
cornellOk guys... I'm baaack12:31
=== pteague [n=patrick@ip72-213-145-156.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
cornellNow, I want to restore the dumped mysql data into the new database.  I want to do only specific tables, those that refer to the data stored on my vg.  I don't know what tables.  I guess I could open the backup file and look for things related to the recordings and note the tables.  Any other ideas?12:33
=== Nixus_Maximus [n=Simon@dslb-088-065-179-186.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu-mythtv []
cornellI know this is off topic, but can I run phpMyAdmin on this machine pointing to a database on another?12:50
=== cornell gets real bored with command line mysql, real easily.
cornellOk... I figured I could go through the dump, comparing to the new database an finger out what needs to be inserted.  But the First table in the restore for mythconverg is archiveitems, but there isn't one in the new installation's database.01:00
=== jono__ [n=jono@88-107-67-156.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
keescooksuperm1: found my idiocy, got an exception, re-uploading myth{tv,plugins} now.01:12
cornellmmm... codecparams is empty in the new one, but not the old.  You'd think that'd be populated.01:16
cornellSpeaking of which is there a database init  script of some kind that needs to be done manually, i.e. not done by the install?01:17
cornelluh-oh....  table credits has stuff in it with chanid, same as in channels...  but the id's are different :-(01:19
cornellAnybody familiar with the tables?01:41
cornellDo I need the table oldprogram?02:00
cornellFound it!!!    http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Database_Schema02:06
=== cornell 's been looking for table, should've thought schema ;-)
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replmanHi! With mythtv-frontend, is it possible to switch between window mode and fullscreen mode without restarting mythtv-frontend?02:38
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Chadariussuperm1: Hey I'm online all night tonight... Looked at your code. Frankly mine stunk. I like the tabs much better than the "tree" that I was making02:53
cornellWell... seems like the big problem is the personid, and the chanid.  They're different in the old and new.  So, should I endeavor to update all the old to the new and then insert the ones that are missing?02:57
cornellWell... TTFN03:21
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-mythtv: "Welcome to #ubuntu-mythtv:: Website is DOWN. Alpha 3 is available at http://mirror.polorix.net/index.php?dir=Mythbuntu in the meanwhile :: Paste logs @ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org :: See our wiki for setting up and troubleshooting: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV"
=== Topic (#ubuntu-mythtv): set by superm1 at Mon Aug 6 19:26:44 2007
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dablitzi am trying to get myth to run on kubuntu with almost NO luck04:36
lagasorry to hear that. what's wrong?`04:36
dablitzwell when I run mythtv-setup. it gets as far as setting the database login/password then exits. will not let me setup my capture card or anything04:36
dablitzi have been throught every how-to I can find04:37
dablitzi am about ready to completely start over04:38
lagacan you start it in a terminal (konsole)? it should print some error messages there04:38
dablitzlet me try04:38
dablitzlots and lots and lots of errors04:39
lagacare to show me?04:40
lagadablitz: did you compile mythtv yourself?04:42
dablitzyes from the latest svn04:42
laga2007-08-18 10:41:18.197 This app was compiled against libmyth version: 0.20.20070717-104:43
laga# but the library is version: 0.20.20060828-304:43
laga# You probably want to recompile everything, and do a04:43
laga# 'make distclean' first.04:43
laga^^ that's what the error message says.04:43
laga2007-08-18 10:41:18.198 Failed to init MythContext, exiting.04:43
lagayou need to remove the mythtv *packages* from your system.04:43
dablitzapt-get remove --purge mythtv04:43
dablitzthen rebuild04:44
laga--purge shouldn't be necessary04:45
lagarebuild shouldn't be necessary either04:45
lagait's loading the wrong libraries now04:45
lagaonce they're removed, you should be OK04:45
dablitzok thanks04:45
dablitzI will try that04:45
lagaand please mention that you compiled your own packages next time in here. we kinda expect users to use ubuntu packages04:46
dablitzunderstandable - the only issue is that the ubuntu packages I have a hardtime paching some of the north american patches against04:46
lagasome of the north american patches for encrypted TV? ;)04:47
dablitzi never said that04:47
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dablitzhello channel06:14
dablitzcan someone direct me to a url that will tell me what dependencies mytharchive requires06:15
ompaulapt-cache show PackageName helps there06:15
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junkyardrocketCan I get help here getting MythTV working under Ubuntu. I have an odd issue.08:09
tgm4883_laptopwhats the issue08:10
junkyardrocketWell, I have all the components working: lirc, backend, frontend, and all that. It works. But when I used the ubuntu-mythtv-frontend package, the remote no longer works. I can alt-ctrl-f1 to a terminal, run irw, and see that commands are getting processed, but nothing in the actual frontent.08:11
superm1junkyardrocket, copy the .lircrc to /home/mythtv08:12
tgm4883_laptopdang it08:13
superm1and the .mythtv/lircrc to /home/mythtv/.mythtv/lircrc08:13
junkyardrocketAlso, when I run the frontend in Gnome, the remote works fine. It's just the openbox, auto-login08:13
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, knows all the answers08:13
tgm4883_laptopi was looking that up08:13
tgm4883_laptopwas thinking about saying "superm1 knows the answer"08:13
junkyardrocketI have done that.08:13
superm1well aren't you lucky i was walking in and saw that then08:13
superm1you've done that eh?08:14
junkyardrocketI have the same file in both ~/.lircrc and .mythtv/lircrc08:14
superm1~ meaning /home/mythtv08:14
junkyardrocketIt does dump out a bunch or warnings through08:14
junkyardrocketHmm... lemme check.08:14
tgm4883_laptopsounds like the .lircrc file is in the main user home directory right?08:16
superm1that's what it sounds to me08:16
tgm4883_laptopjust wanted to make sure I was going to give him the right info08:16
junkyardrocketThat's what it looks like. I knew I had to me missing something like that. I'll know in a second08:16
junkyardrocketme = be08:16
junkyardrocketWell, I didn't have the file there, but it didn't see to work.08:20
superm1double negative ? so you copied the file there08:21
superm1or no?08:21
junkyardrocketRight. I copied the file, rebooted, and nothing changed.08:21
superm1you have to copy both08:22
superm1/home/mythtv/.mythtv/lircrc and /home/mythtv/.lircrc08:22
junkyardrocketI've done that too. Well, I made a link from .lircrc to .mythtv/lircrc anyhow08:22
junkyardrocketCould that be the problem?08:23
superm1make sure the link is valid08:23
superm1that you got the order right08:23
superm1like try to cat the file08:23
=== tgm4883_laptop never gets the order right on the first try
lagasame here tgm4883_laptop ;)08:24
junkyardrocketAnd there it goes! Thank you much!08:24
lagahey, mythbuntu.org is down. ;)08:24
tgm4883_laptoplaga, WHAT!?!08:24
=== tgm4883_laptop checks mythbuntu.org quickly
junkyardrocketIt's amazing that every other problem I could fix, but this stupid little thing is what stumps me.08:25
tgm4883_laptopit happens08:25
superm1i sent brandon some mail last night08:25
superm1asking for the ownership transfer08:25
superm1and for the backup08:25
superm1and sent him a PM...08:25
superm1hist phone isn't working anymore it appears when i call it08:25
junkyardrocketWell, thanks again for the help. Glad all of you are here.08:26
tgm4883_laptopthere was a guy on here last night that wanted to show the website to a coworker08:26
tgm4883_laptophe said he was going to make an unofficial website08:27
superm1yea jumpkick did08:27
superm1he had some of the data cached somehow08:27
superm1jumpkick, you don't by chance have the artwork on the page also cached do you?08:29
superm1the css and graphics08:29
=== laga checks google cache
superm1only thing i was able to pull from my cache was the logo: http://home.eng.iastate.edu/~superm1/mythbuntu/mythbuntu_logo_blue_steel.png08:30
tgm4883_laptoptoo slow laga08:30
tgm4883_laptopjust checked08:30
lagaif you'd stop surfing for porn, you wouldn't have to empty your caches08:31
=== laga hides
superm1well i didn't empty it08:31
superm1it got full08:31
superm1and started deleting old items08:31
lagayou surf too much porn then08:31
jumpkicksuperm1: I don't have that, css *might* be in the caches somewhere, but graphics are usually not08:31
lagai'll just let google cache loading08:31
superm1if anyone wants to give this page a look over, i updated it to all the new stuff that's happened with gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_Lirc_Gutsy08:32
laganothing in my cache :/08:33
jumpkickdoesn't look like the CSS files themselves are cached08:34
lagatgm4883_laptop: ack, wtf08:34
tgm4883_laptopi saw that when i googled mythbuntu08:34
lagasuperm1: any reply on the 1024 hz stuff08:34
tgm4883_laptoplike the 10th listing08:34
superm1laga, i didn't hear anything back yesterday in -kernel before i left when i went to bed08:35
tgm4883_laptopi think someone needs to sign up and help this guy08:36
lagaand put the money towards a new host ;)08:37
tgm4883_laptopor sweet mythbuntu aluminum case badges08:39
superm1haha you and those case badges tgm4883_laptop08:39
tgm4883_laptopgotta love them08:39
superm1jumpkick, could you get drupal thrown on your box, for now can probably rebuild most of the site from google cached data until get the mysql dump (if it comes through)08:39
tgm4883_laptopwait, what if the money went toward one of those lawn figurines08:39
tgm4883_laptopyou know08:39
tgm4883_laptopwhats it called08:39
lagatgm4883_laptop: pink flamingo?08:39
superm1garden gnomes !08:39
lagagarden gnome?08:39
=== tgm4883_laptop shakes head at laga not getting that first
jumpkicksuperm1: do you want access to the box08:39
superm1jumpkick, yea if you could08:39
tgm4883_laptopdid we shoot an email to ben dailey?08:39
superm1i can try to get it as rebuilt as possible without the backup08:39
superm1yea i did08:39
superm1to the email address on whois08:40
superm1Daviey, yo uhere ?08:40
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tgm4883_laptop:( google cache only has text08:45
superm1well text is better than nothing at this point08:46
superm1especially if brandon isn't coming around08:46
tgm4883_laptopwell we probably want this then08:51
tgm4883_laptopas it isn't on the stacktrace one08:52
tgm4883_laptopoh wait, yea it is08:53
superm1tgm4883_laptop, grab text from whatever pages you can, i've got "About" and "Download"08:54
tgm4883_laptopi have getting involved08:56
tgm4883_laptopand suppport08:56
tgm4883_laptopgot the weekly build repo page and the weekly build support page09:01
tgm4883_laptopso we don't have a response from imbrandon?09:02
tgm4883_laptopi knew i should have bugged him yesterday09:02
tgm4883_laptopi saw him online and talking09:02
superm1you saw him yesterday!!!09:02
superm1oh gosh yea09:02
superm1if you see him again09:02
superm1please do bug him09:03
tgm4883_laptopwell he is online right now09:03
superm1i dont know why he is ignoring my emails and PMs09:03
superm1makes no sense09:03
tgm4883_laptophiding out in ubuntu-motu09:03
superm1haha hiding09:03
lagai PM'ed him too the other day09:06
lagano response09:06
=== tgm4883_laptop waits in the tall brush like a tiger stalking its prey
lagaseriously though, it can't be that hard to mail a few files to superm109:11
superm1i know09:11
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, i need to test something09:15
superm1what tgm4883_laptop ?09:15
tgm4883_laptopdang it09:15
tgm4883_laptopdont say my name, but type a message09:15
tgm4883_laptopnow any channel i am in will get special highlighting when superm1 or imbrandon say something09:17
lagathat was cool09:17
=== tgm4883_laptop thinks we should all have that feature
tgm4883_laptopor if we could have that feature in real life09:18
tgm4883_laptopif someone says your name, their head should blink09:18
superm1it should09:21
=== foxbuntu [n=nfoxqci@12-216-16-102.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1@mythbuntu.org still work?09:31
superm1tgm4883_laptop, Nope09:31
superm1since the mail server needed to contact mythbuntu.org09:31
superm1when it tried09:31
tgm4883_laptopi can send you these cached text pages if you dont have them09:32
superm1put them somewhere i can grab them or emali to @ubuntu.com09:32
tgm4883_laptopok, they are up on my webspace.  They are just openoffice files09:34
superm1well actually if you can do them as html09:35
superm1that's the easiest to drop back in09:35
tgm4883_laptopI could09:35
tgm4883_laptoptheres really no formatting though09:35
tgm4883_laptopno css formatting09:35
superm1well the big thing was the font size and such09:36
superm1so those stlil show through09:36
tgm4883_laptopi'll do that then09:37
tgm4883_laptopbut it will be later09:37
tgm4883_laptopas I have to go show a house now09:37
superm1okay well i'll try'n grab from the OOo for now09:38
superm1i should have something back up soon09:38
tgm4883_laptopthere may be mythbuntu highlighting in those files i just realized09:39
tgm4883_laptopas google highlights its cache09:39
superm1better than nothing right now09:39
tgm4883_laptopI'll fix it up for later though09:39
tgm4883_laptopare you going to get new screenshots for mythbuntu?09:39
superm1ugh i gotta do those too09:40
superm1man this sucks :)09:40
superm1well maybe put that off09:40
superm1and have someone else take them09:40
tgm4883_laptopi'll keep an eye out for imbrandon09:40
tgm4883_laptopand do the html pages09:40
tgm4883_laptopand then we will see about the screenshots09:41
tgm4883_laptopis there a guide we can take screenshots from?09:41
superm1well when you come back check and see where i'm at with it, might not need those all converted09:41
superm1all the screenshots were done by hand....09:41
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foxbuntusuperm1, did you get ahold of imbrandon?11:20
superm1foxbuntu, no11:20
superm1i'm rebuilding it on jumpkick's server right now11:21
superm1from scratch....11:21
foxbuntuthats too bad11:21
superm1at http://mythbuntu.stacktrace.org11:21
=== laga dcss superm1 a nice bottle of wine
superm1haha i wish that i could take that right now11:21
lagawell, i'll do it for you then11:21
superm1laga, if you want to help rebuild though11:21
laga'tis nice french wine11:22
superm1i'll give you an account here :)11:22
superm1and you can help me scrub and scavange the clean pages11:22
superm1to clean the pages11:22
lagasuperm1: uh, i gotta go ;)11:22
superm1well enjoy the wine then :)11:22
superm1foxbuntu, you want in ?11:22
tgm4883_laptopalright superm1, where are we at?11:22
foxbuntusuperm1, want in on what?11:22
lagasuperm1: SRSLY, it's 11:30pm and i need to spend some time with SWMBO11:22
superm1tgm4883_laptop, i'm gonna make one more post and take it out of maintenance mode11:22
foxbuntusorry I steped away11:22
superm1and then you can see11:22
tgm4883_laptopfoxbuntu, were rebuilding mythbuntu11:23
tgm4883_laptopwhoops, i guess that did sound strange11:23
foxbuntuoh...well thanks anyways since I am gonna have pleanty of time putting the server up in the new data center11:23
foxbuntuand I spent 6 hours rebuilding a SQL DB last night11:24
foxbuntuand just got in from mowing the lawn11:24
laganeighbors got a marching band.. they have their wedding-eve party11:25
lagatime for moar wine, kthx11:25
superm1okay out of maintenance mode11:27
superm1you guys can take a look now what i got together this past 2 hours11:27
jumpkickwhoa... just went live11:28
superm1still missing several pages11:29
superm1but most of drupal is configured now11:29
superm1and i redid some of the theme CSS11:29
foxbuntusuperm1, what build do you want the server to be?11:29
foxbuntuor does it matter?11:30
superm1foxbuntu, at this point i'm not sure it will still matter, it will just need to be hosting CD images11:30
superm1and possibly weekly builds11:30
foxbuntuare you just gonna point the domain at that sub domain?11:31
jumpkickwe can fix the domain name if we can get someone to point the DNS11:31
superm1well i dont have control of the domain yet, but the plan was that once i get DNS back, it can be pointed around11:31
superm1i figured cdimages.mythbuntu.org can point at your box11:31
superm1and then www.mythbuntu.org will go to jumpkick's11:32
foxbuntuanyone want to donate to the parts I need to purchase?11:32
jumpkicka CNAME record pointing mythbuntu.org and www.mythbuntu.org to mythbuntu.stacktrace.org11:32
jumpkickshould do it11:32
superm1jumpkick, is your dns for stacktrace.org reliable :)11:33
foxbuntujumpkick, right, but I fear that the person we can't contact is the one controling it11:33
jumpkickeverydns.net is pretty reliable11:33
superm1okay just makin sure11:33
foxbuntusuperm1, DNS isn't what you need to worry about11:34
jumpkickI've used it for about 2 years11:34
jumpkickfoxbuntu: he needs to worry about DNS11:34
foxbuntuno for down time11:34
jumpkickhis current situation is largely unfixable without DNS11:34
jumpkickif he gets Ben to point to everyDNS on an account he creates11:34
foxbuntupublic nameserver raerly go down becuase of how they are clustered together11:35
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jumpkickhe can move sites whenever there's a hiccup11:35
foxbuntujumpkick, I understand all that, I build it for a living11:35
foxbuntusuperm1, as far as DNS goes the DC I am moving into has their own public nameserver they will let me use as well11:36
jumpkickfoxbuntu: you have my sympathies...  BIND is a beast. :P11:36
foxbuntujumpkick, honestly, most enterprise servers for DNS don't use BIND11:37
foxbuntuor if they do, they have some kind of appliance frontend for them11:38
jumpkickfoxbuntu: I know, I know... they use 'Windows Domain Name Service', right...11:38
superm1okay i just got ahold of ben dailey11:38
superm1he said that he'll be back in town within an hour and can point the dns records wherever needed11:39
superm1so i'll get an account set up at easydns11:39
superm1and have him point there11:39
foxbuntusuperm1, i assume easydns is free11:39
superm1er everydns11:39
jumpkickhttp://www.everydns.net/ is free, if you give them a donation they let you manage more then 10 domains11:41
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jumpkickthey operate 4 DNS servers, geographically distributed11:41
foxbuntusuperm1, thats fine to add to, but I can move it into the ISP's DNS Servers that have a 99.999% Uptime SLA on them11:42
superm1foxbuntu, at least for the moment this will get mythbuntu.org back up *today*11:43
superm1can move to other DNS servers in the near future then11:43
foxbuntusuperm1, I agree11:43
jumpkickthe everydns guys also run opendns.com11:43
foxbuntuI was just mentioning it11:43
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, there are 3 more pages on my webspace for you11:43
superm1tgm4883_laptop, you want to have edit writes11:44
superm1and you can get them added?11:44
superm1i'm sorting out a few more things over here11:44
tgm4883_laptopwhats my email set as?11:48
superm1tgm4883 <thomas@weilandhomes.com>11:49
tgm4883_laptopthats what i thought11:49
superm1you should have just gotten a notification11:49
tgm4883_laptopthis new xchat is nice11:51
superm1in gutsy11:52
superm1yea i like the logging it opens when you close xchat11:52
superm1haven't found anything else new yet though11:52
tgm4883_laptopthe name notification is new11:53
superm1jumpkick, " please use an A record instead -- the delegation records for "mythbuntu.org" interfere with the use of a CNAME (rfc1034 section 3.6.2)"11:53
tgm4883_laptopim not able to get alerts when you say something in the old version11:53
tgm4883_laptopunless you say my name11:53
jumpkickoh, cname is probably just in the same domain11:53
superm1well the cname worked for www.mythbuntu.org11:53
tgm4883_laptopeh, it's going to take me a few minutes, i haven't used drupal before11:53
superm1just not mythbuntu.org11:53
jumpkickwith an A record11:53
superm1tgm4883_laptop, what you will be doing is clicking on create new content11:55
tgm4883_laptopthats what i thought11:55
tgm4883_laptopbut it only lets me do an image11:55
superm1that's probably a permision problem11:56
superm1give me a moment11:56
superm1it didn't make you administrator too then i guess11:56
tgm4883_laptopguess not11:56
superm1try now11:57
tgm4883_laptopmuch better11:57
jumpkicksuperm1: if you are doing DNS now, I should put a proper vhost on the apache server11:57
tgm4883_laptopnow i can do a page11:57
superm1tgm4883_laptop, right11:57
superm1jumpkick, ben will switch the dns over in an hour or so11:58
superm1but yes probably a good idea11:58
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-59-180.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1tgm4883_laptop, okay so the deal with how this editing works in drupal, its a full html editor mode11:58
superm1i usually just end up using <h2> and <h3> tags for headings11:59
superm1and keeping fonts the same otherwise11:59
tgm4883_laptopso i can just insert the source?11:59
superm1yes and no11:59
superm1you'll need to preview it first11:59
superm1dont submit it until you think its good11:59
superm1also you need to click menu settings when you're ready to preview or submit11:59
superm1give the page the proper title11:59
superm1and parent item "Primary Items" if it should show up at the top of the page12:00
tgm4883_laptoplol, yep, the preview looks totally f-ed12:00
superm1then click URL path settings and give it a friendly name12:00
superm1like the about page12:00
superm1i put12:00
superm1so mythbuntu.org/about then points there12:00
superm1i have a feeling the top is going to break still like it did last time i fixed the CSS on this theme, so try not to use very long page titles12:02
superm1something short, one or two words12:02
superm1like "Helping Out"12:02
superm1or "Download ISO"12:02
foxbuntusuperm1, we could put the repo over on my server too, when that comes online12:03
superm1foxbuntu, well if launchpad includes repo signing, just using that will work12:03
superm1but i'm not sure if they will include that12:03
foxbuntusuperm1, well, what ever we need, i will have a full access box in the rack12:04
superm1okay cool12:04
superm1foxbuntu, i'd like to do the backups onto it12:04
superm1and have it rsync the web directory12:04
jumpkicksuperm1: vhost alias is put in and I just tried with editing my hosts file12:05
superm1and sql database12:05
superm1foxbuntu, that way if something goes down here with jumpkick for some reason, then we can just flip the dns over to it12:05
superm1and have the site up there12:05
foxbuntuwell I think I am going to put at least a 2nd drive in it to do a RAID-1 to start with12:05
foxbuntuand dual NIC's bonded12:05
foxbuntuand if we can raise some donation money perhaps upgrade to a real server and not a desktop12:06
jumpkickfoxbuntu: are you running virtualmin?12:06
foxbuntujumpkick, nope12:06
jumpkickI can push a backup of the entire virtual server to another server12:06
jumpkickor I can just have virtualmin back it up locally12:07
foxbuntusuperm1, I need to perhaps call in another favor12:07
superm1what's that?12:07
foxbuntuI might be able to get a used Compaq Proliant Server12:07
superm1well wouldn't argue that :)12:08
foxbuntuit would be slower than this box, but it would be server hardware12:09
foxbuntuand I could get upgraded parts for it over time12:09
jumpkickI can push the back-up remotely on a schedule, if I have a destination server + SSH login12:10
foxbuntuI can work that out12:10
tgm4883_laptopok, the page looks good in preview, the URL path is set to "gettinginvolved", i dont see no parent item or menu settings though12:11
superm1okay submit it, and then give me a sec and maybe you need more permissoins12:12
superm1it's really weird these aren't default12:12
tgm4883_laptoplol, figures, my zap2it subscription runs out on the 25th12:12
superm1try to edit now12:12
superm1you should hopefully have the permission back12:13
foxbuntutgm4883_laptop, funny thing is, mine runs out on the 1st anyways...12:14
jumpkicksuperm1: when you are harvesting from google cache you might want to kill off the the bit right after the URL that does keyword highlighting12:15
jumpkicksave you cleaning up pages later12:15
superm1jumpkick, yea i've been manually cleaning them up.  that would have been what we call "smart"12:16
tgm4883_laptopok, got it worked out12:16
superm1tgm4883_laptop, there is some wacky mouse over on that page12:17
superm1you made12:17
tgm4883_laptopi just selected the mythbuntu text from the google cache and selected view selected source12:17
tgm4883_laptopwhere at?12:17
superm1mouse over the link12:17
tgm4883_laptopthis link https://code.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/mythbuntu/mythbuntu.12:18
tgm4883_laptopshould that just be https://code.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/12:19
tgm4883_laptopthats how google cache had it (the first way)12:19
superm1the google cache was a bit aged12:19
foxbuntusuperm1, the HTML 404 error for the site is all messed up12:19
foxbuntuto see what I mean12:20
superm1woah yuck.12:20
tgm4883_laptopnobody look at my getting involved page right now12:21
superm1tgm4883_laptop, um there are two?12:21
tgm4883_laptopi dont want to talk about it lol12:21
superm1well do you have the proper rights to fix it....?12:22
foxbuntutgm4883_laptop, good job making sure people Get Involved12:22
superm1foxbuntu, that is because there is no left column12:22
superm1on the 404 page12:22
superm1this theme is highly dependent on there being at least two columns on every page12:22
tgm4883_laptopthats right foxbuntu, i want more developers12:22
superm1as for how to fix it...12:22
superm1yea um12:22
=== tgm4883_laptop needs more cowbell
superm1tgm4883_laptop, how many more things need to fit up on top12:23
superm1i need to try to resize the buttons12:23
superm1since its getting close12:23
superm1it can't be more than i'd say like 2 more?12:23
tgm4883_laptopthats probably it12:23
tgm4883_laptopi noticed you already have the auto build pages12:23
superm1because we had it go all the way across before12:23
superm1well they aren't accurate though12:23
tgm4883_laptoplet me check the cache again12:23
superm1a lot of the stuff up here isn't accurate12:23
tgm4883_laptopwell its a good start though12:24
tgm4883_laptoperr, restart12:24
superm1haha yes12:24
tgm4883_laptopit looks like we had a home button on the old site12:28
tgm4883_laptopmaybe thats what filled it12:28
superm1is that it though?12:28
superm1i swear there was at least one more beside that12:29
tgm4883_laptop    * Home12:29
tgm4883_laptop    * About Mythbuntu12:29
tgm4883_laptop    * Download Mythbuntu ISO Image12:29
tgm4883_laptop    * Mythbuntu Screenshots12:29
tgm4883_laptop    * Mythbuntu Support12:29
tgm4883_laptop    * Weekly MythTV Build Repository12:29
tgm4883_laptop    * Weekly MythTV Build Support/FAQ12:29
superm1that's a really old cache12:29
tgm4883_laptopthe bottom 2 are sub categories12:29
superm1if you can get the cache of the announce page12:29
superm1that has the alpha 3 announce12:29
tgm4883_laptopwell it says august 3rd12:29
superm1it was the last big update that got pulled12:29
foxbuntusuperm1, I will catch you later...gl with the rebuild.12:29
superm1well then maybe it was just really long words12:29
superm1thanks foxbuntu12:29
tgm4883_laptoplooks pretty good to me12:33
superm1so you dont think we should have a home button then?12:34
tgm4883_laptopwe could12:34
tgm4883_laptopwouldn't hurt12:34
superm1well put it in12:34
superm1see how it looks12:34
superm1at worst, you know what we can do...... this will blow your mind......... "take it out"12:34
tgm4883_laptoplooks better in there i think12:37
superm1not Home?12:37
tgm4883_laptopi forgot12:38
tgm4883_laptopdont know what i was thinking12:38
tgm4883_laptopbetter now12:38
superm1well i'd have one complaint that i dont think is resolvable12:39
superm1it doesnt get a green tint12:39
superm1when you click it12:39
tgm4883_laptopi can never find the login button12:40
superm1for this?12:40
tgm4883_laptopthe Home button?12:40
superm1its not there12:40
superm1the login button is hidden12:40
tgm4883_laptopwhere at?12:40
superm1i think12:40
tgm4883_laptopis there a pi sign in the corner?12:40
tgm4883_laptopwhich will take me to mozarts ghost12:41
superm1i dont think so :)12:41
superm1you can add one if it make you feel better though12:41
tgm4883_laptop10 points to anyone who knows what movie that is from12:41
tgm4883_laptopok, now whats the problem with the home button?12:42
superm1"The Net"?12:42
tgm4883_laptopsomebodies a googler12:42
superm1do i not get my 10 pts still?12:43
tgm4883_laptopnow you dont get a green tint on the home button?12:43
tgm4883_laptopyou can have 7.4635 points12:43
superm1wouldn't 6.85841 make more sense?12:43
tgm4883_laptopis the whole button supposed to tint green?12:43
tgm4883_laptopno arguing with the officials12:44
tgm4883_laptopyou now only get 3.1459 points12:44
superm1not even 3.14159?12:44
tgm4883_laptopnone of the buttons tint for me12:44
superm1well click them12:44
tgm4883_laptoparg, i forgot the 112:44
superm1anything but home12:44
tgm4883_laptopprobably how the home button is setup12:45
tgm4883_laptopas it points to <front>12:45
superm1oh right12:46
superm1oh well.12:46
tgm4883_laptoparg i broke it12:46
tgm4883_laptopyou would have to stick the main page at a node12:47
superm1woah the breadcrumb bar is gone12:47
superm1its not a big deal12:47
superm1just put it back how it was :)12:47
tgm4883_laptopi didn't change anything about that12:48
tgm4883_laptopis it not on the other pages too12:49
superm1i dunno how that broke...12:50
tgm4883_laptopmust be for certain pages, because I still get it when i go into the menus page12:50
tgm4883_laptopit dissapears for home though12:51
superm1well then maybe we dont need that home button after all12:52
superm1if that is right there12:52
tgm4883_laptopcheck now12:53
superm1yea i guess that works fine12:53
superm1i'm wondering if its worth moving the automatic weekly stuff to primary headings12:53
superm1with all this extra space12:53
tgm4883_laptopcould try12:54
tgm4883_laptopso you did get ahold of ben dailey and hes going to transfer the domain?12:56
superm1and things are all set on everydns12:58
tgm4883_laptopso 24-48 hours were back in business12:59
superm1oops can you help me unpublish all the stuff on the front page12:59
superm1you should be able to12:59
superm1all the images12:59
superm1just hit edit and go to the bottom01:00
superm1and uncheck promote to front page01:00
tgm4883_laptopim on it01:00
superm1same thing i did before too01:00
superm1i'm not used to the image import :)01:00
tgm4883_laptopoh wait01:01
tgm4883_laptopi cant edit front page01:01
superm1you can't edit the items on it?01:01
superm1erk. ok sec01:01
superm1it says you can edit image01:02
superm1okay yea01:02
tgm4883_laptopi dont see a promote to frontpage thing01:03
tgm4883_laptopunless you want me to change the parent item01:03
superm1okay then you do need one more permission i guess01:03
superm1one sec01:03
superm1hm um01:04
superm1i dont see anything about promoting01:04
superm1okay well i'll fix the rest of them thehn01:04
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superm1DaveMorris, hey01:05
superm1we've got 1/3 good news01:05
DaveMorrisgo on01:05
superm1ben dailey is gonna transfer the dns over01:06
superm1and tgm4883 and i are hammering away at getting the site on jumpkic's server01:06
superm1almost done rebuilding the whole thing01:06
DaveMorrissounds good01:06
DaveMorrisso I've got a spare 40GB on one of my disks, and I was thinking of putting an encrypted file system there, but what should I srote on it01:06
tgm4883_laptopa spell checker01:07
jumpkicksuperm1, tgm4883_laptop: missing torrents on the download page01:07
jumpkickotherwise looking good01:07
superm1jumpkick, yea i need to recover the old URL from them01:07
superm1hopefully they are still alive01:07
DaveMorrisso when is the site due to be back up?01:08
tgm4883_laptopmonday at the latest01:08
tgm4883_laptopaccording to what all the dns people tell me01:08
superm1well the whois switchover should be pretty immediate should it not?01:08
jumpkicksuperm1: depends on the time-to-live on the records (TTL)....01:09
jumpkicklet me check it01:09
tgm4883_laptopwell were pointing the mythbuntu.org at a new site, and from what im told that reverberates through all the dns servers and takes about 24-48 hours01:09
jumpkickTTL is 3600s (or 1 hour for the humans out there)01:10
tgm4883_laptopok, 2 things were missing01:10
tgm4883_laptopthe torrents01:10
jumpkickat least I think it is01:10
tgm4883_laptopand when we announce a release we usually put the link to the bug tracker in there01:11
superm1well the old announce message is missing too then :)01:11
tgm4883_laptopwant it?01:11
superm1i dont know how to inject it in01:11
tgm4883_laptopits in the cache01:11
superm1as of many days ago01:11
DaveMorrisit can take upto 14 days for dns entry to propgate to all servers, but should be done to 90% within around 12hrs01:11

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