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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 16 Aug 20:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 20 Aug 22:00 UTC: Forum Council meeting | 21 Aug 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 22 Aug 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 22 Aug 20:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers | 23 Aug 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | ||
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kraut | moin | 09:10 |
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bryce | @schedule | 11:09 |
ubotu | Schedule for Etc/UTC: 16 Aug 20:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 20 Aug 22:00: Forum Council meeting | 21 Aug 15:00: Kernel Team | 22 Aug 12:00: Edubuntu | 22 Aug 20:00: Xubuntu Developers | 23 Aug 15:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 11:09 |
bryce | @schedule PDT | 11:09 |
bryce | @schedule America/Los_Angeles | 11:10 |
ubotu | Schedule for America/Los_Angeles: 16 Aug 13:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 20 Aug 15:00: Forum Council meeting | 21 Aug 08:00: Kernel Team | 22 Aug 05:00: Edubuntu | 22 Aug 13:00: Xubuntu Developers | 23 Aug 08:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 11:10 |
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kraut | @schedule berlin | 12:15 |
ubotu | Schedule for Europe/Berlin: 16 Aug 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Aug 00:00: Forum Council meeting | 21 Aug 17:00: Kernel Team | 22 Aug 14:00: Edubuntu | 22 Aug 22:00: Xubuntu Developers | 23 Aug 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 12:15 |
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dendrobates | @schedule New York | 01:38 |
ubotu | Schedule for America/New_York: 16 Aug 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 20 Aug 18:00: Forum Council meeting | 21 Aug 11:00: Kernel Team | 22 Aug 08:00: Edubuntu | 22 Aug 16:00: Xubuntu Developers | 23 Aug 11:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 01:38 |
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DarkSun88 | Hi all. | 04:40 |
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DarkSun88 | @schedule rome | 04:41 |
ubotu | Schedule for Europe/Rome: 16 Aug 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 21 Aug 00:00: Forum Council meeting | 21 Aug 17:00: Kernel Team | 22 Aug 14:00: Edubuntu | 22 Aug 22:00: Xubuntu Developers | 23 Aug 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 04:41 |
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DarkSun88 | See you tonight. | 04:44 |
DarkSun88 | By all. | 04:44 |
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bryce | morning | 05:04 |
Hobbsee | morning bryce! | 05:07 |
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s-x-u | it is afternoon here :-) | 05:35 |
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calc | there is a really bad storm headed my way if i fall offline then that would be why | 08:39 |
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: Ubuntu Development Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 20 Aug 22:00 UTC: Forum Council meeting | 21 Aug 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 22 Aug 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 22 Aug 20:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers | 23 Aug 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | ||
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calc | pong | 09:51 |
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Riddell | how's the storm calc? | 09:55 |
calc | doing ok so far | 09:55 |
Riddell | is it like at the start of wizard of oz? | 09:55 |
calc | i think it died down when it finally got here, i'm north of houston about 60km or so | 09:55 |
=== ArneGoetje yawns | ||
=== mathiaz [n=mathiaz@dsl-207-112-54-201.tor.primus.ca] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
Riddell | ArneGoetje: aren't you stuck in a storm too? | 09:57 |
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ArneGoetje | Riddell: yes... but still OK here... | 09:58 |
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iwj | Evening. | 09:59 |
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evand | hello | 09:59 |
dendrobates | hey all. | 09:59 |
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calc | my wife nearly didn't get home, the doctors office was surrounded a few blocks away by water on all sides | 10:00 |
Keybuk | it occurred to me today that while we have a New Starters section in the agenda, we don't have a Leavers section | 10:00 |
=== mvo waves | ||
calc | Keybuk: so they can quietly run away? ;) | 10:00 |
Riddell | Keybuk: it's good to be optimistic | 10:00 |
=== asac waves | ||
Mithrandir | you can check out but you can never leave. (See lamont) | 10:01 |
=== heno waves | ||
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Riddell | we could have a fabbione tribute agenda item | 10:01 |
keescook | 'allo | 10:01 |
bryce | heya all | 10:01 |
bdmurray | Heyyy! | 10:01 |
amitk_ | hello | 10:01 |
mathiaz | hi | 10:01 |
=== tkamppeter [n=till@bl8-113-162.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
mdz_ | howdy all | 10:01 |
tkamppeter | hi | 10:01 |
ogra | Riddell++ | 10:01 |
pedro_ | hello | 10:01 |
heno | welcome pedro_ :) | 10:02 |
ogra | hey pedro_ | 10:02 |
pedro_ | heno: thanks you, glad to see you around :-) | 10:02 |
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pedro_ | hey ogra | 10:02 |
=== kylem waves | ||
mdz_ | Keybuk: thanks for putting the agenda together | 10:04 |
mdz_ | thursdays have become such a nightmare schedule-wise | 10:04 |
mdz_ | shall we get started? | 10:04 |
Keybuk | just thursdays? | 10:04 |
mdz_ | thursdays especially | 10:05 |
Keybuk | I had to write off Wednesday (getting things done before Thursday) and Friday (getting things done that I didn't do on Thursday) as well | 10:05 |
mdz_ | I just got off my going-home-on-the-train conference call, and now onto my during-dinner meeting | 10:05 |
mdz_ | #startmeeting | 10:05 |
MootBot | Meeting started at 19:58. The chair is mdz_. | 10:05 |
MootBot | Commands Available: [TOPIC] , [IDEA] , [ACTION] , [AGREED] , [LINK] , [VOTE] | 10:05 |
mdz_ | [TOPIC] pedro! | 10:05 |
MootBot | New Topic: pedro! | 10:05 |
Mithrandir | mdz_: luckily, you only dropped off once and the noise wasn't that bad. :-) | 10:05 |
mdz_ | pedro_: welcome! | 10:05 |
pedro_ | mdz_: thanks a lot :-) | 10:06 |
mdz_ | you probably all know pedro by now | 10:06 |
ogra | he's the guy with his own topic :) | 10:06 |
mdz_ | but he is on a mission | 10:06 |
mdz_ | to wipe out desktop bugs | 10:06 |
ogra | \o/ | 10:07 |
=== asac hugs pedro_ | ||
mvo | welcome pedro_! | 10:07 |
pedro_ | thanks mvo! :-) | 10:07 |
=== pedro_ hugs asac | ||
mdz_ | onward and upward! | 10:07 |
bryce | it'll be nice no longer having desktop bugs | 10:07 |
mdz_ | [TOPIC] feature freeze status | 10:07 |
MootBot | New Topic: feature freeze status | 10:07 |
mdz_ | or as we like to call it... | 10:07 |
mdz_ | ...THE RECKONING | 10:07 |
seb128 | bryce: indeed ;) | 10:08 |
pedro_ | hehe yeah | 10:08 |
mdz_ | so, raise your hand if all of your feature goals are on target | 10:08 |
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Riddell | ... | 10:08 |
=== calc notices the silence ;) | ||
agoliveira | Sorry guys, I'm late | 10:08 |
=== mvo coughs | ||
mdz_ | raise them louder! | 10:09 |
asac | i uploaded ubufox 0.4~beta1 today with a cool new plugin finder wizard and an integration to install extensions through gnome-app install :) | 10:09 |
Mithrandir | my own are quite ok, but UME as a whole is late. | 10:09 |
Riddell | mostly mine are, some are blocked on main inclusion reports though and some split out into "to be deferred" specs | 10:09 |
Keybuk | mvo: yours were all done, don't be shy :) | 10:09 |
mathiaz | apparmor is on target | 10:09 |
calc | i expect to have a new openoffice with the hang issue resolved (among lots of other fixes) uploaded in the next few days | 10:09 |
keescook | all of my assigned features are in. ;) | 10:09 |
iwj | I'm pleased I managed to get round to, and finish (sort of) triggers. I'm still waiting for the bugs to start rolling in. | 10:09 |
bryce | one is done, one 99% done, and one is still waiting on upstream | 10:09 |
ogra | ltsp is in fine state ... all new and shiny and full of fresh bugs :) | 10:10 |
kylem | the kernel is mostly looking ok. | 10:10 |
iwj | ogra: pedro will be pleased; otherwise he might feel there wasn't enough for him to be doing. | 10:10 |
bryce | (the 99% one is bulletproof-x - I just need to flip it on in gdm now) | 10:10 |
mdz_ | this all sounds very good | 10:10 |
=== mvo uploaded a fix for the 1px border thing on compiz today | ||
ScottK | Minor in the scheme of things, but GPG and S/MIME by default for Kmail/Kontact is done. | 10:10 |
mdz_ | but if everyone has at least one thing not on track, we must have issues to talk through :-) | 10:11 |
Keybuk | mdz: nothing alarming from my team | 10:11 |
mdz_ | tell me your troubles | 10:11 |
iwj | mvo: thanks again for fixing up that silly ftbfs, btw. | 10:11 |
ogra | iwj, ltsp is a *server* (in case of pedro and bugs at least :)) | 10:11 |
bryce | at some point I would like to talk about xorg 7.3, and whether to do the xserver 1.4 upgrade | 10:11 |
iwj | ogra: *grin* | 10:11 |
ogra | ;) | 10:11 |
Riddell | slow main inclusion report processing | 10:11 |
mvo | iwj: no problem, apt is a bit ... sometimes | 10:11 |
asac | well network-manager is a spec ... but that was a bug spec in the first place ... so it doesn't qualify for todays freeze | 10:11 |
amitk_ | I need to kickstart the laptop testing team with help from heno | 10:12 |
mdz_ | amitk_: and jono | 10:12 |
amitk_ | re-kickstart, even | 10:12 |
amitk_ | right | 10:12 |
heno | virtual-machine-on-cd is not going to happen, but windows-installer should | 10:12 |
iwj | I'd like to chat to someone who knows about ld.so, with a view to triggerising ldconfig. | 10:12 |
evand | indeed, all the bits are in place for windows-installer | 10:12 |
heno | amitk_: see email from me this evening | 10:12 |
Riddell | ScottK: that's the sort of fiddly thing we like to see fixed | 10:12 |
Keybuk | iwj: hello :-) | 10:12 |
amitk_ | heno: sure | 10:12 |
iwj | Keybuk: Hi :-). Excellent. Catch you on irc tomorrow ? | 10:13 |
ScottK | Riddell: Thanks. | 10:13 |
Keybuk | iwj: sure | 10:13 |
mdz_ | Riddell: are the main inclusion reviews blocking on pitti? he's been quite busy | 10:13 |
Keybuk | [ACTION] iwj to talk to keybuk tomorrow about ldconfig | 10:13 |
Keybuk | oh, bah | 10:13 |
Keybuk | sudo mdz ... | 10:13 |
ogra | heh | 10:13 |
mdz_ | [ACTION] iwj to talk to keybuk tomorrow about ldconfig | 10:13 |
MootBot | ACTION received: iwj to talk to keybuk tomorrow about ldconfig | 10:13 |
ogra | su would suffice | 10:13 |
mdz_ | would have done it sooner if you didn't scroll out from under my mouse... | 10:13 |
Riddell | mdz_: yes, he did promise to do them before his honeymoon so we'll see | 10:13 |
=== iwj sits on mdz's mouse. Does that help ? | ||
=== ogra wants to get that picture out of his mind now ... | ||
mdz_ | isn't someone else working on MIR apart from pitti? | 10:14 |
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
mdz_ | I thought we expanded that team | 10:15 |
iwj | I do some MIRs occasionally but I've been very head-down the last week or so. | 10:15 |
ogra | iwj, did you stop doing MIRs ? | 10:15 |
mdz_ | iwj: with pitti going on holiday, he could use the help now more than ever I think | 10:15 |
iwj | mdz_: Yes. | 10:16 |
iwj | I should really take that over, probably. | 10:16 |
=== pygi [n=mario@157-186.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
iwj | Looking at the mails about the wiki changes, it's basically been just pitti and if he goes it'll just all stop. | 10:16 |
iwj | So consider me volunteered. | 10:16 |
mdz_ | keescook: given that a good chunk of it is security review, you might consider helping out with that in the medium term | 10:16 |
iwj | I might want a second opinion occasionally. There's, shall we say, a political aspect to it. | 10:17 |
keescook | mdz_: okay, I can have at it. | 10:17 |
iwj | Particularly from a security pov. So kees, would you mind helping out ? | 10:17 |
iwj | Ah, excellent. | 10:17 |
keescook | iwj: sure :) | 10:17 |
mdz_ | keescook: perhaps more after your cloning | 10:17 |
keescook | yes please | 10:18 |
iwj | For now I'd like to encourage anyone to chase me up if you need a MIR done. | 10:18 |
mdz_ | heno: who handled milestone testing while you were away? | 10:18 |
Riddell | iwj: kiosktool, obexftp, kvkbd, opensync are the ones I'm blocking on | 10:19 |
iwj | Riddell: I'll email myself that list and take a look tomorrow. | 10:19 |
heno | I asked stgraber to take a more active role in that, but I think pitti and hobsee also did much of it | 10:19 |
ogra | mdz_, we all did, lead by pitti and Hobsse | 10:19 |
ogra | stgraber was very active as well, yes | 10:20 |
mdz_ | ogra: are there summary results available? | 10:20 |
Riddell | "hobbsee" (took me a while to remember which letters were doubled) | 10:20 |
ogra | on the iso tracker i think | 10:20 |
mdz_ | ah, front page | 10:20 |
Mithrandir | Riddell: usually a lot easier when she's around, since then you can just tab-complete | 10:20 |
heno | https://iso.qa.stgraber.org/isotesting/report/6 | 10:21 |
mdz_ | I'm not sure how to read "7/7 (12) (1)" | 10:21 |
mdz_ | but I can guess what all of the insect icons mean :-) | 10:21 |
heno | 7 of 7 test complete | 10:21 |
heno | 12 tests submitted in total | 10:21 |
mdz_ | ? | 10:22 |
heno | more documentation would be useful, yes | 10:22 |
ogra | well | 10:22 |
mdz_ | 7 out of 7 out of 12 | 10:22 |
ogra | there are headers on the table columns | 10:22 |
mdz_ | yes, that one says "test status" :-) | 10:22 |
heno | 7 out of 7, with some tested more than once | 10:22 |
heno | full coverage + some | 10:23 |
ogra | mdz_, you are on the wrong page | 10:23 |
mdz_ | ah, 7 test cases, rather than 7 tests? | 10:23 |
heno | right, sorry | 10:23 |
mdz_ | ok, so general feature freeze status sounds fairly ominous | 10:24 |
mdz_ | I will review in more detail with Keybuk and cjwatson (when he returns) | 10:24 |
mdz_ | no agenda items were submitted | 10:24 |
mdz_ | presumably everyone has been too busy pushing for feature freeze | 10:25 |
=== bryce nods | ||
Keybuk | ominous in a good way or a bad way? | 10:25 |
iwj | Anything that we needed help with needed fixing before the meeting :-). | 10:25 |
mdz_ | Keybuk: ominous in a big scary uncertain sort of way | 10:25 |
bryce | ominous can be in a good way? | 10:25 |
Keybuk | mdz_: EWBO | 10:25 |
mdz_ | but anyway, this is a good opportunity to get help if you have FF-related issues | 10:26 |
mdz_ | since everyone is here | 10:26 |
bryce | mdz_, I'd like to chat about xorg 7.3 FF-related issues | 10:26 |
mdz_ | bryce: by all means | 10:27 |
calc | also anyone who has the ipw3945 wifi please not if you have it and if it works | 10:27 |
mdz_ | [VOTE] does your ipw3945 work? | 10:27 |
MootBot | Please vote on: does your ipw3945 work?. | 10:27 |
bryce | well, we're still waiting on xserver 1.4, but it's scheduled to come out this month, and I'm guessing soon | 10:27 |
calc | I do, doesn't work much with NM | 10:27 |
agoliveira | +1 | 10:27 |
MootBot | +1 received from agoliveira. 1 for, 0 against. Count is now 1 | 10:27 |
Keybuk | -1 | 10:27 |
MootBot | -1 received from Keybuk. 1 for, 1 against. Count is now 0 | 10:27 |
kylem | 4965 works fine. | 10:27 |
kylem | :) | 10:27 |
calc | -1 | 10:27 |
MootBot | -1 received from calc. 1 for, 2 against. Count is now -1 | 10:27 |
bdmurray | +1 | 10:27 |
MootBot | +1 received from bdmurray. 2 for, 2 against. Count is now 0 | 10:27 |
mdz_ | a dead heat | 10:27 |
bryce | mdz_, however it's going to necessitate rebuilding much of the X componentry due to ABI changes | 10:28 |
calc | ok | 10:28 |
mdz_ | bryce: how soon is 'soon'? | 10:28 |
Keybuk | agoliveira, bdmurray: what wireless network do you use? | 10:28 |
bryce | mdz_, I don't have an exact date but am estimating within the week | 10:28 |
mvo | 0 (don't use NM) | 10:28 |
bdmurray | wep | 10:28 |
mdz_ | bryce: and how deep are the changes? is this a major feature release compared to what we have? | 10:28 |
calc | my situation is NM doesn't work with open or WPA/WPA2 but ifup works (keybuk mentioned events issue) | 10:28 |
agoliveira | Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network, wap | 10:28 |
bryce | mdz_, I think it could be done, but I'm quite concerned about regressions, and lack of time to get them addressed | 10:28 |
mdz_ | #endvote | 10:29 |
MootBot | Final result is 2 for, 2 against. Total: 0 | 10:29 |
Keybuk | for me, it doesn't work with open but tends to work with WEP/WPA | 10:29 |
bryce | mdz_, yes it's a major release, that adds input hotplugging | 10:29 |
calc | Keybuk: does it work with open if using ifup instead of NM? | 10:29 |
bdmurray | mine worked in the london office too | 10:29 |
mdz_ | bryce: what's the main use case for input hotplugging? | 10:29 |
mdz_ | [TOPIC] X.org 7.3 | 10:29 |
MootBot | New Topic: X.org 7.3 | 10:29 |
bryce | mdz_, it will allow being able to leave out the keyboard, mouse, wacom tablet, etc. entries in xorg.conf and xorg will figure them out automatically | 10:30 |
bryce | mdz_, however as I understand it, support will need to be added for the drivers to take advantage of that anyway | 10:30 |
mdz_ | bryce: handy, but won't resolve much for users | 10:30 |
bryce | right | 10:30 |
calc | Keybuk: bug 128360 is open about nm failing with open (but in my case its even more generally failing) | 10:30 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 128360 in network-manager "[ipw3945] nm fails to connect to open network" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128360 | 10:30 |
bryce | there are also some pixmap optimizations vis-a-viz cairo which *may* help with compiz performance | 10:30 |
mdz_ | bryce: have you raised the question with upstream? what do they recommend that we do, given our schedule? | 10:31 |
bryce | but I think at this stage we may be more concerned about compiz stability/featurefulness than performance | 10:31 |
heno | oh, that might fix bug 83860 :) | 10:31 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 83860 in gdm "Accessible GDM broken with our wacom setup" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83860 | 10:31 |
Keybuk | calc: yes | 10:31 |
bryce | mdz_, I talked with alex about it, and he said sticking with 1.3 "would be just fine" for our purposes, but of course as an upstream would love if we ran their latest code | 10:31 |
mdz_ | bryce: if they stand behind it strongly, and will be there to help us beat the bugs out of it, then it might be feasible | 10:32 |
mdz_ | bryce: if it's up to us, then I think perhaps not | 10:32 |
mdz_ | bryce: are you aware of any high-visibility bug fixes in it? | 10:32 |
bryce | I know that debian has been working on packaging it but has been having various mesa-related issues | 10:33 |
Mithrandir | it's required for display hotplugging, isn't it? | 10:33 |
mdz_ | Mithrandir: I thought that was in 1.3 | 10:33 |
bryce | it's a long changelog, but there are a number of bug fixes that would be nice to have. I've got a handful listed for backporting if we choose not to update | 10:33 |
bryce | display hotplugging was 1.3, and we already have it | 10:33 |
Mithrandir | ok, then I haven't been paying proper attention | 10:34 |
bryce | users are reporting very good results with it too, when deleting their xorg.confs. :-) | 10:34 |
Mithrandir | bryce: only people using US keyboards, then, I presume? | 10:34 |
mdz_ | bryce: I think this is largely your call to make. if the backporting list is less scary than the update, then we can hang back | 10:34 |
=== ogra runs without any xorg.conf since gutsy opened | ||
=== mvo just wanted to ask the same question as Mithrandir | ||
Keybuk | Mithrandir: or using GNOME | 10:34 |
ogra | Mithrandir, you can set it in gnome | 10:34 |
Keybuk | Mithrandir: since if you set in the gnome settings, it will adjust it on login | 10:35 |
bryce | Mithrandir: right; the input hotplugging with xserver 1.4 I think will set up the keyboard better | 10:35 |
Mithrandir | Keybuk: and not having any special characters in your password, then. | 10:35 |
mvo | Keybuk: will that help in gdm? | 10:35 |
=== Evergete [n=Evergete@host244-48-dynamic.8-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
ogra | mvo, nope | 10:35 |
Keybuk | heh, that never occurred to me | 10:35 |
Keybuk | but then I auto-login | 10:35 |
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mvo | heh :) | 10:35 |
Keybuk | (brief check to see whether elmo saw that) | 10:35 |
ogra | heh | 10:35 |
bryce | mdz_, ok, I would like to avoid the risk and stay with what we have. I think it would be keen to have the latest code, but I think the time would be better spent squashing bugs and giving users more stability | 10:35 |
mdz_ | does anyone have a strong feeling about X server 1.4 that they'd like to share? | 10:36 |
mdz_ | one way or the other? | 10:36 |
Mithrandir | it doesn't matter for what drivers we'll have available? | 10:36 |
Mithrandir | s/matter for/affect/ | 10:36 |
Keybuk | mdz_: "woo, bleeding edge, woo" ? | 10:37 |
bryce | Mithrandir: not really, although alex says longer term if users wish for newish features, they may miss out | 10:37 |
seb128 | better to get the new version earlier than during a lts cycle? | 10:37 |
mdz_ | we don't offer new features post-release anyway | 10:37 |
Mithrandir | seb128: that's a good point. | 10:37 |
mdz_ | seb128: we can have it from day 0 in gutsy+1 | 10:37 |
seb128 | mdz_: still, gutsy+1 will not get real user testing for months | 10:38 |
Keybuk | bryce: how do upstream feel about 1.4 ? | 10:38 |
mdz_ | bryce: do you feel confident updating it at the start of the next cycle? | 10:38 |
bdmurray | seb128: I am personally surprised at the number of people running Gutsy | 10:38 |
bryce | Keybuk: alex sounded more optimistic about it than I expected, but I haven't done a thorough survey | 10:39 |
bryce | mdz_, yes | 10:39 |
seb128 | bdmurray: we are not early in the cycle | 10:39 |
bryce | Keybuk: debian reports a variety of issues relating to mesa have cropped up | 10:39 |
heno | yeah we need to tap into the user base running the latest crack better | 10:39 |
mdz_ | seb128 is correct, we don't get the kind of varied testing we need for something like a new X server until later | 10:39 |
heno | seb128: but they start early | 10:39 |
bryce | Keybuk: which I think is why they still have not released it to experimental, which is a worry | 10:39 |
mdz_ | bryce: will there be another major release during gutsy+1? or can we plan to release 8.04 with 1.4 as well? | 10:40 |
bryce | I think it's highly likely there'll be another major release during gutsy+1 | 10:41 |
mdz_ | if it comes this late, we'd almost certainly have to pass over it | 10:41 |
bryce | yup | 10:41 |
mdz_ | bryce: I support staying back if you think that gives us the best chance at quality | 10:42 |
mdz_ | that's the most important thing at this point | 10:42 |
=== bryce nods | ||
Keybuk | that could mean we ended up with 1.3 in gutsy+1 | 10:42 |
bryce | yes, good, that's my feeling as well | 10:42 |
Keybuk | do we want 1.3 that late? and jump to 1.5 in +2 ? | 10:43 |
mdz_ | Keybuk: I don't see why it has to mean that | 10:43 |
mdz_ | especially if some other distros help stabilize it meanwhile | 10:43 |
Keybuk | errr, yes, sorry, I'm on crack | 10:43 |
mdz_ | bryce: I encourage you to get more input from upstream, though. explain the situation and try to get honest opinions of what's best to help you make the decision | 10:44 |
bryce | ok will do | 10:44 |
mdz_ | ok | 10:44 |
mdz_ | next topic? | 10:44 |
agoliveira | mdz_: No mootbot? :) | 10:44 |
mdz_ | agoliveira: it was a question | 10:44 |
mdz_ | calc: I hear we're expecting a late oo.o release as well | 10:45 |
heno | I added an item to the wiki | 10:45 |
calc | mdz_: yes, generally oo.o has released a month before ubuntu | 10:45 |
heno | Tribe 5 testing commitments - [WWW] https://iso.qa.stgraber.org now has the facility to subscribe testers to individual tests (as we did in the past on the wiki). I'll be asking distro team members and community testers to subscribe from tribe-5 testing onwards so we can track coverage better. | 10:45 |
calc | mdz_: looking back at the old release schedules for oo.o vs ubuntu | 10:45 |
mdz_ | [TOPIC] Tribe 5 testing commitments | 10:46 |
MootBot | New Topic: Tribe 5 testing commitments | 10:46 |
=== agoliveira have the feeling that should have kept his feet on the bed today... | ||
calc | mdz_: rc is due next thursday | 10:46 |
=== BFTD [n=thomas@67-150-247-79.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
calc | mdz_: final release is scheduled for sept 4 | 10:46 |
mdz_ | heno: good idea, to track coverage of known testers vs. test cases | 10:47 |
mdz_ | calc: bugfix release or feature release? | 10:47 |
calc | mdz_: feature release 2.3.0 | 10:47 |
calc | the .1 releases are bugfix releases for oo.o | 10:47 |
heno | right, for the later milestones we'll have to do that to ensure coverage | 10:47 |
heno | and we have to double up coverage | 10:48 |
mdz_ | heno: will you go around and see that canonical folks are signed up to ensure coverage of the most important cases? | 10:48 |
doko | compared to the current snapshot, oo.o shouldn't have new features for the next milestone | 10:49 |
doko | I would propose to have packages in a ppa first before uploading to the distro | 10:49 |
=== ogra_ [n=ogra@p548AD56F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
heno | mdz_: yes, that was the plan. I'll email the distro list | 10:50 |
mathiaz | heno: stgraber created server.qa.stgraber.org. I'd like to use it to track hardware testing. | 10:50 |
mathiaz | heno: should this be done on iso.qa instead ? | 10:51 |
mdz_ | ok | 10:51 |
calc | doko: ok will do | 10:51 |
=== Rinchen [n=joey@canonical/launchpad/pdpc.supporter.professional.rinchen] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
mdz_ | any other business for the meeting? | 10:51 |
heno | mathiaz: can we take this to email/phone? | 10:51 |
ogra_ | yes | 10:51 |
mathiaz | heno: ok. | 10:52 |
Riddell | are we ready for tribe 5 next week? | 10:52 |
=== ogra_ would like to hear from the kernel team about bug 130330 | ||
ubotu | Launchpad bug 130330 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Please re enable oss audio drivers for use on thin clients" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130330 | 10:52 |
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
ogra_ | it will be a major regression if we dont have them in ltsp ... many embedded clients only have oss drivers | 10:52 |
mdz_ | next kernel team meeting is tuesday | 10:52 |
ogra_ | so sound will just stop working for them | 10:53 |
Riddell | calc: do you have an openoffice upload pending for tribe 5? | 10:53 |
ogra_ | mdz_, oki, i'll attend there | 10:53 |
mdz_ | ogra_: and BenC will be back from holiday | 10:53 |
ogra_ | yup | 10:53 |
tkamppeter | I would like to hear about bug 35638 from the kernel team. | 10:53 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 35638 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Hl-1050 is not detected properly" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35638 | 10:53 |
rtg_ | ogra_: send an email to Ben 'cause he had some opinions about it. | 10:53 |
mdz_ | Riddell: good question for our release manager to answer when he gets back from getting married ;-) | 10:53 |
Riddell | kylem etc: any linux uploads planned for tribe 5? | 10:53 |
mdz_ | I'm told there's a kernel upload planned | 10:53 |
calc | Riddell: still working on it right now, i'll see if i can get it done before the end of the weekend | 10:54 |
Mithrandir | today or tomorrow is the rumour I've heard | 10:54 |
calc | Riddell: the next upload won't have that annoying hang in any case | 10:54 |
Riddell | any last minute major gnome features being added? :) | 10:54 |
rtg_ | kylem is in the middle of producing an upload right now. | 10:54 |
Riddell | calc: you're my hero | 10:54 |
ogra_ | rtg_, well, if he's at the meeting i'm fine to discuss it there, there is no hurry as long as we have a decision before release | 10:54 |
calc | Riddell: heh :) | 10:54 |
mdz_ | kernel uploads in advance of the freeze make for happy release managers | 10:55 |
calc | Riddell: any news about the nspluginviewer getting a fix similarly? | 10:55 |
=== calc doesn't run kde but hears it has the same issue | ||
Riddell | calc: nothing :( | 10:55 |
calc | ugh :\ | 10:55 |
Riddell | and of course we have plenty of other bugs marked for tribe 5 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/tribe-5 | 10:55 |
calc | Riddell: well if the code is cleanly separated then you can check for calls to glib/gdk/gtk and determine if it is initialized beforehand, adding initialization will probably fix it | 10:55 |
mdz_ | Riddell: should we have a tribe 5 bug round-up early next week? | 10:56 |
mdz_ | Riddell: gather the people working on those bugs? | 10:56 |
Riddell | mdz_: would need to be very early next week | 10:56 |
mdz_ | tomorrow? | 10:57 |
mdz_ | I think it would be good to review them one-by-one, but there's no time here | 10:57 |
Riddell | can do | 10:57 |
mdz_ | [TOPIC] tribe 5 | 10:57 |
MootBot | New Topic: tribe 5 | 10:57 |
bdmurray | tkamppeter: we could talk about that bug a bit if you want | 10:57 |
ogra_ | why is tribe5 so early ? | 10:57 |
tkamppeter | bdmurray, would be nice. | 10:57 |
Riddell | ogra_: it's what the schedule says | 10:57 |
ogra_ | only two weeks between the two | 10:58 |
mdz_ | ogra_: because we need testing | 10:58 |
ogra_ | Riddell, right, i just wonder why ... | 10:58 |
mdz_ | ok, we're out of time | 10:58 |
=== ubotrans-it [n=lanfre@adsl-ull-112-178.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
mdz_ | anything else, follow up on the mailing list | 10:58 |
tkamppeter | bdmurray, should we talk here or better at another place in this IRC? | 10:58 |
Riddell | others were three weeks between them but there's no time for three week gaps before beta | 10:58 |
mdz_ | thanks, everyone | 10:59 |
mdz_ | #endmeeting | 10:59 |
MootBot | Meeting finished at 20:51. | 10:59 |
=== rtg_ [n=rtg@rtg.theglobal.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
mdz_ | MootBot: your watch is slow | 10:59 |
ogra_ | well, i'm missint the one week to fix my tribe bugs :) | 10:59 |
bdmurray | tkamppeter: another place probably | 10:59 |
agoliveira | Bye all | 10:59 |
=== agoliveira [n=adilson@] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] | ||
mvo | bye | 10:59 |
=== amitk_ [n=amit@a91-154-122-129.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Konversation] | ||
ogra_ | since i'm busy with building and testing isos then ... | 10:59 |
kwwii | thanks all | 10:59 |
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@p549570E8.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Konversation] | ||
ogra_ | thanks | 10:59 |
ubotrans-it | thanks all | 10:59 |
=== ArneGoetje is going back to sleep for another 2 hours... | ||
seb128 | 'night | 10:59 |
ubotrans-it | goodnight | 11:00 |
asac | night all | 11:00 |
=== keescook waves bye | ||
ArneGoetje | night | 11:00 |
=== keescook [n=kees@ubuntu/member/keescook] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] | ||
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evand | bye | 11:00 |
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tkamppeter | bdmurray, I have opened I private chat. | 11:01 |
=== mathiaz waves | ||
=== mathiaz [n=mathiaz@dsl-207-112-54-201.tor.primus.ca] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] | ||
iwj | Goodnight all. | 11:02 |
heno | 'night | 11:03 |
=== heno [n=henrik@ubuntu/member/heno] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
bdmurray | tkamppeter: have you seen my reply? | 11:04 |
tkamppeter | bdmurray, no reply appeared. | 11:04 |
tkamppeter | bdmurray, will restart my xchat and try again. | 11:06 |
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