / db adapter / zopey thing that I don't quite grok)04:16
ddaa<ddaa> so IIUC, this bug is actually a consequence of https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+bug/121647 04:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121647 in launchpad-bazaar "Migrate all of authserver to SQLObject" [Medium,Fix committed]   - Assigned to Jonathan Lange (jml)04:16
jameshRinchen: I think so. (in the short term)04:16
ddaa<jml> right, the fix involved calls to removeSecurityProxy()04:16
RinchenThanks ddaa 04:17
Rinchenjamesh, ok, consequently I'll keep asking you about this during these meetings. :-)  Thanks04:17
Rinchen<Rinchen> jtv, is Bug #132660 there just so we remember to do this prior to 04:17
Rinchen<Rinchen> release?04:17
ubotuBug 132660 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/132660 is private04:17
Rinchenor carlos or danilo ^^04:17
jtv_Rinchen: yes04:18
jtv_(sorry, had to look up the number)04:18
danilosRinchen: jtv has not discussed it with us so far04:18
danilosRinchen: ah, ok, here he is04:18
jtv_danilos: it's nothing, no problem whatsoever, all under control04:18
Rinchenjtv_, ok, that's an interesting use for critical bugs.  :-)04:18
jtv_Rinchen: it seemed fitting...04:18
Rinchenanyway, thank you.  mpt, back to you04:18
mptthanks Joey04:19
mpt== Bug tags ==04:19
SteveAso, there's one bug tag proposed04:19
matsubarawhat's the difference between importqueue and the rosetta-imports one?04:19
SteveAdanilo proposed it with some examples04:19
SteveAand also said that maybe we can just use 'rosetta-imports'04:20
mwhudsoni thought this was going to be some mysterious thing about code imports04:20
ddaaI think it would be better to use rosetta-imports04:20
mwhudson+1 for an unambiguous names :)04:20
danilosmatsubara: the difference is that one is concerning totally unrelated code (importqueue)04:20
ddaasee mwhudson's confusion04:20
mptexcept that we're trying to get away from "rosetta", right?04:20
SteveAso I want to ask danilo, carlos and jtv, would using the existing rosetta-imports be sufficient?04:20
ddaaor translation-imports04:20
SteveAmpt: that's a good point.  however, renaming the existing tag or tags is another conversation than this one04:20
danilosSteveA: imo, not, since those are breakages with imports, and are generally affecting everybody04:20
mptYes, my point applies only if introducing a new tag04:21
danilos"importqueue" ones only affect rosetta-admins (i.e. jtv, carlos, myself at the moment)04:21
jtv_So one alternative might be to have a new tag for "this only directly matters to admins"?04:21
SteveAdanilos: I don't understand what you mean "generally affecting everybody"04:21
ddaabut please no "importfoo" tags without qualification of the affected domain (code, translations, bugs, etc)04:21
carlosjtv_: I hope you have a shorter name for that...04:21
SteveAyou mean all developers?04:21
SteveAddaa: I've noted your concen04:21
danilosjtvexcept that "importqueue" also means that you can work independently on importqueue ones from other rosetta code04:21
carlosSteveA: all users that import translations in Launchpad04:22
danilosSteveA: well, all rosetta users as well04:22
SteveAso, what bad thing would happen04:22
danilosSteveA: "importqueue" are only those bugs which concern about the mechanics of translation import queue04:22
SteveAif you used rosetta-imports for this purpose?04:22
danilosif we use 'rosetta-imports', then we lose the advantage of easily finding bugs which are only related to rosetta-admins, and which affect all users04:23
danilosalso, 'importqueue' bugs would tend to be similar and related, and when you fix one, it may be trivial for you to fix some other one04:24
SteveAhow many bugs total are we talking about?04:24
SteveA10, 20,40?04:24
daniloscurrent 'rosetta-imports' bugs can be in any part of rosetta code04:24
danilosSteveA: I'd say atm, 10-2004:25
danilos(haven't gone through entire list of bugs though)04:25
Rinchendanilos, do you have an estimate on how many queue bugs you have?04:25
danilosRinchen: see above04:26
Rinchenso about the same number04:26
SteveAI don't object if you want a rosetta-importqueue to go along with rosetta-imports.  I think the distinction may be confusing to rosetta's users though.04:26
SteveAmaybe rosetta-admin-ui is better?04:26
danilosSteveA: aren't bug tags mainly a tool for developers? and I hate 'rosetta-importqueue' since it's too long04:26
SteveAthat way, it's clear04:26
SteveAtoo long?04:27
danilosI'd rather have 'translations-admin' then, but that may be confusing as well04:27
SteveAbut, you have only 10-20 bugs, and your main concern is distinguishing from other import queue bugs04:27
SteveAhow about admin-ui04:27
SteveAfor any bug related to an admin ui in all of launchpad04:27
danilosthat's a pretty good one as well04:28
Rinchenwe have a UI tag already right mpt?04:28
mptwe do04:28
jtv_but wouldn't identify parser bugs and such04:28
danilosI'd be +1 on that04:28
SteveAmatsubara: what do you think of an admin-ui tag?04:28
mptWe don't yet have the ability to search for multiple tags04:28
danilosjtv_: for parser bugs, we've got rosetta-imports04:28
ddaasounds useful04:28
matsubaraSteveA: I'd rather have an admin one and use it together with the ui one04:28
matsubaraand then fix the bug that makes it possible to search for multiple tags04:28
mptAnd perhaps when mass tagging is implemented, we won't need to have these discussions at all04:29
SteveAI think an 'admin' tag name is confusing04:29
SteveAlike does it mean, FAO an admin04:29
SteveAor about administrative functionality04:29
SteveAor ... ?04:29
jameshperhaps a combination of existing tags would be appropriate?04:29
danilosjamesh: except that, as mpt mentioned, we can't search on a combination of tags04:29
RinchenI'm not in favour of simply "admin" because it lacks clarity.04:29
SteveAI agree with Rinchen04:30
jameshdanilos: we should fix that :)04:30
SteveAso, we've been discussing this for 10 mins04:30
SteveAtime to stop04:30
SteveAdanilos: I'm not rejecting your proposal, but I'm not accepting it in this meeting either04:30
mptSo, no decision today04:30
SteveAplease take note that04:30
SteveA - ddaa pointed out how a name could be confusing with vcs imports04:30
SteveA - mpt pointed out we may want to change from rosetta- to translations- anyway04:31
SteveA - various people pointed out ideas of combining more generic tags04:31
SteveA - Rinchen pointed out that 'admin' alone lacks clarity04:31
SteveAI think those are the main points04:31
danilosSteveA: ok, so do I need to prepare better arguments, or try to go with something else?04:31
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SteveAdanilos: discuss it on your team, and propose something that takes these points into account for next week04:32
danilosSteveA: ok, thanks04:32
mptthanks SteveA 04:32
mptand thanks danilos 04:32
mptmoving on04:32
mpt== Operations report ==04:32
mthaddonNew script server provisioned and DB access set up - few final steps before it can go live04:33
mthaddonEdge has been tested with apache load balancer from vanadium - needs to have Nagios checks and separate IP addresses and then ready to go live04:33
mthaddonStaging seems to be hung running update-pkgcache - will need some troubleshooting help after the meeting04:33
mthaddonA reminder that I'll be away from tomorrow to Tuesday - returning on Wednesday in time for the release (I know, the timing is terrible) - contact the IS team if you need anything in my absence04:33
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mthaddonI think that's it from me unless there are any questions about those items04:33
SteveAmthaddon: who is our point of contact on the IS team in your absence?04:33
danilosmthaddon: how are we to do testing requiring running scripts on staging?04:33
danilos(or anyone else)04:34
mthaddondanilos: contact IS04:34
danilosmthaddon: ok, thanks04:34
mptthanks Tom04:34
mthaddonSteveA: I would start with elmo and he'll put you in touch with whoever can help if it's not him04:34
mpt== DBA report (stub) ==04:34
SteveAmthaddon: ok, so it's elmo.04:34
stubDB patch reviews for this cycle are done. I've still got abel's hwdatabase patch I would like to get through, but I suspect it won't get through in time as it will need discussion with Mark and maybe others.04:34
stubLand your branches with approved db patches.04:34
stubI would like opinions on if I should revert the bug text indexes to GIN and put up with the occasional OOPS from PostgreSQL, or leave it as it is using GIST indexes and put up with timeouts. I can't give a figure on the proportion of timeouts will be stopped by switching back to GIN.04:34
stubNothing else to report.04:34
mptthanks stub 04:35
mpt== Sysadmin requests (Rinchen) ==04:35
ddaasomething to add here04:35
Rinchengo 4 it04:35
RinchenSome news on the RT front:  I'm officially helping out bzr with their RT requests now. This should also benefit our bzr-lp team (ddaa, mwhudson, thumper, and jml).04:35
RinchenIS has been a bit more busy than normal this week (and last) so if you have RT requests in the system please be patient. Don't hesitate to contact me though.04:35
SteveAmthaddon: I think it's important we have a distinct point of contact when you're away, and not "the is team", as we can get a "tragedy of the commons" with a team taking responsibility for something.  I mean no poor reflection on the IS team.  It's just sound practice.04:36
ddaamwhudson and I are currently working intensely on a new db patch for the code-import infrastructure, that we hope to get through in this cycle.04:36
RinchenDoes anyone have any high priority RT requests that you'd like for me to look into?04:36
mthaddonSteveA: ok - just checking now 04:36
SteveAstub: can we use GIN and GIST indexes for different things, at the same time, in the same database04:36
mthaddonSteveA: have just confirmed with elmo that he's okay to be the main point of contact04:36
danilosSteveA: afaik, we can04:36
SteveAthanks mthaddon 04:36
stubSteveA: Not with the current code, and maybe not after that even04:37
SteveAstub: is that a limitation on our code, or on postgres?04:37
stubSteveA: I don't think that helps with our problem though04:37
stubSteveA: Either our code or tsearch2. We can set up two indexes, but we need to tell tsearch2 to use one rather than the other. And again, I'm not sure what that would solve.04:38
SteveAstub: keep two indexes, retry with slower index when we hit a failure?04:38
SteveAmpt: thanks, I'm done with my asynchronous questions.04:39
mptand that seems all for RT requests too04:39
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mpt== A top user-affecting issue (mrevell) ==04:39
mrevellThis week's user affecting issue comes from yesterday's users meeting. That meeting has also thrown up an interesting email from the Nexenta team - on the launchpad-users list- as they would like to make greater use of Launchpad. I'll post a report of the meeting to the launchpad-users list.04:39
mrevellOne person attending the meeting said he thought it was odd that Launchpad doesn't offer web space for registered projects. This issue is raised from time to time but, to my mind, web hosting is sufficiently cheap that this shouldn't be a priority for LP.04:39
mrevellI wanted to raise it as I'm interested to know if the team feels this is something that Launchpad should be doing.04:39
stubSteveA: Possibly both our code *and* tsearch2. We would need to rewrite our search stuff to use a savepoint so it can back out and retry a dud query, and then need to tell tsearch2 what index to use at query time rather than using its config.04:39
mptmrevell, probably more hassle than expense04:39
mrevellmpt: Yeah, I can imagine all manner of problems04:40
mrevellmpt: not least security related.04:40
barrymrevell: web hosting is definitely handy for some subset of floss projects04:40
mrevellbarry: Yeah? Any examples?04:40
Rinchensourceforge offers it :-)04:41
mrevellRinchen: Which is why I think people occasionally expect us to.04:41
barrymrevell: ones i've been involved with: mailman, jython/jpython, ht2html, other smaller ones04:41
barryRinchen: yes04:41
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intellectronicamrevell: would a wiki be sufficient for most projects that don't already have their own hosts? We already have the help wiki integrated, so maybe just using the same could be a good start04:41
SteveAmrevell: I've taken note of the idea04:41
mrevellSteveA: thanks.04:41
SteveAmpt: I don't think we should spend time discussing this in this meeting though04:41
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mptthis is a mailing list / spec sort of thing04:42
mrevellmpt: I'll raise it on the list.04:42
mptthanks mrevell 04:42
mpt== 1k branch limits (barry) ==04:42
barryso, an issue came up in the eu/us reviewers meeting regarding really big branches (10k+ lines)04:42
cproverr, I feel guilty 04:43
barrythese are very difficult to review04:43
=== barry is not pointing any fingers as he's been guilty himself
barrykiko proposed a 1k # of lines limit on branches04:43
danilosmost my branches end up being between 1k and 2k diffs, so I'd hate that ;)04:43
carloscprov: don't worry, this time is my fault :-(04:43
barryover that limit and a reviewer is allowed to summarily reject the patch04:44
gmbbarry: Is that including deletions or is it just additions?04:44
cprovbut I agree, developers should spend some time dimensioning their branches to be smaller than 1k lines (when it's possible)04:44
barrybut a branch author can push back if s/he feels there is mitigating circumstances (e.g. lots of new sampledata, big deletes, etc)04:44
ddaaour current code-import work, even split reasonably just hardly fit in a 1k limit for some branches.04:44
gmbAh, okay.04:44
mptbarry, anything more?04:45
barrygmb: there's debate about how much deletes should 'count' against that limit.  a reviewer still needs to look at them (e.g. to make sure you're not deleting relevant test), but they are definitely less overhead than additions04:45
gmbI see. Fair enough.04:45
SteveAI think we should work out a metric that reflects time-to-review better than line of diff04:45
barrympt: just this...04:45
bigjoolsSteveA: +104:45
SteveAthis would probably use lines of code changed, and weight removed lines less than changes and additions04:46
SteveAbarry: let's chat about that later today04:46
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barrySteveA: okay.  done then.04:46
SteveAbarry: I have some other ideas in this area that I think can make reviewing more predictable04:46
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barrympt: back to you04:46
mpt== Blockers ==04:47
matsubaraTEAM: infrastructure BLOCKED: no04:47
mptTEAM: UI BLOCKED: no04:47
jtvTEAM: Translations BLOCKED: on reviews04:47
salgadoTEAM: Registry BLOCKED: no04:47
adeuringTEAM hardware database:BLOCKED: No04:47
bigjoolsTEAM Soyuz BLOCKED No04:47
statikTEAM: commercialization BLOCKED: no04:47
barryTEAM: mailing lists BLOCKED: er, private xmlrpc ports (SteveA nudge nudge)04:47
ddaaTEAM: code BLOCKED: agreement on new code-import database schema design.04:47
intellectronicaTEAM: blueprint BLOCKED: no04:48
allenapTEAM: bug tracker BLOCKED: no04:48
sinzuiTEAM Answer Tracker BLOCKED: no04:48
SteveAbarry: noted, thanks04:49
mptddaa, do you need help from outside the team for that?04:49
barrySteveA: thanks, maybe we can talk about that today too04:50
SteveAmpt: discussion about ddaa's thing are ongoing04:50
ddaampt: we are already getting the help we need, from tim and stub04:50
mptThen that appears to be everything04:50
Rinchenthanks mpt 04:50
mptThank you everyone04:50
mptI now pronounce you MEETING OVER04:50
SteveAthanks mpt, great job.04:50
mrevellthanks mpt04:50
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mwhudsonthanks mt04:51
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ubotuNew bug: #132971 in malone "When changing a bug's status, Launchpad should require a comment" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13297106:20
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ubotuNew bug: #132987 in launchpad "Form control spacing and alignment needs fixing" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13298707:06
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mdkedo I need a project in launchpad to upload a branch to or can I just use my username? 07:58
mdkeI'm thinking I need one, right?07:59
beunomdke: I believe you need a project08:00
beunoand hello  :D08:00
salgadomdke, I think there's a +junk thing you can use for that08:00
mdkesalgado: is it permissible to use "config"?08:00
beunoand then you can upload to either your username or a team08:01
salgado(I'm just reviewing some code and learning about that)08:01
mdkeI saw this: https://code.launchpad.net/~planet-ubuntu/, and since I want to upload the config for a different planet, it would seem to be similar08:01
beunooh, yes, you can use +junk!08:02
beunocreate branches under there08:02
mdkehmm, that's a nasty word though :)08:02
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beunoit does give the wrong idea...08:03
mdkeSpads: you did the original planet, do you think it's acceptable to use the config project for other planets?08:04
mdkeperhaps it's more consistent with LP policy to create my own project?08:06
SpadsI made that very early in my experience with launchpad08:07
Spadsso I didn't know I was making it in a global namespace08:07
mdkeoh ok08:07
SpadsI'd have to look at how the access rights to the branch are handled.  I think it's probably a good idea if and only if it retains the property that only ubuntu members have write access to the planet ubuntu config08:09
=== Spads has a look
mdkeI don't intend to automatically merge/install any changes to my own branch, so I'm not too worried about that bit08:10
SpadsHmm, that looks rather specific to planet ubuntu, so I don't know if it would be a good fit for other planets08:10
mdkeI'll create a project and upload it there08:10
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ahmadnassrihey all08:34
ahmadnassrii'm looking for someone to guide me through launchpad .. i have some questions that are left un answered after going through the faq/help08:34
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salgadohi ahmadnassri08:38
salgadojust ask away08:39
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ahmadnassrisalgado: well first of all i would like to know how to cancel/remove a project from launchpad ... foolishly i created one without reading the docs thoroughly and i'm not happy about the setup ... and now search engines have indexed it and that is a big no no for me08:46
salgadoahmadnassri, just file a question (https://launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion) saying which project is that and we'll deactivate it for you08:47
ahmadnassrisalgado: k gonna do that now, though i'm sure i did before ...08:48
ahmadnassrisalgado: my biggest issue is with using bazar, my project uses subversion mainly08:49
salgadoahmadnassri, if you've done it you can see it at https://answers.launchpad.net/people/+me08:49
ahmadnassrisalgado: i tried the svn-import but it doesn't see to work08:49
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salgadoahmadnassri, I think imports have to be approved before we even attempt doing them.  did you ask anybody to approve yours?08:51
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ahmadnassrisalgado: hmm i didn't ask anybody directly the system said it will put it in queue and wait for approval, i waited for a while (weeks) then it said approve and import failed withouth providing more info ..08:53
ahmadnassrisalgado: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/1162608:53
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salgadooh, right. sometimes the imports don't work at first... there are too many corner cases, unfortunately08:58
salgadoddaa is the man to talk to when a code import fails08:59
ddaamwhudson: probably knows better08:59
ddaabut we agree, the system does not give enough feedback08:59
ddaaand we are working hard at this very moment on groundwork to fix this08:59
=== mwhudson looks into it
mwhudsonahmadnassri: which project was it that you wanted to import?09:01
mwhudsonahmadnassri: the reason for the failure is *probably* on https://help.launchpad.net/VcsImportRequests09:01
ahmadnassrimwhudson: i'll look there09:02
ahmadnassrione thing i could never find in launchpad unless i'm blind, (which happens sometimes) is rss/rdf feeds for everything that goes on 09:05
ahmadnassribugs/tickets/blueprint/etc ...09:05
ahmadnassriso that one can present this information on the project's main site ..09:05
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ahmadnassricall it "a connection to the out side world" if you wish ..09:08
mwhudsonahmadnassri: the launchpad devs _live_ in their mail clients, i guess that blinds us to other means of keeping up :)09:08
mwhudsonmore rss on launchpad would be a good thing though09:09
mwhudsoni wonder if there are bugs on this...09:09
ahmadnassrioh i understand, i'm just presenting one point of view that i thought of immediately after i saw launchpad: how can i connect this to my project's site and my users/community members09:10
ahmadnassrimwhudson: i think there is one or two bugs on this ... however i don't think they are presented in such manner ...09:10
ahmadnassrii will add a ticket about this later with more detailed and descriptive info09:12
mwhudsonthat would be good09:14
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ubotuNew bug: #133038 in launchpad "Need a way to designate where code is hosted" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13303811:41
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kblinI should go to bed... I just read "Need a way to desintegrate code"11:48
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