
asacits really messy12:31
asachttpget template isn't sufficient12:31
asacit doesn't display the license ... at least from what i see12:31
asacit just says: you can find it somewhere on adobe.com :/12:31
crimsuntake a look at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/5118162/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.21.78%7Eubuntu1.tar.gz and http://launchpadlibrarian.net/5118163/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.21.78%7Eubuntu1.dsc12:32
crimsunthat's the last version that offered it IIRC12:32
asaccrimsun: i might be a moron  ... but it doesn't build for me12:36
asacdpkg-genchanges: failure: cannot read files list file: No such file or directory12:37
asaci just build it with dpkg-buildpackage -b12:38
asacand it fails12:38
asacnow i see :)12:38
asaci am on amd6412:38
crimsunright, you added amd64 support :)12:39
asacits interesting that it really fails to tell me that the problem is my architecture12:40
asacjust fails like crazy12:40
asaccrimsun: that package didn't ask me a thing :(12:41
asaccrimsun: why the hell does he do all this "use already existing local tar.gz" stuff?12:41
asaccrimsun: any idea?12:41
asaci feel tempted to just drop all this and redo the package from scratch12:42
crimsunasac: to not redownload the tarball.  Feel free to redo it if you'd like.12:42
asaccrimsun: when would you want to not redownload tarball?12:43
asaccrimsun: the only situation i can imagine is --reinstall12:43
crimsunasac: there's also version x.y.z-Aubuntu1 -> x.y.z-Aubuntu212:43
crimsun(or A -> A+1, for that matter{12:44
asacthanks for giving me those obvious ideas ;)12:44
asacthe problem i see is ... whatever i do now ... if its more than one line it will certainly be wiped on next merge by someone :)12:45
asaci will think about this12:46
asacand talk to mvo on how to best display that license12:46
crimsungreat :)12:46
asacat best directly displaying the original license url ... like firefox plugin wizard does12:47
crimsunmany/most people I've introduced to Ubuntu Gutsy just use whatever Firefox provides instead of installing the flashplugin-nonfree package, but I realise that doesn't accomodate Opera and Konqueror12:48
asaccrimsun: have you seen the new plugin installer wizard of firefox (which is why i ran into this licensing thing) ?12:49
asaccrimsun: http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/pfs/screens/pfs1.png12:49
asacyou can now find/install apt packages ;)12:50
crimsunread about it but haven't used it12:50
asacsure ... what do you mean by "whatever firefox provides" ... iirc we don't install flash by default ... do we?12:51
asacah ... i see :) ... they use the package plugin-finderwizard pops up :)12:51
asacsorry for being tired ;)12:51
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alex-weejasac: great news about the apt support in ubufox04:04
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Mithrandirgeser: given-back in gutsy too now08:13
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alex-weejdoesn't the new Bootloader Manager screw up the automatic list generation?06:15
alex-weeji can't help but get the feeling it should be editing an intermediate configuration06:16
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xhaker!find jni.h10:31
ubotuFile jni.h found in classpath-common, firefox-dev, gcc-snapshot, j2sdk1.4, java-gcj-compat-dev (and 9 others)10:31
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ProN00bcan anyone file a bug for me ? vino-server (and other vnc servers) aparently depend on an US keyboard layout to work correctly12:12

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