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aneb | Hi | 12:21 |
aneb | i have a CD distribution plan to distribute two free Ubuntu CDs to two people (one CD each). One has said that they don't know much computers. | 12:22 |
aneb | As we speak, I am trying to do a paper insert with the CD so that they know it's from me | 12:24 |
aneb | what do you think? will this be successful? | 12:24 |
BHSPitMonkey | aneb, huh? | 01:16 |
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katkin | mornin' | 10:03 |
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gerr2 | mrning all | 10:58 |
gerr2 | or morning in English | 10:58 |
gerr2 | have you guys seen the shop - shop.canonical.com? | 10:58 |
gerr2 | interested in what you think | 10:58 |
juliux | morning gerr2 | 11:00 |
juliux | gerr2, good choice for the shirts, hanes beefy is a good quality | 11:01 |
popey | oooo i like the "import user from launchpad" | 11:02 |
popey | very nice | 11:02 |
popey | picked up my address | 11:02 |
juliux | gerr2, shops looks great | 11:04 |
gerr2 | that's great to hear | 11:08 |
gerr2 | feel free to spread the word | 11:09 |
gerr2 | i'm off to the dentist | 11:09 |
gerr2 | ouch | 11:09 |
juliux | gerr2, good luck | 11:09 |
popey | gerr2: friend of my requests you start selling lanyards :) | 11:11 |
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juliux | hi mindspin | 11:49 |
mindspin | hi juliux | 11:57 |
elkbuntu | gerr2, that is great. You should add aussie dollar support though : | 11:57 |
elkbuntu | gerr2, sizing charts for the wearables would also be a good idea | 12:01 |
elkbuntu | since i'm pretty sure that an XL 'skinny fit' would probably not go well on my body | 12:01 |
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jenda | gerr2: you around? | 01:01 |
jenda | I think I have a few questions for ye ;) | 01:01 |
gerr2 | yup - stopped shaking after the dentist | 01:04 |
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jenda | gerr2: PM? | 01:33 |
gerr2 | try me at about 3pm BST? | 01:34 |
jenda | sure, what's BST? :) | 01:34 |
jenda | British thingy, right. | 01:34 |
jenda | OK, I might be an hour or so off ;) | 01:35 |
gerr2 | it's Her Majesty's time | 01:36 |
gerr2 | the british think they invented the clock | 01:36 |
gerr2 | and time | 01:36 |
gerr2 | UTC +1 | 01:36 |
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jenda | gerr2: sweet, same timezone ;) | 02:57 |
jenda | or... it's summertime... | 02:57 |
dthacker | store not available in USA? No USD prices. | 02:57 |
jenda | ...when the livin', is easy... your daddy's rich, and your momma's good lookin'... | 02:57 |
jenda | etc. ;) | 02:57 |
jenda | so, it's one hour off... | 02:57 |
jenda | hmm... and that means... one hour from now... I think. OK | 02:57 |
jenda | :) | 02:57 |
katkin | dthacker: it should have prices in dollars. . . . . | 03:01 |
gerr2 | jenda: yes | 03:04 |
jenda | good, good ;) | 03:04 |
jenda | O_o | 03:05 |
jenda | :) | 03:05 |
=== jenda reaches over and presses caps lock | ||
gerr2 | jenda: didn't mean to shout sorry | 03:05 |
jenda | It's ok. I just handed in some work a month overdue and didn't get shouted at, so I deserve it now :) | 03:05 |
katkin | dthacker: can you see the option to change the currency on the shop? | 03:10 |
=== dthacker blushes in embarrassment | ||
dthacker | katkin: yes | 03:11 |
katkin | dthacker: cool :) I was a bit worried then! What do you think of the site? | 03:13 |
dthacker | very nice! Need to lose weight to fit into the black tee. | 03:13 |
dthacker | :) | 03:14 |
gerr2 | juliux: PING | 03:47 |
juliux | gerr2, pong | 03:47 |
gerr2 | A michael from dell is looking for you says he needs a number | 03:48 |
tsmithe | jenda, we play that with the school big band | 03:49 |
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gerr2 | dthacker: the picture is not actual size | 04:01 |
gerr2 | jenda: how are you asking me these questions? | 04:01 |
gerr2 | juliux: are you contacting michael directly? | 04:01 |
elkbuntu | gerr2, did you see my comments about the shop? | 04:03 |
jenda | yo | 04:04 |
jenda | tsmithe: every one plays that ;) | 04:04 |
jenda | gerr2: is PM ok? :) | 04:04 |
tsmithe | jenda, yep! | 04:04 |
jenda | tsmithe: I use it to compare jazz bands, because every band has it ;) | 04:04 |
jenda | tsmithe: the totally best version is Ray Charles & Cleo Laine's ;) | 04:05 |
tsmithe | hehe | 04:05 |
=== jenda does an --assume-yes on gerr2 | ||
gerr2 | elkbuntu: offline? | 04:07 |
gerr2 | i think i might be unregistered again | 04:07 |
elkbuntu | <elkbuntu> gerr2, that is great. You should add aussie dollar support though : | 04:07 |
elkbuntu | <elkbuntu> gerr2, sizing charts for the wearables would also be a good idea | 04:07 |
elkbuntu | <elkbuntu> since i'm pretty sure that an XL 'skinny fit' would probably not go well on | 04:07 |
gerr2 | elkbuntu: what's a sizing chart? | 04:07 |
jenda | and, yes, you're unregged | 04:07 |
gerr2 | elkbuntu: aus$ not supported in OS Commerce I think | 04:08 |
elkbuntu | gerr2, a chart that shows bust/chest and waist measurements for garments | 04:08 |
gerr2 | jenda: how do i re-reg? | 04:08 |
elkbuntu | gerr2, i not by default, but it is available | 04:08 |
popey | gerr2: /msg nickserv identify <yourpassword> | 04:08 |
elkbuntu | gerr2, many aussie e-shops use oscommerce | 04:08 |
jenda | thx, popey | 04:08 |
popey | when you have a moment, i need a word gerr2 | 04:09 |
katkin | gerr2: I know what a sizing chart is | 04:17 |
katkin | gerr2: I can speak to MM to see if we can get one on there | 04:17 |
elkbuntu | katkin, thanks. it'll definately help avoid people being annoyed they got the wrong size | 04:18 |
katkin | elkbuntu: yep, that is really good feedback :) | 04:18 |
elkbuntu | i like the launchpad integration too. very efficient | 04:18 |
elkbuntu | more that one womens shirt would also be nice, but that's nothing to do with the site itself | 04:20 |
elkbuntu | a womens polo would be nice | 04:21 |
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elkbuntu_ | must be stormier here than i thought :-/ | 04:34 |
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ryanakca | beuno: ping | 05:27 |
ryanakca | beuno: Sorry, I won't be able to take this week's closeup (vacation)... could you take it please? And last weeks image is available here: http://blog.ryanak.ca/kopete.svgz (Oxygen kopete icon) | 05:47 |
beuno | ryanakca: hey | 05:49 |
beuno | sure, no problem | 05:49 |
beuno | I can't see that image correctly though | 05:49 |
ryanakca | open it in inkscape | 05:51 |
ryanakca | should work... hmm | 05:52 |
beuno | ryanakca: oh, I should insall inkscape then :p | 05:53 |
beuno | ryanakca: I'm off to work, but don't worry about it, I'll cook something up, thanks :D | 05:53 |
=== ryanakca nods... or http://blog.ryanak.ca/kopete.png | ||
ryanakca | Cheers | 05:54 |
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beuno | jenda: ping | 07:20 |
juliux | hey beuno | 07:26 |
beuno | hey juliux :D | 07:26 |
juliux | everything fine with you? | 07:26 |
beuno | yeap yeap, a bit over worked, but that should be solved by the end of the week | 07:26 |
beuno | youtself? | 07:26 |
beuno | er, "yourself"? | 07:26 |
juliux | i have a job and a flat in hannover | 07:27 |
juliux | next week i will move | 07:27 |
beuno | ah, cool! finished the internship? | 07:28 |
jenda | beuno: pong | 07:28 |
jenda | beuno: finished translating today! | 07:28 |
juliux | beuno, yes | 07:29 |
jenda | $2300 for me, yay ;) | 07:29 |
juliux | jenda, ?? | 07:29 |
beuno | jenda: yaaaaaaaay! so I guess you'll be drunk-ish the next week or so? | 07:29 |
jenda | beuno: yeah, pretty much | 07:29 |
jenda | starting in about 2 hours | 07:29 |
jenda | :D | 07:29 |
juliux | jenda, what kind of translating? | 07:29 |
beuno | hahah | 07:29 |
jenda | just kidding, I still have to proofread. | 07:29 |
jenda | juliux: I make my living by translating poorly written alternative medicine texts into English. Does that sound weird? | 07:30 |
jenda | It is. | 07:30 |
beuno | jenda: can you cloak someone with /unaffiliated/? I can't find any staffers around :/ | 07:30 |
jenda | beuno: of course | 07:30 |
beuno | hahaha | 07:30 |
beuno | jenda: his nickname is lavaramano | 07:30 |
jenda | beuno: have him get an alternate nick | 07:30 |
beuno | juliux: so, happy about the new job? | 07:30 |
juliux | beuno, yes | 07:31 |
=== jenda is happy about being finally unemployed :D | ||
beuno | jenda: you can't cloak that one? | 07:31 |
beuno | juliux: congrats then! | 07:32 |
juliux | i am out for dinner now | 07:32 |
beuno | juliux: go, we'll have to talk and organize a few things when all of us are a bit more free/less drunk | 07:32 |
jenda | beuno: I can, but you need two linked nicks for an unaffiliated cloak | 07:33 |
juliux | beuno, hehe | 07:33 |
beuno | jenda: he should change his nick now, or just choose one? | 07:33 |
jenda | beuno: choose, register, link | 07:33 |
jenda | beuno: /msg nickserv link lavaramano <password> | 07:34 |
jenda | he has to type that as the alternate | 07:34 |
jenda | (I recommend lavaramano_ ) | 07:34 |
beuno | jenda: cool, will have him do it now | 07:34 |
jenda | great | 07:34 |
jenda | beuno: isn't there this online tool thing made for one to be able to alter the Ubnutu install CD? | 07:35 |
beuno | jenda: "online tool"? | 07:36 |
beuno | to alter the install CD? | 07:36 |
=== beuno is confused | ||
beuno | jenda: lavaramano did it | 07:37 |
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jenda | beuno: yeah, I thought there was something that'd help you generate a custom Ubuntu ISO | 07:49 |
jenda | beuno: cloaked | 07:49 |
beuno | jenda: I think there is, can't remember where I saw it, I'll ask around | 07:50 |
beuno | I'm pretty sure it's not an online tool though | 07:50 |
jenda | beuno: yeah, but you know me, I'm stupid. | 07:50 |
jenda | :) | 07:50 |
beuno | jenda: thanks so much :D | 07:50 |
jenda | no prob | 07:50 |
beuno | :D | 07:50 |
beuno | jenda: lavaramano says "gracias" | 07:51 |
jenda | beuno: say , "de nada" | 07:51 |
jenda | :) | 07:51 |
beuno | jenda: you can brush up on your spanish for when you come visit ;) | 07:52 |
jenda | beuno: ooh, I definitely should :) | 07:52 |
jenda | beuno: keep in mind, I now have the money to do so any time... | 07:52 |
jenda | beuno: in fact, what are you doing tonight? | 07:52 |
jenda | :D | 07:53 |
jenda | don't worry, I didn't get paid yet. | 07:53 |
jenda | besides, I'm having a good, Czech beer and goulash tonight :) | 07:53 |
beuno | jenda: you can absolutely come at any time! tonight I'm free, and there are parties on friday, saturday and sunday (monday is holiday here) | 07:53 |
beuno | aaaah, goulash | 07:53 |
jenda | hehe :) | 07:53 |
jenda | sweet | 07:53 |
jenda | I won't come this summer | 07:53 |
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jenda | beuno: what's the best time of the year to come? | 07:54 |
beuno | jenda: spring/autumn probably, not too touristy and nice weather | 07:54 |
=== jenda notes in the diary. | ||
jenda | beuno: I hope the april UDS is down there ;) | 07:55 |
beuno | oooh, I should lobby for that! | 07:55 |
jenda | that would rock :) | 07:55 |
jenda | would make my trip a no-brainer. | 07:55 |
beuno | yeap yeap, I should try and propose it | 07:58 |
jenda | hooolllyy cwap, the sunset is incredibly... yellow today :) It just flooded my room. | 07:58 |
jenda | no seriously, it looks like some horror movie out ther... | 08:01 |
beuno | heh, you do have an amazing view.. | 08:02 |
jenda | And I still don't have a camera... mmm... maybe I should buy one :) | 08:03 |
jenda | No, I'll be buying a cell phone, and that'll have a little camera. | 08:03 |
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jenda | http://www.html4.com/mime/jpg/Will_code_HTML_for_food.jpg | 08:25 |
Tm_T | oh, that again | 08:33 |
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dergringo | jenda: ping | 10:21 |
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