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bicchiquestion about installation. will ubuntu use the same i386 cd to install the mobile edition?03:44
wasabiLast I checked super small devices didn't have CD drives03:44
bicchiwell not cd ofcourse since these machines do not come with a cd03:44
bicchiusb installation03:44
wasabiProbably not. See, the Ubuntu installer CD has a huge desktop GUI. :)03:45
bicchibut the point is, is it going to be the i386 architecture 03:45
wasabiTHe packages will be available in i386. I think the focus is on lpia right now.03:45
wasabiLow Power Intel Architecture03:45
bicchiso i would burn the iso into my usb drive.03:46
bicchii just want to run the regular ubuntu desktop but have a small kernel.03:46
bicchican i do that03:46
bicchilike use the kernel from UME but keep the software from the i386.03:47
wasabiDoubt there will be a different kernel for i386 offered for awhile.03:50
wasabiYou realize "UME" is not much more than a bunch more packages? Hildon, etc... probably some packages containing various apps useful on a small device.03:51
wasabiProbably a custom kernel for each target device.03:51
wasabi(just guessing about that one)03:51
bicchiwe now have a kernel for amd64, i386, ppc, server, low latency. so i assume there will be one that has all the "fat" removed.03:53
wasabibut probably different fat added03:57
bicchiwell i just mean stuff that is irrelevant on a small device. like module for loading scsi devices, or parallel printer access. 03:59
bicchithings that would make the kernel slower/bulkier03:59
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wasabiSure. NOne of that stuff is loade into the kernel anyways unless you need it.04:01
wasabiBut yes, I suspect it won't be distributed for an install designed for a intel small device04:01
wasabiThe existance of scsi modules on your disk does not make the kernel slower or bulkier.04:01
bicchithat is not what i meant. but yes i agree with you.04:02
wasabiNot like that's hard to remove right now.04:02
bicchiis there an installation guide already in place?04:02
bicchii am looking for the instructions to install from a usb disk.04:04
wasabiThere isn't anything to install yet as far as I know.04:05
bicchii guess it will be something like this: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/boot-usb-files.html04:07
wasabiSure, if your device even has USB04:08
bicchisamsung q104:08
wasabiWhat's that?04:08
bicchifor others will be a network install. if wifi or ether is available.04:09
wasabiOH, hell, you can install Ubuntu on that now.04:09
bicchiyeah but i need to know how to put the installer on a usb pen drive. that is where i am stock.04:10
bicchii do not have an external cd drive the samsung q104:10
rustylbicchi, what are you stuck on?04:10
rustylhow to write the image to the USB key?04:11
bicchii am following this:04:11
bicchiam i on the right track?04:11
bicchior do i just copy the .iso to the pen drive ?04:12
rustylbicchi, sorry... got distracted04:12
rustylbicchi, we have this covered in the documentation, but i would need to track that down, but the answer is that you use dd to write the image to the device04:13
rustylbicchi, are you familiar with using dd to write data directly to a device node?04:14
bicchiyeah but i would rather look at the docs to be safe04:14
rustylbicchi, the other option is to us the image-creator GUI... i.e. just run 'sudo image-creator', and you can select a project, then select the target, and then click on a button in the bottom right to write the data to the key.  Let me find the documentation04:15
bicchiand that would burn and image to my pen drive for it to boot?04:16
bicchifull image 650mb iso ?04:16
rustylhttp://moblin.org/howto_create-image.html describes using the GUI04:16
rustylthe GUI will just do a 'dd if=/path/to/the/image of=/dev/YOURDEVICENODE'04:17
bicchii need no gui for that.04:17
rustylyea, the gui just makes it easier 04:17
rustylsince selecting the wrong device can translate into disaster04:18
bicchiyes i am aware of that one04:18
rustylif you use the command line, you also need to make sure the that device is not mounted04:18
rustylubuntu will automount the pin drive, and then you will end up with a corrupt image on the key if the device is mounted at the same time you write directly to the device node04:19
rustylthe gui just umounts the device for you04:19
rustylbut that's all there is to it04:19
rustylbicchi, and another warning04:20
rustylyou need to choose the actual device node, not one of the partitions04:20
rustylso if you already have a key that with a partition (which is normal), then it might show up as both /dev/sdb and /dev/sdb104:20
rustylthe dd need to be directed to /dev/sdb04:21
rustylotherwise you miss the boot sector04:21
bicchido i need to burn the alternative cd or can i use the regular desktop cd04:28
bicchiin other words, text based installation04:29
bicchirustyl: so sdb is the boot partition not sdb104:34
wasabisdb is the disk itself05:01
bicchiyeah i ended up with: sudo dd if=ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso of=/dev/sdb05:02
bicchiafter running: df -h05:02
bicchithe dd process seems to be going really slows on a usb 2.0 pen drive. i am not sure if i should have passed other parameters.05:03
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patmdoes anyone know  if the SDIO patch was integrated with the ume kernel06:00
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agoliveiraMithrandir: Hi. I need to discuss with you a few things about how to have the applications on the image.02:23
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mdzmy Q1 seems to throw away all of my changes to it when it is rebooted.  is this by design?02:25
agoliveiramdz: Hmmm... I guess so. I just tested and mine does the same02:26
agoliveiraI mean, probably a bug not a feature :)02:27
Mithrandirmdz: no, it's not by design, and mine doesn't.02:27
mdzMithrandir: did you install using a daily build, or one you built yourself?02:27
Mithrandirmdz: daily build from quite a while ago.02:27
mdzmine was most recently reinstalled from a daily build last week, but has always had this problem as I recall02:28
Mithrandiragoliveira: sure, now?02:28
MithrandirI just want to de-root the image, then I can reflash my device.02:28
agoliveiraMithrandir: Yes please02:28
agoliveiraMithrandir: What happens is that the application packages I created deppend on lpia and the images are being created from i386. Are you planning on switch to lpia?02:30
Mithrandiragoliveira: yes, once we have a useful hildon environment, I'll switch the dailies to lpia02:31
mdzMithrandir: is that soon, or not soon?02:31
agoliveiraMithrandir: I need to decide what to do in that case because we need some aplications there ASAP.02:32
mdzMithrandir: agoliveira needs to package a number of things which are already in the archive for i386, but need to be built differently for UME (e.g. enabling hildon support)02:32
mdzhe plans to do this by building conditionally for lpia, but if they daily builds won't be using lpia for a while, he needs to do something else in order to make progress02:32
Mithrandirnext week or the week after is the current schedule.02:33
Mithrandirif I drop everything else and just drive for getting lpia images working, next week is doable.02:34
mdzMithrandir: I need to catch up with you on your current task list and make sure it's aligned with what adilson needs to get done02:35
mdzwe can do that at the meeting I suppose02:35
Mithrandirsounds good02:35
mdzbut meanwhile, adilson is blocked02:35
mdzI didn't realize that lpia would block nearly all of the apps02:36
Mithrandiragoliveira: why can't you pile up fixes in your end make them ready to upload once we have lpia dailies ready?02:36
mdzMithrandir: because then we don't find any of the problems until then02:36
mdzand then = september, apparently02:36
mdzwhich is too late to start testing applications02:37
agoliveiraMithrandir: I can do that also but I wanted to test the applications too.02:37
agoliveiraI can install them locally but it's not the same, of course.02:37
agoliveiraWhat about if I build the packages locally and place them somewhere so people could download and install as a short term solution?02:38
mdzagoliveira: build them for i386, you mean?02:39
agoliveiramdz: Yes but forcing the hildon interface02:39
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agoliveiraThat way we could test them. Not the best solution but a short term patch.02:40
mdzagoliveira: you could put them in a PPA02:41
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mdzthat would also give you some practice uploading02:41
mdznever mind, if you haven't heard of it, then it would probably take too long for you to find out about it02:42
agoliveiraAh.. Personal Package Archive?02:42
agoliveiraI heard about it but didn't sue it.02:42
agoliveiraWell, I could give it a try. Should we go that way?02:44
=== agoliveira waits anxiously...
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agoliveiramdz, Mithrandir, did you reach an agreement?03:06
mdzagoliveira: I suspect that when your applications are finally uploaded, there will be problems which need to be fixed at that time.  they will not be perfect in the first iteration03:15
mdzagoliveira: this is why I think it is important to get them in now, rather than waiting03:15
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mdzagoliveira: I doubt anyone is running Dates on their desktop, so presumably the i386 build could be changed to use Hildon?03:15
agoliveiramdz: Ok but should I keep the way I was doing, with the lpia?03:15
agoliveiramdz: Sure03:16
mdzthat approach might work for some of the applications03:16
agoliveiramdz: Yes but it will be complicated with Claws, for instance.03:17
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agoliveiramdz: You didn't like my idea of creating a temporary set of binaries while we figure out the lpia image?03:18
ntemisi want to ask something03:18
ntemisis 770 nokia internet tablet supported?03:19
ntemisis yes03:19
mdzagoliveira: how would you get them into the daily build?03:19
ntemisif yes03:19
ntemiswill it be possible to run skype on it?03:19
mdzntemis: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/FAQ03:19
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-mobile:mdz] : http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/FAQ
agoliveiramdz: As I said, I woulnd'. It would be just a set of .deb that one could install manually.03:19
mdzagoliveira: right, I don't think that solves the problem03:20
agoliveiramdz: Solve, not but would be a short time solution while the images from lpia are not there.03:20
mdzMithrandir: what is blocking lpia daily builds?  can I help?03:20
ntemismdz: :(03:21
Mithrandirmdz: glib emits a warning which causes hildon-desktop to build, at least.03:21
Mithrandirmdz: I'm taking a look at that just now.03:21
mdzMithrandir: s/build/fail to &/ ?  argh03:21
Mithrandiryes, fail to build.03:21
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mdzMithrandir: is there anything I can do to help?03:33
agoliveiraor me. I'm kinda stuck anyway.03:34
Mithrandirif you could try to work out why the build failure in http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8743442/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-lpia.hildon-thumbnail_0.11ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz is happening, that'd be useful03:36
Mithrandirmore eyes always helps.03:37
Mithrandirif you want to work on something else, we have plenty of MIRs that need to be written, and other tasks that need to be done.  Just tell me and I'll whip up some.03:38
mdzlooks like the issue03:39
mdzI've no idea why it only showed up on lpia, though03:39
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Mithrandirbut we're using 4.2, not 4.303:40
mdzMithrandir: 4.2 gives the same warning03:41
mdzI'm pretty sure it will work fine if the warning is allowed to pass, and doesn't fail the build03:41
MithrandirI'd rather fix glib.03:41
mdzagreed, but it already has that patch03:42
Mithrandirit built, at least.03:43
mdzhmm, same problems in a different place in the header03:43
mdzor maybe not03:44
mdzthe fix is tied to gcc 4.303:44
mdzbut the same problem exists in 4.203:44
mdzI'll fix03:44
mdzactually, I'll talk to seb128 about it first03:45
mdzseb128: our glib2.0 seems to suffer from http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=416863, which was fixed with a patch using #if __GNUC_PREREQ (4,3)03:45
Mithrandirit goes away if I change the __GNUC_PREREQ (4,2)03:45
mdzseb128: but the problem is in gcc 4.2 as well, at least ours, and the one used in Debian in http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=42455703:46
mdzso I think it should be changed to (4,2)03:46
Mithrandiras in, I don't get warnings then.03:46
Mithrandirseb's been idle for a while, almost an hour and a half03:48
mdzI think that's the correct fix03:48
mdzI tried to debootstrap an lpia chroot, and it fails miserably, very early, without even getting a Packages file03:52
Mithrandirdon't give it a URL, it'll DTRT then.03:52
Mithrandirlpia lives on ports03:52
mdzoh, how fun03:53
mdzagoliveira: debootstrap --arch lpia gutsy gutsy-lpia03:53
mdzagoliveira: if you want to help try to get hildon working there03:53
agoliveiramdz: Ok. Will do now.03:54
Mithrandirlool: given you were involved in the patch we talk above; any comments or thoughts?03:54
Mithrandirlool: will it break anything if we accidentially turn on __attribute__ ((__gnu_inline__)) on for too old compilers?03:55
mdzlocales is a bit broken03:56
agoliveiramdz: Did you start the build again?03:56
mdzagoliveira: ??03:56
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agoliveiramdz: I mean the lpia build wasn't stuck?03:57
mdzagoliveira: there is a problem with glib which causes the hildon-desktop build to fail03:57
mdzagoliveira: Mithrandir is fixing it, as you can see above03:57
agoliveiramdz: Oh ok. I was backloging.03:58
Mithrandirheck, if it breaks something, it'll only break for lpia or for anything using gcc 4.2 explicitly.03:58
MithrandirI'll just upload03:58
mdzit will take hours to find out if it fixes things anyway03:59
Mithrandirno, I'm blasting through the stack here locally03:59
mdzunless of course the shiny new launchpad bits work03:59
mdzMithrandir: ubuntu-mobile seems to have far fewer dependencies than I would expect04:00
Mithrandiron lpia, or in general?04:00
mdzMithrandir: only looked at lpia04:00
Mithrandirthey only get picked up when they're built04:00
mdzah, I see i386 has many more04:00
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Mithrandirglib uploaded, btw04:03
Mithrandirhildon-desktop seems much happier now04:03
Mithrandirmdz: I present to you -- UME lpia: http://err.no/tmp/screenshot-ume-lpia.png04:13
Mithrandirnot quite there yet, but getting there.04:13
mdzMithrandir: !04:15
Mithrandirthe theming is slightly funky too.04:16
mdzMithrandir: it's about as funky as it is in the daily builds04:17
seb128Mithrandir, mdz: I'm here04:17
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seb128Mithrandir: and no, I was idle for like half an hour ;)04:18
Mithrandir15:47 [OPN]  -!-  idle     : 0 days 1 hours 27 mins 1 secs [signon: Thu Aug 1604:18
Mithrandiris what my irc client claimed04:18
mdzhildon-control-panel will need to be built with the new glib, presumably04:18
Mithrandirmdz: yes, I'll need to give back a bunch of packages once the new glib is in.04:18
Mithrandirseb128: anyway, my point wasn't to pick on you, sorry.04:19
mdzmobile-basic-flash is missing04:19
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Mithrandiryeah, it's multiverse, so post-universe, unless I bump it.04:19
Mithrandirseb128: do you have any comments on the revised patch?04:19
mdzsomehow, moblin-keyboard-manager got built, despite libhildon-desktop0 being missing04:19
seb128Mithrandir: no problem ;) I've been around just not typing on IRC ;)04:19
seb128Mithrandir: looking04:19
mdzis that because it was bootstrapped partway on i386?04:19
Mithrandirmdz: apt-get probably.  I think we still have the evil apt hack in place which will pull binaries from i386 if they don't exist on lpia04:20
MithrandirAdam talked about removing that soon, since we should now be mostly out of circular build-dep-land.04:20
agoliveiraMithrandir: That's correct for what Adam told me.04:21
seb128Mithrandir: where is the revised patch?04:23
agoliveiraYeay! BUILDING lpia build of mouseemu 0.15-8ubuntu1 in ubuntu gutsy RELEASE (AUTO)04:24
Mithrandirseb128: it's just changing 4,3 => 4,2 in debian/patches/67_gcc43-inline.patch04:24
Mithrandirseb128: I can give you a debdiff if you want, but it seems slightly overkill. :-)04:24
mdzMithrandir: and renaming it to ..._gcc42-inline.patch ;-)04:24
seb128Mithrandir: looks good to me04:24
seb128feel free to upload if you didn't do it yet04:24
seb128you did; excellent ;)04:25
Mithrandirmdz: I left the name, but changed the comment at the top saying "gcc 4.2 and 4.3"04:26
Mithrandirwell, changed it so it now says "4.2 and 4.3" at least.04:26
Mithrandirasac: midbrowser seems to ftbfs on lpia04:27
Mithrandirasac: http://rafb.net/p/tqu4B040.html04:28
=== agoliveira never saw so many acronyms in life: ftbfs? fail to build... something?
Mithrandirfails to build from source04:29
agoliveiraWell, almost got it :)04:30
Mithrandiragoliveira: just keep asking; I'm happy to expand them for you.04:30
agoliveiraMithrandir: I will.04:30
agoliveiralpia is building norwegian support. Who needs that? :)04:31
asacMithrandir: yes04:31
Mithrandiragoliveira: :-P04:31
asacMithrandir: it needs the fix that we gave firefox04:31
asace.g. build with gcc-4.104:31
Mithrandirasac: ok, can you do it or do you have a fix?04:32
agoliveiraI'm going lunch now or wont' make it time for the meeting.04:32
amitk_agoliveira: BenC once said this "[Tue Jul 3 2007]  [17:17:33]  <BenC>      yeah, TMI, IMO, KWIM"04:32
asaci can do it ... what bothered me more so far was to get the mobile-flash thing build against midbrowser intead of xulrunner04:32
agoliveiraamitk_: Damn :)04:33
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asacMithrandir: anyway ... i still hope to get toolchain people fix the gcc bug that makes all mozillas fail to build on gcc-4.204:33
Mithrandirasac: get gtkmozembed to build against midbrowser, I presume?04:33
Mithrandirthat'd be nice, so we don't have to ship two browsers. :-)04:33
asacwell atm it only works with xulrunner04:34
asacwhich we almost certainly don't want to use04:34
Mithrandiris that hard to fix?04:35
Mithrandir(sorry for asking clueless questions.)04:35
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mdzMithrandir: what's the next problem up the stack with lpia?04:54
Mithrandirmidbrowser blocks mobile-basic-flash04:54
Mithrandirbut asac's working on that04:54
mdzok, anything else?04:55
Mithrandiryay, installing gtk2-engines-sapwood made it all look quite a lot better.04:56
asacMithrandir: the problem is that someone has to do that ... so far carl is supposed to look into that04:56
Mithrandirasac: I was just talking about the build fix, not making the mobile browser great.04:56
Mithrandirasac: afaik, that's something you would be better at doing?04:57
MithrandirI think moblin-image-creator needs some adjustments to know how to do lpia; I'll discuss that at the meeting tonight.04:57
asacMithrandir: no ... mobile-basic-flash is only testable in a image creator created environment04:57
asacMithrandir: which is just overhead for me atm (given that i do all these things mostly in my sparetime)04:57
Mithrandirasac: I think we are talking about different things here?  You're talking about getting gtkmozembed fixed, aren't you?04:59
asacMithrandir: yes ... getting mobild-basic-flash use midbrowser05:00
asacbefore that ... "midbrowser blocks mobile-basic-flash" is a wrong statement05:00
Mithrandirno, it's not.  mobile-basic-flash build-depends on midbrowser.05:00
asacwell ... look at the Depends: ... libxul005:01
asacMithrandir: anyway ... midbrowser will be uploaded tomorrow, ok?05:01
Mithrandirmdz: http://err.no/tmp/screenshot-ume-lpia-2.png, btw.05:02
Mithrandirasac: mind if I just do it myself, then?05:02
asacno ... if you update bzr branch i am fine05:02
asacyou can get the commit from firefox branch05:02
Mithrandirwhat are the branch urls?05:02
mdzMithrandir: I just ran an ubuntu-meta update to see what's become available on lpia since the last one, and it wants to remove mobile-basic-flash. is that expected?05:02
Mithrandirmdz: no, that's not expected.05:02
asacMithrandir: https://code.launchpad.net/~asac/firefox/ubuntu-2.0.0.x ... commit 8205:03
mdzRemoved mobile-basic-flash from mobile-i386, mobile-amd64, mobile-powerpc, mobile-ia64, mobile-sparc05:03
asacMithrandir: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mobile/midbrowser/ubuntu05:03
mdzdue to: ? Unknown mobile package: mobile-basic-flash05:03
Mithrandirmobile-basic-flash |        0.4 | gutsy/universe | amd64, i386, powerpc05:03
mdzmobile-basic-flash |        0.4 | http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/multiverse Packages05:04
MithrandirI wonder why germinate is thinking that it's unknown then.05:04
mdzmultiverse vs. universe?05:04
Mithrandirsource in multiverse, binaries in universe05:04
Mithrandirwell, that's not right, but it's been that for a while, I think05:04
Mithrandirbeen like that, even05:04
Mithrandirasac: thanks, I'll see what I can get done, then05:05
loolMithrandir: (I was afk) Which patch do you mean?  The one allowing glib to build on gcc 4.2?05:05
loolIt has some logic to detect the compilrr IIRC05:05
Mithrandirlool: yes, or rather, expanding the 4.3 check to cover 4.2 too.  Seb's answered, but thanks.05:05
loolMithrandir: Ah so this works for gcc 4.2 too?05:07
mdzlool: notice that the duplicate Debian bug was reporting the failure with gcc 4.205:08
loolMithrandir: But #define G_INLINE_FUNC extern inline was working with 4.2 I think05:08
Mithrandirlool: it was needed to get some hildon packages building on lpia.05:09
mdzMithrandir: that was the Packages file, so i386 binaries are in multiverse at least05:09
Mithrandirmdz: not according to rmadison, but I guess somebody might have moved them05:10
loolmdz: Yeah #424557 was for 4.2; I thought it was working for 4.2, but obviously not05:10
loolI'll extend the check to 4.2 too; thanks!05:10
Mithrandirmdz: seems like somebody corrected the component mismatches05:10
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lool16:26 < Mithrandir> mdz: I left the name, but changed the comment at the top  saying "gcc 4.2 and 4.3"05:12
loolI did exactly the same :)05:12
asacMithrandir: ok i have a few minutes after a short break ... will upload midbrowser then.05:12
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asacMithrandir: Accepted midbrowser 0.1.6a-0ubuntu205:54
asacMithrandir: will you ping infinity to give it a spin on lpia?05:54
Mithrandirasac: yay, thanks.05:55
Mithrandiryes, will do.05:55
Mithrandirhi Charlie, Rusty.05:59
Mithrandirkwwii: I'd like to chat with you about keyboard layouts at some point, but probably not during the meeting.05:59
=== agoliveira waves all
kwwiiMithrandir: ok, I'll be around between this meeting and the distro team meeting later06:00
Mithrandirkwwii: excellent.06:00
rustylhello all.. morning/evening/whatever06:00
=== agoliveira needs a coffee... yawn...
CharliefjohnsonMithrandir: Hello - Did your Menlow systems arrive yet?06:00
MithrandirCharliefjohnson: no. :-(06:00
MithrandirCharliefjohnson: is there any kind of tracking you or Mauri can do on your end?06:01
CharliefjohnsonMithrandir:  I'll have to check.  Did you get tracking info ??06:01
mdzhello all06:01
MithrandirCharliefjohnson: yes.  We can discuss this after the meeting?06:02
agoliveiraMithrandir: Are you going to use mootbot?06:02
Mithrandiroh, it's here.06:02
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MootBotMeeting started at 15:55. The chair is Mithrandir.06:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC] , [IDEA] , [ACTION] , [AGREED] , [LINK] , [VOTE] 06:02
agoliveiraYep :)06:02
mdzMithrandir: I asked them to bring it in here06:02
MithrandirI hadn't noticed.06:03
rustylcool bot06:03
mawhalenmawhalen joined06:03
Mithrandirhiya Mauri.  Still no sign of the menlow systems, btw. :-(06:03
mawhalenI'll try to track it right now06:03
=== agoliveira know how this feels very well
CharliefjohnsonBryce has one.  (i.e. a Menlow) can you remotely access?06:04
Mithrandirunless he has a full ip-enabled KVM setup at his house, I don't think so.06:04
Mithrandirso, given only Amit and I've submitted status reports, we'll do status updates on the other specs, then any other business.06:04
CharliefjohnsonMithrandir: I asked Waldo to send an update on hw decode to the mailing list.  Probably hasn't seen it yet.06:05
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MithrandirI'll try to get the reminder out on Wednesday next week, so people will hopefully see it and act on it.06:06
rob_rob is here as well06:06
Mithrandirasac: are you around?06:06
CharliefjohnsonMithrandir: I'll ping Waldo, Henry and Hari to make sure they post updates on Wed. from now on.06:07
MithrandirCharliefjohnson: thanks.06:07
Mithrandiranybody know where Bob is?06:07
Mithrandiror who are local to him and can phone him.06:07
mawhalenI'll find him06:07
asacMithrandir: just summon me when we get to browser ... 06:08
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Mithrandirasac: I was planning on starting with browser.06:08
Mithrandirsince it's at the top of the list06:08
mdz[TOPIC]  midbrowser status06:08
mdzMithrandir: oop, it will only listen to you06:08
Mithrandir[TOPIC]  midbrowser status06:08
MootBotNew Topic:  midbrowser status 06:08
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Mithrandirmdz: yeah, we should get them to remove the ACL stuff; it's not really needed.06:08
agoliveiramootbot is monogamic :)06:08
Mithrandirbspencer: good morning. :-)06:09
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Mithrandirbspencer: can you and asac give us an update on browser status?06:09
agoliveirabspencer: Hi06:09
asacnew midbrowser package was just uploaded that should build on lpia06:09
bspencerasac, I played with it a little and it looks like it is making good progress06:09
asacfrom upstream development i made not much progress, because i was busted bringing my other specs in beta for feature freeze06:09
asac(in laste week)06:10
asacbspencer: can we talk after the meeting a bit?06:10
mdzI noticed that with the bits we have in gutsy, the browser can't be launched from the home screen, though it works from the command line06:10
bspencercarl said you wanted to talk about the value of Hildon window06:10
asacmdz: thats interesting ... do you see any errors?06:10
Mithrandirmdz: I think I fixed that with the new mobile-application-service, which fixed the path, but I haven't actually tested it yet..06:10
bspencermdz, ?   I'll fix that today06:10
mdzasac: I wouldn't know where to look06:10
rustylmdz, i bet the problem is in the home applet conf.xml file06:11
mdzis there an error log for the X session?06:11
bspencera simple change, but sorry it is broken06:11
mdzno, I looked th ere06:11
bspencermdz, unlikely that you would see an error in a log.  But you could always hit Shift and see the error window in the flash06:11
mdzthere is no ~/.xsession-errors, at least not with the daily image builds06:11
Mithrandirhm, there should be now.  I'll investigate.06:12
mdzbspencer: ah, is that what activates that...I did that inadvertently recently06:12
agoliveirabspencer: It does not seem to be working anymore.06:12
agoliveiraI mean the shift06:12
Mithrandir[ACTION]  tfheen to check up on daily image build status (and ping Adam for logfiles again)06:12
MootBotACTION received:  tfheen to check up on daily image build status (and ping Adam for logfiles again) 06:12
bspencerthe flash should be better behaved and log errors.  We'll do that06:12
mdzrustyl: points to /usr/bin/mobile-browser06:12
mdzshould be /midbrowser06:12
rustylmdz, then we need to update the mobile-basic-flash package in gutsy with the latest in moblin06:12
mdzMithrandir: there's a build dated today, which works06:12
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mdz(as well as gutsy anyway)06:13
bspencersummary:  browser status:  toolbars at the bottom, <almost> launchable from UI.  Next steps:  hildon menus and top-level window.06:13
kyleNanyone know how the default UME icon theme is set?06:13
mdz[AGREED]  stdout/stderr from the home screen should be logged somewhere06:14
Mithrandir[AGREED]  stdout/stderr from the home screen should be logged somewhere06:14
MootBotAGREED received:  stdout/stderr from the home screen should be logged somewhere 06:14
MithrandirkyleN: it's set from /etc/X11/Xsession.d/25ume-config-samsung-q1-ultra_startup, iirc.06:14
mdzkyleN: (note: the weekly status meeting is in progress)06:15
kyleNThanks gandalf, I mean Mithrandir ;)06:15
Mithrandirbspencer: how's the process of bringing those bits into Ubuntu going?06:15
mdzMithrandir: should we talk about that as a general topic?06:15
bspencerMithrandir: you mean the browser bits?06:15
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Mithrandirbspencer: yes06:15
rustylbtw, the home applet is in the hildon-desktop process, so the request is really to capture the stderr/stdout of the hildon-desktop06:15
Mithrandirmdz: good idea.06:15
mdz[TOPIC]  process for getting moblin.org updates into gutsy regularly06:16
bspencerasac should comment.  They have just source on moblin, w/o packaging.  The only browser package is the Ubuntu package which is working06:16
asacMithrandir: bspencer we could do a preview release ... but actually I would prefer not to do new "upstream" releases for every tiny feature we have06:16
Mithrandirmdz: can we do it after the status updates, please?06:17
mdzMithrandir: sure06:17
mdzMithrandir: I have a few other agenda items when we get there06:17
Mithrandirmdz: ack.06:17
Mithrandirseems like the browser is going ok, then.06:17
Mithrandirso let's move on to mobile-graphics.06:18
Mithrandir[TOPIC]  Graphics06:18
MootBotNew Topic:  Graphics 06:18
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MithrandirCharliefjohnson: how's that going?06:18
asacbspencer: we can talk about release policy after meeting as well ... please ping me when meeting is over.06:18
bspencer_asac, sure06:18
CharliefjohnsonMithrandir: Re-plan is complete but I'm not allowed to release dates yet.  Hopefully today06:19
=== bspencer_ is now known as bspencer
Mithrandirso you can't really give us any useful status update just yet?06:20
mdzCharliefjohnson: can you hint at whether there will be action needed on our part in the near term?06:20
CharliefjohnsonEmail from Bryce indicated the Alpha 2D driver is in gutsy now.  Have now verified that yet.06:20
CharliefjohnsonMithrandir:  No near term actions required other than the 2D driver integration that Bryce and Jacob were working on.06:21
rob_amitk_, did the psb driver and drm make it into the kernel modules yet?06:21
amitk_rob_: yes they did06:21
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amitk_there is going to be a new kernel upload today, I believe06:22
rob_amitk_: is it built and we can pull it into an image built by image-creator?06:22
amitk_So, if everything goes alright, you should have a build by tomorrow06:22
Mithrandirso we need to check on whether the X driver and the necessary bits for it to work are in the archive, but otherwise it should be under control?  Assuming the kernel lands today, that is.06:22
rob_amitk_: we'll test it tomorrow then and update the crown beach config's xorg.conf then to use the new driver if evrything is working06:23
Mithrandirlet's move on, then.06:24
amitk_rob_: sounds good. Hopefully I hear something about the crown beach systems by then :)06:24
Mithrandir[TOPIC]  UI06:24
MootBotNew Topic:  UI 06:24
CharliefjohnsonMithrandir, amitk_ , rob_ : the psd driver shows up in a search of the gutsy packages now.06:24
MithrandirCharliefjohnson: good to hear.06:24
Mithrandirbspencer: your item; what's the current status?06:24
bspencer3 tongs in the fire06:25
rustylFYI, while talking about the UI... we make a change in the mobile home flash plugin so that the mobile-application-service is no longer needed06:25
bspencerclean up flash UI so it behaves well06:25
bspencer2) get Ken's UI working with some new marquee plugins06:25
bspencer3) start investigating another possible UI example.06:25
bspencer(using Clutter toolkit)06:25
bspencerfor #1), yes rusty pointed out that we no longer start applications with the mobile-application-service06:26
bspencerthis will be removed06:26
rustylbut... ubuntu-mobile still pulls in the package06:26
agoliveirabspencer: Nice06:26
mdzMithrandir: the same mobile-application-service that you just fixed?06:27
Mithrandirrustyl: that's easily fixed once we have the new flash ui in06:27
bspencerrustyl, we would update both mobile-basic-flash and reomve the other at the same time06:27
bspencerso we can take care of that in the next day.06:27
Mithrandirmdz: I don't think I touched it, no?06:27
bspencerfor #2) Ken's UI we have started some work on these new plugins.06:27
rob_Charliefjohnson, where are you searching? we have it defined on moblin to work with our kernel, jacob sent email about it yesterday06:27
bspencernothing to show yet06:27
mdzMithrandir: s/fixed/uploaded/06:27
Mithrandirrustyl: is the git repo updated with the new flash?  If so, I can do it right away.06:27
mdzso it's obsolete now?06:28
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mdzor just note used by the flash UI?06:28
Mithrandirmdz: it was first uploaded some time ago, I haven't touched it lately06:28
rustylMithrandir, yes, the git repo for mobile-basic-flash is updated06:28
mdzMithrandir: <Mithrandir> mdz: I think I fixed that with the new mobile-application-service, which fixed the path, but I haven't actually tested it yet..06:28
Mithrandiroh, that was uploaded a week or so ago06:28
Mithrandiror at least a couple of days.06:28
Charliefjohnsonrob_: I meant the psb 2D driver.  Not the kernel drm modules.06:29
Mithrandir[ACTION]  tfheen to update ubuntu-mobile package and upload new mobile-basic-flash06:29
MootBotACTION received:  tfheen to update ubuntu-mobile package and upload new mobile-basic-flash 06:29
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Mithrandirhow's 2) and 3) going?06:30
rustylMithrandir, also... the image-creator was updated to no longer explicity install mobile-application-service06:30
rob_Charliefjohnson, ah, got it06:30
bspencerwe've started #2, nothing to show yet.06:30
bspencerprobably anothre couple of weeks to get the first screen with the big icons06:30
bspencerfor #3) We have a couple guys investigating Clutter usage for some visual niceties in the home screen.  We would like to get Ubuntu-mobile a non-flash UI asap.06:30
bspencerbut probably mid-Sept for anyhting usable.06:31
agoliveirabspencer: CLutter?06:31
bspencerclutter is an OpenGL toolkit06:31
bspencerfrom openedhand06:31
Mithrandirbspencer: how will clutter work sans 3d accel?06:31
bspencerlike Pigment06:31
bspencerMithrandir, we'll see06:31
rustylwhile talking about clutter, we do have confirmation that Clutter is doing the right thing (power wise) when no animations are running.  The same can not be said for Adobe Flash06:31
agoliveiraTell me about it...06:32
mdzsounds like something worth checking before committing to it06:32
bspenceris kwwii online?06:32
mdzkwwii: ping06:32
bspencerour flash buy is out on sabbatical now, so I'm playing with it a bit, but I'm sure we could improve the way flash is using power06:33
mdzlooks like not, best to mail  him06:33
bspencerI think it is still running 30 frames / sec when just sitting there.06:33
bspencerplaying a "movie"06:33
bspencernot the best for power06:33
bspencerI'll chat with Ken about it06:33
rustylthe number of processor wakeups is not == fps06:33
rustylit's much much worse06:34
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kwwiiyepp, I am here06:34
=== agoliveira will take a look sometime for old time as opengl developer sake :)
bspencerkwwii, I'll chat with you offline about our flash stuff if you have a sec after the mtg06:34
bspencerand also wanted to chat about themes again briefly06:34
kwwiibspencer: sure, I'll be here :-)06:34
Mithrandirbspencer: themes in or out of the meeting?06:34
bspencerMithrandir, either, if you want 06:35
bspencerI was thinking after06:35
Mithrandirshorter meeting is good, so after is fine06:35
Mithrandirmoving on then06:35
Mithrandir[TOPIC]  power-thermal-optimizations06:35
MootBotNew Topic:  power-thermal-optimizations 06:35
MithrandirCharliefjohnson: yours again06:35
CharliefjohnsonAmit sent out status on the thermal extension integration?  Correct?06:36
Mithrandirok, so that's covered there, then06:37
amitk_I've received the patches from Intel. I am going to have to beat them into shape for git consumption. Should be in the next upload (not todays)06:37
Charliefjohnsonamitk_, Mithrandir : Looks like next week is the target ?06:38
mdzamitk_: who is doing the kernel upload today? kyle?06:38
amitk_mdz: yes06:38
amitk_Charliefjohnson: next week for integration at the earliest. I am not sure about the next kernel upload though.06:39
Mithrandirok, moving on06:42
Mithrandir[TOPIC]  USB Client06:42
MootBotNew Topic:  USB Client 06:42
MithrandirI still haven't had time to review it properly, sorry, but I hope there's been some progress on the implementation?06:42
CharliefjohnsonUSB Client is in the same boat as Graphics.  Re-plan complete but I can't release dates yet.06:42
CharliefjohnsonI just received a status - I'll post to mailing list.06:43
Mithrandirok, thanks.06:44
Mithrandirlet's just move on then.06:44
Mithrandir[TOPIC]  Utilities06:44
MootBotNew Topic:  Utilities 06:44
bspencerToddBrandt has been working on Utilities from our side06:44
Mithrandirbspencer: LP lists that as blocked; we discussed that some time ago and you were going to mark it appropriately?06:45
bspencerif ToddBrandt is here he can comment on that...  if not...06:45
bspencerthere are two choices there06:45
bspencerwe found the main issue06:45
bspencera GTK bug related to iconview06:45
Mithrandiridle 9 hours, so probably not around.06:45
Mithrandirhe was around in my morning.06:45
bspencerand the size that is reported06:45
bspencerToddBrandt, will send out a solution in the next couple of days06:46
bspencerthe right thing is a patch upstream to GTK06:46
bspencerbut there is also a workaround in the Hildon Control Panel code06:46
bspencergood news is that we won't be blocked06:46
rustyland it's a pretty small workaround06:46
bspencerso we can continue06:46
Mithrandirdoes the patch to upstream GTK exist already or does it need to be developed?06:46
bspencerToddBrandt, has been working on pulling in the existing ubuntu control panel related projects and analysiing their usefulness06:46
bspencerMithrandir, it needs to be developed, though we know where the code is 06:47
Mithrandirok, then I suggest we put in the workaround in hildon for now.06:47
bspencerMithrandir, right.  That is what Todd is doing today06:47
bspencershould be there very soon.  06:47
Mithrandirok, coolie.06:48
rustylToddBrandt sent an email with the hildon control panel patch to the ubuntu-mobile mailing list, and this email also explains what is happening06:48
MithrandirI'll get it applied & uploaded then.06:48
mdzI saw a list of components with their probable bases06:48
bspencerah!  I see that.  OK.  06:48
mdzI think it was on the list, but it would be nice to have a copy in the wiki to keep up to date06:48
bspencermdz, ok, I'll follow up with ToddBrandt to get his information there06:49
bspencerhe has a good list.  Has done what agoliveira did for apps06:49
agoliveirabspencer: What a lousy guy he must be...06:49
Mithrandir[ACTION]  ToddBrandt to add list of control panel applications to wiki06:49
MootBotACTION received:  ToddBrandt to add list of control panel applications to wiki 06:49
Mithrandir[ACTION]  tfheen to upload new hildon-control-panel with gtk workaround.06:50
MootBotACTION received:  tfheen to upload new hildon-control-panel with gtk workaround. 06:50
Mithrandirhow does the list of needed control panel applets look?06:50
Mithrandiras in, does it seem we have most of them already and they just need to be hildonised?06:50
bspencermixed bag06:51
Mithrandirany hard ones?06:51
bspencerthe UI-related tasks will need to be redone06:51
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bspencerbut network can be very similar06:51
bspencersystem status == easy06:51
bspencerscreen calibration, there are some existing tools06:51
MithrandirI tested nm-applet on my device and it generally just worked.06:51
bspencerMithrandir, same.  glad about that06:51
bspencervolume controls  are the same06:52
bspencerand we have a brightness control applet already too06:52
bspencerso we should get 3-4 key applets working in the next week06:52
mdzindeed, the dialog is ugly and the button is hard to hit, but the functionality is there06:52
Mithrandirsounds like there are exciting things happening with the control panel applet code now, then.06:53
Mithrandirmoving on06:53
Mithrandir[TOPIC]  media player06:53
MootBotNew Topic:  media player 06:53
bspencerMithrandir, yes, it is great to have a dedicated resource on control panel06:53
bspencermedia player is also moving ahead.  2 big things to do...06:53
bspencer1) bspencer to get media player launchpad site updated06:54
bspencer2) get latest media player bits into ubuntu-mobile06:54
Mithrandircurrent git just needs to be uploaded?06:54
bspencerwith #1, we will then need to discuss the gaps for a full media experience.  There are some holes that no one is owning yet06:54
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bspencerMithrandir, right.06:54
bspencerwe are working on media playback and simple playlist creation06:55
bspencerbut there is no one looking at media syncing yet06:55
rob_bspencer, has anyone tested the brightness control on Menlow HW, i thought it at some point touches ACPI so i'm wondering if ACPI exposes what you need for the brightness control06:55
bspencer(aside from "USB client")06:55
bspencerrob_, ask tariq06:55
Mithrandirbspencer: do we want those to be separate?06:56
bspencerwell, let's not decide that here.  But after we get a good spec uploaded we can go over the details06:56
bspencerI'll have that done by Friday06:56
bspencer [Action.... ]   06:57
Mithrandir[ACTION]  bspencer to update media player spec06:57
MootBotACTION received:  bspencer to update media player spec 06:57
Mithrandir[ACTION]  tfheen to upload new media player06:57
MootBotACTION received:  tfheen to upload new media player 06:57
Mithrandirlooks right?06:58
bspencerone more thing I'll note before moving on...06:58
bspencerthe media player will have a new plugin capability06:58
bspencerwhich allows applications to be registered to handle certain content types06:58
CharliefjohnsonFolks: Have to attend staff meeting in 3 minutes.  Send email if you need something.  Can we make sure and discuss the broken daily builds ?? (i.e. won't install.)06:58
mdzCharliefjohnson: current build installed fine for me06:58
bspencerso if you are in the media player and select JPG, BMP, PNG, for example, you could have a "Flickr uploader" app icon show up06:59
bspencerok.  that's all I have for media player06:59
Mithrandirbspencer: that sounds like useful functionality, indeed06:59
mdzwhat's next?06:59
Charliefjohnsonmdz: I should have clarified - on Menlow.  You can't test that yet but could Bryce take a look at it since he has a Menlow?06:59
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mdzCharliefjohnson: possibly, but Bryce has a lot of commitments beyond mobile. we really need to get menlow hardware to the mobile team07:00
Mithrandirsince Charlie is leaving, I'll skip hardware decode and give him an action item instead07:00
Mithrandir[ACTION]  Charliefjohnson to send status update for hardware decode to ubuntu-mobile list07:01
MootBotACTION received:  Charliefjohnson to send status update for hardware decode to ubuntu-mobile list 07:01
MithrandirI think that was the end of the status updates; the rest are informational or already have had their status updates.07:01
Mithrandirmdz: you wanted to discuss bringing bits from moblin.org into UME?07:02
Mithrandiranybody got other business they want to discuss?07:02
mdzMithrandir: yes07:02
mdzMithrandir: also, you might want to update the rest of the folks here about your progress on lpia07:03
agoliveiraApplications status. I want to know about intel side as well.07:03
Mithrandirmdz: ack.07:03
Mithrandirrob,agoliveira: added to agenda07:03
mdzagreed, would like an update from agoliveira on apps status07:03
mdzalso would like to touch on where we stand relative to hildon upstream07:04
mdzand briefly on bug tracking07:04
bspenceragoliveira, I'd like to chat about that too07:04
bspencermdz, hildon +107:04
Mithrandirlet's start then?07:04
Mithrandir[TOPIC]  Bringing bits from moblin.org into Ubuntu07:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Bringing bits from moblin.org into Ubuntu 07:04
mdzok, there seem to be a few different channels for code arriving into UME07:05
mdzwe have bits which are part of Ubuntu already, and possibly tweaked for UME (including tweaks specific to the lpia build, as agoliveira is doing)07:05
mdzwe have bits coming from bazaar repositories in LP and uploaded by Mithrandir07:05
mdzwe have bits which live on moblin.org in git, and are published in the package repository there07:06
mdzfor that latter category, we seem to have a lag in getting things updated in gutsy07:06
mdzand I'd like to discuss ways in which we could improve that, so that we're increasingly working with the same code base07:06
mdzI think at present, uploads are done by Mithrandir on request07:07
mdzMithrandir: ?07:07
Mithrandiryes, and when I chance anything myself and I think a release is appropritate.07:07
MithrandirI do commit a bit to the moblin.org git repositories for those bits which live there.07:08
mdzI'd like to suggest that we consider a) syncing of packages from the moblin repository into gutsy, b) syncing of packages from moblin into a PPA (and thereafter into gutsy), and c) moblin folks having privileges to make direct uploads to gutsy07:08
rob_mdz: PPA?07:09
Mithrandirc) sounds like the best long-term approach to me, but it'll require some effort for people to go through MOTU and such.07:09
mdzrob_: PPA is a service offered as part of Launchpad, which builds packages and publishes them in an archive accessible by apt07:09
Mithrandirespecially since I want UME to end up in main and not just universe.07:09
mdzMithrandir: it make take a little time, but well worth it I think07:10
mdzjono agreed to contact mawhalen to connect the relevant people on  both sides07:10
rustylhow much time are we talking about?07:10
mawhalenjono contacted me but I haven't heard back from him07:10
bspencerrustyl, is a good start for MOTU on our side07:10
agoliveiraI would love 1) but looks there's a security problem in it? So 2) Looks the best option to me short-term.07:10
mdzrustyl: given that you clearly already know how to make packages, it involves having some folks review your work and acknowledge that, so that you can be granted privileges07:11
agoliveirarustyl: Don't worry, I'm also in the same situation.07:11
mdzwe'll dedicate time on the parts of jono and dholbach to helping the process along07:11
Mithrandiragoliveira: syncing is fine, but they obviously have to be checked by hand first; we don't want to blindingly sync packages. :-)07:12
rustylso then regardless of what we do for the short term, we should start a couple of us Intel guys in the MOTU direction07:12
agoliveiraMithrandir: Sure. +1 to option 2.07:12
rustylbtw, i think most of the problems that we have seen are related to the way we do builds on moblin.org07:12
mdzMithrandir: right, the issues are more or less the same as syncing from any third-party repository07:12
Mithrandirrustyl: I don't think the process behind how and when you do builds is entirely clear to the rest of us.07:13
mdzthe idea being that once we're confident with a particular package, we can sync it with only minimal review07:13
rustylanytime any source is touch in a moblin repository, the code is built and a package uploaded to the moblin apt repository07:13
rustyland i think this needs to change07:13
mdzrustyl: what's the URL for that repository?07:13
rustylwhat we (moblin) need to have the package upload be islolated from the autobuild07:14
rustylmdz, just a second... let me dig that up07:14
Mithrandirdeb http://www.moblin.org/apt gaston main07:14
rustylyea, that's it07:15
mdz[LINK]  http://www.moblin.org/apt07:15
MootBotLINK received:  http://www.moblin.org/apt 07:15
Mithrandirpart of the problem is having two repositories means we lose common ground and once something hits moblin, there's less incentive for anybody using moblin.org to push it further into Ubuntu.07:15
mdzrustyl: one idea would be to continue what you're doing with the moblin repository, but when you want to do a more official release, push it over into gutsy07:16
mdzMithrandir: indeed07:16
Mithrandirgiven that we want everything to end up in Ubuntu (eventually), that's suboptimal.07:16
rustylmdz, but the problem is that the image-creator (if not patched like in gutsy), pulls from both repositories07:16
mdzwe see a degraded experience installing the Ubuntu builds on devices, compared to what you're seeing with builds based on moblin07:16
agoliveiraMithrandir: specially as moblin's are more up to date07:16
mdzrustyl: presumably you did that for a reason, no?07:17
rustylmdz, and then developers fix various problems, and when they see the issue resolve from an image created by image-creator then they think of it as "done"07:17
rustylmdz, yes, for the reason of making it very easy to do rapid development07:17
mdzrustyl: right, that's where we have a disconnect, and I'd like to try to get us closer to working with the same code base07:17
Mithrandirso we need to get them to not think of it as done, but only as "ok, this is the right fix, now I need to get it into Ubuntu"07:17
rustylyea, we do07:18
mdz(fyi, I have a call in 12 minutes and will need to duck mostly out)07:18
mdzrustyl: perhaps one person could be responsible for pushing things into gutsy which are 'ready'07:18
mdzthough I'm not sure there's a big difference between what we'd want in gutsy and what you are committing to git at this point07:19
mdzbecause we're in such an early stage07:19
rustylwe could start with one person, and I could take that on, but ideally the project maintainer would have that ability07:19
Mithrandirif nothing else, dropping me a mail or a line on IRC means I can check and upload.07:19
mdzrustyl: so in addition to some folks being able to push packages directly through  MOTU, we have the sync idea07:19
rustylon the moblin side we need to rethink this a little07:19
mdzwhere Mithrandir or another Ubuntu archive admin can receive a request to put package X version Y into gutsy, and copy it straight over from moblin07:20
Mithrandir(though making me more critical-path than I already am is probably not a good idea, so getting some moblin people through MOTU is a good idea).07:20
mdzrustyl: do you want to take this back and discuss it with others, then raise it on the mailing list?07:20
rustylyes, that would be good07:21
mdzwe have all the tools we need, I think, just need to decide on a workflow which works for everyone07:21
=== Mithrandir nods.
Mithrandirmove on?07:21
=== silbs [i=jane@nat/canonical/x-366e561a436bd398] has left #ubuntu-mobile []
Mithrandir[TOPIC]  Status relative to upstream hildon07:22
MootBotNew Topic:  Status relative to upstream hildon 07:22
mdzwe took some snapshots when doing the initial packaging of hildon07:22
bspenceryes, we need to resync with their latest07:22
mdzand they've surely moved on since then, while we've been busy with other things07:22
bspencerand there are a few patches 3-4 which I don't think are upstream07:22
bspencervery true07:23
bspencerso agoliveira and I should get this sync'd07:23
mdzI think there's a question to be asked, about whether this is something we need to pursue07:23
bspencerI'll get a summary of the patches I know and propose them on the hildon-libs mailing list07:23
mdzis it important to have the latest bits from hildon?  and if so, by what point in the release process?07:23
bspencermdz, I think we should have a goal of using their Sept official release07:23
mdzsounds like it probably is, at least for some componetns07:24
agoliveiraRight now hildon is still a moving target as they are refactoring a lot of things.07:24
mdzprobably some more than others07:24
bspencerafter that I don't think we need to track their daily changes until their next official releas07:24
MithrandirI like the idea of using official releases from them07:24
mdzprobably some we can safely track, and others are changing a lot as rustyl points out07:24
mdzif they are doing milestone releases, that would be ideal07:24
agoliveiramdz: They don't07:24
bspencerso I think a sync again now, and again after Sept19th release (with GNOME) would be good.07:24
bspenceror if we want to wait until Sept, I am also fine with that.07:25
mdzalternatively, we could spend some time talking with upstream about their plans, and decide based on that07:25
bspencerwe should do that07:25
bspencerin any case07:25
Mithrandirsync now and when they release sounds like a good plan, but also talking with upstream and seeing what they think.07:25
Mithrandirbspencer: can you do that?07:25
rustyldo we know if any of the upstream changes change the API's07:25
bspencershould I cross-post my question to ubuntu-mobile list and hildon-libs?07:25
bspencerrustyl, I don't know yet07:26
agoliveirabspencer: I think we can wait. Syncing now could introduce changes that would require us to fix our side too. One more delay.07:26
mdzbspencer: good idea07:26
bspencerrustyl, but Moises has usually kept me in the loop on new things, at least he did for a while07:26
Mithrandir[ACTION]  bspencer to talk with hildon upstream about hildon release plans and what we should base ourselves on.07:26
MootBotACTION received:  bspencer to talk with hildon upstream about hildon release plans and what we should base ourselves on. 07:26
bspencergot it.07:26
mdzagoliveira: are you subscribed to the hildon list(s)?07:26
Mithrandir[ACTION]  rusty to discuss how to handle moving code from moblin->gutsy, follow up with discussion on ubuntu-mobile07:26
MootBotACTION received:  rusty to discuss how to handle moving code from moblin->gutsy, follow up with discussion on ubuntu-mobile 07:26
agoliveiramdz: Since the beginning.07:27
bspencerMithrandir, so does Mootbot send an email after the meeting?07:27
mdzbspencer: it publishes an HTML summary07:27
Mithrandirbspencer: unsure, I'm looking forward to finding out.07:27
bspencerme too :)07:27
Mithrandirok, so moving on.  I'd like to briefly touch on bug tracking before mdz runs off07:27
Mithrandir[TOPIC]  Bug tracking07:27
MootBotNew Topic:  Bug tracking 07:27
mdztwo separate issues here07:28
mawhalenMithrandir: I have a meeting in 2 minutes and will run off, I just received email from Steve Alexander about Launchpad/Bugzilla07:28
mdzone, there have been questions on the mailing list about where to file Ubuntu bugs which are specifically relevant to UME07:28
mdztwo, what mawhalen said07:29
mdzI also have to run though07:29
mawhalenI'll follow up with Steve07:29
mdzwe can cover this out of band07:29
=== mdz -> gone
Mithrandirok, good, and we get a summary next week07:29
Mithrandir[ACTION]  mdz and mawhalen to follow up on bug tracking discussions and report back next week or on mailing list07:29
MootBotACTION received:  mdz and mawhalen to follow up on bug tracking discussions and report back next week or on mailing list 07:29
=== mawhalen gone
Mithrandir[TOPIC]  SDIO07:30
MootBotNew Topic:  SDIO 07:30
Mithrandirrob_: you wanted to talk about sdio stuff?07:30
=== agoliveira is back in 2 minutes. Doorbell.
rob_so we were discussing last week about how/when to include Pierre's SDIO patch07:30
rob_amitk_, was going to discuss it with others at Ubuntu, so was there any update on that?07:30
amitk_rob_: unfortunately I didn't get a chance to talk to BenC before he left on vacation. He is back on Monday though, so I should be able to talk to him then07:31
agoliveiraSorry. I had to pick-up the mail... darn... only bills again. I should let the postman have them...07:32
amitk_what is the estimated schedule for Pierre's SDIO patch?07:32
amitk_we have a few more weeks for kernel freeze07:33
rob_amitk_, ok, then i'll wait for next for an answer. Pierre's stack is progressing and he's adding API support for hi-speed deivices... I think we can take Pierre's stack and have it working on Menlow HW by end of September (alpha quality) then a month or so to get it working with WLAN/BT multi-function cards07:34
amitk_rob_: in that case it won't go in Gutsy07:34
Mithrandirhow modular is it?  Can we do it as an update?07:35
amitk_rob_: whether we pull it in an update is a decision that needs to be taken by BenC.07:36
rob_amitk_, then we should have BenC take a look at what Pierre has now07:36
Mithrandiramitk_: can you follow up on that with Ben?07:37
rob_amitk_, hold on a  minute, i'll give you the link07:37
amitk_rob_, Mithrandir: from what I have understood, it is somewhat of a rewrite of the MMC stack. That means it will break stuff in the beginning during the transition to the new stack.07:37
robramitk_: here's a link with Pierre's code: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/drzeus/mmc.git;a=shortlog;h=sdio07:37
amitk_rob_: What we might end up doing is that this patchset will only be applied to the UME flavour, without disturbing Gutsy07:39
rob_amitk_, that would be safest07:39
amitk_rob_: in that case, we can put it in whenever you feel it is ready for testing07:40
Mithrandirand then it can go in in an update too?07:40
amitk_Mithrandir: are you asking me? ^^^07:41
rob_amitk_, that would be a good plan...not sure about the update question07:42
Mithrandiramitk_: yes, you're probably in the best position to answer it.07:42
amitk_Mithrandir: yes. It should be possible to push it into an update and _hope for the best_. I stress the last part because it is almost certain to cause regressions07:43
Mithrandirthen we can upload new versions which fix those regressions07:43
amitk_but only the UME flavour should get affected07:43
rob_when you say update, does that mean for gutsy or for ume flavor?07:43
Mithrandirfor the ume flavour in gutsy.07:44
rob_ok. i'd rather fix the regressions than stick to our MSS patch which really only supports the Intel HW we've test against and doesn't co-exist with the current MMC stack07:45
Mithrandirok, so we have agreement on pushing Pierre's SDIO stack into the UME flavour with the goal of having it updated to address regressions?07:45
=== agoliveira thinks that would be interesting to watch the result :)
Mithrandir[AGREE]  agreement on pushing Pierre's SDIO stack into the UME flavour with the goal of having it updated to address regressions.07:46
Mithrandir[AGREED]  agreement on pushing Pierre's SDIO stack into the UME flavour with the goal of having it updated to address regressions.07:46
MootBotAGREED received:  agreement on pushing Pierre's SDIO stack into the UME flavour with the goal of having it updated to address regressions. 07:46
Mithrandirthat was the command07:46
Mithrandir[TOPIC]  lpia update07:47
MootBotNew Topic:  lpia update 07:47
Mithrandira small update from the world of LPIA.07:47
Mithrandirtogether with mdz and agoliveira, I fixed a bug in glib today which means all glib-using applications should be unblocked and we can get hildon-* built.07:47
Mithrandirhttp://err.no/tmp/screenshot-ume-lpia-2.png is a Xephyr screenshot running on lpia, in a chroot.07:48
MootBotLINK received:  http://err.no/tmp/screenshot-ume-lpia-2.png is a Xephyr screenshot running on lpia, in a chroot. 07:48
agoliveiraand we will be able to have a full lpia chroot to build stuff07:48
MithrandirI'm hoping we can have daily lpia images in the middle of next week.07:48
Mithrandirso, quite happy news.07:49
Mithrandirany questions?07:49
amitk_Mithrandir: The LPIA kernel config should be identical to the current UME flavour, correct?07:50
agoliveiraQuick note: the arch is being build as we speak07:50
Mithrandiramitk_: yes, I think so.07:50
=== amitk_ makes a mental note to sync LPIA config with UME config
Mithrandir[ACTION]  amitk_ to sync lpia and ume kernel configs07:51
MootBotACTION received:  amitk_ to sync lpia and ume kernel configs 07:51
Mithrandirthere, now it's not just a mental note.07:51
Mithrandirmove on?07:51
Mithrandir[TOPIC]  Application status07:51
MootBotNew Topic:  Application status 07:51
Mithrandiragoliveira: the floor is yours.07:51
amitk_Is mootbot going to nag about these actions too? :-p07:52
agoliveiraAfter the changes on libosso and sapwood the appliactions that already have hildon support are very easy to compile so I already have dates, claws and I'm working on notes. I was suposed to send those to Tollef to upkload but I wanted to test on lpia first and this problem hold me a bit.07:52
Mithrandiramitk_: they'll be put on the intarweb07:53
agoliveiraAnyway you can expect those applications to come out very fast now.07:53
agoliveiraIf it keeps that way we should have one per day or 2.07:53
=== amitk_ -> leaving
Mithrandiragoliveira: I realise I start sounding like a broken record, but please make sure to push those bits upstream07:53
bspenceragoliveira, we are happy to hear that.  anxious to start playing with email so I can make a long list of "to do" for Frank to improve it07:54
bspenceragoliveira, will "Claws" have a new name for Hildon version?07:54
agoliveiraMithrandir: As I said, I wanted to be sure that trhe lpia arch works.07:54
Mithrandiragoliveira: yup, that's good07:54
agoliveirabspencer: NO, same name, different arch07:54
agoliveiraSo i386 will use gtk and lpia, hildon07:55
bspenceragoliveira, is there room for big changes there?  We aren't limited by anything if we change the app a lot?07:55
agoliveirabspencer: No problem, the source is the same you just need to be sure to respect the conditionals.07:55
bspenceragoliveira, ok.  How shall we best push changes to you for these applications?07:56
MithrandirI suspect we want to use claws for the first version, but might want to base the next version off something else, like modest.07:56
bspencerall as patches in email ?07:56
agoliveiraMithrandir: I compared both and claws won hands down.07:56
agoliveirabspencer: The ideal is to do the way we usually do, apt-get sources, hack, send to someone to upload.07:57
agoliveirabspencer: But you can send them to me as well.07:57
agoliveiraMaybe in the future modest catch up.07:58
bspenceragoliveira, sorry for my ignorance.  So we have our own tree which you can see, then I tell you to look at it and merge?07:58
bspencerand you maintain the project?07:58
agoliveirabspencer: That's sometrhing we need to discuss. Shaw we focus on me or what?07:58
agoliveiraI don't have a problem getting a patch, appliying and send to upload.07:59
bspencerwell, Intel wants you to own it, but we want to add lots of patches :)07:59
agoliveiraIntel wants to pay me extra for that too? :-D07:59
bspencer$$$ 07:59
bspencer"in the mail"08:00
bspencerok.  we'll send patches08:00
agoliveiraMithrandir: YOur take on this?08:00
agoliveirabspencer: Just forget to ask for the Q1 back and we're done ;)08:00
Mithrandirsounds fine to me.08:00
agoliveiraSo it's a deal. Send those to me.08:00
bspenceragoliveira, I want to touch on chat and camera briefly08:00
bspencerchat:  we have an empathy chat app working we'll send for you to check out08:01
bspenceryou had plans to use pidgin?08:01
agoliveiraIt's up to you actually.08:01
Mithrandirbspencer: have you given any thought on embedding video conferencing in the empathy-based app?08:01
bspencerboth are probably good, but we wanted something unquestionably legal08:01
agoliveiraI could use it.08:01
Mithrandirwe don't want to use pidgin, which is problematic for legal reasons.08:01
bspencerMithrandir, yes, we chatted with Rob McQeen about that yesterday08:02
Mithrandirbspencer: I saw it, yes.08:02
agoliveirabspencer: Just move the development to Brazil and you're done ;)08:02
bspencerso we'd like to get eyes on our current work.  I can take an action item to get Chat into ubuntu-mobile in the next week08:02
bspencerbut our UI is still sorely in need of love.  I need more time!08:02
agoliveirayes, there's the legal crap...08:02
Mithrandirbspencer: getting it into ubuntu would be great, yes.08:03
bspencerok.  and about camera...08:03
bspencerhave you looked at lucview ?08:03
Mithrandir[ACTION]  bspencer to work on getting chat app into Ubuntu08:03
MootBotACTION received:  bspencer to work on getting chat app into Ubuntu 08:03
agoliveirabspencer: No I settled with Cheese. This one is new to me.08:03
bspencernothing really there.  We'll try and help a little on the camera app08:04
bspenceris Cheese in UME ?08:04
Mithrandirit'll be soon, yes.08:04
bspencercan I put it in the UI ?  :)08:04
agoliveirabspencer: Not yet but it's in Gutsy08:04
bspencerwe have not been successful in tracking down a driver for the Q1 or specs either08:04
Mithrandirmjg59: is working on pushing the hildon bits upstream08:04
bspenceragoliveira, who is working on Cheese?08:05
bspencermjg59, -- is that a Cheesey guy?08:05
Mithrandirbspencer: mjg59, Matthew Garrett08:05
Mithrandirwe can test with an external webcam for now, I suspect08:05
kwwiihe is quitre cheesy, indeed08:05
bspencerMithrandir, that is what we're doing.08:05
bspencerbut not really good for show demos next month08:05
agoliveirabspencer: Why is so diffigult to find the data about this camera?08:05
Jack-LaptopI think spacview is another choice ,have you tried that08:06
agoliveiraLooks like is quite close to the Zyxel ones08:06
bspencerJack-Laptop, I haven't.  I'll peek at that too.08:06
Jack-Laptopcompare with  lucview08:06
agoliveiraJack-Laptop: I did but cheese was more promissing.08:06
bspenceragoliveira, yes, but all the data says "Vendor specific" and it doesn't "just work" with the video4linux stuff08:06
bspencerok.  I don't have anything I can't chat with offline.08:07
agoliveirabspencer: Can't you pull someone's strings? You're Intel for JHC's sake :)08:07
Jack-LaptopI have enable video capture prototype with spacview before08:07
bspenceragoliveira, I'll see if the all-powerful Genie can assist.08:07
bspencerJack-Laptop, that's interesting08:07
Mithrandiroh well, any more for mobile apps?08:07
bspencernot from me.08:07
Mithrandiror, any other business?08:07
agoliveiraI'm cool08:08
ian_brasilwho is the best person to contact about the docs on moblin.org?...i have a few things i would like to ask08:08
Mithrandirok, adjourned.08:09
MootBotMeeting finished at 18:01.08:09
=== pepsi43 [n=pepsi@c-66-30-199-77.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
Mithrandir20:09 <MootBot> Logs available at http://kryten.incognitus.net/mootbot/meetings/08:09
kyleNMithrandir, can I ask a quick question?08:09
MithrandirkyleN: sure, shoot08:09
Mithrandirian_brasil: unsure, maybe rustyl knows.08:09
kyleNI see the gtk and mathbox themes are set in the file you pointed me too, but not the "icon theme". how is that set? 08:10
rustyleither myself or bspencer can get updates to moblin.org... or is it just a question?08:10
MithrandirkyleN: I think that's sset in the gtk theme08:10
ian_brasili will mail you then08:10
kyleNso it is referenced in the gtkrc file?08:11
MithrandirkyleN: I believe so, yes.  bspencer probably knows better08:11
kwwiiit is set in the gtkrc08:13
kwwiiMithrandir: you scared me earlier when you had that long path :-)08:13
kwwiiMithrandir: btw, any news on a device making it to me?08:14
Mithrandirkwwii: which one?  The one into /etc/X11/Xsession.d?08:14
kwwiiMithrandir: yeah :-)08:14
Mithrandirkwwii: I can check up on it in the confcall in a little bit.08:14
MithrandirI spent a day mucking around there, so I think I should know the bits.08:14
kwwiithat should set the theme to use, not the icon set I guess08:14
bspencerkwwii, kyleN :  I don't actually know how the icon theme is set08:15
bspencerI know how that you can set the overall theme when you launch the window manager08:16
Mithrandirkwwii: seen http://www.moblin.org/archives/html/dev/2007-08/msg00105.html ?08:16
kyleN.xinitrc specifies the gtkrc and matchbox themes, but I've yet to see where the icon theme is set08:16
Mithrandir# grep IconTheme /usr/share/themes/mobilebasic/index.theme08:17
Mithrandirmaybe that's the one you're looking for?08:17
kyleNthat could be it, Mithrandir. I'll test by breaking it.08:18
agoliveira_BRBI'm taking a break, be back in a few minunes08:18
kwwiiMithrandir: yes, I was looking at that last night08:18
bspencerso "default" is a symlink?08:19
kyleNmy target has the following three icon theme dirs: hildon, gnome, and hicolor (which is the default)08:19
=== dantalizing [n=dan@n128-227-48-160.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
bspencerkyleN, yes, mine too.  And hildon gets used by many hildon things08:19
bspencerbut hicolor gets used sometimes08:19
kyleNand gnome gets used for somethings!08:20
kyleNsome things!08:20
kwwiithe keyboard idea is well written but there are a few things I think we should discuss in the details of exactly which keys are needed most, etc.08:20
kwwiiand we need to look into how many modifiers are needed to get to an extended set (or decide how far to extend it)08:21
mjg59Re: Cheese - I have a working Hildonised version, and I've been discussing it with upstream. It works well enough on my N800.08:21
Mithrandirkwwii: yup, that was the kind of input I want from you.08:21
kwwiikyleN, bspencer: none of those icons theme are complete, so they fallback08:21
kwwiikyleN, bspencer: and each theme can define a fallback itself, so there are funky hierarchies at play 08:22
bspencerkwwii, yes, I want to talk about that08:22
bspencer(kwwii keyboard that is)08:22
bspencermjg59, so will upstream support having a Hildon version so we don't have to maintain a different tree?08:22
kwwiithe full keyboard is a no-brainer, I think - just talking about the smaller one08:22
mjg59bspencer: Yes08:22
bspencermjg59, great08:23
bspencerkwwii,  right.   Can we hash out a layout and look on the mailing list ?08:24
bspenceralso, Mithrandir do you understand how Poky's keyboard autolaunches ?08:24
kwwiibspencer: certainly, I've started making the design already - should have something together sometime tomorrow08:24
bspencerMithrandir, we'd like to get that working and we assumed we needed either a Gtk patch or Hildon patch08:24
bspencerkwwii, you da man08:24
Mithrandirbspencer: yes.08:24
kyleNkwwii: it this fallback via the "Inherits" key (which is absent in all my index.theme files)08:25
kwwiikyleN: lol, yeah, it would have been08:25
kwwiikyleN: that would tell me that only certain apps/pieces/whatever are looking for icons in the hildon theme, or that only a few hildon icons exist08:26
Mithrandirbspencer: I uploaded a version of matchbox-keyboard which does autolaunching yesterday.08:26
Mithrandirbspencer: so if you start matchbox-keyboard -d in a shell, it should pop up and go away as you play08:27
kyleNkwwii: actually most images are not in icons themes, but in theme folders, such as /usr/share/themes/mobilebasic/images/mb_drop_down_menu.png08:27
kwwiikyleN: ouch, that is nasty (and another reason why changing themes will break the look)08:28
kwwiithe idea would be to have as few app specific icons as possible08:28
kyleNbut some are, such as the calculator icon on the Extras menu bar which is in the gnome icon theme dir08:28
bspencerMithrandir, oooo08:28
Mithrandirbspencer: I just need to find out if it exits with the session, if so, I can enable it by default in the session startup.08:29
bspencerkyleN, thanks to me08:29
bspencerkyleN, I put everything in the "images" folder until I could get a clue08:29
kwwiiwe should probably get tigert in on this discussion as he would know exactly why they did things08:29
kyleNnot to pile on, but then there's the top left menu image (of the desktop) which is here:home/kyle/p001/targets/t001/fs/usr/share/pixmaps/mb_apps_menu.png08:29
bspencerand I was hoping kwwii had an extra clue for me to get08:29
bspencerit is also in the "images" directory?08:30
bspencerkyleN, I wonder if that is cached by hildon in the pixmaps dir?  Hmm...08:30
kyleNyes, but the one in images isn't used08:30
kwwiiin any case, all the icons should be in theme dirs unless it is app specific08:31
kwwiiand all names should follow the xdg naming spec08:31
kyleNok & ok08:31
kyleNI am still uncertain where the default icon theme is set...08:32
Mithrandiragoliveira_BRB: your libosso fix doesn't look right, why do you need it, and why do you think it fixes anything?08:33
kwwiiif I actually had an instance running I could probably help more ;-)08:33
bspencerkwwii, have you gotten one running before?08:33
Mithrandirkwwii: once apt and friends are installable again, you should be able to get it running.  I can walk you through it in a little bit?08:34
kwwiibspencer: nope, I tried twice (a while ago) and gave up08:34
kwwiiMithrandir: that would be great08:34
bspencerkwwii, can we chat sometime tomorrow with you, me, and horace (intel guy) via irc about theming work we can help with ?08:35
bspencer(not the graphics, but the other parts)08:35
bspencerwe've talked about some tools that would make life easier and we could help with these.08:36
kyleNis the hope that UME will support user settable themes?08:36
kwwiibspencer: definitely :-)08:36
kwwiikyleN: yes, that would be desirable, I think08:36
bspencerkyleN, eventually 08:36
kyleNcool. I've simply got to go eat. thx all. 08:37
bspencerkyleN, I think:  1) get a theme working correctly.  2) document how to change the theme (for ODMs), 3) add support for user-changability 08:37
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bspencerkwwii -- asac wants hildon theming to work for Gtk menus too08:38
kyleNbspencer, yes, those seem like the steps. I guess 1) isn't there yet08:38
bspencerso he doesn't have to change mozilla as much08:38
kwwiibspencer: that would make things much easier - mozilla themes suck to make08:38
agoliveiraMithrandir: IIRC, in the last changes I just fixed the headers so it compiles ok with the current dbus.08:39
Mithrandiragoliveira: uh, no, it should compile completely fine without those changes.08:39
Mithrandiragoliveira: you're using pkg-config to get the correct set of compilation flags, aren't you?08:39
agoliveiraMithrandir: libosso itself yes but programs that deppends on it does not.08:40
agoliveiraYes, of course08:40
Mithrandirapplications that depend on libosso should use pkg-config too08:40
asacmsg -freenode bspencer i think that would be ok if they are eager to learn and some accustomed on how to build/test/work on large code-bases.08:40
kwwiibspencer: erm, you said gtk menus...I assumed that it already supported that (not sure how I got mozilla out of that)08:40
agoliveiraMithrandir: Like mauli.h IIRC08:41
Mithrandir: tfheen@xoog ~ > pkg-config --cflags libosso08:41
Mithrandir-I/usr/include/dbus-1.0 -I/usr/lib/dbus-1.0/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include08:41
Mithrandirso the relative include in the osso header files should Just Work08:41
bspencerkwwii, yeah, so the theme would cover standard GtkMenus in addition to Hildon menus08:42
agoliveiraMithrandir: Some header files have a differnt set of includes.08:42
bspencerkwwii, what time do you have now?  7:45pm?08:43
kwwiibspencer: 8:45pm08:43
Mithrandiragoliveira: where can I find the package you did those changes for?08:43
bspencerwhen can i setup a meeting tom?  I'm trying to coordinate PRC guy and me08:43
=== bspencer looks at calendar which shows multiple times
agoliveiraMithrandir: Didn't I commted it?08:44
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Mithrandiragoliveira: you committed the changes to libosso to bzr, yes.  I believe they are wrong and would like you to show me an application where they are needed. (And where the application isn't just buggy)08:44
kwwiibspencer: it's 11:45 there now?08:44
bspencerkwwii, how about 4pm tomrrow?  That's 11pm PRC, and 8am for me.08:45
bspencerhe can chat from home.08:45
kwwiibspencer: sure, I can do that08:45
bspenceror 3pm maybe instead.  10pm PRC, 7am me.08:45
agoliveiraMithrandir: Maybe I got it wrong but if you want to try, get dates for instance.08:45
kwwiiwhatever is best is fine by me08:45
bspencerok.  you are +9.  So 7am PDT, 4pm Germany, 10pm China08:46
bspencerwork ok?08:46
Mithrandiragoliveira: from the archive, or from where?08:46
kwwiibspencer: sounds great08:46
kwwiiI'll note that time08:46
bspencersee you here then.   I'm taking off now for a bit08:46
agoliveiraMithrandir: Sorry, I just can't think very straight right now, I'm just too freaking tired... hold on.08:46
agoliveiraMithrandir: I'm sending you the dates source I tested with UME and works.08:48
Mithrandiruh, please just put it on people.ubuntu.com or something, don't send large file via email.08:49
=== Mithrandir hates attachments
kwwiibspencer: have fun, see you soon08:49
agoliveiraMithrandir: hold on08:49
Mithrandirrustyl: just to double-check; current mobile-basic-flash git is ok to upload?08:49
rustylMithrandir, yes, it is ok to upload08:50
agoliveiraMithrandir: http://diemicrosoftdie.com/dates.tar.bz208:51
Mithrandircoolie, uploaded.08:51
agoliveiraMithrandir: Got it?08:53
agoliveiraMithrandir: Let me know if I screwd it up.08:55
Mithrandiragoliveira: seems like it compiles fine both on amd64 and in a lpia chroot08:55
Mithrandirwith just stock packages08:55
agoliveiraMithrandir: You mean with the current libosso?08:58
Mithrandiryes, with what's in the archive already08:58
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agoliveiraMithrandir: That's just great... I don't know what the heck is going on with me...08:58
agoliveiraCan you run the lpia resulting package on your chroot to see if you get the hildon interface08:58
agoliveiraCan you also upload dates? If this compiles fine on lpia for you so I can give you claws as well.09:00
MithrandirI can once I'm done with this phone call09:03
agoliveiraMithrandir: BTW, do you prefer I send you the full source like this for uploading or what?09:03
Mithrandirdiffs are usually better09:05
agoliveiraMithrandir: Ok, I'll just push a Claws deppendency first.09:10
ToddBrandtHappyCamp: join the moblin channel09:20
agoliveiraMithrandir: Could you please also add osso-browser-interface that I just pushed to your list of things to upload? Claws deppends on it.09:23
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AndyGraybealso this is more for tablets, and not pocketpc's ?09:27
AndyGraybeallike an ipaq09:27
agoliveiraAndyGraybeal: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/FAQ09:28
agoliveiraAndyGraybeal: In short, yes, at least for now.09:29
AndyGraybealrad, thanks09:29
=== agoliveira is thinking about add a bot to show the FAQ link everytime the words pda, n770, n800, ipaq, zaurus and similars are written here...
ian_brasilthat will save *a lot* of time and effort09:31
agoliveiraAndyGraybeal: Sorry, nothing personal, it's just that similar questions pops up here several times a day09:31
AndyGraybealagoliveira, no problem, i understand.... i got excited when i saw #ubuntu-mobile !!09:32
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AndyGraybeali about pooped my pants :)09:32
MTecknologyi didn't know this channel existed09:32
agoliveiraAndyGraybeal: We expect to be there someday...09:32
MTecknologyis there a version of ubuntu just for tablets pc's or is this more of a support channel?09:32
AndyGraybealagoliveira, that's rad.. i'm using familiar right now :)  along with opie, i enjoy it09:32
agoliveiraMTecknology: I didn't know that you existed too so we're even ;)09:33
agoliveiraMTecknology: UME is under heavy development yet. No release was done.09:33
MTecknologymuch appreciated though09:34
agoliveiraBut you can give it a try: check this out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded09:34
MTecknologyi can't - for the love of god - get my tablet to work09:34
MTecknologymy stylus and screen rotation and such09:34
agoliveiraMTecknology: Check the docs. You can at least run it in a chroot09:34
agoliveiraSo you can at least take a look.09:35
MTecknologyi'm willing to shrink my ubuntu partition and migrate to it when it is released09:35
agoliveiraMTecknology: But as I said, it's under heavy dev. so don't blame us if it just don't work for you09:35
MTecknologyi'm only using 3.2 of 40G for ubuntu now09:35
MTecknologyvista is, of course, taking up plenty of its 40G09:36
agoliveiraMTecknology: Be aware that this is not a desktop replacement. It's really meant to things like webpads.09:36
agoliveiraHeavy usage of fullscreen, hildon interface, etc09:36
MTecknologywill this come out to be more of an addon to ubuntu?09:37
agoliveiraPlease, read the faq: " The Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded project aims to derive an operating system for mobile internet devices using Ubuntu as a base."09:37
ian_brasildoes anyone now what port i need to open in a firewall to do a git clone rsync://moblin.org/repos/tools/moblin-image-creator.git09:38
Scirirsync operates on port 873 on tcp and udp...09:38
SciriBut I don't know your firewall config so I'm not sure if that'll help :)09:39
ian_brasili need to do port forwarding so i will give 873 a shot09:39
agoliveiraian_brasil: No idea. But I guess you can do this git clone http://...09:39
SciriAha...gotcha. And ian, for future reference, most ports are listed in /etc/services:09:40
Sciridyn-003:~/Desktop sean$ grep rsync /etc/services 09:40
Scirirsync           873/udp     # rsync09:40
Scirirsync           873/tcp     # rsync09:40
MTecknologyagoliveira, so if you're going to use the same repos and everything, I should just be able to install the the packages on top of gusty when everything is said and done, right?09:42
MTecknologyor the other way around?09:42
agoliveiraMTecknology: Install the packages, yes but it's a different arch. The idea is the other way around, you can install many (maybe all) gutsy packages on UME 09:43
MTecknologysounds excellent09:43
MTecknologyso when it's all ready for ppl to use in a production environment i could install it to a new partition, install gusty packages, move over my data, expand the partition... then know everything will work w/o any risk09:44
MTecknologyhow hard would it be for a novice like me to help develop this?09:45
agoliveiraMTecknology: Well, it deppends on what you want to do. You can hang around this channel, sing in on ubuntu-mobile@lists.ubuntu.com and jump in when you feel you can be of assistence.09:50
MTecknologyI mean like... http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember09:50
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agoliveiraMTecknology: That's a good general start09:54
Mithrandiragoliveira: it tries to start, but segfaults.09:56
agoliveiraMithrandir: Did you use the latest sapwood? IIRC there was this problem.09:57
Mithrandirhah, there it worked09:57
Mithrandirit wasn't too happy about being started through emacs (don't ask)09:57
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Mithrandiricons are busted, but otherwise it looks good10:00
agoliveiraThe icons problem is known.10:00
agoliveiraBut that's the way it should look.10:01
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agoliveiraMithrandir: Are you going to stay around a bit after the meeting?10:52
Mithrandirno, it's close to 23:00 here now, so I'm going to sleep soonish10:53
agoliveiraMithrandir: I'll send you claws and maybe notes later. Could you please take care of them tomorrow?10:53
Mithrandirplease just send me URLs and yes, I'll poke them tomorrow then10:54
agoliveiraNo problem. Thanks.10:54
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