xivulon | evand, my understanding of that is that I have only 210MB free and I need a minimum of 596 according to the recipe. But I do have more than 210MB on sdb1 | 12:19 |
xivulon | tried with another empty vm disk and it seems to be working | 01:08 |
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dariuskane | evening folks | 08:49 |
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xivulon | ls | 01:34 |
xivulon | evand, cjwatson, I am glad to report that yesterday I managed to install and boot from a loopmounted file | 01:35 |
xivulon | the filesystem is ro and as mentioned by colin grub is not setup yet but it works for me so far | 01:37 |
xivulon | I used the alternate ISO, did not try the live ISO yet | 01:39 |
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xivulon | cjwatson, I tried the auto-loop and it worked well, one note on swap | 02:44 |
xivulon | I noticed that fstab is setup to use swap as a loop device | 02:45 |
xivulon | It was suggested to me by szaka to use a swap file directly without getting losetup involved, i.e. point it to /host/disks/swap.disk | 02:46 |
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superm1 | evand, I just did a mythbuntu build using ubiquity 1.5.10, are things supposed to be working, or do you you have known issues with it? Both the mythbuntu and gtk ui's appear to run into issues | 04:31 |
evand | yeah, there are issues | 04:33 |
evand | I'm working on them today | 04:33 |
superm1 | evand, the current issues, should I expect them to be breaking the mythbuntu ui, or is that a undesired side effect I should look into? | 04:35 |
evand | superm1: there are new changes that will break mythbuntu. I'll fix those as I fix the other bugs. | 04:38 |
superm1 | k, are you going to grab someone from core-dev to release once you do, or waiting until monday? | 04:41 |
evand | superm1: it depends when I finish. It might be today, it might be over the weekend, or it might be monday. It will not be any later, however, as Tuesday morning the archive is frozen for Tribe and the installer needs to work by then. | 04:42 |
superm1 | evand, I'll stop pestering you and let you get back to fixing it then :-) | 04:43 |
CIA-20 | ubiquity: evand * r2190 ubiquity/ (configure configure.ac): Bump to 1.5.11. | 04:48 |
evand | :) | 04:54 |
evand | xivulon: \o/ nice on getting it working. Do you have a sample preseed file for this? | 04:55 |
xivulon | evand, http://wubi-installer.org/devel/test/preseed.cfg | 05:04 |
evand | thanks | 05:06 |
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xivulon | evand, was disconnected, did you get the link? | 05:51 |
superm1 | http://wubi-installer.org/devel/test/preseed.cfg xivulon ? | 05:52 |
superm1 | that came through, but nothing more | 05:52 |
xivulon | superm1, y8ep | 05:54 |
evand | indeed I did, thanks | 05:55 |
xivulon | You'd need 3GB+ free, then you have to 1) extract kernel/initrd from root.disk, 2) use another grub installation | 05:56 |
xivulon | 3) when you write menu.lst use the parameter loop=/disks/root.disk | 05:57 |
xivulon | You end up with a ro system though. I tried to make it rw by remounting /host and then /, but it did not like the last step. | 05:58 |
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xivulon | evand, I plan to work on that a bit more this w/e are you going to be around? | 06:04 |
evand | xivulon: I should be. There are a lot of ubiquity bugs I need to fix. | 06:06 |
xivulon | evand, good, see if you can find some time to test the loop installation in vm so we can work in parallel | 06:22 |
evand | xivulon: will do | 06:26 |
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|muelli| | Hi. I have problems running the installer from a usb device. I put hd-media/* onto the stick, as well as a feisty iso. The installer complains about missing Package files :-\ Any hints? | 07:58 |
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|muelli| | Right now installation fails because it can't install cryptsetup which is in universe. I can add it to sources.list, but installation of base system somehow renews it so universe gets lost. :-\ | 11:05 |
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