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MrEmbeddedI was wondering why there was a chann for ubuntu's kernel01:01
MrEmbeddedis ubuntu's kernel diff from the other kernels?01:01
MrEmbeddedspecial patches or something?01:01
crimsunUbuntu's kernel source contains numerous git changesets (exportable as unified diffs via git), yes01:02
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SirBob1701how do you enable xgl in the nvidia 100.14.11 drivers on a desktop?02:33
SirBob1701oo i have to use composite dont' it02:33
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-kernel: Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | Latest kernel upload: 2.6.22-9.25 | Latest news: -rt and -xen kernels re-added | New Kernel Team machine: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/
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Layer8when I try to make-kpkg clean i get an error that tells me something about infiniband is missing...how can I fix this?03:41
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defendguinubuntu gutsy is not going to support the Quirk framework?06:03
mjg59Which quirk framework?06:04
mjg59We have something analagous already06:06
mjg59But it's nothing to do with the kernel06:06
defendguinwhen i come back from a suspend there is a little bubble saying my computer didn't suspend properly and it provides a link to that website 06:06
mjg59That suggests two things06:07
mjg59(1) g-p-m is wrong about the failure to suspend06:07
mjg59(2) we shouldn't be linking to that website06:07
mjg59Could you file bugs about both of them?06:08
defendguinyes i can 06:08
defendguinmjg59: i don't suppose you have had any problems where you keep getting a keyboard press event and the only way for you to break out of it is to suspend?06:09
johanbrA bug already exists for the reported suspend failure, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/8998306:09
defendguinmjg59: mjg59  how would i be able to see what is going on with the keyboard?   thats not something that dmesg would tell me06:11
mjg59Does it continue to happen if you change VTs?06:11
defendguini can't change VT's because the keyboard is not responsive 06:12
JanCmouse ?06:12
defendguini only have one desktop with several viewports i dont think it works the same way does it06:13
mjg59Almost certainly a kernel bug06:14
defendguini would say it happens once every few days and it just happened about 10 minutes ago06:14
johanbrdefendguin: On what kind of hardware is this? That happens to me too if I associate/de-associate from my wireless AP a couple of times. I think the bcm43xx driver is to blame.06:15
defendguinnope   i have an intel card06:15
defendguinits a lenovo 3000 n10006:16
defendguinand my association to the AP has been constant for an hour or so06:17
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defendguinmjg59: how would i go about reporting this keypress bug  and what would you like included with it?06:35
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mjg59defendguin: File it against linux-source-2.6.22 and include dmesg06:48
defendguini never tried his solution to the problem06:53
mjg59defendguin: Wait,you only get it after suspending?06:57
defendguini don't reboot that often so it is very very likely that this is true 06:57
defendguinI will be certain to look for it happening before i suspend the first time after a reboot06:58
defendguini guess if you look at the dmesg output it will note where i suspended at but i can't see in there where i had the keypress problem07:00
mjg59If it doesn't happen immediately after a suspend, then it's unlikely to have anything to do with suspend07:02
defendguinwell this guy said it happens randomly 07:04
defendguinwhich is how i would describe my issue 07:05
defendguinha this guy is also using a lenovo made pc07:10
defendguinhis is a thinkpad though 07:11
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defendguinmjg59: any other info i can add to help out with this bug?07:56
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superm1Hi guys.  I was wondering if inclusion of DKMS was  planned to be addressed for gutsy's release cycle.  The bug is assigned to the kernel team currently but is listed as wishlist.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/12167608:17
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-kernel: Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | Latest kernel upload: 2.6.22-9.25 | Latest news: -rt and -xen kernels re-added | New Kernel Team machine: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/
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