
pgquiles_nixternal: ping12:46
kwwii_erm, we need to point the kplash to another pic12:47
kwwii_the current large sized version from KDM looks crappy (and is misaligned)12:48
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kwwii_erm, stupid me, it is still two pics :p12:54
nixternalpgquiles_: pong?12:56
pgquiles_nixternal: in bug 125325, I think the "Introduction to Kubuntu" should start with "Your data is safe" and move "Philosophy" to the end, otherwise people won't read anything after the first one or two lines of "Philosophy"12:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 125325 in kubuntu-docs "Live CD should provide information for Windows/Mac users after boot" [Medium,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12532512:58
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nixternalpgquiles_: remember that this document isn't only for the LiveCD. I also think that a real warning should be offered with the LiveCD itself and not a document12:59
nixternalmost people who try a LiveCD already know what it is about...the locations they download from already state the obvious12:59
nixternalthose who receive a CD from ShipIt will have the instructions right there as well as the info right on the case01:00
pgquiles_nixternal: when I proposed such a document, I was targetting the LiveCD only, specifically people who have been given away the CD and know nothing about Linux, Kubuntu, etc (the kind of people who really need that information)01:01
pgquiles_giving that information to users who already know Linux, KDE, etc is pointless, IMHO01:02
nixternalthat is something that is already spec'd for all of the LiveCDs and Ubiquity01:02
nixternalwho knows when that would get implemented..right now the easiest way to do such a thing would be in the about document since it is already in main01:03
kwwii_Riddell: I updated Dialog.png in k-d-s/artwork/ksplash/ please include it in the next build if possible01:11
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nixternaljeesh, he will not listen about filing bugs in LP01:35
mhbnixternal: who?01:36
nixternalspiroo in #kubuntu and now #ubuntu+101:36
nixternalrobotgeek and I both told him to file boogs in LP01:36
nixternalI should tell him in #ubuntu+1 to file a bug in LP01:37
nixternalhaha, someone already beat me to it01:37
robotgeekoh good.01:37
nixternaland he is still going on01:37
nixternalhead > keyboard01:37
=== robotgeek smells a troll
nixternalI don't think he is a troll, just a little thick headed01:38
nixternalya, he didn't know that you reported Kubuntu bugs on the same website as Ubuntu bugs01:39
nixternalyou know what, he isn't the first to think that either01:39
robotgeekwell, i am just a cynical person01:40
robotgeekplus, irc is scary when you start01:41
nixternalya, I remember when I started right after the BBS stuff stopped in the early 90s01:42
nixternalit ran very similar, but my lord there were a lot of people01:42
robotgeekhmm, i'm a noob. plus, freenode is "safe"01:42
robotgeeki've heard about the wildwest days of irc, and it does not seem like fun01:43
nixternalya, effnet was scary01:43
nixternalthat was a server with everything and their mother on it01:43
nixternalfo0d t1m301:44
robotgeeklol, err. i do type faster than i think01:44
=== robotgeek is also eating :)
nixternalya, I went 1990s old skewl on ya there :)01:44
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Hobbseemhb: tinyurl is your friend.05:21
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nixternalerror: expected `)' before * token06:27
nixternalI get that from this line ->     ImgConv(QObject* = 0);06:27
nixternaljeesh, ImgConf(QOject* = 0) is what I had06:47
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Tm_Tfreeflying: ping08:31
freeflyingTm_T: hi08:31
Tm_Thello :)08:32
freeflyingTm_T: so long haven't seen you, how is going :)08:32
Tm_Tmostly alive thanks :)08:37
Tm_They, am I still in your msn contact list?08:37
Tm_Tslap me there08:37
Tm_Tnothing urgent08:38
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge! http://merges.ubuntu.com | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | KDE 4.0 beta 1 -- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php | FF, UVF Thursday, anything we need updated?
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by Hobbsee at Thu Aug 16 09:11:43 2007
faboRiddell: i was away until today. about kmplayer 0.10.0~pre2 stable ? so far yes, but i doubt it must be shipped due to its pre release state.11:59
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge! http://merges.ubuntu.com | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | KDE 4.0 beta 1 -- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php | FF, UVF Thursday, anything we need updated?
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by Hobbsee at Thu Aug 16 09:11:43 2007
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