
asacUbulette: firefox just crashed .... (e.g. i only updated nspr)01:15
asac(gecko:10317): Pango-WARNING **: failed to create cairo scaled font, expect ugly output. the offending font is 'DejaVu Serif Italic 8.25'01:15
asacSegmentation fault (core dumped)01:15
asacbut i think thats not related to nspr01:15
asacas my fonts looked really tiny anyway01:15
Ubulettewhich ff ?01:15
asacff 2... with under the hood replaced nspr01:15
asacotherwise it worked well so far01:15
asaclet me install dbg symbols01:16
Ubulettewith my nspr ?01:16
asacbut i think it has nothing to do with that01:17
Ubulettebut without nss-trunk, right ?01:17
asaci am building nss now01:18
Ubuletteyou still have https ok ?01:18
asaci can test in a second ... want to update my chroot to latest first ... maybe the pango thing is already fixed01:18
asachmmm ... nothing new that looks related ... just upgrades high-level applications here01:19
asacdebian bug 42344401:19
ubotuDebian bug 423444 in pam-http "pam-http_3-1 (unstable): FTBFS: CURLOPT_PASSWDFUNCTION' undeclared" [Serious,Fixed]  http://bugs.debian.org/42344401:19
asacUbulette: the crash is reproducible01:22
asacgo to allpeers blog01:23
asacand zoom in ... zoom out ... select text01:23
asacshould crash pretty soonish01:23
asaccrashes in paint01:24
asacso most likely font issue01:24
Ubuletteno crash here. with the ff2 i've built yesterday01:28
asacyes ... i think its the dejavu font01:28
asaclike above01:28
asacdo you see such a warning?01:29
asac(probably not)01:29
Ubulettei set all the fonts to deja vu, nada01:30
Ubuletteit's a clean profile01:30
asacok let me take a look at this nss thing01:31
Ubulettei'm there: http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/security/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pars.c#33201:33
Ubulettethen it goes to 35301:33
asacok i have it01:35
asacits libnssdbm3.so01:35
asacwe miss that01:35
asaccopy it to /usr/lib/ fixes it for me01:35
asacwe probably need to soname'ise that01:35
asacor maybe put it to pkglibdir01:35
asacAND fix make install ... for whatever reason01:36
asacits just in the build-tree01:36
asacin dist/lib/01:36
Ubulettei see.01:36
asacmaybe try to just install it in pkglibdir01:37
asacthen we don't need to bother sonaming01:37
asacand it probably doesn't expose any public api symbols anyway01:37
Ubulettewonder why it worked before01:37
asacthey split it up01:37
asacits new01:37
asac(at least i think)01:37
asacthey did that with freebl once01:37
Ubulettewhat a "stable" api...01:38
asacits stable01:39
asaci can just drop it in01:39
asacits just split up01:39
asaci didn't respin ffox01:39
asacjust extend the debian/patches/81_sonames.patch patch01:40
asacand do the same for the legacy lib01:40
Ubulettebut those guys should really issue a warning for that kind of problem01:40
asacwell ... their warning is to put it to legacydb :)01:41
asacthey apparently have added or will add something new soon01:41
asacin the end its our fault because we cherry-pick libs in rules01:42
asacits all properly installed in dist/lib01:42
asacbut we do:01:42
asac        install -m 644 -t debian/libnss3-0d/usr/lib/nss \01:42
asac                $(DISTDIR)/lib/libfreebl3.so \01:42
asac                $(DISTDIR)/lib/libnssckbi.so01:42
asac        install -m 644 -t debian/libnss3-0d/usr/lib \01:42
asac                $(DISTDIR)/lib/*.so.0d01:42
asacwell ... so we just didn't catch it because of this soname thing01:42
asachmmm ... now that i look at it ... we should look into whether we want to ship more static libs in -dev package01:43
asacbut i think mike did that intentionally to prevent debian packages link this stuff in statically01:44
asacso lets keep it that way01:44
asaccool ... GO!01:45
Ubuletteyeah yeah...01:45
asacUbulette: do you want to go for xulrunner?01:48
asaci can try to enable-system-XXX for granparadiso if you want01:48
asacif you want to do all ... i am fine as well :)01:48
Ubulettei'll do it.01:50
asacok ... pushing trunk for now01:51
Ubulettewhat's the plan for these two (nss/nspr) ? do you want to release them ?01:51
asaci have to figure out .... we probably want to push them to debian experimental ... but i have to check that with mike first01:51
asacright ... good point01:52
asacfor now lets just do -trunk01:52
asac(e.g. not paradiso)01:52
asacI have to figure something out first01:52
asacok trunk in mt branch is now latest01:52
Ubulettehmm, that should go to 80_security_build.patch02:09
Ubulettenot 81_sonames.patch patch02:09
Ubuletteas we want it in usr/lib/nss and signed, right ?02:09
Ubulettehmm, usr/lib/nss/*.so are not "soname"ified...02:11
Ubulettemeaning with can't install two nss at the same time02:11
Ubuletteor maybe just use /usr/lib/nss-0d/*.{so,chk}02:12
Ubuletteasac ?02:12
Ubuletteeven /nss3-0d/02:13
asacUbulette: i am not sure02:16
asaci tried to copy it to /usr/lib/nss/ ... then it didn't wokr02:16
asacso i guess it has to go to /usr/lib/ ... however it might be wrong02:17
asacand mike does this in 80_security_build ... let me look02:17
Ubulette80_security_build adds the /nss/ level02:18
asacUbulette: did you change that patch at all?02:19
asaci mean it still looks like before right?02:19
asacdidn't you tell me that it breaks the build?02:19
Ubuletteread the commit log02:19
UbuletteI swapped something02:19
asaci just see that you fixed it02:20
asacno more info in log02:20
asacat least not for my tired eyes ;)02:21
asacwe should have done the quilt migration before the trunk changes02:22
asacits hard to read now02:22
asace.g. the diff02:23
asacUbulette: maybe i am too blind ... i don't see any change to that patch02:24
asacexcept the quilt migration02:24
Ubuletteyep, strange..02:25
UbuletteI fixed mozilla/security/nss/lib/freebl/loader.c02:25
asaci think you didn't do anything to that patch and the bzr log comment is not right02:25
Ubulette+    "nss/"SHLIB_PREFIX"freebl"SHLIB_VERSION"."SHLIB_SUFFIX;02:25
asacyou didn't touch that line02:26
UbuletteI remember it was something like "SHLIB_PREFIX"nss/freebl"SHLIB_VERSION"."SHLIB_SUFFIX;02:26
asacits still the same as before02:26
asacwell then it failed for you because you didn't apply the patch at all?02:26
asac +    "nss/"SHLIB_PREFIX"freebl"SHLIB_VERSION"."SHLIB_SUFFIX;02:26
Ubuletteno, it was clearly with nss prepended but not at the right place.. well, that was late so maybe i tricked myself02:27
asacyeah ... apparently it was right in the beginning :)02:28
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asacwell ... now to the question ... i don't see how you want to fix that there ... so just soname the libnssdbm3.so for now02:28
Ubulettei have to get it installed 1st.02:28
Ubulettethat install thing is a real mess02:29
Ubulettei don't even know which file controls that02:30
asacUbulette: its installed02:30
asacyou just have to make it soname02:30
asacthen debian/rules will pick it up02:30
asacUbulette: there is no make install ... its all in dist/lib02:30
asacjust adding -02:31
asacjust adding +SO_VERSION = 0d02:31
asacshould do the trick02:31
Ubulettehmm, they do plenty of $NSINSTALL02:31
asacyeah the NSINSTALL to dist/lib :)02:33
asacanyways ... i agree that build system is just crap02:36
asacbut its really old02:36
asacafaik mozilla is working on a new great buildsystem written in python ... :/02:38
Ubulettetentative rebuild...02:39
asacmaybe it will just work ;)02:42
Ubulettehm, nope02:44
Ubuletteoh, the links02:45
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Ubuletteasac, why is this done in libnss3-dev.links ? (why -dev) ?02:47
asacthose are for compatibility reasons02:48
asac(wihtout looking)02:48
asacUbulette: the sonamed binary should be real ... and the dev .so file be a link to the .so.0d02:49
Ubulettebut without the link, it didn't work02:49
asacis that the case? then everything is fine02:49
asacwhat didn't work?02:49
Ubulettewith only /usr/lib/libnssdbm3.so.0d02:49
Ubuletteas -dev is not required to run ff02:49
asacso you fixed the manifest?02:50
UbuletteI guess I have to create that link in libnss3-0d, not in libnss3-dev02:52
asacwell ... we should figure out why it doesn't work02:56
asaccreating the link would be just an ugly hack02:56
asacUbulette: ok ... we should put that thing into pkglibdir02:58
asacand fix security/nss/lib/softoken/lgglue.c02:58
asaclike the other02:58
asacbecause its not linked, but dynamically loaded02:58
asac    lib = sftkdb_LoadLibrary(SHLIB_PREFIX"nssdbm"SHLIB_VERSION"."SHLIB_SUFFIX);02:59
asac looks similar?02:59
asacfix it like in 80_security_build03:00
asacat best add that fix to that patch03:00
asac... then it doesn't need a SO_VERSION03:00
Ubuletteso it goes to /usr/lib/nss as I said earlier03:00
asacbut not just a copy ... patch the loader :)03:01
Ubuletteof course03:01
asacsorry if you said exactly that ... if you did ... i didn't understand :)03:01
Ubuletteundoing everything...03:02
asaceverything is a huge exaggeration here03:02
asacits a pretty small change03:02
asac(at least i hope) :)03:02
asacthough its literally correct of course ;)03:03
UbuletteI'd better restart from my last commit.03:03
asacfor your /usr/lib/nss isn't sonamified questions03:04
asaci don't think its a problem ... atm we have name clashes everywhere03:04
asacand since just upgrading doesn't break firefox et al we shouldn't care until we really decide that we want both installed in parallel03:05
Ubuletteif we move from 0d to 1d, only this would clash03:05
asacyes ... but that is unlikely to happen in the next years :)03:05
asacif you remember what i told you about nss policy03:05
Ubuletteisn't it a deb/ubu thing ?03:06
asacwe could do it ... but it's not justified because all is abi compatible03:06
Ubuletteif you're fine with pusing alpha/cvs, i'm all good03:06
Ubulette..to keep 0d03:07
asacas i said ... i have to think about it03:07
asacwe definitly don't wnt to bump so version03:07
asacin worst case we ship this stuff as a separate library03:07
asacbut i have to figure out how we can do that for ubuntu03:07
asacfor debian its clean ... just push it to experimental ... done03:07
asacactually ... if you look at universe ... there is a different libnspr lib in it atm03:12
asacthan in main03:12
asacmaybe we can do something similar ...03:12
asacthe libnspr and libnss are produced by xulrunner ... while the ones in main have a higher version03:13
asacso it means that its technically possible to have two different versions in the archive at the same time03:13
asachowever this time the universe version would be higher ;)03:13
asacwhich may or may not be a problem ... have to check that with release managers03:13
asacfuther i am unsure if you can have multiple versions in the same archive (e.g. two versions in universe)03:14
asachave to talk to people who know the technical details for that ;)03:14
Ubuletteideally, xulrunner will use system nss/nspr03:16
asacyes ... it wouldif its in there ... even though it still builds old libs :)03:16
Ubulettelike evereything else03:16
asaci am talking about xulrunner that is currently in the archive03:16
asac(just in case ... we are talking about different things)03:17
Ubulettenot much rdpends03:17
Ubuletteitself and sun java* plugin03:17
asaclook for libxul003:18
Ubulettestill manageable03:18
Ubuletteisn't it all yours ?03:18
asacwell ... i try to keep out of as much things as possible ... i am happy if motu folks take care for that.03:19
asacbut in fact we reduced the amount of rdepends on libxul in this cycle03:19
asacmobile-basic-flash will disappear ... we are working on that03:20
asacfor the others i don't know03:20
asacanyway ... maybe we just can upload those source packages to universe and everything will be fine without doing anything at all03:21
asaci hope it is ... but i am not sure because i am not really technically literate about how the archive really works03:21
asacmaybe kazehakase should build against firefox as well ... because firefox is at least security maintained03:22
Ubulettexul isn't ?03:23
asacits in debian because i take care for patches and mike applies them03:24
Ubulettehm, those shlibsign.c patches are misplaced. it's not soname at all.03:25
asacbut not in ubuntu03:25
asaci saw that03:25
asacand wondered what they do there03:25
asac(and why they do that)03:25
asacon the other hand they might be related03:25
asaci didn't really understnd what they do from a quick glance03:25
asacso i didn't start discussing those03:26
asacas long as they didn't end up there by (your) accident we should keep them for now03:26
asaci will talk to mike and ask him03:26
asacits probably easier than trying to figure everything out on our own03:26
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Ubulettei checked, it was misplaced before03:29
asacfine ... then lets not care (if its misplaced at all) ... ok i am out for today ... tomorrow i will just be here for a short time in the evening ... i have to recharge my stamina for next week :)03:29
asacand i have family appointments as well :)03:30
asacUbulette: night!03:30
Ubulettei just finish that, and I'm off too03:30
Ubulettegood, fixed.03:41
Ubuletteand tested03:41
UbuletteI'll push that to my branch03:41
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-mozillateam: Home of Ubuntu Mozilla Team - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam | Bug Triagers please read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs/ | Firefox trunk package source : https://code.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/trunk | Mailing List: ubuntu-mozillateam@lists.ubuntu.com | Next Meeting, Monday August 20th at 20 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting
=== Topic (#ubuntu-mozillateam): set by Admiral_Chicago at Wed Aug 15 18:48:45 2007
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ubotuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 20 Aug 22:00: Forum Council meeting | 21 Aug 15:00: Kernel Team | 22 Aug 12:00: Edubuntu | 22 Aug 20:00: Xubuntu Developers | 23 Aug 15:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 27 Aug 15:00: Screencast Team04:18
JenFraggleok to close bug 71131 as no response for months?05:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 71131 in mozilla-thunderbird "Thunderbird crashes if you change Gnome theme while it is running" [High,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7113105:19
JenFraggleI can't reproduce the problem05:20
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