
=== tmarble [n=tmarble@user-38q4et6.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-ports
fabbionehey tmarble 01:46
tmarbleciao fabbione!01:48
tmarblewhat's new in the world of LDOM's on my hardware --> running Linux?01:48
fabbionenot much at the moment other than bug fixes01:48
fabbionethey are queued in git.. not in archive yet01:48
tmarbledid david have to tweak the kernel?01:48
fabbioneyeah quite a bit01:48
tmarbleoh wow01:49
fabbionehe had to write a lot of new code to support LDOOM01:49
fabbionebut the support is already in gutsy01:49
fabbioneyou should be able to install without any problem01:49
fabbionebut still a bit buggy01:49
tmarbleso if I understand it correctly, then I could have N instances of Ubuntu on T2000, for example, which are separate?01:49
fabbioneI need to hunt down an OOPS and we need to fix some multiple ethernet interfaces problems01:50
fabbioneyes that's correct01:50
tmarblewas the tricky bit sharing physical interfaces through the hypervisor to each instance?01:50
fabbioneyou still need S10 to run the host01:50
fabbionebut that will go away soon ;)01:50
fabbioneno, that's done and working. The problem is that we are running out of virtual IRQ when adding more than 15 ethernets in the guest01:51
fabbioneit's a corner case...01:51
fabbionenormal stuff will work just fine01:51
fabbionei spotted several issues when overloading the guests with tons of disks and tons of ethernets01:51
fabbionethis is the last "big" one left01:51
fabbioneall the other stuff is simpler01:51
tmarblewow, man, hard to believe we are stuck with a DOS limitation on SPARC hardware running Linux!!!01:52
fabbioneit's just a bug01:52
tmarblejust kidding !01:52
fabbioneit works at the disk layer01:52
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