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alexandre_jrib: im here11:19
alexandre_im sorry11:20
jribdo you have /var/lib/dpkg/NAME_OF_PACKAGE.postinst?11:20
alexandre_im  new to this11:20
jrib /var/lib/dpkg/info/NAME_OF_PACKAGE.postinst is what I meant11:20
alexandre_yes i have the file11:23
jribok, you understand the problem after reading the bug report and your original error?11:24
jribpastebin /usr/share/bcm43xx-fwcutter/install_bcm43xx_firmware.sh for me too11:24
alexandre_i need to replace the url11:26
jribyou see it in your last post?11:26
alexandre_but i cant save it11:26
alexandre_read only mode11:26
jribk, do this to edit:  gksudo gedit FILE11:27
alexandre_ sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter11:30
alexandre_will that work now?11:30
alexandre_or that will recreate the file???11:30
jribmaybe, I think you just need to do: dpkg-reconfigure PACKAGE though11:30
alexandre_broken or partially installed11:31
jribthat's the full output?11:31
jribmaybe dpkg --configure PACKAGE  ?11:32
alexandre_sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter11:32
alexandre_i did it and it worked11:32
alexandre_but that was part of my problem11:33
alexandre_sudo bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware ~/Desktop/wl_apsta.o doesnt work11:34
alexandre_sudo bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware ~/Desktop/wl_apsta.o11:34
alexandre_Cannot open input file /home/alexandre/Desktop/wl_apsta.o11:35
jribI don't know anything about actually using it11:35
jribwhat does  ls -ld /home/alexandre/Desktop/wl_apsta.o  return?11:35
alexandre_ls: return?: no file or directory11:37
jribbut you see it on your desktop?  You downloaded wl_apsta.o to your desktop?11:37
alexandre_i didnot11:38
alexandre_i'm sorry11:38
alexandre_i have to go11:38
alexandre_i spend my entire afternnon to fix this and i have to go now11:39
jribk, should work after you download that file then11:39
alexandre_i will come back later11:39
jribbye, gl11:39
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