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=== jono is learning to package
jonogoing through http://women.debian.org/wiki/English/PackagingTutorial03:18
superm1jono out of curiosity, why following women.debian.org?03:19
jonosuperm1: there is the packaging tutorial there03:19
jonobut dh_make seems to not generate a debian directory for me03:19
superm1we have one at our wiki too03:19
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources - See also !backports03:19
tgm4883_laptopjono was trying to pick up chicks03:20
jonook will start there03:20
tonyyarussojono: whatcha packaging?03:21
azeemjono: does dh_make spew out an error, or just doesn't create debian/03:21
jonotell you what, I will look at the packaging guide first03:21
jonotonyyarusso: just want to learn how to package03:21
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=== gouki is thinking about joining jono. But packaging can be tricky.
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Hobbseehmmm, no life05:08
ubotuuvf is Upstream Version Freeze.  For an exception, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#head-9523bc4076ff011324d67cddc97969ec609618d605:09
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whiteHobbsee: bored? :)05:51
Hobbseewhite: not overly.  was going to see whether the world had blown up, etc05:51
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ScottKgouki: Yes, but there are easier bits you can start with.  It doesn't have to be all tricky stuff.  Start with bugs tagged packaging bitesize.06:11
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-motu: Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | http://ubuntu.joejaxx.org/ - TOP 10 Uploaders/Packages | REVU is mostly back up on an interim server
=== Topic (#ubuntu-motu): set by ScottK at Sat Aug 18 21:19:29 2007
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DarkSun88Hi all12:30
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simulooking for reviews of my package on REU12:33
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whitesimu: i am not so sure about REVU procedures, but wouldn't it help the reviewers, when you give them your package name?01:06
geserwhite: currently you have a 50% chance to review the right package :)01:07
geserit's rotoscope01:07
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simuwhite: its calles rotoscope01:07
simugeser: lol correct ;-01:08
simucurrently I'm the guy who builds half of the packages01:10
whitegeser: out of curiousity, did the community decide, if they want to have the servers at canonical or not?01:11
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geserwhite: I don't know what's planned with REVU in the future. Currently it is on one of the community machines for ubuntu-devs.01:13
whitedoes every MOTU have an account on the normal devel machines?01:15
whiteor is it restricted to the core devs?01:15
Fujitsuwhite: Only Canonical employees have accounts on Canonical machines.01:15
whiteFujitsu: weren't the compromised machines community ran?01:16
FujitsuThere are a few community systems around, with *.ubuntuwire.com accessible to all ubuntu-dev members.01:16
whiteso *.ubuntu.com is canonical only?01:16
Fujitsuwhite: They're not really Canonical machines, and they're more for LoCo teams.01:16
FujitsuPretty much, yes.01:16
whiteah ok01:16
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sistpotyhi folks01:54
FujitsuHi sistpoty.01:57
sistpotyhi Fujitsu01:57
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Lamegoanyone on gutsy right now ?03:24
ScottKLots of people.  Yes.03:25
Lamegocould you test the unsermake package ?03:25
ScottKNot me anymore unfortunately as my Gutsy hard drive died on Friday.03:25
Lamegobefore I create a bug report, I would like to be sure it is not fixed on the gutsy version03:25
Lamegook :(03:25
LamegoI am getting a "ImportError: No module named cPickle" on Feisty03:26
nixternalI removed unsermake so I can't test it either03:26
Lamegook, found the issue, it depends on python-2.4, but it is not set as a depend03:27
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nixternalthat error looks familiar03:27
geserI tried importing the module in python2.5 and a python2.4 shell and it worked both times03:28
Lamegowell, i just tried running the "unsermake" command03:28
Lamegowithout python2.403:28
Lamegoit fails03:28
geserLamego: can you try if importing cPickle in a python shell also fails?03:31
sistpotywohoo, I'm doing some huge data mining to rebuild revu's account database right now :)03:31
geserLamego: according to packages.u.c it should be included in the pyhton2.5 package03:31
Lamegoit does not fail, importing from the shell03:31
Lamegochecking /usr/bin/unsermake03:33
Lamegoexec python2.4 -c "import $mod; $mod.main()" --modules $mods "$@"03:33
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geserLamego: running unsermake in a gutsy pbuilder gives only "no file Makefile present"03:34
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Lamegowell, I am using a feisty dchroot03:53
Lamegogeser, can you check /usr/bin/unsermake ?03:53
Lamegothe feisty version script contains: mods=/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/unsermake03:54
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geserstill the same03:55
geserit still references python2.4 in the script03:56
Lamegoah found it, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unsermake/+bug/10782204:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 107822 in unsermake "unsermake requires python2.4 which is not listed as dependency" [Medium,In progress] 04:00
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zorglu_q. im trying to build a .deb for vlc 0.9, and the .diff from 0.8.9 pacakge no more apply. any suggestion on how i can fix this ? the 3500 line .diff seems hard to edit :)04:05
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CyberSDFHello all !04:11
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CyberSDFI'm a Geany user (http://geany.uvena.de/) and i would like if it possible for someone in MOTU to update the version of this packages from 0.10.2 (actually in universe) to 0.11 ?04:14
LamegoZombie, recreate it from scratch :) ?04:14
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norsettoCyberSDF: geany 0.11.2 will be available in gutsy04:19
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tobiasschulzCan someone check http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=13 ?04:22
tobiasschulzAnd perhaps advocate?04:22
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CyberSDFnorsetto, not in feisty? Some bugs in 0.10 are tedious04:25
ScottKCyberSDF: Are any of these bugs ones that cause a crash or data loss?04:25
LamegoCyberSDF, current versions updates policy is restricted to security or serious bug fixes04:25
CyberSDFNo bugs are not serious nothing impacting security or stability04:27
ScottKCyberSDF: Then you can request a feisty-backport.04:27
LamegoCyberSDF, you can find geanius 0.11 at non official sources, use are your own risk :P04:28
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging04:28
ScottKDoing a backport of the Gutsy package is safer than trying to install the upstream stuff yourself.04:28
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CyberSDFScottK, yes i'll do that04:30
CyberSDFThanks all :)04:30
ScottKYou're welcome.04:30
LamegoCyberSDF, http://www.getdeb.net/app.php?name=Geany <- is is backported04:30
tobiasschulzMay a MOTU please check my package? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1304:30
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ScottKLamego: Please do NOT recommend people install stuff from random external sources.  That is NOT an Ubuntu backport.04:35
ScottKCyberSDF: I recommend you ignore Lamego's last suggestion.04:36
CyberSDFgetdeb packages are not safe ?04:36
LamegoScottK, have you checked the build diff ?04:36
ScottKLamego: Just so you know, the person that runs getdeb was invited to work with us to get his packages into Ubuntu.04:36
Lamegoor are just picking the usual "we are the only best and secure" source of software ?04:36
ScottKHis response was that it was to much work to make his packages meet Ubuntu quality standards.04:37
ScottKNo.  I haven't checked this particular package, but it was the getdeb people that said they would not make their packages meet our quality standards.04:37
LamegoScottK, I am that person, I have created that package, and it has safe as compiling from the source, if you are not a developer and have no skills to check the source by yourself04:37
ScottKWe have a backports process and it's not that har.04:37
Lamegobut ok, this is motu, CyberSDF please ignore me04:38
=== norsetto relaxes and watches the fireworks .....
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ScottKLamego: Then why don't you get your stuff into the Ubuntu repos rather than duplicate effort elsewhere?04:38
ScottKBackports testing also requires no packaging skills and is a part of the Ubuntu process.04:39
LamegoScottK, I already reply that several times, I am sure you can answer that yourself from the recent mails on the MOTU ML :)04:39
Lamegoanyway, lets keep on,  I will not recall getdeb urls into -motu, again04:39
sistpotymost revu accounts are back, passwords recreated. the login is whatevery your email address was in your last upload to gutsy04:40
ScottKLamego: I would really like to see you try and work with us to get your work into the Ubuntu repos.04:40
=== AndyP hugs sistpoty
sistpotyplease don't nuke packages yet, the script to do so most probably won't work ;)04:41
LamegoScottK, I am working for "current" users, not for "future" users, we have different goals, it is not duplicate work04:42
ScottKLamego: Gutsy + Backports = Current users.04:43
Lamegothere is a lot of users which can find getdeb, under stand it, but not backports04:43
Lamegobackports are still driven by "ubuntu+1" not "current" for apps versions04:44
ScottKWell Ubuntu+1 strives to be current.  If you are packaging stuff that's not in Ubuntu yet, then you are doing work away from Ubuntu that would benifit the community more if it were done here.04:44
ScottKYou've made the choice not to do that.  It's your choice.04:46
LamegoScottK, Ubuntu is the community which I belong to, so, getdeb is ubuntu :)04:46
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ScottKLamego: From your perspective I'm sure that's true.  From mine, it's not.04:46
ScottKIf your packages break systems (not saying they do), it's not an Ubuntu problem.  It's a getdeb problem.04:47
LamegoScottK, Your comments look a lot like those Debian fans during Ubuntu's birth :)04:47
zorglu_q. im trying to build a .deb for vlc 0.9, and the .diff from 0.8.9 pacakge no more apply. any suggestion on how i can fix this ? it ends with "1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- rejects in file modules/misc/freetype.c  Patch 020_dejavu_font.diff does not apply (enforce with -f))04:47
LamegoScottK, sure, that is why they are tagged "~getdeb~" so that they can be pointed and fixed by us04:48
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ScottKLamego: That's a responsible approach.04:48
ScottKzorglu_: You have to look at that patch and figure out why it didn't apply.04:49
zorglu_ScottK: that patch is a 3500line diff...04:49
ScottKLamego: From Debian's perspective I would agree BTW.  If we break something in Ubuntu, it's not Debian's problem.04:49
Lamegodon't worry, the universe is big enough both for the masters and the apprentices ;)04:49
zorglu_ScottK: is there any tool for that ? or you guy really handle 3500line diff ?04:50
ScottKzorglu_: I certainly wouldn't.04:50
LamegoZombie, most of that diif may contain patches which were already applied upstream04:50
zorglu_ScottK: good because im not enclined to either :)04:50
Lamegoops, i meant zorglu_04:50
ScottKzorglu_: There is something, I think called rediff.04:50
zorglu_ok looking for rediff04:51
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zorglu_Lamego: ok.. not sure i understand what you mean tho. im not used to packaging, i got vlc svn compiled, just trying to get the .deb for feisty, based on the .deb from 0.8.904:52
zorglu_upgrade :)04:52
xhakerLamego, you should come by #ubuntu-pt and register on launchpad on the team04:52
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ScottKLamego: Bug #124933 is an example of what I think should be avoided.  Have you tried to get this package into Ubuntu?04:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124933 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging]  flock" [Wishlist,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12493304:53
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ScottKBug #94896 too.04:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 94896 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging]  BASIC-256" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9489604:54
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LamegoScottK, no, that was one of the few binary builds, and which may have legal issues, or not04:54
Lamegobut because I am not a lawyer and don't have the time or will to research on it it will be kept until someone complains about it :)04:55
ScottKI have to run.  I do hope you will work to get more stuff into the Ubuntu repos.04:56
ScottKLamego: Which of those two bugs are you discussing, Flock?04:56
Lamegoyes, flock04:56
Lamegowhich I believe contains some copyrighted art04:56
xhakerHow does one regenerate the control file with one control.in manually?04:57
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LamegoScottK, we will continue this chat later :P05:09
Lamegowhat happened to the servers ? how where they compromised ?05:17
sistpotyLamego: look at the mail sent to the loco teams, I don't know anything more than stated there05:19
LamegoI am not on a loco team, do you have the link ?05:19
sistpotyLamego: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2007-August/001510.html05:20
Lamegothe last mail on REVU denotes user accounts concern, it seems to be related :P05:20
Lamegono info05:21
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toutouffHi xxxxx106:06
xxxxx1hey toutouff06:07
highvoltagehey xxxxx1 and toutouff06:09
xxxxx1hey highvoltage06:10
ScottKsistpoty: Is there a mailing list for REVU uploads/comments yet or is that still on the TODO?06:12
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sistpotyScottK: it should use the motu-reviewers one, but s.th. (I guess with exim setup on sparky) is still wrong06:13
sistpotyScottK: but it's on my list, but I probably won't fix it today though ;)06:14
toutouffI am a new contributor. About the bugs tagged as needs-packaging, if I want to package one, in debian/control, I set Maintainer with my name or with Ubuntu MOTU Developers ?( then it will go to REVU and maybe to universi if everithing's OK)06:14
ScottKOK.  No problem.  I really do appreciate all the effort you put into getting revu back up.06:14
ScottKtoutouff: Maintainer is the Ubuntu MOTU Developers.  Set yourself as XSBC-Original-Maintainer.06:15
sistpotyScottK: if I didn't program it that crappy in the first place, It'd have been much easier *g*06:16
=== sistpoty grabs a bite to eat now... bbl
toutouffok, thank you ScottK06:17
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siretartSeveas: do you have a minute regarding django use in falcon?06:35
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Seveassiretart, yes06:36
siretartSeveas: I don't find a settings.py nor a manage.py in falcon's branch.06:36
Seveassiretart, that's because there isn't any :)06:37
siretartSeveas: how do you specify the sql backend, create tables and such?06:37
SeveasIf you look at manage.py in a django project, you'll see it only has 3 lines. All functionality it uses can be used from code directly06:37
siretartstill, I don't see a call to django.core.management.execute_manager() in falcon06:38
Seveasand settings.py isn't the only way to configure django, you can call django.conf.settings.configure(), see lib/falcon/config.py.in06:38
SeveasI don't use the functions of the manager with execute_manager -- the only functions I use is the database creation things, look for _get_sql_model_create in lib/falcon/__init__.py06:39
Seveasdjango/core/management.py exposes some other nice things as well06:40
Seveasyou have to configure django (d.c.settings.configure() ) before being able to use the management functions this way06:41
siretartah, I see06:41
siretartthis requires quite intime knowledge of djangos internals, doesn't it?06:41
Seveasnot really, I just wanted to be able to automatically create the tables and I went looking through the code to see how django does that06:42
Seveasdjango/core/management.py proved to be useful06:42
SeveasI found all this out while writing falcon :)06:43
siretartdidn't you use the admin webapp from django for db administration/debugging tasks?06:43
Seveasdjango offers the './manage.py shell' function. Falcon has a similar 'falcon shell' function, allowing you to easily play with its innards06:45
Seveasmanual db administration/debugging should not be necessary for end users. I used either the falcon shell or a simple sqlite shell for that06:45
siretartfor revu production, I'd prefer a postgres06:47
sistpotyhuhu siretart06:48
Seveasthen say so in django.conf.settings.configure() :)06:48
siretarthm. phone brb06:48
siretarthi sistpoty06:48
Seveassiretart, but revu is a web app, it should not try to avoid manage.py/settings.py06:48
sistpotysiretart: there are some weird exim errors in the log files on sparky, not quite sure what to make off these (didn't touch any exim stuff there)06:56
sistpotysiretart: e.g.: ** motu-reviewers@tauware.de R=nonlocal: Mailing to remote domains not supported06:56
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siretartsistpoty: I'll look at that later today07:22
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sistpotysiretart: cool, thanks!07:29
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Lamegohow do we flag that a package should be on the amd64 repository because it does not run on 64 bits ?07:43
crimsundo you mean that it should /not/ be available for amd64?07:45
Lamegoyes, if it does not work, why should it run ? Unless someone can provide a fix, which does not seem to be the case07:45
Lamegoi mean, why should it be there07:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 130137 in gambas "gambas doesn't open" [Undecided,New] 07:46
siretartLamego: I'd say do the same as we do with all buggy software: file a bug07:46
Lamegoit does not work on feisty, and it will not work on gutsy07:46
Lamegosiretart, it was filed already07:46
simustill looking for motu that advocate my package rotoscope on revu07:48
Lamegothe first bug report on this was on Date: Wed May 2 12:41:39 200707:49
Lamegostill the package keeps there, leading people to spend more time on bug reports07:50
siretartsistpoty: should be working now07:50
sistpotysiretart: excellent, thanks!07:51
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siretartsistpoty: sparky is now relaying mail via faui45, I need to ask michael gernoth tomorrow if he's okay with that, but I'm confident08:02
mok0Do we have to register again with REVU? My account seems to have disappeared...08:03
sistpotysiretart: great, thanks a lot... imo it would only bee needed to relay mails to the reviewers mailing list, maybe michael would like that, too ;)08:04
ScottKmok0: Not all the accounts have been recreated.08:06
sistpotymok0: you're not a motu, are you?08:06
sistpotymok0: if so, you're account will automatically get recreated, once you'll upload a package08:07
mok0sistpoty: No I'm not a MOTU08:11
sistpotymok0: I've only imported motu accounts, since setting an account to be able to review packages is (the only) manual step08:11
Lamegodoes this new old REVU server has backups setup ?08:12
sistpotyLamego: it doesn't. but I'll do manual backups from time to time08:13
mok0sistpoty: So I have to get my gpg public key uploaded again?08:14
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sistpotymok0: unless you've changed your key on LP today, no. I imported the keyring from LP on friday night08:15
gesermok0: no, upload to REVU again and your account will get recreated (with a new password)08:15
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mok0I'll try it tomorrow08:16
sistpotymok0: but please only upload, if you've got a package to review to keep revu clean ;)08:16
siretartsistpoty: regarding the home directories of tiber, in fact, I've done some using boxbackup08:18
mok0sistpoty: not to worry, I have several packages that have gone through several cycles of reviewing.08:18
siretartsistpoty: I would 'just' need to restore them :)08:18
sistpotysiretart: great... though I'd rather not run arbitrary cronjobs/web-pages from home directories on sparky ;)08:19
mok0ScottK, geser: my feisty -> gutsy distupgrade crashed and burned08:19
sistpotysiretart: I'll follow up on the mail regarding revu with that info08:19
siretartsistpoty: wait with that08:19
sistpotysiretart: ok08:19
siretartsistpoty: I still need to find the encrpytion key08:19
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siretartok, found it. hmm. I wonder if I should restore the backup key to tiber and restore the old homes there.. hmmm08:22
siretartoh, boxbackup not in feisty, need to backport that. grml08:22
ScottKmok0: We need bug reports then.  If you want help sorting it out before filing bugs, feel free to mail me.08:23
mok0ScottK: I am not sure what went wrong.08:25
ScottKmok0: What happened?08:25

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