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JanetFLoridacan anyone suggest how I resolve the memory leak in the repository version of dansguardian? it is a known bug, a new source version repairs, i just don't know how to make it ...03:03
ScottKWhat version?  What release are you running?  What version fixes it?03:07
JanetFLoridai'm trying to compile, unsuccessfully03:09
JanetFLoridai think repository has ver 2.7 or 2.803:09
ScottKWhat release of Ubuntu are you running?03:10
JanetFLoridaactually, somebody suggested i to a build-dep, which seems to have resolved my compile probs...03:14
ScottKGutsy and Debian unstable have the same upstream version (2.8) and the bug fixes between the Feisty and Gutsy versions do not seem to have anything regarding memory leaks.03:14
ScottKJanetFLorida: What build dep?03:14
JanetFLoridaapt-get build-dep dansg....03:14
ScottKAh, that installs the build dependencies for dansguardian.  Yes, you'd have to do that.03:15
JanetFLoridai'm lerning :)03:15
ScottKNo problem.03:15
ScottKAt this point then I think there isn't a lot more that I can do to help.  It'll either work or not.  Good luck.03:16
JanetFLoridai guess i have to point it to a correct install dir...03:17
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ConfidentiaLWhen I'm setting up a server, do I really need swap-space?03:47
ScottKIs there a reason you don't want it?03:48
ScottKActually, I guess you don't NEED it.03:49
ConfidentiaLcuz the harddisk I'm using is 2gigs... :/03:50
ConfidentiaLand I have plenty of memory03:50
ScottKAh.  Well then no, you don't need swap.03:51
ConfidentiaLbut I dont get errors or something if I install without having a swap partition?03:51
ScottKI'm not sure as I've never tried to install without swap.03:52
ScottKI'd suggest give it a go and see what happens.03:53
ConfidentiaLok, I'll try without the swap then...03:53
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qmandepending on the situation, swap space isn't required...I've got a couple machines with no swap partitions07:59
qmanboth of which have 2GB of RAM07:59
qmanwithout X, I don't see why you couldn't run without swap on 512MB, depending on which services you're running08:00
BFTDI say if you have a gig or more of ram, swap is not needed, unless you have a gui installed08:01
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ConfidentiaLI did the server install first without the swap, and I got some nasty errors. Then I tried with like 150mb of swap, and everything went much smoother. I'ts not that big a deal when I am using only 150mb for swap, so I couldn't be bothered trying anymore... I have somewhere above 512mb of RAM on it tho...09:07
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jbrouharddthacker you here ?09:18
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