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xhaker_man-di, poke05:08
man-dixhaker_: just ask and I will answer when online05:12
xhaker_man-di, hmm, i'm getting warnings when building a package for eclipse05:13
xhaker_man-di, i'm trying to merge your changes from latest debian in gutsy05:14
xhaker_would a sync be enough?05:14
xhaker_man-di, I also fail to see how to get the orig.tar.gz05:17
xhaker_it seems handcrafted05:17
man-diit is handcrafted05:29
man-diand no, a sync is not enough05:29
man-dithe debian/control need to be regenerated05:29
xhaker_how do you do it?05:30
man-ditouch debian/control.in ; debian/rules debian/control05:30
man-dibut I doubt this version builds on the ubuntu buildds05:31
man-dithe last version didnt either05:31
man-dineither on debian05:31
man-diits some really strange bug05:32
xhaker_debian/rules debian/control05:34
xhaker_debian/rules:256: /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make: No such file or directory05:34
xhaker_debian/rules:917: warning: overriding commands for target `debian/control'05:34
man-diaptitude install dpatch05:36
man-dibut you dont need it for this05:36
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