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CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4245 kubuntu/ (index/C/index.xml internet/C/internet.xml):06:56
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: Updated Internet docs to use streamlined 32bit and 64bit install instructions06:56
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: for both Java and Flash.06:56
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: Updated Index file to point the URLs to the correct location06:56
robotgeekdamn nixternal , always pressuring me06:56
nixternalthat section is starting to rock now06:57
nixternalthe Wiki and the Forums have installation for 64bit flash and firefox all wrong06:57
nixternalyou don't need to install 32bit firefox first or the flash player from adobo06:57
robotgeeknixternal: cool! i will start on wifi either tomorrow or day after, too tired now!06:58
nixternalsudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree && nspluginwrapper -i /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so && sudo ln -s ~/.mozilla/plugins/npwrapper.libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so06:59
nixternalthat easy06:59
nixternalhell, there is a wiki page with like many sections that makes the user do way more than that06:59
robotgeekmaybe that auto plugin thingie will install it automatically (it did for me on feisty)07:04
nixternalnot for 64bit systems it won't07:12
nixternalor did it?07:12
nixternalyou are talking the installer that is in Konqueror right?07:13
nixternalit never works for me, I don't even get the option anymore07:13
robotgeeknixternal: well, i had the 32 bit, and i was really surprised by that plugin installer07:13
nixternalI need to fix the java section yet...damn..I don't remember trying java and firefox with 64bit system07:15
robotgeekshouldn't java just work now, GPL and everything?07:15
nixternalwell, the sun-java6-plugin isn't available for 64bit systems07:16
robotgeekhmm, weird stuff07:16
robotgeekneither for ppc, i guess07:16
nixternalbut we don't care about ppc anymore :)07:16
nixternalheh, I just copied over the Konqueror info into the firefox and flash section...oops :)07:18
robotgeekah yes, i keep forgetting that we dont care about ppc. *sigh*07:19
robotgeeknixternal: man, you are all about the lazy web :)07:32
robotgeekanyways, night07:36
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CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4246 kubuntu/internet/C/internet.xml: fix 64-bit java and firefox install info - pointed to community docs for the time being07:48
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mptMoin has an "Add spaces to displayed wiki names" option08:21
mptThat option should be on for help.ubuntu.com08:21
mptfor search bots, at the very least08:21
mptso that pages show up in Web search results08:21
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mdkempt: yes that's right09:54
mdkempt: if we haven't got one, can you file a bug?10:05
mptmdke, reported as bug 13287910:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 132879 in ubuntu-website "help.ubuntu.com/community should have "Add spaces" option on by default" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13287910:15
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CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4247 ubuntu/about-ubuntu/C/about-ubuntu.xml: Remove info on installing other DEs (it's being moved), add authors files11:21
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4248 common/authors/ (4 files): Upload new authors files11:22
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CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4249 common/ (C/contributors.xml authors/richard.johnson.xml): adding the other Xubuntu doc writers - adding my name to the authors dir06:04
nixternaldidn't know we were still using that directory...I thought everything was being put in the contributors.xml file for some reason06:05
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4250 kubuntu/index/C/index.xml: minor update06:06
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4251 kubuntu/ (3 files in 3 dirs): final updates before I package this up06:16
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4252 common/C/contributors.xml: Added names to the correct location (thanks mdke)06:26
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CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4253 kubuntu/ (19 files in 19 dirs): update get-pot.sh and create new pot files for translations06:36
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sommerhey all, I was just curious about what editor to use to edit DocBook files?06:37
sommeror if it really matters?06:38
jjesseit doesn't really matter, most of use an editor that does syntax highlighting to help us out06:38
jjessei've used nano before as well06:38
sommerthanks jjesse.06:39
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CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4254 kubuntu/khelpdesktop/kubuntu/ (7 files in 2 dirs): prepare desktop and directory files for translations using intltool - README in khelpdesktop/kubuntu/po for further info07:13
nixternalsommer: if you use Gnome, gEdit is pretty nice, and if you use KDE, then Kate07:17
sommernixternal: cool...I've been using vim, but console resolution is sometimes an issue.07:25
nixternalya, vim is good as well...I believe it has xml highlighting from the get go07:25
sommeryep...it's probably just my console, but the line wrap sometimes looks strange on large paragraphs.07:26
sommerat least ones that end with xml tags, and are nested in other tags.07:26
mdkeevening all07:27
nixternalhowdy mdke07:29
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CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4255 ubuntu/about-ubuntu/C/about-ubuntu.xml: Applied Milo's patch to fix comma10:28
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4256 ubuntu/add-applications/C/add-applications.xml: Applied Milo's patch to replace emphasis tags, also removed apostrophes10:29
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CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4257 ubuntu/add-applications/C/add-applications.xml: Changed wording of Synaptic launch instructions (thanks Milo)11:21
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