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Eq|laptopmusikgoat|work: you'll need the latest any-any patch..01:18
musikgoat|workany-any patch, hmm,   so I will compile myself?01:21
Eq|laptopmusikgoat|work: err, you compile part of vmware yourself during the installation..01:24
Eq|laptopthe kernel modules01:24
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musikgoat|workthanks Eq|laptop  i'll look into that01:26
Eq|laptopameyer / Arwen: 7.3 has a lot more automatic stuff in it.01:26
Eq|laptophell, so does 7.2 - it's just not used by default01:26
Eq|laptopand not as advanced as what is in 7.301:26
ArwenEq|laptop, I see01:26
=== Eq|laptop sleeps
Eq|laptop(7.3 doesn't need monitor or gfx card sections anymore..)01:26
Arwenwould you happen to know what creates the text mode consoles? because I'm not getting them01:27
Arwenand that's not good01:27
Eq|laptopthe tty's?01:27
Eq|laptopyou have no getty's??01:27
Eq|laptopthey're created by init01:27
Arwenoh shit...01:27
Eq|laptopit spawns the 6 getty processes01:27
Eq|laptopwhat init level are you in?01:28
Arwennormal I think01:28
Eq|laptopusually the only time it doesn't spawn them is if you're in init level 101:28
Eq|laptop(single user mode)01:28
Eq|laptopit is possible to disable the others though01:28
Eq|laptopi suggest you have a look at the contents of /etc/inittab01:28
Eq|laptopmust sleep01:28
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Arwenit doesn't exist :-\01:28
=== Eq|laptop blinks
Eq|laptopi'd be a bit concerned then01:29
Eq|laptopunfortunately, i'm too knackered to check things here (would have to reboot my other laptop).. will be back in ~8-10 hours.01:29
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spiroohello I wanna report som bugs in Kubuntu, how do I do01:33
spirooI have found some heavy bugs in Kubuntu v7.10 Gutsy development version01:35
spirooplease, anyone help me?01:36
albert23ubotu bug01:36
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots01:36
spirooI wanna report about kubuntu, but I do not know how to do.01:37
spirooDo I report about Kubuntu, on the same website?01:38
spiroookay, thank you.01:39
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DanaGinittab doesn't exist for me, either.01:41
DanaGOh, for blank consoles, try this: modprobe fbcon01:41
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DanaGSomehow, it's not being loaded.01:41
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DanaGHow can I figure out what app is breaking my 'del' key?01:47
ArwenDanaG, thanks, that got my console back01:48
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DanaGNow add the one line 'fbcon' to /etc/modules01:48
DanaGAnd it'll auto-load at boot.01:48
Vorianwhat is the dbus fix for gksu dist upgrade to gutsy?01:49
Vorianand hello :)01:49
musikgoat|workVorian i just ignored it, i'm in the process of upgrading now01:50
musikgoat|work"Fetching the upgrades" now01:50
Vorianit wont upgrade01:50
Vorianno "new version available"01:50
musikgoat|workwhere does it stop?01:50
Vorianit doesn't even start01:50
Arwenit starts for me, well, it already finished01:50
Voriangksu "update-manager -c -d"01:51
musikgoat|worktry sudo update-manager -c -d01:51
musikgoat|workor not sudo01:51
musikgoat|workgksudo "update-manager -c -d" worked perfectly for me01:51
Voriansudo update-manager -c -d01:51
Vorianoh, I got the script error this time :)01:51
DanaGHmm, is it possible to run it not as root, and then let it elevate later?01:51
musikgoat|workbut i did get the "warning: could not initiate dbus" error though01:52
Vorianthat's the newest error01:53
VorianI added the gutsy info to ~/.update-manager-core/meta-release01:53
VorianDanaG, That worked!01:54
Vorianupdate-manager -c -d01:54
musikgoat|worknice, so no sudo?01:54
Vorianno sudo01:54
musikgoat|workugh, 40 minutes for the packages,  i hate works dl,  they limit me to .5 mb, :-(01:56
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theronWhen running the live cd, the restriced modules app successfully discovered and allowed me to configure my wireless card.  I was hardwired at the time however when I ran the installation.   Upon rebooting after installation, my wireless card is not detected in the restricted modules app.02:19
theronis there a way to rerun the detection piece?02:20
=== DanaG [n=DanaG@24-205-228-241.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
DanaGArgh, xorg just crashed.02:22
DanaGStupid compiz.  I never had GLX apps crash Xorg when run under Beryl.02:23
DanaG(Actually, I do like Compiz, but this bug is a PITA, and a showstopper for Compiz-by-default.)02:23
musikgoat|workcompiz or compiz fusion?02:23
DanaGThat there is a sure sign of confusing naming.02:23
musikgoat|worki agree02:23
DanaGIs it Compiz (base) + Fusion (Addons)?02:24
DanaGOr is it a new thing, "Compiz Fusion"?02:24
musikgoat|workfusion seems to be the compilation of compiz and beryl elements02:24
DanaGYou might as well call it Compiz with a Cherry On Top.02:24
DanaG(er, caps on With)02:24
musikgoat|workmmm, makes me too hungry02:25
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Arwenhmm, I can't use Compiz with ATI. Oh well.02:29
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theverantanyone know what's up with Samba in Gutsy?  I got a share working in Feisty in about 10 seconds.  Gutsy is being a real problem child02:31
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Arwenon gutsy, I've got a process called trackerd taking up 100% CPU. what's the deal?03:13
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nosrednaekimthats the search indexer03:14
Arwenoh, time to kill that03:14
Arwenthank god.... my CPU was gonna fry03:14
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robtaylorArwen: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tracker/+bug/13274103:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 132741 in tracker "Tracker should not be enabled by default until it doesn't clobber everything" [Undecided,New] 03:21
nosrednaekimnice wording...03:21
Arwenhmm, only one compile left. I can do it tommorow.03:22
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musikgoat|workanyone have issues with udevd taking up ~99% CPU after updating to gutsy?03:44
Arwenudevd? nope. I had an issue with trackerd though.03:45
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musikgoat|worki heard03:47
=== Arwen doesn't go to download it
Arwendarn, wrong channel03:48
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smallfoot-now im angry03:54
smallfoot-i read on digg.com that there will be no xorg 7.3 in Gutsy Gibbon03:54
musikgoat|workawe, that sucks03:55
Arwenthat's a pity03:55
smallfoot-ya, and no BulletProofX03:55
smallfoot-that fucking sucks!!03:55
ArwenUbuntu 7.10 Vanishing Vaporware.03:55
smallfoot-mark shuttleman can goto space, but he cant put xorg 7.3 in gutsy gibbon?03:56
smallfoot-he has 1000 millions03:56
smallfoot-why dont he buy some chinese people to code on xorg so its ready in time?03:56
nosrednaekimno bullet proff X? you sure about that?03:56
Arwenhey hey, calm down03:56
ArwenI can't find the blueprints page, hrmm.03:56
smallfoot-nosrednaekim, thats what Digg.com says03:56
Arwenlol @ trusting digg.com03:57
nosrednaekimI don't think bulletproof x depended on 7.303:57
PiciCalm down...03:57
musikgoat|workawe   https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xorg7.303:57
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smallfoot-why they dont delay Gutsy Gibbon couple days?03:58
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smallfoot-or put some developers on Xorg, to speed it up?03:58
nosrednaekimbecause they have to stabalize it as well !03:59
nosrednaekimthings like that don't just happen overnight to a distro that thousands of people are going to be using!03:59
Arwenblueprints say that bulletproof X is "deployment". Does that mean it's out?03:59
nosrednaekimits in!03:59
ameyerall I know, as xorg exists in gutsy, it sucks03:59
nosrednaekimreally? I don't mind it ...04:00
=== ameyer never wants to see the "Viva Viagra" commercial
nosrednaekimit hasn't given me any troubles... haven't had to touch a command line yet for gutsy.04:00
ArwenI don't see how it's any worse than the one in Feisty.04:00
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ameyernosrednaekim: i had some "fun" upgrading my monitor today04:00
Arwennosrednaekim, I haven't either. Simply because it refuses to give me one, lol.04:00
nosrednaekimArwen: haha04:00
nosrednaekimameyer: fun fun... how did you do it?04:01
Arwenseriously, I only just figured out how to get my ttys back04:01
ameyerIf I wanted d*ck pill ads, I'd look at my inbox...04:01
nosrednaekimArwen: what was the problem?04:01
nosrednaekim!ohmy | ameyer04:01
ubotuameyer: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:01
Arwenkernel wasn't loading the framebuffer module04:01
ameyerapparently the defaults that xorg figured for the new monitor weren't particularly sane...04:02
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Arweneh, I've got a ~1997 monitor here. The defaults don't work very well on it either.04:03
ameyerwell, the 1997 monitor worked fine with 1280x1024 or 800x60004:03
ameyer1024x768 was f***ed04:03
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nosrednaekimdude.... if you are going to star it out... why even say it?04:04
ameyerthe new monitor, the defaults didn't work at all04:04
Arwen1280x1024 and 800x600 seem to be incompatible with each other04:05
Arwenseeing as one is 5:4 and the other is 4:304:05
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ameyerwell, the defaults were fine at those resolutions...04:05
nosrednaekimArwen: umm no... they are both 4:304:06
Arwentake a calculator04:06
Arwen1280/1024 = 1.2504:06
musikgoat|workso i'm getting a ton of the following error in syslog:04:06
Arwen800/600 = 1.3333333333333333333333304:06
=== nosrednaekim crawls back into corner
ameyerArwen: the standard resolutions for a 4x3 monitor are apparently 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, and 1280x1024, i'm not sure why...04:07
PiciBecause those resolutions are 4:304:07
Arwenyeah, I run mine at 1280x960 to get a correct AR04:07
ameyerwell, there's probably something above 1280x102404:07
Arwenit supposedly supports 1600x1200, but at 15", that's too small04:07
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Arwenand even 2048x153604:07
ameyer15" usually ends up limited to 1024x76804:08
musikgoat|workdevice-mapper: table 254:0: linear: dm-linear: Device lookup failed04:08
musikgoat|workdevice-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table04:08
Arwena CRT technically has no limit though04:08
Arwenthough what you can see is probably limited by the number of dots04:08
musikgoat|workthat seems to be whats hanging up udevd04:09
ameyerwell, my (now retired) crt couldn't do 1024x768 or anything above 1280x1024...04:09
ameyerI suspect the default xorg conf was fubar'd in some ways...04:10
ameyeror the monitor was somewht nonstandard04:11
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Arwenit could have been reporting its H/V rates wrong04:11
ameyeror even broken04:11
Arwenthat to04:11
ameyerArwen: that could be considered non-standard...04:12
ameyerthe thing's sounded like it's dying for years...04:12
Arwenhmm, VLC finished compiling *prays he got the debian install script right*04:12
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ameyerdebian? this is ubuntu?</intentionally_dense>04:13
Piciameyer: You need to do that in your best 300 Sparta!! impression04:14
Arwenhow's that? :-)04:14
=== nosrednaekim prepares a !ohmy, but forgets about it
ameyerslightly overzealous with the !ohmy, eh?04:15
ArwenI wonder if the ops would be willing to finally unban me (proudly banned since Edgy's release)04:16
nosrednaekimyep :)04:16
ameyerif it's semi-legitimately a place name, it's ok as far as i can tell...04:16
nosrednaekimunban you from what?04:16
Arwenthe main channel04:16
nosrednaekimameyer: I was kidding..04:16
nosrednaekimArwen: what for?04:16
nosrednaekimI remember seeing you over there..04:16
ameyeralthough heck isn't a place... although it is a last name...04:16
Arwenfor being an asshole :-\04:16
nosrednaekimtsk tsk... #kubuntu or #ubuntu?04:17
Arwenboth :-\04:17
nosrednaekimchange your name?04:17
Arwennah, I like my name04:17
tehkSo I guess they are removing displayconfig-gtk now04:17
ameyeris traceroute broken for anyone else?04:18
tehkNo xorg 7.304:18
ameyerwell, the package is broken04:18
Arwennosrednaekim, eh? because getting this Wikipedia cloak took a while04:18
nosrednaekimI don't think bullet proof X depended on 7.304:18
nosrednaekimArwen: sorry wasn't mean you04:18
tehkNo it does not but displayconfig-gtk is 7.3 dependent. they panned on having 7.3 until today.04:19
Arwenwhy did they change their mind?04:19
tehkSeems that August 29th is to late04:20
nosrednaekimeh..someone will make an external repository for those who really care04:21
tehkWell It does not bother me for my own use04:22
tehkbut as a default it would be great for new users.04:23
Arwenhmm, I just noticed that my GTK+ theme looked different now04:25
ArwenI've got QT-4 style checkboxes instead of radio buttons04:25
musikgoat|worki was wondering about that, i thought it was just me04:29
Arwenlet's see... finished compiling: amarok, ffmpeg, tilem, vlc. failed compiling: tilp2. still to compile: mplayer, smplayer.04:29
Arwenso much work..04:29
nosrednaekimahh.... so they are now styling GTK after qt.. I wonder why???04:31
Arwendon't know04:32
Arwena simple check mark/toggle switch looks nicer than a square :-\04:32
ameyerumm, isn't vlc switching to qt?04:32
ameyer(imo, qt stuff tends to look better than gtk stuff...)04:32
nosrednaekimArwen: contradicting me again HUH? YA WANNA GET BANNED!?04:33
Arwenthey are, but the stable is still using wxwidgets04:33
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Arwenwhich looks like whatever your current desktop looks like04:33
Arwennosrednaekim, :-(04:34
ameyerhmm, why the (censored) am I watching VH1?04:36
tehkBecause you lovenewyork04:36
ameyerI found conclusive proof that Macs are for idiots...04:37
ameyerApparently Hulk Hogan uses a mac04:37
ameyerwell, sort of04:38
tehkhaha well. Since my favorite actor is playing the hulk in the next movie.. I disagree. Well not about macs being lame.04:38
ameyerI guess the proper term is "struggles to use a Mac"04:38
ameyertehk: you sure we're talking about the same thing? Hulk Hogan is a (former, I think) pro wrestler04:39
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tehk<-- jackass who read Hulk and assumed Hulk.04:40
tehkand ignored Hogan04:40
ameyerno big deal...04:40
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Tm_Thello ms spaghetti04:51
Arwenhuh, it's Hobbsee04:53
Arwenlol, ASpell recognizes Kamehameha as a word04:54
musikgoat|workanyone know if evms is needed/what it does?04:55
ameyervms... wasn't that kinda like DOS before there was DOS?04:55
ameyerprobably did it better too04:55
musikgoat|worki'm having this bug show up https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evms/+bug/11561604:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 115616 in evms "Device-mapper errors: dm-linear, lookup failed" [High,In progress] 04:55
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musikgoat|workanyone know how to turn off evms?04:56
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DanaGDang, I wish there were a way to have Xorg enable Clone on a secondary monitor, and automatically either scale the primary res down on the secondary, or set the primary to match the secondary.05:15
DanaGFor me, hotkey display switching works, but does not change resolution.05:15
DanaGHeh,   3Com  [edit]  Negative   Member (contributor) of the Treacherous Computing Group.  [1] 05:18
DanaGThat one line makes the site already seem unprofessional.05:18
DanaGEr, actually, it's 3 lines, but whatever.05:18
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ameyerDanaG: what site?05:20
DanaGThe one linked here:   (08:15:43 PM) smallfoot- left the room (quit: "http://vendors.bluwiki.org/ - open source friendly/hostile computer hardware manufacterers?").05:21
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teethdoodhow do I update to gutsy? gksudo "update-manager -c -d" doesn't do anything06:19
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teethdood gksudo "update-manager -d"06:26
teethdoodwarning: could not initiate dbus06:26
teethdoodcurrent dist not found in meta-release file06:26
DanaGteethdood: run it not under sudo or gksu.06:28
DanaGSomehow, it seems to work that way.06:28
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maccam94does displayconfig-gtk depend on xserver-1.3 or 1.4?06:29
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teethdoodDanaG, I tried it with plain update-manager -d also, it says system is up-to-date06:31
DanaGhmm, I think you need -c -d.06:31
DanaG(consider experimental, and do dist-upgrade)06:31
teethdoodtried that too :(06:31
maccam94no button for 7.10?06:31
teethdoodno button, nothing special06:32
teethdoodlook at the warning:06:32
teethdoodwarning: could not initiate dbus06:32
teethdoodcurrent dist not found in meta-release file06:33
teethdoodwhat does that mean?06:33
maccam94not good06:33
maccam94dunno off the top of my head06:33
maccam94can anybody find the version of xserver in gutsy atm?06:34
=== maccam94 is curiouis
teethdoodI think I need to reinstall all the meta-packages06:35
maccam94apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?06:35
teethdoodI just tried that, minimal, standard and desktop06:36
teethdoodno help06:36
maccam94google ubuntu meta-release file06:37
teethdoodI'm going to do this manually, doing the /etc/apt/sources route06:38
maccam94not good06:38
maccam94there's a way to do it without update-manager06:38
maccam94let me find that for ya06:38
maccam94i think you run into trouble otherwise06:38
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musikgoat|workthe part about the dbus is fine, at least it was for me06:41
musikgoat|work current dist not found in meta-release file,   what does your sources.list say?06:42
musikgoat|workare they set to feisty releases?06:42
teethdoodok just edited sources.list, doing update upgrade and dist-upgrade now06:42
teethdoodmusikgoat|work, yes06:42
ameyerman, the fun of using gutsy... don't upgrade for a few days and have 350 MB of upgrades when you finally do upgrade...06:42
teethdoodbut I thought with the -c -d modifiers it would get the newest dist06:43
musikgoat|workit should teethdood,  i used that,  with no sudo06:43
musikgoat|worki just finally got vmware-server working on gutsy, yey06:43
maccam94anyone here know what version of xserver is installed in gutsy right now?06:44
ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide06:44
musikgoat|workmaccam94 tell me how to find out and i will tell you the version06:45
maccam94musikgoat|work: check synaptic?06:45
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maccam94search for xserver06:45
musikgoat|workthat is xserver-xorg06:47
maccam94i just actually thought of checking packages.ubuntu.com06:47
maccam94and it looks like xserver-xorg-core is 1.306:47
maccam94which is what i was wondering06:47
maccam94musikgoat|work: is displayconfig-gtk installed?06:47
=== maccam94 has a brainstorm
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musikgoat|workit is06:48
maccam94so the digg article is bull****06:49
maccam94it said no xserver-xorg 1.4, so no displayconfig-gtk06:49
musikgoat|worki thought it was not going to include 7.3 of xserver06:49
musikgoat|workand x bulletproof06:50
Arwenthey're independent of each other06:51
tehkmaccam94, yea sad06:51
maccam94xorg 7.3 is gonna be in it i thought06:52
tehkArwen, no they are not. Displayconfig and bullet are built for 7.306:52
maccam94just not xserver-xorg-core 1.406:52
Arwenwell, displayconfig-gtk is already in, so....06:52
tehkbut it does not function fully06:52
tehkso no hotplugging monitors06:52
Arwenit doesn't? I didn't know.06:52
maccam94tehk: i'm pretty sure xserver-xorg 1.3 is Xorg 7.3, not xserver-xorg 1.406:52
musikgoat|worknight all06:53
tehkand all that jazz it was built for06:53
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maccam94tehk: that's INPUT hotplug06:55
maccam94like replugging keyboards/mice06:55
tehkI was not rfering to that06:55
maccam94 Input hotplug: Input hotplug allows hotplugging of input devices, and also adds enhanced support for touchscreens and tablets. [Note: Only if xserver 1.4 is included] 06:55
maccam94only thing i see specifying 1.406:55
maccam94what makes up xorg 7.3?06:59
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maccam94is it just the xserver, or other parts? is it still mostly xorg 7.3 even if it's xserver 1.3?07:01
tehkI am pretty sure 7.3 uses 1.407:01
tehkThey release final on the same day07:02
maccam94regardless, are there other packages in 7.3?07:02
maccam94randr is set07:02
maccam94and isn't that the one that deals with displays/resolution?07:02
tehkI believe so07:02
maccam94so displayconfig can still work07:03
maccam94it never says that displayconfig/bulletproofx are delayed07:03
maccam94just that they depend on xorg 7.307:03
=== maccam94 would hate to see the cool features he was looking forward to delayed _again_
tehkif 7.3 depends on xserver1.407:04
tehkand they are not including 1.4. Would they have a reason to continute to have Bulletproofx and displayconfig in the distro by default?07:05
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tehkI am not sure on if you can use xorg7.3 with xserver1.307:05
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tehkI hope not but that seems to be how everyone is taking it.07:05
ameyerI think the packages have been a messed-up mix for a while...07:06
maccam94feisty had no composite by default. now gutsy might not have displayconfig/bulletproofx. this can't be the start of a trend07:09
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Arwenover ambitious projects, did you really expect composite in feisty?07:11
tehkIs gutsy composite by default? My install is uptodate but was installed a good while ago.07:11
Arwencomposite is still in gutsy as a blueprint, but I don't think it'll make it in either07:11
tehkI seen some discussion on the devel list questioning if it will come as default.07:11
tehkWell what i would like to see is a box that popus up on first boot and asks you if you want to load it and restricted drivers. So its kinda by default07:12
maccam94Arwen: months before, i had expected ubuntu's devs would have done the work necessary to stabilize some core parts of compiz to ship enabled by default07:13
maccam94when it got closer to the release date, things became more clear07:13
maccam94it's frustrating to build up hope for new features, ones that solve old problems or ones that included things by default that previously needed a lot of work, only to reverse the decision later07:15
tehkAtleast you do not have to wait 7 years.07:16
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arooni__folks with the intel video codec (and integrated video drivers in general).... is there anyway to detect new auxillary displays without messing with the xorg file?  i'd like to give presentations where i hook up my t61 to a projector..... but it seems not to auto detect the new aux display... ideas?07:16
arooni__i have a t61 with integrated video07:16
tehkhaha, where is our 7.3 now!07:16
maccam94arooni__: you could probably do it in displayconfig-gtk07:19
tehkarooni__, Hey check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xorg7.3Integration and  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DisplayConfigGTK07:19
arooni__thank you my friends07:19
tehkarooni__, I am not sure if it has been fully implemented yet, but it is still 'planned' as a feature by release. hopefully.07:20
arooni__for gutsy?07:20
teethdoodwell anyways guys, the sources.list update/upgrade/dist-upgrade seems to be working07:20
teethdoodI'll get kicked off any moment here07:21
arooni__Sepp tends to work at home with his laptop too. He would like to easily switch between his configuration setups: at home he's using an old CRT monitor to extend his laptop screen space, on the road he gives presentation on a projector and at work with he works in front of his shiny new mac cinema display.07:21
arooni__that's me!07:21
tehkIs it just me or have the updates been coming in slowly? I have not seen a updated package in my manager in a day.07:21
arooni__anyone know how to be able to play dvds?07:23
arooni__on ubuntu 7.04 even/?  i cant get it to wokr07:23
teethdoodgoogle medibuntu07:23
tehkInstall the codec. I am not sure of its name. Google it. on utsy there is one meta package for all resticted modules.07:23
tehkAnyone know of any mail clients with mailing list support? Like threaded view?07:33
Tm_TKmail ?07:34
maccam94tehk: gmail :-P online email client haha07:36
tehkHaha. Yea gmail does not deal with the kernel mailing list well.07:36
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=== dsmith is trying out Gutsy now
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benanz1any idea if the Xv bug in Compiz in the intel gpu driver will get fixed soon?08:03
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voidmagein compiz, if i run any kind of GL app, X crashes. this includes zsnes, wine games (tested with steam) so far08:22
voidmageif something else comes up i'll report it too08:22
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voidmageadd any fullscreen GL apps to the list08:23
voidmagewhat might help also is i'm running kde08:23
voidmageand my card is a nvidia 860008:23
voidmagecurrently unsupported by any official packages08:23
voidmagethis only happens when running compiz08:24
voidmageno issues in kwin08:24
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dystopianraywhat does the lack of xserver 1.4 mean to the average user?08:31
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dystopianraywill gutsy still have randr 1.2?08:35
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buzlooks like the kernel somehow got confused about my core 2 after a resume from suspsend, only one core is being used now?09:26
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philip_gutsy gibbon upgraded successfully!09:29
philip_except the 2.6.22-9 kernel screws up Intel 3945 wireless support09:30
buzphilip_: works for me?09:32
buz(did so on friday, anyway)09:32
buzit does screw up sound for me, though ;909:33
DanaG.22-9 gets a panic on one core upon resume from suspend.09:37
pvandewyngaerdei get segmentation faults at startup09:37
DanaGSame here, and I don't know what's segfaulting.09:37
DanaGI wish the kernel would at least print the PID and name of the segfaulting process.09:38
buzDanaG: but it does resume right?09:38
buzbecause the system works perfectly after resume, except for the second core09:38
DanaGYeah, I do get a correct resume, but with one core dead.09:38
buzyeah same here09:38
DanaGI had to tweak /etc/default/acpi-support to get resume working -- some things about saving video PCI state.09:38
buzin feisty i had a different bug on my old notebook: after resume, both cores would run in slowest setting and never go back to fast09:38
DanaGBut I did that back in Feisty.09:39
buzmine worked out of box09:39
buzbut i have intel graphics which are splendidly supported in gutsy09:39
DanaGCan you get native-res framebuffer?  That's one thing I reeeally wish NVIDIA had.09:40
DanaGvga=(hwinfo --framebuffer, then add 0x200 to returned values).09:40
DanaGhwinfo is a package.09:40
buzno idea, i never bother with console framebuffer09:40
buzi only use the text console to fix bugs, for which 80x24 is good enough ;)09:41
buzor rather, gma x3100 works splendid once you use the command line setup, live cd wont work09:41
DanaGI wish my laptop had switchable onboard and offboard.09:41
buzi think there are some configuration where the second core is shutdown before suspend09:41
buznow if only i could remember what command does that09:42
buzthe x3100 is plenty for me09:42
buzi dont game and it runs compiz just fine09:42
DanaGI like to play games, so IGP is not an option for me.  However, I hate NVIDIA drivers.  ATI are worse.09:42
buzyeah i sold an otherwise perfect thinkpad t60 because the ati drivers were so bad09:43
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buznvidia is heaven compared to ati09:43
DanaGFor me, PowerMizer under Windows is broken -- I have 3 choices of modes (powersave, balanced, performance) when on AC, and only powersave when on battery.09:43
DanaGAnd this is under XP, not Vista.09:43
buzno idea, i never run xp if i can help it ;)09:43
DanaG(I deleted my 17 gig Vista partition so I wouldn't have to buy a 100 gig notebook drive (I have 80).  Now I have /var on a separate partition.09:44
DanaGHowever, I had to make /var/run and something else (I don't remember what) on the root.09:44
DanaGaah, /var/lock09:44
DanaGHere's something fun to run on native-res framebuffer: mplayer, with fbdev2 output, and expansion enabled.09:45
buzwhy bother with fb09:45
buzits not like nvidia cant do xvideo09:45
DanaGBeats me, it's just fun to do things (such as running cacafire) on the framebuffer.09:46
buzthere is one definite advantage to running with one core: the fan never goes on ;)09:47
DanaGWhen I'm on AC, my fan is always on.  Period.09:48
buzman i'd go crazy09:48
DanaGThat's the way Gateway designed this laptop.09:48
buzdell must be hell a lot saner09:48
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DanaGI initially found it to be annoying, but now I realize it's actaully - less - annoying to me than a constantly varying fan.09:49
DanaGIt's all subjective.09:49
buzmine either is on or off09:49
buzthe high speed mode only comes on under serious load09:50
DanaGThe one annoying thing about the cooler on my laptop: there's a 1mm gap between the northbridge and the heatpipe, so thermal paste is not an option.  I made the mistake of removing the thermal pad, and had to replace it with several layers of aluminum foil (thick, from container lids) and thermal paste.09:51
buzi wished i could reconfigure the trip points though. no need to have a fan running at 4909:51
DanaGI run two instances of folding@home, niced to +20.09:51
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rungeit looks like xorg process takes about 50% cpu time. is this a known issue?09:53
buzrunge: are you using compiz?09:53
rungebuz no09:53
buzDanaG: i dont see any panic or segfaults in my logs09:53
buzi KNOW there is way to toggle on and off cores09:54
DanaGI see them on my framebuffer, but I don't know what log would even show them.09:57
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DanaGArfgh, Pidgin crashed.09:58
DanaGls /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/09:58
DanaGcache  cpufreq  crash_notes  online  topology09:58
DanaGsudo sh -c 'echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online'09:59
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philip_rebooting to see if this workaround for intel 3945 would work in 22-910:02
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buzDanaG: ook so now the cpu is gone completely10:03
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philip_ok workaround does the trick10:05
philip_I think Pidgin should be renamed PIMP Pidgin Instant Messenger Pal or some such10:08
philip_wth is a pidgin10:08
DanaGGo ask the people in #pidgin10:09
DanaGbut know that it's way too late to change anything, and they never asked anybody for input even before they changed names.10:09
DanaGalso a play on words with Pigeon.10:09
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:23
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-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- You do not have channel operator access to [#ubuntu-boot] 11:27
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-server] Ubuntu Server Discussions (development and support)11:27
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-ops] Welcome to #ubuntu-ops - Home of the operators for official K/X/Ed/Ubuntu channels. Questions, requests and complaints about Ubuntu related channels and their people can be filed here"11:28
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=== Topic for #ubuntu+1: The In Development Version Channel | Please *don't* run gutsy unless you are familiar with dpkg and dependencies, bug fixing, etc | Ubuntu 7.10 - the "Gutsy Gibbon" | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | Do not use development versions of Ubuntu on production systems | For support for Dapper, Edgy, Feisty please join #ubuntu. | Go Ape! | Tribe 4 released!
=== Topic (#ubuntu+1): set by Hobbsee at Thu Aug 9 16:02:44 2007
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu+1] Please read the topic. Especially if things are broken!11:28
(tatters/#ubuntu+1) I am getting error after last update " Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should reinstall it before attempting a removal." I can do neither, tried -f install and no luck, what would be the next step?11:28
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c1|freakytatters: force removal if possible i can't remember the command though if that doesn't help remove the package entry from the file which holds the installed packages and reinstall11:43
c1|freakyi can't remember the filename though ;p11:43
c1|freakyhad the same problem a year ago11:44
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buzsomething's wrong here, compiz eats all my cpu and has abysmal performance12:06
buzlike 7fps12:07
buzlooks like it does everything in software12:07
buzah well lets try a reboot ;)12:07
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aslanhello, does anyone know how to change the default torrent client ?12:24
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pvandewyngaerdechange the application for .torrent12:28
pvandewyngaerdei'm using kubuntu, i gnome its different i guess12:29
pvandewyngaerdein gnome *12:29
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aslanpvandewyngaerde: hrmm.. ok good idea.. I can prob change it under nautilus12:29
pvandewyngaerdeyou find it ?12:33
aslanpvandewyngaerde: yep thanks12:33
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blekoshi, is it possible to updgrade to tribe for from the internet of is it possible only from the cd? (i'm using kububtu)12:52
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buzthere's a howto for that on kubuntu.org i believe12:53
buzbut i wouldnt recommend going to tribe4+ right now12:53
blekosi c12:54
buzit's in a not very nice state12:54
buzfeisty sure had been in a better state this far along in the development cycle12:55
blekosi've read that gutsy will be faster12:56
buzmarginally maybe12:56
seezerhi there. can anyone tell me which software is involved when i try to use the multimedia keys for volume up|down|mute? i just get the nifty OSD but nothing happens to the volume.12:56
buzseezer: same here12:56
seezerworks fine on my notebook and since the keys seem to get detected correctly something "above" should have the problem. but i can't really tell what that is..12:58
blekosdo u know if gnucash 2.2 will make it to the repos?12:58
blekosalso I read that will be better power manager for laptops (i'm using one)12:59
blekoswill this be available in Kubuntu as well (since the base of development is the same)01:00
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geserblekos: unlikely that gnucash 2.2 will make it into gutsy, it isn't packaged in Debian yet and we are now in upstream version freeze01:00
blekosi've tried to compile it myself following the gnucash wiki but i always get some kind of errors01:02
blekosthat pitty, I am a user of bug#1 (windows -dual boot) and using gnucash 2.201:03
blekosI imported the file from linux01:03
blekosunfortunately now the file is unusable by gnucash 2.001:03
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daurnimatorgday all01:06
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whazillahey daurn01:28
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Assidanyone here worked with samba02:18
finalbetaa long time ago, even linked it with active directory at some point.02:23
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Assidfinalbeta: tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME02:58
finalbetaare you using apparmor/selinux?02:59
finalbetathere is allot on google about that error, I suggest you have a search02:59
Assidyes ithink i am03:00
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Assidshould i get rid of apparmor03:06
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finalbetaAssid, one of the google posts I saw suggests it's a rights issue, samba not being able to write to the home dir when it's shared or something03:07
finalbetaYou'll have to read03:08
Assidhrmm if i dont need apparomor .. i could just get rid of it right?03:08
rskAssid it's linux... ofcourse u can uninstall it03:08
Assidrsk: rather i meant doesnt make sense for a desktop03:09
Assidso should i just get rid of it03:09
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Assidokay got rid of apparmor.. still dont work :(03:10
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Assidlemme reboot.. so no module is loaded of it03:10
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Assidand it doesnt seem to work03:17
Assidfinalbeta: doesnt work.. i got rid of apparmor03:19
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shadeofgreyi have a generalized question03:25
shadeofgrey'is it safe to assume that the gutsy release of ubuntu will run without ny serious problems on macbookpro's or macpro desktops if Nvidia chipsets are used ratherthan nvidia?03:26
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Eq|laptopshadeofgrey; eh?03:27
Eq|laptopwhat's the difference?03:27
Eq|laptopsurely you mean nvidia instead of ati?03:27
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AssidEq|laptop: hows your samba knowledge03:32
Eq|laptopgenerally fairly good.03:32
shadeofgreyi meant nvidia over ati03:35
AssidEq|laptop:  tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME03:36
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shadeofgreyim handicapped, so i need dictation software when my fingers are finally a memory.  that means eventually running vista dual boot03:36
Assidsmbclient "//" -Uassid03:36
Assidthats with the trailing / and without .. same thing03:36
shadeofgreybut im REAL big on ubuntu and donate myweekends to transferring handicapped folks with virus laden windows xp machines to ubuntu users03:37
shadeofgreyburt i stopped doing it as soon as i got my mac because i couldnty ghet ubuntu to work with the ati chipset in my cfirst generation macbookpro03:37
shadeofgreybut the Dream Foundation has offered to buy me a computer and im torn between a macpro and a voodoopc OMEN03:38
shadeofgreyi WANT leopard but im not willing to sacrifice ubuntu compatability forit03:38
shadeofgreyand that means askingthe drram foundation to buy the 1700$ macpro Nvidia grapohics board for the macpro03:39
shadeofgreyand i have issues with that03:39
Eq|laptopshadeofgrey: yes, it'll work fine.03:39
Eq|laptopand it'd work with ati as well as nvidia03:39
shadeofgreyEq|laptop, i cant even get the Ubuntu liveCD to boot right on my macbookpro03:40
Eq|laptopit's probably based on santa-rosa03:40
Eq|laptopthere are presently issues with that intel chipset03:40
shadeofgreyits coreduo first generation03:40
Eq|laptopwhich livecd are you using?03:40
shadeofgreyati radeon based graphics chip03:40
shadeofgreyi tried 7.04 and the most recent build of gutsy - couldnt get either to doshit03:41
Eq|laptopAssid: hrm.. i don't use smbclient much..03:41
tormodshadeofgrey: is that a X1600 card?03:41
AssidEq|laptop: doesnt matter.. i cant access it either which way03:41
Eq|laptopAssid: try mount -t cifs -o username=assid //localhost/Media /mnt/something03:41
tormodshadeofgrey: I just googled up this: http://www.simplifiedcomplexity.com/blog/mgalvin/ubuntu-gutsy-macbook-pro-ati-fglrx-compiz-fusion-working-you-ask-yes03:42
Assidretrying with upper case share name03:42
Assidmount error 6 = No such device or address03:42
tormodshadeofgrey: "can't get to boot" "do shit" - can you be more specific?03:42
Eq|laptopAssid: either samba isn't running, you've got some weird-ass firewalling on the box, or it's misconfigured03:43
Eq|laptopwhat's the output of ps ax | grep smbd03:43
shadeofgreytormod, yeah...  its weird - in both cases it'll how the ubuntu logo fine and show the progress bar fine but by the end all i get is a purple background and a white cjursor03:43
shadeofgreyand when i press keys i get a error an then garbage03:44
tormodshadeofgrey: did you try without "splash" ?03:44
shadeofgreyJordan-U said he could get me going but it just seems REAL risky at this point03:44
shadeofgreyalli want to know is this03:44
shadeofgreyi used ubuntu exclusicvely for three years and stopped at the end of the dapper cycle03:45
shadeofgreywith a nvidia graphicd card 5300 and a amd64 chip03:45
tormodshadeofgrey: you've seen https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro ?03:46
shadeofgreyim only comfortable with asking the dream foundation for money if im SURE i can dualk boot leopard and ubuntu when the time coimes so iu can honor the fact that they spent $12,000 on hardware and softwarefor me by donating my weekends to concerting desperatewindows users to ubuntu with my entire weekends03:46
shadeofgreytormod, yes and i dont trust that instruction set as far as i can throw it03:46
shadeofgreyall i want to know is this03:47
shadeofgreyif i get themacpro03:47
shadeofgreyand i get the quadro 4500 nvidia card03:47
shadeofgreyand i get 2 30" dell displays03:47
shadeofgreyam i going to be ablke to run leopard and ubuntu on the same machine without serious hacking or not03:47
shadeofgreybecause if the answeer is no ill buy a dell with badass specs and be done with it03:48
Eq|laptopmy gut feeling is yes03:48
shadeofgreyEq|laptop, assuming your gut feeling is wrong are you willing to wortk with me to get it going if i cant hasndle it myself?03:49
Eq|laptopi can do my best, yeah03:49
shadeofgreyEq|laptop, i owe the ubuntu community a whole lot..  im willing to fight to get it to work03:49
shadeofgreyim wiulling to bleed to get it to worrk because there are a lot of poor people that bought machines with vista that i need to save03:49
shadeofgreybut i cant dio that unless im running ubuntu myself03:50
Eq|laptopaccording to that you have to use the alternate install with feisty03:50
shadeofgreydoes anybody have any question of my convictions here?03:50
Eq|laptopi dont see anything that suggests gutsy is any different03:50
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Eq|laptopalternate is a bit more work, but should go off fine..03:51
shadeofgreysee its this refit business that scares me03:51
shadeofgreywhat the hell is it foer?03:51
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Assiddammit.. it still doesnt work03:52
Eq|laptopprobably so that grub doesnt need to understand efi03:52
shadeofgreyand i say again...  am i going to have to do all this if im running an nvidia board?03:52
Eq|laptopbut that is conjecture on my part03:52
shadeofgreybecausse i dont mind waiting03:53
Eq|laptopprobably not03:53
shadeofgreyin fact id prefer it if the general concensus is im going to have a far easier time with a macpro and Quadro 4500 card03:53
Eq|laptopsome, yes03:53
Eq|laptopall, no.03:53
shadeofgreythen heres my plan03:53
Eq|laptoptbh they're much of a muchness.. imo nvidia's linux drivers are leagues better than ati's, but they're both a bit crap.03:54
shadeofgreyi neeed ridiculous resources to run visya and dictation software03:54
Eq|laptopAssid: comment out the interfaces line - it should bind to all03:54
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Eq|laptopwith that as it is, it will ONLY bind to eth103:55
shadeofgreyim going to have two 10,000 rpm SATA drives for OS'es.. one for leopard - and then onesplit in half for vista and ubuntu03:55
Eq|laptopIF it works at all03:55
Eq|laptopthat's a malformed line imo03:55
shadeofgreythen two 750 7200 rpn sata drives for stoirage03:55
Assiddoesnt help Eq|laptop03:55
shadeofgreyagain one for leopard and one for vista and ubuntu03:56
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Eq|laptopanyway - i reckon it should not be overly difficult to get ubuntu going on the mbp, or on any other mac (mac pro or whatever). might take a bit of effort initially, but nothing overly complex.03:56
Eq|laptopand that applies regardless of ati or nvidia03:56
Eq|laptopor even intel03:56
shadeofgreytalk to me about compiz evolution03:56
shadeofgreybecause i want eye candy god damn it03:56
shadeofgreyyeah i know...  im a pushy bastard of a cripple03:57
Eq|laptopfusion's not bad03:57
Eq|laptopbut it's still buggy as all hell03:57
TheInfinityEq|laptop: you try to get ubuntu on latest MBP? :)03:57
Eq|laptopTheInfinity: nope. that would require owning one03:57
shadeofgreybut when you can only move one limb under your own power and that limb happens to be a single arm and yo can only type with four fingers on that one hand.....  your coimputer becomes your life03:57
TheInfinityoh okay ;)03:57
TheInfinityit is no difficulty btw ;)03:58
shadeofgreywhats no difficulty?03:58
Eq|laptopAssid: you need to vastly strip down your config imo03:58
TheInfinityget ubuntu on mbp03:58
shadeofgreywith nvidia youmean?03:58
shadeofgreyyeah im hopingso03:59
Eq|laptopAssid: just pm'd you what i use on my server at home03:59
Eq|laptopsee what you make of it.03:59
Eq|laptopi've gotta run03:59
TheInfinitynv drivers. nvidia css drivers are buggy, official statement - wait for next release03:59
shadeofgreyTheInfinity, can we speak in private?03:59
TheInfinityif you like ;)03:59
shadeofgreyid like03:59
Eq|laptopbbl folks04:00
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AssidEq|laptop: tried using your config (modified for my share) .. and used smbpasswd instead. didnt help04:05
shadeofgreyEq|laptop, if you could run 2 30" screens at the same time would you bother?  or is it a total bitch to get working?04:10
shadeofgreyEq|laptop, send me an email when you have a minute so i have your address -- shadeofgrey@gmail.com04:12
Eq|laptop*pops back in briefly*04:12
Eq|laptopno, i probably wouldn't bother - because you'd need two gfx cards to do it afaik04:12
Eq|laptopshadeofgrey: see pm04:12
shadeofgreyquad 4500 has dual dual dvi04:13
Eq|laptopah, ok04:13
Eq|laptopin that case i'd consider it, if i had the cash04:13
Eq|laptopwould need one hell of a desk though! :P04:13
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Eq|laptopit shouldn't be too difficult to get working04:13
Eq|laptopespecially with the replacement for xinerama.. forgotten what it's called atm, but it looks rather cunning..04:14
Eq|laptopanyway..  bbl, got a laptop to rebuild04:14
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seezer"/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: invalid option -- c" i get for new (>2.6.22-7) generic images while running postinst (update-initramfs). anyone got an explanation for this? using 0.85eubuntu17 (didn't work with .ubuntu16 either)04:30
seezerthis works fine on my desktop - but on the laptop it refuses to create the ramdisk04:30
seezersomehow update-initramfs seems to pass "-c" through to mkinitramfs04:31
seezercan't figure out why04:31
seezererr.. 0.85eubuntu17 is the version of initramfs-tools..04:33
tormodseezer: also when you run update-initramfs manually?04:34
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seezertormod: gonna try that in a second04:36
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seezerinserted a debug line in the postinst script telling me:04:36
seezerDEBUG: /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs -c -k 2.6.22-9-generic04:36
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shadeofgreyhey folks04:37
seezerbut above it says04:37
seezermy $ramdisk           = "/usr/sbin/update-initramfs";  # List of tools to create initial ram fs.04:37
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shadeofgreyif i can get 7.04 alternate installed on first gen macbookpro cant easyubuntu do alll the hard ati graphics stuff for me?04:38
SeveredCrossI would stay away from easyubuntu.04:38
seezerseems to be overwritten by $1 (      $ramdisk         = "$1"  if /ramdisk\s*=\s*(.+)$/ig;04:38
SeveredCrossGetting ATI graphics working is as simple as doing sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx04:38
SeveredCrossThat's what I did for my Inspiron E1705, and I have 3D acceleration, the works.04:39
shadeofgreythen how do i accompliush that via the liveCD04:39
SeveredCrossHow do you mean?04:39
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SeveredCrossOh right, the LiveCD won't start X.04:39
SeveredCrossBecause VESA's busted.04:39
shadeofgreyif i can get the liveCD to boot afterdoing the ati driver shit working ill take the plunge, install bootcamp and takethe risk04:40
shadeofgreymind you its a hugerisk04:40
SeveredCrossAll you need to do is get yourself a valid internet connection, enable multiverse and universe repositories, and install xorg-driver-fglrx04:40
shadeofgreybut i ghave superdupert installed04:40
shadeofgreyso worse comes to worse04:40
seezertormod: ah ok. replaced $ramdisk with the path to update-initramfs in the system() call - it works fine now.04:40
shadeofgreyif i nuke my entire disk i can just replace the entire thing with my latest backup04:41
SeveredCrossOnce you get dropped back to the CLI after X tells you it couldn't start, all you have to do is hit Ctrl-Alt-F2 to get yourself to a tty04:41
seezergonna search for the reason that it gets overwritten somehow04:41
SeveredCrossThen work from the CLI to install xorg-driver-fglrx to the Live CD.04:41
SeveredCrossThen sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart and you'll get the LiveCD X environment.04:41
shadeofgreySeveredCross, you understand though dont you that im not on a pc im on a first generation macbookpro running an ati x1600 card04:41
SeveredCrossIt all works the same.04:42
shadeofgreySeveredCross, you still think you can hlp me makeit work?04:42
SeveredCrossThe process is the same.04:42
seezer/etc/kernel-img.conf got a line "ramdisk = /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs04:42
shadeofgreySeveredCross, okay pm me with the exact steps i need to follow after restarting my mac with the ubuntu CD in04:42
shadeofgreyto get the liveCD working04:43
SeveredCrossI won't PM you but I'll list them for you.04:43
shadeofgreyplease pm me04:43
shadeofgreyiy'll make my life easier04:43
SeveredCrossI dislike PM, I'll just tell you here.04:43
SeveredCrossIt's not moving that fast, you can follow.04:43
shadeofgreyokay fine04:43
SeveredCrossStep 1. Boot LiveCD. When you get told that X can't start, answer No to both questions, and let yourself get dropped out to the commandline. Then, hit Ctrl-Alt-F2 to get to a workable tty.04:43
SeveredCrossThis tty should be logged in as user "ubuntu"04:44
shadeofgreynot ctrl-alt-f2?04:44
tormodshadeofgrey: a little warning: you have wired / no-configuration internet connection? Network-manager would need the GUI...04:44
SeveredCrossRight, I forgot to mention that.04:44
shadeofgreytormod, no i have nothing but wireless04:44
SeveredCrossEven so, a little iwconfig work is all it takes in most cases.04:45
SeveredCrossDo you know the SSID of your wireless network and is it security enabled?04:45
shadeofgreyyes and yes04:45
shadeofgreyand i know the connect passwoed04:45
SeveredCrossWhat security? WPA?04:45
SeveredCrosswpa_supplicant is a BITCH.04:46
SeveredCrossWAP is not a wireless security mode, last I checked.04:46
SeveredCrossWPA and WEP are.04:46
SeveredCrossWAP is Wireless Access Point04:46
shadeofgreythen im WEP04:46
tormodshadeofgrey: the alternative is to download the fglrx package (.deb) and install it with dpkg -i04:46
SeveredCrossYou'll need libstdc++5 and something else too.04:47
tormodshadeofgrey: I mean download from another computer and transfer with USB stick.04:47
shadeofgreyscrew it04:47
shadeofgreyill just wait till i have my macpro and my nvidia quadro 4500 card04:47
SeveredCrossWhatever you want.04:48
SeveredCrossIt's really not that difficult.04:48
shadeofgreybut id still like a concensus on how hard it would be to get 2 30" displays working in ubuntu onnce i gt it installed04:48
shadeofgreythey offered me 2 and i really wanna say yes04:48
SeveredCrossNo idea how that would work with nVidia.04:48
SeveredCrossWith ATI, it's not superbly difficult, aticonfig can do most of the setup for you.04:49
shadeofgreyyou've gotta be kidding04:49
SeveredCrossWhy have I got to be kidding?04:49
shadeofgreyi thoiught ati driver support inn ubuntu blew rancid ardvark nuts04:49
SeveredCrossIt's really not as bad as everyone claims it is.04:49
SeveredCrossIt could certainly be better, but it's not all that bad04:50
shadeofgreyis nvidia support far superior?04:50
shadeofgreyokay then.04:50
shadeofgreythat does it for me04:50
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shadeofgreyi wait until i have an nvidia graphics card04:51
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shadeofgreyrsk:  on a scale of 1 to 10?04:51
SeveredCrossThat's a lousy-ass attitude.04:51
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RegelDoes some1 have a working totem? Mine gives me seg fault every time I try to run it. Even the newest stable gives me seg faults05:38
RegelIt's been like that for a while05:38
Eq|laptopshadeofgrey: just came across something.. you don't need refit anymore. grub works fine. (refit /WAS/ the bootloader)05:39
Arwenhey cool, the open dialog has a search button now!05:43
ArwenRegel, I don't have totem right now, but I'll go fetch it and check05:44
ArwenRegel, mine works. Still slow as hell, but it works.05:44
RegelIt says:(totem:3474): Gtk-WARNING **: Invalid input string a couple of times and then gives me seg fault05:45
Regelgdb gives me now useful info either05:45
Regelno useful info05:45
Regeloh well, I'll just have to get used to kaffeine then05:47
Arweneh, MPlayer rules05:48
RegelMPlayer doesnt support dvb :(05:49
Regelas far as I know05:50
Arwenit does05:50
Arwennever used it for that, but I know it does from discussion in #mplayer05:50
RegelI got to check that out05:50
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frank23hello. I'm trying to find the latest gutsy daily iso to download but I can only find the latest alternate iso. Are there no live cd daily iso?06:06
Picifrank23: It should be there, but the daily isos arent nearly as stable as the tribe isos06:06
frank23Pici: nm yeah I just found the live06:06
frank23Pici: what is the latest tribe?06:07
Pici4.. I think06:07
frank23Pici: thanks06:09
whazillacan i load gutsy and boot gutsy from usb stick ?06:09
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Arwensame way you do with every other release (and don't ask me how, I don't know)06:15
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whazillai just tried with feisty without result hence me asking bout gutsy06:19
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RaubkopiererHallo allerseits... ich hab da mal ne Frage ob mir jemand sagen kann wie ich dieses Problem mit den Schriftarten in Firefox unter Gutsy lsen kann. Sprich damit dort einige Schriften nicht mehr so fadenscheinig sind. Danke07:11
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Raubkopiereroh.. sorry...07:12
pvandewyngaerdehello. english please , fonts problem ?07:12
Raubkopierersorry again07:13
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RaubkopiererI would like to know how to fix this problem with fonts in firefox. There exists ja fix or?07:14
pvandewyngaerdeRaubkopierer:  do you have compiz ?07:15
shirishHi all, can somebody tell me what is this  LD_LIBRARY_PATH07:17
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nosrednaekimshirish: thats where a progam goes for its shared libraries...07:18
nosrednaekimusually /usr/lib I think07:18
shirishnosrednaekim: ok I have a query maybe you can help me with then07:19
nosrednaekimgo ahead.07:19
shirishnosrednaekim: first look at this http://pastebin.ca/66349107:20
shirishnosrednaekim: then look at http://www.pastebin.ca/66349307:21
rskhowto upgrade to 7.04 to gutsy?07:22
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:22
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shirishnosrednaekim: now can you tell me how to tell that the libraries are there in LD_LIBRARY_PATH?07:22
rskis there a wikipage for that?07:24
nosrednaekimtry "path wx-config"07:24
nosrednaekimnever mind..07:24
shirishnosrednaekim: just a moment, hang on, I have more.07:24
shirishnosrednaekim: this is where the libraries are located http://www.pastebin.ca/66349807:25
shirishnosrednaekim: all of them are at /usr/lib as you rightly said.07:25
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crimsunuse /usr/lib/wx/config/gtk2-unicode-release-2.807:26
nosrednaekimrun "type wx-config"... maybe its not in the path...07:26
crimsunwe ship it differently from upstream based on Debian pedigree.07:26
shirishcrimsun: wx-config gives stuff07:27
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shirishcrimsun:  type wx-config07:28
shirishwx-config is hashed (/usr/bin/wx-config)07:28
shirishcrimsun: and just giving wx-config runs the binary & we get output like http://www.pastebin.ca/66350207:28
shirishcrimsun: nosrednaekim: I'm novice at what this LD_LIBRARY_PATH thing is so need your help guys07:29
shirishcrimsun: nosrednaekim: I do understand its basically telling where the libraries are or something like that07:30
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crimsunwhy are you concerned with $LD_LIBRARY_PATH ?07:32
crimsunit has nothing to do with what you intend; you already have /usr/lib/wx/config/gtk2-unicode-release-2.807:32
crimsunlook at the `./configure --help' output for whatever wxWidgets app you're attempting to compile07:33
crimsunspecifically, you're looking for a --with-wxwidgets option07:33
crimsunfurther, if there's an option that allows you to specify the path to wx-config, you want to pass /usr/lib/wx/config/gtk2-unicode-release-2.8 to it07:34
crimsunthis is what we do for many wxWidgets apps like vlc07:34
shirishcrimsun: there is this big ./configure --help thing07:34
shirishcrimsun: this is for boinc , a distributed computing manager & client07:35
shirishcrimsun: http://www.pastebin.ca/66351007:35
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crimsunboinc is in Ubuntu.07:35
crimsunperhaps you're looking for the boinc-manager package?07:36
crimsunor kboincspy?07:36
shirishcrimsun: I know I want to try out the newer one , I took the package from svn & compiling it.07:36
crimsunthen do it the Debian way, which is to generate a proper source package.07:37
crimsunstart with `apt-get build-dep boinc-manager'07:37
shirishcrimsun: while configuring it gave me the warning at http://pastebin.ca/66349107:37
crimsunthere are myriad resources for generating Ubuntu packages; #ubuntu-motu can give you additional pointers for documentation that you should read first.07:38
shirishcrimsun: I don't think that will work as it has stuff for 2.6 series, the newest boinc needs wxwidgets 2.8  http://pastebin.ca/66349107:38
crimsunit does work; you just need to adjust debian/control and debian/rules07:38
shirishcrimsun: I'm not look at doing packaging at this point in time, this is much a personal thing atm, once I get a bit more command then perhaps I could think about packaging07:38
crimsunI'm telling you that the easiest way to do it is to bootstrap up from the existing package07:39
crimsunall the hard work has been done for you.  Why bang your forehead against a desk if you don't have to?07:39
nosrednaekimcause its fun :)07:40
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shirishnosrednaekim: no, not for fun, let's say i do run into some bug, if I do the way its said there, then atleast I know I did what was asked & what did not happen.07:41
shirishnosrednaekim: also I'm new to all this stuff, it does take time to understand & sink in things.07:41
shirishnosrednaekim: crimsun: I know it should be something simple (esp. for you whiz guys) , but if you think it's too much of a hassle, then don't wanna disturb you or something.07:42
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yaustarHas anyone else had trouble shutting down from 7.10?07:43
shirishyaustar: nope07:44
nosrednaekimshirish: did you google it yet?07:45
shirishnosrednaekim: I did google about LD_LIBRARY_PATH, yes but all the stuff it gives me is beyond my comprehension ability07:45
yaustarCurrently running on my laptop and it during shutdown it looks like it goes to bash (white text on black) and just stops. I can still type stuff but cannot execute any commands...07:45
shirishnosrednaekim: crimsun: thanx for all your help guys, at the very least, I know a bit more than I started today, gotta make coffee & then will be back, i.e. if you guys can bear me ;)07:49
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Cwiiisthere used to be an option when running beryl to switch between nvidia, aiglx and xgl compositing methods (or something like that?) - does anyone know if/where the equivalent option with compiz-fusion is in gutsy? (the nvidia method provided superior performance for me)07:58
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ericvmeloI have a problem with my sound card. I have tried everything and still no sound... :( Can somebody give me a hand?08:00
crdlbCwiiis, that rendering method option was well...bad08:01
crdlbyou can use --indirect-rendering or --loose-binding though08:01
Cwiiiscrdlb: Has the option definitely been removed? Performance is unacceptable for me without it, I get terrible jerking any time CPU usage goes above idle and windows don't move smoothly like before08:02
crdlbit was never there08:02
crdlbif you have an nvidia card, try --loose-binding08:02
CwiiisI can assure you it was, with beryl...08:02
Cwiiiswill do08:02
crdlbCwiiis, it never was with compiz08:03
crdlbso it wasn't removed, just never added08:03
Cwiiiscrdlb: mm, I said beryl :)08:03
Cwiiiscrdlb: I guess that part was never merged back in08:04
crdlbnothing was merged into the core08:04
crdlbwith a few exceptions08:04
crdlbthe core is compiz08:04
Cwiiishmm, doesn't seem to have made much of a difference :( Back to metacity it is then...08:05
crdlbCwiiis, one thing to check in ccsm, disable "Detect refresh rate" in General Options>Display Settings08:06
crdlband set the refresh rate to your actual refresh rate08:06
crdlbthe nvidia driver deliberately misreports it08:06
Cwiiiscrdlb: It's not that kind of slow-down - say I load up aptitude, the mouse cursor actually jerks08:06
Cwiiiscrdlb: Everything is completely halted until it finishes08:07
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crdlbnvidia :(08:07
Cwiiiscrdlb: Used to be fine in beryl, but only using the nvidia method - I'm not that bothered, metacity's a much better window manager anyway... Expose would be nice though :)08:07
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shirishCwiiis: what is this expose thing, its a window manager?08:11
Cwiiisshirish: The feature on MacOS X/compiz that scales all the windows on a workspace (or all workspaces) to fit onto the screen to allow you to switch to an app08:12
shirishCwiiis: got it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expos%C3%A9_(Mac_OS_X)08:12
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=== Topic for #ubuntu+1: The In Development Version Channel | Please *don't* run gutsy unless you are familiar with dpkg and dependencies, bug fixing, etc | Ubuntu 7.10 - the "Gutsy Gibbon" | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | Do not use development versions of Ubuntu on production systems | For support for Dapper, Edgy, Feisty please join #ubuntu. | Go Ape! | Tribe 4 released!
=== Topic (#ubuntu+1): set by Hobbsee at Thu Aug 9 16:02:44 2007
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Arwenarkygeek, any lines above that?10:26
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arkygeekArwen: http://rafb.net/p/2ND0CT14.html10:27
Arwentry removing korganizer first10:28
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arkygeekArwen: that did it10:30
malnilionWhat problems are you having upgrading to Gutsy, pal_?10:30
Arwenarkygeek, now try reinstall korganizer10:30
Arwen(if you need it)10:30
arkygeeksudo dpkg -r korganizer || sudo apt-get -f install10:30
arkygeekArwen: which reinstalled korganizer10:30
Arwen(fixing dist-upgrade is fun isn't it?)10:31
pal_malnilion when i do the update-manager -d command it gives and error on the Modifying channels part10:31
arkygeekConfiguration file `/etc/gnome/defaults.list'10:31
arkygeekdefault action you reckon?10:31
pal_says: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/commercial/binary-amd64/Packages.gz 404 Not Found10:32
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Arwengutsy-commercial isn't up yet10:32
dick-richardsonis vmware-server in commercial?10:32
arkygeekwell i think i must be getting close to having this upgrade comlete10:32
malnilionHuh, I didn't even know there was a commercial version of Ubuntu10:32
dick-richardsonmalnilion: it's not necessarily a commercial version...just a repo w/commercial apps10:33
Arwenit's not commercial Ubuntu10:33
arkygeek72-acpi-pain.sh     lol what the heck is that??  heh10:33
aroonican someone please help me get my ethernet card up (t61 laptop, e1000 drivers)... when i load it up with sudo ifconfig eth0 up... i get: e1000_request_irq: Unable to allocate MSI interrupt error: -22 ... any ideas on how to fix?10:33
malnilionOh, I see10:33
Arwenit's commercial software10:33
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pal_malnilion I follow the directions on the page of gusty and it guided me to issue the update-manager -d command.  Is there another way of me upgrading to gusty trib410:33
dick-richardsonanyone able to run webmin in gutsy? I'm unable to log into the localhost10:33
dick-richardsonpal_: you can just change the references in /etc/apt/sources.list to gutsy10:34
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Pici!webmin | dick-richardson10:34
ubotudick-richardson: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system10:34
pal_thanks dick10:34
dick-richardsonthat sucks :( is that going to be corrected?10:34
Picidick-richardson: Ask the webmin team10:34
arkygeekupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.20-16-38610:35
arkygeek^^ that is what scares me10:35
=== Pici sighs again
malnilionWhy does that scare you?10:35
pal_thanks dick for you help10:36
malnilionYou'll have your old kernel still if shit hits the fan, I'm pretty sure.10:36
pal_ill try that one10:36
arkygeeklast time it borked my whole system.  had to live cd chroot and mess about10:36
Piciarkygeek: If that scares you, running Gutsy may not be for you.10:36
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aroonican someone please help me get my ethernet card up (t61 laptop, e1000 drivers)... when i load it up with sudo ifconfig eth0 up... i get: e1000_request_irq: Unable to allocate MSI interrupt error: -22 ... any ideas on how to fix?10:36
arkygeekthere was a problem with the grub settings10:37
aroonii'm so frusterated :910:37
arkygeekhad to do with raids, i think10:37
arkygeekarooni is it known to work under linux?10:37
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arooniarkygeek: ya http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_7.04_%28Feisty_Fawn%29_on_a_ThinkPad_T61#Intel_Graphics_Media_Accelerator_X3100_.28Chipset_GM965.29_.28Solved.2910:38
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arkygeekbad image index10:47
arkygeeki am getting that ^^^ quite a lot10:47
arkygeekThe generated cache was invalid.10:48
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DanaGI used to get that error -22, but it didn't actually affect the behavior.10:54
DanaGBut I've been having my eth0 (e1000) crash under heavy load.10:54
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arkygeekok, done11:10
arkygeekrebooting.... wish me luck :s11:10
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Jazonwifi 100%11:17
Jazondual head setup 100%11:17
Jazonloving gutsy so far!11:17
Jazonporn still there... ;-)11:17
Jazonlife is all good11:17
avisto try out gutsy i change all instances of feisty to gutsy in sources.list and then issue a update-manger -d ?11:18
jribno, the update-manager should do all taht for you:11:19
Jazonthings look a bit different somehow...11:20
Jazonfonts maybe bolder or something?11:20
avishmm it seems based on what another user wrote i changed all feistys to gutsy in sources.list then did a upgrade-manager -d ?  is that going to mess up my system ?11:21
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Jazonavis: i just did a successful upgrade by doing: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade   after changing my sources.list11:21
Jazonbut listen to those who know... i only know what i did...11:22
ggilbertavis: In theory no. In practice it won't unless something is  horribly broken in gutsy at the time. The possibility is always there though, since gutsy is still under development.11:23
avisthank you11:23
ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide11:24
DanaGDuuude, people, use aptitude.11:24
AnRkeyavis, best to wait till tribe 511:25
AnRkeygutsy repos are frozen and being made ready for tribe 511:25
aviscould someone copy and paste the url of the "about gutsy" stuff when firefox is loaded from a fresh install11:25
AnRkeyavis, what do u wanna know about gutsy?11:26
avisAnRkey, unfortunatelly i'm in the process of upgrade-manager -d right now.  will it be seamless moving to the changes in tribe 5 ?11:26
aviswell i just wanted to check out the usual "how to" related stuff for gutsy like when installing a new distribution.  like community written support pages etc11:27
AnRkeyavis, don't know11:27
Jazonhow do i verify that i am fully gutsy?11:27
AnRkeyavis, I have been having problems with my testing machines when doing network installs11:27
Jazonuname -r and something??11:27
AnRkeymostly "no kernal candidate found" errors11:28
aviswhile it would be upsetting the worst that could be happening would be installing feisty from scratch11:28
avisi think i'll burn a gutsy cd just in case11:29
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dsmithHmmmm I was updating Gutsy and it crashed11:30
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|muelli|Where can I actually set my locales? Is /etc/profile probably the best place to do so?11:32
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AnRkeyavis burn a gutsy tribe 4 cd11:34
AnRkeythat works11:34
AnRkeythe builds from 15 16 and 18th are giving me loads of problems during installs11:34
AnRkeyi have stopped testing untill tribe 511:34
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DanaGPerhaps 'locales' is dpkg-reconfigure-able.11:42
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avisi had good luck with update-manager -d it did a successful network install of gutsy11:52
ggilbertIs anyone using gutsy with compiz, an nvidia card, and working GL apps?11:54
MuelliDanaG: nice suggestion, but It's not what I want. It chooses what locales to use and selects a default one. But I want to set LC_MESSAGES to a different value than, say, LC_TIME. And I don't know how to achieve this yet11:57
aroonifolks!  i'm installing on the ubuntu alternate 7.04 cd... and its on 'select and install software' and its at 85% "installed br1tty-x11" and has been for a LONG time....11:57
arooniis that ok?11:57
ggilbertJust wait it out and it should finish eventually11:57
Muelliarooni: you might want to check the log on another terminal..11:57
ggilbertI know it was slow for me around tha point11:57
aroonioh wait here it goes~!11:58
arooni90%  zomg!11:58
Muellior fire up top to see whether a process deos something11:58
DanaGHmm, perhaps there's something in /etc/default for locales.11:59
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ubuntu__I have Kubuntu 7.10 tribe 4. I was hoping KDE 4 would be here.12:17
ubuntu__Doesn't seem very diffrent from the 3.5 I had on Fiesty12:17
TheInfinitykde4 has extra apt-get sources.12:19
TheInfinitykubuntu 7.10 will not include KDE412:19
ubuntu__shucks. ;D12:19
ubuntu__I'll hold off until 7.10 is stable before trying out kde 412:19
TheInfinitybecause KDE4 is released after 7.10 release12:20
ubuntu__o, well then ;d12:20
TheInfinityyou can install kde4 also on ubuntu 7.0412:20
TheInfinitybut its alpha. that should say everything.12:20
aroonifolks i'm following: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_7.04_%28Feisty_Fawn%29_on_a_ThinkPad_T61#Intel_Graphics_Media_Accelerator_X3100_.28Chipset_GM965.29_.28Solved.29 .... (i followed the pinning process), and when i'm done:  EE Failed to load module "intel" (module does not exist, 0)   ideas? (7.04)12:20
ubuntu__I don't know "dpkg and dependencies" like warned at the top. but I want to install 7.10 kubuntu and submit bugs as i see....12:21
ubuntu__are those 2 important? :s12:22
TheInfinityyou should be familiar with console at all.12:23
TheInfinityif you are not its not a good idea to make alphatesting12:23
TheInfinitybecause the devs need information, not just "it does not work"12:24
ubuntu__well i know a decent amount of command line12:25
ubuntu__like downloading with it and changing directory. bashing stuff and execute ;)12:25
ubuntu__well, last 2 are sorta same12:25
TheInfinityworkin with vi because xorg dies not start for some reason etc ...? ;)12:26
ubuntu__;P tryin to scare me away eh12:26
TheInfinityno - if you want to learn this is a great chance.12:27
ubuntu__hum, quick question here....12:27
TheInfinitythere are only too much people who think "ah alpha software - brand new - i install it at my productive system"12:27
aroonifolks how can i do thsi: I also had to install the latest kernel for Feisty12:27
TheInfinityand 1 hour later comes: "linux is crap, does not work"12:28
ubuntu__i messed the crap out of my ati drivers on ubuntu, then tried kde and i liked it but it was slow.... running on mesa drivers12:28
ubuntu__i noticed it said "if ur cpu is powerful, enable all the effects" in the install12:28
ubuntu__and it ran pretty laggy12:28
ubuntu__:s is that drivers or a not clean install?12:29
ubuntu__gnome ran fine with mesa12:29
Arwenmesa drivers as in "vesa"? or as in "ati"?12:29
ubuntu__uh, it said mesa and it was ati :z12:30
Arwenum, mesa doesn't mean squat.12:30
ubuntu__ok, lets see12:30
ubuntu__when i did fglrxinfo it said for opengl, mesa 1.5 or somthing12:30
Arwenoh, there we go12:30
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ArwenYou don't have GPU accelerated 3d rendering. Instead, you're using CPU emulation.12:31
ubuntu__well that explains the kde lag12:31
ArwenThat's why you can't use any of the 3d effects.12:31
ubuntu__i shouldn't expect any lag with an ati x300 and restricted drivers enabled right? :D12:31
ArwenAn X300 is a really really bad card, lol.12:31
ubuntu__i've had it for years, still smojkes the old games i still play12:32
ArwenLet's see. But if you have accel right, it should still work fast enough. Anyway, your drivers aren't installed right.12:32
ubuntu__yea, i messed that and synaptic package manager up when installing NetBeans through it12:32
ubuntu__so a reinstall was in order12:33
ggilbertHmmm, are you talking about the compiz desktop effects? Those won't work  well with your X300 and the restricted drivers12:33
ubuntu__yea i never tried em12:34
Arwenggilbert, eh? They work on my X300.12:34
ubuntu__i just wanted updated drivers for the ati card so cod2 and cs:s wouldn't mess up. (cod2 had transparent walls)12:34
ArwenEven heavy effects like blur and rain.12:34
ubuntu__then they went kasplat ;)12:34
ggilbertArwen: You're using the fglrx drivers or the stock radeon driver?12:34
ubuntu__at the same time :O ?12:34
Arwen(or have)12:35
ggilbertInteresting, last I had checked, ATI still hadn't added the proper extensions to support it. Glad to see that's changed12:35
ubuntu__composite or whatever?12:35
ubuntu__i didn't know they had that either. thought nvidia was only one12:35
Arwenggilbert, they haven't.12:35
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Arwenggilbert, you can use Xgl to emulate the composite extension.12:36
aroonihey folks i'm really close to getting intel x3100 video working on my t61!  i get this error when x tries to load: (EE) GARTInit: Unable to open /dev/agpgart (No such device or address) ... what should i do?12:36
ggilbertOh, you're using Xgl12:36
ubuntu__:o t61? I'm gettin a T61p soon.12:36
Arwenarooni, weird, X3100s aren't AGP.12:36
ggilbertI should give that a try. I wonder if suspend will get along with fglrx these days12:37
Arwenarooni, what's your xorg.conf look like?12:37
Arwenggilbert, suspend seems to work (to RAM at least)12:37
arooniArwen: kinda hard to paste since i dont have x on that lappy ;(12:37
Arwenarooni, heh12:37
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Arwenoh yeah, anyone know how to use a mouse in a tty console?12:37
ggilbertneat. I gave up on FGLRX a while back and have just been looking forward to getting a laptop with  intel graphics. :)12:37
ArwenOne of my old slackware installs worked that way.12:38
rskArwen install gpm12:38
Arwenggilbert, fglrx still sucks. the 8.40 one fixes a bunch of long-standing bugs, but it won't work on my system.12:38
Arwenrsk, cool. Do I need to configure it at all?12:38
aroonifolks did i make the right move getting x3100 over nvidia 140m in my t61?12:38
rskArwen: dont think so12:39
arooniim having possible regrets ;p12:39
ubuntu__(I'd say the 140m woulda been better)12:39
Arwenarooni, well, the x3100 should work well, but I'm not sure what your problem is.12:39
Arwendunno how a 140m compares, I only know the XXXX numbering scheme.12:39
aroonimodprobing it didnt work12:39
ubuntu__Quadro 140m == 8600 GS12:40
ggilbertarooni, I'm sure it can be made to work reasonably well with some effort. Generally I'd still say ATI and Linux are a bad combo.12:40
Arwenarooni, lol, you shoulda taken the 140m12:40
Arwen8600GS mobile? SWEET.12:40
ggilbertbut that could change12:41
arooniArwen: really?12:41
ubuntu__i would think so12:41
arooniis this something i can swap out later12:41
arooniif i want12:41
ubuntu__well.... it depends on what you want your notebook for12:41
aroonibusiness + programming12:41
aroonii dont like games12:41
aroonibut i like beryl12:41
Arwenoh, never mind (that card woulda killed your battery time)12:41
ubuntu__hum, 140m would still suit you well12:41
ggilbertIf you don't care much for 3d stuff, then the ATI will work just fine12:41
ubuntu__if u like effects, the quadro woulda done that like a pro ;D12:42
ubuntu__oh noes12:42
AnRkeyi have always been an nvidia man12:42
ubuntu__i've turned into nvidia dude12:42
AnRkeynvidia just works12:42
ubuntu__my ati was nothing but trouble12:42
arooniArwen: thats what iw as worreid about12:42
AnRkeyintel is my second best12:42
DanaGMy NVIDIA is also lots of trouble.12:42
DanaGGot random Xorg freezes?12:42
DanaGGot Xorg crashing when running GLX apps under Compiz?12:43
AnRkeyi have a 4 year old pc at work12:43
AnRkeyp4 2.412:43
AnRkeygutsy runs compiz-fusion smoooooothyl on it12:43
DanaGGot unaccelerated framebuffer with no native-res modes?12:43
AnRkeyi am sooo impressed12:43
AnRkeyDanaG, ???12:43
ggilbertNvidia and Intel have both done pretty well with putting out a quality drive and keeping it up to date12:43
DanaGGot GPU staying in low-power mode even when running 3D apps sometimes?12:43
Arwenwell, seeing as the only time your CPU would run compiz is when it's malconfigured, that's not too impressive.12:44
ubuntu__:/ i found a bug in gutsy already. the installer has a seperate little window for loading bars. it's probably just temporary. but its weird ;P12:44
AnRkeyi just wish nvidia would make it's drivers open source12:44
DanaGoh, and in Windows, PowerMizer is broken... battery forces me to low-power mode only.  No "balanced" available.12:44
AnRkeyhas ati gone open source on it's drivers yet?12:44
aroonihey folks i'm really close to getting intel x3100 video working on my t61!  i get this error when x tries to load: (EE) GARTInit: Unable to open /dev/agpgart (No such device or address) ... what should i do?12:44
arooniive already tried modprobing it12:44
ArwenAnRkey, no, and they haven't fixed them either.12:45
AnRkeyfixed them?12:45
AnRkeydon't have an ati so don't know...12:45
AnRkeyArwen, whats wrong with them?12:45
Arwenlet's see..12:46
Arwenthey're unstable and 30-50% slower than the Windows drivers12:46
Arwenthe dual-head mode won't let you use different resolutions on each head12:46
ubuntu__arooni isn't GART an AGP protection thing?12:46
Arwenyou can't use XVideo and OpenGL at the same time12:46
aroonium oh noes12:46
arooniwhat do i need to do12:47
ArwenVSync doesn't eliminate tearing, it only moves it into the corner12:47
aroonii'm hearing recomiple kernal12:47
Arwenetc etc12:47
ubuntu__*fears recompiling kernel*12:47
ggilbertNo support for GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap.12:47
Arwenggilbert, fglrx?12:47
arooniany ideas?12:48
Arwenggilbert, fglrx doesn't support that.12:48
aviswhere are the gnome font properties ?12:49
ggilbertThat's what I said :)12:49
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Arwenavis, under appearance now12:50
Arwenggilbert, oh, I thought that was a question :-\12:50
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ggilbertStill, there's a chance ATI will get their stuff together. Nvidia's drivers used to be horrid and then they fixed them12:51
ubuntu__ATI is going lightning fast too12:51
ubuntu__like a few months and a new release12:51
Arwenawesome, gpm rules12:59
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aroonihow do i mount a flash drive which is /dev/sbd and has only one parittion? (its an ext3 formatted flash drive)01:06
Arwenmount /dev/sbd <some empty directory> -t ext301:06
Arwenmount /dev/sbd1 <some empty directory> -t ext301:06

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