
mhbLongPointyStick: you're welcome ... thanks goes my irssi logs :o)12:18
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nixternalRiddell: http://www.nixternal.com/docs/12:34
nixternalthis week we should have all of the topics 100% completed, putting us almost a month ahead of schedule!!!!12:34
mhbnixternal: cool-o12:35
mhbnixternal: I hope you get the translations early into rosetta, too12:35
nosrednaekimhey.. is someone do this for kubuntu? http://fosswire.com/2007/08/17/ubuntu-getting-xorgconf-gui/12:35
nixternalthey will be there within the next week, putting them within 3+ weeks of being ahead of schedule as well12:36
nixternalKubuntu has something better already in System Settings if you ask me12:36
Riddellnixternal: we have that tool, infact the gtk one uses our backends12:36
nixternalKControl has been able to do this for years12:37
Riddellwe may not have all the features though12:37
mhbthey don't share the backend?12:37
nixternalI think we have all of the features I think12:37
Riddellwe do12:37
mhbso it's just that the frontend is outdated?12:37
nixternaleverything I see on that page, I can do with System Settings Display module12:37
Riddellnixternal: you didn't change the icon in the .desktop file?12:38
=== nixternal does that now :)
nixternalooh, context2 looks good12:39
=== nosrednaekim dusts off system settings and takes a look
nixternalI like the contents2 image better than the help_index Riddell, is that cool?12:40
nosrednaekimah nice... never noticed that module!12:40
nixternalRiddell: http://www.nixternal.com/docs12:44
nixternaland that should be all she wrote until sometime next week12:44
nixternalwith the pot files in the package, they will get generated automatically for rosetta correct?12:45
nixternalrather, rosetta will pick them up12:45
Riddellyes, if it's there12:47
nixternalcool. it is there, so we will start getting translations way ahead of time12:47
nixternalthis is starting to kind of feel good12:48
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ScottKRiddell: Thanks for the quick dkim-milter backport.02:19
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nixternalhiya Hobbsee!03:21
Hobbseehey nixternal!03:21
nixternaluni keeping you busy?03:21
nixternalI could tell :)03:22
Hobbseethe sponsorship and stuff is03:22
nixternalI start back this week03:22
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-58-217.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jjessequick question: should what i see in the KDE Menu Editor reflect what is in the K Menu?  in KDE Menu Editor I see Presentation (openOffice.org Impress) but in K Menu I see OpenOffice.org - Presentation04:04
nixternaljjesse: not really...KMenu Editor will have more text than what you see in KMenu itself04:05
jjessenixternal:  ok was just  thrown for a loop there04:05
nixternalyou can set an option though if you want to display everything and have a half-window kmenu :)04:05
jjesselots of changes to kde-menus-C.ent04:05
nixternalI did that once, and KMenu was about 6" wide :)04:05
nixternalooh, listening to Amarok, and Jono's band just started playing04:06
jjessemissing openoffice.org draw04:06
jjesseas an entity so that must me it isn't mentioned?04:06
jjesseeven though its in the kmenu?04:06
nixternalya, draw isn't in KMenu04:07
jjessefor me it is04:07
nixternalit is for me as well04:07
nixternalhrmm, I swore on my other machine it isn't04:07
=== nixternal boots up other machine
jjessechange the doc to reflect :)(04:08
nixternalpeople are also saying that on 64bit boxes you can just do 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree' and it works...funny thing is, it doesn't work for me at all04:08
jjessethat's because you are wierd04:08
nixternalI guess so04:08
=== jjesse just upgraded laptop to 4 gigs of RAM and is considering move to 64-bit
jjessemaybe w/ gutsy04:09
nixternalI booted up and got a crash message04:10
nixternalabout kde-gnash04:10
nixternaland it isn't even installed on the system04:10
nixternalahh, drawing is on the other machine as well04:11
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nixternalnice, HP Fax Address Book and the Fax Utility!04:11
nixternalthat is great if it stays04:11
jjesseyeah i'm adding those as well04:12
jjessejust curious are the entities organized somehow?04:12
nixternalargh, people are wrong...the flashplugin thing does not install into Firefox like they say04:12
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nixternalgood, there is a lot of movement on the Novell Bugzilla for glib breakage04:41
nixternalbut somone posted "it happens in Kubuntu too" so I hope they don't do a "oh well, it is upstream then" and make us wait04:42
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge! http://merges.ubuntu.com | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | KDE 4.0 beta 1 -- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php | FF, UVF Thursday, anything we need updated?
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Tonio_hi there ;)11:39
Tonio_Riddell: ping ?11:39
kwwii_hi Tonio_12:19
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Tonio_hi kwwii_ ;)12:21
kwwii_Tonio_: how's the new job going?12:22
kwwii_oops, wife and kid are leaving without me...hold that thought, I'll be back later12:23
Tonio_hey Riddell :)12:27
Tonio_ciao :)12:27
Tonio_Riddell: sorry for not responding the mails, but I didn't have my computer with me there12:27
Tonio_Riddell: I presume that except for bugfuxing this is too late for kdebluetooth right ?12:27
RiddellTonio_: we uploaded the latest beta12:28
RiddellI've no idea if it works or not12:28
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RiddellTonio_: iwj had some comments on the obexftp main inclusion report12:28
Riddellyou should look at them and add responses12:28
Tonio_should do, except some bugs of course, but there are commits every day, we can provide patches easilly12:28
Tonio_Riddell: will do yes12:29
Tonio_Riddell: no time today (with my familly) but I'll respond on monday probably12:31
Riddellhow was Roma?12:31
Tonio_fantastic :)12:32
Tonio_Riddell: sixtin chappel has to be seen once in our life12:33
Riddelldid you meet the pope?12:33
Tonio_btw all the city is very nice12:33
Tonio_Riddell: nope :)12:33
Riddellprobably for the best, my brother did and nearly killed the guy12:33
Tonio_Riddell: we mostly were interested in the antic roma12:33
Tonio_Riddell: really ?12:33
Tonio_benoit XVI ?12:34
Riddellnaw, polish dude12:34
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Tonio_what happened ?12:34
Riddelljust shook his hand a bit too viorously12:35
Riddellhe died a few week later12:35
Riddellsee any gladiator fights?12:35
Riddellor bump into Julius Caesar?12:36
Tonio_well the antic (dunno if that's correct) part of roma is very impressive12:37
Tonio_but pompei ruins are even more12:37
Tonio_there you just realise that we just invented electricity and that's it12:37
Tonio_we also went to vesuvia etc...12:38
Riddellor just "old" actually12:38
Tonio_so yes it was really nice vacations ;)12:38
mhbhello everyone, hi Tonio_12:41
Tonio_hey mhb :)12:41
mhbRiddell: bug 127233 is pretty much triaged - all it takes is to decide whether we want either scroll smoothness or power efficiency by default12:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127233 in kubuntu-default-settings "Disable smooth scrolling for kopete" [Low,Triaged]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12723312:54
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_StefanS_hey Tonio_ :)01:07
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_StefanS_welcome back01:08
Tonio__StefanS_: ;)01:08
Tonio__StefanS_: how are you ?01:08
Tonio__StefanS_: I will not really be there for work until monday01:08
_StefanS_Tonio_: I'm fine thanks :) still no child number two.. but within a week I think. We'll just talk monday :)01:09
_StefanS_Tonio_: do mail me if you have something I should look at01:10
Tonio__StefanS_: hehe, great :)01:10
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croftjHi, I'm trying to find a list of packages that come standard on ubutnu or kubutnu, can anyone point me there?01:13
mhbcroftj: apt-cache depends kubuntu-desktop is a good start01:17
croftjThanks, I finally found it http://packages.ubuntu.com01:26
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Hobbsee_StefanS_: i like #1 and #2, btw02:21
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dadchickenHobbsee: Did you hear that me and Dacia are gonna have a little gir?03:01
Hobbseenope, but way cool!03:02
dadchickenYeah :)03:02
dadchickenWe're super-happy.03:02
manchickenIs anybody else having trouble with libmtp?03:04
Hobbseeuse a dist-upgrade03:04
manchickenWill try that.03:05
manchickenAck, I had already typed in to remove libmtp to install with libmtp6, and aptitude figured it out.03:05
nosrednaekimmanchicken: interesting blog post BTW.03:06
manchickenWhich one?03:07
nosrednaekimthe one about bringing the liveCD to retailers03:08
nosrednaekimand the ron paul one was interesting too... but thats off topic for sure03:09
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mc|dadsFor some reason, ubuntu-server will not configure on this machine.03:18
mc|dadsLTS even.03:18
mc|dadsBut it might just be that the CDROM drive can't handle burned discs.  It is like 10 years old.03:18
mc|dadsKubuntu LTS works just fine though :)03:18
_StefanS_Hobbsee: its easier just to have a number on them :)03:18
Hobbsee_StefanS_: :)03:19
=== _StefanS_ was out mowing the lawn,,, jeez
mc|dadsI'll be doing that in about an hour...03:19
_StefanS_yes, not that interesting.03:20
mc|dadsI don't mind yard work, but this is like the last time I'll be doing yard work on someone else's yard :)03:20
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nosrednaekimis there anything that needs to be done for gutsy? like special testing of any apps or anything? I have all weekend.03:37
mhbnosrednaekim: do you have a widescreen monitor?03:39
=== Hobbsee does, too
mhbI do have one, too ... I need someone who doesn't :o)03:40
nosrednaekimmhb: I have a 4:3 too....03:40
=== Hobbsee has another machine, but no gutsy installed on it
nosrednaekimcoul probably attach it to this laptop.03:41
mhbbug 133294 is confirmed for wide screen, but I'm not sure how it looks like on a "normal" monitor03:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 133294 in kubuntu-default-settings "[gutsy]  Kubuntu's splash image displays badly" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13329403:41
nosrednaekimmhb: would that be testable off a liveCD?03:41
=== Hobbsee assumes one could just try it in $vmofchoice, too
mhbI guess so03:43
nosrednaekimmhb: i'll test it on my brother's computer03:44
nosrednaekimmhb: final question... will a tribe 3 CD work?03:44
mhbprobably not03:45
mhbthe artwork is quite new03:45
nosrednaekimmhb: oh......03:48
nosrednaekimhmm then I can't really test it cause I don't have a good enough connection here to update gusty to the latest version.03:48
mhbnosrednaekim: no problem03:50
nosrednaekimmhb: anything else? :)03:51
nosrednaekimis there just a package for the boot artwork, or or you have to update the kernel too? if its just artwork, I could get that.03:52
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mhbnosrednaekim: it's ksplash artwork that's problematic03:53
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nosrednaekimso I assume thats a separate package?03:53
nosrednaekimI can reboot into gutsy...03:54
nosrednaekimand try....03:54
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mhbnosrednaekim: kubuntu-default-settings should be the culprit03:55
=== nosrednaekim is rebooting into gutsy
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nosrednaekimmhb: ok... so what was that package04:00
nosrednaekimok.. I can just upgrade kubuntu-default-settings... is that a good enough test?04:01
mhbnosrednaekim: should be04:01
nosrednaekimok..i'll test.04:02
mhbnosrednaekim: and of course, whenever you don't know what to do, there's  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=kubuntu&orderby=-datecreated&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=New&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_contact=&field.component-empty-marker=1&field.status_upstream-empty-marker=1&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch.used=&field.tag=&field.has_cve.used=&field.has_no_package04:03
nosrednaekimwhat the.....04:03
nosrednaekimlongest link i've ever seen :)04:03
mhbnosrednaekim: a lovely URL that searches for all the unconfirmed packages with the word "kubuntu" in them04:03
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nosrednaekimi'd look at it but I can't browse and DL at the same time.04:03
mhberr,  searches for all the unconfirmed bugreports of Ubuntu packages04:04
mhbwith the word "Kubuntu" in them04:04
nosrednaekimi'll have to bookmark that04:04
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nosrednaekimmhb: still downloading...04:25
nosrednaekimwow... lots of bugs on that page :)04:36
nosrednaekimmhb: oh.. looks crappy on my widescreen too. let me check on 1024x768...04:38
nosrednaekimBTW... my monitor and display config section sems to be broken.... maybe its XGL..04:41
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mhbnosrednaekim: thanks for the info04:45
nosrednaekimyep.. NP... checking on 4:304:46
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nosrednaekimATI monitor sharing isn't work right now... gotta fix that first :)04:51
nosrednaekimi'll test it eventually :)04:55
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nosrednaekimmhb: confirmed on 4:3 display06:20
nosrednaekimtook me long enough :)06:20
nosrednaekimat 1280x1024 and 1024x76806:21
nosrednaekimi'll reply to the bug.06:21
nosrednaekimI like the colors though...06:22
mhbnosrednaekim: I like them too, except maybe that shadow on the bottom06:24
nosrednaekimlooks a bit like mint or mepis... forget which one.06:26
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nosrednaekimmhb: do you remember that bug # off hand?I lost it and I can see it on that kubuntu bug page06:55
ScottKnosrednaekim: Do you mean bug 13329406:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 133294 in kubuntu-default-settings "[gutsy]  Kubuntu's splash image displays badly" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13329406:58
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nixternalRiddell: Danimo's book is pretty good as well, especially since it shows qt designer07:16
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nixternalRiddell: I just wet myself reading the backlog of your brother shaking the pope's hand...my god that is funny08:02
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_StefanS_Riddell: emailed you a patch for rpm, to get kdeadm to work in lpia.09:10
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Riddellgreat, let me look Stecchino09:17
Riddelloh, he's gone, tab completion breaks09:17
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nixternalRiddell: the kubuntu_33 patch in kdebase needs to be updated to point to help:/kubuntu/index instead of help:/kubuntu/system-index09:52
nixternalactually, help:/kubuntu would work since I created an index.html link in the main kubuntu directory09:53
Riddellnixternal: can you send me a debdiff?09:53
nixternalI have been looking at KDE base to see how it gets the user agent info as ours has changed from Kubuntu Linux to just Linux09:53
nixternalRiddell: sure09:53
Riddelluser agent is a patch we have09:54
Riddellactually, hmm09:55
Riddellthe configuration option --with-distribution= in kdelibs may be there too09:55
nixternalRiddell: http://www.nixternal.com/tmp/kdebase.debdiff09:57
nixternalI looked through the changelog in kdebase to see if there was a change made sometime in June that would have changed it..but couldn't find anything09:58
nixternalit happened prior to June 28th, that I do know09:59
nixternalI will grep kdelibs and see if something changed around that time09:59
Riddellit's possible we're missing a patch10:00
Riddellnixternal: take a look at debian's kdebase package and see if they have a patch for it we're missing10:01
nixternalk, let me svn up the debian repos10:01
nixternalhave you see the latest KOffice2 by chance? It definitely has the umph appeal. Looks really good, and I think cleaner than KOffice 110:02
Riddellno, it didn't compile in the buildds10:03
Riddellnixternal: kvkbd failed main inclusion review because it didn't compile on ian's machine, it does fine for me and the buildds and I didn't get a response when I asked on irc so maybe you should e-mail him and ask what broke for him10:04
nixternalprobably because he hasn't updated pbuilder...it did have a problem initially because of broken deps in the buildd, but has worked flawlessly ever since10:06
nixternalactually, never had a problem on my systems, just in the buildd that one day10:07
RiddellI don't know if he's using a pbuilder10:07
RiddellI don't even know if he's using ubuntu10:07
nixternalwho is Ian btw?10:07
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RiddellIan Jackson (iwj)10:07
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Riddellwrote dpkg and did policy and DPL and similar such elite things10:08
kwwii_Riddell: last time I asked he said he was still using hoary10:08
Riddellwell, could be one release worse I suppose :)10:08
nixternal44_klipper_ignore_gecko.diff  ::  45_klipper_backreferences.diff  ::10:09
nixternalthose are the 3 patches that debian has that we don't have10:09
coreymon77i need to explain to someone what kubuntu membership is10:14
coreymon77is there a wiki page that does that10:14
nixternalthe same one that explains Ubuntu membership10:15
coreymon77which one is that again?10:15
nixternalthere is a link to it on the Kubuntu meetings page concerning membership10:15
nixternalemail to Ian sent!10:19
rbrunhuberIs there a list of missing things in kubuntu compared to ubuntu?10:25
rbrunhuberI just tried gutsy ubuntu-desktop and i was really kicked in the face by all those bells and whistles there.10:26
nixternal"all those bells and whistles"?10:29
Riddellrbrunhuber: no, although it might be interesting to have one made10:30
nixternalwhat would  be missing? Gimp off the top of my head, and maybe games?10:31
rbrunhubernixternal : windows seem to use compositing by default although i did not install the binary driver. most of the notifications are not ugly message boxes but "balloon helps" (excuse the windows term)10:31
nixternalahh, because they use the notification-daemon10:31
Riddellfast user switching, decent compiz integraton, bullet proof X10:32
Riddellnone of those easy in KDE10:32
nixternalI guess I don't understand that fast user switching, as I am easily able to switch back and forth between 'nixternal' and 'kde-devel'10:32
Riddellnice message boxes is down to knotify just having horrible graphics10:32
Riddellnixternal: ubuntu can do it on the same X server now I believe10:32
nixternalthat is true10:32
nixternalahh, where as we do it on :0 and :110:33
nixternalI get you10:33
nixternalI just noticed that in KMenu10:33
rbrunhuberThere have been nice message boxes at least in kontact but ther all gone again.10:33
nixternalthey do have different sessions running10:33
rbrunhuberalthough fast user switching was the first thing to hit me with a crash :-)10:34
nixternalI need to fire up vbox and take a look10:34
rbrunhuberRiddel: Your guess: Is kde4 the hotty that it is always promoted or will it be 4.1+?10:35
nixternalhow do I create a menu item so that it shows up in Gnome as well? ie. kvirc shows up fine in KMenu -> Internet, but it doesn't create the menu entry in Gnome10:36
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Riddellrbrunhuber: kde 4 generally is a great platform, 4.0 will be pretty poor though10:37
Riddellnixternal: where is the .desktop file?10:37
nixternaldata/applnk in the root directory of kvirc10:39
Riddellthat's the old location10:40
Riddell/usr/share/applications/kde/ is the standard location10:40
nixternalI am checking the .deb to see where it gets installed10:40
nixternalit shows up fine in KDE, just not in Gnome10:40
Riddellit'll need a Catagories= line added if it doesn't have one10:40
nixternalinteresting...it doesn't install the .desktop, but installs a menu entry instead10:42
nixternalrbrunhuber: are you working on a list of what is in Ubuntu compared to Kubuntu, or do you want me to do it? I have it opened to start doing a comparison10:47
rbrunhuberRiddell : How big would be the maintainance overhead to create a kubuntu-desktop-light and ubuntu-desktop-light package, which kicks out all the dependencies on for instance k3b and kate...10:48
rbrunhubernixternal, if you can mentor me a bit I'd do it10:48
nixternalI figure just add it to a wiki page10:48
ScottKrbrunhuber: Now that recommends are installed by default for meta packages, you can remove all the stuff you don't want and not have to remove kubuntu-desktop.  What's the use-case for the light version.10:51
Riddellrbrunhuber: what's the advantage of that over kde-core or similar?10:51
rbrunhuberRiddell : I just wanted to walk someone through a gnome problem today and it started to download gnome-games-data. Waste of bandwidth and time.10:52
rbrunhuberRiddell : It's just a "single" entry point. Install a kubuntu-desktop* package and you get kde with different sets of applications. e.g. kubuntu-desktop: fully loaded. kubuntu-desktop-light only basics.10:54
coreymon77okay everyone10:58
coreymon77my email has been sent10:59
coreymon77please look over it and my wiki page (the link is in the email) and deside on whether to give me membership or not11:00
ScottKcoreymon77: I'm not sure if I'll be at the next meeting or not, but I'd give you a +1.11:04
coreymon77ScottK: you a council member?11:05
Riddellnot yet...11:05
ScottKNo.  I'm a Kubuntu member and a MOTU.11:05
coreymon77Riddell: well, that could be considered as a 4th approval11:06
coreymon77Riddell: could it?11:06
ScottKcoreymon77: I'm not saying I vouch for you.  I'm saying I think your vouching and wiki are good enough I think you should get in.11:06
Riddellit doesn't give much explanation11:06
coreymon77ScottK: you already saw the email?11:07
coreymon77that was fast11:07
=== nixternal looks at the email now...preparing the list of questions!
coreymon77ask away11:07
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coreymon77ive got some free time now, so if you have any questions for me, ask away11:11
nosrednaekimhey coreymon77 how are you oing?11:12
coreymon77nosrednaekim: good11:12
coreymon77nosrednaekim: but i was talking about asking me questions about my membership application11:13
nosrednaekimah ok... well I have to go. good luck with that.11:13
nosrednaekimhaven't seen you around in while11:13
rbrunhuberwhom should i ask to have #kubuntu+1 used as an official channel?11:14
Riddellis there a need?11:16
rbrunhuberI think so, everything is seperated in k and u why not +1?11:16
rbrunhuberand we are already 3 users :-)11:17
ScottKrbrunhuber: How many in #ubuntu+1?11:18
ScottKWhat fraction of the issues are unique to Kubuntu and what fraction common do you think?11:18
rbrunhuberScottK: #ubuntu+1 one has loads of users.11:19
Riddellif people have issues with KDE in gutsy it may be best to ask here11:19
nosrednaekim160 users, and I'd say that, just like in ubuntu, amny of the issues are common, but their solutions differ.11:19
rbrunhuberRiddell : The topic says, to not do so.11:20
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Riddellrbrunhuber: to not to what?11:22
ScottKrbrunhuber: So if Kubuntu users with common problems start going to #kubuntu+1, are you going to be able to support them as well as #ubuntu+1?11:22
Riddellthat's an issue for all support methods11:23
nosrednaekimhowever, since many of the users on ubuntu+1 are quite experienced, they don't need in depth gui instructions11:23
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rbrunhuberScottK: No not me personally.11:24
rbrunhuberAnd i do not think that another channel splits up the community. I think we just should have this channel even if it is just a redirect sign to #ubuntu if no one listens.11:25
rbrunhuberLet's talk about this tomorrow again. I have to get may train now. So the #kubuntu+1 thing die at least for tonight11:27
Riddellquite a grilling there from nixternal :)11:27
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nixternalRiddell: well, I felt I had to step up since the last one where you did the grilling...only learning from the mastah himself11:46
nixternal * In 10adduser add About Kubuntu document to desktop and remove11:46
nixternal  restricted-manager autostart files11:46
nixternalthat closes out that one kubuntu-meta boog11:46
nixternaland closed it is.11:49
mhbhi folks11:53
nixternalhowdy mhb11:57
nixternalactually, emacs probably wasn't the best thing to have open to show the eliteness of my stock KDE Plastik theme :)11:58
nixternalwrong winder11:58
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