
=== jikuty [n=em@CPE001195752c87-CM00111ade8af2.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #xubuntu
Jester45dnd dcc12:34
Jester45that could be a neifty ftp like thing12:34
=== Troy [n=chatzill@12-216-94-124.client.mchsi.com] has joined #xubuntu
=== Troy is now known as N6REJ
Jester45simple to setup at least the receiving end12:35
N6REJhey guys I got a small problem.  I have forgotten how to add someone to the samba shares.  I want to add my son who has an account on the server to the samba shares so he can access the remote printers and such from his mac.  Can anyone help please?12:36
Jester45i dont know my self but maybe this link can help12:36
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT12:36
Jester45someone else might know thats here and can tell you faster than reading all that12:37
N6REJthink I got it... tyvm12:39
N6REJgrrr stil can't get him in12:47
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=== cellofellow [n=josh@72-55-219-118.mammothnetworks.com] has joined #xubuntu
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=== Alloosh [n=ali@32-255.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #xubuntu
Allooshhi all, can some one tell me if there is any advantage for using xubuntu or kubuntu over ubuntu?01:45
Jester45its faster01:46
kaos_nkif your system is old01:46
kaos_nkand since gnome / kde are crap, take xfce01:46
Jester45it faster even if you have a 500 Thz computer01:46
Jester45or a 5Ghz for that matter01:47
kaos_nkJester, I was referring to his question, not to your answer :P01:47
AllooshI have new fast computer, but I still dont know which is the best, my computer is 2000 4400 1024 ram 200hd01:47
kaos_nkxunbuntu, naturally. (k)ubuntu will stuff your compy with unneeded bullshit01:47
kaos_nkof course, xubuntu will do that to, but to a lesser extent01:48
Allooshso what is the difference between ubuntu and xubuntu?01:48
Jester45ubuntu uses gnome asa DE xubuntu uses xfce01:48
TheSheepAlloosh: the best is the one which you are the most comfortable with01:48
cellofellowAlloosh: Xubuntu is clean, and quick. It includes apps that do what you want them to without fluff.01:49
Allooshand do you recommend using ()ubuntu or fedora?01:49
cellofellowAnything with APT, can't stand RPM-type stuff.01:49
kaos_nkwas kind of advice is that, TheSheep. Should they install now all three systems and decide what is the most comfortable?01:49
Jester45gnome does a lot for you but you will never learn anything about your computer with it, its better to give your grandma so you dont have to teach her a whole bunch01:49
TheSheepkaos_nk: that's the only way to tell, and you can have all 3 in the same install01:49
cellofellowHeh, Xubuntu you don't have to muck around either.01:50
kaos_nkubuntu and especially kubuntu are packed with loads of apps no one needs01:50
TheSheepkaos_nk: forcing ones own habits on someone is not going to make them happy, usually01:50
cellofellowHonestly, GNOME is too simple. Gives you few options.01:50
Allooshlol, actually Iam a web developer, and I have ubuntu now, but it has many issues with networking with XP which I need for some applications.01:50
Jester45kubuntu (KDE) has LOTS and LOTS of configuration and is bloated and has way to many programs to do simple things01:50
kaos_nkTheSheep: neither is telling them to try anything, right?01:50
TheSheepkaos_nk: not right01:50
cellofellowKubuntu, at least Dapper, includes Konqueror, OOo, KTorrent, Kate, and Kontact basically. That's not that big of an app list.01:50
kaos_nkdunno, I installed it and deleted it after a day01:51
cellofellowWhile Ubuntu has Firefox, Evolution, OOo, and GEdit.01:51
kaos_nkubuntu held for a little longer, but was just as packed with stuff I didn't need01:51
cellofellowAnd a couple others.01:51
Jester45cellofellow, how about kontrol or the other 50 apps included with KDE that have K in the name01:52
cellofellowXubuntu has Firefox, Thunderbird, Gaim, Abiword, Gnumeric.01:52
TheSheep.oO( Is the fact that there is something on the disk that you don't use wrong in itself? )01:52
kaos_nkubuntu's really aimed at people changing over form windows, if that's the case, that'd be the only argument to take ubuntu, Alloosh01:52
cellofellowJester45: I think KDE's lots-of-stuff approach is better than GNOME's super-simple approach.01:52
TheSheepAlloosh: you can install applications from all 3 of thes distros, so most likely you will just come up with a mix that's best for you01:52
cellofellowKDE is a larger DE than GNOME and XFCE.01:53
Allooshyou can say that iam advanced user, so I have no problem using any, but want to her your opinion guys01:53
Catoptromancyheh xubuntu highly configured01:53
Catoptromancyis best for me01:53
Jester45cellofellow, agreeded but why not one super config program like gconf01:53
cellofellowAnd I think you only notice KDE apps more than GNOME apps because they have K in the name, while GNOME apps don't.01:53
Jester45gnome apps have G in the name a lot01:53
cellofellowJester45: what's GConf? I never used GNOME.01:53
kaos_nkxubuntu does everything I need for me, but if you want something even more basic, take lfs, Allosh01:53
cellofellowJester45: true, but G also means Graphical or GTK a lot too.01:54
kaos_nkyou can pass on gentoo though, it's like a halfway solution01:54
AllooshI have ubuntu now, do I have to uninstall it to be able to install xubuntu or I can update or something01:54
cellofellowAlloosh: no, just install xubuntu-desktop01:54
Jester45cellofellow, its a central way to configure your system so you dont need to edit all the config files or use 15-30 little programs like KDE01:54
Allooshok lets give it a shot01:54
Jester45then remove all gnome stuff01:54
Allooshhow to remove the gnome stuff?01:55
cellofellowAlloosh: if you use aptitude to install xubuntu-desktop, it can easily be removed if you don't like it.01:55
cellofellowAlloosh: one by one01:55
Jester45TheSheep, dont you know a page that has the list of packages that comes with ubuntu that is gnome and that part of xubuntu or the base ?01:55
Allooshlol ok01:55
TheSheepJester45: why?01:55
kaos_nkor just reinstall with clean xubuntu, will save you the trouble of removing all the crap that comes with ubuntu01:55
Catoptromancyisnt there main gnome package that will automatically remove alot more, since it is needed?01:55
Jester45yes its hard to remove it all01:55
cellofellowJester45: I think KDE takes the UNIX philosophy of lots of little specialized utilities, unlike the Windows philosophy that GNOME seems to like with large bloated super-apps.01:56
TheSheepJester45: you just need to remove ubuntu-desktop, and all the others can be removed with autoremove01:56
Jester45TheSheep, are you sure?01:56
Jester45im pretty sure it leave a lot01:56
TheSheepJester45: no, but that's how it should work since edgy01:56
cellofellowkaos_nk: can you stop using negative words? It's not crap or bs, please! I may not like it but it's not that bad, and your bad attitude just drives people away.01:56
CatoptromancyJester45 : if a package depends on gnome it will be autoremoved01:56
kaos_nkit's just my opinion, what's your problem, cellofellow?01:57
Jester45because i dont have xubuntu-desktop or ubuntu-mininal and i dont have xfwm4 on autoremove01:57
Catoptromancyif gnome-desktop is remove01:57
kaos_nkwhat's the difference if I say 'crap' or 'bad' or 'useless'?01:57
TheSheepJester45: because you installed them manually01:57
Jester45i did?01:57
cellofellowkaos_nk: can we just be a little nice to each other or something? I just don't like your attitude very much is all.01:57
TheSheep!languge | kaos_nk01:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about languge - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:57
Allooshok, iam 90% drunk, so I have to be careful with that. can xubuntu help me in my networking issues>?01:57
TheSheepkaos_nk: that's the difference01:58
cellofellowAlloosh: what networking issues?01:58
kaos_nkit's a free world, you don't like my language, /ignore01:58
kaos_nki'm not personally attacking anyone, so stop whining01:58
Jester45its also a free kick you out of channel01:58
Allooshthe damn network here is weird, I can see the ubuntu in the xp but cant see the xp in the ubuntu01:58
Jester45i could care less myself01:58
kaos_nki haven't seen anyone leaving in the last few minutes since I started talking01:59
cellofellowAlloosh: you mean the Windows file sharing stuff? Network Places or whatever?01:59
kaos_nksomeone's just in the mood to whine, obviously01:59
cellofellowmaybe, maybe not01:59
Jester45leave cellofellow alone hes pretty cool01:59
cellofellowAlloosh: I'd just use LinNeighborhood, always works for me.01:59
Jester45he plays the cello :)01:59
Allooshand some other issues also, for example what is pissing me off the most is that, my dvd drive does not realize some dvd, and they are not movies02:00
cellofellowme and my cello weren't too friendly today, sadly.02:00
Jester45Alloosh, you need libdvdcss02:00
kaos_nki wish i could pay cello though02:00
Allooshdata dvds, it hust realize some and does not realize others02:00
cellofellow!medibuntu | Alloosh02:00
ubotuAlloosh: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org02:00
AllooshI installed everything02:00
kaos_nkor rather violine02:00
cellofellowAlloosh: xfce may or may not be able to fix that. Depends on your DVD drive I link.02:00
Allooshyes I understand but will give it a shot.02:01
cellofellowkaos_nk: what about a happy medium and play viola?02:01
kaos_nki like medium better than aktive or passive02:02
cellofellowplaying viola makes everyone like you, cause there aren't so many of them. High demand, low supply. :)02:02
kaos_nkoh, i can't spell anymore02:02
Allooshactually i have business in europe, and I will need to build many networks for hotels, and I WILL NOT GIVE THEM WINDOWS02:02
Catoptromancysamba for large network?02:03
cellofellowyou need to know the basics of how *nix and smb networking work then.02:03
cellofellowyou'll need some smb compatibility, I bet.02:03
kaos_nkor a hot *nix girlfriend02:03
AllooshI will use linux as server, to install my accounting softwares, and allow outlets02:04
Catoptromancyim jsut learning samba02:04
Catoptromancyand finished a networking basics course02:04
AllooshI dont like samna, I will use some systems I develop at my company, samba is not smart enough to connect to networks in other coutries02:04
cellofellowI've never had much luck mixing Windows 98 and Samba.02:05
cellofellowsamba was never designed to work over the internet. M$ mostly developed it as a way to kill Novell.02:05
Allooshwindows is stupid and I think its aimed at making people stupid, and it gives alot of headache, just like asp and sql, you pay a fortune to get crap. while php is much smarter and you can use it in wider range02:06
Catoptromancyso what a good alternative to samba?02:06
Jester45not sure if windows understands its power02:07
Catoptromancyit should02:07
cellofellowNFS is ok. Sort of a set-and-forget thing.02:07
cellofellowI've looked and I cannot find any freeware tools to connect to NFS with Windows. Some shareware.02:07
AllooshI think windows should understand linux power02:07
kaos_nkyes and capitulate02:08
cellofellowWindows understands IPP, which gets rid of printing headaches (except for WIndows 9x).02:08
Allooshcome on, lets face it, how much you will need to pay to launch a site from a windows server?02:09
cellofellowWindows lacks good security practices.02:10
kaos_nkthat depends, of course, if you rip windows02:10
cellofellowOut-of-the-box security does not exist on windows. It does on Linux though.02:10
Allooshwhile its 100% free with linux, honestly I have been working for a bank they use windows every where, I could swear that I can reach everything they dont want me to reach from my desktop. there is no security in windows, while linux gives you a million advantage02:10
kaos_nki heard they actually improved that part with vista02:12
Jester45vista is a joke02:12
Allooshtry to boot a computer with safe mode and you are in02:12
kaos_nkor boot it with linux :P02:12
cellofellowI've seen Vista Basic, and I thought "who'd want this? It's weird looking and insults my intelligence."02:13
Allooshyes I have done something like that before, its cute how you can change alllllllllll02:13
Jester45the only people i think they got to upgrade are MS zelots people that bought new pcs and people that are brainwashed very easy by tv  ads02:13
kaos_nkif they're proud they've achieved something with their aero-technology that's been around for linux quite the time, then meh02:13
Jester45and longer for mac02:14
cellofellowLinux had Compiz for like a year before Aero was released.02:14
kaos_nkand it doesn't cost 600 bucks :P02:14
Allooshand dont forget the damn nasty message (we are sorry for the inconvenience and we will close the application and you will loose all your f**** work)02:14
AllooshI broke a computer once because of that02:15
Jester45aero might be stabler but you have to add in that compiz doesnt have 10-15 developers working full time on it and that all those devel are local and that compiz has to work and many diffrent system02:15
kaos_nkaero, I don't know the point of releasing a new BS just because they managed to develop aero.02:15
cellofellowCompiz probably has a guy or two at Novell dedicated to it.02:15
kaos_nkjust reduce vista to its old look, you have xp02:16
kaos_nkwith a few more functions02:16
s-x-ulike more control on users02:16
Jester45and Alloosh linux isnt a security god http://it.slashdot.org/it/07/08/15/1341224.shtml02:17
cellofellowall that is M$ ripping of *nix features.02:17
s-x-ulike more information of users02:17
cellofellowOpenBSD is the OS that is all about security.02:17
AllooshJester45: its not a security god, but its more secure than windows02:17
Jester45no no what gets me is they now have Automatic defrag.... just fix your file system and you dont need to defrag02:18
kaos_nkwell, you have more chance at finding bugs when the source is open02:18
Jester45and it will keep your harddrive alive02:18
=== vidd [n=vidd@207-172-178-217.c3-0.tlg-ubr6.atw-tlg.pa.cable.rcn.com] has joined #xubuntu
kaos_nkit doesn't say the source will be perfect, but it's better then microsoft's aula02:18
Jester45hi hi vidd02:18
cellofellowJester45: that sounds like feature they ripped straight from Linux.02:18
s-x-umy grandfather can live without a computer so let's go back to the past way of life02:18
cellofellowmy grandfather lives with a welding rod in his hand.02:19
kaos_nkdoes your grandfather play Go?02:19
Jester45cellofellow, its kinda hard to defrag on linux as linux doesnt frag like windows02:19
Allooshok guys xubuntu desktop installed now, do I have to restart?02:19
kaos_nkstart a new session02:19
Jester45i CAN live without a computer but whats the point then :)02:19
Jester45i sure wouldnt be alive to long02:20
s-x-usaving money on your power bill02:20
cellofellowoh, so they worked around it instead of having an anti-fragmenting FS?02:20
Jester45... well this is boring... bang02:20
Allooshhow to start the xubuntu session?02:20
kaos_nkist raiser4 any good? any changes of it getting implemented in the kernel any time soon?02:20
s-x-ucontrol alt backspace02:21
=== vidd can go days without a computer...years even....(ppl survive comas right?)
Jester45s-x-u, please tell people what that will do before you tell them it02:21
Jester45he might of had something important open02:22
s-x-uyou are right jester sorry02:22
Jester45dont worrie i did it before02:22
Jester45before someone else told me02:22
viddthat command locks up my computer02:22
s-x-uuh oh02:22
Jester45then i figured that person was right like allways02:22
cellofellowvidd: that's weird. It's supposed to un-lock your computer.02:23
s-x-uJester45: probably your grand.... no i'm joking02:23
Jester45no it was TheSheep02:24
=== vidd will brb
Jester45he has 2 times the knowledge of google02:24
Jester45proven fact02:24
Jester45and he can query faster02:24
s-x-uthinkink about ...02:25
cellofellowRadomir is a cool dude.02:25
Jester45o and if there is an answer he gives it to you not it and 10k other ones02:25
=== Jester45 picks TheSheep's brain
s-x-ui guess thesheep brain + google wikipedia enceclopedy brittannica and his grandfather ? :)02:26
=== Alloosh [n=ali@1-138.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #xubuntu
cellofellowHe's just got lots of experience. Pumpernickle does too.02:26
Jester45 thesheep brain = google + wikipedia + encyclopedia + Britannica + his grandfather ? :)02:26
Allooshthis is great, I can see my dvd drive now with xubuntu02:27
Jester45told yait was better02:27
Jester45ya it*02:27
kaos_nkghetto language!02:27
=== kaos_nk dances
Jester45Pumpernickel, only knows 1.5 times google and is lacking his grandfathers knowledge02:27
s-x-u Alloosh: this is great, I can see my dvd drive now with xubuntu congrat......02:28
=== Jester45 hopes he doesnt get smited
Allooshthanks, want to change screen resolution where can I do that?02:28
=== vidd [n=vidd@207-172-178-217.c3-0.tlg-ubr6.atw-tlg.pa.cable.rcn.com] has joined #xubuntu
Allooshwhere can I see my network places?02:29
viddwell...that fixed it02:29
s-x-utry the menu02:29
=== kaos_nk [i=jorak@vpn151a.rzuser.uni-heidelberg.de] has left #xubuntu []
Allooshmovie player works very fine now, I was not able to watch a movie before02:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about patebin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:33
Allooshresolution fixed02:33
cellofellowAlloosh: you need to install linneighborhood.02:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:33
cellofellowAlloosh: oh, also you need to run `sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/smbmnt /usr/bin/smbumount` after linneigborhood is install.02:35
Allooshcant fine network places02:37
cellofellownow run `LinNeighborhood`02:38
AllooshI added the xp machine, but where to see the shared stuff02:40
cellofellowdouble click the machine02:41
Allooshhere is the result02:41
Allooshcli_rpc_pipe_open: cli_nt_create failed on pipe \srvsvc to machine JOE.  Error was NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED02:41
AllooshConnecting to at port 13902:41
AllooshDomain=[MSHOME]  OS=[Windows 5.1]  Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager] 02:41
Allooshdos_clean_name [] 02:41
cellofellowyou need to add a username and password02:42
cellofellowright click it, and click "Scan as User"02:42
Allooshok I see the partition02:44
Allooshthin k you so much guys02:44
Allooshwhere to open the partitions?02:44
cellofellowit tells you in the bottom panel of the app02:45
=== l05ty [n=spam@5ac09a49.bb.sky.com] has joined #xubuntu
l05tyi have a really silly question, that i need answering if anyone is about..?02:49
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:49
l05tyi am running xp on my pc.. on 1 HD, but i want to dual boot02:49
l05tywhen i install.. it says its goiing to partition it02:50
s-x-uand don't go before you get an answer ;)02:50
cellofellowthat means it makes the drive into logical sub-drives.02:50
l05tyand delete fileson it..02:50
cellofellowYou need to defragment the drive, and use the "use free space' option.02:50
l05tyi dont want it to delete my files..02:50
s-x-ufirst bacup ?02:51
l05tyim using the ALT version..02:51
viddl05ty, glad to hear that....02:51
cellofellowthat still has options.02:51
Jester45backup backup backup i can never say that the amount of times i need to02:51
l05tythere wasn't any free space option on it..02:51
=== cellofellow has nothing to backup onto :(
l05tythanks guys.. i got my friend to get me the ALT version.. the Live just wasn't working..02:52
viddl05ty, the "use free space" option wil push windows over and make room02:52
cellofellowdefrag, backup, and cleanup first. In the opposite order though. :)02:52
l05tyi dont understand i get to the stage it says Partition.. and there its says use guided parttion or guided something else or maunal..02:53
cellofellowuse Guided, and it has options.02:53
=== cellofellow never did that sort of install though, so don't ask him the particulars.
l05tyi chose the guided partition.. and it says i have 38 and few mb its going to partition02:53
l05tyits a 40gb hdd02:53
Jester45delete everythingyou can making lots of space for the defrag and also less the backup. then backup then defrag02:53
viddhow much of this 40 g HD is windows using?02:54
l05tyjsu checking02:54
l05ty21 gb02:55
l05tyi have 13 free02:55
s-x-u(there are wiki's about this ....)02:55
l05tyit thought thats enough space for xubuntu to install02:55
viddit is02:56
cellofellowit's plenty, but you still need to defragment the drive so that partitioning doesn't wipe some fragmented data.02:56
l05tyok.. will it say what one is the windows one.. or do i i harzard a guess iwht 21 gb02:57
viddwhere is that step-by-step guide....02:57
cellofellowsomewhere on the docs?02:57
l05tysorrry.. i should have googled this..02:57
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty02:57
l05tyi thought it would be quicker to ask here..02:57
cellofellowtry the first one02:57
=== Rynux9 [n=Kids@cpe-75-179-133-65.woh.res.rr.com] has left #xubuntu []
s-x-u1 scandisk 2 defrag 3 scandisk 4 backup 5 read the wiki 6 make coffee 7 install02:58
l05tyok.. il try02:58
viddl05ty, the guide has pictures....so you KNOW your hitting the right thing02:58
s-x-uand if you don't understand keep asking02:59
viddwell...THAT guide doesnt....02:59
cellofellowsorry, when I did Linux I jumped in both feet with a box that had just an old fedora installation.03:00
viddl05ty, this will be helpfull too http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p17.htm03:00
cellofellowmaybe I should make some screenshots using virtualbox of installing Dual-boot with alt.03:00
l05tyok.. reading..03:01
l05tybtw thanks guys..03:01
=== vidd didnt have any critical spyware or viruses he needed to back up....so he just wiped and installed
s-x-uhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/NlInstallatieHandleiding/DualBoot?highlight=%28install%29%7C%28dualboot%29#head-137a51f5e22de9871f463a00e16ac9ff880fca19 with images03:01
vidds-x-u, that is good if you skiense duche03:02
viddspeak german03:03
viddor at least READ german03:03
viddbut the pics are cool03:03
s-x-uall images are english03:04
l05tyok.. i have to scandisk.. than defrag a few times..03:04
viddyeah...but its a live install...hes doing the alt cuzz the live dont work for him03:04
s-x-uok sorry03:04
l05tyfingers crossed.. i been trying to get ubuntu for quite sometime now.. hopefully one of these days.. il get it working and get online..03:05
viddthat will likely take 5-15 hours...depending on your hardware....03:05
l05tymy pc is ooold..03:06
viddXP or older?03:06
l05typ4 1.4 with 128mb ram03:06
l05tywas with millenium03:06
s-x-uhttp://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/ is this something ?03:06
viddah...good...defrag will actually work from within the OS03:07
l05tythan upgraded to XP pro.. and im jus fed up of windows.. i like the looks of xubuntu much better03:07
viddis there anything you HAVE to save on that xp machine?03:07
l05tynot really.. but its this one im using now..03:08
l05tyand it has all the drivers and stuff i need to use the interbnet03:08
l05tyi haven't got a network card only a wireless isb adapter.. and i found out the ubuntu will work with it..03:09
vidddo you have more then one pc?03:09
l05tyno.. jus one pc03:09
s-x-uexplain repairing mbr ?03:10
vidddid the alt cd detect your usb adapter and configure the network when you did your dry run?03:10
l05tyno it didn't03:10
l05tyits a netgear wg111t03:11
l05tyon the website it said it was compatible.. so i assume it is..?03:11
vidddo you have wep or other wireless security turned on on the router?03:12
cellofellowalt cd supports wifi stuff?03:12
l05tyyea.. its on03:12
viddcellofellow, yeah03:12
viddl05ty, that is most likely why your wifi was not automatically set up...you should do a manual network config to see if your card will work "out of the box"03:13
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=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #xubuntu
l05tyahh.. do i do that during installtion?03:14
viddcellofellow, you asked if the alt cd supports wifi...yes it does03:14
viddyes....second step i believe03:14
cellofellowvidd: ok03:15
viddwhen it say "automatically configuring network...hit tab to highlight cancel (if not highlighted already) and hit enter03:15
viddthen chose set up network manually03:16
viddenter your network info (essid, gateway, ip address, netmask, wep key)03:17
l05tyim more worried about it partining my windows bit..03:17
viddif you have wpa set up...i cant help you03:17
l05tyyea.. its wpa-psk i think03:17
viddthat will need to be set up after install is complete03:18
viddits a shame you cant just plug into your router03:18
l05tyi wsh i had a network card.. but its a crap pc.. :)03:19
l05tybut does the job..03:19
viddpc or lappy?03:19
viddpci lan cards are like 10$03:19
cellofellowodd, no Ethernet?03:19
cellofellowyeah, they are like $1003:19
l05tynope.. i live in the uk03:20
s-x-udid you read the link? netgear out of box but no wep03:20
viddok...5 euro03:20
cellofellow5 quid03:20
vidds-x-u, thats ok...he does wpa03:20
l05tys-x-u thats the page i read about it.. i thought i would be able to connect with ti..03:21
s-x-uyes better turn it off for a moment ? no internet no support03:21
vidddid you price pci lan cards?"03:21
vidd99% of lan cards (dont like saying 100%) work out of the box with linux03:22
l05tyok.. #1. scandisk #2. defrag #3.. defrag #4. install(hopefully free partiotion thing works!) ..?03:23
cellofellowI've had problems with really old ones.03:23
s-x-u#3 scandisk03:23
viddcellofellow, the only ones i ever had issues with were dead03:23
l05ty#1. scandisk 2. defrag #3. scandisk 4. defrag.. ?03:24
cellofellowone I had it took a lot of hunting in the list of drivers to find one that worked with Debian Netinstall.03:24
s-x-u#4 install03:24
l05tyok.. thanks..03:24
s-x-uremember you can not ask for help during install03:25
cellofellowFirefox is being cranky and slow if I have > 2 tabs open lately.03:25
cellofellowIt just crashed.03:25
l05tyright.. this is it.. guys thanks once again for all your advice tonight.. and usefull links.. hopefully next time you see me here.. il using xubuntu03:25
s-x-uluck with it03:25
viddand then you'll be asking how to recover the wasted windows partition!03:26
s-x-usa before said : explain repair mbr ?03:26
viddhe shouldnt need to repair MBR03:27
s-x-uwell if he powers off during install while grub installed03:28
cellofellowthen he'd better not do that03:28
viddthen he runs the install again03:28
viddhe'll be back b4 he installs anyway....03:29
s-x-uhaha yes i guess he has to (is that proper english03:29
viddhe's running xp with only 128 MB ram...that scandisk will take 3 days...and defrag will NEVER complete03:30
s-x-uwe should have given advice to remove the winxp because nothing special to backup03:31
viddhell....i would have told him to do a clean install of ME...up[grade to xp....run the updates, then install03:33
s-x-uwhat would that give ?03:34
vidda nice compact-as-possible/only-slightly-fraged system03:36
viddand plenty of room to install03:36
viddand save himself a week03:37
cellofellowanyone know how to increase the default font size in Firefox any?03:37
vidds-x-u, nope03:38
s-x-utab 3 preferences03:39
viddno...you have to bring up that special about page...with all the confusing codes03:39
cellofellowthat thing?03:39
cellofellowwhat option?03:40
viddim looking.....03:40
s-x-uvidd: have a look in the preferences03:40
viddi couldnt remember that page!03:40
cellofellowall preferences does is edit certain parts of about:config03:41
vidds-x-u, yes...for the last 3 days...ever since i upgraded to gutsy and couldnt read anything in firefox03:41
s-x-uok but maybe cellofello is able to do it the normal way ?03:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about truth - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:45
cellofellowI dunno if it's that option (Preferences -> Content -> Fonts), cause it says my default font is DejaVu Serif 16, which should be mongo. It looks about 9.03:46
s-x-uwell change it to test03:47
=== vidd does not know where in about:config to make changes....
viddi just know im going blind here03:48
cellofellowcrazy config file, eh.03:48
vidd=] 03:48
s-x-ui'll have a look on about:config03:48
viddbut it wasnt just FF....it was EVERYTHING03:48
viddits like the gutsy devel think eveyone has 62" plasma's or something03:49
cellofellowchanging firefox font did increase size, and screw up layout03:49
cellofellowit's like the firefox fonts are all unclear and cramped.03:50
viddbut i had to upgrade....my system would go on the fritz for no apearent reason03:50
s-x-uok wait stop hooo03:51
viddand [ctrl] [alt] [bkspc]  would lock up my system03:51
s-x-uit happened when you upgraded to gutsy ?03:51
viddcellofellow, you 2?03:52
s-x-ui had some issue with 7.10 tribe-3 livecd03:52
cellofellowother fonts are fine03:53
viddso s-x-u was there a recommended fix?03:54
s-x-uwhen started from the live cd the fonts are really big while the icons are normal size resulting in unreadable gui is this the same you experienced03:55
viddno...fonts are increadably small and icons are normal03:55
cellofellowI know Firefox is more readable on the livecd, but that's it.03:56
=== ceil420 [n=Ceil@68-191-217-152.dhcp.dntn.tx.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu
s-x-uok it has to do with the driver or the dpi setting03:56
cellofellowI think the web just uses small fonts. Opera's fonts are teeny too.03:57
viddcellofellow, there is a new default-config file....im trying it now to see if it helps03:57
s-x-uthere are already some bugs reported about it in launchpad03:57
cellofellowI have 17" (16" viewable) CRT monitor, and TNT2 video card using nvidia glx legacy driver.03:57
vidd xubuntu-default-settings03:57
s-x-uvidd im no geek :) i couldnt solve te problem my self03:58
s-x-uim now on feisty03:58
viddim hoping that the new  xubuntu-default-settings is in reponce to this issue03:59
viddfeisty didnt work well on this sytem for some reason03:59
cellofellowwhat would the DPI settings be?03:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127827 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[gutsy]  desktop i386 tribe-3 normal icons very big font size (dup-of: 107320)" [Undecided,Confirmed] 03:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 107320 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Large font in the GDM login text field after installing xserver-xorg-video-intel" [Low,Confirmed] 03:59
viddDots Per Inch04:00
cellofellowno, I mean for my monitor. I run at 1280x102404:00
s-x-uyou can read the discussion to learn about dpi04:00
viddits usually 100 or 75 from what i understand04:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dpi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 118745 in libgnome "Font sizes in Gutsy are vulnerable to bad X.org DPI detection" [Medium,In progress] 04:02
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s-x-uJester45: what would the DPI settings be?04:06
viddoh....this back-up is going to take FOREVER!04:10
s-x-uare you on "running xp with only 128 MB ram...that scandisk will take 3 days...and defrag will NEVER complete" like system04:11
=== tuna-fish [n=tuna@tunamasiina.kortex.jyu.fi] has joined #xubuntu
viddno....im moving 32 gig of porn off this machine b4 i wipe it and start clean04:11
s-x-uah ok im married much easier no backup needed and i can close my eyes04:13
viddmust be a newlywed!04:13
s-x-uexplain that word im native dutch i dont understand04:14
viddjust married04:14
s-x-uyes 25 years04:15
s-x-uim lying04:15
viddor "narried recently"04:15
s-x-u9 months04:16
viddyeah...thats what i thought04:16
viddill have it here when ya need it ;] 04:16
s-x-uthen delete what you want to give me (less backup ;))04:17
s-x-ui never backup exept for family photo's i can format my harddisk every moment i want www is my backup04:20
viddga....44 gig....this will take 11 dvd's!04:26
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=== vidd needs to find some HD space!
s-x-uwould that work compression04:28
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tonyyarussovidd: There's a half-terrabyte drive on Newegg for $109 US :)04:37
viddhow do i compress a folder...and what is the best method(s)04:38
s-x-ui dont know you are the geek :)04:38
tonyyarussoA bzip2 of a tar is usually most effective - read the man pages for those two commands (which I think are also possible through Xarchiver)04:39
s-x-utonyyarusso: vidd: There's a half-terrabyte drive on Newegg for $109 US :) - is at also 100 times faster ?04:40
tonyyarussos-x-u: ATA100, 16mb cache, 7200rpm.  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?item=N82E1682213611104:41
s-x-uso it is only more space no speed improvements04:42
viddgee... i hope i dont run out of HD space compressing this!04:42
s-x-uim going to bed im tired04:45
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu!05:06
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eFullmerI'm not sure where to start but when I try to load Xubuntu off of a Live CD the start up process doesn't complete (it stops at a blinking cursor)05:09
tonyyarussowhat video card?05:09
Jester45vidd, is that moving pron your torrentflux box?05:10
eFullmer"Diamond Viper V330 (Nvidia Riva 128)" . (If this applies, same thing happens on safe graphics mode)05:11
tonyyarussoWhat's your monitor size/resolution/shape?05:12
eFullmerI'm guessing it's 12", but I know the resolution is 1024x768. It's the normal aspect ratio (not widescreen)05:13
tonyyarussoodd, doesn't seem like anything unusual.05:14
tonyyarusso7.04, or an older version?05:14
eFullmerYep, 7.04. Same happens on Ubuntu so I figured Xubuntu might do the trick05:15
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viddeFullmer, try hitting [esc]  then typing live acpi=off05:17
Jester45!info tor05:17
ubotutor: anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 806 kB, installed size 1740 kB05:17
eFullmerOkay one moment05:17
eFullmerThe Xubuntu splash screen is running like before with the bar animation...05:19
viddhow much ram?05:19
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eFullmer@vidd - I'll have to figure that one out when I reboot, but I am pretty sure it meets minimum requirements. I'll get back to you on that.05:21
eFullmerOkay it's now sitting at the blinking cursor again. Reboot?05:22
viddhow much ram is on the machine....minum to run, or minum to run live cd?05:22
viddthere IS a difference!05:22
vidd=] 05:22
cellofellowrun you need 64MB, LiveCD needs about 128.05:23
eFullmerI am thinking it might be about 128 MB Ram05:23
eFullmerAlmost rebooted into Windows05:23
eFullmerNope it's 256 MB on an AMD Duron05:24
eFullmerI'm using the i386 live CD.05:25
viddis the processor an AMD64?05:26
eFullmerOh sorry. No05:27
maxamillioneFullmer: is the processor an intel core2 duo, intel pentium D, or a xeon by any chance?05:27
viddthen im out of ideas....05:27
maxamillionoh ... nvm05:27
=== maxamillion didn't read backwards
maxamillioneFullmer: sorry, my mistake05:28
eFullmerThat's okay05:28
eFullmerI understand; I've been using ubuntu for 4 months on my laptop but I've not gotten to the point where I can figure stuff like this out yet :S05:28
viddeFullmer, maybe you should grab the alt or the mini iso's05:29
eFullmerWhat's the mini ISO?05:30
viddless overhead05:30
viddthe mini is a net installer05:30
eFullmerI see.05:30
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viddits less then 10 mg05:30
viddit grabs all the info right from the internet05:31
viddbut it is a semi-cli install and not the live installer05:31
eFullmerI will probably have to stick with the alt install disk05:31
viddthe best part is...you can CHOOSE which *buntu you want installed (at the end)05:32
eFullmerNet connection isn't working on that computer at the moment :S05:32
eFullmerBut sounds great :)05:32
=== vidd keeps a copy on his downloads page www.vidd.us/downloads
viddjust added the current gutsy =] 05:33
eFullmerI guess I'll try that when I get a chance. Thanks guys!05:34
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Thunderman`How can I install nVidia drivers in Xubuntu? I have download it, but i can't install the .run file07:17
Jester45run it from a terminal07:18
Jester45open a terminal and drag the file in then press inter07:18
Thunderman`I'll try :)07:19
Thunderman`"Permission denied"07:20
Thunderman`What should >I do :/07:23
hyper_chThunderman`: why not using the restricted driver manager?07:24
Jester45Thunderman`,  type sudo infront of it then try again07:25
Jester45enter you pass when it ask07:25
Jester45you might want to try the manager like hyper_ch said07:25
=== Jester45 doesnt think of things he never had to use
=== hyper_ch is off to work... needs to finish the appeal to the supreme court today :) cya
Thunderman`This is my first time when i use Xubuntu or Linux :)07:28
Thunderman`Mousepad just opened when i typed sudo infront :/07:30
Jester45sudo bash file.run07:32
Thunderman`"bash: file.run: No such file or directory"07:33
Jester45replace file.run with the real name07:33
Jester45or *.run should work07:33
Thunderman`Where I can found restricted driver manager07:33
Thunderman`I'll try again :)07:34
Jester45menu -> system07:34
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jcs7778I have a kubuntu system, it was running slow so i decided to install xfce on it. I am now in an xfce session, but the quit command doesn't work and i cannot log out or shut down my computer07:54
Jester45you may open a terminal and run sudo showdown now or reboot07:55
Jester45or press ctl alt delete together and logout07:55
Jester45or run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart to logout07:56
jcs7778ille try that07:59
Jester45idk what to say about the quit07:59
Jester45maybe try some other time when more people are away08:00
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neozenso what's the project of the minute?08:34
Jester45getting my ssh back08:35
neozenit went away?08:35
Jester45one of the servers i maintain is not letting me in08:35
neozenI think I have a mallet for that08:35
Jester45gonna have a person get it local tomaroor08:35
=== neozen nods
neozennot much else one can do08:36
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neozenaside from attach a reboot signaling box to a cellphone08:36
neozen....have been tempted to make one of those for a while08:36
Jester45i did just get a tor node running in the past hour its transfered 164mb08:36
Jester45and will be getting faster and gaster08:37
Jester45and my finders are being slow to night08:38
Jester45and my thumb is not pressing space08:38
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Jester45i think its a night for me08:42
Jester45gtg get up in 4 hours for work08:42
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neozenthat'll be me from next week on08:53
=== neozen sighs
neozenthis is my last week as a free man08:53
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mikubuntuhallo.  anybody know how to get to bios in an emachines etower 333k pc with a *spacious* 3.2 gb harddrive and 32 ram?10:10
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_nixManis xubuntu linux or unix?10:12
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_nixManwhat's the difference between the desktop release and the alternate release?10:16
mikubuntuhallo.  anybody know how to get to bios in an emachines etower 333k pc with a *spacious* 3.2 gb harddrive and 32 ram?10:16
mikubuntui have searched everywhere i could think, and tried all the f keys but maybe i din't hit tthe right one at the right time or something10:17
_nixMansometimes its delete10:17
mikubuntuit's booting into win 98 now and sounds like a volkswagen sans muffler10:17
mikubuntuthe delete key for bios?10:18
mikubuntunixMan: i think you were right, cuz now i'm getting another text screen instead of the previous ones i was getting, but it's asking for a current password... since i got it out of the garbage, i don't know the password... any workaround?10:20
=== Temporo [n=tsatchel@cpc1-stkn3-0-0-cust773.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #xubuntu
mikubuntunow i got through to a microsoft windows 98 startup menu, is that the same as bios???10:23
_nixManmikubuntu: i'm the man!10:24
_nixManmikubuntu: you could reset the bios password by resetting the bios10:24
_nixManmikubuntu: i think you can take out the battery from the motherboard for like 15min and it will be erased... some mobos have a button10:25
mikubuntuhas 7 options ... 1, normal, 2, logged (/bootlog.txt), 3, safe mode, 4 safe mode with network support, 5. step by step confirmation, 6. command promt only 7, safe mode command prompt only10:25
TemporoIt's an instant reset if you take the battery out and it doesn't have any power10:26
_nixMani don't even have xubuntu... i shouldn't be helping10:26
mikubuntunixMan:  i'm guessing this baby hadn't been started in years was so full of dust, etc, so that batt mustve been dead, yes?10:26
_nixManTemporo: some mobos you have to wait a few minutes10:26
_nixManso is xubuntu linux or unix?10:27
TemporoWould make sense i guess with disipating charge10:27
mikubuntui've tried to insert the alternate install x cd but it spits it right back out10:27
_nixManwhat's the difference between the desktop release and the alternate release?10:27
mikubuntuthe alternate installer is a text based more stable installer10:28
mikubuntufor if you are *sure* you're gnna install10:28
mikubuntui had trouble installing from the live cd, but i've installed 4 systems over the last two days with the alternate10:29
mikubuntuof xubuntu and ubuntu also10:29
mikubuntubut i'll be damned if i can figure out how to talk to this emachine10:30
mikubuntuis there any command for this windows startup menu that will tell it to boot from cd?10:31
TemporoI just got network-manager-gnome working under xfce410:31
TemporoAnd now the associated nm-applet run three times in the tasktry10:31
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TemporoI have tried a fix which was to remove and reinstall10:32
TemporoDidn't help10:32
mikubuntuyou gotta hear the racket this thing makes, sounds like it's processing pebbles10:32
mikubuntuis this the time to pull out the hard drive, and try out the external harddrive case i have and attach it to my laptop?  would i be able to load x onto it that way guys?10:33
Temporofixed it :D10:40
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mikubuntuanybody familiar with and old bios by 'award software' that i have on an old acer here?  it's different from any bios page i've ever seen.  heres the lines it has: virus warning; disabled, cpu internal cache; enabled, quick power on self test; enabled, boot sequence; A,C, SCSI, swap floppy drive; disabled, boot up floppy seek; enabled, boot up numlock status; on, mem ecc funtion; enabled,...11:12
mikubuntu...typematic rate setting; enabled, tpematic rate; 6, typematic delay; 250, security option; setup, pci/vga palette snoop; disabled, OS select for dram > 64mb; Non-OS2, HDD S.M.A.R.T. Capability; enabled,  then theres a lot of stuf about  'shadow' something ........ can anyone tell me which one i might alter to try to get her to boot on the cd?11:12
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SelenolycusAll right, I have a problem - I just installed Xubuntu 7.04, and whenever I try to run Terminal, it crashes and logs me out.11:17
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mikubuntuhelp... doing an alternate install of x on a presario.  the installer is telling me there's very little free space, so the install is going differently than the three i have done.  right now at partitioning, and it asking me to select from 4 choices, 1, is: SCSI1 (OOO) )sda) 8.5 bb ata st38421a; 2nd one is > #1 primary 8.4 gb b k fat32  /media/sda1 ... 3rd is : Unddo changes, and 4th is:...12:26
mikubuntu...Finish partitioning and write to disk .. anybody tell me which one?  i'm guessing first or second op;tion?12:26
mikubuntuplease, anyone have a clue what choice i make on this partition?12:36
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mikubuntupartitioner is telling me that no root file system has been created, and to go back and do it, but i'm lost.12:56
mikubuntuplease, i keep going around in loops cause i'm not getting the partitions right, can someone help me through this please12:58
mikubuntuguess i'll go have a smoke, brb12:59
mikubuntui back. can someone help me to get through this partitioning please.  system is doing a 'light' installation because it said there was relatively little free space.  i don't care about saving any data on this computer i got it out of the garbage, just want to wipe it out and get x running.01:07
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SettlerXHey! Can you help me?01:19
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mikubuntuSettlerX: what are you trying to do01:28
SettlerXmikubuntu: I downloaded and burned Xubuntu 7.05 CD and it can't finish booting - it displays errors - http://phpfi.com/25657801:29
mikubuntuare you booting from live cd or alternate install cd?01:29
mikubuntui had problems installing with the live cd as well.  someone told me that the alternate install cd was much more stable.  it's text based, takes you through the whole process step by step..01:31
mikubuntugo back to xubuntu.org and burn it, it will prolly go through fine, even tho might take a while.  i've done 4 installations with the alternate in the last couple days, but now i'm having problems on an install as well.01:32
SettlerXAnd if i download Ubuntu? Maybe this problem is only in Xubuntu?01:33
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mikubuntuboth offer alternate install cd's.  you have to determine if your hardware has the resources for ubuntu, of course, xubuntu much lighter.  i have ubuntu on this laptop, but the old desktops i installed i used x.01:35
SettlerXi will try to boot it without splashscreen01:36
SettlerXmaybe i will know the reason01:36
mikubuntuit's too bad that the website doesn't really explain that very well01:36
mikubuntuthe information about the installer is kind of buried way down.  i think they mistakenly believe that EVERYONE will want to try the system 'live' before they install.  but lots of people are ready to jump.01:38
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mikubuntuplease, can someone help me with an install partitioning?01:40
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mikubuntuplease, can someone help me with an install partitioning?01:45
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SettlerXHow to disable using SWAP?01:58
SettlerXMust I format swap partition to disable it?01:58
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pleia2SettlerX: there is a swapoff command02:00
pleia2SettlerX: but why?02:00
ThundermanHow can I use higher refresh rate02:01
SettlerXI wonder if i have bad blocks here so i would like to disable SWAP because liveCD generates errorsa02:01
pleia2ah, ok02:01
SettlerXOr i will format it, better Xubuntu format it correctly02:02
Thunderman60Hz is not enough for me :D02:02
pleia2mikubuntu: have you tried the ubuntuforums? when you have older/usual hardware it might be difficult to find someone in IRC with experience, there are thousands of people on forums who might offer solutions :)02:02
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ThundermanHow can I use higher refresh rate :)02:08
pleia2Thunderman: have you looked through the Settings > Display Settings?02:08
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s-x-usomeone here with xubuntu 7.04 and openoffice installed ?02:17
s-x-uok maybe someone is reading history :)02:17
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s-x-umaybe someone can try this (i think this is wrong configuration missing functionality or a bug)02:18
s-x-u1. start openoffice 2. open a new file 3. write a few lines 4. shutdown computer 5. when openoffice ask if you want to save the file do nothing 6. see what happens here at this point 7. start computer 8 if openoffice asks to restore the file say yes 9 then open the file 10 look for what you wrote02:18
s-x-uwhat happens to me is that the computer is shutting down in a few seconds without waiting for me to save my work02:18
s-x-u and if i try to restore the file as suggested by openoffice the file is empty and my work is lost02:18
s-x-uis this a bug or something else ?02:18
mikubuntuthanks pleia, i'm in ubuntu right now with someone finally02:18
s-x-uthanks a lot for your time !02:18
s-x-uin dutch http://forum.ubuntu-nl.org/topic/1369502:20
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ThundermanSo does anyone know how I could change my screen refresh rate02:23
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SettlerXI disabled SWAP and Xubuntu booted02:28
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SettlerXXubuntu LiveCD is really slow.03:23
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SettlerXI will install it later.03:23
SettlerXCD disc spins with low speed.03:24
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loswilliosI have a problem with nvidia-drivers03:51
loswilliosERROR: API mismatch: The nvidia kernel module has the version 1.0-7184 but this X module has the version 1.0-963103:52
loswilliosI think nvidia-kernel-* is provided by linux-restricted-modules03:52
loswilliosbut I can't figure out, why it selects the wrong driver version03:52
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logdhi how much ram xubuntu requires (minimum)?03:54
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someguyhey everyone03:55
someguyis there an xfce equivalent of KNetworkManager?03:55
loswillioslogd: I have it running with 25603:55
pleia2logd: check out the minimum system requirements here: http://xubuntu.org/get03:56
logdi mean i would like to know i i can run with 6403:56
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someguyguess not03:58
logdm ok03:58
logdjust another thing: a p3 600mhz 64m ram can be a "karaoke machine" mean to be able to just play midi files ?03:58
someguymidi music?  lol03:59
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someguyis there an xfce equivalent of KNetworkManager?04:15
someguynone is in here04:19
pleia2someguy: xfce doesn't have it's own network app, you can use the KDE one or the Gnome one04:20
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BlauhautWhat is xubuntu guys  *04:35
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s-x-usomeone an idea about the question i asked before04:45
ubotuxubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels04:51
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ThundermanHow can I install -bin file (Google Earth)05:23
zialsThunderman, you have to use the command: chamd +x FileName05:24
zialsThunderman - beh, visit -> http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/05:25
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parsle1how can I input japanese characters in text or email. I changed the input method to scim but dont know how to come to anthy - whatever I did nothing happened.05:26
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ubotuLaunchpad bug 132944 in Ubuntu "Xubuntu forces shutdown, no waiting for saving document in OpenOffice" [Undecided,New] 05:36
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Catoptromancyi thought openoffice kept a temp file that is constantly saving?06:32
Catoptromancywhen normally closed temp file is erased06:32
Catoptromancybut if forced closed, it cant close temp,06:32
Catoptromancyso when you restart the "restore previous" option is there, and it uses the temp06:33
s-x-uhi i have been away for a while06:33
s-x-uCatoptromancy: are you answering my question ?06:35
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felicianohello guys... look: I'm using Opera and now Its frezze a lot, when I run it from a terminal this is the error I got... please help me http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33950/06:49
BFTDfeliciano in what way did you install Opera?06:50
felicianoI download the .deb file from the site06:51
BFTDI did the same06:51
felicianoBFTD but I see it upgrade whit APT06:51
BFTDI also opened it up in terminal and I got that same error and it works just fine06:52
BFTDfeliciano do you have automatix installed? One of opera's worst enemies is automatix, thehy don't like each other06:52
felicianoBTFD but the last part too??06:52
felicianoBTFD no. I dont like automatix06:53
BFTDand stay that way06:53
Ramlayeap, i get that same error, just have to open a site using flash plugin06:53
BFTDyeah I also get the last part too06:53
BFTDfeliciano what version do you have?06:55
feliciano9.23 I guess let me see06:55
felicianoyeah... 9.2306:56
BFTDI'm upgrading right no06:56
BFTDI'll see if I get this problem06:56
felicianoanother question.. BTFD which way you use to install java??06:57
Jester45i did like using the repo06:58
Jester45apt-get install sun-java6-jre06:58
BFTDyeah, feliciano I do it another, much harder way06:59
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BFTDuse the repo's as much as possible06:59
BFTDdecreases the chance of problems07:00
Jester45useing the repos are be best thing to do when installing new apps unless you need something special like a newer version or a option that has to be set at compile time07:00
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felicianosomebody use ardour???07:02
felicianoI never got it work07:02
Jester45BFTD, that tor node i was talking about last night is using 7.33mb/s07:02
BFTDstill no idea what a tor node is07:03
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Jester45hi maxamillion07:05
s-x-uhttp://tor.eff.org/ about tor07:05
maxamillionhi Jester4507:05
Jester45s-x-u, i guess you use it?07:05
s-x-uno googled for it07:05
felicianoI like a lot Opera, but its give me a lot of problems... :( I hope in the future it work better in linux07:06
s-x-udidnt use google but ixquick :)07:07
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s-x-uJester45: o wait ... you answered already in the time i was searching :)07:10
Jester45im faster googler07:10
s-x-uJester45: are you also on #xubuntu-devel07:13
s-x-ubecause of my question i asked there07:15
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s-x-uJester45:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/13294407:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 132944 in xfce4-session "Xubuntu forces shutdown, no waiting for saving document in OpenOffice" [Undecided,New] 07:19
s-x-uyou dont have to install just think about it07:19
s-x-ujester45: you can try it with abiword07:21
=== Jester45 doesnt have that
s-x-uok with emacs or vim07:22
Jester45mousepad is my only gui editor07:22
s-x-utry it with mousepad07:22
Jester45mousepad doesnt save tmpfiles07:23
s-x-uok forget that part07:23
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Jester45and i use nano for cli07:24
s-x-uok forget everything07:24
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Jester45forget what :)07:24
s-x-uhuh what ?07:24
ThundermanI'm upgrading Xubuntu to version 6.1007:28
Jester45why no go to 7.0407:28
ThundermanShould I boot it from CD?07:28
Jester45you do have to upgrade to 6.10 first then upgrade again07:28
ThundermanOk :)07:28
Jester45edit your sources.list then apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade07:29
Jester45are youusign 6.06 now? (dapper)07:29
ThundermanWhy 7.04 is better than older version :D07:29
ThundermanI think so07:29
ThundermanI don't know how to install Google Earth :/07:30
Thundermanis it possible to use KDE and Gnome programs in Xubuntu :)07:31
Jester45you just install them via apt07:31
ThundermanBut I don't know how to do that :D07:32
Jester45what do you want to install07:32
Jester45you can also use synaptics07:32
ThundermanNow I want to install Google Earth07:32
Jester45does google earth run on linux?07:33
ThundermanBut I haven't installed it07:34
Jester45i think you will need to find .deb or compile from source07:34
Jester45because its not in the repos07:35
ThundermanAnd Google Earth is a .bin file07:35
Jester45have you tried double clicking it07:35
Jester45and try opening a terminal and typing sudo bash07:35
Jester45then drag the file into the terminal07:36
Jester45then press enter and type your password and press enter07:36
ThundermanLast time mousepad just opened07:36
ThundermanWhat? It works now! Thank you :)07:37
ThundermanI just double clicked it and typed a command07:38
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ThundermanBefore I had a XP. Should Xubuntu be lighter than XP? :)07:43
ThundermanMemory usage: 104MB/186MB, but CPU is maybe little bottle neck07:44
ThundermanP2 375MHz07:44
Jester45you might want to use fluxblox or and altnernative window manger to save more ram07:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about windowmanger - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:45
ubotufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox07:45
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about evilwm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:45
ThundermanI think 186MZ is enough. Can I see how much I have data in page file?07:46
Jester45just a sec07:46
Jester45run cat /proc/meminfo in a terminal07:47
Jester45then look at swapfree/swap total07:47
Jester45the diffrence is the amount in use07:48
Jester45if you wanting to look often07:48
Jester45try the system moniter panel plugin07:48
Jester45swap doesnt get removed untill its filled07:48
Jester45so it will just keep going up07:49
Jester45its a good thing so that you dont have to keep rewriting to it07:49
Jester45like if you had 1gb of swap you might be using 10% of ram but 80% of swap07:49
Jester45there is also something called swapiness that is the amount of swap/ram to use07:50
Jester45like for me i have lots of ram so i dont use my swap at all right now it using lunder 100kb07:50
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ThundermanWhy 7.04 is better than older version07:54
Jester45it has newer packages07:55
Jester45you dont have to upgrade if you dont07:55
Jester45if your using an older system you might want to stick with dapper or edgy as they are faster07:55
ThundermanI have P2 375MHz, 192MB SDRAM, 15GB 5400RPM HDD and GeForce 256 32MB07:56
ThundermanShould i use newer version?07:56
ThundermanOr just a 6.1007:56
ThundermanNow i have maybe 6.0407:58
Jester45if you happy with what you got leave it08:01
ThundermanI'm so noob that I can't even install files :(08:02
mattgyver83Thunderman, 7.04 is really just an update and will have better driver support, though im using 6.10 ubuntu, and 7.04 kubuntu (a difference, i think not)\08:03
ThundermanBut same programs...?08:04
Jester45new versions and more programs that you can install08:04
mattgyver83anybody know how much a kvm switch costs?08:05
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GotGames|Twelve-Need help on install xubuntu from a USB Flash Drive :)08:06
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uptownbenHi All. How can I add a battery monitor to my toolbar next to the clock?08:38
hyper_chuptownben: right-click --> add new item --> battery monitor08:41
uptownbenlet me try that08:42
hyper_chuptownben: and if it's not there, you need to install adesklet08:42
hyper_chuptownben: adesklets - interactive Imlib2 console for the X Window System  --> a few more desklets but I dunno if the battery is in the defaults one08:43
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hyper_chuptownben: so it's working?08:43
uptownbenSure is.. Can I move it?08:44
hyper_chuptownben: sure, right-click on it and select "move" ;)08:45
uptownbenXUBUNTU is hot!!08:45
hyper_chsure it is - that's why I use it08:46
uptownbenI wanted to browse my windows network (SMB) usually I see a LinNeighborhood, what is XUBUNTU's version?08:47
hyper_chuptownben: no clue, I use Konqueror08:48
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uptownbenCan I browse shared network folders with konquerer?08:55
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hyper_chuptownben: yes08:59
hyper_chuptownben: however konqueror is a kde app so it will download quite a few kde libraries and also load them when you start konqueror... some people do not like that... I however use just what I think is the best :)09:00
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uptownbenAhh.. I see, I dont really want anything heavy09:00
uptownbenI'm looking at SMB4K09:03
kalikianauptownben, Try fusesmb09:03
uptownbenI dont see it in Add.remove09:03
kalikianauptownben, What version do you have? I think it's in Feisty.09:07
kalikianaNo idea if it's in add/remove.09:07
kalikianaSicne there are not all packages afaik.09:07
kalikianaSo fire up synaptic or try 'apt-cache search fusesmb'09:08
uptownbenIf in add/remove it says "integrates well with kubuntu" does that mean that it will load a whole bunch of KDE libs and crap?09:09
kalikianauptownben, Depends. Did you find fusesmb there?09:10
kalikianaThat one definitely runs w/o any gui, so it doesn't even require X.09:11
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uptownbenyes..it's there09:12
uptownbenis it lite?09:13
ubuwhat version of xfce is in xubuntu feisty?09:13
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kalikianauptownben, Yes it is, it's merely a daemon with no gui. You should look in the wiki or forums.09:14
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DaBeowulfDoes anyone here use TeamSpeak? Ppl said I was far too quiet so I tried to amp the mic (tried xfce4-mixer alsamixer and amixer) and now I don't have any sounds in TS at all others aps still do though.09:55
DaBeowulfI cannot use alsa-oss I guess because I'm on an AMD64 built?09:56
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DaBeowulfWell I tried that anyway and it wouldn't work and comes up with an error message instead.09:57
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uptownbenwtf!?  I just use synaptic to install pyNieghborhood and now I have no menus at the top of my desktop(!!??)10:07
uptownbenI'm gonna reboot10:08
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uptownbenOK. Maybe someone can help me. I just used Synaptic to install a package and after it was done my menus disappeared from the top of my desktop10:15
uptownbenSo I cant access any applications through the GUI10:16
uptownbenHow do I get my menus back? I see the firefox icon and the "home" folder icon10:16
uptownbenbut no menu10:16
=== Riot777 [n=riot777@aate164.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #xubuntu
=== DaBeowulf [n=wtfbbq@pD9EBE8A9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu
DaBeowulfHow can I possibly have broken oss sound with xfce4-mixer alsamixer or amixer?10:23
uptownbenanyon eknow how to get my top menus back?10:25
DaBeowulfWhat have you done?10:26
DaBeowulfHit Ctrl+ESC10:26
DaBeowulfHas the resolution changed and are other things missing, too?10:27
uptownbennothing else is missing, the resolution did not change10:29
DaBeowulfDoes Ctrl+ESC bring up the Apps menu?10:29
uptownbeneverything was working fine until I installed pyNeighborhood and smbfs10:30
uptownbenusing synaptic10:30
uptownbenany ideas?10:32
uptownbenI was really enjoying XUBUNTU10:32
DaBeowulfNo sorry, I'm just a dumb user, too. :P10:32
zialsyour panels aren't showing?10:39
uptownbenI see everything except the top menus that were there before10:39
zialsyou see the bottom menu?10:40
uptownbendo you think my menu.xml file was currupted?10:40
uptownbenbottom menu?10:40
zialswell, you have 2 panels by default don't you?10:40
=== Go [i=Go@pool-71-174-99-236.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu
uptownbenon the bottom I see the desktop icon and on the right I see 4 "workspaces" and a trash can10:41
uptownbenwith my ChatZilla button in the middle10:41
uptownben(middle left)10:42
zialswell, you can try killing xfce4-panel, and then running it again10:42
uptownbenI already rebooted10:43
zialsor create the top panel from scratch x.x10:43
uptownbenI heard about the menu.xml fix..10:43
zialsnever heard of it... there is a panels.xml10:43
zialsbecause the menu.xml is for the applications menu10:44
=== BFTD [n=thomas@67-150-247-79.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com] has joined #xubuntu
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:27
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elite101does Xubuntu use Desktop enviorment KDE?12:13
elite101or that Tribe thing?12:13
elite101nvm lol xfce12:14
zialsKDE would be Kubuntu ;)12:15
=== xubu [n=xubu@ip24-253-22-18.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #xubuntu
zialsTribe is just used for the beta versions I believe12:16
xubuhow do i install an xfce theme? i tried extracting it to ~/home/myusername/.themes but it wont show up in the user interface preferences12:18
zialsmhmm.. what type is it?12:22
Pumpernickel~/ is a representation of /home/youruser/ - using both is redundant.12:22
xubuxfce theme frome xfce-look.org12:22
PumpernickelMore specifically, it wouldn't work.12:22
xubusorry bad syntax on my part12:23
xubuthe folder is imy home directory though12:23
zialsmhmm, do you have a link to where you got it from?12:24
Catoptromancyis there a way to turn off extra mouse functions?12:25
zialssuch as...?12:25
CatoptromancyI need a game that lets me mouse1 and mouse2 at same time12:25
Catoptromancybut when i do both buttons at same time it does mouse312:25
elite101mhm im downloading Xubuntu 7.10 gutsy Tribe4 im going to install it once its done im currently using kubuntu*12:26
elite101my kubuntu rite now is 7.04 Feisty Fawn12:27
=== xubu_ [n=xubu@ip24-253-22-18.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #xubuntu
xubu_sorry got disconnected12:27
xubu_i doublechecked, my themes are extracted to my /home/user/ directory, but still wont show up in the ui manager12:28

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