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eXosypheranyone alive? 03:53
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vltHello. I just upgraded from Ubuntu Edgy (which was a fresh install with upstart) to Feisty. Now the system only boots to runlevel "unknown". I always have to login and run `telinit 3` (sic!) to start all the daemons and the dm. `telinit 2` results in `runlevel` => "unknown", too. There's no /etc/inittab file and no "single" or similar argument in /proc/cmdline. What is wrong here?09:20
=== jonib1 [n=jonas@ua-83-227-144-18.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #upstart
ion_Id suggest sending the question to the mailing list.09:34
vltion_: Ok, thank you.09:40
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docwhatHello!  Is logd supposed to be running all the time?11:07
docwhatThis is ubuntu....11:07
Keybukin edgy it does, in feisty it doesn't11:09
docwhatWhere does it log output to?11:13
docwhatI'm sort of expecting behaviour like in supervise or runit.....11:13
docwhatI love the way the logging works there (ie, it uses stdout/stderr not magic logging functions).11:13
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Keybuklogd captures stdout/stderr of running jobs11:14
docwhatKeybuk: Are you familiar with how supervise does it?11:15
docwhatIt's similar.... There is a processes (one per daemon to be logged) that is kept always running (respawn).  This process just adds a timestamp to each line and writes it to a file with buffering options you set.  It's nice because your daemon doesn't need: sysklogd libraries, fancy logging routines, or behave differently depending on if you're testing it or running it production.11:17
docwhatlogd with 'console logged' sounds similar.  Except for the running one per daemon.11:17
Keybukthough it does mean you end up with lots and lots and lots of processes11:17
Keybukconsuming lots and lots of resources11:17
docwhatThe other neat thing is that the daemon can segfault without loosing logging output.  Equally, you can change the logging or role the log without restarting the daemon!11:18
docwhatThe loging processes usually don't consume much resources.  A logging process is cheap compared to a daemon.  It just takes input and sends it to disk.11:18
docwhatYou probably pay a small context switch cost vs. a single logging daemon (like sysklogd), but it is much much much simpler and easier to debug, configure and fix (and make secure!).11:19
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Keybukand much more difficult to restart when you do find a bug ;)11:19
docwhatOh no, very easy.  As I said, the logger and the daemon are separate.  You can restart either/or without impacting the other.11:20
Keybukyes, but you have to restart a couple of dozen logging daemons rather than just one11:21
docwhatAh, I see what you mean.  Sure.  But the shell script for that would be: for i in /var/services/*/log; do sv restart $i ; done11:21
docwhator something similar.11:21
docwhatactually, I think there is a command other than restart to do a cond-restart....11:22
docwhat(ie, restart if up)11:22
docwhat*shrug* another alternative is just make the init.d for the daemon include the logger there, but I figured since upstart already had a runit/supervise feel to it that this would be a nice addition.11:23
=== mbiebl [n=michael@e180071156.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #upstart
Keybukit's pretty much what we already do, no?11:23
docwhatThanks for the chat, Keybuk!  I have to go.   Have a good day. :-)11:23
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