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ubotuNew bug: #133224 in firefox (main) "Truncated numbers in the tags list of the Launchpad Bug Tracker (dup-of: 131012)" [Low,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13322412:45
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Philip5anyone awake who knows how i can delete a package from my repro on dogfood?02:05
FujitsuPhilip5: I think you need to poke cprov at the moment, but a UI should be coming soon.02:06
Philip5Fujitsu: aha, ok... there is no hurry but i was just missing the feature02:07
Philip5Fujitsu: i noticed that you also got a repro on dogfood... kinda nice i must say... not just that you also have one but the whole thing. :)02:07
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Philip5Fujitsu: do you know what Superseded mean as status for a package that is uploaded?02:44
FujitsuPhilip5: It means it'll probably head to death row soon, but I'm not entirely sure when.02:44
FujitsuWhen a new version is uploaded, the previous on is set to superseded, and they should be automatically sent to PendingRemoval after a little while, and process-death-row should remove them eventually.02:45
Fujitsu*previous one02:46
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mdkehiya, any LP/bzr people around?10:58
mdkeI recently uploaded what I thought was a branch to the planet-ubuntu-it product; I think found that the branch was empty. So to try and resolve, I did these commands and got a humungus error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34145/11:00
RAOFmdke: You don't really want to checkout.11:02
RAOFmdke: What's happening is that "checkout" is "work like svn" mode - all your commits go straight to the branch.11:03
RAOFmdke: What you want to do is "bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mdke/planet-ubuntu-it/sorgente"11:03
mdkeRAOF: I kinda wanted my commits to go straight to the branch...11:06
RAOFmdke: Ah, OK>11:07
mdkeI'll try the branch though, see if that works better11:07
mdkeRAOF: any idea about the error?11:07
RAOFWell then http checkouts are read only - there's no authentication :)11:07
RAOFYou could probably co sftp://bazaar.etc11:07
mdkeoh, right11:08
mdkenot the most helpful error message ever...11:09
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mdkeRAOF: thanks, bzr branch seems to be doing the trick and pushing ok11:10
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mwhudsonyou don't have to re checkout your branch, you can bzr bind sftp://whatever11:20
mdkemwhudson: noted; if it happens again I'll explore that command thanks11:23
mwhudsonmaybe checkout should try to write lock the transport to catch this sooner11:23
mdkemaking the error message say what RAOF told me would do the trick11:24
mdkei'm not good with tracebacks11:24
mwhudsonthough, um, bug 39542 is kind of the other way around11:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 39542 in bzr "checkout over http error" [Critical,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/39542 - Assigned to Robert Collins (lifeless)11:25
mwhudsonmdke: i don't see a bug about this, do you want to file one or shall i?11:27
mdkemwhudson: I can do that, sure11:28
mdkemwhudson: actually, it's bug 129701 isn't it?11:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129701 in bzr "Error message when attempting to commit on a checkout is unhelpful" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12970111:30
mwhudsonyes, totally11:31
mdkegood old +filebug11:31
=== mdke pats
mwhudsoni did try to search, but obviously didn't really read the results that closely11:32
mwhudsoni think i disagree with afc's suggestions pretty strenuously11:32
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=== mwhudson comments
thumpermdke: if you use bzr+ssh for your checkout, it should work11:43
thumpermdke: although you'll have to specify your lp id either in your .ssh file or as bzr+ssh://mdke@bazaar.launchpad.net/...11:45
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mdkemwhudson: sorry, power cut; I think perhaps the filebug search is better than the regular one, I heard that once12:02
mdkethumper: thanks12:02
mwhudsonmdke: it doesn't time out as oftern, that's for sure :-)12:07
mdkeSteveA: around?12:14
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ubotuNew bug: #133315 in kde-guidance "at least, four wrong language imports for gutsy" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13331503:20
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jumpkickis there a way to get bugs in an RSS feed?04:24
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popeythere's that site that aggregates lots of launchpad things, i am sure they have an rss feed don't they?04:29
popeymaybe not04:30
popeyyou could file a bug against it and ask them to04:30
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jumpkickpopey: I looked at ubuntustats.com, they get their data from an AJAX call to http://www.ubuntustats.com/getData2.php04:48
jumpkickno idea how they come-up with the data, maybe direct DB connection or something04:49
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popeythere is an API they use05:19
popeyi would file a bug against ubuntustats - i did that to get them to add support for the answer tracker and they responded very quickly05:19
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beunojumpkick: we don't have RSS support yet due to performance issues, but we will have it soon  ;)05:42
jumpkickbeuno:thanks...  I figured as much... 05:43
jumpkickpretty much have to do it dynamically or per topic cache for everything05:43
beunoand we have a bug filed for it already, #12100305:43
beunoso you can subscribe to that and find out when we do05:43
jumpkickbeuno: cool, I'll subscribe to it05:43
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diogoHi. I made a small change in a source code from a project at launchpad.net and I have an account there. Could someone guide me on how to submit this file so the official developers could see it?06:35
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mptGooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!09:30
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