
dkettmanHmm whats interesting is in the busybox shell, there isnt a /dev/disk directory ..12:07
dkettmanIt has to be a driver issue...12:07
dkettmanI'm going to try changing the e2label on the drive to see if I can get it to work ..12:08
ijuz__does it find the disk?12:08
dkettmanOr .. better yet, just specify the acutal disk :)12:08
ijuz__yes :)12:08
dkettmanTrying that ..12:08
dkettmanhanging again12:10
ijuz__probably it's just a bug, does it find any disk at all?12:11
dkettmanWaiting for busybox again12:11
dkettmanIf it cant find /dev/hda1, then there is an issue ..12:13
ijuz__uhm... most likely it's sda112:14
dkettmanNot on this one .. when I ran mount it showed up as /dev/hda112:14
dkettmanand in the initramfs(busybox) there is no /dev/disk/*, /dev/hd*, /dev/sd*12:15
ijuz__but there is some other stuff in /dev ?12:15
dkettmanlots of pty, tty, and some others12:16
dkettmanno disk-looking devices though ..12:16
dkettmanthis is really weird .. I'm going to compare the two config files because when I ran make oldconfig, it asked me about some options not present in 2.6.2212:18
dkettmanGoing to re-burn the Fiesty Fawn CD (left it at home) and see if it works while in live12:30
dkettmanjust as a shot in the dar12:30
dkettmaner dark12:30
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