
DaveMorrisit's also on the ubuntu or ubuntu-uk planet01:12
DaveMorriswhats the ip of the new machine?  You setting email back up on this one?01:13
jumpkick DaveMorris:, it is not configured to do mail01:14
tgm4883_laptopbeat me to it01:14
DaveMorrisyou guys creating my account on it again?01:15
superm1DaveMorris, it seems we can't send mail out, so what account name do you want?01:15
superm1tgm4883, see if you have perm01:15
DaveMorrisdavemorris ;)01:15
superm1if not i'll add the perm for you01:15
tgm4883_laptopalthough i dont know davemorris's email01:15
tgm4883_laptopok, your in there01:16
tgm4883_laptopi told it to notify you, but it probably wont01:17
DaveMorrisalso whats the url for logining in?01:17
=== DaveMorris prefers the new look and feel
DaveMorriswhere is the info about the alapha3 on the site?  Or is it not there yet?01:25
tgm4883_laptopthats what we were talking about01:26
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1 wants to put it in there from awhile ago01:26
tgm4883_laptopso im not sure how thats going to be handleld01:26
DaveMorristhe testing howto page I wrote also seems to be missing01:26
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1 knew there was something missing01:27
DaveMorriswas linked to from the 'getting Involved' page01:27
tgm4883_laptopbut we couldn't find it01:27
=== superm1 [n=superm1@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
tgm4883_laptopDaveMorris, is it this page01:28
DaveMorrisyep looks right01:29
DaveMorriswhat about alpha3 release notes?01:33
DaveMorrisand torrent files?01:34
superm1well how do we inject the alpha 3 stuff in without messing up the date i wonder01:34
DaveMorrisput the date back on the server :P01:35
superm1well i wonder if i can just edit the date01:35
tgm4883_laptophmm, testingandreporting is there, but not really01:35
tgm4883_laptopI dont know why its not showing up under getting involved01:35
superm1yea there is a "Authored on" option01:35
superm1give me a link for alpha 3 notes01:35
superm1and i'll try to inject them01:36
DaveMorristgm4883 it was linked from the howto word in 'For More information vistin the testing howto.' under testing on the getting invovled pahed01:37
=== DaveMorris my typing is poor this evening
tgm4883_laptopok sec01:37
tgm4883_laptopi thought it would show up in the green area01:38
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, change the bugs link to https://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/7.10/01:38
superm1any old stuff with the text for alpha 2 by chance too01:40
superm1i can inject in :)01:40
tgm4883_laptopyou want alpha 1 too?01:40
superm1that'd be great01:41
superm1DaveMorris, you spelled your title wrong in your post :)01:41
DaveMorriswell I've blogged about the site been back now and the alpah3, so it'll be in facebook and planet ubuntu-uk shortley01:41
DaveMorriswhere did you see it then superm1?01:42
superm1your blog?01:42
DaveMorrishow did you know I'd posted so quickly?01:42
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1 knows all and sees all01:43
superm1that too01:43
tgm4883_laptophe's like santa01:43
foxbuntutgm4883_laptop, no...I am like Santa, the fat jolly guy01:43
tgm4883_laptopok, superm1, i was able to pull the alpha 2 data from the rss feed01:44
tgm4883_laptopworked out pretty well01:44
superm1sweet okay i just injected alpha 1 data01:44
superm1i'm really happy this sneaky sneaky method works :)01:45
tgm4883_laptopim going to put it on my web space, then you can pull it off01:45
DaveMorrisyou guys want/need me to do auto backing up of it via ssh?01:45
tgm4883_laptopok, grab it01:45
superm1DaveMorris, foxbuntu is going to set up a mirror server that we can flip the DNS if something goes wrong as well as host the CD images at, but a second backup will never hurt :)01:46
DaveMorriswell mine will just download it to my backup server but I can't host traffic off my adsl01:47
DaveMorrisare we gonna set the email stuff backup again?01:48
superm1yes, but we need a server to handle the MX01:48
superm1i've never done that before01:48
foxbuntusuperm1, I can do that01:48
superm1foxbuntu, can we make yours01:48
DaveMorrisI run my own email server sitting of my adsl, so that can be a backup mx but I've not set one of those up before01:49
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, couple things you need to cleanup in the alpha 3 press release (probably other alpha's too).  Remove the link to the iso's on mythbuntu.org, and either fix the link to the md5sum, or put it on the server01:49
superm1good call01:49
tgm4883_laptopI need to move the bugs into the 7.10 series01:50
foxbuntuDaveMorris, I can work out all the DNS settings for the site01:51
foxbuntusuperm1, do we want an offical Mail server?01:51
DaveMorrisI was regarding the mail side of things, before hand we had email address which would forward on to other accounts01:51
superm1foxbuntu, you mean something better than the forwarding method?01:51
foxbuntusuperm1, yes01:51
foxbuntusuperm1, I could build that as well01:52
superm1well i'm quite indifferent, since i aggregate it in gmail01:52
superm1up to other people01:52
superm1and then my two gmail accts then aggregate in t-bird01:52
DaveMorrisI don't mind as I'll only forward it to my main account and spoof the address from thunderbird01:52
superm1okay one more post is missing01:52
superm1the initial announce post01:53
superm1oh wait01:53
superm1its at tgm4883 's link01:53
superm1i can't believe that we rebuilt the entire site from cached google data and just redoing the theme.  good job guys :)01:54
tgm4883_laptopDaveMorris, your testingandreporting is linked now01:54
tgm4883_laptopalthough i think the way i did it is wrong, it works01:54
tgm4883_laptopso if someone wants to go in and fix that they can01:54
tgm4883_laptopthis is how i did it <a href="../../testingandreporting">01:55
DaveMorrisworks for me, but I brought it onto one line01:56
tgm4883_laptopheh, i dont know why it did that on mine01:58
foxbuntusuperm1, you want to set me up with an account to post to the site?01:59
superm1foxbuntu, i thought you didn't want one :)01:59
foxbuntuno, said I would pass on the clean up02:00
superm1i see how it is02:00
tgm4883_laptopso beautiful02:00
=== tgm4883_laptop tears up
superm1foxbuntu, what email address to register you under?02:00
tgm4883_laptopnot that email works02:01
superm1odd way to relay the message but yes, what tgm4883 said02:01
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, i didn't set DaveMorris up with any permissions besides the defaults02:01
superm1tgm4883_laptop, the permissions i set you for are inherited by all new users02:02
superm1its the "authenticated users" group02:02
superm1so foxbuntu what address tehn02:02
tgm4883_laptopwhats interesting is i think i can add to those permissions02:02
superm1no foxbuntu02:02
superm1what email address02:02
tgm4883_laptopbeing that mythbuntu.org doesn't have email yet02:03
foxbuntuit will soon though02:03
foxbuntuand thats the one I want in my profile02:03
superm1well change your address after it does02:03
superm1we need something valid right now02:03
superm1foxbuntu, hopefully you get the info about the new account, but DaveMorris and tgm4883 didn't so i dunno if you will.  login right now same user name and password as your irc account02:04
superm1so foxbuntu/foxbuntu02:04
superm1change it as soon as you log in02:04
foxbuntuwhere is the login page?02:04
tgm4883_laptopeveryone asks that02:05
tgm4883_laptop(including me)02:05
DaveMorriswell you try /login but it dosen't work02:05
tgm4883_laptoplol, i did that too02:05
superm1i would add a login link but it seems kinda pointless now :)02:06
tgm4883_laptopwe should sign laga up, then when he asks, say the link is right on the front page02:07
superm1well but we're all gonna be logged in all the time02:09
superm1so i think its kinda moot to add the link?02:10
tgm4883_laptopwe dont add a link02:10
foxbuntubut I need a link02:10
tgm4883_laptopbut we tell him it's there02:10
DaveMorrissuperm1: I created a facebook group for mythbuntu02:10
=== foxbuntu is very lazy
superm1DaveMorris, really?02:10
tgm4883_laptopit would be like gluing a quarter to the classroom floor02:10
DaveMorrismythbuntu is so web 2.002:10
DaveMorrisI also invited you02:10
tgm4883_laptopnow we just need a 24/7 webcam of the server02:11
DaveMorrisI don't know anyone elses facebook details so I couldn't invite you02:11
=== tgm4883_laptop feels discriminated against for not getting an invite. Nevermind the fact that he doesn't have a facebook account
DaveMorrismy g/f moaned about my facebook account, as I've set it up to pull in my blog, twitter, flickr, google shared rss stuff and my dugged stories02:12
DaveMorrisrather than me playing stupid games etc02:12
superm1its more like a centralized aggregation area then :)02:13
=== tgm4883_laptop can't get a facebook account because then his GF would make fun of him. Because he made fun of her for her myspace account
tgm4883_laptopi swear, if this fruit fly tries to fly up my nose one more time, there is going to be hell to pay02:14
foxbuntutgm4883_laptop, record it and post it on youtube when you go crzy over the fly02:15
superm1okay anything else that is needed on the site now?02:22
superm1or is that it02:22
tgm4883_laptopi think its good02:23
superm1whew that only took what, 5 hours :)02:23
tgm4883_laptop2 weeks and 5 hours02:24
superm1well i'm glad its up.  laga will be happy if tomorrow morning he comes over and doesnt have to complain02:25
tgm4883_laptopoh no, what will laga complain about?02:26
superm1well maybe he'll get the trunk packages fixed02:34
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lagai heard that02:49
tgm4883_laptopdont worry laga, im working on it02:50
tgm4883_laptopi'll have more later02:51
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foxbuntusuperm1, more great news!02:52
lagaadd "loud neighbours at 3:00 am" to the list02:52
lagai'm trying to get some sleep02:52
superm1foxbuntu, ?02:53
foxbuntuI got that other server02:53
superm1night laga02:53
superm1lol tgm4883_laptop02:54
superm1foxbuntu, which other server?02:55
superm1the ocmpzq?02:55
superm1funny you understood that02:55
superm1i didn't02:55
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foxbuntusuperm1, similar to this: http://cgi.ebay.com/Compaq-Proliant-1850R-Xeon-500-Mhz-512-MB_W0QQitemZ120151958584QQihZ002QQcategoryZ56102QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem02:57
superm1nice a little beast there then02:57
foxbuntuold but should work nicely02:58
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, we should change the topic03:00
superm1tgm4883_laptop, i was going to wait until mythbuntu.org itself was alive03:00
foxbuntugood idea03:01
tgm4883_laptopno, we need up to the second updates!03:01
tgm4883_laptopor when its back up should work too03:01
superm1because some stuff on there like weekly builds will only start to work when the mythbuntu.org domain lives03:01
superm1well i'll consider it03:01
superm1give me 2 minutes to decide03:01
tgm4883_laptopyou have 15 seconds03:01
superm1hey who is admin in this channel again :)03:01
foxbuntusuperm1, that seems like a pretty strange amount of time, what you surfin the porno again?03:02
superm1no i'm testing the backup script i wrote03:02
superm1that builds a tgz03:02
superm1with the sql dump03:02
superm1and the web directory03:02
=== tgm4883_laptop sees the shadow of the ban hammer over his head
superm1okay i'll update it with the current site03:04
foxbuntusuperm1, the website sent me the account notification03:04
superm1but not until the backup script works03:04
superm1good, i installed sendmail on the box03:05
superm1so i assumed it would03:05
foxbuntuyou didn't have sendmail on there before?03:05
tgm4883_laptopyeah, i got email too03:05
tgm4883_laptopapparently, i can be bigger, harder and longer with this herbal suppliment03:06
foxbuntuguess what...you need an SMTP program to use email!03:06
tgm4883_laptopi dont think i got the same email as foxbuntu03:06
superm1okay script works03:08
superm1how often should these backups go you say?03:08
foxbuntumy email tells me about an herbal suppliment...but I don't think it has anything to do with that03:08
tgm4883_laptopevery 7.5 seconds03:08
foxbuntuevery 7 days03:08
superm1k well on saturday's then03:09
superm1at 8 PM from now on03:09
foxbuntuyay for backups03:09
tgm4883_laptopPST or EST or GMT?03:09
superm1my time03:09
=== tgm4883_laptop goes to set his watch
tgm4883_laptopis that + or - how many hours?03:10
superm1well the backup just happened 10 minutes ago03:10
superm1figure it out from that03:10
foxbuntuso its +10 Mins03:11
tgm4883_laptoplets see.......its 6:11 here..........and it happened 10 minutes ago...........carry the 103:11
tgm4883_laptopyay for backups03:11
superm1they will happen weekly03:12
foxbuntucatch you later guys03:21
foxbuntugotta run03:21
superm1okay so tgm4883 what plugin is next for you?03:22
superm1@schedule chicago03:22
ubotuSchedule for America/Chicago: 20 Aug 17:00: Forum Council meeting | 21 Aug 10:00: Kernel Team | 22 Aug 07:00: Edubuntu | 22 Aug 15:00: Xubuntu Developers | 23 Aug 10:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 27 Aug 10:00: Screencast Team03:22
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-mythtv:superm1] : "Welcome to #ubuntu-mythtv:: Website is temporarily up at http://mythbuntu.stacktrace.org. Expect to see it revived at http://www.mythbuntu.org in the near future as well :: Paste logs @ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org :: See our wiki for setting up and troubleshooting: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV "
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bendaileyping superm104:29
bendaileyanyone available?04:43
=== tgm4883_laptop [n=tgm4883@c-67-160-174-176.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
bendaileydid I see that you can now get to mythbuntu.org again?04:51
tgm4883_laptopnot yet though04:51
tgm4883_laptopnot directly to mythbuntu.org04:51
bendaileyok I just made the DNS changes about 10 minutes ago04:52
bendaileycan you see what mythbuntu.org is resolving to for you?04:52
bendaileyok hopefully DNS won't take long to propagate04:53
tgm4883_laptopYay, mythbuntu.org is back up05:44
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, want to change the topic again?05:44
bendaileygood deal mythbuntu.org is now resolving for you?05:45
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-mythtv: "Welcome to #ubuntu-mythtv:: Website is temporarily up at http://mythbuntu.stacktrace.org. Expect to see it revived at http://www.mythbuntu.org in the near future as well :: Paste logs @ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org :: See our wiki for setting up and troubleshooting: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV "
=== Topic (#ubuntu-mythtv): set by superm1 at Sun Aug 19 03:24:24 2007
lagasuperm1: btw, care to give OP to other people, too?01:44
=== bendailey [n=Jackie@] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
lagahey bendailey03:01
lagathanks for updating the dns records03:01
cornellI'm trying to load data from a previous install into a new install of mythtv.  The person and chanid's are different.  I think that I need to update these two in the old data, so they'll match the new. I think I need to load recordedcredits and recorded.  Can anyone confirm this?03:19
=== Rimers [n=nils@0x5553320b.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
Rimershi guys, finaly got the time to finish my installation of mythtv with lirc and lcd running as it should, only have one major problem with my imon pad remote im trying to solve atm03:28
Rimersanyone else have the imon-pad remote? I cant get it to use the pad as buttons as it seems to have several settings for up its very hard to hit the same spot again and actualy get it to accept i pressed up on the remote03:36
lagatry #mythtv-users or the lirc mailing list or so03:37
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Rimerswhen i test with a irw i can see that if i try 15-20 times that i can hit up 1-2 times witch is not really fun any more03:41
dablitzhello channel03:43
lagahello dablitz03:44
dablitzcan i get some help scanning cable channels03:44
Rimershi dablitz03:44
lagaRimers: talk to the lirc people then if it's their driver03:44
dablitzi have installed the kubuntu packages03:44
lagadablitz: not from me i'm afraid. try #mythtv-users03:44
dablitzok thanks03:45
Rimersdablitz: what card are you using?03:45
dablitzi have a mecruty analog tv tuner03:45
Rimersgimme a sec and ill check if i have the info somwhere03:45
lagadablitz: why do you need to scan? just use zap2it03:46
dablitzok zap2it will give me my channel numbers as well, I thought it was just for the guide information03:46
dablitzok i will do that03:47
Rimershmm same answer from here, i just seem to be too slow to search for it03:52
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superm1bendailey, i'm here06:57
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-mythtv:superm1] : "Welcome to #ubuntu-mythtv:: See our website at http://www.mythbuntu.org :: Paste logs @ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org :: See our wiki for setting up and troubleshooting: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV "
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Kenzuhow do I install on software raid5?07:50
superm1foxbuntu, you here?08:07
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